11_gpon-Olt Mode Configuration
Short Description
GPON OLT configuration...
Ta#$e o% &onten &ontents ts 1. CLI St"&t"e ' GPON-OLT GPON-OLT (ode ). ONU Re*+stat+on ,. andw+dt S&ed"$e /. ONT d+s&o0e+n* . OLT des&+2t+on and a&t+0at+on3dea&t+0at+on 4. Downstea( en&52t+on 6. A"to ONU %a"$t dete&t+on 7. Ma8+(a$ D+stan&e #etween OLT and ONU 9ONT: ;. Fowad Eo Coe&t+on 9FEC: Mode 1*"at+on )/. ONU Etenet Pots Ad(+n+stat+on ). ONU Etenet Pots Con>*"at+on )4. ONU WIFI In te%a&e Ad(+n+stat+on )6. ONU RF Pot Ad(+n+stat+on )7. ONU Reset );. D+a*nost+& Mon+to+n* %o ONU@s O2t+&a$ Tans&e+0e ,$e ,4. D+s2$a5+n* ONU In%o(at+on ,6. ONU PPPoE Con>*"at+on 9Ro"te ' IP-HOST-): ,7. GPON Po0+s+on+n* ,;. ONT A&t+0at+on Iss"e ' Wo!ao"nd /*: *2on SWITCH9*2on: *2on-o$t OLT-ID SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: Wee OLT-ID +s n"(#e o% GPON 2otB ?71)GB 1-/ ?7)/GB 1-7 ?7)/*: *2on SWITCH9*2on: *2on-o$t 1 SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1 : o$t a"to-to-(an"a$ a"to-to-(an"a$ ena#$e ena#$e SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1 : sow o$t o$t a"to-to-(an"a$ a"to-to-(an"a$ SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1 : sow on" a&t+0e
/. ONT d+s&o0e+n* Se+a$ N"(#e-#ased ONU Re*+stat+on (or ONU #ONT$ registration, OLT re0uests a seria num'er of the connected ONUs #ONTs$ #ONTs$ periodica%" periodica%" OLT OLT registers a specic ONU which repies to OL O LT with its seria num'er" num'er" The 12345G can aocate ONU!I+ to an ONU which sends a &aid seria num'er to OLT OLT" 6hen ONU with the specic seria num'er is acti&ated, it is assigned the aocated ONU!I+" To To register/deete ONU #ONT$ automatica% '% ONU.s seria num'er ac0uisition, use the foowing command" D+s2$a5+n* ONU In%o(at+on To To dispa% the ONU #ONT$ information, use the foowing command"
7. Ma8+(a$ D+stan&e #etween OLT and ONU 9ONT: Ma8+(a$ D+stan&e #etween OLT and ONU 9ONT: PON s%stems distri'ute the 'andwidth of each 'er core among up to 78 #ma9"453$ ine termination points using spitters" The defaut ma9imum distance 'etween OLT and ONU #ONT$ is t%pica% 5: km" The ogica handing of GPON data streams howe&er aows a distance of up to 7: km 'ut there is a +(+tat+onB (a8+("( d+stan&e #etween Neaest ONT and O"te(ost ONT +s )?@ addresses earned on each UNI ATB port #e&en 'ehind outer/N?T$
;. Fowad Eo Coe&t+on 9FEC: Mode Fowad Eo Coe&t+on 9FEC: Mode (orward Arror @orrection #(A@$ feature can impro&e the 0uait% and reach of an optica ink" (A@ is impemented according to G;38"= standard, which denes the use of the code which is a'e to protect 5=; '%tes of the pa%oad with 47 redundant '%tes, aowing the recei&er to detect and correct transmission errors" To ena'e/disa'e downstream (A@ mode, use the foowing command
P$ease e(e(#e tat a%te (od+>&at+on o% t+s o2t+on a$$ ONTs &onne&ted to t+s 2ot w+$$ #e dea&t+0ated %o %ew se&onds
. OLT des&+2t+on and a&t+0at+on3dea&t+0at+on
1;. ONU Des&+2t+on and P+n* Test
,. andw+dt S&ed"$e
E=AMPLEB SWITCH ena#$e SWITCH &on>*"e te(+na$ SWITCH9&on>*: *2on SWITCH9*2on: *2on-o$t 1 SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: o$t #w-s&ed"$e #e-%a+ness-(etod *"aanteed SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: sow o$t #w-s&ed"$e SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: sow t&ont
1. U2stea( F$ow Ma22+n*
We e&o((end to "se (a22+n* 2e-*e(. A%te (od+>&at+ons o% t+s (ode Jo" so"$d e$oad te OLT. A$$ &onne&ted ONTs w+$$ #e dea&t+0ated %o %ew se&onds.
4. Downstea( en&52t+on Downstea( En&52t+on Ancr%ption of downstream data is automatic process performed '% OLT for specied ONU!I+s congured as encr%pted" PON OLT uses encr%ption ke% of the ONU #ONT$ associated with encr%pted OLT!I+" To s%nchroni)e encr%ption and decr%ption ke%s 'etween OLT and ONU #ONT$, %ou ha&e to acti&ate the ke% e9change process" (or securit% reasons, GPON standard re0uires periodic ke% e9change for a acti&e ONUs #ONTs$ that use downstream data traCc" Ancr%ption of downstream data uses ?A* agorithm with a ke% generated '% each ONU #ONT$ and congured '% GPON OLT" To ena'e/disa'e the encr%ption mode of downstream traCc, use the foowing command"
To start/stop an encr%ption ke% e9change process 'etween OLT and ONU #ONT$ and specif% an inter&a of ke% e9change, use the foowing command
E=AMPLEB SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: ena#$e SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: stat ,< SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: en&52t+on
on" en&52t+on 1 o$t !e5-e8&an*e sow
6. Ro*"e ONT
ougue ONU w onu!proe
)1. ONU Lase Down ONU Lase Down
If a certain ONU. s aser is ena'ed consistent% '% an optica transcei&er . s faut, a other norma ONUs connected to the same OLT wi 'e deregisteredD a singe ONU faut ma% cause a whoe network disruption" To pre&ent such a pro'em, %ou can manua% disa'e the aser #TE power of transcei&er$ of the faut% ONU considered as the cause of the pro'em" *"at+on o% a"to(at+& #$o&! ONT on w+& OLT d+s&o0eed a $oo2 on #e$ow s&ena+osB
oop created on one ONT
oop created 'etween two ONTs connected to the same GPON port
oop created 'etween two ONTs connected to the diFerent GPON ports
+% $oo2 w+$$ #e &eated on 2ots #e+nd NAT ' ten ONT w+$$ #e a"to(at+&a$$5 dea&t+0ated
/. Con>*"e o$t so"&e (a& (on+to *6IT@B #cong$H gpon 1. Ceate tee ?LANsB 1$e3on"-2o>$e w+t IP-HOST-1 and IP-HOST-) &on>*"at+on - ass+*n +t to ONU SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC: +2-ost-&on>* 1 SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC-+2ost1: +2 addess d&2 SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC-+2ost1: e8tended-0$an-ta**+n*o2eat+on ?OIP SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC-+2ost1: $+n! 0o+2-se0+&e 1 SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC-+2ost1: e8+t SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC: +2-ost-&on>* ) SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC-+2ost): +2 addess d&2 - %o PPPoE Jo" need to set DHCP SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC-+2ost): e8tended-0$an-ta**+n*o2eat+on NET SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC-+2ost): e8+t SWITCH9*2on: *2on-o$t 1 SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: on"-2o>$e ) H4/L" F+$e Tans%e %o( FTP se0e to ONTB (or the ONT conguration e #E>L e$ transfer, the ONT pro&isioning! reated commands shoud 'e e9ecuted on the OLT" The OLT is capa'e to rea% the user!dened E>L e from the (TP ser&er to the acti&ated ONTs" Q ONT A&t+0at+on Re&e+0e =ML &on>*"at+on >$e %o( FTP se0eB The ONT recei&es the ONT ser&ice conguration e in E>L from (TP ser&er" The new ser&ice settings are assigned to this ONT" Send F+$e Tans%e Messa*eB On the OLT side, the OLT can monitor a e transfer status '% recei&ing the messages #M(ie transfer in progress, M(ie transfer compete, Memote faiure, MLoca faiure$ from ONT"
,7. GPON Po0+s+on+n* 9):
E=AMPLEB SWITCH ena#$e SWITCH &on>*"e te(+na$ SWITCH9&on>*: *2on SWITCH9*2on: *2on-o$t 1 SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1:
on" on" on" on" on" on"
(*(t-(ode +2-2at (*(t-(ode +2-2at (*(t-(ode +2-2at (*(t-(ode +2-2at (*(t-(ode +2-2at (*(t-(ode +2-2at
1 %t2 +d test 2asswod test 1 "+ 1$e DSNW/#d4a;)7.8($ , %t2 +d test 2asswod test , "+ 1$e DSNW/#d;#e/nd (oe on 2esentat+onB 1ONT - *2on 2o0+s+on+n*.22t8
,;. ONT A&t+0at+on Iss"e ' Wo!ao"nd 91: IF ONT *ot #e$ow +ss"e o +% R= 2owe +s -/< a$$ te t+(e and ONT +s not es2ond+n* as #e$owB v8240(config-gpon-olt[10/3])# show onu info 28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------OLT O!" T$T" %&i'l !o ist'nc% *+ ,ow%& ,&ofil% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------10/3 28 $ctiv% !c.8f1' 1202 - 400 O,5467!T100 9 :'il up't% optic pow%& of O!"(10/3;28) This mean that O>@@ channe is not esta'ished" The ONT at su'scri'er house shoud 'e power oF and on to start working" If this wi not hep, then You can use on of 'eow workarounds
1. Reset #5 PLOAM (essa*eB .
+?*?N GPON *%stem can do reset ONT using specic PLO?> message #PLO?> I+ 5::$"
@LI ot specic!poam ONUI+ 5:: ONU*N SWITCH SWITCH &on>*"e te(+na$ SWITCH9&on>*: *2on SWITCH9*2on: *2on-o$t 1 SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: s on" deta+$-+n%o 1 -------------------------------------------------------------- OLT < 1; O!" < 1 --------------------------------------------------------------$ctiv'tion t'tus < $ctiv% L'st $ctiv'tion :'il *%'son < %'ctiv'tion *%'son < LO %&i'l !u.%& < !4.5'=28 %&i'l !u.%&(%+) < 4434%>4.5'=28 ,'sswo& < 00000000000000000000 SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: o$t s2e&+>&-2$oa(
1 )*-*2on-o$t1: ?OIP SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: MULTI SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1:
on" a"to-"2*ade ena#$e sow on" +n%o ) s "nn+n*-&on>*
sow "nn+n*-&on>* e8tended-0$an NET sow "nn+n*-&on>* e8tended-0$an sow
sow "nn+n*-&on>* ("$t+&ast-2o>$e sow "nn+n*-&on>* 0o+2-2o>$e ?OIP sow "nn+n*-&on>* d#a-2o>$e )$es ass+*ned to ea& ONT 9):
/1. ONU D+ods Mean+n* 91: H4/G
/1. ONU D+ods Mean+n* 9):
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