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Republic of the Philippines Supreme Court Baguio City
ICO!C"N INCORPOR#T"D$ Petitioner,
('R' No' )*+,--
- versus -
%O&ND#TION SP"CI#ISTS$ INC'$ Respondent. -------------------------------------------%O&ND#TION SP"CI#ISTS$ INC'$ Petitioner, ('R' No' )*.*+/ - versus -
ICO!C"N INCORPOR#T"D$ Respondent.
Prou!"ated: Apri! #, $%&& $%&& 0--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 D"CISIO N BRION$ J ':
'(e petitioner, LICOMCEN In)orporated *LICOMCEN *LICOMCEN +, +, is a doesti) )orporation en"a"ed in t(e usiness o operatin" s(oppin" a!!s in t(e )ountr. In Mar)( &//0, t(e Cit 1overnent o Le"aspi a2arded to LICOMCEN, ater a pu!i) iddin", a !ease )ontra)t over a !ot !o)ated in t(e )entra! usiness distri)t o t(e )it. )it. 3nder t(e )ontra)t, LICOMCEN 2as o!i"ed to inan)e t(e )onstru)tion o a )oer)ia! )op!e45a!! to e 6no2n as t(e LCC Citia!! * Citimall +. +. It 2as a!so "ranted t(e ri"(t to operate and ana"e Citia!! or 7% ears, ears, and 2as, t(ereater, re8uired to turn over t(e o2ners(ip and operation to t(e Cit 1overnent.9& ;or t(e Citia!! proo)uents and 1enera! Conditions o Contra)t Contra)t97 *GCC *GCC + onSepteer &, &//0. Iediate! t(ereater, ;SI pur)(ased t(e ateria!s needed or t(e Citia! ! 9? proISP3'ES AN> ARBI'RA'ION S(ou!d any 1ispute of any :in1 arise et2een t(e LICOMCEN INCORPORA'E> and t(e Contra)tor 9reerrin" to ;SI or t(e En"ineer 9reerrin" to ESCA and t(e Contra)tor in connection ;ith$ or arising out of the e0ecution of the Hs de)ision on t(e dispute,
eit(er part does not oi)ia!! "ive noti)e to )ontest su)( de)ision t(rou"( aritration, t(e said de)ision s(a!! reain ina! and indin". Fo2ever, s(ou!d an part, 2it(in t(irt *=%+ das ro re)eipt o t(e LICOMCEN, INCORPORA'E>Hs de)ision, )ontest said de)ision, t(e dispute s(a!! e suitted or aritration under t(e Constru)tion Industr Aritration La2, E4e)utive Order &%%@. '(e aritrators appointed under said ru!es and re"u!ations s(a!! (ave u!! po2er to open up, revise and revie2 an de)ision, opinion, dire)tion, )ertii)ate or va!uation o t(e LICOMCEN, INCORPORA'E>. Neit(er part s(a!! e !iited to t(e eviden)e or ar"uents put eore t(e LICOMCEN, INCORPORA'E> or t(e purpose o otainin" (is said de)ision. No de)ision "iven t(e LICOMCEN, INCORPORA'E> s(a!! dis8ua!i (i ro ein" )a!!ed as a 2itness and "ivin" eviden)e in t(e aritration. It is understood t(at t(e o!i"ations o t(e LICOMCEN, INCORPORA'E>, t(e En"ineer and t(e Contra)tor s(a!! not e a!tered reason o t(e aritration ein" )ondu)ted durin" t(e pro"ress o t(e Gor6s.9$? LICOMCEN posits t(at on! disputes in )onne)tion 2it( or arisin" out o t(e e4e)ution o t(e Gor6s are su>>>>'''
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Citin" 1C-#$*$+ o t(e 1CC, LICOMCEN sas it s(a!! e !ia!e to pa ;SI 9t(e )ost o ateria!s or "oods reasonably or1ere1 for the Permanent or Temporary e)eer &//0 to suspend t(e 2or6s, ;SI pro)eeded 2it( t(e de!iver o t(e stee! ars in Januar &//@. LICOMCEN de)!ared t(at it s(ou!d not e ade to pa or )osts t(at ;SI 2i!!in"! in)urred or itse!. 9=$ Assuin" t(at LICOMCEN is !ia!e or t(e )osts o t(e stee! ars, it ar"ues t(at its !iai!it s(ou!d e iniied t(e a)t t(at ;SI in)urred no a)tua! daa"e ro t(e pur)(ase and de!iver o t(e stee! ars. >urin" t(e suspension o t(e 2or6s, ;SI so!d &$7,%%% 6" o stee! ars or P7%%,%%%.%% to a t(ird person *a )ertain Raon uin8ui!eria+. LICOMCEN a!!e"es t(at ;SI so!d t(e stee! ars or a ridi)u!ous! !o2 pri)e o P #.%%56i!o, 2(en t(e prevai!in" rate 2as P$%.%%56i!o. '(e sa!e )ou!d (ave "arnered a (i"(er pri)e t(at 2ou!d oset LICOMCENDs !iai!it. LICOMCEN a!so 2ants ;SI to a))ount or and de!iver to it t(e reainin" 0## etri) tons o stee! ars not
so!d. Ot(er2ise, ;SI 2ou!d e une)eer &?, &//0 and Januar ?, &//@ !etters K das ater t(e instru)tion to suspend t(e 2or6s. A!so, t(e sae stipu!ation t(at aut(ories LICOMCEN to suspend t(e 2or6s a!!o2s t(e e4tension o t(e period to )op!ete t(e 2or6s. '(e re!evant portion o
1C-=@ states: In )ase o tota! suspension 4 44 and t(e )ause o 2(i)( is not due to an au!t o t(e Contra)tor 9;SI, the elapse1 time bet;een the effecti5e or1er for suspen1ing ;or: an1 the or1er to resume ;or: shall be allo;e1 the Contractor by a14usting the time allo;e1 for his e0ecution of the Contract 2i!! deterine t(e reasona!eness o su)( e4penses. The Contractor 7%SI8 shall ha5e no claim for anticipate1 profits on the ;or: thus terminate1$ nor any other claim$ e4)ept or t(e 2or6 a)tua!! perored at t(e tie o )op!ete dis)ontinuan)e, in)!udin" an variations aut(oried t(e LICOMCEN, INCORPORA'E>5En"ineer to e done. '(e pro(iition, ;SI posits, app!ies on! 2(ere t(e )ontra)t 2as proper! and !a2u!! terinated, 2(i)( 2as not t(e )ase at ar. ;SI a!so too6 pains in dierentiatin" its )!ai or unrea!ied proit ro t(e pro(iited )!ai or anti)ipated proits supposed!, unrea!ied proit is one t(at is ui!t-in in t(e )ontra)t pri)e, 2(i!e anti)ipated proit is not. Ge ai! to see t(e distin)tion, )onsiderin" t(at t(e )ontra)t itse! neit(er deined nor dierentiated t(e t2o ters. 9A )ontra)t ust e interpreted ro t(e !an"ua"e o t(e )ontra)t itse!, a))ordin" to its p!ain and ordinar eanin". 9?? I t(e ters o a )ontra)t are )!ear and !eave no dout upon t(e intention o t(e )ontra)tin" parties, t(e !itera! eanin" o t(e stipu!ations s(a!! )ontro!. 9?0
Nonet(e!ess, on a))ount o our ear!ier dis)ussion o LICOMCENDs ai!ure to oserve t(e proper pro)edure in terinatin" t(e )ontra)t de)!arin" t(at it 2as ere! indeinite! suspended, 2e dee t(at ;SI is entit!ed to t(e paent o noina! daa"es. Noina! daa"es a e a2arded to a p!ainti 2(ose ri"(t (as een vio!ated or invaded t(e deendant, or t(e purpose o vindi)atin" or re)o"niin" t(at ri"(t, and not or indeniin" t(e p!ainti or an !oss suered (i. 9?@ Its a2ard is, t(us, not or t(e purpose o indenii)ation or a !oss ut or t(e re)o"nition and vindi)ation o a ri"(t. A vio!ation o t(e p!aintiDs ri"(t, even i on! te)(ni)a!, is sui)ient to support an a2ard o noina! daa"es. 9?/ ;SI is entit!ed to re)over t(e aount o P&%%,%%%.%% as noina! daa"es. #he lia'ilit for costs of ar'itration 3nder t(e partiesD 'ers o Reeren)e, e4e)uted eore t(e CIAC, t(e )osts o aritration s(a!! e e8ua!! divided et2een t(e, suA'ION SPECIALIS'S, INC., do)6eted as 1.R. No. &?/?0@, are D"NI"D. '(e Noveer $=, $%%# >e)ision o t(e Court o Appea!s in CA-1.R. SP No. 0@$&@ is !ODI%I"D to inclu1e the a;ar1 of nominal 1amages in avor o ;O3N>A'ION SPECIALIS'S, INC. '(us, LICOMCEN INCORPORA'E> is ordered to pa ;O3N>A'ION SPECIALIS'S, INC. t(e o!!o2in" aounts: a. . ).
P&,$?#,#%#.&$ or unpaid a!an)e on ;O3N>A'ION SPECIALIS'S, INC. i!!in"s P7,?/#,/=/.@0 or ateria! )osts at site and P&%%,%%%.%% or noina! daa"es.
LICOMCEN INCORPORA'E> is a!so ordered to pa t(e )osts o aritration. No )osts. SO ORD"R"D'
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