117_DWP Difficult Solid Fuel Burning 191207_RDB&YJB

May 10, 2018 | Author: mkpq | Category: Combustion, Mechanical Fan, Industries, Chemistry, Energy And Resource
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117_DWP Difficult Solid Fuel Burning 191207_RDB&YJB...


DWP Difficult solid fuel burning  YJB/RdeB Dec 2007

DWP specifics : Kick Off nd d!"s ob#ecti$es 

Re$ie% of prere&uisites for difficult fuel burning

Re$ie% of t'e lig't udit infor(tion before (eeting) *pecific issues   

*O+/lk lred!, -)0 : co(bustion (ster! %ill be  (ust K-.0 : +- : $er! difficult to burn r% (el : ddressed see ction pln Kiln coc' to be ppointed nd trined Yng 1i 3ong 4'eng Wn5 : OK see ction pln

Re$ie% of co(bustion relted pre$ious reco((endtions 1W2006 e% burner prere&uisite o$ 2006 nd 4ooler udit o$ 2006 debottlenecking 8! 20075     

 

DWP High sulfur coal 2007 2008

DWP mendation follo

Burner : OK i(ple(ented in 2007 9nl!ser eisting nd %orking : OK but c'eck clibrtion 4O nd O ne% portble nl!ser  ;9 d(per issue < flse ir : not discussed *cnner : OK but need clibrtion 4ooler opti(i=tion to increse fl(e te(perture cooler >P ?n fres' d(per opening pie=o(eter@5: pie=o(etric to be connected b! October 200A prt of debottlenecking budget 8el curtin : OK in October  Refrctor! filure belo% 2nd t!re nd refrctor! support during s'utdo%n: 's i(pro$ed in 2007

Ot'ers 

 

-0 rules nd 7 *OP i(ple(enttion plnning < feed bck on Kiln 4oc' 8eeting OK plnning for -0 rules i(ple(enttion < kiln coc' in 8rc' 200A tion plan 10 rule DWP Debottlenecking C cooler : see ction pln nd slides kW on big fns for follo% up of efficiencies : not discussed but process engineer to clculte for cooler >P fn Wter : not discussed

P9; - is bd  is OK


Weknesses nd *trengt's

2 1

R% 8i Fnifor(it! is  prere&uisite for burning opti(i=tion *olid ?uel preprtion nd in#ection

worst condition in CQ area. High KFUI (>20), low K1!0 (31) and high "#3$al% (1.3)


Fl&ct&ation on 'ain &rner  3

?l(e opti(i=tion

a*arge &rner, anal+ers reliale, good oil *iring s+ste' 3


Weknesses/risks 


-reca oersied, %iln *eed *l&ct&ation and I/ *an control to e i'roed. o 'eal c&rtain (/i**ic< to install)

2 Kiln opertion (ster!

o %iln coach, lac% o* CC certi*ied and 3 stoages in 200 *or rocess 'aster+ &t good sta**  2


*fet! Pre$ious udits

i'roe'ent in 200, lac% o* assess'ent o* 'echanical condition 2 high #2, *ire in 200! /e4ottlenec%ing 200, Q5 and cooler in 2006

*trong te( fro( DJY 9 4'inefrge nd *unf Preclciner si=e nd frge burner  WER relted / cooler debottlenecking

K?FG ,20) e% &urr! %s opened in Jn 2007) *'ould i(pro$e but 200A (! not be good) K-.0 is $er! lo% : 9lu(in content of t'e li(estone 4e(ent &ulit! < i(pct on grindbilit! %it' *O+/lk,,-)0 o kiln coc' nd control roo( opertors %it' lck of trining

;o Do ist : Eig' *ulfur 4ol : 8in ctions 

R% (i opti(i=tion : i(pro$e burnbilit! K-.05 K?FG %it' product &ulit! constrints 

4ol feeding s!ste( to (in burner  

?luctution due to kiln feed or GD fn@ ?our steps ction : 7 1. "to ded&sting o* elt *eeding and chec% i'act 7 2. I/ Fan o&tlet ress&re control (e*ore 81K"/), 7 3. Kiln *eeding i'roe'ent with elt weigh4*eeder (81K"/ in 2009), 7 . I/ *an i* ste 2 not s&ccess*&l (82K"/ 2009).

8el 4urtin 

Kiln coc' to prticipte to 8rc' kiln coc' net%ork (eeting G(ple(enttion of t'e -0 rules b! 9pril200A5 nd 7 *OPs

O2 nd $entiltion fluctution 

e% bin close to (in burner O* nd pro#ect b! October 200A H2K*D5

9ppoint kiln coc' 

9;4 (ission in Jnur! 200A i(pro$e(ent b! 9pril 200A

9lred! in 4pe sc'eduled b! October 200A H2K*D5

Gdentif! t'e opti(u( econo(ic considering grindbilit! of clinker nd &ulit! concerns

;o do list plnning N ov- 07

Assess bui"& up ris+

sen& sa,p"e to A-!

co nt ro "  /* a "+

s hi 't s a, p" e i n h ot , ea " see ho1 to re,ove san&stone$ F"y ash4 /ther source near 5JP to be investi.ate& ro"" out action p"an 1ith A-! tea, appoint +i"n coach : train in schoo" p"ant : participation to the net 1or+ ,eetin. in March

KFI ))

"ee lin% in sreadsheet /5- high s&l*&r coal 200 2009 e'edded on 82 slide

I,p"e,entation o' 7 /P see separate action p"an I,p"e,entation o' #0 ru"es .as han&"in. pyroprocessin. 'or -rainin. processper'or,ance ,ana.ers schoo" p"ant purchase ana"yser .as han&"in. trainin. process basic 'o""o1 up /) 'a"se air 1ee+"y 'o""o1 up c"ean the 'ine coa" bin inc"u&e s,a"" bin near ,ain burner increase 're;uency o' Ana"yser accuracy ca"ibration at "east +i"n bac+ en& ,a+e sure about the causes < +i"n 'ee&= ID 'an= &e&ustin.4 #$ stop &e&ustin. an& chec+ i,pact on /) )$ contro" "oop ID 'an out"et pressure *$ insta"" be"t 1ei.h'ee&er 2$ I' not succes'u""= ID 'an contro secon& stopa.e ) c"in+er ba"" are causes 'u""y so"ve&4 'or,ation : # bi. coatin. in )007 >J? to chec+ @!A -ry increase pro&uction as #0 ru"e &urin. 1inter bott"enec+ not 1e"" i&enti'ie& pieBo,etric rin. to be insta""e& 1ater in(ection$ A-! .ives reco,,en&ation &e&ustin. o' c"in+er !oo"er opti,iBation conveyor coo"er eChaust 'an < re,ove one b"a&e ,easure 'an e''iciency an& try (usti'y ne1 'an 1ith +W savin. !oo"er crusher < .et p"u..e& ease"y : hi.h 'in& better ;ua"ity ha,,er 1ear h + h i " &iti

D ec -0 7

J an -0 8

Fe b- 08

M ar -0 8

A pr -0 8

M ay -08

Ju n-0 8

p"ot the +i"n "oa& on the .raph ' o" "o 1 u p o '  /* a "+ &e'ine c"ear ob(ective an& c"ear action p"an



/P i,p"e,ente& ru"es in auto,atic ,o&e trainin. co,p"ete& an& outco,es o' trainin. obtaine&

process an& per'or,ance ,an

'a"se air : .as ana"yser 1ee+"y chec+in. no !/ pea+ an& a,ps transport variation "ess than 0$3a,ps vs 2a,ps con'i&ence "eve" by operators

ran.e o' variation o' /) st&ev90$) vs$ 60$2 current"y base& on # ,in avera.e 'or # hour

a'ter +i"n shut &o1n

be'ore stoppa.e be'ore stoppa.e &urin. stoppa.e

havin. a"" causes a&&resse& throu.h action p"an : no ne1 occurrence the p"ant has to report on the tria" 1hat is the bott"enec+ in 1inter

&urin. stoppa.e A- '"uctuation "o1er than 30! in #h an& + to be i,prove& 'ro, previous au&it #$#E

&urin. stoppa.e

no p"u. an& "i'e 'or one 'u"" ca,pai.n &



;o do ist : not relted to 'ig' sulfur col 

4linker cooler crus'er   

+ pluggings in 2007 E((er &ulit! to be i(pro$ed Design to be c'ecked

Burner lining 

9ppl! lfrge best prctice t't %s distributed

Plnt tour 2 : Eig' *ulfur 4ol

:eal C&rtain ; sho&ld go down in *ront o* the ea' ; chec% the sloe Cooling *ans ; caacit+, osition to e i'roed

Plnt tour - : 4ooler Debottlenecking

1. False air to Cooler e=ha&st *an  install searate de4d&sting  'eas&re'ent oint 2. Cooler
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