Chapter 08 Business Strategy Multiple Choice Questions
1. (p. 215) The two most prominent sources of competitive advantage for a business are: . !ntegration . !ntegration and coordination B. Cost and differentiation C. "eop#e C. "eop#e and products $. "roducts $. "roducts and services
Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: 1
%. (p. 215) &hich of the fo##owing are often o ften referred to as generic strategies' A. Cost #eadership and differentiation B. (ar)et B. (ar)et #eadership and differentiation C. Cost C. Cost #eadership and product pricing $. $ifferentiation $. $ifferentiation and va#ue chain ana#ysis
Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: 1
*. (p. 216) &hich of these refers to business strategies that see) to estab#ish #ong-term competitive advantages by emphasi+ing and perfecting va#ue chain activities that can be achieved at costs substantia##y be#ow what competitors are ab#e to match on a sustained basis' . $ifferentiation . $ifferentiation strategies B. ,rand B. ,rand strategies C. ow-cost strategies $. Speed-based $. Speed-based strategies
Difficulty: a!y Learning Objective: 1
Chapter 08 - Business Strategy
. (p. 21") &hich of the fo##owing is /T a s)i## or a resource that fosters cost #eadership' A. Strong downstream partners B. "rocess B. "rocess engineering s)i##s C. ow-cost C. ow-cost distribution system $. Sustained $. Sustained capita# investment and access to capita#
Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: 1
. (p. 21") rgani+ationa# re2uirements to support and sustain cost #eadership are: . Sub3ective . Sub3ective measurements and incentives B. Tradition B. Tradition of c#oseness to )ey customers C. 4re2uent5 detained contro# reports $. Some $. Some personne# s)i##ed in sa#es and operations
Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: 1
6. (p. 21") Common resource5 s)i##s and organi+ationa# re2uirements to support an 7overa## cost #eadership7 generic strategy inc#ude a## but: . Sustained . Sustained access to capita# B. Sub3ective measurement and incentives instead of 2uantitative measures C. "rocess C. "rocess engineering s)i##s $. Tight $. Tight cost contro#
Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: 1
Chapter 08 - Business Strategy
. (p. 21#) &hich one of the fo##owing is /T a )ey ris) associated with a cost #eadership oriented business strategy' . (any cost-saving activates are easi#y dup#icated B. Cost differences se#dom dec#ine over time C. 9c#usive cost #eadership can become a trap $. bsessive cost cutting can shrin) other competitive advantages invo#ving )ey product attributes
Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: 1
8. (p. 21#) ;;;;;;;;;; re2uires that the business have substantia# advantages that a##ow it to provide buyers with something uni2ue#y va#uab#e to them. . Cost strategy B. !ntegration C. $ifferentiation $. Speed-based strategy
Difficulty: a!y Learning Objective: 1
the differentiated business is too high C. bsessive cost cutting can shrin) other competitive advan tages $. Cost differences often dec#ine over time
Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: 1
Chapter 08 - Business Strategy
1. (p. 222) Business strategies bui#t around functiona# capabi#ities and activities that a##ow the company to meet customer needs more rapid#y than its main competitors are referred to as ;;;;;;;;;; strategies. A. Speed-based B. Cost C. $ifferentiation $. !ntegration
Difficulty: a!y Learning Objective: 1
1. (p. 22&) ## of the fo##owing are s)i##s or resources that foster rapid response ?speed@ 9AC9"T: . "rocess engineering s)i##s B. 9ce##ent inbound and outbound #ogistics C. igh #eve# of automation D. Creative ta#ent and f#air
Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: 1
16. (p. 22&) rgani+ationa# re2uirements to support and sustain rapid response activities inc#ude which of these' A. Strong de#egation to operating personne# B. Sub3ective measurements and incentives C. menities to attract high#y s)i##ed #abor and creative peop#e $. 4re2uent5 detained contro# reports
Difficulty: %ard Learning Objective: 1
Chapter 08 - Business Strategy
1. (p. 22&) Speed-based competitive advantage can be created around a## of these activities 9AC9"T: . Customer responsiveness B. "roduct deve#opment cyc#es C. !nformation sharing and techno#ogy D. Brand #oya#ty
Difficulty: %ard Learning Objective: 1
18. (p. 22&) The etent to which a business concentrates on a narrow#y defined mar)et5 it is ca##ed a?n@ ;;;;;;;;;; strategy. . !ntegration B. (ar)et focus C. 4ormu#a faci#ity $. Tight#y managed decentra#i+ation
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