125405_PM Course Outline Project Management Term VI,December 2014

June 4, 2016 | Author: Dhruv Bansal | Category: N/A
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LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, DELHI Two Year Full Time Post Graduate Diploma in Management Trimester-VI Course Code: 125405

Course Title: Project Management

Academic Session: 2013-15

Facilitator: Prof. Vidhu Shekhar Jha, Ph.D. E-mail: [email protected] Mobile 9266742990 Room No. 302 (Office)


The use of projects and project management is becoming more and more important for all kinds of organizations. Businesses regularly use Project Management to accomplish unique outcomes under the constraints of resources, and Project Management is one of essential ways of achieving an Organization’s Strategy. This course addresses the managerial perspective of managing General Projects, not specially focuses on one type of Project. The course uses the well-structured Text Book to meet the needs of those wishing to prepare for PMP (Project Management Professional) certification Exam. The Text Book used in the Course has an in- depth coverage of the most critical topics in Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). This Course will prepare the students to understand the various aspects of Project Management to become a successful Project Manager in the Organizations they will be joining after completing their PGDM Program from this Institute. COURSE CONTENTS: Module No. I–

Session No./s 1

Topic & Reading/s Course Design. Formation of Teams. General Guidelines of the Course! Modern Project Management: -What is a Project-The Project Life Cycle, The Project Manager, and Being Part of Project Team? -Current Drivers of Project Management - Project Governance-Alignment of Projects with Organizational Strategy -Project Management Today Reading: Gray, Larson, and Desai (2014), Project Management-The Managerial Process 6th. Edition, Special Indian Edition, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, New Delhi. (TEXT BOOK): Chapter-1


Organizational Strategy and Project Selection: The Strategic Management Process: An Overview 1

-The Need for a Project Portfolio Management System: The Implementation Gap, Organization Politics, Resource Conflicts and Multi-Tasking, -Classification of Project, Selection Criteria: Financial and Non-Financial Criteria, -Applying a Selection Model: Sources and Solicitation of Project Projects -Managing the Portfolio System: Balancing the Portfolio for Risks and Types of Projects Reading: Gray, Larson, and Desai (2014), Project Management-The Managerial Process 6th. Edition, Special Indian Edition, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, New Delhi. Chapter-2 3

Organization : Structure and Culture: -Project Management Structures: Organizing Projects within the Functional Organization, Organizing Projects as Dedicated Teams, Organizing Projects within a Matrix Arrangement, Different Matrix Forms, -What is the Right Management Structure? : Organization Considerations, Project Considerations - Organization Culture - Implications of Organizational Culture


Case 1.1 A Day in the Life : -Page 46-48 (Text Book) Gray, Larson, and Desai (2014), Project Management-The Managerial Process 6th. Edition, Special Indian Edition, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, New Delhi (TEXT BOOK): Class Exercise in Teams/Discussions Readings: Chapter-3 of Text Book and Case as given above from Text Book

II –


Case 1: Film Prioritization: Page-102-105- Text Book: (Team-1 Presentation) - Class should come prepared reading the Case for Class Discussion!


Case 2: Horizontal Consulting: Page-144- Text Book (Team-2 Presentation) - Class should come prepared reading the Case for Class Discussion!


Defining the Project (Chapter-4, Text Book)


Estimating Project Times and Costs (Chapter-5, Text Book) 8. Developing a Project Plan (Chapter-6, Text Book) 9.


Case-3: Hotel Pulkeshi International (Case Illustrating Development of Project Scope Statement and Work Breakdown Structure)- Page 193-196 Text Book ( Team-3), Class should come prepared reading the Case for Class Discussion!


Case-4: Sharp Printing, AC- Page 258 Text Book (Team#4), Class should come prepared reading the Case for Class Discussion! MID-TERM- EXAM


Case-5: Advantage Energy Technology Data Center Migration- Page 339-341 Text Book, Class should come prepared reading the Case for Class Discussion! Assignment (Team)- on Chapter- Managing Risk (Chapter-7) Text Book and Chapter-8 Text Book and The Critical Chain Book


IV –


Reducing Project Duration- Chapter-9


Case-6: Whitbread World Sailboat Race- Page-501-503 Text Book (Team-6) Class should come prepared reading the Case for Class Discussion!


Leadership: Being an Effective Project Manager (Chapter-10) Text Book


Case-7: Temples and Towers (Case Illustrating Stakeholders Management): Page-551-556


Project Study Presentation: Team 1, Team 2,



Project Study Presentation: Team-3, 4


Project Study Presentation: Team-5 and Team &6


Project Presentation: Team 7 and Wrapping up the Course- Facilitator

PEDAGOGY: The teaching methodology used in this course will be a judicious mix of Lectures, Discussions in the Class Team-Case Analysis & Presentations, /Assignments as well as presentations by the students in their Teams on their Chosen Projects in Teams. The Students would be encouraged to use MS- Project for their Assignment and Case Analysis, where required. However, more emphasis will be laid on Team Case Analysis and Final Case Report, Assignments and Team Project Study. Team#1 to Team #7 will have to be formed and sent to the facilitator on his E-mail id: vidhushekharj@gmail by the two CRs for this Course by next meeting of the class EVALUATION PARAMETERS: END TERM EXAMINATION Internal Assessment


50% 50%

1. Case Study Analysis & Team Presentation:

7.5 %

2. Case Study Team Report after discussion in the class and Improvement (PPT) Electronic Submission 3. Assignment (Team) 4. Mid Term- Exam 5. Project Team Presentation

7.5 5% 15 % 15%


Gray, Larson, and Desai (2014), Project Management-The Managerial Process 6th. Edition, Special Indian Edition, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, New Delhi. (TEXT BOOK): Chapter-1

Reference Books: 

Nicholas & Steyn. (2011). Project Management for Business, Engineering & Technology, 3rd Edition, Elsevier

Pinto. (2011). Project Management, Pearson Education


Goldratt E.M., Critical Chain


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