118523797 Know About Transit of Planets

February 17, 2017 | Author: ANANTHPADMANABHAN | Category: N/A
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Dr. Shanker Adawal

Contents Chp. l1tle No.

Page No.





I nlroduction



What are Transits?


Transiting Configurations and their Applications

3 4

lining Transits


A Psychological Approach to Transits and Progressions


The Astrological House. Planets & Aspect


Prediction Based on Transit (Go char)

8 9

Ashtakavarga Calculations

10 11 12

Understanding Your Transits & Transiting Planets


Inner Planet Transits

14 IS 16

Aspect Details

17 18

Understanding & Evaluating Transits (Gochar)

Astrological Transit

Planets In Various Houses and their Remedies Planets Transiting Houses Retrograde Planets

Transits and 111e Path of Transfonnatlon The Astrology of Transformation and an Astrological Perspective A Life Pattern In the Ught of Major Planets TranSits

1 21 2S 46 53 86 lOS 116 127 186 201 248 302 347 SlO 523 530 567

/Cft(}w about Tra~~st of Planets


Chp. 11tle No.

Page No.


Research on Transits



Role ol Planets and Dashas in Transit



Marriage and Navamsa Go char (Transit)


Tirring ol Events Through Dash a and Transit of Planets


Must you be the Victim of Your Stars ?

599 603 614


Astrological Remedies (Upaye) for Transiting Planets


(preface A person's mind is always in a sense of dilemma to do, or not to do, Ill at is the question. He or she runs and consults the astrologer to learn the correct answer to the concerned question, the transitory behaviour of the planets on a personS fate. urges him or her to consult the astrologer tor solution. Due to the mysterious string playing of the heavehly bodies, causes Imbalance to a person~ mind and fate. the fear psychosis of future adversity urges him or her to consult or study astrology. In tills regard, 1 have confidently shown the correct path and warns people of lllelr adverse periods of life tlvough astrologically defining the behaviour of planets. The interpretation of a natal horoscope is an art, that requires considerable skill. To interpret that horoscope, as it moves and unfolds lllrough time, calls for even more skill. This is why a good book that rakes up the subject of astrological timing Is so valuable to all of us. The main problem In modee radical Moon. But Moon transit in B"' house gives very bad results firs~

and its transit in 9~ and 12~ House ts also not good.

Transit of Mars: Mars bestows good effects when he transits tile third, sixth or the eleventll house as courled from the J anma-Rashi. The ellects or Mars. by transit through various houses as counted from the radical Moon are as lollows:1. Fear. trouble-physical or mental; 2. Eye troubles; loss of money; 3.

Happiness. gain of wealth;


Trouble, fear from enemies;

5. 6.

Apprehension of sldCcupied at the moment of a person~ birth. What this means is that the planet has completed a whole circuit of the sky. and signifies that a new ()'de in the person's life is beginning. The most significant retums are 111ose of the outer planets Jupiter and Saturn. The Jupiter return occurs approximately every 12 years and heralds a new phase of growth and development The Saturn return occurs approximately e~ry 30 years, and heralds a new phase in the aging process when new realities and responsibil~ies must be faced.

P1 edcttve astrology Astrological transits are a part of whet Is usually called predictive JJstrology, the dalm of astrology to predict or forecast future trends and developments. ~lost astrologers nowadays regard the term 'prediction' as something of a misnomer, as modern astrology does not claim to directly predict future events as such. Instead It Is claimed that an astrological pattern with regard to the future can correspond with any one ol a variety of possibilities. What Is In fact foretold Is the trend of circumstances and the nature of the Individual's reaction to the situation.

Astrological Transit


In other wOng the Soviet Union's Venus in the 4th house · that suggested that this imminent collapse was going to

be like a marriage breakup. 1t would be a disintegration lrom within rather than lrom without, and all the various satellite countries would start asking for a divorce. This was how 1 read it at the time, and thee broadest sense.

1ne AstrOlOgical House. PlaMts & Aspect


Secord House: Material things, money, possessions and earning a living. On a deeper level your values. what you hold to be important and what you need to feel safe and secure. Third House: Your mind, your thougtts and your coi'M"'unication

with others. Learning and education whether formal or informal. Networking, your local commurity, short distance travel, your neighbours and siblings. Fcw1h House: Your private life, your home and family. Your deepest

emotional needs, of which your home lrfe is a reflection. Your parents

and their innuece, particula~y the maternal figure or whoever represents that role tor you. Fifth House: Fun, hobbles, sport, creativity In the broadest sense.

Romance and being yourself. Children generally. Gambles and risk taking. Sixth House: Work, duty and responsibility. Your health. Daily ,.outines and obligations to others. Seventh House: One to one relationships. Marriage and marriage-

type scenarios. Business partnerships, competaors and enemies. Legal affairs. Elgtdl House: Endings and beginnings, change and transformation. Sex, spirituality. life and death issues, shared resources and othe~>' values. All financial affairs involving other people - taxes. investments. inheritances, loans and so forth.

Nnth House: Your beliefs. Further and higher educatiOfl whether formal or Informal. Expanding your horizons. Foreign travel. far away places and people literally 'foreign' to you. Tenth Hcnae: Your career where appropriate. your aims. ambitions

and your life directiOfl. Your position within society. The disciplining parent and their lnftuence. Authority figures generally. Eleventh House: Your aspirations, your hopes and wishes aside from - although perhaps rC!Iated to - the more concrete goals of the preceding house. Your friendships and the groups to which you belong.

Twelfth House: Generally In terms of transits shows the end ol a cyde, certainly for those planets which will circuit your blrthchart In a life span. Conclusion and preparation tor new times to begin. Withdrawal end focussing on your Inner self. I nward change and spiritual growth.

Remember - the transits of each house will affect the area of life concenned, In the manner of the planet, which Is transiting and tor the duration of the planers stay In that house.


Know about Transt of Plantts

What is a House ? According to older Hindu texts, the words signs and houses fall on each otller. but the count of the signs is always made from Aries which is llle first sign. If we say a planet is in tile first sign. ~ means til at he is in Aries. If we say, it is in the fifth sign, it will be in Leo. l f we say, it is in the twelftll sign. it will be in Pisces because Pisces is the last and the twelfth sign. We must remember that when referring to a sign we always count Aries as the first and then proceed in the regular order of the signs. But a house begins from the ascendant. We must first know which is the sign ascending at the particular moment at a particular place. The Eartll is globular. It is like a globe wah the sky all around. There is no part of tile sky which is not to the east of any locality of the Earth. we can explain tllis furtller by giving a practical example. The Sun always appears to be somewhere on the ecliptic. In fact, he is not on the ecliptic; it is tile Earth which is on the ecliptic and as viewed from the Earth, the Sun appears to be In line with some place on the ecliptic. Now this Sun at any time appears in the east. in some part or tile other of the Earth. So we may state that as the zodiac is a circular ring in the skies, though in fact It Is elliptic, going all round, some part of the ring, I.e., the zodiac Is om the eastern horizon somewhere. Now suppose til at at a partlc.-ar time. tile sign Leo Is rising at the ea.stern horizon. Then t.eo will constitute the lirst house, Virgo the second house, Ubra tile third house, Scorpio tile fourth house. Sagittarius the fifth house. Capricorn tile sl>«h house. Aquarius the seventh house. Pisces llle eighth house. Aries the ninth house. Taurus the tentll house. Gemini llle Eleventh house and cancer the twelfth house. Now suppose tllat the Sun Is In Aquarius. So we say the Sun Is In the seventh house or setting i n the western horizon.

If suppose Scorpio was rising at New Delhi . Then Scorpio will be the first house, Sagittarius the second house. Capricorn the third house and so on: and the Sun being in Aquarius he will be in the fourth house. The following signs being In opposition at 180', to each other are called opposition signs: Aries is In oppo>alon to Libra and Libra to Aries Taurus Is In opposition to Scorpio and Scorpio to Taurus Gemini Is in opposition to Sagiuarlus and Sagittarius to Gemini cancer is in opposition to Capricorn and Capricorn to Cancer leo is in opposition to Aquarius and Aquarius in leo Virgo is in opposition to Pisces and Pisces to Virgo

1ne AstrOlOgical House. PlaMts & Aspect


So we must remember that the sign rising to the east at a particular lime depends upon the time. date. month. year and the longitude and l atitude or the plae thrown together into the running water of a river. Consequently all llle ill effects would be warded off. mother~

Moon In 1St House In general, the 1st house belongsto Mars and Sun. When the Moon Is also placed therein, this house will come under thecombined Influences of the Mars. 111e Sun and the Moon I.e. all the 3 mutual friends will be lteated as occupants of this house. The Sun and Mars will eluse This house belongs to Moon. So ~ will give mixed results In !!>Is house. The native will be devoted to his parents and will be olloving nature. Whenever the native is suffering from bad health, the use of ll1ings associated with Saturn will give good results. In native's family some one will be associated with medical profession.

PIM!ets In

~n·ous Houses

and tltet RemMies


When Saturn is malefic in this house ~nl at house may really stand out after bel"9 discovered, just as Rahu was dlscowred. But the reaction may be also rejection by the common, but low and acceptance from an opulent minority, such as us here. we are an opulent minority in the world (Rich in knowledge) seen often as DEMONS in our coW> tries, depending on the place. So these days in the West Rahu rules over astrology very much so. The fact that I have Rahu i n the 5th and the 5th lord In the second directly connects foreign Ideas and creativity that is unusual in my head (Rahu in the 5th) willl my mouth (the 2nd) and hence it is supportive of preaching Hinduism in America and As!tology etc. The house where Rahu tenets becomes foreign and suffers llle stigma "'being unwelcome in it's environment very often. So Rahu in the first is hard on the person themselves, making them seem odd, outcaste, a l ittle too unique, etc. However, IIley can therefore be the source of somet!Vng new and original. They are often leaders or innovation in some

/Cft(}w about Tra~~st of Planets


way. Look to where the Lord of tile house of Rahu has gone to understand how he is reacting to Rahu, or where the lords personal interests lie, and it might give a clue as to why Rahu has attacked that particular house. Rahu In 1st House 1st house is influenced by tw1ars and Sun, which is like a throne. The planet in 1st house is considered to be the king of all planets.

The native will achieve a position higher than indicated by his qualification and will obtain good results from government Rahu i n this house would give the result of exalted 51.11, but it will spoil tile fruits of llle house in which Sun is placed. If Mars, Saturn and Ketu are weak only lllen Rahu would give bad results, otherwise it will give good results In 1st house. If Rahu is malefic the native shoe poor and have a bad family life. suffer from intestinal disorders. The native Is killed by a weapon and Is unable to save money. I n the lOth, 21st to 42nd years of his life, he loses wealth by theft etc.

Remedies 1. 2. 3.

Keep a solid silver ball In the pocket. Wear thlnos assodated with J upitec like gold. yellow cloth. saffron etc. Keep cordial relations with ones mother.


After marriage do not take any electric equipment from In· law s.

Pldllets ln l1Jn'ous Houses Mtd tltek Remedies


Rahu in 3rd House It is the 'Pukka Ghar· of Rahu. 3rd house belongs to Mercury and is i nftuenced by ~Iars. When Rahu is benefic the native will enjoy great weatth and a long life. He will be fearless and a loyal friend. He would be

a clairvoyant for seeing future In l'ls dreams. He will never be issueless. He will be victorious over his enemies; can never be a debtor. He would leave behind property. 22nd year of his l~e would be of progress. However if Rahu is malefk in 3td house then his brothers and retatlves would waste his money. His money once borrowed wolAd neve< be returned. He would have defective speedl and would be an atheist. If Sun and Mercury are also there (in 3rd house) with Rahu, then his siste< would become a widow In 22nd or 32nd year of his life.

Remedies 1.

Never keep ivory or things of ivory in the house.

Rahu In 4th House This house belongs to ~loon, which is an enemy of Rahu. When Rahu is benefic in this house the native would be intellll!en~ wealthy and will spend money on good things. Going on pilgrimage would be benefkial for him. If Venus Is also benefic then after marriage the native~ ln·laws could also become rich and the native would also benefit from them. When Moon is exalted the native would become very rich and would benefit from the works or relatives associated with Mercury. If Rahu Is malefic and the Moon Is also weak then the native will suffer from poverty and natlvn mother would also suffer. Collecting char coal, altering toilet i nstalling oven In the ground and alteration of the roof In the house would be Indicative of malefic.

RemediiiS 1. Wear sliver. 2.

Offer 400 gm coriander or alrronds, or both in flowing water.

Rahu In 5th House Sth house belongs to Sun, whkh signifies male offspring . If Rahu Is benefic native will be ridl, wise, enjoy good health. He would erjoy good i ncome and good progress. The native would be a devout or philosopher. If Rahu is malefk it leads to abortions. Mer the birth of a son, wife~ 1\ealth will suffer for twelve years. If Jupiter Is also In 5th house father of native will be in trouble.

/Cft(}w about Tra~~st of Planets


Remedies 1.

Keep an elephant made of silver.

2. 3.

Abstain from wine, non·vegetarianism and adultery. Remarry your wife.

Rahu In 6th House (Exalted) This house is influenced by Men:ury or Ketu. Here Rahu is exa ~ed and gives very good results. The native will be free of all botherations or troubles. The natiw will spend money on clothes. The native will be intelligent and victorious. When Rahu is malefiC he will harm his brothers o:>r friends. When Mercury or Mars is In 12th house Rahu gives bad res ~t The native suffers from various ailments or loss of weatth. Sneezing while going to work would give bad results.

Remedies 1. Keep a black dog. 2. Keep a lead nail in your pocket. 3. Never harm ones brotherS/sisters. Rahu In 7th House Native will be rich, but wife would suffer. He would be victorious over his enemies. If the marriage takes place before twenty one years, ~ would be inauspicious. He wo~d have good relations with the government But If he engages In business connected with Rahu, like electrical equlpments, then he will haw losses. Native would suffer from head ache and ff Mercury. Venus or Ketu is in lith house. then sister, wife or son would destroy the native.

Remedies 1. Never marry before 21st year of age. 2. Offer six coconuts In river. Rahu In 8th House 8th house Is concerned with Saturn and Mars. So Rai>J In tills house glws malefic effect The native would spend money uselessly on court cases. Family life would be adversely affected. If Mars Is benefic and Is placed In 1st or 8th house or Saturn !benefic lis placed In 8th house, the native will be very rich.

PIM!ets In

~n·ous Houses

and tltet RemMies


Remedies 1. 2. 3.

Keep a square piece of silver. While sleeping Saunf should be keep under the pillow. Do not work in electricity 0< power departmeI the tee lings ot omers should certainly be avoided. Irs entry into a house is often associated with destruction and with decay, yet in time a new order will arise providing that Pluto~ essential challenges are squarely addressed. Inappropriate resistance will generally prove useless anyway. It will usually only serve to extend and to prolong this planet~ more at you are at your most visible during thi.s period in the year. Sun Transits the Eleventh House The Sun illuminates your sector of friends, groups, and dreams true for the next month or so. 1rs a sociable sector of your chart. and thars exactly how you are feeling-happy, lighthearted. and social. Group affiliations capture your attention. Connections can be made now and networking pays off. Being part of a community or circle of friendS and building your social network is important to you at this time. This is a rather happy, goal-oriented cycle. A lively agenda is promised. you're attracting quite a bit of interest. and your energy for making contact with others is high. A stronger sense of community is with you during IllIs cycle. Relationships take on a fun. If Impersonal, tone now. Activities with children increase. You are more stimulated by all that is unconventional during this cycle. and your ideas are original and progressive now. This is a time to follow your dreams and ideals, and to plant a seed In the form of a wlsl1 for the future. ~oming

Sun Transits the Twelfth House

For the next month or so. the Sun travels through your twelfth house. marking a time of retreat and regeneration. Think about the attachments you have- to things. people. and routines- and consider which ones are dragging you down. This Is a time when compeUdve energies and the ego are on a bit of a break. It~ not the time to push ahead with brand new projects. Rather. it~ a time of reflection. dreaming. and recharging your batteries. Situations that have naturally outgrown their usefulness in your lite can now be put behind you. Endings of natural cycles may be part ot the picture at this time of year. Your energy Is largely applied to personal and private allairs now. Your disposition Is Introspective. Rest and reflect. and prepare for a more outgoing cycle when the Sun moves into your first house.

Planets Transiting Houses


Moon Transits: Houses Moon Transits the First House

Your locus now is outward-oriented. You feel the need to express

yourself-to manifest your inner world in the outer wolfd in some maMer.

It~ a good time to focus on new beginnings and fresh starts. At this time, your skin is ttln-you are more sensitive to the vibrations and energies around you, particu la ~y in your imnnediate environment You are inclined to act on impulse. or to react automatically based on your basic emotional orientation, rather than approaching the world objectively. It'S easy to be emotionally touched by something now, but also to reel hurt or disappointed. In the 2-3 days or this transit you tend to take lllings very personally. Some restlessness is likely now, and could impel you to make some small personal changes, such as changing your "look" '"your living environment in little ways. You might deal with the public in some manner. You co tAd also be feeling emotional or sensitive about your appearance or manner.

Moon Transits the Second House Your focus now is on emotional serurity. How much you have in terms or money and possessions can be an iswe now, and tends to impact how you feel about yourself. This is not a time of emotional bravery. Rather. you tend to keep the status quo. You value predictability for the 2-3 days of this transit You donllook for new experiences as much as you put effort Into managing your life In Ol"de< to feel solid and secure. Material or tangible things have more Importance to you right now. Feeling emotional about your financial position could figure now.

Moon Transits the Third House

This 2-3 day transit marks one of the busier periods in the lunar month. Activities may be centered around making errands, short trips, phone calls. and other co1m1unlcations. Your ll'lnd tends to be restless. ea.slly bored, and In need or stlmtAadon. You could find it hard to focus on any one particular task. Your curiosity Is Ignited. New friendships or contacts night be made. You might find yourself talking mOI"e than uwal, perhaps about the past. Emotional communications could figure now. Moon Transits the Fourth House

Your attention turns Inward and towards your domestic affairs during lllls 2-3 day transit You feel the need for more privacy than usual, and you tend to focus on building 01" solidif~ng your home base. You have a


Know about Transt of Plantts

greaw need for security and the feeling ol being safe and comfortable during this period. This is a time for building your sense o1 security. farrily and personal matters take precedence owr wortdty affairs just now. How you feel about your support system at this stage in your life will determine your mood. Moon Transits the Fifth House

You are likely feeling decidedly more outgoing during this 2·3 day transit than you were feeling while the Moon transited your fourth house. This is an expressive few days-l'our energies are directed ouhvards as you feel more confident moving about In lhe world. You have an emotional need to be heard, seen, and noticed. An increased desire to create, and to display your talents. is often experienced dl.ring this phase. Recreation.

hobbies, romance, and anylhing that gives you pleasure is now mOte important to you than usual. You are feeling especially amorous or at least more inclined to express your loving feelings now. Others tood to 1.\Jne into you emotionally. You could get a sudden desire to see a movie, explore a creadve urge, play a game, or take In a play, fO< example. Enjoy your.;elf and Indulge your whims, within limits ol course. Moon Transits the Sixth House

Alter a somewhat naive and playful few days, while the ~loon transited your fifth house, the current 2·3 day phase Indicates a need and/O< desire to perfect your craft. This Is a lime ol dedication to wOing that is elusive during this period of your life-you could find this a distressing period until you adapt to this influence. Unusual circumstances. coincidences. or some level of secrecy and mystery surround your career or reputation. Others may not be seeing you for who you are. but rather what they'd like you to be. Try not to encourage this behaviour. as tempting as it mi9ht be to do so.

Neptune Transits the Eleventh House Neptune'smovement throughyour eleventh house adds some colour and imagination to your soclaiiWe. During this cycle, you may face the need to draw some boundaries with friends and the demands ol others. E10!n Wyou are not normally one to gi10! in to peer pressure. Neptune~ i nftuence here may be somewhat confusing. Your loyalty to certain groups '" friends may be rrisplaced, for example. You experience a subtle yearning to belong with a friend or a group who shares your own ideals. This can lead you to attach yoursetf to unusual. roore spiritual. or downright wacky friends... well, colourful ones at the very least. Friends, or friendship itself, may be elusive during this cycle. Confusion as to who or what you belong to characterizes this period.

Neptune Transits the Twelfth House This is one of the most favourable house transits for Neptune. as Neptune feels right at home in the twelfth house. This is a pleasant placement for this mysterious and elusive planet You likely find joy In a (ertain amount of solitude. and dreams are especially rich and lnvol10!d. You may be paying more attention to signs. symbols. and omens in your life. You are building your faith in all that is ·unseen·.


Know about Transt of Plantts

Cliapter 12

The term applied to an apparent badcward motion In the Zodiac of certain planets when decreasing In longitude as viewed from the Earth. It can be compared to the effect of a slow-moving train as viewed from another train ~ave ling parallel to it but at a more rapid rate, wherein the slower train appears to be moving backwards. However, In the case of llle celestial bodies it is not a matter of their actual speed 0< travel, but of the rate at which they change their angular relationship. Retrograde planets in a birth map were anciently said to be weak or debilitated, but a mOJslasm and IOC\Js. It there Is any downside, It could be that you burn too hot and risk overshooting the mark until




you·v~got a hand I~ on the new situation. Avoid lnvoMng your ~go when you want is a job well done. and be prepared for impacts that can be absorbed as long as you are not too close to the subject.

Mars (Retrograde) · Cor1unct Moon As Mars turns around on your natal Moon. issues that arouse anger to th~ fore. and there is no time lik~ the and dispense with them. But that works on two levels. first. there are things which truly waste energy and siphon Qff your ability to get on with life. and th~se you should identWy and kiss goodbye. Second, there may be situaUons that rous~ your Ire because you aren't facing up to them and they remind you of your own reluctance to clear things up. Thes~ you must embrac~ and work through until they los~ their stigma and becom~ part of the r~u lar flow. annoyanc~ may co~ mo~nt to ferret them out


Mars (Direct After Reb ograde) • Conjunct Moon

Mars turNng direct on your Moon can be an ~motional challenge and an opportunity to learn restraint and re-channel anger. Recent frustrations can too easily be turned to conftict just as resolution is in sight so ~~P a st~ady hand on the helm and let those about you lose their heads without joining in. If successful, what b~ins as forbearance leads to relief and a feeling that you have been tested and have passed with flying colors. Use physical exercise to release stress and trim away energy-wasters that slow you down and tire you out. Focus, paUence, and endurance are the watchwords Mars (Retrograde) • Conjunct Mercury

Brilliant flashes of insight and problem solving may suddenly require a second look as Mars backs off yo~ Mercury. Easy solutions will take a bit more work until they can be hammered Into wollrtions Retrograde in 4th House

The next three weeks may cause you to step back and rethink your course and reset your bearings to make Sll'e you are really on the course you intended. Do not hesitate to question fundamental values in order to

get to the heart of what you believe and resolve irvw ronnicts that may arise. Small insights can net you large gains, partkularly in the future

stability of your ship. Rock your own boat befOrder of the day, and you've got Ume to try the optioAde the perfect opportt.llity

to take action and grasp what had pre..,ously been out of reach. Where you might have been experiencing changes of desire and Lllcertainty of choice, you can now launch yourself into the chase and bring down your ¢1uarry with glee. Don1 look only to your ends, but to your means, for Ill ere~ a revived joy In the chase that makes each moment rejuvenating and energizes whether you achieve instant success or not The satisfaction comes in playing the game and knowing you're fully up to it.

Venus (Retrograde) · Conjunct) uplter As venus stops in he< tracks on yotx Jupiter. this is the perfect time

to step back and take a close< look at your appetites and whether IIley satisfy the way they sl>ould. Does more satisfy you less? Are you barking up the wrong tree part of the time. when you could be getting more bang for your bucks? Are you biting off more than you can chew? All 111ese questions and more like them are likely to come up, giving you the pportunity to trim the fat while discovering new ways to light your fire. Feel free to think big, just don1 feel pressured to go for more than you want or for what you no longer want at all.

Venus (Direct ~r Retrograde) • Conjunct) uplter After a period ol some uncertainty of realistic goals and directions, Venus turning forward on your Jupiter means forward can be the name of the game for a while. Once you have figured out what It Is you didn't really want It~ ~me to take a really big bite out of what you do. A Iaroe appetite Is favoured and you won't be greedy to take as much as you want as long as you don1 waste lt. Ufe can be feast or famine, but right now table up to the feast and enjoy the fruits ol your Imagination. the creative design and Insight that got you here In the first place.

Koow about Transt of Plantts

Venus (Retrograde) • Conjunct saturn As Venus takes a backward jlJllp right on your Saturn, you may have a few weeks to consider what barriers you have adopted, perhaps wahout realizing it. and what restrictions you have taken to heart that may not be keepers. It Is one thing to attel)t a situation you cannot change. but quite another to choose between options. The same goes for the shoulder you lean on. Do not trade freedom for what you would like to have in your pocket if in not necessary to do so. FO< tile next several weeks you have the window of opportunity to sort all this out, so don't miss the chance!



Retrograde) · Conjunct Saturn

Venus liking back on yot.l' Saturn can allow you to tap resources you didn't know you had and particularly learn to make use of and take j oy from opportunities you might have overlooked or thou gilt Insufficient to be of real use. The joy of efficiency, a tightly run ship, and the elegance col si~le fon'n regain appeal as a result ol the disappointments of previous waste and surfeit. It's not just what you have, it's how you use a that engenders beauty and personal satisfaction. Less may not always be more, but less to tie you down and trip over returns the spring to the elastic step and strength to the re ~lient frame.

Venus (Retrograde) • Conjunct Uranus As Venus suddenly b&dpen. The support you need is there. Moon Transits Opposition Sun

You may find yourself somewhat at odds with those around you today. You may be unable to get the support you require or rind that some or your supply lines have been diminished or cut oil. Someone may {hallenge you. Moon Transits Square sun

Pet11aps a sense or challenge or blockage just now. You may not find the support you flow ing to you. Some sort or temporary obstacle may appear. You may reel frustrated. Moon Transits Sextlle or Trine Sun

There is a chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love. General good reeling and a sense or support and harmony make this a happy time. Moon Transits Conjunct Moon

Your inner resources and emotions are accented. Expect a sense of support and good will from those around you. Perhaps you feel this Is really you - how you reel and are. Moon Transits Opposition Moon

You may lind yourse« hav1ng emotional dnrerences with someone. Those around you, or the situation you find yourself In, may not reel right to you. You could be challenged.

/Cft(}w about Tra~~st of Planets


Moon Transits Square Moon

You may feel blockelnk or In some way oppose your ideas and thoughts. Your current situation may demand some re-evaluation or otherw ise challenge your ideas. It may be very hard for you to communicate what you mean to otheers may cut you off or make It difficult for you to express yourself today. You could lind that you lack depth and feeling and the ability to move or communicate with others. Your ideas may not find the support you need. Moon Transits Sextlle or Trine Mercury You could be most persuasive with othars. and eloquc~ in speech and communication. The situation Is a natural lor self·expression and lends Itself to your particular Ideas and thoughts. A good conversation with those you love Is possible.

Moon Transits Conjunct Venus

You may be moveat require a lot of drive and physical starrina. Even things like heavy housework, gardening, or a trip to the gym will do you well. Sun sextlle Mars You are able to creatively solve problems and to instinctively take action when necessary under the Influence of this transit. Stress Is eased as you feel confident about your abilities and your judgment You are more able to assert yourself without rubbing people the wrong way just now. You might find that you stand up for yourself or your prindples. You are progress-oriented, and your more passionate nat\Jre comes to the fore. I t~ time to take the initiative, to apply your confidence and energy to something constructive. Thisis a period in whkh you are living spiritedty, indulging your desires without going overboard, and acting spontaneously. "'ou are bound to fe.!l energetically supported by the clrwmstances of your l ~e and by the people around you now. Sun square Mars You have "spring fever" now. no matter what the season! You could find yourself driven by a restless desire to do something; but w~hout a well·dcfincd goal, you tend towards Impulsive actions ond get yourself into needless arguments. Orcums.tances spur you Into action. Your more passionate naMe comes to the fore. You could be a little too eager to impress others with an aggressive or Inappropriate Instance. or you may find yourself competing with others In unhealthy ways. You can easily rub people the wrong way and Instigate conflicts. As long as you channel lhls excess energy constructively. Instead of wasting your time arguing, you can accomplish much. 1f this transit plays out as bursts of anger and frustration. Instead of decisive action. then you know you arc not handling your desire nature efficiently and you should make necessary changes.

Sun tline Mars You are living life with spirit just now, and your energy and vitality are strong. The natural confidence that you exude during this transit doesnt come across as offensive. In fact your enthusiasm Is well-received. It's a good time to take the initiative and to act on things that you'Ve only IJeen thinking about doing. You are drawn to physical activity, and if you are involved in a competitive event, you are more likely than usual to ~ome out a winner. Effective decision-making is possible now. This trans~ whets your sexual appet~ . increases spontaneity and courage, and helps you to let go of some of your inhibitions..


/Cft(}w about Tra~~st of Planets

SUn opposition Mars

careless or impulsive behalliour can be a problem under this transit. You could find your.;elf feeling thwarted, frustrated, or restless. This is likely due to the fact that you are not in touch with what it is you really

want at this time. If you do know what you want. how to go about getting it doesn1 come naturally to you right now. A tendency to fly off ltle handle characterizes this transit. due to inner tension between your will and performance. It's hard to find satisfaction or a sense of peace at lllis time. You may feel decidedly •out of sorts". Conflicts with superior.; could arise now, but are unlikely to yield desired results. Watch also for llasty actions that colld result in minor injury or stress. SUn coo; Wlct Juplter

Vitality Increases now as your confidence In your effectiveness builds. You feel more generous. optimistic, and sociable under this influence. You might hunger for increased recognition and respect, and, with your

generous attil.\lde and concern for others· well·being, you mig/It just get Ill em! This Is a good time to take steps to grow something-your business, your signfficant relationshifl6, and so forth. This transit also favours legal, educational. religious, and cultural endeavours. You seek a larger range

of experience. Your actions are benevolen~ your attitude is enthusiastic, and your style Is dramatic. This transit suggests you now have a stronger sense of who you are and the principles you represe~. The realization of a long· term goal may come now. You may gain honour or distinction in some way. This Is an excellent time to begin a self-Improvement program. This Is not an especially sexual energy-you are more inclined to philosophize and seek out bigger and better experiences. You may be particularly generous, and perhaps indiscriminately so. SUn sextlle Juplter

This transit represents hopefulness, good will, and Increased influence. It's favourable for marketing, publishing, and advertising, as well as any self-promotion activities. You may be especially sociable, tolerant, and generous. Confidence comes from a stronger sense of who you are and the principles you represet. Some form of recognition or distinction Is possible now. Your goal now Is to Improve- to seek out the "bigger and better•. People In high places can be generous to your cause, and you could receive glft.s or rewards.

AsP«l Decal s


Sun square Jupiter You may feel vague restlessness and discontent w~h lite as it is. You want more than what rwndane existence offers. but perhaps too rwch. Overestimation and exaggeration are possibilities, either in your own

attitude or In the circumstances and people you attract now. Your mood may be elevated, but somewhat unstable as the source of your enthusiasm may not be based on reality. Take care that you don1 throw practical (Onsiderationsoutthe window. Avoid promising more than you can deliver, as you are unlikely to be able to follow through on yourpromises. Arrogant, boastful, wasteful, or extravagant behaviour could figure now. Channeled well, however, this energy can represent creative power.

Sun trine Juplter This lnftuence represents growth and expansiveness. You are more aware of moral Issues, and have a desire to Improve and learn. Optimism and confidence are basic elements in the energy of this transit. You are more willing to take a risk or two, and you are motivated by a desire to impress others. Enthusiasm runs high, and cooperation comes easily. This Is generally a good lime to schedule new beginnings In business. education, personal retationships. marriage. creative projects, and so forth, all things equal. Sincerity and honesty works best for you now. This could be a period In which you realize a long·term goal. Your enthusiasm Is boundless. and you are Inclined to take the high road In your dealings with others. Health and vitality are strong. An opportunity ro take a trip or to embark on an adventure, however big or small, could arise now.

Sun opposition Juplter COnflicting urges with regards to what you think you shoul«l Decals


with others may not get the better of your spirits for the time being. Your rea is influence will pass soon. Saturn often brings with rt some blockage, hardship, or resbiction. Your plans may h~ a snag or two, or they simply don't materialize as expected. You could feel misunderstood. your efforts could remain unrewarded. or you are not as physically energetic as usual. for example. You could also view situations (or people) w~h some rristrust tor the time being. Because you may temporarily feet down or clralned, this period Is best used lor rest. Moon conjunct Uranus

Expect tt>e unexpected! Your desire for change is stimulated now. This is a period when you may act on a whim, or you could encounter something surprising. Nobody (an Ioree you to do anything just now- you are only In the mood to do things voluntarily. You are qulck·witted, lnvootlve. and your moods may be contradictory. New friendships sometimes form under this transit. You are more spontaneous. ready to embrace the new and untried and to llreak the routine. OpponuniUes could seemingly come from out or the lllue. You could. for example. have a chance meeting w~h someone or an experience that Is a lltde loony. A change of pace is likely.

Experimentation and Improvisation are what work best. Allow lor many possibilities. put lew restrkdons on projects. keep your options open, and expect the unexpected.

AsP«l Decals


Moon sextile Uranus Breaking the routine is something that would please you now. This transit sometimes indicates a pleasant surprise, a chance meeting with an old acquaintance, an invitation, or some other interesting event that

enlivens your day. Expelimenting with something aitogethl!l-new Is favoured now. Others appreciate your unique or quirtcy qualities. Although patience is not your stro~ point now, your openness to the unexplored sel'.les to cut boredom. Moon square Uranus Departure from the norm. Some sudden, although likely minor, changes are In store. Family or friends may be erratic, hard to pin down, or simply absent when you need them. Your own mood may be rebeUious or standoff. Plans may change direction unexpectedly. Part of you is itcl'lng for change, and this could be the reason why you are more likely to attract unusual circumstances now. Moon trine Uranus You may be the redpient of good news regarling family or domestic affairs. Unexpected visitors, unexpected vlsldng, or chance meetings are possible now. You are more Inclined to take emotional risks than usual, although you are also unlikely to go over the top. This transit awakens your mind, enabling you to respond to a higher state of awareness. Intuition Is at a high, and you are open to progress and lmpl!)vement. You are magnetically attractive to others, and they recognize and accept your unique tmits. Moon opposition Uranus Something that jars you out of your routine is possible now, such as a conrrontation, unexpected change of plans, or acting on a whim, Keep your opdons open because your schedule is unlikely to materialize. Projects begun during this transit are likely to change In unexpected ways. Whether you treat unexpected changes as a disruption or as a welcome breath of fresh air will determine your mood. Some domestic upsets and upheavals are possible. You could be searcl'lng for a loophole or a way out of emotional responsibilities, and you are certainly not in a compt'omising mood. Sometimes this correlates to problems with electrical appliances, '" weather that inlerrupts plans.


/Cft(}w about Tra~~st of Planets

Moon conj Lnct Neptune

Others would be hard-pressed to pin you down to something concrete '"formal right now. Your feelings are boundless, you are easily touched, and you are enthusiastic, perhaps exaggeratedly so. However. you are

mote easily led astl'ay and prone to disappointments. You ate easily seduced, swayed, and in extreme cases, even cheated. You could also be the one who is deceiving or seducing! You may enjoy a reward for

your past efforts. This is the time whe«l Oetals


and the desire for self-gratification. Your love nature is strong, but given to extremes. Over-inflated expectations and the tendency to overstate your affections all! things to watch out for. You may overvalue something tor someone), pelce or tangible help. Renewed ties to old friends are p05slble, or a new sense of responsibility in existing friendships. You are less spontaneous and more studied and deliberate now. Venus square Satum

There may be difficulties relating to othere than what is possible. Difficulties socializing with f people can calalyze pais time period yoo periodically become overwhelmed with the feeling ll>at you need to make manges and make them NOW. +An urge to chango and try new things may challenge and upset yoor domestic scene or support system. In this case, your tendency to rebel acts at cross· purposes to those who care for you. Ano-win situation 111at requires treading a fine line on yoor part. Uranus transits trine Moon

•You are more spootaneous. free. and uninhibited In your expression of feelings now. Yoor sese of humour Is very good. and yoo can expect a lot of good times, laughter, and joking throoghoot this period.


Know about Transt of Plantts

+You could receive uneJlologlcalldeas and Inventive, progressive, Innovative perspectives in any area.

+A time to have new llloughiS and sudden insighiS and to get an unexpected boost in the way you think, speak, or write. Communkations are facilitated, connections or all ijnds, news, and so on, are furthered, often at the expense or tradition. established order. Uranus transits opposite Merc..-y

'The tempo of your life is very fast at this time. If you live in an urban area or are invotved in activities that are fast-paced and dynamic. Ill en this time period may become too intense lor you. +You could be under considerable mental tension or feel hemmed in by an overly conservative mental atmosphere. You may reel compelled 10 change your mind now and have new thoughts nod forms of expression. Bucking other people's Ideas may be In order. Uranu5-Ven~s Transits

Uranus transits to Venus stimulate your desires to share pleasures with slgnHicant others and with friends In perhaps unusual or especially sensitive ways. They urge you to lind new meaning in your life through leisure activities and/or romance. These transits also affect your urge to acquire new material goods as well as yolK nnances In general.

Koow about frMst of PJa11~ts


What does venus rule in your chart? Look to the houses of your natal chart with Taurus and Libra on dle cusp for areas of your life where Uranus is acting to awaken. look to planets in Taurus and libra in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Uranus Is now Infusing with the urge to break out of existing routines. Uranus traralts conjLftCt Venus This transit occurs only once

every 84 years and can be a time of creative and progrt!ssive change or one of frustration and upheaval. The difference dej)ends on whedle< or not you resist the need to make changes in your life. You will begin to seek freedom and excitement in your relationships, particularly in your lo~ (and sex) life. l f dlee need to express yourself YOUR WAY now, and any person or situation II> at has restricted your freedom or expression will have to go. You may drastically change your appearance or lifestyle. Your dose personal relationships will be tested now, and persons who are unable to oceept the newly-emerging you will have no place in your new circle of friends. The new people you attract now will be very different from your norm. as friends go. They will share with you new and revolutiooary perspectives on life that you have previously rejected. Many people also begin to study metaphyskal subjects at ti"Os time, partiwlarly astrology, This search for information beyond what you can readily see is part ol the o110rall libe«l Oetals


+A powerf!A time of change, durir>J whit h you may have great insigllt into your career. You could char>Je jobs or suddenly find a way to transf()(lll and improve your current job. A certain amount of mental tension can be expected, so bear with it. Uranus Transits Sextlle Mcl>eaven

•Your job and career advance very nicely now. This is a positive lime when you feel excited by the devel01>ments in your caree< You are able to pour more of your creativity and your originality into what you do. Uranus Transits Square Mcl>eaven

• A feelir>J oflll'C)atlence and a willingness to make bold, risky changes can cause you to suddenly alter the entire course of your life now. Periodically throughout this time period you get the urge to stir things up and inject fresh, new stimulation into your life. +A time for discoverir>J otheJ yourself able to respond

to friends and loveJ career. A time during which new ideas and approaches in managemen~ and all practical vision are possible. Perhaps a new-found Independence and originality manifests itself in your working environment. Uranus Transits Opposition Mdheaven

• Sudden changes and upsets are likely in your domestic life. 1f you are at all dissatisfied with your place ol residence, It Is likely that you will move at this time or make home Improvements. +Sudden Insight Into your home, family, and sense of security. You could be asserting more Independence, perhaps at the expense ol your j ob or career by spending more time away from I~ engrossed In your personal and domestic scene.

Koow about Transt of Plantts


A general description of transiting Uranus "'The planet Uranus stir one's life, and that always pJ. times during Ill is time period you are not able to constrain your compulsive feelings, and you are prone to dispense with reason. logic, rational Judgment, ethics, and taboos. +You may not appreciate how others Insist on getUng personal. or your own prying and Inner diggings may not be enJoyed. The intensely


/Cft(}w about Tra~~st of Planets

sensitive psychological material you are coming up w~h rubs the wrong way, upsetting )I their bread and butte' 1I prediction were removed from the body of astrological theory, what would remainl The answer is . plentyl There is enough that is substantive in astrology~ ability to describe psychological states to support its position as a usef!A technology. It need not deny the individual right of self·determination to justify its own existence. Astrology functions better as a diagnostic and prescriptive tool rather Ill an as a predictive one. I I used judiciously, astrology has within ~ the ~apac~ to diagnose psychological and eniAronmental conditions; and using the same technological information, it can forll'l..llate curative prescriptive solutions to problems.

Yet it remains that astrology is the science of time. Time has an ontological reality, that is, time has a variable texture and nature and a ~osmic struci\Jre, all of which are constantly changing within the context I the endless overlapping cycles described by planetary rhythms. An awareness of the fluctuating characteristics of personal and collective psycho-social phases and cycles enhances and expands indiiAdual choice and the exercise of free will, In the same way that knowledge of the upcoming weather provides useful information for certain kinds of decisionmaking. And let us not fl){get that astrology, like meteorology, is not an exact science.

One ol the problems with astrology's undeniable capacity to forecast general upcoming conditions In the psycho-social ambiance has been llle false exaggeration of that capacity into spec~ic prediction, along with the generation of catastrophic apprehension and dread. Fear is typically stimulated by traditional astrology's unsupportable belief that Ill ere are good and evil planets. aspects and Influences. These false and limiting, If not actually Inane, Ideas have their origins In astro logy~ primal enmeshment with religion, a problem which has yet to be Identified, discussed and corrected. While astrology can describe spiritual conditions, it Is most definitely not religion, having no Inherent dogma or ritual. It Is Imperative to learn to use astrology without fear, and to take responslblity for one's life and decisions, without the mlllenialllst, catastrophic undercurrents of gloom so unbearably common In traditional astrology. Concepts such as maler>Cs, benefits. and good "'bad aspects must be eradicated from astrology's vocabulary. It Is time for mainstream

Transits and tht Path of Tr.tnslormadon


astrology to recognize and acknowledge that all facets of the cosmic framework, whether aspects. signs or planets. are inherently positive in their essential natures. and are necessary to the who listie functioning of llle solar system. and its microcos,.,.;c counterpart. the human psyche. In other words. nothing In the astrological vocabulary Is inherently good or bad. healthy or unhealthy. Only people can be evaluated as such. and lllen there is always the potential for change and transformation into states of health and loving equilibrium.

The Birth Chart as an Organic Whole The entire birth chart Is Internally cohesive, and operates as an organic whollstic interrelationship of patterns. The chart itself is a representative of the body of the personal psyche. with the planets symbolizing lndMdual psychic organs. For Instance, Men:ury Is d1e psyche~ organ of com,.,nicatlon and cognition; Neptune Is the organ of sleep, dreams, imagination and the subconscious; the Moon is the organ of emotional nourishmen~ well·being and security, and so on. All these psychic organs are Interconnected and need to operate eHkiently In order for an Individual to be an optimally healthy. f\JIIy functional being. No single. abstract astrological principle. such as an aspect or planetary position, can indicate the presence or absence of the psychic health, or the success or failure (which are such completely relative terms to begin with) of any given person. In other words. the birth chart ltseH cannot tell us the degree of functionality of the person ~ represents. Neither can the birth chart alone provide more than the mMt superficial information about the person It represents. The chart must always be understood In connection with the spec~lc Individual for whOm It has been calculated. and always w ~hln the context of the nearly endless psycho-social variables in that person's life. The concept of the unaspected planet is impossible to reconcile with the wholistic view of the chart as an organic aggregate. A planet is always positioned within the matrix of the entire chart. eld1er In Its phasic relationship wld1 other planets or wld11n its patterns of rrOdpolnt swctures.

The Need few Astrological Refonn The value judgments of traditional astrology, whether pointed at so-called malefic planets or the ·evil rays· of certain aspects are not only wrong, they stern from ignorance, and do not hold up under scrutiny. 1f you examine the many hundreds and thousands of charts that must be studied in order to learn the art of astrological interpretation, you cannot


/Cft(}w about Tra~~st of Planets

fail to notice that the traditional assessment ol malefics, benefits, good and bad aspects. and so on are absolutely 100% false! Unfortunately. due to ~s suppression as a consequence of the scientific revolution, the astrologkal tradition has for the most part

remained in a stunted, dream·like state ol t.mwareness for several centuries. It has barely begun to actualize the reformation called for by its great historic practitioners, such as Kepler, cardano and Dee. Because of its essential truth, however, astrotogy has maintained its position in llle public mind as an acknowledged and valiat you encounter are externally manifested Indicators of the spiritual and psychological $\ate of health and well·belng of the many facets of your Self.


/Cft(}w about Tra~~st of Planets

These experiences indicate not only what you are supposed to be learning, but how you need to heal, because Earth is not only a school, it is also a hospital. where we incarnate to recover and recuperate from l!lur individual souls' maladies. we are here primarily for learning, healing and development. The most prevalent soul illness on Earth is the illusion Qf separateness. The reward for healing is joy and love, freedom and mastery over the game or life Each dlart is its own model of health. There are no ideal charts, or good charts or fortunate charts. Every chart has the radiant potential to

be expressed In a heatthy, fulfilling and successful way, based on the terms and goals of dharma written right into the chart. The criteria for success are in the chart itself. which describes an individual's developmental purpose within his or her own lifetime. The chart shows what weare here to learn, and what we are here to cultivate and correct i n ourselves. We can all evolve and !ji'OW and eventually be free, because you can always count on the Universe to inev~ably supply you with your lessons over and over again, until you get them right!

1tte AstrOICgy of TrMsformadOfl 1nd an AstrotoglciJI Perspective


Cliapter 16

rr1ie }fstroCoBY ofrtransformation arufan .Astrowaicaled by the Atudha Padas under scrutiny. If a positive event appears likely. then the transit of the Moon In the trines or in the 12th Hoose to the Arudha Padas relating to the event can help fructify tile event. Dille< transit positions of tile Moon can help time llle more challenging events, If the same should be indicated by other reference-points in the horoscope.

Effects of a Saturn Transit Saturn's purpose by transit is to pressure us to ftX what is broken, to attend to what we've long neglected, to restore order to whatever has become chaotic or out·ol-control, and to reclaim what Is Intrinsically valuable to our core development It also Insists we lei go of anything or anybody that unduly weighs us down or thwarts our ongoing growlll. Sai.IJrn is one of our "terminator· planels (Pluto the other). 1t strives to rid us of all impeding non-essentials. It's goal Is to unclutte< and simplify our lives.

Saturn offers us the chance to know when and why things we've outgrown must come to an end. We best mature by recogniling those specific relationships and conditions in our life that have become unworkable. To red\Jce further pain and frustration. we need to allow such matters to come to a well~defined dose. Saturn assures us that this can be done with a measure of level-headed resolve on our part, based upon a pragmatic assessment of the central Issues In question.

Patience Is always required here. while a stubborn rei\Jsal to allow for needed change Is to be avoided. The Saturn prlndple Is a fair and even-handed one (symbolized by its exaltation In Libra). 1twill work with us no matter how deep In a self-created hole we find ourselves. But we need to comrrit to the required tasks and disciplines at hand without looking for escape hatches. And definitely without lapsing Into long stretches of denial or the projection ol complete blame onto ollle;, 46 "' to 48 48 to 49 "' 49 "' to 51 51 to 52 "' 52 "' to 54

libra Vlroo

leo Cancer Gemini

Taurus Aries


28 '" 30 30 to 31 •t , 31 't. to 33 33to 34 '" 34 't. to 36

A Life Pattern In the Ught of Major PlaflelS Troflsits


The other age--wise cycles of Rahu are not given to save space and llle readers can easily find them in similar sequence. The Ketu transits will be in the opposite Rashis to Rahu transits tor lhe same ages.

let us now see Major Events in the Chart

Education (4th for normal and


for higher

education): The degree in ~lechanical engineering was in Sept. 1959, failing In March under unusual circumstances (are 2U22l . Around this age. in transit Saturn was in Sagtttarius, Jupiter in Scorpio, Rahu in Leo and Ketu in Aquarius. Since Saturn and Jupiter are in Parivartana (one in ther's sign),theycan be considered to be In their own signs also. In the transit Saturn In Sagittarius (In Jupiter sign) aspects the 4"' bhava lord natal Saturn by 3,. aspect being considered to be in Aquarius due to Parivartana, vebrates 4" bhava being just behind (by Achadana), aspects natal Jupiter education Karaka ( significator) in Aquarius by 3'' aspect without considering Parivartana and also gets connected with another education Karaka natal MerC\Jry in Leo by both being in East directions (Aries, Leo. Sagittarius represent east) or being in trine. Jupiter in transit was In Scorpio (Mars sign 2"" house Walso considered for education) aspects 4"1ord natal Saturn by ~" aspect. Transit Rahu In Leo over natal MerC\Jry aspects natal Jupiter both Karakas and natal Saturn 4" lord being in Parivrartana. Transit Ketu in Aquarius was over natal karaka Juplter and natal Saturn 4" lord due to Parlvartana aspectlng natal karaka Mercury. The other proposition that the retrograde planets can be considered to be in their previous signs. can also be applied for analysis for the natal retrograde Saturn and Jupiter, If necessary. In thi.s chart since Saturn as karmakaraka connected to the 4" bhava decided the event of education around that age. The natural benefic Jupiterconducted llle education of mechanical engineering being transiting in Scorpio in llle sign of Mars representing machinery and technical side. The natural maleflcs Rohu and Ketu being connected to 4" bhava In their transits played their mischievous role of giving a failure and break In education, lllough the native was a brilliant student. ~rst

The other higher educations are diploma In French March 1969/70 (age 31/32). Master degree In mechanical engineering march 1986/87 (age 47/48) and diploma In management Nov 1987/88 (age 50/51) . In No~ 1987/88 In transits Saturn in Sagittarius aspects 9" house, Juplter In Aries aspects natal 9111 lord Mercury In Leo by 5"' aspect, Rahu and


/Cft(}w about Tra~~st of Planets

Ketu in Capricorn and Cancer are not connected to 9"' bhava. In 1986 lransit Saturn in Scorpio aspects 9" lord natal Merwry by 1o"' aspect, transitJ upiter in Aquarius aspecting gm bhava and gmlord natal Mercudry.

Rahu and Ketu in transits in Pisces and Virgo are not connected to 9"' bhava. Thus during transits in !hose ages, Saturn as karmakaraka decided llle events of higher education/know ledge and the natural benefic) upiter conducted !he events without much obstructions from the natural malefics Rahu and Ketu.

Profession/ Service (loth and 6"' bhavas): The first appointment In paper mills was In jan 1960 (age 21/22). resigned and joined in Dec. 1960 in Defense Research and Development Organization of Government of India. As earlier analyzed transit Saturn i n Sagittarius is connected to 10'' IOt'd Natal Moon by being behind aspecting 6" lord natal Juptter. Transit) upiter in Scorpio is also connected to 6" and 10"' bhavas by aspecting 6"' bhava and 6" lord natal Jupiter in Pisces due to Parivartana by s"' aspect and 10" bhava by 9"' aspect and profession karaka Saturn In Pisces by 5"' aspect. Transit Rahu Is just behind 10"' bhava aspecting 6"' IOJ in Aquarius aspects ll" bhava and ll"' lord natal Sun. The transit Ketu in leo is in nth bhava and over utn bhava lord. Thus Saturn as karama karaka decided the event of mother~ death.


Jupiter being not directly connected to le m:>st important factors in timing ..

By obsearadasa}. A single Oasha syst~ ~~If. ~annot prognosticate the nature and time of eYents unless it is checked up and supplement~ by th~ prevailing transit effects. The events ~onceming diff~r~nt d~partments of life ol th~ native mar>f~t larg~ly during th~ Oasha Bhuktl periods, but actual res!Ats are m:>difi~ by tranw. To predict an ~vent is really a challenging time for the astrologer. If ll>e DasaJAntar lords are in 2/12 or 618 position. unfavourable r~ IA ts are indicat~. Lords of 618112 and planets in 618/12 hous~ also do not yield auspicious r~lts , particularly if th~ are retrograd~. the maximum damage is done in th~e Dash as to the indi1.1dUal e.g. Dasha of retrograde li"' lord will promote enemies. cause heatth groblems, troubles through litigations and the lik~. Dash a of r~trograde 8 lord brings financial los~ and obstad~ in lif~. Oasha ol retrograde 12"' lord may bring confinem~nL i llness etc, the Dash a of the lords of 618/12 will be a soun:e of the native's father's death. Alter chedcing the dasa·antar Dasha one should scan the transits. Events are creal~ when a planet (see the Lagnesh, lO"' Iord, and Oasha bhi.dctllords) combusts. rls~. retrogrades, chang~ a sign. Surprising results are achiev~ through transit studies.

Results of movement of planets from natal position. 1Elcamtll4!: Smt. I ndlra Gandhi

Sun in S"/ 12111• Moon in II"'. Mars in 7111, Mercury in 7"', jupiter in 3", Venus in 6"', Saturn in l a/7"', Rahu and KNhu in the 1ai9" house from their own natal positions will Intensify bad ~ff~cts. Each of these signs are death inflicting. when such a sign in a natal chart or that sign falls in inlm~l sign or depression house or is destitute of strength and when that partlcular planet translt.s that sign. The native comes to grief when the afflicting planet In transit becomes powerful by position, retrogr~lon or otherw i~. the e~~ll effects m.Jillply on a large scale.


Koow about Transt of Plantts

Mar Jup



~ RasiChM Mon Ve Rah

Mar Mer Sun

Mer 8 Sun


Ven Rah

According to some Astrologer. Ketu Is said to give worst results during transit through the 2' 6 sign from his natal position. When two or three of these slow moving planets simultaneously transit the afflicted sign, the native has to face many troubles and hindrances at a time, physical Inability, retirement from service, paucity of funds. death in the family etc will be experienced by the native during llle transits of these three planets. Whenever the lord of Iagnat Moon/ Sun transits the 6/8/12 house from thelr natal posltiOI\ it generally proves to be highly unfavourable. The Lagna lord~ transit In the B"'tor 12"' Is partiwlarly baneful with results like defamation, degradation lnceration, protracted Illness (when Lagna lord Is a slow moving planet). Smt. 1ndira Gandhi declared new election to Lok 5abha when transit Saturn was degree wise transiting her natal Saturn. She lost the election and resigned on 22.3.1977. Most unfortunate events such as expulsion from the Panlament Uan. 1979) warranted for her arrest. being driven to Tlhar I all (round about 19.12 .1978). All the above events took place between 18.11.1978-20.1.1979. when sarurn was transiting Leo 8"' from Moon sign, Rahu was transiting leo the 9"' from natal Rahu and Jupiter was transiting Cancer, Y6 from his natal house Taurus. The concurrent transits both ol Rahu and Jupiter from 18. ll .1978 to 29.8.1979 through their respective afflicted signs was the worst period full of results and humiliation etc. Asthama Shani, conjoined with Rahu in the a"' from natal Moon added fuel to the fire.


on Transits





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~ ltl~ I

Wt: 'il'ir. >J:'!"'"' 'J"i P.:f>!l: ~ >i'l&lo;M 'lm'l!l: II ill"i1AA>"i ~ 'lf.i,w: "''f. '!"i 'ing transit through 7"' house. Saturn will cause luck diJring transit through the 9'' house. while Moon will bestow results during her transit through its 2"" house. Whenever transit jupiter comes iust wer its radical position or from a trine. Therewith (i.e. throws its exact S"'l9"' house aspect on natal j up~erl some auspidous events bringing cheer and happiness to the mind are most likely to occu< But transit ju~er~ opposition with natal jupiter is not indicative of good ,.esults.

When jupiter influences natal Saturn, natal Sun or HI'" house it should be a period ol gain. Jupiter over the Moon sign is said to induct a sense of fear and anxiety. jupiter gives good results In 21 S/7/9111"' form Moon. Its transit on natal Rahu in Sagittarius will bring some disadvantages circl.l'nstances in that yea< When ~ansit jupiter aspects the natal position of Venus, Mars. Ketu and Its natal position, It slgns the wedding bells.

Satum gives good results In 3/6111"' from Moon. When Saturn arrives in the 10"' house of Moon- It Is a period of gain. Saturn's ~anslts over Jupiter is also good for financial gains.

1upiter is 1eeva, the life force and Saturn is the force sustaining life. Without involvement ol jupiter and Saturn no event can occur in life. Emphasis should be given on transit ol jupiter concerning an auspicious results such as marriage, birth of children, honour, religions functions etc. Transit of Saturn Is understood about events bringing sorrow and suffering such as death, Illness. loss etc. Sade - Saati (Saturn's cycle) Sade - Saati occurs once In 30 years. when Saturn transits the 12''. llle I " and 2"" house from Moon. unless Saturn Is a yogakaraka for a particular horoscope, well placed In the chart with association or aspect of benefic planets. This Saturrlne transit w111 btlng unpleasant situations


Koow about Transt of Plantts

and circumstances. This period will cause must depression, disappointment, dissatisfaction and lack of interest in any matter in life. Sab.Jrn a great disciplinarian and dispenses of Justke can cause anxious momerl in any one's life dl>'ing the Sade saatl.

Sade Saati for a man must begin when Saturn is behind his natal Moon exactly by 45• and It should end when it has gone ahead of the natal Moon by 45• . The nature of difficulties faced by a native differs from chart to chart depending upon the stage at which Sade Saatl occurs in life.ln the case of children it may affect health, cause of death of elders in the family or financial stress. When it occurs during the period of studies, the native will not be able to concentrate on studies. There wilt be distraction, failure, discontinuation, loss of memOese varga charts.

7/mlng ot Events Through Oaslta aJJd Transit of PlantlS


Cliapter 22

rruninn ofP.vents rtlirouoli tDaslia aruf fl'ransit ofcpfanets The birth chart of any native indicate the promise inherent in a Horoscoplc chart because of the position of planet In chart and other qualifications that attend upon It, I.e. Its location, conjunctions, aspects and its position and location in divisional c11art the horoscope only indicate lhe inherent promise. The time when promise will fructify depend upon dasha and transit of planets. The total dasha period of a planet Is divided i n different parts and ruled by different planets. The dash a operative at any lime of a particular planet and its results will pertains to natural signification, lordship, placements, aspects and strength of planet The major period Is known as mahaOasha. the major period Is further dlvldeded Into sub· period, and In ~tajor dasha subperiod of all the planets are operative. Whenever, any Important event Is happening In the life of a native, the transit of planets play an Important role, particularly transit of SATURN and jUPITER Is very Important. When SATURN and JUPITER both Influence a house and house lord, activity related 10 that house start happening. In transit SUN indicate the month of event and the MOON Indicate the day of event In other word. we can say SATURN approve and JUPITER bless the event. For predkatlng any event in any natal chart. we have to study Oasha Antardashas of planets and transit f planets particularly transit of SATURN/) UPITER. I have studied number of horoscapes and developed certain principles which dearly lndkate as to when the partkular event is likely to happen. I am discussing below the principles applicable for happening of following events by giving examples. These prindples have been tested on number of horoscope and found accurate. The Vimsottari and Yogni dasha has been used for analysing the

events. Following topks are being discussed in this article:

/Cft(}w about TriJ/Ist of Planets



Birth of younger brother/sister.


Timing of marriage.


Birth of children.

Birth of Younger Brother/ Sister Operatiw Dasha Parameter

1. 2. 3. 4.

Dasha of Ill rd lord. Dasha of Vth lord. Dasha of Lagna Lord of D-3. Dasha of planets posted in Ill rd house. aspecting Ill rd house.

5. 6.

Dasha of dispositer of Ill rd lord. oasha of Mars.

7. 8.

Dasha of Ill rd lord from Mars. Planet posted in Ill rd house from Mars.

Transit of Planets Parameter


SATURN and JUPITER will influence minimum two conditions out of four mentioed below: i. J'd House il. 3'' Lord iii. 51h House



iv. S" Lord The Sun may Indicate month of birth of younger brother or sister by lnlluenclng one of four conditions mentloed above by posting or aspect. The Moon may Indicate date of birth of younger b>1!lil>'!lilo' ~


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Astrolofjcal Remedies (Upayt) lor Transitklg PllllltlS


¥~mli ~ ~ ll'l'il~!lill!ll!l i

~ ofumt """'""' BTF-ffiq

.rr,t ~ ir ~of:r:

I 11

lof.t >Tri ,j,o ~ ~f.h'Ul'lll fAI ~: li'Ji"'l111.


/Cft(}w about Tra~~st of Planets



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·l't: II

Remecles Through Planet Yantnls Planets are the main bodies that Influence our lives. and the planets 'l'antras are the most effective remedies to control these Influences I.e. to Increase the +ve lnlluences and to decrease the -ve Influences of the planets.

Know about Transt of Plantts


Your ruling planet defines most of your characteristics, so you can select the Yantra of your 1'\lling planet according to your ZODIAC Sl GN or you can use the Yantra of that planet, by which you want to be influenced positively and whose characteristics you want to inherit.

Zodiac Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Vi roo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Caorlcom Aquarius Pisces

Ruling Plantlt Mars Venus Mercury ~loon

Sun ~l ercurv (&


venus Mars Juplter Saturn Saturn Jupiter (& Ketu•)

Planet's Yantras Ma ngal Ya ntra Shukra Yantra Buddha Yantra Chandra Yantra Surya Yantra Buddha Yantra Shukra Yantra Mangal Yantra Guru Yantra Shani Yantra Shani Yantra Guru Yantra

·Rahu (the north node of the Moon) and Ketu (the south node of llle Moon) are the shadowy (hypothetical) planets and they rules no sign of zodiac. b\Jt Rahu has authO
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