13th Mansion Sex & Erotic Love Talisman

February 19, 2017 | Author: 123Mars | Category: N/A
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13th Mansion Sex & Erotic Love Talisman

Talisman of the


I have just ONE LEFT of each version [straight, gay, lesbian] of these authentic silver talismans of the thirteenth Mansion of the Moon for sex and love. Not only are the 13th Mansion talismans made according to the proper image as provided by the ancient astrological grimoire, the Picatrix, but these limited edition talismans were actually cast out of molten silver at a time precisely chosen to be astrologically auspicious. You can see the actual chart

of the making of these talismans below.

The key feature of these talismans is the image of the thirteenth Mansion of the Moon from Picatrix, "The thirteenth Mansion is Alahue, and it is for the liberation of men who are not able to come to women and for the creation of love between men and women. When the Moon has come around to this Mansion, fashion from red wax the image of an erect man (that is, with an erect penis); and let it be in all ways the image of a man desiring to GAY VERSION (enlarged) be in coitus with a woman. From white wax fashion the image of a woman. LESBIAN VERSION (enlarged)

Bind the two images together face to face, and cense them with amber and lignum aloes, and wrap them in a piece of white silk which has been washed in rosewater; and in whichever image write the name of the one you desire. If a woman shall carry these images with her, she will be most strongly desired by the man


whose name is upon the image - which is to say, when he sees her. And if another is tied or bound , who is not able to perform with women, if he shall carry the images with him [the binding] shall be dissolved and he will be able to perform with women." Picatrix, Book IV, Chapter 9.

We can see on the front of the talisman, shown above to

TALISMAN BACK (enlarged)

right, the image a man and a woman from the Picatrix by the talented artist/mage Nigel Jackson. We also have both gay and lesbian versions of the 13th mansion talisman which you can see On the back of the talisman, which you can see to right, around the outer edge, is the Latin phrase, Vinculum quippe vinculorum amor est, "Love is the greatest bond" as the creation of the bonds of love is the purpose of the talisman. Also listed is Jazariel, the name of the spirit of the 13th mansion, according to


All in all the talismans are a wonderful example of the magical power of numbers and symbols, practical exemplars of the harmony and interconnections of all things in the Cosmos.

The election is for 7:30 am MDT, August 21, 2009 for Boulder, Colorado, where Wade, our jeweler/mage cast these 13th Mansion talismans. The Moon is waxing in the 13th Mansion, the 13th Mansion rises and the Moon and Ascendant are unafflicted.


I am pleased to offer beautiful silver talismans of the 13th Mansion of the Moon for erotic love. The talismans are 24 grams in weight, a bit less than an ounce of silver and are 32 millimeters or 1 1/4 inches in diameter. After being cast at the elected time, the talismans were then consecrated and a leather cord added. Each talisman comes with a color Nigel Jackson image of Mercury for mediation and visualization as well as full consecration and ritual instructions.

The 13th Mansion talismans also include a free copy of Mansion Tracker, the lunar mansions software, a $25 value!

Only a very few of these talismans were made. They are unique and the timing of their election can never be replicated. These are not the usual mass produced pewter "talismans" but made from silver and carefully cast to the specifications in our original sources at the exact time most auspicious for the 13th Lunar Mansion

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