15 API 570 - Open Book Mockup Exam Final

June 10, 2018 | Author: Michael Albuquerque | Category: Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Welding, Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Building Engineering
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API 570 Authorized Piping Inspector Preparatory Program

* Open Book Mockup Examination Examin ation * Instructions : Refer Applicable ASME/API documents.


The following data is presented for a class 2 pipe, Thickness = 0.36 inch (after inspection) Corrosion rate = 10 mp !emaining life = 16 ears "hen is the ne#t thickness meas$rement inspection d$e% 1. 2. 3. .


-lea -lease se calc calc$l $lat ate e remai remaini ning ng cor corro rosi sion on allo allowa wanc nce e for pipi piping ng in $e $est stio ion n1 a+oe. 1. 2. 3. .


10 ears ' ears  ears none of the a+oe

The pip pipe in .1 .1 a+o a+oe has has an ins ins$lated are area of 200 200 s/. s/. ft. ft., which is e#pos e#posed ed to s$sce s$scepti pti+le +le temper temperat$ at$re re and and mist mist spra spra of coolin cooling g tower tower..  &ccording to &- 0, how m$ch of minim$m area is recommended for  *T s$re for C d$ring e#ternal inspection% 1. 2. 3. .


0.20 inch 0.2' inch 0.12 inch 0.16 inch

"hen wi will +e +e th the ne ne#t in inspection sc sched$le fr from no now on on fo for   e#ternal inspection for pipe in .1% 2. 3. . .


&fter ' ears &fter  ears &fter 10 ears *one of the a+oe

100 s/$are feet 0 s/$are feet 66 s/$are feet 10 s/$are feet

& -! -! is is to +e +e /$al /$alif ifie ied d $sin $sing g 4' 4' inch inch thi thick ck tes testt co$p co$pon on.. t can can /$a /$ali lif f thickness5 1. 2. 3. .

14' to 1714 1416 to 4' 1416 to 1714 *one of the a+oe

(&-7078ock$p79:) 2410 6.

The recommended minim$m deelopment time (-enetrant Testing) allowed for a material made of high temperat$re allo is5 1. 2. 3. .


& radiograph was haing densit on the ( witho$t shim) e/$al to 3.0. ;ence the accepta+le densit range of the radiograph is5 1. 2. 3. .


10 ear interal  ear interal 3 ear interal *one of the a+oe

or a certain *at$ral gas piping sstem, which is in operation for 16 ears, it is estimated that it has remaining life of 12 ears. Considering the stip$lation of &- 0, which of the following will determine ma#im$m interal for ne#t proposed date for thickness meas$rement e#amination and is$al e#amination% 1. 2. 3. .


1. to  2. to 3.< 2.0 to .0 *one of the a+oe

or piping +$ried in soil with resistiit of 0007ohm cm and not cathodicall protected, eal$ations of pipe thickness sho$ld +e performed at5 1. 2. 3. .

8? :31.3% 1. 2. 3. .

f the incomplete penetration is greater than 1 mm, re@ect. f the incomplete penetration is more than 1 mm +$t still less than 0.2 times pipe thickness, accept. epends on opinion of inspector  !adiograph again and then decide on acceptance.

(&-7078ock$p79:) 3410 11.

Ao$ are planning for the ;dro7test of a piping with ;dro test press$re 0Bg4cm2g. The cali+rated test ga$ges aaila+le with o$ are 070 Bg4cm2g, 07100 Bg4cm2g, 1710 Bg4cm2g and 07200 Bg4cm2g. "hich two ga$ges are accepta+le for this test% 1. 2. 3. .


"hat wo$ld o$ e#pect to happen if o$ were taking T readings on piping that was operated higher than 200 degrees % 1. 2. 3. .


>et & >et : >et C >et 

The doc$ment referenced in &- 0 for determining Dfitness for serice of piping sstem is5 1. 2. 3. .


The thickness readings co$ld +e lower. The thickness readings wo$ld not +e infl$enced. The thickness readings co$ld +e a+o$t 1 higher for each 100 degrees  rise of temperat$re. The thickness readings ma +e higher or lower depending on co$plant.

& welded part is to +e radiographed and is 1 thick, with 14' reinforcement. "hat &>T8 wire set  sho$ld +e $sed on these radiographs if a so$rce side techni/$e is $sed% 1. 2. 3. .


07100 Bg4cm2g and 0710 Bg4cm2g 070 Bg4cm2g and 07100 Bg4cm2g 07100 Bg4cm2g and 07200 Bg4cm2g 070 Bg4cm2g and 07200 Bg4cm2g

&- < &-  &>8? : 31.1 *one of the a+oe

$ring impact testing of & 106 Er : (eo#idised) and &3 Er: pipes (non7deo#idised), following a+sor+ed energ al$es in ft7l+ were o+sered  & 106 Er : 5 12., 13. , 12  & 3 Er : 5 11, 11. , < Ao$r assessment is5 1. 2. 3.

:oth &106 and &3 are accepta+le :oth &106 and & 3 shall +e re@ected 9nl &3 Er : can +e accepted


9nl 106 Er : shall +e accepted (&-7078ock$p79:) 410


& -! test was made on & 106 grade C pipe. This will /$alif which of the following sets of materials5 1. 2. 3. .


Car+on percentage cannot +e detected + #7ra fl$orescence method +eca$se this method cannot detect materials5 1. 2. 3. .


Fighter than s$lph$r   ;eaier than s$lph$r   :lack in color   "hich are radioactie

"hen a -T test cannot +e cond$cted +etween 1072 degree C (0 degrees  G 12 degrees ) what m$st +e done, as per &>8? >ec. H% 1. 2. 3. .

18? >ec. H.

& piping sstem is to +e pne$maticall press$re tested. ts esign -ress$re is 160 psig. The first stage press$riIation, the test press$re and inspection press$re respectiel will +e5 1. 2. 3. .

'0 psi, 16 psi, 160 psi 2 psi, 200 psi, 16psi 2 psi, 16 psi, 160 psi none of a+oe


>elect s$ita+le ;ole tpe (so$rce side) penetrameter for following weld  @oint5 e!d "oint thickness 7#$ inch% rein&orcement '#$ inch(% Backing strip thickness )#' in(% sing!e + "oint ,ith Backing strip(

1. 2. 3. .

*o 20 *o 2 *o 30 *one of the a+oe

(&-7078ock$p79:) 410 21.

f tpe of  in a+oe /$estion is changed to wire tpe what shall +e the wire designation (wire diameter in inch)% 1. 2. 3. .


or steel plates and welds to +e checked + F-, what shall +e the penetration time for penetrant% 1. 2. 3. .


10 min for weld,  min for plate  min for +oth 10 min for +oth  min for weld, 10 min for plate

&fter appling the deeloper the e#aminer checked fo$r welds for s$rface defects after following period, weld & G after  min$te, weld : after 10 min$tes, weld C was checked after 30 min$tes and welds  after 6 min$tes. "hich of the welds were checked wrongl5 1. 2. 3. .


0.02 (*o. 10) 0.016 (*o. ') 0.032 (*o. 11) *one of the a+oe

"eld & and : "eld C and  "eld  onl "eld & and 

n a certain -! for >8&", the electrodes $sed for all passes were of   &"> classification (? 01'). Corresponding "-> also showed filler  materials as ? 01'. *ow the man$fact$rer proposes to change the filler  material in "-> to ? 01. "ill o$ ask man$fact$rer to5 1. 2. 3. .

$alif new -! with ? 01 electrodes. !eise onl "-> showing the change from ? 01' to ? 01 and s$+mit "-> as a new reision. !eise onl the -! doc$ment showing the change and res$+mit for approal. !eise +oth "-> and -! showing the change and res$+mit for approal.

a. &ct$al thickness meas$red at a T8F was 0. inch. The corrosion rate is 10 mp. f ne#t planned thickness inspection is after 6 ears, what thickness will +e $sed for 8&"- calc$lation% 1. 2. 3.

0. inch 0.3 inch 0.2' inch


*one of the a+oe

(&-7078ock$p79:) 6410 26.

etermine the 8&"- of the following piping sstem , at the ne#t inspection, +ased on the following esign press$re4temperat$re 7 100 psig4100J -ipe description 7 *-> 2, >ch.'0, & 106 : 9$tside diameter of pipe,  7 2.3 Thickness determined from nspection 7 0.1 10, &16 Er.6 Tpe 22 pipe that operate at 1200 psig40J 1. 2. 3. .


& leak test is an alternatie to inspection of +$ried piping. "hat is the minim$m li/$id press$re to ade/$atel cond$ct this test% 1. 2. 3. .

2 2 N, >&106 Er.: pipe that operates at 2 psi 4 200J 1. 2. 3. .


0.2 0.100 0.002 not eno$gh information gien

"ith respect to Categor OP serice, what is the ma#im$m allowa+le $nderc$t for a +ranch connection% 1. 2. 3. .


Qero (no eident imperfections) = 1432 = 1 mm :oth : and C

"hat is the test press$re of a metallic piping sstem whose design temperat$re is a+oe the test temperat$re $sing the following conditions% *-> 6, >&106 Er.:, 100 psi 4 '00J 1. 2. 3. .

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