19. [Family Relations - Effects of family relationship relationship on legal disputes] Pedro Gayon v. ilvestre Gayon G.R. !o. "-#$%9&' !ovem(er #)' 19*+ Ponente, hief ustice oncepcion Facts, /ppeal (y plaintiff from F0 0loilo dismissal of his case. n uly %1' 19)*' Pedro complained against defendant spouses ilvestre and Genoveva de Gayon' alleging that on cto(er 1' 192#' spouses sold to Pedro Gelera' for P2++.++' a parcel of unregistered land in Guim(al' 0loilo' including improvements thereon' su(3ect to redemption 4ithin 2years or not later 192*5 that said right not e6ercised (y them' or any of their heirs or successors' despite period e6piration5 that Gelera Gelera sold the land on 7arch #1' 19)1' to Pedro. Pedro had' since 19)1' introduced thereon improvements5 that he had fully paid ta6es on said property up to 19)*5 !1)+) and 1)1) re8uire a 3udicial decree for the consolidation of the title in and to a land ac8uired through a conditional sale' and' accordingly' praying that an order (e issued in plaintiffs favor for the consolidation of o4nership in and to the aforementioned property. Genoveva said her hus(and died on anuary )' 192&' long (efore the institution of the case' that the deed 4here they sold property to Gelera 4as fa:e' her signature forged' and they never e6ecuted such document' and that complaint is malicious and em(arrassed her and her children' for they had to employ counsel. /nd that (eing (rother of the deceased ilvestre Gayon' plaintiff ;did not e6ert efforts for the amica(le settlement of the case; (efore filing his complaint. he prayed' therefore' that the same (e dismissed and that plaintiff (e sentenced to pay damages. n eptem(er 19' 19)*' dismissed for ilvestre 4as dead
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