189543418 Gochara Phala by K N Saraswathy
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Kad;alangudl Centenary Astrological Book Series No. 6
~O~TUN~ .TU~OUGU· PLAN~TA~Y T~ANStTS Compiled in Tamil by Pandit KADALANGUDI NATESA SASTRI Transcreated in English by "Asia's Leading Woman-Astrologist-Courisellor" Dr. Mrs. 1(. N. SARASWATHY
M.A.,MEd. Doctorate in Counselling, Diplomas in Naturopdthy, • Yoga and Computer Science
B. A R D H A N A R E E S W A R A N
MA., B.Sc, M.Ed, Doctorate in Linguistic Science
Published by M. A.
Gopaala•tatwa RakshaamaNee Abhinava Vyaasa, Kulapati Jyowtishaka Chakravartee Abhinava Suka Brahma Abhinava Varaahamihira
Kadalangudi Natesa Sastri
[1878 - 1961] VyaakaraNa Vedaanta Saastra Paarangata Translator-cum-Commentator (in Tamil) of Brahmasuutra Saankara Bbaasbya, Yoga and saankhyaa, other Vedaanta Books, Srimad Bbaagavatam with naaraayaNeeyam, Bribatjaataka and other Astrology Books.
General Rules
S.m's Transit
111 Moon's Transit
IV Mars' Transit
Mercury's Transit
Jupiter's Transit
Venus's Transit
Saturn's Transit
PREFACE The desire to divine the future is inherent in human nature and it is almost impossible for any one to overcome the same except when one renounces all connection with the world and merges himself in the Universal Soul. This desire is accentuated by the almost universal belief in the laws of Karma and reincarnation. No Indian can believe in the happening of ah event in his life without a pre-existent cause either in his present or past life. One's life is always considered as being shaped by one's own actions, and accordingly the knowledge of the future is a source of great help in shaping one's conduct. In the case of the fruits of Praarabdha Karma (karma in past lives) which are unavoidable, a knowledge of the same will prepare one to meet them with patience and minimize the shock of the unexpected misfortunes. To be forewarned is to be forearmed in such cases. In the case of the avoidable mishaps which are the result of our actions in the present lives, we can, by a knowledge of the future, direct our conduct in the right line and avoid such mishaps or, by and large, alleviate their effects. With these in view the human mind has from the beginning attempted to find means of divining the future. Of the many methods adopted such as divine inspiration, palmistry and the reading of the stars·, the last method has reached a high state of perfection in India. The recent marvets of science such as wireless telegraphy, television, computer etc, make even the confirmed
Gochara Pbala I
Vll • •
f •
sceptic revise his opm1ons about astrology. The main cause for disbelief in this science is the multitude of the systems of 'Phala Saastra' which are at variance with one another. To attempt at a reconciliation of these is almost a super-human task. But Revered Pandit Kadalangudi Natesa Sastri has utilized his erudition in Sankrit and· his practical experience in the 'Phala Saastras' to find out the proper methods of prognostication. With this end in view he has been publishing most of the important treatises on astrology with translation, explaniltory notes and commentaries in Tamil. In these publications he has tried to bring together the rule of prognostications enunciated by several authors such as Vaarahamihira, Paraasara, Yavanaachaarya, Gargaachaarya, Kalyaanavarma (author of Saaraavali), Venkatesa (author of Sarvaartha Chintaamani), Mahaadeva (aut~or of Jaataka Tatwa). Ma'ntre. swara (author of Phaladeepikaa) etc. Ordinarily in reading the future, astrologists adopt the system of dasaa periods (Udu-dasaa) only. This in the opinion of Aachaarya Kadalangudi leads to errors which could be avoided if the planetary transits are also taken into consideration. He has accordingly published for the benefit of astrologists as well as laymen, a booklet containing the rules laid down by Varaahamihira in Brihat-samhitaa Chapter 103 in juxtaposition with those of Yavaneswara and Gargaachaarya. This English rendering of the Tamil translation together with the commentary and Sanskrit texts is a very useful addition to the other important treatises on reading horoscopes. We hope this book will prove very useful to students and lovers of astrology. We will gratefully receive suggestions for improvemen of the book.
We will be failing in our duty, if we do not acknowledge the encouragement given to us by (late) Sri. T. V. Viswanatha Aiyar, former Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Kadalangudi Astrological Research Centre, and the other members • of the Commitee. We are highly appreciative of the expeditious and efficient service done by the enthusiastic printer and publisher Mr. M. A. Jaishankar, proprietor of Jaishankar Printers, Madras-17 (India), grandson of Rev. Pt. Kadalangudi Natesa Sastri. "Kadalangudi House" Madras.17, India. Date: April 05, 1993
AACAARYA KADALANGUDI " Cowards die many times before their deaths : The valiant never taste of death but once. " How true these words of Shakespeare in the mouth of Julius Caesar were in the case of Revered Pandit Brahmasri Kadalangudi Natesa Sastri. Here was a valiant man who braved poverty, braved the ridicule of the atheists. braved the obstruction of the orthodox, and the prejudice which some vernacular scholars had been entertaining against Sanskrit, and with unique and singleminded devotion rendered a signal service in the spread of our supreme Bhaaratiya wisdom. Revered Pandit Kadalangudi Natesa Sastri, whose birth centenary was celebrated in 1978, had a great share in the religious and cultural Renaissance since his main work was in bringing the valuable treasures embedded in the ancient literature to the attention of the general public and making them available in a language understood by the layman. It is an evidence of his broad culture and a significant sign of the changing times that he put before one and all without distinction of caste or community or religion, Vedic Mandras such as the Taitreeya AaraNyakam. He had dedicated his life to this noble cause by translating the almost entire religious classics into Tamil and publishing more than 54 books , along with the original texts in Devanaagari script. BIRTH AND EDUCATION :
Born on 5th October 1878 of the couple Raama Sastri and Meenaakshi Ammaal at Kadalangudi Village 6000/1-1-92
10 near Kumbakonam in Tanjaavur District in Tamil Nadu (India) he learnt Kaavyas, naaTakas, Alankaaras, VyaakaraNa, Vedaanta, Astrology ,and Mantra Saastras. His Guru Bhakti was such that in every publication of his he got it printed that the rendering was by Mahaamahopaadhyaaya Vedaantakesaree Brahmasri PangaanaaDu Ganapati Sastri's disciple Pandit KaDalanguDi Natesa Sastri .I
In 1908 he started giving discourses at Tirunelveli on Advaita Vedaanta. From 1914 to 1916 he gave Vedaanta lessons in Travancore samasthaanam. During the period he specialized in the study of and discussion on Bhaagavatam and Hindu Astrology. He was honoured by the Mahaaraajah of Travancore. On 25th July 1910. he was honoured by the Mahaaraajah of Mysore. While introducing him to the Mahaaraajah, Dewaan V. P. Row remarked: "Though young he is a man of exceptionally brilliant parts and wonderful grasp of the principles of the Vedaanta. I derived much benefit from his discourses. What I consider to be a special merit in the young man is his spirit of tolerance." The Sankaraachaaryas of Kaanchipuram Mutts also had conferred titles on him.
At the beginning of the century Hindu orthodoxy was, to use Shelley's words about Catholicism, "only adoration, faith, submission, blind admiration; not a rule
11 for moral Conduct"; and Hindu dharma was "a passion, a persuasion, an excuse, a refuge, never a check according to the temper of the mind which it inhabited." The stalwarts of the Hindu fold were unwilling to deal in a sympathetic spirit with the growing desire of those educated in English schools and colleges to get at the rationale of Hindu custom and usages; and in fact, they refu~ sed to encourage any such guest. These led to the deplorable result of alienating the English-educated Hindu altogether from that interest in ancient Indian knowledge which one would gladly have seen in their mental equipment and from the dbservance of those rites ahd ceremonials which form the indispensable discipline making for purity of thought and body, necessary for any spiritual development. Their example easily began to spread this lack of interest even among non-English educated men; for the former were taken to be the repositories of modern wisdom whom it would be Unfashionable not to follow. But, fortunately, the tide has turned. National leaders like Swami Vivekananda, Tilak, Aurobindo and Mahatma Gandhi highlighted the salient points of India's hoary civilization and glorious culture inspired by the spiritual insight of her sages, and showed how a departure from which had resulted in her slavery to foreign domination. At such a time emerged on the scene the great Kadalangudi. JOURNALIST PAR EXCELLI:NCIS! Pandit Kadalangudi Natesa Sastri
settled down
General Rules
leave his native land and be afflicted by poverty Refer verse 20. and fear of enemies. But in several cases this does not happen. Likewise, says another verse, if Jupiter transits the 2nd place, prosperity, happiness and respect for one's word will result. Refer verse 20 But this did not happen and the result predicted for Jupiter when transiting the Janma Lagna has happened, when it was passing through the second place. When life's experience belies such predictions, no wonder many begin to suspect the value of Gochara Phala. How do you account for it ? ANSWER:
You have to take into account the fact that when Jupiter is in Capricorn, the ChandraLagna, the p1anet which is to produce bad effects is in debilitation and therefore in fear. He who is afraid, however malefic he may be, is diffident to do his worst. Refer verse 21 Therefore, when he transits to a better place, freed from fear, be produces the result which he should have done earlier. So: when Jupiter moves to Aquarius, which is a friendly
Gochara Phala
house to him and when he transits the star Dhanisbthaa, which is third to the person's birth-star, the bad to be done is inflicted by the planet. In a similar manner, it has to be noted : When Jupiter is in Pisces, the third place change in the nature of work, residence etc. and separation or even death of a dear one is predicted. Refer verse 22 But if it does not happen then, it, however, takes place when Jupiter moves to the fourth place, namely, Aries. The reason for this is as follows : Pisces is the own house ofJupiter. Further, up to the third paada of Revatee, it is the sixth from the birth-star, namely, the third paada of Uttaraashaadhaa and nothing bad will happen till then. Hence when Jupiter transits from the fourth paada of Revatee to the first paada of Aswinee, it is the seventh star, and, what is predicted of the third-house-Pisces will take place when Jupiter is in Aries, Hence prediction is to be interpreted by taking into account all the relevant factors.
What is not widely knowh is that he was a (iteiit poet; he had left behind him a large number of Sanskri1 verses which constituted his diary. Around 1940 Kulapati K.M. Munshi invited him to become Principal of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Sanskrit College in Bombay; Kadalangudi declined it with thanks since he wanted to be self-employed and enjoy the accruing freedom to pursue his studies;
RAJAJI'S TRI~Ui'~1 While speaking at Kadalan{ludi's •sataabhishekam; function (completion of 81 years 4 months of age equi• valent to 100 lunar years) at Siva-Vishnu Temple in Maoras on October 11; 1958, Rajaji (who was of the same age) expressed as follows:
"thepubl /c need hot hothefto lifrahde anothel •Sataabhisl1ekam'. I deem it to have been celebrated along with this function in honour of the veteran scholar R(l'/ered Pandit Kadalangudi Natesa Sastril'
grand celebration of niy
Such Was the tnutual admiration and affection between the two intellectual giants. HIS END. The Revered Pandit Who laid the Indian public under deep obligation to him by publishing and propagating ancient works and making the most valuable contribu" tion to the Study of Advaita Vedaanta, Srimad Bhaagava•
tam, and Hindu Astrology attained immortality at the holiest of holy moments: at 11-30 p m. on Mahaa-Sivaraatree in 1961 (on Feb. 14, 1961 at the Lingaavirbhava Lagna). HIS MISSION
Both in the several books and in his numerous lectures he had stood for the consolidation based on the Vedas of the Hindu dharma by ensuring social unity along with individual purity. He had been and continues to be a source of inspiration to many of his disciples who have profited by learning the gems hidden in the ancient classics, both philosophical and didactic, and which have a direct bearing on the practical conduct of everyday. He had no sons and therefore he chose to give in.; tensive training in the practice of Astrology to his youngest daughter K. N. Saraswathy, and training in exposition of epics and naaraayaN~eyam to his eldest son-inlaw Anantaraama Deekshitar. The great Pandit had no patience or time to lose with indifferent disciples or those without intuition, as far as astrology was concerned. Astrological study. required more intense concentration, capacity for application and intuition. So the only disciple who completed the course and internship in astrology under Kadalangudi was K. N. Saraswathy. Even after the course he was happy to have her as apprentice and collaborator in republishing the astrology books.
Sri Ramajayam
INTRODUCTION When planets are passing in the zodiac through the 27 constellations from Aswinee to Revathee, certain effects happen to persons born in any of those stars; and these are termed Graha Gochara Phala. Two methods are suggested in the following two verses to find out these effects : (1) Mantreswara in his Ashtakavarga points Out a way by which the effects, good or bad, which flow to man while the planets transit through the various constellations can be determined; (2) These effects can also be determined by the position of planets in their transit in relation to the sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth of the person.
Of these two methods, those interested in the first can read the Ashtakavarga Phala Nirnaya where it is given in detail. But here the second method is described basing our text on Graha Gochara, which forms the 103rd chapter of Varaahamihira's classic BRIHAT SAMHITAA. In answering criticisms as to why this method is not always effective in the light of actual experience, Varaahamihira in his 46th verse explains thus :
"Unless the person is having a beneficial dasaaperiod, mere transit of a beneficial planet, wi II be of no avail, even as the gathering of dark, heavy clouds in spring cannot pour forth much into a pitcher with a narrow mouth." Hence it is obvious that, as Varaahamihira affirms, while determining the effects of planets transiting, the Nisargadasaa, Pindaayurdaayadasaa or their Bhuktis should be of a beneficial nature; failing which mere transit of a beneficial planet is found by experience not to yield much good result. If the dasaa-bhukti is good, the transital effect will not be good unless the transit is beneficial. ON PLANETARY TRANSIT
Varaahamihira, in the first verse, in all humility, craves the indulgence of his chattering about a subject on which great sages like Maandavya have written and in which all people are ··~ 1 interested. "After having listened to the world of Maandavya, at once noble in sentiment and dignified in style, if the public listen to me, it is :iny great fortune. -2 A general statement about the effect of transits of planets is made at the outset .-
Gochara Phala
From Chandra Lagna If the Sun transits the 6th, 3rd and lOth places If the Moon transits the 3rd, lOth, 6th, 7th places If Jupiter transits the 7th, 9th, 2nd & 5th places Ir Mercury transits the 6th, 2nd 4th lOth & 8th
If Mars and Saturn transit the 6th and 3rd places If all planets transit the 11th place good results will follow. But Venus transiting Chandra Lagna will inspire fear. RELATIVE STRENGTH OF THE PLANETS
The Sun:
The Sun is strong in the uttaraayana (its northern course), waning phase ofthe Moon, Sunday, midday, in the house of occupation, other than the Lagna, in the Navaamsa of a friendly planet, in the lOth house, in Leo and in the beginning of a Raasi. II The Moon: The Moon is strong in dakshinaayana (the southern course of the Sun), fullMoon, Monday, in the night, in Taurus, in the fourth place from
Lagna, house of occupation, associated with friendly planets, in good signs, unaspected by malefics, aspected by benefics, and ndt being in , the end of the signs, a~ected by benefics, and not being at the end of the signs or their junctions. III Mars r Mars is very strong in dakshinaayana, in retrogression, in the waning phase of the Moon, Tuesday, at night, in Aries, Scorpio, and Capricorn, in friendly signs, in lOth and 11th places, associated with the Moon, in signs other than Lagna (Ascendant) and Leo and in the beginning of the signs. IV Mercury : Mercury is very strong in uttaraayana, waxing phase of the Moon, Wednesday, in both day and night, in Virgo, in retrogression, in association with the Moon, in the middle of the sign, in Lagna, in house of occupation and, with friendly planets. V Jupiters Jupiter is very strong in uttaraayana, waxing phase of the Moon, Thursday, midday, exalted house, friendly house, in Kendra, in
Gochara Phala
Pisces and Sagittarius, in retrogression, association with the Moon, in the 5th, 9th or 11th. VI
Venus: Venus is very strong in dakshinaayana, waxing phase of the Moon, Friday, daytime, in' Venus, Taurus and Libra, in Kendra (i. e. the 1st 4th 7th and lOth places), in retrogression, association with the Moon, going before the
Sun, in the middle of a sign and in association with benefics.
Saturn: Saturn is very strong in dakshinaayana, waning phase of the Moon, Saturday, association with the Moon, at night, the 7th place from Lagna, in retrogression, in 8th and lltb places, in Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius, with friendly planets, and when the Sun is not eclipsed. VII Raahu:
Raabu is strong in Cancer, Virgo, Pisces, Taurus, Aqu~:~rius and Aries, and, in the lOth. IX Ketu: Ketu is.!ltropg in Taurus, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces, at night and at the time of earthquakes and other disasters.
A planet is benefical : I)
if the planet is a natural benefic;
II) as the lord of a benevolent star; III) by having an excellent Bhaava; IV) by occupying a good sign;
V) by ; rising away from transiting;
VI) by acquiring more strength among the Ashtak:avarga (the eight sources of energy the planets are subjected to); VII) owing to strength acquired by transiting from a debilitated to an exalted sign, &, VIII) by reaching the most exalted sign. MALEFIC PLANET
The lord of the dasaa is a malefic
I) if the planet is a natural malefic; II)
if it is occupying the 6tb, 8th or 12th place;
Gochara Phala
if it is the lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th s1gn;
if it is in an inimical, debilitated of the 7th house;
if it is occupying a trine or quadrant of the Janma Lagna (Ascendant);
if it is in.retrograde motion going back from one sign to the next behind in an accelerated way;
If it is in retrograde motion in the same s1gn;
VIII) if it reaches its weakest place. The Moon can be in any of these 108 paadas at the time of birth of a person and the Moon's Raasi (sign) is determined accordingly and this is called Moon's Lagna. This is of vital importance and the planetary transits in term of this Lagna and their effects on the native have to be interpreted in the light of the planetary dasaa which is running at the time of prediction. Yet another clue, which, by experience, has been found very useful, may also be mentioned; When a person is having a beneficial dasaa-
General Rules
bhukti a good planet's transit will bring salutary results; but such good transit when the dasaabhukti is not beneficial will be of no avail. Naturally, it is of paramount importance to find out if the person at the time of prediction is having a good or bad planetary transit-period and also the strength or weakness of the lord of the dasaa running at the time. Therefore the first task is to find out whether the lord of the dasaa is a benefic or a malefic. GENERAL RULES
Further, in evaluating the results accruing to the person by the transit of the planets, a few hints and clues will be given. If only these are borne in mind, prediction given in the light of planetary transits will not prove false. Each star is divided into 4 paadas and the 27 stars constitute 108 paadas and they are divided among the 12 signs (Raasis) equally, i.e. 9 paadas each, which is indicated in the following Tabular Column next page :
Gochara jPhala RCJasi
Nakshatra (Constellation)
Paada (Quarter)
1. 2. 3.
4 4
4. 5.
3 (2, 3, 4) 40 00 4(2,3,4) 53 20 2 ( 1 , 2) 54 00
6. 7.
2 (3, 4) 3(1,2,3)
8. 9,
1 (4) 4 4
10. 11 . 12.
3 (2,3,4) 160 00 4 173 00 2 (1, 2) 180 00
13 20 20 40 30 00
66 40 80 00 90 00
93.20 106 40 120 00
133 00 146 00 150 00
2 (3, 4) 186 00 4 200 00 3(1,2,3) 210 00
General Rules
10 Raasi
Paada (Quarter)
4 4
210 00 226 40 240 00
263 00 266 00 270 00
1 (4)
CAPRICORN UTTARAASHAADHA 3 (2, 3, 4) 280 00 22. SRAVANA 4 293 20 23. DHANISHTHAA 2 ( 1 , 2) 300 00 AQUARIUS
2(3,4) 306 40 4 320 00 3 ( 1, 2, 3) 330 00
4 4
333 20 346 40 360 00
Prediction is to be made by thus ascertaining the strength of the planets and knowing the places:rrom the Moon where good results will accrue by the transit of the planets and those where bad results will flow, and knowing that good will come when the planets pass. through stars other than the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th con-
Gochara Phala
stellations from the Janma, Anujanma and Trijanma stars* and bad results will come when the planets transit through the forbidden stars just mentioned and in retrogression in eclipse. Note:- »The star of birth is Janma, the 9th star from it is Anujanma star, and the 9th from the latter is Trijanma star.
Any prediction made about the transit of the planets without ascertaining the strength of the planets, as stated above, will prove false by experience. The strength of a planet is to be determined by finding if some of the conditions stated above are present and not by expecting the fulfilment of all the qualifications. The results, good or bad, mentioned in the following verses are not to be taken literally but understood in a general way, for experience keeps a dear school and mere maxims do not go far in life's adventure. QUERY :
Let us assume that a person's birth-star is the third paadas of Uttarashaadhaa. Then his Chandra-Lagna is Capricorn which is also called the Janma-Raasi. IfJupiter transits Janma-Raasi a person will
General Rules
leave his native land and be afflicted by poverty Refer verse 20. and fear of enemies. But in several cases this does not happen. Likewise, says another verse, if Jupiter transits the 2nd place, prosperity, happiness and respect for one's word will result. Refer verse 20 But this did not happen and the result predicted for Jupiter when transiting the Janma Lagna has happened, when it was passing through the second place. When life's experience belies such predictions, no wonder many begin to suspect the value of Gochara Phala. How do you account for it ? ANSWER :
You have to take into account the fact that when Jupiter is in Capricorn, the ChandraLagna, the planet which is to produce bad effects is in debilitation and therefore in fear. He who is afraid, however malefic he may be, is diffident to do his worst. Refer verse 21 Therefore, when he transits to a better place, freed from fear, he produces the result which he should have done earlier. So when Jupiter moves to Aquarius, which is a friendly
Gochara Phala
house to him and when he transits the star Dhanishthaa, which is third to the person's birth-star, the bad to be done is inflicted by the planet. In a similar manner, it has to be noted : When Jupiter is in Pisces, the third place change in the nature of work, residence etc. and separation or even death of a dear one is Refer verse 22 predicted. But if it does not happen then, it, however, takes place when Jupiter moves to the fourth place, namely, Aries. The reason for this is as follows : Pisces is the own house ofJupiter. Further, up to the third paada of Revatee, it is the sixth from the birth-star, namely, the third paada of Uttaraashaadhaa and nothing bad will happen till then. Hence when Jupiter transits from the fourth paada of Revatee to the first paada of Aswinee, it is the seventh star, and, what is predicted of the third-house-Pisces will take place when Jupiter is in Aries. Hence prediction is to be interpreted by taking into account all the relevant factors.
General Rules
In predicting the results of planetary transits, due care should be taken to investigate the effects of Ashtakavargas, the good or bad nature of the Janma, Anujanma and Trijanma stars, the lordships of the Bhaavas, the benefic or malefic qualities of the planets and their respective strengths. That is the reason why Satyaachaarya in a verse indicates that, however expert one may be in the science of astrology, one should be prudent enough to infer correctly and draw the right conclusions from the various data; one should be knowing mantras, have discipline and intuition. Refer verse 23 The nine stars commencing from one's birth-star are respectively (l) Janma (2) sampat (3) Vipat (4) Ksbema (5) Pratyara (6) saadhaka (7) Vadha (8) Maitra and (9) paramamaitra. The Trikonas of the Janma-Nakshatra (birthstar) are also likewise named. That is, if one's birth-star is Aswinee, its Trikona is Makha and the latter's Trikona is Moolaa and these are called Janma-taaraa. Similarly, Bharani's Trikonas, namely, Pubba and Poorvaashaadhaa are sampat-taaraa; Krittikaa, Uttaraa and Uttaraashaadhaa are Vipat-taaraa; Rohinee, Hasta and Sravana are Kshema-taaraa; Mrigasira,
Gochara Phala
Chitta and Dhanishthaa are Pratyara-taaraa; Aardraa, swaatee and Satabhisha are saadbakataaraa; Makha, Moolaa and Poorvabhadra are Vadha-taaraa; Pubba, Anuraadhaa and Uttarabhadra are Maitra-taaraa and finally, Aaslesha, Jyeshthaa and Revatee are Paramamaitrataaraa. Refer verses 24, 25, 26 If these are the stellar variants of a person born in Aswinee, one can find out the variants for any other birth-star. GOOD AND BAD STARS
The sampat-taaraa stars, their Trikonastars, their dasaa-periods or the bbukti- periods will be yielding good results. If benefic planets are transiting these stars, without retrogression, good effects flow; and if malefics transit these places, no good will come. Further, it bas to be noted that the ninth star from the birth-star and its Trikonas will give middling results. But" the 3rd, 5th and 7th stars and their Trikonas will yield bad results. Even if benefics transit those places, no good will come; and if malefics pass through these constellations, evil will come to the person. If malefics are in retrogreSsion, or eclipsed, and transit through the above-men-
General Rules
tioned stars, the evil effects will be aggravated. Refer verses 27, 28, 29, 30 As stated for the planets, the 5th and 9th places from the Janma-Lagna or the ChandraLagna are called Trikonas (Trines); 4, 7 and 10 Kendras (quadrants); and 6, 8 and 12 dusthaanas (evil places). While the Trines are regarded as yielding the best results, the quadrants are middling, and the dusthaanas (6, 8, and 12) are weak. Likewise the results are to be inferred for Janma, Anujanma and Trijanma stars. Let us take an example of a person born in Uttarabhadra star in the Raasi of Pisces, and find out the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th stars of Janma, Anu-janma and Trijanma as follows: 1 2 4 6 8
10ma Uttarabhadra Revatee Bharanee Rohinee Aardraa
Pushyamee Aaslesha Pubba Hasta Swaatee
Anuraadhaa Jyeshthaa Poorvaashaadhaa Sravana Satabhisha
Here Pisces becomes both the Janma-Lagna and the Chandra-Lagna. Ofthe six stars Uttarabhadraa, Revatee, Pushyamee, Aaslesha, Anuraadhaa and Jyeshthaa with Pisces as Janma
Gochara Phala
and Chandra Lagna, Pushyamee and Aaslesha will be in Cancer the 5th place; and in the ninth place Scorpio are to be found the stars Anuraadhaa and Jyeshthaa. Hence when benefic planets are transiting these four stars, the best results wlll flow. Likewise for Bharanee the
(i. e. Uttarabhadra), the birth-star from Janma-
Lagna. Bharani, Pubba and Poorvaashaadhaa are the fourth to Janma, Anujanma and Trijanma stars. When Pisces is the Janma and Chandra Raasi, Pubba is in Leo the sixth place, and Poorvaashaadhaa in Sagittarius the tenth place. When benefic planets are transiting Leo, the good effects started above will be weak and in Sagittarius middling. Similarly for the sixth stars from Jal)ma, Anujanma and Trijanma, namely, Rohinee, Hasta and Sravana, Hasta is in Leo the 7th house and benefic planets transiting that star will give middling results. The eighth stars Ardraa, swaatee and Satabhisha in a similar way are to be considered. Aardraa is in fourth place from Pisces, swaatee in the 8th place and Satabhisha in the 12th place from Pisces, the
General Rules
Janma and Chandra-lagna. Hence when benefics pass through Aardraa, the results will be weak. Let us also take the 3rd, 5th and 7th Janma, Anujanma and Trijanma stars, when the birth star is Uttarabhadra and Pisces is the Lagna. Janma 3 Aswinee 6 Krittikaa 7 Mrigaasira
Makha Uttaraa Chittaa
Moolaa U ttaraashaadhaa dbanishthaa
Here Makha is in Leo the 6th place, and Moolaa in Sagittarius the lOth place. So the bad effects or planets transiting Makha will now be good. Also the bad effects of transit in Moolaa will now be middling. In a similar manner we have to consider Krittikaa, Uttaraa and Uttaraashaadhaa. As Uttaraa comes in the 7th place, when planets are transiting, even bad effects will be middling. Prediction for Mrigasira, Chittaa and dhanishthaa too are to be considered likewise. As the second half of Mrigasira lies in Gemini the 4th place, the bad effects predicted will be middling. As the latter half of Chittaa lies in Libra, the 8th place and the latter half of dhanishthaa falls in Aquarius the 12th place, the bad effects of transit in these constellations will be in full measure.
Gochara Phala
As stated in the above examples, discretion is to be applied before predictir'lg the results of the transits of planets. ON PLANETARY
Varahamihira, in the first verse, in all humility, craves the indulgence of his chattering about a subject on which great sages like Maandavya have written and in which all people are interested. -1 "Having listened to the words of Maandavya, at once noble in sentiment and dignified in style, if the public listen to me, it is like a man turning from his chaste wife to a prostitute''-2 Commentary : Sage V araahamihira has great regard for the great scholar Maandavya. The latter's astrological works were held in esteem by the sage. Here are two Slokas of Maandavya used as illustration by Bhattotpala (a great commentator); Maandavya's Verses •. Good planets, when in Lagna of a native, make him a sovereign of high martial glory. His troop of horses raise the dust and cover the Sun making the cool orb look like the red
General Rules
Moon which makes the c~aataka female bird leaving offher lover and flying away thinking that night has fallen. - (i) When the Moon (unless he is in Vrischika) is aspected by all planets, the native becomes most famous- so shining with splendour the blue Vishnu becomes half-white and resembles Siva, resulting in Lakshmi (Vishnu's consort) hesitantly embracing her husband. - (ii) A general statement about the effect of transits of planets is made at the outset From Chandra Lagna If the Sun transits the 6th, 3rd and lOth places If the Moon transits the 3rd, lOth, 6th, 7th & 1st If Jupiter transits the 7th, 9th, 2nd & 5th places If Mars and Saturn transit the 6th and 3rd places If Mercury transits the 6th 2nd 4th lOth & 8th If all planets transit the lOth place -During all these occasions good results with follow. But if Venus passes the 6th, 7th and lOth places from Chandra Lagna, he will in... (iii) spire fear like a tiger.
Gochara Phala
Taking the effects of each planet in detail, Varaahamihira continues : When the Sun transits the Chandra Lagna, there will be loss of money or property. The native will have stomach-ache or chest-pain and will be of a wandering nature. If he traverses the 2nd place from ChandraLagna, the native will lose property, be cheated by others, be deprived of happiness and suffer from-eye trouble.
In the 3rd place, the Sun will confer on the native, wealth health and happiness, destroy the enemies and give a new place of residence. The Sun in the 4th place causes illness of different kinds, especially ofa venereal kind.-4 When the Sun is 1traversing the 5th house from the Chandra Lagna (as also the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th stars from the birth stars), there will be affliction by illness and enemies. When it passes through the beneficial stars, namely, the 2nd 4th 6th and 8th from the birth-star, although afflictions appear to be imminent, they may not come to pass.
Transit of the Sun
The Sun in the 6th place from the ChandraLagna will destroy all afflictions of enemies, illness and sorrow. Here also the effects of the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th stars as also the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th stars have to be taken into account. In the 7th place the Sun causes the person to wander about in fear of stomach ailments, (in fact, there may not be ailment but only fear), and reduction in status and position. The Sun traversing the 8th house causes illness, meaningless fear and differences with -5 the wife, however good she may be. There will be afflictions of all kinds, when the Sun is in the 9th place, such as illness, enmity due to financial problems, and lowering of position. In the lOth house, the Sun confers tremendous victory and accomplishment of all work. In the 11th house, the native acquires elevated status by personal triumph, dignity and honour, wealth and freedom from illness. When the Sun traverses the 12th house, fruitful results flow from action done with good intentions; but actions are fruitless when performed with evil motives. -6
Gochara Phala
Y A VANESW ARA'S VERSES Transit of the Sun If the Sun in his transit passes through the
Chandra-Lagna, afflictions such as heart disease, sorrow due to loss of friends or relatives, roaming, litigation, lower status, anger, consumption, fear and other bodily ailments will result. If the Sun passes through the second place from Chandra-Lagna, anxiety, fear and weariness-all with no reason, will be the result. -1
In the third place, the Sun will confer wealth, honour, righteousness, new job or position, house, friendship and happiness. If the Sun is in the fourth place, the person will suffer from bleeding fever, litigation, quarrelling with others or some other bodily -2 ailment. If the Sun in his transit is in the fifth place from Chandra-Lagna, the person will suffer from trouble caused by the king, loss of son or relative, and bodily ailment. In the sixth place, the Sun will confer health happiness, destruction of enemies, mental peace, good fame and accomplishment of any work -3 undertaken.
Transit of the Sun
In the seventh house, the person may suffer from any wound or from dysentery, physical tiredness, indigestion, poisoning by insects and wandering. The Sun in the eighth place causes misery for wife, children and relations or the person suffers due to their causing him misery. He may suffer from some disease and also have fear of death. -5 The Sun in the ninth place indicates sorrow and disease to wife, son and relative. When the Sun traverses the ninth place from Chandra Lagna, the person has a change of job, may be on a lower scale, incurs the displeasure of father, mother or preceptor and relatives. -5 In the tenth place, the Sun confers on him gold, silver, clothes, woman, quadruped and servants. In the eleventh place, the person acquires new position, fame, health, happiness, and enjoys good food. In the 12th place, the Sun destroys the fruit of any action performed by the person. -6
Gochara Phala
Guidelines m Giving Prediction The above predictions due to the transit of the Sun in the several houses of the zodiac need to be modified in terms of the native's caste, country, creed, learning, place ·of residence, -1 and his association. Similarly, for the prediction to be given to the other planets too, discretion is to be used bearing in mind the planetary transit in relation to the Janma-Lagna, Chandra-Lagna, the lordships of the Bhaavas, the nature of the Kaara.kas, etc. When evil effects are anticipated, they can be minimized and sometimes even averted by performing the appropriate propitiatory ceremonies and rituals to the Navagrahas. -II VARAAHAMIHIRA'S VERSES
111. Transit of the Moon . When the Moon during his journey across the zodiac passes the Chandra-Lagna, the person will have material comfort in the form of good food, clothes and bad Moon traversing the 2nd place will cause loss of honour and property. Any work undertaken will meet with G-4
Moon's Transit
obstruction. In the third place, the person will enjoy victory, happiness, wealth, women, and clothes. The person will lose confidence when the Moon is in the fourth and be like one moving diffidently m a mountain where snakes -7 abound. Note : The beneficial results stated above will also take place, when the Moon in the constellations which are the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th to the Janma, Anujanma and Trijanma stars. The benefits will also be increasing daily during the waxing phase of the Moon. Similarly, the bad results stated above will also happen, when the Moon moves in the malefic constellations which are in the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th places to the Janma, Anujanma and Trijanma stars. The evil will be magnified in the waxing phase and decreasing in the waning phase of the Moon.
Affliction by disease, sorrow and low-spiritedness and obstruction do the way will result, when the Moon moves in the 5th place. But in the 6th, the Moon confers wealth, happiness, and weakening of his foes and ailments. Honour, wealth, vehicles and delicious food will be obtained, when the Moon is in the 7th place. Who will not be subject to fear after trampling
Gochara Phala
on a serpent, asks the author, for, fear is certain when the Moon is in the 8th house.
Note: These effects, enumerated above, will be manifest only in conjunction with the results of the dasaa and bhukti periods. For the Moon is moving from one sign to the other every two days and the results may not be in evidence, unless associated with the dasaa effects. - 8 Bondage (even imprisonment), a constant fear of the unexpected, weariness and ailments like stomach-ache will be the lot of a man, when the Moon moves in the 9th place from Chandra -Lagna. Accomplishment of every undertaking and a position of command will be the good results of the Moon in the lOth place. In the 11th place, the Moon brings about increase, of wealth, association with friends and happiness through affluence. Affliction tbrough extra expenses and self-inflicted grief and burden will be the lot of the man, when the Moon is in the 12th house. -9 YAVANESWARA'S VERSES Transit of the Moon If the Moon transits the Chandra Lagna,
Moon's Transit
the person will enjoy good food and have scents, garlands, women, friends and clothes. If the Moon occupies the 2nd place, the person will feel tired, expend more and argue much. -VII
The Moon in the 3rd place gives gold,
clothes, woman, friends, fame and good food.
The person will be afflicted by his relatives, and suffer loss of wealth, when the Moon tra-VIII verses the 4th place. When the Moon traverses the 5th place from Chandra-Lagna, he will cause decline in wealth, indigestion, wandering, lower status and confusion in everything. In the 6th place, the Moon will give good health, destruction of enemies, happiness, wealth, friends and acquisition of desired object. -IX Gold, silver, woman, relatives, clothes and food products will come to the person, when the Moon is in the 7th place. When the Moon traverses the 8th place, the person will suffer from hunger, fever, mental
Gochara Phala
confusion, loss of property, consumption and even death. --~ Loss of property, fear of enemies, un. expected expenditure, loss of honour and suffering from ailments will be the lot of the person, when the Moon traverses the 9th place from the Chandra-Lagna. In the lOth place, the person, will be happy be honoured by elders, receive gifts and success in work, and be free from the company of fools. -XI In the 11th place, the person will celebrate auspicious festivities, acquire friends, enjoy conjugal bliss and good food. In the 12th place, the person will be lazy, envious and poor, and get a lower status to work under others. ~II VARAAHAMIHIRA'S VERSES IV
Transit of Mars
Trouble from all directions will torment the person, when Mars traverses the ChandraLagna. When Mars is in second place, troubles assailing the person cannot be averted even by
Mar's Transit
a lion-hearted soul; afflictions will be caused by governmental austerity, by war, enemy, fire, thief and diseases. -10 When Mars reaches the third place, good effects will come by the interference of thieves and young boys. He will be radiant, wealthy and in a commanding position. He will obtain fertile lands and carpets and blankets -n When Mars is in the fourth place from the Chandra-Lagna, the person will suffer from fever, stomach-ailment caused by bad blood, and trouble caused by association with evil persons. -12 Afflictions caused by enemies, illness, anger, and fear and anxieties about the son's activities will be the lot of the person, when Mars traverses the 5th place from Chandra-Lagna. His personality will decline and decay like a garland in the hands of a monkey. -13 In the 6th place, however, Mars confers benefits such as freedom from enemies, fear and conflicts, and gaining possession of gold, corals and copper. He will never be in a position to -14 ask anything from another. In the 7th place Mars causes conflict with
Gochara Phala
wife, fever and stomach-ailments. In the 8th place, the person will suffer ignominy, loss of property and ailments such as piles. Weakness of body, inability to move about due to failing strength of bones, blood and muscle, loss of wealth and honour , wi 11 be the lot of one when Mars transits the 9th place from the Chandra-Lagna. ·-15 In the lOth place Mars will cause neither trouble nor good. But in the 11th place, Mars offers gifts such as gain in wealth and victory in any undertaking Just as the bee enjoys itself in a forest-bloom, the person will enjoy the highest bliss triumphing over all. -16 Even the highest·born, say, Indira's son too, will suffer, when Mars is in the 12th house from Chandra.Lagna. Extravagant expenditure m diverse forms, eye-afflictions, women's anger, bile, etc will torment the person. -17 Y A V ANESWARA'S VERSES
Transit of Mars Mars in his transit of Chandra-Lagna causes affliction to the person in the form of trouble from king, heat, snake, poison, fire,
Mars' Transit
weapon, illness, loss of property, consumption and obstruction in the discharge of work. In the 2nd place, Mars gives various forms of difficulties due to disappointment, envy, , etc. XIII Mars in the 3rd place gives wealth, gifts, personal radiance, food, gold and happiness. In the fourth place, Mars causes to the native stomach~acbe, weakness, bleeding and loss of interest in any WOI k. Loss of child and wealth, bodily injury, enmity, theft, and disease will be the lot of a person, when Mars is in the 5th place. XIV But when Mars is in the 6th place, destruction of enemies, gifts, happiness, good fame and health will be the blessings conferred. When Mars is in the 7th place, there will be loss of wealth and friends, mental worry, ailments of the eye and stomach, and other kinds of afflictions. XV, In the 8th place, the person will suffer from disease, poisoning, enemies, weapons, wounds, consumption and obedience to others.
Gochara Phala ln the 9th place, the person will suffer from wounds inflicted by weapon, loss of health and wealth, and be sorrowful and wanaering. When Mars is in the lOth place, it will cause trouble in the shape of disease, enemy, weapon, thief, sores. But in the latter half, things may XVI improve, Gifts, birth of child, esteem (promotion in ajob, one may say), gain of landed property, copper, gold and a physical lustre, and conquest of enemies will be the good results of Mars traversing the 11th place. Weariness due to loss of sleep, women, quarrel, dream, ignominy or a wound in the heel will be the fate of a man, when Mars is in XVII the 12th place.
V Transit of Mercury Vacillation and timidity in any undertaking due to embarrassment caused by, unpleasant words or taJe.beariog or enemy's activities} whether wantonly or accidentaJJy;;; will be the
Mercury's Transit
result of Mercury traversing the Moon's Lagna. Conflicts and bondage too may be the outcome of such situation. The nature of the daSaabhukti of the native during this time should also be considered; and if it is not favourable, loss due to highway-robbery may also be predicted. He will be a wanderer and may not even hear a friendly favourable word from anyone. -18 Dishonour and Joss of property will be the result of Mercury in the second place. When it traverses the third house from Chandra-Lagna. the person may have to run away from king and enemy due to fear and his own wrong actions; -19 but he will get friends. When Mercury is in the 4th place increase in one's family and relatives, and additional incomes are expected. But in the 5th place, not only conflict with family and relatives but even failure to enjoy conjugal bliss with beautiful -20 wife will be the fate of the person. Mercury in the 6th house from Cbandrar Lagna makes the person lovable by all, victorious in all endeavours and confers honour. In the 7th, conflict and unhappiness will result. In. the 8th, victory in all efforts, and wealth,.
Gochara Phala
children and clothes accrue and more opportunities for gaining wisdom are available. -21 While Mercury in the 9th creates obstacles to every endeavour; in the lOth, destroys enemies, and gives wealth to the person. He offers a good wife and also her house which makes the person happy and comfortable. -22 The person is happy, being blessed with a good wife, children, wealth, friends and vehicles, when Mercury is in the 11th place. His words would be soft and pure. But in the 12th house, the person will be afflicted by disease, enemies, impotence and dishonour. In the case of a woman, it has to be stated that she will be incapable of enjoying conjugal relationship.-23 YAV ANESWARA'S VERSES
Transit of Mercury When Mercury traverses the ChandraLagna, there will be loss of money, beauty, learning, intelligence and esteem. Blame, anguish, insubordination, anger and humiliation will be the lot of the person, when XVIII Mercury traverses the 2nd place.
Mercury's Transit Mercury in the 3rd place will cause enmity among relatives, confinement, and then, loss of property. , Mercury in the 4th place will give honour, fame, character, happiness, woman and wealth. XIX In the 5th place, Mercury will cause loss of position, fear, useless effort and unpleasantness. Growing prosperity in every kind of•work, mental happiness, enthusiasm, gain and wealth will be the gifts ofMercury in the 6th place. XX Anxiety and humiliation due to bad ways of life, vain desire and obstacles in every work will be the lot of the person, when Mercury is in the 7th place. Mercury offers different forms of help, gives clarity of understanding and stability and happiness when traversing the 8th place. XXI In the 9th place, Mercury causes obstacles tq everything, futile reproaches, tiredness due to, wanderings, ana Gilrnity. In the lOth place, Mercury confers fame and
Gochara Pbala
glory due to work, gam m wealth and admiration. XXII Respect, clarity of. mind, and happiness due to woman, wealth, cattle and properity will be the blessing of Mercury in the 11th place. Fear and fatigue will be the lot of man when Mercury traverses the 12th place. XXIII V ARAAHAMIHIRA'S VERSES VI
Transit of Jupiter
Jupiter in Chandra-Lagna makes the person bereft of knowledge and wealth, quarrelsome, and leave his place of residence. If Jupiter is in the second place from Chandra-Lagna, he gains wealth and lives freely without enemies; he enjoys perpetual bliss in the company of his -24 beautiful wife. With Jupiter traversing the 3rd place, the person is unhappy being without job, house, or town or even opportunity of employment, and obstacle in every work undertaken. With Jupiter in the 4th place the person endures difficulties caused by his relatives and is confused in mind. He finds no peace either in his village or in the forest. -25
Jupiter's Transit
Jupiter traversing the 5th house from Chandra-Lagna confers such benefits as marriage-festivities, children, horses, elephants and servants. He makes him lord of gold, wife, clothes, house and town, friendly with those possessing gems, wisdom and heroism. This prediction Is to be evaluated in terms of the person's caste, country, creed and learning. -26 When Jupiter passes through the 6th house, the person feels so depressed that neither a beautiful, charming wife nor bewitching natural -27 scenery can elate his spirits. A comfortable life with good food, conjugal bliss, health, wealth, flowers, vehicles, intelligence and good speech are assured when -28 Jupiter traverses the 7th house. But in the 8th house Jupiter is responsible for all kinds of sorrow, illness, bondage, misery, obstacles in travelling, and even danger bordering on fatality. In the 9th house, however, Jupiter confers success in all undertakings, efficiency, command, children, land, women, new work and accomplishment of any --29 begun.
Gochara Phala
Transit of Jupiter When Jupiter traverses the Chandra-Lagna, he causes delusion, loss of wealth, position and respect, transfer to another place, roving, disease and enmity with one's own caste-men. In the 2nd place, Jupiter gives promotion, a new status, wealth and birth of a baby. XXIV Loss of relations and wealth, ruin of any work undertaken, fatigue due to wandering, and afflictions due to cheating by others will be the fate of a man when Jupiter traverses the 3rd place. XXV When Jupiter is in the 4th place, the person will suffer loss of respect, decline in work, un. necessary censure, fear and loss of relations. In the 5th place Jupiter confers a new position, gold, dignity, child, clothes and servants to the native. Dissensions among misunderstandings, fear efforts will be the lot Jupiter traverses the 6th
relatives, unnecessary and failure of all good of the person when place. XXVI
Jupiter's Transit
In the 7th place, Jupiter gives woman, clothes, food, drink, pleasure in everything, expansion of knowledge (promotion to a higher class also may be meant) and travel. In the 8th place, Jupiter causes destruction, killing, failure in many ways, disease, bondage, danger, fatigue and dispute. XXVI! In the 9th place, Jupiter gives a new place (whether in job, house, etc. is to be determined according to the context). Also gives woman, child, landed property, honour and wealth. Eye-trouble, death of kin, illness, fatigue in many ways and even death of children will result, when Jupiter traverses the lOth place. In }he 11th place, Jupiter gr..ants land, house, childem, wife, gold, grain, clothes and vehicle. XXYIII In the 12th place, Jupiter causes fatigue due, to travel and misery. .~ XXXI V ARAAHAMIHIRA'S VERSES VII
Transit of Venus 0
Sensuous enjoyment in terms of woman, scent, flowers, clothes,, bed; etc, as also good
Gochara Phala
food will be the lot of the person when Venus traverses the Chandra-Lagna. -31 Venus in the 2nd place confers children, wealth, awards from king, and family bappi .. ness. Even if the person is old, he enjoys sensuous delights decking himself with flowers -32 (scents) and ornaments. A commanding position, honour, dignity, new status, position of wealth, clothes destruction of foes will be the result of Venus occupying the 3rd place from Chandra-Lagna. In the 4tb place, Venus gives the person power equal to Rudra, lndra and thunder-bolt and associa-33 tion with friends.
Great bappinessl association with relatives, gain of wealth and children, help offriends and destruction of enemies will be the result of Venus transiting the 5th place from Chandra-34 ma. In the 6th place, the person will suffer dishonour, disease and anxiety. -Venus in the 7th house makes the person suffer from venereal diseases which may even prove fatal. House, retinue and beautiful women would be acquired
Venus's Transit
by the person, when Venus transits ,the 8th. -35
Prosperity of a high order in the form of wealth, happiness, wife, and dhaarmic duties, and accumulation of clothes will result, when Venus'transits the 9th house. In the lOth house, the person will suffer dishonour, ignominy and be forced to indulge in quarrels, in spite of his -36 restraint in words. In the 11th bouse, Venus makes the person happy by getting him new friends, good food and scents. Wealth and clothes will come to the person in the 12th house; but the clothes will -37 not last long. YAVANESWARA'S VERSES Transit of Venus Venus transiting the Cbandra-Lagna confers gold, silver, wealth, woman, learning, sons, clothes, new position and animals. Venus in the 2nd place gives to the native an excellent woman. XXX Such blessings as friends, enjoyable food, clothes, son, honour, happiness, new position,
Gocbara Phala
women and health will come, when Venus transits the 3rd place. In the 4th place, Venus gives wealth, son, wife, friend and entertainment with dear ones, clothes and scented articles. XXXI Venus transiting the 5th place gives general welfare, increased knowledge, good fame and property.
In the 6th place, Venus reduces the person to a lower status, gives loss of respect due to XXXII dispute, illness and enmity. In the 7th place, Venus makes the man wander about, gives him thirst, fear due to woman, and ill-natured friends. Venus in the 8th place gives the person health and comfort through a woman, world· fame, respect, happiness, association with XXIII friends and clothes. Gain of friend, preceptor, woman, wealth, righteousness, intelligence, fame and good character will be the result when Venus transits the 9th place .. When Venus traverses the lOth place, there
Saturn',s Transit
will be hindrance to the fulfilment of work and in pleasing relatives. XXXIV When Venus traverses the 11th place, the person will indulge in sensual delights with women, food, and drinks and be tired; and he will gain house and wealth. In the 12th house, Venus gives him materials for enjoyment, but there will be Joss or destruction of his clothes (may be due to fire). XXXV VAARAHAMIHIRA'S VERSES
VITI Transit of\ Saturn
When Saturn transits the Chandra-Lagna, afflictions of several kinds will be the lot of the person and fire; will suffer loss of relatives and he will also be giving trouble to his relatives, (These predictions have to be stated in accordance with the caste, creed, learning, place and the dasaa-bhukti of the person). He will be friendless, homeless in exile from his own land, weak and tired, wandering, and his children will be foolish and his wealth useless. 38 When Saturn transits the 2nd place, the person will be bereft of happiness and health,
Gochara Phala
vitality and strength, and waste away his wealth gained by his own self-effort earlier. 39 In the 3rd place, however, Saturn confers wealth. servants, retinue, horses,' elephants, asses and buffaloes, houses and riches. He is rid of his ailments, and even if cowardly, is able to conquer his enemies. 40
Saturn in the 4th place makes the person lose friends, wealth, wife, and his mind turns to evil and actions and he becomes crooked. 41 Bereft of wealth and children, the person is quarrelsome, when Saturn transits the 5th house from Chandra-Lagna. But in the 6th house, Saturn makes him happy with enemies conquered, ailments cured and with enjoyment -42 of beautiful woman. The person becomes a wanderer with no home to settle, when Saturn is in the 7th place. In the 8th house, Saturn makes the person lose wife and children and forces him to indulge_ in lowly acts. The person suffers from enmity, mental anxiety, bondage, and his dhaarmic activities are destroyed. -43 When .Saturn transits the lOth places from
Saturn's Transit
Chandra·Lagna, the person gets a new job, but loses property, fame and learning. In the 11th place, the person becomes fierce, gains others wealth and wife. The man gets misery one after the other in succession, when Saturn traverses the 12th place. -44 Having narrated in detail the effects of the planetary transits, the author clarifies certain doubts as to why the effects do not bapp~n sometimes, why experience belies these statements. A benefic planet confers good on the person in. accordance with the then prevailing dasaa, even as a big vessel with a narrow neck cannot be filled with water in springtime, although there are heavy, dark rainbear ing clouds in the sky. Hence even if according to the transit of the plartets the person must enjoy benefits, he may not get them, if his dasaa period is not salutary. If the dasaa-period is bad, but if the planetary transit is good, the evil effects of the dasaa.period will be mitigated. If the dasaa period is good, but if the planetary transit is bad, it may look as if the person will get beneficial results, but it will only be illusory. It is only
Gochara Phala
when dasaa-period and the planetary transits -45 are good, beneficial results flow. Propitiation of evil plants : The method of propitiating malefic planets is now outlined : If the Sun and Mars happen to be malefic during their transit-positions, they must be worshipped with red flowers, red paste, and golden.coloured bunch of flowers with earnest devotion. The Moon, happening to be malefic in transit, should be worshipped with white flowers, sweets and by gift of silver and cows. Venus, ifmalefic, is tobeworshipped by aphrodisaical incense, flowers, and sandalpaste. Mercury with emerald, silver and 'tilak' flowers (Clerodendrum Phlomoides); and Jupiter to be worshipped with golden-coloured flowers and incense. The planets worshipped thus will protect the devotee, even if he falls fron:i a mountain or enters a cave of serpents.
Each planet is appeased by an appropriate gem and either by making gifts of such gems or by wearing a ring with the appropriate gem set on it, the malefic influences of the planet can be averted.
Propitiation The following table gives the gem and the
planet : Planet ; Sun Moon Gem : Ruby Pearl Saturn Venus Diamond Sapphire
Mars Mercury Jupiter Coral Emerald Topaz Rahu Ketu Cat's eye Lapis Lazuli
The nine gems can be placed in this order and a ring made to remove the malefic infiti.. ences of the nine planets : 0) Mercury Emerald
Jupiter To pat ,•
Ketu Lapis Lazul;
(ii) Jupit.
Mere, ~tiJ
Venus Diamond
Saturn Sapphire Venus
Sun Saturn
Mopn Pearl
Mars Coral
' ~a flu
Cat'& eye
Moon Rahu
Gochara Phala
The importance of doing the Navagrahaworship is then emphasized : The malefic influences of the planets can be averted by the worship of gods, brahmins, by propitiation, recitation of mantras by self-discipline, and by gifts, by association with saadhus and conversing with them. -47 Both the Sun and Mars reveal their effects, good or bad, in the first half of the sign. The Moon and Saturn show their effects good or -48 bad, in the second half of the sign. Like the association of saadhus, Mercury shows his effects equally in the first and second halves of the sign. Whatever he reveals in the beginning, the same are seen even at the end of ~s~.
If either Jupiter, preceptor of the devas,
or Venus, preceptor of the aslu as, is traversing the middle of a sign happen to be in bad places (like 3, 6 and 8), even saadhus would meet with destruction, like a traveller who Starts on his journey without performing the necessary rites. If either Jupiter or Venus happens to be in the 6th place and aspected by a malefic, the persidn -430 would reach the lowest place.
If a benefic planet is strong and aspected by a strong malefic, or if a malefic is aspected by a benefic, both the benefics and malefics become equal in giving their effects. That is, -51 neither good nor bad effects will ensue. If a planet is in a weak sign or posited in
an inimical sign, or eclipsed, or aspected-by a malefic, its effect is nil, even as a beautiful girl's charming eyes and smile have no effects -52 on a blind man. The Sun and Saturn (son of the Sun) are equal in their transit-effects. Just as the Sun is benefic in the 3rd, 6th, lOth and 11th places, Saturn is benefic in these places in transit. Mercury gives effects whether in terms of the signs in which it is posited or in accordance with the planets with which it is associated.-53 If Saturn is in an eclipsed state, his bad effects are aggravated and they cause misery to the native. But just as a man in diet is able to avert illness, he who does the necessary propitiatory sacrifices, is able to surmount the evil by timely prevention. -54 Just as the face reflects the changes in the
Gochara Phala
mind of man, the Moon reflects the effects of the planet with which it is associated. -55 A person reaches a low state by virtue of planets occupying evil positions. -56 Even a man born of low caste and following bad ways becomes respected, when his planets -57 occupy noble positions. Just as a task begun with good intentions goes awry when performed in wrong ways, the person is destroyed, when the planets during -58 their transit occupy evil positions. Reloalizing that the planets are posited in
favourable positions, the king who starts on his conquest of enemies is able to win by the slightest of efforts. 59 What should be done on each day of the week Sunday z
When the Sun is in 3, 6, 10 and 11 from the Moon, the following will come out successsful: gold, copper, horse, fire, wood, timber, bone, leather, wool (another reading: sea-port), mountain, trees, bark, dove, oyster, snake, thief, sbarp. instrument, forest, cruelty and
Propitiousness of the day
disease, royal service, coronation, taking medicine, silk-trade, forest-produce, cattle-rearing, impenetrable ways, medical profession, stone, man of noble birth, military honour, marching towards the enemy and fire. Monday:• When the Moon is in Lagna or in Kendra (4, 7, 10), the action relating to the following succeeds .-- Ornament, conch, pearl, flowers like lotus, silver, water, yajna, sugar-cane, food, women, milk, tree from which resin exudes, grass, marshy place, grain, liquids, brahmin, journey, music, horned animals, agriculture, general of an army, pursuit upon enemy, king (agreeing to undertake rural inspection), social works, nocturnal seeking phlegmatic things, acts related to uncle, flower and clothing. Tuesday : Work relating to the following may be undertaken with success : Mines, gold, fire, coral, sharp weapons, cruel acts, operation with instruments, theft, blows to the enemy, forest, inaccessible places, miltary duty, tree with red flowers, red things, bitter things, son's amassed wealth by selling pungent articles, imitation articles, the charming of serpents, medical
Gochara Phala
practice, Buddhistic mendicant, occupation, treasurer, knavery. On this point Gargaachaarya lists the following : weapons, sinful acts, imprisonment, murder, worship of God Subrahmanya, worship of fire, machinery. His advice is : Avoid acts relating to mantra and marriage. Wednesday : On this day when Mercury is in Gemini and Virgo, the following acts are crowned with success ; green stones, perfumes, acts kind or cruel, science like logic, psychology and poetry, all arts, perfumery, mantras, alchemy, disputation, punyam, vows, embassy, acts relating to long life, acts requiring short middling or long time, acts that have to follow others slowly or quickly. Samaasa Samhitaa says ; self-culture, arts, physical exercise, and sensual acts can be done, if Mercury is not in conjunction with malefic planets. Yavaneswara says: self-culture, learning scripture, writing document, silpa, bodily exercise, fine arts, gold, alchemy, perfumery, compromist accepting responsibility are to be undertaken on Wednesday.
Propitiousness of the day
Garga says : Imprisonment, setting free those that are imprisoned, murder, uniting, meeting friends pupils or relatives, mingling with heroes, journey, royal service, exercise, purchase and disposal, building a house, hermitage, farming, painting, sculpture, and shaving. Thursday : Thursday is propitious for the following gold and silver, horse, elephant, bull, doctor and medicine, acts pleasing to brahmins, gods and pitrus, taking prominent part in undertakings, air-conditioning, ornaments and king, erecting houses and temples, truthful words, vows, hom a and money. Garga : Yagnas, tapas, erecting building, study of puraanas and astrology, wearing new clothes can all be done on Thursday; a king may march his army; upadesa may be made to the son; seeds may be sown; a new carriage may first be used. Friday: Painting, clothing, taking medicine to get vigour, meeting courtesan, humour and wit, youthful enjoyment, wooing, sports, crystal, silver, vehicle, sugar-cane, grains, cow, trade, agriculture, lotus.
Gochara Phala
Saturday : Buffalo goat, camel, iron (steel weapons, etc). servant, old woman, low and mean acts, bird, thief, traps and nets, undisciplined man, broken pots, desire for elephants, obstacles. Samaasa Samhitaa : weapons, traps and nets, acts ordained to be done month, day, night, lagna Saturdays.
Acts relating to short cows, metals, and in a particular year, should be done on
Garga .- Orders, gruha.pravesa (first entry into a house) theft, death, harnessing a horse for the first time, purchase of an elephant, throwing obstacles, and gaining wealth by frau. dulent means may be done on Saturday. No JOurney should be undertaken on a Saturday.
GLOSSA BY Am sa Anujanma Asubha Asuras Bhaava Bhukti Daksh i naaylina Dasaa Devas Gochara
Part, portion the 9th star from birth-star inauspicious, malefic
house pllihtHaty Sub-period sbutheth course of the Sun planetary period gods or angels progress of planet(s) through the orbit Grahas see Navagrahas (our book) Homa worship/homage (for propitiation) lndra Lord of devas Janma birth Janma Nakshatra - star of bi rttl Karma literally, action; philosophically, moral law ot consequences Kendras quadrant~ : houses 1. 4, 7 & 10 of the zodiaa
Krishna ,Pak.sha Lagna Lakshmi Nakshatra Navagrahas
waning phase of the Moon ab'Ceh'dllht GcidaJ~~; consort of Lord Vishnu (Hindu God) mr; c
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