19. Gayon v. Gayon, Case Digest

February 17, 2019 | Author: Marc Virtucio | Category: Lawsuit, Politics, Government, Justice, Crime & Justice
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19. [Family Relations - Effects of family relationship relationship on legal disputes] Pedro Gayon v. ilvestre Gayon G.R. !o. "-#$%9&' !ovem(er #)' 19*+ Ponente, hief ustice oncepcion Facts, /ppeal (y plaintiff from F0 0loilo dismissal of his case. n uly %1' 19)*' Pedro complained against defendant spouses ilvestre and Genoveva de Gayon' alleging that on cto(er 1' 192#' spouses sold to Pedro Gelera' for  P2++.++' a parcel of unregistered land in Guim(al' 0loilo' including improvements thereon' su(3ect to redemption 4ithin 2years or not later 192*5 that said right not e6ercised (y them' or any of their heirs or successors' despite  period e6piration5 that Gelera Gelera sold the land on 7arch #1' 19)1' to Pedro. Pedro had' since 19)1' introduced thereon improvements5 that he had fully paid ta6es on said property up to 19)*5 !1)+) and 1)1) re8uire a 3udicial decree for the consolidation of the title in and to a land ac8uired through a conditional sale' and' accordingly' praying that an order (e issued in plaintiffs favor for the consolidation of o4nership in and to the aforementioned property. Genoveva said her hus(and died on anuary )' 192&' long (efore the institution of the case' that the deed 4here they sold property to Gelera 4as fa:e' her signature forged' and they never e6ecuted such document' and that complaint is malicious and em(arrassed her and her children' for they had to employ counsel. /nd that (eing (rother of the deceased ilvestre Gayon' plaintiff ;did not e6ert efforts for the amica(le settlement of the case; (efore filing his complaint. he prayed' therefore' that the same (e dismissed and that plaintiff (e sentenced to pay damages. n eptem(er 19' 19)*' dismissed for ilvestre 4as dead
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