14 Music Theory Hacks For Electronic Musicians

August 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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s i cT h e o r y 4u   H a c k s 1 f o rE l e c t r o n i cM u s i c i a n s HackMu Musi c Theor y. com


 ODEHACKI NG sevenf eel i ngs, onef or mul a Scal esar emodes,andmodesar escal es.Same met hi ng,di f f er entnam me e.Ascal e/ modei s af ami mi l y ofnot es t hatsound good t oget her .Mostwes t er n musi c overt he l as t t housandyear shasbeenmadeusi ngt hes ame mes etofs evennot es ,whi choccurf r om t hePyt hagor eanbasedf or mul aofsemi mi t ones:2212221 St ar ton anynot e,t hen f ol l ow t hi sf or mul aand you’ l lhavet hemot herofal lscal es, I oni an,t heonet hatnat ur egaveusf r om whol enumberr at i osi ns ound.Rem me emb mber , whencount i ngsem mi i t ones,don’ ti ncl udet henot eyou’ r eon. Then,t ogetadi f f er entvi be,st ar tsome mewh wher eel sew wi i t hi nt heabovef or mul a,l i kef r om t hef i r st1 semi mi t one:1 2 2 2 1 2 2.I fy ou uset hi smo modet o com mp pos e yourc hor d pr ogr ess i onandmel ody, t heywi wi l lconveyadar kmo mood. Wher eyoubegi ndet er mi nest hemusi calhomeandcr eat est heem mo ot i on,s obesur et o s el ectt he cor r ectmo mode f orwhatyou’ r e want i ng t o expr ess ,and t hen be s ur et o emphasi zei t sr ootnot eandt r i adi nor dert oor i ent at et heear .Andyes,i fyoul i ke,you canuseadi f f er entmodei neachsect i onofyoursong.  ode

Vi be


For mul a ( i nsem mi i t ones) 2212221

I oni an

Examp mpl e


Dor i an

Sadbuthopef ul



Phr ygi an Lydi an

Dar k Qui r ki l yupl i f t i ng

1222122 2221221


Mi xol ydi an

Happybuts er i ous



Aeol i a n




Evi l



AKA“ t hemaj ors cal e”

AKA“ t hemi norscal e”

Locr i an

POWERHACK( BON ONUS) : I t ' swayeasi erandqui ckert ocomposei nt he“whi t enot e”modesabove,andbesi des, t henyoudon' tevenneedt or eme memb mberanyf or mul asatal l .So,pi ckyourmodebas ed ont hevi beyouwannacr eat e,t henonceyou' r edonemaki ngyourchor dpr ogr ess i on andmel odi esont hewhi t enot es,j ustsel ectal lt heMI DIanddr ag i tupordownt o wher eeveryouwant / needi tt obe.

HackMu Musi c Theor y. com


 HORD HA KI NG comp mposi ngachor dprogres si oni n4st eps

koutt hes ( us i ngi t ss e mi mi t onef or mul a ) ,a ndt hes pel l i ng: 1.wor cal e  1



















  i nt hatkey,usi ngchor dsymb mbol s: i t eoutal lt het 2.wr r i ads I



Edi m

I I ♭I












dewh whatyouwantt osayt hr oughyourmusi cals ( i . e.chor dpr ogr es s i on) ,t hen t or y  3.deci chooset heappr opr i at echor ds( maj or =happy,mi nor =sad,di mi ni shed=WTF?! ) : Chor dpr ogr essi on( Ver seofCr ) Not esi neachchor d e a t e / Ge ne r a t e I-Dm V-Am


I V-Gm

D GB♭ 

♭VI -B♭maj

B♭  DF

I I-Fmaj ♭I


ever yt hi ngar oundt hecommonnot es( usi ngi nver si ons) ,andwher et her e' s e-ar r ange  4.r nocomm mmonnot esbet weenchor ds, makeone( usi ngasuschor d) : Chor dpr ogr essi on( Ver seofCr e a t e / Ge ne r a t e ) Rear r angednot esi neachchor d I-Dm/ A

ADF( * com mm monnot esar eA&F,f r om l astchor d:Fm ma aj / A)


ACE( com mm monnotei sA,atbot t om) m)

I V–Gs us4( addedi n,asAm &Gm hav enocom mm monnot e)

GCD( com mm monnot ei sC,i nm mi i ddl e)

I V-Gm

GB♭  D( com mm monnot esar eG&D,a tbot t om &ont op)

♭VI -B♭maj / F

FB♭  D( &D,i nmi mi ddl e&ontop) com mm monnot esar eB♭ 

-B♭maj ♭VI

B♭  DF( sam me echord,di f f erentposi t i on=nochor dchange)

I I-Fmaj / A ♭I

ACF( com mm monnot ei sF,ont op)

* Al wayscheckyourl astchor dbackt oyourf i r stchor dwi t hi neachchor dpr ogr essi on( f orl oopi ng) ,andmakesure t herei satl eastonecommonnote,andt hati t ' si nt hesam me epl ace( bot t om,mi ddl e,ort op)wi t hi nt hosechor ds

HackMu Musi c Theor y. com


 I BEHACKI NG #1 not es&chor dst hatar edi f f er entbet weenmodes

or   ( happy)ormi nor   ( s ad)byt hei r3r dnot e.I fa Themodesar ecat egor i zedi nt omaj mode' s3r dnot ei sf oursemi mi t onesabovei t sr oot( i nt er valofamaj or3r d) ,t hen t hat modei sama maj ormode.I famo mode' s3r dnot ei st hr eesem mi i t onesabovei t sr oot( i nt erval ofami mi nor3r d) ,t hent hatmo modei sami mi normode.Ther ear et hr eemaj orm mo odes,and f ourmi normodes . MAJ ORS: I oni an  ( AKA“t hem ma aj orscal e” ,t hi si st hepar entmaj ormodethatourear sar eusedt ohear i ng) Lydi an  ( t hi smo modei s“ t hem ma aj orscal e”wi t ha 4  i nst eadofa4) Mi xol ydi an  ( t hi sm mo odei s“ t hem ma aj orscal e”wi t ha 7  i nst eadofa7) MI NORS: Aeol i an  ( AKA“ t hem mi i norscal e” ,t hi si st heparentm mi i normodethatourear sar eusedt ohear i ng) Dor i an  ( t hi smo modei s“ t hem mi i norscal e”wi t ha6  i nst eadofa♭6) ( t hi smo modei s“ t hem mi i norscal e”wi t ha 2  Phr ygi an  i nst eadofa2)

Locri an  ( t hi sm mo odei s“ t hem mi i norscal e”wi t ha 2  i nst eadofa2,anda 5  i nst eadofa5)

Mode I oni an

Spel l i ng

Exampl ef r om C





Emphas i ze -

( maj ormode)

Dor i an ( mi normode)

Pi h r yg a n ( m no r mi o d e) Lydi an

♭2♭345♭6♭7 1  123  ♯4567

CD♭  E♭  FGA♭  B♭ CDEF  ♯ GAB

123456♭  7


( maj ormode)

Aeol i an

♭d m ( ear sar euB s e t oaB♭maj )

Dma maj ( ear sar eusedt oaD Dm m)

( maj ormode)

Mi xol ydi an

Fmaj ( earsar eusedt oaFm m) )

Gm ( earsar eusedt oaGmaj )


CDE♭  FGA♭  B♭


1♭2♭34  ♭5♭6♭7

CD♭  E♭  FG♭  A♭  B♭


( mi normode)

Locri an ( mi normode)

( ear sar eusedt oaE♭maj )

HackMu Musi c Theor y. com


 I BEHACKI NG #2 whatmakeseachm mo odes oundandf eeluni que

mphasi zet her oott r i ad  I ti ses sent i alt oemp i nor dert oor i ent at ey ourl i s t ener s 'ear st o t he musi calhome t hatyou have chos en.Ther e ar e af ew waysofdoi ng t hi s ,l i ke st ar t i ngyourchor dpr ogr essi onont her oott r i ad,orspendi ngmor et i meont her oot t r i ad t han t he ot herchor ds.Thi swi l lest abl i sh t he r ootnot e and t he maj or / mi nor qual i t yoft hemode,however ,i twi l lnothi ghl i ghtt heuni quechar act erofyourchosen mode.

Af t erhundr edsofy ear sofmu musi cmost l ybei ng comp mposedi nI oni an( AKA “ t hemaj or scal e” )andAeol i an ( AKA “ t hemi norscal e” ) ,ourwest er near sar esoaccust omed t o t hes et wos c al es ,t hati t ' sac t u al l yr e al l ydi f f i c ul tt odr a wt heea ra w wa a yf r om t hem.Thi s mphas i ze t he mai n chor dt hatma makest hatmode i swhy i t ' s al so essent i alt o emp di f f er ent   t oi t s“par ent ”mo mode ( i . e.I oni an f orma maj ormo modes,and Aeol i an f ormi mi nor modes) .Youcanf i ndt hemai nchor dt hathi ghl i ght samo mode' svi be,bybui l di ngachor d ar oundt hatmode' suni quenot e( i . e.6i nDor i an) ,wher et hatnot ebecomest he3r di n t he chor d( i . e.I Vi n Dor i an) .Thi suni que not e changest hatchor dt ot he opposi t e qual i t y( maj or / mi nor )ofwhatwe' r eusedt ohear i ng,andt her ef or ecat chesourear s. Forexamp mpl e,a chor d pr ogr ess i on i n Dor i an can acci dent al l y sound l i ke Aeol i an i nst ead.How do you pr eventt hi s ?You pl ay t he mai n chor dt hati snotf ound i n Aeol i an,t heI Vmaj or .I nAeol i an,t heI Vchor di sal waysami mi nor ,sobypl ayi ngt hi sasa maj orchor d,youar ef i r ml yest abl i shi ngt heDor i anat mospher et hr oughhi ghl i ght i ng i t sdi f f er encef r om Aeol i an.Doyouneedt oappl yt hi sm me et hodt oI oni anandAeol i an? Nope,asourear saut omat i cal l ydef aul tt ot heset womodesal r eady.


i be

Spel l i ng

Emp mphas i ze

( uni quenotesunderl i ned)

I oni an




Sadbuthopef ul


I Vmaj

( maj ormode)

Dor i an ( mi normode)

Phr ygi an

( earsar eusedt oaI Vm)

Dar k

1  ♭2♭345♭6♭7

♭VI Im

( mi normode)

Lydi an

( ear sareusedtoa♭VI Imaj )

Qui r k i l yupl i f t i ng

I Imaj

123  ♯4567

( ear sar eusedt oaI Im)

( maj ormode)

Mi xol ydi an

Happybutser i ous


123456♭  7

( maj ormode)

Aeol i an

( earsar eusedt oaVmaj )




Ev i l

1♭2♭34  ♭5♭6♭7

♭I I Im

( mi normode)

Locri an

( e ar sa r eus e dt oa♭I I Ima j )

( mi normode)

HackMu Musi c Theor y. com


  NTERVALHACKNG NT NG unde r s t a ndi ngal lmus i c alr e l a t i ons hi ps&t he i re mo mot i ons

An i nt er vali st he di st ancebet ween t wo not es,measur ed i n sem mi i t ones,whi ch hasauni que emo mot i onr esul t i ngf r om how t hevi br at i onsoft hoset wonot esi nt er act.I nt er val saret her ef or e musi calr el at i onshi ps,whi ch makesi nt e r v al s   t he mosti mpor t antt hi ng t o mast eri n musi c. Whenyou' r ecom mp posi ng ame mel ody( hor i zont almusi c) ,you' r ewor ki ng wi t h mel odi ci nt er v al s occur r i ng asone not e movest ot he nextnot e.When you' r e comp mpos i ng har mony/ chor ds ( v er t i c almus i c ) ,y ou' r ewor k i ngwi t hharmo oc c ur r i ngf r om a l lt henot e svi br a t i ng moni ci nt erval s  t oget heratt hesame met i me. Weonl yhave12not est ot al ,andi fyouunder st andeachnot e' spur poseandhopef ori t sl i f e, youcanuset hoset omani pul at et heemot i onsofyourl i st ener s.Forexam mp pl e,7i soneoft hose not eswhor eal l yi sn' tsat i sf i edwi t hhi sl i f e,anddesperat el yw wa ant st okeepupwi t hTheJoneses ( i . e.t he1or8,AKAt her oot ) .So,ev er yt i mey ouc al lont he7,i t ' sgonnat r yi t sbes tt opul ly ou upt ot he8.Pl easebeawa waret hathar moni ci nt erval sl i ket hi s,arehear di nr el at i ont owhatever chor di spl ayi ngatt het i me.I not herwor ds,aBoveraCmajchor di sa7andwi l ldesper at el y wantt ogoupt ot her ootC( asme ment i onedabove) ,however ,aB overaBm i snota7anym mo or e, i t ' st her oot ,andwi l lt heref or esoundt ot al l ysol i d,andwon' twantt ogoanyw wh here. Har moni cnot es  ar enot esi nt hec hor d,andnonhar moni cnot es  ar enot esnoti nt hechor d.A gr eatm me el odyhasabal anceofbot h!I nt heexamp mpl esabove,t heB i ssol i dovert heBm asi t ' s al r eadyi nt hechor d( har moni cnot e) ,butt heBovert heCmaji snoti nt hechor d( nonhar moni c not e) ,soi tr eal l yreal l ywa want st omovet ot henear esthar moni cnot e,t heC.Thi si st hemusi cal gr av i t y   youcancont r olandpl ayar oundwi t hwhenyouunder st andmusi calr el at i onshi ps( i . e. i nt erval s) .You can choose t o bui l d ant i ci pat i on butt hen t hr i l lyourl i st ener s by goi ng s ome mewher eunexpect ed,wher easpeopl ema maki ng musi cbyearwi l lt end t obegui dedbyt hi s mus i c algr a vi t y ,r es ul t i ngi npr edi c t a bl emus i c . Semi t ones


Spel l i ng Exampl ef r om C

z er o

Per f ectUni s on




Mi nor2nd



Emot i on

t wo

Maj or2nd



t hr ee

Mi nor3r d



s ad

f our

Maj or3r d




f i ve

Per f ect4t h



s i x

Augme ment ed4t h/Di mi ni s hed5t h   ♯4/♭5

F♯  /G♭

s even ei ght

Per f ect5t h Mi nor6t h

5 ♭6

G A♭

ni ne

Maj or6t h



t en

Mi nor7t h



el even

Maj or7t h



t wel ve

Per f ect8t h/Oct ave



HackMu Musi c Theor y. com


 ASSHACKI NG #1 composeabass / synt hl i nei n2st eps c a l e  ( usi ngt hesemi mi t onef or mul a)andi t sspel l i ng: koutt hes 1.Wor




















ayar oundwi t ht hesenot es,per hapsbegi nni ngont heroott ohel pest abl i shyourkey, 2.Pl  j us tf ornow.Bes ur et oi nj ectl i f eandener gyi nt oyourbas sl i nesbyus i ngdi f f er entnot e not e val ues)on t he MI DIgr i d,and pl aci ng some meofyournot eson of f beat s l engt hs( ( syncopat i on) .Al so,when you' r epl ayi ng ar ound and exper i ment i ng wi t ht he not esi n yours cal e,al waysbeont hel ookoutf orashor tmusi cali dea( mot i f )eme mer gi ng,whi ch youcan r epeatt ogi veyourbassl i nest r uct ur eandf ami mi l i ar i t y.However ,don' tover use t hese-usual l ytwor epet i t i onsi nar ow ofamot i fi sgr eat ,butt hr eei nar ow canof t en betoomuchofagoodt hi ng.Last l y,user est s/ si l encet of r ame mesect i onsofyourbassl i ne ( ,whi ch wi l lbr eak i tup i nt o memo mor abl e chunksand gi vet he basst i me t o phr asi ng) “ br ea t h e” . dmovi ngi nper f ect4t hs  ( i . e.5s emi t ones , ormaxi mum mel odi cst r engt h,avoi 3.BONUS:f

e. g.Et oA)andper f ect5t hs  ( i . e.7semi mi t ones,e. g.G t oD) ,ast hosesoundwavesvi br at e t oosi mi l ar l yandar et her ef or er at herweak/bor i ng.I fyouj am outabassl i net hatyou r eal l ydi g,butt hendi scoveraf t er war dt hatt here' saperf ect5t hbet weenacoupl enot es, don' twor r y,t hi si san awesome me oppor t uni t yt o cr eat esome met hi ng even mor especi al . Br eakupt hi sper f ecti nt er valbyaddi nganext r anot ei nbet weent heset wonot es.Thi s wi l lact ual l ymake yourbassl i ne even mor euni que and unpr edi ct abl e,asyou woul d neverhavet houghtt oputanot ei nt her ei fi twer en' tf ort hatmomentofweaknessf r om t heperf ect5t h.Fi nal l y,al wayscheckyourl astnot ebackt oyourf i r stnot ewi t hi neach

ba s sl i ne( f orl oopi ng) ,a ndi fy ouf i ndt ha ti tsaper f ec t4t h/ 5t h,bes ur et oa ddi nanot e t obr ea kupt ha tper f ec ti nt er v alt oo.

HackMu Musi c Theor y. com


 ASSHACKI NG #2 comp mposeafunky  bass/s ynt hl i nei n4st eps

ur almi norscal e  ( AKA“ t hemi norscal e”orAeol i anmode)andi t sspel l i ng: koutanat 1.wor




















at oni cmi mi norscal e  bydel et i ngt he2and♭6not es: ur nt hi si nt oapent 2.now t



















i nal l y ,t ur nt hi si nt oabl uesscal e  ( i . e.t hef unk ys c al e )bya ddi nga♭5not e: 3.f 1




















syncopat i on) ,and,besur et oi ncl ude ar tj amm mmi ngandhavef unwi t ht hoseof f beat s( 4.st

t hef unkyt r i oof 7 t o 8  wi wi t hsome me 3  t of l avour .Foran evenf unki erbassl i ne,pl ay ar oundwi t hoct avej umps,and f orul t r amegaf unki ness,t r yt hr ow i nt he 5  t oo!And f ort hats hor tmusi cali deayoucanr epeat ,t ogi ve r eme memb mber ,al waysbemot i fhunt i ng  y ourbas sl i nes t r uc t ur eandac at chyf ami l i ar i t y .Las t l y ,phrase  yourbassl i nebyusi ng r es t s / s i l enc et ogi v ei ts pac et o“ br ea t he” .

dmovi ngi nper f ect4t hs  ( i . e.5s emi t ones , ormaxi mum mel odi cst r engt h,avoi 5.BONUS:f

e. g.Et oA)andper f ect5t hs  ( i . e.7semi mi t ones,e. g.G t oD) ,ast hosesoundwavesvi br at e t oosi mi l ar l yandar et her ef or er at herweak/bor i ng.I fyouj am outabassl i net hatyou r eal l ydi g,butt hendi scoveraf t er war dt hatt here' saperf ect5t hbet weenacoupl enot es, don' twor r y,t hi si san awesome me oppor t uni t yt o cr eat esome met hi ng even mor euni que. Br eakupt hi sper f ecti nt er valbyaddi nganext r anot ei nbet ween.Fi nal l y,al wayscheck yourl astnot ebackt oyourf i r stnot ewi t hi neachbassl i ne( f orl oopi ng) ,andi fyouf i nd t ha ti t ' saper f ec t4t h/ 5t h,bes ur et oaddi nanot et obr ea kupt ha tp er f ec ti nt er v alt oo.

EXAMP MPLE: Ver sebassl i nei n' TheW Wa ave' byVesper s&RayHar mony

F♯ → A→ C→ E E→ F♯ → E→ F♯ → C→ B→ A→ A→ F♯ → E→ C→ E E→ F♯ →F♯ →F♯ →A→ C→ E E→ F♯ → A  →F ♯ → A  → C♯ → A→ B→ C→ B→ C→ A→ F♯ → E→ C→ E→ E

HackMu Musi c Theor y. com


 OCALHACKI NG t heul t i matecheckl i stf orcom mp posi ngagr eatm me el ody

c a l e  youusedf oryourchor dpr ogr essi on( seeC eChor dHacki ng  PDF) t eoutt hes 1.Wri 1



















t eoutyourchor dpr ogr ess i onAKAhar moni cst ory ,t henbegi nt el l i ngy ourmel odi cst or y  ov eri t . 2.Wri MELODYCH HE ECKLI ST  -useal lt hesehackst ocomp mposeagr eatmel ody!(seeCr eate/ Generat e  examp mpl ebel ow) w) Hack& Def i ni t i on

W hy& How

har moni cnot es  ( i nchor d,wannast ayput ) Why:Tensi onandr esol ut i ongi vesyourmel odym mo om me ent um nonhar moni cnot es  ( noti nchor d,wannamo move) How w: :Useac om mb bi nat i onofhar moni candnonhar moni cnot es avoi dmovi ngi nperf ect4t hs  ( f i vesem mi i t ones)   Why:Thesei nt erval svi br atet oosi mi l arl y,sosoundweak/bor i ng andper f ect5t hs  ( sevensem mi i t ones) How w: :Avoi d' em, m,buti fyougetone,br eaki tupwi t hanothernot e mot i f s  ( shor tmusi cali deas,mel odi corr hythm mi i c) )W Why:Repeati ngt hem gi vesyourm me el odyst r uct ureandf am mi i l i ar i t y How w: :Lookoutf oranythi ngcat chyem me er gi ngasy ouexper i ment l ar gei nt e r v al s  ( 6t hs& 7t hs)

Why:Largei nt erval sgrabatt ent i onandcreatei nt erest How:Usesma mal li nt erval sf orf l ow,andl argei nt erval sf ordr am ma a

not eval ues  ( l engt h/ dur ati onofeachnot e)

Why:Di f f er entl engt hnot esgi veyourm me el odyl i f eandener gy How w: :Pl ayar oundwi t hdi f f er entnotedurat i onsont heMI DIgr i d

syncopat i on  ( accent i nganof f beat )

Why:Af ew unpr edi ct abl eof f beatnot escr eat eexci t em me ent How:Useonbeatnot esf ori mpact, andof f beatnot est ot hr i l l

phr asi ng  ( f r ami mi ngasegmentwi t hr est s/ si l ence) Why:Br eaki ngupmel odi esi nt ochunksm ma akest hem cat chi er How w: :Si ngyourm me el odyanduser est swher eyouwantt obr eat he

v er s eofCr eate/ Generat e

Chor dpr ogr essi on

 ocalmel ody  ( hi ghl i ght edi nMI DIabove) ,wi t hs pel l i ng s pe l l i ngi sh ea r d& wr i t t e ni nr e l a t i ont oe ac hc hor d' sr ootnot e( hi ghl i ght edi nM MI I DIchor dsabove)

A I-Dm/

D( 1)→ B♭ ( ♭6 )→  A( 5)→ C( ♭7 )hol dsovert onextchord. . .

V-Am I V-Gsus4t oGm

…bec omi mi nga  ♭3) → A( ♭7) →B ♭( ♭2) C( 1)→ G(

A( 2)→ B♭ ( ♭3 )

/ Ft oB maj -B maj ♭VI

C( 2)→ A( 7)→ F( 5)bri e f l yhol dsov ert one xtc h or d . . .

♭I I I -Fmaj / A

…bec omi mi nga  F( 1)

HackMu Musi c Theor y. com


 OUNTERPOI OI NTHA KI NG cr eati ngdept hbyaddi ngmusi call ayersofcount er i ngmel odi es

WTF i sCount er poi nt ?Let ' sj ustsayi t ' sone oft he bestwayst omakeyourmu musi cst and outf r om t he cr owd wd,as t her e' s pr obabl yl esst han 0. 01% ofal lpopul armu musi ct hathas any count er poi nt i ni t . ount er poi nt   i st hemet hodofaddi ngmusi call ayer sbycomposi ngmel odi eswi t hcount er i ngcont our s. As ongc oul dha vet endi f f e r e nts y nt hsi ni t ,buti ft hey ' r ea l lpl a yi ngt hes a me met hi ng,i t ' l ls oundt hi nwi t h onl yonemusi call ayer .Ont heot herhand,asongcoul dhaveame mer et wosynt hs,buti ft hey' r epl ayi ng t ot al l ydi f f erentme mel odi esatt hesame met i me,t hatcr eat est womusi call ayer sandt heref or et r uemusi cal dept h.Yes,t wosynthsusi ngcount erpoi ntwi l lsoundbi ggert hant ensynt hsnotusi ngcount er poi nt .Thi s i sbecausecount erpoi nts t i mul at est hebr ai nt ol i st en bot h mel odi c al l y  ( hor i z ont al l y )and harmo moni cal l y ( v er t i c al l y ) .Thehac ksbel ow ex i s tt oens ur eyourmul t i t r a ck sar eac t u al l yper c ei v eda smu mus i c all a yer s . THREE OUNTERPOI OI NTHA KS cont r ar ymo mot i on)-t hehol ygr a i l ! ft hel eadmel odymo movesup,t hebacki ngmel odymo movesdown wn( 1.i 2.i ft hel eadmel odymo movesup,t hebacki ngmel odyst ayst hesame me fbot hmel odi esm mo ovei nsam me edi r ect i on,onemo movesbysma mal li nt er val ,t heot herbyb ybi gi nt er val 3.i Usi ngt heabovemet hodswi l lal waysensur eyourmel odi esar ehear dasi ndependentl ayer s, andnotj ust copi esofeach ot her .Thesecomposi t i onalt echni quescan be used f oral lyourl ayer s,f r om backi ng vocal st obass,f r om synt hst ogui t ar s. Anyt hi ngandever yt hi ngbenef i t sf r om count erpoi ntcomposi t i on. EXAMPLE:Fi r stl i ne( “ W ecreat e/generat e” )f r om chor usof reate/G Ge enerat e

Rootnot es

ofchor dpr ogr essi on

Leadvocalmel ody,wi t hs pel l i ng Vocalcount er poi nt   , ( hi ghl i ght edi nM MI I DIabove) s pel l i ngi shea r d&wr i t t e ni nr e l a t i ont o wi t hs pel l i ng eachchord' sr ootnote

s p el l i ngi she ar d&wr i t t e ni nr e l a t i o nt oe ac hc ho r d' sr o otn ot e

G( 2)→ A( 3)→ C( 5)→ E( 7)

_*→ F( 1)harmo   → A( 3)harmo   → moni zesA( 3) moni zesC( 5)

A f orAm

F( ♭6 )→  A( 1)

moni zesE( 7) C( 5)harmo A( 1)harmoni ♭6   → F( ♭6 )harmo zesF( (6 ) moni zesA( 1)

D f orDm



( dar kl ongnot esi nMI DIabove)

F f orFm ma aj

* Thef i r stnot eoft hel eadvocalmel ody( G)i snotharm mo oni zed,asi t ' st hew wo or d“ We” .Onl yt het i t l e“ Cr eate/ Generat e”i sharm mo oni zed. BONUS BON US HA K: I t ' snota l wa yspos s i bl e ,butt r yt oha r m mo oni z ei n3r ds( e . g.A&C) ,a st h i si st hem ma a gi ci nt e r v a lweus et obui l dc hor ds .

Musi c Theor y. com HackMu


 YRI CHACKI NG creati ngti mel essl i nes&catchyhookswi t hdept h

i me l e s s . Gr ea tl y r i c s  ar et   Theyconveythought st hatar edeepl yhum ma an,pr ovi di ng ami r r orf oreachl i st enert or ef l ecton u bbi s hl y r i c s  ar edi sposabl e.Theyr el yont i r edcl i chesandshal l ow hooks,of t en t hei rownl i f e.Ont heopposi t eext r eme me,r conveyi ngabsol ut el ynom me essage/me meani ngwhats oever .Ar el yr i csr eal l yt hati mpor t ant ?I nawor d:Yes!I ntwowor ds:Hel l s yes!We' r eal lhardwi r edt oconnectwi t ht hehumanvoi ce,andt hatf actma makesvocal st hemosti mpor t anti nst r um me ent.On f i cat i onofmel odyandwor dsi sbyf art hemostpower f ul t opoft hi s, whenthehum ma anvoi ceandl anguagearef used,t hi suni pa r tofa l lmus i c.Nothi ngel secom me esevencl osetot hi sul t i mat emu musi calcombo! CHORUS Thi si st het akehomem me ess agef oryours ong.Shortandpunchy!What ' st heonet hi ngyouwantl i st ener st or em me em mb berf r om yr i calmot i f hook)i yoursong?W Wr r i t eyourchorusl yr i csar oundt hatonetheme me.Al so,al   ( sv i t a li nc r e at i ngc ohe r e nc ya syour eate/ Gener at e,wewa s ong' ss t or yunf ol ds .Thi shookwi l lbey ours o ngt i t l e ,t oo.I nCr want edt oopenadi scuss i onaboutt he benef i t sofhum ma ansandmachi neswor ki ng harmo moni ousl yt oget hert omakear t .Thehook/t i t l ecamefr om t hecont r ast i ng r ea t i ng  i ng  appr oac h ofhum ma ansc wi t hf eel i ngs,and machi nesgenerat wi t h al gori t hm ms s.Star t i ng t he chor us wi t h“ We” e st a bl i s he sas t r onga ndpos i t i v euni t e df r ont .“ Ar t i f i c i a la r t ”ma mak esus eofa l l i t e r a t i on,a ndt he“ a r t ”i n“ a r t i f i c i a l ”i sa l s o emp mphasi zedvocal l yw wi i t hi tbei ngsungt wi ce,i nast ut t erst yl e,f i r stbyKateandt henbyRaywhof i ni shest hew wo ord.Thef i nal l i nel ook st oa nopt i mi s t i cf u t u r ea ndc onc l ude swi t h“ c o l l a bor a t e ” ,whi c ha l s or hy m me e swi t ht hes o ngt i t l ei nt hef i r s tl i ne .

Wec r e at e / gene r a t e .Hea r t f e l ta l gor i t hm .Ar t i f i c i a la r t .Ev ol v e,c ol l a bor a t e VERSES Thesear et hesect i onsofyoursongi nwhi chyoucanf r eel ydevel opyournar r at i ve.Ver sesdon' tneedhooks,andt heydon' t needt obenearl yasconci seaschoruses.I t ' scomm mmont ohavetwoort hr eedi f f erentver sesi nasong,f ormi mi ngt hebul kof t hel y r i c s ,a ndt he r e f or et h epl a cei nwhi c ht hes t o r ypr ogr e s s es . OTHER Apr e-chor us( AKApr e/bui l d)r ai sesant i ci pat i ont ot heconcl usi ont hati st hechor us.Abr i dge/br eakdownt akesat i me-out t oal l ow f orafr eshpers pecti ve.Ani nt r ogi vesal i t t l et easerprevi ew, w,whi l eanout r owr apsupwi t haf i nalt hought .These extr a secti onspr ovi de oppor t uni t i es f orcoveri ng yourst oryf r om di f f erentpers pecti ves,keepi ng l i st enerscapt i vated t hr oughoutyourent i r esong.  YRI C HACKS Star there#1:af a v our i t ei nt e r v i e w que s t i oni sal wa y s :“ W Wh ha t ' st h i ss onga bout ? ” ,s os t a r twr i t i ngy ourl y r i c sby answer i ngt hi squest i on.Thenzoom i ntotheunder l yi ngt hem me e,andwr i t e,wr i t e,wr i t e,andwr i t esome memore! St arthere#2: gotnot hi n't osay?Nopr obs. Wr i t edow wn nabunchofr andom wor dst haty oursongmakesyouf eel . Edi t i ng:t he mostvi t alst ageofl yr i cwr wr i t i ng,i sedi t i ng.Onceyou' vedone#1 or#2 aboveandhaveabunchof pagesf i l l edwi t hscr i bbl es,got hrought hem andci r cl eanyt hi ngt hats t andsout .Now,pl ayar oundwi t hcomb mbi ni ng •

t hos ew wo or dsi nt ot i ght e ri de asa ndl i ne s ,a ndge tr i dofa nywo wor dst ha ta r e ntr nt e al l yne ce s s ar yw wi i t hi nt hos el i ne s . Sentences :avoi dwr i t i ngsent ences.Whi l el yr i csshoul dmakesense,wor dsl i ke“and”caneasi l yberepl acedwi t ha c omma ,r e s ul t i ngi nam mu uc ht i ght e rv oc alpa r t .I t ' sa l s of unt os t i t c hi de ast oget heri nt oal y r i c alc ol l a ge . Quest i ons: ar he t o r i c alque s t i onca ne nga gel i s t e ne r s , s u bc ons c i ous l yde m ma a ndi ngt h ei ra t t e nt i on. Vi s ua l s :api c t u r ei swor t hat h ous a ndwor ds , s oa l wa y st r yt owr i t evi s ua l l y ,bypl a nt i ngi ma ge si nl i s t e ne r smi mi nds . Doubl eme meani ngs:usi ng words/ phrasest hatcanbei nt er pr et edi ndi f f er entways,al l owsf ordept handspacei n whi chl i st enerscanf i ndt hei rown wnr el evantmeani ngs. I ' s& You' s:us et h es epr onounss pa r i ngl y ,a ndonl ywh whe ny our e al l yne edt o.“ I ”c a nc l os eof fy ourl y r i c st ol i s t e ne r s andi nhi bi tt hei rowni nt erpret at i ons, and“you”cancomeacr ossasf or cefulandpr eachy. Cl i c he s:t heyexi stcost hey' r eusual l ytr ue,butnosongbenefi t sf r om t hem. m.I fyouf i ndyour sel fdrawnt oone, exper i mentwi t hadi f f er entwayofsayi ng t he sam me et hi ng.Forexamp mpl e,“ everycl oud hasasi l verl i ni ng”coul d r at herbe“s i l vers ur r oundsourgr ey” .Same meme meani ng,butafr eshangl ethat' smu muchmor ei nt erest i ng. Rhymi ng: de f i ni t e l ynotn e ce s s ar yi nl y r i c s ,a ndc anof t e ns o undc he es yandc hi l dl i k e.I fi ndoubt ,don' tr hy m me e ! Al l i t er at i on:usi ng t he same me l et t er / s ound att he begi nni ng ofadj acentwor ds can be used asa mor e subt l e a l t e r n at i v et or hy m mi i ng. Di c t i ona r y:l ook i ngupawo wor d' se xa ctd ef i ni t i on,e s pe ci a l l yi t se t y mo mol ogy( or i gi n/ de ve l opme nt ) ,c ans pa r kc r e a t i v e i deasandgi veyouadi f f erentangl etoexpl or e. Thesaurus:a m ma a z i ngl yi ns i ght f ula ndhe l pf ult ool ,butus ei tm mi i ndf ul l y ,ot he r wi s eyouc oul de as i l yendupwi t hl y r i c s t hatnobody( i ncl udi ngyour sel f )canunders t and. Synest hesi a:pr et endyou havet hi scondi t i ont hatmuddl esupt hesenses,andyou' l lt api nt osome met r ul yuni que e xpr e s s i ons .Fore xa mpl mp e ,“ m mi i nut e si nma uv e” ,or“ e l udet h et a s t eo fs i l e nc e” .Me ani ngf ul ,di f f e r e nt ,a nds u pe rf un!

HackMu Musi c Theor y. com


 es per s& RayHar mony Cr eat e/Gener at e( f eat .Kat eHar mony)

Ve r s e1

Technol ogydevel opi ng I dent i t y ,i nt el l i gence Aut hent i cpur pose Thet r anscendence

Pr e

Whati spr ogr ess ? Whati sar t ? I fnotaf ut ur ewedesi gn Si gnofourt i me Manm ma ademachi ne Hybr i dmi ndel evat es

Ch or u s

Wecr eat e/ gener at e Hear t f el tal gor i t hm Ar t i f i ci alar t Ev ol v e,c ol l abor at e

Ve r s e2

Syst em ma at i cdi scover y Thr oughc i r c ui t r y Tr ansf or mat i onby Handsbehi ndt hecode Thet r ansm mi i ssi on

i cs© 2016RayHar mony&Kat eHar mony Lyr


 ASSHACKI NG #3 comp mposeabassl i nef orachor dpr ogr essi oni n2st eps

youusedf oryourchor dpr ogr essi on( seeC eChor dHacki ng  PDF) 1.W . Wr i t eoutt hes c a l e  1 2 4 5 8   ♭3   ♭6   ♭7 D








2.W . Wr i t e out your chor d pr ogr es s i on, t hen begi n pl ayi ng ar ound i nt he l ow end, r eme memb mber i ng t o cent ery ourbassl i ne ar ound t he r ootnot ei n each chor d.Foran awes om me e bassl i ne,bal ance t he st abi l i t y cr eat ed f r om t hes er ootnot es,wi t ht he i ns t abi l i t y  cr eat ed f r om t heo e ot hersi xnot es  i nt hescal e.Toomuch st abi l i t ywi l lmake yourbassl i nebor i ng,butt oomuch i nst abi l i t ywi l lmake yourmusi calf oundat i ont oo weakt ohol dal lt hechor dsandmel odi esabovei t .Last l y,whencomposi nganyme mel ody, al way suset heME MELOD ODYCHECKLI ST( i nVocalHacki ng  PDF)f oranul t i mat el i stofhacks t ocomp mpos eagr eatmel ody! EX M PLE:

as sl i nef orv er s eof

r eat e/G Ge ener at e

Chor dpr ogr essi on

 as smel ody,wi t hs pel l i ng

v er s eofCr eate/ Generat e

s pe l l i ngi she ar d&wr i t t e ni nr e l a t i ont oe ac hc hor d' sr ootnot e ( hi ghl i ghtedi nt hegreenMI DIchor dsabove)

A I-Dm/

D( 1)→ D( 1)→ C(7 ( ♭7 )


A( 1)→ A( 1)

oGm I V-Gsus4t

G( 1)→ G( 1)→ G( 1)→F( )→ D( 5) ♭7

♭VI -  maj / Ft o

B♭ ( 1)→ B♭ ( 1)→ D( 3)


onl ygoest oB♭maj f i r stt i me,secondt i mest aysonB♭maj / F

/ A I I–Fmaj ♭I

F( 1)

secondt i mepl aysFmaj( r ootposi t i on)l eadi ngi nt ochor us

HackMu Musi c Theor y. com


 YNT NTH HACKI NG comp mposeauni quesy nt hpar ti n4st eps 1. Wr i t eoutt hes c a l e  youusedf oryourchor dpr ogr essi on( Pr eofCr eat e/Gener at e  i si nFLy di a n) 1 2 3   ♯4 5 6 7 8 F





r i ads  i nt hatkey,usi ngchor dsymb mbol s 2. Wr i t eoutal lt het I I I I I I   ♯I V V




Bdi m











t or y  ( i . e.c hor dpr ogr es s i on) ,t henc hoos et h e 3. Deci dewhatyouwantt os ayt hr oughyourmusi cals appr opr i at echor ds: maj or =happy, mi nor =sad,di mi ni shed=WTF?!

4. Gui t ar s& hi gher pi t chedsy nt hst hr i veonmel odyand  har mony,s obr eakdown wnyourchor dsi nt o t hei ri ndi vi dualnot es,and t hen appr oach t hem mel odi cal l y.Last l y,al waysuset he MELODY CHECKLIT  ( i nVocalHacki ng  PDF)f oranul t i mat el i stofhackst ocomposeagr eatme mel ody!

Chor dpr ogr essi on Pr eofCr eate/ Gener at e

 ynt h/Gui t arpar t( t hs pel l i ng hi ghl i ght e di nM MI I DI ) ,wi s pe l l i ngi she ar d&wr i t t e ni nr e l a t i ont oe ac hc hor d' sr ootn ot e( dar knot esatbott om ofMI DI )

F  maj

F( 1)→ E( 7)→ G( 2)

A  m

♭3) → B( ♭7) → E( ♭3) → D( ♭3) E( 5)→ C( 2)→ G( 5)→  C( 4)→ C(

C  maj

D( 2)→ E( 3)→ D( 2)→ B( 7)

G  maj

G( 1)→ A( 2)

F  maj A  m

F( 1)→ E( 7)→ G( 2) ♭7) → A( ♭3) → A( ♭7) ♭3) → B( ♭7) → E( E( 5)→ C( 2)→ G( 5)→  G( 1)→ C( 1)→ G(

C  maj

A( 6)→ B( 7)

G  maj

D( 5)

Pl easenot e:r epeat edpart sar ei nbl ack,   v ar i a t i onsar ei ngr ey

HackMu Musi c Theor y. com


 ODULATI ON HACKI NG changekeyssuccessf ul l yusi ngt hese3me met hods  odul ati ng  i st hef ancyw wo or df orchangi ngkey.Forexamp mpl e,i fyours ong' svers ei si nD Aeol i anandt he at e  chor usi si nFI oni an,t hemusi ci ssai dt o modul bet ween t heset wosec t i ons.You woul dn' twanna spendf ourmi mi nut essayi ngexact l yt hesam me et hi ngt osome meone,ast hat ' snotver yi nt er est i ngf ort hem t o l i st en t o.I t ' st hesame mewi t h musi c.You can expr essa gr eatdeali nf ourmi mi nut es,and yourl i st eners deser vet hat ,somo movet hr ougham mi i ni mum oft wodi f f er entkeysi never ysong.Thi swi l lexpr esst wosi des t o yours t or y,and keep t hem capt i vat ed t hr oughoutt he j our ney.And,what ' sbet t ert han t wo?Yep. hr eedi f f er e nts e ct i ons  I deal l y,songsshoul dhaveatl eastt ( ver se,chor us,br i dge) ,sowhynott r eatyour l i s t ener st oadi f f e r e ntk e yf ore ac hs e ct i on.Theywi l lt ha nky ouwi t ht hei rf ul la t t ent i on!

Il i ket ot hi nkofnot esaspeopl e,soi magi neyourmusi ci saroom wi t hsevenpeopl ei ni t( i . e.t hecur r ent mode/keyyou' r eusi ng) .I tdoesn' tt akel ongf oryourl i st enert ogett oknow al lsevennot es,andt hent he conver sat i onget sst al e.So,ast hehost ,youki cksomeol dnot esoutandr epl acet hem wi t hnew ones, and ever yt hi ng' sf r eshagai n!Then af t eraw wh hi l e,t hosenew not esar en' tnew anymor eei t her ,soyou di t ch' em f ort heol donesagai n,whonow s oundf r eshast hey' vebeenaway.Theamo mountofnew not es youi nt r oducewh whenyoumo modul at e,det er mi neshow c l os e  ordi s t a nt   t henew keysoundst ot heol done. d i r e c t / a b r u p t mo m o d u l a t i o n La st l y ,al way st r ya   f i r st ,assomet i mesgoi ngst r ai ghti nt oanew keycancr eat e ani ncr edi bl yi nt erest i ngchange.But ,i fyoureart el l syout hatsucked,t hent r yoneoft heset hr eehacks: METHOD RootNot es




sm me ethodi sespeci al l y Changei nst ant l yand Di f f er entnot es , FLydi an→ FI oni an Thi u s e f u l i n e l e c t r o n i c e f f o r t l e s s l y t o s ame mer oot Pr e1→ Chor us1 i nCr eate/ Generat e

Rel ati veKeys


Same menot es, DAeol i an→ FI oni an di f f er entr oot Vers e2→ Chor us2 i nCr eate/ Generat e

musi c,whenyouw wa antt o what eve rmodeyou mai nt ai napart i cul arl ow want ,bysi mpl y f r equencyt hroughouta keepi ngt hesam me e whol es ong. r ootnot e. Wheny ouwanta seaml ml essm mo odul at i on, emp mphasi zeanot hernot e wi t hi nt hecur r entmode asyournew r oot .Be suret oem mp phasi zei t s uf f i c i ent l yt hough,

Star tyournew secti onont heroot t r i adoft hem mo ode you' vem mo odul at edt o. Somet i mesi thel pst o avoi dt her ootchord oft hem mo odeyouj ust

ot her wi s et h eea rwi l l came mef r om m, ,ot her wi se notbepul l edawayf r om t heearcanbe t heol dmode. t em mp pt edbackt oi t .

Per f ectCadences Di f f er entnot es , EDor i an→ FI oni an di f f er entr oot

Ther e' ssom me et hi ng uni quel yr efr eshi ng keyw/t wo♯ → keyw/one♭ a boutchangi ngnot es andr oot sbet ween sect i onsi nasong. chor dprogres si onexamp mpl e: However ,t hi st ypeof m o d u l a t i o n i s p ot ent Em ( ol dkey' sr oot ) a n d p e r h a p s n o t f or →  Amaj( pi votonA,ol dkey) ver ys ong.Appr oach →  Am ( pi votonA,new key) e t hcaut i on,butknow →  Cmaj ( new key' sVma maj ) wi →  Fm ma aj( new key' sr oot )

Us eVm ma ajoft henew keyyou' r egoi ngt o, f ol l ow we edbyt her oot chor doft hatnew key .I fpos s i bl e, pr ecedet heVmaj wi t hachor dt hat' si n bot hol d&new keys , AKAapi v otc hor d. I ft hat ' snotpos s i bl e,

t hatyourbol dnessw wi i l l t r yf i ndanot et h at ' s ber ewar ded! t hesam me ei nbot h keys ,AKAapi v ot note,andpl aybot h vers i onsoft hechor d f r om i t ( seeexampl eonl eft ) .

HackMu Musi c Theor y. com


 EYHAC I NG wor koutanykeysi gnat ur ef oranymo modei nseconds

 ey  =s cal e/ mode  eysi gnat ur e  =shar ps( ♯ ) orf l at s( ♭)   i nakey

TheK eKeySi gnat ur eKi l l i ngMachi ne™ i soneoft hemostpowe wer f ulhacks.I t ’ sbasedont he “ ci r cl e off i f t hs”butgoes way beyond t he ci r cl e’ sl i mi t at i ons.I n seconds,t he Ki l l i ng Mac hi ne  wi wi l lgi veyout hekeysi gnat ur e( andt heref or eal lt henot es)ofanyscal e,whi l e a l s os howi ngy ouwhi c hs c al esdon’ te xi s t .Wi t houtf ur t hera do,her ei ti s :FCG D AEB


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