135806640 Mambo Rousseau s Magic Gris Gris Mojo Bags Rousseau Mambo

March 12, 2018 | Author: Christophe Beck | Category: Religion And Belief
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Mambo Rousseau's


Haitian (Gris Gris)

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) Mambo Rousseau 2011

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Papa Legba ouvre baye pou mwen,

Ago eh! Papa Legba ouvre baye pou mwen, Puvre baye pou mwen, Papa Pou mwen passe, Le'm tounnen map remesi Lwa yo!

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Mambo Rousseau encloses a variety of 21 Magical Mojo Bags based on her own experiences of Voodoo; raised by parents who practiced Voodoo religion, she learned tribal healing and mysticism. 21 Magical Mojo Bags are written by Mambo which she learned how to mke in Haiti, her hometown. Information from Mambo Magical Mojo Bags were influenced and passed down orally from her ancestors orally with wisdom and inspiration. You will find 21 Magic Mojo Bag Spells (gris gris bags), including beauty, fidelity, hex breaking, fertility, beauty, peace, success and a variety of enchantment mojo's which will empower you and your wishes to come true. Now you can carry your own handmade gris gris bag and you hold the

power to attract love, fidelity, for protection, attract power, good fortune or anything you wish to have in your life. Magic Mojo Bag's represents a lifetime of learning in Haiti that Mambo Rousseau presents you with a variety of 21 Mojo Bags that work. This book is a great source of inspiration with almost all of the formulas and ingredients used readily available. An excellent little reference book by a highly experienced Voodoo practitioner .

CHAPTERS What are Mojo Bags How to Make A Mojo Bags How to Care for Your Mojo Bags Colours for Mojo Bags & 21 MAGIC HAITIAN MOJO BAGS Banish/Bind an Enemy Bag for New Lover Bag for Breaking Bad Luck Confidence in Social Situations Dream Magick Mojo Bag Drawing Out a Latent Talent Fertility Mojo Bag Fidelity Mojo Bag Finance Attracting Money Mojo Bag Gamblers Luck Mojo Bag Healing a Broken Heart Mojo Bag Hex Breaking Mojo Bag

King or Queen Power Mojo Bag Lovers Forever Mojo Bag Peace Mojo Bag Relationship Reconciliation Mojo Bag Remove Negativity From Your Life Success Mojo Bag Travel Safely Mojo Bag Warding Off the Evil Eye Wisdom Mojo Bag

What are Mojo Bags A Mojo Bag is an African-American amulet used in voodoo/hoodoo practice. A small bag containing one or more magical items. Mojo means "magic" or in africa "mojuba" which means prayer, spell or praise. A Mojo Bag is a magic spell in a bag, something you carry or wear on your person or keep in a special place in your home. Mojo bags are used for a variety of purposes such as to draw love, protection, good luck, courage, srength, binding couples, to gain psychic ability, peace, protect your home and good luck. When you make your mojo bag for the purpose required you then must "fix it". This means that you dont just drop all the ingredients inside the mojo bag you bring it to awakening. This translates to "bring it to life" and commence your spell. Another way to "fix your mojo bag" is by using smoke either from a candle, a fire or incense stick. When it is required that youcarry your mojo bag on your person it is vital that it is not seen.

Mojos are usually carried on the person, always out of sight. By keeping your mojo bag out of sight is important because if another person touches it, the luck may be lost. This is known as called "killing the hand." Mojo bags are almost never worn around the neck. For some magic mojo bags that must touch off your skin you can pin them inside your undercloths. Other mojo bags used for protection of the home are placed near the door, hidden in such a way that they cannot be seen by strangers. Other names used for a Mojo Bag are Gris-Gris bag, Toby bag, a Jomo, Root bag or Conjure bag. Your Mojo Bag is made and used for individual situations and your requests are taken up with Spirit . Your Mojo Bag is considered a living being. When you make your mojo bag you will then anoint it, pray, visualize what you wish to happen and then place it on your personal altar to be charged with Spirit. Your Mojo Bag will last for 13 months and have to be anointed or "fed" regularly by running them through the smoke of a fire, incense or candle smoke.

How to TAKE Care OF Your magic Mojo Bags

Never allow anyone to touch your Mojo Bag as this adds their energy onto it and renders it useless. Always hide your Mojo Bag whether it be on your person or in your home. Treat your Mojo Bag as a living being and have respect for it and the Spirits. Once made, never open your Mojo Bag. Feed your mojo bag every 7 days - pray, run it through the smoke of a fire, candle smoke or incense. Always keep your Mojo bag with you unless otherwise stated

The only time you can remove your Mojo Bag it at night when you undress; place it between your pillow and the pillow case. Pray to your alive Mojo Bag to increase your connection with it. Use your Mojo Bag wisely and the spirits will look on you with favour.

How to Make a magic Mojo Bag Select the material that you would like to use for your bag traditionally red flannel; velvet, felt, or leather are good choices however, you can also use cotton or any other fabric. My preference is velvet as it is easy to use and the texture is lovely. Cut the material into approximately 7'x7'. Sew together with whatever colour thread you like. Sew three of the sides of the pouch together. While you sew your mojo bag, focus your thoughts on the purpose for the charm. Turn inside out and around the rim of the mojo bag use a ribbon and thread it through so that when you pull it tight the bag closes. Visualize your goal coming true for you and know that as you sew your energy is being put into your mojo bag and being sent out into the Universe. Next you can decorate your mojo bag in any way that you wish.

You may wish to draw meaningful symbols on the bag. You can can write your purpose on the bag. Sewing sequins, ribbons, or other decorations such as glitter on the bag is a good idea. The more effort and time you put into decorating and working with your mojo bag, the more of your personal energy you infuse into it. While you are doing this, imagine that the mojo bag is working its magic for you. Now add the ingredients that you want to have in your mojo bag. You can use anything that you feel is symbolic of the goal you wish to reach. Dried herbs, crystals, photos, written words, flower petals, trinkets, a small magnet. Sew the top of your mojo bag closed. Sprinkle essential oil or perfume on your mojo bag for scent. If you wish, you can sew a ribbon onto the bag to hang it with. You may also carry the charm bag in your pocketbook, bag, or in your pocket.

Colours of Mojo Bags Select the color of fabric for your charm bag. The color you choose depends on the purpose for your bag. The most common colour used is red material.

Bright White is used for the spirit world. Black is used for banishing, hexing and revenge. Blue is used for healing and fertility. Cream is used for wisdom. Green is used for luck and financial matters. Gold is used for magic. Orange is used for confidence.

Pink is used for love, relationships, soulmates. Purple is used for protection, dream magick and psychic power. Red is used for passion, lust or sex. Silver is used to counteract evil or negativity. White is used for purity and cleansing. Yellow is used for wealth and prosperity.



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Banish/Bind an Enemy

Make a blacksmall draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in each of the following:

black cotton fabric crossing powder black arts oil calamus root frankincense revenge oil small poppet in their image their name written on parchment

Draw a New Lover

Make a red small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in each of the following:

5 rose petals a bit (2 pinches or so) of catnip a bit of Starwitch a bit of vervain (if available) 1 marble sized piece of jasper or rose quartz

During the waxing phase of the moon, preferably on a Friday, put the bag together, then consecrate and charge the bag. Wear it around your neck or keep it in your pocket.

Breaking a Run of Bad Luck

Make a white small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in a pinch or two of each of the following:

Angelica root African Ginger Fennel seed Holy thistle Clove Basil Add a small citrine to the pouch and you have a powerful sachet. During the full moon, put the bag together, then consecrate and charge it. Make certain it is tied tightly. Keep it close to your heart.

Confidence in Social Situations

Make a orange small draw-string mojobag about 1-2 inches deep.

Put in a pinch or two of each of the following: Nutmeg Pine needles Dried Lavender Piece of Mandrake root

Carve your initials and a pentagram on the mandrake root and tie the bag closed. During the waxing phase of the moon, consecrate and charge the bag. Wear it around your neck or keep it in your pocket. You will feel a surge of energy whenever you are in a social situation.

Dream Magick Mojo Bag

If you find you need a little help in lucid dreaming, or you want to learn the answer to a specific problem, this charm bag is a great tool. It soothes the waking mind and helps your sleeping mind to focus. Make a purple small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in a pinch or two of each of the following:

peppermint cinnamon lemon verbena marigold vervain hops

During the full moon, put the mojo bag together, then consecrate and charge it. Make certain it is tied tightly. Before sleep each night, rub the mojo bag over your third eye (center of forehead) and concentrate on the question, problem or situation. Then place the mojo bag under your pillow. Continue to concentrate on the situation as you drift off. When you wake, write down whatever you remember in your dream journal. Your question should be answered within the first few nights. Remember dreams can be symbolic or literal.

This mojo bag can also help increase your skill at lucid dreaming, by keeping your mind focused on the fact that you are just dreaming.

Drawing Out a Latent Talent

Make a yellow small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in a pinch or two of each of the following: licorice root rosehips fennel catnip elderflower Once assembled, hang the bag outdoors at sundown. At midnight, remove the bag and place it around your neck. You must wear it for the next 24 hours. After the first 24 hours, you can place it under your pillow the night before any important where you feel you need some extra help reaching your full potential. Remember this charm is to bring out your existing talent not give you one you don't already have.

Fertility Mojo Bag

Make a blue small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in a pinch or two of each of the following:

rosehip almond white lotus advocado honey red wine

Carry this close to your heart on your person until you become pregnant.

Fidelity Mojo Bag

Make a dark red small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in a pinch or two of each of the following:

myrtle violet orris root rose vanilla egg shell

Carry this on your person to ensure your partner is faithful or give it to them as a gift.

Finance Attracting Money Mojo Bag

Make a green small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Place a pinch or two of each of the following: a piece of black cat bone bayberry root cinnamon

lodestone John the Conquer root 1 silver coin 1 note

Gamblers Luck Mojo Bag

Make a green small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in the following: alligator foot

allspice berries skull charm silver (money e.g. dime) nutmeg pyrite

Keep in your breast pocket when gambling

Healing a Broken Heart Magic Mojo Bag

Make a blue small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in the following:

alfalfa leaf Balm of Gilead buds catnip coriander seeds dittany of crete Dragon's Blood resin rose petals fumitory herb Qing Dai Fen

Hex Breaking Mojo Bag

Make a black small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep.

Put in the following:

alkanet root angelica root chicory root High John the Conqueror root rosemary buffalo grass

Bury this in the earth

King or Queen Power POWERFUL Mojo Bag

Make a gold small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in one or two pinches of the following:

arrowroot powder yellow cornmeal alkanet root calendula blossoms white sand or clay neroli oil

Lovers Forever Mojo Bag

Make a pink small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in one or two pinches of the following:

catnip yarrow mugwort pink coral lock of your hair ginseng root orris root mandrake root lemon peel mandrake

Peace Mojo Bag

Make a white small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in one or two pinches of the following:

hyssop a clear crystal myrrh dried frankincense sandalwood chips

Used for peace of mind

Relationship Reconciliation Mojo Bag

Make a red small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in one or two pinches of the following: If you are female use Queen Elizabeth Root If you are male use John the Conqueror Root

five finger grass jezebel root catnip juniper berries rosebuds lodestone Balm of Gilead buds damiana reconcialiation oil

Remove Negativity From Your Life

Make a black small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in one or two pinches of the following:

datura leaves black cord asafoedita herb saliva

A poppet or representation of who or what you want to remove

Shread it to pieces and place in bag and burn.

Success Mojo Bag

Make a white small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in one or two pinches of the following:

John the Conqueror root graveyard dirt deer tongue leaves 1 silver coin Crown of Success powder five finger grass symbol e.g business card

Carry on your person

Travel Safely Mojo Bag

Make a purple small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in one or two pinches of the following:

small amethyst crystals small miror four leaf clover a map a small globe sandalwood oil

Retain until your journey has ended on your person

Warding Off the Evil Eye

Make a black small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in one or two pinches of the following:

cats eye alligator tooth arrow head black feather garlic salt lodestone a seal of solomon

Always keep this mojo on your person

Wisdom Mojo Bag

Make a cream small draw-string mojo bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in one or two pinches of the following:

obalta peppermint

orunmilla sea kelp pyrite chips allspice cinnamon calamus root

Can be brought into examinations, interviews etc...


TROUPE PUBLISHING Image - FFCU 8809 (c) Mambo Rousseau 1999 - Revised edition 2012

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