16 Tenses

May 18, 2019 | Author: dleeyaah | Category: Grammatical Tense, Perfect (Grammar), Verb, Style (Fiction), Linguistics
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16 Tenses + Rumus 1.PRESENT TENSES *R u m u s :   1) Positif (+) = S + V1(es/s) + O 2) Negatif (-) = S + Do/does + Not + V1 + O 3) Introgatif(?) = Do/does + S + V1 + O *E x a m p l e :   (+) He writes a letter every month (-) (-) He doesn’t writes a letter every month (?) Dors he writes a letter every month?

2.PAST TENSES *R u m u s :   Positif (+) : S+V2+O Negatif (-) : S+Did not+V2+O Introgatif (?): Did+S+V2+O *E x a m p l e :   (+) Sarah invite me last week (-) Sarah did not invite last week (?) Did Sarah invite last week?

3.PRESENT CONTINOUS TENSES *R u m u s :   1. Positif : S+V.ing+O 2. Negatif : S+do/does+not+V1+O 3. Introgatif : Do/does +S+V1+O *E x a m p l e :   (+) I am teaching English at the first grade of SMK 2 MEI (-) I am not teaching English at the first grade of SMK 2 MEI (?) Am I teaching Englidh at the first grade of SMK 2 MEI?


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*R u m u s : 1. Positif (+): S+was/were+vVing+O 2. Negatif (-): S+was/were+not+v.ing+o 3. introgatif (?): was/were+S+v.ing+o

*E x a m p l e : (+)The third year student were sitting behind the teacher’s now yesterday (-) (-) The third year student were not sitting behind the teacher’s now yesrterday (?) Were the third year student sitting behind the teacher’s now yesterday? 5.SIMPLE FUTURE TENSES *R u m u s : 1. Positif (+): S+shall+/will+V1+O 2. Negatif(-): S+shall/will+not+V1+O 3. Introgatif (?): Shall/will+S+V1+O *E x a m p l e : 1. (+) He will go to Pasir Panjang tomorrow morning (-) He will not go to Pasir Panjang tomorrow morning (?) Will he go to pasir Panjang tomorrow morning?

6.PAST FUTURE TENSES *R u m u s :   1. Positif (+): S+should/would+V1+O 2. Negatif (-): S+should/would+not+V1+O 3. Introgatif (?): Should/would+S+V1+O *E x a m p l e : (+) I should go to Mojosari next day (-) I should not go to Mojosari next day (?) Should I go to Mojosari next day? 7.PRESENT PERFECT TENSES *R u m u s :   1. Posituf (+) : S+have/has+V3+O

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(+) We have learned English for two years (-) We have not learned English for two years (?) Have we learned English for two years? 8.PAST PERFECT TENSES *R u m u s : 1. Positif (+): S+had+V3+O 2. Negatif (-): S+had not+V3+o 3. Intrigattif (?):Had+S+V3+O (?): Had+S+V3+O *E x a m p l e : (+) The train had left before I arrived (-) The train had not left before I arrived (?) Had the train left before I arrived? 9.FUTURE CONTINOUS TENSES *R u m u s : 1. Positif (+): S+shall/will+be+Ving+O 2. Negatif (-): S+shall/will+not+be+Ving+O 3. Introgatif (?): Shall/will+S+be+ving+O *E x a m p l e :   (+) I shall be waiting for you in this station at four (-) I shall not be waiting for you in this station at four (?) Shall I be waiting for you in this station at four? 10.PRESENT PERFECT CONTINOUS TENSES *R u m u s : 1. Positif (+): S+have/has+been+Ving+O 2. Negatif (-): S+have/has+not+been+Ving+O 3. Itrogatif (?): Have/has+S+been+Ving+O *E x a m p l e :   (+) I have been going to Pantai Samudra for my holiday since 2002 (-) I have not going to Painting Samudra for my holiday since 2002 (?) Have I going to Pantai Samudra for my holiday since 2002? 11.PAST PERFECT CONTINOUS TENSES

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*E x a m p l e : (+) Dodi had been looking for the girl for a year before he applied her (-) Dodi had not been looking for the girl for a year before heapplied her (?) Had Dodi been looking for the girl for a year before he applied her? 12.FUTURE PERFECT TENSES *R u m u s : 1. Positif (+): S+will/shall+have+V3+O 2. negatif (-) : S+will/shall+not+have+V3+O 3. Introgatif (?): Will/shall+S+have+V3+O *E x a m p l e : (+) She will have written his lesson by time he go out (-) She will not have written his lesson by time he go out (?) Will she have written his lesson by time he go out? 13.FUTURE PERFECT CONTINOUS TENSES *R u m u s : 1. Positif (+): S+shall/will+have+been+Ving+O 2. Negatif (-): S+shall+will+not+have+been+Ving+O 3. Introgatif (?):Shall/will+S+have+been+Ving+O (?): Shall/will+S+have+been+Ving+O *E x a m p l e : (+) I shall have been writing a letter at this time tomorrow (-) I shall not have been writing a letter at this time tomorrow (?) Shall I have been writing a letter at this time tomorrow? 14.FUTURE PAST CONTINOUS TENSES *R u m u s : 1. Positif (+): S+should/would+be+Ving+O 2. Negatif (-): S+should/would+not+be+V.ing+O 3. Introgatif (?): Should/would+S+be+V.ing+O *E x a m p l e : (+) I should be finishing this home work at this time following week (-) I should not be finishing this home work at this time following week (?) Should I be finishing this home work at this time following week?

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2. Negatif (-): S+should/would+not+have+V2+O 3. Introgatif (?): Should/would+S+not+have+V2+O *E x a m p l e : (+) I should have paif if I had come here (-) I should not have paif if I had come here (?) Should I have paif if I had come here? 16.FUTURE PAST PERFECT CONTINOUS TENSES *R u m u s : 1. Positif (+): S+should/would+have+been+V.ing+O 2. Negatif (-): S+should/would+not+have+been+V.ing+O 3. Inttrogatif (?): Should/would+S+have+been+V.ing+O *E x a m p l e : (+) By last Febuary I should have been working this restaurant for one year (-) By last Febuary I should not have been working this restaurant for one year (?) should by last Febuary I have been working this restaurant for one year?


Berikut 16 rumus tenses bahasa Inggris tersebut: JENIS TENSES



RUMUS TENSES Verbal Non- Verbal (Nominal)

Simple present tense Present continuous tense Present perfect tense

S + V(s/es) + O/Adv

S + tobe + Adj/Adv

S + Tobe + Ving + O/Adv

S + tobe + being + Adj/Adv

S + Have/Has + V3 + O/Adv

Present perfect continuous tense

S + Have/Has + been + Ving + O/Adv

S + Have/Has + been + Adj/Adv S + Have/has + been + being + Adj/Adv

Simple past tense Past continuous tense

S + V2 + O/Adv

S + Was/Were + Adj/Adv

S + Was/were + Ving + O/Adv

Past perfect tense

S + Had + V3 + O/Adv

S + Was/Were + being + Adj/Adv S + Had + been + Adj/Adv

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Future continuous tense Future perfect tense

S + Will + be + Ving + O/Adv

S + Will + be + being + Adj/Adv

S + Will + Have + V3 + O/Adv

Future perfect continuous tense

S + Will + Have + been + Ving + O/Adv

S + Will + Have + been + Adj/Adv S + Will + Have + been + being + Adj/Adv

Simple past future tense

S + Would + V1 + O/Adv

S + Would + Be + Adj/Adv

Past future continuous tense Past future perfect tense

S + Would + Be +Ving + O/Adv

S + Would + Be +being + Adj/Adv

S + Would + Have +V3 + O/Adv

Past future perfect continuous tense

S + Would + Have + been + Ving + O/Adv

S + Would + Have + Been + Adj/Adv S + Would + Have + been + being + Adj/Adv

 Note: 1. Untuk tenses FUTURE dan PAST FUTURE ( Yang non verbal) mungkin sangat aneh jika digunakan kedalam kalimat, karena walaupun ada, tenses tersebut jarang sekali digunakan dalam percakapan sehari –  hari.  hari. 2. Untuk PAST FUTURE, Apapun subject nya, harus tetap menggunakan HAVE. Kurang lebih dimikian tentang rumus tenses yang digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Jika anda masih ada yang kurang paham tentang apa yang telah saya paparkan, silahkan tinggalkan komentar. 2. Cara yang mudah dalam menghafalakan ke 16 rumus tenses tersebut.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Pertama kita harus hafal terlebih dahulu Nama nama 16 tenses tersebut, lalu kita lanjutkan menghafalkan rumusnya. Untuk bagaimana mengingat nama nama semua tenses tersebut, sudah  pernah saya jelaskan dalam postingan po stingan sebelumnya. silahkan anda lihat disini disini.. Lalu sekarang kita akan mempelajari bagaimana cara mengingat rumusnya. Disini saya akan menjelaskan secara  poin –   poin –  poin,  poin, agar lebih mudah difahami. Ciri ciri kaimat verbal adalah menggunakan VERB dan Object Sebaliknya, ciri ciri kalimat non verbal adalah TOBE dan adjective. To be disini diasumsikan sebagai (am, is, are), atau bentuk satu. Ciri cirri kalimat continuous adalah “TO BE + Ving”. (am, is , are, untuk present. Was were untuk Past. Dan been untuk perfect continuous. Ciri ciri kalimat perfect adalah “HAVE/HAS/HAD + V3”. (Ket: Have untuk Present, Had untuk Past) Ciri cirri dari kalimat PERFECT CONTINUOUS ADALAH “Have/Had + Been + Ving”. Ciri cirri kalimat future adalah Will. Ciri ciri kalimat Past Future adalah WOULD.  Note: Pastikan anda hafal semua ciri ciri tersebut.

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NOUN /naun/ (Kata benda)

Contoh : Book, dress, soap, pencil, hair, camera dll. 2.

VERB /ve:b/ (Kata kerja)

Contoh: Write, run, take, give, jumb, hit, beat, cut dll. 3.

ADJECTIVE /edjektif/ (Kata sifat)

Contoh: Big, long, beautiful, smart, clever, fast, slow, strong dll. 4.

PRONOUN/pronoun/ (Kata ganti)

Contoh: I, you, they, we, he, she, it, that, this dll 5.

PREPOSITION /preposisyen/ (Kata depan)

Contoh: At, on, in, of, for dll 6.

INTERJECTION /interjeksyen/ (Kata seru)

Contoh: Good!, excellent!, Go! , Come here! dll 7.

CONJUNCTION /kenjangsyen/ (Kata hubung/ kata sambung)

Contoh: Before, Because, after, if, although, however, unless dll 8.

ADVERB /edve:b/ (Kata keterangan)

Contoh: Early, slowly, truthfully, really, properly, dll.

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