14 Timoteo Sarona v. NLRC
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Commercial Law Review_Corpo...
CASE NO.14 DATE January 18, 2012 TIMOTEO H. SARONA, Petitioner, - versus NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION, .R. NO. .R. No. 18!280 ROYALE ROYALE SECURITY AGENCY (FORMERLY SCEPTRE SECURITY AGENCY) an CESAR S. TAN, PONENTE RE"ES, J. Respondents Topi#$ Separate Persona%ity&Pier#in' t(e )ei% DOCTR*NE$ T(e do#trine o+ pier#in' t(e #orporate ei% app%ies on%y in t(ree -/ asi# areas$ 1/ de+eat o+ pu%i# #onenien#e as (en t(e #orporate +i#tion is used as a e(i#%e +or t(e easion o+ an eistin' o%i'ation3 2/ +raud #ases or (en t(e #orporate entity is used to usti+y a ron', prote#t +raud, or de+end a #ri5e3 or / a%ter e'o #ases, (ere a #orporation is 5ere%y a +ar#e sin#e it is a 5ere a %ter e'o or usiness #onduit o+ a person, or (ere t(e #orporation is so or'ani6ed and #ontro%%ed and its a++airs are so #ondu#ted as to 5a7e it 5ere%y an instru5enta%ity, a'en#y, a'en#y, #onduit or adun#t o+ anot(er #orporation. ACTS$ 1. June June 20, 20, 20 200 9 T!"#$e# Sar#na as Sar#na as (ired y S#eptre as a se#urity 'uard 2. Apri% 1:;< 9 S#eptre=s S#eptre=s Operation Operation >ana'er ?aren T(erese T(erese Tan Tan dire#ted Sarona Sarona to su5it a resi'nation %etter as t(e sa5e as supposed%y re@uired +or app%yin' +or a position at Roya%e. Sarona as a%so as7ed to +i%% up Roya%e=s e5p%oy5ent app%i#ation +or5, (i#( as (anded to (i5 y Roya%e=s > Cesar Antonio Tan ** -Cesar/. . A+ter A+ter seera% ee7s ee7s o+ ein' in +%oatin' +%oatin' status, status, Roya%e Roya%e Se#urity Se#urity O++i#er O++i#er >artin >artin ono ->arti ->artin/ n/ assi'ned t(e Sarona at i'(%i'(t >eta% Cra+t, *n#. -i'(%i'(t >eta%/ -Ju%y 2:, 200 to Au'ust 8, 200/ 4. Sarona Sarona as trans+erre trans+erred d and assi'ned assi'ned to Bide Bide Bor%d Bor%d Epress, Epress, *n#. -BBBE, -BBBE, *n#./. *n#./. Durin' Durin' (is assi'n5ent at i'(%i'(t >eta%, t(e petitioner used t(e pat#(es and a'en#y #%ot(s o+ S#eptre and it as on%y (en (e as posted at BBBE, *n#. *n#. t(at (e started usin' t(ose o+ Roya%e. !. is assi'n5en assi'n5entt at BBBE, *n#. *n#. as %ater %ater it(dra it(dran n e#ause Roya%e Roya%e (ad a%%e'ed a%%e'ed%y %y een rep%a#ed y anot(er se#urity a'en#y. Sarona s(ort%y dis#oered t(at Roya%e as neer rep%a#ed as BBBE, *n#.=s se#urity a'en#y.
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