CNBAP we get from statistic is a average value, so we need to multiply a coefficient (PAR) to get the peak value. PAR means peak to average rate, usually 1.6 to 2.
When the calculated CNBAP reached 60% of the CNBAP capacity, we need to suggest customer to extend the hardware.
CNBAP Of HREY0098 Is More Than 100 CNBAP/S In Busy Hours
HERY0098 current software version is V200R012C00SPC450, and configured 1 WMPT+2WBBP. So the CNBAP capacity of HREY0098 is 110 CNBAP/S.
Site HERY0098 CNBAP overload caused VS.RRC.Rej.RL.Fail. Suggest to extend 1 WBBP and update the software version to V200R013C00SPCxx0. 1 WMPT+3WBBP with software version V200R013C00SPCxx0 can support 175 CNBAP/S.
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