Chapter 12 Diferential Analysis: The Key to Decision Making Solutions to Questions
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserve. !ol"tions Man"al, Chapter 12
%$ 12-1 A relevant cost is a cost that i&ers in total 'etween the alternatives alternatives in a ecision. 12-2 An incremental cost (or 'ene)t* is the change in cost (or 'ene)t* that will res"lt +rom some propose action. An opport"nit cost is the 'ene)t that is lost or sacri)ce when reecting some co"rse o+ action. A s"n cost is a cost that has alrea 'een inc"rre an that cannot 'e change ' an +"t"re ecision. 12-3 /o. aria'le costs are relevant costs onl i+ the i&er in total 'etween the alternatives "ner consieration. 12- /o. /ot all )e costs are s"n onl those +or which the cost has alrea alrea 'een irrevoca'l inc"rre. A varia'le cost can 'e a s"n cost i+ it has alrea 'een inc"rre. 12-! /o. A varia'le cost is a cost that varies in total amo"nt in irect proportion proportion to changes in the level o+ activit. A i&erential cost is the i&erence in cost 'etween two alternatives. alternatives. I+ the level o+ activit is the same +or the two alternatives, a varia'le cost will not 'e a&ecte an it will 'e irrelevant. 12-" /o. 3nl those +"t"re costs that i&er 'etween the alternatives are relevant. 12-# 3nl those costs that wo"l 'e avoie as a res"lt o+ ropping the pro"ct line are relevant in the ecision. Costs that will not 'e a&ecte ' the ecision are irrelevant. 12-$ /ot necessaril. An apparent loss ma 'e the res"lt o+ allocate common costs or o+ s"n costs that cannot 'e avoie i+ the pro"ct is roppe. A pro"ct sho"l 'e iscontin"e onl i+ the contri'"tion margin that will 'e lost as a res"lt o+ ropping the pro"ct is less than the )e costs that wo"l 'e avoie. 4ven in that sit"ation the pro"ct ma 'e retaine retaine i+ it promotes the sale o+ other pro"cts.
12-% Allocations o+ common )e costs can mae a pro"ct (or other segment* appear to 'e "npro)ta'le, whereas in +act it ma 'e pro)ta'le. 12-1& I+ a compan ecies to mae a part internall rather than to '" it +rom an o"tsie s"pplier, then a portion o+ the compan5s +acilities have to 'e "se to mae the part. The compan5s opport"nit cost is meas"re ' the 'ene)ts that co"l 'e erive +rom the 'est alternative "se o+ the +acilities. 12-11 An reso"rce that is re6"ire to mae pro"cts an get them into the hans o+ c"stomers co"l 'e a constraint. !ome eamples are machine time, irect la'or time, 7oor space, raw materials, investment capital, s"pervisor time, an storage space. 8hile not covere in the tet, constraints can also 'e intangi'le an o+ten tae the +orm o+ a +ormal or in+ormal polic that prevents the organi9ation organi9ation +rom +"rthering its goals. 12-12 Ass"ming that )e costs are not a&ecte, pro)ts are maimi9e when the total contri'"tion margin is maimi9e. A compan can maimi9e its total contri'"tion margin ' +oc"sing on the pro"cts with the greatest amo"nt o+ contri'"tion margin per "nit o+ the constraine reso"rce. 12-13 :oint 12-13 :oint pro"cts pro"cts are two two or more more pro"cts that are pro"ce +rom a common inp"t. :oint costs are the costs that are inc"rre "p to the split-o& point. The split-o& point is the point in in the man"+act"ring process where oint pro"cts can 'e recogni9e recogni9e as inivi"al pro"cts. 12-1 :oint 12-1 :oint costs sho"l sho"l not 'e allocate allocate among oint pro"cts +or ecision-maing p"rposes. I+ oint costs are allocate among the oint pro"cts, then managers ma thin the are avoia'le costs o+ the en pro"cts. However, the oint costs will contin"e to 'e inc"rre as long as the process is r"n regarless o+ what is one with one o+ the en pro"cts. Th"s, when maing ecisions a'o"t the en pro"cts,
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserve. !ol"tions Man"al, Chapter 12
12-1 A relevant cost is a cost that i&ers in total 'etween the alternatives alternatives in a ecision. 12-2 An incremental cost (or 'ene)t* is the change in cost (or 'ene)t* that will res"lt +rom some propose action. An opport"nit cost is the 'ene)t that is lost or sacri)ce when reecting some co"rse o+ action. A s"n cost is a cost that has alrea 'een inc"rre an that cannot 'e change ' an +"t"re ecision. 12-3 /o. aria'le costs are relevant costs onl i+ the i&er in total 'etween the alternatives "ner consieration. 12- /o. /ot all )e costs are s"n onl those +or which the cost has alrea alrea 'een irrevoca'l inc"rre. A varia'le cost can 'e a s"n cost i+ it has alrea 'een inc"rre. 12-! /o. A varia'le cost is a cost that varies in total amo"nt in irect proportion proportion to changes in the level o+ activit. A i&erential cost is the i&erence in cost 'etween two alternatives. alternatives. I+ the level o+ activit is the same +or the two alternatives, a varia'le cost will not 'e a&ecte an it will 'e irrelevant. 12-" /o. 3nl those +"t"re costs that i&er 'etween the alternatives are relevant. 12-# 3nl those costs that wo"l 'e avoie as a res"lt o+ ropping the pro"ct line are relevant in the ecision. Costs that will not 'e a&ecte ' the ecision are irrelevant. 12-$ /ot necessaril. An apparent loss ma 'e the res"lt o+ allocate common costs or o+ s"n costs that cannot 'e avoie i+ the pro"ct is roppe. A pro"ct sho"l 'e iscontin"e onl i+ the contri'"tion margin that will 'e lost as a res"lt o+ ropping the pro"ct is less than the )e costs that wo"l 'e avoie. 4ven in that sit"ation the pro"ct ma 'e retaine retaine i+ it promotes the sale o+ other pro"cts.
12-% Allocations o+ common )e costs can mae a pro"ct (or other segment* appear to 'e "npro)ta'le, whereas in +act it ma 'e pro)ta'le. 12-1& I+ a compan ecies to mae a part internall rather than to '" it +rom an o"tsie s"pplier, then a portion o+ the compan5s +acilities have to 'e "se to mae the part. The compan5s opport"nit cost is meas"re ' the 'ene)ts that co"l 'e erive +rom the 'est alternative "se o+ the +acilities. 12-11 An reso"rce that is re6"ire to mae pro"cts an get them into the hans o+ c"stomers co"l 'e a constraint. !ome eamples are machine time, irect la'or time, 7oor space, raw materials, investment capital, s"pervisor time, an storage space. 8hile not covere in the tet, constraints can also 'e intangi'le an o+ten tae the +orm o+ a +ormal or in+ormal polic that prevents the organi9ation organi9ation +rom +"rthering its goals. 12-12 Ass"ming that )e costs are not a&ecte, pro)ts are maimi9e when the total contri'"tion margin is maimi9e. A compan can maimi9e its total contri'"tion margin ' +oc"sing on the pro"cts with the greatest amo"nt o+ contri'"tion margin per "nit o+ the constraine reso"rce. 12-13 :oint 12-13 :oint pro"cts pro"cts are two two or more more pro"cts that are pro"ce +rom a common inp"t. :oint costs are the costs that are inc"rre "p to the split-o& point. The split-o& point is the point in in the man"+act"ring process where oint pro"cts can 'e recogni9e recogni9e as inivi"al pro"cts. 12-1 :oint 12-1 :oint costs sho"l sho"l not 'e allocate allocate among oint pro"cts +or ecision-maing p"rposes. I+ oint costs are allocate among the oint pro"cts, then managers ma thin the are avoia'le costs o+ the en pro"cts. However, the oint costs will contin"e to 'e inc"rre as long as the process is r"n regarless o+ what is one with one o+ the en pro"cts. Th"s, when maing ecisions a'o"t the en pro"cts,
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserve. !ol"tions Man"al, Chapter 12
the oint costs are not avoia'le an are irrelevant. 12-1! I+ the incremental reven"e +rom +"rther processing ecees the incremental costs o+ +"rther processing, the pro"ct sho"l 'e processe +"rther. 12-1" Most costs o+ a 7ight are either s"n costs, or costs that o not epen on
the n"m'er o+ passengers on the 7ight. ie selling epense. . > General aministrative overhea.................. >
Case 2 Not Relevan Relevan t t > > >
> >
> >
> > > >
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. All rights reserve. #;2
Managerial Acco"nting, 1;th 4ition
'(ercise 12-2 ($0 min"tes* 1. /o, the ho"seeeping program sho"l not 'e iscontin"e. It is act"all generating a positive program segment margin an is, o+ co"rse, proviing a val"a'le service to seniors. Comp"tations to s"pport this concl"sion +ollowB Contri'"tion margin lost i+ the ho"seeeping program is roppe.............. ie costs that can 'e avoieB
1=,00 Dia'ilit ins"rance....................................... 0 Erogram aministrator5s salar................... $F,000 =2,000 r"ms...............
Total Direct 3aorHours
$,=00 1,#2=
1.2= 0.2=
;,$F= ;0# ;,F@1
22.=0 L
[email protected] per ho"r Z 1.2= ho"rs ;.=0 L
[email protected] per ho"r Z 0.2= ho"r !ome ca"tion is avise. Elan 1 ass"mes that irect la'or is a )e cost. However, this plan re6"ires over ;,000 more irect la'or-ho"rs than Elan 2 an the present sit"ation. A +"ll-time emploee wors a'o"t 1,%00 ho"rs a ear, so the ae worloa is a'o"t e6"ivalent to two +"ll-time emploees. !> !>