142331715 Questions and Answers

May 26, 2019 | Author: Shuhada Shamsuddin | Category: Bonds (Finance), Internal Rate Of Return, Net Present Value, Yield (Finance), Capital Budgeting
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 Selected practice questions questions from Chapters Chapters 6 – 8, FIN 335, with with Dr Dr !raham From Chapter 6 – "onds and "ond #alue

1. The stated stated interest interest payment, payment, in dollars, dollars, made on a bond each each period is called called the bond's bond's:: A) Coupon. B) Face Face value alue.. C) Matu Maturi rity ty.. ) !ield ield to to maturi maturity ty.. ") Coup Coupo on rat rate. e. Ans#er: A $. The principal amount o% a bond that that is repaid at the the end o% the loan term is called the bond's: A) Coupon. B) Face Face value alue.. C) Matu Maturi rity ty.. ) !ield ield to to maturi maturity ty.. ") Coup Coupo on rat rate. e. Ans#er: B &. The rate o% o% return reuir reuired ed by investors investors in the the mar(et mar(et %or o#nin o#nin a bond is is called the: the: A) Coupon. B) Face Face value alue.. C) Matu Maturi rity ty.. ) !ield ield to to maturi maturity ty.. ") Coup Coupo on rat rate. e. Ans#er:  *. The annual annual coupon coupon o% a bond divided divided by its its %ace value value is called called the bond's: bond's: A) Coupon. B) Face Face value alue.. C) Matu Maturi rity ty.. ) !ield ield to to maturi maturity ty.. ") Coup Coupo on rat rate. e. Ans#er: " +. A bond #ith #ith a %ace value o% 1,--1,--- that sells %or less than 1,--- in the mar(et is called a: A) ar bo bond. B) isc iscou ount nt bond bond.. C) rem remiu ium m bond bond.. ) /ero /ero coup coupon on bond bond.. ") Floa Floati tin n rate rate bond bond.. Ans#er: B 0. A bond #ith #ith a %ace value o% 1,--1,--- that sells %or more than 1,--- in the mar(et is called a: A) ar bo bond. B) isc iscou ount nt bond bond.. C) rem remiu ium m bond bond.. ) /ero /ero coup coupon on bond bond.. ") Floa Floati tin n rate rate bond bond.. Ans#er: C

. The lon2ter lon2term m bonds issued issued by by the 3nited 3nited 4tates 4tates overnmen overnmentt are called: called: A) Treas reasur ury y bon bonds ds.. B) Mu Muni nici cipa pall bond bonds. s. C) Floa Floati tin n rat ratee bond bonds. s. ) 5un( 5un( bond bonds. s. ") /ero /ero coup coupon on bond bonds. s. Ans#er: A 6. A bond that ma(es no coupon payments payments 7and thus thus is initially priced at a deep discount discount to par value) is called a 8888888 bond. A) Treas reasu ury B) mu mun nicip icipaal C) %loa %loati tin n rate rate ) 9un( ") ero ero coup coupon on Ans#er: " ;. A bond bond #hich, at the election election o% the the holder, holder, can be s#apped s#apped %or a %i. yield to maturity >>. mar(et premium >>>. coupon rate A) > only B) > and and >> on only C) >>> on only ) > and and >>> >>> onl only y ") >, >> and and >>> >>> Ans#er: 

1&. >% you divide divide a bond's bond's annual coupon payment by its current yield you et the 88888888888. 88888888888. A) yiel yield d to to mat matur urit ity y B) invest investors ors'' reuire reuired d rate rate o% return return C) annu annual al coup coupon on rate rate ) cost cost o% o% capi capita tall ") bond pr price Ans#er: " 1*. ?hich o% o% the %ollo#in %ollo#in  statements statements reardi reardin n bond pricin pricin is is true@ A) The lo#er the discount discount rate, the the more valuable valuable the coupon coupon payments are today. today. B) Bonds #ith #ith hih coupon coupon payments payments are enerall enerally y 7all else the the same) more sensitiv sensitivee to chanes in interest rates than bonds #ith lo#er coupon payments. C) ?hen mar(et mar(et interest interest rates rates rise, rise, bond prices prices #ill #ill also rise, rise, all else else the same. ) Bonds #ith short maturities maturities are enerally enerally 7all else the same) same) more sensitive sensitive to chanes in interest rates than bonds #ith loner maturities. ") All else the same, bonds bonds #ith larer coupon coupon payments #ill have a lo#er price price today. today. Ans#er: A 1+. !our bro(er o%%ers o%%ers you the opportunity opportunity to purchase a bond #ith coupon payments o% ;;- per year and a %ace value o% 1---. >% the yield to maturity on similar bonds is 6=, this bond should: A) 4ell %or the same price as the similar similar bond reardless o% their respective maturities. maturities. B) 4ell 4ell at a prem premiu ium. m. C) 4ell 4ell at a dis disco coun unt. t. ) 4ell %or either either a premium premium or a discount discount but but it's impossi impossible ble to tell tell #hich. #hich. ") 4ell 4ell %or %or par par val value ue.. Ans#er: B 10. ?hen pricin bonds, i% a bond's coupon rate is less than the reuired rate o% return, then: A) The holder o% the bond bond is assured assured o% a pro%it reardless reardless o% #hen #hen the bond is eventually sold. B) The holder holder o% the bond bond #ill realie realie a capital capital ain ain i% the the bond is held held to maturity maturity.. C) The bond sells at par because the reuired rate o% return return is ad9usted ad9usted to re%lect the discrepancy. discrepancy. ) The bond sells sells at a premium i% it has a lon maturity and at a discount discount i% it has a short maturity. ") The bond bond sells at a discoun discountt i% it has a lon lon maturity maturity and at a premium premium i% it has has a short maturity. Ans#er: B 1. All else else the same, a7n) a7n) 8888888888 8888888888 #ill #ill decrease decrease the the reuired reuired return return on a bond. bond. A) call call prov provis isio ion n B) lo#e lo#err bond bond rati ratin n C) sin( sin(in in  %und %und ) increa increase se in in%lat in%lation ion ") increa increase se in the the sie sie o% a bond bond issu issuanc ancee Ans#er: C 16. ?hich o% the the %ollo#in %ollo#in items items enerally enerally appears appears in a corporate corporate bond uote uote %rom  Journal @ A) !ield ield to to matu maturi rity ty B) ri riin inal al iss issue ue pri price ce C) Curr Curren entt yiel yield d ) ame ame o% the the trus truste teee ") Bond Bond rat ratin in Ans#er: C

The Wall Street

1;. For a discount bond, the current current yield is 888888888 888888888 the yield to maturity maturity,, and the coupon coupon rate is  8888888888888  8888888888888 the yield to maturity. maturity. A) less less than than less less than than B) less less than than rea reate terr than than C) rea reate terr than than less less than than ) reate reaterr than than reate reaterr than than ") eua euall to to eua euall to Ans#er: A $-. For a premium premium bond, bond, the the reuired reuired return return is less less than than the: the: >. Current yield. >>. !ield to maturity. >>>. Coupon rate. A) B) C) ) ")

> only > and and >> on only >> and and >>> >>> onl only y > and and >>> >>> onl only y >, >>, and and >>> >>>

$1. >% investors are are uncertain that they #ill be able to sell a corporate bond uic(ly, uic(ly, the investors #ill demand a hiher yield in the %orm % orm o% a7n) 888888888888. A) in%l in%lat atio ion n prem premiu ium m B) liu liuid idit ity y ris( ris( premi premium um C) interes interestt rate rate ris( ris( prem premium ium ) de%a de%aul ultt ris( ris( prem premiu ium m ") increa increased sed real real rate rate o% o% inter interest est Ans#er: B $$. iy Corp. bonds bearin a coupon rate o% 1$=, 1$=, pay coupons coupons semiannually semiannually,, have & years remainin to maturity, maturity, and are currently priced at ;*- per bond. ?hat is the yield to maturity@ A) 1$.--= B) 1&.;;= C) 1*.+*= ) 1+.$+= ") 1+.+= Ans#er: C Desponse: ;*- E 1--- F, 0- MT, 0 , 2;*- , CT >G! E .$= !TM E .$= < $ E 1*.+*= $&. ?hitesell ?hitesell Athletic Athletic Corporati Corporation's on's bonds bonds have a %ace value value o% 1,--1,--- and a ;= coupon paid paid semiannually the bonds mature in 6 years. ?hat current yield #ould be reported in The Wall  i% the yield to maturity is =@ Street Journal  i% A) *= B) += C) 0= ) = ") 6= Ans#er: " Desponse: 1--- F, *+ MT, 10 , &.+ >G!, CT  E 1,1$-.;* Annual coupon is *+ < $ E ;-. Current !ield !ield 7C!) E ;- G 1,1$-.;* E 6.-&=

$*. HI "nterprises "nterprises issues bonds #ith a 1,--- %ace value that ma(e coupon coupon payments payments o% &&- every & months. ?hat is the coupon rate@ A) -.&-= B) &.--= C) ;.--= ) 1$.--= ") &-.--= Ans#er:  Desponse: coupon rate E 7&- < *) G 1,--- E 1$= $+. 4uppose you purchase a ero coupon bond #ith %ace value 1,---, maturin maturin in $+ years, %or 16-. ?hat is the implicit interest, in dollars, in the %irst year o% the bond's li%e@ A)  $.60 B)  ;.6* C) 1$.6 ) 1;.$ ") &-.-Ans#er: C 1--- F, $+ , 216- , CT >G! E !TM E .1= !ear 1 interest E 16- < .-1 E 1$.6 $0. 4uppose 4uppose you purchas purchasee a ero coupon coupon bond #ith #ith a %ace value value o% 1,--1,--- and a maturity maturity o% $+ years, years, %or 16-. >% the yield to maturity on the bond remains unchaned, #hat #ill the price o% the bond  be + years %rom no#@ A) $+&.0* .0* B) $6.+$ C) &1-.;1 ) &6-.+6 .+6 ") +--.-Ans#er: A 1--- F, $+ , 216- , CT >G! E .1= 216- , + , .1 >G!, CT F E $+&.0* $. ?hat is the yield to maturity on an 162year, 162year, ero ero coupon bond sellin sellin %or &-= &-= o% par par value@ A) *.60= B) +.60= C) 0.&= ) 0.;$= ") &-.--= Ans#er:  1--- F, 16 , 2&-- , CT >G! E !TM E 0.;$= $6. 5H5 "nterprises "nterprises #ants to issue si% each bond is to yield =, ho# much #ill 5H5 receive 7inorin issuance costs) #hen the bonds are %irst sold@ A) 11,$1$ B) 1$,&;& C) 1+,+-+ ) 16,66") $-,--Ans#er: C $Desponse: price E 1,--- G 1.- E $+6.*$ proceeds E $+6.*$ < 0- E 1+,+-+

There is the alebra, but #hat are the entries usin your TM (eys on your T> BA >> lus@ And #hat o% the alebra and (eystro(es %or numbers $;2*- belo#@ Deconiin the alebra is important, and e% each bond bond is to to yield =, #hat is the minimum number o% bonds 5H5 must sell i% they #ish to raise + million %rom the sale@ 7>nore issuance costs.) A) 1,$;B) 1;,&*; C) $-,10* ) $&,66") $0,1+; Ans#er: B Desponse: price E 1,--- G 1.-$- E $+6.*$ L o% bonds E +,---,--- G $+6.*$ E 1;,&*; &-. ?hat is the mar(et value o% a bond that #ill pay a total o% o% %i%ty semiannual semiannual coupons coupons o% 6- each over the remainder o% its li%e@ Assume the bond has a 1,--- %ace value and a 1$= yield to maturity. A)  &*.60 B)  ;* ;*$.$0 C) 1,1 1,1&+ &+.; .;) 1,& 1,&1+ 1+.$ .$* * ") 1,+* ,+*+.0$ Ans#er:  +- , 6- MT, 1--- F, 1$G$ E >G!, CT  E 21,&1+ &1. 5H5 Manu%acturin Manu%acturin 9ust issued a bond #ith a 1,--- %ace %ace and a coupon rate o% 6=. The bond has a li%e o% $- years, annual coupons, and a yield to maturity is .+=, #hat #ill the bond sell %or@ A)  ;+ B) 1,-$C) 1,-+1 ) 1,-6 ") 1,10$ Ans#er: C 1--- F, 6- MT, $- , .+ >G!, CT  E 21,-+1 &$. 5H5 Manu%actu Manu%acturin rin 9ust 9ust issued issued a bond #ith #ith a 1,--1,--- %ace value value and a coupon coupon rate o% 6=. 6=. >% the  bond has a li%e o% $- years, pays pays annual coupons, coupons, and the yield to maturity is is .+=, #hat percent o% the bond's total price is represented by the present value o% the coupons@ A) *+.= B) +0.1= C) .0= ) ;&.$= ") 1--.-= Ans#er: C Desponse: 3sin the TM (eystro(es above, you et the price o% around 1,-+1. The alebra@ $$ price E 6- 71 2 1G1.-+ ) G .-+N O 1,--- G 1.-+ E 1,-+-.; $ o% coupons E 6- 71 2 1G1.-+ )G .-+N E 61+.+0 percentae E 61+.+0 G 1,-+-.; E .0= &&. 5H5 Manu%actu Manu%acturin rin 9ust 9ust issued issued a bond #ith #ith a 1,--1,--- %ace value value and a coupon coupon rate o% 6=. 6=. >% the

 bond has a li%e o% $- years, pays pays annual coupons, coupons, and the yield to maturity is is .+=, #hat is the  present value o% the bond's bond's %ace value@ A)  $&+.*1 B)  &* &*1.1+ C)  61 61+.+0 ) 1,1,----..-") 1,-+ ,-+-.; $Ans#er: A, A, Desponse:  o% par E 1,--- G 1.-+  E $&+.*1 71--- F, $- , .+ >G!, CT  E $&+.*1) &*. 5H5 Manu%actu Manu%acturin rin 9ust 9ust issued issued a bond #ith #ith a 1,--1,--- %ace value value and a coupon coupon rate o% 6=. 6=. >% the  bond has a li%e o% $- years, pays pays annual coupons, coupons, and the yield to maturity is is .+=, #hat is the total present value o% the bond's coupon payments@ A)  $&+.*1 B)  &* &*1.1+ C)  61 61+.+0 ) 1,1,----..-") 1,-+ ,-+-.; Ans#er: C $Desponse:  o% coupons E 6- 71 1G1.-+ )G .-+N E 61+.+0 &+. The mar(et price price o% a bond is 1,$&0.;*, it has 1* years to maturity, maturity, a 1,--- %ace value, and pays an annual coupon o% 1-- in semiannual installments. ?hat is the yield to maturity@ A) &.16= B) *.$0= C) +.&= ) 0.11= ") .$= Ans#er: " Desponse: $6 $6 1,$&0.;* E +- P1 2 1G71 O D) N G DQ O 1,--- G 71 O D)  D E &.0&= !TM E &.0*= < $ E .$= &0. ?hat #ould #ould you pay pay %or a bond that that pays pays an annual annual coupon o% o% *+, has a %ace %ace value o% 1,---, 1,---, matures in 11 years, and has a yield to maturity o% 1-=@ A) 0*$. . B) +.&* C) 6--.16 ) ;1-.1* .1* ") ;0.&6 Ans#er: A 11) 11 Desponse: price E *+ 71 2 1G1.1  G .1N O 1,--- G 1.1  E 0*$. &. Rin oodles' oodles' bonds have a ;= ;= coupon rate. >nterest is paid uarterly and the bonds have a maturity o% 1- years. >% the appropriate discount rate is 1-= on similar bonds, #hat is the price o% Rin oodles' bonds@ A) ;&.$* .$* B) ;&6.++ C) ;1.$ ) ;6;.0& .0& ") ;;1.$ Ans#er: A **Desponse: price E $$.+- 71 2 1G1.-$+ ) G .-$+N O 1,--- G 1.-$+  E ;&.$*

&6. Cornerstone >ndustries >ndustries has a bond outstandin outstandin #ith an 6= coupon rate and a mar(et price o% 6*.06. >% the bond matures in 0 years and interest is paid semiannually, #hat is the !TM@ A) *.;= B) 0.;= C) 6.;= ) 1-.;= ") 1$.;= Ans#er:  1$ 1$ Desponse: 6*.06 E *- P1 2 1G71 O D) N G DQ O 1,--- G 71 O D)  D E +.*+= !TM E +.*+= < $ E 1-.;= &;. The ma(e2beli ma(e2believe eve bonds bonds o% Faceboo( Faceboo( carry a 1$= annual annual coupon, coupon, have a 1,--- %ace %ace value, and mature in + years. Bonds o% euivalent ris( yield ;=. ?hat is the mar(et value o% Faceboo(  bonds@ A) 1,1,-1 11.$.$B) 1,1,-6 6.$ .$+ + C) 1,1,-;+ ;+.0 .00 0 ) 1,1 1,110 10.0 .0; ; ") 1,10 ,10-.$+ Ans#er:  + + Desponse: price E 1$- 71 2 1G1.-; ) G .-;N O 1,--- G 1.-;  E 1,110.0; *-. >% the %ollo#i %ollo#in n bonds bonds are identica identicall e, >>, and and >>> >>> Ans#er: B

6. As illustrated illustrated usin the dividend dividend ro#th model, the total return on a share share o% common stoc( is comprised o% a 88888888888. 88888888888. A) capital capital ains ains yield yield and and a divide dividend nd ro#th ro#th rate rate B) capital capital ains ains ro#th ro#th rate and and a divide dividend nd ro#th ro#th rate rate C) dividend dividend payou payoutt ratio ratio and a reuir reuired ed rate rate o% return return ) dividend dividend yield yield and the presen presentt dividen dividend d ") dividend dividend yield yield and and a capital capital ains ains yield Ans#er: " ;. ?hich o% o% the %ollo#in %ollo#in  items #ould #ould usuall usually y appear appear %or a stoc( uote uote in A) Capi Capita tall ain ainss rat ratee B) ivi ivide dend nd yiel yield d C) umber umber o% shar shares es out outsta stand ndin in ) ar ar valu valuee o% the the stoc stoc( ( ") ivi ivide dend nd ro# ro#th th rate rate Ans#er: B

The Wall Street Journal @

1-. >% dividends on a common stoc( are e. the price o% the stoc( stoc( today >>. the dividend that is e>>. the appropriate discount rate ten years %rom no# no# A) > only B) > and and >> on only C) > and and >>> only only ) >> and and >>> >>> only only ") >, >>, and and >>> >>> Ans#er: B 11. 11. ?hich o% the the %ollo#in %ollo#in statement statementss reardin reardin dividend dividend yields yields is true@ A) >t measures measures ho# much much the stoc('s stoc('s price price #ill #ill increase increase in a year. year. B) >t incorpor incorporates ates the the par value value o% the the stoc( stoc( into the the calculat calculation. ion. C) >t is analoous analoous to the the current current yield yield %or a bond. bond. ) >t is al#ays al#ays reater reater than than the stoc(' stoc('ss capital capital ains ains yield. yield. ") >t measures measures the total total annual annual return return an investor investor can e>. ?hen the constant dividend ro#th ro#th model holds,  E capital ains yield. >>>. The total return on a share o% stoc( E dividend dividend yield O capital ains ains yield. A) > only B) >> on only C) > and and >> on only ) >> and and >>> >>> only only ") >, >>, and and >>> >>> Ans#er:  1&. >% some sharehol shareholders ders have have reater reater votin votin po#er than than others, others, it must be that: that: A) The company company has both both pre%erred pre%erred stoc( and and common stoc( stoc( outstand outstandin. in. B) The company company has outstand outstandin in debenture debentures. s. C) The company company is located located outsid outsidee the 3nited 3nited 4tates 4tates in a tante >ntern rnal al rat ratee o% ret retur urn n

Ans#er: A 1*. An investment investment enerates 1.1- in present value value bene%its %or each dollar dollar o% invested invested costs. costs. This conclusion #as most li(ely reached by calculatin the pro9ect's: A) et et pres presen entt val value ue B) ro% ro%it itab abil ilit ity y inde inde< < C) >nte >ntern rnal al rat ratee o% ret retur urn n ) ayb aybac ac( ( peri period od ") Averae verae accoun accountin tin  retur return n Ans#er: B 1+. The use o% o% #hich o% the %ollo#in %ollo#in #ould #ould lead to correct decisions #hen #hen comparin mutually e. ro%itability inde< >>. et present value >>>. Averae accountin accountin return A) > only B) >> on only C) >>> on only ) > and and >> only only ") > and and >>> only only Ans#er: B

10. !ou o#n some manu%acturin manu%acturin euipment euipment that must be replaced. T#o T#o di%%erent suppliers present present a  purchase and installation installation plan %or your consideration. consideration. This This is an e E +,++ G +-,--- E 1.1+ accept END OF CHAPTER 8 QUESTIONS

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