¿]uâ hs un hntorno bnthrno Hntorno bnt bnthrno. Yh `hl `hlbnh ahnhrmc mck khnth iok ioko hc hntorno sodrh hc quh cm hkprhsm hghrih un iontroc totmc, hs `hibr, hc hntorno hn hc quh puh`h iontrocmr y mitumr vocuntmrbmkhnth5 `hspuâs `h to`o, hs hn hsth íkdbto `on `o n`h hniuhntrm sus punt untos luhrths y `âdbchs. Hn ahnhrmc, hn hsth arup arupo o po`h o`hkos bnic bnicub ubrr io ioko ko hghk ghkpc pco7 o7 kmq mqub ubnm nmrb rbm, m, iokhri hribmc bmc,, ... pocëtbim iok
¿]uâ hs hc mnícbsbs `hc hntorno bnthrno Hc mnícbsbs `hc hntorno bnthrno phrkbth lbgmr ion hxmitbtu` cms lortmchzms y `hdbcb`m`hs `h cm oramnbzmibùn. Hc proihso `h b`hntblbimr y hvmcumr cms luhrzms y cms `hdbcb`m`hs hn cms írhms lunibonmchs `h un nhaoibo, hs unm mitbvb`m` vbtmc `h cm m`kbnbstrmibùn hstrmtâabim. Cms oramnbzmibonhs cuifmn por shaubr hstrmthabms quh mprovhifhn cms luhrzms y rh`uzimn cms `hdbcb`m`hs bnthrnms.
Írh s lunibon chs vhntms
Cms írhms lunibonmchs `h unm hkprhsm tbhnhn lortmchzms y `hdbcb`m`hs mcaunms hkprhsms son ionoib`ms por su hxihchnth pro`uiibùn y `bshýo, otrms por su kmrehtbna, imcb`m` `h shrvbibo, hti. Co quh hs bkportmnth `bstbnaubr, hs quh cms írhms lunibonmchs o proihsos vmrëmn `h miuhr`o mc tbpo `h hkprhsm o
M`kbnbstrmibùn Zro`uiibùn
bnstbtuibùn y quh âstms `hdhn rhspon`h m kbsbùn, vbsbùn y hstrmthabms `h cm hkprhsm. Hc mnícbsbs bnthrno rhqubhrh quh sh rh÷nm, msbkbch y hvmc÷h bnlorkmibùn sodrh cms ophrmibonhs `h7
Lbnmnzms Kmrehtbna thinocoaëm
Hc odghtbvo `hc mnícbsbs bnthrno `h cm oramnbzmibùn hs `hsiudrbr sus lortmchzms y `hdbcb`m`hs
Hc odghtbvo `hc mnícbsbs hxthrno `h cm oramnbzmibùn hs `hsiudrbr oportunb`m`hs y mkhnmzms
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