
August 25, 2017 | Author: Bill Wang | Category: Soil, Ecology, Ecosystem, Weathering, Plants
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Index The page numbers in boldface type indicate the pages where the terms are defined. Terms that occur in investigations (inv.) and activities (act.) are also indicated. Abiotic, 38 Abrasion, 377 Absolute zero, 195 Acid rain, 52, 374 rocks, 375inv Actinomycetes in soil, 151 Active solar heating, 241, 243 Adaptation, 10 ecosystems, 60 Adapted, 10 Adhesives, 292 Aesthetics, 284 Aftershocks, 396 Agriculture, 132–141 farming practices, 140 media monitor, 148act Air pollution, 374 Albite, 355 Alfalfa, 135 Ammonites, 419 Anther, 122 Anticline, 413 Aquaponics, 160 Arch, 322 Asexual reproduction, 118 Aspen, 144 Aspirin, 98 Astrophysicists, 217 Bacteria in soil, 151 Balance, 299, 301, 330inv, 331–332 Bark, 108 Barley, 134 Basalt, 361 Baseline data, 74 ecosystems, 76–77inv Beams, 322–323 Bedrock, 396 Belemnites, 422 Bell, Alexander Graham, 277 Bend, 316 Bending force, 308 Bill trout, 64 Bimetallic strip, 199 Bioaccumulation, 54, 170 Biological control, 61, 62act, 173 Biological weathering, 374 Biomass, 43 Biotic, 38 Bitumen, 428 Black smokers, 394 Black spruce, 144 Blue Box program, 35, 74

498 MHR • Index

Blue walleye, 64 Boiling point, 198inv, 221 Bowhead whale, 64 Brazing, 292 Bridge, 276–277inv Buckle, 316 Burrowing owl, 64, 66inv, 67 Calcite, 365 Caloric fluid, 204 Calvaria tree, 67 Cambium, 108 Canola, 134, 166 Cantilever, 322 Carbon cycle, 49 Carbon dioxide and snails, 50inv Carbonaceous film, 418 Carnivores, 40 Carson, Rachel, 53 Cast, 420 Celsius scale, 194 Celsius, Anders, 194 Cementation, 365 Cenozoic Era, 425 Centre of gravity, 331act, 332, 333, 334–335inv Changes of state, 220, 222–223inv particle model of matter, 218 temperature, 220 thermal energy, 220 Chemical control of pests, 168, 169 effect on other animals, 169act Chemical energy, 232, 239 Chemical weathering, 374 Chlorophyll, 110 Science log, 110 Classification keys, 144act Cleavage, 357 Climate, 384 soil, 150, 371 weathering, 371 Coal, 101, 428 Cogeneration, 146, 247 Columns, 323 Commensalism, 15 Compaction, 364 Complex mountains, 414 Composite, 286 Compost(ing), 46–47inv, 244, 371 Compound, 354

Compression forces, 307 Compressive strength, 307 Condensation, 51 Condense, 220 Conductors, 229 Cones, 120 Conglomerate, 364 Conservation and fossil fuels, 248–256 Construction of plants, 100 Consumers, 40 Continental drift, 383, 384, 385, 386inv glaciers, 385 See also Plate tectonics Contract, 210 Contraction, 210–217 gases, 214, 215act liquids, 215, 216act solids, 211 Convection, 230 Convection current, 230, 231act, 392 Converging plates, 390 Copper, 354 Coral, 422 Cordillera, 412 Core, 382 Corundum, 355, 356 Cost of materials, 288 Cotton, 94 Creed, Frederick, 273 Crop rotation, 168 Crops, 92 fruit, 136act vegetable, 136act Crust, 354, 382–394 movements, 436–437inv Crystal systems, 355 Crystals, 355, 362–363inv natural, 360 synthetic, 360 Currie, Dr. Phil, 422 Cuttings as vegetative reproduction, 119inv Dandelion, 165 Darwin, Charles, 151 DDT, 24, 53, 61, 170 Dead load, 306 Decision-making investigations, xix Decomposers, 45 Deep Sea Drilling, 389 Deformation, 305 Degree, 194–195

Design, 272, 276–277inv, 282, 293act forces, 321–328 safety, 285 Diamond, 354 Differentially permeable, 107 Diffusion, 107 roots, 107 Dinosaurs, 419 Science log, 418 Diverging plates, 390 Diversity, 143 Dodo bird, 67 Dolomite, weathering, 374 Dormant, 406 Dunn, Jennifer, 432 E. coli bacteria, 80–81 Earthquakes, 395–405, 402inv aftershocks, 396 epicentre, 399, 400–401inv focus, 399 locating, 399, 400–401inv measuring, 396 patterns, 408–409inv preparing for, 404act primary wave, 398–399 Richter scale, 396 rock movement, 403 secondary wave, 398–399 seismograph, 396, 398–399, 400 shadow zone, 398 surface wave, 398–399 waves, 396–398 weathering, 374 zones, 403 Earthworms and soil, 151 Eastern cougar, 64 Ecological cost, determining, 32act Ecological footprint, 29, 30, 31, 33 Science log, 31 Ecologist, 6 Ecology, 6, 7 Science log, 7 Ecosystem, 9act, 13 adaptation, 10, 60 artificial, 22 baseline data, 76–77inv

biological control, 61 bull trout, 48act changes in, 56–67 environmental monitoring, 71inv, 72–73inv forest, 143 human activity, 60 human impact on, 18–28 impact on, 16 interactions within, 6–17 introduced species, 62, 63 mealworm, 39inv organisms, 40 Science log, 13, 16, 40 soil, 149 species in danger, 64 succession, 56–67 symbiotic relationship. See Commensalism; Mutualism; Parasitism; Symbiosis. wetlands, 26–27inv Ecosystem monitoring, 68 Electrical energy, 233, 239 Electromagnetic radiation, 226 Element, 354 Embryo, 125 Endangered animal, 65act Endangered species, 2, 66inv Science log, 67 Energy, 204, 206–207 chemical. See Chemical energy conservation, 190 control systems, 233 electrical. See Electrical energy heat, 188–191 Law of Conservation of, 207 light, 226 mechanical. See Mechanical energy nuclear. See Nuclear energy radiant. See Radiant energy science log, 208 thermal. See Thermal energy transfer, 226–236 transfer systems, 231–233, 234inv

transformation, 233 use of, 190 using, 189inv Energy conservation, 248act, 249inv, 252, 254act Science log, 245 Energy efficiency, 249inv, 252, 253inv, 260–261 environment, 289 materials, 289 Energy flow, 42 Energy resources, 238act, 245 Energy source, 226 Energy transfer systems, Science log, 233 Environment, 2, 10–11 cycles in, 49–54 energy efficiency, 289 materials, 289 organisms, 12inv plants, 92 pollution, 52 Environmental Impact Assessment, 74 Environmental monitoring, 68, 69, 70 ecosystems, 71inv, 72–73inv long-term programs, 69, 72–73inv Eons, 425 Epicentre, 399 locating, 400–401inv Eras, 425 Erosion, 147, 373 agents of, 376 gravity, 375–376 model, 379inv soil, 147, 157–158 water, 375–376, 378 wind, 375–376 Erratics, 376 Ethanol, 101 European starlings, 63 Evaporate, 220 Evaporation, 51, 224act Evaporative cooling, 221 Expand, 210 Expansion, 210–217 gases, 214, 215act liquids, 215, 216act solids, 211act, 212– 213inv External forces, 305, 306 science log, 307 Extinct, 64 Extrusive rocks, 361

Farming practices, 140 Fasteners, 290 Fault block mountains, 413 Faults, 403 models, 404act mountain building, 413 normal, 403 reverse, 403 strike-slip, 403 thrust, 413 transform, 403 Feller-bunchers, 146 Fertile, 371 Fertilizer, 155 Fibre, 92 forestry industry, 143 meeting needs for, 132–148 plants, 113inv plants, from, 94–98 strength, 96–97inv Fibre Reinforced Polymers, 279 Fibrous roots, 105 Filament, 122 Flax, 95 Fleming, Sandford, 317 Flowers, 121 parts of, 122 role of, 123act Fluids, 230 Flying buttresses, 323 Focus, 399 Food, 22act meeting needs for, 132–148 organic, 172 plants, 92, 113inv Food chain, 42, 43 Food web, 43 bioaccumulation, 54 Footings, 337 Force diagram, 304 Force meter, 300 Forces, 270, 299, 301act design, 321–328 friction, 326 loads, 305–314 mass, 298–304 picturing, 304 science log, 270, 307 stresses, 305–314 structure, 302–303inv Forest products, 145act Forestry industry, 143 media monitor, 148act Forests soil, 162 Fossil fuels, 245, 428, 429 conservation, 248–256

drilling locations, 430–431inv finding, 428 mining, 428 Fossils, 418–422 age, 425act Burgess Shale, 419 cast, 420 impressions, 421inv index, 423 moulds, 420 mystery, 420act original remains, 419 trace fossils, 419 types of, 418 Foundation, 336, 337, 338–339inv Fracture, 357 Frame structures, 274, 275act Freeze, 220 Freezing point, 198inv Friction, 326, 327inv Frost wedging, 373 Fruit, 92, 125 classifying, 126act crops, 136act seed, 125 Fuel and plants, 101 Fulcrum, 315 Function, 270 Fungi, 164 soil, 151 Fungicides, 168 Fusion, 220 Galileo, 193 Gases contraction, 214, 215act expansion, 214, 215act Genes, 117 Genetic engineering, 117 Genetically modified organisms, 117 Geologic time, 423–427, 427act scale, 424–426 Geology and technology, 387 Geothermal energy, 240, 241 Germination, 128 speeding up, 129inv Glaciers, 376 continental drift, 385 Global warming, 247 Gneiss, 366 Gold, 354, 356, 357 Gondwanaland, 425 Grafting, 118 Index • MHR


Granite, 366 Graphite, 357 Grassland, Science log, 133 Gravitational force, 300 Gravity, 304, 377 erosion, 375–376 Great auk, 64 Great Pyramid, 273 Greenhouse, 137 growing conditions, 138–139inv Greenhouse effect, 246inv Greenhouse gases, 245, 246inv Grizzly bear, 64 Ground water, 51 Gypsum, 355 Gyroscopes, 340 Habitat, 8, 9act, 10–11 loss of, 64 plants, 104, 112inv Hadrian’s Wall, 272 Half-life, 424 Halite, 355 Heartwood, 108 Heat, 193act, 205, 233 energy, 188–191 technology, 191act Heat capacity, 218 rocks, 370inv temperature, 219inv Heat insulators, 229 Heat radiation, 226 Hemp, 95 Herbal remedies, 99act Herbicides, 168 Herbivores, 40, 42 Hole, Lois, 137 Horizons, 150 Host, 14 Humus, 150, 371 Hydroponics, 160 modelling, 161inv Icons, xxv Igneous rocks, 361 Index fossil, 423 Indicator species, 69 Infrared radiation, 201, 226 thermogram, 200–201 Inquiry investigations, xx Insecticides, 168 Insects, 164 Insulation, 250–251inv thermal energy, 235act Insulators, 229 Interlocking shapes, 291

500 MHR • Index

Internal forces, 305, 307, 308act, 310–313inv science log, 307 International System of Units, 298 Introduced species, 62, 63, 167 Intrusive rocks, 361 Investigations, xix–xx Irrigate, 140 Irrigation, 148 Joints, 290 Joule, James, 205 Joules (J), 205 Keen, Dr. Charlotte, 434 Kelvin scale, 195 Kelvin, Lord, 195 Keratin, 279 Kilogram, 298, 303 Knit materials, 287 Laminations, 286 Larch, 145 Latent heat, 225 Laurasia, 425 Lava, 361, 406 Lavoisier, Antoine, 204 Law of Conservation of Energy, 207 Layering, 118 Leaching, 372 Leaning Tower of Pisa, 306 Leaves, 110 guard cells, 111 stomata, 110 Legumes, 135 Lever, 315 Li, Dr. Thomas, 116 Limestone, 365, 367 weathering, 374 Liquefaction, 405 Liquids contraction, 215, 216act expansion, 215, 216act Live load, 306 Loads, 270 forces, 305–14 science log, 270 stresses, 305–314 Lodgepole pine, 144 Lustre, 356 Lystrosaurus, 383 Mackie, J. Cameron, 324 Magma, 361 Magnetometers, 388

Manipulated variable, 363 Mantle, 382 Manufactured structures, 271, 275act, 276–277inv Marble, 366, 367 Margin of safety, 285 Marshall, Greg, 15 Mass, 298 force, 298–304 Mass structures, 272, 273 Materials, 286 choosing, 288 cost, 288 energy efficiency, 289 environment, 289 failure of, 315 properties of, 289act strength, 287act Matter, 210 McColman, Alan, 342 Mealworm and ecosystem, 39inv Mechanical energy, 232, 240 Mechanical weathering, 373 Media monitor, 148act agriculture, 148act forestry, 148act Medicine from plants, 98 Melt, 220 Melting, 292 Melting point, 221 Mercury, 53 Mesosaurus, 383 Mesozoic Era, 425 Metal fatigue, 318act Metamorphic rock, 366, 367 Meteorites, 369 Methanol, 101 Mica, 357 Microwaves, 226 Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 388, 389, 393 Mid-ocean ridge, 389act Mineral identification, 356 Minerals, 354, 358–359inv, 360act cleavage, 357 colour, 356 fracture, 357 identification, 356 lustre, 356 streak, 357 Mobile joints, 290 Mohs hardness scale, 355, 358–359inv Mohs, Friedrich, 355

Moisture in soil, 142 Monocultures, 140 pests, 163 Science log, 140 Moraines, 376 Morphine, 98 Mould, 420 Mountains, 412–416 age of, 414 complex, 414 distribution, 412–413 fault block, 413 formation, 412–413 making, 412act plate tectonics, 412 subduction zone, 414 theory of building, 415inv thrust fault, 413 Mutualism, 14 Natural gas, 428 Natural resources, 18 Natural structures, 270 Needs, 22, 23 Newton (N), 299, 303 Newton, Isaac, 300 Niches, 40, 41inv Science log, 40 Non-renewable resources, 245 Non-target organisms, 170 Normal fault, 403, 429 Nuclear energy, 233 Oats, 134 Obsidian, 361 Ocean floor, 388act Oil, 428 Oil reservoir, 428 Omnivores, 40 Organic, 172 pest control, 173act Organisms ecosystem, 40 environment, 12inv genetically modified, 117 interaction of, 38–48 Original remains, 419 Osmosis, 107 roots, 107 Ovary, 122 Ovules, 120 P waves, 398, 399 Pain medication, 98 Paleozoic Era, 425

Pangaea, 385, 386inv, 425 Paper Olympics, 325inv Parasite, 14 Parasitism, 14 Parent material, 150 Parent rock, 366 Particle model of matter, 202act, 202–208, 203 change of state, 218 temperature, 202–208, 203act, 204 thermal energy, 202–208 Particle motion, science log, 208 Passive solar heating, 241, 242inv Patry, Mario, 258–259 PCBs, 53 Penn, Briony, 70 Peregrine falcons, 24 Periods, 425 Permanent plots, 74 Pesticides and safety, 171act Pests, 163–174 biological control, 173 controlling, 168–169 defining, 164act monocultures, 163 Petals, 122 Petrified, 418 Petroleum, 428 pH, 52act pH (scale), 52 Phloem, 108 Photosynthesis, 110 Phytoplankton, 49 Pilings, 337 Piping plover, 64 Pistil, 122 Plankton, 49 Plants. See also Leaves; Roots; Stems construction, 100 environment, 92 fibre, 113inv food, 92, 113inv fuel, 101 growing, 130act growing conditions, 102inv habitat, 104, 112inv medicine, 98 plants, 112inv reproduction, 115–130 Science log, 92 sexual reproduction, 120

structure, 104act transportation, 100 water, 111 Plasma, 214 Plate tectonics, 390, 402inv convection current, 392–393 modelling, 391inv mountain formation, 412 subduction zone, 393 Plateau problem, 222–223inv Plates, 390 Pollination, 120, 124 artificial, 124 Pollutants, 52 Pollution, 52 bioaccumulation, 54 chemicals, 170 DDT, 53 environment, 52 mercury, 53 movement of, 53 PCBS, 53 Polychlorinated biphenyl. See PCB Potatoes, 135 Pounds, 303 Precambrian, 425 Precipitation, 51 Predators, 40 Prey, 40 Primary standard, 298 Primary succession, 57 Primary waves, 398, 399, 400–401inv Principle of superposition, 423 Problem solving investigations, xix Producers, 40 Properties, 286 Pure substances, 210 Purple loosestrife, 63 Pyke, Geoffrey, 273 Pyramid of numbers, 43 Pyrite, 354, 356, 357 Pyrometric cones, 206 Quartz, 354, 357 Quinine, 98 Radiant energy, 226, 227act, 228inv Radiation, 226 Radio waves, 226 Radiocarbon dating, 424 Radiometric dating, 424

Red giant, 217 Reduce, reuse, and recycle, 33, 82–83 Science log, 35 Reef, 429 Reforestation, 147 Refrigerants, 252 Relative dating, 423 Renewable resources, 245 Reproduction asexual, of plants, 118 plant, 115–130 sexual, of plants, 118 vegetative, 118 Residue, 170 Resistant, 171 Resistant species, 171 Respiration, 111 Responder, 199 Responding variable, 363 Reverse Bungee, 344–345 Reverse fault, 403 Richter scale, 396 Right whale, 64 Rigid joints, 290 Ring of Fire, 410 Rock cycle, 368 Rocks, 354, 361–370 acid rain, 375inv cementation, 365 classifying, 369act compaction, 364 cycle, 361 extrusive, 361 heat capacity, 370inv identification, 369 igneous, 361 intrusive, 361 metamorphic, 366 parent, 366 sedimentary, 364 stratification, 364 Rodinia, 425 Root crops, 106 Root hairs, 105 Roots, 105, 106act diffusion, 107 osmosis, 107 Rotation, 340 Rubber, 100 Running bond, 272 S waves, 398, 399 Safety, xxvi-xxix cost of, 285 design, 285 pesticides, 171act thermal energy, 255act Salinization, 156

Sandstone, 364, 365 Scales, 194 Celsius, 194 Kelvin, 195 temperature, 194 Scat, 44act Scavengers, 44 Schist, 366 Science log chlorophyll, 110 dinosaur, 418 ecological footprint, 31 ecology, 7 ecosystems, 13, 16, 40 endangered species, 67 energy, 208 energy conservation, 245 energy transfer systems, 233 external forces, 307 forces, 270, 307 grassland, 133 internal forces, 307 load, 270 monoculture, 140 niches, 40 particle motion, 208 plants, 92 reduce, reuse, and recycle, 35 sampling, 78 soil, 372 soil conservation council, 159 solar home, 243 structures, 270 sustainability, 174 symbiotic relationship, 16 temperature, 208 threatened species, 67 weathering, 374 Scientific literacy, xiv Scotch broom, 63 Sea mink, 64 Sea otter, 64 Sea-floor spreading, 388, 389act Secondary succession, 57 Secondary waves, 398, 399, 400–401inv Sediment, 364, 371 liquefaction, 405 strata, 423 Sedimentary rock, 364 Sedimentation, 373

Index • MHR


Seed dispersal mechanism, 127–128 fruit, 125 germination, 128 harvesting, 128 inside, 125act spreading, 128 Seismic waves, 396 Seismograph, 396, 398 making, 397act Selective breeding, 115 apples, 116act Sensor, 199 Sepals, 122 Sexual reproduction, 118 plants, 120 Shadow zone, earthquake, 398 Shale, 364, 366, 367 Shear, 315 Shear forces, 307, 324 Shear strength, 307, 314 Shell structures, 278, 279 Shelterbelts, 159 Signal, 199 Silage, 135 Silk, 94 Silver, Spence, 292 Slate, 366, 367 Sober, Linda, 28 Soil, 152–154inv, 371 actinomycetes, 151 bacteria, 151 climate, 150, 371 development of, 150 earthworms, 151 ecosystems, 149 erosion, 147, 157–158 fertile, 371 forests, 162 formation of, 371 fungi, 151 horizons, 150 humus, 371 leaching, 372 liquefaction, 405 moisture, 142 nutrients, 371 profiles, 372 salty, 156 saving, 158 science log, 372 sustaining, 149–162 topsoil, 372 vegetation, 150 water, 150, 371

502 MHR • Index

Soil Conservation Council, Science log, 159 Soil profile, 372 Soil testing, 338–339inv Solar collectors, 243 Solar energy, 241 Solar home, Science log, 243 Soldering, 292 Solidification, 220 Solids contraction, 211 expansion, 211, 212–213inv Solvent-based glues, 292 Sonar, 387 Sound, speed of, 435 Species in danger, 64 Specific heat capacity, 218, 219inv Speed of sound, 435 Spin stabilization, 340 Spring scale, 300, 301 Stable, 329 Stamen, 122 Stems, 108 food storage, 109 types of, 109 Stigma, 122 Stomata on leaves, 110 Strata, 423 age, 423act relative dating, 423act sediment, 423 Stratification, 364 Strauss, Levi, 95 Streak, 357 Strength of materials, 287act Stresses, 317 forces, 305–314 loads, 305–314 Striations, 376 Strike-slip fault, 403 Structures, 270 aesthetics, 284 classifying, 270 combination, 280 describing, 282–295 failure of, 315–319 force, 302–303inv foundation, 336–337 frame, 274–275 function, 283 joints, 290–292 layered, 272–273 mass, 272–273 materials, 286–287

plant, 104act safety, 285 Science log, 270 shell, 278–279 stable, 329, 330–340 strengthening, 324 traditional, 294–295inv types of, 270–281 unbalanced, 333 Style, 122 Subduction zone, 393 mountains, 414 volcanoes, 406, 410 Sublimation, 220 Succession, 56, 58–59inv ecosystems, 56–67 primary, 57 secondary, 57 Sulfur, 354 Summer fallow, 168 Super stirrer, 229 Surface waves, 398, 399 Survival, 9act Sustainability, 29, 132, 174 Science log, 174 Swift foxes, 25, 66inv Symbiosis, 14 Symbiotic relationship, 15, 17act science log, 16 Syncline, 413 Tamarack, 145 Taproot, 105 Technology geology, 387 heat, 191act Temperature, 193act, 224act absolute zero, 195 boiling point, 195 changes of state, 220 freezing point, 195 heat capacity, 219inv measuring, 192–201 particle model of matter, 202–208, 203act, 204 scales, 194 science log, 208 thermal energy, 206, 220 weather, 192 Tenning, Bernadette, 80–81 Tensile strength, 307, 314 Tension forces, 307

Theory of plate tectonics, 390, 393 Thermal conduction, 229 Thermal energy, 205, 226, 240, 242act by-products, 256 changes of state, 220 dangers of, 254 efficiency, 236 fluids, 230 insulation, 235act particle model of matter, 202–208 safety, 255act sources of, 238–247 temperature, 206, 220 Thermal pollution, 247 Thermocouple, 199 Thermogram, infrared, 200–201 Thermographs, 200 Thermometers, 193 assembling, 197inv calibrating, 197inv design of, 199 making a, 196–197inv recording, 200 sensor, 199 Thermosetting glues, 292 Thermostats, 199 programmable, 252 Think and link investigations, xx Thomson, William, 195 Threatened species, science log, 67 Thrust fault, 429 Thrust faulting, 413 Ties, 291 Time geologic, 423–427, 427act radiocarbon dating, 424 radiometric age dating, 424 Topaz, 355 Topsoil, 150, 372 Torsion, 316 Torsion forces, 307 Torsion strength, 307, 314 Trace fossils, 419 Transform fault, 403 Transpiration, 51, 111 Transportation and plants, 100 Trees, harvesting, 146 Trilobites, 384, 418

Tsunami, 226, 405 Unifying theory, 393 Vegetables, 92 crops, 136act Vegetation and soil, 150 Vegetative reproduction, 118 cuttings, 119inv grafting, 118 layering, 118 Vents, 406 Vessey, Dr. Kevin, 48 Volcanoes, 406–411 dormant, 406 extraterrestrial, 411 famous, 407 Krakatau, 406 lava, 406 location, 410 Mount Pinatubo, 410 Mount St. Helens, 407 Mount Vesuvius, 407 mythology, 410act patterns, 408–409inv subduction zone, 406, 410 vents, 406 weathering, 374

Wants, 22, 23 Waste heat, 233 Waste management, 36act Waste management consultants, 35 Waste reduction, 33, 34inv, 35, 36act Water boiling point, 195 erosion, 375–376, 378 freezing point, 195 plants, 111 soil, 150, 371 weathering, 371 Water cycle, 51 Waves earthquakes, 396–398 primary, 398 secondary, 398 surface, 398 Weather and temperature, 192 Weathering, 373 biological, 374 chemical, 374, 375inv climate, 371 dolomite, 374 earthquakes, 374 limestone, 374 mechanical, 373 Science log, 374 volcanoes, 374 water, 371

Weeds, 164 Wegener, Alfred, 383, 384, 385 Weight, 299, 300, 302–303inv Welding, 292 Welsh, Bruce, 208 Western blue flag, 66inv Wetlands, ecosystem, 26–27inv Wheat, 134 White birch, 145 White spruce, 144 Whooping crane, 64 Wilson, J. Tuzo, 390 Wind, 377 erosion, 375–376 Wind energy, 243 Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Symbols, xxvii, 445 Woven materials, 287 Wulfenite, 355 X-rays, 226 Xylem, 108 Y2K bug, 22 Yonge, Dr. Charles, 380 Younus, Muhammad, 176–177 Zebra mussels, 63 Zero-tillage, 158

Index • MHR


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