154024558 Ten Djinn Rituals

April 28, 2017 | Author: tawhide_islamic | Category: N/A
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#Jinn Rituals Introduction The Rituals given here are of great secrets of occult knowledge received from di fferent Sufi Tariqats and mostly from the Qalandar Tariqat which can not be foun d anywhere and are very valuable. We trust that the people using the rituals are mature and will not use these rit uals for any negative purposes; the rituals given are for knowledge sake but are very valuable for the spiritual practitioners. We do say that any one can apply these rituals and one does not have to be Musli m as the way of opening these rituals can be only done if one has a pure heart a nd leads a pious life. Some part of these knowledge and rituals can be opened by those who have experie nce on the spiritual path, The Taweez that are given one needs to be pure and cl ean before writing them one should approach all rituals with care and respect to write the Taweez one needs to make the ink which can be made by mixing Saffron and rose water or red dye used in rice. One need to remember that the practitioner has a greater chance of success if on e is already on the spiritual path and prays five times a day and rituals should be done in a quiet, secluded room on the prayer mat. For these rituals to work one must be in a vegetarian fast as it helps to clean ones inner self and for success in these rituals it is important that ones cloth e should be clean and white should be worn. The food during the ritual should be vegetarian with no animal products to be co nsumed; the room should be clean, empty and dark with no light penetrating in. The ritual should always be done facing the Kabba and the wazeefa should always be read to precise number no less no more. Sleep should be little and one must not talk to anyone during the ritual, one sh ould also always be in a state of purification and be sincere and always pray th e ritual 5 times a day prayer to Allah. One should remember that the Hisar (Protective Circle) should be big the length should be to ones height. For these rituals to work one must be on the spiritual path as well as being cle an from the heart, as we do not take responsibility for any one that does these rituals blindly and without some kind of knowledge of Jinn s I have though place these rituals purely for knowledge sake and for interests on ly, again one who carries out these ritual will be solely responsible for their action. Jinn Ritual 1 To do this ritual one must be a secluded place (empty room) and for 41 days one must recite this wazeefa below for 707 times. During the ritual one must be in a state of purity (ablution) and have a vegetarian fast and have clean clothes. The ritual must be done at the same time every day and the ritual must start on the fourth Tuesday of the Monday, one must sit in a Hisar (protective circle) an d have a pot of water inside the circle. One must use incense from the east (gogal), one will start to see scary things a round the circle one must ignore it and stay silent and not be scared. On the last day the jinn s will appear one must make them promise by the name of H azrat Suleiman so that they will do whatever you say and will not harm. One must order the jinn s to carry out good things and not any bad things otherwise there will be consequences and one can be harmed. The Wazeefa ÈÓã Çááª Ç áÑó Íãä Ç áÑó Íöیã ÍÊóیö Ïö ۡیäٰٰٰۡõõ ÈöÝóÖöõá æó ãó Ñó ãö ó æó Ç Óõ BISMILLAH IRAHMAN RAHEEM HATA DEENOKA BEFAD LIKA WA MAKARA MIKA WAS NO KA BE ANFOSANA BE AL HASANA BE AL HASANA S A LAKH SANA SA LAKH SANA MAN KASANA MAN KASANA MAN KASANA SA NA NA NA SA NA NA NA SA NA NA NA TA NA NA NA TA NA NA NA TA NA NA AIE ZA HUM AZAMTO ALAIKUM YA MASHARAL J


Jinn Ritual 2 To do this ritual one must recite for 50,000 times this wazeefa below and this r itual is for 41 days one must be in a vegetarian fast and in a Hisar (protective circle). This is to be done at night and in a quiet secluded room it should be empty apar t from a prayer mat and red clothing that one must wear also incense should be u sed from the east (gogal). In the ritual certain things will appear and one must not be scared and on the l ast day the Jinn s will appear and promise should be made with them with the name of Hazrat Suleiman. The Jinn s will be under your command and will carry out your orders in seconds. One must use Jinn s for good otherwise there are consequences. ÈÓã Çááª Ç áÑó Íãä Ç áÑó Íöیã Çõ ÍۡÔóÑõ æۡ Ç یóÇ Çó ÕۡÍóÇ ÈóÇ Ç áۡÌöäó æó Ç áÇۡö ä° BISMILLAH IRAHMAN RAHEEM OHSHAROO YA ASHABAL JINNA WAL INSI WA SHYATEENE WAL HOSERU WA WAL WASWASE MIN JA N EBIL MASHRIQ E WAL MAGHRIB E WAL JA NUBE WAL SHIMALI BEHAQE KHATAM O HAZRAT SULIEM AN E IBN DAWOOD ALAIHI SALAM O WA BEHAQE LA ILAHA ILALAH MUHAMMAD AR RASOOLALLAH Jinn Ritual 3 This ritual is for 40 days and should be done in a jungle or in a secluded room after Isha (Night Prayer) one must be in a vegetarian fast and wearing clean whi te clothes sit inside a Hisar (Protective Circle). This Wazeefa below should be read 505 times many things will try to scare you bu t one should not be afraid and must stay calm and not speak even if one is calle d, On the last day the Jinn s will appear and one should make them promise by the holy name of Hazrat Suleiman that they will be under your command and will not h arm you. These Jinn s will carry out your command in seconds and will stay under your comma nd. ÈÓã Çááª Ç áÑó Íãä Ç áÑó Íöیã ÈóªóÇ Ñöö ÈóªóÇ Ñöö ãóÇ öö ãóÇ áöö Çó áóیۡ ó Çó ãöÑۡõ ÊóÍÈۡیõ 648; ãõÍãÏõ Ñۡ Óۡæ áۡõ Çá᪠ﷺ Õá Çá᪠Úáیæ Óáã BISMILLAH IRAHMAN IRAHEEM BAHARIN BAHARIN MAKIN MALIN ALAIKA AMIRUN TAHBIYO JASIN BEE RE KE ARAMINA MAINA MAINA WA BEHAQE LA ILAHA ILALAH MUHAMMAD AR RASOOLALLAH SALLALLAH ALAHI WASALAM

Jinn Ritual 4 This ritual is for 41 days and should be done in a secluded mosque next to a gra veyard and alone (no one should be in the mosque) this ritual should be done at 12.00 at night, First start by making a Hisar (Protective Circle) and the wazeef a should be read for 141 times with incense (Gogal). One should be brave and not be scared as many things will start to appear one sh ould also light a lamp inside the circle. On the last day the Jinn King will app ear after greeting him ask him for some Jinn s from his group and ask him to promi se by the name of Hazrat Suleiman, After that the Jinn s will appear and will be a lways under your command, do not ask the Jinn s to do bad or they will harm you. ÈÓã Çááª Ç áÑó Íãä Ç áÑó Íöیã ÚóÒó ãۡÊ Úóóáóیۡ õã æó Çó ÞۡÓóۡãÊõ Úóáóیۡ õۡã 61;ÓóóÇ ÇóáۡÓóóÇ ÈóáۡÓóóÇ ÈóáۡÓóóÇ ãóáۡÓóóÇ ãóáۡÓóóÇ Øóáۡ BISMILLAH IRAHMAN RAHEEM AZAMTO ALAIKUM WA AKSAMTO ALAIKUM YA MA SHARAL JINNI WAL INSI ASHABUL ARWAHE FATAH UNA JALEEKA ALLAHUMMA SWANKAN SWANKAN ALSAN ALSAN BALSAN BALSAN MALSAN MALSAN TW ALSAN TWALSAN SOODADUN SOODADUN KAALUN KAALUN MAALUN MAALUN SAALUN SAALUN HADIRU N HADIRUN SHAIKHUN SHAIKUN SADYAN SADYAN BEHAQI SULIEMAN IBN DAWOOD ALAIHI SALAM HAZAR SHOO HAZAR SHOO

Jinn Ritual 5

This Ritual is to be done on the fourth Thursday in the graveyard at night after Isha (Night Prayer) and no one should be around one must make a hole in the gro und and sit inside and recite the Wazeefa below, This ritual is to be done for 4 0 days after 40 days the Jinn s will appear in the palm of your hand. For the Jinn s to stay under your command one must tell the Jinn s to promise by the name of Ha zrat Suleiman. ÈÓã Çááª Ç áÑó Íãä Ç áÑó Íöیã ÚóÒó ãۡÊ Úóóáóیۡ õã æó Çó ÞۡÓóۡãÊõ ãóáۡ Çó äó ÓõáۡØ BISMILLAH IRAHMAN RAHEEM AZAMTO ALAIKUM WA AKSAMTO MALKAN SULTAN NIL JINNI WAL INSI RUHDARU MIN JANEBIL M ASHRIQ E WAL MAGHRIB E WAL JANUB E WAL SHAMALI BEHAQI KHATAM SULIEMAN E IBN DAWO OD ALAHI SALAM WA BE HAQE LA ILAHA ILALAH MUHAMMAD AR RASOOLALLAH

Jinn Ritual 6 This Ritual is to be done for 40 days and the Wazeefa is to be recited for 1140 times, this should be done at night after Isha (Night Prayer) in a quiet, clean, secluded room and incense from the east should be used (gogal). One should have a vegetarian fast and wear clean white clothes and be in a state of purity, alw ays start the ritual every day by having a shower and then make a Hisar (protect ive circle). The Jinn s will try to scare you but one must be firm and brave and carry on with the recitations one must always stay in the circle and not go out on the last da y the Jinn s will appear and after making them to vow by the name of Hazrat Suleim an the Jinn s will then be under your control. ÈÓã Çááª Ç áÑó Íãä Ç áÑó Íöیã ÚóÒó ãۡÊ Úóóáóیۡ õã Çó ÌóÈۡ یóÇ ãõæ ãóÇ ªیá یóÇ Úóã ;áÍóÇ ÖöÑóÇ Êö ÈöÍóÞö Ýóªõæۡ Ôö äóóÓۡöáۡیÞóÇ ÍóÑó äõæۡ Ôö ÍööÑó BISMILLAH IRAHMAN RAHEEM AZAMTO ALAIKUM AJIB YA MUHMAHIL YA AMAQEEL YA TAQTAHEEL YA SAHEELA AQSAMTU ALAIK UM AHDARU WAL MUSAKHIRATE USTADIL HADWRATE BEHAQI FAHUSHIN NASLEEKA HARA NUUSHIN HIRA FUUSHIN HARUSHIN YA MASHARIL JINNI WAL ARWAHE WA SHAYATEENE UHDWARU MIN JA NIBIL MASHRIQ E WAL MAGHRIB E UHDWARU MIN JANIBIL JANUUB E WAL SHIMAL E UHDWARU YA FATAH ALA HAZAR SHOO BEHAQ E LA ILAHA ILALAH MUHAMMAD AR RASOOLALLAH

Jinn Ritual 7 This ritual is to be done while secluded in a mosque at night alone at 12.00 thi s ritual is for 40 days and the wazeefa is to be recited 50,000 times every day the ritual is to be done at the exact time, incense should also be burned and ma king a Hisar (protective circle). On the last day 3 Jinn s will appear for them to stay under your control one must ask them to promise by the name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Before the Jinn s go one must ask for a certain way for calling them again and the y will give you a stone, or Hair each time one puts the item next to the fire th ey will appear and will do all work in seconds. ÈÓã Çááª Ç áÑó Íãä Ç áÑó Íöیã ÚóÒó ãۡÊ Úóóáóیۡ õã æó Çó ÞۡÓóۡãÊõ Úóáóیۡ õۡã BISMILLAH IRAHMAN RAHEEM AZAMTU ALAIKUM WA AKSAMTU ALAIKUM YA ABDUL SAMAD O AL RAHMAN O YA ABDUL WAHID O HAZAR SHOO HAZAR SHOO HAZAR SHOO BEHAQ E LA ILAHA ILALAH MUHAMMAD AR RASOOLALLAH Jinn Ritual 8 This one day ritual is most effective one must be secluded in a clean, quiet, se cluded room and recite the Quran Verse Surah Jinn for 700 times the recitation s hould be completed in one day and one must use incense from the east (gogal). Also one needs to wear clean white clothes and make a Hisar (protective circle) this ritual should be done on a Thursday After completing the ritual a Jinn will be ready to serve you after the Jinn pro

mises by the name of Hazrat Suleiman. Ritual 9 How to call a Jinn using a child as a Medium This Ritual calls the king of Jinn s Lal Shah Jinn who appears through the medium of a young child, This Ritual should start on 4th Thursday and after having a sh ower one should use oud , barada, sandal, kafur, loung, and mix these fragrances together and use the fragrance when reciting. One should get the a lamp and put in front of oneself and recite the Wazeefa bel ow for 125,000 times one can finish the recitation in more then 1 day, always re cite 11 times darood Shareef before and after the recitations. During the Recita tion one must be in a Vegetarian fast and the recitation should be done at night . When one needs to call a Jinn then one should write this Naqsh and tell the Chil d to look at the Naqsh the child will then see the Jinn King, One should then as k questions and one will get reply through the child. Behind the Naqsh one shoul d have the lamp One should remember to speak with respect and to greet with salaam first, the ch ild must be under puberty ÈÓã Çááª Ç áÑó Íãä Ç áÑó Íöیã ÚÒãÇÊ Úáی ã ãÔÑ ãÍÊÑã ÈیÑ ÎÇÖÑöö ãÈیä ÛÌá ÝæÌ Ç Ûیäی Çæá ÈÇÏÔÇ BISMILLAH IRAHMAN IRAHEEM AZMAT ALAIKUM MAA SHARUL MOTIRUM KABEER HAZAR MUBEEN GHAJAL FAWJ GHAYNI AWAL BADSH AH SHAZADA LAL IBN YA BADSHAH YAKTANUUUSE BADSHAH AMEER ALHARB SAHAWAN HAZAR SHO O HAZAR SHOO HAZAR SHOO ۷۵۱ ۷۵۲ ۷۵۷ ۲& #1779;۳ ۷۵۶ ۷۳۵ ۷۵۰ ۷& #1781;۵ ۷۳۶ ۔ ۷۵۶ ۷۲۹ Á ۲۹ Á ۲۹ Á ۲۹ ۷۵۸

Ritual 10 To call Hazrat Khizr through the medium of a child in one day To do this Ritual and to be able to communicate with Hazrat Khizr one should hav e seven colours of rice and nice smelling flowers and send as a gift to Hazrat K hizr by reciting Surah Fatiha. Then one should get a pot full of water and put P atashe (Popadoms) in it. After that one should write the Naqsh below on the child nails 18 times on the t humb and recite the Wird below for 18 times, get the child to look at the Naqsh. Hazrat Khizr will then appear and one can speak and talk via the child. Note: One should be clean as well as the child; This Ritual becomes easier for o ne to befriend Jinn s and to open the spiritual realm. ÈÓã Çááª Ç áÑó Íãä Ç áÑó Íöیã Çæ ÎÖÑ ÌÇæ ÎÖÑ ªیÑ ªÇ Ñ áÇæ ÎÖÑ ÌáÏ ÍÇ ÖÑ ä BISMILLAH IRAHMAN IRAHEEM AW KHIZR JO KHIZR GHAER GHAR LOW KHIZR JALD HAZAR KUN ۷۸۶ ۷ ۲ ۹ ۸ ۶ ۴ ۳ ۱۰ ۵

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