11_gpon-Olt Mode Configuration

April 3, 2019 | Author: anjaneyasharma | Category: Provisioning, File Transfer Protocol, Networking Standards, Cyberspace, Information Age
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GPON OLT configuration...




Ta#$e o% &onten &ontents ts 1. CLI St"&t"e ' GPON-OLT GPON-OLT (ode ). ONU Re*+stat+on ,. andw+dt S&ed"$e /. ONT d+s&o0e+n* . OLT des&+2t+on and a&t+0at+on3dea&t+0at+on 4. Downstea( en&52t+on 6. A"to ONU %a"$t dete&t+on 7. Ma8+(a$ D+stan&e #etween OLT and ONU 9ONT: ;. Fowad Eo Coe&t+on 9FEC: Mode 1*"at+on )/. ONU Etenet Pots Ad(+n+stat+on ). ONU Etenet Pots Con>*"at+on )4. ONU WIFI In te%a&e Ad(+n+stat+on )6. ONU RF Pot Ad(+n+stat+on )7. ONU Reset );. D+a*nost+& Mon+to+n* %o  ONU@s O2t+&a$ Tans&e+0e ,$e ,4. D+s2$a5+n* ONU In%o(at+on ,6. ONU PPPoE Con>*"at+on 9Ro"te ' IP-HOST-): ,7. GPON Po0+s+on+n* ,;. ONT A&t+0at+on Iss"e ' Wo!ao"nd /*: *2on SWITCH9*2on: *2on-o$t OLT-ID SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: Wee OLT-ID +s n"(#e o% GPON 2otB  ?71)GB 1-/  ?7)/GB 1-7  ?7)/*: *2on SWITCH9*2on: *2on-o$t 1 SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1 : o$t a"to-to-(an"a$ a"to-to-(an"a$ ena#$e ena#$e SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1 : sow o$t o$t a"to-to-(an"a$ a"to-to-(an"a$ SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1 : sow on" a&t+0e

/. ONT d+s&o0e+n* Se+a$ N"(#e-#ased ONU Re*+stat+on (or ONU #ONT$ registration, OLT re0uests a seria num'er of the connected ONUs #ONTs$ #ONTs$ periodica%" periodica%" OLT OLT registers a specic ONU which repies to OL O LT with its seria num'er" num'er"  The 12345G can aocate ONU!I+ to an ONU which sends a &aid seria num'er to OLT OLT" 6hen ONU with the specic seria num'er is acti&ated, it is assigned the aocated ONU!I+"  To  To register/deete ONU #ONT$ automatica% '% ONU.s seria num'er ac0uisition, use the foowing command" D+s2$a5+n* ONU In%o(at+on  To  To dispa% the ONU #ONT$ information, use the foowing command"

7. Ma8+(a$ D+stan&e #etween OLT and ONU 9ONT: Ma8+(a$ D+stan&e #etween OLT and ONU 9ONT: PON s%stems distri'ute the 'andwidth of each 'er core among up to 78 #ma9"453$ ine termination points using spitters"  The defaut ma9imum distance 'etween OLT and ONU #ONT$ is t%pica% 5: km" The ogica handing of GPON data streams howe&er aows a distance of up to 7: km 'ut there is a  +(+tat+onB (a8+("( d+stan&e #etween Neaest ONT and O"te(ost ONT +s )?@ addresses earned on each UNI ATB port #e&en 'ehind outer/N?T$

;. Fowad Eo Coe&t+on 9FEC: Mode Fowad Eo Coe&t+on 9FEC: Mode (orward Arror @orrection #(A@$ feature can impro&e the 0uait% and reach of an optica ink" (A@ is impemented according to G;38"= standard, which denes the use of the code which is a'e to protect 5=; '%tes of the pa%oad with 47 redundant '%tes, aowing the recei&er to detect and correct transmission errors" To ena'e/disa'e downstream (A@ mode, use the foowing command

P$ease e(e(#e tat a%te (od+>&at+on o% t+s o2t+on a$$ ONTs &onne&ted to t+s 2ot w+$$ #e dea&t+0ated %o %ew se&onds

. OLT des&+2t+on and a&t+0at+on3dea&t+0at+on

1;. ONU Des&+2t+on and P+n* Test

,. andw+dt S&ed"$e

E=AMPLEB SWITCH ena#$e SWITCH &on>*"e te(+na$ SWITCH9&on>*: *2on SWITCH9*2on: *2on-o$t 1 SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: o$t #w-s&ed"$e #e-%a+ness-(etod *"aanteed SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: sow o$t #w-s&ed"$e SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: sow t&ont

1. U2stea( F$ow Ma22+n*

We e&o((end to "se (a22+n* 2e-*e(. A%te (od+>&at+ons o% t+s (ode Jo" so"$d e$oad te OLT. A$$ &onne&ted ONTs w+$$ #e dea&t+0ated %o %ew se&onds.

4. Downstea( en&52t+on Downstea( En&52t+on Ancr%ption of downstream data is automatic process performed '% OLT for specied ONU!I+s congured as encr%pted" PON OLT uses encr%ption ke% of the ONU #ONT$ associated with encr%pted OLT!I+" To s%nchroni)e encr%ption and decr%ption ke%s 'etween OLT and ONU #ONT$, %ou ha&e to acti&ate the ke% e9change process" (or securit% reasons, GPON standard re0uires periodic ke% e9change for a acti&e ONUs #ONTs$ that use downstream data traCc" Ancr%ption of downstream data uses ?A* agorithm with a ke% generated '% each ONU #ONT$ and congured '% GPON OLT"  To ena'e/disa'e the encr%ption mode of downstream traCc, use the foowing command"

 To start/stop an encr%ption ke% e9change process 'etween OLT and ONU #ONT$ and specif% an inter&a of ke% e9change, use the foowing command

E=AMPLEB SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: ena#$e SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: stat ,< SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: en&52t+on

on" en&52t+on 1 o$t !e5-e8&an*e sow


6. Ro*"e ONT

ougue ONU w onu!proe

)1. ONU Lase Down ONU Lase Down

If a certain ONU. s aser is ena'ed consistent% '% an optica transcei&er . s faut, a other norma ONUs connected to the same OLT wi 'e deregisteredD a singe ONU faut ma% cause a whoe network disruption" To pre&ent such a pro'em, %ou can manua% disa'e the aser #TE power of transcei&er$ of the faut% ONU considered as the cause of the pro'em" *"at+on o% a"to(at+& #$o&! ONT on w+& OLT d+s&o0eed a $oo2 on #e$ow s&ena+osB 

oop created on one ONT

oop created 'etween two ONTs connected to the same GPON port

oop created 'etween two ONTs connected to the diFerent GPON ports

+% $oo2 w+$$ #e &eated on 2ots #e+nd NAT ' ten ONT w+$$ #e a"to(at+&a$$5 dea&t+0ated

/. Con>*"e o$t so"&e (a& (on+to *6IT@B #cong$H gpon 1. Ceate tee ?LANsB 1$e3on"-2o>$e w+t IP-HOST-1 and IP-HOST-) &on>*"at+on - ass+*n +t to ONU SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC: +2-ost-&on>* 1 SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC-+2ost1: +2 addess d&2 SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC-+2ost1: e8tended-0$an-ta**+n*o2eat+on ?OIP SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC-+2ost1: $+n! 0o+2-se0+&e 1 SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC-+2ost1: e8+t SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC: +2-ost-&on>* ) SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC-+2ost): +2 addess d&2 - %o PPPoE Jo" need to set DHCP SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC-+2ost): e8tended-0$an-ta**+n*o2eat+on NET SWITCH9&on>*-ta&-2%TRAFFIC-+2ost): e8+t SWITCH9*2on: *2on-o$t 1 SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: on"-2o>$e ) H4/L"  F+$e Tans%e %o( FTP se0e to ONTB (or the ONT conguration e #E>L e$ transfer, the ONT pro&isioning! reated commands shoud 'e e9ecuted on the OLT" The OLT is capa'e to rea% the user!dened E>L e from the (TP ser&er to the acti&ated ONTs" Q ONT A&t+0at+on  Re&e+0e =ML &on>*"at+on >$e %o( FTP se0eB  The ONT recei&es the ONT ser&ice conguration e in E>L from (TP ser&er" The new ser&ice settings are assigned to this ONT"  Send F+$e Tans%e Messa*eB On the OLT side, the OLT can monitor a e transfer status '% recei&ing the messages #M(ie transfer in progress, M(ie transfer compete, Memote faiure, MLoca faiure$ from ONT"

,7. GPON Po0+s+on+n* 9):

E=AMPLEB SWITCH ena#$e SWITCH &on>*"e te(+na$ SWITCH9&on>*: *2on SWITCH9*2on: *2on-o$t 1 SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1:

on" on" on" on" on" on"

(*(t-(ode +2-2at (*(t-(ode +2-2at (*(t-(ode +2-2at (*(t-(ode +2-2at (*(t-(ode +2-2at (*(t-(ode +2-2at

1 %t2 +d test 2asswod test 1 "+ 1$e DSNW/#d4a;)7.8($ , %t2 +d test 2asswod test , "+ 1$e DSNW/#d;#e/nd (oe on 2esentat+onB 1ONT - *2on 2o0+s+on+n*.22t8

,;. ONT A&t+0at+on Iss"e ' Wo!ao"nd 91: IF ONT *ot #e$ow +ss"e o +% R= 2owe +s -/< a$$ te t+(e and ONT +s not es2ond+n* as #e$owB v8240(config-gpon-olt[10/3])# show onu info 28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------OLT  O!"  T$T"  %&i'l !o  ist'nc%  *+ ,ow%&  ,&ofil% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------10/3  28  $ctiv%  !c.8f1'  1202  - 400   O,5467!T100 9 :'il up't% optic pow%& of O!"(10/3;28)  This mean that O>@@ channe is not esta'ished" The ONT at su'scri'er house shoud 'e power oF and on to start working" If this wi not hep, then You can use on of 'eow workarounds

1. Reset #5 PLOAM (essa*eB .

+?*?N GPON *%stem can do reset ONT using specic PLO?> message #PLO?> I+ 5::$"


@LI  ot specic!poam ONUI+ 5:: ONU*N SWITCH SWITCH &on>*"e te(+na$ SWITCH9&on>*: *2on SWITCH9*2on: *2on-o$t 1 SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: s on" deta+$-+n%o 1 -------------------------------------------------------------- OLT < 1; O!" < 1 --------------------------------------------------------------$ctiv'tion t'tus < $ctiv% L'st $ctiv'tion :'il *%'son < %'ctiv'tion *%'son < LO %&i'l !u.%& < !4.5'=28 %&i'l !u.%&(%+) < 4434%>4.5'=28 ,'sswo& < 00000000000000000000 SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: o$t s2e&+>&-2$oa(

1 )*-*2on-o$t1: ?OIP SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: MULTI SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1: SWITCH9&on>*-*2on-o$t1:

on" a"to-"2*ade ena#$e sow on" +n%o ) s "nn+n*-&on>*


sow "nn+n*-&on>* e8tended-0$an NET sow "nn+n*-&on>* e8tended-0$an sow



sow "nn+n*-&on>* ("$t+&ast-2o>$e sow "nn+n*-&on>* 0o+2-2o>$e ?OIP sow "nn+n*-&on>* d#a-2o>$e )$es ass+*ned to ea& ONT 9):

/1. ONU D+ods Mean+n* 91: H4/G

/1. ONU D+ods Mean+n* 9):

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