184326864 Jyotish New Kerala Astrology

April 17, 2017 | Author: SUKHSAGAR1969 | Category: N/A
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Contents KERALA JYOTISHA l't House-6th House. ............................................ 7-39 Royal combinations-Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga - Yogas for wealth and happiness-Yogas for prosperityProsperity and poverty- Diseases of eye, ear and mouth-Loss of wealthDiplomacy- Knowledge of scripturesQuality of food. Yogas for coboms and relations with them-Yogas for conveyancesMother's age, character and deathHidden treasure-Houses and propertyIllegitimate child-Destruction of progeny-Diseases and enemies-Results of the 6th house.

7th House-12th House. .............................................40-75 Marriage when?-Married lifeNumber of wives-Sexuality and loose morals -Long, medium and short lifeDeath of parents- Yoga for royaltySources of income-Relations with father -Profession-Charitable disposition

vagabond-Diseases of ear-Ketu in II'h house-Emancipation-State after death-Expenses KERALA SUTRAS ............................................ 76-98 Judgement of twelve housesHappiness in life-Lagna lord with other planets-Karakas of various houses -Yogas for comfortable life--Sorrows in life etc. GOPALA RATNAKARA....... .....................................99-152 Good and bad results of housesConstitution, colour and statureSatvika, rajasika and t amasika nature-Constitution of eyes-BlindnessWealth and sources-Multiplicity of eyes -Foolishness-Barrenness- Abortions -Watery accidents.

INDEX ........................................ .153-157

FROM THE ANNOTATOR Sri N.N. Krisna Rao, the astrologer and scholar from Mumbai, collected many classics on astrology from South India and after editing important points, translated them into English. Here are the three important works of Kerala astrology. In the original classics, the slokas were not in order. Sri Krisna Rao serialised the slokas and thus did a yeoman's work. We have tried to enrich the original translation by adding important notes and quotations from the other famous classics. Points of contradiction have been elaborated and majority opinion has been upheld. The example charts have been added in support of the principles. There is enough material in the book for the beginners to consolidate their knowledge and comprehend the principles. The advanced students will find the book useful in the sense that there is enough material for research purposes and something new can be churned out in the form of principles. We suppose our readers will be enlightened by these illuminating pearls of Kerala astrology.

The publishers M!s. Ranjan Publications have presented this unique work in a decent manner. Hence they also deserve our thanks. O.P. Verma

KERALA JYOTISHA FIRST HOUSE (1) In a birth horoscope the trikonas or trine houses are the abode of Laxmi, the goddess of wealth and the kendras or quadrants are the abode of Vishnu, the god of existence. The trikonas bestow wealth by one's own merits and the kendras are the seat of material gains or prosperity. Therefore the combinations or relations of lords of trikonas and kendras bestow royal life or Rajayoga on the native. Notes- Two planets are related when (a) they aspect each other, (b) one planet aspects the other planet, (c) the two planets are in each other's signs, (d) the two planets are in each other's nakshatras (constellations), (e) the two planets are in kendras or quadrants to each other. (2) If in the same sign or rasi one planet is debilitated or neecha and the other planet is exalted or uchcha, then the neecha planet loses his debilitation according to Maharishi Parasara and Maharishi Vashishta.

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Notes :-If Mercury and Venus are in Pisces, then Mercury loses his debilitation because he is with exalted Venus, thus Mercury bestows good results. (3) If a planet is debilitated, then he loses his debilitation, if his lord of debilitation or exaltation is in a kendra or quadrant from the ascendant or Lagna. Thus the planet loses his maleficence. Note : - 'Phala Deepika' (7 /26) says in this respect'11il~al ~¥1q: ~ ~


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If the exaltation and debilitation lords of the debilitated planet are in quadrants to each other then it is a Neecha Bhang a Rajayoga. See "Phala Deepika" translated by Dr. G.S. Kapoor, published by MIS Ranjan Publications, 16 Ansari Road, New Delhi- 2

Kerala Astrology


Again 'Phala Deepika' says (7/28)~ mft ~ ~il
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