Interference Management in LTE *TE s(stem pro/ies orthogonal resources allocation in the #requenc( omain +hich ena'les #requenc( omain multi user i/ersit( gain *TE supports /arious techniques to mitigate inter cell inter#erence 3 DOW LI!
Fractional $o+er !ontrol -esources Allocation – higher -:s at !ell center an *o+er -:s at !ell Ege $;!, – cell speci4c s(m'ol le/el c(clic shi#t hopping is applie < Each $;!!, -: is mappe to 'oth eges o# the s(stem 'an+ith to achie/e a chie/e #requenc( #requenc( i/ersit( "nepenent inter#erence management techniques lie po+er control can 'e applie to control an ata channels
e &c ng ayer O'er(ea%s
An( part o# the time #requenc( transmission resources not irectl( use #or ata transmission constitutes an o/erhea -equire to minimi7e these o/erheas +hile achie/ing high s(stem per#ormance an >e?i'ilit( O/erheas are @uar 'ans6 the OFDM !$6 -S an !ontrol !hannels The percentage o/erhea increases +ith num'er o# transmit antennas ue to higher -S o/erhea Thus the @ain #rom M"8O has to oset this increase o/erhea
channel estimation #or coherent etection $ort 0 an 1 ha/e #our -S per -: $ort 2 an ha/e t+o -S per -: to reuce o/erheas E/er( si? su'carriers ha/e one -: Ghen one antenna raiate -S6 other eep quiet so that ;E can measure one -S at an( time !ell Speci4c Frequenc( Shi#t is applie up to si? cells to reuce inter
Contro* C(anne*s
#DCC Each $D!!, carries a message no+n as D!" Do+n *in !ontrol "n#ormation +hich contains resource assignments an other control in#ormation #or a ;E or a group o# ;Es Each $D!!, is transmitte using one o# more !!Es !ontrol !hannel Elements +hich each !!E correspons to nine -E@s – Four .$SH s(m'ols are mappe to each -E@ Four $D!!, Formats are supporte as uner The num'er o# !!Es are aggregate as per !hannel !onitions – one !!E ma( 'e suIcient in goo -F conitions +hile eight !!Es ma( 'e require at !ell Ege
DCI Formats
Dierent D!" Formats are use as per s(stem eplo(ment to transmit onl( rele/ant in#ormation – #or e?ample i# M"MO is not use6 there is no nee to signal parameters neee onl( #or M"MO transmission
an Signa*s
ync ron 3a on
E)amp*e of O'er(ea%s + TDD
E?ample o# $ercentage O/erhea #or *TE TDD uplin o/er a 10 ms raio #rame #or a 10 M,7 s(stem 'an+ith
"p Lin $eference Signa*s De Moulation -S %DM -S) associate +ith $;S!, an J or $;!!, – use #or channel estimation #or coherent etection Souning -S S-S – not associate +ith uplin ata or control an primaril( use #or channel qualit( etermination to ena'le #requenc( selecti/e scheuling on the uplin The DM-S occup( the same -: as $;S!, J $;!!, The S-S are transmitte on the last S! FDMA s(m'ol in the con4gure su' #rame The S-S an DM -S are locate in ierent S! FDMA s(m'ols $;S!, ata transmission is not permitte on the S! FDMA s(m'ol esignate #or S-S The e8: ma( either request an ini/iual S-S transmission #rom a ;E or con4gure a ;E to transmit S-S perioicall( "# perioic S-S transmission are con4gure #or a ;E6 the perioicit( ma( 'e 2656106206=06B0610 or 20 ms
emo & a on $eference Signa*s The DM-S are pro/ie #or channel estimation
The DM-S occupies the #ourth S! FDMA s(m'ol #or normal !$
The DM-S occupies the thir S! FDMA s(m'ol in case o# e?tene !$
S$S So&n%ing $eference Signa*s
S$S -an%i%t( 6for 40+70 $-s8
Capacity Dimensioning
E?ample to con/ert cell throughput /alues into ma?imum num'er o# 'roa'an su'scri'ers
TraIc &olume :ase Approach 3 estimates the ma?imum traIc /olume in @iga :(tes that can 'e carrie '( *TE 20 M,7 +ith gi/en spectral eIcienc( an 2?2 M"MO
Data -ate :ase Approach – the :us( ,our *oaing is assume to carr( 15K o# the ail( traIc an :us( ,our A/erage *oaing is 50K<
S&.scri.ers #er Site
5 M'psC50K J %1J20)C L5 M'psJB12C00C50K
pec a & rame Con/g&rations
T-S :s MCS :s $-s
Transport -*oc Si3e 6T-S8 !F" -: num -E num per ms -E num per secon T: Si7e in :its $er ms B= OFDM S(m'ols ? 2 1B S(m'ols !-S = per -: per Antenna $ort +hich means B per Antenna $ort per Time Slot or 1 per ms !ontrol S(m'ols 12 containing #our -S positions Data OFDM S(m'ols 1B313%123=)
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