130717203 Project Report on Comparative Analysis of Amul With Other Brands
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RESEARCH PROJECT REPORT ON “Comparative Study into Sales & distribution of
AM! "A#R$ & PARA% "A#R$
nder %uidan2e of3
by3 Mr. CYRIL PARMAR (Training in charge)
%#MT #NST#TTE O( MANA%EMENT TECHNO!O%$4 %REATER NO#"A Affiliated to Mahamaya Technical University
I hereby dec!re "h!" "he #r$%ec" re#$r" e&"'"ed “Comparative
Study into Sales & distribution of AM! "A#R$ & PARA% "A#R$ ' !& $r''&! !&d !*"he&"'c +$r, d$&e by -e !&d ' b!ed *#$& "he "*dy c$&d*c"ed by -e.
h' #r$%ec" re#$r" +! *&der"!,e& ! ! #!r" $/ "he M.B.A. Pr$r!--e $/ M!h!-!y! ech&'c! U&'er'"y.
*Praveen 5umar0 M'A 6rd SEM
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude toward Mr. Mr. . !. oshi "#. M.$ the chairman of the AMUL, who gave me permission to do my Summer raining !ro"ect in AMUL. Also I would like to convey my sincere thanks to Mr. Cyril %armar (Training in charge) who supported me in ac#uiring practical knowledge
throughout guiding me in my pro"ect.
I am deeply thankful to $IM Institute of Management % echnology for permitting me to do Summer raining !ro"ect and encouraging me to complete successfully. I would also like to thank my faculty mem&ers, for her keen interest, valua&le guidance, inspiration, immense 'eal for hard work and positive outlook towards the su&"ect. heir intellect, persuasiveness and insistence on a good work were a guiding light in the darkness of my ignorance.
I would also like to express my sincere thanks to administrative personnel who have helped me in carrying out my summer training. Lastly, I would like thank all the persons who have helped me directly or indirectly in completing my pro"ect successfully.
Summer Internship !rogramme is a part of M(A !rogramme, which is very helpful in getting practical knowledge in this glo&ali'ation world. )ow*a*days only theoretical knowledge is not enough to success in life &ut most important we must have practical knowledge. +ith the help of this training, I came to know how to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.
Main purpose of this training is to have awareness a&out industrial environment and to know a&out different functions of an organi'ation like istri&ution, !roduction and Marketing.
I got an opportunity in -AIA ISI/ /0*0!1AI21 MIL- U)I0) LIMI1, Anand, $u"arat to undergo Summer Internship !rogramme as a part of M(A !rogramme. I consider myself privileged that I got a chance to work with reputed company and can upgrade my knowledge related to practical aspect of &usiness world which is very helpful in my career &uilding.
C&'T'T Cha%ter *
Executive Summary
Introduction to the Indian Dairy Industry
Company Profie of !mu
Company Profie of Para" Dairy
Saes and Distri#ution strate"ies
Cha%ter +
$esearch %ethodoo"y
'ective of the study
Si"nificance of the study
$esearch %ethodoo"y
Data Coection (echni)ues
!naytica (oos
*imitations of the study
Cha%ter ,
Data interpretation and +raphica !naysis
,indin"s- su""estions and Concusion
Cha%ter -
a /uestionnaire # i#io"raphy
In today’s compeve world while entering in the market it is very necessary to have good knowledge of the potenal of a parcular market. The growth of a company is invariably determined not just by its strategy, but on how it responds to the challenges it encounters. Over the decades !"# has successfully countered several challenges that have come its way with innovave responses and connuous improvement, which have enabled it to remain stable and even convert some of these challenges into opportunies. It is the culture of endurance that has accorded !"# the insight and focus to deal with the current economic environment. $rawing from its inner strength and beliefs, !"# responded by launching several iniaves across all its operaons in various geographies that are helping the group achieve growth even in current mes. It is also this very strategic culture that will propel !"# to connue on its growth trajectory in years to come.
(he report provides a comprehensive insi"ht into the company and aso a#out the companys S&( anaysis. (his report mainy studies in detai the various product mix strate"ies of the company and aso focuses on the se"mentation of #oth company #ased and industry #ased and heps in anaysin" the companys competitive advanta"e and the reason #ehind its success.
C7apter / #N"#AN "A#R$ #N"STR$
#NTRO"CT#ON TO THE #N"#AN "A#R$ #N"STR$ The 0orld1s 2iggest dairy %rod/cing co/ntry is gro0ing fast and loo3ing to 2ecome an e%ort %o0erho/se des%ite ma4or 5/ality %ro2lems... A 'ote to o/r Readers6 the foo6in" information on India7s dairy sector is reproduced
from India Infoine.com. India is the 6ord7s ar"est mi8 producin" country and is "ro6in" fast- 6ith an eye to6ard #ecomin" a ma'or dairy exporter. (his artice is hepfu readin" for anyone interested #etter understandin".
Cons/mer 7a2its and Practices
%i8 has #een an inte"ra part of Indian food for centuries. (he per capita avaia#iity of mi8 in India has "ro6n from 152 "m per person per day in 1952 to 1:2"m in 1992 and 203 "m in 199:;99.(his is expected to increase to 212"ms for 200:. is utii?ed for conversion to mi8 products. !mon" the mi8 products manufactured #y the or"ani?ed sector some of the prominent ones are "hee- #utter- cheese- ice creams- mi8 po6ders- mated mi8 food- condensed mi8 infants foods etc. &f these "hee aone accounts for :>. It is estimated that around 20> of the tota mi8 produced in the country is consumed at producer;househod eve and remainin" is mar8eted throu"h various cooperatives- private dairies and vendors. !so of the tota produce more than 0> is procured #y cooperatives and other private dairies. hie for cooperatives of the tota mi8 procured 0> is consumed in fuid form and rest is used for manufacturin" processed vaue added dairy products@ for private dairies ony 4> is mar8eted in fuid form and rest is processed into vaue added dairy products i8e "hee- ma8han etc.
Sti- severa consumers in ur#an areas prefer to #uy oose mi8 from vendors due to the stron" perception that oose mi8 is fresh. !so- the current eve of processin" and pac8a"in" capacity imits the avaia#iity of pac8a"ed mi8. (he preferred dairy anima in India is #uffao uni8e the ma'ority of the 6ord mar8et- 6hich is dominated #y co6 mi8. !s hi"h as 9:> of mi8 is produced in rura India- 6hich caters to 52> of the tota popuation- 6hereas the ur#an sector 6ith 2:> popuation consumes > of tota mi8 produced. Even in ur#an India- as hi"h as :3> of the consumed mi8 comes from the unor"ani?ed traditiona sector. Presenty ony 12> of the mi8 mar8et is represented #y pac8a"ed and #randed pasteuri?ed mi8- vaued at a#out $s.:- 000 crores. /uaity of mi8 sod #y unor"ani?ed sector ho6ever is inconsistent and so is the price across the season in oca areas. !so these vendors add 6ater and caustic soda- 6hich ma8es the mi8 unhy"ienic.
Mar3et i8e and #ro0th
%ar8et si?e for mi8 Asod in ooseB pac8a"ed form is estimated to #e 3mn %( vaued at $s450#n. (he mar8et is currenty "ro6in" at round 4> pa in voume terms. (he mi8 surpus states in India are ttar Pradesh- Pun'a#- of nationa production.
%i8 production "re6 #y a mere 1> pa #et6een 1945 and 1950. Since the eary 507s- under &peration ,ood- production "ro6th increased si"nificanty avera"in" over > pa. !#out 5> of mi8 is consumed at the househod eve 6hich is not a part of commercia dairy industry. *oose mi8 has a ar"er mar8et in India as it is perceived to #e fresh #y most consumers. In reaity ho6ever- it poses a hi"her ris8 of aduteration and contamination. (he production of mi8 products- i.e. mi8 products incudin" infant mi8 foodmated food- condensed mi8 cheese stood at 3.05 a8h %( in 200:. Production of mi8 po6der incudin" infant mi8;food has risen to 2.2 a8h %( in 200:- 6hereas that of mated food is at 000 %(. Cheese and condensed mi8 productio n stands at 000 and 11000 %( respectivey in the same year.
Ma4or Players
(he pac8a"ed mi8 se"ment is dominated #y the dairy cooperatives. +u'arat Co;operative %i8 %ar8etin" ,ederation A+C%%, is the ar"est payer. ! other oca dairy cooperatives have their oca #rands A,or e.". +o8u- arana in %aharashtra- Saras in $a'asthan- Fer8a in Pun'a#- Fi'aya in !ndhra Pradesh- !avin in (ami =adu- etc. &ther private payers incude G Dairy- . In reative terms- penetration of "hee is si"nificanty hi"her in =orth and est- 6hich are mi8 surpus re"ions. =orth accounts for 5> of "hee consumption and est for 23>- South East to"ether account for the #aance 20>. ! ar"e part of "hee is made at home and #y smaB cotta"e industry from mi8. (he reative share of #randed products in this cate"ory is very o6 at around 1;2>. %i8 po6der and condensed mi8 have not #een a#e to "arner any si"nificant consumer acceptance in India as indicated #y a very o6 4.5> penetration. (he penetration is hi"her at :.1> in ur#an areas and o6er at 3.> in rura areas. ithin ur#an areas- it is reativey hi"her in medium si?ed to6ns at :.> compared to 5.5> in ar"e metros.
%ort Potential
India has the potentia to #ecome one of the eadin" payers in mi8 and mi8 product exports. *ocation advanta"eH India is ocated amidst ma'or mi8 deficit countries in !sia and !frica. %a'or importers of mi8 and mi8 products are an"adesh- China "ro6th in the se"ment. !mu has aso #ecome more a""ressive 6ith aunch of ne6 variants such as %o??area cheese Aused in Pi??a- cheese po6der- etc.
(he entry of ne6 payers and increased mar8etin" activity is expected to expand the mar8et. ! the ma'or payers are expandin" their capacities
Capa2ity e9pansion in C7eese Company "ynami2s
'rands Manufa2tures
State for Ma7aras7tra
Capa2ity 6B tons per
%roup % CM M (
'ritannia Amul
day +, tons per
day /, tons per
Mil: Po?der %i8 po6der is mainy of 2 types J hoe mi8 po6der J S8immed mi8 po6der hoe mi8 po6der contains fat- as distin"uished from s8immed mi8 po6der- 6hich is produced #y removin" fat from mi8 soids. S8immed mi8 po6der is preferred #y diet conscious consumers. Dairy 6hitener s contain more fat than s8immed mi8 po6der #ut ess compared to 6hoe mi8 po6der. Dairy 6hiteners are popuar mi8 su#stitute for ma8in" tea- coffee etc. (he penetration of these products in mi8 a#undant re"ions is driven #y convenience and non perisha#e nature Aon"er shef ife of the product.
Dairy sector of advanced nations export mi8 products 6ith a su#sidy of K 1000 per tones 6ith a eve of su#sidy more than 0 > of the price of mi8 po6der produced in India- this has ed to ar"e scae imports of mi8 po6der #oth in 6hoe and s8immed form. (o protect the domestic sector from these su#sidi?ed imports the centra "overnment has recenty increased the #asic import duty on a imports of mi8 po6der more than 10000 %( to 0> from 1>. ,or imports ess than 10000 %( the #asic customs duty has #een eft unchan"ed at 1>. In 200: India is estimated to have imported a#out 1:-000 tonnes of mi8 po6der a"ainst a tota estimated production of 2.40 *a8h %(s. In 2005;0: India is expected to export 10000 %( of s8immed mi8 po6der due to rise in internationa prices to K2300 per %( from ast year7s eves of K1400 per %(. (hese expectations are #ased on the stron" demand from $ussia- East !sia and *atin !merica- and aso on ti"htenin" of suppy in E- 6hich accounts for 5> of the annua "o#a S8immed %i8 Po6der exports. Mil3 Collection Cycle
(he success of each and every dairy industry is the "ettin" the mi8 from the farmers and ma8in" that mi8 in use as soon as possi#e #efore that mi8 "et spoied #ecause the mi8 is the perisha#e product. ,or the smooth runnin" the #usiness of dairy industry the industry must concentrate on the mi8 coection cyce. !mu dairy is very conscious a#out the mi8 coection cyce #ecause the #ase of the success of the !mu is mi8 coection cyce.
Prod/ction ca%acity of Am/l
utter Po6der pant Po6der pant ,avour mi8
0 to 0 (ones 50 tones 0 tones 40000 #ottes
Ma4or Players
%i8 Po6derBDairy hitenersH %a'or s8immed mi8 #rands are Sa"ar A+C%%, and =andini Aarnata8a %i8 ,ederation- !mu ,u Cream mi8 po6der is a 6hoe mi8 po6der #rand. *eadin" #rands in the dairy 6hitener se"ment are =estLs Everyday- +C%%,7s !muyaDamia Industry7s Sapan- 6aity Dairy India7s reamountry- oc8hardt7s ,arm ,resh and ritannia7s %i8man Dairy hitener.
Condensed Mil3
(he condensed mi8 mar8et has "ro6n from 9000 %( in 2005 to 11000 %( in 200:. Condensed mi8 is a popuar in"redient used in home;made s6eets and ca8es. =estLs %i8maid is the eadin" #rand 6ith more than > mar8et share. (he ony other competitor is +C%%,7s !mu.
Infant 9oods
=este is the mar8et eader in the se"ment. (his is a cate"ory 6here #rand oyaties are very stron" as mothers 6ant the #est for their #a#ies. mar8et share. &ther #rands are fat is re)uired to produce 1 8" of #utter.
Cheese6 (here are thousands of varieties of cheese in the 6ord. (he type of
manufacturin" process used in the production of cheese determines its favour- 6hich ran"es from extremey mid to very sharp- and its texture- 6hich can #e semi;soid to amost stone hard. Cheese ma8in" re)uires four main in"redients ; "ood )uaity mi8rennet or coa"uatin" acids- cuture and sat. Cheese is "eneray made from co67s mi8. !#out 10 itres of mi8 6ith 3> fat is re)uired for ma8in" 1 8" of cheese. =atura Cheese is made #y coa"uatin" or curdin" mi8- stirrin" heatin" the curd- drainin" off the 6hey and coectin" or pressin" the curd. (he desired favour and texture is o#tained #y varyin" the temperature- humidity and time period of the curin" process. S6eetened condensed mi8 is usuay made from fresh mi8 #y addin" su"ar to the mi8 pre;6armin"
and concentratin" the mixture in the hi"h vacuum. (he syrupy mi8 is then cooed so that the actose crystai?es as very fine crystas and then the product is coa"uated. 9/t/re Pros%ects
IndiaN N s dairy sector is expected to tripe its production in the next 10 years in vie6 of expandin" potentia for export to Europe and the est. %oreover 6ith (& re"uations expected to come into force in comin" years a the deveoped countries 6hich are amon" #i" exporters today 6oud have to 6ithdra6 the support and su#sidy to their domestic mi8 products secto r. !so India today is the o6est cost producer of per itre of mi8 in the 6ord- at 25 cents- compared 6ith the .S7 3 cents- and GapanN N s K2.: doars. !so to ta8e advanta"e of this o6est cost of mi8 production and increasin" production in the country mutinationa companies are pannin" to expand their activities here. Some of these mi8 producers have aready o#tained )uaity standard certificates from the authorities. (his 6i hep them in mar8etin" their products in forei"n countries in processed form. (he ur#an mar8et for mi8 products is expected to "ro6 at an acceerated pace of around 33> per annum to around $s.43-0 0 crores #y year 200:. (his "ro6t h is "oin" to come from the "reater emphasis on the processed foods sector and aso #y increase in the conversion of mi8 into mi8 products. y 200:- the vaue of Indian dairy produce is expected to #e $s 10- 00-000 miion. Presenty the mar8et is vaued at around $s500-000mn.
COMPANY PROFILE OF AMUL The Am/l > Meaning AMUL -e!& 1 #r'cee 1 '& S!&,r'" . A 2*!'"y c$&"r$ e3#er" '& A&!&d *e"ed "he br!&d &!-e 1AMUL /r$- "he S!&,r'" +$rd 1A-$$y! !r'!&"5 ! -e!&'& 1#r'cee !re /$*&d '& eer! I&d'!& !&*!e. A-* #r$d*c" h!e bee& *ed '& -''$& $/ h$-e '&ce 946 .
A-* b*""er
A-* -', #$+der
A-* hee
A-* cheee
A-* ch$c$!"e
A-* Ice cre!-
$d!y A-* ' ! y-b$ $/ -!&y "h' & . $/ h' h 2*!'"y #r$d*c" $ d
re!$&!be #r'ce . "r'*-#h $/ '&d'e&$* "ech&$$y . O/ "he -!r,e"'& !y $/ ! /!r-er $r!&':!"'$& . A&d #r$e& -$de /$r d!'ry dee$#-e&" .
(he main motto of !%* is to hep farmers. ,armers 6ere the foundation stone of !%*. (he system 6or8s ony for farmers and for consumers- not for profit. (he main of !%* is to provide )uaity product s to the consumers at minimum cost. (he "oa of !%* is to provide maximum profit in terms of money to the farmers.
Fision of !%* is to provide and vanish the pro#ems of farmers Ami8 producers. (he !%* apparition 6as to run the or"ani?ation 6ith co;operative of four main parties- the farmers- the representatives- the mar8eters- and the consumers.
e the motivated and devoted 6or8 force of !%* are committed to produce 6hoe some and safe foods of exceent )uaity to remain mar8et eaders throu"h depoyment of )uaity mana"ement system- state of art technoo"y innovation and eco; friendy dei"htment of customer and #etterment of mi8 producer 7IT&RY
In eary 1940s a farmer in aira district- as ese6here in India- derived his income amost entirey from seasona crops. (he income from mi8 6as patry and coud not #e depended upon. (he main #uyers 6ere mi8 traders of Poson *td.;a privatey o6ned
company that en'oyed monopoy for suppy of mi8 from aira to the +overnment %i8 Scheme om#ay. (he system eads to expoitation of poor and iiterate farmers #y the private traders.
= / 4
/ooling 3;*> /4
Ageing3;*> /8 6?hours4
/ream (alance tank
!@1 3 for temperature ad"ustment at *; /4
/hurning 3speed = in the #randed sector in Dehi 6here it ses 2.3 miion iters of mi8 daiy and underta8es its mar8etin" operations throu"h around 14-000 retai outets and :4 excusive outets of Para" Dairy. (he companys derives si"nificant competitive advanta"e from its uni)ue distri#ution net6or8 of #u8 vendin" #ooths- retai outets and mo#ie units. Para" Dairy ice creams aunched in the year 199 have sho6n continuous "ro6th over the years and today #oasts of approximatey 2> mar8et share in Dehi and =C$. Para" Dairy aso manufactures and mar8ets a 6ide ran"e of dairy products that incude utter- Dahi- +heeCheese- and not satisfied 0>. Pac8in" #y consumer !mu 2> and no5> and Para" 6ith satisfied 5>
and not satisfied 2>. /uaity 6ise !mu 1> and no :> and Para" 6ith satisfied 0> and not satisfied 40>.
I& d!'ry #r$d*c"5 +h'ch c$-#!&y #r$d*c" de-!&d ' h'her
#nterpretation3 103
;0#er ce&" c$&*-er de-!&d /$r A-* d!'ry #r$d*c" J . rand preferred #y consumer e.". 50> !mu and 30> Para". (aste preferred #y consumer :> !mu and 32> Para". Price 6ise #y consumer 0> !mu and 40> Para".
h'ch #r$d*c" $/
A-* ' #re/erred by c*"$-er
! consumers Preferred 6ith their product and some consumer chan"e product (aste #y consumer !mu :0> and no20> and Para" 6ith Preferred 4> and not Preferred 4>. Price #y consumer !mu 30> and no50> and Para" 6ith Preferred 40> and not Preferred 0>. Pac8in" #y consumer !mu 2> and no5> and Para" 6ith Preferred 5> and not Preferred 2>. /uaity 6ise !mu 1> and no :> and Para" 6ith Preferred 0> and not Preferred 40>.
C7apter B '&d'&5 *e"'$& J c$&c*'$&
1. (he company caters to the Indian paate- 6hich is its primary driver of success. In i"ht of this statement- criticay examine the mar8etin" strate"ies adopted #y !mu Para" Dairy to capture a si?ea#e mar8et share of the or"ani?ed Dairy #ased food Product in India.
2. In the modern competitive scenario- promotion is a 8ey eement in the mar8etin" mix of a company. Criticay anay?e the promotion strate"ies adopted #y !mu India Pvt. *td. hat other efforts must the company ta8e to effectivey promote its productsT
3. Dairy #ased Products contri#ute a ma'or share of the revenues of !mu. +iven the competitive scenario in the Dairy Products in India- 6here competitors such as Para" Dairy are introducin" severa innovative products- 6hat measures must !mu ta8e to remain competitiveT Expain in detai.
Company shoud have feed #ac8 from mar8et and consumer a#out the Dairy #ased Products.
(he more ,avors of !mu Para" Dairy Products shoud #ecome in the %ar8et.
(he company provided some sma schemes for retaier aso.
(he company "ives some "ifts for customer aso.
(he c ompany s houd a ssociate i tsef 6 ith s ome " ames o r tournaments i8e foot#a- cric8et and so on.
Company s houd p rovide s ponsored s eminar m ar8et i ntei"ence; Company shoud maintain the heathy reationship 6ith mar8et distri#ution channe i.e. 6hoe seer- distri#utor- retaiers 6hich 6i #oost the #rand ima"e.
Company shoud chec8 the mar8et rea position hep the trainees and other survey or"ani?ations.
Company s houd aunch i ts 6 e#site a nd u se n e6 a dvertisin" channes@ i.e. X (raier in cinema has X
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