12149 - Industrial Automation.pdf

June 2, 2016 | Author: rrameshsmit | Category: N/A
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Scheme – E

Sample Question Paper Course Name : Electrical Engineering Group Course Code : EE/EP Semester

: Fifth


: Industrial Automation


: 100

12149 Time: 3Hrs

Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data if necessary. 5. Preferable, write the answers in sequential order. Q.1 a) Attempt any THREE.

12 Marks

a) Explain Different points of comparison between open loop and closed loop control system. b) Draw the block diagram of generalized closed loop system. c) What is a control system? State the commonly used elements in different blocks of feedback control system explaing the function of each of them. d) What do you mean by automation? What are its advantages? Q.1 b) Attempt any ONE.

06 Marks

a) What are potentionmeters? Explain how these can be used as an error detector? b) Explain the constructional feactures, working principle of AC servomotor along with neat labeled sketch. Q.2 Attempt any FOUR.

16 Marks

a) What do ON DELAY and OFF DELAY logic devices differ from each other? b) Name five basic types of static-switching device and indicate what each one is equivalent to in electromagnetic systems of control. c) Name several kinds of pilot device normally employed in electric circuits to initiates control functions. d) How microprocessor will work in or as a control system?

e) Differentiate between Pneumatic and Hydraulic controller f) Draw an electronic PID controller and derive its transfer function. Q.3 Attempt any FOUR.

16 Marks

a) Compare AC and DC servo motors (any four points). b) Explain the difference between electrical and electronic controls. c) What are the advantages of Hydraulic systems over electrical systems? d) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of PLC over normal type of controller. e) Compare PLC and PC. Q.4 a) Attempt any THREE.

12 Marks

a) Draw a neat labeled diagram of a contractor. b) Explain the operation of OPAMP in inverting and non inverting mode. c) Draw a neat diagram of PLC and explain the function of input module. d) Explain the bus system and power supply system of a PLC. Q.4 b) Attempt any ONE.

06 Marks

a) Why it is necessary to provide tuning of P+I+D controller? Explain the procedure for tuning of P+I+D controller. b) Describe ON-OFF,P & I action of a controller. Q.5 Attempt any FOUR.

16 Marks

a) Draw a neat diagram of SCADA system and explain the function of RTU. b) What is ladder diagram? How is it different than normal circuit diagram? c) Write the program for starting of Induction motor. d) Draw the ladder diagram for a three phase Star / Delta starter for an induction motor. e) Give the features of Allen Bradley PLC (Rockwell) available in market. f) Explain comparator and error amplifier used in an automatic control system. Q.6 Attempt any FOUR.

16 Marks

a) Differentiate contactors and electromechanical relays. b) Select a suitable contactor for the following purposes stating reasons. i) Pump motor(domestic) ii) Hoist c) With a neat sketch explain the construction and operation of permanent magnet stepper motor. d) Draw a pneumatic circuit for pneumatic press using pneumatic cylinder, actuating valves and flow control valve. e) Write program for stepper motor control.

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