
December 7, 2017 | Author: zakibrant23 | Category: Software, Databases, Business Process, Technology, Computing
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Halapitan SDA Elementary School Enrollment System Clint Lee Van J. Cretecio Rhod R. Duhaylungsod Charline Joy R. Forton Princess J ober P. Ordenario A Project documentation submitted to the faculty of STI Education Center â


1.0 Introduction This generation is intensely attached with technology. Almost every thing can be done with technology. Technology for the users provides good consolation and comfort. Many await the enrollment schedule of the school they are studying in. During enroll ment time they begin to rush and flock to school as early as possible. Vacations are cut short, young ones are sometimes abruptly separated from the security an d comfort of home and family just to be able to study in a good school, relaxati on and leisure quickly put to an end that give way to the serious pursuit of stu dy. The technology today plays a very important role in our society. It lessens error of work by using machines. It makes us work easier and faster and reduces costs to an organization from paper works up to computerized working system. Man y manual transactions can be computerized by using software applications or comp uter systems to make work easier. Nowadays, computer based system is commonly us ed by every company and institution and one of this is Computerized Enrollment S ystem. Computerized Enrollment System serves as a vital part of a school for eas y and convenient way of enrolling a student. The latest Student Enrollment Syste ms include features such as computerized registration forms, enrollment forms an d safer data keeping. Almost all aspect of the industry prefers computerized sys tems because of its greater offers and services. The system is now greatly recog nized. Furthermore, the demand for better Student Enrollment Systems also increa ses.

1.1 Background of the Study Information systems are distinct from information techno logy in that an information system is typically seen as having an Information and Communication Technology c omponent. Information systems help to control he performance of business process es. An information system is a work system whose activities are devoted to proce ssing (capturing, transmitting, storing, retrieving, manipulating and displaying ) information. Enrollment system is the must have system in a school. When a stu dent is enrolling for a specific course the school requires all the necessary in formation of the student. When the school retrieves the important information fr om the student, the encoder now should input the details of the student in the e nrollment system. In the enrollment system, the school can trace what are the st andings of the students. The data of the student are inserted in the enrollment system it includes payment, subjects, section, subject rooms, etc. Lack of enrol lment system in a school it can lead to chaos and troubles, the students will be confuse on what they should do and how they will do to be able to enroll. It is extremely useful in the school in the way of making the processes of enrolling much easy. Halapitan SDA Elementary School is privately managed. But, their enro llment system on the said school is still in manual. The manual enrollment syste m was too slow and too difficult for the school to manage thousands of records o f the students and at the same time, it is too difficult for the student to wait and stand for a long time just to be enrolled because of their manual process. The purpose of this case study is to update the manual process into an automated system, which is easy to perform any transactions on their business.

1.2 Statement of the Objectives Identifying the mechanics that makes up a good a nd efficient Student Enrollment System. Obtaining a system that is fully equippe d with reliable database. A system that is well organized and user-friendly. Ide ntifying the advantages, disadvantages and risks that is encountered by the whol e system. And identifying the possible errors and their proposed solutions. 1.2. 1 General Objective To come up with a functional enrollment system that will all ow users to submit forms such as the registration, payment and enrollment forms in the comforts of the in house facility and also allow the administrators to ke ep track and maintain information about the data that was gathered from the subm itted forms. To identify the purpose of the system and to run a system that is e fficient and reliable to both administrators and users. 1.2.2 Specific Objective s â ¢ To produce a report that contains the lists of those currently enrolled and regi stered students; â ¢ To store collected information from the students and those entere d by the administrator; â ¢ To update and/or modify information that stored; â ¢ To view ent ries and names of registered and enrolled students; â ¢ To search specific information of student names; and â ¢ To view lists from Current Students and Registered Students .

1.3 Significance of the Study The study is significant for the innovation of man ual ways of registration and enrollment to a higher-end technology. It is signif icant to the registrars, faculty and students of the institution that will use t he system. It provides a clear definition of its functions. The study will defin e the advantages with the use of the proposed system. It will identify new possi bilities that may help ease workloads. It will serve as an instrument to gather more people to recognize and use such system. 1.4 Scope and Delimitation of the Study 1.4.1 Scope of the System The system includes a computerized registration and enrollment. It allows users to fill in the form and submit. It allows the ad ministrator side to retrieve information. It can severely reduce the amount of d uplicate effort required for enrolled students. It also allow users to view whet her their information has been passed. 1.4.2 Delimitation of the System It limit s to store the data of the students (First name, Last name, Middle initial, and section).The use of the system is limited to school registrar only, status of th e pupils (grade level, unpaid accounts), and print related reports. The system i s not web based. It cannot be altered or modified by the users. It cannot show t he results instantly to users. Users may not remove or delete the information on ce theyâ ve been registered.

2.0 Methodology of the Study 2.0.1 Waterfall Process Model P r o je c t P la n n in g P h a s e A n a ly s is P h a s e D e s ig n Pe h a s Im p le m e n t a t io n P h a s e Often considered the classic approach to the systems development life The waterf all model describes a development method that is linear and sequential. model is based on the metaphor that when one phase was finished, the development proceed s to the next phase with no turning back. cycle. This 2.0.2 Phase 1: Planning The researchers started by determining the appropriate t opic. The researchers decided on the enrollment system considering the necessiti es of the society. The group researched to be able to create relevant questions. They prepared 16 questions that will be used for the interview. The researchers conducted interview to our respondent last August 3, 2012 at Halapitan SDA Elem entary School. The rest of the information was gathered from other resources suc h as the web and books.

2.0.3 Phase 2: Analysis The researchers have prepared an interview with a propon ent. The interview served as the basis for the creation of the function of the s ystem. The researchers planned to gather enough information and skills in buildi ng and creating good databases and well-organized facade or interface. All relev ant information has been gathered, the researchers decide to collect the softwar e and resources needed to build the system. The researchers settled to use Visua l Basic6.0 and Microsoft Access. 2.0.4 Phase 3: Design All function features of the system chosen for analysis are described independently in any computer platf orm. This time the group proceed to design the system on how the user and the de veloper, develop understanding on how the system will operate. Also designing th e terms and reports and some databases needed and in this stage we finalize the software and hardware design. 2.0.4 Phase 4: Implementation The information is c oded, tested, installed and supported in the organization. Then this phase the g roup starts writing the code of the program that makes the system work. Testing the entire system in order implemented to the business. 3.0 Data Gathering Proce dure and Output to find and correct error. The system will then be

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