11.Mass Change to QM View-MM

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Short Description



Making Mass Changes to the Inspection Setup This transaction is to be used by the Master Data Maintenance person to change / update Inspection Types for the materials. This is a transaction to change / update the inspection type for large volumes of data though it may be used to change for individual materials also.

Prerequisites •

You must have edited the QM-specific data in the Quality Management view of the material master. You can activate an inspection type under the following conditions: - If it is not stoc!relevant. stoc!relevant and at least one active stoc!relevant stoc!relevant inspection type e"ists. - If it is stoc!relevant - If it is the first stoc!relevant stoc!relevant inspection type and no inspection stoc e"ists# or if you set the indicator Activate indicator Activate despite insp. insp. Stock. $hen you deactivate the last inspection type relevant to stoc# there must be no inspection stoc for the material. To do this you must post the inspection lot %uantities out of the inspection stoc.

Procedure &. 'cc 'ccess ess transa transacti ction on by: SAP Menu

(') Menu  *ogistics  Quality Management  Quality )lanning *ogistics Master Data  Material  Inspection (etup.

Transaction Code


-. hoose hoose Inspectio Inspection n setup# setup# Mass processin processing. g.

Double clic on this transaction code

Double clic on the Transaction ode Q'+, and following screen will appear.

. (elect the materials materials you want want to process. process. You You can mae mae the selection selection by using the plant# material# the material type and the material class.

4nter )lant code

lic here for multiple selection options of material

4nter Material5s6

0ield 1ame )lant

Description ' place where materials are produced# or goods and services are provided.


Material is anything that can be traded# used in manufacture# consumed# or produced.

2/3/ 2 2 3

Material Material Typ Type e

' groupin grouping g together together of materia materials ls with with the the same same basic basic attribu attributes. tes. 4"ample: raw materials# semi!finished products# or finished products.

. (elect the materials materials you want want to process. process. You You can mae mae the selection selection by using the plant# material# the material type and the material class.

4nter )lant code

lic here for multiple selection options of material

4nter Material5s6

0ield 1ame )lant

Description ' place where materials are produced# or goods and services are provided.


Material is anything that can be traded# used in manufacture# consumed# or produced.

2/3/ 2 2 3

Material Material Typ Type e

' groupin grouping g together together of materia materials ls with with the the same same basic basic attribu attributes. tes. 4"ample: raw materials# semi!finished products# or finished products.

)ast material code from ) to (')



7. 4nter the re%uired inspection type.

hoose Inspection type

8. 4dit the following indicators: 0ield 1ame Description  Activate If you set this indicator# inspection lots are created automatically# despite insp. when you activate the first stoc!relevant inspection type# to avoid stock  stoc inconsistencies between QM and MM. The inspection type is 5only in the taen from Customizing. activation If you do not set this indicator# the inspection type for a material is function6 only activated# if no stoc inconsistencies will occur between QM and MM without the creation of additional inspection lots. Do not If you set this indicator# the system immediately activates the display inspection type for all selected materials# when the program is run. material list  If you do not set this indicator# the system displays a list of materials. 0rom this list# you can select the materials# for which you want to activate the inspection type. Create If you set this indicator# change documents are created for all change changes that are made to the materials. You can display these documents change documents in the material master record. If you want to distribute inspection setup data via '*4# using change documents# you must set this indicator. This ensures that all changes to the inspection setup are distributed

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in other systems. 9. hoose Execute. The screen for editing the inspection setup parameters in the material master is displayed.


. 4dit the indicators and field entries and choose Continue. If you set the Do not display material list indicator# the data for the chosen inspection type is changed immediately for all selected materials.

'ctivate Inspection type


0ield 1ame )referred Ins Type

Description If you want the system to use an inspection type other than the one that is specified in ustomi;ing under variant +&# you must set the Preferred InsTyp indicator. To activate the inspection types listed in the table.


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,. If you did not set the Do not display material list indicator# select the materials from the list# for which you want to change the inspection type and choose Continue.

(elect all material

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