184326855 Jyotish New Jyotisharnava Navanitam

March 24, 2017 | Author: SUKHSAGAR1969 | Category: N/A
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Jyotis~arnava Navanitam (As Taught by Lord Siva to Parvati)

Sanskrit Transliteration and English Translation with detailed commentary by

R. Santbanam


«.:R. Sonthanam ...?lssociate.s 9fl040 Govindpuri Post Box 4347 Ka1kaji P.O.

New Delhi llO 019 (India)



English Translations and other Books by R. Santhanam 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15.

Sambhu Hora Prakasa of Punjaraja ": The Times Daily Ephemeris 1994 - 2000 (with Chaitrapaksha Ayanamsa) * Deva Keralam - Vol 1 Deva Keralam - Vol 2 Deva keralama -Vol 3 Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (Vol 1 only) ravali of Kalyana Varma -Vol 1 Sa vali of Kalyana Varma - Vol 2 Hora ara of Prithu Yasas Nashta ::Jatakam of Mukunda Daivagna Garga Hora of sage Garga Doctrines of Suka Nadi - retold Essentials of Predictive Hindu Astrology Jyotisharnava N!tvanitam * Latitudes, Longitudes & LMT's for ~5000 places in India.

Forthcoming Titles:

16. 17. 18.

Hora Ratnam - Vol. 1 * Hora Ratnam- Vo1.2 * Secrets of Kalachakra Dasa * . Sakadwipa System of Astrology * (of Philippine Origin) - by Paul Manansala, USA

• Pub/illhed by R. Santhanam Associates

Preface It is with great pleasure and mercy of Goddess Sarasvathi and Nava Grahas that I am· hereby able to place before my esteemed readets, this rare jewel of Astrology. .This is rather for the very first time that this work appears in print with Sanskrit transliteration of the original slokas and English translation. That way, many of the works brought out by me are for the first-time for the pleasure of the English-knowing public and this fact gives me some kind of inexplicable happiness. Except Hora Sara ofPrithu Y asas, each and every work brought forth by me enjoys this credit: The present work may have been named as Jyotisharnaua Nauanitam by some ancient scholars ·of mortal coil but the 9riginal contents are attributed to Lord Siva as taught to Devi Parvati. This fact can be understood by the reader when he holds the pulse of the instructions. There is some kind of authority arid some kind of divine touch at every step. The level of intuition exhibited in revealing the principles wili speak for themselves. Apparently, this work is older than the oldest text-books on astrology by Garga, Vasishta, Parasara etc. On going through the work, the reader will surely feel that most of the aphorisms found herein are coming to his knowledge for the very flrst time and are not repetition as available in other texts. Except for a negligible number of rules, the contents are ·being known by us for the first time. There are 670 slokas in this work distributed in flve chapters in all. The first chapter is a Miscellaneous one dealing with preliminaries including Balarishta Yogas, their cancellation, N akshatra Dosha, 27 special kinds of Graha Samayas and their use. There is incomparable uniqueness even in these aphorisms.

A word on Graha Samaya may serve the purpose effectively. Srunayas or Avasthas are many kinds. Sayanadi 12 Avasthas, Deeptadi ten (nine according to so~e authorities) Avasthas, Baladi six Avasthas and so on and so forth. With our experience becoming more and more intense and fruitful, we will not ignore even the simple ones like Deepta. Each classification has its own use in a specified context. All do not work in all circumstances alike. It is like a store-house of household ingredients. Where salt is needed, you cannot do away with sugar, and vice versa! Thus, where one of the SayanadiAvasthas work, BaladiAvasthas need not necess8.rily work. No Avastha is futile for that matter. The astrologer should have Sookshma Buddhi(i.e. be brainy) and not Manda Buddhi (not be a dunce) while using th!l various implements of his workshop. Then, each of the 27 Graha Samayas as discussed in our text was also discussed in Sukra Nadi. These offer a great deal of opportunities for wider use in horary astrology as well, apart from natal horoscopes. Their beauty lies in that these are directly linked to Vimsottari dasa. Thus, it seems to be imperative that effects ofSamayas should be restricted to Vrmsottari dasa when it comes to natal horoscopes. These Samaya effects should not be jumbled up with Ashtottari, Y ogini, KCD etc. (Graha Samayas or 27 Avasthas are linked to the 27 N akshatras. Sayanadi Avasthas are linked toNavainsas. Deeptadi Avasthas are linked to visible planetary dignities. Baladi Aavasthas are linked to degree zones. Thus various authorities described various Avasthas. Naturally, the subtler one is always better. Hence the Navamsa-based ~ayanadi twelve Avasthas assume a lot more importance in many contexts.) I understand that each Samaya is again divided into six different sub-states. Although I have known of their calculations, I am not able to lay my hands on the effects of six sub-states for each S;1maya, I may know of it one day and hope to place such information before my esteemed reader, nay my patron. The second chapter keeps the reader glued to the text, dealing with Bhava analysis in a charming manner. The way the twelve houses have been covered is a solid proof of the work's greatness. This is another most important chapter of this work. Here, we lmd rich techniques in respect of each and every

house in a very enlightened manner. Various kinds ofyogas or combinations are brought forth in many contexts. What happens when two different planets join together, what is the role of their activities in the nativity, who is the real Maraka or killer, dangerous dasas for certain important Nakshatras of birth and the like. This chapter is also a fertile land for deep studies. The third chapter gives instructions on analysis of planetary transits on our lives. The reader will specially stand to gain by the elaborate notes given by me, after consulting a number of rare and authoritative works. Since my notes on ''Transits"' form a pivotal base for this work, some explanations are necessary in this preface. Even a minor planet like the Moon and Mercury may appear to be granting major events of life, viz. marriage, death and acquisition of a property. But one does not experience these so oftenly. An intelligent reader should value the transit of Saturn as the most important one, to start with, followed by that of Rahu/Ketu, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon· in that order. For each and every major event, a certain planet is in charge. Without that planet's direct involvement, the minor planets though indicative of an event will not materialis~ that event. Further, transit effects are to be ascertained in clear union with the help of dasa periods in currency at a given time. If these two factors do not coincide, then the transit event may not come to surface in reality. There are two more conditions, of. importance. One is different kinds ofVedhas or obstacles to a transit planet. Once this is ignored, we will be going in an utterly wrong direction. The other one is use of Prastara and other Ash taka Vargas. These, help us to fine-tune the possibilities to the nearest time period. I have explained various kinds ofVedhas in the notes. It has not however been thought necessary that I explain Ashtaka Varga techniques here. These can be seen in a reliable form, the way ancients wanted, in my English translation of Sambhu Hora Prakasa, which is already available. -The fourth chapter discusses some fine techniques of Ash· taka Varga. A study of some Raja Y ogas with the help of Ash taka Varga could be said to be for the first time. The fifth and concluding chapter enlists some important

combinations of interest. Throughout the course of this translation, I have retained my characteristic commitment to explain each and everything to the reader and supply lucidly explanatory notes. This could be of a great deal of assistance to all, as usual. I have employed every special care to properly transliterate the text in Sanskrit, and more special care to decipher the meanings in English, and yet more special care to give suitable guidelines aS and when required. I may have to some extent or even to a great extent failed in my task and may not have been an apt person for this great work. This may be an onerous burden for my weak shoulders. Hence the reader will forgive me for my lapses and insufficiencies, if any, and accept only such portions which are logical and correct, and reject the rest that are meaningless and erroneous to· his mind. I know that all my readers are more intelligent than ~e. Of one thing, fm quite confident with this work. It will convince evety reader of the need to have many more wonderful and enlighterung techniques as uniquely laid down ih the present work, for rather the first time. It is as a result of this firm conviction of mine that in succession of this. work, the reader will soon have an English translation from us of Hora Ratnam of Balabhadra, the most elaborate and voluminous classical text, of its kind, on predictive astrology. This is again for the first time in English language. I shall only be glad if the reader finds the present work as one giving real satisfaction. Aprill5, 1995 A.D. Vikrama Samvat 2052 Chaitra Paurnami

CJ?:_ Sant!Ulnam

New Delhi


Ch 1



Bhava Effects (Houses 1 to 12) 32. 145


Transit Effects of Planets 146-192


Ashtaka Varga ·

Ch 5

Other Yogas

Balarishta Yogas, their cancellation, Birth-star blemishes, remedies etc. 1- 31

193.206 207.216

31~ ~=zD fd till oicf -=tCI;:fidJt_ I

Jyotisharnava Navanitam Chapter 1

Miscellanea -

(Balarishta Yogas, their cancellation, Birth-star Blemishes & Remedies) qt:&¥1"'4: I

~ ~ f:wott.'J~ ~: I

~ I ~ ~


II 7'1 II

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