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What is the Akashic Record?

The Akashic Record is an energetic archive of every soul’s history and its future possibilities. It contains the essential blueprint of the individual in its perfection and the collection of stories of the human journey to manifesting its divine potential throughout time. Working in the Akashic Records is a powerful way to experience the Truth about who you are and to be supported to live your life as your best possible self.

How to read the Akashic Records by Linda Howe

What are the Akashic Records? The Akashic Records contain the vibrational record of each individual soul and its journey. This vibrational body exists everywhere in its wholeness, and is completely available in all places. The Records contain all past, present, and future possibilities; and are an experiential body of knowledge and compassion. Access to this profound source is through a sacred prayer. It is a profound spiritual resource for consciousness development and expanded spiritual awareness. Article: The Akashic Record For centuries, the Akashic Record has been the exclusive domain of mystics, scholars and saints. Rightfully so. Infinite power and wisdom are available in the Record, and they have been entrusted to those well-prepared for the responsibility of deep knowing. In this time of great change, the availability of the Record is shifting. The light of the Spirit has been pouring into human consciousness at an unprecedented rate. This light infusion is causing radical upheaval in all areas of being for the purpose of bringing us into the highest possible alignment with the God-force. One of the great tools for the development of our consciousness is the Akashic Record. Ancient ways of severe discipline and initiation are no longer required to interact with the Record. The Akashic Record is within our reach and we are ready. The veil is lifting. What is the Record? The Akashic Record is a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. Both individual and collective souls are included. This vibrational body exists everywhere in its wholeness. It is completely available in all places. Location and time do not affect the Record. Human beings have been interacting consciously and unconsciously with this body of energies throughout history. These interactions have been both deliberate and accidental. Referred to in virtually every major traditional religion as the Book of Life and the Book of God's Remembrance, this body of wisdom has been an ever-present source of spiritual support for people and no stranger to our Western Judeao-Christian tradition. The Record is an experiential body of wisdom, insight, guidance, and healing information. It can be accessed by means of a simple sacred prayer. Saying this prayer causes a shift in the consciousness of the reader sufficient to register the subtle impressions of the Record. It is a mutual action, where the reader moves into alignment with the Record--and at the same time, the Record moves within the reach of the individual reader. This collective of spiritual consciousness is best revealed through a spiritual means, such as prayer. It is not a body of thought that can be linked with the mind through mental discipline (like visualization), although thought is included with the Record, as is emotion. The access of the Record can not be achieved through emotional or sensational means, though for many, the experience of the unconditional love of the Record can be very emotional. Essentially, the most efficient and effective means to spiritual consciousness is through spiritual action. Something New, Something Old

The experience of being in the Record is familiar to many people. It is familiar because we naturally enter into the state of consciousness. Moving into the consciousness of the Record has been accidental for most. Most of us can recall a time in our lives when we felt completely clear, emotionally still, and illumined in our minds. Perhaps it was a time when we saw and felt, in a flash, the heart of a problem we were trying to solve. In that moment of inspiration, we changed our attitude or point of view. From then on, our relationship to our situation was never the same. With new knowing, we were freed to change our behavior as our hearts and minds were illumined. Almost everyone has had an experience like this. The problem is that such experiences can be infrequent and unpredictable. What naturally follows after a profound insightful experience is the attempt to re-create the condition that allowed for the insight. We may try to recall the exact place, time of day, dietary conditions, people present, prayers recited. Many efforts to set up another experience of divine knowing usually fail. Working with the sacred prayer provides a reliable, deliberate way to move into and access the consciousness of the Record responsibly. Personal Consultations Having an Akashic Record consultation can be extremely valuable. What can be revealed is the essence and expression, potentials, and purposes of the Soul. Issues of the lifetime are brought to light from the perspective of soul growth. Favorable and difficult patterns that are present can be discovered. Within the context of the Record, it is reasonable to become aware of and develop strategies for healing and change. These strategies can be based on the energies present that are able to support the fulfillment of any plan for change. For some, the activity of being in the Record sheds enough light to enable the release of old ideas and patterns. It's as if the light gets underneath the pattern in consciousness and lifts it to a higher place. More important than any information gained through being in the Record is the energy present in the Record. Knowledge is wonderful. Insight can be profound. But without power, data and understanding are inadequate to cause change. The energy present in the Record is a very quick vibration with a great velocity. It is also fullbodied and rich. When opening the Record, a quickening occurs. The infusion of light accelerates everything in its path. In the presence of light, all darkness is seen and brightened. Individual conscious minds do not need to direct this light. Infinite wisdom of light goes where it is needed and received to fulfill its function. Being in the Record potentially takes the participants into the state of unconditional love, acceptance, peace, power, and light. The combination of knowledge and power found in the Record activate the highest good of all. More Than a Divination Tool In popular culture, the Record has been used as a divination tool--that is, as way to gather information about the future, about people and circumstances. It is usually in the hope that this knowledge will help affect the course of a person's destiny. There are two shortcomings to this system. First, the Record is not read from the astral level but rather the soul level. At the soul level, the details (the specifics of how things come to pass) are not important. What is important is the essence of someone's being. The soul wants to be in a condition of free-flowing generous love. Whether this is available in Chicago or Sedona or anywhere else is secondary.

The other problem with the divination system in the Pathway Prayer Process© is that there is ALWAYS an element of mystery to life. As humans, we may have strong feelings and opinions about this, but it is true. Divination is an attempt to gain control over destiny. The Record is about working with the life force as it is revealed. We are not in control of the revelation, but we are responsible for managing ourselves throughout the process. There are many methods to divine the future that may be more effective for collecting detailed, predictive information. Until the past few years, the Record was an active past life resource. Opening the Record would bring forth streams of stories of incidents in other incarnations that would be identified as past life. This assisted many people in reconciling current patterns of behavior and consciousness. This dimension of activity has been healed and released. There is less need for other lifetime information and less is coming forward. More recently, other lifetimes present only as they will be directly related to a current issue. The Record is not a fish pond of exciting stories about other times. When appropriate, this information comes forward. There are, however, some people who work in the Record who specifically clear past lives--they are easily identified and the exception rather than the rule. The Record Enhances Life Being in the richness of the Record helps some people in their creative endeavors. Of course, the Record is no substitute for talent and training, but the energetic input can be inspirational and supportive to the artist. People have used this in their writing, photography, painting, poetry, pottery and music. The form is incidental. Having distinct experiences of light with the Record, and receiving guidance about the execution of projects, adds to the fullness of the expression of any creative endeavor. The business world is a major area of experience of God on this planet. Working in the Record can help business people to understand the spiritual nature of their contribution to the world. Harmonious flow of goods and services around the world enables all of us to enjoy the beauties of this life. Insight and guidance from the Record can assist those responsible for these matters to see them in their highest value and deliver to the marketplace in the most loving manner possible. Finally, the Akashic Record is a powerful way for people to grow in consciousness to support them in their personal lives and relationship with the Divine. Spending time in the Record aids people in the fundamental shift from self-reliance to God-reliance. Old, worn-out patterns of understanding can be realized and released. Internal space can expand. A greater sense of the presence and power of God comes into consciousness. It is always there, but it becomes easier to know as real. Simple, Not Easy Working in the Record is very simple, but not always easy. There is commitment and discipline required. This is not a parlor game, though it can be great fun. When opening the Record with the Pathway Prayer©, a subtle shift occurs in consciousness. This shift enables people to perceive themselves and their life from a different perspective. Full consciousness is maintained. No entities pass through the reader, as this is not channeling. A body of energy is then accessible, to be employed for the growth and enrichment of each individual. It is appropriate to request insight, guidance, and wisdom, as well as clearing of old patterns. A conscious working relationship with one's own spiritual authority can proceed from this place. This is the time in the development of human consciousness for individuals to have direct access to their own spiritual authority. Expansion of each individual's responsible relationship with spiritual

authority does not eliminate the need for community support from others; it is in addition to group support. If our spiritual maturity could be achieved alone, there wouldn't be so may people on the planet! Being in community strengthens us individually, and working responsibly and directly with the light strengthens our communities. The Long Journey This prayer method of accessing the Akashic Records comes to us by way of Mary Parker of Odessa, Texas. Mary received a prayer as translated from Mayan many years ago. Following her guidance, she began to share it with others in the late 1980s. Slowly and steadily, people have responded to the energy and presence of the prayer. In the past few years, more people have come into the path of teaching this method. There are now a handful of recognized teachers around the world. For my own part, I received the prayer in 1994 from Ellena Lieberman of Evanston, Illinois. Being led to the prayer was a direct response to a personal prayer, which was that I find a way to assist others in accessing the experience of God. I prayed that the method be culturally comfortable and realistic for Americans in the 1990s, and I am clear that my prayer has been answered. Originally from Chicago, I lived in Port Townsend, Washington for almost four years. During that time, I saw many people for individual consultations. At some point, I realized that working one-onone was not adequate to the needs being presented. Although there was a tremendous volume of clients even in a remote seashore town, it also became obvious that four out of five people who came for readings had the ability to do work in the Record for themselves and their friends. It seemed selfish and arrogant to deprive others access to their own spiritual authority. Then, I consciously moved into the path of being a teacher. In August of 1997, I was initiated and I have been sharing the teaching and its accompanying energy ever since. I received the Pathway Prayer Process© in September 2001, as a means of getting directly to the Heart of the Akashic Records. Classes and Workshops The beginning two-day class is just that, a beginning. It is an entry into the energies of the Akasha. Both the prayer and its energetic equivalent are passed on to the students. It is an initiation into the work, involving the investment of one's time and money. Ones' attendance in the class is ultimately responding action to an inner call. No person "needs" to learn how to do this; it is not for everyone. Each individual determines his or her own participation. Over the course of the 1 1/2 days, a few things happen. Information is presented to further understanding of the work. Ground rules for working in the Record are explained. Questions are answered. Most important, the energy of the Akasha is transmitted to the participants. Everyone has the opportunity to experience this distinct vibration and to get acquainted with it. This is best accomplished in a group; people share their experiences. Time is devoted to practicing being in the Record, for oneself and others. At the end of the weekend, everyone is prepared to move forward with this work if they choose. Naturally, some people take to this faster than others, but fortunately, this is not a race. Each person can individually determine how to use the Record within the guidelines. And there is no substitute for practice and experience. Advanced classes are available to those who have completed the Beginning Class. These range from one-day topic centered, (i.e. creativity) to weekends focusing on ancestral clearing and holding steady in the light. New classes are continually being developed. In Conclusion The purpose of this

work at this time is to bring us into a greater awareness of the presence of God. Access to the Record does not signal an opportunity to escape ordinary life and human-hood. This wonderful consciousness is a blessing being made available to us so we can become more present and better able to embrace our reality. The Akashic Record is a light beam that can transport us in a conscious, responsible way to a richer sense of our oneness with the Source and our highest most true expression of ourselves as we operate as agents of the divine in our worlds.

Top Ten Things to Know About the Akashic Records 1. The Akashic Records contain the vibrational records of each individual soul and its journey. 2. Everyone is in the Akashic Records. Yes, everyone. 3. There are two parts to each person's file: The blueprint of your soul never changes. The story of your journey through time as a human being changes to reflect your growth in consciousness. 4. Every person is entitled to access their own Akashic Records. 5. “Akasha is a Sanskrit word, and means Primary substance, that out of which all things are formed.” * Levi, “The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.” p. 10. 6. The Akashic Record exists everywhere in its wholeness and is completely available in all places. 7. Accessing the Record can be extremely valuable. Your soul's very essence and expression, potentials, and purposes can be seen. Ways in which you can actually manifest your Divine Potential are available. 8. Being in the Akashic Records involves the transmission of energy first, information second. 9. The purpose of accessing the Akashic Records is to dignify each person and situation. 10. The Akashic Record is a profound spiritual resource accessible through a simple sacred prayer that will enable you to develop your own spiritual authority. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) ===================== What does Akashic mean? Akasha is a Sanskrit word, and means Primary Substance - that out of which all things are formed. It is the first stage of the crystallization of spirit…This Akasha, or primary substance, is of exquisite fineness and is so sensitive that the slightest vibration of an ether any place in the universe registers an indelible impression upon it. Levi, The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ (Marina del Ray, CA: DeVorss & Co, 1907, p. 10.) What is the relationship between Religion and the Akashic Records? Being infinite in nature, the Akashic Record is available everywhere in its wholeness. Religious affiliation does not affect a person’s right to access the Record or to have their Records opened. It is open to all who seek it. The Record has no position on any particular religion. It neither endorses nor opposes any organized group. Participation in any religion is a personal matter. If you find religion supportive

for the elevation of your consciousness, then it is obviously good for you. As practitioners working within the Akashic Record, we recognize that religions have much good to offer. We also see that religion is not necessary for the growth of spiritual awareness. There are boundless ways to grow into the experience of Truth. Although “Akasha” and “Akashic” Records are Sanskrit terms, the Record is also known in the Judeo-Christian tradition as both “The Book of Life” and “The Book of God’s Remembrance.” You will find reference to the Record in many sacred texts. Is this “Energy Work”? Working in the Akashic Records through the Pathway Prayer Process© is a non-intrusive method of energy work. It is non-intrusive because we do not engage in the manipulation of energies through hands-on techniques, mental direction or otherwise. In this system, energy travels via the spoken word. As the truth is verbalized, related energies move, and the bondage of limited understanding is loosened. Possibilities for change become real and accessible.


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