17. UP BOARD OF REGENTS vs. LIGOT-TELAN G.R. No. 110280/Octobe 12! 1""# $. Ro%eo
Topic: Topic: Mandamus Doctrine: Mandamus is Mandamus is never issued in doubtful cases, a showing of a clear and certain right on the part of the petitioner being required. #8 It is of no avail avail agains againstt an ocial ocial or gover governme nment nt agency agency whose whose duty duty requi require res s the eercise of discretion or !udgment. F&cts' In an e"ort to ma#e the $niversity of the %hilippines &$.%.' truly the univ univer ersi sity ty of the the peop people le,, the the $.% $.%. admin adminis istr trat atio ion n conc concep eptu tual ali( i(ed ed and and imple impleme mente nted d the social sociali(e i(ed d schem scheme e of tuitio tuition n fee payme payments nts throug through h the )ociali(ed Tuition *ee and +ssistance %rogram &)T*+%', popularly #nown as the Is#o Is#olar lar ng -ayan -ayan progr program. am. +pplic +pplicant ants s are are requi require red d to accomp accomplis lish h a questionnaire where, where, among others, they state s tate the amount and source of the annual income of the family, their real and personal properties and special circumstances from which the $niversity may evaluate their nancial status and need on the basis of which they are categori(ed into brac#ets. brac#ets. +t the end the application form, the student applicant, as well as his parent, signs a sworn statement, ac#nowledging that $% may send a fact/nding team to visit their residence to verify the veracity of the information. +mong those who applied for )T*+% benets for )chool 0ear 1232/24 was 5adal &%rivate 6espondent/%6', a student enrolled in the 7ollege of 8aw. 8ater, $% conducted a home investigation at the residence of %6. *inding discrepancies between the report and 5adal9s application form &specically a car and the income income of his mother in $)' they present presented ed the matter matter to the Diliman 7ommittee on )cholarships and *inancial +ssistance. Decision of that committee would be elevated to %s.
+ccording to %s, %6s act tantamount to acts of dishonest, in violation of the 6ules and 6egulati 6egulations ons on )tudent 7onduct and Discipline Discipline and imposed imposed the penalty penalty of expulsion and reim reimbur bursen sentt all )T*+% )T*+% benet benets s he had receiv eceived. ed. This was nally amended to suspension suspension for one one &1' year year and non/issuanc non/issuance e of any certicate of good moral character during the suspension and;or as long as 5adal has not reimbursed the )T*+% benets he had received with 1owever, prior to the nal decision, there was March
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