118466924 Reference Manual of Vedic Astrology

March 17, 2017 | Author: John Ricco | Category: N/A
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Reference Manual Of Vedic Astrology Shiva-Vishnu Mandir


Contents 1 - 6

Transits Transits Introduction ƒ Natal references - 7 ƒ References from the Moon - 7 ƒ Transits and Divisional Charts, Examples - 8 Ashtakavarga – 10 Table of Natal Moon in Different Houses – 11 House Significators - 13 Planet Significators - 17 Functional Nature of Planets: ƒ Functional Nature of Planets in Lagna Table - 18 ƒ Summary of Laws of Trines, Kendras, Papasthana Houses, Dusthana Houses, the 8th and 22nd Drekkana from a Bhava. - 20 Baadhakas ƒ Table of Badhakas -20 Timing with Transits ƒ Binnastakavarga (BAV) Table of Bindus - 21 ƒ Kakshya For Closer Timing - 22 ƒ Principles of Kakshya Application - 22 ƒ Important Points on Ashtakavarga and Timing - 23 ƒ Sadhe Sati - 23 ƒ Dasa - 24 ƒ SAV - Sarvashtakavarga (Samudaaya Ashtakavarga) - 24 ƒ Timing with Sodhya Pindas

Taras (Stars) ƒ Basic Tara Classification Table - 24 Murthis (Forms/Idols) - 25 Transits- from Paala Deepika by Mantreswara - 24 ƒ Mantreswara’s Principles of Transits - 27 ƒ Effects of Latta - 28 Rasi Gochara Vedha (Sign Transit Obstructions) - 28 ƒ Vedha Transit Points Table - 29 ƒ Vedha Assignments Explained (points or bindus) - 29 ƒ Tally of Individual Vedhas for the Planets - 30 Special Nakshatras (Stars) - 31 Sarvatobhadra Chakra and Examples – 32 ƒ Divisional Charts - 35 ƒ Nakshatras (27) Table - 37 ƒ Examples o (1) Kakshya Timing for Events - 38 o (2) Sadhe Sati - 38 o (3) Dasha Karaka for a Planet - 38 o (4) Sodhya Pinda Event Timing - 39

2 o (5) Tara’s Timing for Events -40 o (6) Murthis (Forms/Idols) for Labeling Effective Planets -40 o (7) Planet Effects Based on SAV-42 o (8) Planets in Special Signs Giving Effects Based on SAV- 41 o (9) Longevity (Father) - 41 o (10) Longevity of the Mother of a Father - 42 o (11) Number of Children - 43 o (12) Death of a Native From the SAV of Saturn (Questionable Method)- 43 o (13) Number of Years of Distress, Danger,Disaster of a Native - 43 o (14) Transit of Planets in Binnastakavarga - 43 o (15) Divisional Chart Analysis - 44 o (16) Sarvatobhadra chart – 45 to 47 o Examples 17 to 25 – 48 Divisional Chart Significations - 67

Dasa’s Dasa Principles 68 Nakshatra Dasas - 70 ƒ Vimshottari dasa-Events of the Mind - 71 o Vimshottari Dasa Variations 9 Starting from Lagna 9 Starting from the 4th or 8th stars. 9 Results from Mahadasa, Antardasa ,and Pratyantardasa ƒ Ashtottari dasa - 72 ƒ Kalachakra dasa- Life Events - 72 o Deha and Jeeva Rasis [Body and Spirit] - 73 o Gatis (special movements) - 73 o Table of Gatis (leaps) - 74 ƒ Difference between Nakshatra and Rasi Dasas - 75 Rasi Dasas - 76 ƒ Narayana - 77 ƒ Lagna Kendradi Rasi dasa (Sri Laksmi) - 77 ƒ Sudasa (Wealth) - 77 ƒ Important Notes on Shree Lagna (SL) and Sudasa - 78 ƒ Drig Dasa (Spiritual Awakening) - 79 ƒ Niryana Shoola Dasa (Death) - 79 ƒ Shoola Dasa (Timing Death) - 80 Death of Near Relatives - 81 o Pitri Shoola dasa o Bhratri Shoola dasa o Matri Shoola dasa o Dara Shoola dasa o Putra Shoola dasa Other Dasas - 81 ƒ Moola Dasa - 81 Summary of All Dasas • Rasi Dasas -82 o Narayana Dasa (Physical Effort and Environment) -82 o Navamsa Dasa (Spouse, Dharma, Duty Righteousness) - 82 o Lagnamsaka dasa (Physical Fructification of Dharma) - 82

3 o Padanathamsa dasa (shows how ones abilities, learning, karma, spiritual activites, etc. impact on ones image and status with changing time.) - 82 o Sudasa (Laksmi’s Blessing) - 82 o Drigdasa (Religious Activities) - 82 o Lagna Kendra Rasi Dasa (fructification of yogas) - 82 o Atmakaraka (AK) Kendradi Rasi Dasa (experiences of soul) - 82 o Trikona Dasa (the purusartha’s – four purposes of life) - 82 o Chara Dasa (a popular general rasi dasa) - 82 o Sthira Paryaya dasa of D-6 chart (illnesses, litigations && worries) o Shoola dasa (troubles and death) - 83 o Niryana Shoola Dasa (death) - 83 o Brahma dasa (cycle of life, death and life- samsaras) - 83 o Sthira dasa (an ayur dasa that shows death) - 83 o Mandooka dasa of D-11 (an ayur dasa showing wars and destruction) - 83 o Varnada dasa (troubles and death) - 83 Nakshatra Dasas - 84 o Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon- shows all the events in a natives life from the vantage point of natives mind) - 84 o Ashtottari Dasa (controversial nakshatra dasa) - 84 o Kalachakra Dasa (Moon, Savya group, Paramayush = 8 years; It shows all the events in a natives life from the vantage point of the natives inner spirit and motivation) - 84 o Yogini Dasa (with planets replacing Yoginis) - 84 o Dwi-saptati sama dasa (applicable if lagna lord is in 7th or 7th lord is in lagna)-86 o Shat-trimsa sama dasa (applicable for daytime births in Sun's hora and night-time births in Moon's hora) - 84 o Dwadasottari dasa (applicable if lagna is in Venusian amsa) - 84 o Chaturaseeti sama dasa (applicable if 10th lord is in 10th) - 84 o Sataabdika dasa (applicable if lagna is in vargottama) - 84 o Shodasottari dasa (applicable if lagna in Moon's hora in Krishna paksha or in Sun's hora in Sukla paksha) - 84 o Panchottari dasa (applicable if lagna is in Cancer in rasi (D-1) and dwadasamsa (D20)) – 84 o Shashti-hayani Dasa (applicable if Sun is in lagna) - 84 Other Dasas - 85 o Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma) - 85 o Naisargika Dasa (dasa of the nature) - 85 o Tara Dasa (applicable if all the four quadrants are occupied) - 85 o AK Kendradi Graha Dasa (experiences of the soul) – 85 o Patyayini Dasa (useful in Tajaka charts) - 85 o Sudarsana Chakra Dasa of D-1 (Lagna:Moon:Sun) - 85 Buddhi Gati Dasa of D-1 (from Agni Purana; it shows the direction of Buddhi Intellect. It shows which planet sits on head at a given time. That planet can be propitiated.) - 85 o Rasi-Bhukta Vimsottari Dasa (of D-1 chart, started from Moon) - 85 o Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in Tithi Pravesha charts)-85 o Yoga Vimsottari Dasa (useful especially in Yoga Pravesha charts) - 86 o Karana Chaturaseeti sama dasa (useful especially in Tithi/Karana Pravesha charts) 86 o Tithi Yogini Dasa of Janma tithi (based on tithis instead of nakshatras)-86


Predictive Principles

ƒ Phaala Deepika- Sri Mantreswara’s Principles of Prediction and Method of Finding the ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

22nd Drekkana in a Chart – 87 Summary of Predictive Principles - 89 Planetary Aspects - 90 Foreign residence - 91 Sanchita (Seed) Karma Predictions – 91 How to Time an Event - Muhurtha or Electional Astrology – 93 Travel – 95 Building Laws/Vastu Siddhi’s– 96

Ailments Diabetes - 97 Epilepsy and Neurasthenia - 97 Gout or Rheumatism - 98 Cancer – 99 Summary on Cancer - 100 Tumours, Boils, Carbuncles and Abscesses - 100 Skin Diseases – 100 Stones in Organs - 102 Hydrophobia - 102 Leucoderma (white patches of the skin) - 102 Liver (Sclerosis, Hepatitus C) - 102 Bowels, Hernias, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Abdominal Cancer, Indigestion, Food-poisioning, Gases, Constipation) - 102 Appendicitis - 102 Hemmoroids or Piles - 103 Defective Hearing - 103 Afflictions of the Throat - 104 Asthma – 104 Afflictions of the Lungs – 104 Heart Ailments - 105 Prostate Gland - 105 Diseases of the Sex Organ - 106 Prameha – 106 Tuberculosis - 106


Marriage Matching Timing Marriage Rites by Transiting Planets – 107 Timing Marriage by Stars (Taras), Weekdays, Lunar days & Months– 107 Timing Marriage for Most Auspicious Periods by Sri Mantreshwara Method- 107 Other Marriage Timing Factors - 108 Matching Rasi’s and Navamsa’s of Couples - 108 Examples of Timing of Marriage – Transit Chart- 108 Timing a Marriage Chart by Transiting Planets - 110 Marriage Timimg ByTaras, Tithi, Vara, Yoga and Karana-111 Example of Timing of Marriage by Sri Mantreswara’s Method - 111 Ques. : From which house or planet do you predict a second marriage?-113 Marriage Table of Effects for Planets in the 7th and 8th Houses – 114 Marriage Matching by Taras and Kuja Dosha - Table – 115 Kuja Dosha Effects for Mars in Houses : {2, 4, 7, 8, 12} – 116 Example on How to Do a Marraiage Timing Chart- 117 Timing of Wedding Summary - 120 Prakriti (Constitutional) Marriage Compatability Chart -193

Annual Solar Return Annual Solar Return by Kalidasa Method and the Tajika -System – 121 ƒ Example Using Method of Kalidasa and the Sapta Varga Strength of Planets - 123 ƒ Sutra’s of Kalidasa on Annual Solar Return – 125

• • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • •

General Laws of Vedic Astrology Rasi’s - 127 Movable, Fixed and Dual Signs - 127 The Five Elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Akasia) - 127 Exalted, Mulatrikona and Debilitated Planets; Hora and Divisional Charts – 128 Friend, Enemies, Neutrals of Planets – 129 Retrograde Planetary Laws by Kalidasa - from Uttara Kalamrita. – 129 Definition of The Zodiac – 129 Summary of Malefic and Benefic Planets – 130 Aspect Laws - 130

Longevity Jaiminis Method of Longevity -from Jaimini Sutram-131 Sri Jaimini - Sthira Dasa - 132 Sri Jaimini - Trikona Dasa – 133 Sri Varahamihira - Span of Life - 134 Calculating Strength of Planets by Amsa, Mulatrikona and Kendra – 138 Calculating Jaimini’s Symbolic Figures: Brahma, Rudra, Mahesvara- 140 Examples of Symbolic Figures to Find Longevity: Brahma, Mahesvara, Rudra-143 Waning and Waxing Moon Phases – 146


Death Source and Nature of Death • The 8th House Nature As a Source Of Death - 147 • Kalapurusha and Tridoshas –Vata, Pitta, Kapha -148 • Ruling Planets Significance of Diseases – 148 • Table of Planets and Diseases – 149 • Example of a Death by Brain Tumour-148 • The Time, Place of Death and World after Death–from Sri Varahamihira-150 • Death, Past and Future Births - from Phala Deepika by Sri Matreswara-152

5112 Method on Finding Age on Death

• 5112 Method to Find Age on Death- 155 • Examples 1to10 - 157 • •

Jaimini’s Age Groups and Table – 167 Statistical Analysis Section - 168

Unknown Birth Time

• Finding Unknown Birth Time By Prashna Query Method– 169 • To find the Unknown Constellation at Birth Using Varahamiria Method - 171 • 5112 Method to Find Unknown Birth Time -172 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Ayurvedic Astrology Planets in the Doshas (Humours) – 175 Signs and the Doshas-175 Signs and the Five Elements (Bhutas) – 176 The Qualities of the Signs by the Dosha of the Ruling Planet-176 Planets in The Houses and There Effects -177 Benefic and Malefic Planets for Various Lagnas 181 Effect of the Moon on the Mind in Different Houses-184 Mercury and Jupiter Svadharmas (Natures); Different Houses by Attributes-185 The Nature of the Signs or Bhavas- 185 Nakshatras in Detail – 186 Prakruti Marriage Compatability Chart-193 Building Laws-Date for Laying a Foundation Stone - 194 The Nakshatras and Their Qualities; Name and Symbols- 199 Appendix Birth Chart - Sri Ramakrishna 200 Analysis of Attributes of : Sri Satya Sai Baba – 201 Yoga and Karana -208 Tithi and Vara – 210 Cancer~Example of - 212 Summary of Jaimini Sutrams for Birth Chart Analysis – 216 Example Janma Rasi Chart-224

7 Om. Lord Genesha limitless peace though livest in the music of the vena, thy song is radiant charm, come my lord come show me the way to freedom from suffering, with thy pervading sight watch over us Shambu, Khumaresha, thou art perfect happiness Shankarara , Gangadhira, thou art auspiciousness Kantha, let thy golden feet protect us, lord Linga thou art ecstatic love, thou art the divine steps of dancing feet, protect us lord, protect us in all your mercy, allow us to serve at thy feet heavenly father, for it is thee who preserves and supports our earth and its boundless skys. Om Gam Ghanapati Namaha Transits and natal references Introduction P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, B.Tech, M.S. By transits or gochaara, we mean the motion of planets in the skies. By the transit or chaara or gochaara position of a planet, we mean the position occupied by a planet at a given time. By the natal or radical or birth or janma position of a planet, we mean the position occupied by a planet at the time of one’s birth. By correlating the transit positions on a given day with the natal positions of several reference points, we can draw some conclusions about the nature of results experienced by the native on that given day. Transits from Moon The most popular natal reference in transit analysis is Moon. Moon is the significator of mind and analysis of planetary positions with respect to Moon shows the mental state. Depending on the houses occupied by transit planets with respect to natal Moon, they exert different influences on one’s mental state. The transit of Vimsottari dasa lord is particularly important, because he is the one who has the greatest influence on one’s mental state during a period. Other Natal References We can analyze transits with respect to lagna and paaka lagna. Lagna is the hub of vitality and one’s personality in a chart. Using the ashtakavarga tables, we can decipher whether the transit of a planet in a house from lagna is favorable or not. We can see which house a planet is transiting in, with respect to natal lagna, and expect the planet to influence the matters of that house. The influence exerted by a transit planet on the house occupied by it depends on its inherent nature and its significations in the natal chart. For example, Jupiter transiting in the Ta may give marriage to someone born in Sc lagna, because Ta is the 7th house from Sc. Saturn transiting in Ar may give relationship problems or marital problems for someone born in Li lagna, because Ar is the 7th house from Li. We can also look at the aspects cast by transiting planets. Suppose Jupiter is transiting in Vi and someone has lagna in Sc. Jupiter aspects Ta, the 7th house from Sc, when he is in Vi. So Jupiter can give marriage during his Vi transit also. We can look at the aspects cast by transiting planets on the rasis containing the natal houses and the natal planets. Suppose someone has lagna in Sc and Venus in Pi in natal chart. Then the 7th house is in Ta and Venus, the significator of marriage, is in Pi. Jupiter transiting in Vi aspects both Ta and Pi and hence he may give marriage. Thus we should look at the rasis occupied and aspected by planets in their transit and find out which houses and planets occupy those rasis in the natal chart. Based on that, we should guess the results given by the planets. A planet occupying or aspecting a rasi in transit influences the matters signified by the houses and planets stationed in that rasi in the natal chart. The exact nature of the influence exerted by a planet depends on its inherent nature and the matters it stands for in the natal chart. For example, if the 5th lord in the natal chart is occupying the 8th house from natal lagna in

8 transit, some troubles related to children may be expected. If Mars is the 8th lord in the natal chart and aspects, in transit, the rasis occupied by Venus and 7th lord in the natal chart, then some disturbances in marital life may be expected. Sahams are useful in transit analysis. Sahams are the significant points in the zodiac. For example, when the 7th lord or Venus transits close to vivaha saham, one may get married. When the 6th lord or 8th lord or Mars or Rahu transits close to kali saham, one may have an accident. A malefic planet transiting in janma rasi may give mental worries and a malefic planet transiting in natal lagna may affect the vitality of the native and create obstacles in his efforts. On the other hand, paaka lagna explicitly stands for the physical self and a malefic planet transiting in paaka lagna may give bodily complaints. Similarly planets occupying or aspecting arudha padas in transit may give relevant results. For example, Saturn’s transit in A10 (arudha of the 10th house) can be bad for career, Jupiter’s transit in A9 is good for fortune and so on. Transits and Divisional Charts Though the motivation for the approach described here comes from some principles described in classics, the actual approach is essentially based on this author’s own researches. This author heard about “Bhrigu transits”, which correlate the transit positions in navamsa chart with the natal positions in rasi chart. However, he does not know much about the tradition of Bhrigu transits to conclude whether or not his findings are loosely related to that tradition. Though this author prefers to teach only those approaches that have the sanction of maharshis, he finds this particular approach superior to most other techniques of transit analysis. Moreover, this approach does not violate any teachings of maharshis. This is also a fertile area for research and deserves our attention. Hence it will be covered here. However, readers are advised to keep in mind that what follows is a product of the very limited intelligence of this author and hence prone to errors. Readers are encouraged to question and to conduct further researches in this area. We said that a planet occupying or aspecting a rasi in transit influences the matters signified by the houses and planets stationed in that rasi in the natal chart. For example, we said that Jupiter transiting over Venus may give marriage. However, we know that navamsa is the chart that shows marriage. So, is there any significance for Jupiter’s rasi chart transit over the navamsa of Venus? In other words, if Venus is in Cancer in navamsa, can Jupiter transiting in Cancer in transit rasi chart bring marriage? We do not have different zodiacs for different divisional charts. All the divisional charts use the same zodiac. So Cancer in natal navamsa chart and Cancer in transit rasi chart are not different. They are one and the same. If Jupiter transiting in Cancer can influence the house and planets stationed in Cancer in rasi chart, he should be able to influence the house and planets stationed in Cancer in navamsa chart too [for example if Venus is there this signifies marriage]! We can extend this logic to all the divisional charts. Rasi chart shows everything that exists at the physical level. Divisional charts show various areas of life. The interaction between the two decides how events in various areas of life materialize at the physical level. Natal chart shows the innate potential. Transit chart shows the temporary influences. The interaction between the two decides how temporary influences convert innate potential into actions and life events. So the most important interactions are those between

9 (1) (2)

a natal divisional chart and the transit rasi chart, and, the natal rasi chart and a transit divisional chart [D-x ; where D-x is divisional chart of interest ; x=1(Natal); x=2 (Wealth); x=4 (Net Assets) etc.]

Here (1) shows how innate potential in a particular area of life is influenced at a given time to result in action at the physical level. This helps us in coarse timing of events. We can fine-tune the timing of events with (2), which shows how the potential at the physical level is transformed into an event in a particular area of life. Example for (1) : Natal Divisional (D-2)

Transit Rasi Chart (of D-1) Transit (D-1)

In the Transit Rasi Chart above (see example 2 for Rasi D-1 chart) when does Jupiter exactly transit the Punya Sahama point (Fortune, good deeds etc.) after the date of 2nd April 2008 @ 10:44 am. The computer calculations show that this occurs on the 31th August 2016. Analysis: The 8th house (from birth Lagna) in the D-2 chart is occupied by malefics (Ma, Ju, Mo). The early adolescent life of the native was one of want, misfortune and eventual residence away from his place of birth. The punya sahama prediction is that by 31 August 2016 the wealth of Jupiter, benefic Venus and Mercury in the 9th house from radical Lagna, is house of luck and fortune and cause for poorvapunya, or effects of good sanchita (seed) karma, taking fruition as kriyamana (future) karma. These karmas will be expressed by intelligence, spiritual knowledge, devotion, japa of mantras, authority/power, fame, etc. So all the physical activites has the potent life. Also from table on page 10, Jupiter in the 5th house from radical Moon gives prosperity by this date.

10 Example for (2) :

Transit Search

Hora D-2

Me Ra Ju Ke Ve As Mo Ma Su Sa HL SL

In the 2nd part of above two-part principles, the D-2 transit search of the rasi chart (D-1) for the Punya Sahama point as by way of example, gives the potential in principle (1) now revealed as a realty in principle (2) during the period 31 August 2016. A view of the chart reveals why this is so. Jupiter and Venus along with Mercury give wealth, luxuries and knowledge while salvation and livng away from birth place are represented by Ketu and Rahu, all in the 3rd house from radical Moon. Travels, expenditure on house and vehicle and communication are indicated by this house during 2016. the 4th house results should also be noted : vehicles, land, immovable property, relatives, wealth, comforts and pleasures. However, the effects from planets from radial Moon sign on page 10 should also be noted in particular, Jupiter and Saturn; they are obstructions in work and stomach troubles. Computer Computations from : Jagganatha Hora Lite-free software, by Jyotish Guru P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, BTech, M.S.; by kind permission. Goto Appendix Example 21, 22 Ashtaka Varga Influence of transiting planets have to be understood only from the astaka varga of the natal Moon and of the planet concerned. If we ignore the two asktaka vargas (of the natal Moon and the concerned planet), the transit influences do not come out accurately. The luminaries and planets transit all the twelve signs in a sequence. Their placement from the natal Moon, natal lagna and themselves gives varying results at different times. These have to be noted carefully. Each planet has such favourable places from itself, from the natal Moon, and from the five planets. These being eight in number, it is called Astaka varga. The benefic places are marked in South India by a circle called a bindu. The favourable bindus come to 337. All the good and bad effects have to be declared with reference of these eight. Also note which planet contributes a bindu in a sign. Count from the natal lagna and the concerned planets. There are two types of reduction or shodhana of the individual planets Astaka varga. They are Trikona and Ekadhipatya shodhana. The individual planets Astaka varga is the Binna astakvarga chart (BAV) and the total chart is called the Sarva astakavarga chart (SAV). After two reductions of the BAV’s the resulting charts are called Samudaya Astaka Varga or Sodhita (reduced) Astaka Varga. From these reduced charts we find the important Shodhya Pinda chart. This is found by taking the reduced charts for each planet and multiplying the rasi (signs) from Mesha onwards by 7, 10, 8, 4, 10, 5, 7, 8, 9, 5, 11, 12. This gives the total Rashi Pinda for each planet in the birth chart. Then in each planets case consider the planets in signs and multiply them by the planet

11 multipliers: Sun 5, Chandra 5, Kuja 8, Budha 5, Guru 10, Shukra 7 and Shani 5. This gives the total Graha Pinda. Add the two pindas together to get the Shodhya Pinda chart of all the 7-planets from a birth chart. Note: Most jyotish computer programs give the Sodhya Pinda chart instantly. Summary: Transit influences are always related to Ashtakavarga of the natal Mo and of the planet concerned. • Transit effects are generally reckoned from the natal Mo. • Each planet transits all the twelve signs. Its influence varies from sign to sign. • The transit results of Ju and Sa are very powerful. • Sadesati - Sa transit in 12, 1, and 2 - comes once in thirty years. It is not always harmful. ¾ If it harms in the first period (0 - 30 years) , it harms only in the third period (= > 60 years ), not in the second (30 – 60 years) . ¾ If it harms in the second (30 – 60 years ) it does not harm in the third period ( = > 60 years).

Table of Planets (from the natal Mo sign) in the different Houses: house Ma Me Su Mo Loss of place Good food Sorrow Imprisonment 1 Fear Loss of fortune Loss of fortune Gold 2 Prosperity Earns money Fortune Trouble 3 Disgrace Ill health Trouble from Destruction of 4 foe foes Worry or trouble Failure in Destruction of Poverty 5 activity foes Destruction of foes Riches Fulfillment Gain of land 6 Worries Earns money Loss of money Sorrow 7 Disease Can cause death Fear from Happiness 8 weapons Anger Anger of the Expenditure Profits 9 ruler Fulfillment of Happiness Mental anguish Happiness 10 goods Earns money Profits Riches pleasure 11 Expenditure Danger to wife cruel injury 12 house

Ve Healthy


Ra or Ke



Enjoyments Profits

Destruction Prosperity

Quarrels Prosperity


Gains Obstruction in work Expenditure

Great happiness




Birth of a child

Stomach trouble Loss of a child

1 2 3

Ju Exile


12 6 7

Sorrow. Worry Healthy

Disgrace Ill health

Wealth Dejected

8 9

Expenditure Gains

Good clothes Ornaments

Fear of death Bodily pains

10 11 12

Worries Happiness Expenditure

Worry Gains loss

Worries Gains loss

Happiness Destruction of foes Depression Increase of worries Expenditure Good Fear of death

Basic Significators Mundane astrology In mundane charts, we can use arudha padas, divisional charts etc, but we have to re-interpret the significations of various charts, houses and arudha padas judiciously. For example, D-9 may show relations with other nations and the role played in international polity. D-30 may show internal disturbances and violence. D-11 may show wars and terrorist activities. D-8 may show unexpected and sudden external troubles like natural calamities. D-10 may show political activity. D-24 may show universities, science, technology, arts, research and activities of intelligentsia. Arudha lagna may show how a nation is perceived in the world. A3 may shows its weapons. A6 may shows its enemies. A7 may show its allies.

13 House Significators First House: Physical body, personality, complexion, appearance, head, intelligence, strength, energy, fame, success, nature of birth, caste, general state of affairs in the nation, public health, cabinet. o If the lord of the birth or 1st house is exalted, well associated, strongly placed, occupies quadrants, has the aspects of good planets, the person will have health, good appearance, and a generally happy nature. o If the lord of the birth is in conjunction with an evil planet and occupies the 8th house, the health will suffer. o If the birth lord is in conjunction with the lord of the 6th, the 8th and the 12th , the body will suffer from constant complaints. If the lord of birth is in any of these houses the native has a sickly constitution. o If the birth lord is conjoined with an evil planet, and Rahu or Saturn occupies the Lagna, the person fears from deception from thieves and swindlers. o Many evil planets in the birth lagna indicate either misery or a checkered career. o Venus in the first half of the Lagna makes the person happy in the beginning. Venus in the second half with evil planets in the 4th and the 5th houses makes the person miserable in the end. Second House: Wealth, assets, family, speech, eyes, mouth, face, voice, food, state revenue, imports, commerce, allies, aristocracy. o Malefic planets in the 2nd maraka house with Rahu and a malefic planet in the 8th house can kill the native in the Dasa periods of the 2nd house occupying planets. The nature of the death is found from the malefic planet in the 8th. o If the lord of the 2nd is exalted and is aspected by Jupiter, the native will be a man of considerable wealth. o One becomes an orator (politician, public speaker, etc.) and wealthy if Jupitor is with the lord of the 2nd or the latter is aspected by Mercury, or Venus occupies favourable positions. o Poverty will attack the native if the lord of the 2nd is weak, debilitated or aspected by malefics. o Defective speech can be predicted if malefics are with the lord of the 2nd or aspects it. o If the lord of the 2nd is debilitated and is in conjunction with evil planets, the person contracts hopeless debts. Third House: Younger co-borns, confidants, courage, mental strength, communication skills, creativity, throat, ears, arms, father’s death (7th from 9th), expenditure on vehicles and house (12th from 4th), travels, telecommunications, transportation, journalism, media. o If the lord of the 3rd occupies a beneficial navamsa and Mars is well posited, the native will be courageous and will have thriving brothers o If the lord of the 3rd is in the 12th and is aspected by evil planets, the person will be of odd nature and will be controlled by his wife. o If the lord of the 3rd is in conjunction with the Sun, the native will be bold in mind, and stubborn and angry. o The number of brothers or co-borns may be approximately known by the navamsa the 3rd house falls in or by the number of the navamsa the lord of the 3rd or the karaka (significators) for the brothers falls in.

14 Fourth House: Mother, vehicles, house, lands, immovable property, motherland, childhood, wealth from real estate, education, relatives, happiness, comforts, pleasures, peace, state of mind, heart, educational institutions, students, real estate (landed and ancestral property), general feeling of wellbeing, trade, agriculture. o If the lord of the 4th is with the lord of the 1st occupying a good place or if the 4th lord occupies trines or quadrants, the perswon possesses many houses. o If the lord of the 4th is with powerful Jupiter and Mercury and occupies quadrants, the person will have a commanding (aristocratic) disposition and brings respect from others to oneself and has a good name. o If the lord of the 4th occupies the 12th, loss of ancestral property is feared. o Jupiter in exaltation in the 4th house and the lord of the 4th in his own sign makes the person get higher education in law. o If Lagna is Sagittarius and its lord and Saturn are in the same house, the person will acquire higher education. o Saturn in conjunction with the lord of the 4th or with the Moon will kill the mother early. o The person becomes dishonest and indulges in fraudulent schemes if the 4th is combined with Saturn, and Rahu or Ketu. Fifth House: Children (for Male spouse), new births, crime, parks, mentality of leaders, power of leaders, poorvapunya (good deeds of previous lives), intelligence, knowledge & scholarship, devotion, mantras (prayers), stomach, digestive system, authority/power, fame, love, affection, emotions, judgment, speculation. o If the lord of the 5th occupies the 3rd, the 6th or the 12th and is aspected by malefics, the person’s children die early. If the Sun is in the 5th house and is badly placed, the father will die. o If Jupiter becomes lord of the 5th and being powerful is aspected by the lord of the birth Lagna, the person will have children. o If the 5th as well as its lord are placed between evil planets and Jupiter is in company with malefics (or is a Functional Malefic in the 5th), there will be loss of children. o The person will have a piercing intellect if the 5th house is between benefic planets. o If the lord of the 5th is masculine (Jupiter, Mars, Sun), joins a masculine sign (odd signs), and combines in a masculine navamsa, the first-born child to the native will be a male. o If the lord of the 5th joins a female sign (even signs) with a feminine planet (Ve, Mo, Ra) and combines in a female navamsa, the first born baby will be female. Sixth House: State loans, debt, diseases, armed forces, territorial attacks, enemies, service, servants, relatives, mental tension, injuries, health, diseases, agriculture, accidents, mental affliction, mother’s younger brother, hips. o Two or more malefics in the 6th make the native a prey to complicated diseases and malefic aspect will practically confine the person to bed. o If the lord of birth and the 6th are in conjunction with the Moon, water accidents will occur, and if Mars joins the birth lord, danger in violent fights or battles is indicated. o If the lord of the 6th and birth conjoin Saturn and occupy trines and quadrants, imprisonment is indicated. If Saturn is lord of Lagna, this result should not be predicted. o When the Moon occupies the 6th, the 8th or the 12th aspected by lord of Lagna and conjoined with Saturn and Rahu, the person may meet with accidents. o If the lord of the 6th or the 8th or Mars joins the lord of the 3rd , and Saturn and Rahu are in cruel navamsas, the person dies in a battle or fight. o If the lord of the 9th joins the 6th aspected by the lord of the 6th and the lord of the 6th has the conjunction of Saturn and Mars, the person will suffer from fires, thieves and swindlers. Seventh House: Marriage, marital life, life partner, health of women, immorality, infant mortality, war, relations with other nations sex, passion (and related happiness), long journeys, partners, business, death, the portion of the body below the navel.

15 o If the lords of the 2nd and the 6th have evil conjunctions and occupy the 6th house or if the afflicted lord of the 7th joins the birth , the moral character of the person will be questionable. o If the weak Moon joins a malefic in the 7th, the person becomes immoral. o Venus in the 7th makes one passionate. o Jupiter in the 7th or the 10th with no malefic aspects will make the person principled and chaste in sexual matters. o If the lord of the 5th is in the 7th and the lord of the 7th is with malefics and Venus is weak, the wife dies during pregnancy. o If the lords of the 2nd and the 7th are in their own houses, the person will have only one wife. o If the lord of the 7th is powerful and exalted occupying birth lagna, more than one wife must not be predicted. o If the 7th falls in an evil sign, if the lord of the 7th joins debilitation, two marriages may be indicted. o If the lord of the 7th and the 12th is Venus and he occupies the 9th aspected by Saturn, the person will have more than one wife. o If the lord of the 7th is in the 6th aspected by Rahu and with no beneficial conjunctions, two marriages should be predicted. o If the Sun is in the 7th one will have liaison with barren women. o If Mars is in the 7th house with no aspects of benefics intercourse occurs with unmatured (under-age) girls. o If three quadrants are occupied by evil planets, happiness with wife is not indicated. Eighth House: Cause of death , state treasury, unexpected troubles, instability, longevity, debts, disease, ill-fame, inheritance, loss of friends, occult studies, evils, gifts, unearned wealth, windfall, disgrace, secrets, genitals. o If the lord of the 8th joins the 12th with a malefic, there will be short life. o Life will be short if the lord of the ascendant and the lord of the 8th join the 6th lord. o There will be long life if the birth lord occupies beneficial houses with the lord of the 8th. o If Saturn is in the 12th and the lord of the 8th is in the 2nd with a benefic, death occurs in the 21st year. o If quadrants are occupied by benefics and the lord of birth combines with a benefic planet aspected by Jupiter, long life may be predicted. o If the lords of the 8th, the 1st and the 10th combine with Saturn and occupy quadrants, life will be long. o If the 8th becomes a moveable sign and its lord is also in a moveable sign, death takes place in a foreign country. o If the 8th and its lord are in a fixed sign and Saturn is similarly placed, the person dies in his own house. o If the 8th house falls in a common sign and its lord also occupies a common sign, death will occur while travelling. If Mars is in a common sign and that is the 8th , death takes place in automobiles and aeroplanes. o Brain (Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis etc.) fever, anemia, neuritis and paralysis bring about death when Mercury is afflicted in the 8th.

Ninth House: Father, Children (for Female spouse), teacher, boss, fortune, religiousness, spirituality, God, higher studies & high knowledge, temples, righteousness, judiciary, fortune, luck, fortune in a foreign land, foreign trips, diksha (joining a religious order), past life and the cause of birth, grandchildren, principles, dharma, intuition, compassion, sympathy, leadership, charity, thighs.

16 o If the 9th is occupied by benefics and the lord of the 9th combines with no malefics, the person rests content with his own wife. o If the lord of the 9th joins the navamsa of Jupiter, the person becomes righteously inclined and charitable in disposition. o If Rahu and Saturn occupy the 9th and otherwise badly situated, the person will be coldhearted, engaged in inflicting miseries and injuries on innocent people and quite unsympathetic. o If the lord of the Ascendant joins the 9th and combines with the lord of the 5th, wealth may be predicted through children. Tenth House: Growth, profession, career, karma (action), the ruler, politics, parliament, foreign trade, exports, revolution and political instability, conduct in society, fame, honors, awards, self-respect, dignity, knees. o If the lord of the 10th is the Sun, who is well placed and powerfully aspected, income will be from inherited wealth, from drugs, medicines and chemical dealings (pharmacist etc.) o If Mars is the lord of the 10th or occupies it and is aspected by the Sun or the Moon, the person will be a respectable Commander-In-Chief; if by Mercury a doctor; if by Saturn a criminal. o if Jupiter becomes the lord of the 10th or aspects it, livelihood might be predicted through being a preceptor, teacher, judge, etc. o Venus as lord of the 10th gets the native income from artistic careers. o If Saturn occupies the 10th or aspects it with no beneficial conjunction, earnings will be from blue collar occupations, factory worker, etc. o If Pisces becomes the 10th house and Mercury or Mars occupies it , the person will have Mukti or emancipation and baths in sacred rivers. o If Jupiter joins Mercury or Mars, the person builds charitable institutions and performs meritorious deds. Eleventh House: Gains from other nations, gains in trade, friendship, elder co-borns, income, gains, realization of hopes, ankles. o If the lord of the 11th is in exultation and in a Kendra , and if Mercury becomes the lord of the 2nd, much gain will accrue from trade. o If the lord of the 11th is aspected by the lords of the 2nd and the 4th and combines with the lord of the 9th, the man becomes very rich and exercises frugality in expenditure. o If the lord of the 11th and its occupants are powerful (in BAV>28 bindus), the native will have powerful influence in society. Twelfth House: Losses, waste expenditure, punishment, imprisonment, hospitalization, secret enemies, plots, secret crime, hospitals, wars, misfortune, bad habits, the state after death, residence away from the place of birth, meditation, donation, divine knowledge and worship, moksha (emancipation/liberation) o If the lord of the 12th is aspected by the lord of the 7th and these two are powerful (in BAV>28 bindus), the natives money and influence will be wasted through the agency of his wife. o If the 12th is occupied by a malefic and its lord is an evil planet, money will be spent on immoral purposes. o If the lord of the 12th is Jupiter and has no malefic influences or aspects, the person will die in divine contemplation.

17 Planet Significance Sun When we find houses from Sun, we should look at matters related to soul, inherent nature, personality, will power, expenses for bad causes, significator for the day-born and father. The Sun is seen in Vedic thought as the buddhi or intellect. Moon Houses from Moon show mind, wisdom, peace, happiness, diseases (waning) and mother. Mars Houses from Mars show siblings, land and strength. Mercury Houses from Mercury stress on business, commerce, profession, friends, karaka for the father in general and good behavior. In psychology it is the indicator of buddhi (intelligence), mentality, rationality and power of perception, as well as capacity in communication and speech, thus also relating to education. Mercury connects one with the communicational mind. Mercury should be examined along with the Moon and the 4th house in rasi. Jupiter Houses from Jupiter show the nourishment of body, learning, children, expenses for good causes and wealth. In psychology Jupiter relates to higher consciousness within the framework of the sadhana’s, includes Vedhanta philosophy or philosophy in general, and charitable acts. Jupiter connects one with the soul. Jupiter should be examined along with the 5th house in rasi. Venus Houses from Venus show marriage, comforts, luxuries, vehicles, truthful speech, eyes, mother for the day-born, fortune, pilgrimages, expenditure, profit and loss and sexual pleasures. Saturn Saturn shows longevity, livelihood, gains, fortune, significator for the night-born, brothers, partner, fears, sadness, dangers and sorrows. Rahu Houses from Rahu show wickedness, emigrating , harsh speech, diseases, snakes, unclean body, falsehood, gambling, an irreligious person, a sinful woman. Ketu Final salvation, renunciation, divine knowledge, prosperity, tapas, doctors, knowledge of Sastras, diseases of eye, luxury, fortune, grandfather.

18 Functional Nature of Planets We learnt that Jupiter, Venus, waxing Moon (Waning Moon is from the 8th day of dark fort-night, or asthami Krishna Paksa, to 7th day bright fort-night, or saptami Sukla Paksa) of and well-associated Mercury are natural benefics. We learnt that Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, waning Moon and illassociated Mercury are natural malefics. In addition, we have the concept of functional benefics and functional malefics. The lords of trines from lagna are functional benefics {1, 5, 9}. The lords of the papasthana houses { 3rd, 6th and 11th} are functional malefics. These Papasthana Bhavas -houses {3, 6, 11}- are malefic when occupied by benefics and this is how planets become functional malefics in these houses. If occupied by malefics they bring about favourable results. The lord of a quadrant is a functional malefic if he is a natural benefic and functionally neutral if he is a natural malefic. The lords of 2nd, 8th and 12th are functionally neutral. Of these, the 8th house is more malefic than the other two. Planet owning a quadrant and a trine becomes a yogakaraka (excellent planet). In the case of planets owning two rasis, we need to judiciously combine the two indications. The list of yogakarakas, functional benefics, functional neutrals and functional malefics for each lagna is given in table . Moon is not listed for movable rasis, because his functional nature depends on whether he is waxing or waning. Waxing Moon is a natural benefic and he becomes a functional malefic with quadrant ownership. Waning Moon, on the other hand, is a natural malefic and quadrant ownership makes him functionally neutral.

Functional Nature of Planets in Lagna Lagna Yoga karaka Functional Benefics Functional neutrals Ar — Sun, Mars, Jupiter — Ta


Sun, Mercury, Saturn,



Cn Le

Mars Mars


Moon, Mercury, Saturn Moon, Mars,*Jupiter Sun, Saturn Sun, Mars, Jupiter Moon

Functional malefics Mercury, Venus, Saturn Jupiter, Venus Sun, Mars, Jupiter

Mercury,Venus Mercury, Venus, Saturn Vi — Mercury, Venus Sun, Saturn Moon, Mars, Jupiter Li Saturn Mercury, Venus, Saturn — Sun, Mars, Jupiter Sc — Moon, Jupiter Sun, Mars Mercury, Venus, Saturn Sg — Sun, Mars Moon, Mercury, Jupiter Venus, Saturn Cp Venus Venus, Mercury, Sun Mars, Jupiter, Moon Saturn Aq Venus Venus, Saturn Sun, Mercury Moon, Mars, Jupiter Pi — Moon, Mars Jupiter Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn * Jupiter is a trine-lord (Meena), even though it is a lord of a Papasthana house (Dhanus)

19 A functional benefic is a favorable planet in a chart. Placement of a functional benefic in quadrants (sustenance) and trines (prosperity) brings good results. Placement of a functional malefic in these houses is not good, unless it is very strong. A functional malefic placed in the 3rd house and dusthanas (6th, 8th and 12th houses) brings good results, by spoiling the significations of the bad houses. A planet in a bhava-sandhi, is the point when one house ends and another begins, is powerless.

Summary The lords of trines from Lagna are functional benefics { 1, 5, 9 }. The lord of the 8th house from a Bhava, the lord of the 22nd Drekkana from that cusp, and those situated in the 6th , 8th and 12th houses (= Dusthana houses) from that Bhava are likely to give malefic results as far as that Bhava (the dasa period) is concerned. The lords of a Kendra (=1, 4, 7, 10 houses) is a Functional Malefic if he is a natural benefic and Functionally Neutral if he is a natural malefic. The lords of the papasthana houses (=3, 6, 11) are Functional Malefics. Benefic planets in the papasthana houses become Functional Malefics. Malefic planets in these houses become Functional Benefics (they will bring about favourable results). Benefic planets in the trines and kendras of a bhava will bring about favourable results. Natural malefic planets (Mars, Sun, Saturn, waning Moon) in these houses is not good, unless it is very strong (5 bindus or more or greater than the strength of the lords of those houses.) Lord of the Lagna- is both lord of a Quadrant and a Trine. It will give good results irrespective of it’s inherent nature. Planets are thus subservient to the Lagna. If it is not only the lord of the ascendant, but also of a malefic house like the 6th or 8th, its character of a benefic remains because of its ownership of the 1st. If a planet aspects or conjoins or owns HL and lagna, it becomes a yogada (giver of yoga) in money matters. If a planet aspects or conjoins or owns GL and lagna, it becomes a yogada in the matters of power and authority. Irrespective of their functional nature, planets that become yogada bring goodluck. Similarly, planets involved in important yogas also bring good luck. We should consider the inherent nature and the functional nature of planets. Whether a planet is a natural benefic or a natural malefic is analogous to whether a person is inherently good or bad. Whether a planet is a functional benefic or a functional malefic is analogous to whether a person does good or bad to one. Just as a nice person may harm one and a bad person may do good, natural benefics can become functional malefics and natural malefics can become functional benefics.

20 Baadhakas For a house falling in a movable/fixed/dual rasi, the 11th/9th/7th house (respectively) from there becomes baadhaka sthaana (troubling spot). Its lord is called a “baadhaka” (troublemaker) for the original house. The list of baadhaka sthaanas and baadhakas corresponding to each rasi is given in Table 11. For example, suppose lagna in someone’s D-10 is in Ge. Then Jupiter is baadhaka for lagna. The periods of Jupiter and planets in Sg can create some obstructions and troubles in career. Let us take another house. Aq is the 9th house and the 9th house in D-10 shows the guidance one gets in one’s career. It can show manager and elders giving guidance. Baadhaka sthana for Aq is Li. So the periods of Venus and occupants of Li can create some troubles related to the guidance one gets. There may be some troubles related to manager. Thus we can consider baadhaka from every house and arudha pada in every divisional chart. Table 11: Baadhakas Rasi Baadhaka sthaana Ar Aq Ta Cp Ge Sg Cn Ta Le Ar Vi Pi

Baadhaka Saturn & Rahu Saturn Jupiter Venus Mars Jupiter

Rasi Li Sc Sg Cp Ketu Aq Pi

Baadhakasthaana Le Cn Ge Sc

Baadhaka Sun Moon Mercury Mars &

Li Vi

Venus Mercury

21 Timing with Transits Transits and Ashtakavarga in Examples: Though one of the purposes of ashtakavarga is to assess the strength of planets and houses in natal charts, its most important purpose is the interpretation of transits. Just as we look at the house occupied by a transit planet with respect to natal Moon and natal lagna, we can look at the houses occupied by a transit planet with respect to all the eight references used in ashtakavarga. Transit planets Sani and Guru give most powerful effects. If a planet is benefic in its transit rasi with respect to 5 or more natal references, out of eight, then it will produce good results. If a planet is benefic in its transit rasi with respect to 3 or less natal references, out of eight, then it will produce bad results. Of course, the exact nature of the good or bad results given by a planet depend on its natural significations and its significations in the natal chart. To see this, we look at the number of rekhas in the transit rasi in the transiting planet’s BAV (Binnastakavarga=Individual Planets Astakavarga). If, for example, Saturn’s BAV of the natal rasi chart has 5 rekhas in Ta, then that means that Saturn is benefic with respect to 5 out of 8 natal references in Ta. So he produces good results when he transits Taurus. The same logic can be extended to the divisional charts. If Jupiter has 8 rekhas in Ar in natal D-10 chart, then his transit in Aries in rasi chart invariably brings excellent results in career. The matters that benefit depend on Jupiter’s placement and ownership in the natal D-10 chart. Basically, Jupiter’s rasi transit in Aries activates the manifestation of Jovian energy at the physical level in Aries. If Jupiter has many rekhas in his D-10 BAV, it shows that Jovian energy in Aries goes well with most sources of energy in D-10 and thus it can have a significant impact on a native’s career. A planet with 6 or 7 bindus or rekhas in its transit rasi in its BAV invariably brings excellent results. A planet with 1 or 0 bindus in its transit rasi in its BAV invariably brings very poor results. Bhinnashtakavarga (BAV) - Individual Planets Ashtaka Varga 8- Outstanding 7-Acquisition of kingdom (property) or high office –CEO etc. (Excellent) 6- Gain of wealth or property (Very Good) 5-Good 4-Accomplishment of the object (Average) 3-Fear (Poor) 2-Expenditure (Bad) 1-Destruction or loss 0-Catastrophic

22 Kakshya For Closer Timing Kakshya is used to pinpoint the exact timing of an event using the transits through the signs/houses. If Saturn is transiting a sign that has high (8) points/bindus, then you will want to narrow it down to the exact month within that 2 ½ year period the good results will take place; noting that Saturn remains in a sign for 2 ½ years. In figuring the Prastarchakra (table for each planet) each sign receives benefic points from the 7 planets and the ascendant. Therefore there are divisions of 8 parts to a 30-degree sign. Each division is called a kakshya and is assigned a ruler. Each kakshya is approximately 3 ¾ degrees. From the beginning of a sign they start with Saturn the slowest moving planet, and continue on down to the fastest moving planet ending with the ascendant. The order for all the signs are the same: 1.Saturn, 2. Jupiter, 3. Mars, 4. Sun, 5. Venus, 6. Mercury, 7. Moon, 8. Ascendant. The number of bindus/points in a sign, (Bhinnashtak) is the sum total of single bindus/points contributed by each planet. If a planet has contributed a point/bindu to Saturn’s Bhinnashtak (totals) then Saturn will produce a good result while passing through the Kakshya of the planet that contributed a bindu/point. The transits through kakshyas applies to all the planets, but this application is more useful for the slower moving planets. The average time a planet will transit a kakshya (3 ¾ degrees) is listed, retrograde motion can cause this to vary. Saturn: 112 days Jupiter: 45 days Mars: 7.1 days Sun: 3.8 days Venus: 2.3 days Mercury Moon: 6.8 hours Ascendant Rahu/Ketu: 70.8 days

Principles of Kakshya Application 1. The karakas or indications for that planet: Sun-Father, Moon-mother, Mars-brothers, etc. 2. House the transit is transiting from Ascendant 3. Location from the kakshyas lord’s natal position to the planet in transit : The number of houses from the natal planet to the transiting planet will give the results of the house that the number relates to. Ex. 2 houses away-2nd house matters, 3 houses away- 3rd house matters etc.

Example: If it is nine signs away it will give 9th house qualities such as luck and fortune. If transiting Saturn is in Sagittarius in the 6th kakshya of Mercury [Mercury is the 6th planet in the above order and the 6th kakshya is 22.5/3.75=6 degrees as Sa is 22.5 degree longitude into Saggitarius], and Mercury has contributed a bindu/point to the sign Sagittarius this time will be a fortunate or lucky time. This is due in part to the 9th house influence since Mercury is natally in Aries and the sign Saturn is transiting is Sagittarius; natal Mercury is nine signs away from transiting Saturn giving 9th house results viz. fortune and luck. Goto: Example 1.

23 Important Points The ashtakavarga points cannot give results that are not promised in the natal chart. Also the transits cannot produce fabulous results if the dashas of that time do not condone it. Ashtakavarga is for finely tuning the transits of the planets through the signs/houses. The primary importance of ashtakavarga is attributed to the house/sign the planet is located, lordship is secondary. A planet influences the house/sign to the degree that planet has contributed to that house in its own ashtakavarga (BAV).

Sadhe Sati During this period that Saturn is approaching the Moon, either 12th, 1st or 2nd from the natal Moon when Saturn enters a kakshya of a planet that has contributed a point to Saturn’s ashtakavarga the period will be favorable otherwise it will not. If the sarvastakavarga points (SAV) are high above 33 the results will be good. Goto: Example 2. Dasha Find the kakshya occupied by the dasha lord in the natal chart D-1. If the kakshya lord has contributed a bindu/point to the dasha lord’s ashtakavarga in the sign occupied by the lord in the natal chart, then it will produce good in this entire period. Look to the dasha lord’s transit through the kakshya and if that planet has contributed a bindu/point in the sign being transited from the natal chart there will be a good event.

Goto : Example 3. SAV - Sarvashtakavarga (Samudaaya Ashtakavarga) In addition to looking at the transit planet’s natal BAV, we should also look at the natal SAV – Samudaaya Ashtakavarga. If, for example, SAV has 40 bindus in Pisces, then it means that Pisces is very strong in the chart. Planets transiting in Pisces, tend to give good results irrespective of their strength. Of course, if a planet with 6 bindus in Pi in its own BAV and a planet with 2 bindus in Pi in its own BAV are transiting Pi, the former planet will produce better results than the latter planet. Bindus in the individual BAVs of planets also matter, but SAV will dominate over the BAVs if it has too many or too few bindus. Planets transiting in rasis with more than 28 bindu in SAV usually bring favorable results. Planets transiting in rasis with less than 25 bindus in SAV usually bring unfavorable results, e.g. danger or sorrow, the intensity proportional to the no. bindus. Timing with Sodhya Pindas Parasara taught some techniques of timing events based on sodhya pindas. We can take the number of rekhas or bindus in any house from a planet and multiply the count with the planet’s sodhya pinda. We can get a nakshatra from that product by dividing it with 27, taking the remainder and counting nakshatras from Aswini. Benefics and malefics transiting in the nakshatra will give good or bad results (respectively) relating to the original house. Especially Saturn’s transit is important. Saturn’s transit in the nakshatra corresponding to a particular house makes the signified matters suffer. Goto: Example 4

24 Jupiter’s transit is beneficial and important. Some people also take the 10th or 19th nakshatra from the nakshtra found above. A nakshatra and the 10th and 19th nakshatras from it are owned by the same planet under Vimsottari dasa scheme and they go together. We can also find a rasi by dividing the product with 12 instead of 27 and counting rasis from Aries. Saturn’s transit in the resultant rasi brings misfortune relating to the original house. However, nakshatras are more important. When we want to time events relating to a particular matter, we should first fix the relevant planet. Then we should fix the relevant house. We should then find the number of rekhas or bindus in that house from that planet in that planet’s BAV. We should multiply it by the sodhya pinda of the planet (also called yoga pinda). By dividing the product with 27 or 12 and taking the remainder, we should find the associated nakshatra or rasi. Then we can time key events based on the transits in that nakshatra and rasi. For example, suppose we want to time the good and bad periods of a native’s father. Father should be seen from Sun and the 9th house. We can take Sun’s BAV and find the number of bindus in the 9th house from Sun; the 9th house is chosen because one of its significance is righteousness, fortune, luck. Suppose Sun is in Aq. Suppose Sun’s BAV contains 5 bindus in Li (the 9th from Aq). Suppose Sun’s sodhya pinda is 86. Multiplying 86 with 5, we get 430. If we divide 430 by 27, the quotient is 15 and the remainder is 25. The 25th constellation is Poorvabhadrapada. So Saturn’s transit in Poorvabhadrapada is bad for father and Jupiter’s transit in the same nakshatra is good. Now let us find the rasi. By dividing 430 by 12, we get a quotient of 35 and a remainder of 10. So Saturn’s transit in Cp (the 10th rasi of the zodiac from Aries) is bad for father and Jupiter’s transit in Cp is good.

Taras (Stars) By Jyotisha Guru P.V.R. Narasimha Rao

Basic Tara Classification We can count constellations from the constellation of natal Moon to the constellation occupied by a planet in transit. Suppose natal Moon is in Makha and transit Moon is in Swaati. Counting constellations from Makha, we get (1) Maksha, (2) Poorva Phalguni, (3) Uttara Phalguni, (4) Hasta, (5) Chitra and (6) Swaati. So Swaati is the 6th constellation from natal Moon’s constellation. From table 15 the 6th is in the group: {6th, 15th, 24th , Saadhana Tara, Achievement (good) }; thus this transit is good for initiating an event, at this time, during the Moon’s transit of Swaati, given the birth chart. Different constellations from the constellation of natal Moon stand for different things, as shown in Table 15. If a planet is in a bad tara in its transit, it cannot give its full results. If dasa lord and antardasa lord as per Vimsottari dasa are in bad taras, bad results can be expected.

25 Table 15: Taras Constellation (from natal Moon’s constellation) Name 1st, 10th, 19th Janma Tara 2nd, 11th, 20th Sampat Tara 3rd, 12th, 21st Vipat Tara 4th, 13th, 22nd Kshema Tara 5th, 14th, 23rd Pratyak Tara 6th, 15th, 24th Saadhana Tara th 7th, 16th, 25 Naidhana/Vadha Tara 8th, 17th, 26th Mitra Tara 9th, 18th, 27th Parama Mitra Tara

Meaning Birth (mixed) Wealth (good) Danger (bad) Well-being (good) Obstacles (bad) Achievement (good) Death (bad) Friend (good) Best friend (good)

Taras are also used in muhurtas. At the time of an auspicious effort or when a new project is launched, transit Moon should not be in a bad constellation with respect to the natal Moon’s constellation. Transit Moon’s bad Muhurta’s: {3, 12, 21}; {5, 14, 23}; { 7, 16, 25 } Goto Example 5 Murthis (Forms/Idols) To judge the results given by a planet during its transit in a particular rasi, find exactly when the planet enters the rasi. Find the house occupied by transit Moon at that time with respect to his own (Moon’s) natal position. Based on the house, we say that the planet is a golden or silver or copper or iron form during its transit in the rasi. The list of houses and murthis is given in Table 13. Table 13: Murthis House Murthi Meaning Results 1st, 6th, 11th Swarna Golden form Highly favorable 2nd, 5th, 9th Rajata Silver form Favorable 3rd, 7th, 10th Taamra Copper form Unfavorable 4th, 8th, 12th Loha Iron form Highly unfavorable From Jagganatha Hora Lite- Jyotisha Guru P.V. R. Narasimha Rao- BTech, M.S. Goto Example 6:

From Phala Deepika-by Mantreshwara 23.21.2 – Note which houses reckoned from the Moon are occupied by benefic planets. If there be more than 28 benefic bindus in such houses, their effects get promoted. The effects of the houses will cause damage if the benefic bindus be less than 28. Goto Appendix Example 7. 23.22-the effects of the house will be promoted even if it be occupied by a malefic if such a planet be in his own house (Mulatrakona). If a planet be in his sign of debilitation or in his enemy’s house, the house occupied by him will be damaged. Goto Example 8

23.24 – if a benefic planet happens to own a dusthana {6th, 8th, 12th} this will destroy the house occupied by him even if he may be occupying his sign of exaltation.


In the Horasara-by Prithuyasas (son of Varahamihira) from Phala Deepika: 24.1,2,3 - The 9th sign reckoned from the sign occupied by the Sun is called house of the father. Multiply the benefic bindus in that house by the figure denoting the Sodhyapinda. The figure so arrived at should be divided by 27 [take the remainder number and count from Ashwini]. When Saturn passes through the nakshatra represented by that figure, in course of his transit, something bad will happen to the father. Death will occur when Saturn passes through the nakshatra in trine to this nakshatra. Goto Example 9 24.7 Multiply the number of benefic bindus in the sign 4th from the Moon, in the Ashtakavarga of the Moon, by the figure of the sodhyapinda in the Ashtakavarga of the Moon. Divide the product bt 27, when Saturn in the course of his transit passes through the nakshatra represented by the remainder (counted from Aswini) or its triangular nakshatra, the death of the mother may be expected. Goto Example 10. 24.11 In the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter add up all the benefic bindus remaining after the trikona and ekadhipatya sodhana (reductions) and from this sum deduct the number of bindus in the malefic signs. The number of the children the native will have will be the remainder. Goto Example 11 24.13 In the Ashtakavarga of Saturn, multiply the sodhyapinda figure by the number of benefic bindus in the house 8th from the lagna and divide the product by 27. The death of the native may be expected when Jupiter or Saturn in the course of his transit passes through the nakshatra (counted from Ashwini) indicated by the remainder. Goto Example 12 24.14 In the Ashtakavarga of Saturn add up the number of benefic bindus in the houses from the Lagna to that occupied by Saturn both inclusive. In the same way add up the benefic bindus in the houses from Saturn to the Lagna both inclusive. The years indicated by these figures will bring distress, danger or disaster to the native. Goto Example 13 24. 39-40. In which houses from the Lagna to the 12th house, the number of benefic bindus are more, good results may be expected in the course of the transits, when the number is less, only adverse effects will come to pass. This principle is applicable only to houses other than the 6th, the 8th and the 12th (Dhustana houses of disease and death). All auspicious functions and ceremonies should be performed during the transits through the signs which contain greater number of benefic bindus. Goto Example 14

27 Mantreshwara’s Principle’s of Transits: 26.30 : The planets fail to assert their full effects in the course of their transit in the following circumstances:If a planet yielding adverse effects is aspected by a benefic, his evil effects are cancelled. A benefic planet is deprived of his beneficial effects if he is aspected by a malefic. A planet loses his capability to do good if he is aspected by an inimical planet or planets. Goto Example (16) 29.32 : Favourable planets if in the course of their transit : are placed in their sign of debilitation or in an inimical sign (enemys) or be placed by the Suns rays (combust) -lose their power to produce good effects. If the planets in the above circumstances get placed in an evil house, they yield very adverse effects. Goto Example (16)

29:26: If the star (nakshatra) occupied by the Sun at the time of a transit: ƒ happens to be the Vedha star to the natal star (Janma Nakshatra), there will be apprehension of danger to life. ƒ If the Adhana Nakshatra (19th from Janma Nakshatra) there will be fear and anxiety. ƒ If to the Karmanakshatra (10th from Janma Nakshatra) loss of wealth ƒ If the Sun in the above position be associated (conjunction, within 6-degrees) with a malefic, death has to be expected. Goto Example (17) 29:28: If there are Malefics in the 19th 10th, 3rd, 1st, 23rd, 5th, or 7th reckoned from the Janma nakshatra during their transit on a particular day there will be danger to life. If the planet be benefic, failure in undertaking will be the only result. Goto Example (18) Effects of Latta 29:41: Note the following Lattas for the transits on a particular chosen day: (a) 12th nakshatra from the nakshatra occupied by the Sun. (b) 3rd nakshatra from the nakshatra occupied by Mars. (c) 6th nakshatra from the nakshatra occupied by Jupiter. (d) 8th nakshatra from that occupied by Saturn. (e) 5th nakshatra from that occupied by Venus. (f) 7th nakshatra from that occupied by Mercury. (g) 8th nakshatra from that occupied by Rahu. (h) 22nd nakshatra from that occupied by the Moon. Goto Example (19)

28 29:45-46: The Latta effects are: o If the janma Nakshatra happens to come as the Latta Star the native will suffer from illness and mental anxiety: o During the Sun’s Latta there will be financial loss in every venture. o During the Latta of Rahu there will be grief and unhappiness. o There will be death of the native, destruction of kinsmen and fear during the Latta of Jupiter. o Quarrels will take place during the Latta of Venus. o Loss of position may be expected during the Latta of Mercury. o The native will suffer excessive financial loss during the Latta of the Moon. Goto Example (20)

Rasi Gochara Vedha (Sign Transit Obstructions) When a planet is transiting in a favorable house from natal Moon, it may be “obstructed” by another planet transiting in the vedha sthana (house of obstruction). In that case, the planet cannot give its good results. The vedha sthaanas of all good transits of all planets are listed in Table 14. Table 14: Vedha Sthaanas Transiting planet Auspicious houses from natal Moon (Corresponding vedha sthanas in parantheses) Sun 3 (9), 6 (12), 10 (4), 11 (5) Moon 1 (5), 3 (9), 6 (12), 7 (2), 10 (4), 11 (8) Mars 3 (12), 6 (9), 11 (5) Mercury 2 (5), 4 (3), 6 (9), 8 (1), 10 (8), 11 (12) Jupiter 2 (12), 5 (4), 7 (3), 9 (10), 11 (8) Venus 1 (8), 2 (7), 3 (1), 4 (10), 5 (9), 8 (5), 9 (11), 11 (6), 12 (3) Saturn 3 (12), 6 (9), 11 (5) Vedha points: this is an obstruction. If the Su is in the 11th it does good. But if at the same time there is a planet in the 5th, its capacity to do good is obstructed. • For the Su there is no vedha from Sa and vice-versa. • Me does not cause vedha to the Mo. Vedha - Points of Obstruction – summary: Planets, when transiting from the natal moon, give good and bad results as per the normal rules of transits. However, sometimes it so happens that a planet transiting a favorable house from the natal moon, is unable to give its normal good results due to obstructions of some other transiting planets in particular positions from the natal moon. For example, in the case of the sun, the sun gives you good results in the 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th houses from the natal moon. However, should there be a Vedha taking place for the sun, then the sun is not able to give good results. Therefore, the points of obstruction for the sun’s favorable result is 9th, 12th, 4th, and 5th; respectively. Therefore, when the Sun is passing through a favorable point say, 3rd house from the natal moon, if at the same time any other planet is passing through the 9th house from the natal moon, then the expected good result of the sun may not come true. Vedha (obstruction) points for each planet are opposite the corresponding number of good points shown in the table. The table works backwards in a converse fashion. The numbers above the line are houses of benefic transits of the planet and the numbers below the line correspond as mentioned above. We can also look at the numbers below the line as houses of malefic transits of the planet, and the corresponding numbers above the line represent the points of obstruction to the malefic transits. Conversely, if the sun is passing through the 9th house and at the same time, there is a planet in the 3rd house (all from the natal moon), the negative result of the sun is obstructed, thereby canceling out the negative results. There are two very important exceptions to the rules here. The transit relationship between the Sun and

29 Saturn, and the transit relationship between the Moon and Mercury are not applicable to this Vedha table of obstructions. Understanding Vedha points gives insight into expected results due to planets transiting good houses unable to show which is due to obstruction houses being occupied by other planets at the same time.

Transit Points Table Top row – Most Favourable Transits in a House from the natal Mo / Bottom row - Obstructing Planet in a House from the natal Moon

Vedha assignments9 When the vedha is with a star the result is confusion. 9 With a consonant loss 9 With a vowel sickness 9 With a tithi or Rashi a great obstacle 9 When there are four (4) – vedhas at the same time one is not likely to live. Summary: 1. One vedha causes fear 2. Two vedhas bring loss of money 3. Three vedhas – obstacles 4. Four vedhas – one is not likely to survive 5. Five – death

30 Tally Of Individual Planets – : Planet Su Ma Sa Ra & Ke Mo Ve Me

Vedah Effects Misunderstanding

Vedah points 1

Loss of wealth


Ill health




Mixed results

0 or 1 ( have to consider other aspects )





Good effect Ju When the planet causing vedha is retrograde When the planet causing vedha is in exaltation When the planet causing vedha is in rapid direct motion. When the planet causing vedha is in depression When the planet causing vedha is a retrograde malefic and this occurs during sickness When the planet causing vedha is a direct motion malefic and this occurs during sickness When the planet causing vedha is on the week day of ones birth

0 2 3 1 1/2 4 (not likely to survive) 3

(the ill-health of the patient will subside)

3 (mental anguish)

31 Special Nakshatras/Taras There are a few special nakshatras for each person: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

The constellation occupied by natal Moon is called Janma nakshatra. Janma means “birth” and this nakshatra shows general well-being. The 10th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Karma nakshatra. Karma means “profession” and this nakshatra shows profession and workplace. The 18th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Saamudaayika nakshatra. Saamudaayika roughly means “related to a crowd” and this nakshatra shows group activities. The 16th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Sanghaatika nakshatra. Sanghaatika roughly means “belonging to group” and this nakshatra shows group/social activities. The 4th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Jaati nakshatra. Jaati roughly means “community” and this nakshatra shows one’s community. To be more correct, one’s jaati shows people who belong to the same class, nature and profession. The 7th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Naidhana nakshatra. Naidhana means “death” and this nakshatra shows death and suffering. The 12th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Desa nakshatra. Desa means “country” and this nakshatra shows one’s country. The 13th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Abhisheka nakshatra. Abhisheka means “coronation” and this nakshatra shows power and authority. This is also called Raajya nakshatra (kingdom). The 19th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Aadhaana nakshatra. Aadhaana means “epoch/conception” and this nakshatra shows well-being of family. The 22th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Vainaasika/Vinaasana nakshatra. Vainaasika means “destructive” and this nakshatra shows one’s destruction. The 25th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Maanasa nakshatra. Maanasa means “mind” and this nakshatra shows one’s mental state.

Benefics or malefics situated in these constellations in their transit bring good or bad results related to the area covered by the nakshatra. However, it should be kept in mind that the results will be with respect to the native. For example, malefics transiting in desa nakshatra may not ruin one’s country. After all, any country has almost the same number of people with desa nakshatra in each constellation. When many malefics are transiting in desa nakshatra, one may be driven away from one’s country or start hating one’s country. Similarly, many malefics transiting in jaati nakshatra may alienate one from one’s community. Many benefics transiting in karma nakshatra may give success at workplace. This is how these special nakshatras should be used. Sometimes, using these nakshtras gives special insights that cannot be gained by looking at any divisional chart.

32 Sarvatobhadra Chakra From Jyotisha Guru Narasimha RaoDefinition: Sarvatah means “everywhere” or “entirely”. Bhadra means “auspicious” or “well”. Sarvatobhadra chakra is a chart that shows all-round well-being and all kinds of auspicious and inauspicious results. There are 9 x 9 = 81 squares in the chart. Middle 7 squares on the outer borders contains 7 nakshatras each. Abhijit (the last quarter of Uttarashadha) is included among the nakshatras. The innermost 5 squares contains weekdays and tithis (lunar days). The notation regarding tithis is: (1) The entry Nanda represents 1st, 6th, 11th, 16th, 21st and 26th tithis. (2) The entry Bhadra represents 2nd, 7th, 12th, 17th, 22nd and 27th tithis. (3) The entry Jaya represents 3rd, 8th, 13th, 18th, 23rd and 28th tithis. (4) The entry Rikta represents 4th, 9th, 14th, 19th, 24th and 29th tithis. (5) The entry Poorna represents 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 30th tithis. Rasis are also included in the chart. Some consonants are listed in the squres just inside the border squares. All the squares lying on diagonals of the chart, except the central square of the chart, contain vowels. There are 16 vowels and 20 consonants that are covered. We see that 16 (vowels) + 20 (consonants) + 12 (rasis) + 28 (nakshtras) + 5 (tithis and weekdays) = 81. Vedha: When a planet occupies a nakshatra, it causes vedha (obstruction) on the contents of the squares along 3 lines. We can draw one vertical or horizontal line and two crossward lines starting at the nakshatra. Contents of the squares on the lines have vedha from the planet. Example : Let us say Saturn is in Punarvasu. We see that Punarvasu is on the eastern border. Drawing a horizontal line to the west from it, we see that the consonant h, rasi Cn, vowel au, tithis Bhadra (2nd, 7th, 12th, 17th, 22nd and 27th), weekdays Monday and Wednesday, vowel am, rasi Sc, consonant y and constellation Moola are on this line. So Saturn in Punarvasu causes vedha on all these. Drawing a crossward line to the northwest from it, we see that the consonant k, rasis Ta and Ar, consonant d and constellation Poorva Bhadrapada are on this line. So Saturn in Punarvasu causes vedha on all these. Drawing a crossward line to the southwest from it, we see that the consonant d (alveolar), consonant m and constellation Uttara Phalguni are on this line. So Saturn in Punarvasu causes vedha on all these. There are some special principles: (1) A planet in the first quarter of Krittika or the last quarter of Bharani has vedha on the vowel “a” which is in the northeastern corner. A similar thing applies to all the vowels in corners. (2) If an vowel has vedha, its similar vowel (e.g. a and aa, i and ee, u and uu) also has vedha from the same planet. (3) Some consonants are not covered in this chart. Planets in Ardra have vedha on g, chh and ng (nasal). Planets in Hasta have vedha on h, n (alveolar) and th (alveolar). Planets in Poorvashadha have vedha on dh (dental), ph and dh (alveolar). Planets in Uttara Bhadrapada have vedha on th (dental), jh and nch (nasal). (4) If a planet has vedha on one of the following pairs of consonants, it has vedha on the other one too: b & v; s & sh (palatal); kh & sh (alveolar); j & y; ng & tr.

33 Using Sarvatobhadra Chakra: We should find the following in the natal chart: (1) the constellation occupied by Moon or any special tara (2) the rasi occupied by lagna or any house of interest (3) the first/prominent consonant and vowel in the native’s name (4) the tithi of birth (janma tithi) or a special tithi (5) the weekday of birth (janma vaara) We should study the vedha caused on these by different planets in their transit. Vedha by benefics (Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus) is favorable and vedha by malefics (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu) is unfavorable. If several transiting benefics have simultaneous vedha on several natal points listed above, then good results may be expected. Malefics, on the other hand, give bad results. In addition to considering janma nakshatra, we can consider special nakshatras related to the matter of interest. Suppose we want to find the transit results related to career. Then we can take karma nakshatra of natal chart [take the planets position in the D-10 chart and enter them in the Sarvatobhadra chart. See the vedhas on them for that day in yiur career] and see the vedhas on it in transit chart. Similarly, we can take the tithi corresponding to the matter of interest. For example, we can take “karma tithi” (lunar day of profession) instead of janma tithi when finding transit results related to career. Karma tithi is a little different from normal tithi. To find karma tithi, we multiply the difference between Moon’s longitude and Sun’s longitude with 10 and reduce the product to a value between 0º and 360º (by adding or subtracting multiples of 360º). We divide it by 12 and add 1 to the quotient. That gives a number between 1 and 30 [the lunar day] and that represents “karma tithi”. Karma tithi changes 10 times as fast as normal tithi. Similarly “dhana tithi” (lunar day of wealth) changes twice as fast as normal tithi. We can find a tithi for several matters. The tithi relevant to the matter of interest [the divisional charts from D-2 to D-60 ] should be used when finding vedha of transiting planets on tithis (Nanda, Bhadra, Jaya, Rikta and Poorna). Let us take an example. If the 10th house, karma nakshatra [D-10 chart], karma tithi [the lunar day of auspicious career growth] and janma vaara all have the vedha of a couple of transiting benefics, then some good developments may take place in the native’s career. If they have the vedha of a couple of malefics (instead of benefics), then we can expect setbacks in the native’s career. In this manner, we study the impact of transits on important tithis, janma vaara, important nakshatras and important houses in natal chart. If just one natal reference has vedha from just one planet, we cannot make any predictions. But, if 2-3 natal reference have vedha from a couple of benefic/malefic transit planets, then we can be more confident. However, a prediction should be made only if dasas and Tajaka charts also show an event.


Example of a Sarvatobhadra Chart:

35 Divisional Charts:



Nakshatra’s: No . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Translation Ruler

Zodiacal Position

Main Star



α or β Arietis 41 Arietis η Tauri (Alcyone) α Tauri (Aldebaran)

Horse Head Vagina

Ashwini Kumars Yama





Deer Head



Horse Goddess Bearer




26Ari40 - 9Tau59




10Tau00 - 23Tau19


Deer's Head


23Tau20 - 6Gem39




6Gem40 - 19Gem59




20Gem00 - 3Can19




3Can20 - 16Can39

δ Cancri





16Can40 - 29Can59





0Leo00 - 13Leo39

ε Hydrae ρ Leonis (Regulus)

Brihaspat i Sarpas


the Pitris



00Ari00 - 13Ari19


13Ari20 - 26Ari39

λ Orionis

α Orionis Head (Betelgeuse) β Bow Geminorium


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22


Purva Phalguni

Former Red One


13Leo40 - 26Leo39

δ Leonis

Uttara Phalguni

Latter Red One


26Leo40 - 9Vir59

β Leonis (Denebola)




10Vir00 - 23Vir19




23Vir40 - 6Lib39




6Lib40 -19Lib59

α Bootis




20Lib00 - 3Sco19

α Librae


Following Radha


3Sco20 - 16Sco39

δ Scorpii






16Sco40 - 29Sco59

α Scorpii (Antares)






0Sag00 - 13Sag19

λ Scorpii

Crouching Nirriti Lion

Purva Ashadha Uttara Ashadha

Former Victor Latter Victor


13Sag20 - 26Sag39

δ Sagittarii




26Sag40 -9Cap59

σ Sagittarii

Elephant Tusk





10Cap00 - 23Cap19

Aquila (Altair)




13 14

Front Legs of Marriage Bed Back Legs of Marriage Bed Hand


δ Corvi α Virginis (Spica)

Pearl Wheat Sprout Triumph Arch


Aryaman Savitri Tvashtri Vayu Indragni

38 23 24




23Cap20 - 6Aqu39



100 Physicians


6Aqu40 - 19Aqu59


Purva Bhadrapada

Front Good Feet


20Aqu00 - 3Pis19


Uttara Bhadrapada

Back Good Feet


3Pis20 - 16Pis39





16Pis40 - 29Pis59





Examples (1) - Kakshya Timing for Events : Reference: 1. Saturn, 2. Jupiter, 3. Mars, 4. Sun, 5. Venus, 6. Mercury, 7. Moon, 8. Ascendant; Transit chart follows: Saturn is transiting 7 42’ Leo on 30 April 2008 in the D-1 transit chart (right). This is the 2nd Kakshya viz. 7.70/3.75 = 2 ; which is Jupiter who is in natal D-1 chart in Taurus, 4 houses away (see natal chart below); 4th house signification is: House, vehicles, property, Ed. Institutions, well-being, etc. Going to the Ashtakavarga chart (BAV) Jupiter contributed 5 bindus to the transit house, Simha. The dasa period is Me/Ve 3/10/2008 to 7/4/2011 and Mercury and Venus are both benefics. Saturns transit will produce good 4th house results during this Dasa period. The SAV for Simha is 25. Jupiter is transiting 28 16’ Dhanus; Kakshya is 28.26/3.75= 7 or the Moon. In the transit natal chart the Moon is in Taurus - 6 houses away from Sagittarius. The 6th house significance is : troubles, instability, death, debts, disease etc. What has Moon contributed to the transiting house Dhanus? In the BAV of Moon to Dhanus there are 6 bindus; 6th house effects can take place as Dasa of Mercury (all shown above) is favourable. (2) - Sadhe Sati : In transit chart below right, Saturn is 12th to the radical Moon as he enters Aries 0:0 in below chart. (radical Moon is 18:57 Taurus). For 7 ½ years the native starting in 17 April 1998 will be in Sadhe Sati i.e until Saturn exits Gemini the 3rd sign: 2005-05-26. This period was extremely bad for the native. There was business loss’s and quarrels with the family. (3) - Dasha Karaka for a Planet: The Dasa lord for the above transit chart was found to be Mercury. The kakshya for Mercury in rasi chart (middle right) is 2:09 or 2.15/3.75=0.5733 or 1= Saturn, 11 houses away. Saturn contributes 3 bindus to the sign of Mercury.The period of Me/Sa 1/09/2019 will be good for 11th house variables:gains

Flute Empty Circle Front Legs of Death Bed Back Legs of Death Bed Drum

The Vasus Varuna Ajaikapa da Ahirbudh nya Pushan

39 (4) - Sodhya Pinda Event Timing: Chose the event you want to test for a good or bad result e.g. {event= planet-significance and housesignificance}; viz. marriage= Jupiter and 7th house, luck for father= Sun and 9th house, career= planet and 10th house, luxuries = Venus and 11th house, communications= Mercury and 3rd house etc. • Choose the event you want to test. • Look at the transit chart for that day. • Find the Sodhya Pinda for that event-planet and look to see in the transit chart if Saturn or Jupiter or an auspicious planet is transiting the Nakshatra of that event-house. • Test the event-sign for good or bad (Jupiters transit or Saturns transit of that sign or another planet of significance to the event). • The results will be conducive to acceptance or rejection of that day to do a chosen event. o Example: Suppose one wants to test the 8th July, 2009 for looking for a job in the field of communications. Mercury is the planet for communications and its sodhya panda is 182. Mercurys BAV in Kumbha (Aquarius) the 10th house for careers is 5 bindus; thus 182*5=910; dividing by 27= 33; remainder=19. From Ashwini the 19th constellation is Mula (0:0013:19 Sag). The Moon transits this nakshatra. The Moon is the mind which governs communications and speech and the Moon on this tithi, Krishna Pratipat, is waxing or benefic. The result is that this day in Melbourne, Florida U.S.A. is a good day to look for a job in this chosen field. o The event sign is found by dividing the sodhya panda by 12 and taking the remainder. Note the planet if any which transits that sign. Is it a benefic or a malefic planet? Dividing 910 / 12 = 75; remainder 10. The 10th house from Aries is transited by Rahu. Rahu could spoil things during the job interview on that day. One must be cautious. (5) - Taras Timing for Events: On Thursday 29th November 2007 is it a good time to start a temple building project in the city of Nelspruit, South Africa given the transit chart on the right ? Natal Moon is in Taurus-Rohini, transit Moon is in KarkaPushya (3:20-16:39 Can), the 5th constellation from Rohini. From table 15 of the Taras, the constellation from natal Moon (Rohini) to the transit Moon in Cancer (5 houses away) is found in the sequence {5th, 14th, 23rd} or Pratyak Tara = Obstacles. This is a bad day to break ground for the new temple given that his transit Moon is in a bad Muhurta.

40 (6) - Murthis (Forms/Idols) for Labeling Effective Planets: Although a planet like Saturn and Jupiter transits a sign or house in a transit chart we may ask : How effective is that planet in bringing about its significance (karaka), what is its strength (bala)? Vedic astrologers use the Murthi table to gauge the probability that the house results will take place. Using the transits of example 4 above for Saturn and Jupiter, lets see how strong Saturn and Jupiter really are: (a) Using tuhe Muhurta Tool Search for Transit in Jagannatha Hora 7.1) advance Saturn into the rasi of Simha to be 00:00’. We then note Moons transit house, at that time with respect to the Moons natal position. The house from natal Moon to the transit Moon is then taken from the above table and the Murthi of that transiting planet reveals itself. Thus : At the entry of Saturn into Simha 00:00 , transiting Moon is 16:42 Karka on 15/7/2007. This is the 3rd house from natal Moon and the Murthi is Taamra/Copper-form, unfavourable. This means Saturn does not give its results. (b) Advancing Jupiter 00:00 into its rasi of Aquarius on 01/05/2009 transiting Moon is in 12:45 Can. This is 3rd from natal Moon and the Murthi is Taamra/Copper. Jupiter does not give its results. (7) - Planet Effects Based on SAV Note the houses from the natal Moon which contain benefic planets, their effects become promoted if their SAV is more than 28; from rasi chart Ex. (5) above. Moon in Taurus Benefic Planets SAV-bindus Effects 4th House Saturn 26 Poor th 5 House Venus 38 Excellent 7th House Mercury 22 Very Poor Mercury’s significance is: stress on business, commerce, profession, friends and good behavior. (8) – Planets in Special Signs Giving Effects Based on SAV From Rasi D-1 chart page 39 middle chart, Mars is in his own house Aries but because it ‘s SAV is 27 it cannot promote its results. (9)-Longevity of the Father Using the natal chart-1 below of the son. The house of the father is the 9th house Taurus from the Sun in Kanya. The benefic bindus in the 9th house Taurus are: 26. Multiply it by the sodhya pinda of the Sun; 26*180=4680. Divide by 27: 4680/27=173.3333; R=27*0.3333=9, the nakshatra is : Ashlesha (9th from Ashwini). Saturn passing through this nakshatra will bring a bad result to the father. Death occurs when Saturn transits the trines {1, 5, 9 } i.e; Ashlesha, Hasta, and Anaradha. Dates of the Trines of Saturn in Fathers Nakshatra: a) Ashlesha: 16:40 – 29:59 Cancer b) Hasta: 10:00-23:19 Virgo c) Anaradha: 3:20-16:39 Scorpio Saturn (transits) a) On 2035/08/17, 15:51:00, Saturn 16:40 Cancer. Age: 93 Dasa: Ve/Ma b) On 2039/10/11,11:59:34, Saturn 10:00 Virgo. Age: 97 Dasa Ve/Ju c) On 2044/01/14, 6:26:17, Saturn 3:20 Scorpio. Age: 102


Son Chart 1

Father Chart 2

(10)- Longevity of the Mother of the Father From the son’s chart-1 multiplying the benefic bindus the 4th sign of the Binnastakavarga of the Moon which is 5, by the sodhyapinda of the Moon which is 179 and divide by 27 : 5*179/27=33.1418 R=.1418*27=4. Thus 4th nakshatra from Aswini is Rohini, Pushya, Uttara-Phalguni being the trine nakshatras. The transit of Saturn in Pushya is shown below. The date when Saturn transited the end of Pushya 16:39 Cancer in 27/04/1977 was close to the date of death. See the chart below for details:


11)-Number of Children From the son’s chart-1 above (13/10/79) The Binnastakavarga of Moon after the trikona and ekadhipatya reductions are: 6-benefic-3 malefic=3 children. There are two child at the moment. (12) Death of a Native From the SAV of Saturn (Questionable Method) The 8th house from the Binnashtakavarga lagna of Saturn has 2 bindus. Multiplying this by the sodhyapinda of Saturn and dividing by 27 gives: 2*196/27=14.5185 R=0.5185*27=14; this is the nakshatra Chitra. Using the Muhurta Tool and advancing Saturn and then Jupiter the years of longevity are indicated below: Saturn: 23:40 Virgo in Chitra – 23/09/2011 Jupiter: 23:40 Virgo in Chitra- 06/12/2016 Note: These figures are to low and this method should be avoided. The method of Sri Mantreswara using the sons Janma Rasi to find longevity of the parents is applaudable as is his Exit from the World method. Then there is JaiminiSutra - Sthira Dasa, Trikona Dasa of the Planets; another good method is Span of Life by Varahamihira given in Brihat Jatak. Examples of these methods are given in the section on Longevity. (13) Number of Years of Distress, Danger or Disaster of a Native: In the fathers chart-2 above, the Ashtakavarga of Saturn the benefic bindus from Saturn to Lagna are: 21 In the Ashtakavarga of Saturn the benefic bindus from Lagna to Saturn are: 4 Thus there are between 4 to 21 years of difficulties. (14) Transit of Planets in Binnastakavarga Charts: In the houses which have more benefic bindus than others, for the planets which transit those house’s, one would expect better results. The dushtana houses {6, 8, 12} from the lagna give only bad results, and should be discarded.

43 In the transit chart left for 9 June 2009 the planet transits following this rule that are in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses from the As are : Mo and Ju should be rejected as their transit results in these bad houses cannot give good results. The other planets SAV are: 24 bindus in Aries: Ve/Ma; 32 bindus in Taurus: Me/Su; 22 bindus in Leo: Sa. Thus it is expected by Sri Mantreswaras rule that Mercury and Sun would result in the best event timing for this transit day as they have the higest bindu score for their transit in the house of Taurus. This is the 11th house from transit Lagna and yields gains. Mercury the significator of speech and communications and Surya representing the father and inherent nature could possibly be a day for speaking to ones father on some important matter. The results could be auspicious. RULE: All auspicious functions and ceremonies should be performed during the transits through the signs which contain greater number of benefic bindus. (15)- Divisional Chart Analysis: Given the native chart below, one can judge the strength of the planets in the divisional charts. Using Sarvastakavarga charts and the Binnestakavarga charts with the individual planets for each divisional chart the Vedic astrologer can assess the natives chances of achieving the object of each divisional chart viz. health, wealth, children, career, etc. Rule: Use the rasi lagna as the reference for each planet and house position in the divisional charts and not the ascendant lagna of these charts; aspects of planets and signs are normal. The divisional charts are a mapping over the D-1 chart.

D-1 18/11/1987 12:55:00

D-1 chart – Rasi : The Rasi chart gives physical traits and personality when viewed from the Lagna and Mental propensities when viewed from the Moon. The 2nd house from Lagna shows among others, wealth, assets and family. Significant is the deposit of Jupiter there, who is beyond the aspect of spoiler Rahu. The 10th house for profession and careers contains Saturn but he does not spoil careers or money making ability because his BAV is only 3 bindus in Scorpio. Jupiter gives good effect to wealth in Pisces at 6 bindus in a house which has a strength of 26 bindus. Chandra aspects Pisces and contributes 5 to that house’s strength and he will along with Ketu give good mental ability.

D-2 chart on Wealth: The course view of wealth in Rasi is now fine-tuned in the D-2 chart. The benefic planets Jupiter, Mercury and Venus contribute 3, 6, 6 bindus respectively in Simha at 30 bindus while Saturn the spoiler is weak. Mars a trine planet in rasi gives strength to commercially strong Mercury, and the Moon is obliging at 5 bindus. All these planets in D-2 aspect the rasi Ascendant. Much wealth can be expected in this young mans life.

44 D-6 chart on Health: Jupiter and Moon (Body and Mind) contribute 4 bindus each to Meena, Saturn at 2 bindus is weak. They are in the 2nd maraka position from rasi Lagna. Their Dasas can kill during there periods but their strength is weak, especially Saturn, the significator of longevity. From rasi the papasthana houses 6, 8, and 12 are empty of planets indicating good health.Venus is in Lagna and this means good healthy ability to have children

D-7 chart on Children: The significator is Jupiter. In Rasi Jupiter is not in the 5th , which signifies children in a males chart. Instead he is in a Kendra in D-7 and in his own house and as functional malefic at a strong 6 bindus confirms the natives ability to have children. But the waning Moon in the 8th from D-1 rasi and an aspect on Jupiter, could create an unhealthy mental state and a small family may be the result.

D-10 chart on Career: The 10th house in rasi D-1 is ruled by Mars; Mercury the planet of business is in the rasi lagna. This should assure a good career except that the BAV of Mercury is only a weak 3. Saturn and Venus which are in the 10th house in rasi are in the 2nd commercial bhava in D-10. He will have a commercial career possibly in the Government. The Sun also in the 10th rasi is in the 6th in D-10 a bad house which could cause him to waiver in his duties if he does not perform the Gayatri vrata every morning and evening.

Example (16) Sarvatobhadra chart Sarvatobhadra Principles: Data: The natal points from the rasi chart-2 (page 41) above are noted in the following list: ƒ The janma nakshatra in natal rasi chart is Rohini. ƒ The natal lagna rasi is Saturn. ƒ Rasi bhava significances from lagna are to be noted. ƒ The first prominent vowel in name is v (va). ƒ The natal tithi of birth is Shukla Ekadashi = Nanda

45 The natal janma vaara is Tuesday. The special nakshatras (e.g. Naidhana which is 7th from janma nakshatra and means death or suffering etc.) are to be noted Drawing-Line Rules: ƒ Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and Venus move in all directions (i.e draw lines: right, straight or left) ƒ When the above planets are retrograde then movement is always to the right. ƒ Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde, movement is always to the right. ƒ Sun and Moon movement is direct, therefore lines drawn always to the left. ƒ ƒ

Procedure : (a) Enter the transit planets into each Savatobhadra chart (Sb) for the following interests: • daily transit as per request for an event timing. o Note: daily transit calculation are from the Janma Nakshatra. • divisional charts (Career; Net Assets; Health; etc) for special interests. o Note: Divisional chart calculations are from Janma Nakshatra. (b) Draw the lines from the benefic planets in the Sb charts above and note the good and bad vedhas. (c) Draw the lines for the malefic planets as in (b) above. (d) Two benefic planets or two malific planets must cross a sign, a vowel, a vaara, a tithi etc., before a vedha can be taken. (e) Form the tables of good and bad vedhas: (f) if there are more than 2-3 vedhas of each good and bad table, make a prediction as per the point of interest in that SB chart. •

Suppose we want to find if the timing is auspicious for native of chart-2 above for the laying of a slab for the foundation of a temple being built in Nelspruit, SAFR, at 0900hrs on Friday 7th December 2007.

46 Planet



Nakshatra Of Planet







Rohini Vishakha

1st 13th








P. Phalguni











Special Nakshatra (from Janma)

Nakshatra Asterisms of two Planets

Sanghaatikagr oup/social activities.

Desa-shows one country.

Rasi No Sc


Sc Cp

7th 9th

House Significance (from natal Moon) Good relation with family

Vowel Const.

Vara Mon.Sun.


Fortune, good luck Fortune, good luck Good relation with family



Sc Cp

7th 9th

Sc Sc

7th 7th

Good relation with family

1 1



Instability, troubles




Instability, troubles


Janma Transit Moon is in Abhisheka power and authority.

Naidhanadeath & suffering Abhijit


Data Table: Janma Nakshatra = Rohini (chart-2) Conclusion: These are the Malefic Vedhas : • Saturn crosses Sun in Saggitarius; the 8th house from the natal Moon is house of instability, unexpected troubles etc. vedha = 1 • Total Malefic= 1 These are the Benefic Vedhas: • Mercury crosses with Venus in Scorpio = 1 • Mercury crosses with Jupiter in Scorpio = 1 • Venus crosses with Jupiter in Scorpio = 1

• •

47 Venus crosses with Jupiter in Capricorn=1 Total Benefic = 4 From the table of vedah points the difference between the malefic and benefic vedhas give 3 good vedhas for the days activity. The points of interest from the chart that are benefic: Fortune, good luck; good relations with family. From 26:48 o Vedhas caused by Mercury bring intelligence. o Vedhas caused by Venus bring sexual enjoyment o Vedhas caused by Jupiter bring, all round good effect.

¾ It is a good day to accomplish the object of the construction by laying the temple foundation slab. Dhanish ii











Krittika ni








Rohini kh








Rikta j



Mriga o





Fri P.Shadh

Jaya bh



Sg Thu




Sun Tue


Bhadra y




Punar au






Mon Wed


Pushya n







Asresha ri














Me I

aa Mo




48 Example (17) • • • •

If the star occupied by the Sun at the time of a transit 13/12/2007 in chart below happens to be the Vedha star (Naidhana Nakshatra) to the natal star (Janma Nakshatra), there will be apprehension of danger to life. If the Adhana Nakshatra (19th from Janma Nakshatra) there will be fear and anxiety. If to the Karma Nakshatra (10th from Janma Nakshatra) loss of wealth. If the Sun in the above position be associated (conjunction within 6-degrees) with a malefic, death has to be expected.

1. The Vedha star to Janma Nakshatra in Rohini is the 7th constellation called Naidhana Nakshatra and this is Magha. The Sun is in Jyestha so there is no danger to the natives life on this transit day. 2. The Adhana Nakshatra is the 19th from Janma Nakshatra; the 19th from Rohini is Shravana; the Sun is in Jyeshtha, thus no effect to cause fear and anxiety. 3. The 10th from Janma Nakshatra is the Karma Nakshatra; this is Hasta, the 10th from Rohini. The Sun is in Jyestha so there is no loss of wealth on this day. Conclusion: this day appears auspicious for activity, gain of wealth and a healthy mindset. Example (18) If there are Malefics in the 19th 10th, 3rd, 1st, 23rd, 5th, or 7th reckoned from the Janma nakshatra during their transit on a particular day, Thursday 13th December 2007, there will be danger to life. If the planet be benefic, failure in undertaking will be the only result. (a) The 19th and 10th Nakshatra’s have been covered in Example (17) above. (b) The 3rd is Ardra and Retrograde Mars is there. But Jupiter is opposing Mars in the 7th , thus Guru cancels the malefic effects of Kuja. However Kuja should be propitiated on this day. (c) None of the other positions of the constellations have malefic or benefic planets in them on this day.

49 Example (19)

Note the following Lattas for the transits on a particular chosen day in the chart above: Forward Latta (count is forward): th 12 nakshatra from the nakshatra occupied by the Sun is Bharani. 3rd nakshatra from the nakshatra occupied by Mars is Pushya. 6th nakshatra from the nakshatra occupied by Jupiter is Satabhisha. 8th nakshatra from that occupied by Saturn is Jyestha. Rear Latta (count is backward): 5th nakshatra from that occupied by Venus is Purva-Palguni. 7th nakshatra from that occupied by Mercury is Uttara-Phalguni. 8th nakshatra from that occupied by Rahu is Vishakha. 22nd nakshatra from that occupied by the Moon is Ashwini. Exampla (20) In the town of Nelspruit South Africa the building of a temple continues on Friday, 14th December, 2007. The following are the Lattas for the day of transits in the above chart from Example (19): The Latta effects of the above are: o If the janma Nakshatra happens to come as the Latta Star the native will suffer from illness and mental anxiety: 9 the Janma Nakshatra is Rohini from chart-2 and the Latta star is different being the 22nd from transit Moon or Ashwini. o During the Sun’s Latta there will be financial loss in every venture: 9 Bharani is the Sun’s Latta. All activities that fall in Bharani will be a loss. o During the Latta of Rahu there will be grief and unhappiness. 9 Vishakha is Rahu’s Latta. All activities that fall in Vishakha will bring grief and unhappiness. o There will be death of the native, destruction of kinsmen and fear during the Latta of Jupiter. 9 Satabhisha is Jupiter’s Latta. Death to the native will occur when activities are in this star. o Quarrels will take place during the Latta of Venus. o Loss of position may be expected during the Latta of Mercury. o The native will suffer excessive financial loss during the Latta of the Moon.

50 Example (21): Principle : The most important interactions are those between (1) a natal divisional chart (D-x) and the transit rasi chart (D-1), and, (2) the natal rasi chart (D-1) and a transit divisional chart D-x, where D-x is divisional chart of interest ; x=1(Natal); x=2 (Wealth); x=4 (Net Assets) etc. (1) shows how innate potential in a particular area of life is influenced at a given time to result in action at the physical level. This helps us in coarse timing of events. (2) We can fine-tune the timing of events when the potential at the physical level is transformed into an event in a particular area of life. Problem: ƒ ƒ

The spouses want to know when will there be children in the marriage. The husband wants to know their net assets at a future date

From Rshis Parasara, Saravali and Jaimini the following is true for children;

Children, childlessness, and adoption are found within the lords of 2, 5, and 11 houses from the As. Also in the case of women the 9th house has to be considered – this is the house of children for women if Ju is positied there. The 5th house is the house of children for men – if Ju is also posited there. We also have to consider the lord of Lagna as well as Ju. The weakness of these houses can bring about the loss or denial of children. Analysis :

(1) The wife (B.B.) natal divisional chart for children (D-7) is above left. Her Rasi chart is right and has her Ascendant in Taurus. Her transit rasi chart for Jupiter 0:0 degrees in the 9th house Makara from her birth Lagna is below: Note- the date is : 09/12/2008 and the time is : 17:46:38 the height of her potential fertility.

51 Mo 11

Ju 0:0 Ve 8 Ra 18 Me 1

As 10

Transit Rasi D-1

25 Ke 18 Sa 27

Ma 22 Su 24


35 30



SAV Transit D-1 27







7 20 6



BAV Transit D-1 Ju 4


4 5 5 3

Principle (1) Is the 9th house, signifying children for women, strong? Note the ashtakavarga of the house’s SAV (Sarvashtakavarga). It is 35 bindus a very strong house. What is Jupiter contribution to that score ? It is a 7 out of 8 bindus in the BAV-transit D-1 chart. This is also very strong, but Venus is a weak 4 bindus. Rahu and Venus is in a bad conjunction and the Vimshottari Dasa is MD: Rahu: 10/12/2007- 10/12/2025 and antardasa Rahu/Rahu : 10/12/2007 – 23/08/2010 is a bad period as Rahu destroys health, or in this case fertility. Nevertheless a strong Jupiter and a strong house in the 9th will bear her children in this maximum period of fertility; but prayers to Rahu in the Navagraha temple are needed. Principle (2) The natal rasi chart (D-1) and a transit divisional chart D-7 is found from the Jh 7.4 Program Search (www.vedicastrologer.org/jh) for Transit of Jupiter 0:0 degrees into the 9th house from the lagna of this chart; the Lagna is in Taurus so Jupiter is to transit Capricorn. This gives the same date and time 9/12/ 2008 : 17:46:38 because it is the same zodiac and in this case the Ascendant in the transit divisional chart of D-7 remained the same. Analysis Jupiter in the 9th is as before in principle (1). Only the SAV and BAV charts have changed strength in principle (2). The house occupied by the significator of children Jupiter is only 21 bindus strong, but Jupiter is a strong 5 bindus in this house. As before Rahu is the spoiler of passion, conjunct with Venus. The Dasa periods are the same and in this fine timing of her events Rahu must still be propitiated. As


Transit Divisional Ke D-7



Ju Ve Ra


Sa Su Ma

21 29



SAV Transit Divisional D-7 26


Note: the devotee is expecting her first child during the year 2009!

21 32

8 4







BAV Transit Divisional D-7 Ju 3


1 3 6


52 Husbands chart:

2017/9/12 1:55:33 Ke



Transit Rasi D-1

Ra Ve


Ma Su Me

Ju 0:0

Principle (1) The 5th house from the ascendant for children is taken for the husband in the transit rasi chart D-1. Use Jh 7.4 Search for Transit and place Jupiter 0:0 degrees in Libre. The result is above right. Note the date, time of the transit and the strength of that house and the planet Jupiter from the SAV and BAV of the Transit Rasi D-1 chart. 30



31 29


SAV D-1 Transit







4 3

BAV D-1 Transit

6 5



Ju 4


5 3 4

Principle (2) The transit D-7 chart is below.

Ke Mo Su

Ra Transit Ve Divisional D-7

Ju Sa


Ju 0:0 As


Analysis Principle (1) is course timing of events and give potential results. Principle (2) is fine timing of events and give predictable actual results. The husband’s charts show that he is not compatable with the wife’s fertility periods as his date of maximum fertility in 2017. His Jupiters BAV in the 5th however is a strong 6 bindus and the SAV of that house is a good 28 bindus. Note in rasi his Jupiter is in the 10th house of careers. His incessant work, even taken home, is perhaps unbalancing his doshas where his sukra dhatu is compromised. This passion is evident by Venus aspect of Jupiter from the 7th in rasi. Jupiter in the 8th from D-7 lagna shows incapacity for children and ailments. The late date of 2017 however can be changed if he changes his domestic life style. Worship is key to early success. Say the Abhilasastaka Mantra.

53 Remedial Measures : Given the diagnosis of the above and the fertility problem’s our ancients have prescribed the aushadha for their condition of childlessness- mani, mantra and medicine: ƒ Mani: Hessonite (Gomedh) 6 ratis in silver on the ring finger Rahu ƒ Say thrice daily the Abhilasastaka Mantra and Purusha Sukta, for one-year. ƒ Rice mixed with black gram and Kalhara flowers at the feet of Rahu in the Navagraha temple. ƒ A child will be conceived before his late period and near or soon after her time as noted above in her chart. Net Assets : NN: (Husband)

22 36 24 29


















Ju D-4



2 4

54 4


3 3 5




Me D-4





Principle: Jupiter the planet of wealth etc. and Mercury the planet of commerce, business etc. are the major grahas that have the effect on the point of interest divisional chart D-4 viz. Assets and Wealth. When Guru aspects Budha the native can expect from that period on to have good assets, the building-up to wealth. The 9th house from the ascendant is fortune, the 10th is exports and foreign trade. When Mercury is there check when Jupiter aspects Mercury (from 1st , 5th , 7th and 9th ) and the Astakavarga strength of the house. See if the Dasa period is favourable at this time.

Male-Spouse: In the Muhurtha chart above for 2008-07-06, Jupiter aspects Mercury from the 7th in Saggitarius. And can expect to have some assets and wealth. There are no malefic planets in the transit Muhurtha chart to destroy Mercury’s position. The Ashtakavarga strength where Mercury is depositied is 31 bindusvery strong, but Mercury only contributes 4 out of 8 bindus to that total. Mercury yields moderate strength to commerce, while Jupiter is in a strong house of 29 bindus and contributes a strong 5 bindus out of 8 to this bhava. Thus it can be predicted that the Muhurta date of 2008-07-06 is a good starting period for wealth and accumulation of assets. However in the Dasa peiod of Moon/Rahu, Rahu is the enemy of the Moon and this period ends on 2009-10-10. The Moon is the ‘mind’ and Rahu is the spoiler. Caution is advised until the period ends. Poor decisions influenced during this period could destroy wealth. One must be on guard with ones expenses. The next Moon/Jupiter period starts thereafter. These are two powerful planets which yield much wealth and resulting accumulation of assets. Example (22) The chart below is from the birth chart of a native born with diabetes.

55 Both his parents were diabetics. He has already lost a large toe from his foot during 2007. What is his future given his health D-6 chart?

Data-Base : Rahu and Ketu are the nodal points of the Moon. As nodal points they are astronomical facts, not shadows, one is the enemy of the other since Ketu as the giver of salvation is a benefic, Rahu should be a malefic. In Jaimini’s system Ketu is auspicious. Parashara is better. Ra is bad in {8, 12 }. Excepting in Saturns period in the other major periods he gives mixed results. Both Jamini and Parashara state : Aquarius is owned jointly by Saturn and Rahu. Mantreshwara staes that the results given by Rahu are similar to those given by Shani. They are integrally related to each other, and this relationship is astronomically presented as their uniform constant distance of 180-degrees. They are bound up with Chandra and the Moon is dependant on the Earth. Consequently, the earth-borns have to take into consideration the influence of Chandra and also the influences of these two nodes The following tables are for the planetary ailments and the remedial measures that can be taken. Whereas the subtle body is treated from these tables by Jyotisha , the Ayurvedic therapy can treat and cure the gross body. Thus the whole person, spiritual, mental and physical will benefit.The analysis of the rasi, divisional charts and transit charts of rasi and D-6, follow these tables.

56 Ailments Male children Wealth Fever Diahrrhoea Dysentery Dyspepsia Rakta Pitta Pandu Roga Jaundice Tuberculosis Asthma Apasmara Diabetes Heart Kala Sarpa

Prescriptions for Some Ailments Remedies Purusha Sukta (R.V. 10.90) Sri Sukta Agni mantra So Agni rasmi Siva Sankalpa Sukta Agni Rasmi (R.V.3.26.7) Kuja Kushmanda Homa Garuda Gayatri Ya te Rudra Agni dutam (R.V.1.12.1) and Tad Vishnoh (R.V.1.2.22) Sadasapati (R.V.1.18.6) and Kaya Naschitra (R.V. 4.31.1) Purusha Sukta, Visnu Sahasrara Nama, Sahasra Gayatri or Ya Te Rudra (Namaka) Kushamanda Homa, Visnu Saharara Nama Tri suparna mantras (Taitt. Aranyaka 10.38 to 40). These are in Narayana Upanishad- sec .38-40.

Some of the Ailments have to be Assessed from the Planets Responsible for them. Right eye, heart, circulatory system, spleen, stomach, Su bone, head, skin, spine, thyroid Mo Medulla oblongata, digestive system, tumour, inherited diseases; left eye, epilepsy, cold, nausea, lungs, uterus, breasts, blood, mind, alimentary canal Ma Accidents, blood, inflammation, male genitals, piles, nasal troubles, neck, marrow, rectum, head; gonad, adrenalum, Muscular System, Red corpuscles Me Brain, back piuitary and thyroid, respiratory system, asthma, lunga, speech, nerves, chest, skin; pancreas and parathyroid; gall bladder, spine, nose; neurasthenia, epilepsy. Spleen, liver, arteries, cancer, hip, congestion, ear, Ju tongue, brain, diabetes; thighs, fat, Pancreas, Insulin; gout, abnormal growth. Ve Veins; thyroid, gonad glands; kidneys, ovaries, face, eyesight, diptheria, ulcer, hair, neck. Bone, skin, knees, feet, gallbladder, teeth, legs; Sa bronchitis, chronic diseases; adrenalin; ligaments, mineral salts of the body; spleen; pituitary; toxins in blood; rheumatism, hereditary ailment. Analysis the of Data: Ra Feet, breathing, eye, stomach diseases Ke stomach

57 From the Data charts above the onset of Diabetes is seen in the Birth Divisional-Chart on Health. There Rahu (Ra) is in the 12th house from rasi Ascendant. According to Maharishi’s Parasara and Jaimini, when Rahu is in the 8th or 12th house from the Ascendant (As) he does bad. Rahu is responsible for feet and stomach. Diabetics suffer greatly from feet pains. Jupiter (Ju) is responsible for Diabetes among other ailments. Sani (Sa) is responsible for legs etc. and acts like Rahu in giving pain and misery. Rahu in the 12th house counting clockwise from As. Is aspected by Jupiter in Mesha in the Health Chart. Thus the diabetic aspect on Rahu who is responsible for feet is evident. Jupiter also aspects Sani who is 5 houses away from him. The diabetic aspect of Jupiter also acts on the legs aspect of Sani. All this is taken from the chart of ailments the D-6 Health chart. This is the fine tuned divisional chart of the natal rasi chart (D-1). When to predict the time when debilitation takes effect, the date and time after his birth? The Combinations are: 1. A strong malefic in the 8th or Lagna while Venus and Jupiter, or the Moon and Jupiter are afflicted. 2. Malefic Sukra in Lagna or in a malefic place. 3. Sukra in the 8th with a malefic aspect. Result: (i) Using no. 3 combination, advancing Ve from D-1 (rasi) lagna in Makara to the 8th Leo, where he lost a toe from diabetes during 2007 note the planetary aspects, date and time: 2007-07-04 @ midnight. Rahu is in the 7th and Shani is in the 12th! Conclusive proof of these diabetic malefic planets. (ii) If one advances Rahu to his other bad position , viz. the 8th house from the Ascendant in Capricorn, to Simha where retrograde Sani is in D-1. The time given in the Muhurtha chart is the time given for the next debilitation. Rahu is thus 00 00-degrees, minutes in Simha on 2017-09-08. Combination no. 1 is applicable because: the 8th from the Ascendant is malefic Rahu. Jupiter is lord of the 3rd Papasthana house in rasi and in the Muhurta chart is in the house of his enemy Budha in Kanya. The Moon is waning and afflicted in the 3rd house in rasi and Rahu is in the 6th from him in Muhurtha! Note: view the Muhurta chart as an overlap of the D-1 rasi chart.

58 Principle: • The rasi D-1 transits from sign to sign are the same in the divisional transit chart noting they are from the rasi D-1 positions. Thus the advanced (or retarded) predicted time in the birth chart is the same in the divisional chart. The advantage of the divisional chart is that it fine tunes the rasi D-1 chart. • For example note the planets positions in D-6 given the results from the above combinations. Thus what holds true for D-1 holds true for D-6 because there is only one Zodiac. Summary: What is true for all predictions in D-1 are true for all the special point of interest charts. Commentary: The purpose of Vedic Astrology is to find a fault and then offer the remedial measures that negate that fault. This is done on both levels: spiritual and bodily. Vedic astrology is a divine science to be taken seriously. It is above the medical sciences because it is derived from Rshis and an arm (Vedanga) of the Vedas. It is one of the six vedangas. Predicting the Future Health: By artificially advancing Rahu into his bad positions from the Ascendant (the 8th position) in the Divisional D-6 Health rasi Chart we can predict with good certainty the nature of ones health at that time. This is done by computer which works out all the calculations of the positions required. Therefore advancing Rahu into the 8th from As, the Muhurtha chart (Time-Chart) is given above. Is Jupiters and Saturns aspect from the houses of Aries and Simha in the Sarvastakavarga chart (SAV) strong enough to effect Rahu in the Muhurta chart? There SAVs are 26 and 23 bindus, thus below average strength. Jupiter and Saturns strength are 2 and 3 bindus in the BAV chart, seen below. Thus debilitation due to diabetes during the muhurtha year 2017-09-08 is unlikely. There are no further combination years for Rahu, Saturn and Jupiter after 2017 that would cause further ailments due to diabetes. 26 29 30 29



















Ju D-6












Sa D-6





59 The following remedial measures can be used to control the problem.

Remedial Measures: The faults found the medicine is to be given : Use Ayurvedic Therapy –Panchakarma for diabetes treatment. Say the Vishnu Sahasrara Nama on the ekadasi once every fortnight. Say the Purusha Sukta Wednesdays and Siva Ashtottara Sata Nama on Sundays and on the cathurdasi in the dark fortnight. Say the following mantras to Sani, Rahu and Guru. Guru: Om Gram Grum Graum Sah Guruvay Namaha Sani: Om Pram Prum Praum Sah Shanisacaraya Namaha Rahu Om Bram Brum Braum Sah Rahuvay Namaha Worship in the Navagraha temple when possible the nine planets: ƒ

Put flowers at the feet of Sani, Rahu and Guru : Girikamika, Kalhara and Champaka Flowers.


Offer in order Sani, Rahu and Guru: sesamum, black gram and chana dal.


Wear a gold ring on ring finger with stones: blue sapphire, hessonite and white topaz.

60 Example (23) The chart is of a young Hindu girl from the time of her first cycle. Parasara says this chart of first cycle of a young girl is best for female horoscopy. The native would like to study towards qualifying as a school teacher. Does this career suit her and when? Is this predictable in her divisional chart on Career, D-10? This chart is cast below : Data

Principle The house for Educational institutions and students is the 4th house. The planet significators are for Mercury- profession and Jupiter-learning. The Moon-mind also has to be favourable to study or learn. Analysis In rasi D-1 , the 10th house from Lagna are deposited Guru and Chandra- both functional malefics. From the D-10 chart Jupiter the planet of learning is mapped in the 3rd house from radical Lagna. This house yields communication skills, journalism and the media. The Moon mapped in the 9th from D-1 Lagna is in the house of Ananda or Divine Grace. This godly house gives righteousness or Dharma to her cause in career choice. Since the D-10 chart was cast when the native is still a girl of only thirteen years, when will Jupiter be in a good house, for the start of her learning towards a career in teaching? Cast the Muhurta D-1 chart by moving Jupiter into the 4th house of educational institutions and note in the D-10 chart where Jupiter lies in relation to the radical lagna. Test the strength of houses and planets in the SAV and BAV charts. Test for vedha obstructions to these planets, if none they can give their good effects. The Muhurta time for start of possible study in an educational institution to become a school teacher is 2012-5-17. But Jupiter is in the 12th the house of loss in D-10. Mercury is in the auspicious 9th with Venus and Rahu. The Moon is in the peaceful-minded 4th. All these positions are mapped from radical lagna. Are these houses and planets strong enough to give good results? What is the Vimshottari Dasa period? Is it good or bad ? Can a parent recommend Teaching as a career? What would be a good career choice based on this chart?


29 33

23 21




Me D-10

3 4















SAV D-10

























4 Mo D-10





JU D-10

Ma D-10 2


5 4 4

3 3 4

Results In the 2010 transit D-10 chart above Guru is in the 12th Makara and a strong 5 bindus with no vedha obstruction; Kuja is a weak 2 bindus and no vedha; Budha is a strong 6 bindus and no vedha; Chandra in Vrishabha is an average 4 bindus and no vedha.The SAV chart gives the house of Makara a weak 23; Vrishabha a weak 26 and Tula a strong 32 bindus. The Vimshottari Dasa period is Saturn/Rahu 1996-2015. The antardasas are Mercury and Venus in 2012 and Mercury as noted is conducive to professions, business and commerce; Venus, gives luxuries and comforts. Mercury can give its results to the career of Teaching while Venus is expressing passion. Jupiter though strong is in a house of loss from the birth lagna and the Moon is an average mind. Conclusion: after a struggle to learn this profession she can succeed.

62 Example (24)

The native of this birth rasi is a Professor of the Biological Sciences, married with two children. He is verbally abusive to his wife and anti-social, remaining within his house ignoring one and all including neighbors. His wife is not allowed to have friends with neighbors and he is suspicious of her conversations with them and demands the verbal content. That he has Kuja Dosha in the 2nd from Mars, without her having Kuja Dosha and his having Kemadruma yoga explains a lot of his behaviour to her and others. A Divisional chart analysis of the five special interest areas D-20, D-30, D-45, D-60 and the marriage chart D-9 will reveal the personality and mind of the professor. Taking the personality from the Lagna and the mind from the Moon’s position the following, chart by chart, was found and the Muhurtha periods given for positive and negative future periods : Analysis D-9 Spouses In general, when Jupiter is in the 7th house from Venus marriage may take place. But in this chart Guru is in the 12th from Sukra a house of loss, Saturn the planet of fear, danger and sorrow is with the Moon (his mind) and the 4th from Venus, the planet of marriage. This is to be a sad marriage as a feeling of well-being (found in the 4th house) cannot exist because of the Moon/Saturn conjunction viz. the mind is wanting. Also notice the Mars, Saturn asterism the 7th from each other. This is a direct hit. Parasara has this to say: ‘This aspect is highly critical and dangerous. Great physical suffering and skin troubles and accidents are indicated. One may suffer outwarldly or mentally. He is too selfish and may face physical violence. Burns, wounds, stabs, accidents, inflammatory fevers are likely.This aspect indicates a life of hardship. There is great courage. The native does not pay enough personal attention to his personal safety or happiness. The native has practical powers and leads a disciplined and restricted life.’


His marriage, the most auspicious date, taken from the above Muhurta Chart is : 21/08/1966. This is when Jupiter is 00-degrees in Karka the 7th from Sukra in Makara (in the Navamsha chart). The wife here is very submissive because his Kuja is in dosha from the 2nd (birth Lagna in Mithuna) and is in conjunction with the significator of marriage Venus and the physical body Jupiter. This marriage was doomed from the start. As for Kemadruma yoga this is what our Maharishi Parasara says: ‘Kemadruma yoga destroys all benefic yogas. Results of this yoga: denies happiness from money, children , spouse; and he becomes a servant, lives away from his place, is dirty or shabby, and has a perverse mind.’ Analysis D-30 Miseries The Miseries D-30 chart immediately shows Kuja/Chandra conjunction in the 4th (from radical Lagna) and aspected by fearful and dangerous Sani. Malefic Rahu is in conjunction with benefic Ketu and aspected by Kuja. Thus the mind is discheveled, miserable, sad , fearful etc. Sukra in the 12th (from radical Lagna) denies comforts, luxuries, and the gains in name and fame made at the University where he works ( 4th house significance is educational institutions) by the aspect of Sani in Pisces. Guru and Sani have swopped houses but this benefit is destroyed by Kemadruma joga. Analysis D-45 Character : Kuja aspects from the 4th in Kanya an afflicted Moon with Rahu in Mesha. Shani soils the character by aspect of the Moon from Kumbha. The functional malefic Sun also directs its malefic nature on the mind (Moon) of the professor from Tula. Although this is a house of gain (11th from radical Lagna), the profession succeeds while the character is wanting. His passion is only for education as seen from exalted Mercury with Venus.

64 Analysis D-60 Auspiciousness: The 9th house , the house of temples, dharma, judiciary, fortune and luck is empty in this chart. The Moon in the 2nd house gives speech ability as a professor but is bounded by malefics Kuja and Surya. Theses malefics bind his mind on both sides. Thus his karma does not admit to good behaviour. Guru is aspected by malefic Kuja and Shani in Mithuna and is in the 8th house of troubles, loss of friends etc. which all will bear on his present life from this past life chart. The passion for learning is present as Guru aspects exalted Budha with Venus but they are in the 12th house of loss. Although he may succeed academically in Biology as a subject he may not fulfil his dreams of finding a cure for AIDS in his research at the University where he teaches. Analysis D-20 Worship When Guru is in the 9th house, from the janma lagna, the native could become enlightened and practice Jnana Yoga. In the D-20 chart Guru is there. Also in the D-1 chart Ketu, the planet of renunciation and worship is there. When will the planet and house be strong enough to convert his mind when Jupiter is in the 9th from the Moon? Will the Dasa period also be beneficial then?

Method : From the Muhurta-chart place Guru in Scorpio (the 9th from Chandra in the D-20 chart). Read the SAV and BAV charts and note the Vimshottari Dasa period.


Results: The dawn of enlightenment occurs in the above Muhurta chart on or around 11/10/2018. The Dasa period is most favourable, Jupiter/Mercury with Guru showering his profession, his friends, and giving him good behaviour from the period 11/10/2018 to 08/01/2019. From the beginning Dasa period all the planets are in a favourable position and the Moon is no longer isolated or aspected by malefics. Saturn, the planet of renunciation, in Saggitarius, ruled by Guru, aspects the Sun in the 10th Kanya ruled by Budha in a kendra. Budha signifys profession, commerce, friends and good behaviour, and Sun the soul. Budha is with Mercury and the Moon at this time. Although these positions are very favourable what are the strengths and weaknesses of these planets and houses? Can they yield there good results. 24 25 34 35



SAV D-20 from Mo 24












BAV D-20 Ju 4


3 5 6 7

The SAV, BAV –chart, taken from the Moon’s birth position in Pisces, has 24 bindus in Scorpio; thus the house of divine knowledge is average during this Muhurta. Guru also contributes an average 4 bindus to this strength. But Venus, and Mars contribute a strong 5, 4, bindus each while Mercury a weak 3. These planets are necessary to elevate him to Jnana Yoga. The question is: if Guru is average and Mercury is weak and the house is of average strength can he become a Jnani? No predictions can yet be made.

66 Example (25) Chart of a Brahmin with an Alcohol Addiction:-

A devout Brahmin living in the Householders Ashrama has a trouble with spirit alcohol. In rasi D-1 malefic Sun – in a watery sign-is controled by the 2nd house - speech, eyes, mouth, face and family. Shani in Pisces- a watery sign – is in a Kendra to his birth lagna in Gemini. Jupiter the lord of this watery sign is in lagna (in conjuction with malefic Mars) and aspects the Moon. His mind is fixed on watery substances and Surya and Shani cause his dependence on spirit alcohol which effect the body parts above. His D-9 chart taken from his birth chart reveals his dependency on several key grahas and the resulting abuse of spirit whiskey to himself and his family. ƒ


Guru is in the 12th house to radical lagna – this is a house of loss to the physical graha Jupiter. Shani aspects Guru and brings dangers and sorrows to his physical body. Jupiter is the nourishment of the body. But when aspected by the want and negating effects of Sani this causes the nourishment of Guru to turn sour and act as an intoxicant. Rahu is conjunct with malefic Ravi and aspects Chandra-the mind in the Navamsa chart. Rahu is a spoiler of will-power. The Sun represents will-power and he is with Rahu. They also aspects the Moon or mind of the native from the powerful 7th. This breaks down resistance and Shani has his way with Guru creating demand for non-nourishing substances with a lowered will-power and mind, the negation of nourishing substances that Guru signifys. Thus there is a want for alcohol. Rahu, Shani, and Ravi must be pacified and worshipped in the Navagraha Temple.

67 Table 8: Divisional Chart Significations Divisional Chart Rasi Hora Drekkana Chaturthamsa Panchamsa Shashthamsa Saptamsa Ashtamsa Navamsa

Symbol D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 D-9

Dasamsa Rudramsa Dwadasamsa

D-10 D-11 D-12

Shodasamsa Vimsamsa Chaturvimsamsa Nakshatramsa Trimsamsa Khavedamsa Akshavedamsa Shashtyamsa

D-16 D-20 D-24 D-27 D-30 D-40 D-45 D-60

Area of life to be seen from it Existence at the physical level Wealth and money Everything related to brothers and sisters Residence, houses owned, properties and fortune Fame, authority and power Health troubles Everything related to children (and grand-children) Sudden and unexpected troubles, litigation etc Marriage and everything related to spouse(s), dharma (duty and righteousness), interaction with other people, basic skills, inner self Career, activities and achievements in society Death and destruction Everything related to parents (also uncles, aunts and grandparents, i.e. blood-relatives of parents) Vehicles, pleasures, comforts and discomforts Religious activities and spiritual matters Learning, knowledge and education Strengths and weaknesses, inherent nature Evils and punishment, sub-conscious self, some diseases Auspicious and inauspicious events All matters Karma of past life, all matters

Commentary (Bhashya): Transits on a chosen day when correlated with natal reference points like the Moon or natal Lagna can cause auspicious or inauspicious events. The moon is ‘mind’ and references to ones mental state can be used to draw conclusions about special interests on a projected day. The divisional charts are essential special interest tools. They catagorise areas of interest. Thus one should use the reference point depending on the required outcome, be it towards one’s personality or be it towards one’s mental disposition. The Vedic astrologer should decide which reference point gives the best physical results. The natal divisional ‘D’ chart is overlapped by placing a transit in the required position. For example: For children the 5th from Ascendant with Jupiter deposited is for the male native and the 9th with Jupiter is for the female native. In the natal divisional health chart, Rahu is placed in the 8th and 12th positions and then the required planet of disease aspects the overlapped Muhurta chart. The Ashtakavarga in all cases is of the special interest D-divisional chart and not the natal (Rasi, D-1) chart if the results are to come out right. From the ascendant or the Moon of the special interest D-chart , place the overlapped transit and find the strength of the house and the strength of the planet in that house. The strength of the transit is determined to be good, medium or bad. The strength from the Ashtakavarga charts and the Vimshottari dasa period is used to validate the results. Finally find if the planet has a vedha. Vedhas cancel the good or bad effects of a planet.

68 In summary, the Ashtakavarga of transiting planets, the SAV and BAV charts of the houses and the planets use the rule of twenty-eight or more bindu points and up to eight bindu points respectively, to determine the strength of houses and transit planets. Two references : natal Lagna and natal Moon are used depending on the special interest. The Sarvatobhadra chart is another very useful tool it correlates transiting planets to their vedhas points for overall transit effects on a specific day. The result may be benefic or malefic. The rule of two or more planetary crossings to give a vedha in the Sarvatobhadra chart ensures good predictive results. Vedic Jyotisha is a divine science, a Vedanga of the Vedas and is to be taken seriously. If used according to the rules one can enhance the natives life, give peace of mind, and set him or her on the right path, given the results and remedies from their janma rasi. Om Nama Sivaya.

Dasa Principles In predicting events in a Dasa a Bukti or still in an Antardasa, the general results due to the planet should be weighed and incongruous results, whenever they occur, should be avoided. The result should be consistent with the person for whom it is intended, under the condition of life in which he is brought up as well as the physical possibility at the time. For instance political success may be predicted in the Dasa of the Sun, if he is in Aries in the 10th house. This political success will be at its maximum provided the Sun is not aspected by malefics and his position is equally strong in the Navamsa. If the Sun is aspected by Saturn who may be in Aquarius, then in spite of the Sun being in Aries, complete political success cannot be and ought not to be predicted. The lord of the Dasa has a quality of his own stamped upon him. This will be modified by the nature of the house, the nature of the sign, the nature of the aspecting bodies, the nature of the lord of the constellation the Dasa is in, the favourable and unfavourable situation of the lord of dasa in the Navamsa and various other factors. In general: 1. the dasa period of Saturn, if it happens to be in the 4th Dasa will be unfavourable. 2. the Dasa period of Jupiter will be unfavourable if it happens to be the 6th Dasa. If Saturn and Jupiter are strong and favourably disposed, the evil effects get considerably modified. 3. the Dasa periods of the lords of the 6th and the 8th produce harmful effects unless they aquire Funtional Beneficence. 4. in the course of a Dasa , a planet produces such results as it indicates by virtue of ownership, association, location and aspect. For instance, favourable position of the lord of the 2nd will give good income and wealth during its Dasa. 5. the Dasa results in a period stand to be modified by the effect of Gochara of transiting planets. 6. when Lagna is powerful, during the Dasa of lord of Lagna, favourable results can be expected to occur – such as rise in profession, good health and general prosperity. 7. lord of the 2nd in his Dasa gives wealth. 8. lord of the 3rd during his Dasa gives new friend, help to brothers, leadership and physical pain if afflicted. 9. if the lords above are weak (test with BAV) or ill-placed (look at gochara chart), he will inflict misery.

69 the period of the lords of the 5th and the 9th are said to be good, so much so that the periods of the planets, which are conjoined or otherwise related with them, are also supposed to give rise to good. 11. the general effect of the Dasa (major period) get modified by the planet that rules the particular Bhukti (sub-period). In such a case, however the influences of both the planets are to be compounded and the relation between them taken into account. 12. during the Dasa period of a malefic planet when the sub-period of a planet ruling the 3rd, the 5th or the 7th star (reckoned from the natal star or nakshatra) is in progress , the subject will have a period of trial and tribulation. o Suppose a native is born in Capricorn under Rohini, then from the Nature of Planets in Lagna Table, the malefic planets are Jupiter, Mars. If in the Vimshottari Dasa in the major period of Rahu is the time period, then the 3rd , the 5th and the 7th stars from Rohini are Ardra, Pushya and Magha and their rulers are Rahu, Saturn and Ketu, respectively. Then the rule states that during Rahu/Rahu, Rahu/Saturn and Rahu/Ketu periods, trials and tribulations will occur. Similarly use, Jupiter and then Mars to find other periods of trial and tribulations, but apply the necessary modifications if found. 13. unfavourable results will be realised when the sub-lord and the major lord are situated in the 6th and the 8th or the 12th and the 2nd from each other, respectively. 14. the sub-period of the lord of the 5th in the major period of the lord of the 9th or vice-versa is supposed to produce good effects. 10.


Nakshatra Dasas : Vimsottari dasa Events of the Mind Vimsottari dasa is the most popular dasa system among Vedic astrologers of today. Sage Parasara mentions in “Brihat Parasara Hora Sastram” that this dasa system is the most suitable dasa system in Kali yuga. Vimsottari means 120. Vimsottari dasa is a dasa system where the total duration of the dasa cycle is 120 years. Dasas of different planets are for different number of years, but the sum of all dasas is 120 years. In Kali yuga, paramaayush (maximum longevity) of human beings is supposed to be 120 years. Consequently, Vimsottari dasa is the most suitable dasa in Kali yuga. When to Use Vimshottari dasa: o A person born in the dark fortnight must have his lagna in the hora of the Sun; o A person born in the bright fortnight must have his lagna in the hora of the Moon. Dasas are reckoned here based on the constellation occupied by Moon. There are other variations that are more applicable in some cases. Many contemporary Vedic astrologers ignore these variations and always reckon dasas from the lord of the constellation occupied by Moon. However, this may not result in the best predictions always. In this book, we will look at some of the variations. Vimsottari Dasa Variations From Jyotish Guru P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, BTech., M.S. Computation of Variations We always compute the fraction left at birth in the first dasa based on the fraction of the constellation occupied by Moon, that is yet to be traversed by Moon. However, we need not always take the lord of Moon’s constellation as the planet ruling the first dasa. We can take the lord of the 4th, 5th or 8th constellation from Moon’s constellation to start the first dasa. These 3 stars are called kshema, utpanna and adhana stars. Example 6: Let us calculate Vimsottari dasa from 4th, 5th and 8th stars. The 4th star from Moon’s star is Uttarabhadrapada owned by Saturn. Using the 4th star to start Vimsottari dasa, we get the dasa sequence as — Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus etc. Dasa lengths are the same as before, but the part of Saturn dasa left at birth is 19 x 0.32125 = 6.10375 years. Then Mercury dasa is for 17 years, Ketu dasa is for 7 years and so on. In the same example, the 5th star from Moon’s star is Revathi owned by Mercury. Using the 5th star to start Vimsottari dasa, we get the dasa sequence as — Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun etc. Mercury dasa left at birth is 17 x 0.32125 = 5.46125 years. Then Ketu dasa is for 7 years, Venus dasa is for 20 years and so on. In the same example, the 8th star from Moon’s star is Krittika owned by Sun. Using the 8th star to start Vimsottari dasa, we get the dasa sequence as — Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu etc. Sun dasa left at birth is 6 x 0.32125 = 1.9275 years. Then Moon dasa is for 10 years, Mars dasa is for 7 years and so on. Dasa from Lagna

71 Some authorities have also recommended Vimsottari dasa from the longitude of lagna instead of Moon. In practice, this will give better results only when lagna is considerably more powerful than Moon. Using Dasa Variations If the sign containing the 5th star from Moon is stronger than the sign containing Moon, Vimsottari dasa started from utpanna star may be preferred for general results. If the 5th star spans across 2 signs, take the sign containing the same quarter as occupied by Moon in birthstar. If Moon is in Makha 3rd pada (quarter), for example, 5th star is Chitra and it starts in Virgo and ends in Libra. So we should take the 3rd quarter of Chitra and we then get Libra. So Leo’s strength should be compared to Libra’s. How do we know which sign is stronger? There are no clear guidelines in the literature to compare the strengths. A sign aspected by Jupiter and occupied by more planets may be taken to be stronger. We can also use known events to see which dasa is working better. Vimsottari dasa started from the 4th and 8th stars is used mainly for the purposes of longevity determination. Look at the signs containing Moon and these 2 stars and find the strongest sign. Here a sign aspected by marakas and malefics becomes stronger. Start Vimsottari dasa from the star in the strongest of these 3 signs and use it in longevity analysis. If Moon is in Makha 3rd pada in Leo, 4th and 8th stars are Hasta (Virgo) and Anuradha (Scorpio). We should compare the strengths of Leo, Virgo and Scorpio. Rath’s “Tripod of Life” Principle Sun, Moon and lagna form the “tripod of life”. Parasara clearly said that we should analyze all charts with respect to the positions of Sun, Moon and lagna. He advised drawing Sudarsana chakra with the innermost chakra representing the houses with respect to lagna (body), next chakra representing the houses with respect to Moon (mind) and the outermost chakra representing the houses with respect to Sun (soul). The results experienced due to soul (Sun) last long and change slowly. The results experienced due to mind (Moon) last shorter and change fast. The results experienced due to body (lagna) change even faster. Sun is an important reference point in rasi and divisional charts when judging the results of a mahadasa. Moon is an important reference point when judging the results of an antardasa. Lagna is an important reference point when judging the results of a pratyantardasa. If a planet takes part in a Ravi yoga (solar combination), it gives the results of the yoga in its mahadasa. If a planet takes part in a Chandra Yoga (lunar combination), it gives the results of the yoga in its antardasas. If a planet takes part in other yogas (e.g. a Raja Yoga), it gives the results of the yoga primarily in its pratyantardasas. In addition, dasa lord can be taken as a reference point when interpreting antardasas.

72 Ashtottari dasa Events related to sustenance, achievements, raja yogas and moksha Ashtottari dasa is perhaps the most popular dasa system in India after Vimsottari dasa. Sage Parasara listed it as a conditional dasa applicable only in some charts. The conditions for its applicability are highly controversial. In this system, the sum of all dasas is 108 years. Ashtottari means “ashtottara sata”, i.e. one hundred and eight. Because poornaayush (full life) of a man is 108 years, some scholars have suggested that ashtottari dasa is best used as an ayur dasa, i.e. a dasa that shows longevity. There are three different views on the applicability of Ashtottari dasa: (1) Ashtottari dasa is applicable in all charts. (2) Ashtottari dasa is applicable if Rahu, who is not in lagna, is in a quadrant or a trine from lagna lord. (3) Ashtottari dasa is applicable for daytime births in Krishna paksha (darker fortnight) and night time births in Sukla paksha (brighter fortnight). Some people use Ashtottari dasa as an ayur dasa and see longevity in it. Some other people use Ashtottari dasa as a phalita dasa. Because only chara karakas, i.e. Rahu and the seven planets, have dasas under the Ashtottari dasa scheme, it may also be suggested that it shows events related to sustenance, achievements, raja yogas and moksha (just like chara karakas do). Some people, however, prefer to see all matters in Ashtottari dasa. Kalachakra dasa Life Events Sage Parasara said in his classic “Brihat Parasara Hora Sastram”: It means, “there is another dasa called Kalachakra dasa, which is the most respectable of all dasa systems”. Kalachakra literally means “the wheel of Time”. It shows how the wheel of time unfolds events in the life of an individual. Parasara said that Lord Shiva explained this dasa to Goddess Parvati. Note: Sage Sri Mantreswara said: “Kalachakra dasa system has to be resorted to only when the lord of the navamsa occupied by the Moon is strong”. Basics Dasa of a rasi gives the natural results of the rasi. For example, dasa of Pisces may give sattvik religious activities. Dasa of Aries may give enterprise or quarrels or wounds. More importantly, dasa of a rasi gives the results of the house and planets in that rasi. If Aries has the 5th house in D-7 [i.e. Aries is the 5th house from D-7 lagna], its dasa may give children. If Pisces has the 8th house in D-6, its dasa may give diseases. If Gemini has lagna in D-24, its dasa may give all-round progress in the accumulation of knowledge. If Sc has AL in D-10 and its lord Mars occupies it, its dasa may bring good developments related to career and status. Dasa of a rasi containing the 8th from AL in D-10 may give a fall in status at workplace. Dasa of a rasi may also give the results of its lord. If Mars is in the 5th house in D-7, Aries dasa may give children. Samudaaya Ashtakavarga (SAV) plays an important role in deciding the results in a dasa. If a rasi has too many or too few bindus in SAV of a particular divisional chart, then its dasa may bring favorable or unfavorable results, respectively, relating to the significations of that house in that divisional chart. Usually dasas of rasis with 30 or more bindus in D-10 SAV bring the best phases in one’s career and dasas of rasis with 30 or more bindus in D-24 SAV bring the best periods for learning. One should keep SAV of various divisional charts with one when interpreting Kalachakra dasa.

73 Deha and Jeeva Rasis [Body and Spirit] Listing the deha and jeeva rasis of different nakshatra padas, however, these hold for one born at the beginning of the nakshatra pada. One can have different deha and jeeva rasis based on the elapsed portion in the nakshatra pada. Deha and jeeva rasis are simply the rasis of the first and the ninth dasas in the case of one born in a savya nakshatra : Savya Group: (15) Group(a): 10 nakshatras, viz. ,1,3,7,9,13,15,19,21,25,27 Group (b): 5 nakshatras, viz., 2, 8, 14, 20, 26 In the case of one born in an apasavya nakshatra : Apsavya Group: (12) Group (c): 4 nakshatras, viz., 4, 10, 16, Group (d): 8 nakshatras, viz., 5, 6, 11, 12,17,18,23,24 ; deha and jeeva rasis are the rasis of the ninth and the first dasas. Suppose the first dasa is Sc and the ninth dasa is Sg. Since Rohini is an apasavya nakshatra, Sc becomes jeeva rasi and Sg becomes deha rasi. Suppose the first dasa is Pi and the ninth dasa is Ar. Since Punarvasu is a savya nakshatra, Pi becomes deha rasi and Ar becomes jeeva rasi. Deha rasi shows body and jeeva rasi shows the spirit. Benefics and malefics transiting in them affect them positively and negatively (respectively). If Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are transiting in one’s jeeva rasi, one may exhibit a positive spirit and be cheerful. If Mars, Sun, Saturn and Rahu are transiting in one’s jeeva rasi, one may be without any enthusiasm. If Mars, Sun, Saturn and Rahu are transiting in one’s deha rasi, one may face accidents or death. Gatis (special movements) We see that dasas progress in a regular fashion in Kalachakra dasa. We either go as Ar, Ta, Ge etc or as Pi, Aq, Cp etc. However, some irregularities can be found. The rasis whose dasas come after an irregular leap go by special names and special results are attributed to those dasas in classics. (1)A trinal leap (from Sg to Ar or vice versa; from Pi to Sc or vice versa) is called “Simhaavalokana gati” (lion’s leap). (2)Temporary reversal of the direction is called “Markati gati” (monkey’s leap). When we go as Sc, Li, Vi, Cn, Le, Ge, Ta, Ar etc in savya nakshatras, we temporarily reverse the direction when we go from Cn to Le. So Le is a markati gati rasi. Similarly, when we go as Ar, Ta, Ge, Le, Cn, Vi, Li, Sc etc in apasavya nakshatras, we temporarily reverse the direction when we go from Le to Cn. So Cn is a markati gati rasi. (3)Leaving one rasi and jumping over it is called “Mandooki gati” (frog’s leap). When we go as Sc, Li, Vi, Cn, Le, Ge, Ta, Ar etc in savya nakshatras, we have 2 jumps – (i) from Vi to Cn and (ii) Le to Ge. So Cn and Ge are mandooki gati rasis. Similarly, when we go as Ar, Ta, Ge, Le, Cn, Vi, Li, Sc etc in apasavya nakshatras, we have 2 jumps – (2) from Ge to Le and (ii) Cn to Vi. So Le and Vi are mandooki gati rasis.

74 The results attributed to various leaps are given in Table 12. Table 12: Results of gatis (leaps) Savya nakshatras Apasavya nakshatras Fear of animals, loss of friends, Death of father or elders, loss of distress to near relations, fall in position dungeons, danger from poison and weapons, fall from a vehicle, fever, destruction of house Monkey Loss of wealth, agriculture and animals, death of father or elders Danger from water, distress to father, loss of position, anger of rulers, wandering in the forests Frog Distress to relatives, elders and father, trouble from poison, weapons, enemies, thieves. In Le-to-Ge leap, death of mother or, death of native, trouble from rulers and diseases are possible. Distress to wife, loss of children, fever, sickness and loss of position Leap Lion

In addition, Parasara listed the directions to prefer and the directions to avoid, while travelling and relocating, during different leaps. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

In the leap from Vi to Cn, east will give great results. One can take up an auspicious journey in the northern direction. In the leap from Le to Ge, east should be avoided. A journey to the southwest will be fruitful. In the leap from Cn to Le, a move in the southern direction results in losses. West is favorable. In the leap from Pi to Sc and in the normal movement from Sg to Cp, there will be troubles in the northern direction. In the leap from Sg to Ar, journeys should be avoided, as they may result in sickness, imprisonment or death. In the normal movement from Sg to Sc, journeys will bring comforts, wealth and sexual pleasures. In the leap from Le to Cn, western direction should be avoided.

Conclusion Kalachakra dasa was called “the most respectable dasa of all dasas” by Parasara. There are many controversies regarding its computation. This book follows the approach that this author found the most acceptable based on his study of “Brihat Parasara Hora Sastram” and his practical researches. A significant percentage of this author’s successful long-range life-phase predictions were made using Kalachakra dasa and that is his favorite dasa. When we learn a new dasa, the first question we should ask is “when should it be applied and what results should be seen in it”. It is illogical to use 10 different dasas interchangably. Mixing up various dasas without knowing the subtle differences between them results in vague explanations. An intelligent astrologer will realize that different dasas are good at showing different kinds of events. Even when different dasas show the same event, they show it from different angles and focus on different aspects of the same event. Without appreciating this, one cannot understand why maharshis described tens, if not hundreds, of dasa systems. Hence it is important to learn when a dasa can be applied and what kind of results it shows. Some authors suggested that Kalachakra dasa applies only when Moon is stronger in navamsa chart than in rasi chart. However, this author opines that Kalachakra dasa is applicable to all people, as Parasara did not impose any conditions on its applicability and went to the extent of calling it “the most respectable dasa”.

75 Kalachakra Dasa is primarily used for determining the timing of death, and of physical afflications and difficulties of different sorts. The focus in Kalachakra dasa is state of the inner self and the sense of connectedness in one’s mind. It shows how connected one is with respect to the events in one’s life. [compassion, humility, empathy for others, seeing ones Self as the Self in all ] Difference Between Nakshatra and Rasi Dasas ƒ

Nakshatra division of the zodiac is ruled by Moon and it shows the mental level. o Thus Vimsottari dasa throws light on the state of the native’s mind as time progresses. It focuses on mind. Vimsottari dasa is based on the nakshatra of Moon.


Rasi division of the zodiac is ruled by Sun and it shows the physical level. o Narayana dasa shows the progress of lagna in one’s life and it shows the direction taken by one’s life. The focus is no longer on mind, but it is on the real happenings. Of course, one’s mental state directly depends on the direction taken by one’s life and the real happenings in one’s life. In that sense, Vimsottari dasa and Narayana dasa show the same events. But the focus is different.

Kalachakra dasa depends on Moon’s navamsa. Navamsa (D-9) shows one’s adherence of dharma or duty and throws light on the inner self. So the focus in Kalachakra dasa is state of the inner self and the sense of connectedness in one’s mind. It shows how connected one is with respect to the events in one’s life. For example, a political leader may be running D-10 Narayana dasa of a yogakaraka rasi and he may land political power. He may be running the Vimsottari dasa of Sun who may be exalted in D-10 and so he may be feeling powerful. However, if Kalachakra dasa of a weak and afflicted house in D-10 runs at the same time, his inner self may not feel connected with the events in his career and he may feel a void. On the other hand, if Kalachakra dasa rasi is strong and occupied by benefics in D-10, then one may be successfully involved in activities that keep his inner self engaged. Narayana dasa specializes in showing what happens in one’s life; Vimsottari dasa specializes in showing how one’s mind views what happens in one’s life; and, Kalachakra dasa specializes in showing how one relates to what happens in one’s life and how connected one feels. It shows the inner motivation behind what happens. These three are the most important of all general purpose phalita dasas. Different dasas do not provide different alternatives that can be used interchangeably to understand what happens in one’s life, but they provide different angles – or vantage points – to view the same kaleidoscope that life is.


Rasi Dasas Narayana dasa Life from the Lagna Narayana dasa is a very important rasi dasa. It is a phalita dasa. It shows general results. Narayana dasa is computed differently for different divisional charts and we can use Narayana dasa of a divisional chart to predict matters related to that divisional chart. Narayana dasa is based on the progression of lagna in one’s life. As one dasa ends and another starts, one rasi stops being the progressed lagna and another rasi becomes one’s progressed lagna. Using the progressed lagna as the reference, we find out the events that happen in that dasa. Thus we get twelve charts for each person, with each chart applicable in one dasa. Narayana dasa gives the progression of lagna in life. During the dasa of a rasi, that rasi acts as lagna. If dasas are started from the 7th house from lagna, then Narayana dasa gives the progression of the 7th house. So the 7th from dasa rasi gives the progressed lagna, i.e. the rasi that acts as lagna during the dasa. ƒ Treat the dasa rasi or the 7th from it – based on whether dasas start from lagna or the 7th house – as lagna and analyze the chart, to see fortune in a dasa. We will denote it with “dasa lagna”. We will denote the rasi containing the lord of dasa lagna with “paaka rasi”. Just as the strength of lagna lord is very important in a natal chart, strength of the lord of dasa lagna is the key to interpreting a dasa. In addition, a lot of principles were mentioned by Parasara: ƒ Natural malefics in the 3rd and 6th from dasa lagna give success in ventures. Natural benefics in those houses give failures. ƒ Natural benefics in trines and 8th from dasa lagna give happiness and success. Natural malefics in those houses give failures, obstructions and unhappiness. ƒ Situation of a planet – benefic or a malefic – in the 11th house ensures gains. ƒ Rahu in the 8th and 12th houses from dasa lagna gives constant fear. ƒ If the lord of dasa lagna or the lord of a trine or a quadrant from it is exalted or in own house, it gives excellent results. ƒ If the lord of a dusthana {6, 8, 12 } from dasa lagna is debilitated, it gives good results. ƒ If the 4th house from dasa lagna has malefics, there will be discomfort and lack of happiness. Benefics in the same house give happiness, well-being and pleasures. ƒ Benefics in the 2nd and 5th houses from dasa lagna give good name, fame and favors from authorities. Malefics in the same houses bring bad results in the same areas. ƒ If the 7th house from dasa lagna and paaka rasi is afflicted by malefics, there may troubles in marriage. ƒ Raja yogas and dhana yogas with respect to dasa lagna bring success. ƒ If dasa lagna or paaka rasi is associated with an exalted planet or a planet in own house, there will be all-round success and accumulation of wealth in that dasa. In addition to interpreting dasas taking dasa lagna as lagna, we can interpret dasas from the natal references also. For example: ƒ dasa of raajya pada gives success in career. ƒ dasa of upapada may bring marriage. ƒ dasa of the 2nd house or the 7th house from upapada may bring troubles in marriage. ƒ dasa of GL may bring power. ƒ In particular, antardasas aspected by GL may bring promotions. ƒ Antardasas aspecting upapada may bring marriage. Arudha padas aspected by antardasa rasi are important in deciding the results in an antardasa. We also judge the results given in antardasas by looking at the house occupied by antardasa lord from dasa rasi.

77 Conclusion Narayana dasa may be said to be the most important phalita dasa. Its versatility lies in the fact that it can be computed separately for each divisional chart for precise timing of specific matters. In fact, we can compute more than one Narayana dasa for each divisional chart: 9 Narayana dasa of D-12 seeded from the 12th lord is native-centric. It shows events in a native’s life that are related to parents. o e.g.: 1. open the D-12 chart of the Rasi chart (D-1); 2. find the lord of the 12th house in the D-12 chart and note what rasi he is in; 3. find the Narayana dasa starting from that sign. Note: use the Options tab to make the changes. Even when looking at the events in the lives of parents, it takes the native as the reference. To see events in the lives of parents directly, we can use different seeds. 9 Similarly, 12th house (lord of) used as the seed in D-24 Narayana dasa shows the learning from the point of view of one’s evolution. o One can use the 4th house [lord] (formal learning) as the seed in D-24 Narayana dasa to see formal education. Hence start the Narayana Dasa from Aq as the 4th house lord in D-24 was Venus who is in Aquarius. Dasa periods for each sign will relate to formal education and self taught periods in ones learning evolution. By using a different seed, we can examine the events related to the chosen divisional chart from a different angle. Readers should try to master this fantastic dasa system. Lagna Kendradi Rasi dasa Sri Laksmi Lagna Kendradi rasi dasa uses the movement ruled by Lakshmi. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity. So this dasa shows the periods of prosperity. It shows the progression of lagna using the movement ruled by Sri Lakshmi. It shows the fructification of yogas. Sudasa Wealth Sudasa is a rasi dasa. It is also called “Sree Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa” or simply “Rasi Dasa”. Its computation is based on kendras etc from Sree Lagna. ƒ Sudasa is important for materialistic things like money, power and authority. It can be used to predict financial matters and matters related to status and power. If a political leader occupies a post of power, he must be enjoying a favorable dasa as per Sudasa. If a businessman sees increasing profits, he must be enjoying a favorable dasa as per Sudasa. If someone struggles with tight finances, he must be going through an unfavorable dasa as per Sudasa. o Eg: in Visvesvaran chart D-10, the tenth house (Le) contains SL and Ma. That period for the fruits of ones work and wealth will only occur in the period of Leo 2016-2023. In a past period, the 7th house in D-10 shows long journeys. These work activities actually took place in several countries during the period of Ta : 1996-2004. Interpretation ƒ Dasas of HL, 7th from HL and the signs aspecting HL bring financial prosperity. ƒ If the lord of the dasa sign occupies or aspects HL, it will improve the chance of financial prosperity. o Eg: continuing with above D-10 chart, the dasa of HL in Li is the period 1990 -1993. This was a time of enjoying wealth brought by past business activities; Exalted Venus aspects the house where HL is located in Li. Many luxuries were experienced during this time.



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78 Similarly, if the lord of HL occupies or aspects dasa sign, it will also improve the chances of financial prosperity. o For example, say HL is in Aries, Mars is in Leo and Sun is in Scorpio. Then (a) Leo aspects HL, (b) lord of Leo aspects HL and (c) lord of HL occupies Leo. So Leo dasa is triply likely to bring financial prosperity. Same thing holds for GL and the prescribed results are power and authority instead of financial prosperity. o Eg: Note again the D-10 chart of rasi, where GL is in Cancer, occupied by Mo and exalted Ju. The period of Cn 1993-1996 was one of business ownerships! Upachayas from any house stand for the growth of matters signified by that house. AL stands for one’s status. So dasas of upachayas from AL bring growth of status. o Dasa of the 11th house from AL is particularly favorable. The 8th and 12th houses from AL bring setbacks to one’s status. Their dasas can be unfavorable.

Important Notes ƒ ƒ

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Sree lagna is the residence of Lakshmi in a natal chart. Sudasa sign is the residence of Lakshmi at a given time. It shows what area of life prospers. For example, Lakshmi coming in contact with Jupiter or 5th house or 5th lord may bring the blessings of Santhana Lakshmi and bring the well-being of progeny. Lakshmi coming in contact with Sun or 5th lord may bring the blessings of Rajya Lakshmi and bring power. Lakshmi coming in contact with Ketu or 12th house or 12th lord may bring the blessings of Moksha Lakshmi and bring spiritual activities. And so on. o Eg: Sree Lagna in the Visvesvaran chart D-10 is in Leo on 11 March 2008. When will Ketu transit Leo and occupy this house? Using ‘Search for Transit’ in Jagganatha Hora computer program Ketu is in Leo on 29 October 2024! Note: exalted Saturn, the planet of want and longevity is with Ketu and SL at this time aspects Leo from Kumbha. Based on these parameters, Self-Realisation is possible.

Narayana dasa is based on the progression of lagna and it shows the changing physical environment that the native is placed under. Vimsottari dasa is based on the progression of Moon and it shows the changing mental situation Sudasa is based on the progression of Sree Lagna, which is based both on lagna and Moon. It shows prosperity, which is partly physical/real and partly mental/perceptive!

79 Drigdasa Spiritual Awakening Drigdasa is a rasi dasa. Drik means vision and drigdasa is a dasa based on aspects. It shows how spiritual vision develops in a native and steers one’s life. If a native’s chart promises spiritual growth, this dasa shows religious and spiritual activities and the evolution of one’s soul. Interpretation: (1) Dasa of arudha lagna can bring renunciation if there are parivraja yogas in the chart, indicating renunciation. (2) Dasas of signs aspecting arudha lagna can bring external activities that are important for one’s spiritual evolution. (3) Dasa of lagna and the 7th house can bring internal awakening and self-realization. (4) Dasa of lagna can also bring fame and power related to spreading spiritual knowledge. A monk may, for example, become the Chief Pontiff of a monastery. (5) Dasas of signs containing or aspecting mantrapada (A5, arudha pada of the 5th house) can bring a religious initiation or sadhana (rigorous practice) of a mantra. (6) Dasa of the sign containing mrityupada (A8, arudha pada of 8th house) can bring yogic sadhana. It can activate Kundalini sakti. (7) Ketu is the significator of moksha (final liberation). Dasa of the sign containing Ketu can bring spiritual activities that take one towards liberation. Ketu is the only planet who can give real spiritual awakening and liberation. (8) Dasa of the sign containing Rahu can create progress after internal turmoil if Rahu is favorable. If Rahu is unfavorable, it can take the native in the direction of materialism. Niryana Shoola Dasa Death ƒ Niryana means death and shoola is a weapon of Lord Shiva, who is the lord of destruction. ƒ Niryaana Shoola dasa is one of the most reliable dasa systems for the timing of death. Parasara simply called it “Shoola dasa”, but some scholars use the name ƒ Shoola dasa to denote a different dasa. Interpretation Dasa of strong maraka rasis and dasas of rasis containing strong maraka grahas can bring death. 9 Usually death occurs in the dasa of a Trishoola rasi. There are three Trishoola rasis and we can identify the correct rasi based on the longevity category (short, middle or long life). 9 If Trishoolas don’t bring death, the rasi containing Rudra in the 12th house can bring death. Antardasa at the time of death can be the 6th, 7th, 8th or 12th rasi from dasa rasi. It can also be a rasi that aspects the rasi that, in navamsa, contains the owner of the 8th house from dasa rasi. o Suppose dasa rasi at death is Ta and Jupiter is in Le in navamsa. Then the antardasas of the 6th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses from Ta (i.e. Li, Sc, Sg and Ar) can bring death. Also the antardasas of Ar, Le, Li and Cp – rasis that aspect Le, which contains Jupiter in navamsa – can bring death. If there is a common rasi between these two principles, it can be a strong candidate.

80 Shoola dasa The dasa called Shoola dasa is used for timing death. It shows death, diseases, suffering and death of relatives. Interpretation Like in Niryana Shoola dasa, dasa of a Trishoola rasi can bring death. Because the 2nd and 8th rasis in the natural zodiac are owned by Mars and Venus, rasi aspect on either of them by Moon generates Rudra yoga and rasis aspected by Rudra yoga planets can give death. ƒ AL or the trines from it can give death. If malefics or marakas occupy or aspect the 3rd from AL or the 8th from AL, those 2 houses can give death. ƒ Lagna and 7th house both show the self of a person. They stand for the invisible and visible selves. Niryaana Shoola dasa starts from the 8th house from one of them. Niryaana Shoola dasa essentially shows the progress of the 8th house. It shows the motion of praana (life). That is why it has an uneven motion. It goes forward in some charts and backward in some charts. Also the lengths of dasas can be 7, 8 or 9 years. All this shows that different people have different motion of praana. When praana reaches Shiva’s Trishoola or a powerful maraka rasi, the native can die. In Shoola dasa, however, the motion has a constant rate of 9 years per dasa and the order of dasas is always fixed. This fixed motion is like the motion of a quartz crystal. It is not the motion of praana and it must be a universal motion. It is suggested that Shoola dasas show the force of Lord Shiva. The force of Lord Shiva starts from one’s self and moves at a constant rate in a fixed direction. So Shoola dasa rasi hitting Trishoola rasis is less significant than Niryaana Shoola dasa rasi hitting Trishoola rasis. ƒ

In the case of Shoola dasa, death occurs when Shiva’s motion hits AL or the trines from it or the houses of vitality from AL (3rd and 8th). ƒ AL is involved instead of lagna, because our existence is a maya (illusion) and what Lord Shiva destroys is the illusion of our existence. The physical body (lagna) simply merges with the material universe, when burnt or buried, and the perceived self or the maya of existence (AL) is what is completely destroyed by Lord Shiva. Lesson: Niryaana Shoola dasa shows the motion of praana (life). Death occurs when praana hits maraka rasis and the trines from Rudra (Trishoola rasis). Shoola dasa is the reverse. It shows the motion of Shiva. Death occurs primarily when Shiva’s motion hits the trines from AL or the 3rd house from AL or the 8th house from AL. We have listed several rasis above. How do we choose one answer from the list? There are 2 criteria: (1) Usually a rasi occupied or aspected by AK or Jupiter does not kill a native, unless that planet happens to be Rudra. (2) Based on whether the native is of short/middle/long life, we are limited to just 4 dasas. The first 4 Shoola dasas (0-36 years) bring death to a person of the short life category. The middle 4 Shoola dasas (36-72 years) bring death to a person of the middle life category. The last 4 Shoola dasas (72-108 years) bring death to a person of the long life category. We should choose a good candidate from those dasas.

81 Death of Near Relatives Shoola dasa shows Shiva’s punishment. It shows misfortune, suffering and death. Using it, death of near relatives can also be timed. For each relative, we treat the house that shows him/her as lagna and find Shoola dasa based on it. Shoola dasa starts from the stronger of that rasi and the 7th from it. We have different names for Shoola dasas started from different houses. For example: ƒ Pitri Shoola dasa (pitri = father) starts from the stronger of 9th and 3rd houses. It is used in the timing of father’s death. ƒ Bhratri Shoola dasa (bhratri = brother) also starts from the stronger of 3rd and 9th houses and it shows the death of younger siblings. ƒ Matri Shoola dasa (matri = mother) starts from the stronger of 4th and 10th houses. ƒ Dara Shoola dasa (dara = wife) starts from the stronger of 7th and 1st houses and it shows the death of wife (this dasa will be identical to the native’s normal Shoola dasa). ƒ Putra Shoola dasa (putra = son) starts from the stronger of 5th and 11th houses and it shows the death of a child. We mentioned earlier that sthira karakas are useful in timing death. Sthira karaka of father represents father in a chart, for the purpose of matters controlled by Shiva (i.e. suffering and death). Pitri Shoola dasa shows the motion of Shiva’s force for the father. When Shiva’s force strikes trines from sthira karaka of father, father’s death can take place. Trines from the corresponding arudha pada can also give death.

Other Dasas Moola dasa Moola means “root”. Moola dasa shows the root cause of the events. It is the link between the events of current life and the past life (which is the root cause of events). At the time of Varahamihira and Kalyana Verma, this was a very popular dasa system. If a planet shows sins in past life (shashtyamsa, D-60), his Moola dasa in this life may give punishment for those sins. If a planet shows learning in a specialized subject in past life, the native may learn that subject relatively easily in that planet’s Moola dasa in this life. And so on. This is a very sacred dasa and should not be abused.


Rasi Dasas ƒ Narayana dasa ( D-1 chart) Narayana dasa is a very important rasi dasa. It is a phalita dasa. It shows general results (such as effort and environment). Narayana dasa is computed differently for different divisional charts and we can use Narayana dasa of a divisional chart to predict matters related to that divisional chart. Narayana dasa is based on the progression of lagna in one’s life. As one dasa ends and another starts, one rasi stops being the progressed lagna and another rasi becomes one’s progressed lagna. Using the progressed lagna as the reference, we find out the events that happen in that dasa. Thus we get twelve charts for each person, with each chart applicable in one dasa. ƒ Navamsa dasa Navamsa dasa is a very important ayur (life ) dasa. Unless Navamsa dasa sign contains or aspects Yama (lord of death) in the 3rd house from arudha lagna, death cannot come. ƒ Lagnamsaka dasa (D-9 chart) Lagnamsaka dasa is a variation of Narayana dasa, which shows the physical fructification of various environmental influences such as dharma. ƒ Padanathamsa dasa (D-9 chart) This dasa is a variation of Narayana dasa, which shows how ones abilities, learning, karma, spiritual activites, etc. impact on ones image and status with changing time. ƒ Sudasa (Laksmi’s Blessings) Just as Narayana dasa tracks the movement of lagna with time, Sudasa is a rasi dasa that tracks the movement of Shree lagna with time. Shree lagna is the residence of goddess Laksmi in ones chart. Sudasa tracks the changes in Laksmi’s residence with time and shows Her blessings. It shows prosperity, fruition and well-being. It can show everything from power (Rajya Laksmi’s blessing) to money (Dhana Laksmi’s blessing) to child birth (Dhana Laksmi’s blessing) to vehicles (Vahana Laksmi’s blessing) to Moksha (Moksha Laksmi’s blessing). While Narayana dasa shows effort and environment, Sudasa shows well-being and prosperity. For timing wealth and power, it is particularly indespensible. ƒ Drigdasa Is a phalita dasa that shows religious activities and spiritual evolution. ƒ Lagna Kendra Rasi Dasa (fructification of yogas) Is a rasi dasa that shows prosperity of various aspects of a person. It can show financial prosperity, prosperity of raja yogas, prosperity of parivraja yogas etc. ƒ Atmakaraka (AK) Kendradi Rasi Dasa (experiences of soul) It shows matters relating to the soul such as the experiences of the soul in this life cycle. ƒ Trikona Dasa (the purusartha’s – four purposes of life) It show the four duties- Dharma/duty-religousity, Arta/wealth, Kama/pleasures, Moksha/liberation. ƒ Chara Dasa (a popular phalita rasi dasa) This dasa was taught by Maharishi Parasara. It is part of the Narayana dasa system. Some scholars suggest that Chara dasa applies only to natives with lagna in a chara (movable ) sign. Summary of signs: • Movable signs {1, 4, 7, 10} – chara - have a duration of 7 years each. • Fixed signs {2, 5, 8, 11} –sthira - have a duration of 8 years each.


Common signs {3, 6, 9, 12}-dvisvabhava -have a duration of 9 years each. ƒ Yogardha dasa (a rasi dasa based on chara and sthira dasas) This is a rasi dasa taught by Parasara and Jaimini. Its application should be learnt from a competent guru. ƒ Sthira Paryaya dasa of D-6 chart (illnesses, litigations && worries) This dasa applies to natives with lagna in a fixed sign. It shows illnesses , litigation && worries. ƒ Shoola dasa (troubles and death) Shoola dasa is an important ayur dasa. It is a rasi dasa. It shows the force of Shiva (destroyer). It shows death and destruction of native. Its variations that are started from various houses shows deaths of various relatives. ƒ Niryana Shoola Dasa (death) Niryana Shoola dasa is an important ayur dasa. It is a rasi dasa. It shows the motion of prana (vital life forces). It is used in timing death. ƒ Brahma dasa (cycle of life, death and life- samsaras) Brahma dasa is a rasi dasa. It is an important ayur dasa that sheds light on the samsaras (life-deathlife, cycle). ƒ Sthira dasa (an ayur dasa that shows death): Sthira dasa is a rasi dasa that was taught by Parasara and Jaimini. In Sankhya philosophy , death is nothing but prana (vital-airs) that become sthira (fixed). Sthira dasa is an ayur dasa that shows death. ƒ Mandooka dasa of D-11 (an ayur dasa showing wars and destruction) Mandooka dasa of Rudramsa (D-11) shows death wars and destruction. It is an ayur dasa. It is very important in predicting the outcomes of wars. ƒ Varnada dasa (troubles and death) Varnada dasa is an important ayur dasa. It is a rasi dasa. It shows the force of Shiva (destroyer). It shows death and destruction of native. Its variations that are started from various houses shows deaths of various relatives.


Nakshatra Dasas ƒ Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon) This is a general purpose nakshatra dasa, started from the moon, that shows all the events in a natives life from the vantage point of natives mind. It tracks the changes throughout ones life. It is one of the most important of all dasas in the Kali Yuga. Besides the moon it can also be started from Kshema, Utpanna and Adhanna taras, lagna, Mandi, and Trisphuta. Click the Options button to choose a variation. ƒ Ashtottari Dasa (controversial nakshatra dasa) Ashtottari dasa is a popular nakshatra dasa. Some hold it universally applicable. Some apply it for day-time births in Krishna paksha and night-time births in Sukla paksha. Some apply it when Rahu is in a trine or Kendra from lagna (but not in lagna). As it is based on an 108-year cycle, some use it as an ayur dasa and time death from it. As only chara karakas figure in it, some use it as a dasa that shows sustenance and raja yogas. ƒ Kalachakra Dasa (Moon, Savya group, Paramayush = 85 years) Kalchakra dasa is a general purpose nakshatra dasa that is based on Moon’s navamsa. It shows all the events in a natives life from the vantage point of the natives inner spirit and motivation. Parasara called it the most respectable of all dasas. It was taught by lord Siva to goddess Parvati. ƒ Yogini Dasa (with planets replacing Yoginis) Yogini dasais a tantrik dasa that shows the impact of various Yoginis (planets) on a person at various times. ƒ Dwi-saptati sama dasa (applicable if lagna lord is in 7th or 7th lord is in lagna) This is a conditional nakshatra dasa (lagna lord is in 7th house or 7th lord is in lagna) ƒ

Shat-trimsa sama dasa (applicable for daytime births in Sun's hora and night-time births in Moon's hora) This is a conditional nakshatra dasa. ƒ Dwadasottari dasa (applicable if lagna is in Venusian amsa) This is a conditional nakshatra dasa. ƒ Chaturaseeti sama dasa (applicable if 10th lord is in 10th) This is a conditional nakshatra dasa. ƒ Sataabdika dasa (applicable if lagna is in vargottama) This is a conditional nakshatra dasa. ƒ Shodasottari dasa (applicable if lagna in Moon's hora in Krishna paksha or in Sun's hora in Sukla paksha) This is a conditional nakshatra dasa. ƒ Panchottari dasa (applicable if lagna is in Cancer in rasi (D-1) and dwadasamsa (D-20)) This is a conditional nakshatra dasa. ƒ Shashti-hayani Dasa (applicable if Sun is in lagna) This is a conditional nakshatra dasa.


Other Dasas ƒ Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma) Mula dasa is a general purpose planetary dasa that is good at showing various phases in life. This was the most popular dasa at the time of Varahamahira and Kalyana Varma (author of Saravali). This dasa shows the root (mula) of events, i.e. past karma. Use D-60 (past-life) and D-1 rasi (this life) with Mula dasa to judge how past lifes karma influences this life’s events. This is one of the finest dasa we know today. ƒ Naisargika Dasa (dasa of the nature) Naisargika dasa is a general purpose phalita dasa that throws light on the changing nature of a person with changing time. ƒ Tara Dasa (applicable if all the four quadrants are occupied) Tara dasa is a general purpose planetary dasa that is applicable if all four quadrants from lagna are occupied by planets (Rahu and Ketu are considered as planets here). This is a hybrid between Vimshottari dasa and Moola dasa. ƒ AK Kendradi Graha Dasa (experiences of the soul) This dasa is good at showing the experiences of the soul. ƒ Patyayini Dasa (useful in Tajaka charts) Patyayini dasa is used with dasa pravesh charts ( period commencement charts) to finely time events in a dasa. It is commonly used in Tajaka and monthly charts. The special feature of this dasa is that lagna has dasa along with planets. In a dasa pravesh chart, dasa sign is the most important reference and lagna of the chart joins planets and becomes a useful parameter. So it also has a dasa. ƒ Sudarsana Chakra Dasa of D-1 (Lagna:Moon:Sun) Sudarsana Chakra dasa is the best tool for predicting annual, monthly and daily fortune according to Parasara. This dasa is found by progressing lagna, Moon and Sun at the rate of one sign per year. ƒ Buddhi Gati Dasa of D-1 (from Agni Purana) This dasa comes from the Agni Purana with no specific name. it shows the direction of Buddhi (Intellect). It shows which planet sits on head at a given time. That planet can be propitiated.

ƒ Rasi-Bhukta Vimsottari Dasa (of D-1 chart, started from Moon) This dasa is a variation of Vimsottari Dasa, where dasas are divided equally among 12 rasis when finding antardasas. Pratyantardasas belong to eight planets in kakshya orders. This is analyzed using prastara ashtakavarga and transits. o The 8 kakshya planets in order for all the signs are: .1.Saturn, 2. Jupiter, 3. Mars, 4. Sun, 5. Venus, 6. Mercury, 7. Moon, 8. Ascendant. ƒ Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in Tithi Pravesha charts) This is a very useful variation of Ashtottari dasa. It is based on tithis instead of nakshatras. It is particularly useful in Tithi Pravesh charts (lunar commencement charts), which are the lunar counterparts of the Tajaka solar return charts.

86 ƒ Yoga Vimsottari Dasa (useful especially in Yoga Pravesha charts) This is a very useful variation of Vimshottari dasa. It is based on yogas instead of nakshatras. It is particularly useful in Yoga Pravesh charts (yoga commencement charts), which are the solarlunar variant of the Tajaka solar return charts. ƒ Karana Chaturaseeti sama dasa (useful especially in Tithi/Karana Pravesha charts) Karana Chaturaseeti sama dasa is a special variation of the conditional nakshatra dasa that is applicable in Tithi/Karana Pravesha charts for seeing events that are related to karana, i.e. earthly nature. ƒ Tithi Yogini Dasa of Janma tithi (based on tithis instead of nakshatras) Yogini dasa is a tantrik dasa that shows the impact of various yoginis on a person. Tithi Yogini dasa is a variation that is based on tithis instead of nakshatras. It is not a commonly employed dasa.


Predictive Principles From Paala Deepika by Sri Mantreswara : A Fundamental Principle of Astrology Any house (bhava) will bring good results if it is occupied or aspected by a benefic, or its own lord, or one owning a benefic house, and if it is free from any kind of association with a malefic. ƒ This principle takes into consideration not only a natural benefic but a planet that becomes a benefic by virtue of its ownership of houses in a given chart. ƒ Thus Mars for Leo (Sun is friend of Mars) and Saturn for Taurus (Venus is friend of Saturn) are benefics, even if they are natural malefics. ƒ This result does hold good for a malefic also if it is the owner of the house concerned. ƒ Negatively the house concerned must not be the debilitation sign, and the planet must not be in the house of its enemy. ƒ The planet must not also be eclipsed. This is a Fundamental Principle and a good deal of misinterpretation of charts rests on failure to recognise the importance of this truth. In assessing the results of any house, one must consider that house as if it were the ascendant and then to proceed to examine it. Similarly one should take up the karaka (signification) of the required bhava and treat the place it is situated in as if it were the ascendant. Only use the rasi D-1 chart in applying this rule and never the divisional charts which are only after all a mapped reference of planets in division to the birth lagna. Rasi D-1 ƒ Example: The 10th House from the ascendant is in Taurus and it is to be treated like the ascendant, call it : dasa lagna. The 2nd house from dasa lagna is karaka for wealth, assets, revenue, aristocracy and family and its ruler Me is karaka for business and profession. Ju is there with Ve spoiled by Sa. They are all of weak strength 4, 3, 2 bindus, while the house itself is a respectable 29 bindus. The house will thus give its results. In the Kalachakra dasa of this chart the second from dasa lagna is Gemini which has the period 1989-08-19 to 1998-0819. This was a good period for career development. The 10th from this 10th house is Meena ruled by Ju. Wealth of professional acumen is assured by Guru. Notice also in Rasi, Me is aspecting this house from the 7th– the planet of commerce, business and profession. From all these benefic houses and aspects he will succeed in his professional career. ƒ

To bring about good results the house, its owner and its karaka must all be strong and benefic. Vedha obstructions must be noted if a successful prediction is to be made. One must consider the Arudha and Chandra lagans also. o In the above chart the AL is in Sagittarius. The status of a native is determined by the lord of the arudha lagna. This lagna is ruled by Guru and occupied by Me, the professional planet. Benefics only modify his career. Exalted Yogakaraka Ma(R) in Virgo give success, achievement, strength and character to Me in its aspect. Notice also Ju, Ve, Ma, Me are in a Kendra from the 2nd house and this makes one happy , learned and blessed from this Brahma yoga.

88 ƒ

One more principle is that of the famous Astakavarga. This system is usually applied to find out the longevity and to ascertain the transit influences of the planets. But the ashtakavarga is also capable of telling us, along with Shadbalas, which planet in a given chart is strong or weak. This point cannot be too often repeated. o The ashtakavarga used for the above example illustrates this important principle. A Bhava is strong and beneficial if the trines and squares and the 2nd from that bhava are occupied by benefics or by the lord of the bhava. o Example: The chart is that of a great saintSat Ju 9 Mar Ke 2 10 14 Mo 20

The 2nd Venus; the lord of the 1st , the lord of the 5th in Meena and Ketu in the 9th complete the trines; The 1st Venus, the 4th lord in Meena, the 7th occupied by Guru and the 10th occupied by its benefic lord, complete the strength to the janma lagna.

Ra 2 Ve Asc Su 8 23 19 Me15 If the lord of a bhava occupies 6, 8 or 12, or is combust, or is in a depressed or enemy house, and if there is no counter-balancing (benefic) force, then the bhava will suffer i.e. the dasa of that lord will be a bad period and all the bad significations of that house will come to bear.. A bhava suffers if the bhava, its lord and its karaka are weak and are between malefics, or are associated only with malefics. If the 4, 8, 12, 5 (children) and 9 (father) houses from the Bhava are occupied by malefics, the result will be the same. The planets that cause the malefic results of a Bhava during their periods (dasa) are: i. the lord of the 8th house counted from the Bhava concerned; ii. the lord of the 22nd drekkana from that Bhava; iii. the planets in 6, 7 and 8 from that Bhava. Example: How to Find the 22nd Drekkana. i. The chart on the left has the dasa periods from Vimshottari dasa below: The 8th from the 4th house, from Ma/Sa conjunction, is Scorpio ruled by Mars. In the MD of Mars, (the Vimshottari dasa below) and during this entire period, the native was in foster-care to a family that was soon to abandon him, the foster-mothers compassion did not feature. The 4th house signifies mother, childhood etc. ii. From Parasara the drekkana is a 3rd division of a sign. Thus 0-10 degrees; 10-20 degrees; 20-30 degrees is three divisions of a rasi. Use the Ascendant longitude to see where in the division lies. If lagna longitude lies in the 1st nd division, the 22 drekkana lord is the 8th from the first (lagna) bhava. Note the 22nd Drekkana is 7*3=21 +1=8th. If lagna lies in the 2nd division (10-20 degrees) the 22nd drekkana lord is the 8th from the 5th house. If it lies in the 3rd division the 22nd Drekkana lord is the 8th from the 9th

89 house from the lagna. In any other bhava take the strongest planet in that house and determine which division its longitude lies in i.e. the 1st, 2nd or 3rd and apply: 8th from the 1st, or 8th from the 5th house or 8th from the 9th house to find the 22nd Drekkana lord. In chart on the left the 4th house has AK, Sa, at longitude 28:36 , the 3rd division . Thus the 8th from the 9th house is Cancer or lord Mo. The thirteenth verse states: a planet may be exalted or may be in a friendly Sign and endowed with all the six kinds of strengths (Shadbalas). Yet if it is in a Bhavasandhi (the point where the last house ends and the first house begins), it is powerless. The planet that occupies the exact cuspal degree (8-degrees) brings forth the full effect of the Bhava concerned. Jaimini’s statement: if the lord of a Bhava happens to be in the 6th, 8th or 12th house from that Bhava, or if he is in a depression or an inimical sign (enemy of the lord of the Bhava) , the results will not be benefic. This principle has to be modified considerably when such a planet is associated with or aspected by a benefic, or is exalted.

Summary of Predictive Principles ƒ ƒ ƒ


The lord of the 8th house from a Bhava, the lord of the 22nd Drekkana from that cusp, and those situated in the 6th , 8th and 12th houses (= Dusthana houses) from that Bhava are likely to give malefic results as far as that Bhava (the dasa period) is concerned. The lords of a Kendra (=1, 4, 7, 10 houses) is a functional malefic if he is a natural benefic and functionally neutral if he is a natural malefic. The lords of the papasthana houses (=3, 6, 11) are functional malefics. Benefics in the papasthana houses become functional malefics. But malefics in the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses (= Papasthana houses) and benefics in the trines and kendras of a bhava will bring about favourable results. Nevertheless placement of a functional malefic planet in these houses is not good, unless it is very strong (5 bindus or more or greater than the strength of the lords of those houses?) The cusp where the lord of the ascendant is positied becomes stronger for good or evil. Generally such a planet proves favourable to the house he is in.This provides a key to the entire nativity.

90 Parasara say’s about trines and kendras occupied by malefic or benefics. ƒ Lords of the trine houses {1, 5, 9 } give good results no matter if their inherent nature is malefic or benefic. ƒ If a planet has a square (kendra) or trine on another planet that is a strong aspect. ƒ Kendras /Squares/Cardinal Houses- {1, 4, 7, 10 } are important houses in a chart, represent significant aspects of an individual’s life ƒ Placement of a Functional Malefic in these houses is not good , unless it is very strong. ƒ Natural Benefics in these houses, Kendras and Konas, give good results. Planetary Aspects ƒ Any planet aspected by the Sun gets strengthened and is active. ƒ A planet aspected by the Moon or Mercury will become benefic or malefic depending on the Moons phase (waxing or waning) and the associations with Mercury (strong conjunction or aspect by a malefic or benefic). ƒ A planet aspected by Venus becomes like Venus – benefic, if Venus is strong. ƒ A planet aspected by Mars becomes strengthened- i.e. more benefic or more malefic. ƒ One aspected by Jupiter aquires a wider scope and becomes benefic. ƒ Saturns aspect on a planet limits the planets activities- i.e. makes the planet weak and reserved in its effects. Even if the lord of the ascendant be a malefic by nature it will not harm the house it occupies. If it is not only the lord of the ascendant, but also of a malefic house like the 6th or 8th, its character of a benefic remains because of its ownership of the 1st. o Thus planets which occupy the 6th or 8th houses in this circumstance, occupy benefic houses.


Foreign Residence To find when one will go abroad use the D-4 chart : ƒ The 9th and 12th houses show foreign residence in the D-4 chart. ƒ Rahu signifies foreign residence In D-4 chart below:

The 9th and 12th houses in D-4 is Sagittarius and Pisces. Rahu is with Mercury in Aquarius. Using the Search Transit window in Jagganatha Hora 7.32 find when Rahu transits 0:0:0-degree into Sagittarius and Pisces after 27 Janurary 1942, the birth date of above rasi chart. (i) The first transit of Rahu into 9th house Dhanus is the date 19th August 1955. The native left his foster home to live in another borough of New York with his reunited parents. (ii) The second transit of Rahu into the 12th Pisces took place on 30 July 1969. After emigrating to South Africa the native returned to the U.S.A. due to the Viet Nam War draft. All these dates show how Rahu can determine ones residence in another country or area from birth. (iii) the Trikona Dasa a Rasi dasa shows how the last period of residence can be broken up into the four purusahartha’s (D-dharma, A-artha, K-kama, M-moksha) – Pi: 27-01-1962 to 27-01-1972; 62’ – 64’ : D ; student at a university 64’ – 67 : A ; graduated University; emigrated to work in South Africa 67’ – 70 : K ; the wealth during this period would fructify later in life after theViet Nam War 70’ – 72 : M ; released from military service (liberated), returned to South Africa.

Sanchita (Seed) Karma Bhashya Karma that comes to fruition in this life time is the seed we brought with us from our past life, these are the vasannas , the mental temperaments, that come with the vital airs that envelope our soul. In the gestation state we can remember all our past life experiences. But once we exit through the vaginal passage into Maya we forget everything and become deluded by Maya. This tirobhava or hiding of Brahmans spititual presence is part of Brahmans fivefold activities. We see and feel through the jnanaandriyas and karmandriyas the effects of shakti , the material cause, but are denied the bliss of the efficient cause, through lack of merit. Nevertheless we are given the tool of Jyotish to bridge between the two causations and reveal our immediate past life, from the D-60 divisional chart. That chart shows the karma of our past life, the sum of all previous lives. By using the sacred Moola dasa we can predict when the sanchita karmans will bear fruit in our present activities, the prabdha karmans. Below a birth chart will illustrate, involving the planet Shukra.

92 Chart no. 1

Chart no. 2

Venus in chart 1 is a yogakaraka in Makara which will bring much happiness and prosperity to the native. The Sudasa – a rasi dasa for Venus appears late in the native life: 2025-2029. Why? One has to look to past life for the answer. In chart no. 2, Venus is in Saggitarius and exalted (retrograde). But this house in the past life is the 12th house of loss in the present life - Chart 1. This gave bad results for sustenance and prosperity early in his life but on the spiritual level this house is the divine 9th house from rasi lagna in Chart 1. Material manifestations were important to the native and the Mula Dasa for fructification of Venus does takes place during the periods 2004-2013. This was a period of much spiritual development. Mercury the planet of commerce shined upon Venus during the past life and Mercurys period in the present Mula dasa for 1982-1992 saw much commercially successful businesses for the native. Conclusion The knowledge of Jyotisha has revealed a yogakaraka planet in the present life to be coming from a disadvantaged position in the last life. By looking into the past through the D-60 divisional chart and finding the periods for Sudasa and Moola Dasa one can reveal ones karma acting in the present from the planets karaka or significance in the past.


How To Time An Event The Birth Star, the Birth Moon and the Panchaka: In fixing auspicious times there are three factors which are common to almost all elections and which require utmost attention: f Tarabala (nakshatra strength): In the janmanakshatra is situated the birth Moon. On the elected day of activity count from the birth constellation to the constellation of that elected day and divide the number by 9- if the remainder is 1 (janma) it indicates danger to the body; if 2 (sampat) wealth and prosperity; if 3 (vipat) dangers, losses and accidents; if 4 (kshema) prosperity; if 5 (pratyak) obstacles; if 6 (sadhana) realisation of ambitions; if 7 (naidhana) dangers; if 8 (mitra) favourable; and if 0 (parama mitra) very favourable. o 100% strength- when the days nakshatra falls in the first Paryaya or cycle,i.e., within the first 9 stars, the activity holds good or evil - 100%. o 50% strength- when in the 2nd Paryaya i.e. from stars 10-18 only 50% is the evil or good effects. In fact the evil is centred only in the first quarter of the 3rd (Vipat), the 4th quarter of the 5th (Pratyak) and the 3rd quarter of the 7th (Naidhana) of the 2nd cycle. o 0 % strength- stars falling in 19th -27th in Nakshatra chart have almost no effect, good or bad. But in my humble experience it is better to avoid Vipat and Naidhana stars for all important undertakings.the 22nd is always sadhana and the 27th para mitra and hence they can be considered as auspicious. f Chandrabala (Moon strength): the consideration and the position of the Moon and his position is most important in Muhurtha (auspicious election of time). The Moon should not occupy in the election chart, a position that happens to represent the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the person’s Janma Rasi (birth sign). f Panchaka (Five Source Energy): For very important occasions such as marriage, nuptials, entry into new houses, travel, etc. add Panchaka as a required test of strength to Tarabala and Chandrabala. If the muhurtha is free of defects, perform the ceremony, or take the travel date as safe. o Take the number of lunar days (from the 1st of the month) o The number of the weekday (Sunday-1, Monday-2 etc.) o The number of the constellation (fron Aswini) o The number of the Lagna (Ascendant from Aries). o Add the above together and divide by 9: 9 If the remainder is 1 (mrityu panchakam), it indicates danger. 9 If 2 (agni panchakam), risk from fire 9 If 4 (raja panchakam), bad results 9 If 6 (chora panchakam), evil happenings 9 If 8 (roga panchakam), disease 9 If the remainder is 3, 5, 7, or 0, then it is good. Example: A couple want to celebrate their wedding anniversary with a homa and prayers at a temple. The devotee was not born in the janmanakshatra of Rohini, the constellation day of the puja. The lunar tithi is Sukla Shasthi (7th ) and the rising sign is in Bharani a Sunday: The date is 2010-03-21 and the time set for the puja and homa is 09:30:00. Is this date and time auspicious or evil? Use Tarabala, Chandrabala, and Panchaka to test this muhurtha or election time.


Calculation: Panchaka Number of the lunar day Number of constellation Number of weekday Number of zodiacal sign

7 4 1 1_ 13 13/9= 1 4/9 – 4 as remainder. It indicates raja panchakam or evil and hence the time selected is not favourable.

The time is unfavourable; but to make it right if the As-ascendant or rising sign is moved to the next house i.e., make the time for the ceremony to start at 10:12, fourtytwo minutes later, there is no bad resultbecause the zodiacal sign 2 (Taurus), gives a remainder of 5 in Panchaka.

The general rule of avoiding unfavourable Panchaka has exceptions: 1. when an election has to do with occupation, avoid Raja Panchaka. 2. in elections bearing on house building, avoid both Raja and Agni Panchakas. 3. in regard to travel, Chora Panchakra should be rejected. 4. in marriage and upanayama (sacred thread) Roga and Mrityu Panchaka should be avoided. ƒ ƒ


For Tarabala in above example , the nakshatras ruled by the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th constellations were avoided; he was not born in Rohini which would have made it the 1st constellation and that would be danger to the body, etc. When the day is favourable, the negative parts of the unfavourable constellations may be avoided. Thus in the Janma, Vipat, Pratyak and Naidhana constellations, the first 7, 3, 8, and 6 gathis, respectively may be considered evil and avoided. Note: this may be necessary when urgency is required for performance of an occasion on a certain day. A day ruled by one’s Janma Nakshatra is ordinarily held to be unfavourable for an election. But in regard to nuptial’s, sacrifices, first feeding, agriculture, upanayanam, coronation, buying lands, Janma Nakshatra is favourable without exception. But it is inauspicious for war, sexual union, shaving, taking medical treatment, travel and marriage. For a women, Janma Nakshatra would be quite favourable for marriage.



o The most essential factors to be remembered in selecting a suitable day for travel are (a) o o

o o o o o o o o o

a good lunar day, (b) a favourable constellation, (c) a well fortified Lagna (place Jupiter or Venus), (d) the absence of Panchaka Dosha. The best lunar days are the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11, and 13th tithi’s.The 14th lunar day and Full and New Moon days should be avoided at any cost. No journey should be undertaken on days ruled by: Krittika, Bharani, Aslesha, Visakha-beyond 14 ghatikas-ok, Punavasu, Purva Bhadra-beyond 16 ghatikas-ok and Arida. For sure do not travel on Krittika or Bharani ruled days. Do not travel on a Tuesday. Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius are favourable signs for starting a journey. Journey should not be undertaken when the transit-lagna is in the 5th, 7th, or the 9th from ones Janma Lagna. Let Jupiter or Venus be placed in transit-lagna and the Moon in any place other than the 8th at the start of the journey to make the travel successful. The Moon should be in the 3rd,6th,9th,or 12th and Jupiter in a Kendra from Lagna. Avoid days of vernal and autumnal equinox and the days on which the Sun enters a new sign every month. Start when Moon is in Lagna fortified by the disposition of Jupiter or Venus in a Kendra. Mercury placed in the 4th and Jupiter in the maraka 2nd and 7th will neutralise any adverse effects on travel. Benefics in the kendras and trines act as powerful antidotes for all evils. Jupiter in transit-Lagna, malefics in Upachayas and Venus in any house other than the 7th would be an ideal combination. Air Journeys-take due note of Tarabala. Let the transit-Lagna be an air sign {Gemini, Libra and Aquarius}. Avoid Mars in transit-Lagna, the 7th and the 8th. Moon is to be waxing and as far from Rahu as possible. Place Jupiter or Venus in transit-Lagna, if possible, or aspecting transit-Lagna.

Example-Travel Air travel was elected on Friday, 24 Sept. 2010, @ 14:15:00 hrs from Orlando International Airport to Oliver Tambo International Airport, Johannesburg. How does this date meets all the above requirements for safe air-travel after rejecting other dates? Calculations- Panchaka Dosha : parameters: Number of the lunar day 2 • Janjma Lagna= Mesha (Aries) Number of constellation 27 • Janma Nakshatra= Moon in Vrisha (Taurus) Number of weekday (fri) 6 nd • Lunar Day- Moon is Waxing in 2 tithi Number of zodiacal sign 6_ (Krishna Dvitiya) 41 41/9= 4 5/9 – 5 as remainder. 5 is one of the • Weekday - not a Tuesday, but a Friday numbers 0, 3, 5, 7 that are good. • Constellation-Revati-Good • Fortified Lagna – aspected by Jupiter and Moon • Panchaka Dosha = 5 (good) • Transit lagna is Libre an Air-Sign and not 5th, 7th, 9th from janma lagna of the traveller. • Jupiter in a Kendra removes all obstacles to travel. • Tarabala- From janma nakshatra- Moon in Rohini to Revati (transit Moon) =24; 24/9 = 2 6/9 R=6 ; Yoga is sadhana or realisation of ambitions.

96 Travel chart : (Note it was necessary to reject other muhurtha charts to come to this decisive chart)


Vastu Siddhi’s- Building Laws o No temple or house-building to commence in the lunar months of Jyestha, Ashadha, Bhadrapada, Aswayuja, Margasira, Pushya and Phalguna as they connote respectively, death, destruction, disease, quarrels, misunderstandings, loss of wealth, incendiarism and physical danger. o Lunar months of Chaitra, Vaisakha, Sravana, Kartika and Magha are the best. o Sun should occupy fixed signs {2, 5, 8, 11} or at least movable but not {3, 6, 9, 12} dwisdwabhava or common signs. o Foundations are best laid in Nakshatra’s : Rohini, Mrigashira, Chitra, Hasta, Jyestha, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha and Sravana. Mediocre Nakshatras are Swati, Pushya, Anuradha, Ashwini, Satabhisha, Uttara Bhadra and Revati. o All the odd tithis (lunar days) except the 9th (Navami) are good. Even tithis 2, 6, and 10 are auspicious. o Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are the best. Saturday should be rejected as it connotes theft. Sunday should be avoided unless strong. o Fixed signs of planet occupancy are the best. Movable signs should be rejected. Common signs may be preferred provided they are occupied by strong benefics. o The rising sign at the time of laying the foundation should be highly fortified by the disposition of malefics in 3rd, 6th and 11th houses and benefics in kendras and trines. o The 8th house must be vacant and not aspected by malefic planets. o Varahamihira says after finishing the Puja the first foundation-stone shall be laid on the north-eastern corner of the site. If a temple is the foundation, then place a jewel for each Deity under the first foundation-stone. o See Appendix, Example: How to Time Laying a Foundation Corner-Stone for a Building or Temple.


Ailments Diabetes Combinations are: 1. A strong malefic in the 8th or Lagna while Venus and Jupiter, or the Moon and Jupiter are afflicted. 2. Malefic Sukra in Lagna or in a malefic place. 3. Sukra in the 8th with a malefic aspect. Example The birth chart on the left belongs to a middle age man in late fifties. He suffers from type 1 diabetes and recently lost a toe to the disease. It is easy to see from his chart the presence of his disease. The question is when will he suffer loss of body part again?

¾ From no. 3 combination, advancing Ve from D-1 (Rasi) lagna in Makara to the 8th Leo, malefics Sa and Ke are in conjunction and the date of 29 September 2007 is his next possible debilitation. However no major dibility takes place because Venus has a strength of 3-bindus in BAV and the house of Leo in SAV is only 21 bindus. This weakness caused little effect for ailment due to diabetes for September 2007. Also the Vimshottari dasa Venus/Mercury starts on 26/08/2007 and both planets are benefic to each other. Epilepsy and Neurasthenia Combinations are: 1. The Sun, Moon and Mars in Lagna aspected by a malefic. 2. The Sun, Moon and Mars in the 8th aspected by a malefic. 3. the Moon and Mercury in a Kendra aspected by a malefic while a malefic is in the 5th or the 8th. 4. Mars and Saturn in the 6th or th 8th , with Jupiter in a Kona. 5. the Moon and Mercury in a Kendra or in the 5th while all malefics are in the 8th. 6. the Moon in a malefic house with Rahu, Keth, Saturn or Mars. 7. Afflicted Jupiter in the 3rd. 8. the Moon and Rahu in Lagna, and malefics in konas. 9. weak or afflicted Moon and Rahu, or Saturn and Mercury. 10. afflicted Moon amd Mercury. 11. the Moon , Mars, and Saturn in the 8th.

98 Example The young man with the chart on the right suffers from alcoholism and seizures. His birth chart satisfies combination no. 7. He has afflicted Jupiter in the third. Jupiter is a functional malefic in conjunction with Ravi, aspected by Rahu, 5th from him, and waning Moon in the 7th. His seizures occur from time to time.

Gout or Rheumatism Involve one or more of the following: 1. Both luminaries afflicted in a watery sign : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces 2. luminaries in conjunction with or in opposition to malefics in Mesha Vrishabha, Karka, Vrischika, Makara, Kumbha or Meena. 3. Saturn in Pisces opposing Mars or the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon. 4. Saturn in Kanya, Dhanus or Makara identical with the 6th or 12th house, and having a square or opposition to Mars, the Sun or the Moon. 5. in nocturnal maps Mars, Venus and the Moon in angles (Kendras) opposing Saturn in Vrishabha, Simha, Dhanus or Meena. 6. Afflictions to Ashwini, Ardra, Punarvasu, Uttaraphalguni, Hast, Jyestha, Moola, Shatabhisha, Poorvabhadrapada. 7. Afflicted Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn. 8. the Sun in Cancer aspected by Sani. 9. Afflicted 3rd house and Gemini. 10. Shani in Lagna, Kuja in the 5th, the 7th or the 9th. 11. Weak Moon and Shani in the 12th. 12. Shani in Dhanus or Meena aspected by Mars. 13. Conjunction of the Sun, the Moon and Saturn or Mars. 14. Jupiter in Lagna with Shani in the 7th. 15. Mars in the 10th aspected by Sani. 16. Conjunction of the Moon and a malefic in Lagna, while Mars is with Sani in the 6th or the 8th. 17. conjunction of the 2nd lord, a malefic and Sani. 18. The Moon and Saturn in the 6th. 19. Venus in the 8th aspected by a malefic. 20. Lord of Lagna in Lagna and Sani in the 6th. 21. the 6th lord in Lagna with Rahu or Ketu. 22. The Moon in the 10th, Mars in the 7th and Shani in Mesha (Aries). 23. Lord of the 1st and the 6th with Sani in Mesha. 24. Sani with Rahu in the 2nd or the 3rd. Example The chart on the right is of a woman who has inflammation of the legs and especially the knees. Her Venus is in the 8th aspected by malefic Saturn. Number 19 above applies. •

Result Her SAV chart for the house of Chandra, where Venus is deposited is of strength 25 bindus. This is average strength. But her Venus is at 6 out of 8 bindus in that sign. This is strong and cause for the painful effects of inflammation or pitta dosha in the tissues of her knees and possibly the joints in her feet. Saturns kalapurusha is legs and knees.

99 •

Remedial Propitiate Lord Sukra and Lord Sani in the Navagraha temple. Say mantras to them daily, offer flowers and appropriate prasadam. Use Ayurvedic therapy for pain in the joints. Follow the correct diet for constitution of Pitta Prakruti. Cancer Cases of cancer can be diagnosed from the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu; cancer is directly connected with Rahu, afflicted (waning) Moon, afflicting Jupiter or Sani; and the signs, Virgo and Pisces. Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn can be involved. Any relation between the lords of the 6th and the 8th makes for a high intensity of the ailment leading to cancer. In any chart the 6th is the house of disease, and the 8th that of the nature of death. Cancer is an infection of the blood, and blood comes under the Moon and Mars, also under the Sun. The maintenance of the cells is regulated by the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter; and any affliction to these comes from Mars and Saturn. Rahu governs any form of malignant growth. Planets Affected Parts Sun - stomach, bowels and head. Moon – blood and breast (breast cancer). Mars – blood, blood pressure, marrow (Leukemia), neck, genitals (prostate gland), uterus (ovarian cancer), inflammations (that lead to cancer), osteoporosis (bone decay). Mercury - nose, naval and mouth. Jupiter – liver, ear, tongue and thighs. Venus – throat and genitals. Saturn – legs, hands and mouth. • Face – the factors to be considered are : Moon, Venus, the 2nd house and Taurus, besides Mars, Saturn and Rahu. • Lungs – come under the 3rd house, Gemini, Aries, Libra and Mercury. • Throat – is mostly governed by houses the 2nd, the 7th and the 11th. • Shoulder – involves houses, the 2nd, the 12th, the 3rd and the 5th , Atmakaraka, Jupiter, the Sun and Ketu. • Breast Cancer – refers to the 3rd house, Gemini, Mercury and the Moon. • Cancer of the Stomach – comes under the houses the 5th, 6th and the 8th, Leo the Sun and Jupiter as the lord of the Drekkana occupied by Saturn. • Cancer of the Spleen – as that of the lungs is indicated by the Moon and Rahu. • Cancer of the Hips- is controlled by houses the 6th, the 9th, the 4th and the 10th, Sagittarius, and Jupiter. • Cancer of the Spine – is indicated by Karka, Capricorn and Saturn. • Cancer of the Blood (Lukemia) – is indicated by the Moon and Mars, and also by the Sun’s relation to these and to Saturn. • Cancer of the Gall Bladder – refers to the 8th house and to Scorpio and Pisces. • Uterine Cancer – refers to the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and the 7th house. Note for a detailed analysis on how to predict if cancer could be prevalent in a native refer to the example ‘ Cancer~Example of ’ in the appendix.

100 Summary on Cancer: This analysis reveals the importance of the lords of the 6th and the 8th house, Lagna. At the same time Mars, Saturn and Moon and Rahu play a major role. Moreover each part of the body refers to a specific house and to a particular planet which have to be considered along with other factors. One should not run into a judgement simply because these factors exist in a given chart. One should also carefully examine the divisional charts D-6 (health troubles), D-8 (sudden and unexpected troubles) for longevity, D-16 (happiness, comforts and discomforts) and D-30 (diseases, punishments ). Above all one must ascertain the Shadbala strength of the planets- SAV and BAV. [And then the Dasas too for benefic or malefic Mahadasa periods ]. Then only one can predict with accuracy. Otherwise the prognosticator will condemn the persons consulting him to unnecessary worry and mental torture. Tumours, Boils, Carbuncles and Abscesses – Involve the watery signs, houses 4th, 8th and the 12th, and Mars and Rahu. Combinations: 1. Malefic 6th lord in the 1st, the 8th or the 10th. 2. Afflicted and malefic Mars in the 8th. 3. Rahu in the 8th in conjunction with or aspected by a malefic. 4. Shani in the 8th and Mars in the 7th. 5. Lord of Lagna in conjunction with Mars and the 6th lord. 6. 6th lord with Mars in Lagna. 7. Mars opposing the Sun, one being in the 1st, the 2nd, the 7th or the 8th. 8. Mars and Saturn in the 6th or the 12th. 9. Ketu and Shani in the 4th having Navamsa of Simha. 10. Conjunction of the Sun, the Moon amd Mars in the 6th. 11. Sani in the 8th aspected by Mars. 12. Kethu and and Shani in the 4th having the Navamsa of Scorpio; or in the 6th, the 7th or the 12th. 13. Shani in Lagna joined with or aspected by a malefic. 14. Afflicted lord of Lagna in the Navamsa of Simha. 15. The Moon between malefics and Shani in the 7th. Example The above chart for the lady has Sani in Lagna aspected in full by a waning Moon (88.07 % left). Thus combination no. 13. in the file for Tumours, boils, etc. applies and at an earlier time in her life she had boils on her adolescent body. Skin Diseases Refer to Sani and the Moon, the Sun and Budha, the 6th house and Virgo. Combinations are : 1. Budha in the 2nd aspected by the Moon. 2. the Sun, the Moon and Mars in the 6th. 3. Powerful Sani in the 3rd joined with or aspected by Mars. 4. The Monn and Mars in the 2nd aspected by Shani. 5. Shani in Lagna aspected by Mars. 6. The moon in the 2nd which is a watery sign. 7. the Sun and Shani in lagna. 8. Afflicted atmakaraka in Mithunia, Kanya or Makara Navamsa. 9. malefic Mars in the 6th. 10. Rahu in the 8th joined with or aspected by a malefic. 11. Mars in the 6th aspected by a malefic. 12. the Moon in Kanya between malefics.

101 Stones in Organs 1. Saturn and Mars in the 7th or the 8th. 2. Mars in the 6th which is Libra or Scorpio with an affliction by the Moon. 3. Moon in Libra or Scorpio afflicted by Saturn. Hydrophobia 1. Saturn in the 2nd with a malefic and having a relation to the 6th house or its lord by conjunction or aspect. 2. Saturn in the 2nd while the malefic 6th lord or a malefic from the 6th aspects the 2nd. 3. Saturn in the 2nd, malefic aspecting the 2nd and having a relation to the 6th or its lord. 4. Saturn aspected by the 2nd lord and is with or aspected by the lord of the 6th. Leucoderma (white patches of the skin) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Moon in the 1st, the Sun in the 7th, Mars and Saturn in the 2nd or the 12th. Lord of Lagna with Mercury, the Moon and Rahu or Kethu. Lord of Lagna with Mars and Rahu or Kethu. Lord of lagna in the 8th joined with or aspected by malefics. the Moon, Saturn and Mars in Mesha or Vrishabha. The Moon and Rahu in Lagna while the lord of Lagna is not there. The Moon in the 4th from Atmakaraka aspected by Venus.

Liver (Sclerosis, Hepatitus C etc. ) involve Jupiter, Leo and the 5th house. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

the Moon between malefics and the Sun in Makara or Saturn in the 7th. Malefic Jupiter in Lagna or in a malefic place. Jupiter with the lords of the 1st and the 8th. Afflicted conjunctions of the lords of the 1st, the 2nd and the 4th. Lord of Lagna in the 6th with Jupiter. Lords of the 1st and the 4th with afflicted Jupiter.

Example The chart on the right is from a native who suffered from Hepatitus B as a young man. The jaundice turned his eyes yellow and his skin mellow yellow from his infected liver. His Moon (18:57) in Taurus is preceeded by Functionalmalefic Jupiter (18:28) and proceeded by Rahu in Leo, the Sun is in Makara. Thus his Moon is bound by malefics on both sides. Dictum no. 1 is operative and he could not escape the disease.

102 Bowels - Small and Large intestines, Hernias, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Suspect of Abdominal Cancer, Indigestion, Food-poisioning, Gases, Constipation Saturn in the 6th, or with the Moon or the Sun, or in Lagna affects the stomach and bowels. Mars in Lagna and a weak 6th lord brings indigestion. Afflicted Moon in Kanya causes intestinal trouble. The Moon in the 6th brings indigestion. Weak lord of the 8th, Lagna aspected by malefic, and the 8th aspected or occupied by Saturn brings afflicted intestines. 6. Saturn and the Moon in the 8th cause food poisoning. 7. Saturn in Lagna opposing Guru gives gases. The same result appears with the Moon and a malefic in the 6th aspected by a malefic; also when Mercury is the 7th with a malefic and aspected by malefics. 8. Saturn in Lagna causes constipation. 9. Rahu or a malefic in Lagna and Saturn in the 8th troubles the bowels (intestines). 10. Conjuctions of the lords of the 1st, the 2nd and the 4th causes indigestion, loose motions, etc. 11. The Sun in Lagna or Lagna Navamsa, while waning Moon, Mercury and Rahu occupy Simha refers to afflicted bowels (intestines, hemmoroids etc.) 12. 51`Mars in his own house and the the lord of Lagna in Lagna with the 6th lord cause affliction to the bowels. 13. A malefic in the 6th and the 6th lord with a malefic in the 7th causes affliction to the bowels. 14. A malefic in the 5th, the 4th lord in the 6th with a malefic, and afflicted lord of Lagna in Lagna give afflicted bowels. 15. Rahu and Mercury in Lagna opposing Mars and Saturn gives diarrhoea. The same result appears with the Moon and Sukra in the 8th , or with the conjunction of Mars , Rahu and Saturn. 16. Dysentery arises from the conjunction of Venus, a malefic in the 7th; conjunction of Mars and Venus in the 8th; conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in the 2nd or in Lagna Navamsa; lord of Lagna in Meena Navamsa afflicted by a malefic. 17. The Moon between malefics and the Sun in Makara causes internal abscess; also when such a Moon has Saturn in the 7th. 18. Rahu or Kethu in Lagna with the malefic 6th lord, or is in the 8th or the 10th while the 6th is afflicted. Then abdominal Cancer may be suspected. 19. Afflicted Kanya by Saturn or Rahu when Kanya is Lagna, suggests tuberculosis of the bowels. 20. The Moon and Mars in the 6th suggest jaundice. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Appendicitis Involves the Sun, the Moon, Virgo and the 6th house. Combinations are: 1. The 8th house afflicted by Rahu and Mars while the Moon is also afflicted. 2. Two powerful malefics on either side of the 6th. 3. The Moon in Kanya or Vrishchika afflicted by malefics, while the 6th is also afflicted. 4. The Sun in Simha afflicted by Mars, Rahu or Saturn by conjunction or aspect, while Moon or the 6th is also afflicted. 5. The Moon with a malefic in Kanya while the 6th is afflicted. 6. For Tula Lagna, Jupiter in Meena afflicted, while there is an afflicted Moon. 7. Saturn in the 6th which must be Kanya or Meena, while the Moon is afflicted.

103 Hemmoroids - Piles Allied complaints involve Mars and the 7th and 8th houses from Lagna and from Mesha. Combinations : 1. Conjunction of the lord of Lagna, Mars and Saturn in the 12th. 2. Mars with the lord of Lagna aspecting in the 7th. 3. Mars in the 7th with a malefic and aspected by a malefic. 4. The 8th lord in the 7th with a malefic. 5. Saturn in Lagna and Kuja in the 7th. 6. Malefics in the 8th while Scorpio is afflicted. 7. Mars in the 8th aspected by Saturn. 8. Mars and the Moon in the 8th. 9. Lord of Lagna with Mercury aspecting the 6th. 10. Afflicted Sun in the 8th. 11. The Moon in the 6th or the 8th aspected by Mars while Shani is in Lagna. 12. Waning or weak Moon in the 8th, lord of the 8th in Lagna, while Mars, Saturn or Rahu is in the 7th and the Moon is afflicted. 13. Lords of the 1st and the 7th in the 8th, lord of the 8th in Lagna, while Mars, Saturn or Rahu is in the 7th and the Moon is afflicted. 14. The Moon in Karka or Vrishabha Navamsa afflicted by Mars and aspect by a malefic. The native had piles in the Narayana dasa of Taurus : 27-01-1986 to 27-01-1994. Malefic Rahu is in the 8th and Scorpio is afflicted by functional-malefic Jupiter. Thus dictum no. 6 above is satisfied. Note: the affliction of Scorpio is coming from Jupiter in in Taurus whose dasa has been noted to be the afflicting period! Defective Hearing Involves Mercury, ruler of the 6th afflicted by Saturn; or Budha ruling the 6th or the 12th afflicted in one of these houses, or having a conjunction with the Sun, or conjunction of Mercury and Mars afflicted by the malefic ruler of the 6th ; or Mercury in Makara afflicted by malefics. Combinations: 1. Mars or Rahu in the 3rd with a malefic. 2. Venus and Mars afflicted in the 2nd or the 12th. 3. A malefic in the 3rd aspected by a malefic. 4. Third lord afflicted. 5. Malefics in the 3rd, the 5th, the 9th and the 11th. 6. the Moon in the 7th with a malefic while the 2nd house or 3rd is afflicted. 7. Lord of the 7th in the Lagna with Mars while the 2nd or 3rd is afflicted. 8. the 2nd lord in Lagna with Mars or Saturn. 9. Mercury in the 6th with Venus in the 10th. The same native above has a high frequency hearing problem. His Jupiter in the 5th is a Functionalmalefic. This third lord gives him a minor hearing problem.

104 Afflictions of the Throat Combinations: 1. The 3rd lord with Mercury. 2. A weak, debilitated or eclipsed planet in the 3rd aspected by a malefic. 3. Malefics in the 3rd. 4. Conjunction of Rahu with the lords of the 2nd and the 3rd. 5. Mercury and the 3rd lord in Lagna. 6. The Moon in the 4th in the Navamsa of the 4th lord having a conjunction with a malefic, while the 3rd is afflicted. 7. The 4th house being the Navamsa of Karka, Vrishchika or Kumbha and having the Moon with a malefic, while the 3rd is afflicted. 8. Mars and Saturn in the 6th or the 12th with the 3rd lord. Asthma Combinations: 1. The Sun as lord of a malefic house having a conjunction with or aspect from Saturn. 2. The Sun in Lagna aspected by Mars. 3. A planet in the 6th having an aspect from or a conjunction with a malefic, or is between malefics. 4. Rahu or Ketu or Saturn in the 8th aspected by or conjoined with malefics. 5. Lord of lagna with Venus in a malefic place. 6. Lagna aspected by Mars and Saturn. 7. the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in the 4th. 8. Rahu in the 4th while the lord of Lagna is afflicted. 9. Afflicted Venus in the 12th. 10. Rahu or Ketu in the 6th. Example chart on page 100 , the lady has possibility of asthma which she does not have now. Because her waning Moon in Mithuna and Ketu in Meena are the boundaries of the planet Mercury in the 6th and which is also conjoined by malefic Sun, combnation no. 3 is prevalent. Afflictions of the Lungs The Sun and Jupiter in the 6th which must be a watery sign. Afflicted Sun in the 6th which must be a dwiswabhava sign. The sun in Lagna aspected by malefic Mars. Venus or Jupiter or the Sun in the 8th which must be a watery sign, and having a malefic conjunction or aspect. 5. A planet in the 6th between two malefics having a malefic conjunction or aspect. 6. Saturn and Rahu or Ketu in the 8th having the conjunction of a malefic and of a maraca planet. 7. Mars and Rahu in the Lagna or Kataka Rasi which must be a watery sign, having Saturn’s aspect or the Moon’s conjunction or aspect. 8. Lord of Lagna with Venus in a malefic place while the 4th is afflicted. 9. Malefic aspects of Mars and Saturn to Lagna. 10. When the Sun and the Moon interchange places (parivartana), the 4th or these bodies are afflicted. 11. When the Sun and the Moon are in Kataka or Simha, and the 4th or these are afflicted. 12. Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn aspected by Mars. 13. Afflicted Mercury in Kataka and the 4th or the Moon afflicted. 14. The Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in the 4th. 15. Venus afflicted in the 12th, while the 4th also is afflicted.

1. 2. 3. 4.

16. Rahu in the 6th, lord of Lagna in the 8th, and the 4th is afflicted. 17. Venus afflicted by Mars and Rahu while the 4th or the Moon is afflicted. 18. Lord of the 6th or the 8th with rahu or Kethu. 19. Mars in Kataka and the Sun in Thula aspected by Saturn. 20. The Sun and Saturn in mutual kendras afflicting Lagna. 21. Mithuna as Kendra with an afflicted Sun. 22. The moon between malefics and Saturn in the 7th. 23. The Moon and the 6th lord in Lagna. 24. Debilitated Moon with the Sun aspected by Mars or Saturn. 25. Afflicted Sun in dwiswabhava Rasi while the 4th is afflicted.


Heart Ailments Involve the Sun, the Moon, Kataka and the 4th house. Combinations: 1. Kethu with Mars in the 4th. 2. Afflicted Moon in an enemy’s house. 3. The Sun with Saturn in an enemy’s house. 4. The 6th lord and the Sun with a malefic in the 4th. 5. Mars, Saturn and Jupiter in the 4th. 6. Saturn, Jupiter and the lord of the 6th in the 4th. 7. Mercury in Lagna, the Sun and Saturn in the 6th aspected by or conjoined with a malefic. 8. Rahu and the Moon in the 7th, and Saturn in a Kendra. 9. Jupiter afflicted by weak Mars, the 6th lord joining a malefic, and the Sun in Vrishchika. 10. Afflicted Moon in the 4th and three malefics in one house. 11. Ravi in the 4th when he owns the 6th. 12. Unaspected malefics when he owns the 4th and 5th while they are in cruel Shashtyamsha and unaspected by any benefic. 13. Shani, Kuja and Guru, or Shani, Kuja and Rahu in the 4th. 14. Mandi and Ketu in the 3rd. 15. Lords of 5th and the 12th in the 12th. The 5th lord may even be combust, or debilitated or in an enemies house. 16. Sani and Chandra in the 7th. 17. Chandra with a malefic in Tula, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn. 18. Chandra and Kuja, Sani or Rahu in the 12th house. Prostate Gland 1. Chandra in a watery sign, the lord of Janma Chandra in 6 and Chandra aspected by a planet in a watery sign. 2. A malefic in 6, 7 or 8 and the 7th is in cruel Shasthyamsa ( D-60 Karma Past-Life-Chart in a malefic house) 3. Sani in 7th aspected by Rahu. 4. Sukra in a fiery or airy sign is debilitated or is in 6, 8, 12. 5. Kuja in 7 aspected by an unfavourable planet. 6. Sukra is lord of 8th from Chandra and is in 6th which must be a watery sign.

106 Diseases of Sex Organs 1. Chandra with Shani in Karka, Vrischchika, or Kumbha navamsa. 2. Chandra associated with the lord of the 8th and Rahu aspects the 8th lord. The 8th house may have two or more malefics. 3. Ravi, Kuja, Shani and Rahu in Lagna. 4. Shukra in Lagna with a malefic or is in Papakartari. Lagna must be owned by the enemy of Shukra. 5. Ravi and Rahu in 5th, or Chandra and Kuja in Kanya. 6. Shukra with Mandi in 1, 7, 8, 12, or 2. Prameha Excessive sex or venerals give rise to this disease. It appears as pain in the loins, urinary trouble and functional impotency. 1. Ravi in 1st, Kuja in the 7th. 2. Ravi, Shukra and Sani associated with the 5th. 3. Shukra in the 8th associated with a malefic. 4. Shukra in the 6th with 2 malefics. 5. Kuja in the 10th associated with Shani. Tuberculosis 1. Lord of the Ascendant with Venus in the 6th , 8th or 12th hose from Lagna. 2. Mars in the 4th and Rahu in the 12th house from the Karakamsa Lagna. 3. Mars and Saturn malefically aspecting the Ascendant. 4. The mutual exchange of houses by Moon and Sun in Rasi (D-1) or in the Amsas (D-9). 5. The conjunction of the Sun and Moon afflicted in Cancer or in Leo. 6. The conjunction of the Moon and Saturn 7. The combination of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in the 4th.


Marriage Matching and Kuja Dosha Marriage in the Hindu tradition is not meant for the enjoyment of sexual pleasures. Marriage is intended primarily for begetting children.

Timing Marriage Rites by Transiting Planets ƒ

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Transiting Saturn and Rahu should not afflict radical Venus of the boy and radical Mars of the girl. Saturn and Rahu should not be transiting or aspecting the 7th house of the boy or the girl in respective birth charts. Saturn and Rahu should not afflict radical Moon when it transits radical Moon. The lord of the 7th house of either should not transit through a malefic house from the Ascendant of either. Mars should not transit through the 1st, the 7th and the 8th houses from the Lagna of either. The transiting malefics should not be in the Lagna and the 7th house of either. Venus in transit should not be in a malefic house from the ascendant of the boy; and Mars in transit should not be in a malefic house from the Ascendant of the girl. The Moon at the time of marriage must be in a benefic house from the Lagnas of both.

Timing Marriage by Stars (Taras), Weekdays, Lunar days and Months ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

The boy is to be married in an odd year from the date of his birth, and the girl in an even year. The Moon must transit through one of the following constellations: Rohini, Mrigashira, Makha, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Moola, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadrapada, Revati. The best Lagnas for transiting Moon in addition to the constellations above are : Mithuna (Gemini), Kanya (Virgo) and Thula (Libra), providing Venus is not in the 6th and Mars is not in the 8th. No marriage should take place when the Moon transits : Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashadha, Poorvabhadrapada, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Aridra, Ashlesha, Visakha, 1st pada of Magha or 4th pada of Revati. No marriage should take place on a Sunday or Tuesday. Best Lunar Days: 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th and 13th . Best Months: Vaisakha, Jyestha, Sravana, Aswayuja, Magha and Phalguna. Avoid Chaitra when the Sun is in Meena (Pisces) and Ashadha when the Sun is in Mithuna (Gemini). A man should not marry in the Lagna and Nakshatra of his birth. Eldest son and eldest daughter should not be married in the month of Jyeshta. Two brothers or two sisters or a brother and a sister should not be married on the same day.

Timing Marriage for Most Auspicious Periods by Sri Mantreshwara Method ƒ


Marriage takes place when Venus or the lord of the 7th house comes to transit in a trine to the sign occupied by the lord of the Ascendant in Rasi or in Navamsa. It is alright if the lord of the 7th happens to be a slow-moving planet like Jupiter or Saturn. Otherwise many troubles will crop up during any given year. Marriage takes place in the periods of the planet in the 7th house, planet aspecting the 7th house, and the lord of the 7th house. It can also take place when the lord of the Ascendant comes to the 7th house in his transit -

108 Method: Find out where the lord of the 7th house is in Rasi and in Navamsa then ascertain the relative strength of the lords of these houses. The major period of the stronger one gives rise to marriage. ƒ When Jupiter transits a trine to the sign in Rasi or Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 7th house, marriage can take place. Other Marriage Timing Factors ƒ A favourable period appears when Jupiter in transit aspects or passes through the sign occupied by radical Venus, the 7th house or the lord of the 7th. If this position is not afflicted by transiting planets, marriage can take place. Matching Rasi’s and Navamsa’s of Couples ƒ A strong well balanced and unaffected Venus gives a balanced marital life for a man, a similar Mars governs the balanced sex life of a woman. These are the two basic planets. ƒ Venus is to be examined with the Sun in a mans chart - are they benefic or inimical to each other? Mars is to be examined with the Moon in a womens chart – are they benefic or malefic to each other? ƒ The position of Venus in a males chart is to be compared with that of Mars in the wifes chart; a similar comparison between the Sun in the husbands chart and the Moon in the wifes is necessary- are they (the planets) inimical (malefic in conjunction or aspect) or complementary (benefic in conjunction or aspect) to each other in the trines or kendras or in papasthana houses ? ƒ The Navamsa chart of the wife does it agree with these planets positions above (trine, square, sextile) with the Rasi chart of the husband? And whether the Navamsa chart of the husband agrees with the Rasi chart of the wife in the same manner as vise-a-versa. Examples on Timing of Marriage Male:

Malefic Jupiter Mars

Male Rasi Planets Benefic Neutral Venus Sun Mercury Saturn

109 Female:

Malefic Jupiter Venus

Female Rasi Planets Benefic Neutral Sun Mars Mercury Saturn

Transit Planets on Elected Day Malefic Benefic Neutral Jupiter Sun Mars Venus Mercury Saturn

The following section Timing by Transiting Planets, will outline if an elected day for a marriage rite is to be auspicious or not. The sample charts on above page give the rasi’s and marriage chart for an engaged couple. The chart on the left is the transit-marriage chart on an elected day and the planet natures on that day are in the right table.


Timing a Marriage Chart by Transiting Planets Seven Laws of Marriage:

1. Venus in the marriage-chart and the 7th lord from the rasi chart should not be aspected by malefics or be in a malefic house in the marriage transit chart and the navamsa-chart’s of the other spouse. o In the marriage- transit-chart: Rahu in Simha a malefic aspects Venus in Khumba on the day of marriage: 30 March 1979 at 11:30, 31E22, 26S29 (see below). In the male rasi chart the 7th lord= Moon, is in the marriage-transit-chart in the 12th Aries, a house of loss. Moon in the marriage- transit-chart is aspected by malefic Rahu in the 4th. In the navamsa of the bride the Moon is conjuncted by malefic Venus-there are mental conflicts imposed by her on him in the marriage. In the female rasi chart the 7th lord=Mars is in the 11th Pisces in the marriagetransit-chart. Mars in this same chart is aspected by malefic Jupiter from the 3rd. Her Mars in his navamsa is in the 6th a bad house. The elected day of marriage was not chosen by astrological principles and could have been much better if done so. The navamsa conflict was not serious enough to deny marriage and did not make a bad marriage. 2. The lord of the 7th in rasi should be free from malefic association or aspect from its position in the other rasi chart of marriage. th o The lord of the 7 =Moon in the mans rasi is in lagna in the female rasi chart. The Moon

although in lagna is aspected by Rahu and functional malefic Jupiter. Her 7th lord=Mars is in a kendra or square to his rasi lagna. 3. The transiting Functional Malefic lords of: 3rd, 6th and 11th houses should not be in the Lagna of both rasi charts or their 7th house : o Moon (FM lord of 3rd in transit chart) is in lagna in female rasi chart and Jupiter (FM lord of 11th) is in 7th house.This was not a good chosen day for her marriage. 4. Venus in transit should not be in a malefic house from the ascendant of the boy; and Mars in transit should not be in a malefic house from the Ascendant of the girl. o Mars is in the 11th in the transit house from her rasi Ascendant position. 5. The Moon at the time of marriage must be in a benefic house from the Lagnas of both. o

Moon is in a trine from his janma lagna and in the lagna of hers.

6. The boy is to be married in an odd year from the date of his birth, and the girl in an even year. o Man: 1979-1942=37 odd number; Woman: 1979-1959=20 even. 7. The Moon must transit through one of the following constellations: Rohini, Mrigashira, Makha, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Moola, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadrapada, Revati. o In the marriage-transit-chart below Moon is in 15-degrees Aries = Bharani, not above.


Timing Marriage by Stars (Taras), Lunar Days, Weekdays, Yoga and Karana 1. Karthari Dosha- This yoga occurs when there are natural malefic planets on either side of the Lagna; in the transit chart this muhurtha should be rejected for good timing, in particular, in regard to marriage. 2. Shashtashta Riphagatha Chandra Dosha-the Moon should not be in the bhavas 6th, 8th, and 12th from the Lagna rising in a transit timing chart. 3. Sagraha Chandra Dosha- The Moon’s association with any other planet, benefic or malefic , should be avoided, especially in regard to marriage. 4. Udayasta Suddhi- the Lagna and the 7th lord should be strong. The Lagna should be occupied by its own lord and the Navamsa by its own lord or lord of Lagna should aspect Navamsa lord and vise versa. The strength of Lagna by aspect or deposit of Venus or Jupiter and the 7th by deposit or aspect by Venus or Jupiter is necessary in all timing charts but especially so in regard to marriage. 5. Bhrigu Shatka-the position of Venus in the 6th is injurous. This is especially so in marriage. 6. Kujasthama-Mars in the 8th house is a disaster in muhurtha charts and more so in a marriage timing chart. 7. Ashtama Lagna-in selecting a time for marriage, the Lagna ascending should not happen to be the 8th from the Janma lagna of the bride and the bridegroom. 8. Krura Samyuta Dosha- the constellation occupied by the Sun at a given moment, and the one immediately preceeding and succeeding it have to be rejected for purposes of marriage. When any of the Yogas above come to play in any given Muhurtha Marriage chart, the following antidote is used to nullify the unwanted effects: f Venus, Mercury or Jupiter in the ascendant will completely destroy all other adverse influences. f Jupiter has the power of dispelling all the evils due to the Lagna, Navamsa and malefic aspects and render the time highly propitious. f The mere presence of the Moon or the Sun in the 11th will act as antidote for other evils obtaining in the horoscope. f If the angles or trines are well fortified, evil influences are countered. f A planet exalted in Lagna will nullify the other adverse influences. f Jupiter or Venus in a Kendra (quadrant) and malefics in 3, 6, or 11 will remove all the flaws arising on account of unfavourable weekday, constellation, lunar day and yoga. Example of : Timing Marriage for Most Auspicious Periods by Sri Mantreshwara Method Lets see how the marriage of the above spouses could have avoided the obstacles they encountered if they woul have chosen a time and period following Sri Mantreswaras methods. 1. Marriage takes place when Venus or the lord of the 7th house comes to transit in a trine to the sign occupied by the lord of the Ascendant in Rasi or in Navamsa. See the following muhurta charts starting on the actual day of marriage and then when this dictum is satisfied. Then would that be the correct day, month, and year for the marriage? Use either Jyotisha Tools or Jagannatha Hora 7.02 for the calculations. Using the sahama for Vivaha (marriage) in ‘Search Transit’ in Jagannatha Hora 7.01 this puts Venus in Dhanu (Sagittarius) the 9th from Saturn in Mesha from the male Rasi chart and this trine position occurs on 8 December 1979 @ 21:15 hrs. and is shown in below chart on the left. But this is the wrong year for marriage from the above injunctions given in our Shastras on marriage. If one carries the process to the following year and use the 2nd trine postion (5th) from the lord of Lagna in the Rasi chart we get the chart

112 on the right. Here Venus the significator of marriage is in the 5th trine position from Saturn in Rasi. This should have been the date of marriage of the spouses and obstacles of importance could have been avoided. Nevertheless in spite of all obstructions the couple are still married by Gods grace. Left-Chart= 8/12/1979 Venus trine (9th) to Saturn in Rasi

Jupiter trine (5th) from Moon in Rasi: 11/09/1992

Right Chart = 29/09/1980 Venus trine (5th) to Saturn in Rasi

Other dates can be found using Mantreswara : 2. When Jupiter transits a trine to the sign in Rasi or Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 7th house, marriage can take place. The lord of the 7th house in Rasi is the Moon in Vrisha (Taurus). The chart for this position shows slow moving Jupiter only in a trine to Moon in Rasi on 11/09/1992 ! This auspicious date is to far advanced for most young couples who wanted to marry in 1979. Venus position is better. One must use the required law as is needed, if for an earlier marriage. Matching Rasi’s and Navamsa’s of Couples 1. Venus is to be examined with the Sun in a mans Navamsa chart - are they benefic or inimical to each other? Mars is to be examined with the Moon in a womens Navamsa chart – are they benefic or malefic to each other? Note: the results are better from the Navamsa charts than from the rasi (birth) charts of each spouse. See next page. o The Sun the enemy of Venus is in the 3rd inimical Navamsa sign, while malefic Venus is in the bad 6th sign from the Navamsa lagna. Although these papasthana sign positions of Surya and Chandra are bad they do not make them inimical to each other. o The Moon is in a trine from Navamsa lagna of the female and Mars is in a 6th bad house position. They do not effect each other adversely. 2. The position of Venus in a males chart is to be compared with that of Mars in the wifes chart; a similar comparison between the Sun in the husbands chart and the Moon in the wifes is necessary- are they (the planets) inimical (malefic in conjunction or aspect) or complementary (benefic in conjunction or aspect) to each other in the trines or kendras or in papasthana houses ?

113 o Venus in the male Navamsa chart is the 11th sign from Mars in the female Navamsa chart. The 11th sign is auspicious to gains and realisation of hopes. o The Moon is Trine to the husbands Sun in the Navamsa charts. Thus her Moon is in an auspicious sign in her Navamsa. A happy marriage is predictable, mental and physical. 3. The Navamsa chart of the wife does it agree with these planets positions trine, square, sextile with the Rasi chart of the husband? And whether the Navamsa chart of the husband agrees with the Rasi chart of the wife in the same manner as vise-a-versa. The wifes Navamsa chart is on the left. Her Moon in D-9 is in the 9th from his birth lagna (Capricorn). This house of Brahman is the also the bhava for children in a womens chart. She can expect many children. There were four. Her Mars in Navamsa is the 10th from his radical lagna. She will partner the wealth from his business and give strength.

The husbands Navamsa chart is on the right. His Sun is in her rasi lagna. They have the same physical abilities and connection to the soul. His Venus is in a Kendra to her radical lagna. They will enjoy the pleasures of married life.

Q. From which house or planet do you predict a second marriage? Answer: Venus & the 7th house indicates marriage. If you are sure that the first will either die or separate from the husband, take the planets in the 7th or associated with Venus. The strongest will determine the second wife. In a female horoscope, take Saturn in the place of Venus.




Marriage Table of Effects for Planets in the 7 and 8 Houses in Rasi Planet Su Mo

Positioned in th

7 8th 7th


8th 7th 8th 7th


8th 7th


Ju Sa Ma

8th 7th 8th 7th 8th 5th

Effects Indicates a successful marriage. A successful feeling in the affairs where the strongest feelings are invoked. Makes one change his/her attitude frequently towards those intimately related to him or her. Hopes are that the marriage partner is fatherly/motherly. This house position stimulates these effects. Can either advace or retard reciprocity of feelings and emotions. Here he effects the emotions roused by others. A very good indication of happy marriage and of the ability to live with others in peace and happiness. If this Ve is afflicted there may be disappointment in this direction. This position secures a balanced sex life if it is not afflicted. Makes one forceful in intimate relationships. If afflicted it may bring about irritation and quarrels. This position makes sex life very important for the native. This positioon is very good for marriage life. It brings prosperity through marriage. Brings about frustration and disappointment in marriage if it is afflicted. It makes one serious in matters concerning sex. This association with the 5th can cause miscarriages and loss of children.

115 Marriage Matching Table by Taras (Nakshatras) and Kuja Dosha Table Nakshatra

Kuja Dosha

Marriage allowed in the same for:


(1) Ashwini (3) Krittika (4) Rohini (5) Mrigashirsha (6) Ardra (7) Punarvasu (10) Magha (11) Purvaphalguni (12) Uttarphalguni (13) Hasta (16) Vishaka (17) Anuradha (20) Purvashada (21) Uttarashada (22)Sravana (26) Uttarabhadra (27)Revati

Not allowed for the same in:


(2) Bharani (9) Aslesha (14) Chitra (18) Jyestha (19) Mula (24) Satabhisha (25) PurvaBhadra

Prohibited pairs:

(the first constellation is the Girls) : (2, 9) , (9, 15), (14, 20), (17, 23), (23, 2), (24, 3), (18, 24), (12, 5), ( 13, 19), (16,10), (16,22). ƒ (16,10) and (16,22) : show opposition and enmity. ƒ (1, 22) and (26, 5) : indicate widowhood. ƒ (18, 24) : indicate destructuion of family ƒ (12,5) and (13,19) : show fear of life.

Allowed pairs:

(the first is the Girls) : (6,12), (11, 7), (8,14), (7,13), (4,10), ), (25,4), (27,6), (18,12), ƒ (27,21) : shows happiness ƒ (25,19) : shows progress ƒ (26,20) : shows attachment ƒ (8, 2) : shows happiness.

From As or from Mo (whichever is stronger) Marriage allowed in:

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

= { 1, 4, 7, 10} = { 1, 5, 9 }

If in Mutual Kendras or Konas - a happy married life: If in Mutual Kendras or Konas - a happy married life:

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Kuja (Mars ) in { 2, 4, 7, 8, 12} causes Kuja Dosha. the worst is : { 2, 7, 8, } REMEDY: Kuja (Mars) in {2, 7, 8} of the girls chart has to be neutralized by Mars in {2, 7, 8} of the boys chart !! There are no exceptions! Compare the As lord of one chart with the 7th lord of the other chart, and vice versa. They should be in mutual Kendras or Trines for a happy married life The lord of sign where Ve is positied is to be compared to the lord of the sign of the 7th house of the other chart. The lord of sign where Mo is positied is to be compared to the lord of the sign of the 7th house of the other chart. The As of one chart is to be compared to the 9th lord of the other chart. The position of the 5th lord in the male chart is to be compared with that of the 9th lord in the girl’s chart. The positions of the As in both charts are to be compared Compare the lord-of-sign where the Mo is positied with the lord-of-sign where Ma is positied in the other persons chart; and the lord-of-sign of Ma in the one with the lord-of-sign with the Mo in the other chart. Compare the lord-of-sign where the Su is positied with the lord-of-sign where Ve is positied in the other persons chart; and the lord-of-sign of Ve in the one with the lord-of-sign with the Su in the other chart. Compare the lord-of-sign where the Su is positied with the lord-of-sign where Ju is positied in the other persons chart; and the lord-of-sign of Ju in the one with the lord-of-sign with the Su in the other chart.


Kuja Dosha Effects for Mars in Houses : { 2, 4, 7, 8, 12 }. Mars in the 2nd house- He creates discord in the family. Mars in the 4th house - The planet of battle is in the house of family life, so battle in family! Mars deprives the native from domestic harmony, there are misunderstandings among the family members. Mars will cast his 4th aspect on the 7th house of spouse and marital life. In 4th house Mars loses his strength for direction and creates more and more trouble in family life. Mars in the 7th house - There will be clash and unhappiness in married life and this is perhaps the worst of Kuja Doshas - a direct hit. Mars is a planet of abuse and violation and Mars being in 7th house very possibly can give violation in married life. In a female chart it might give physical or excessive mental torture from the husband. There will be also fight for the dominating power, and there might be lack of harmony in the sexual issues. The sexual and emotional needs of the partners might not match or might have a great difference. Mars might give over sexual desire / sickly sexual desire to the native or to his spouse and create mess in marital life for this issue. It might give a short tempered wife. Mars in the 8th house - The 8th house rules marital tie, from the 8th house we see the possibility of death of the spouse. Mars is the planet of accident, operation, assult fromweapons and bleeding etc. - all of the things are rules by 8th house. So being in the 8th house, Mars will be very eager to develop these tendencies. He might cause death of spouse, possibly through accident, operation or any other mishaps. Thus it can indicate an early death of the spouse. 8th house is also a house of hidden issues / immoral acts and Mars here can make the native / spouse be involved in hidden and sinful acts. When they come forward, storm blows in married life. Mars in the 12th house - 12th house rules all kinds of losses and also the bed pleasure, i.e. sexual enjoyment. Mars here can give a native sickly desires, or illegal unions with other people. Again, Mars will aspect the 7th house with it's 8th aspect.

Bhashya Kuja Dosha One should hold to the principle of Kuja-dosha as absolutely and universally valid; only the interpretation of this dosha is different in each case, and it depends on the Navamsha chart and on matching charts. Death, divorce, separation, denial or delay of marriage, ill-health and the like are the possible results. Care should be exercised in watching the charts and in evaluating the aspects. We have to accept square, trine, conjunction, opposition, sextile, and semi-square aspects for all planets. Except in the case of the Su and the Mo , the orb of the aspect extends to 8-degrees before and after. The luminaries have an orb of 12-degrees. The astrologer should not try to console or to eye-wash the anxious parents of girls. If he cannot speak out truly, he should observe silence. There are no exceptions to Kuja Dosha. While matching, if we find similar Kuja Dosha the results get modified and never completely cancelled.


The following is an example of how to do a marriage chart:

Male Rasi Chart Male Chart- Functional Nature of Planets Malefic Benefic Mercury Sun Venus Mars Saturn Jupiter

Female Rasi Chart Female Chart- F.N. of Planets Malefic Benefic Sun Moon Mercury Mars Venus Saturn

Seventh and eighth house’s in marriage charts must be both mutually strong and well disposed with appropriate planet(s) and is usually the first parameter to consider before continuing with suitable compatability of partners. o The 7th house in male chart is unoccupied but aspected by Venus and Saturn. Both these planets are malefic in his birth chart and disappointment may occur in marriage. o The 7th in female is empty of planets but aspected by Functional benefic Mars. She has auspicious strength in her marriage for positive good. o The 8th house of the male chart is unoccupied and is aspected by malefic Mercury. His emotions could be roused by others in his marriage. o The 8th house of the female chart is the house of Venus also aspected by Mars. The strength of her marriage union is assured by powerful Mars.

Summary Based on her 7th and 8th house aspects, good tidings toward a successful marriage life is possible. From the strength of her marriage houses, a successful marriage is thus assured.

118 A comparison of the couples rasi and marriage charts (Navamsa) follows: • The Navamsha of the female-person is in the below chart and his Navamsa is on the next page. o His 7th house in rasi -lord Venus is in the 6th house in her Navansha chart. This house indicates disease’s , accidents or mental afflictions, these problems of the spouse could become an issue. o Her 7th house ruled by malefic Mercury in her rasi chart is in his 5th house Navamsha aspected by his benefic Mars. This is an auspicious trine house and although Mercury is a Functional malefic it is strong with BAV at 5 bindus. This brings good results to the marriage in communications and agreements within the couple’s relationships.

o His 8th house in his rasi chart is ruled by Mars. Mars in her Navamsa chart is in a quadrant and as a benefic in her rasi now becomes a malefic meaning there could be disagreements in desires of both couples even domestic quarrles. o Her 8th house in rasi is ruled by Venus in her chart is found in his Navamsa Ascendant. Venus in the Ascendant brings good to marriage; luxuries, fondness for wife, long life, ambition, skilled in sexual science, practical, scents and flowers. • In the male rasi chart if the lords of the 7th and the 1st are friends there will be marital harmony otherwise not. Venus and Mars are neutrals, meaning, he can determine the domestic harmony by will. In the male Ashtakavarga chart of Venus the signs Aries (North) and Scorpio (South) have the greatest number of bindus (5). The bride should come either from the North direction or from the South direction of the male person’s home. The marriage is said to bring real happiness as she comes from a home South (Honduras) from him (United States). In the male chart Mars aspects Venus in the 8th from Kanya. In the female chart Mars aspects Venus from his Ascendant in Pisces. Mars is the strength in marriage and Venus is the happiness and pleasures in marriage. But Mars abounding in energy and in association with Venus has a tendancy to excess of sensual gratification. Therefore it is necessary in the horoscopes of the couple that Jupiter provide a benefic steadying effect by its favourable disposition or in the alternative the aspect takes place in the constellations of Jupiter, Mercury or even Venus. o Venus is in Aries 23:52 in the Constellation Bharani ruled by Venus. There is a Mars/Venus interaction of energy experienced by planets which inhabit or aspect this asterism remembering that Mars rules Aries. The female symbol of this constellation is the yoni, the organ of female reproduction. The benefic steadying effect of a favourable disposition of a malefic Venus in its own constellation is not disposed to excessive behavior when aspected by energetic Mars.

119 This is a way of saying that the marriage partner will not be looked upon as an object of sexual desire but as a co-partner of mutual loving consent in conjugal relationships. Compatability is thus present in the male chart to a partner for this parameter. In the female chart Mars aspects the Su and the Moon in Gemini and Mars and Ketu in Virgo in the male birth chart. The Sun is in Mrigashira and the Moon in Ardra. Lord Shiva married Parvati under the star constellation Mrigashira. It is auspicious for both spouses to be married under this asterism, especially since her temperate Mars beckons marriage to him at this time by way of her aspect on his Sun (soul) and transit times when the star Mrigashira rises with Venus inside is a most auspicious time for this marriage. Bhashya:Marriage is a large subject in Vedic Astrology. It provides scientific knowledge in pre-marital relationships. The high rates of divorce are the result of unions driven by mere material desires and misconstrued marriage goals. But mostly marriages are not checked for compatability by Vedic astrologers in the Western nations as they have no system or traditions in marriage matching through Divine means (of the Vedas). Marriage is really ‘made in heaven’ and the Divine Union is possible if the rules of Vedic astrology are followed when partners are sought. However, no one parameter can decide a favourable outcome. No decision can be made until ‘all the votes are in’. Even then to there are challenges between the Vedic Astrologers from North India and those from South India to which these marriage compatability parameters come from. This is not disagreement but like the disciples of the Rishes who ask the questions and the Guru who gives the answers in the Upanishads , truth comes from enquiry and discussion with an underlying tradition in scripture and philosophy that comes from a beginningless uninterrupted source - which is the Vedas. •

When Venus, Mars and or Jupiter are in trine {1,5,9} or in 3, 11 positions to each others charts and the Sun and Moon have similar positions , except {2, 12} it is a favourable position and strong attachment for the marriage of both. o Venus is in the 3rd to each other in their rasi charts and the Sun and the Moon are in 1 and 9 to each other, i.e., their Suns are both in the first house to each other and their Moons are in trine by their 9 houses separation from each other. This is a very favourable match.

Commentary:The human embryo is a reincarnation or development of past stages of life depending on the merit (poorvapunya) one achieved from each life time, whether from mammals, quadrapeds, etc. The tendencies of certain animals can predominate in the succeeding life. Some Maharishi Vedic astrologers of the ancient past, like Sri Mantreswara in his treatise Pala Deepika have given us a method for determining from a birth chart what type of animal or otherwise one was from a previous life. Fasinating as it is, it is not relevant here. But the animal symbols assigned to the nakshatras (constellations) indicate the sexual suitability of partners before marriage. Thus for example one born in Leo will have the characteristics of a lion, while one born in Aries will be timid and mild. Remembering that Vedic Astrology is millions of millenniums old as time itself, as it is an arm of the Vedas, these comparisons of symbols of animals to our present human form is to be taken seriously in determining what we desire from the information. This word ‘caste’ has been much maligned and misunderstood in the West to mean a kind of degradation of a human. Noting the words of lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita which talks about the classification of mankind into catagories of natural abilities and temperment: Brahmin, Ksatriya, Vaisya and Sudra, Lord Krishna advises that it is best if one works within ones natural

120 ability (caste), even if one works perfectly outside of ones ability in another area of seeming ability. Meaning it is stressful to perform ones duty if it is not natural to do so. Performing karmayoga or devotional performance of our natural abilities to the Divine Mother acting as her instrument is Dharma, our duty. He therefore says we cannot perform activities properly and with full consciousness if we are not following our natural born temperments. These mental temperaments or vasanas come from the sum of all of our previous lives. This is called the Law of Karma. Classifiying all living being into the varnas or castes notifies one of where ones duty lies. Lord Rama performed his duty as a Kshatriya – warrior and king. Others do so as priests, gurus, etc. It is advisable for a man to marry in his caste as determined by astrological principles. Remember, ones ability comes from the sum of all past lives and Vedic Astrologers are able to tell what class one is from: Priestly, Noble, Merchant or Worker. Thus if he is a priest he may marry all classes of women . But if he is a Merchant for example he may only marry a women from the Merchant (Vaisya) or Worker (Sudra) class if he wants his marriage to succeed; and so on. If a woman, she may marry up but never down the classification scale. These Laws of Manu are made to prevent misery and perfect harmony in our society. However, as one moves up the ladder of classifications by performing worship, penance, spiritual knowledge and meditation one’s caste is elevated to higher consciousness, even in the same life time. Thus many Saints whose charts showed that at birth they were Sudras, ended their lives as Brahmins, performing as Gurus and priests in the temples and ashrams. Continuing with this comparison test, however the base class at birth will be used. The Brahmins come from the Ascendent in the houses: Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer; Kshatriyas: Leo, Saggitarius and Libra; Vaisya: Aries, Gemini and Aquarius; Sudra: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn or use Rishi Jaimini’s rules. By Jaimini’s Rules - caste is from the 11th house ruler from lord of the Ascendant. Result of example:

Timing of Wedding Summary: As no serious conditions exit in the analysed chart of both couples the time of marriage is the most important, if not the most important parameter in marriage. • • • •

The best lunar months are Magha, Phalguna, Vaisakha and Jyestha. The following lunar days are allowed: 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th and 13th. zdays. Sunday is middling. Tuesday and Saturday should be rejected . The best asterisms (where the Moon should be) are Rohini, Mrigasira, Magha, Uttara Bhadra, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Mula, Uttara Ashada, and Revati. The first quarter (3 20’) of Magha and Mula and the last quarter of Revati are inauspicious and should be rejected. • Among the zodiacal signs where Venus, Jupiter and Mercury may be in the marriage chart (day of marriage cast chart) are Gemini, Virgo and Libra are the best.Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius are middling. The rest should be rejected. • In the election of a time for marriage besides the above the most important considerations are the following: (i) The 7th house in the marriage chart must be unoccupied by any planet. (ii) Mars should not be in the 8th house. (iii) Venus should not be in the 6th. (iv) Lagna must not be hemmed in between malefics. (v) Malefics should not occupy the Lagna. (vi) The Moon must not be in conjunction with any planet.



the 7th house must be free and without any planet Mars should not occupy the 8th house. Venus must not be in the 6th house. Jupiter, Venus or Mercury should be in quadrants – excepting the 7th or the 2nd quadrant. 5. New Moon,, Full Moon, the 8th, and 6th lunar days must be avoided (they indicate sickness and disease). 6. the lunar months of Magha, Phalguna, Vaisakha, and Jyestha are good. 7. Nakshatras : Uttara, Uttarashadha, Uttara Bhadra, Revati, Swati, Magha, Hasta, Rohini, Anuradha, Mrigashira and Mula are favourable. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Annual Solar Return By Vishveshvara The methods of Kalidasa as outlined in his work Uttara Kalamrita is a simpler method than that of the Tajaka system of astrologers like Nilakantha. The Tajaka system was probably Arabic in origin and known as a Yavanesvara (non-Hindu) work to which Sphujidhvaja was the most famous Yavanesvara. Other Yavanesvara’s were ancient Greek philosophers and astrologers like Ptolemy and Manittha. They were all taught by the Indian Vedic astrologers. Western influences of nonVedic character crept in when the minds of the followers of the Yavanesvara’s turned away from the East and turned toward the West and materialistic cultures. From: Uttara Kalamrita-by Kalidasa Sutra 6.34 and 6.35 from y Note the exact position of the Sun at the time of birth. In any year find when the Sun returns to the same degree, minute and second. That is the solar return day of the year for the native. Calculate the lagna and the positions of the planets and houses for that time of the year. Calculate the Sapta Vargas (Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dvadasamsa and Trimsamsa) strength of each planet. The results show what will happen to the native during that solar year. Count from the natal star (janma nakshatra) the constellation in which the Moon is located on that day. Divide this by 9 [ exterpolate multiples of 9]. The remainder is counted from the Sun in the order given in the next verse. This gives the first dasa for the solar year. y Note the exact position of the Moon at the time of the Sun’s return to the position at the time of birth. Find out how many more ghatikas and vighatikas are yet to elapse in that constellation. This is to be multiplied by the number of days given to the planet and divided by the total duration of the constellation i.e. 800 minutes. This gives the balance of the first dasa in days, ghatikas and vighatikas. Then follow the other dasas in the sequence given below. The days in serial order are: Su- 110, Mo- 60, Ma-32, Me- 40, Ju– 48, Ve- 56, Sa– 4, Ra– 5 and Lagna- 10 . The subsequent dasas follow this sequence only. The benefic or malefic results of any dasa are to be interpreted with reference to the strength of the planet concerned, the strength of the lagna for the year, the strength of the Bhava having the planet, and the various aspects on the various planets and houses.

122 Example : The Rasi and Tajaka annual charts for 2009-1-27 follows:


Kalidasa’s Theorem : (i) Distance of natal Moon in Rohini to tajaka Moon in Dhanishtha = 20 (ii) 20/9= 2 2/9; R=2 ; Moon is selected from sequence and has 60 full dasa days. Balance of Moon Days; Dasa Sequence (i) 800 Minutes span a constellation ; 13:20 degrees per constellation (ii) Moon in Makara 28:56 , Nakshatra: Dhanishtha 23Cap20-6Aqu39 (iii) Balance of Nakshatra in degrees: 28:56-23:20= 5:36-degrees; 13.33- 5.60 = 7.73 (iv) Balance of Nakshatra in minutes: 800/13.33= x/ 7.73 ; 464.10 minutes (v) Balance of Moon days in 1st Dasa: [464.10/800]*60= 34.81 days (vi) Sequence : Mo-35, Ma-32, Me-40, Ju-48, Ve-56, Sa-4, Ra-5, As-10, Su-110 days. (vii) Dasa: Mo: 2009-1-27/2009-3-3; Ma: 2009-3-4/2009-4-4; Me: 2009-4-5/2009-5-14; Ju: 2009-5-15/2009-7-1; Ve: 2009-7-2/2009-8-26; Sa: 2009-8-27/2009-8-30; Ra: 2009-8-31/2009-9-4; As: 2009-9-5/2009-9-14; Su: 2009-9-15/2010-1-2 Example Charts : 2009-1-27 Only the narayana (sidereal) position of the Sun at birth is used. Calculating the Sapta Varga’s is a time-consuming process but has excellent results as scholars have found using Kalidasa’s method of Solar Return. Using the strength of the planets in the 7 divisions and the predictions that follow for the given year will yield the predictive results. There appears to be no computer programs available which can do these calculations. Besides the Table of Mutual Relationships given, kthere are Temporary Relationships for each planet from the natal place it is situated. A review of how to find the Mutual Relationships is helpful before the Temporal Relationships can be found. First note the mulatrikona of a planet. Counting from there the planets in the sequence {2, 12, 5, 9, 4, 8} signs from that sign are friends of that planet (use the lord of sign as the planet). But such a sign must own two planets i.e within the above sequence. If not, that lord of the sign in the sequence becomes its neutral. The exceptions are Ravi and Chandra as they own only one sign. Thus they can never be a neutral. The planets that are not in the sequence from the natal planet in question are that planets enemy, with the exception that if they are mulatrikona or exalted they become neutral. How to find Temporal Relationships: There are temporary friendships for each planet from the place it is situated. Planets in the sequence {2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12} from a planets transit (tajaka) natal position

124 are its temporary friend; the temporary enemy is thus {1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }. Combining those in the sequence with the natural (Mutual Relationships) will give the results of the sixfold relationships tabulated below: Natural Friend + Temporary Friend = Natural Enemy + Temporary Friend = Natural Neutral + Temporary Friend =

Adhmitra Sama Mitra

Best Friend Neutral Friend

0.375 0.125 0.25

Natural Friend + Temporary Enemy = Natural Enemy + Temporary Enemy= Natural Neutral + Temporary Enemy =

Sama Adhisatru Satru

Neutral Worst Enemy Enemy

0.125 0.03125 0.0625

Exalted Planets Mulatrikona Planets (only in rasi) Planets in Own House

Exultation Mula T Sva

Sapta Vargas (Example chart : 2009-1-27) Planets Rasi Hora Drekk. Lagna Kuja Chandra Guru Ravi Shani Chandra Shukra Chandra Shani Ravi Budha Kuja Guru Chandra Ravi Budha Guru Chandra Ravi Guru Shani Chandra Shukra Shukra Guru Chandra Guru Shani Ravi Chandra Kuja Rahu Shani Ravi Shukra Relationships Planets Rasi Lagna Adhisatru Ravi Adhisatru Chandra Satru Kuja AdhiMitra Budha Mitra Guru Satru Shukra Exultation Shani Satru Rahu Satru

Hora Sama Adhi M Adhi M Adhi M Sama Adhi M Sama Sama Adhi M

Drekk. Satru Sama Adhi M Adhi M Adhi M Sama Mitra AdhiSatru Adhi M

Sapta. Budha Shukra Shani Budha Budha Budha Budha Shani Sukra

1.00 0.75 0.50 Navam Shukra Shukra Budha Guru Guru Kuja Chandra Guru Shukra

Sapta. Adhi M Sama Mitra AdhiSatru Sva Sama Adhi M Sva Adhi M

Navam Adhi M Sama Adhi M Sama Satru Sama Sama Satru Adhi M

Dvadas Shani Budha Guru Kuja Kuja Shukra Guru Budha Chandra

Trims Budha Guru Kuja Shukra Shukra Budha Shukra Shukra Guru

Dvadas Sama Satru Satru Sva Satru Sama Mitra Sama Adhisatru

Trims Sama Satru Mitra Satru Sama Sama Sva Sama Satru

125 Sapta Varga Strengths Planets Lagna Rasi 0.03125 Hora 0.125 Drekkana 0.0625 Saptamsa 0.375 Navamsa 0.375 Dvadasamsa 0.125 Trimsamsa 0.125 1.2188 Total

Ravi 0.0625 0.375 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.0625 0.0625 0.9375

Chandra 0.0625 0.375 0.375 0.250 0.375 0.0625 0.250 1.75

Kuja 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.0312 0.125 0.500 0.0625 1.8438

Budha 0.250 0.125 0.375 0.500 0.0625 0.0625 0.125 1.50

Guru 0.0625 0.375 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 1.0625

Shukra 1.00 0.125 0.250 0.375 0.125 0.250 0.500 2.6250

Shani 0.0625 0.125 0.0312 0.500 0.0625 0.125 0.125 1.0315

Rahu 0.0625 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.0312 0.0625 1.6563

Analysis of Data: The strongest planet is Venus and the period 2009-7-2 /2009-8-26, was very favourable to the native. Health was no longer an issue, personal relations were good, another grandson was born, and finances were steady. The temple building site was to begin during this period. Interesting, was the previous strongest planet Mars and its period. This time was a building up of physical well-being using ayurvedic herbal treatment and panchakarma, this after the Moons period saw surgic removal of a skin mole basil cell melanoma and lumbago problems. By the time the Venus period started all health problems cleared up. The method of Solar Return by Kalidasa has a lot of merit.

Kalidasa’s Sutras:

• Sutra 6.38 [F] = favourable; [UF]=unfavourable Surya - [F] If the Su is strong during his period there will be the acquisition of money, ornaments and clothes. [UF] if he is not strong, sins and foes, money is lost, and many troubles and sufferings appear. … Su is of weakest strength - 9th place out of 9. Chandra- [F] if the Mo is strong during his period one has royal favour, an ever increasing wealth and honour. [UF] but if he is weak there is an increase of enemies. The native suffers from disease, is unhappy by wandering or changing the place, and has quarrels with his own relatives. … Mo is of good strength – 3rd place out of 9. • Sutra 6.39 Kuja - [F] when Ma is strong one is favoured by the King (Society), has success and is happy during his period.[UF] if he is weak one has the fear of the king [government], has quarrels with his own sons and enmity with his/her spouse. … Ma is of powerful strength – 2nd place out of 9. Budha- [F] when Me is strong, the native is valorous, has benefic results, is extremely happy, and has many gains.[UF] but if Me is weak there are misunderstandings or enmity with brothers and the like. He/she will follow evil or sinful ways and prove trecherous to the Brahmanas. … Me is of ordinary strength – 5th place out of 9. • Sutra 6.40 Guru- [F] if Ju is strong during his period one has vehicles and wealth. [UF] if he is weak one wanders from place to place, has loss of memory, takes the evil ways and evil associations. … Ju is of weak strength – 7th place out of 9. Sukra- [F] if Ve is strong during his period there is amassing of wealth along with fame, white or refined clothes and happiness from his wife or women. [UF] if he is weak he faces loss of wealth, fear from foes, bad name and diseases through contact with women.

126 … Ve is of powerful strength- 1st place out of 9. Sani- [F] during the period of a strong Sa one has a house and other forms of happiness. He will be a leader. [UF] if he is weak the person faces loss of weaslth, emaciation of the body, diseases and a bad name. … Sa is of weak strength- 8th place out of 9. Rahu- [F] during the period of a strong Ra the native performs virtuous and good acts, has gains, does good things and finds a rise in his profession. [UF] if he is a malefic there are inauspicious results, death of the father, and has associations with bad ones and with his foes Ra is of good strength- 4th place out of 9. Lagna -During the period of the lagna the results are good, average and bad according to the nature of the drekkana of the lagna, association of the lord of the lagna, and the yoga formed by the lord of lagna. As (Ascendant) is average – 6th place out of 9. The Drekkana (D-3) of the Lagna has Astakavarga of 31. Venus and Moon are in a kendra to the Lagna and Mars is in the auspicious 9th. The lord of lagna is Guru in the inauspicious 6th with Rahu. But the effects of this sign may get cancelled as this bhava is the Shree Lagna (SL). In that case the Dasa will be favourable from 2009-9-5/2009-914. y “Thus we have given the annual results in a brief but elegant way, of the various planets and lagna. Taking into consideration the strength or weakness of the planets based on their association with the benefics, the wise one should predict the results.” –Kalidasa (16th century). Notes: The Jagannatha 7.32 program Tajaka strengths are closest to the above method using the Pancha-Vargeeya table in part. The Dasas differ widely. Use whatever method gives the best results.


General Laws of Vedic Astrology The Vedic Sun Signs 1 Mesh


14th April - 15th May




15th May - 15th June


3 Mithuna


15th June - 15th July





17th July - 17th August





17th August - 17th Sept





17th Sep - 18th Oct





18th October - 17th Nov





17th Nov -16th Dec





16th Dec - 15th Jan


10 Makara


15th January - 13th Feb


11 Kumbha


13th Feb - 15th March


12 Meena


15th March - 14th April



Rasi’s Odd and Even 1. Ar, Ge, Le, Li, Sg and Aq are called odd rasis or vishama rasis or oja rasis. They are also known as male rasis. 2. Ta, Cn, Vi, Sc, Cp and Pi are called even rasis or sama rasis or yugma rasis. They are also known as female rasis. This division is used in some dasas and in the determination of the sex of children. Movable, Fixed and Dual Signs 1. Ar, Cn, Li and Cp are known as chara rasis or movable rasis. They are ruled by Brahma, the Creator. Their nature is to move and to be dynamic. 2. Ta, Le, Sc and Aq are known as sthira rasis or fixed rasis. They are ruled by Shiva, the Destroyer. Their nature is to be stable and constant. 3. Ge, Vi, Sg and Pi are known as dwiswabhava rasis or dual rasis. They are ruled by Vishnu, the Sustainer.They are stable sometimes and dynamic sometimes. Five Elements According to Hindu philosophy, this world is made up of 5 elements – fire, water, air, earth and ether. Water is a substance with a flexible state. Air is a substance with a varying state. Earth is a substance with a constant and solid state. Fire is a substance that transforms the state of things. Ether is something that is present everywhere. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ar, Le and Sg are called agni rasis or fiery rasis. Ta, Vi and Cp are called bhu rasis or earthy rasis. Ge, Li and Aq are called vaayu rasis or airy rasis. Cn, Sc and Pi are called jala rasis or watery rasis. The 5th element of aakaasa or ether is present in every rasi.

128 Exalted, Mulatrikona and Debilitated Planets Each planet has a sign where it is exalted (uchcha), a sign where it is debilitated (neecha), a sign that is called its moolatrikona and one or two rasis that are owned by it. A planet is said to be strong in its own rasi or exaltation rasi or moolatrikona. Table 3 shows own rasis, exaltation rasis, the degree of deep exaltation, debilitation rasi, the degree of deep debilitation and the moolatrikona of each planet. Table 3: Dignities of Planets Planet Own Sun Le Moon Cn Mars Ar & Sc Mercury Ge & Vi Jupiter Sg & Pi Venus Ta & Li Saturn Cp & Aq Rahu Aq Ketu Sc

Exaltation Ar (10º) Ta (3º) Cp (28º) Vi (15º) Cn (5º) Pi (27º) Li (20º) Ge Sg

Debilitation Li (10º) Sc (3º) Cn (28º) Pi (15º) Cp (5º) Vi (27º) Ar (20º) Sg Ge

Moolatrikona Le Ta Ar Vi Sg Li Aq Vi Pi

Some special points regarding the results given by planets: 1. Sun gives the results of being in moolatrikona in the first 20º of Le and the results of being in own rasi in the remaining 10º. 2. Moon gives the results of being in exaltation rasi in the first 3º of Ta and the results of being in moolatrikona in the remaining 27º. 3. Mars gives the results of being in moolatrikona in the first 12º of Le and the results of being in own rasi in the remaining 18º. 4. Mercury gives the results of being in exaltation rasi in the first 15º of Vi, the results of being in moolatrikona in the next 5º and the results of being in own rasi in the remaining 10º. 5. Jupiter gives the results of being in moolatrikona in the first 10º of Sg and the results of being in own rasi in the remaining 20º. 6. Venus gives the results of being in moolatrikona in the first half of Li and the results of being in own rasi in the second half of Li. 7. Saturn gives the results of being in moolatrikona in the first 20º of Aq and the results of being in own rasi in the remaining 10º. Vargas (Divisional Charts) – The divisional charts play an important part in predictions. There are 16 vargas. Ten are generally considered. • Lagna – General well being, nature, constitution. 9 rasi : the lord of sign where lagna is situated is the lord of that rasi. • Hora – wealth; divide a sign into two equal parts (D2). 9 Odd: The first half of an odd sign is ruled by the Su. The second half by the Mo. 9 Even : The first half of an even sign is ruled by the Mo. The second half by the Su. • Drekkana- siblings ; divide a sign into three equal parts of 10-deg. each (D3). 9 The 1st decante is ruled by the lord of that sign. 9 The 2nd by the lord of the 5th from it. 9


The last by the owner of the 9th from it.

• Navamsa – the spouse’s chart (D9). • Dvadasamsa – the parents chart, higher consciousness, past and future lives (D12). • Trimsamsa- troubles and sorrows, some diseases (D30). Relationships • Saptamsa- children (D7). • Dasamsa-profession (D10). • Shasthamsa-health and diseases (D6). • Ashtamsa-longevity (D8).

Mutual Relationships (Friends , Enemies etc) of Planets & Exultation, Mulatrakona, Debilitation in degrees:129 Remember : that planets in their exaltation signs give the highest benefits and auspicousness. Friends Sun


Chandra, Kuja, Guru Budha

Moon Ravi, Budha Kuja Budha Guru Sukra Sani

Ravi, Chandra, Guru Ravi, Sukra Ravi, Chandra, Kuja Budha, Sani Budha, Sukra

Rahu Su, Me, Ve Ketu Mo, Ma, Ju

Enemies Sani, Sukra



Simha 0–20

Kuja, Guru, none Vrishaba 4-20 Sukra, Sani Sukra, Sani Budha Aries 0-12 Kuja, Guru, Sani Chandra Kanya 16-20 Sani Budha, Sukra Sagittarius 0-10 Kuja, Guru Ravi, Chandra Libra 0-15 Guru Ravi, Chandra, Kumhha 0-20 Kuja Ju, Ma, Sa Mo Virgo Me, Sa, Ve Su Pisces


Mesha 10

Tula 10

Vrishaba 3

Vrischika 3

Makara 28 Kanya 15 Karka 5 Meena 27 Tula 20

Karka 28 Meena 15 Makara 5 Kanya 27 Mesha 20

Gemini 21 Sag 6

Sag 21 Gemini

Note: The debilitation sign is 180-degress away from the exalted sign. Planets 2, 12, 5, 9, 4 and 8 signs from that sign are friends of that planet.But such a planet must own two houses. If it owns only one sign it is neutral (sama). The exceptions are the Sun and the Moon because they own only one sign each. If houses 2, 12, 5, 9, 4 and 8 are not owned by any, such a planet is its enemy.

Aspects : Zodiac- It is a band in heavens extending to 9-degrees on each side of the ecliptic. This is called Bhachakra. It contains all the twelve signs. It revolves on its axis once a day. The planets and the moon move within this belt. Ecliptic- It is the path of the Sun. It passes through the centre of the Zodiac. It is a great circle cutting the celestial equator at an angle of 23 ½-degrees. This angle varies from 21-degrees 59’ to 24-degrees 36’.

Retrograde planets by Kalisada Retrogression gives greater Chesta-bala. A planet in retrograde has the strength of that of exultation. A retrograde planet in his debilitation has the strength of exultation. When a retrograde planet is exalted in Rasi and debilitated in Navamsha it is debilitated and has no strength. Also the debilitation gets cancelled when such a planet is associated in the same sign with an exalted one. If that planet is conjunct with a debilitated planet it stays debilitated. These rules are from Uttara Kalamrita chapter 2 sutra 5- by Kalidasa. • •

The debilitation of Ve is cancelled if it is with Me. Also: Su with Sa, Ma with Ju . Debilitation gets cancelled if a planet in that sign is in square to Mo.

All planets aspect the seventh from where they are posited by 100% power. In addition Kuja (Mars), Guru (Jupiter) and Shani (Saturn) have special aspects. Kuja aspects 4 and 8 from his natal position. Guru aspects 5 and 9, Shani aspects 3 and 10. Actually all planets aspect 3,4,5,7,8,9,10 and 11 from where they are positied. The aspect on 3 and 10 is a quarter; on 5 and 9 it is half; on 4 and 8 it is threequarters and on the seventh it is full. Rahu aspects on 5, 7, 9 and 12 is full; at 2 and 10 it is half; and on 3 and 6 it is quarter. Shani has a shadowy aspect on 2 and 12, while Guru has it on 3 and 11. Note: A constellation is called a Nakshatra( lunar mansion) in Sanskrit. SHADABALA The 6 kinds of planetary strength recognized under the Parashari system of Vedic astrology.These are: (i) Sthanbala, or positional strength, (ii) Dikbala, or directional strength, (iii) Kabbala, or temporal strength, (iv)Chestabala,or motional strength, (v) Naisargikabala, or inherent strength, and (vi) Drikabala, or the strength derived from aspects of planets.

130 Summary of Benefic and Malefic Houses : The lords of trines from Lagna are functional benefics { 1, 5, 9 }. The lord of the 8th house from a Bhava, the lord of the 22nd Drekkana from that cusp, and those situated in the 6th , 8th and 12th houses (= Dusthana houses) from that Bhava are likely to give malefic results as far as that Bhava (the dasa period) is concerned. The lords of a Kendra (=1, 4, 7, 10 houses) is a Functional Malefic if he is a natural benefic and Functionally Neutral if he is a natural malefic. The lords of the papasthana houses (=3, 6, 11) are Functional Malefics. Benefic planets in the papasthana houses become Functional Malefics. Malefic planets in these houses become Functional Benefics (they will bring about favourable results). Benefic planets in the Trines and Kendras of a Bhava will bring about favourable results. Malefic planets (Mars, Sun, Saturn, waning Moon) in these houses is not good, unless it is very strong (5 bindus or more or greater than the strength of the lords of those houses.) Lord of the Lagna- is both lord of a Quadrant and a Trine. It will give good results irrespective of it’s inherent nature. Planets are thus subservient to the Lagna. If it is not only the lord of the ascendant, but also of a malefic house like the 6th or 8th, its character of a benefic remains because of its ownership of the 1st. Dusthana houses {6, 8, 12} When the lord of a Bhava is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house from it, or when the bhava is occupied by the lord of any of these houses it suffers. This principle has to be modified considerably when such a planet is associated with or aspected by a benefic, or is exalted. While these houses, their lords, as well as the planets that associate with these houses and their lords are productive of adverse results, they are particularly adverse in relation to health. 6- indicates disease and accidents; 8 – cronic disease , incurable disease or death ; 12- suffering, hospitalisation.

Aspects Conjunction- when two celestial bodies are in the same longitude. Opposition- when two celestial bodies are 180-degrees apart. Trine- when they are 120-degrees or 240degrees away. Square – when they are 90-degrees or 270-degrees apart. Sextile- 60-degrees or 300-degrees. • conjunction and opposition cover 8degrees before or after the longitude values. • Trine or square cover 8-degrees. • Ascendant or M.C. have 5-degrees. • Sextile covers 6-degrees


Longevity Jaimini’s Methods : from Jaimini Sutram Sthira Dasa Jaimini called this dasa Sthira because the number of years in each dasa is fixed. This dasa is important in fixing also the time of death. • Movable signs {1, 4, 7, 10} – chara - have a duration of 7 years each. • Fixed signs {2, 5, 8, 11} – sthira - have a duration of 8 years each. • Common signs {3, 6, 9, 12}dvisvabhava -have a duration of 9 years each. ™ The Sthira dasa starts from the sign where Brahma is located. - When Brahma is an odd sign, the dasas follow the clkwise pattern - When Brahma is an even sign the dasas follow the anti-clkwise pattern. ⇒ Example Chart : Brahma is Me. This is an odd sign so the sequence is clkwise. Me in Kumbha is a fixed sign: 02:15. For 8 years this is 30-degrees. Thus: (2.25/30)*8= 0.6 years -

Thus in Janma Rasi each planetary transverse and sign is totaled from the 12 signs to give an age of longevity.


As there are 12 signs, there are 12 antardasas in each dasa. The sub-periods of movable, fixed, and common signs have a duration of 7, 8, 9 months The antardasas of a sign are clkwise if odd sign or anti-clkwise if even sign.


Calculate Brahma: … Example: in D-1 chart , the strongest sign between Lagna (27 SAV) Mesha and the 7th sign Tula (30 SAV) is Tula . The lords of the 6th , 8th and 12th (from Tula) are : Ju, Ve and Me; counting is clkwise as Tula is in an odd sign. Me is the strongest, behind the lagna (7th -12th signs) and in an odd sign (Kumbha). Brahma is Me. Sa is the Atmakaraka.

Rule:• For Clockwise rotation : use x- longitude value (unchanged) when Brahman is odd. • For Anticlockwise rotation: use (30-x) longitude value when Brahman is even.

132 Sthira dasa Sign



Cumulative years 0.6000




(28.6/30)*7 +1



(20.7/30)*8 +1



Father deceased. University studies. Emigrated to South Africa after completion.







Bad 1st marriage-annuled; birth of 1st daughter. Taught school in Swaziland. Good 2nd marriage-son born. Own business in Swaziland.














Dhanush Makara: Ve exalted

(30/30)*9 (23.8333/30)*7 +1

9.0000 6.5611

80.7933 87.3543

Kumbha : Brahma = Me Odd-Clockwise Rotation Meena



effects Separated from parents 1st year. In foster homes-good parenting United with parents. Difficult father, loving mother Problems with father.

Mesha: Sa=Ak Vrishaba : Mo Ju exalted Mithuna

Karka Simha Kanya


Own business in Botswana. 2nd daughter born. Return to Swaziland 1989. Business’s succeeding in South Africa and Swaziland, several houses and vehicles - much wealth. Sold and left for U.S. several years later, lived there briefly but returned to South Africa, found a Guru, initiated in a Subramuniya temple, start of Vedanthic studies. Live in U.S. 2 years, wife to receive degree from College. Coordinator for building of new temple in community of Hindus in South Africa. Retired at Siva-Visnu temple and community in South Africa.

Age: 87.3543 years

Trikona Dasa Sutra 3.4.22 : now the Trikona dasa is being explained. In Sutras 1.1.25 and 26 it is said that in the case of odd signs the counting is clockwise and that in the even signs the counting is anti-clockwise. Sutra 1.1.27 stated that this principle does not apply sometimes: According as the sign in question belongs to the Vishamapada or Samapada group, the years given by a sign are derived by counting in the clockwise or anit-clockwise manner. The numner of rasis intervening between the sign under consideration and its lord give us the years. (thus maximum of 12-years per sign ). This is the same as the method of Chara dasa. There we divided by 30-degrees ( for 1-year) into the total degrees given to the distance from a sign under consideration to its lord, taking into consideration the sign’s grouping. i. The exceptions are in the case of Simha and Kumbha which follow anti-clockwise sequence, and the case of Vrischika and Vrishaba which have a clockwise sequence. ii. the Vrishamapada–odd group of signs thus are : {1,2,3,7,8,9} follow clockwise; iii. the Samapada–even group of signs are : {4,5,6,10,11,12} follow anti-clockwise. ƒ If the 1st dasa rasi belongs to the Vishama pada group, the subsequent dasas will be those of

133 the signs: 5, 9, 2, 6, 10, 3, 7, 11, 4, 8, and 12 from it in this order. o For example if Vrischika is the strongest trinal sign that is no. 1 in the above sequenceclkwise to its lord; the 5th from that sign (Vrischika) is Meena –anticlkwise to its lord; the 9th sign is Karka-anticlkwise to its lord; the 2nd from that sign (Vrischika) is Dhanushclkwise to its lord; the 6th from that sign is Mesha-anticlkwise to its lord; the 10th from that sign is Simha-anticlkwise to its lord; the 3rd is Makara-anticlkwise to its lord; the 7th is Vrishaba-clkwise to its lord; the 11th is Kanya-anticlkwise to its lord; the 4th is Kumbha-anticlkwise to its lord; the 8th is Mithunia-clkwise to its lord; the 12th is Tulaclkwise to its lord. Hence the sequence {1,5,9,2,6,10,3,7,11,4,8,12} is satisfied. ƒ If the 1st dasa belongs to a sign of the samapada group, the subsequent dasas will be those of the signs 1, 9, 5, 12, 8, 4, 11, 7, 3, 10, 6 and 2 from it. Example: The strongest trinal sign from the Lagna ( 1st, 5th and 9th ) is the 1st at 27 SAV+2-planets, the sequence is clockwise starting from Mesha. The sequence of signs is: Mesha, 5, 9, 2, 6, 10, 3, 7, 11, 4, 8, and 12 from it in this order. Mesha, Simha , Dhanush, Vrishabha, Kanya , Makara, Mithunia, Tula, Kumbha, Karka, Vrischika, Meena. 1-from Mesha to its lord Kuja in Mesha is Lagna-clkwise to Kuja= (15:03)/30=0.5016 years 5-from Simha to its lord who is Ravi in Makara-anti-clockwise, the distance is : [7*30+30-14:02 (Sun)]/30 = 7.5322 years 9- from Dhanush to its lord Guru-clkwise, the distance is: [5*30+18:28 (Ju)]/30 = 5.6155 years 2-from Vrishabha to its lord Sukra-clkwise, the distance is: [8*30+23:50 (Ve)]/30 = 8.7944 6-from Kanya to its lord Budha-anticlkwise, the distance is: [7*30+30-02:15 (Me)]/30 = 7.925 years 10-from Makara to its lord Shani-anticlkwise, the distance is: [9*30 + 30-28:36 (Sa)]/30 = 9.0466 years 3-from Mithunia to its lord Budha-clkwise, the distance is: [8*30+02:15 (Me)]/30 = 8.075 years 7-from Tula to its lord Sukra-clkwise, the distance is: [3*30+ 23:50 (Ve)]/30 = 3.7944 years 11-from Kumbha to its lord Shani-anticlkwise, the distance is: [10*30+ 30-28:36 (Sa)]/30= 10.0466 years 4-from Karka to its lord Chandra-anticlkwise, the distance is: [2*30+30-20:42 (Mo)]/30 = 2.31 years 8-from Vrischika to its lord Kuja-clkwise, the distance is: [5*30+ 15:03 (Ma)]/30 = 5.5016 years 12- from Meena to its lord Guru – anticlkwise, the distance is : [10*30+30-18:28 (Ju)]/30 = 10.3844 years

Total = 79.5273 years - Indications are that Sthira Dasa is more accurate.


Sri Varahamihira Method Span of life from - Brihat Jatak Tables and Formulae by Visvesvaran – Computer Program by S. Sanmugunathan Sloka 7.1.0 Ancient masters like Maya, Yavanacharya, Manithacharya, Shakti, Parasara etc have laid down as under the maximum number of years for the maximum exalted strength of the various planets as the years of longevity contributed by them in a birth chart : Sloka 7.1.1 when a planet is in its maximum degree of exultation its span to a natives life is in table 1. Longevity in Birth Chart from Exalted Planets in Maximum Degree of Longevity=Table 1 Sun














Sloka 7.2.0 When a planet is in its maximum degree of debilitation its span to a natives life is in table 2. Longevity in Birth Chart from Debilitated Planets= Table 2 Sun

Moon 9.5












Sloka 7.2.1 But when a planet is between exultation and debilitation than in the intermediate position a planet contributes its span of life to a native proportionally. Sloka 7.2.2 In this scheme of determining span of life the ascendant also contributes life years. A navamsa (3:20-degrees) of ascendant elapsed is equal to 1-year of life contributed, fraction of a navamsa giving the months etc. proportionally. Longevity in Ascendant Deg

3.3333 6.6666 9.9999 13.3332
















 Planets in Sign of an Enemy : y take 1/3 off the years given in above tables except when exalted or in retrogression, then the full years of longevity remain.  Planets in Combustion : y Take ½ off the years given in the above tables except when Venus or Saturn are combust, then the full years of longevity remain for these two planets.  Planets in Special Houses : Loss of Longevity for Planets in Special Houses House No.







Years : Malefic







Years: Benefic







135  Satyacharya’s View: y In case any one of these six houses is occupied by two or more planets, whether malefics or benefics or mixed ones, only one of them who is the strongest will lose as a malefic or a benefic. A waning Moon and a weak Mercury conjoined to a malefic, is normally considered as a malefic i.e. Mercury, but in this context these two planets would be treated as natural benefics and would lose as benefics if placed in the stipulated houses. Years of Loss for Lagna with a Malefic Planet Sutra 7.4.0 f Find the number of navamshas in the lagna (divide the numerical longitude of the Ascendant by 3.3333) .Multiply the result by number of proportional years (base years) contributed by a natural malefic in lagna and divide it by 108 (the total no. of navamsas in the 12 signs). The result would be the number of years lost by the natural malefic located in the lagna. f Formula: As_loss= (L/3.3333)*(B_malefic planet/108) Where L= numeric longitude of planet; B=base years of malefic planet Example chart below: Years loss in As=02:56; 2.9333/3.3333=0.8800; 0.8800*11.7895(Mars)/108=0.0960 years lost f If the natural malefic planet is aspected by a benefic it will lose only ½ of the calculated loss in years. f Note: in case there are 2 or more than 2 natural malefic planets in the lagna, the process of calculation of the loss should be undertaken only in respect of a single malefic planet that is nearest to the longitude of the lagna. ¾ Notes: The following formulas can be used to find the base years for each planet in a birth chart. The rotation is clockwise or anticlockwise determined from the sign of exultation to the planet to its debilitation sign. Formula : From Exultation-to-Planet–to-Debilitation Anticlockwise:

B=Y- [ (X+N*30 + 30-L)/180) ]*Y/2

Formula : From Exultation-to-Planet-to–Debilitation Clockwise: B=Y- [ (30-X+N*30*+L)/180) ]*Y/2 Formula: Planet in sign of exultation: B=Y- [ (L-X)/180) ]*Y/2

for L>X

B=Y- [ (X-L)/180 ] *Y/2

for LX : Ex. 3 Vrischika – Deb. 3 Vrishabha = 180 degrees; B= 25- [ (20.7-3)/180]*12.5=23.7708 Mars (15:03): 15.05 degrees;clockwise : Ex. 28 Makara – Deb. 28 Karka = 180 degrees; B=15- [ (30-28 + 2*30+15.05)/180 ] * 7.5 = 11.7895 Mercury (02:15): 2.25 degrees; clockwise: Ex. 15 Kanya – Deb. 15 Meena=180 degrees; B= 12- [ (30-15+4*30+2.25)/180 ]*6 = 7.4250 Jupiter (18 28): 18.46 degrees; anticlockwise: Ex. 5 Karka – Deb. 5 Makara= 180 degrees; B= 15 – [ (5+1*30+30-18.46)/180 ]*7.5 = 13.0608 Venus (23:50) ; 23.83 degrees; anticlockwise: Ex 27 Meena – Deb 27 Kanya= 180 degrees; B= 21 – [ (27+ 1*30+30-23.83)/180 ]*10.5 = 17.3150 Saturn (28:36):28.60 ;anticlockwise : 20 Tula-20 Mesha = 180 degrees; B= 20 – [ (20 + 5*30 +30-28.60)/180}*10 = 10.4700

Note: Click the following computer program to do the base calculations: (If you need Google Chrome: www.google.chrome.com )

cal (Final).html

137 Data from above : Planets:



























Base Years










In House of foe (loss 1/3)

Jupiter is in house of enemy but is in retrogression


Malefic in As (loss : see Sutra 7.4)


Malefic aspected by Benefic in As


(1/2 loss) Venus is combust but is excepted

Combust (loss ½) Mercury Benefic in 11th house

Sun a malefic in 10th house

In Special Houses7,8,9,10,11,12

stronger than Venus

Loss: 1/4

Loss: 1/3


-4.8089 -1.8562

Benefic Total Years






Age: 84.1258





Calculating Strength of Planets and Signs in Jaimini System Strength of Signs:

… … … … ƒ ƒ ƒ … … …  ƒ ƒ ƒ  ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ  ƒ  ƒ

y Sutra 2.3.6 : the first source of strength for a sign is the placement of karaka (Atmakaraka Strength) in it. y Sutra 2.3.7: the more the planets are with a given planet, the greater the strength of the sign (Sthira Strength). y Sutra 2.3.9: next we have the permanent source of strength (Chara Strength). y Sutra 2.3.14: the second source of strength for a sign arises if it is aspected by its own lord, by Ju, or by Me, or if it is associated by any of these (Aspect Strength). f Notes: In Jaimini’s system there is no distinction between a sign (rasi) and a house (bhava). The calculation of strengths is very simple in this system: The Atmakaraka is the most important planet in this system. The sign where he is situated becomes strong. A sign having a planet is stronger than one having none. The sign with the larger number of planets is stronger than the one having a smaller number. A signs strength is determined by : Movable (chara) - { 1, 4, 7, 10} Fixed (sthira) - {2, 5, 8, 11} Dual or common (dvisvabhava) - { 3, 6, 9, 12} A sign becomes stronger when it has Ju, Me, or its own lord, or when it is aspected by any of these three. Note the sign in the natal chart where the Atmakaraka is located. The Strength of a Sign is finally determined by 4- factors. Chara strength A movable sign - 0.25 unit A fixed sign - 0.50 unit A common sign – 1.00 unit Sthira strength A sign having no planet ( Ra and Ke included) - 0.00 unit A sign with 1 planet – 1.00 unit A sign with 2 planets – 1.25 unit A sign with x-planets = (x –2)/4 + 1.25 (units) A sign having 8 planets – 2.75 units Aspect Strength A sign with its own lord in it, Ju, Me, or aspected by Ju or Me, 1- unit of strength. If all three aspect the sign, 3-units of strength. Atmakaraka 1unit of strength for having Atmakaraka in it.

Strength Of Planets The Strength of a Planet is determined by 3- factors: 1. Amsa strength This depends on the longitudes of the planets in a sign. It refers to the karaka and their strength is to be calculated as per the karaka strength below. 2. Mulatrikona strength This is given below. ‰

139 3. The third source is the Kendra, Panaphara and Apoklima positions of the planet from the sign occupied by the Atmakaraka.  Mulatrikona Strength: y Sutra 2.3.8 : exaltation and others are the next source of strength. ƒ 1.00 = exaltation ƒ 0.75 = mulatrikona ƒ 0.5= own house ƒ 0.375 = friends house ƒ 0.25= neutral house ƒ 0.125 = house of foe ƒ 0.0625 = debilitation  Kendra Strengths : y Sutra 2.3.16 : the planets in the Kendras, Panapharas and Apoklimas from the Atmakaraka have declining strength. ƒ The planets in {1, 4, 7, 10} from Ak have 1-unit of strength. ƒ The planets in {2, 5, 8, 11} from Ak have 0.5 - unit of strength. ƒ The planets in { 3, 6, 9, 12} from Ak have 0.25 – unit of strength. ‰

The various karakas have the following strengths: (the higest longitude to the lowest is given following values)

 Amsa Strenghts are : y Sutra 2.3.11 : the planet which has advanced to the higest number of degrees and minutes is the most powerful. ƒ Atmakaraka – 1.0 We can read about the general health, constitution, nature, outlook and fortune of the native. ƒ Amatya – 0.75 Refers to the intellect and mind. ƒ Bhrathru – 0.50 Refers to a Guru, brothers and sisters ƒ Matra – 0.375 Indicates the mother ƒ Putra- 0.25 About children ƒ Jnati – 0.125 About relatives ƒ Dara- 0.0625


Calculating Jaimini’s Symbolic Figures on Death Calculating death under Jaimini is unconventional and involved. The results are however excellent. Finding the Symbolic Figures involves many factors. There are conditional relationships that need noting if one is to find the correct symbolic planets that signifies, Brahma, Mahesvara and Rudra. Significators of Death - Brahma: y Sutra 2.1.49: find who is the strongest amongst the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th house from lagna and from the seventh house. The planet behind this strongest one is to be considered. If that is an odd sign he is designated as Brahma. y Sutra 2.1.50: if Sa, Ra or Ke becomes Brahman, then take the 6th from them as Brahma. ˜ Notes: Thus if Sa becomes Brahma, the 6th from him is Kuja. [Days of the week start with the Su, Mo, Ma, Me, Ju, Ve, Sa, Ra, Ke] y Sutra 2.1.51: if more than one comes out as Brahma, take the one who has the highest number of degrees in the sign. y Sutra 2.1.52: in the case of Rahu consider his degrees and minutes by deducting them from thirty degrees. y Sutra 2.1.53: the lord of the 8th from AK and the one occupying the 8th can be Brahma. ˜ Notes: 1.


o First determine whether As is stronger or the 7th house. o From the stronger house, note the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th house. o Note who is the strongest among these. He should be behind. This means , if the lagna is stronger than the 7th , the planet should be in the signs from 7th to 12th of lagna. If the 7th is stronger, it should be in signs 1 to 6 from lagna. And if the sign is an odd sign it can be Brahma. o If this Brahma happens to be Sa, Ra or Ke, then count the 6th planet from the concerned onethe sequence is that of the week days followed by Ra and Ke. (viz. weekdays- Su, Mo, Ma, Me, Ju, Ve, Sa, Ra, Ke) o This 6th planet becomes the true Brahma. o If there are 2 or more such planets qualified for this position, take the one who is more advanced as per the degrees and minutes; and he becomes Brahma.

3. o o o o

The lord of the 8th from the Atmakaraka (in rasi) can be Brahma. The planets occupying the 8th from the Atmakaraka can also be Brahma. If any candidates are found take the one who is advanced in degrees in the sign. If the Brahmas have the same advanced degrees, the one in a stronger sign, becomes Brahma.

y Sutra 2.1.55 : longevity extends from the sign occupied by Brahma to the dasa period of the sign occupied by Mahesvara. y Sutra 2.1.56 : even in the Sthira dasa of the sign occupied by Brahma, take the lord of the 8th from Mahesvara sign. The signs in trine (kona) to him will be the sub-period when death takes place in the period of the sign occupied by Mahesvara. y Sutra 2.1.57 : from the Ak or Janma lagna take the lords of the 3rd, 8th, and 12th houses. The strongest of these brings about death.

˜ Notes: in all these cases we have to determine first the term (kakshya) of life as short, middle and long. Then we have to find the sign causing maraka.


y Sutra 2.1.58 : of the death inflicting planets generally the lord of the 6th (Chittanatha) causes death. ˜ Notes: this can be 6th from from the janma lagna or the Ak. y Sutra 2.1.60 : even in the periods of the signs connected with the death inflicting planets, the subperiods wll be those of the signs occupied by the lords of the 6th , 8th, and 12th counted from the 7th of janma lagna or AK.

Significators of Death – Mahesvara : y Sutra 2.1.46 : the lord of the 8th from AK is called Mahesvara. y Sutra 2.1.47 when the Ak is exalted or in his own house, then note who is stronger among the lords of the 8th and the 12th from AK. The stronger one will then be Mahesvara. y Sutra 2.1.48: when the AK is with Rahu or Ketu, or when Ra or Ke is in the 8th from AK, then find out the lord of the 8th from AK. He then becomes Mahesvara. Significators of Death – Rudra : y Sutra 2.1.35 : whoever is stronger among the lords of the 8th house from lagna and the 7th house is know as Rudra. ˜ Notes : i.e. from the lords of the 2nd and the 8th houses from lagna , who is stronger? y Sutra 2.1.36 : even the weaker one can become Rudra, if he is aspected by a malefic. y Sutra 2.1.37 :If the stronger one who is Rudra is aspected by a benefic, the longevity is up to the end of Shula dasa. ˜ Notes: Shula rasi’s are the trikona signs {1, 5, 9}. If one has a short life, death comes before the period (dasa) of 5th sign from Rudra begins. If it is medium life, death is between the periods of the 5th and the 8th signs from Rudra. If there is long life, death is in the period of the 9th to the 12th signs. Or one can mean merely the period of the 1st, 5th and 9th signs from Rudra respectively. y Sutra 2.1.38: even when the weaker Rudra is aspected by a benefic and is with a benefic, longevity extends up to the end of Shula rasi period. y Sutra 2.1.39:The above result is not to be predicted if a malefic other than the Sun is associated with the condition mentioned in the previous sutra. ˜ Notes: the Su must be in conjunction or aspect with the 1st, 5th or 9th signs for the Shula rasi periods to be predicted y Sutra 2.1.42 : Sometimes death can take place in the period of the sign occupied by Rudra. It can even be in the sub-period of this sign. y Sutra 2.1.43 : when the lagna is Meena (Pisces), death will definitely take place in the major and minor periods of the signs occupied by Rudra. y Sutra 2.1.44 : if Rudra is in the 8th from lagna death generally comes in the period and subperiod of the sign occupied by Rudra.

y Sutra 2.1.45 : depending on the short, medium or long life death comes in the periods of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Shula signs respectively.


Sthira Dasa Periods ˜ Notes: 1. Sa, Ra, or Ke in the 7th from Janma lagna or AK will cause death in the first, second or third parts. If the Chart shows medium life, Sa puts an end in the first part, Ra in the second and Ke in the third. 2. The 5th and 9th signs from the 8th house can bring about death. 3. If Shani is in the 8th house, death comes in the Navamsa of the sign. 4. The period of the 8th sign can cause death if it has both benefic and malefic association. 5. Death is possible in the dasa of a sign which has malefics on either side or which has malefics in the 8th or 12th from it. 6. Death is likely in the dasa of the 8th or 12th sign if it is aspected only by Ve and the waning Mo. 7. If a malefic or Rudra is in the 2nd or 8th from lagna, AK or the Mo, death comes in the period of the sign prior to it. 8. The sign in the 8th from Su or Ve also can cause death. 9. Longevity in Sthira dasa is from the period of Brahma rasi till the period of the sign having Mahesvara. 10. The period of the sign having Rudra can bring about death. 11. Death can come in the periods of the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses from AK. The strongest of these signs causes death. Sthira Dasa Sub-Periods ˜ Notes 1. The sub-period of death are in the 5th and the 9th signs from Mahesvara in the dasa of Mahesvara rasi or in Sthira dasa 2. The strongest of lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th from AK gives the sub-period of the sign occupied by them. This is the su-period of death. 3. The sub-period of death is the sign occupied by Rudra. 4. The sub-period of death is the Navamsa sign occupied by a maraka planet and the 6th from it in Navamsa lagna. 5. When the dvara and bahrya rasi’s are afflicted, the navamsa dasa of the former, and the subperiod of the latter. 6. The sub-period of death is when the lord of the 8th is exalted. Death comes in the Navamsa dasa of the 5th and 9th lords from lagna and the 8th house.


Example on Symbolic Figures Longevity (from Jaimini Sutram by Maharsi Jaimini) Symbolic Points : Brahma, Mahesvara and Rudra are used to determine the time of death. Brahma: y y

Sutra 1.26 : in all odd signs the counting is to be in the right (clockwise ) direction. In even signs the direction is to be in the reverse (anit-clockwise) direction. Sutra 1.27 : in some cases this procedure is not applicable.

D-1 Data

Using computer program Jagannatha Hora Lite 7.32 the following data of a birth chart was obtained : Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa Lagna 2 Ar 55' 25.14" Aswi Sun - PK 14 Cp 02' 27.50" Srav Moon - BK 20 Ta 42' 41.83" Rohi Mars - PiK 15 Ar 03' 23.38" Bhar Mercury - DK 2 Aq 16' 00.23" Dhan Jupiter (R) - MK 18 Ta 28' 05.56" Rohi Venus (R) - AmK 23 Cp 50' 47.33" Dhan Saturn - AK 28 Ar 36' 17.53" Krit Rahu - GK 22 Le 23' 06.87" PPha Ketu 22 Aq 23' 06.87" PBha Maandi 17 Ta 44' 48.66" Rohi Gulika 7 Ta 11' 35.81" Krit Bhava Lagna 2 Pi 58' 11.68" PBha Hora Lagna 22 Ar 02' 14.33" Bhar Ghati Lagna 19 Vi 14' 22.26" Hast Vighati Lagna 5 Li 15' 01.90" Chit Varnada Lagna 2 Ta 55' 25.14" Krit Sree Lagna 22 Cp 08' 14.56" Srav Pranapada Lagna 5 Li 23' 20.36" Chit

1 2 4 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 4 4 3 3 4 2 4 4

Ar Cp Ta Ar Aq Ta Cp Ar Le Aq Ta Ta Pi Ar Vi Li Ta Cp Li

Ar Ta Cn Le Li Ge Le Sg Li Ar Ge Pi Cn Li Ge Sc Sc Cn Sc

Calculate Brahma: … Example: in D-1 chart , the strongest sign between Lagna (27 SAV) Mesha and the 7th sign Tula is Tula (30 SAV). The lords of the 6th , 8th and 12th are : Ju, Ve and Me; counting is clkwise as Tula is in an odd sign. Me is the strongest, behind the lagna (7th -12th signs) and in an odd sign (Kumbha). Brahma is Me. Sa is the Atmakaraka. … Note: Compute these values without a computer program as they are likely to be in error as the Jaimini system is unconventional. See Jaimini Sutram by Prof. P.S. Sastri, PhD. , D.Litt.

144 Mahesvara: • The lord of the 8th sign from the Ak (Sa-28.6) is Mahesvara . Ma is the Mahesvara. Find Rudra. Whomever is stronger among the lords of the 8th house from Lagna and the 7th house is Rudra Ma is the lord of the 8th, Ve of the 7th. Ma: 5BAV; Ve 4BAV Ma is also Rudra Short, Medium and Long life Determinants by Kendras, Panapharas and Apoklimas: y Sutra 2.1.19 : if the lords of the 2nd and the 8th from lagna are strong and occupy Kendras {1, 4, 7, 10}, Panapharas {2, 5, 8, 11}, or Apoklimas {3, 6, ,9,12}, they cause respectively long, middle and short lives. In the same way we have to consider the lords of the 2nd and the 8th house from the AK also. ˜ Notes: of the lords of the 2nd and the 8th, we have to find out who is stronger. It is the stronger one we have to consider and see whether he is in the kendras, panap1haras or apoklimas. If the lagna is odd, the 8th house is counted clkwise; and if it is an even sign the 8th is taken in the anti-clkwise manner. The 8th house lord is Ma @ 5BAV and occupies the Lagna and in his own sign, this is a Kendra. The 2nd house lord is VE @ 4BAV. Mars is stronger. Ma in a Kendra gives long-life. ˜ Notes: Shoola rasi’s are the trikona signs {1, 5, 9}. If one has a short life, death comes before the period (dasa) of 5th sign from Rudra begins. If it is medium life, death is between the periods of the 5th and the 9th signs from Rudra. If there is long life, death is in the period of the 9th to the 12th signs. ˜ Sutra 2.1.38: even when the weaker Rudra is aspected by a benefic and is with a benefic, longevity extends up to the end of Shula rasi period. y Sutra 2.1.39:The above result is not to be predicted if a malefic other than the Sun is associated with the condition mentioned in the previous sutra. ˜ Notes: the Su must be in conjunction or aspect with the 1st, 5th or 9th signs for the Shula rasi periods to be predicted. o The Sun is in Makara thus in aspect with the 5th sign (by Jaimini’s Aspect Chart). For Jaimini a Bhava and a Rasi are the same thing. The Shula Dasa is applicable thus from sutra 2.1.39. The Shula Dasa follows using Jh 7.33 :

145 Shoola dasa (troubles and death): Maha Dasas: Ar: 1942-01-27 (10:32:13) - 1951-01-27 (18:04:13) Ta: 1951-01-27 (18:04:13) - 1960-01-28 (1:12:32) Ge: 1960-01-28 (1:12:32) - 1969-01-27 (8:40:29) Cn: 1969-01-27 (8:40:29) - 1978-01-27 (16:10:59) Le: 1978-01-27 (16:10:59) - 1987-01-27 (23:36:08) Vi: 1987-01-27 (23:36:08) - 1996-01-28 (6:49:17) Li: 1996-01-28 (6:49:17) - 2005-01-27 (14:17:40) Sc: 2005-01-27 (14:17:40) - 2014-01-27 (21:48:12) Sg: 2014-01-27 (21:48:12) - 2023-01-28 (5:12:56) Cp: 2023-01-28 (5:12:56) - 2032-01-28 (12:26:50) Aq: 2032-01-28 (12:26:50) - 2041-01-27 (19:55:49) Pi: 2041-01-27 (19:55:49) - 2050-01-28 (3:19:40) y Sutra 2.1.45 : depending on the short, medium or long life death comes in the periods of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Shula signs respectively. o The 3rd Shula sign from the interval given is long-life so Aq: 2032-01-28 (12:26:50) 2041-01-27 2032-01-28 : age 90 y Sutra 2.1.58 : of the death inflicting planets generally the lord of the 6th (Chittanatha) causes death. f Notes: this can be 6th from from the janma lagna or the Ak (i.e. Sa)

o Use the various dasa methods by Jaimini to fine tune for a reliable predictable date. Use Sri Matreswara’s Exit from the World time and date method or his chart of a son for determining date of death of the father. Also use Varahamihira’s Span of Life to determine age. He states that maximum life for man is 120 years. The Veda’s say 100 years is the span of man’s life “Jivem Sharadah Shataam” and this may mean the average life of man. Choose the date from the method which gives the highest age and most auspicious Dasa.


Waning and Waxing Moon Phases 15

7, 8



7 ,8



Waxing Moon Krishna Paksha


Waning Moon

Waxing Moon

Sukla Paksha

Waning Moon : from the 8th in Krishna Paksha to the 7th in Sukla Paksha Waxing Moon: from the 8th in Sukla Paksha to the 7th in Krishna Paksha.


Death •

The disease from which a person dies is predicted by the nature of a planet which aspects the 8th house and the part of the body to be affected would be that represented by the 8th house in the division under Kalapurusha.the humour belonging to the planet in the 8th house causes the particular disease which produces death. If there are many planets then the body will be subjected to many attacks resulting from the excess of the various humours indicated by such planets and death will ensue. Kalapurusha : o Each sign of the zodiac represents a certain part of the human body and the diseases peculiar to it and each planet also indicates certain types of diseases. Disease and death are due to the disturbances in the laws of proportion and conjunction of natural forces emanating from the planets and the times which these disturbances occur, can be previously ascertained and adequate provision made to arrest or minimise such evil influences. o The planetary positions at birth clearly indicate the nature of the diseases one would suffer from, when and how they would affect us and how best to alleviate them. o The 12 signs of the Zodiac start from Aries in general but apply them from the Ascendant in a casted birth chart. Thus for Organs and Governance of the Organs: ¾ Aries (1st house)=Head – brain, nerve centres ; Taurus (2nd house)=Face-gullet, cerebellum; Gemini (3rd house)=Chest-lungs, breath, nerve fibres; Cancer (4th house)=Heart; Leo (5th house)= Belly-blood and liver ; Virgo (6th house) = Waist-bowels and solar plexus; Libra (7th house)= Lower Belly-kidneys; Scorpio (8th house)= Sexual organ-excretory system and bladder; Sagittarius (9th house)=the two thighs-arterial system; Capricorn (10th house)=the two kneesbones and joints; Aquarius (11th house)= Buttock-eyes, breath; Pisces (12th house)= Feet-lymphatic system ¾ Refer to page 175 for Signs, Houses and Disease Tendencies for the anatomical structures and diseases for each sign and house.

The ruling planets significance of disease follows: Sun: cerebellum, brain, blood, lungs, heart, stomach, breasts, ovaries, seminal vesicles, diseases of the heart, appendicitis, fistula, inflammatory complaints. Moon-pericardium, veins, lymphatic vessels, intestinal functions, eyes, alimentary canal, membrane-genito and urinary derangements, testicle, wind and colic, bronchial catarrah, dropsy, tumours, insanity, defective eye sight. Mars-Muscular tissue, muscles, carebral hemispheres- inflammation of the lungs, heoemoptsis, haemorrhage from the lungs, tuberculosis, hypertrophy, typhoid and enteric fever, HIV and other contagious diseases. Mercury- Nerves, breath, air cells, sense perception, hair, tongue, mouth-nasal disorders, impediments of speech, brain and nervous disorders- cancerous brain tumour, asthma, bronchitis, delirium, neurasthenia, headaches, neuralgia, palpitation, worms, genitor-urinary troubles. Jupiter- Arteries, veins, auricle and ventricle, the pleura, ear, blood apoplexy, pleurisy, piles, tumours, diabetes.

148 Venus- Kidneys, aorta, flesh, marrow, skin, cheeks, cutaneous eruptions, throat diseases, digestive troubles, venereal complaints. Saturn- Spleen, upper stomach, endocardium, ribs, bones, hair, nails, colds, catarrah, hypothermia, rheumatism, tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, gout. Some of the Ailments have to be Assessed from the Planets Responsible for them. Right eye, heart, circulatory system, spleen, stomach, Su bone, head, skin, spine, thyroid Mo Medulla oblongata, digestive system, tumour, inherited diseases; left eye, epilepsy, cold, nausea, lungs, uterus, breasts, blood, mind, alimentary canal Ma Accidents, blood, inflammation, male genitals, piles, nasal troubles, neck, marrow, rectum, head; gonad, adrenalum, Muscular System, Red corpuscles Me Brain, back piuitary and thyroid, respiratory system, asthma, lunga, speech, nerves, chest, skin; pancreas and parathyroid; gall bladder, spine, nose; neurasthenia, epilepsy. Spleen, liver, arteries, Cancer, hip, congestion, ear, Ju tongue, brain, diabetes; thighs, fat, Pancreas, Insulin; gout, abnormal growth. Ve Veins; thyroid, gonad glands; kidneys, ovaries, face, eyesight, diptheria, ulcer, hair, neck. Bone, skin, knees, feet, gallbladder, teeth, legs; Sa bronchitis, chronic diseases; adrenalin; ligaments, mineral salts of the body; spleen; pituitary; toxins in the blood; rheumatism, hereditary ailment. Ra Feet, breathing Ke Stomach Besides the 8th house, the 6th house and its ruler, the planets therein, the aspects on the 6th house, and the navamsa the lord of the 6th occupies, should all be considered for predicting diseases. The actual nature of the disease is found in the 8th house and the severity from a malefic 12th house. Example. The chart left is from a native who died from a cancerous brain tumour: (i) the 6th house is ruled by Moon, the 8th by Mercury, and the 12th by Saturn.There is some probable disease to the waist as the 8th sign from the ascendant is Virgo. He first had his spleen removed.

(ii)The navamsa where the 6th lord resides is the Moon which aspects from that position the Ascendant in Rasi. The physical body that is the Lagna implicates a physical Moon or the brain.

The 2nd maraka house in Pisces indicates Cancer from above table and Jupiters occupancy, and a tumour from Jupiters significant diseases in the list of planets. As Jupiter aspects the physical Moon from the 7th position in Rasi , Cancer of the brain is possible (see table above).


(iii) the 12th house ruler is Saturn which is conjoined with the Sun. In his Rahu/Sun period he was hospitalised. (iv) the 8th ruler Mercury causes brain disorders and Rahu in the 2nd kills during his Dasa, Rahu also aspects the 8th house and the Moon the ruler of the 6th. Mars conjunct with Mercury intensified the rapid growth of a diseased brain and in his 20th year the native collapsed after complaining of headaches and died during his Ra/Mo period! •

If the 8th house is a moveable, a fixed, or a common sign, death occurs in a foreign place, own place or while travelling.

In predicting the cause of death, first take the planet occupying the 8th house; if no planet is there, consider the one that aspects the 8th house; if no planet aspects it, then give preference to the lord of the 8th house.

The 22nd drekkana (decanthe) , which lies the 8th from the 1st, the 8th from the 5th or the 8th from the 9th bhava, depending on the tri-division of the Ascendants longitude (0-10; 10-20, 20-30), and declares the cause of death and the lord of that drekkana kills the person by that disease which is attributed to him taken from the Kalapurusha. Example : Chart of Sri Ramakrishna

The kalpurusha of this Saint shows he died of kidney, thyroid and throat diseases and the cause of these ailments are found from the 22nd drekkana, which is in 10-20 degrees (Ascendant: 17 degrees) or the second drekkana, so we look to 8th house from the 5th house. That places the cause with the lord of Capricorn or Saturn and the sign occupied by Mars. Saturn is indicative of cronic diseases like Cancer. Mars is specific to the neck and throat.

The place, the time and the next world one goes to is illustrated by an example on the next page. Some scholars refute this method, while others accept it. It appears to have merit.


Time and Place of Death (From Varahamihira–Brihat Jatak) Sutra 25.12 The time of death is to be known from the number of navamsha yet to rise after birth. If the lord of the lagna aspects it, the time must be doubled. If it is aspected by benefics, the time must be trepled. 3 Notes: the navamsha lagna has an owner. Find the place occupied by him. This sign gets modified by the aspects on it, association of planets with it, and the Moon. The places indicated by the signs are: Mesha Goats or farm

Vrischabha Grazing lawn

Mithuna House

Karka Watery place

Simha Wilder ness

Kanya Well or water

Tula Store or shop

Vrischika Low places

Dhanush Farm

Makara Marshy places

Kumbha House

Meena swamp

The following factors are considered to find the place of death: i. the nature of the sign occupied by the lord of the navamsha rising. ii. The nature of the navamsha sign occupied by the lord of the navamsha. iii. Planets in the sign occupied by the lord of the navamsha. iv. Planets aspecting the sign occupied by the lord of the navamsha lagna. The following factors are considered for the time of death: i. take the total time of the navamsas (3 20) yet to rise = time of death. ii. If the lagna is aspected by the owner this time must be doubled. iii. If a benefic is in lagna or aqspects navamsa lagna this time must be trepled. iv. If lagna is aspected by its lord and if it also has a benefic, the time must be multipled by six.

Day signs which are strong : Night signs:











Dhanush Makara

The lagna referred to may be the navamsa lagna. The time given is the time when the native will be unconscious before death. … Example chart - place and time of death is : Place: Navamsa lagna is Mesha owned by Kuja; Kuja is in Simha. By above table Simha is a Wilderness. Time : degrees remaining in lagna are : 30 –2:56=27:04; navamsa’s yet to rise =27.06/3.33=8.12; Ketu is in Lagna, the time must be trebeled. 8.12*3= 24.36 The navamsa lagna falls in Mesha a night sign. Every 30 degrees of longitude is 2 hours which is 0.2222 hr per navamsa. The total time is 24.36*0.2222=5.4132 hrs or The native dies : 05:24 hrs at night in a Wilderness.

151 Sutra 25.14 f Guru, Chandra and Sukra; Ravi and Kuja; and Shani and Budha; bring persons respectively from Devaloka, Pitriloka, Tiryogloka and Narakaloka. As per the drekkana occupied by the most powerful between the Sun and the Moon we have to find the high, middle or low status of the native in his previous birth. 3 Notes: find the stronger between the Sun and the Moon in D-1. Note the drekkana. The owner of that drekkana reveals the worlds from which the native has come. Devaloka belongs to the world of the Gods. Tiryogloka belongs to the world of the animals, Pitru to the Manes and Naraka to Hell.  The following is from the author of this e-book : Varahamihira proclaims the Varnas with the above planets. Maharishi Parasara too uses a similar classification. Maharishi Jamini son of Vedavyasa and his desciple uses a classification that takes into account the gunas of the Siddhas who have been given the suzernity of their planet by Brahman. Thus Guru (Brihaspati), Chandra (waxing), Sukra and Budha all have sattvik natures which classify them as Brahmin. Kuja and Ravi have rajasik natures which classify them as Kshatriya. Sani has a tamasik nature which classifies him as Sudra. However whenever Sani is aspected by Budha his nature is between rajasik and tamas a mixture of the two and is Vaisya. Thus all the Varnas are a Dharmic reflection of their natures or gunas. Thus Sutra 25.14 taking this change into account could accurately reveal ones past world that one came from before rebirth on earth. Sutra 25.14 (reclassified) f Guru, Chandra (waxing), Sukra, and Budha; Ravi and Kuja; Shani-Benefic and Shani-Malefic, bring persons respectively from Devaloka, Pitriloka, Tiryogloka, Narakaloka . As per the drekkana occupied by the most powerful between the Sun and the Moon we have to find the highest, high, middle or low status of the native in his previous birth. Example chart . The arudha lagna of the rasi chart is ruled by lord Shani. The native was a Sudra in his previous life. From the strength of planets the Moon = 5 BAV and the Sun= 6 BAV. The Sun is in the stronger sign also 29 SAV ( Mo, 22 SAV). Surya is the stronger. Surya 14:02 Cap is in the 2nd Drekkana. The 5th house lord from him is the lord of that Drekkana = Venus. From above caste of planets, the native came from Devaloka, the world of the gods. Sutra 25.15 The lord of the drekkana of the 6th or the 8th house or the planets in the 6th, 7th or 8th house indicates the natives existence after death. 3 Notes: If there are no planets in 6, 7, or 8 find the lords of the rising drekkanas in 6 and 8. Find the stronger of these and note the world referred to that lord. If there are planets in 6, 7 or 8, find the strongest. Example chart : Me 2:16 is lord of the 6th who has a strength of 6 BAV. Lord of the 8th is Ma 15:03 who has a strength of 5 BAV. The stronger Me is in Kumbha and the 1st drekkana (02:16) is ruled by Shani. The native will pass through Narakaloka and the City of Justice, ruled by Dharmaraja after death.


™ Death, Past and Future Births - from Phala Deepika by Matreswara Chapter 14 verses 22-29 22. if the lord of 12th house be posited in his sign of exaltation, a friendly sign or a varga of a benefic planet, the native after his death goes upward to heaven. If he is depositied in his sign of debilitation, in an inimical sign or in the varga of a malefic planet, he after death goes to hell. Some interpret this as a result of the nature of the sign (of the 12th house) i.e. heaven if the sign is a shirshodaya one and hell if it be a prishtodaya one. 3 Notes: Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius = Shirshodaya signs. Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, and Capricorn = Prishtodaya signs. Pisces =Ubhayodaya sign. Example 22: the 12th is Pisces a Ubhayodaya sign. He can go either way to Nirvana or Narakaloka. 23. the refuge after death is indicated by: (1) the planet or planets deposited in the 12th house. (2) The planet occupying the Navamsa of the 12th house, or the planet or planets with which the lord of the 12th be connected. If: (i) the Sun or Moon be such a planet the abode of the soul after death will be Kailash. Example 23: The lord of the 12th sign is Guru, he is conjunct with benefic Chandra. He will go to Kailash of lord Shiva. If (ii) Mars be the planet concerned, the native will take birth on the Earth immediately after death. If (iii) Mercury be the planet in question, the next world for the native will be Vaikuntha. If (iv) Jupiter takes the native’s soul to Brahmaloka. If (v) Saturn takes the soul to the abode of Yama. If (vi) Rahu to other islands and Ketu to hell. 24. it is from the lord of the 9th that all is ascertained about the native’s past birth and all information about his future birth is signified by the lord of the 5th house. The particular caste, country and the direction of the person concerned in his past and future births should be deduced from the lords of the 9th and the 5th houses respectively. Example 24: the lord of the 9th is Guru, this is the divine house of Bhagya. He was a Brahmin in his previous life and lived outside of India. The 5th house lord is Surya. He will act as a Kshatriya for occupation. 25. if the planets referred to above be in their sign of exaltation, the abode should be declared as that of Gods (Devaloka). If they be in their sign of debilitation or in an inimical sign, the abodes of past and future births should be declared to be foreign countries. If the above planets be in their own sign or a neutral's sign, such place would be India alone. Example 25: Guru in past life is in an inimical sign Vrishabha; Surya in future birth is in an inimical sign Makara. He will live outside of his birth country, namely South Africa. 26. the parts of India covered by the various planets are as under:-

153 Sun- mountains and forests Moon- tracts watered by the holy rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Narada Godavari etc. Mars- Bihar Mercury- all sacred places. Jupiter- Aryavarta bordered in the North by Himalayas, in the south by Vindhya, and which extends to oceans in the East and the West. (6) Venus- same as the Moon’s places. (7) Saturn- prohibited places like those inhabited by Mlechchas (non-Hindus). 27. (i) if the planets referred to in verse 24 (lords of the 9th and the 5th), are posited in a fixed sign or Navamsa which is Prishtodaya and Adhomukha along with malefics, the past and future births of the native should be taken as trees, plants and the like. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Exahmple 27: Guru is in Taurus a fixed sign, and Pristodaya and with a benefic; Surya is in a chara (moveable sign) Makara and a Prishtodaya sign with a malefic Sukra. The future birth is in a human body. (ii) If the lord of the 9th and the 5th houses occupy a Shirshodaya and an Urdhvamukha sign or a movable sign or navamsa, and be associated with benefics, the past and future births will be of an animal kind. 28. (i) if the lord of the 9th or the 5th be in a sign of exaltation or own sign to the lord of Lagna [i.e the 9th or the 5th lords is a depositor in the lord of Lagna’s exultation or own sign], it would mean that the native’s previous birth (9th) or the future birth (5th) birth will be that of a human being Example 28 (i): The lord of Lagna is Ma whose exultation sign is Makara occupied by Surya the lord of the 5th. This satisfies sutra 28 and the native is to be a human being in future birth. (ii) If the lord of the 9th occupied a sign neutral to the lord of the Lagna, the native in the past birth was born as an animal. Example 28 (ii): the lord of Lagna Ma is neutral to Sukra the lord of Vrishabha to which sign the lord of the 9th Guru is deposited. The native in his past birth was an animal. (iii) If the lord of the 5th be in a sign neutral to the lord of the Lagna, the native in his future birth will be born as an animal. (iv) If the lord of the 9th occupies the sign of debilitation of the lord of the Lagna or in an inimical sign, the native was born as a bird in his previous life. (v) If the lord of the 5th be in such a situation, the native will be born as a bird in his next birth. 29. (i) if the lords of the 9th and the 5th be in the same sign, the past birth was in his own country and the future birth will also take place there. (ii) If these two planets be of equal strength, the past and future birth would be of the same caste. (iii) The colour and quality will also be similar to these belonging to the lords of the 9th and the 5th houses.

154 … Example-chart -verses 22-28:


Example 22: the 12th is Pisces a Ubhayodaya sign. He can go either way to Nirvana or Narakaloka. Example 23: The lord of the 12th sign is Guru, he is conjunct with benefic Chandra. He will go to Kailash of lord Shiva. Example 24: the lord of the 9th is Guru, this is the divine house of Bhagya. He was a Brahmin in his previous life and lived outside of India. The 5th house lord is Surya. He will act as a Kshatriya for occupation in the future. Example 25: Guru in past life is in an inimical sign Vrishabha; Surya in future birth is in an inimical sign Makara. He will live outside of his birth country, namely South Africa. Example 28 (i): The lord of Lagna is Ma whose exultation sign is Makara occupied by Surya the lord of the 5th. This satisfies sutra 28 and the native will be a human being in future birth. Example 28 (ii): the lord of Lagna Ma is neutral to Sukra the lord of Vrishabha to which sign the lord of the 9th Guru is deposited. The native in his past birth was an animal but benefic as he was a Brahmin.

5112 Method of LongevityExit from the World Sutra 28: the death may take place when Saturn, Jupiter Sun and the Moon in course of their transit pass through: (i) The house occupied by the lord of the 8th. (ii) The house occupied by the lord of the 12th. (iii) The house occupied by the lord of the 6th. (iv) The house occupied by the 8th house Decante i.e. the 22nd drekkana. … Using Jyotish Tools computer program www.jyotishtools.com and using the Muhurta Tool in the Tool Menu the following transits can fix the time of death, when the native becomes unconscious before passing, the soul being released only during cremation, unless there is evidence in the chart of a Meritorious Soul or Saint.

155 5112 Method to Determine Longevity :From the Vedas: “Jivem Sharadah Shataam” 1st Stage Short-life Up-to 33.33 Sutras-

2nd Stage Medium-Life Up-to 66.66

3rd Stage Long-Life Up-to 100

(i) If all the Trik house lords {6, 8, 12} and the 22nd-Drekkana lord are in the rasi or Janma Lagna and at least one of the transiting planets : Saturn, Jupiter, Sun or Moon are there then this 1st Muhurta chart is the time when bodily debilitation starts. (ii) If all of the above lords cannot form a conjunction in rasi lagna then place as many of these transiting parameters as possible in lagna and place the balance in powerful aspecting positions. o Then this 1st Muhurta chart is the time of life when debilitation of body starts. o If after the 1st Muhurtha is taken, the astrologer finds Jupiter already in Revati (sign of Pisces) then that is the time of death. Jupiter already in Revati is found in the charts of meritorious souls, or jivanmukta’s. o See Example 8 (iii) If Jupiter is not in Revati, place Saturn in the star Bharani in 13:20 degrees Mesha (Aries). Saturn is rotated clockwise to this position in the Muhurtha chart if his position is greater than 13:40 Leo (end of Magha). If Saturn is located less than this rotate Saturn anticlockwise to the nakshatra Bharani. i.e., if Saturn is behind Simha in houses 9 to 12 - rotate anticlockwise. If Saturn is in front in houses 1 to 8 and greater than 13:40 Magha in Simha , rotate clockwise. o This is the 2nd Muhurtha time. o If after the 2nd Muhurtha is taken, the astrologer finds Jupiter has moved to Revati - the star in the sign of Pisces, then that is the time of death. Jupiter in Revati in 2nd Muhurtha is found in the charts of meritorious souls. o See Example’s : 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. o If Jupiter is not in Revati; after the 2nd Muhurtha, move Jupiter clockwise or anticlockwise - depending on the stage of life taken from the chart above - to the first trine position to the Divine Mother in Revati. ⇒ Jupiter is moved clockwise if age is in 1st or 2nd stage to the first trine position ( 5, 9 ) - 16:40 Sign to Revati in Pisces. ⇒ Jupiter is moved retrograde (in exultation) anti-clockwise if age in 3rd stage of life -over 66.7 years- to the first trine position 16:40 Sign to Revati in Pisces. o This is the 3rd Muhurtha time and the time of death. See Examples 1, 2, 3, 4, 10. o Note: In the data box for each example, the Statistical Age details is found in the Statistical Section of this manual. o The Varahamihira Ages are from his method.

156 Bharani is said to be the Nakshatra where Yama guides the soul to the astral plane , where it can experience the result of its karma and vasanas from the samskaras and prepare for the next life. This is Yama’s first visit. This is the time when one asks Yama to extend life further or complete it soon. Bharani starts in 13:20 Aries. This is the 1st Muhurta or time. Magha is ruled by the ancestors. Magha Nakshatra causes a change of state or condition, a kind of death. Usually it shows that we are coming to the end of a cycle. This nakshatra is a marker on the movement of Saturn either to extend or to retract, the years of one’s life cycle. Magha ends in the sign of 13:40 Leo. Revati is the great womb of the Divine Mother, revealing the end as well as new beginnings. This is the 2nd Muhurtha given in life charts.The primary motivation of this asterism is moksha. It is also associated with deep faith and devotion to Brahman. Meritorious souls end their life cycle in this star. Pushan the protector of kine is invoked in the Vedas for safe travel and protects the soul in its travel to the world of the Deva’s. Pushan the deity of Revati guides the soul to the third world. Revati starts in 16:40 Pisces. Finally the 3rd Muhurtha date of punya chakra or passing away time is Guru or Jupiter in trine to the Divine Mother in Revati. After the body is destroyed by the loss of Prana- the vital force, the soul with its attributes (Avaranas) is to transmigrate away from the dissoluted material body, pass in auspicious proximity to the Tara Revati- the womb of the Divine Mother of the Universe and journey either in the northerly (uttarayana) or southerly (dakshinayana) direction, in its astral body of light, to the region of its merit. Some will pass through Surya to Satyaloka others to the 3rd plane of Chandraloka . Lord Krishna explains this process in the Bhagavad Gita (chapt 8, verse 22-26) and Muni Vayasa in the Brahma Sutras.

157 Example: Case 1- Cancer Patient parameters: The house occupied by the lord of the 8th- Sun The house occupied by the lord of the 12th - Jupiter The house occupied by the lord of the 6th.– Mercury The house occupied by the 8th house Decante; the 22nd drekkana-Jupiter

Analysis : D.O.B.: 1876-9-15 Projected Date of Death Date: 1935-12-22 Dasa: Ju/Ve Age: 67.67 Statistical Age: 67.06-73.79 Varahamihira Age: 84.02 % error=8.23 Actual Date of Death: Date: 1938-01-16 Dasa: Ra/Me Age : 62.1

• • • •

1st Muhurtha : 1938-02-04 all parameters in Lagna (upper right). 2nd Muhurtha : 1940-05-10; move Sa: 13:20 Aries; 2nd stage of life (age 64-lower left). 3rd Muhurtha : 1943-08-14; Jupiter moved clockwise to trine position to Revati, 16:40 Karka (age 67- lower right). Cancer shortened his life.Varahamihiras Method of Longevity gives a greater age.

158 Example Case 2 – Cancer Patient (Breast) parameters: (i) The house occupied by the lord of the 8th - Mercury (ii)The house occupied by the lord of the 12th - Venus (iii)The house occupied by the lord of the 6th – Mars (iv)The house occupied by the 8th house Decante i.e. 22nd drekkana-Venus

Ma 24

Ju 8

Ra 16 Ve 18 Su 24


Mo 22

Born 8-6-1928 18:10:07 New Delhi As 10 Ke 16 Sa(R)23

• • •

Me 16

Analysis : D.O.B. : 1928-06-08 Projected Date of Death Date: 1971-11-07 Dasa: Ju /Ju Age: 43.92 Statistic Age: 42.52- 47.89 % error=10.34 Actual Date of Death: Date: 1976-12-31 Age : 48.99

1st Muhurtha, 1974-12-01, all parameters in rasi Lagna.(upper right) 2nd Muhurtha, 1970-03-20 Saturn in Bharani 13:20; 2nd stage of life (age 42-lower left ) 3rd Muhurtha, 1971-11-07, Jupiter moved clockwise to 16:40 Scorpio which aspects the star Revati in Meena (lower right).


˜ Example Case 3 – Tumour (Cerebral-Thrombosis) Parameters: (i) The house occupied by the lord of the 8th. - Venus (ii) The house occupied by the lord of the 12th. - Saturn (iii) The house occupied by the lord of the 6th. – Sun (iv) The house occupied by the 22nd drekkana. – Venus Sa 2.8 Su 1.7 As 23.26 Me 21.46

Ve9.49 Mo2.11

Ju 28.56

Ra 26.49 Ma7.36

Ke 26.49

Born: 1937-3-15 7:15:00 16N19 8E39

• • •

Analysis : D.O.B. : 1937-03-15 Projected Date of Death Date: 1971-11-07 Dasa: Mo/Me Age: 34.92 Stastical Age: 33.60-38.08 % error: 0.95 Actual Date of Death: Date: 1972-03-26 Dasa: Mo/Me Age : 35.25

Ve 0 Me 1 Su 21 Sa 21 Ra 25 As 14 Md

Ma 11

Mo 29

JuR 2

Ke 25

1st Muhurtha, 1968-4-3 all the required planets in Lagna. (upper right) 2nd Muhurtha, 1969-3-20, Saturn is Bharani 13:20; 1st stage of life (age 32- lower left) 3rd Muhurtha, 1969-9-10 Jupiter moved clockwise to 16:40 Scorpio, trine to 16:40 Revati in Pisces, final DOD (lower right).


˜ Example Case 4 – Meningitis Parameters: (i) The house occupied by the lord of the 8th. - Mercury (ii) The house occupied by the lord of the 12th. - Saturn (iii) The house occupied by the lord of the 6th. – Moon (iv) The house occupied by the 22nd drekkana. – Saturn Analysis : D.O.B. 1925-12-05 Projected Date of Death Date: 1943-08-14 Dasa: Ju/Su Age: 18.67 Statistical Age:18.30– 20.36 Varahamihira Age: 87.81 % error= 13.48

5.12.1925 1:42:00 16N12 80E39 -05:30 INT

Actual Date of Death: Date: 1946-07-14 Dasa: Su/Mo Age : 21.58 Ke 26

Ju 5 Sa 13 Me13 Su 26

Mo 28

Muhurta 1940-5-10

Ke 16

Su 7 Ma 28 As 0 Mo 5 Ve 11 Me 19 Sa 21

Muhurta 1936-3-21

Ju 0 Ra 16

Ma 2 Ve 9

As 22

Ra 26

• • •

1st Muhurtha, 1936-3-21, all planets in the Ascendant (upper right). 2nd Muhurtha, 1940-5-10, Saturn is in 13:20 Bharani; 1st stage of life (age 15 -lower left) 3rd Muhurtha 1943-08-14, Jupiter rotated clockwise to 16:40 Karka - trine to Revati (16:40) in Pisces (lower right).

˜ Example Case 5 – Sri Chandrasekara Saraswati Parameters: (i) The house occupied by the lord of the 8th-Ju (ii) The house occupied by the lord of the 12th-Mo (iii) The house occupied by the lord of the 6th-Sa (iv) The house occupied by the 22nd drekkana-Ma


Analysis : D.O. B. 1894-5-20 Projected Date of Death Date: 1999-5-1 Dasa: Age: 105.42 Statistical Age: 104.48-114.96 Varahamihira Age: 87.73 % error= 5.06 Actual Date of Death: Date: 1994-1-8 Dasa: Sa/Ma Age : 100.08

• •

1st Muhurtha, 2008-8-4 (upper right chart) are placed Moon, Saturn, Mars in Lagna and Jupiter is placed in Dhanush (Sagittarius) aspecting from the powerful 9th. 2nd Muhurtha, 1999-5-1 Saturn is rotated anticlockwise into Aries 13:20, Bharani (chart lower left). Jupiter is in Revati (24:17 Pisces) on this date and when Saturn transits Bharani in Aries and Jupiter is also found to be in Revati, at the same time, this is the sign of a meritorious soul. The final Muhurtha date of predicted Mahasamadhi is then taken, age 105. There is no vedha on Jupiter whose position in the 5th from radical Moon (birth chart) has no planet in the 4th from radical Moon in the chart lower left. The Ashtakavarga of Jupiter in Revati is 24, Jupiter’s strength is a weak 4.

162 ¾ Example Case 6- Prof. P.S. Sastri, Ma. Phd. D.Litt. Parameters: (i)The house occupied by the lord of the 8th– Ve (ii) The house occupied by the lord of the 12th– Sa (iii) The house occupied by the lord of the 6th– Su (iv) The house occupied by the 22nd drekkana – Me

As 25

Ra 13:03

Ke 29

Rasi 1-22-1920 11:06

Su 8 Mo 19

Me 28

JuR 21

SaR 18

Ve 28

Ma 3 Ra 29

Analysis : D.O.B. : 1920-1-22 Projected Date of Death Date: 1999-5-1 Dasa: Me/Sa Age: 79.42 Statistical Age: 78.71– 86.61 Varahamiria Age: 83.49 % error= 6.28 Actual Date of Death: Date: Sept. 2004 Dasa: Ke/Sa Age : 84.75

Mo 9

Ju 18

Ma 2 Ra 4

1st Muhurtha, 1997-3-19, upper right chart. 2nd Muhurtha 1999-5-1, Saturn transits 13:20 Bharani in Aries, Jupiter is already in Revati (Ju 24:17). This is the chart of a meritorious soul. Age 79. • The 22nd Drekkana Mercury is in conjunction with Jupiter in the punya chakra chart (time of passing away chart). The major Dasa is Mercury and the minor Dasa is Saturn. Saturn in the 6th in Rasi indicates death from ailments in the 8th - Mars and Rahu. • In the D-3 Drekkana chart Saturn is in maraka 2nd from drekkana-lagna. In Rasi it is Ketu who is in the 2nd maraka house. He is also in the 2nd in the Drekkana divisional chart. He passed away in the sub-period of Saturn in the major period of Ketu. There is no vedha or argala to Jupiter in Revati.The Astakavarga is 24, Jupiter 5. He was a great scholar in philosophy, astrology, and languages, a Jivanmukta. His sadhana’s stood him well into long-life. Jaimini long-life is indicated with the 1st house lord Ju in Cancer and the 8th house lord Su (counting is anticlockwise) in Makara : (1,1) , and the rest of the sign’s are (1,1) and (1,2). • •

• • •

As 29 Ve 1 Su 4 Me 11 Sa 14

163 Example Case 7- Sri Siva Subramuniya Swami. Parameters: (i) The house occupied by the lord of the 8th- Ve (ii) The house occupied by the lord of the 12th- Mo (iii) The house occupied by the lord of the 6th– Ve (iv) The house occupied by the 22nd drekkana– Ma

Ra 21

Ma 16

Ju 04

Ve 2 Mo 14 As 11 Me 07 Ke 14 Su 21

Analysis : D.O.B. 1-05-1927 Projected DOD: Date: 1999-04-30 Dasa: Rahu/Moon Age: 72.33 Statisical Age: 71.68 – 78.87 Varahamihira Age: 76.61 % error= 3.49

Rasi 1-05-1927 06:49 122W16 37N48

Actual Date of Death: Date: 2001-11-12 Dasa: Mars/Rahu Age : 74.95

Sa 10

• •

1stMuhurha, 1-11-1994 , all the required planets are in rasi lagna. (upper right chart) 2nd Muhurtha, 4-30-1999, Saturn in 13:20 Bharani in Aries; Jupiter in the star Revati (Pisces) at the same time, is the chart of a meritorious soul, found in the punya charka charts of Saints. Age 72.

The worlds beloved Gurudeva had colon cancer resulting in Prayopavesha MahaSamadhi. Rahu in the 7th in rasi aspecting Lagna indicated some type of cancer. Any relation between lords of the 6th and 8th houses make for a high intensity of the ailment. In above rasi chart (upper left), lord of 6th house = Venus, and lord of 8th house= Moon. Note Moon/Venus conjunction in the 2nd maraka house in Capricorn aspected by malefic Saturn in Scorpio. In any chart the 6th is the house of disease, and the 8th that of the nature of the disease. The Moon is responsible for, among others, tumors and the digestive system. In the SAV charts of rasi the Moon and Venus scored 3 and 4 bindu and Saturn only 3 bindus. This relative weakness (out of 8) of these planets means the disease progressed slowly. Benefic Mars aspect on the 6th and 8th houses also helped to defer their evil effects. His great works, like Lemurian Scrolls , inspired us to see the Universe differently. Through his meditations and subsequent writings we became enlightened to the working’s of the divine world all around us. He revealed the great library of lord Skanda in the 3rd world and read from it the early history of life on earth. Cosmologists should take note of his revelation’s and find the meaning behind the apparently real but unreal universe, that is always in flux, but blessed nevertheless with the great abiding bliss of the immortals, like Gurudeva. Jaimini Medium-life is indicated ; 1st in Dhanus, Guru in Khumba; 8th in Karka, Chandra in Makara (2,1). Hora Lagna in Scorpio and lord of Scorpio in Aries. The rest are (2,1), (2,1). He lived beyond Parasara’s maximum, medium-life expectant age of 72.

164 ¾ Example Case 8- Sri Swami Sivananda The parameters are: (i) The house occupied by the lord of the 8th- Sa (ii) The house occupied by the lord of the 12th- Me (iii) The house occupied by the lord of the 6th – Ju (iv) The house occupied by the 22nd drekkana– Ve

Mo 22


Ke 25

9-08-1887 04:16 77E40 8N48

Ju 11

• •

As 23 Ma 15 Sa 10 Ra 25 Me 20 Su 22

VeR 12

Analysis : D.O.B. 9-8-1887 Projected Date of Death Date: 7-26-1963 Age: 76.58 Statistical Age: 75.89 - 83.51 Varahamihira Age: 81.97 % error= 0.00 Actual Date of Death: Date: 7-14-1963 Dasa: Venus/Venus Age : 76.58

1st Muhurta, 7-27-1963. Venus and Mercury in conjunction in Janma Lagna aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter is already in Revati during this time. This 1st Muhurtha chart is the final date of death. Jupiter in Revati is the final determination of death found in the charts of meritorious souls. He was an Avatar who returned to the world of the Deva’s. Malefic Mercury in conjunction with the 2nd house maraka lord Sun is combust and malefic Venus, the 22nd Drekkana lord, is in punya chakra lagna (passing away house), who’s Dasa, was in the major period of Venus. He lived in a rugged climate near the Himalayas and died early through his hard work, a Great Soul, a Saint, in his own time. The Divine Life Society and his more than 200 books are his legacy and bring joy to the earth. Like Sri Ramakrishna he made everything seem so simple, yet so profound were his words. Like the Agni-Soma universe, in which Shakti is the words and Purusha is their meanings, he was the Purushottama. Jaimini Long-life; 1st in Karka, Chandra in Mesha; 8th in Dhanush (anticlockwise), Guru in Tula (1,1).The rest of the sutras are (1,1) , (1,2). Parasara’s long-life starts from age 72 and ends at age 108, the Astottari Dasa maximum age.

165 ¾ Example Case 9- Dr. B.V. Raman (i) The house occupied by the lord of the 8th- Me (ii) The house occupied by the lord of the 12th -Sa (iii) The house occupied by the lord of the 6th– Mo (iv) The house occupied by the 22nd drekkana– Sa

Analysis : D.O.B. 1912-8-12 Projected Date of Death Date: 1999-5-1 Dasa: Venus/Venus Age: 86.41 Statistical Age: 85.64– 94.23 Varahamihira Age: 86.68 % error= 0.64 Actual Date of Death: Date: 1998-12-20 Dasa: Venus/Venus Age : 86.97

1st Muhurtha, 1993-3-20, Me, Sa and Mo in the birth Lagna the parameters according to Sri Mantreswara’s method of longevity. (chart upper right) • 2nd Muhurtha 1999-5-1 Saturn to be moved to 13:20 Bharani in Pisces. Note Jupiter is already in Revati, a feature to be noted in the charts of meritorious souls.This is the final date of Muhurtha prediction of death • There is no vedha obstruction to Jupiter in Pisces in this chart (left). • The SAV of Pisces is a very weak 17 and the BAV of Jupiter in Revati is a strong 5. (left chart) • The 22nd Drekkana Saturn aspects rasi lagna and Venus, Mercury and Mars are in the 7th maraka house. He died in the major and minor periods of Venus. He passed away 6 months later than this prediction, of a heart attack, while proof reading his spectacular paper The Astrological Magazine. A jivanmukta, the worlds most famous astrologer of his time, his books gave mankind the clearest understanding yet of Jyotisha. • Jaimini Sutra 2.1.1, 2.1.5 and 2.1.6 yield : (2,2), (2,2) and (2,2) , where Hora Lagna is in Virgo. Short-life is indicated by Maha Rishi Jaimini, but by intellect, will, and the Sadhana’s, he lived an extremely long life through turbulent times in India. •

166 ¾ Example Case 10- Dr. B. Suryanarain Rao Parameters (i) The house occupied by the lord of the 8th- Ju (ii) The house occupied by the lord of the 12th-Ma (iii) The house occupied by the lord of the 6th– Ve (iv) The house occupied by the lord of the 22nd drekkana– Ma

Analysis : D.O.B. : 2-12-1856 Projected Date of Death Date: 1935-12-22 Dasa : Mars/Jupiter Age: 79.97 Statistical Age: 79.25- 87.21 Vahamihira Age: 76.89 % error= 1.27 Actual Date of Death: Date: 1937 Age : 81

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

1st Muhurtha, 1929-12-01, Venus/ Mars aspecting lagna with Jupiter (chart upper right). 2nd Muhurtha, 1940-5-10, 3rd stage of life, Saturn in 13:20 Aries, in the nakshatra Bharani; 3rd stage of life (over 66). (chart lower left). 3rd Muhurtha, 1935-12-22, Jupiter rotated anticlockwise to trine position to Revati in Scorpio 16:40 (right); He was India’s most revered astrologer for his time and the grandfather of Dr. B.V. Raman.

Note : Varahamihiras ages are accurate for devotees who reach the 3rd stage of life ( >67) and then there is about a 5% error from the predicted to the actual age at death.

167 The Vedas Talk of equal divisions of three partitions, as in the following chart: Short Medium Long Up-to Up-to Up-to 33.33 66.66 100 “Jivem Sharadah Shataam” Jaimini’s Movable signs, fixed signs and common signs groups determine life-span as follows: (in the rasi chart) y Sutra 2.1.2 : when the 1st and the 8th lords are in movable or cardinal (Chara) signs there is long life. When one is in a fixed sign and the other is in a common (dvisvabhava) sign, then there is long life. y Sutra 2.1.3: when the 1st and the 8th lords are both in common signs, and when one is in a cardinal sign and the other in a fixed sign, there is medium longevity. y Sutra 2.1.4:if the lords of the 1st and the 8th houses are both in fixed signs and when one is in a cardinal sign and the other is in a common sign, there is short life. 1= Movable signs : { 1-Aries, 4-Cancer, 7-Tula, 10-Capricorn} 2= Fixed signs : { 2-Taurus, 5-Leo, 8-Scorpio, 11-Aquarius } 3= Common signs :{ 3-Gemini, 6-Virgo, 9-Sagittarius, 12-Pisces } Long life Medium life Short life

( 1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3)

(2, 3) (2, 1) (3, 1)

(3,2) (3, 3) (2, 2)

y Sutra 2.1.1 : longevity is to be determined from the lord of lagna and from the lord of the 8th house from lagna. y Sutra 2.1.5 : the rules given to Sutras 1 to 4 are to be applied also to janma lagna (As) and Chandra lagna (Mo). y Sutra 2.1.6: longevity should also be ascertained from janma lagna and Hora Lagna. Parasara and Nilakantha – The upper limits of short, medium and long life as advocated by Nilakantha (1st column) and Parashara (2nd column), Vimshottari (3rd column) # Methods

1 yoga agrees

2 yogas agree

3 yogas agree













Note: agreeing yogas are from Jaimini’s sutras: 2.1.1; 2.1.5; and 2.1.6 above.


Statistical Ages of 5112-Method of Longevity Data

X-Ages Predicted:67.67,43.92,34.92,18.67,105.42,79.42,72.33,76.58,86.41,79.97 Y-Ages at Death: 62.10,48.99,35.25,21.58,100.08,84.75,74.95,76.58,86.97,81.0 % errors: 8.23, 10.34, 0.95, 13.48, 5.06, 6.28, 3.49, 0.00, 0.64, 1.27

Correlation coefficient (ρ) Sum XY=(68)(62)+(43)(48)+(34)(35)+(18)(21)+(105)(100)+(79)(84)+(72)(74)+(76)(76)+ (86)(86)+(79)(81)=49,883 SumX=68+43+34+18+105+79+72+76+86+79=660 Sum X2 =682 +432+…=54440 SumY=62+48+35+21+100+84+74+76+86+81=667 SumY2=622+482+…=50079 N=10 A=SumXY-SumX*SumY/N=49,883-660*667/10=5861 B=SumX2-(SumX)2/N=49883-(6602)/10=6323 C=SumY2-(SumY)2/N=50079-(6672)/10=5590.1 ρ=A/√(B*C) ρ=5861/ √(6323*5590.1)=5861/5945.26 ρ=0.9858 ¾ 5112-Method – shows high correlation 0.9858 for the predictive-data to the actual-data. ¾ Mean of %-error (5112 Method); /x = 4.972 (unit=%) ¾ Sample stnd. Deviation; s = √∑ (x- /x)2 / (n-1) = 4.5837 (unit=%) Using a Student t -Distribution (N≤30): set 98% confidence; n=10 ; n-1=9 degress of freedom; sample mean=4.972; t α/2 =2.821 (from student t-tables) ; s = 4.5837; µ= population mean error (%); E (error)= t α/2 * s /√n = 2.821 * 4.5837 / 3.1622= 4.083 (%) and; ( sample mean – E)
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