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Orchestration Theory

Recent Titles in the Music Reference Collection A Conductor's Repertory of Chamber Music: Compositions for Nine to Fifteen Solo Instruments William Scott, compiler Opera Mediagraphy: Video Recordings and Motion Pictures Sharon G. Almquist, compiler American Fuging-Tunes, 1770-1820 Karl Kroeger, compiler Classical Singers of the Opera and Recital Stages: A Bibliography of Biographical Materials Robert H. Cowden Rock Stars/Pop Stars: A Comprehensive Bibliography, 1955-1994 Brady J. Leyser, compiler The Johnny Cash Record Catalog John L. Smith, compiler Thesaurus of Abstract Musical Properties: A Theoretical and Compositional Resource Jeffrey Johnson Song Finder: A Title Index to 32,000 Popular Songs in Collections, 1854-1992 Gary Lynn Ferguson, compiler Musical Anthologies for Analytical Study: A Bibliography James E. Perone, compiler A Guide to Popular Music Reference Books: An Annotated Bibliography Gary Haggerty Rock Music Scholarship: An Interdisciplinary Bibliography Jeffrey N. Gatten Sing Glory and Hallelujah!: Historical and Biographical Guide to Gospel Hymns Nos. 1 to 6 Complete Samuel J. Rogal, compiler

Orchestration Theory A Bibliography Compiled by


Music Reference Collection, Number 52

Greenwood Press Westport, Connecticut • London

Library of Congress Cataloging-ln-Publication Data Perone, James E. Orchestration theory : a bibliography / compiled by James E. Perone. p. cm.—(Music reference collection, ISSN 0736-7740 ; no. 52) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-313-29596-4 (alk. paper) 1. Instrumentation and orchestration—Bibliography. 2. Arrangement (Music)—Bibliography. I. Title. II. Series. ML128.166P47 1996 016.7813'74—dc20 95-52948 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available. Copyright © 1996 by James E. Perone All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, by any process or technique, without the express written consent of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 95-52948 ISBN: 0-313-29596-4 ISSN: 0736-7740 First published in 1996 Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881 An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. Printed in the United States of America

" The paper used in this book complies with the Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National Information Standards Organization (Z39.48-1984). P In order to keep this title in print and available to the academic community, this edition was produced using digital reprint technology in a relatively short print run. This would not have been attainable using traditional methods. Although the cover has been changed from its original appearance, the text remains the same and all materials and methods used still conform to the highest book-making standards.


Viii Xi 1 47 85 131 151 155 159 163

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Preface Orchestration Theory: A Bibliography is designed to present as complete bibliographic information as possible about all aspects of orchestration, instrumentation, and musical arranging, with the broadest possible historical and stylistic palette. The book is divided into four principal sections: (1) "Orchestration Treatises (A-L)"; (2) Orchestration Treatises (M-Z)"; (3) "General Bibliography"; and (4) "Index." In addition, the reader will find four chapters providing more specific listings of treatises: (1) "Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises"; (2) "List of Jazz Arranging/Orchestration Treatises"; (3) "List of Band-Related Treatises"; and (4) "List of Treatises Dealing with Specific Instruments." Both "Orchestration Treatises" chapters include publication, original language, English translation, reprint, and bibliographic information for general orchestration books, jazz orchestration books, and theses and dissertations which deal with orchestration in a significant way. Books which deal in a smaller and sometimes less complete way with orchestration will not be found in this chapter, but can be located in the "General Bibliography " All treatises included in the "Orchestration Treatises" chapters are listed in alphabetical order, based on the author's name. A number of treatises which were substantially revised at some point are included twice. Note that the only periodical articles included in "Orchestration Treatises" are those which refer specifically to treatises contained in the chapter, generally, reviews. The present chapters do not include more general orchestration-related periodical articles — those may be found in the "General Bibliography." In the case of many of the works included in "Orchestration Treatises," titles present the reader with an adequate idea of the scope of the work. I have included additional commentary as appropriate. The reader interested in a chronological overview of orchestrational treatises should consult the "Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises." In listing and refering to treatises, I have used the pneumonic "T" (for treatise) followed by a number. Bibliographic citations related to the various treatises are listed by TB" numbers (for treatise bibliography). One of the problems which can be encountered when using this or any other reference book that treats works by and about persons who were/are both composers and authors is best illustrated and explained by using the example of Hector Berlioz. Reviews, articles, and dissertations related to Berlioz's orchestration treatise will be found under the BIBLIOGRAPHY subheading within the entry for the Berlioz work (See TB30, for example). Treatises dealing with Berlioz's orchestration within his compositions, however, are listed separately in the "Orchestration Treatises" chapters (periodical articles dealing with Berlioz the composer can be found in the "General Bibliography"). Of course, these writings about Berlioz's orchestration may, and probably will, refer to the

viii Pre/ace composer's own treatise — these separately-listed writings concerning the composer, however, are most concerned with his compositions. Berlioz and Richard Strauss are the two principal composers for whom the reader will find books and articles both about their orchestration treatises and their compositions included in the present book. The reader researching individuals who were/are active both as authors and as composers would be advised to consult the general index for all entries related to the individual. Under each entry in the "Orchestration Treatises" chapters I have included information pertaining to original language, English translations of foreign-language works, and special notes. Translations into languages other than English are included under the subheading of BIBLIOGRAPHY under each treatise. I have also included information pertaining to the scope of particular treatises, especially when the scope is not self-evident from the title of the work. I have also cross-referenced "General Bibliography" entries related to the authors of treatises, but not to the treatises themselves. For example Maury Deutsch wrote articles about arranging in addition to his book (See: T65 and GB135, for example). The articles are not direct commentary on the book, so they are presented in the "General Bibliography." In the case of the example just cited, "GB135" refers to the 135th entry in the "General Bibliography" chapter. A perusal of the entry for Deutsch's book will show the articles by Deutsch cross-referenced by "See also" notes. A number of books and dissertations deal to a more limited extent with orchestration than do others. I have included these in the "General Bibliography." Part of the placement was a judgement call on the part of this author. Whenever possible, I have annotated entries (especially those for dissertations) to indicate the extent to which orchestration is treated. Generally, books dealing with a specific instrument or family of instruments which focus heavily on performance techniques are included in the "General Bibliography." The reader will find some books dealing with specific instruments in the "Orchestration Treatises" chapter — these books focus on the use of these instruments in orchestration. Again, in a number of cases, I had to make a judgement call. The vast diversity of all the books and articles included in the present book creates categorization difficulties — I have included annotations when appropriate to help the reader discover the extent to which orchestration is the principal focus. I have also included "See also" references cross-referencing entries by the same author or on closely related topics. Along with the general index, I have included the following separate lists of treatises related to more narrow topics: (1) orchestration in jazz and popular music; (2) orchestrating for various types of bands; and (3) treatises dealing with orchestration using specific instruments or instrumental families. These additional, more narrowly focussed sections should assist the researcher in locating specific references more quickly and easily. As mentioned earlier, since the "Orchestration Treatises" chapter is arranged alphabetically, I have also provided a separate list of treatises arranged chronologically. In all the listings, I have distinguished between the doctoral dissertation and masters' thesis. A search of a large database, such as OCLC, reveals a number of undergraduate honors theses on the subject of orchestration. Undergraduate projects are not included in this book. Naturally, even with this limitation, some works (especially dissertations and theses) had to be omitted. There are a large number of works examining a particular work or, say, orchestral works of a given composer. Works of this type which do not focus on orchestration had to be omitted, due to space restrictions. In referencing works related to specific composers, the reader is advised to consult the "Index" Since some readers might find it necessary to seek out orchestrational treatises related to specific instruments or families of instruments, I have included the chapter "List of Treatises Dealing with Specific Instruments." Please note that this chapter includes



only citations from the "Orchestration Treatises" chapter. More general articles and books about instruments and instrumental families can be found in the "Index."

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Acknowledgments This book could not have been completed without the help and advice of several individuals. I wish to thank Alicia S. Merritt, Acquisitions Editor at Greenwood Press, for initially suggesting that I investigate the idea of writing a set of music theory-related reference books. I also wish to thank the staff of the Mount Union College Library for their assistance with the interlibrary loan end of my research. Finally, I wish to offer special thanks to Karen Perone for patiently guiding me through the world of on-line searching and for offering her indexing and cataloging suggestions.

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Orchestration Theory

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Orchestration Treatises (A-L) T1.

A ber, Thomas Carr. A History of the Bass Clarinet as an Orchestral and Solo Instrument in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries and an Annotated, Chronological List of Solo Repertoire for the Bass Clarinet from before 1945. Dissertation; University of Missouri, 1990. Original language: Scope:

English. A major portion of this dissertation addresses the use of the bass clarinet in orchestration.

T2.A dam, William. Styles in Jazz Orchestration. Thesis. University of Rochester, 1947. Original language: Scope

English. The present thesis contains both text analyzing and examples of mid-1940s big band orchestrations.

T3. Ades, Hawley. Choral Arranging. Delaware Water Gap, Pennsylvania: Shawnee Press, 1966. Original language English. (For additional citations dealing with choral arranging, see: T77, T87, T147, T316, GB290, and GB556) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB1.

Review of Choral Arranging by Hawley Ades. American Choral Review 9:49-50 (no. 3, 1967).


Review of Choral Arranging by Hawley Ades. The Diapason 58.49 (March 1967).



Orchestration Treatises (A-L) TB3.

Review of Choral Arranging by Hawley Ades. The Instrumentalist 21:24 (March 1967).


Review of Choral Arranging by Hawley Ades. Music Journal 25.42 (June 1967).


Review of Choral Arranging by Hawley Ades. National Association of Teachers of Singing Journal 2H1-% (no. 4, 1967).

Adkins, Hector Ernest. Adkins' Treatise on the Military Band, by Capt H.E. Adkins. London and New York: Boosey & Co., 1931. Original language: Revised editions:


English. Adkins, Hector Ernest. Treatise on the Military Band. London and New York: Boosey & Hawkes, 1945. 2nd revised edition. 1958.

Adler, Samuel. The Study of Orchestration New York: W.W. Norton, 1982. Second edition, 1989. Original language:



Adler, Samuel. The Study of Orchestration (sound recording). New York: W.W. Norton, 1982. 17 analog cassette tapes.


Adler, Samuel. The Study of Orchestration (sound recording) (2nd edition). New York: W.W. Norton, 1989. 5 digital compact discs.


Adler, Samuel. The Study of Orchestration: Enlarged Musical Examples. New York. W.W.Norton, 1982. A supplementary book of musical examples to accompany the first edition of The Study of Orchestration (T5).


Adler, Samuel. Workbook for The Study of Orchestration. New York W.W. Norton, 1982.

TB 10.

Adler, Samuel. Workbook for The Study of Orchestration (2nd edition). New York: W.W. Norton, 1989.

TB 11.

Review of The Study of Orchestration by Samuel Adler Computer Music Journal %.65-7 (no. 4, 1984).


Review of The Study of Orchestration (2nd edition) by Samuel Adier. The Consort 46:23 (1990).

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) TB 13.



Review of The Study of Orchestration by Samuel Adler. The Musical Times 124:361-2 (June 1983).

Agafonnikov, Nikolai Nikolaevich. Simfonicheskayapartitura ~ vosprosy prakticheskoy orkestrovki. Leningrad: Muzyka, 1967. Original language: English translation:


TB 14.


Review of Simfonicheskaya partitura ~ vosprosy praktockeskoy orkestrovki by Nikolai Nikolaevich Agafonnikov. Sovetskaya Muzyka 39:123-4 (January 1975).

Alexander, Peter L. Electronic Arranging & Orchestration (2nd edition). Newbury Park, California: Peter L. Alexander Publications, 1991. Original language: Scope:

English. This book deals with arranging and orchestrating using MIDI computer equipment, and is based on Joseph Wagner's Band Scoring (See: T302) and Orchestration: A Practical Handbook (See: T303). (See also: TB345 for a related book revised by Peter L. Alexander) (See also: TB339) T8.

Alexander, Van. First Arrangement. New York: Criterion Music Corporation, 1947. Original language. Scope:

English. The present book deals with jazz arranging. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB 15.

Alexander, Van. First Chart; A New Method to Teach Arranging to Today fs Contemporary Musician. Edited by and with contributions by Jimmy Haskell. New York: Criterion Music, 1971. The present represents a republication and update of First Arrangement. (See also: TB16)


Review of First Chart by Van Alexander. Down Beat39:3\ (May 25, 1972). The present article is a review of TB15.

4 T9.

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) Andersen, Arthur Oiaf. Practical Orchestration. Boston: C.C. Birchard & Company, 1924. Second edition 1929. Original language: (See also: GB13)


Anderson, John D. Brass Scoring Techniques in the Symphonies of Mozart, Beethoven, and Brahms. Thesis: George Peabody College for Teachers, 1960. Original language:




Babic, K. Orkestracija, ideo. No publication information. [1969?] BIBLIOGRAPHY TB17.


Review of Orkestracija, i deo by K. Babic. Zvuck pp. 235-6 (no. 104105, 1970).

Bailey, Jim. The Development of the Violoncello Section as a Lyric Melodic Color in the Symphonies of Beethoven and Schubert. Dissertation: University of Kansas, 1984. Original language: Scope:


Baker, David. Arranging & Composing for the Small Ensemble: Jau/R&B/Jazz-Rock. Chicago: Maher Publications, 1970. Revised edition, Bloomington, Indiana. Frangipani Press, 1985. Original language: (See also: GB23)


English. This dissertation compares Beethoven's and Schubert's approach to the 'cello section with that of Mozart and Haydn. Bailey finds that the late symphonies of Mozart and Haydn, as well as those of Cherubini, were major influences on the orchestrational style of Beethoven and Schubert. The author examined orchestration treatises of the past as well as scores by the composers in question.


Baker, Mickey. Complete Handbook for the Music Arranger. New York: Amsco Music Publishing Company, 1972. Original language: Scope:

English. The present book is primarily concerned with jazz arranging.

Orchestration Treatises (A~L) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB 18.


Review of Complete Handbook for the Music Arranger by Mickey Baker. Down Beat 39:31 (May 25, 1972).

Barley, Raymond B., Jr. An Investigation of the Value of Set Complex Theory as a Teaching Aid to Teachers of Orchestration Thesis: Duquesne University, 1987. Original language: Scope:


Barzizza, Pippo. Vorchestrazione moderna nella music leggera (VABC deWarrangiatore). Milano: Curci, 1952 Original language: English translation: Scope:


German. None.

Bazala, Branko. Die Grundlagen der Orchestrierung von Berlioz bis zu R. Strauss. Leipzig, 1943. Original language: English translation:


Italian. None. The present book deals with the orchestration of jazz and popular music.

Bauer, Anton. Der Instrumentator; Etnfuhrung in die Instrumentation, tnit einem Anhang: Die Grundlagen von Hindemiths Theorie. Munchen: L. Kiammerlohr, 1949. Original language: English translation:


English. The present thesis uses Allen Forte's pitch-class set theory system of analysis to study woodwind writing in the symphonic music of Hector Berlioz.

German. None.

Becker, Heinz. Geschichte der Instrumentation. Cologne: A. Volk Verlag, 1964. Original language: English translation:

German. Becker, Heinz. History of Instrumentation Translated by Robert Kolben Cologne: A Volk Verlag, 1964.


6 T20.

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) Bennett, Robert Russell. Instrumentally Speaking. Melville, New York: Belwin-Mills, 1975. Original language: English. (See also: GB53, GB54, GB55, GB56, and GB57) (See also: GB538) BIBLIOGRAPHY


TB 19.

Review of Instrumentally Speaking by Robert Russell Bennett. Composer (London) 58:44 (Summer 1976).


Review of Instrumentally Speaking by Robert Russell Bennett. Music in Education 40:133 (no. 379, 1976).


Review of Instrumentally Speaking by Robert Russell Bennett. The Strad 87:335 (August 1976)

Berlioz, Hector. Grande traiti d'instrumentation et d'orchestration modernes. Paris: Schonenberger, 1844. Second edition, 1855. Original language: English translations:

French. Berlioz, Hector. A Treatise upon Modern Instrumentation and Orchestration, New Edition. Translated by Mary Cowden Clarke. London: Novello, 1856. Berlioz, Hector. A Treatise on Modern Instrumentation and Orchestration; to which is appended the Chef d'orchestre. Translated by Mary Cowden Clarke. Newly edited, revised, and edited by Joseph Bennett. London. Novello, 1882.

(See also: T21, T313, and T315) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB22.

Bartenstein, Hans. Hector Berlioz' Instrumentationskunst und ihre geschichtliche Grundlagen. Strassburg: Heitz, 1939. 2nd edition Baden-Baden: Koerner, 1974. (See also: TB24 and TB25) (See also: GB29)


Logier, Johann Bernhard. Logier *s Comprehensive Course in Music, Harmony, and Practical Composition. Edited by Carl Stein. Boston: J. White, 1888. Reprinted New York: Da Capo Press, 1976. Contains an abridged treatise from the Berlioz work, based on the Mary Cowden Clarke translation. (See also: TB26)

Orchestration Treatises (A -L) 7


TB 24.

Review of Hector Berlioz' Instrumentationskunst und ihre geschichtliche Grundlagen by Hans Bartenstein. Melos: Zeitschrift fitr mueMusik 3:459-60 (no. 5, 1977). Review of TB22.

TB 2 5.

Review of Hector Berlioz' Instrumentationskunst und ihre geschichtliche Grundlagen by Hans Bartenstein. Die Musikforschung 30:394-5 (no. 3, 1977). Review of TB22.


Review of Logier's Comprehensive Course in Music, Harmony, and Practical Composition by Johann Bernhard Logier. The Musical Times 118:732 (September 1977). Review of TB23.


Rosell, Karen Joan. Color: A Credible Link Between the Paintings of Eugene Delacroix and the Music of Hector Berlioz. Dissertation: Ohio University, 1986. This dissertation compares the orchestrational technique of Berlioz and the use of color of painter Delacroix. Berlioz's discussion of orchestration in Grande trade... forms the basis for much of RoselPs work.


Warrack, Guy. "Hector, Thou Sleep'st (Berlioz's Treatise Upon Modern Instrumentation and Orchestration)" The Musical Times 104:896-7 (December 1963).

Berlioz, Hector. Instrumentationslehre, egiinzt und revidiert von Richard Strauss (2 volumes). Leipzig: C. F. Peters, 1905. Original language: English translation: Note:

French, translated to German by Strauss, who also revised and enlarged Berlioz's original work. Berlioz, Hector. Treatise on Instrumentation, Enlarged and Revised by Richard Strauss. Translated by Theodore Front. New York: Kalmus, 1948. Although the present work is based on T21, it is listed separately here due to Strauss's extensive reworking. BIBLIOGRAPHY


Berlioz, Hector. Bol 'shoy traktat o sovremennoy instrumentovke I orkestrovke s dopolneniyami Rikarda Shtrausa. Edited by S.P. Gorchakov. Moscow: Muzyka, 1972. This book is the Russian translation of T22. (See also: TB31)


Lockspeiser, Edward. "The Berlioz-Strauss Treatise on Instrumentation." Music and Letters 50:37-44 (no. 1, 1969).



Orchestration Treatises (A-L) TB31.

Review of Bol 'shoy traktat o sovremennoy instrumentovke I orkestrovke s dopolneniyami Rikarda Shtrausa by Hector Berlioz. Sovetskaya Muzyka 38:79-83 (January 1974). The present article is a review of TB29.


Review of Treatise on Instrumentation, Enlarged and Revised by Richard Strauss by Berlioz and Strauss (1948 Kalmus edition). High Fidelity 6:52+ (October 1956).

Biales, Albert. The Orchestrational Technique of Beta Bartdk Thesis: Ohio State University, 1954. Original language:



Blattner, Alfred. Instrumentation-Orchestration. New York: Longman, 1980. Original language: Reprint:

English. New York: Schirmer Books, 1985. BIBLIOGRAPHY



Review of Instrumentation-Orchestration by Alfred Blattner. Computer Music Journal 5:77-8 (no. 4, 1981).

Bogel, Hartwig. Studien zur Instrumentation in den Opern Giacomo Puccinis Tubingen. Sofortdruck H.G. Vogler, 1978. Original language. English translation: Scope.


Borch, Gaston. Practical Manual of Instrumentation, by Gaston Borch; With Numerous Musical Illustrations, and Particular Reference to the Reduction of Large Scores for Smaller Orchestra. Boston: Boston Music Company; New York: G. Schirmer, 1918. Original language:


German. None. The present treatise deals with Giacomo Puccini's orchestrational technique.


Boresch, Hans-Werner. Besetzung und Instrumentation: Studien zur kompositorischen Praxis Johann Sebastian Bachs. Kassel: Barenreiter, 1993. Original language: English translation:

German. None.

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 9 Scope: Note:


Bostley, Edward John. The Horn in the Music ofGustav Mahler. Dissertation: Univeristy of Missouri - Kansas City, 1980. Original language:


Russian. None.

Bratt, Renata Louise. A Study of String Practice in Selected Large Orchestra Works of Igor Stravinsky. Dissertation: University of California at San Diego, 1988. Original language:



Braslavskii, Daniil. Aranzhirovka soprovozhdeniia vokala dlia instrumental*nykh ansamblei. Moscow: "Sov. Rossiia," 1983. Original language: English translation:


The present book deals with Johann Sebastian Bach's compositional and orchestrational practice. This book is a revision of the author's dissertation: RuhrUniversitat Bochum, 1990.


Brown, Howard Mayer. Sixteenth-Century Instrumentation: The Music for the Florentine Intermedii. Dallas. American Institute of Musicology, 1973. Original language: English. (See also: GB81, GB82, GB83, and GB84) (See also: T124)


Brundrett, Grant Allan. Ramenu's Orchestration. Dissertation. Northwestern University, 1962. Original language: Scope:


English. The present dissertation deals with the orchestrational technique of Jean-Phillippe Rameau.

Brunelli, Stephanie. The Use of the Piano in the Twentieth Century Orchestra: A Study of Pulitzer Prize Compositions by Copland, Bassett, and Druckman. Dissertation: University of Northern Colorado, 1992. Original language: Scope:

English. This dissertation deals with the use of the piano as an orchestral instrument in Aaron Copland's Appalachian Spring (Suite version for 13 instruments), Leslie Bassett's Variations for Orchestra, and Jacob Druckman's Windows.

10 T34.

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) Bruner, Tom. Mel Bay's Basic Concepts of Arranging and Orchestrating Music. Pacific, Missouri: Bayside Press, 1988. Original language: Scope:


Bufllngton, James L. Orchestration Technique in Modern Arranging for the Radio Orchestra. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1950. Original language: Scope:


English. The present book reflects a strong jazz/popular music orientation.

English. The present book deals primarily with jazz and commercial music.

Burghauser, Jarmil and Spelda, Antonin. Akustische Grundlagen des Orchestrierens. Regensburg: G. Bosse, 1971. Original language: English translation:




Review of Akustische Grundlagen des Orchestrierens by Jarmil Burghauser and Antonin Spelda. Neue Musikzeitung 21:15 (OctoberNovember 1972).


Review of Akustische Grundlagen des Orchestrierens by Jarmil Burghauser and Antonin Spelda. Musikhandel 26:394 (no. 8, 1975).

Burton, Stephen Douglas. Orchestration. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1982. Original language:



Burwasser, Daniel A. A Study of Lou Harrison fs "Concerto for Violin and Percussion Orchestra" and "Concerto for Organ and Percussion Orchestra." Dissertation: City University of New York, 1993. Original language: Scope:

English. This dissertation deals specifically with the orchestration of the two Harrison works.

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) II T39.

Cacavas, John. Music Arranging and Orchestration. Melville, New York: Belwin-Mills, 1975. Original language:




Review of Music Arranging and Orchestration by John Cacavas. Composer (London) 58:44-5 (Summer 1976).

TB3 7.

Review of Music Arranging and Orchestration by John Cacavas. The Instrumentalist 30:6 (February 1976)


Review of Music Arranging and Orchestration by John Cacavas. Music in Education 40:133 (no. 379, 1976).

Carney, Thomas Kent. Rearranging Music to Solve Performance Problems in Very Easy to Medium Concert Band Music. Dissertation: University of Colorado at Boulder, 1990. Original language:



Carse, Adam. The History of Orchestration New York: E. P. Dutton, 1925. Original language: Reprint: Scope.

(See also: GB105)

English. Dover, 1964. Carse covers the use of the orchestra and the development of orchestral instruments from the seventeenth century through the early twentieth century. He does not, however, refer explicitly to earlier orchestration treatises. BIBLIOGRAPHY


Review of The History of Orchestration (reprint) by Adam Carse. American Music Teacher 15:42 (no. 1, 1965).


Review of The History of Orchestration (reprint) by Adam Carse. American Organist 50.5 (January 1967).


Review of The History of Orchestration (reprint) by Adam Carse. American Recorder 8:67 (no. 2, 1967).


Review of The History of Orchestration (reprint) by Adam Carse. Music and Musicians 13:52 (May 1965).


Review of The History of Orchestration (reprint) by Adam Carse. Music in Education 29.140-41 (no. 313,1965).

12 Orchestration Treatises (A-L) TB44.

Review of The History of Orchestration (reprint) by Adam Carse. The Music Review 30:248-9 (1969).


Review of The History of Orchestration (reprint) by Adam Carse. Musical Opinion 89 (June 1966).


Review of The History of Orchestration (reprint) by Adam Carse. Neue ZeitschriftfurMusik 127:506 (December 1966).


Review of The History of Orchestration (reprint) by Adam Carse. Zvuk 89:597-8 (1968).

T42. Casella, Alfredo and Mortari, Virgilio. La tenica dellforchestra contemporanea. Milan: Ricordi, 1951. Original language: English translation. Reprint:

Italian. None. 1959. BIBLIOGRAPHY


Casella, Alfredo and Mortari, Virgilio. La tecnica de la orquesta contemporanea. Ciudad de La Habana: Editoiral Arte y Literatura, 1978. Spanish translation of T42.


Casella, Alfredo and Mortari, Virgilio. Die Technik des modernen Orchesters. Translated by Wolfgang Jacobi and M. Schatzle. Milan: Ricordi, 1961. The present book represents the German translation of T42. (See also. TB50)


Review of Die Technik des modernen Orchestei s by Alfredo Casella and Virgilio Mortari Musikhandel 13:130 (no. 3, 1962). Review of TB49.


Review of La tenica dell 'orchestra contemporanea by Alfredo Casella Casella and Virgilio Mortari. Canadian Music Journal 6:73+ (no. 1, 1961).


Review of l a tenica dell 'orchestra contemporanea by Alfredo Casella and Virgilio Mortari. Rassegna Musicale 22:65-7 (January 1952).


Review of La tenica dell 'orchestra contemporanea by Alfredo Casella and Virgilio Mortari. RivistaMusicale Italiana 53.387 (OctoberNovember 1952).

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 13 T43.

Cesana, Otto. Voicing the Modern Dance Orchestra. New York: Modern Dance Publications, 1946. Original language: Scope:

English. The present book deals strictly with jazz and dance band orchestration.

(See also: GB107) T44.

Chenoweth, Richard K. The Horn in Opera: A Study in Orchestration with a Focus on Selected Operas by Britten and Strauss. Dissertation: University of Cincinnati, 1988. Original language: Scope:


English Although this dissertation deals exclusively with the horn, the historical background on the instrument's treatment in orchestration is significant.

Chidester, Lawrence William. International Wind-Band Instrumentation. San Antonio, Texas: Southern Music, 1946. Original language. Scope:

English. The present brief booklet contains much detailed information on the instrumentation of concert and military bands. While not strictly an orchestration treatise, the book contains suggestions on adapting arrangements for various instrumentations and guidlines for band doubling in a basic four-part texture. (See also: T46) (See also: GB111, GB112, and GB113) T46.

Chidester, Lawrence W. Wind-Band Orchestration: International Theories and Practices with Deductions for the United States. Dissertation: The University of Iowa, 1943. Original language: English. (See also: T45) (See also: GB111, GB112, and GB113)


Chow, Wayne Yunwei. Twenty Chinese Instruments and "Concerto East and West" Dissertation: The Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1987. Original language: Scope:

English. The present dissertation presents information on the twenty most popular musical instruments of the Han people of China. Concerto East and West is the author's original composition which incorporates the twenty instruments into the western symphonic orchestra.

14 T48.

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) Clappe*, Arthur A. The Principles of Wind-Band Transcription. New York: Carl Fischer, 1921. Original language: Scope:


English. The present book deals with transcribing orchestral literature for the concert band.

Coerne, Louis Adolphe. The Evolution of Modern Orchestration. New York: Macmillan, 1908. Original language: Reprint: Note:

English. New York: AMS Press, 1979. The present work was originally presented as the author's dissertation: Harvard University, 1905. BIBLIOGRAPHY



Review of The Evolution of Modern Orchestration by Louis Adolphe Coerne. The Nation 88:72-3 (January 21, 1909).

Collinson, Francis M. Orchestration for the Theatre. London: Bodley Head, 1941. Original language: Reprint:

English. 1949. New York: I. Ravin, 1951. BIBLIOGRAPHY



Review ofOrchestration for the Theatre by Francis Collinson (1951 I. Ravin edition). Notes 9:404-5 (June 1952).

Coon, Oscar. Harmony and Instrumentation. The Principles of Harmony, with Practical Instruction in Arranging Music for Orchestras and Military Bands. Cincinnati, Ohio: A. Squire, 1883 (also published Cincinnati, Ohio: Fillmore Music House, 1883). Original language:



Cordell, Albert Oram. The Orchestration of Verdi: A Study of the Growth of VerdVs Orchestral Technique as Reflected in the Two Versions of "Simon Boccanegra." Dissertation. The Catholic University of America, 1992. Original language:


Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 15 T53.

Corder, Frederick. The Orchestra and How to Write for It: A Practical Guide. London: R. Cocks; New York: E. Schuberth, 1896. Sixth edition, 1923. Original language:


Crowder, Laurin Peyton. The Development of a Self-Tutoring Program in the Fundamentals of Orchestration. Dissertation. The Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1971. Original language.



Cucuel, George. Etudes sur un orchestre au XVIHme siecle: L 'instrumentation chez les symphonistes de La Poupliniere. Oeuvres musicales de Gossec, Schencker, et Gaspard Procksch. Paris: Fischbacher, 1913. Original language. English translation:



French. None.

Czerny, Carl. Schule derpraktischen Tonsetzkunst, Op. 600. 1839. Original language: English translation:

German. Czerny, Carl. School of Practical Composition: Complete Treatise on the Composition of all Kinds of Music, both Instrumental and Vocal Together with a Treatise on Instrumentation, in Three Volumes. London: R. Cocks, 1848. Reprinted New York: Da Capo Press, 1979.

(See also: GB479) T57.

Dackow, Sandra {Catherine. Arranging for the School Orchestra: An Analysis of Selected Works with Recommended Guidelines for Teachers and Arrangers. Dissertation: The University of Rochester, 1986. Original language:



Darvas, Gabor. Pravile orkestrovki. Budapest: izd-vo Korvina, 1964. Original language: English translation:

Hungarian and Russian. None.

16 Orchestration Treatises (A-L) T59.

Davis, Joyce Francine. The Cornet A Pistons in French and FrenchInfluenced Orchestration from 1830 to 1936 Dissertation: The Ohio State University, 1990. Original language. Scope:


English. Although the present work deals with a limited orchestral repertoire and with the use of one particular instrument, it explains a great deal about why French and Frenchinfluenced brass writing was the way that it was during the period in question.

Del Mar, Norman. Anatomy of the Orchestra. London: Faber; Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. Original language:




Review of Anatomy of the Orchestra by Norman Del Mar. American Music Teacher 33:58-9 (no. 3, 1984).


Review ofAnatomy of the Orchestra by Norman Del Mar. American Record Guide 47:85 (no. 4, 1984).


Review ofAnatomy of the Orchestra by Norman Del Mar. British Journal of Music Education 1:180-82 (no. 2, 1984).


Review ofAnatomy of the Orchestra by Norman Del Mar. Central Opera Service Bulletin 24:46 (no. 3, 1983).


Review of A na tomy of the Orchestra by Norman Del Mar. Music and Letters 66:269-7'1 (no. 3, 1985).


Review of Anatomy of the Orchestra by Norman Del Mar. Music Review 43:267+ (no. 3-4, 1982).


Review of Anatomy of the Orchestra by Norman Del Mar. Music Review 45:304-8 (no. 3-4, 1984).


Review of Anatomy of the Orchestra by Norman Del Mar. Revue de Musicologie 69:99-103 (no. 1, 1984).

Delamont, Gordon. Modern Arranging Technique; A Comprehensive Approach to Arranging and Orchestration for the Contemporary Stage Band, Dance Band, and Studio Orchestra. Delevan, New York: Kendor Music, 1965. Original language: (See also: GB133)


Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 17 BIBLIOGRAPHY



Review of Modern Arranging Technique by Gordon Delamont. The Instrumentalist 21:22 (January 1967)


Review of Modern Arranging Technique by Gordon Delamont. Music Journal 24:66 (April 1966).

Dempsey, Harry J. A Study in Composition for Large Jazz Ensemble. Thesis. Kent State University, 1977. Original language. Scope:


English. The present thesis deals extensively with the topic of arranging and orchestrating for jazz ensemble.

Denisov, Edison Vasilievich. Udarnye instrumenty v sovremennotn orkestre. Moscow: Sovetsky Kompozitor, 1982. Original language: English translation:




Review of Udarnye instrumenty v sovremennotn orkestre by Edison Vasilievich Denisov. Sovetskaya Muzyka 5:95-8 (May 1984).

Dersnah, Susan Jane. Orchestration in the Orchestral Works of Bernard Rogers. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1975. Original language:



Deutsch, Maury. Dr. Deutsch Encyclopedia of Arranging: Nine Books in One. New York: Charles Colin, 1977. Original language: Scope:

English. The present book contains a strong jazz and popular music orientation. (See also: GB135 and GB136) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB67.

Stone, Reppard. "Voicing Chords by Acoustics: The Concept of Maury Deutsch." The Proceedings of NAJE Research 4:98-103 (1984).

18 Orchestration Treatises (A-L) T66.

Devuyst, Kelly K. Orchestral Piano: Its Origins, Styles and Repertoire with a Stylistic Comparison and Textural Analysis of Rakhmaninov's "Symphonic Dances" and Stravinsky's "Petrushka" Dissertation: Memphis State University, 1993. Original language:


Diamond, Charles Herbert. Arranging Latin-American Music Authentically, a Reference and Guide to Typical Latin-American Dance Forms with Examples of the Forms Scoredfor Orchestra. New York: King Brand Publications, 1948. Original language:



Dittrich, Paul-Heinz. Das Arrangierbuch. Berlin. Lied der Zeit, 1967. Original language: English translation:



German. None.

Dmitriev, Georgii Petrovich. O dramaturgicheskoi vyraziteVnosti orkestrovogo pis'ma. Moscow: Sovetsky Kompozitor, 1981. Original language: English translation:




Review of O dramaturgicheskoi vyrazitel 'nosti orkestrovogo pis 'ma by Georgii Petrovich Dmitriev. SovetskayaMuzyka 5:95-8 (May 1984).

Dobbins, Bill. Jazz Arranging and Composing, A Linear Approach. Rottenburg: V. Gruber, 1986? Original language:




BIBLIOGRAPHY Review of Jaw Arranging and Composing, A Linear Approach by Bill Dobbins. Jazz Podium 36:53 (January 1987).

Dodson, Leon. Adapting Selected Compositions and Arrangements of Duke Ellington for High School Jazz Orchestra. Dissertation: New York University, 1979. Original language:


Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 19 T72.

Dombourian-Eby, Zartouhi. The Piccolo in the Nineteenth Century. Dissertation: Northwestern University, 1987. Original language: Scope:


English. The present dissertation examines a variety of orchestration treatises from 1772 to 1930, as well as the history of the piccolo to trace the instrument's role in the orchestra throughout the nineteenth century.

Dondeyne, Desire and Robert, Frederic. Nouveau traite (Vorchestration, a I*usage des harmonies, fanfares et musiques militairespour faire suite au traite dfinstrumentation et d*orchestration de G. Pares. Paris: Lemoine, 1969. Original language: French. English translation: None. (Seealso: TB2I2) (Seealso: T214) BIBLIOGRAPHY



Review of Nouveau traite' d'orchestration, a Vusage des harmonies, fanfares et musiques militaires pour faire suite au traite d 'instrumentation et d 'orchestration de G. Pares by Desire Dondeyne and Frederic Robert. Journal Musical francais. 188:47 (January 1970).


Review of Nouveau traite d 'orchestration, a I 'usage des harmonies, fanfares et musiques militaires pour faire suite au traite d'instrumentation et d'orchestration de G. Parts by Desire Dondeyne and Frederic Robert. SoveiskayaMuzyka 39:15 (no. 6, 1975).

Downey, Lyle W. and Johnson, Harold McKinley. Basic Orchestration Manual and Workbook. Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown, 1953. Original language:


TB 72.

Review of Basic Orchestration Manual and Workbook by Lyle W. Downey and Harold McKinley Johnson. Etude 72:6 (January 1954).


Review of Basic Orchestration Manual and Workbook by Lyle W. Downey and Harold McKinley Johnson. The Instrumentalist 8:42 (November 1953).


Review of Basic Orchestration Manual and Workbook by Lyle W. Downey and Harold McKinley Johnson. Journal of Research in Music Education 2:182 (Fall 1954).



Orchestration Treatises (A-L) TB75.

Review of Basic Orchestration Manual and Workbook by Lyle W. Downey and Harold McKinley Johnson. The Musical Courier 148:26 (October 15, 1953).


Review of Basic Orchestration Manual and Workbook by Lyle W. Downey and Harold McKinley Johnson. Woodwind Magazine 6:11 (September 1953).

Dudley, Walter Sherwood, Jr. Orchestration in the uMusique d'harmonie" of the French Revolution. Dissertation: University of California at Berkeley, 1968. Original language:


Dunn, John Petrie. A Student's Guide to Orchestration. London: Novello and New York: H.W. Gray Company, 1928. Original language:




Ehrich, Wilbur Henry. A Study of Orchestration for Band with Chorus. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1946. Original language: English. (For additional citations dealing with choral arranging, see: T3, T87, T147, T316, GB290, and GB556)


Ehrle, Thomas. Die Instrumentation in den Symphonien und Ouverturen von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Wiesbaden. Breitkopf & Hartel, 1983. Original language: English translation: Note:

German. None. Originally published as a dissertation: Goethe-Universitat zu Frankfurt am Main, 1983. BIBLIOGRAPHY



Review of Die Instrumentation in den Symphonien und Ouverturen von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy by Thomas Ehrle. Musica 38:282 (no. 3, 1984).

Ellis, Norman. Instrumentation and Arranging for the Radio and Dance Orchestra. New York: Roell Publications, 1936. Original language: Reprint:

English. New York: G. Schirmer, 1937.

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 21 Scope:


The present book focuses on studio (chamber) orchestra and dance band.

Erickson, Frank. Arranging for the Concert Band. Melville, New York: Bel win-Mills, 1983. Original language:



Erpf, Hermann. Lehrbuch der Instrumentation und Instrumentenkunde. Mainz: Schott, 1959. Original language: German. English translation: None. (See also: GB150 and GB151) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB 7 8.

Revi ew of Lehrbuch der Instrumentation und Instrumentenkunde by Hermann Erpf. Musica 14:471 (July 1960).

TB 79.

Review of Lehrbuch der Instrumentation und Instrumentenkunde by Hermann Erpf. Musical America 81:273 (January 1961).


Review of Lehrbuch der Instrumentation und Instrumentenkunde by Hermann Erpf. Musik und Kirche 32:86-7 (no. 2, 1962).


Review of Lehrbuch der Instrumentation und Instrumentenkunde by Hermann Erpf. Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik 121:110 (March 1960).


Review of Lehrbuch der Instrumentation und Instrumentenkunde by Hermann Erpf Notes 18:64 (no. 1, 1960).

TB 8 3.

Revi ew of Lehrbuch der Instrumentation und Instrumentenkunde by Hermann Erpf. Phono 8:60 (no. 3, 1962).


Review of Lehrbuch der Instrumentation und Instrumentenkunde by Hermann Erpf. La RassegnaMusicale 32:58-60 (no. 2-4, 1962).

TB 8 5.

Review of Lehrbuch der Instrumentation und Instrumentenkunde by Hermann Erpf. Schweizerische Musikzeitung 100:203-4 (no. 3, 1960).


Review of Lehrbuch der Instrumentation und Instrumentenkunde by Hermann Erpf Zvuck 33:179-81 (1960).

22 T82.

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) Evans, Edwin. Method of Instrumentation; How to Write for the Orchestra and Arrange an Orchestral or Band Score. London: W. Reeves, 1926. Original language: Scope:


Eversole, James A tlee. A Study of Orchestrational Style through the Analysis of Representative Works of Mozart and Beethoven. Dissertation: Columbia University, 1966. Original language:


French. None.

Fidler, Florence G. A Handbook of Orchestration. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner; New York: E.P. Dutton, 1921. Orginal language:



Fetis, Francois-Joseph. Manuel des compositeurs, directeurs de musique, chef d*orchestre & de musique militaire, ou, Traite methodique de Vharmonie, des instrumens, des voix, et de tout ce qui est relatig a la composition, a la direction et a la execution de la musique. Paris: Schlesinger, 1837. Original language: English translation.


English. The present treatise contains separate volumes dealing with strings (I) and woodwinds, brass, and percussion (II).


Flum, Robert A., Jr. The Use of the Alto, Bass, and Contrabass Clarinets in Selected Wind Band Compositions Written between 1951 and 1972. Dissertation: University of Northern Colorado, 1985. Original language: Scope:

English. The present dissertation deals specifically with Symphony in B-flat by Paul Hindemith, Symphony for Band, Masquerade, and Parable for Band by Vincent Persichetti, and Sinfonietta by Ingolf Dahl. (See also: GB412, another study concerned with the Persichetti Symphony for Band) T87.

Forsyth, Cecil. Choral Orchestration. New York: The H.W. Gray Company, 1920. Original language: English. (For additional citations dealing with choral arranging, see: T3, T77, T147, T316, GB290, and GB556)

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 23 T88.

Forsyth, Cecil. Orchestration London: Macmillan, 1914. 2nd edition, New York: Macmillan, 1935. Original language: Reprint:


Fox, Ronald Steven. A Critical Comparison of Orchestration Texts Concerning Brass. Dissertation: Indiana University, 1984. Original language: Note:


French. None. Geneva: MinkorTReprints, 1972. The present work deals with wind instruments and provides a historically interesting view of French orchestrational practices in that regard in the classical period.

Frazeur, Ted C. The Successful Use of Percussion in the Modern Orchestra as Exemplified by Three Works of Rogers, Stravinsky, and Bartok Thesis: University of Rochester, 1956. Original language. Scope:


English. The present dissertation, unfortunately, is one of a very few listed in this book not available from University Microfilms. This work provides for interesting comparisons between a number of earlier orchestration books.

Francour, Louis-Joseph. Diapson general de tous les instruments a vent Paris, 1772. Original language: English translation: Reprint: Scope:


English. Second edition reprinted New York: Macmillan, 1949 and 1967.

English. Although the present thesis deals with only three twentiethcentury works, percussion scoring techniques are treated in detail. The thesis also contains a recording of the musical examples cited in the text.

Fredrickson, Lawrence Thomas. Stravinsky's Instrumentation: A Study of His Orchestral Techniques. Dissertation: University of Illinois, 1960. Original language:


24 T93.

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) Fuhrmann, Peter. Untersuchungen zur Klangdifferenzierung im modernen Orchester. Regensburg: Bosse, 1966. Orginal language: English traslation:


Galli, Amintore. Manuale del capo-musica. Trattato di strumentazione per banda... Milano: Ricordi, 1889. Original language. English translation: Scope:


English. While the present book deals with several aspects related to various types of wind bands, orchestration and arranging are key components.

Gangware, Edgar Brand. The History and Use of Percussion Instruments in Orchestration. Dissertation: Northwestern University, 1962. Original language:


Italian. None. The present book deals with band instrumentation and orchestration.

Gallo, Stanislao. The Modern Band; A Treatise on Wind Instruments, Symphony Band and Military Band. Boston: C.C. Birchard, 1935. Original language: Scope:


German. None.


Garcia, Russell. The Professional Arranger Composer. New York: Criterion Music Corporation, 1954. Book II published in 1979. Original language: Scope:

English. The present book deals primarily with jazz and other forms of commercial music. BIBLIOGRAPHY



Review of Das moderne Arrangement (Munich: Modern, 1961, 1979) by Russell Garcia. Musik undBildung 13:118-19 (February 1981).

Gardens, Helmut. Arrangier-Methodeftir modernes Tanzorchester: SpezialArrangements, Druck-Arrangements, Combo-Arrangements. Frankfurt am Main: Tenuto-Musik-Edition, 1959. Original language: English translation:

German. None.

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 25 Scope:


The present book deals with jazz and dance band arranging.

Gardner, Maurice. The Orchestrator*s Handbook; A Complete, Concise and Informative Reference Manual. Great Neck, New York: Staff Music, 1948. Original language: Scope:

English. While the present book provides much information, it is a reference guide with little prose. BIBLIOGRAPHY


Review of The Orchestrator \s Handbook by Maurice Gardner. Etude 69:9 (March 1951).


Review of The Orchestrator's Handbook by Maurice Gardner. The Instrumentalist 27:16 (August 1972).

T100. Gauldin, Robert. The Historical Development of Scoring for the Wind Ensemble. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1958. Original language.


T101. Gevaert, Francois-Auguste. Cours methodique d*orchestration. Paris and Brussels, 1890. Original language: French. English translation: None. (See also: T102andT103) T102. Gevaert, Francois-Auguste. Nouveau traitd d'instrumentation. Paris: H. Lemoine, 1885. Original language. English translation:

French. Gevaert, Francois-Auguste. Nouveau traite d Instrumentation. Translated by Edward Suddard. Paris: H. Lemoine, 1906. (See also: T101 and T103) T103. Gevaert, Francois-Auguste. Traite gineraid* instrumentation. Ghent, 1863. Original language: French. English translation: None. (See also: T101andT102)

26 Orchestration Treatises (A-L) T104. Gieseler, Walter. Instrumentation in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Celle: Moeck, 1985. Original language: German. English Translation: None. BIBLIOGRAPHY TB90.

Review of Instrumentation in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts by Walter Gieseler. Beitraege zur Musikwissenschaft 30:299 (no. 4, 1988).


Review of Instrumentation in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts by Walter Gieseler. The Galpin Society Journal 45:157 (1992).


Review of Instrumentation in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts by Walter Gieseler. Musica 39:594-8 (no. 6, 1985).


Review of Instrumentation in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts by Walter Gieseler. Musik undBildung 18:196-7 (February 1986).


Review of Instrumentation in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts by Walter Gieseler. Musik und Kirche 59:204 (no. 4, 1989).


Review of Instrumentation in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts by Walter Gieseler. Musikerziehung 42:38 (October 1988).


Review of Instrumentation in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts by Walter Gieseler. Neue Musikzeitung 36:56 (December 1987).


Review of Instrumentation in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts by Walter Gieseler. Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik 11:64-5 (November 1985).


Review of Instrumentation in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts by Walter Gieseler. DasOrchester 33:968 (October 1985).


Review of Instrumentation in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts by Walter Gieseler. RivistaItaliana diMusicologia 22:495-6 (no. 3, 1988).

T105. Gilinsky, Joshua Earl. Unity and Opposition in the Orchestration of Tchaikovsky*s uRomeo and Juliet Overture.tf Thesis. Manhattan School of Music, 1990. Original language: Scope:

English. This thesis examines orchestration in the Tchaikovsky work as a part of the composition, making the point that orchestration is not a separate musical element.

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 27 T106. Gillespie, George Dobson. Orchestration Techniques in Certain Contemporary Brass-Choir Music. M. A. thesis: Indiana University, 1957. Original language:


T107. Greenberg, Stanley Samuel. A Comparison of the Uses of the String Section of the Orchestra as Evidenced in Selected Works of Brahms and Wagner. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1958. Original language.


T108. Grove, A.T. (Dick). Arranging Concepts; A Guide to Writing Arrangements for Stage Band Ensembles. Studio City, California: First Place Music Publications, 1972. Original language: English (See also: GB194, GB195, and GB530) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB 100. Review of Arranging Concepts; A Guide to Writing Arrangements for Stage Band Ensembles by Dick Grove. Crescendo International 11:34 (June 1973). TB 101. Review of Arranging Concepts; A Guide to Writing Arrangements for Stage Band Ensembles by Dick Grove. Dawn Beat 40:36 (June 7, 1973). TI09. Gruhn, Wilfried. Die Instrumentation in den Orchestenverken von Richard Strauss. Dissertation: Mainz, 1988. Original language. English translation: Scope:

German. None The present dissertation deals strictly with Richard Strauss* orchestrational technique.

T110. Guiraud, Ernest. Traitepractiqued*instrumentation. fils, 1892. Original language English translation: Scope: (See also: T i l l )

Paris: A. Durand et

French. None. The present treatise represents a complete turn-of-the century, French approach to orchestration.


Orchestration Treatises (A-L)

T i l l . Guiraud, Ernest. Traite pratique dfinstrumentation (Revised and completed by Henri Busser). Paris: Durand, 1933. Original language: English translation: Note:

French. None. The present treatise represents an updating of a work originally published in 1892. (See: Tl 10)

Tl 12. Gunderson, Hugh. Instrumentation and Orchestration for the Modern Concert Band. Dissertation. The University of Iowa, 1947. Original language:


Tl 13. Gut, Serge and Pistone, Daniele. Les Partitions d'orchestre de Haydn & Stravinsky: Histoire, lecture, reduction, commentaire. Paris: H. Champion, 1977. Orginal language: English translation: Scope:

French. None. The present book is a history of orchestrational practice from the time of Haydn through that of Stravinsky. The book also presents details on all the orchestral instruments and a discussion of timbral combinations. In addition to these standard orchestration-related matters, the authors also provide commentary on motivic, harmonic, and melodic usage by composers from the late 18th century through the early 20th century.

Tl 14. Habia, Bernhard. Besetzung und Instrumentation des Blasorchesters seit der Erfindung der VertilefUr Blechblasinstrumente bis zum zweiten Weltkrieg in Osterreich und Deutschland. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1990. Original language: English translation: Scope: Note:

German. None. The English-language abstract, however, for the dissertation upon which this book is based is available in Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume 51-03. This book deals with the instrumentation of and orchestration for wind bands from the first quarter of the nineteenth century through 1945 in Germany and Austria. The present volume was originally presented as the author's dissertation: Karl-Franzens Universitat Graz, 1989.

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 29 T i l 5. Hala, Vlastimil. Zaklady aranzovnai moderni popularni hudby Prague: Panton, 1980. Original language: English translation: Scope:

Czech. None. The present book deals with the arranging of jazz and popular music.

T116. Haller, Klaus. Partiuranordnung und musikalischer Satz. Tutzing: H Schneider, 1970. Original language: English translation: Note:

German. None. The present treatise was originally presented as the author's thesis, Munich, 1968. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB 102.

Review of Partituranordnung und musikalisher Satz by Klaus Haller. DieMusikforschung 26.53H-9 (no. 4, 1973).

Tl 17. Hamilton, Amy Sue. The Relationship of Flute Construction to the Symphonic Role of the Flute and Orchestral Performance Practice in the Nineteenth Century. Dissertation: Northwestern University, 1984. Original language: Scope:

English. This dissertation contains significant research on woodwind orchestrational styles in the nineteenth century, relating some of the idiosyncracies of some orchestrational approaches to interactions between specific performers and composers. In short, the work is more orchestrationrelated than the title might suggest.

Tl 18. Hamlin, Peter Scott. ''Pierrot Lunaire" and the New Sound World of Twentieth-Century Chamber Music and "Skydances for Orchestra." Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1994. Original language: Scope:

English. The author analyzes Arnold Schonberg's orchestration in Pierrot Lunaire, Igor Stravinsky's Three Japanese Lyrics, and Maurice Ravel's Troispoemes de Stephane Mallarme. Also included is the author's original composition, Skydances, which uses the Schonberg work as an orchestrational model.


Orchestration Treatises (A-L)

TI19. Hansen, Brad. The Essentials of Instrumentation. Mountain View, California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1991. Original language:


T120. Hanson, Wesley Luther. The Treatment of Brass Instruments in the Symphonies of Gustav Mahler. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1976. Original language:


T121, Heacox, Arthur Edward. Project Lessons in Orchestration. Boston. O. Ditson, 1928. Original language: Reprint. Note:

English. New York. AMS Press, 1978. The present book was later revised and issued by a different publisher. (See: T122) The two versions of the book are given separate "T" numbers here to account for the publication and reprint complexities.

T122. Heacox, Arthur Edward. Project Lessons in Orchestration. Philadelphia: Ditson and Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania: Theodore Presser, 1938. Original language. Note:

English. The present treatise represents a revamping of a work previously issued by a different publisher. (See: T121) The two versions of the book are given separate "T" numbers here to account for the publication and reprint complexities. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB 103. Heacox, Arthur Edward. Music Supplement to Project Lessons in Orchestration. Philadelphia: O. Ditson and Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania: Theodore Presser, 1938. T123. Hill, Frank W. Orchestral Tone-Color in Russian Music. Thesis: University ofRochester, 1932. Original language:


T124. Hills, Ernie Marvin, HI. The Use of Trombone in the Florentine Intermedii, 1518-1589. Dissertation. The University of Oklahoma, 1984. Original language.


Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 31 Scope:

Although this dissertation deals with only one instrument and with a narrow time period, it provides a significant discussion regarding the early history of orchestration (See also. T31 and GB83 for other citations related to the subject) T125. Hind, Harold Charles. The Brass Band London: Hawkes& Son, 1934. Original language: Scope:

English. In addition to discussing other details pertaining to British brass bands, Hind discussing instrumentation and arranging for this type of ensemble.

T126. Hoby, Charles. Military Band Instrumentation; A Course for Composers and Students. London. Oxford University Press, 1936. Original language: Scope.

English. The present book deals with all aspects of arranging and orchestrating for bands.

T127. Hofer, Franz. Instrumentationslehre mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Kirchenmusik. Regensburg and New York: Friedrich Pustet, 1913. Original language: English translation.

German. Unknown.

T128. Hofmann, Richard. Praktische instrumentationslehre. Leipzig: Dorftling & Franke, 1893. Original language English translation.

German. Hofmann, Richard. Practical Instrumentation. Translated by Robin H. Legge. London: Augener; New York: Schirmer, 1893.

T129. Hopkins, Anthony. Sounds of Music: A Study of Orchestral Texture. London: Dent, 1982. Original language: Scope:

English. Although the present book seems to be intended primarily as a listening guide, the extensive discussion of orchestrational techniques and numerous musical excerpts illustrating the same make it a true orchestration treatise.


Orchestration Treatises (A-L) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB104. Review ofSounds of Music: A Study of Orchestral Texture by Anthony Hopkins. Gramophone 60:84 (June 1982). TB 105. Review of Sounds of Music: A Study of Orchestral Texture by Anthony Hopkins. The Music Review 43:267+ (no. 3-4, 1982). TB 106. Review ofSounds of Music: A Study of Orchestral Texture by Anthony Hopkins. Music Teacher 62:26 (January 1983). TB 107. Review of Sounds of Music: A Study of Orchestral Texture by Anthony Hopkins. The Musical Times 123:843-4 (December 1982).

T130. Hornbacher, Mark Jay. "Petrushka": A Comparison of the Original and Revised Trumpet and Cornet Parts. Dissertation. Arizona State University, 1991. Original language:


T131. Home, Ivan Francis. A Study of Organ Transcription for Band. Thesis: University of Texas at Austin, 1953. Original language:


T132. Hoy, Patricia Jean. A Comparison of Selected Performing Editions of the Robert Schumann Symphonies. Dissertation: The University of Arizona, 1991. Original language: Scope:

English. The author of the present dissertation compares the orchestration of editions of the Schumann symphonies by Gustav Mahler, Arturo Toscanini, George Szell, and Felix Weingartner, as well as revisions made by numerous other conductors.

T133. Hoyt, Gordon Everett. Arranging Orchestra Music for the Small, Incomplete School Orchestra. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1948. Original language. Scope:

English. The present thesis deals with both original arranging and with the reworking of published arrangements.

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 33 T134. Hudson, Roger West. The Orchestration of the Guitar Concerto: A Comparison of the "Concerto in A Major, Op. 30** by Mauro Guiliani and the "Concerto del sol" by Manuel Ponce. Thesis: Georgia State University, 1992. Original language:


T135. Hull, Robert Leslie. Twentieth Century String Orchestra Music, A Study of the Modern Technique of Scoring for Strings. Thesis. University of Rochester, 1941. Original language:


T136. Humperdinck, Englebert. Instrumentationslehre. Koln: Verlag der Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur rheinische Musikgeschichte, 1981. Original language. English translation: Note:

German. None. The present volume represents materials published long after Humperdinck's lifetime (1854-1921) and presents his technique for post-Wagnerian orchestration.

TI37. Ingelf, Sten. Jazz& Rockarranging. Lund: Sting Music, 1991. Original language: Scope:

Swedish? The present book deals with popular music arranging. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB 108. Review of Jazz & Rockarranging by Sten Ingelf in Orkester Journalen 60 36 (April 1992). T138. Isaac, Merle J. Practical Orchestration; A Method of Arranging for School Orchestras. New York: Robbins Music, 1963. Original language: English. (See also. GB238) (See also: GB554) TI39. Jachino, Carlo. GU strumcti dforchestra. Milano: Edizioni Curci, 1950. Original language: English translation.

Italian. None.


Orchestration Treatises (A-L) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB 109. Review of GU strumenti d 'orchestra by Carlo Jachino. Rassegna Musicale Curci 25:65 (no. 2, 1972).

T140. Jackson, Isaiah Allen. Changes: A Study of Stravinsky's Successive ReOrchestrations of "Firebird" and "Les Noces." Dissertation: The Juilliard School, 1973. Original language:


T141. Jacob, Gordon. The Elements of Orchestration. London: Herbert Jenkins, 1962. Original language: Reprints:

English. New York: October House, 1965. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1976. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB 110. Review of The Elements of Orchestration by Gordon Jacob. The Instrumentalist 23:18 (December 1968). TB 111. Review of The Elements of Orchestration by Gordon Jacob. Making Music 51:19 (Spring 1963). TB 112. Review of The Elements of Orchestration by Gordon Jacob. Music and Letters 44.2&1-2 (no. 3, 1963). TB 113. Review of The Elements of Orchestration by Gordon Jacob. Music Educators Journal 52:176 (no. 4, 1966). TB 114. Review of The Elements of Orchestration by Gordon Jacob. Music in Education 27:66 (no. 301, 1963). TB 115. Review of The Elements of Orchestration by Gordon Jacob. Music Journal 23:12 (October 1965). TB 116. Review of The Elements of Orchestration by Gordon Jacob. The Music Review 24:344-5 (no. 4, 1963). TB 117. Review of The Elements of Orchestration by Gordon Jacob. Music Teacher 42:77 (February 1963). TB 118. Review of The Elements of Orchestration by Gordon Jacob. Musical Opinion 86:601 (July 1963).

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 35 TB 119. Review of The Elements of Orchestration by Gordon Jacob. The Musical Times 104:561 (August 1963). TB 120. Review of The Elements of Orchestration by Gordon Jacob. Tempo 65:30 (Summer 1963). T142. Jacob, Gordon. Orchestral Technique, A Manual for Students. London: Oxford University Press, 1931. 3rd edition, 1982. Orginal language:


T143. Jadassohn, Salomon. Lehrbuch der Instrumentation. Leipzig: Breitkopf& Hartel, 1889. Original language. English translation.

German. None.

T144. Johnson, Charles E. Common Musical Idioms in Selected Contemporary Wind-Band Music. Dissertation: Florida State University, 1969. Original language: Scope:

English. The author discusses other musical aspects in addition to orchestration in this dissertation, although the question of orchestration/arrangement is central.

T145. Johnson, Clair W. Practical Scoring for the Concert Band. Dubuque, Iowa: W.C. Brown, 1961. Original language:


T146. Jones, John Paul. Modern Instrumentation for Modern Arranging. Dubuque, Iowa: W.C. Brown, 1947. Orginal language: Scope:

English. The present book provides tables listing orchestral instrumentation in various eras and illustrates doublings and chord voicings in a variety of styles.

T147. Joyce, Jimmy. A Guide To Writing Vocal Arrangements. Studio City, California: First Place Music, 1972. Original language: English. (For additional citations dealing with choral arranging, see: T3, T77, T87, T316, GB290, and GB556)


Orchestration Treatises (A-L) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB 121. Review of A Guide to Writing Vocal Arrangements by Jimmy Joyce. School Musician 46:43 (April 1975).

T148. Kaiser, H. and Francois, L. Traite d 'Orchestration pour Musique Militaire. Paris: Evette et Schaeffer, 1896. Original language: English translation:

French. None.

T149. Karlin, Fred and Wright, Rayburn. On the Track: A Guide to Contemporary Film Scoring. New York: Schirmer Books, 1990. Original language. Scope:

English. The present book deals with all aspects of arranging and composing for films. (See also: T320) (See also: GB250 and GB563) BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB 122. Review of On the Track: A Guide to Contemporary Film Scoring by Fred Karlin and Rayburn Wright. Cue 8:75-7 (no. 2, 1991). TB 123. Review of On the Track: A Guide to Contemporary Film Scoring by Fred Karlin and Rayburn Wright. Notes 48:529-30 (no. 2, 1991). T150. Karsten, Otto. Die Instrumentation R. Schumanns. Dissertation: University of Vienna, 1923. Original language. English translation: Scope:

German. None. The present dissertation deals with Robert Schumann's instrumentation and orchestrational technique.

TlSl. Kastner, Jean-Georges. Cours dyinstrumentation considere sous les rapports poetiques et philosophiques de Part. Paris: Prilipp, 1839. Supplement, 1844. Original language: English translation: (See also: T152)

French. None.

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 37 T152. Kastner, Jean-Georges. Traite general d*instrumentation. Paris: Prilipp, 1837. Supplement, 1844. Original language: English translation: (See also: TlSl)

French. None.

T153. Kawakami, Genichi. Arranging Popular Music: A Practical Guide. Tokyo: Yamaha Music Foundation, 1975. Original language:

Published both in Japanese and English.

T154. Keathley, Gilbert Harrell. The Tuba Ensemble. Dissertation: The University of Rochester, 1982. Original language:


T155. Kennan, Kent. The Technique of Orchestration. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1952. 4th edition with Donald Grantham, 1990. Original language:


TB124. Kennan, Kent Wheeler. Orchestration Workbook. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1952-1969. This workbook is designed to accompany the author's The Technique of Orchestration. TB125. Kennan, Kent Wheeler. The Technique of Orchestration (sound recording). Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1981. One analog cassette tape. Sound recording to accompany the 2nd edition of Tlie Technique of Orchestration (1970). TB 126. Review of The Technique of Orchestration by Kent Kennan. The Instrumentalist 7:11 (October 1952). TB 127. Review of The Technique of Orchestration by Kent Kennan. The Instrumentalist 7.T2 (January-February 1953). TB 128. Review of The Technique of Orchestration (2nd edition) by Kent Kennan. Music and Musicians 19.74-5 (November 1970). TB129. Review of The Technique of Orchestration by Kent Kennan. Music Dealer 6:65 (July-August 1952).


Orchestration Treatises (A-L) TB 130. Review of The Technique of Orchestration by Kent Kennan. Music Educators Journal 39:53 (November-December 1952). TB 131. Review of The Technique of Orchestration (2nd edition) by Kent Kennan. Music Educators Journal 57:89 (October 1970). TB 132. Review of The Technique of Orchestration by Kent Kennan. Music of the West 8:6 (November 1952). TB 13 3. Review of The Technique of Orchestration (2nd edition) by Kent Kennan. Music Teacher 50:29 (February 1971). TB 134. Review of The Technique of Orchestration by Kent Kennan. Musical America 72:33 (December 15, 1952). TB 135. Review of The Technique of Orchestration by Kent Kennan. Musical Courier 147:6 (January 1, 1953). TB 136. Review of The Technique of Orchestration (2nd edition) by Kent Kennan. The Musical Times 112:35-6 (January 1971). TB 13 7. Review of The Technique of Orchestration by Kent Kennan. Pan Pipes 45:83 (January 1953). TB 138. Review of The Technique of Orchestration by Kent Kennan. Southwestern Musician 19:25 (December 1952). TB 139. Review of The Technique of Orchestration (3rd edition) by Kent Kennan and Donald Grantham. The Musical Times 125:574 (October 1984).

T156. Kers, Robert de. Harmonie et orchestration pour orchestre de danse. Buxelles: Editions musicales C. Bens, 1945. Orginal language: English translation: Scope:

French. None. The present book deals with composing and arranging for jazz big band (dance orchestra).

T157. Kirk, Edgar Lee. A Study of the Orchestration Technic of Sibelius. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1948. Original language.


Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 39 T158. Klein, Jason. Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition**: A Comparative Analysis of Several Orchestrations. Dissertation. Stanford University, 1980. Original language: Scope:

English. The present work examines and compares orchestrations of the Mussorgsky composition by Maurice Ravel, Mikhail Tushmalov, Sir Henry Wood, Leo Funtek, Leonidas Leonardi, Lucien Cailliet, Leopold Stokowski, Fabien Sevitzky, and Walter Goehr. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB 140. Saffle, Michael Benton. Review of Mussorgsky *s Pictures at an Exhibition: A Comparative Analysis of Several Orchestrations by Jason Klein. Councilfor Research in Music Education Bulletin 71:65-8 (Summer 1982). T159. Kling, Henri. Populare instrumentationslehre, oder die kunst des instrumentierens mitgenauer beschreibung der eigentumlichkeiten alter instrumente, nebst einer anleitung zum dirigieren, bearb. und (lurch zahlreiche partitur und notenbeispiele aus den werken der berumtesten tonkunstler erlautert von professor II. Kling. Hannover: L. Oertel, 1888. Original language: English translation:

German. Kling, Henri. Prof. H. Kling's Modern Orchestra/ion and Instrumentation; Or, The Art of Instrumentation; Containing Detailed Descriptions of the Character and Peculiarities of all Instruments and their Practical Employment, Revised and Enlarged by the Author and Translatedfront the Original German by Gustav Saenger. New York: Carl Fischer, 1902. Revised and enlarged, 1905.

T160. Koechlin, Charles. Traite de Porehestration (4 volumes). Paris: Max Eschig, 1954-59 Orginal language: English translation:


TB 141. Review of Traite de I 'orchestration by Charles Koechlin. Musical Quarterly 41:247-50 (April 1955). TB 142. Review of Traite de I 'orchestration by Charles Koechlin. .'. !JNS en Melodic 12:376-8 (December 1957).


Orchestration Treatises (A-L)

T16L Ktihler, Siegfried. Die Instrumentation als Mittel musikalischer Ausdrucksgestaltung. Dissertation: University of Leipzig, 1955. Original language: English translation: Scope: (See also: GB260)

German. None. The present dissertation relates musical style to instrumentation and orchestration.

T162. Kohut, Daniel L. Techniques of Transcription for Elementary Orchestra. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1966. Original language:


T163. Koller, Walter. Aus der Werkstatt der Wiener Klassiker: Bearbeitungen Haydns, Mozarts und Beethovens. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1975. Original language: English translation: Scope:

German. None. Koller compares the orchestrational technique of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven.

T164. Krueger, Theodore Howard. The Employment of Orchestral Brass by Richard Strauss. Thesis. University of Rochester, 1948. Original language:


T16S. Kunitz, Hans. Die Instrumentation: Ein Hand-und Lehrbuch. Leipzig: VEB Breitkopf & Hartel, 1958-1963? New edition: Wiesbaden: Breitkopf& Hartel, 1992. Original language: English translation: Scope:

German. None. The present treatise is a multi-volume set detailing the usage of each orchestral instrument in works ranging from the Baroque era through the twentieth century. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB 143. Review of Die Instrumentation: Ein Hand- und Lehrbuch by Hans Kunitz (1992 edition). Instrumentenbau-Zeitschrift 47:50-52 (JulyAugust 1993). TB 144. Review of Die Instrumentation: Ein Hand- und Lehrbuch by Hans Kunitz. Musica 12:117 (February, 1958)

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 41 TB 145. Review of Die Instrumentation: Ein Hand- und Lehrbuch by Hans Kunitz. Musica 12:504-5 (July-August 1958). TB 146. Review of Die Instrumentation: Ein Hand- und Lehrbuch by Hans Kunitz. Musik und Gesellschaft 13:157-8 (March 1963). TB 147. Review of Die Instrumentation: Ein Hand- und Lehrbuch by Hans Kunitz. Osterreichische Musikzeitschrift 17:44 (January 1962). The present review deals with volumes 8, 10, 11, and 12 only. T166. Kunitz, Hans. Instrumenten-Brevier. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf& Hartel, 1961. Original language: English translation:


TB 148. Review of Instrumenten-Brevier by Hans Kunitz. Musica 15:582-3 (October 1961). TB 149. Review of Instrumenten-Brevier by Hans Kunitz. The Musical Times 103:171 (March 1962). TB150. Review of Instrumenten-Brevier by Hans Kunitz. Musikrevy 16:290 (no. 8, 1961). TB 151. Review of Instrumenten-Brevier by Hans Kunitz. Quadrerni della Rassegna Musicale 3:251-2(1965). T167. Lake, May hew. The American Band Arranger. New York. Carl Fischer, 1920. Original language: Scope:

English. Although many of the more recent treatises supersede Lake's, the present work is of historical significance due the enduring nature of the author's transcriptions and his method of transcription.

T168. Lang, Philip J. Scoring for Band. New York: Mills, 1950. Orginal language:


TB 152. Review ofScoring for Band by Philip J. Lang. School Musician 22 AS (April 1951).


Orchestration Treatises (A-L) TB 15 3. Review of Scoring for Band by Philip J. Lang. School Musician 37:14+ (March 1966). The present review compares the Lang book with Wagner's Band Scoring (1302). (See also: TB338) TB 154. Review of Scoring for Band by Philip J. Lang. Symphony 5:15 (November 1951).

T169. Lange, Arthur. Arranging for the Modern Dance Orchestra. New York: A. Lange, Inc., 1926. Original language: Scope:

English. The present book deals exclusively with dance orchestra and jazz band arranging.

(See also: T170) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB155. Gilbert, Herschel Burke. "An Appreciation: Arthur Lange" Cue 7:123-27 (no. 4, 1990). T170, Lange, Arthur. Arthur Lange*s Spectrotone System of Orchestration. Los Angeles: Co-Art, 1943. Original language: Scope:

English. Despite the rather exotic title, the present book deals with orchestration as a combination of timbres.

(See also: T169) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB156. Gilbert, Herschel Burke. "An Appreciation: Arthur Lange." Cue 7:123-27 (no. 4, 1990). T171. La pe, Alonzo Frank. Band Scoring: A Guide for Incomplete or Unbalanced Instrumentation. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1940. Original language:


T172. Laurendeau, Louis Philippe. The Practical Band Arranger. New York: Carl Fischer, 1911. Original language:


Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 43 T173. Lavoix, Henri-Marie-Francois. Histoire de I*instrumentation depuis le seizieme sieclejusqu'a nos jours. Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1878. Original language: English translation:

French. None.

T174. Leckrone, Mike. Quicksteps to Arranging for Marching Band. Lebanon, Indiana Studio P/R, 1975. Original language: Scope:

English. Although the present work deals with arranging techniques for marching and pep band, the voicing principles could be applied to a larger palette of ensembles.

T175. Lee, Namjai. Orchestral Accompaniment in the Vocal Works of Hector Berlioz. Dissertation University of North Texas, 1994. Original language:


T176. Leibowitz, Rene and Maguire, Jan. Thinking for Orchestra: Practical Exercises in Orchestration. New York: Schirmer, 1960. Original language: (See also: GB278)


TB157. Leibowitz, Rene and Maguire, Jan. IIpensiero orchestrate: esercizi pratici di orchestrazione. Translated by M. de Natale. Bari: Edizioni Musicaii Salvati, 1964. The present book is the Italian translation of Tl 76. (See also: TB158) TB 158. Review of 11 pensiero orchestrate; esercizi pratici di orchestrazione by Rene Leibowitz and Jan Maguire. Buenos Aires Musical 21:6 (no. 338, 1966). Review of TB 157. TB 159. Review of 11 pensiero orchestrate; esercizi pratici di orchestrazione by Rene Leibowitz and Jan Maguire. Musica d'Oggi 7:191-2 (no. 5, 1964). Review ofTB 157. TB 160. Review of Thinking for Orchestra: Practical Exercises in Orchestration by Rene Leibowitz and Jan Maguire. Journal of Music Theory53\S-2\(t\o.2, 1961).

44 Orchestration Treatises (A-L) TB 161. Review of Thinkingfor Orchestra: Practical Exercises in Orchestration by Rene" Leibowitz and Jan Maguire. Juilliard Review 8:16 (no. 1, 1960-1961). TB 162. Review of Thinkingfor Orchestra: Practical Exercises in Orchestration by Rene Leibowitz and Jan Maguire. The Music Review 22:69-71 (no. 1, 1961). TB 163. Review of Thinking for Orchestra: Practical Exercises in Orchestration by Rene Leibowitz and Jan Maguire. Music Teacher 39:435 (September 1960). TB 164. Review of Thinkingfor Orchestra: Practical Exercises in Orchestration by Rene Leibowitz and Jan Maguire. Musical America 82:72-3 (September 1962). TB 165. Review of Thinking for Orchestra: Practical Exercises in Orchestration by Rene Leibowitz and Jan Maguire. Musical Courier 163:53 (May 1961). TB 166. Review of Thinking for Orchestra: Practical Exercises in Orchestration by Rene Leibowitz and Jan Maguire. Musical Opinion 83:811 (September 1960). TB 167. Review of Thinking for Orchestra: Practical Exercises in Orchestration by Rene Leibowitz and Jan Maguire. Notes 18:582-3 (no. 4, 1961). TB 168. Review of Thinking for Orchestra: Practical Exercises in Orchestration by Rene Leibowitz and Jan Maguire. Pan Pipes 53:25-6 (no. 1, 1960). TB 169. Review of Thinkingfor Orchestra: Practical Exercises in Orchestration by Rene Leibowitz and Jan Maguire. Quadrerni delta Rassegna Musicale 3:226 (1965). T177. Leidzen, Erik W. G. An Invitation to Band Arranging. Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania: Presser, 1950. Orginal language: Scope:

English. Concert band-oriented orchestration/arranging. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB 170. Review of A n Invitation to Band Arranging by Erik Leidzen. The Instrumentalist 5:2 (March-April 1951). TB 171. Review of An Invitation to Band Arranging by Erik Leidzen. International Musician 49:9 (February 1951).

Orchestration Treatises (A-L) 45 TB 172. Review of An Invitation to Band Arranging by Erik Leidzen. Music Teacher 30.319 (July 1951). TB 173. Review of An Invitation to Band Arranging by Erik Leidzen. Music Teacher 38:243 (May 1959). TB 174. Review of An Invitation to Band Arranging by Erik Leidzen. Musical Courier 143:29 (May 15, 1951). TB 175. Review of An Invitation to Band Arranging by Erik Leidzen. The Musical Times 100:530 (October 1959). TB 176. Review of An Invitation to Band Arranging by Erik Leidzen. Notes 8:350-51 (March 1951). TB 177. Review of An Invitation to Band Arranging by Erik Leidzen. Pan Pipes 43:199 (February 1951). TB 178. Review of An Invitation to Band Arranging by Erik Leidzen. Souttrwestern Musician 17:10 (May 1951). TB 179. Review of An Invitation to Band Arranging by Erik Leidzen. Symphony 5.15 (November 1951). TB 180. Review of An Invitation to Band Arranging by Erik Leidzen. Violins 13:185 (June-July 1952). T178. Levis, William Henry. A Comparison of the Orchestration of the Subordinate Themes in the First Movements of the Symphonies of Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, and Schumann. Dissertation: University of Missouri, 1973. Original language:


T179. Lindeman, Trygve Henrik. Orkesterinstrumenter og partitur. Oslo: Musikkhuset, 1973. Original language. English translation:

Norwegian. None.

T180. Lochrie, Daniel W. A Critical Evaluation of the Current Performance Versions ofMusorgsky *s "Night on Bald Mountain, ** Based on the History and Content of Musorgsky*s Original Extant Versions, and, a New Orchestration of "Night on Bald Mountain, ** Respectfully Based Upon Musorgsky*s Original Extant Versions. Dissertation: The Ohio State University, 1992. Original language:



Orchestration Treatises (A-L)

T181. Lorince, Frank E. The Use of Percussion in Orchestral Works of Maurice Ravel. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1950. Original language:


T182. Lovelock, William. The Elements of Orchestral Arrangement. London: Bell, 1968. Original language:


TB 181. Review of The Elements of Orchestral A rrangement by William Lovelock. Making Music 69:17 (Spring 1969). TB 182. Review of The Elements of Orchestral Arrangement by William Lovelock. A/w^/c(SMA)3:38(no. 2, 1969). TB 183. Review of The Elements of Orchestral Arrangement by William Lovelock. Music and Musicians 17:63 (January 1969). TB 184. Review of The Elements of Orchestral Arrangement by William Lovelock. Music in Education 32:312 (no. 334, 1968). TB 18 5. Review of The Elements of Orchestral A rrangement by William Lovelock. Music Teacher 48:35 (January 1969). TB 186. Review of The Elements of Orchestral Arrangement by William Lovelock. Musical Opinion 92:525 (July 1969). TB 187. Review of The Elements of Orchestral Arrangement by William Lovelock. Neue Zeitschhftfiir Musik 130:429-30 (September 1969). T183. Lyon, Ernest Elwyn. Instrumentation of the Symphony Band Thesis: University of Rochester, 1938. Original language:


Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) T184. McKay, George Frederick. Creative Orchestration. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1963. Second edition, 1969. Original language:


TB 188. McKay, George Frederick. Workbook to Accompany Creative Orchestration. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1964. TB 189. Review of Creative Orchestration by George Frederick McKay. Music Educators Journal 49: 106-7 (no. 6, 1963). TB 190. Review of Creative Orchestration by George Frederick McKay. Notes 20.626-8(1963). T185. Malipiero, Gian Francesco. L*orchestra. Bologna: N. Zanichelli, 1920. Original language: English translation:

Italian. None.

T186. Mancini, Henry. Sounds and Scores: A Practical Guide to Professional Orchestration. Northridge, California: Northridge Music, 1962. Original language: Scope: Reprint: Note:

English. Although this volume deals mostly with jazz and popular dance styles, much of the information on the individual instruments is treated in a non-style-specific manner. 1967 and 1973. The orchestration examples cited are all from scores by Henry Mancini.

48 Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB 191. Review of Sounds and Scores: A Practical Guide to Professional Orchestration by Henry Mancini. Crescendo International 20:38 (August-September 1981). TB 192. Review of Sounds and Scores: A Practical Guide to Professional Orchestration by Henry Mancini. Down Beat 29:42 (September 27, 1962). TB 193. Review of Sounds and Scores: A Practical Guide to Professional Orchestration by Henry Mancini. International Musician 61:34 (December 1962). TB 194. Review of Sounds and Scores: A Practical Guide to Professional Orchestration by Henry Mancini. Jazz 2:28 (November-December 1963). TB 195. Review of Sounds and Scores: A Practical Guide to Professional Orchestration by Henry Mancini. Music Educators Journal 49:96 (no. 3, 1963). T187. Mandei, Charles. A Treatise on the Instrumentation of Military Bands. London: Boosey and Company, 186_. Original language:


T188. Manfredo, Joseph. Influences on the Development of the Instrumentation of the American Collegiate Wind-Band and Attempts for Standardization of the Instrumentation from 190S-1941. Dissertation. University of Illinois, 1993. Original language: Scope:

English The present dissertation deals strictly with the instrumental forces of bands, not with orchestration/?^ se. It has been included in the present chapter due to the serious orchestrational implications of the material.

T189. Marshall, Bob Lory. A Suggested Procedure for Arranging and Scoring for Bands. Thesis: Ohio University, 1952. Original language:


TB 196. Review of A Suggested Procedure for Arranging and Scoring for Bands by Bob Lory Marshall. Music Educators Journal 41:39 (January 1955).

Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 49 T190, Martin, Joerg Christian. Die Instrumentation von Maurice Ravel. Dissertation: University of Mainz, 1967. Original languageEnglish translation.


TB197. "Dissertationen: Die Instrumentation von Maurice Ravel" Die Musikforschung 22:88-9 (no. 1, 1969). The present article is an announcement of Martin's dissertation. T19L Marvel, Robert, The Use of the Piano as an Orchestral Instrument. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1940. Original language:


T192. Mason, Gordon Edmund. The Development of Orchestration in the AustroGerman Symphony of the Classical Period. Dissertation. University of South Carolina, 1994. Original language.


T193. Mayer, Francis Norbert. A History of Scoring for Band: The Evolution of Band Scoring in the United States. Thesis. University of Minnesota, 1957. Original language (See also: GB314)


T194. Mayr, Giovanni Simone. Trattatello sopra agli stromenti ed istromentazione. Manuscript, 1820s? Original language: English translation:

Italian (See: TB199) BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB198. Gazzaniga, Arrigo. "II Trattatello sopra agli stromenti ed istromentazione* di G. Simone Mayr." Nuova Revista Musicale Italiana 7:89-102(no. 1, 1973). TB 199. Sisk, Lawrence Theodore. Giovanni Simone Mayr (1763-1845): His Writings on Music. Dissertation: Northwestern University, 1986. The present dissertation presents seven of Mayr's treatises on music in English translation for the first time, including Trattatello sopra agli stromenti ed istromentazione (Short Treatise on Instrumentation).


Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) Sisk's dissertation also deals with the conflict between Mayr as writer of the rather conservative Trattatello sopra..., and Mayr as an experimental orchestrator in his own operatic compositions.

T19S. Merck, Alex. Arrangieren mit dem Computer: Der musikalische Einsatz elektronischer Instrumente. Munich: G. Carstensen, 1992. Original language: English translation:


TB200. Review of Arrangieren mit dem Computer: Der musikalische Einsatz elektronischer Instrumente by Alex Merck. Instrumentenbau-Zeitschrift 46:50-51 (July-August 1992). T196. Merrill, Barzille Winfred. Practical Introduction to Orchestration and Instrumentation. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwards Brothers, 1937. Original language:


T197. Mever, Piet van. Leerboek, der instrumental Lispet [n.d.]. Original language: English translation: Scope:

voor harmonie. Hilversum.

Dutch. None. The present book deals with orchestration for variously configured bands and wind ensembles.

T198. Mikorey, Stefan. Klangfarbe und Komposition: Besetzung und musikalische Faktur in WerkenfUr grosses Orchester und Kammerorchester von Berlioz, Strauss, Mahler, Debussyt Schbnberg und Berg. Munchen: Minerva Publikation Saur, 1982. Original language: English translation: Note:

German. None. The present treatise was originally submitted as the author*s thesis, Munchen, 1980. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB201. Review of Klangfarbe und Komposition: Besetzung und musikalische Faktur in Werkenfiirgrosses Orchester und Kammerorchester von Berlioz, Strauss, Mahler, Debussy, Schonberg und Berg by Stefan Mikorey. Musica 38:374 (no. 4, 1984).

Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 51 T199. Miller, Glenn. Glenn Miller's Methodfor Orchestral Arranging. New York: Mutual Music Society, 1943. Original language: Scope:

English. The present book deals with dance orchestra and big-band jazz. The author explains his famous chord voicing style.

T200. Miller, Roy M. Practical Instrumentation for the Wind Band. St. Louis: J.S. Swift, 1948. 3rd edition, Detroit: Wayne Satate University Press, 1957. Original language:


T201. Moller, Dirk. Besetzung und Instrumentation in den Opern Georg Frietlrich Handels. Frankfurt am Main: P.Lang, 1989. Original language: English translation: Scope:

German. None. The present book deals with instrumentation and orchestration in Handel's operas.

T202. Moore, Hilarie Clark. The Structural Role of Orchestration in Brahms *s Music: A Study of the "Third Symphony." Dissertation: Yale University, 1991. Original language:


T203. Mukha, Anton Ivanovich. Protsess kompozitorskogo tvorchestva. Kiev: Muz. Ukraina, 1979. Original language: English translation: Scope:

Russian. None. The present book deals mostly with the history of orchestration and orchestral composition.

T204. Murphy, Arthur Loring. The Bicinia variorum instrumentorum of Johann Christoph Pezel. Dissertation: Florida State University, 1959. Original language:


T205. Mutchler, Ralph D. A Guide to Arranging and Scoring for the Marching or Pep Band Seattle, Washington: R. Mutchler Publications, 1967. Orginal language:



Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) Scope:

Although the present book deals with marching and pep band arranging, many of the concepts contained therein would apply to concert band and other instrumental ensembles. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB202. Review of A Guide to Arranging and Scoring for the Marching or Pep Band by Ralph D. Mutchler. The Instrumentalist 22:14 (March 1968). T206. Nedwed, W. Die Entwicklung der Instrumentation von der Wiener Klassik bis zu den Anfdngen K Wagners. Dissertation: University of Vienna, 1931. Original language: English translation:

German. None.

T207. Nestico, Sammy. The Complete Arranger. Fenwood Music Company, 1993. Original language: Scope:

English. Although most readers familiar with Nestico's name may associate him with big-band jazz arrangements, the present book deals with arranging and orchestration in a broader sense.

T208. Nordgren, Quentin Richards. Texture: A Consideration of Spacing, Doubling, Range, and Instrumentation, Based upon Selected Works of Certain Nineteenth Century Composers. Dissertation. Indiana University, 1955. Original language: (See also: GB338)


T209. Oboussier, Philippe. Arranging Music for Young Players: A Handbook on Basic Orchestration. London: Oxford University Press, 1977. Original language.


TB203. Review of Arranging Music for Young Players by Philippe Oboussier. Journal of Research in Music Education 26:418-20 (no. 3, 1978). TB204. Review of Arranging Music for Young Players by Philippe Oboussier. Music in Education 4\.296 (no. 388, 1977). TB205. Review of Arranging Music for Young Players by Philippe Oboussier. Music Teacher 57:27 (June 1978).

Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 53 T210. OhI, John Franklin. The Orchestration of Bach's Vocal Works. Dissertation: Harvard University, 1945. Original language:


T211. Owen, Allan. The Evolution of Instrumentation and Orchestration Since 1600. MM. thesis: University of Cincinnati, 1950. Orginal language


T212. Page, Janet Kathleen. Wind Instruments in the Music of Joseph Haydn, 1785-1798: Studies in Orchestration, Compositional Process, and Musical Structure. Dissertation: Duke University, 1993. Original language: Scope:

English. This dissertation deals with Haydn's use of individual woodwinds and brass and his use of the same in combinations.

T213. Palmer, King. Teach Yourself Orchestration. London: The English Universities Press, 1964. Original language: Note:

English. The present book is designed for self-study use, although it could be used as a text for an orchestration class. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB206. Review of Teach Yourself Orchestration by King Palmer. Canon 17 23 (no. 2, 1965). TB207. Review of Teach Yourself Orchestration by King Palmer. Music and Musicians 13:47 (December 1964). TB208. Review of Teach Yourself Orchestration by King Palmer. Music in Education 28.281 (no. 310, 1964). TB209. Review of Teach Yourself Orchestration by King Palmer. Music Teacher 44:39 (January 1965). TB210. Review of Teach Yourself Orchestration by King Palmer. The Musical Times 106:276 (April 1965). TB211. Review of Teach Yourself Orchestration by King Palmer. The Strad 75:385 (February 1965).


Orchestration Treatises (M-Z)

T214. Paris, Gabriel. Traite d*instrumentation et d*orchestration a Pusage des musiques militaries d'harmonie et de fanfare. Paris: H. Lemonie, 1898. Original language. English translation:


TB212. Dondeyne, Desire* and Robert, Frederic. Nouveau traite d'orchestration, a Pusage des harmonies, fanfares et musiques militaires poir faire suite au tratite d 'instrumentation et d'orchestration deG. Pares. Paris: Lemoine, 1969. (See: T73) T215. Parrott, Ian. Method in Orchestration. London: Dobson, 1957. Original language. (See also; GB350)


TB213. Review of Method in Orchestration by Ian Parrott Making Music 34:15 (Summer 1957). TB214. Review of Method in Orchestration by Ian Parrott. Music and Letters 38:285-6 (July 1957). TB215. Review of Method in Orchestration by Ian Parrott. Music Teacher 36:147 (March 1957). TB216. Review of Method in Orchestration by Ian Parrott. Musical Opinion 80:411+(April 1957). TB217. Review of Method in Orchestration by Ian Parrott. The Musical Times 98:197-8 (April 1957). TB218. Review of Method in Orchestration by Ian Parrott. The Strad 67:430 (April 1957). TB219. Review of Method in Orchestration by Ian Parrott. Tempo 45:33 (Autumn 1957). T216. Patterson, Frank. Practical Instrumentation: For School, Popular, and Symphony Orchestras; A Treatise. New York: Schirmer, 1923. Original language: Scope:

English. The present book deals not only with "instrumentation," but also extensively with orchestration.

Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 55 T217. Pelteson, Edith Emily. A Study of Brahms' Orchestration of the uHaydn Variations." [no publisher], 1955. Orginal language:


T218. Phelps, Catherine. The Orchestration of the Sibelius "Violin Concerto." Thesis: University of Rochester, 1949. Original language:


T219. Pilotti, G. Breve insegnamento teoric.di scrivere per tutti gli stumenti d'orchestra. Milan, 1836. Original language: English translation:

Italian. None.

T220. Piston, Walter. Orchestration. New York: Norton, 1955 Original language:


TB220. Kendall, Roger and Carterette, Edward C. "Verbal Attributes of Simultaneous Wind Instrument Timbres: II. Adjectives Induced from Piston's Orchestration" Music Perception 10:445-468 (no. 4, Summer 1993). (See also: GB255 and GB256) TB221

Review of Orchestration by Walter Piston. Etude 73:6 (August 1955).

TB222. Review of Orchestration by Walter Piston. Journal of the American Musicological Society 8:138-40 (Summer 1955). TB223. Review of Orchestration by Walter Piston. London Musical Events 11.33 (January 1956). TB224. Review of Orchestration by Walter Piston. Making Music 30:19+ (Spring 1956). TB225. Review of Orchestration by Walter Piston. Music and Letters 37:17980 (April 1956). TB226. Review of Orchestration by Walter Piston. The Music Review 18:56-7 (February 1957). TB227. Review of Orchestration by Walter Piston. Music Teacher 35:43 (January 1956).


Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) TB228. Review of Orchestration by Walter Piston. Musical America 76:46 (January 1, 1956). TB229. Review of Orchestration by Walter Piston. Musical Quarterly 42:103-5 (January 1956). TB230. Review of Orchestration by Walter Piston. The Musical Times 97.1923 (April 1956). TB231. Review of Orchestration by Walter Piston. Notes 12:437-8 (June 1955). TB232. Review of Orchestration by Walter Piston. The Strad 66:346 (January 1956).

T221. Plate, Stephen W. A Study and Comparison of Arnold Schoenberg's (lTheme and Variations,*1 Opus 43A and B with Particular Attention to Instrumentation, Orchestration, and Variation Technique. Dissertation. University of Cincinnati, 1986. Original language:


T222. Ployhar, James D. So You fre Stuck for an Arrangement. Phoenix. ByronDouglas, 1960. Original language:


TB233. Review of So You 're Stuck for an Arrangement by James D. Ployhar. The Instrumentalist 14:17 (June 1960). T223. Polansky, Larry. New Instrumentation and Orchestration; An Outline for Study. Oakland, California: Frog Peak Music, 1986. Original language:


T224. Popa, Aurel. Contributii la instrumentatia contemporana. Bucuresti: Editura Muaizala, 1967. Original language. English translation:

Romanian. None.

Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 57 T225. Pottenger, Harold. Instrumental Handbook; A Guide to the Intelligent Use of Band and Orchestral Instruments. Kansas City, Missouri: Beacon Hill Music, 1971. Original language:


T226. Pravecek, Jindrich. Instrumentationslehrefiir Blasorchester. Leipzig: VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Musik, 1981. Original language: English translation:


TB234. Review of Instrumentationslehre fiir Blasorchester by Jindrich Pravecek. Brass Bulletin 39:70-71 (1982). TB23 5. Review of Instrumentationslehre fiir Blasorchester by Jindrich Pravecek. Hudebni Rozhledy 36:90-91 (no. 2, 1983). TB236. Review ofInstrumentationslehre fiir Blasorchester by Jindrich Pravecek. The Musical Times 124.172 (March 1983) T227. Prinz, Ulrich. Studien turn Instrumentarium Johann Sebastian Bachs mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Kantaten. Tubingen. H.G. Vogler, 1979. Original language: English translation.


TB237. Review of Studien zum Instrumentarium Johann Sebastian Bachs mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Kantaten by Ulrich Prinz. Die Musikforschung 34:496-7 (no. 4, 1981). T228. Proctor, Francis Wilcox. The Harmonic Technique ofDelius and its Relation to His Orchestration. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1940. Original language:


T229. Prout, Ebenezer. Instrumentation Boston and London Ditson, 1876. Original language: English. Reprint New York: Haskell House, 1969 (See also: T230) (See also: GB387)


Orchestration Treatises (M-Z)

T230. Prout, Ebenezer. The Orchestra. London: Augener & Co., 1899. Orignal language: English. Reprint: St. Clair Shores, Michigan. Scholarly Press, 1972. (See also: T229) (See also: GB387) T231. Putt, Harry A. The Evolution of Orchestration from the Classic School through Berlioz. MM. thesis: University of Cincinnati, 1948. Original language:


T232. Rauscher, Donald J. Orchestration, Scores and Scoring. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1963. Original language:


TB238. Review of Orchestration, Scores and Scoring by Donald J. Rauscher. Afoto 21:546 (no. 4, 1964). T233. Read, Gardner. Compendium of Modern Instrumental Techniques. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1993. Original language: English (See also: T234, T235, and T236) T234. Read, Gardner. Contemporary Instrumental Techniques. New York: Schirmer Books, 1976. Original language: English. (See also: T233, T235, and T236) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB239. Review of Contemporary Instrumental Techniques by Gardner Read. American Music Teacher 2136 (no. 2, 1977). TB240. Review of Contemporary Instrumental Techniques by Gardner Read. Central Opera Service Bulletin 19:24 (no. 4, 1977). TB241. Review of Contemporary Instrumental Techniques by Gardner Read. Clavier \5:7 (no. 4, 1976). TB242. Review of Contemporary Instrumental Techniques by Gardner Read. The Instrumentalist 30:15 (April 1976).

Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 59 TB243. Review of Contemporary Instrumental Techniques by Gardner Read. Journal of Research in Music Education 24:211-12 (no. 4, 1976). TB244. Review of Contemporary Instrumental Techniques by Gardner Read. Making Music 92:18 (Autumn 1976). TB245. Review of Contemporary Instrumental Techniques by Gardner Read Music (AGO.) 10.14 (June 1976). TB246 Review of Contemporary Instrumental Techniques by Gardner Read. Music Journal 34:38 (September 1976). TB247. Review of Contemporary Instrumental Techniques by Gardner Read. Music Review 39:140-41 (no. 2, 1978). TB248. Review of Contemporary Instrumental Techniques by Gardner Read. The Musical Times 118:645 (August 1977). TB249. Review of Contemporary Instrumental Techniques by Gardner Read. NACWP1 Journal 25:45-7 (no. 3, 1977). TB250. Review of Contemporary Instrumental Techniques by Gardner Read. Notes 33:591-3 (no. 3, 1977). T235. Read, Gardner. Style and Orchestration. New York: Schirmer Books, 1979. Original language: English. (See also: T233, T234, and 236) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB251. Review of Style and Orchestration by Gardner Read. American Music Teacher 1\.5% (no. 4, 1982). TB252. Review of Style and Orchestration by Gardner Read. Music and Letters 62:74-5 (no. 1, 1981). TB253. Review of Style and Orchestration by Gardner Read. Music Review 44:73-5 (no. 3-4, 1983). TB254. Review of Style and Orchestration by Gardner Read. Music Teacher 60:23 (March 1981).

T236. Read, Gardner. Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices. New York: Pitman, 1953. Original language: English. Reprint Greenwood Press, 1969. (See also: T233, T234, and T235)


Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB255. Review of Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices by Gardner Read. Educational Music Magazine 33:63 (January-February 1954). TB256. Review of Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices by Gardner Read. Etude 74.8 (May-June 1956). TB257. Review of Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices by Gardner Read. Journal of Research in Music Education 2:80-81 (Spring 1954). TB258. Review of Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices by Gardner Read. Music and Letters 36:280+ (July 1955). TB259. Review of Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices by Gardner Read. Music Educators Journal 40:51 -2 (January 1954). TB260. Review of Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices by Gardner Read. Music Teacher 33; 41 (January 1954). TB261. Review of Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices by Gardner Read. Musical America 75:33 (December 1, 1955). TB262. Review of Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices by Gardner Read. Musical Courier 149:28 (January 1, 1954). TB263. Review of Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices by Gardner Read. Musical Opinion 77:163+ (December 1953). TB264. Review of Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices by Gardner Read. Musical Quarterly 40:419-21 (July 1954). TB265. Review of Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices by Gardner Read. The Musical Review 16:247-8 (August 1955). TB266. Review of Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices by Gardner Read. The Musical Times 96:82 (February 1955). TB267. Review of Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices by Gardner Read. New York Times, November 22, 1953: II, 103. TB268. Review of Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices by Gardner Read. Notes 11:463-4 (June 1954).

T237. Redcay, Irvin Thomas. The Piano as an Orchestral Instrument: Techniques of Performance. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1962. Original language:


Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 61 T238. Reed, H. Owen and Leach, Joel T. Scoring for Percussion and the Instruments of the Percussion Section. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Prentice-Hall, 1969. Revised edition: 1978. Original language:


TB269. Review of Scoring for Percussion and the Instruments of the Percussion Section by H. Owen Reed and Joel T. Leach. Composer (U.S.) 1.56-7 (no. 2, 1969). TB270. Review of Scoring for Percussion and the Instruments of the Percussion Section by H. Owen Reed and Joel T. Leach. The Instrumentalist 24:22 (October 1969). TB271. Review ofScoring for Percussion and the Instruments of the Percussion Section (revised edition) by H. Owen Reed and Joel T. Leach. The Instrumentalist 34:16 (October 1979). TB272. Review of Scoringfor Percussion and the Instruments of the Percussion Section by H. Owen Reed and Joel T Leach. Music Educators Journal 56:89-90 (March 1970). TB273. Review of Scoring for Percussion and the Instruments of the Percussion Section (revised edition) by H. Owen Reed and Joel T. Leach, lite Musical Times 120:835 (October 1979). TB274. Review of Scoring for Percussion and the Instruments of the Percussion Section by H Owen Reed and Joel T. Leach. Das Orchester 19:159 (March 1971). TB275. Review of Scoring for Percussion and the Instruments of the Percussion Section by H. Owen Reed and Joel T. Leach. School Musician 41:32+ (November 1969). T239. Reese, William Heartt. GrundzUge und Entwicklung der Instrumentation in der vorklassische und klassische Sinfonie. GraTenheinichen, 1939. Original language: English translation: Scope:

German. None. The present book deals with the characteristics and development of instrumentation in the pre-Classical and Classical symphony.

62 Orchestration Treatises (M~Z) T240. Reinbothe, Helmut. Wir arrangieren; Hinweise zur Instrumentation in gemischten Besetzungen Leipzig: Zentralhaus fur Kulturarbeit der DDR, 1975. Original language: German. English translation: None. (See also: GB409, GB410, and GB411) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB276. Review of Wir arrangieren; Hinweise zur Instrumentation in gemischten Besetzung by Helmut Reinbothe. Musik in Schule 27:426-7 (no. 12, 1976). T241. Riddle, Nelson. Arranged hy Nelson Riddle: The Definitive Study of Arranging by America^ #/ Composer, Arranger and Conductor. Secaucus, New Jersey: Warner Brothers Publications, 1985. Original language: Scope:

English. The present book deals mostly with jazz and popular music.

T242. Riemann, Hugo. Katechismus der Orchestrierung. Berlin: Max Hesse, 1897. Original language: English translation: Reprint:

German. 1903. Riemann, Hugo. Handhuch der Orchestrierung. Berlin: Max Hesse, 1921. (Reprint of the 1905 edition)

T243. Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai. OsnovX orkestrovki (2 volumes). Edited by Maximilian Steinberg. St. Petersburg: Rossiiskoe muzykal'noe izdatel'stvo, 1913. Original language: English translation:

Russian. Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai. Principals of Orchestration, With Musical Examples from His Own Works. Translated by Edward Agate. Berlin: Edition russe de musique, 1922. Reprinted New York: Kalmus, 1933 and New York: Dover, 1964. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB277. Inglis, Franklin Parker. An Analytical Critique of Rimsky-Korsakoff's Contributions to the Art of Orchestration. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1933. TB278. Kandinsky, A. "Novoe izdanie Osnov orkestrovki RimskogoKorsakova." Sovetskaya Muzyka 24:186-9 (May 1960).

Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 63 TB279. Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai. Principals of Orchestras, Digest, Selected and Edited by Adolf Schmid from the English Translation by Edward Agate ofMaximilian Steinberg's Original Edition. New York: Boosey &Hawkes, 1950. TB280. Review of Principals of Orchestration by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov. American Organist 50:5-6 (Janaury 1967). Review of the 1964 Dover reprint of Agate's translation. TB281. Review ofPrincipals of Orchestration by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Music and Musicians 13.52 (May 1965). Review of the 1964 Dover reprint of Agate's translation. TB282 Review of Principals of Orchestration by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Music in Education 29.140-41 (no. 313,1965). Review of the 1964 Dover reprint of Agate's translation. TB283. Review of Principals of Orchestration by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Music Teacher 44:223 (May 1965). Review of the 1964 Dover reprint of Agate's translation. TB284. Review of Principals of Orchestration by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Musical Opinion 88:673 (August 1965). Review of the 1964 Dover reprint of Agate's translation. TB285. Review of Principals of Orchestration by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Neue Zeitschrift fiir Musik 128:167 (April 1967). Review of the 1964 Dover reprint of Agate's translation. T244. Robles, Peter Trevor. The Power of Orchestration: A Study of Painterly and Dramatic Dimensions in the Music of Jacob Druckman and William Bolcom and "L fAuberge du Midi, Symphony No. 1. " Dissertation. Princeton University, 1994. Original language: Scope:

English. The author presents a study of Druckman's use of orchestration in Aureole and Bolcom's orchestration in Violin Concerto. The author then presents his original composition L Auberge du Midi, Symphony No. 1 which uses orchestrational techniques drawn from the Druckman and Bolcom works.

T245. Rosing, Helmut. Probleme und neue Wege der Analyse von Instrumentenund Orchesterkldngen. Vienna: Notring, 1969. Original language: English translation (See also. GB450)

German. None.


Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB286. Review of Probleme und neue Wege der Analyse von Instrumenten- und Orchesterklangen by Helmut Rosing. Die Orchester 24:595 (September 1976).

T246. Rogers, Bernard. The Art of Orchestration: Principles of Tone Color in Modern Scoring. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1951. Original language: Reprint:

English. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1970. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB287. Review of The Art of Orchestration by Bernard Rogers. American Organist 35:36 (February 1952). TB288. Review of The Art of Orchestration by Bernard Rogers. Down Beat 19:19 (April 18, 1952). TB289. Review of The Art of Orchestration by Bernard Rogers. Etude 70.7+ (January 1952). TB290. Review of The Art of Orchestration by Bernard Rogers. Music Educators Journal 38:51 (January 1952). TB291. Review of The Art of Orchestration by Bernard Rogers. Musical America 72:34 (November 15, 1952). TB292. Review of The Art of Orchestration by Bernard Rogers. Notes 9:404-5 (June 1952). T247. Rollinson, T.H., compiler and editor. Treatise on Harmony, Counterpoint, Instrumentation and Orchestration: With an Appendix Treating upon the Instrumentation of Military Bands. Philadelphia. J.W. Pepper, 1886. Original language:


T248. Runswick, D. Rock, Jazz and Pop Arranging: All the Facts and Know-How. Faber[n.d] (1992?). Original language:


TB293. Review of Rock, Jazz and Pop Arranging by D. Ruswick. Crescendo and Jazz Music 29:26 (no. 5, 1992).

Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 65 T249. Runyan, William Edward. Orchestration in Five French Grand Operas. Dissertation: University of Rochester, Eastman School of Music, 1983. Original language: Scope:

English. The present study deals with orchestrational technique in Auber's LaMuette de Portici, Rossini's Guillattme Tell, Halevy's LaJuive, and Meyerbeer's Robert le Diable and Les Huguenots.

(See also: GB457) T250. Russavage, Kathy Ann. Instrumentation in the Works of Witold Lutoslawski. Dissertation: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988. Original language: Scope:

English. The author uses the term "instrumentation" in her title to mean orchestration. The dissertation deals with all the ramifications of Lutoslawski's orchestrational technique.

T251. Russo, William. Composing forthe Jazz Orchestra. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961. Original language: Reprint: Note:

English. 1969. The title of the present book may be somewhat misleading, as it does indeed deal with questions of arranging and jazz orchestration in addition to questions of producing original compositions.

(See also. T252) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB294. Russo, William and Hyams, Reid. Workbookfor Composing for the Jazz Orchestra. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978. T252. Russo, William. Jazz Composition and Orchestration. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968. Original language. Reprint. Scope: (See also: T251)

English. 1974. The present work deals with orchestration for various sizes of jazz ensemble and represents a significant revision of the author's Composingfor the Jazz Orchestra.


Orchestration Treatises (M~Z)

T253. Rybnicki, Mateusz. Vademecum instrumentacji. Warsaw: Centralny Osrodek Metodyki Upowszechniania Kultury, 1987. Original language: English translation:


TB295. Review of Vademecum instrumentacji by Mateusz Rybnicki. Ruch Muzyczny 32:25 (no. 8, 1988). T254. Sagaev, Dimitur. Prakticheski kurs po simfonichna orkestratsiya. Volume 2. Sofia: Nauka I izkustvo, 1973. Original language: English translation:

Bulgarian. None. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB296. Review of Prakticheski kurspo simfonichna orkestratsiyay Volume 2 by Dimitur Sagaev. Bulgarska Muzika 25:69-70 (April 1974). T255. Sandell, Gregory John. Concurrent Timbres in Orchestration: A Perceptual Study of Factors Determining "Blend," Dissertation: Northwestern University, 1991. Original language: Scope:

English. This dissertation deals with the use of various musical instruments in combination both from the standpoint of these combinations as purely scientific acoustical phenomena and as they are described in various orchestrational books.

T256. Sandole, Adolph. Arranging & Harmony for Stage Band. New York: A Sandole, 1982 (distributed by Theodore Presser). Original language: Scope:

English. The present book deals exclusively with writing for jazz ensemble.

T257. Schafer, Wolf Dieter. Entwurfeiner quantitativen Instrumentationsanalyse: ein Beitrag zur Methodik von Instrumentationsuntersuchungen dargestellt an Beispielen aus der Wiener Klassik und der Spatromantik. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1982. Original language:


Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 67 English translation: Scope:

None. The present book deals with instrumental blend from the time of the Viennese classical period through the late Romantic era.

T258. Schliep, William. A Study of the Orchestral Technique of Carl Maria von Weber. Thesis. University of Rochester, 1935. Original language:


T259. Schubert, Giselher. Schonbergs fruehe Instrumentation: Untersuchungen zu den "Gurreliedern," zu Op. 5 und Op. 8. Baden-Baden: V. Koerner, 1975. Original language: English translation: Scope:

German. None. The present book deals with Arnold Schonberg's early orchestrational technique. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB297. Review of Schonbergs fruehe Instrumentation: Untersuchungen zu den "Gurreliedern, " zu Op. 5 und Op. S by Giselher Schubert. Musikforschung 32:354-5 (no. 3, 1979). T260. Sebesky, Don. The Contemporary Arranger. New York: Alfred Publishing Company, 1975. 3rd edition, 1984. Original language: Scope: (See also: T261)

English. The present book deals primarily with jazz arranging. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB298. Fowler, William L. "How to Develop Arranging Proficiency." Down Beat 45:58-9 (July 13, 1978). The present article contains an excerpt from the Sebesky book.

T261. Sebesky, Donald. The Contemporary Arranger's Workshop. Sherman Oaks, California. Alfred, 1981. Original language: English. Scope: The present work deals with jazz arranging. Note: The present work is in four volumes and includes 30 audio cassette tapes of examples. (See also: T260)


Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB299. Review of Ihe Contemporary Arranger *s Workshop by Donald Sebesky. Down Beat 49:68 (September 1982).

T262. Sellers, Owen Frink. Scoring for the Violoncello in the Period 1750 to 1830. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1940. Orginal language:


T263. Shatzkin, Merton. Writing for the Orchestra: An Introduction to Orchestration. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hail, 1993. Original language:


T264. Shen Sin-Yan. Chinese Music and Orchestration: A Primer on Principles and Practice. Chicago: Chinese Music Society of North America, 1991. Original language: English (See also: GB480, GB481, and GB482) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB300. Review of Chinese Music and Orchestration: A Primer of Principles and Practice by Shen Sin-Yan. Chinese Music 14:29 (no. 2, 1991). T265. Siebert, Edrich. A Practical Guide to Instrumentation for the Brass Band. London: Studio Music Company, 1976. Original language:


T266. Sistrunk, George Willis. A Comparison of the Two Orchestrations of "King David" by Arthur Honegger. Dissertation: University of Miami, 1972. Original language:


TB301. Sistrunk, George Willis. "A Comparison of the Two Orchestrations of King David by Arthur Honegger." Choral Journal 15:16 (no. 2, 1974). The author presents a synopsis of the above dissertation in this article.

Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 69 T267. Skeat, William James and Clarke, Harry F. The Fundamentals of Band Arranging: A Text-book for Students. Cleveland and New York: Sam Fox, 1938. Original language:


T268. Skiles, Marlin. Music Scoring for TV & Motion Pictures. Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania: Tab Books, 1976. Original language:


T269. Skinner, Frank. Frank Skinner*s New Methodfor Orchestra Scoring. New York: Robbins Music Corporation, 1935. Original language: Scope:

English. Th present book deals with film scoring and with jazz and commercial music.

(See also: T270) T270. Skinner, Frank. Underscore. Hollywood. Skinner Music Company, 1950. Original language: Scope:

English. The present work deals with arranging and composing for films.

(See also: T269) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB302. Review of Underscore by Frank Skinner. Etude 69:9 (March 1951). TB303. Review of Underscore by Frank Skinner. The Instrumentalist 6: 30 (September 1951). TB304. Review of Underscore by Frank Skinner. Music Dealer 5:33 (January 1951). T271. Sledzinski, Stefan. Orkiestra deta. Krakow: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1975. Original language: English translation:

Polish. None.

70 Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) T272. Smalley, Jack. A Simplified Guide to Writing A Arranging Songs for Swing A Show Choirs A Small Instrumental Groups. Studio City, California: First Place Music Publications, 1972. Original language: Scope:

English. The present book provides guidlines for arranging for show choir and small accompanying instrumental ensembles. (See also: T3, T31, T77, T147, GB83, GB290, and GB556 for additional citations related to choral arranging) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB305. Review of A Simplified Guide to Writing & Arranging Songs for Swing & Show Choirs & Small Instrumental Groups by Jack Smalley. Educator 5:24 (no. 4, 1973). TB306. Review of A Simplified Guide to Writing & Arranging Songs for Swing & Show Choirs & Small Instrumental Groups by Jack Smalley. School Musician 46:42 (April 1975).

T273. Smith, Jerry Neil, Arranging for the Modern Marching Band. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1963. Original language:


TB307. Long, Newell Hillis. "Critiques: Jerry Neil Smith's Arranging for the Modern Marching Band.>y CRME Journal 15:29-30 (Winter 1969). T274. Smith, John Robert. Changes in the Musical Treatment of the Brass in Nineteenth-Century Symphonic and Operatic Composition. D.M. A. thesis: University of Texas at Austin, 1974. Original language:


T275. Smith Brindle, Reginald. Contemporary Percussion. London: Oxford University Press, 1970. Original language. Scope:

English. The present book deals with 1970-era contemporary scoring and performance practice involving percussion instruments.

Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 71 BIBLIOGRAPHY TB308. Review of Contemporary Percussion by Reginald Smith Brindle. Galpin Society Journal 24.115-17 (July 1971). TB309. Review of Contemporary Percussion by Reginald Smith Brindle. Melos 38.64-5 (February 1971). TB310. Review of Contemporary Percussion by Reginald Smith Brindle. Music Educators Journal 57:78-9 (February 1971). TB311. Review of Contemporary Percussion by Reginald Smith Brindle. Music Review 32:76 (no. 1, 1971). T276. Sochinski, James Richard. Instrumental Doubling and Usage in Wind-band Literature, 1908-1966. Dissertation: University of Miami, 1980. Original language:


T277. Spohn, Charles L. and Heine, Richard W. The Marching Band; Comparative Techniques in Movement and Music. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1969. Original language.


T278. Stahura, Mark W. Hidden Scoring in Handel's Theater Works. Dissertation: University of Chicago, 1992. Original language: Scope:

English. This dissertation deals with orchestration in George Frideric Handel's operas.

T279. Stedman, Preston. Form and Orchestration in the Pre-classical Symphony. Dissertation. University of Rochester, 1953. Original language: Scope:

English. The author studies musical examples by Guiseppe Matteo Aiberti, Thomas Arne, Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz, Anton Fi'ltz, Anton Wilhelm Solnitz, and Karl Friedrich Abel.

T280. Stiller, Andrew. Handbook of Instrumentation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985. Original language:


72 Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB312. Review ofHandbook of Instrumentation by Andrew Stiller. Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society 14:161 -4 (1988). TB313. Review of Handbook of Instrumentation by Andrew Stiller. The Galpin Society Journal 45.155-7(1992). T281. Strauss, Richard. Instrumentationslehre, egcinzt und revidiert von Richard Strauss (2 volumes). Leipzig: C. F. Peters, 1905. (See: T22) T282. Stull, Jane A. Vertical Instrumental Sonorities. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1946. Original language: Scope:

English. The present thesis deals with combinations of timbres and questions of instrumental doublings in orchestration.

T283. Tanner, Peter H. Timpani and Percussion Writing in the Works of Hector Berlioz. Dissertation. Catholic University of America, 1967. Original language:


T284. Taylor, Virginia Sue. The Harp in Mahler's "Klangfarbengruppe.ft Dissertation: Washington University, 1988. Original language: Scope:

English. The present work deals with Mahler's use of the harp, and, by extension, the treatment Schonberg, Webern, and Berg gave to the instrument.

T285. Taylor, William Aaron. The Orchestral Treatment of the Trombone in the 18th and 19th Centuries. Thesis. University of Rochester, 1951. Original language:


T286. Terse, Paul. Studien zur Verendung des Konzertflugels im Opernorchester in der Zeit von etwa 1930 bis etwa 1970. Regensburg: G. Bosse, 1982 (cl981). Orginal language: English translation: Scope:

German. None. Although the present work deals a narrow subject, the use of the concert flugelhorn in the opera orchestra of 1930-

Orchestration Treatises (M-Zj 73 1970, it raises important questions of brass timbral combinations for the orchestrator. T287. Teuchert, Emil and Haupt, Erhard Walter. Musik-Instrumentenkunde in Wort und Bild. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Hartel, 1924. Original language: English translation: Note:

German. None. Some sources list the authors as H. Teuchert and E.R. Haupt.

T288. Thieme, Carl August. Der Klangstil des Mozartorchesters, Ein Beitrag zur Instrumentations-Geschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Borna-Leipzig: R. Noske, 1936. Original language: English translation.

German. None.

T289. Thomas, Eugen. Die Instrumentation der uMeistersinger von Nurnberg'* von Richard Wagner, Ein Beitrag zur Instrumentationslehre. Mannheim: Heckel, 1899. Orginal language. English translation: Scope: Reprint:

German. None. Deals with Richard Wagner's orchestrational technique in Der Meistersinger von Nurnberg. Leipzig. Deutsche verlagsactiengesellschaft, 1907.

T290. Toeplitz, Uri. Die Holzblaser in der Musik Mozarts und ihr Verhaltnis zur Tonartwahl. Baden-Baden: Koerner, 1978. Original language: English translation:

German (the unpublished thesis upon which this publication is based is in Hebrew). None.

T291. Turkel, Eric. Arranging Techniques for Synthesists. New York: Amsco, 1989? Original language: Scope:

English. The present book deals with orchestration and sequencing with synthesizers. (See also: GB535 and GB536)

74 Orchestration Treatises (M~Z) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB314. Review of Arranging Techniques for Synthesists by Eric Turkel. Keyboard Magazine 15 (November 1989). TB315. Review of Arranging Techniques for Synthesists by Eric Turkel. Down Beat 57:57 (March 1990). T292. Tuthill, Burnet C. Practical Orchestration: A Text for College Students and Listeners 1970. Original language: Reprint. Note:

English. 1980. No publication information is available for this text.

T293. Velten, Klaus. Schdnbergs Instrumentationen Bachscher und Brahmsscher Werke als Dokumente seines Traditionsverstandnisses. Regensburg: Bosse, 1976. Original language: English translation:

German. None.

T294. Veprik, Aleksandr Moiseevich. Ocherkipo voprosam orkestrovykh stiley. Moscow: Sovetsky Kompozitor, 1961. Original language: English translation: Scope:

Russian. None. This book deals with the orchestral writing of Johann Sebastian Bach, Peter Iltch Tchaikovsky, and Modest Mussorgsky. Republication: Veprik, Aleksandr Moiseevich. Ocherki po voprosam orkestrovykh stilei. Moscow: Vses. izd-vo "Sov. kompozitor," 1978. (See also: T295) (See also: GB543) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB316. Review of Ocherki po voprosam orkestrovykh stiley by Aleksandr Moiseevich Veprik. Sovetskaya Muzyka 26:134-6 (December 1962). This review deals with both of the author's books. (See also: TB317) T295. Veprik, Aleksandr Moiseevich. Traktovka instrumentov orkestra. Moscow: Muzgiz, 1961. Original language:


Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 75 English translation: None. (See also: T294) (See also: GB543) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB317. Review of Traktovka instrumentov orkestra by Aleksandr Moiseevich Veprik. Sovetskaya Muzyka 26:134-6 (December 1962). This review deals with both of the authors books. (See also: TB316) T296. Vessella, Alessandro. Studi tPInstrumentazione per Banda. Milan: G. Ricordi & C o , 1932. Original language. English translation: Scope:

Italian. None. The present book deals with the instrumentation of and orchestration for bands.

T297. Vetlitsyna, Irina. Nekotorye cherty russkoi orkestrovoi kuPtury XVI11 veka: ob istokakh orkestra v Rossii do Glinki. Moscow: Muzyka, 1987. Original language: English translation:

Russian. None.

T298. Viera, Joe. Reihe Jazz, Band 3: Arrangement und Improvisation. Vienna: Universal, 1971. Original language: English translation: Note:

German. None. The present book was reissued independent of the original series in 1984. (See: TB324) BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB318. Review of Arrangement und Improvisation by Joe Viera. Jazzforschung/Jazz Research 17:243-5 (1985). The present review is of the separately published version of the book. (See also: TB324) TB319. Review of Reihe Jazz, Band 3: Arrangement und Improvisation by Joe Viera. Jazz Forum 20:101-2 (December 1972). TB320. Review of Reihe Jazz, Band 3: Arrangement und Improvisation by Joe Viera. Jazzforschung/Jazz Research 6-7:299-300 (1974-5). TB321. Review of Reihe Jazz, Band 3: Arrangement und Improvisation by Joe Viera. Musikrevy 33:115-16 (no. 3, 1978).

76 Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) TB322. Review of Reihe Jazz, Band 3: Arrangement und Improvisation by Joe Viera. Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik 132:401-2 (July 1971). TB323. Review of Reihe Jazz, Band 3: Arrangement und Improvisation by Joe Viera. Rivista Musicale Italiana 8:156-7 (no. 1, 1974). TB324. Viera, Joe. Arrangement und Improvisation. Vienna: Universal, 1984. The present book is the republication of T298 apart from the orginal series. (See also: TB318) T299. Vilkovir, E. and Ivanov-Radkevich, Nikolai. Obshchie osnovy instrumentovki dlia dukhovogo orkestra. Moscow: Gos. muzykalnoe izd-vo, 1937. Original language: English translation: Scope:

Russian. None. The present work deals with orchestrating for brass band.

T300. Vitachek, Evgeni Fratsevich. Orcherkipo iskusstvu orkestrovkiXIX veka. Moscow: Muzyka, 1979. Original language: English translation:


TB325. Review of Orcherki po iskusstvu orkestrovki XIX veka by Evgeni Fratsevich Vitachek. Sovetskaya Muzyka 2:89 (February 1983). T301. Voss, Egon. Studien zur Instrumentation Richard Wagners. Regensburg: G. Bosse, 1970. Original language: English translation: Note:

German. None. The present treatise was originally presented as the author's dissertation: Saarbriicken, 1968. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB326. "Dissertationen: Studien zur Instrumentation Richard Wagners." Die Musikforschung 23/A (1970). The present article is a brief announcement of the author's dissertation. TB327. Review of Studien zur Instrumentation Richard Wagners by Egon Voss. Music and Letters 53.77-9 (no. 1, 1972).

Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 77 TB328. Review of Studien zur Instrumentation Richard Wagners by Egon Voss. Die Musikforschung 23:465-6 (no. 4, 1970). TB329. Review of Studien zur Instrumentation Richard Wagners by Egon Voss. Musikhandel 26:332 (no. 7, 1975). TB330. Review of Studien zur Instrumentation Richard Wagners by Egon Voss. Neue Musikzeitung 24:30 (no. 6, 1975). TB331. Review of Studien zur Instrumentation Richard Wagners by Egon Voss. Zvuck 121-123:91-5 (1972). T302. Wagner, Joseph Frederick. Band Scoring. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. Original language: English. (See also: T7) (See also: T303) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB332. Review of Band Scoring by Joseph Frederick Wagner. Journal of Research in Music Education 10:78 (no. 1, 1962). TB3 3 3. Review of Band Scoring by Joseph Frederick Wagner. Juilliard Review 8:16-17 (no. 1, 1960-1961). TB334. Review of Band Scoring by Joseph Frederick Wagner. Musical America 80:30 (August 1960). TB3 3 5. Review of Band Scoring by Joseph Frederick Wagner. The Musical Times 101:763 (December 1960). TB336. Review of Band Scoring by Joseph Frederick Wagner. Neue Zeitschrift fitrMusik 123:482-3 (October 1962). TB337. Review of Band Scoring by Joseph Frederick Wagner. Notes 18:56-7 (no. 1, 1960). TB338. Review of Band Scoring by Joseph Frederick Wagner. School Musician 24 :14+(April 1966). The present review compares the Wagner book with Lang's Scoring for Band (See: T168). (See also: TB153) TB339. Wagner, Joseph Frederick. Sequencing and Arranging Revised by PeterL. Alexander. NewburyPark, California: PL. Alexander Publications, 1988. The present book is based upon both of Wagner's orchestration treatises, T302 and T303. (See also: T7) (See also: TB345)

78 Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) T303. Wagner, Joseph Frederick. Orchestration: A Practical Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959. Original language: English. (See also: T7) (See also. T302) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB340. Review of Orchestration: A Practical Handbook by Joseph Frederick Wagner. Canadian Music Journal 6:73 (no. 1, 1961). TB341. Review of Orchestration: A Practical Handbook by Joseph Frederick Wagner. High Fidelity 9:19 (September 1959). TB342. Review of Orchestration: A Practical Handbook by Joseph Frederick Wagner. The Instrumentalist 13:16 (August 1959). TB343. Review of Orchestration: A Practical Handbook by Joseph Frederick Wagner. Journal of Research in Music Education 7:233-4 (no. 2, 1959). TB344. Review of Orchestration: A Practical Handbook by Joseph Frederick Wagner. Music Teacher 38:368 (August 1959). TB345. Wagner, Joseph Frederick. Revised by Peter L. Alexander. Sequencing and Arranging. Newbury Park, California: PL. Alexander Publications, 1988. The present book is based on T302. and T303. Information on applying Wagner's scoring principles to MIDI sequencing are also included. (See also: TB339). (See also: T7) T304. Warner, Robert Austin. Proving Principles of Orchestration. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1938. Original language:


T305. Weirauch, Robert F. The Orchestrational Style of Hector Berlioz. Dissertation: University of Cincinnati, 1968. Original language:


T306. Weirick, Paul. Dance Arranging: A Guide to Scoring Music for the American Dance Orchestra. New York: Witmark, 1937. Original language: Scope:

English. The present book deals with arranging for swing-era jazz big band.

Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 79 T307. Wellesz, Egon. Die neue Instrumentation (2 volumes). Berlin: Max Hesse, 1928-29. Original language English translation: Scope:

German. None. The author of the present book uses the term "instrumentation" to mean orchestration and instrumentation.

T308. White, Gary. Instrumental Arranging. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown & Benchmark, 1992. Original language: Scope:

English. White's book is an all-purpose arranging and orchestration text. BIBLIOGRAPHY

TB346. Review of Instrumental Arranging by Gary White. Musica 47:247 (no. 4, 1993). TB 3 47. Review of Instrumental A rranging by Gary White. Musikerziehung 46.233 (June 1993). T309. White, William Carter. Military Band Arranging: A Practical Modern Course for Schools and Private Study. New York: Carl Fischer, 1924. Original language: Scope:

English. While the title of the present work suggests that the book is intended for military band arranging, the principles contained therein can be applied to any type of band.

T310. Whybrew, William Ernest. A Basic Course in Arranging for School Orchestra. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1953. Original language: (See also: T311)


TB348. Whybrew, William Ernest. "A Basic Course in Arranging for School Orchestra." Music Educators Journal 40 (September and October 1953). The present article is a synopsis of the author's dissertation.

SO Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) T311. Whybrew, William Ernest. RavePs Use of the Orchestral Brass. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1947. Original language: English. (See also: T310) T312. Widdowson, Kenneth West. Wood-wind Tone Color. Thesis: Indiana University, 1955. Original language:


T313. Widor, Charles-Marie. Technique de Porchestre moderne faisant suite ar Traite* dfinstrumentation et d*orchestration de H. Berlioz. Paris: H. Lemoine, 1904. Fifth edition, 1925. Original language: English translation:


French. Widor, Charles-Marie. Technique of the Modern Orchestra. Translated by Edward Suddard. London: J. Williams, Ltd. and New York: E. Schuberth, 1905. Revised and newly edited 1946. The present treatise seeks to update orchestrational technique, dealing with new techniques arrising after the publication of Berlioz's treatise and Richard Strauss' revision of the same. (See also: T21andT22)

T314. Wilson, Brian Scott. Orchestrational Archetypes in Percy Grainger's Wind Band Music. Dissertation: The University of Arizona, 1992. Original language: Scope:

English. The present dissertation examines Percy Grainger's approach to orchestrating for the concert band and wind ensemble. The author deals exclusively with Grainger and explicitly does not compare Grainger's orchestrational procedures to those of other composers.

T315. Wilson, C.B. Berlioz* Use of Brass Instruments. Dissertation. Case Western Reserve University, 1971. Original language: Scope:

English. The present dissertation deals strictly with the use of brass instruments in the orchestral scores of Hector Berlioz. Some reference is made to the Berlioz orchestration treatise. (See: T21)

Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 81 T316. Wilson, Harry Robert. Choral Arranging for Schools, Glee Clubs and Publication. New York: Robbins Music, 1950? Original language. English. (See also: GB556) (For additional citations dealing with choral arranging, see: T3, T77, T87, T147, and GB290) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB349. R eview of Choral Arranging for Schools, Glee Clubs and Publication by Harry Robert Wilson. Music Educators Journal 37:57 (January 1951). T317. Woodbury, Isaac Baker. The Elements of Musical Composition and Thorough-Base: Together with Rules for Arranging Music for the Full Orchestra Boston: O. Ditson, 1844. Original language: Scope:

English. Although the present book is concerned with the entire composition process, it has been included in the "Orchestration Treatises" chapter because of its historical interest as an early English-language work concerned with orchestration and instrumental arranging.

T318. Workinger, William C. Some Aspects of Scoring in the Band Works of Vincent Persichetti. Dissertation: New York University, 1970. Original language:


T319. Wright, Denis. Scoring for Brass Band. Colne, Lancashire: J.Duckworth, 1935. 3rd edition: London Baker, 1967. Original language


T320. Wright, Rayburn. Inside the Score: A Detailed Analysis of 8 Classic Jazz Ensemble Charts Delevan, New York. Kendor Music, 1982. Original language. Scope:

English. The author of the present book analyzes big band jazz ensemble arrangements by William "Count" Basie, Sammy Nestico, Thad Jones, and Bob Brookmeyer. (See also: T149) (See also: GB250 and GB563)


Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) BIBLIOGRAPHY TB350. Review of Inside the Score by Rayburn Wright. Canadian Musician 4:71 (no. 6, 1982). TB351. Review of Inside the Score by Rayburn Wright. Jazz Journal International 36:14 (April 1983). TB352. Review of Inside the Score by Rayburn Wright. Jazz Podium 32:55 (March 1983).

T321. Yarborough, William C. Dynamics and Orchestration in Symphonies of Dmitri Shostakovich. Thesis: Indiana University, 1954. Original language: Note:

English. The present thesis deals with Shostakovich's orchestrational technique in the composer's first ten symphonies.

T322. Yoder, Paul. Arranging Method for School Bands. New York: Robbins Music, 1946. Original language:


T323. Zabel, Albert. Ein Wort an die Herren Komponisten iiber die praktische Verwendung der Harfeim Orchester. Leipzig. Zimmermann, 1894. 2nd edition: 1899. Orginal language: English translation. Reprint.

German. None. Frankfurt: Musikverlag Zimmermann, 1980.

T324. Zajaczkowski, Henry. Tchaikovsky's Musical Style. Ann Arbor, Michigan: UMI Research Press, 1987. Orginal language: Scope:


English. The present book deals not only with Tchaikovsky's orchestration, but also with his melodic, formal, developmental, and harmonic practice, relating each musical element to the other. Despite its narrow focus on Tchaikovsky, this book has been placed in the "Orchestration Treatise" section due to the strength of the orchestration-related material.

Orchestration Treatises (M-Z) 83 BIBLIOGRAPHY TB353. Review of Tchaikovsky's Musical Style by Henry Zajaczkowski Music and Letters 70:566-8 (no. 4, 1989) TB354. Review of Tchaikovsky *s Musical Style by Henry Zajaczkowski. Ovation 10:69 (September 1989). T325. Zich, Jarosiav. Orchestrace a sborova sazba; kapitoly a studie Prague: Panton, 1986. Original language: English translation:


TB3 5 5. Review of Orchestrace a sborova sazba; kapitoly a studie by Jarosiav Zich. Hudebni Veda 25:183-4 (no. 2, 1988). T326. Zlatanova, R. Razvitie na orkestrura I orkestratsiyata Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, 1966. Original language: Bulgarian. English translation: None. BIBLIOGRAPHY TB356

Review of Razvitie na orkestrura I orkestratsiyata by R. Zlatanova. Bulgarska Muzika 18:45 (no. 10, 1967).

T327. ZIotnik, Asher George. Orchestration Revisions in the Symphonies of Robert Schumann. Dissertation: Indiana University, 1972. Original language:


TB 3 5 7. Review of Orchestration Re visions in the Symphonies of Robert Schumann by Asher George ZIotnik. Indiana Theory Review 2:57-8 (no. 1, 1978).

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General Bibliography GBl.

Adorian, Andrew, and others "Letters " Composer (London) 39:24 (Spring 1971). This article contains responses to the article "A Highway Code for Composers." (See. GB216)


Aho, Kalevi. "Modest Mussorgsky Under the Orchestrator's Knife." Finnish Music Quarterly 1:34-49 (1987)


Aikin, Jim. "Arranging: Rock Chord Riffs." Keyboard Magazine 13.42-6+ (August 1987). (See also: GB4 and GB5)


Aikin, Jim. "Arranging: Rock Rhythm Riffs." KeyboardMagazine 13:68-9+ (November 1987) (See also: GB3 and GB5)


Aikin, Jim. "Keyboard Report: Blue Ribbon SoundWorks SuperJAM! Accompaniment Software " Keyboard Magazine 20.112-14 (April 1994). (See also: GB3 and GB4)


Aksenov, E. "Problemy teoreticheskoy instrumentovki." Sovetskaya Muzyka 35.131-4 (October 1971).


Aldrich, Putnam Calder. "Bach's Technique of Transcription and Improvised Ornamentation." Musical Quarterly 35:26-35 (January 1949).


Allen, Corey L. "Arranging. Writing for Real Strings and Winds." Keyboard Magazine 13:58-9+(May 1987).


Allen, Sir Hugh Percy. "Some Considerations of the Effect of Orchestral Colour upon Design and Texture in Musical Composition " Proceedings of the Musical Association 35(1908-9).


Allured, Donald E. "Guidelines For Composing and Arranging For Handbells." Journal of Church Music 19:5-8 (May 1977).

86 General Bibliography GB 11.

Amstell, B. "Be Original -- Yes; But Don't Ignore The Other Man's Work!" Melody Maker 27:8 (June 30, 1951). (See also: GB12)


Amstell, B. "An Introduction to Small Band Arranging." Melody Maker 27:8 (April 21, 1951). (See also: GB11)


Anderson, Arthur Olaf. "Arranging Music For Your School Band." Etude 61:95+; 165+(February-March 1943). The present article was serialized over two issues. (See also: T9)


Anderson, Craig. MIDI for Musicians. New York: AMSCO Press, 1986.

GB 15.

Anderson, Leroy. "Low Grade Moronic Idiots?" The Instrumentalist 25:21-2 (September 1970).


Arnold, Denis. "'Con ogni sorte di stromenti:' Some Practical Suggestions." Brass Quarterly 2:99-109 (March 1959).

GB 17.

"An Arranger's Credo." Down Beat 21:2 (October 6, 1954).

GB 18.

"Arranging." Canadian Musician (1985). "Arranging" was a regularly-featured column in the journal throughout 1985.

GB 19.

"Arranging New Repertoire for Recorder Quartet. The For Four Recorder Quartet Meets Up With Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck." American Recorder 31:11-15 (no. 3, 1990).


Ayres, Thomas A. "Arranging for the Clarinet Choir." The Instrumentalist 11:26-30 (January 1957).


Bachman, Alberto. An Encyclopedia of the Violin. Translated by F.H. Martens. New York: Da Capo Press, 1976.


Baines, Anthony (editor). Musical Instruments Through the Ages. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1961.


Baker, David. "How to Use Strings in Jazz." Down Beat 41:38+ (April 25, 1974). (See also: T13)


Barker, Norman. '"In Tune?' or 'Intonation in the Orchestra.'" Woodwind World, Brass and Percussion 15:7+(no. 6, 1976). Reprint of GB25.


Barker, Norman. "Intonation in the Orchestra." Crescendo International 14 (January 1976). (See also: GB24)

General Bibliography 87 GB26.

Barnicle, Stephan P. "Acoustics, Performance, and Your Concert Hall." Music Educators Journal 81:42-4 (September 1994).


Barr, Walter Laning. "A Curriculum for the 80 V Educator 11:17-18+ (no. 3, 1979). The present article deals in part with the educational value of arranging.


Barry, Barbara R. "Les Noces, the Genesis of a Wedding." Sonus 9:25-35 (no. 2, 1989). The present article deals with Stravinsky's composition Les Noces.


Bartenstein, Hans. "Die friihen Instrumentationslehre bis zu Berlioz." Archiv fur Musikwissenschaft 28:97-118 (no. 2, 1971). (See also: T15) (See also: TB22)


Barthelemy, Maurice. "L'orchestre de 1'orchestration des oeuvres de Campra." Revue Musicale 226 (1955). The present article deals with the orchestrational technique of French composer Andre Campra. (See also: GB274)


Bartolozzi, Bruno. New Sounds for Woodwind. Translated by Reginald Smith Brindle. London: Oxford University Press, 1967.


Baskerville, David. "Arrangers' Clinic." The Instrumentalist 9:11 -12 (April 1955). (See also: GB33, GB34, GB35, and GB36)


Baskerville, David. "How to Arrange Your School Song." The Instrumentalist 10:25-6 (March 1956). (See also: GB32, GB34, GB35, and GB36)


Baskerville, David. "Jazz on the March." The Instrumentalist 11:43-4+ (September 1956). (See also: GB32, GB33, GB35, and GB36)


Baskerville, David. "Scoring a Football Band Arrangement in One Hour." Ihe Instrumentalist 10:28+(October 1955). (See also: GB32, GB33, GB34, and GB36)


Baskerville, David "Short-Cut Band Arranging." The Instrumentalist 11.601+(November 1956). (See also: GB32, GB33, GB34, and GB35)


Bauer, Hans Joachim. "Interpretation durch Instrumentation: Bachs sechsstimmiges Ricercar in der Orchestrierung Anton von Weberns." Neue Zeitschrift fiir Musik 135:3-6 (no. 1, 1974).


Bauernschmidt, Robert. "Arranging for the Elementary Orchestra." The Instrumentalist 22A0-\ (April 1968).


General Bibliography


Beachy, B. "Leveled Arranging." The Instrumentalist 33:24-6 (November 1978).


Becerra, Gustavo. "Crisis de la ensenanza de la composicion en Occidente." Revista Musical Chilena 12 (May-June, July-August, September-October, and November-December 1958). The present article was serialized over seven issues from volumes 12 and 13. (See also: GB41)


Becerra, Gustavo. "Crisis de la ensenanza de la composicion en Occidente." Revista Musical Chilena 13 (January-February, March-April, and May-June 1959). The present article was serialized over seven issues from volumes 12 and 13. (See also: GB40)


Becker, John Joseph. "Finding a Personal Orchestral Idiom." Musical America 70 126-7+(February 1950).


Bedbrook, Gerald Stares. "The Problem of Instrumental Combination in the Middle Ages." Revue Beige de Musocologie 25:53-67 (no. 1-4, 1971).


Beeler, Walter. "Know Your Band Arrangements." The Instrumentalist 8:20H (October 1953).


Beiswanger, George W. "After Victor Herbert." Theatre Arts 28:40-45 (January 1944). The present article compares the 1944 state of orchestration in Broadway shows with that of Victor Herbert, who had died 20 years before.


Bekker, Paul. The Story of the Orchestra. New York: W.W. Norton, 1936.


Belkin, Alan. "Arranging: Basic Orchestration for Multi-Keyboardists." Keyboard Magazine 13.90-1+(April 1987). (See also: GB48)


Belkin, Alan. "Orchestration, Perception, and Musical Time: A Composer's View." Computer Music Journal 12:47-53 (no. 2, 1988). (See also: GB47)


Benda, Richard. "Lessons on Schillinger System Arranging." International Musician 56.30-2, 26-9, 34-5, 30-3, 26-8 (January, February, March, April, May, 1958). The present was a regular series of articles throughout volumes 56 and 57. (See also: GB50) A similar series appeared under the title "Schillinger System Arranging." (See also: GB51andGB52)

General Bibliography 89 GB50.

Benda, Richard. "Lessons on Schillinger System Arranging." International Musician 57:26-7, 42, 28-9, 27-30 (July, August, September, and November 1958). The present was a regular series of articles throughout volumes 56 and 57. (See also: GB49) A similar series appeared under the title "Schillinger System Arranging." (See also: GB51andGB52)


Benda, Richard. "Schillinger System Arranging." International Musician 55:18-20, 24-6, 30-1, 16+, 29-31, 20-1+, 30-1 (October, November, and December 1956, February, March, April, and June 1957). The present was a regular series of articles throughout volumes 55 and 56. (See also: GB52) A similar series appeared under the title "Lessons on Schillinger System Arranging." (See also: GB49 and GB 50)


Benda, Richard. "Schillinger System Arranging." International Musician 56:26+, 24-5, 28-31, 30-2+ (August, October, November, and December 1957). The present was a regular series of articles throughout volumes 55 and 56. (See also: GB51) A similar series appeared under the title "Lessons on Schillinger System Arranging." (See also: GB49 and GB 50)


Bennett, Robert Russell. "All I Know About Arranging Music." International Musician 47:9+ (February 1949). (See also: GB54, GB55, GB56, and GB57) (See also: T20)


Bennett, Robert Russell. "Another Chapter On Arranging Music; Notes on Brass and Percussion." International Musician 47:13 (April 1949). (See also: GB53, GB55, GB 56, and GB57) (See also: T20)


Bennett, Robert Russell. Edited by Rose Heyibut. "Backstage With the Orchestrator." Etude 61:223+ (April 1943). (See also: GB53, GB54, GB 56, and GB57) (See also: T20)


Bennett, Robert Russell. "A Look at Music Arranging." Music Journal 22:37+ (March 1964). (See also. GB53, GB54, GB 55, and GB57) (See also: T20)


Bennett, Robert Russell. "The Music Arranger in the Theatre." Variety 196:49 (October 20, 1954). (See also: GB53, GB54, GB 55, and GB56) (See also: T20)


Bennett, William. "Arranging Orchestral Works for Band." The Instrumentalist 19:25-6+(March 1965).

GB 59.

B ernard, Ed ward. Principles ofMusic Composition and Orchestration, n. p., 1965.


General Bibliography


Bernstein, Leonard. What Does Orchestration Mean? Columbia Broadcasting System, 1958. Released by New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1967. 2 film reels (54 minutes). Rereleased on video cassette on Sony Classical SHV 57428 (c 1992). Bernstein defines orchestration and conducts the New York Philharmonic Orchestra in performances of excerpts illustrating the principles of orchestration.


Berry, Lemuel. "On the Substitution of Double Reeds." Woodwind World, Brass and Percussion 20:14-15 (no. 4, 1981).


BessarabofT, Nicholas. Ancient European Musical Instruments. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Harvard University Press, 1941.


Besseler, Heinrich. "Die Besetzung der Chanson im 15. Jahrhundert." International Musicological Society Congress Report (1952).


Besseler, Heinrich. "Umgangsmusik und Darbietungsmusik im 16. Jahrhundert." Archivfur Musikwissenschaft 16:21-43 (no. 1-2, 1959).


Biggers, Cornelia Anderson. The Contrabassoon: A Guide to Performance. Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania: Elkan Vogel, 1977.


Blades, James. Orchestral Percussion Technique. New York: Oxford University Press, 1973.


Blandford, Walter Fielding Halloway. "Handel's Horn and Trombone Parts." 7he Musical Times 80 (1939).


Bockholdt, Rudolf. "Musikalischer Satz und Orchesterklang im Werk von Hector Berlioz." DieMusikforschung32:\22-35 (no. 2, 1979).


Borrel, Eugene. "Notes sur Porchestration de Popera Jepthe de Mounteclair (1733) et de la Symphonie des elemens de J.F. Rebel (1737). Revue Musicale 226(1955). The present article deals with the orchestrational style of violinist and composer Jean-Fery Rebel.


Borrel, Eugene. "La strumentazione della sinfonia francese del secolo XVIII." L 'orchestra fin onore Gino Mariuzzi 1882-1945]. Florence, 1954.


"Bountiful Backups Play Havoc With Cafe Costs; Ask Singers to Simplify." Variety 302:1+ (February 25, 1981). The present article deals with the financial problems posed by large ensembles accompanying popular singers.


Bowles, Edmund A. "Musical Instruments at the Medieval Banquet." Revue beige de musicologie 12:41-51 (1958).

General Bibliography 91 GB73.

Bowles, Richard W. "The Simplicity System of Arranging For Marching Band." The Instrumentalist 27:77-8 (April 1973).


Breau, Lenny. "Fingerstyle Jazz. Arranging Bach's Bouree iriEm" Guitar Player 18 (February 1984)


Brewer, Roy. "Arranging." Classical Guitar 7:42 (September 1988).


Bristow, A. "But Can You Call Them Bassists?" Melody Maker 25:3 (April 23, 1949). (See also: GB77)


Bristow, A. "From/?/?/? t o ^ . " Melody Maker 25:3 (May 21, 1949). (See also: GB76)


Broder, Nathan. "The Beginnings of the Orchestra." Journal of the American MusicologicalSociety 13:174-80 (no. 1-3, 1960).


Brohn, William D. "An Arranger Evens the Score." The Instrumentalist 42:20+(January 1988).


Brotbeck, Roman. "Bearbeitung — oder die Problematik des Begriffs Original " Dissonance 13:13-17 (August 1987).


Brown, Howard Mayer. "A Cook's Tour of Ferrara in 1529 " Rivista italiana di musicologia 10:216-41 (1975). (See aiso: GB82, GB83, and GB84)


Brown, Howard Mayer Current Thoughts in Musicology. s.v. "Instruments and Voices in the Fifteenth-century Chanson." Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1976 (See also: GB81, GB83, and GB84)


Brown, Howard Mayer. "Sixteenth-century Instrumentation: the Music for the Florentine Intermedii." Musicological Studies and Documents 30 (1973). (See also: T124 for other material related to the topic of this article) (See also: GB81,GB82, and GB84)


Brown, Howard Mayer; Westrup, Jack; and Hopkins, G.W. The New Grove Dictionary ofMusic and Musicians, s.v. "Orchestration." London: Macmillan, 1980. This article on orchestration contains an extensive bibliography and cites numerous examples of orchestrational technique from the literature. (See also: GB81,GB82, and GB83)


Brunet, Alan. "Vers un classicisme." Jazz Magazine 25:22-4 (January 1977).


General Bibliography


Brzozowski, John J. "The Orchestration Technique of Vernon L. [sic] Leidig " American String Teacher 41.55-60 (no. 2, 1991). The present article actually deals with the orchestrational technique of Vernon Francis Leidig.


Burbat, Wolfgang. "Jazz arrangieren und komponieren am Computer." Musik undBildung 21:323-7 (June 1989).


Burk, James Mack. "Development of a Methodology for Transcribing the Organ Music of Bach for Band." Missouri Journal of Research in Music Education 2:85-94 (no. 5, 1971).


Burnette, Sonny. "Adding Horns to Vocal Charts." Down Beat 49:64-6 (June 1982).


Busoni, Ferruccio. "Etwas iiber Instrumentationslehre." Wesen undEinheit der Musik. Berlin: Hesse, 1956.


Butterworth, Arthur. "Brass Band Scoring in the Seventies." Sound Brass 3:73-4 (no. 3, 1974). "Brass Band Scoring in the Seventies" was a regularly-occurring column in volumes 3-7. (See also: GB92, GB 93, and GB94)


Butterworth, Arthur. "Brass Band Scoring in the Seventies." Sound Brass 4:24-5, 76-7+, 109+ (nos. 1 and 3, 1975 and no. 4, 1976). "Brass Band Scoring in the Seventies" was a regularly-occurring column in volumes 3-7. (See also: GB91, GB 93, GB94, and GB95)


Butterworth, Arthur. "Brass Band Scoring in the Seventies." Sound Brass 5:25-6, 76-7+ (nos. 1 and 3, 1976). "Brass Band Scoring in the Seventies" was a regularly-occurring column in volumes 3-7. (See also: GB91, GB 92, GB94, and GB95)


Butterworth, Arthur. "Brass Band Scoring in the Seventies." Sound Brass 6:136+ (no. 4, 1978). "Brass Band Scoring in the Seventies" was a regularly-occurring column in volumes 3-7. (See also: GB91, GB 92, GB93, and GB 95)


Butterworth, Arthur. "Brass Band Scoring in the Seventies." Sound Brass 7:14+(no. 1,1978). "Brass Band Scoring in the Seventies" was a regularly-occurring column in volumes 3-7. (See also: GB91, GB 92, GB93, and GB 94)


Butts, Carrol M. "The Pros and Cons of Arranging for Band." School Musician 45:46-7+, 38-9 (February and March 1974).


Byers, Billy and Fowler, William L. "How to Design Your Basie-style Chart." Down Beat 42:44-5 (October 23, 1975).

General Bibliography 93 GB98.

Cage, R. "Arranger Quincy Jones Says Quality of R&B Sides Better " Down Beat 22:42 (September 21, 1955).


Cahn, P. "Zur Funktion der Horner und Trompeten im klassichen Orchestersatz." Helmut Osthoffzu seinem siebzigsten Geburtstag. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1969.

GB100. Cailliet, Lucien. "The Art and Technique of Orchestration." Music of the West 11:5+(June 1956). (See also: GB101 and GB102) GB101. Cailliet, Lucien. "Creative Orchestration." Symphony 4:6-7 (September 1950). (See also: GB 100 and GB 102) GB102. Cailliet, Lucien. "Doubling Instruments in Orchestra and.Band." Symphony 6:13 (January 1953). (See also: GB100 and GB101) GB 103. Carman, Faith. Master Glossary of Symbols and Special Effects for Harp. Ellensburg, Washington: FC Publishing Company, 1992. GB104. Carriere, Claude. "Ernie Wilkins." Jazz Hot 3:24-7 (December 1974). The present article spotlights jazz arranger Ernie Wilkins. GBl05. Carse, Adam. "Text-books on Orchestration before Berlioz." Music and Letters 22:26-31 (no. I, 1941). (See also: T41) GBl06. Cawkwell, Roger. "A Saxophone Arranger Looks at Grainger." Grainger Joww*/7:8-9 (no. 2, 1985). GBl 07 Cesana, Otto. "Modern Dance Arranging." International Musician 51:28-9, 22 (August and October 1952). The present two-part article addresses jazz ensemble arranging issues. (See also: T43) GB108. Chaloupka, Stan. Harp Scoring (2nd edition). Glendale, California: Stan Chaloupka, 1988. GB109. "Character of Band Instruments." Musician 25:26 (January 1920). GBl 10. Charlton, David. "Orchestra and Image in the Late Eighteenth Century." Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association 102:1 -12 (1975-6). GBl 11 Chidester, Lawrence William. "Adapting French Band Arrangements." School Musician 11.21 (February 1940). (See also: GBl 12 and GBl 13) (See also T45andT46)


General Bibliography

GBl 12. Chidester, Lawrence William. "International Band Scoring." Educational Music Magazine 24:27 (January 1945). (See also: GBl 11 and GBl 13) (See also: T45 and T46) GBl 13. Chidester, Lawrence William. "Select Bibliography on Orchestration for Band." The Instrumentalist 9:47 (December 1954). (See also: GBl 11 and GBl 12) (See also: T45 and T46) GB 114. Clemencic, R. "Die Verwendung von Instrumenten in der Auftuhrungspraxismehrstimminger Musik zur Zeit Dantes." Chigiana 22 (1965). GBl 15. Cohn, Arthur. "Orchestration Texts: New Solutions For a Scanty Inventory." Musical Courier 157:9 (April 1958). GBl 16. Colnot, Cliff. "Arranging for the Drum Corps Band." The Instrumentalist 31:24-5 (June 1977). GBl 17. Cook, Nicholas. "Arrangement as Analysis." Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy 1:77-89 (no. 1, 1987). GB 118. Cooper, Lewis Hugh and Toplansky, Howard. Essentials of Bassoon Technique. Union, New Jersey: H. Toplansky, 1968. GB 119. Cordell, Frank. "Frank Cordell Warns: How Not To Write for Strings." Crescendo International 10:15 (October 1971). GBl20. Costello, T. "The Accordian in the Modern Dance Orchestra; From an Interview with Gene von Hallberg." Etude 74:44-5 (January 1956). (See also: GB121) GB121. Costello, T. "The Accordian and the Symphony Orchestra." Etude 73:23+ (October 1955). (See also: GBl20) GBl22. Cowherd, Ron. "Sousa Marches: The Arranged Versions." The Instrumentalist 32:44-7 (December 1977). GBl23. Curth, Oliver. "Untersuchungen zu Big Band Arrangements von Thad Jones fur das Thad Jones-Mel Lewis Jazz Orchestra." JazzforschungJazz Research 22:53-117(1990). GB124. Dahlhaus, Carl. "Zur Theorie der Instrumentation." Die Musikforschung 38:161-9 (no. 3, 1985). GB125. Dahlqvist, Reine. "Corno and Corna da caccia: Horn Terminology, Horn Pitches, and High Horn Parts." Basler Jahrbuchfur Historische Musikpraxis 15:35-80(1991).

General Bibliography 95 GBl 26. Dalby, J. Philip. "The Arranger and the High School Band." Journal of Band Research 4:42-52 (no. 1, 1967). GBl 27. Dankworth, John. "Remember the Front Line Has to Breathe!" Melody Maker 28:8 (January 5, 1952). The present article presents jazz arranging ideas related to phrasing in the saxophone section. (See also: GB128 and GBl29) GB128. Dankworth, John. "Vocal Arranging." Melody Maker 28.8 (February 2, 1952). (See also: GBl27 and GBl29) GB129. Dankworth, John. "What Is Wrong With Our Arrangers?" Melody Maker 27'.8 (December 8, 1951) (See also: GBl27 and GBl28) GB130. Davis, Roger E. The Organists'Manual. New York: W.W. Norton, 1985. GBl 31. Dawson, Jay. "Exchanging Views (Arranger Confers With Marching Band Director)." The Instrumentalist 39:11-13 (July 1985). GBl32. DeCola, Felix. "How To Create Textures." Clavier 7:20-25 (no. 5, 1968). GBl 33. Delamont, Gordon. "The Nature of Arranging." Canadian Musician 1:5+ (no. 5, 1979) (See also: T61) GBl34. Delp, Ron. "Contemporary Harmony: So You Want To Be an Arranger." Musician Player & Listener 16.70 (January-February 1979). GBl35. Deutsch, Maury. "Jazz Arranging Basics." The Instrumentalist 35:54+ (August 1980). (See also: T65) (See also: GBl36) GBl36. Deutsch, Maury. Pro Session: A Primer on Latin Rhythm Instruments " Down Beat 51:54-7 (January 1984). (See also: T65) (See also: GB135) GBl37. Dick, Robert. The Other Flute. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975. The present book deals with extended techniques on the flute. GB138. Dodge, Charles and Jerse, Thomas A. Computer Music: Synthesis, Composition and Performance. New York: Schirmer Books, 1985. GBl39. Doerschuk, Bob. "Monster Bass Lines: The David Frank System." Keyboard Magazine 14:82-6+(February 1988). (See also: GB140) GBl40. Doerschuk, Robert L. (Bob) "Marcus Roberts: Salvation Through Jazz; A Gospel For Savage Times." Keyboard Magazine 19 68-76+ (September 1993). (See also. GBl39)

96 General Bibliography GB141. Dorn, Ken. Saxophone Techniques (Multiphonics), Vol. I. Islington, Massachusetts: Dorn Publications, 1975. GB142. Douglas, C.W. "Orchestrational Metamorphisms." School Musician 38:58-9 (February 1967). GB 143. Dunner, Leslie Byron. A Study in the Re-orchestration of Stravinsky's "Concertino." Dissertation. University of Cincinnati, 1982. Although the present dissertation deals exclusively with orchestration, it has been placed in the "General Bibliography" due to its brevity (37 pages). The major portion of this doctoral project was a lecture/recital. GBl44. Duron, Jean. "L'orchestre de Marc-Antoine Charpentier" Revue de Musicologie 72:23-65 (no. 1, 1986). GBl45. Dziebowska, Elzbieta. "Instrumentacja w nauce kompozycji w XIX wieku." Muzyka 21.13-33 (no. 1, 1976). GBl46. Eastwood, Rodney and Parkinson, Andrew. "Correspondence and Queries: Authenticity." Early Music 4.7S (no. 1, 1976). GB 147. Eiger, Walter. "A Basic Guide to 'Arranging'." The Canadian Composer 58:24-7+(March 1971). (Seealso: GBl48) GB148. Eiger, Walter. "Who's Behind the Arrangement?" Music Journal 29:26+ (January 1971). (See also: GBl47) GB149. Englemann, Marcus William. Compositional Techniques Found in Three Orchestral Works ofGyorgyLigeti. Dissertation: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988. Orchestration is just one of the aspects of Ligeti's compositional technique examined in this work, hence this dissertation's inclusion in the general bibliography. GBl50. Erpf, Hermann. "Grundfragen der neueren Instrumentation." Melos 4:523 (1924-5). (See also: GB151) (See also: T81) GB 151. Erpf, Hermann. Hohe schule der Musik. s.v. "Die lehre von den instrumenten und der instrumentation." Potsdam: Akademische verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion, 1936-38. (Seealso: GBl50) (Seealso: T81) GBl 52. "Essentials of Military Band Arranging." Etude 25, 26, and 27 (September 1920-May 1922). "Essentials of Military Band Arranging was a regularly-occurring column in Etude in volumes 25-27.

General Bibliography 97 GBl53. Evans, L. "Re-writing Those 'Commercials' Can Improve Your Outfit." Melody Maker 26:8 (August 19, 1950). GB 154 Fahrenbruck, Mary Jane. The Piano in Alban Berg's Opera, "Lulu. " Dissertation: The Ohio State University, 1990. GB155. Faith, Percy and Comfort, Annabel. "Do You Want to Arrange Music For Radio?" Etude 64.373 (July 1946). GBl56. Falcon, Marvin. "Between Two Worlds: He Loved Your Madly; Duke Ellington, An American Classic." Soundboard 20:63-5 (no. 4, 1994). GBl 57. Farkas, Philip. The Art of French Horn Playing. Evanston, Illinois: Summy Birchard, 1956. GB 158. Feriez, Roger. "L'orchestra des chansons." Musique et Radio 52:61-2 (no. 619, 1962). GB 159. Fink, Bernhard M. Die Geschichte der KorUrabasses und seine Trermung vom Violoncello in der orchestralen Instrumentation. Regensburg: G. Bosse, 1974. This brief book deals with the historical treatment of the violoncello and double bass as separate instruments in orchestrational practice. (See also: GBl 60) GBl 60. Fink, Bernhard M. "The History of the Double Bass and Its Separation From the 'Cello in the Orchestral Instrumentation." Bass World 2.201-6 (no. 4, 1976). This article is a brief synopsis of the author's book. (See: GB159) GB 161. Finson, Jon William Robert Schumann and the Study of Orchestral Composition: The Genesis of the First Symphony, Op. 38. London. Oxford University Press, 1989. The present work deals with many aspects of Schumann's compositional process and style, including orchestration. (See also: GB431, GB432, GB433, GB434,GB435, and GB436) GB 162. Fisher, Larry Franklin. "Jumping off the Jazz Band Merry-Go-Round." MusicEducators Journal 66:50-53+ (December 1979). GBl63. Fiske, Roger. Score Reading. London: Oxford University Press, 1958. GB 164. Flor, Gloria J. "Some Do's and Don'ts For Concert Band Arranging." School Musician 49:50-51+ (February 1978). GB165. Fortin, Richard. "Arranging for Strings." Canadian Musician 11:64-5 (no 3, 1989). GBl 66. Franz, Oscar. Complete Methodfor the French Horn. Translated by Gustav Saenger. New York: Carl Fischer, 1906.


General Bibliography

GBl67. Freitag, Siegfried. "Zum Problem der tanzmusikartigen Bearbeitungen von Volksliedern und klassischen Werken." Musik in Schule 27:203-5 (no. 6, 1976). GBl 68. Fricker, Peter Racine. "The Study of Orchestration." The R.C.M. Magazine 53:38-40 (June 1957). GB169. Friedman, Stanley Arnold. "Effective Scoring for Trumpet Ensemble." News of the International Trumpet Guild4:6-\0 (no. 2, 1978). GBl 70. Fulkerson, James. "Indeterminate Instrumentation: A Way of Extending Instrumental Technique." 77*? Brass Bulletin 12:48-53 (1975). GB171. Gagnier, J J. "Development and Use of the Alto, Bass, and Contra-Bass Clarinet in the Present Band Instrumentation." American Bandmasters' Association Annual pp. 29+ (1932). GB 172. Galamian, Ivan. Principles of Violin Playing and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1963. The present book contains discussion of bowing techniques useful to the orchestrator. GBl73. Garolfalo, Robert Joseph and Whaley, George Boyd. "Creative Instrumental Music Projects." The Instrumentalist 32:42-3 (February 1978). GBl74. Gates, Willis C. "Locatelli's Concerti Grossi: Some Practices in Late Baroque Orchestration." Journal of the American Musicological Society 9:240-1 (Fall 1956). GB175. "G.B.S. and the Orchestral Basses." Musical America 69:303 (February 1949). GBl 76. Geerdes, Harold P. "Orchestrations of Handel's Messiah."' The Instrumentalist 33:32-5 (November 1978). GBl 77. Gillett, Eric. "Making Arrangements (For Recorders)." Recorder and Music 5:197-8 (no. 6, 1976). GB178. Gillette, James R. "Balancing Voices in the Modern Band." School Musician 8:6 (October 1936). GB 179. Gleason, Ralph J. "'Take It Easy On Our Tunes, Fellas,' Richard Rodgers Asks of Arrangers." Down Beat 20:3 (July 15, 1953). The present article presents composer Richard Rodgers reactions to jazz arrangements of Broadway songs which take the original song excessively out of context. GBl80. Gleeson, Patrick. "Synthesized Orchestration." Contemporary Keyboard 5:81 (November 1979).

General Bibliography 99 GB 181. Goertzen, Christopher Jack. "Compromises in Orchestration in Mozart's Coronation Concerto" The Musical Quarterly 75:148-73 (no. 2, Summer 1991). GBl 82. Goodwin, Noel. "In Perspective (New Techniques)." Music and Musicians 12:21 (June 1964). GBl 83. Gordon, Philip. "Scoring for Brass." Brass and Percussion 2:5 (no. 2, 1974). GBl84. Gould, C. Wallace. "The Composers and Arrangers Corner: How to Compose and Arrange." School Musician 21- (1949-) The present was a regular column in School Musician beginning in 1949. GB185. Grabel, Victor J. "Band Instrumentation." Etude 53:81+ (February 1935). (See also: GBl86) GB 186. Grabel, Victor J. "How The Teachers May Revise Published Band Arrangements, With Particular Reference To School Orchestras." Etude 48:401 (June 1930) (Seealso: GBl85) GBl 87. Grainger, Percy Aldrich. "Culturizing Possibilities of the Instrumentally Supplemented a cappella Choir." Musical Quarterly 28:160-173 (April 1942). (See also: GBl88) GBl 88. Grainger, Percy Aldrich. "The Orchestral Use of Saxophones." Grainger Journal 7.30 (no. 2, 1985). (Seealso: GBl87) GB 189. Green, Elizabeth A.H. Orchestral Bowings and Routines (2nd edition). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Publishers, 1957. (See also: GBl90) GBl90. Green, Elizabeth A.H. "Wind Instruments in the Orchestra." The Instrumentalist 19 33-4+ (September 1964). (See also: GBl89) GB191. Gregory, R. "Orchestral Oddities." Music Digest 9:32-5 (1950). Reprinted from Disc. GBl92. Grofe, Ferde. "Carve Out Your Own Career." Edited by William Roberts Tilford. Etude 56:425-6+ (July 1938). GB 193 Grosbayne, Benjamin. A Bibliography of Works and Articles on Conductors, Conducting and Related Fields, in Various Languages, from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Time. Brooklyn, New York, 1933 and 1934. GB194. Grove, Dick. "Arranging Concepts (Brass Voicings)." Down Beat 41:39-40 (June 6, 1974). (See also: GB195) (See also: T108)

100 General Bibliography GB195. Grove, Dick. "Composition and Arranging: An Overview of Arranging." Educator 6:30 (no. 1, 1973). (See also: GB194) (See also: T108) GB196. "Hacks Who Became Masters." Etude 56:141 (March 1938). The present article details musicians who worked as orchestrators and later became famous composers. GBl97. Haller, William. "The Organ in the Orchestra." American Organist 18:206-8 (April 1984). GB198. Hanson, Howard. The Composer and His Orchestra. Mercury MG 50175/SR 90175, cl959. Eastman-Rochester Orchestra; Howard Hanson, conductor and narrator. Mercury SR 90175, rereleased as Eastman Rochester Archives ERA 1005, cl975 (Reissued on compact disc, 1989). Composer Hanson uses his Merry Mount Suite to illustrate the timbres of the individual orchestral instruments and the various combinations used in the piece. A complete performance of the work follows. GB199. Hanson, Mark. "Mastering Modulation." Frets 8:22-3 (December 1986). (See also: GB200) GB200. Hanson, Mark. "Think Small, Think Big: Arranging for Yourself, Your Band, Your Sessions." Frets 8:16-21 (December 1986). (See also: GBl99) GB201. Harnoncourt, Nikolaus. Baroque Music Today: Music as Speech; Ways to a New Understanding ofMusic. Translated by M. O'Neill. Portland, Oregon. Amadeus Press, 1988. The present book contains some discussion on orchestrational technique in Baroque music. (See also: GB414, GB415, and GB416) (See also: GB202) GB202. Harnoncourt, Nikolaus. The Musical Dialogue: Thoughts on Monteverdi, Bach, and Mozart. Translated by M. O'Neill. Portland, Oregon: Amadeus Press, 1989. The present book contains some discussion of the orchestrational technique of Monteverdi, Bach, and Mozart. (See also: GB423, GB424, GB425, and GB426) (See also: GB201) GB203. Harrison, A.P. "Restoring the Victoria Orchestrionette." Mechanical Music 35:20-23+(no. 2, 1989). GB204 Harrison, F. LI. "Tradition and Innovation in Instrumental Usage 1100-1450." Aspects of Medieval and Renaissance Music: A Birthday Offering to Gustave Reese. New York, 1966. GB205. Hartman, James Barclay. "The Search for Authenticity in Music - An Elusive Ideal?." The Diapason 84:11-13 (June 1993).

General Bibliography 101 GB206. Hathaway, Charles. 99 Modulations in all Practical Keys, Scoredfor 6 Brass, 5 Saxs [sic], 4 Rhythm; No Transposing Required. Hollywood: Abbey Music, 1946. The present volume is designed to be studied by students of jazz ensemble orchestration. GB207. Hayward, RB. "Instrumentation of the Concert Band." Etude 50:626+ (September 1932). (See also: GB208) GB208. Hayward, RB. "Scoring for the Concert Band " Etude 52:649+ (November 1934). (See also: GB207) GB209. Heller, Andrew K. "Editorial. Edited and Arranged By (Criteria Distinguishing One From the Other)." Journal of Church Music 25:11 (January 1983). GB210. Helman, H. "From and Organist's Notebook (Fads and Fancies About Old Organs and Organ Music Arrangements) " Musical Opinion 76:495+ (May 1953). GB211. Hempel, Christoph. "Stilkundliche und didaktische Aspekte der Instrumentation in Schumanns und Debussys Orchestenverken." Musik und Bildung 24:41-7 (January-February 1992). GB212. Heussenstamm, George. The Norton Manual ofMusic Notation. New York: W.W. Norton, 1987. (See also: GB428) GB213. Heyder, Bernd. "Colla parteund Concertato. Die Leipziger Stadtpfeiferinstnimente in Bachs Kirchenmusik" (Teil 1). Concerto 11:24-30 (March 1994) GB214. Hickman, Ed. "Arranging For Football Band." The Instrumentalist 24:61 -3 (August 1969). GB215. Higgins, Thomas. "Chopin's Practices." The Piano Quarterly 29:38+ (no. 113, 1981). GB216. "A Highway Code for Young Composers." Composer (London) 37:20-24 (Autumn 1970). (See also: GBl) GB217. Hilf, Robert. "Tailor-Made Music; How to Create Your Own Arrangements." Clavier 11 39-41 (no. 8, 1972). GB218. Hirsbrunner, Theo. "Die kleinen Orchesterformationen in Werken von Olivier Messiaen." Das Orchester 36:1120-23 (November 1988). (See also: GB219 and GB220)

102 General Bibliography GB219. Hirsbrunner, Theo. "Mussorgsky-Ravel." Das Orchester 37:737-41 (JulyAugust 1989). (See also: GB218 and GB220) GB220. Hirsbrunner, Theo. "Paul Hindemiths Orchestertechnik am Beispiel der Oper Mathis der Maler" Der Orchester 38:250-55 (March 1990). (See also: GB218 and GB219) GB221. Hofer, Achim. "...ich dien auf beede recht in Krieg und Friedens Zeit." Tibia; Magazin fiir Freunde alter und neuer B lasermusik 17:182-92 (no. 3, 1992). GB222. Hofmann, Klaus. "Gedanken zur Instrumentalbesetzung des 'Mein Jesus schweigt zu falshen Luegen stille' ~ 'Geduld! wenn mich falsche Zungen stechen' der Matthaeus-Passion von Johann Sebastian Bach." Musik und Kirche 62:88-94 (no. 2, 1992). GB223. Holen, Jacques van. "G. Mahler als orkestrator: nieuwe perspectieven." Adem 18:226-31 (no. 5, 1982). GB224. Holman, Peter. "'Col nobilissimo esercitio delta vivuola': Monteverdi's String Writing." Early Music 21:576-90 (no. 4, 1993). GB225. Holmes, Guy E. "My Slant on Arranging." School Musician 6:7 (December 1934). GB226. Hong, Sherman. "Percussion in the Orchestra." Percussionist 8:115-29 (no. 4, 1971). GB227. Hopkins, John. "Percy Grainger: 'Room Music' and Orchestral Music" Studies in Music 16:78-83 (1982). GB228. Howard, Doug. "Symphonic Percussion: Organizing a Professional Section." Percussive Notes 19.69-70 (no. 1, 1980). GB229. Howard, John. "Composing for the Chinese Orchestra: Cultural Fusion...or Contusion?." ISME Proceedings 235-47 (1992). GB230. Howarth, Elgar (Gary). "By Arrangement." Sound Brass 7:105+(no. 3, 1978). GB231. Howell, Thomas S. The Avant-Garde Flute. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974. GB232. Hunter, Jo. "The Trials of an Aspiring Arranger." Crescendo International 20:5 (August-September 1981). GB233. Husak, Thomas J. "Programmed Instruction in the Techniques of Jazz Arranging." Contributions to Music Education 6:49-58 (1978). GB234. Intravaia, Lawrence J. "Arranging for the Marching Band." School Musician 37:79-82 (August-September 1965).

General Bibliography 103 GB235. Intravaia, Thomas J. "Arranging Problems for the Junior High School Band." School Musician 42:40-41+, 18+ 18-19, 26+ (November 1970, January, March, and May 1971). (See also: GB236) GB236. Intravaia, Thomas J. "Arranging Problems for the Junior High School Band." School Musician 43.16+, 14+ (August-September and November 1971). (See also: GB235) GB237. Ioakimidis, Demetre. "En marge de la Composition." Jazz Hot 195:28-31 (February 1964). GB238. Isaac, Merle J. "Arrangement and Editing of Music for School Orchestras." Etude 56:369+ (June 1938). (See also: GB554) (See also T138) GB239 Israel, Daniel Raphael. "Out of Many, One." Ear 14:9 (September 1989). GB240. Jacobs, Dick. 50 Introductions, Modulations, Endings; Practical Examples of Modern Arranging Styles as Used by Noni Bernard!, Toots Camarata and Others. New York: Bregman, 1945. This volume, with jazz ensemble arrangements for alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, trumpet, trombone, and piano is meant to be studied by students of jazz arranging and orchestration. GB241. Jastrow, William T. "The Elementary Band Percussion Section: Part II -- Part Editing." Percussive Notes 27:28-30 (no. 3, 1989). GB242. Jeckovich, Jeffrey. "The Forms and Orchestration of Five Jelly Roll Morton Piano Solos." Journal of Jazz Studies 3:1 -9 (1985). GB243. Jensen, Dan. "Problems in Arranging for the Concert Band " Etude 53:647+ (November 1935). GB244. Jennings, Lucile H. Writing for the Modern Harp. Athens, Ohio: School of Music, Ohio University, 1974. GB245. Jodal, Gabriel. "Arta orchestratiei la P.I. Ceaikovski." Lucrari de Muzicologie 1:45-57(1965). This Romanian-language article on Tchaikovsky's orchestrational style includes summaries in Russian, French, German, and Italian. GB246. Johnson, Edward. "Correspondence. Mussorgsky's Pictures (various versions)." Gramophone 59:4 (June 1981). GB247. Johnson, Tom. "Music: Why Americans Can't Orchestrate." Village Voice 27:88+(June 15, 1982). GB248. Jones, Robert Carroll. "Suggestions for the Early Stages of Your Arrangement." Educator 7:20+ (no. 4, 1975).

104 General Bibliography GB249. Joseph, Don Verne. "The Evolution of Symphonic Instrumentation of the Nineteenth Century." Missouri Journal of Research in Music Education 2:6079 (no. 4, 1970). GB250. Karlin, Fred and Wright, Rayburn. "Orchestrating a Film Score." The Instrumentalist 44:18-21+ (June 1990). (See also. T149) (See also: T320) GB251. Karrick, Cecil. "Ballad Arranging for the Marching Band." School Musician 38:34+(August-September 1966). GB252. Keating, J. "Arranging." Melody Maker 31:8 (February 26, 1955). GB253. Kelch, Carleton. "Scoring for Elementary Orchestra." School Musician 51:1214 (April 1980). GB254. Keller, Hans. "The New in Review (Entries Not Heard Because of Preceding Fortissimo)." The Music Review 17:333-4 (November 1956). GB255. Kendall, Roger Allen and Carterette, Edward C. "Identification and Blend of Timbres as a Basis for Orchestration." Contemporary Music Review 9:51-68 (1993). (See also: TB220) (See also: GB256) GB256. Kendall, Roger Allen and Carterette, Edward C. "Perceptual Scaling of Simultaneous Wind Instrument Timbres." Music Perception 8:369-404 (no. 4, 1991). (See also: TB220) (See also: GB255) GB257. Kinyon, John. "Scoring for Beginning Bands." The Instrumentalist 34:20-23 (February 1980). GB258. Kleinhammer, Edward. The Art of Trombone Playing. Evanston, Illinois: Summy Birchard, 1963. GB259. Koch, Lawrence 0. "The Jazz Composition/Arrangement." Journal of Jazz Studies 3:181-91 (1985). GB260. K&hler, Siegfried. "Progressive Klangstrukturen in den Opern Carl Maria von Webers." Musik und Gesellschaft 26:328-32 (June 1976). GB261. Kdnig, Heinz. "Uber die verwendung von Instrumenten zur Gesangs- und Chorbegleitung." Musik in Schule 15:154-7+, 217-22, 254-64 (no. 4, 5, and 6, 1964). GB262. Kostelanetz, Andre. "Color In the Popular Orchestra." Etude 62:683-4 (December 1944). GB263. Kozma, Tibor. "Heroes of Wood and Brass, Orchestral Timbres in Parsifal." Opera News 16:24-9 (April 7, 1952).

General Bibliography 105 GB264. Krauss, Hans. "Komposition und Klangfarbe. die Klangerscheinung von Mischklaengen als kompositorisches, akustisches und psychologisches Problem." Das Orchester 37:503-7 (May 1989). GB265. Kruse Pujol, Kelly. "The Effect of Vibrotactile Stimulation, Instrumentation, and Precomposed Melodies on Physiological and Behavioral Responses of Profoundly Retarded Children and Adults." Journal of Music Therapy 31:186+ (no. 3, Fall 1994). GB266. Kurtzman, Jeffrey .G. "Monteverdi's lMass of Thanksgiving* Revisited " Early Music 22:63-76+ (February 1994). GB267. Kuzmich, John Anthony. "Textbooks on Theory, Composition, and Arranging." The Instrumentalist 31:84-9 (April-May 1977). (See also: GB268) GB268. Kuzmich, John Anthony. "Textbooks on Theory, Composition, and Arranging (In Jazz Education)." The Instrumentalist 34:70+, 42-7 (October and December 1979). (See also: GB267) GB269 Laaser, C.A. Praktische Instrumentationstabelle fiir Militar-Infanterie-Musik. [n.p], 1913. Apparently, the present obscure work simply provides a listing of instrumentations of various types of military musical ensembles. GB270. La Barbera, John. "Arranging. Basic Tools for Better Arranging." Keyboard Magazine 14:74-6+ (April 1988). (See also: GB271) GB271. La Barbera, John. "Turn Ho-Hum Tunes Into Show Stoppers: Basic Tools for Better Arranging." Jazz Educators Journal 23.30-32+ (April 1991). (See also: GB270) GB272. Labunski, Wiktor. "Adventure in Two Piano Arranging." Music Journal 7:11+ (March-April 1949). GB273. Lacy, Gene M. "Stravinsky's Orchestral Technique in His Russian Period." American Music Teacher 22:17-22 (no. 5, 1973). GB274. La Gorce, Jerome de. "L'orchestre de 1'Opera et son evolution de Campra a Rameau." Revue de Musicologie 76:23-42 (no. 1, 1990). The present article deals with the development of orchestration in the operas of Andre Campra and Jean-Philippe Rameau. (See also: GB30) GB275. Lasko, Richard. "TheCBDNA: A Study of Band Instmmentation." Contributions to Music Education 1:46-55 (Autumn 1972).

106 General Bibliography GB276. Law, Alex. Contemporary Pedal Diagramsfor the Harp; for Harpists, Composers, Arrangers, Students of Orchestration. Fresno, California: A.T.L. Publishing, 1971. GB277. LeCroy, Hoyt F. "Percussion Scoring." The Instrumentalist 20:70+ (September 1965). GB278. Leibowitz, Rene\ "II rispetto del testo (bisogna correggere le sinfonie classiche?)." Nuova Rivista Musicale Italiana 4:244-62 (March-April 1970). (See also: T176) GB279. Lewinski, Wolf Eberhard von "Die Rolle der Klangfarbe bei Strauss und Debussy." Schweizerische Musikzeitung 110:357-61 (no. 6, 1970). GB280. Lewy, Rudolf. "The Wrong Brass? (Faithfulness to Instrumentation as Scored)." Brass Bulletin 41:10-15 (1983). GB281. Lisse, Hans Guenther. "Wir arrangieren: Hinweise zur Instrumentation in Blasorchestern." Musikforum 18:24-9, 14-28 (July-August and NovemberDecember 1973). The present article was serialized over volumes 18-22. (See also GB282, GB283, GB284, and GB285) GB282. Lisse, Hans Guenther. "Wir arrangieren: Hinweise zur Instrumentation in Blasorchestern." Musikforum 19:24-9, 17-24, 22-8, 25-8, 18-21+, 28-30+ (January-February, March-April, May-June, July-August, no. 5, and no. 6, 1974). The present article was serialized over volumes 18-22. (See also GB281, GB283, GB284, and GB285) GB283. Lisse, Hans Guenther. "Wir arrangieren — Hinweise zur Instrumentation in Blasorchestern." Musikforum 20:22-7, 20-25 (no. 3 and no. 6, 1975). The present article was serialized over volumes 18-22. (See also GB281, GB282, GB284, and GB285) GB284. Lisse, Hans Guenther. "Wir arrangieren - Hinweise zur Instrumentation in Blasorchestern." Musikforum 21:18-21, 18-23 (no. 2 and no. 3, 1976). The present article was serialized over volumes 18-22. (See also GB281, GB282, GB283, and GB285) GB285. Lisse, Hans Guenther. "Wir arrangieren — Hinweise zur Instrumentation in Blasorchestern." Musikforum 22:17-24, 15-26 (no. 1 and no. 3, 1977). The present article was serialized over volumes 18-22. (See also GB281, GB282, GB283, and GB284) GB286. Lorber, Jeff. "In the Studio: MIDI Arranging: Getting Started." Keyboard Magazine 16:120-21 (February 1990). GB287. Lorenz, Alfred. "Zur Instrumentation von A. Bruckners Symphonien." Zeitschrift fiir Musik 103.1318+ (1936).

General Bibliography 107 GB288. Lui, Lin. "Analysis of the Orchestration of Pictures at an Exhibition Transcribed [sic] by Ravel (Part 1)" Chung Yang Yin Yueh Hsueh Yuan Hsueh Pao (no. 1, 1991). Text is in Chinese. (See also: GB289) GB289. Lui, Lin. "Analysis of the Orchestration of Pictures at an Exhibition Transcribed [sic] by Ravel (Part 2)." Chung Yang Yin Yueh Hsueh Yuan Hsueh Pao (no. 2, 1991). Text is in Chinese. (See also: GB288) GB290. McChesney, Richard. "Choral Music In the Curriculem; Some Thoughts On Arranging." American Choral Review 10.125-7 (no. 3, 1968). (For additional citations dealing with choral arranging, see: T3, T77, T87, T147,T316,andGB556) GB291. Macdonald, Hugh J. "Berlioz's Orchestration: Human or Divine?" The Musical Times 110.255-8 (1969). GB292. Machlin, Paul Stuart. "PygmalionsofPop: Reinterpreting Jazz and Rock Standards." College Music Symposium 29:140-50 (1989). GB293. Mclntosh, Ladd. "The Arranger's Peculiar Vocabulary (A Guide To Using and Understanding It)." Songwriter 2:27+ (December 1976). (See also: GB294) GB294. Mclntosh, Ladd. "Scoring for Expanded Jazz Orchestra." Down Beat 42 39-40 (June 5, 1975). The present article consists of the author's discussion of his composition Munich, September 5, 1972; Pain, Death and Sadness. (See also: GB293) GB295. Mackensen, Johannes. "Kursmodell 'Arrangement — Bearbeitung — Original.'" Musik undBildung 7:578-82 (November 1975). GB296 Mackillop Jr., K "The Schillinger System." Down Beat 17:18, 8 (September 22 and December 1, 1950). (See also: GB) GB297. Maclean, Charles Donald. "On Some Causes of the Changes of Tone-colour Proceeding in the Most Modern Orchestra." Proceedings of the Musical Association 12(1894-5). GB298. McPartland, Marian. "Voicing Piano Chords." Down Beat 36:36+ (January 9, 1969). GB299. Maekelae, Tomi. "Viewpoints on Orchestration: Talks about Texture." Finnish Music Quarterly 3:40-45 (1992). GB300. Malinowski, Wladyslaw. "Technika orkiestrowa a forma w Uwerturze Szalowskiego" Muzyka 3:33-52 (no. 1-2, 1958).

108 General Bibliography GB301. Mallen, James K. "Arranging for Marching Percussion. Less is More." Percussive Notes 19:44-5 (no. 1, 1980). GB302. Malson, Lucien. "Du swing sur du papier." Jazz Magazine 5:28-30 (November 1959). GB303. Mansfield, Keith. "Write As You Feel." Crescendo International 9:31 (July 1971). GB304. Marescotti, A.F. "Nouveaux principes d'orchestration." Schweizerische Musikzeitung (Revue musicale suisse) 91 (1951). GB305. Marissen, Michael Anthony. "Relationships Between Scoring and Structure in the First Movement of Bach's Sixth Brandenburg Concerto'1 Music and Letters 71:494+ (no. 4, 1990). GB306. Markow, Robert. "Primeval Palette: How Wagner Enlarged his Orchestral Canvas for the Ring to Create a Cosmic Sound Organism " Opera News 53:269 (April 1, 1989). (See also: GB307) GB307. Markow, Robert. "Realm of Sound: Strauss' Orchestration for Die Frau ohne Schatten" Opera News 54:32-3+ (no. 6, December 9, 1989). (See also: GB306) GB308. Marsh, John. "Hints to Young Composers of Instrumental Music." Galpin Society Journal 18:57-71 (March 1965). This article is a reprint of an article written in 1806. GB309. Marx, Hans Joachim. "The Instrumentation of Handel's Early Italian Works." Early Music 16:496+ (no. 4, November 1988). (See also: GB310) GB310. Marx, Hans Joachim. "Von der Gegenwartigkeit historischer Musik; zu Arnold Schdnbergs Bach-Instrumentation." Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik 122.49-51 (February 1961). (See also: GB309) GB311. Mason, Daniel Gregory. The Orchestral Instruments and What They Do; A Primer for Concert-Goers. 1908. Although this book is primarily designed for concert audiences, it presents a turn-of-the-century American view of typical instrumental usage, giving it a historical significance. The fifth edition was reprinted: Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1971 GB312. Massey,H. The Complete DX7II. New York: AMSCO Publications, 1987. The present book deals with using the Yamaha DX7II synthesizer. Part of the discussion is on "orchestration" using the instrument.

General Bibliography 109 GB313. Matalaev, L. "Knigi po instrumentovedeniyu i instrumentovke." Sovetskaya Muzyka 37:107-12 (December 1973) GB314. Mayer, Francis Norbert. "John Philip Sousa, His Instrumentation and Scoring." Music Educators Journal 46:51-7+ (no. 3, 1960). (See also: T193) GB315. Meierott, Lenz. Die geschichtliche Entwickfung der kleinen Flotentypen und ihre Verwendung in der Musik des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Tutzing: H Schneider, 1974. The present book deals with the use of the piccolo in the 17th and 18th centuries. GB316. Meinl, Gerhard A. "The Tenor Tuba: Richard Strauss' Orchestration and the Revival of an Instrument." T.U.B.A. Journal 17:9-10 (no. 4, Summer 1990) GB317. Melyan, Theodore. "An Ideal Arranging Course." Music Journal 21:60+ (February 1963). GB318. Mendel, Arthur. "Transcribing Bach." The Nation 131.684 (December 17, 1930). GB319. Mendl, Robert William. "Flexible Purism." Musical Opinion 96:459-61 (June 1973). GB320. Messmer, Franzpeter. "Robert Schumann und das Orchester." Das Orchester 36:745-51 (July-August 1988). GB321. Meylan, Raymond. "A propos du developpement de I'instrumentation au de but de dix-neuviene siecle." Acta Musicologica 42:70-74 (no 1-2, 1970). GB322 Mills, Donn. "Customize Your Sound." The Instrumentalist 13:45 (May 1959). (See also: GB323 and GB324) GB323. Mills, Donn Laurence. "Orchestra Arrangers. Here's What We Need (School Orchestra Music)." The Instrumentalist 40:52+ (April 1986). (See also: GB322 and GB324) GB324. Mills, Donn Laurence. "Write Your Own Student Concerto Orchestra Arrangement." The Instrumentalist 31:114-15 (March 1977). (See also: GB322 and GB323) GB325. Misch, Ludwig. "Sind Anderungen in Beethovens Instrumentation zulassig?" Neue Zeitschrift fiir Musik 117:618-21 (November 1956). GB326. Monk, William Henry. "On Some Points in the Received Method of Writing an Orchestral Score." Proceedings of the Musical Association 2 (1875-6).

110 General Bibliography GB327. "More on Early Stereo: Some Thoughts on Boys' Voices in Purcell, Vaughn Williams' Orchestration and the Availablity of Recordings in the U.S.A." The Gramophone 70 (no. 840, May 1993). The present article deals in part with the orchestrational technique of Ralph Vaughn Williams. GB328. Moser, Hans Joachim. "Farben und Klangfarben." Musica 11:362-3 (June 1957). (See also: GB329) GB329. Moser, Hans Joachim. "Monumentale und intime Musik; Zur Beutung des Besetzungsformats." Musica 8:333-5 (August 1954). (See also: GB328) GB330. Muehe, Hansgeorg. "Tanzmusikalisches Arrangieren fur gemischte Besetzungen." Musikforum 22:12-14 (no. 3, 1977). GB331. Mulvaney, Elisa Welch. "How the Pros Do It: Arrangers in Action." Frets 8:24-6+ (December 1986). GB332. Murdick, Kent. "BossaNova: Arranging for Solo Guitar." Guitar Player 14:30+(November 1980). GB333. Mycielski, Zygmunt. "Nad Preludiami Chopina w interpretacji Jeana Francaixa." RuchMuzyczny 14:3-6+ (no. 19, 1970). GB334. Nef, Karl. "Zur Instrumentation im 17. Jahrhunderts." Jahrbuchder Musikbibliothek Peters pp. 33+ (1928). GB335. Neinman, Marcus L. "Software Review (Music Editor, Scorer, and Arranger)" The Instrumentalist 42:67 (May 1988). GB336. Nelhybel, Vaclav. Music Arrangement. Folkways Records FT 3607-3608, cl962. Analog, 33 1/3 rpm sound disc. William Gelb, narrator; unnamed chamber orchestra. Nelhybel's orchestration "treatise" consists of this two-record set of spoken text and musical examples, coupled with a 19-page booklet providing the spoken text. GB337. Newcomb, Bill "Arranging, Transposing With Computers." The Songwriter's Review 34:6-7+ (no. 3, 1979). GB338. Nordgren, Quentin R. "A Measure of Textural Patterns and Strengths." Journal of Music Theory 4:19-31 (no. 1, 1960). (See also: T208) GB339. Noske, Frits. The Signifier and the Signified: Studies in the Operas of Mozart and Verdi. The Hague: Nijoff, 1977. Contains a discussion of the orchestrational technique of Mozart and Verdi. (See also: GB437, GB438, and GB439)

General Bibliography III GB340. Nyffeler, Max. "Komposition, Arrangement, Manipulation." Hift Stereophonie 13:28+(January 1974). GB341. Ochoa, Rene Carlos. Stravinsky's "Symphonies of Wind Instruments": A Comparison of the 1920 and 1947 Versions. Dissertation. University of Cincinnati, 1993. Although orchestration is part of the subject matter of this dissertation, it is a small part. GB342. O'Connell, Thomas S. "Simplify for Sound." The Instrumentalist 27:16 (April 1973). GB343. Oliver, Sy and Jacobs, Dick. "Arrangers Corner." Down Beat. "Arrangers Corner was a regularl;y-ocurring column, beginning in 1949. GB344. Orr, N. Lee. "Traditional and Fresh Approaches to Analysis: The Effect of Scoring on the 'Sonata-Form' in Mozart's Mature Instrumental Ensembles." College Music Symposium 23:46-83 (no. 2, 1983). GB345. Osgood, Marion. "Orchestral Combinations." Musician 17:705 (October 1912). GB346. Ott, Joseph. "A New Approach to Orchestration." The Instrumentalist 23:53-5 (April 1969). GB347. Ott, Leonard William. "The Orchestration of the Faust Symphony" Journal of the American Liszt Society 12:28-37 (1982). GB348 Paap, Wouter. "Orkestratie van Debussy's Preludes pour Piano" Mensen Melodie 26:202-5 (July 1971). GB349. Parrent, Amy. "From The Beggar's Opera to Sweeney Todd. The Art of the Broadway Orchestrator." Music Educators Journal 66:32-5 (May 1980). GB350. Parrott, Ian. "Was Elgar's Orchestration Impeccable?" The Chesterian 32.2023 (Summer 1957). (See also: T215) GB351. Pavey, Sidney "Scoring for the School Orchestra " Music Teacher 56:16-17 (November 1977). (See also GB352 and GB353) GB352. Pavey, Sidney. "Scoring for School Strings." Music Teacher 56 11 (February 1977). (See also: GB351 and GB353) GB353. Pavey, Sidney "Scoring for the Small School Orchestra." Music Teacher 56:13-14 (August 1977). (See also: GB315 and GB352)

112 General Bibliography GB354. Peacock, David. "Arranging for School Orchestra." Music Teacher 49:13+, 17+, 19+, 23+ (September, October, November, and December 1970). The present continuing series of articles extended into volume 50. (See also: GB355) GB355. Peacock, David. "Arranging for School Orchestra." Music Teacher 50:13, 12+, 13-15 (January, February, and March 1971). (See also: GB354) GB356. Peinkofer, Karl and Tannigel, Fritz. Handbook of Percussion Instruments. Translated by K. and E. Stone. Mainz: B. Schott's Sohne, 1976. GB357. Pelkey, Stephen Richard. Antonin Dvorak's First Cello Concerto in A Major: A Comparison of the Original, Raphael and Sadlo/Burghauser Editions and Piotr Ilych Tchaikovsky's "Rococo Variations": A Comparison of the Original and Fitzenhagen Editions. Dissertation: University of Houston, 1993. The present dissertation offers much analysis of the reorchestrations of the works in question, although orchestration is only part of the discussion. GB358. Pellerite, James A. A Modern Guide to Fingerings for the Flute. Bloomington, Indiana: Zalo Publishers, 1972. GB359. "Pete Rugolo Talks To Howard Lucraft About Arranging." Jazz Journal International 33:14 (October 1980). GB360. Peters, Gordon. "Outline Guide to Percussion Orchestration." The Instrumentalist 20:69-72 (June 1966). GB361. Petersen, Jon E. "Arranging for an Army Band." Music Journal 16:16-17+ (November-December 1958). (See also: GB362) GB362. Petersen, Jon E. "Let's Hear Those Inner Parts!" School Musician 31:52+ (September 1959). (See also: GB361) GB363. Petty, Mark. "Contemporary Marching Percussion: Voicing for Contemporary Percussion." Percussive Notes 15:20-21 (no. 3, 1977). GB364. Pierce, Edwin Hall. "How to Arrange for Small Orchestra." Etude 39:471, 543, 615, 687, 758-9, and 830-31 (July, August, September, October, November, and December 1921). The present was a regularly-occurring column in Etude. (See also: GB365) (See also: GB366) GB365. Pierce, Edwin Hall. "How to Arrange for Small Orchestra." Etude 40.63, 135, 213, 283, and 355 (January, February, March, April, and May 1922). The present was a regularly-occurring column in Etude. (See also: GB364) (See also: GB366)

General Bibliography 113 GB366. Pierce, Edwin Hall. "Orchestral Tone-Color, Past and Present." Musical Quarterly 13:605-16 (October 1927). (See also: GB364 and GB365) GB367. Pierne, Gabriel and Woollett, Henri Edouard. "Histoire de Porchestration." Encyclopedic de la musique et dictionnaire du Conservatoire 2 (no. 4, 1929). GB368. Pilkova, Zdenko. "Instrumentace kantat autoru z Cech v prvni polovine 18 stoleti." Hudebni Veda 14:146-59 (no. 2, 1977). GB369. Pirie, Jim. "Arranging." Canadian Musician 667 (no. 2,1984). (See also. GB370, GB371, GB372, GB373, GB374, and GB375) GB370. Pirie, Jim. "Arranging; Preparing for the Recording Session." Canadian Musician 5:64 (no. 2, 1983). (See also: GB369, GB371, GB372, GB373, GB374, and GB375) GB371. Pirie, Jim. "Arranging. Reading the Score." Canadian Musician 5:64 (no. 3, 1983). (See also: GB369, GB370, GB372, GB373, GB374, and GB375) GB372. Pirie, Jim "Arranging: The Recording Session." Canadian Musician 5.1 \ (no. 1, 1983). (See also: GB369, GB370, GB371, GB373, GB374, and GB375) GB373. Pirie, Jim. "Combining Strings With Winds." Canadian Musician 2:55 (no. 1, 1980). (See also: GB369, GB370, GB371, GB372, GB374, and GB375) GB374. Pirie, Jim. "Tips from the Pros: Arranging." Canadian Musician 7:72-3 (no. 4, 1985). (See also: GB369, GB370, GB371, GB372, GB373, and GB375) GB375. Pirie, Jim. "Voicing the Strings." Canadian Musician 1:63 (no 4, J979). (See also: GB369, GB370, GB371, GB372, GB373, and GB374) GB376. Plante, Gilles. "Les arrangements de musique ancienne." Cornet Musical 5:6-9 (June 1972). GB377. Planyavsky, Alfred "Strauss vor dem Orchester." Oesterreichische Musikzeitschrift 19:374-9 (August 1964). GB378. Plavsa, Dusan. "Simfonijski metod Leosa Janaceka." Zvuk pp. 65-73 (no. 9293, 1969). This article on the symphonic compositional and orchestrational method of Leos Janacek includes a summary in French. GB379. Polk, Keith. "Municipal Wind Music in Flanders in the Late Middle Ages " Brass and Woodwind Quarterly 2:1-2(1969). (See also GB380)

114 General Bibliography GB380. Polk, Keith. "Wind Bands of Medieval Flemish Cities " Brass and Woodwind Quarterly 1:3-4 (1968). (See also: GB379) GB381. Pollart, Gene J. "Latin Percussion - What and How to Select " Woodwind World, Brass and Percussion 18:24 (no. 6, 1979). GB382. "Popularmusik und Arrangement: Eine Handreichung fur Ausbildung aund Praxis." Der Kirchenmusiker 39:201-4 (no. 6, 1988). GB383. Potter, Louis. The Art of Cello Playing. Evanston, Illinois: Summy Birchard, 1964. GB384. Praxcia, V.K. "Writing for the Marching Band Percussion Section." Percussionist 10:1-2 (no. 1, 1972). GB385. Pressing, Jeff. Synthesizer Performance andReal-Time Techniques. Madison, Wisconsin: A-R Editions, 1992. (See also: GB440) GB386. Priestly, Brian. "'Man, You Know the Arrangement...'" Jazz Monthly 10:1011 (January 1965). GB387. Prout, Ebenezer. "Orchestral Combination." Althenaeum 1900:57 (January 13, 1900). (See also: T229 and T230) GB388. Pupping, Peter and Johnson, Art. "Jazz & the Classical Guitarist (Part 1) " Soundboard 18:66-8 (no. 1, 1991). The present two-part article deals in part with arranging for guitar. (See also: GB389) GB389. Pupping, Peter and Johnson, Art. "Jazz & the Classical Guitarist (Part 2)." Soundboard 18:79-81 (no. 2, 1991). The present two-part article deals in part with arranging for guitar. (See also: GB388) GB390. Putnik, Edwin. The Art of Flute Playing. Evanston, Illinois: Summy Birchard, 1970. GB391. Race, Steve. "Operation Schillinger." Melody Maker 29:8, 8, 4, 2, 6 (April 4, May 9, June 13, October 24, and October 31, 1953). The present series of articles presents an arranging system based on theorist Joseph Schillinger's principles. (See also: GB392, GB393, and GB394) (See also: GB49, GB50, GB51, GB52, GB296 for more articles on the Schillinger technique)

General Bibliography 115 GB392. Race, Steve. "Operation Schillinger." Melody Maker 30 9 (January 30, 1954). The present article deals with Joseph Schillinger's arranging method (See also: GB391, GB393, and GB394) (See also: GB49, GB50, GB51, GB52, GB296 for more articles on the Schillinger technique) GB393. Race, Steve. "Band Parts Now Ready - Or Are They?" Melody Maker 30:9 (March 27, 1954). (See also: GB391, GB392, and GB394) GB394 Race, Steve. "Steve Race (Suggest Changes in Popular Song Orchestrations, etc.)." Melody Maker 31:2 (February 19, 1955). (See also: GB391, GB392, and GB393) GB395. Raidt, Jiirgen. "'Instrumentale Analyse' -- 'Analytische Instrumentation'." Musik undBildung 24:52-7 (January-February 1992). GB396 Rampe, Siegbert "Bach, Quantz und das Musicalische Opfer" Concerto 10:15-23 (June 1993). GB397 "The Range of the Orchestral Instruments Related to the Piano Keyboard." Philadelphia Orchestra Program Notes pp. 404-5 (January 22, 1954). GB398. Rascher, Sigurd. Top-Tones for the Saxophone Boston. Carl Fischer, 1941. GB399. Rastall, Richard. "Some English Consort-Groupings of the Late Middle Ages " Music and Letters 55 179-202 (no 2, 1974). GB400. Rauschenberg, Dale. "Orchestrating for Percussion Ensembles." Woodwind World, Brass and Percussion 18:28-9+(no. 1, 1979). GB401 Rayson, Cyril. "Instrumentation" (part 1). Crescendo International 19:32 (July 1981). (See also GB402) GB402. Rayson, Cyril. "Instrumentation" (part 2). Crescendo International 20:3 \-32 (August-September 1981). (See also: GB401) GB403. Read, Gardner. Music Notation: A Manual ofModern Practice. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1964. (See also: GB422) GB404. Reaney, Gilbert. "Voices and Instruments in the Music of Guillaume de Machaut." Revue beige de musicologie 10:3-17, 93-110 (no. 1-2 and no. 3-4, 1956). GB405. Reed, Alfred. "Some Thoughts on Band Instrumentation: Wind Ensembles and Concert Bands " The Instrumentalist 45:12-16 (September 1990).

116 General Bibliography GB406. Rees-Rohrbacher, Darhon. The Pocket Guide to Harp Composing. Gloversville, New York: Dragonflower Music, 1995. GB407. Reeves, Scott D. "Gil Evans' Arranging Techniques." IAJE: Jazz Research Papers 106-19 (1994). GB408. Rehfeld, Philip. New Directions for the Clarinet. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978. GB409. Reinbothe, Helmut. "Wir arrangieren; Hinweise zur Instrumentation in gemischten Besetzungen." Musikforum 16:13-15,29-30, 14-15, 16-17, 12-13, 12-13, 12-13 (April, May-June, August, September, October, November, and December 1971). This continuing column also ran throughout 1972 and 1973 issues of Musikforum. (See also: GB410 and GB411) (See also: T240) GB410. Reinbothe, Helmut. "Wir arrangieren; Hinweise zur Instrumentation in gemischten Besetzungen." Musikforum 17:17-18, 18-19, 18-20, 19-20, 18-21, 18-19, 19-21, 16-17, 22 (January, February, March, April, June, July, August, September, and October 1972). This continuing column also ran throughout 1972 and 1973 issues of Musikforum. (See also: GB409 and GB411) (See also: T240) GB411. Reinbothe, Helmut. "Wir arrangieren; Hinweise zur Instrumentation in gemischten Besetzungen." Musikforum 18:15-18, 17-19, 17-19,20-21, 18-22 (January, February, March, April, and May 1973). This continuing column also ran throughout 1972 and 1973 issues of Musikforum. (See also: GB409 and GB410) (See also: T240) GB412. Renshaw, Jeffrey. "The Conducting Challenges of Persichetti*s Symphony." The Instrumentalist 49.18-22+ (no. 11, June 1995). The present article, dealing with Vincent Persichetti's Symphony for Band, details the orchestrational originality of the 1956 composition. (See also: T86, another study concerned with the Persichetti work) GB413. Revelli, William D. "Revolution in the Pit. Wagner Threw Overboard the Classic Mozart-Haydn-Beethoven Orchestra, and Modern Instrumentation Still Shows His Influence." Etude 69:20-21 (July 1951). GB414. Review of Baroque Music Today: Music as Speech by Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Historical Performance 3:96+ (no. 2, 1990). (See: GB201) (See also: GB415 and GB416) GB415. Review of Baroque Music Today: Music as Speech by Nikolaus Harnoncourt. /totes 47:1120 (no. 4, 1991). (See: GB201) (See also: GB414 and GB416) GB416. Review of Baroque Music Today: Music as Speech by Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Tracker 34:7-8 (no. 1, 1990). (See: GB201) (See also: GB414 and GB415)

General Bibliography 117 GB417. Review of Handbuch der Instrumentenkunde by Erich Valentin. Musikforschung 11:369-70 (no. 3, 1958). (See: GB540) GB418. Review ofJazz Arranging and Performance Practice: A Guide for Small Ensembles by Paul E. Rinzler. Jazz Educators Journal 23:74-5 and 24.66-7 (no. 3 and no. 1, 1991). (See. GB448) (See also: GB419) GB419. Review of Jazz Arranging and Performance Practice: A Guide for Small Ensembles by Paul E. Rinzler. Notes 47:1163 (no. 4, 1991). (See: GB448) (See also: GB418) GB420. Review of Music Composition and Arranging by Samuel Walter. Journal of Church Music 7:13 (December 1965). (See: GB546) (See also: GB421) GB421. Review of Music Composition and Arranging by Samuel Walter. Clavier 5:12 (no. 1, 1966). (See: GB546) (See also: GB420) GB422. Review of Music Notation by Gardner Read. Music in Education 45:492 (no. 400, 1978). (See: GB403) GB423 Review of The Musical Dialogue: Thoughts on Monteverdi, Bach, and Mozart by Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Clavier 29.8+ (no. 7, 1990). (See: GB202) (See also: GB424, GB425, GB426, and GB427) GB424. Review of The Musical Dialogue: Thoughts on Monteverdi, Bach, and Mozart by Nikolaus Harnoncourt. The Diapason 81:12-13 (January 1990). (See: GB202) (See also: GB423, GB425, GB426,and GB427) GB425. Review of The Musical Dialogue: Thoughts on Monteverdi, Bach, and Mozart by Nikoalus Harnoncourt. The Instrumentalist 44.50+ (March 1990). (See: GB202) (See also: GB423, GB424, GB426, and GB427) GB426. Review of The Musical Dialogue: Thoughts on Monteverdi, Bach, and Mozart by Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Opera Quarterly 7:140-42 (no. 3, 1990). (See: GB202) (See also: GB423, GB424, GB425, and GB427) GB427. Review of The Musical Dialogue: Thoughts on Monteverdi, Bach, and Mozart by Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Tracker 34:7-8 (no. 1, 1990). (See: GB202) (See also: GB423, GB424, GB425, and GB426) GB428. Review of The Norton Manual ofMusic Notation by George Heussenstamm. Computer Music Journal 14:72 (no. 4, 1990). (See: GB212)

118 General Bibliography GB429. Review of Practical Guide to Music Notation for Composers, Arrangers and Editors by Carl A. Rosenthal. Music Educators Journal 54:175 (February 1968). (See: GB454) (See also: GB430) GB430. Review ofPractical Guide to Music Notation for Composers, Arrangers and Editors by Carl A. Rosenthal. Notes 25:248 (no. 2, 1968). (See: GB454) (See also: GB429) GB431. Review of Robert Schumann and the Study of Orchestral Composition: The Genesis of the First Symphony, Op. 38 by Jon William Finson. Music Analysis 9:85-8 (no. 1, 1990). (See: GB161) (See also: GB432, GB433, GB434, GB435, and GB436) GB43 2. Review of Robert Schumann and the Study of Orchestral Composition: The Genesis of the First Symphony, Op. 38 by Jon William Finson. Music and Letters 71:580-82 (no. 4, 1990). (See: GB161) (See also: GB431, GB433, GB434, GB435, and GB436) GB43 3. Review of Robert Schumann and the Study of Orchestral Composition: The Genesis of the First Symphony, Op. 38 by Jon William Finson. The Musical Times 131:485 (September 1990). (See: GB161) (See also: GB431, GB432, GB434, GB435, and GB436) GB434. Review of Robert Schumann and the Study of Orchestral Composition: The Genesis of the First Symphony, Op. 38 by Jon William Finson. Nineteenth Century Music 15:69-75 (no. 1, 1991). (See: GB161) (See also: GB431, GB432, GB433, GB435, and GB436) GB4 3 5. Review of Robert Schumann and the Study of Orchestral Composition: The Genesis of the First Symphony, Op. 38 by Jon William Finson. Das Orchester 39:485 (no. 4, 1991). (See: GB161) (See also: GB432, GB432, GB433, GB434, and GB436) GB436. Review ofRobert Schumann and the Study of Orchestral Composition: The Genesis of the First Symphony, Op. 38 by Jon William Finson. Rivista Italiana diMusicologia 25:511+ (no. 3-4, 1991). (See: GB161) (See also: GB432, GB432, GB433, GB434, and GB435) GB437. Review of The Signifier and the Signified: Studies in the Operas of Mozart and Verdi by Frits Noske. Ethnomusicology 26:319-20 (no. 2, 1982). (See: GB339) (See also: GB438 and GB439) GB438. Review of The Signifier and the Signified: Studies in the Operas of Mozart and Verdi by Frits Noske. Musical Quarterly 67:440-4 (no. 3, 1981). (See: GB339) (See also: GB437 and GB439)

General Bibliography 119 GB439. Review of The Signifier and the Signified: Studies in the Operas of Mozart and Verdi by Frits Noske. Rivista Italiana di Musicologia 16:280-86 (no. 2, 1981). (See: GB339) (See also: GB437 and GB438) GB440. Review of Synthesizer Performance and Real-Time Techniques by Jeff Pressing. Notes 51:167 (no. 1, 1994). (See: GB385) GB441. Rhoads, William E. "So You Want to be an Arranger!" School Musician 49:62-3 (March 1978). GB442. Ricci, B. "Tre assiomi orchestrativi di Nikolaj Rimskij-Korsakov." Musica/Realta 13 (no. 37, 1992). GB443. Richards, Edwin Michael. The Clarinet of the Twenty-First Century. Fairport, New York: E & K Publishers, 1992. The present book deals with extended techniques for clarinet. GB444. Riddle, Peter H. "Scoring for the Young French Horn Section." School Musician 43:37+ (January 1972). (See also: GB445) GB445. Riddle, Peter H. "Three Part Arranging for the Young Trombone Section." School Musician 42:24+ (August-September 1970). (See also: GB444) GB446. Riley, Laurie. "Understanding the Theory of Improvisation, Arranging, and Composing." Folk Harp Journal 68:19-20 (Spring 1990). GB447. Ringer, Alexander Lothar and others. "A propos du developpement de I'instrumentation au debut du XIXe siecle." Acta Musicologica 43.236-48 (no. 3-4, 1971). GB448. Rinzler, Paul E. Jazz Arranging and Performance Practice: A Guide for Small Ensembles. Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1989. The present volume deals specifically with small jazz ensembles. The orchestration-related discussion is thereby limited. (See also: GB418 and GB419) GB449 Roads, Curtis, and Strawn, John, editors. Foundations of Computer Music. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1985. GB450. Rosing, Helmut. "Klang und Ausdruck. Zur Instmmentation bei Beethoven." Hifi-Stereophonie 9:296-302 (April 1970). (See also: T245)

120 General Bibliography GB451. Rogers, George L. "Concert Band Instrumentation: Realities and Remedies. — Be Resourceful? Sow the Seeds in the Early Grades for Balanced Instrumentation in Your High School Ensemble." Music Educators Journal 77:34-9 (no. 9, May 1991). GB452. "Roland Introduces Pro-E Keyboard (Intelligent Arranger)." Music Trades 137:104-5 (November 1989). GB453. Rona, Jeff and Smith, Denver. "Arranging. Wind Synthesis." Keyboard Magazine 13:46-7+(July 1987). GB454. Rosenthal, Carl A. Practical Guide to Music Notation for Composers, Arrangers and Editors. New York: MCA Music, 1967. (See also: GB429 and GB430) GB455. Roth, Henry. "Medium Transfer (Charles Schiff s Transcriptions for Violoncello and Piano of Various Classics)." The Strad9Z:lll-& (October 1987). GB456. Rudolph, Thomas E. "Adjusting Jazz Ensemble Arrangements." The Instrumentalist 35:90+ (September 1980). GB457. Runyan, William E. "French Grand Opera: Its Influence on Orchestration." The Opera Journal 25:3+ (no. 1, March 1992). (See also: T249) GB458. Ruskin, Rick. "Arranging a Right-Hand Rhythm Section." Frets M.4S+ (August 1989). While the focus of the present article is on right-hand guitar technique in playing popular music, it contains a number of important general arranging considerations. GB459. Sabin, Robert. "The Gentle Art of Arranging Music for Piano." Musical America 73:10+ (February 1953). GB460. Sachs, Curt. "Die Besetzung dreistimmiger Werke urn das Jahr 1500." Zeitschriftfiir Musikwissenschaft 11:386+ (1928-9). GB461. Salaman, William. "A Systematic Approach to the Classroom Orchestra." Music Teacher 53:21-3, 19-21, 18-22 (October, November, and December 1974). This article was serialized over five issues. (See also: GB462) GB462. Salaman, William. "A Systematic Approach to the Classroom Orchestra." Music Teacher 54:24+, 15 (January and February 1975). This article was serialized over five issues. (See also: GB461)

General Bibliography 121 GB463. Salas, Randy A. "Leonard Slatkin's Pictures New Shoes for an Old Warhorse" Fanfare 17:151-3 (no. 2, 1993). The present article deals with conductor Leonard Slatkin's recording of the Mussorgsky/Ravel Pictures at an Exhibition and addresses issues of orchestration. GB464. Salm, Rene. "Electronic Orchestration. Adapting Classic Techniques Brings Synth Arrangements to Life." Electronic Musician 7:30+ (no. 9, September 1991). GB465. Sal'nikov, Georgy Ivanovich. "0 russkoy shkole orkestrovki." Sovetskaya Muzyka 6:95-7 (June 1984). GB466. Salvetti, Guido. "Alcuni criteri neila relaborazione ed orchestrazione dell' 'Incoronazione'." Rivista Italiana di Musicologia 2.332-40 (no. 2, 1967). GB467. Salzedo, Carlos. Modern Study for the Harp. New York: G. Schirmer, 1948. GB468. Sandow, Gregory. "Music: Reading a Composer's Mind." Village Voice 28:91 (May 3, 1983). GB469. Schainman, Irwin. "The Whiteman Collection at Williams College." Notes 14.189-91 (March 1957). The present article is a review of Williams College's collection of arrangements by Paul Whiteman. GB470. Schilling, Ed. "Experimenting With Multi-Trackers." Frets 8:36-41 + (December 1986). GB471. Schilling, Hans Ludwig. "Zur Instrumentation in Igor Strawinskys Spatwerk aufgezeigt an scinem Septett 1953" Archivfiir Musikwissenschqft 13:181-96 (no. 3-4, 1956). GB472. Schonberg, Arnold. Coherence, Counterpoint, Instrumentation, Instruction in Form. Translated by Charlotte M. Cross and Severine Neff. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 1994. GB473. Schuhmacher, Gerhard. "Rossini - Endpunkt oder Wendepunkt? Aesthetischanalytische Ueberlegungen zu einigen seiner Opern." Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik 150:14-20 (April 1989). GB474. Schuller, Gunther. Horn Technique. London. Oxford University Press, 1962. GB475. Seibold, Wolfgang. "Schumann-Sinfonien schlecht instrumentiert?" Neue Zeitschrift fiir Musik 126:390-92+(October 1965). Reprinted in Der Orchester. (See: GB475)

122 General Bibliography GB476. Seibold, Wolfgang. "Schumann-Sinfonien schlecht instrumentiert?" Der Orchester 13 (November 1965). Reprint of an article originally published in Neue Zeitschrift fiir Musik. (See: GB475) GB477. Seifers, Heinrich. Systematik der Blasinstrumente. Fine Instrumentetdehre in Tabellenform. Frankfurt: Verlag Das Musikinstrument, 1967. GB478. Selfridge-Field, Eleanor. "Instrumentation and Genre in Italian Music, 16001670." Early Music 19:61-7 (no. 1, February 1991). GB479. Semenov, Yu. "Kompozitsiya, instrumentovka I Karl Cherni." Sovetskaya Muzyka 1:95-100 (January 1985). (See also: T56) GB480. Shen Sin-Yan. "On the Acoustical Space of the Chinese Orchestra." Chinese Music 11:63-5 (no. 4, 1988). (See also: GB481 and GB482) (See also: T264) GB481. Shen Sin-Yan. "Orchestration with Chinese Percussion Instruments." Chinese Music 10:53-9 (no. 3, 1987). (See also: GB480 and GB482) (See also: T264) GB482. Shen Sin-Yan. "Orchestration with Chinese Percussion Instruments." Chinese Music 11:10-11 (no. 1, 1988). (See also: GB480 and GB481) (See also: T264) GB483. Shirley, Charlie. "Arranging." Metronome 72 (beginning May 1955). The author began "Arranging" as a regular column in monthly issues of Metronome in May 1955 and continued through volume 74. (See also: GB484, GB485, and GB486) GB484. Shirley, Charlie. "Arranging." Metronome 73 (1956). "Arranging" was a regularly-occurring column in Metronome in volumes 72-74. (See also: GB483, GB485, and GB486) GB485. Shirley, Charlie. "Arranging." Metronome 74 (1957). "Arranging" was a regularly-occurring column in Metronome in volumes 72-74. (See also: GB483, GB484, and GB486) GB4S6. Shirley, Charlie. "Arranging: Charlie Shirley Discusses School Orchestras." Metronome 74:38 (January 1957). The present article was part of a regular series of articles on arranging. (See also: GB483, GB484, and GB485) It is listed separately due to its orchestral emphasis. GB487. Shirley, Wayne D. "The Trial Orchestration of Gershwin's Concerto in F." Notes 39:570-79 (no. 3, 1983).

General Bibliography 123 GB488. Shoop, Steve. "Arranging and Transcribing Music for the Junior High and High School Tuba Ensemble." T.U.B.A. Journal 20:36-7 (no. 2, 1992). GB489. Simmonds, Ron. "The Arrangement — Part 1." Crescendo International 27:34-5 (October-November 1990). (See also: GB490) (See also: GB491 and GB492) GB490. Simmonds, Ron. "The Arrangement — Part 2 " Crescendo International 27:34-6 (December 1990). (See also: GB489) (See also: GB491 andGB492) GB491. Simmonds, Ron. "Contemporary Arranging." Crescendo International 25:32, 32-3, 32-3 (June, July, and August 1988). This column was a regular feature in Crescendo International and can be found in various other issues. (See also: GB489, GB490, and GB492) GB492. Simmonds, Ron. "A Timely Warning (To Would-be Arrangers)." Crescendo International 9:8+ (July 1971). (See also: GB489, GB490, and GB491) GB493. Simons, Richard A. "Reflections Related to the Arrangement of Autumn Moon Over the Han Palace for Medieval Western Musical Instruments." Chinese Music 15:44-7 (no. 3, 1992). GB494. Simpson, Palgrave. Bandmaster's Guide, s.v. "On the Instrumentation of Military Bands." London: Boosey and Company, ca. 1900. GB495. Singleton, Esther. The Orchestra and Its Instruments. New York: Symphony Society of New York, 1917. This general-purpose book was reprinted. Portland, Maine: Longwood Press, 1976. GB496. Smith, Gertrude Jean Shaw. "Arranging Music for the School Orchestra: An Interview With Carson Rothrock." The Instrumentalist 35.60+ (May 1981). GB497. Smith, John C. "Form Analysis for Jazz Arrangers." Music Educators Journal 66:36-7 (May 1980). GB498. Spencer, William G. The Art of Bassoon Playing. Evanston, Illinois: Summy Birchard, 1958. GB499. Spies, Claudio. "The Organ Supplanted. A Case for Differentiations." Perspectives of New Music 11:24-55 (no. 2, 1973). GB500. Sprenkle, Robert and Ledet, David. The Art of Oboe Playing. Evanston, Illinois: Summy Birchard, 1961.

124 General Bibliography GB501. Stahl, William C. StahPs New Mandolin Method. Milwaukee: J. Flanner, 1900. Not just a performance method work, the present book presents information on writing for the mandolin. GB502. Staples, Jimmy. "Arranging." Crescendo International 13-15 (1976-1978). The author's "Arranging" was a regularly-occurring column in volumes 13-15 of Crescendo International. (See also: GB503 and GB504) GB503. Staples, Jimmy. "How To Adapt Commercial Orchestrations." Melody Maker 27:8 (August 11, 1951). (See also: GB502 and GB504 GB504. Staples, Jimmy. "The Saxophone Big Band." Crescendo International 24:31, 36-7', 37 (February, March, and April 1987). (See also: GB502and GB503) GB505. Stein, Alexander. "Der Rechenknecht mutiert zur Musik-Combo: Arrangierhilfe und Begleitautomatik per Software — eine Uebersicht." Neue Musik Zeitschrift 40:57 (August-September 1991). GB506. Stein, Gladys M. "Arranging Music For Toy Orchestras." Etude 48:546 (August 1930). GB507. Stein, Keith. The Art of Clarinet Playing. Evanston, Illinois: Summy Birchard, 1958. GB508. Stevensson, Kjell Inge. "En kammarsymfonis oede; naagot om Weberns arrangemenag av Schoenbergs Kammarsymfoni, Op. 9." Nutida Musik 25:47-9 (no. 4, 1981-1982). GB509. Stewart, Jimmy. "The Complete Musician: The Art of Musical Arranging." Guitar Player 12:130, 12+, 134 (February, March, and April 1978). (See also: GB510) GB510. Stewart, Jimmy. "The Complete Musician: Introduction to Orchestration." Guitar Player 11:128 (July 1977). (See also: GB509) GB511. Stewart, John D. "Arrange for the Marching Band." The Instrumentalist 18.50-51 (October 1963). GB512. Still, William Grant. "The William Grant Still Reader: The Writings of Still-The Art of Musical Creation." The Journal of Black Sacred Music 6:81-5 (no. 2, 1992). (See also: GB513) GB513. Still, William Grant. "The William Grant Still Reader: The Writings of StillOn Orchestration." The Journal of Black Sacred Music 6:252-6 (no. 2, 1992). (See also: GB512)

General Bibliography 125 GB514. Streeter, Harold. "Arrangement Development." Banjo News 19 (1992). "Arrangement Development" was a regularly-featured column in each issue of the journal throughout volume 19. GB515. Strietman, Willem F "Deodat de Severac — Aantekeningen bij een orkestratie." Mens en Melodic 33:73-8 (March 1978). GB516. Stubbs, Stephen. "'L'armonia Sonora': Continuo Orchestration in Montevedri's Orfeo." Early Music 22:86-100 (no. 1, February 1994). GB517. Stycos, Roland. "Arranging for Elementary or Middle-Level Band." Music Educators Journal 80:40-44 (January 1994). GB518. Suber, Charles. "The First Chorus (Second Annual Famous Arrangers Clinic)." Down Beat 37:4 (August 6, 1970). GB519. Suckling, Norman. '"La clarte francaise' in Orchestration." Music and Letters 27.141-6 (July 1946). GB520. Taber, Norma. "The Writing and Arranging of Church Music." School Musician 31:36+ (November 1959). GB521. Taylor, H.W. "The Use of Timpani in Contemporary Music " The Chesterian 27:75-8 (January 1953). GB522. Taylor, John. "Good Arrangements Make for a Musical Marching Band" The Instrumentalist 24:66+ (October 1969). GB523. Teal, Larry. The Art of Saxophone Playing. Evanston, Illinois: Summy Birchard, 1963. GB524. Thatcher, Howard Rutledge. Foundation Studies in Orchestration: Based on Examples from Robert Schumann's "Album fiir die Jugend, Op. 68." New York: Carl Fischer, 1949. The present volume is a workbook for orchestration, to be used in conjuction with any orchestration text. GB525. Theselius, G. and Luden-Welden, G. "Modern arrangering." Orkester Joumalen 18:22 (July 1950). GB526. Thevet, Lucien. La transposition a vue: methode a Pusage de tons les instrumentistes, chefs d'orchestre et orchestrateurs. Paris: A. Leduc, 1979. The present book is a brief guide to transposition at sight. GB527. Thibault, Genevieve. "Le concert instrumentale au XVe siecle." La musique instrumental de la renaissance: CNRS Paris 1954:23+ (1954). (See also: GB528)

126 General Bibliography GB528. Thibault, Genevieve. "Le concert instrumental dans I'art flamand au XVe siecle et au debut du XVIe " La renaissance dans les provinces du nord: CNRS Entretiens d Arras 1954:191+ (1954). (See also: GB527) GB529. Todorov, Khristo. "Zum problema za obrobotkite — za narodnata pesen I taka naredenata orkestrova narodna muzika." Bulgar Muzyka 24:30-31 (no. 10, 1973). GB530. Tomkins, Les. "A Specific Approach for the Arranger — Dick Grove." Crescendo International 11:26-7 (October 1972). (See also: T108) (See also: GBl94 and GBl95) GB531. Tose, Gabriel. Artistic Clarinet Technique and Study. Hollywood, California: Highland Music, 1962. GB532. Trotter, Louise. The Creative Folk Harpist: Arranging and Performing. Houston. Louise Trotter Harpventures, 1992. (See also: GB533) GB533. Trotter, Louise. "Folk Harp Arranging from Piano Music." Folk Harp Journal 79:39 (Winter 1992-Spring 1993). (See also: GB532) GB534. Turetzky, Bertrand. The Contemporary Contrabass. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974. The present book deals with extended techniques for the double bass. GB535. Turkel, Eric. "Arranging." Keyboard Magazine 18 (1992). "Arranging" was a regularly-featured column in each issue of volume 18 of the journal. (See also: GB536) (See also: T291) GB536. Turkel, Eric. "Arranging. Checklist for Strong Arrangements." Keyboard Magazine 17:110+(April 1991). (See also: GB535) (See also: T291) GB537. Udell, BuddA. "Cash In On Your Counter Display." School Musician 39:40+, 54+ (August-September and November 1967). The present two-part article deals with the use of countermelodies in band arrangements. GB538. Vacha, John E. "The Sound of Musicals: How Orchestrator Robert Russell Bennett Helped Shape Many a Broadway Show." Opera News 58:22-5+ (July 1993). (See also: GB53, GB54, GB55, GB56, and GB57) (See also: T20) GB539. Valek, Jiri. "Prace casto podcenovana." Hudebni Rozhledy 13:865-7 (no. 20, 1960).

General Bibliography 127 GB540 Valentin, Erich Handbuch der Instrumentenkunde. Regensburg: G Bosse, 1954. (See also: GB417) GB541. "Vanishing Art of Arranging" Variety 281 47 (November 26, 1975) GB542. Vaughan, Denis. "Puccini's Orchestration." Royal Musical Association Proceedings 87:1-14(1960-1961). GB543. Veprik, Aleksandr Moiseevich. "Ob ispol'zovanii Vagnerom mednykh instrumentov." SovetskayaMuzyka 33.85-8 (September 1969). This article is an excerpt from the author's book Spetsifika Tembra, (1937). (See also. T294 and T295) GB544. Walldoff, Sven Olof. "Musikskola-arragoeri samaibete." Musikernpp. 16-17 (no. 7-8, July-August 1970). GB545. Walsh, Stephen. "Schumann's Orchestration: Function and Effect." Musical Newsletter 3.3-8 (July 1972). GB546. Walter, Samuel. Music Composition and Arranging. Nashville: Abingdon, 1965. While not an orchestration treatise, the present book deals in some detail with the subject of arranging. (See also: GB420 and GB421) GB547. Weaver, Robert Lamar. "Sixteenth-Century Instrumentation." Musical Quarterly 47:363-78 (no. 3, 1961). GB548. Weisberg, Arthur. The Art of Woodwind Playing. New York: Schirmer Books, 1975. GB549. Welsted, Jon. "Teacher Training." The Music & Computer Educator 2.53+ (no. 1, 1991). This article deals with understanding the subject of orchestration. GB550 Werden, David R. "Scoring for Euphonium." The Instrumentalist 43:32-4 (December 1988). GB551. Westmp, J. A. "Monteverdi and the Orchestra." Music and Letters 21 230-45 (1940). GB552. Wheaton, Jack William. "The 'Hollywood' Lay-Out Technique for Today's Composer-Arranger." IAJE: Jazz Research Papers pp. 161-79(1994). (See also: GB553) GB553. Wheaton, Jack William. "Lay-Out Technique for Arrangers." 7he Proceedings ofNAJE Research 1:170-89 (1987). (See also: GB552)

128 General Bibliography GB554. Whitener, Agnes. "The Art of Composing and Arranging — An Account of Merle Isaac's NSOA Sessions." National School Orchestra Association Bulletin 20:5 (no. 4, 1978). (See also: T138) (See also: GB238) GB555. Wienandt, Elwyn A. "Baroque Arrangements." The Instrumentalist 14:36-7+ (January 1960). GB556. Wilson, Harry Robert. "Choral Arranging." Choir Guide 2:15+ (SeptemberOctober 1949). (See also: T316) (For additional citations dealing with choral arranging, see: T3, T77, T87, T147, and GB290) GB557. Winkler, M. "Orchestral Instrumentation That Enables All Grades to Play at Once." Musician 28.15 (September 1923). GB558. Wiskirchen, George C. "Arranging Eastman Style." Down Beat 33:22-3 (September 22, 1966). GB559. Wolf, Karel de. "Het arrangement, een artistiek parfum.of...een de cologne met een reukje aan?" Adem 24:131+ (no. 3, 1988). GB560. Wolf, R. "Arranging for Success: The Bob Stone Big Band." Down Beat 55:23-5 (March 1988). GB561. Wolff, H.C. "Von der spatromantische zur modernen Instrumentation" Das Musikleben 7:341-4 (October 1954). GB562. Wolpert, Rita S. "Recognition of Melody, Harmonic Accompaniment, and Instrumentation: Musicians vs. Nonmusicians." Music Perception 8:95-106 (no. 1, Fall 1990). GB563. Wright, Rayburn. "Learning How To Arrange — A New Approach." International Musician 59:36-7 (March 1961). (See also: T149andT320) (See also: GB250) GB564. Wyatt, Theo. "Arranging - A Practical Survey (For Recorders)." The Recorder and Music Magazine 4:55-8 (no. 2, 1972). GB565. Young, Jerry. "Selecting Music for Low Brass Ensembles." The Instrumentalist 48:42-6 (May 1994). This article deals with creative approaches to rearranging music to fit unusual instrumentations. GB566. Zakrzhevskaia, Sabina Arturovna. Garmoniia v tvorchestrve kompozitorov Uzbekistatna, Tadzikistana I Turmenii. Tashkent: Izd-vo "Fan" Uzbekskoi SSR, 1979. The present volume deals with compositional and orchestrational styles in several parts of the former Soviet Union.

General Bibliography 129 GB567. Zhao Yong-shan. "Memories of Yunnan for the Zhongruan and Orchestra. Chinese Music 12:56-9 (no. 3, September 1989) A review of the premiere of Memories of Yunnan, detailing the compositional process, orchestration (particularly the use of the zhongruan), harmonic vocabulary, and composer background. GB568. Ziegenruecker, Wieland. "Wir eriaeutern Fachbegriffe. Arrangement." Musik in der Schule 40:26-8 (no. 1, 1989). GB569. Zimmermann, Heinz Werner. "Ravel als Kompositionslchrer." Musiktheorie 3:213-23 (no. 3, 1988). GB570. Zingel, Hans J. "Spaltklang -- das neue Ideal." Melos 19:69-72 (March 1952). GB 571. Zu Fragen des Instrumentariums, der Besetzung und der Improvisation in der ersten Halfte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Blankenburg/Harz. Das Leistungszentrum, 1976. The present volume contains articles on orchestration, improvisation, and performance practice in music from the first half of the 18th century. GB572. Zur Weiterentwicklung des Instrumentariums im 18. Jahrhundert. Michaelstein/Blankenburg, 1986. The present volume contains a number of orchestration-related articles from a congress on instrumentation, performance practice, and related topics in 18th-century music, held in 1985.

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Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises 1772


Francour, Louis-Joseph. Diapson general de tous les instruments a vent. Paris, 1772.


T194. Mayr, Giovanni Simone. Trattatello sopra agli stromenti ed istromentazione. Manuscript, 1820s?


T219. Pilotti, G. Breve insegnamento teoric...di scrivere per tutti gli stumenti d'orchestra. Milan, 1836.



Fetis, Francois-Joseph. Manuel des compositeurs, directeurs de musique, chef d'orchestre & de musique militaire, ou, Traite methodique de I 'harmonie, des instrumens, des voix, et de tout ce qui est relatig a la composition, a la direction et a la execution de la musique. Paris: Schlesinger, 1837.

T152. Kastner, Jean-Georges. Traite gene'raid'instrumentation. Paris: Prilipp, 1837. Supplement, 1844. 1839


Czerny, Carl. Schule der praktischen Tonsetzkunst, Op. 600. 1839.

Tl 51 Kastner, Jean-Georges. Cours d'instrumentation considere sous les rapports poetiques et philosophiques de I 'art. Paris: Prilipp, 1839. Supplement, 1844. 1844


Berlioz, Hector. Grande traite d 'instrumentation et d'orchestration modernes. Paris: Schonenberger, 1844. Second edition, 1855.

T317. Woodbury, Isaac Baker. The Elements of Musical Composition and Thorough-Base: Together with Rules for Arranging Music for the Full Orchestra. Boston: 0. Ditson, 1844. 1860s

T187. Mandel, Charles. A Treatise on the Instrumentation of Military Bands. London: Boosey and Company, 186_.


T103. Gevaert, Francois-Auguste. Traite general d 'instrumentation. Ghent, 1863.

132 Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises T229. Prout, Ebenezer. Instrumentation. Boston and London: Ditson, 1876. 1878

T173. Lavoix, Henri-Marie-Francois. Histoire de I 'instrumentation depuis le seizieme siecle jusqu 'a nos jours. Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1878.




T102. Gevaert, Francois-Auguste. Nouveau traite d'instrumentation. Paris: H. Lemoine, 1885.


T247. Rollinson, T.H., compiler and editor. Treatise on Harmony, Counterpoint, Instrumentation and Orchestration: With an Appendix Treating upon the Instrumentation of Military Bands. Philadelphia: J.W. Pepper, 1886.


T159. Kling, Henri. Populare instrumentationslehre, oder die kunst des instrumentierens mit genauer beschreibung der eigentumlichkeiten alter instrumente, nebst einer anleitung zum dirigieren, bearb. und durch zahlreiche partitur und notenbeispiele aus den werken der berumtesten tonkunstler erlautert von professor H. Kling. Hannover: L. Oertel, 1888.



Coon, Oscar. Harmony and Instrumentation. The Principles of Harmony, with Practical Instruction in Arranging Music for Orchestras and Military Bands. Cincinnati, Ohio: A. Squire, 1883 (also published Cincinnati, Ohio: Fillmore Music House, 1883).

Galli, Amintore. Manuale del capo-musica. Trattatodi strumentazioneper banda... Milano. Ricordi, 1889.

T143. Jadassohn, Salomon. Lehrbuch der Instrumentation. Leipzig: Breitkopf& Hartel, 1889. 1890

T101. Gevaert, Francois-Auguste. Cours methodique d 'orchestration. Paris and Brussels, 1890.


T110. Guiraud, Ernest. Traite practique d'instrumentation. Paris: A. Durand et fils, 1892. *'


T128. Hofmann, Richard. Praktische instrumentationslehre. Leipzig: Dorffling & Franke, 1893.


T323. Zabel, Albert. Ein Wort an die Herren Komponisten iiber die praktische Verwendung der Harfe im Orchester. Leipzig: Zimmermann, 1894. Second edition: 1899.



Corder, Frederick. The Orchestra and How to Write for It: A Practical Guide. London: R. Cocks, New York: E. Schuberth, 1896. Sixth edition, 1923.

T148. Kaiser, H. and Francois, L. Traite1 d'Orchestration pour Musique Militaire. Paris: Evette et Schaeffer, 1896. 1897

T242. Riemann, Hugo. Katechismus der Orchestrierung. Berlin: Max Hesse, 1897.

Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises 133 1898

T214. Pares, Gabriel. Traite d'instrumentation et d'orchestration a I 'usage des musiques militaries d'harmonie et de fanfare. Paris: H. Lemonie, 1898.


T230. Prout, Ebenezer. The Orchestra. London: Augener & Co., 1899. T289. Thomas, Eugen. Die Instrumentation der "Meistersinger von Nurnberg" von Richard Wagner. Ein Beitrag zur Instrumentationslehre. Mannheim: Heckel, 1899.


T313. Widor, Charles-Marie Technique de I 'orchestre moderne faisant suite ar Traite d 'instrumentation et d 'orchestration de H. Berlioz. Paris: H. Lemoine, 1904. Fifth edition, 1925.



Berlioz, Hector. Instrumentationslehre, egdnzt und revidiert von Richard Strauss (2 volumes). Leipzig. C. F. Peters, 1905.

T28I. Strauss, Richard. Instrumentationslehre, egdnzt und revidiert von Richard Strauss (2 volumes). Leipzig. C.F.Peters, 1905. (See: T22) 1908


Coerne, Louis Adolphe. The Evolution of Modern Orchestration. New York: Macmillan, 1908.


T172. Laurendeau, Louis Philippe. The Practical Band Arranger. New York: Carl Fischer, 1911.



Cucuel, George. Etudes sur tin orchestre au Xllllme siecle: L 'instrumentation chez les symphonistes de La Poupliniere. Oeuvres musicales de Gossec, Schencker, et Gaspard Procksch. Paris: Fischbacher, 1913.

T127. Hofer, Franz. Instrumentationslehre mit besonderer Berucksichtigimg der Kirchenmusik. Regensburg and New York: Friedrich Pustet, 1913. T243. Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai Osnovi orkestrovki (2 volumes). Edited by Maximilian Steinberg. St. Petersburg: Rossiiskoe muzykal'noe izdatel'stvo, 1913. 1914


Forsyth, Cecil. Orchestration. London: Macmillan, 1914. 2nd edition, New York: Macmillan, 1935.



Borch, Gaston. Practical Manual of Instrumentation, by Gaston Borch; With Numerous Musical Illustrations, and ParticularReference to the Reduction of Large Scores for Smaller Orchestra. Boston: Boston Music Company; New York: G. Schirmer, 1918.



Forsyth, Cecil. Choral Orchestration. New York: The H.W. Gray Company, 1920.

TI67. Lake, Mayhew. The American Band Arranger. New York: Carl Fischer, 1920. T185. Malipiero, Gian Francesco. L'orchestra. Bologna: N. Zanichelli, 1920.

134 Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises 1921



Clappe, Arthur A. The Principles of Wind-Band Transcription. New York: Carl Fischer, 1921.


Fidler, Florence G. A Handbook of Orchestration. London. K. Paul, Trench, Trubner; New York: E.P. Dutton, 1921.

T150. Karsten, Otto. Die Instrumentation R Schumanns. Dissertation: University of Vienna, 1923. T216. Patterson, Frank. Practical Instrumentation: For School, Popular, and Symphony Orchestras; A Treatise. New York: Schirmer, 1923.



Andersen, Arthur Olaf. Practical Orchestration. Boston: C.C. Birchard & Company, 1924. Second edition: 1929.

T287. Teuchert, Emil and Haupt, Erhard Walter. MusikInstrumentenkunde in Wort und Bild. Leipzig: Breitkopfund HMel, 1924. T309. White, William Carter. Military Band Arranging: A Practical Modern Course for Schools and Private Study. New York: Carl Fischer, 1924. 1925


Carse, Adam. The History of Orchestration. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1925.



Evans, Edwin. Method of Instrumentation; How to Write for the Orchestra and Arrange an Orchestral or Band Score. London: W. Reeves, 1926.

T169. Lange, Arthur. Arrangingfor the Modern Dance Orchestra. New York: A. Lange, Inc., 1926. 1928


Dunn, John Petrie. A Student's Guide to Orchestration. London: Novello and New York: H.W. Gray Company, 1928.

T121 Heacox, Arthur Edward. Project Lessons in Orchestration. Boston. O. Ditson, 1928. T307. Wellesz, Egon. Die neue Instrumentation (2 volumes). Berlin: Max Hesse, 1928-29. 1931


Adkins, Hector Ernest. Adkins' Treatise on the Military Band, by Capt. HE. Adkins. London and New York: Boosey & Co., 1931.

T142. Jacob, Gordon. Orchestral Technique, A Manual for Students. London: Oxford University Press, 1931. 3rd edition, 1982. T206. Nedwed, W. Die Entwicklung der Instrumentation von der Wiener Klassik bis zu den Anfdngen R. Wagners. Dissertation: University of Vienna, 1931. 1932

T123. Hill, Frank W. Orchestral Tone-Color in Russian Music. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1932. T296. Vessella, Alessandro. Studi d'lnstrumentazione per Banda. Milan: G. Ricordi & Co., 1932.

Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises 135 1933

T i l l . Guiraud, Ernest. Traite pratique d'instrumentation. (Revised and completed by Henri Busser). Paris: Durand, 1933.


T125. Hind, Harold Charles. The Brass Band. London: Hawkes & Son, 1934.



Gallo, Stanislao. The Modern Band; A Treatise on Wind Instruments, Symphony Band and Military Band. Boston: C C. Birchard, 1935.

T258. Schliep, William. A Study of the Orchestral Technique of Carl Maria von Weber. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1935. T269. Skinner, Frank. Frank Skinner's New Method for Orchestra Scoring. New York: Robbins Music Corporation, 1935. T319. Wright, Denis. Scoringfor Brass Band. Colne, Lancashire: J. Duckworth, 1935. Third edition: London. Baker, 1967. 1936


Ellis, Norman. Instrumentation and Arranging for the Radio and Dance Orchestra. New York: Roell Publications, 1936.

T126. Hoby, Charles. Military Band Instrumentation; A Course for Composers and Students. London: Oxford University Press, 1936. T288. Thieme, Carl August. Der Klangstil des Mozartorchesters. Ein Beitrag zur lnstrumentaiions-Geschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Borna-Leipzig: R. Noske, 1936. 1937

T196. Merrill, Barzille Winfred. Practical Introduction to Orchestration and Instrumentation. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwards Brothers, 1937. T299. Vilkovir, E. and Ivanov-Radkevich, Nikolai. Obshchie osnovy instrumentovki dfia dukhovogo orkestra. Moscow: Gos. muzykalnoe izd-vo, 1937. T3 06. Weirick, Paul. Dance Arranging: A Guide to Scoring Music for the American Dance Orchestra. New York: Witmark, 1937.


T122. Heacox, Arthur Edward. Project Lessons in Orchestration Philadelphia: Ditson and Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania: Theodore Presser, 1938. T183. Lyon, Ernest Elwyn. Instrumentation of the Symphony Band. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1938. T267. Skeat, William James and Clarke, Harry F. The Fundamentals of Band Arranging: A Text-book for Students. Cleveland and New York: Sam Fox, 1938. T304. Warner, Robert Austin. Proving Principles of Orchestration. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1938.


T239. Reese, William Heartt. GrundzUge undEntwicklung der Instrumentation in der vorklassische und klassische Sinfonie. Grafenheinichen, 1939.

136 Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises 1940

T171. Lape, Alonzo Frank. Band Scoring: A Guide for Incomplete or Unbalanced Instrumentation. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1940. T191. Marvel, Robert. The Use of the Piano as an Orchestral Instrument. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1940. T228. Proctor, Francis Wilcox. The Harmonic Technique ofDelius and its Relation to His Orchestration. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1940. T262. Sellers, Owen Frink. Scoring for the Violoncello in the Period 1750 to 1830. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1940.



Collinson, Francis M. Orchestration for the Theatre. London: Bodley Head, 1941.

T13 5. Hull, Robert Leslie Twentieth Century String Orchestra Music, A Study of the Modern Technique of Scoring for Strings. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1941. 1943


Bazala, Branko. Die Grundlagen der Orchestrierung von Berlioz bis zu R Strauss. Leipzig, 1943.


Chidester, Lawrence W. Wind-Band Orchestration: International Theories and Practices with Deductions for the United States. Dissertation. The University of Iowa, 1943.

T170. Lange, Arthur. Arthur Lange's Spectrotone System of Orchestration. Los Angeles: Co-Art, 1943. T199. Miller, Glenn. Glenn Miller's Methodfor Orchestral Arranging. New York: Mutual Music Society, 1943. 1945

T156. Kers, Robert de. Harmonie et orchestration pour orchestre de danse. Buxelles: Editions musicalesC. Bens, 1945. T210. Ohl, John Franklin. The Orchestration of Bach's Vocal Works. Dissertation: Harvard University, 1945.



Cesana, Otto. Voicing the Modern Dance Orchestra. New York: Modern Dance Publications, 1946.


Chidester, Lawrence William. International Wind-Band Instrumentation. San Antonio, Texas: Southern Music, 1946.


Ehrich, Wilbur Henry. A Study of Orchestration for Band with Chorus. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1946.

T282. Stull, Jane A. Vertical Instrumental Sonorities. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1946. T322. Yoder, Paul Arranging Methodfor School Bands. New York: Robbins Music, 1946. 1947


Adam, William. Styles in Jazz Orchestration. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1947.


Alexander, Van. First Arrangement. New York: Criterion Music Corporation, 1947.

Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises 137 T112. Gunderson, Hugh. Instrumentation and Orchestration for the Modern Concert Band. Dissertation: The University of Iowa, 1947. T146. Jones, John Paul. Modern Instrumentation for Modern Arranging. Dubuque, Iowa: W.C. Brown, 1947. T311. Whybrew, William Ernest. Rctwl 's Use of the Orchestral Brass. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1947. 1948


Diamond, Charles Herbert. Arranging Latin-American Music Authentically, a Reference and Guide to Typical Latin-American Dance Forms with Examples of the Forms Scoredfor Orchestra. New York: King Brand Publications, 1948.


Gardner, Maurice. The Orchestrator's Handbook; A Complete, Concise and Informative Reference Manual. Great Neck, New York: Staff Music, 1948.

T133. Hoyt, Gordon Everett. Arranging Orchestra Music for the Small, Incomplete School Orchestra. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1948. T157. Kirk, Edgar Lee. A Study of the Orchestration Technic of Sibelius. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1948. T164. Krueger, Theodore Howard. The Employment of Orchestral Brass by Richard Strauss. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1948. T200. Miller, Roy M. Practical Instrumentation for the Wind Band. St. Louis: J.S. Swift, 1948. Third edition, Detroit. Wayne Satate University Press, 1957. T231. Putt, Harry A. The Evolution of Orchestration from the Classic School through Berlioz. MM. thesis: University of Cincinnati, 1948. 1949


Bauer, Anton. Der Instrumentator; Einfuhrung in die Instrumentation, mit einem Anhang: Die Grundlagen von Hindemiths Tfieorie. Munchen: L. Kiammerlohr, 1949.

T218. Phelps, Catherine. The Orchestration of the Sibelius "Violin Concerto." Thesis: University of Rochester, 1949. 1950


Buffington, James L. Orchestration Technique in Modern Arranging for the Radio Orchestra. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1950.

TI39. Jachino, Carlo. Gli strumeti d'orchestra. Milano: Edizioni Curci, 1950. T168. Lang, Philip J. Scoring for Band. New York: Mills, 1950. T177. Leidzen, Erik W. G. An Invitation to Band Arranging. Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. Presser, 1950. T181. Lorince, Frank E. The Use of Percussion in Orchestral Works of Maurice Ravel. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1950.

138 Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises T211. Owen, Allan. The Evolution of Instrumentation and Orchestration Since 1600. MM. thesis: University of Cincinnati, 1950. T270. Skinner, Frank. Underscore. Hollywood: Skinner Music Company, 1950. T316. Wilson, Harry Robert. Choral Arrangingfor Schools, Glee Clubs and Publication. New York: Robbins Music, 1950? 1951


Casella, Alfredo and Mortari, Virgilio La tenica dell'orchestra contemporanea. Milan: Ricordi, 1951?.

T246. Rogers, Bernard. The Art of Orchestration: Principles of Tone Color in Modern Scoring. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1951. T285. Taylor, William Aaron. The Orchestral Treatment of the Trombone in the 18th and 19th Centuries. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1951. 1952


Barzizza, Pippo. L 'orchestrazione moderna nella music leggera (I'ABCdell'arrangiatore). Milano: Curci, 1952.

T155. Kennan, Kent. The Technique of Orchestration. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1952. 4th edition with Donald Grantham, 1990. T189. Marshall, Bob Lory. A Suggested Procedure for Arranging and Scoring for Bands. Thesis: Ohio University, 1952. 1953


Downey, Lyle W. and Johnson, Harold McKinley. Basic Orchestration Manual and Workbook. Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown, 1953.

T131. Home, Ivan Francis. A Study of Organ Transcription for Band. Thesis: University of Texas at Austin, 1953. T236. Read, Gardner. Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices. New York: Pitman, 1953. T279. Stedman, Preston. Form and Orchestration in the Pre-classical Symphony. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1953. T310. Whybrew, William Ernest. A Basic Course in Arranging for School Orchestra. Dissertation. University of Rochester, 1953. 1954


Biales, Albert. The Orchestrational Technique of Be*la Bartok. Thesis: Ohio State University, 1954.


Garcia, Russell. The Professional Arranger Composer. New York: Criterion Music Corporation, 1954. Book II published in 1979.

T160. Koechlin, Charles. Traite1 de I'orchestration (4 volumes). Paris: Max Eschig, 1954-59. T321. Yarborough, William C. Dynamics and Orchestration in Symphonies of Dmitri Shostakovich. Thesis: Indiana University, 1954.

Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises 139 1955

T161. Kohler, Siegfried. Die Instrumentation alsMittel musikalischer Ausdrucksgestaltung. Dissertation: University of Leipzig, 1955. T208 Nordgren, Quentin Richards. Texture: A Consideration of Spacing, Doubling, Range, and Instrumentation, Based upon Selected Works of Certain Nineteenth Century Composers. Dissertation: Indiana University, 1955. T217. Pelteson, Edith Emily. A Study of Brahms' Orchestration of the Haydn Variations [no publisher], 1955. T220. Piston, Walter. Orchestration. New York: Norton, 1955. T3I2. Widdowson, Kenneth West. Wood-wind Tone Color. Thesis: Indiana University, 1955.



Frazeur, Ted C. The Successful Use of Percussion in the Modern Orchestra as Exemplified by Three Works of Rogers, Stravinsky, andBartok. Thesis. University of Rochester, 1956.


T106. Gillespie, George Dobson. Orchestration Techniques in Certain Contemporary Brass-Choir Music. MA. thesis: Indiana University, 1957. T193. Mayer, Francis Norbert. A History of Scoring for Band: The Evolution of Band Scoring in the United States. Thesis: University of Minnesota, 1957. T215. Parrott, Ian. Method in Orchestration. London. Dobson, 1957.


T100. Gauldin, Robert. The Historical Development of Scoring for the Wind Ensemble. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1958. T107. Greenberg, Stanley Samuel. A Comparison of the Uses of the String Section of the Orchestra as Evidenced in Selected Works of Brahms and Wagner. Thesis. University of Rochester, 1958. T165. Kunitz, Hans. Die Instrumentation: Ein Hand-und Lehrbuch. Leipzig: VEB Breitkopf& Hartel, 1958-1963? New edition: Wiesbaden: Breitkopf& Hartel, 1992.



Erpf, Hermann. Lehrbuch der Instrumentation und Instrumentenkunde. Mainz: Schott, 1959.


Gardens, Helmut. Arrangier-Meihode fur modernes Tanzorchester: Spezial-Arrangements, Druck-Arrangements, Combo-Arrangements. Frankfurt am Main: Tenuto-MusikEdition, 1959.

T204. Murphy, Arthur Loring. The Bicinia variorum instrumentorum of Johann Christoph Bezel. Dissertation: Florida State University, 1959. T303. Wagner, Joseph Frederick. Orchestration: A Practical Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959. 1960


Anderson, John D. Brass Scoring Techniques in the Symphonies of Mozart, Beethoven, and Brahms. Thesis. George Peabody College for Teachers, 1960.

NO Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises T92.

Fredrickson, Lawrence Thomas. Stravinsky's Instrumentation: A Study of His Orchestral Techniques. Dissertation: University of Illinois, 1960.

T176. Leibowitz, Rene and Maguire, Jan. Thinking for Orchestra: Practical Exercises in Orchestration. New York: Schirmer, 1960. T222. Ployhar, James D. So You're Stuck for an Arrangement. Phoenix: Byron-Douglas, 1960. T302. Wagner, Joseph Frederick. Band Scoring. New York: McGrawHill, 1960. 1961

T145. Johnson, Clair W. Practical Scoring for the Concert Band. Dubuque, Iowa: W.C. Brown, 1961. T166. Kunitz, Hans. Instrumenten-Brevier. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf& Hartel, 1961. T251. Russo, William. Composing for the Jazz Orchestra. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961. T294. Veprik, Aleksandr Moiseevich. Ocherki po voprosam orkestrovykh stiley. Moscow. Sovetsky Kompozitor, 1961. T295. Veprik, Aleksandr Moiseevich. Traktovka instrumentov orkestra. Moscow: Muzgiz, 1961.



Brundrett, Grant Allan. Rameau's Orchestration. Dissertation: Northwestern University, 1962.


Gangware, Edgar Brand. The History and Use of Percussion Instruments in Orchestration. Dissertation: Northwestern University, 1962.

T141. Jacob, Gordon. The Elements of Orchestration. London: Herbert Jenkins, 1962. T186. Mancini, Henry. Sounds and Scores: A Practical Guide to Professional Orchestration. Northridge, California: Northridge Music, 1962. T237. Redcay, Irvin Thomas. The Piano as an Orchestral Instrument: Techniques of Performance. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1962. 1963

T13 8. Isaac, Merle J. Practical Orchestration; A Method of A rranging for School Orchestras. New York: Robbins Music, 1963. T184. McKay, George Frederick. Creative Orchestration. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1963. Second edition, 1969. T232. Rauscher, Donald J. Orchestration, Scores and Scoring. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1963. T273. Smith, Jerry Neil. Arranging for the Modern Marching Band. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1963.

Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises 141 1964


Becker, Heinz. Geshichte der Instrumentation. Cologne. A. Volk Verlag, 1964.


Darvas, Gabor. Pravile orkestrovki. Budapest: izd-vo Korvina, 1964.

T213. Palmer, King Teach Yourself Orchestration. London: The English Universities Press, 1964. 1965


Delamont, Gordon Modern Arranging Technique; A Comprehensive Approach to Arranging and Orchestration for the Contemporary Stage Band, Dance Band, and Studio Orchestra. Delevan, New York: Kendor Music, 1965.



Ades, Hawley. Choral Arranging. Delaware Water Gap, Pennsylvania: Shawnee Press, 1966.


Eversole, James Atlee. A Study of Orchestrational Style through the Analysis of Representative Works of Mozart and Beethoven. Dissertation: Columbia University, 1966.


Fuhrmann, Peter. Untersuchungen zur Klangdifferenzierung im modernen Orchester. Regensburg: Bosse, 1966.

T162. Kohut, Daniel L. Techniques of Transcription for Elementary Orchestra. Dissertation. University of Rochester, 1966. T326. Zlatanova, R. Razvitie na orkestrura I orkestratsiyata. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, 1966. 1967


Agafonnikov, Nikolai Nikolaevich. Simfonicheskaya partitura— vosprosyprakticheskoy orkestrovki. Leningrad: Muzyka, 1967.


Dittrich, Paul-Heinz. Das Arrangierbuch. Berlin: Lied der Zeit, 1967.

T190. Martin, Joerg Christian. Die Instrumentation von Maurice Ravel. Dissertation: University of Mainz, 1967. T205. Mutchler, Ralph D. A Guide to Arranging and Scoring for the Marching or Pep Band. Seattle, Washington: R. Mutchler Publications, 1967. T224. Popa, Aurel. Contributii la instrumentatia contemporana. Bucuresti: Editura Muaizala, 1967. T283. Tanner, Peter H. Timpani and Percussion Writing in the Works of Hector Berlioz. Dissertation: Catholic University of America, 1967. 1968


Dudley, Walter Sherwood, Jr. Orchestration in the "Musique d'harmonie " of the French Revolution. Dissertation. University of California at Berkeley, 1968.

T182. Lovelock, William. The Elements of Orchestral Arrangement. London: Bell, 1968. T252. Russo, William. Jazz Composition and Orchestration. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968.

142 Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises T305. Weirauch, Robert F. The Orchestrational Style of Hector Berlioz. Dissertation: University of Cincinnati, 1968. 1969


Babic, K. Orkestracija, ideo. No publication information. [1969?]


Dondeyne, Desire and Robert, Frederic. Nouveau traite d 'orchestration, a I'usage des harmonies, fanfares et musiques militaires pour faire suite au traite' d'instrumentation et d'orchestration de G. Pares. Paris: Lemoine, 1969.

T144. Johnson, Charles E. Common Musical Idioms in Selected Contemporary Wind-Band Music. Dissertation: Florida State University, 1969. T238. Reed, H. Owen and Leach, Joel T. Scoring for Percussion and the Instruments of the Percussion Section. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Prentice-Hall, 1969. Revised edition. 1978. T245. Rosing, Helmut. Probleme und neue Wege der Analyse von Instrumenten- und Orchesterkltingen. Vienna: Notring, 1969. T277. Spohn, Charles L. and Heine, Richard W. The Marching Band; Comparative Techniques in Movement and Music. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1969. 1970


Baker, David. Arranging & Composing for the Small Ensemble: Jazz/R&B/Jazz-Rock. Chicago: Maher Publications, 1970. Revised edition, Bloomington, Indiana: Frangipani Press, 1985.

T116. Haller, Klaus. Partiuranordnung und musikalischer Satz. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1970. T275. Smith Brindle, Reginald. Contemporary Percussion. London: Oxford University Press, 1970. T292. Tuthill, Burnet C. Practical Orchestration: A Text for College Students and Listeners. 1970. T301. Voss, Egon. Studien zur Instrumentation Richard Wagners. Regensburg: G. Bosse, 1970. T318. Workinger, William C. Some Aspects of Scoring in the Band Works of Vincent Persichetti. Dissertation: New York University, 1970. 1971


Burghauser, Jarmil and Spelda, Antonin. Akustische Grundlagen des Orchestrierens. Regensburg: G. Bosse, 1971.


Crowder, Laurin Peyton. The Development of a Self-Tutoring Program in the Fundamentals of Orchestration. Dissertation: The Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1971.

T225. Pottenger, Harold. Instrumental Handbook; A Guide to the Intelligent Use of Band and Orchestral Instruments. Kansas City, Missouri: Beacon Hill Music, 1971.

Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises 143 T298. Viera, Joe. Reihe Jazz, Band 3: Arrangement und Improvisation. Vienna. Universal, 1971. T315. Wilson, C.B. Berlioz'Use of Brass Instruments. Dissertation: Case Western Reserve University, 1971. 1972


Baker, Mickey. Complete Handbookfor the Music Arranger. New York: Amsco Music Publishing Company, 1972.

T108. Grove, AT. (Dick). Arranging Concepts; A Guide to Writing Arrangements for Stage Band Ensembles. Studio City, California: First Place Music Publications, 1972. T147. Joyce, Jimmy. A Guide To Writing Vocal Arrangements. Studio City, California: First Place Music, 1972. T266. Sistrunk, George Willis. A Comparison of the Two Orchestrations of ''King David" by Arthur Honegger. Dissertation. University of Miami, 1972. T272. Smalley, Jack. A Simplified Guide to Writing & Arranging Songs for Swing & Show Choirs & Small Instrumental Groups. Studio City, California. First Place Music Publications, 1972. T327. ZIotnik, Asher George. Orchestration Revisions in the Symphonies of Robert Schumann. Dissertation. Indiana University, 1972. 1973


Brown, Howard Mayer. Sixteenth-Century Instrumentation: The Music for the Florentine Intermedii. Dallas: American Institute ofMusicology, 1973.

T140. Jackson, Isaiah Allen. Changes: A Study of Stravinsky's Successive Re-Orchestrations of "Firebird" and "Les Noces. " Dissertation: The Juilliard School, 1973. T178. Levis, William Henry. A Comparison of the Orchestration of the Subordinate Themes in the First Movements of the Symphonies of Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, and Schumann. Dissertation: University of Missouri, 1973. T179. Lindeman, Trygve Henrik. Orkesterinstrumenter og partitur. Oslo: Musikk-huset, 1973. T254. Sagaev, Dimitur. Prakticheski kurs po simfonichna orkestratsiya, Volume 2. Sofia: Nauka I izkustvo, 1973. 1974

T274 Smith, John Robert. Changes in the Musical Treatment of the Brass in Nineteenth-Century Symphonic and Operatic Composition. DMA. thesis. University of Texas at Austin, 1974.



Bennett, Robert Russell. Instrumentally Speaking. Melville, New York: Belwin-Mills, 1975.


Cacavas, John. Music Arranging and Orchestration Melville, New York: Belwin-Mills, 1975.


Dersnah, Susan Jane Orchestration in the Orchestral Works of Bernard Rogers. Dissertation University of Rochester, 1975.

144 Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises TI53. Kawakami, Genichi. Arranging Popular Music: A Practical Guide. Tokyo: Yamaha Music Foundation, 1975. T163. Koller, Walter. Aus der Werkstatt der Wiener Klassiker: Bearbeitungen Haydns, Mozarts und Beethovens. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1975. T174. Leckrone, Mike. Quicksteps to Arrangingfor Marching Band. Lebanon, Indiana: Studio P/R, 1975. T240. Reinbothe, Helmut. Wir arrangieren; Hinweise zur Instrumentation in gemischten Besetzungen. Leipzig: Zentralhaus fiir Kulturarbeit der DDR, 1975. T259. Schubert, Giselher. Schonbergs fruehe Instrumentation: Untersuchungen zu den "Gurreliedem, " zu Op. 5 und Op. 8. Baden-Baden: V. Koerner, 1975. T260. Sebesky, Don. The Contemporary Arranger. New York: Alfred Publishing Company, 1975. 3rd edition, 1984. T271. Sledzinski, Stefan. Orkiestra deta. Krakow: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1975. 1976

T120. Hanson, Wesley Luther. The Treatment of Brass Instruments in the Symphonies of Gustav Mahler. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1976. T234. Read, Gardner. Contemporary Instrumental Techniques. New York: Schirmer Books, 1976. T265. Siebert, Edrich. A Practical Guide to Instrumentation for the Brass Band. London: Studio Music Company, 1976. T268. Skiles, Marlin. Music Scoring for TV & Motion Pictures. Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania. Tab Books, 1976. T293. Velten, Klaus. Schonbergs Instrumentationen Bachscher und Brahmsscher Werke als Dokumente seines Traditionsverstandnisses. Regensburg: Bosse, 1976.



Dempsey, Harry J. A Study in Composition for Large Jazz Ensemble. Thesis: Kent State University, 1977.


Deutsch, Maury. Dr. Deutsch Encyclopedia of Arranging: Nine Books in One. New York: Charles Colin, 1977.

T113. Gut, Serge and Pistone, Daniele. Les Partitions d'orchestre de Haydn a Stravinsky: Histoire, lecture, reduction, commentaire. Paris: H. Champion, 1977. T209. Oboussier, Philippe. Arranging Music for Young Players: A Handbook on Basic Orchestration. London: Oxford University Press, 1977. 1978


Bogel, Hartwig. Studien zur Instrumentation in den Opern Giacomo Puccinis Tubingen: Sofortdruck H.G. Vogler, 1978

T290. Toeplitz, Uri. Die Holzblaser in der Musik Mozarts und ihr Verhaltnis zur Tonartwahl. Baden-Baden: Koerner, 1978.

Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises 145 1979


Dodson, Leon. Adapting Selected Compositions and Arrangements of Duke Ellington for High School Jazz Orchestra. Dissertation: New York University, 1979.

T203 Mukha, Anton Ivanovich. Protsess kompozitorskogo horchestva. Kiev: Muz. Ukraina, 1979. T227. Prinz, Ulrich. Studien zum Instrumentarium Johann Sebastian Bachs mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Kantaten. Tubingen: H.G. Vogler, 1979. T235. Read, Gardner Style and Orchestration. New York: Schirmer Books, 1979. T300. Vitachek, Evgeni Fratsevich. Orcherkipo iskusstvu orkestrovki XIX veka. Moscow: Muzyka, 1979. 1980


Blattner, Alfred. Instrumentation-Orchestration. New York: Longman, 1980.


Bostley, Edward John. The Horn in the Music ofGustav Mahler. Dissertation: Univeristy of Missouri - Kansas City, 1980.

T115. Hala, Vlastimil Zaklady aranzovnai moderni popularni hudby. Prague: Panton, 1980. T15 8. Klein, Jason Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition ": A Comparative Analysis of Several Orchestrations. Dissertation Stanford University, 1980. T276. Sochinski, James Richard. Instrumental Doubling and Usage in Wind-band Literature, J908-J 966. Dissertation: University of Miami, 1980. 1981


Del Mar, Norman Anatomy of the Orchestra. London Faber; Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981.


Dmitriev, Georgii Petrovich. O dramaturgicheskoi vyrazitel 'nosti orkestrovogo pis'ma. Moscow: Sovetsky Kompozitor, 1981.

T136. Humperdinck, Englebert. Instrumentationslehre. Koln: Verlag der Arbeitsgemeinschaft llir rheinische Musikgeschichte, 1981. T226. Pravecek, Jindrich. Instrumentationslehre fiir Blasorchester. Leipzig: VEB Deutscher Verlag fiir Musik, 1981. T261. Sebesky, Donald. The Contemporary Arranger \s Workshop. Sherman Oaks, California. Alfred, 1981. 1982


Adler, Samuel The Study of Orchestration. New York: W.W. Norton, 1982. Second edition, 1989


Burton, Stephen Douglas. Orchestration. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1982.


Denisov, Edison Vasilievich. Udarnye instrumenty v sovremennom orkestre. Moscow: Sovetsky Kompozitor, 1982.

T129. Hopkins, Anthony. Sounds of Music: A Study of Orchestral Texture. London Dent, 1982.

146 Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises T154. Keathley, Gilbert Harrell. The Tuba Ensemble. Dissertation: The University of Rochester, 1982. T198 Mikorey, Stefan. Klangfarbe und Komposition: Besetzung und musikalische Faktur in Werkenfur grosses Orchester und Kammerorchester von Berlioz, Strauss, Mahler, Debussy, Schdnberg und Berg. Munchen: Minerva Publikation Saur, 1982. T256. Sandole, Adolph. Arranging & Harmony for Stage Band. New York: A Sandole, 1982 (distributed by Theodore Presser). T257. Schafer, Wolf Dieter. Entwurfeiner quantitative?} Instrumentationsanalyse: ein Beitrag zur Methodik von Instrumentationsuntersuchungen dargestellt an Beispielen aus der Wiener Klassik und der Spatromantik. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1982. T286. Terse, Paul. Studien zur Verendung des Konzertflugels im Opernorchester in der Zeit von etwa 1930 bis etwa 1970. Regensburg: G. Bosse, 1982 (c 1981). T320. Wright, Rayburn. Inside the Score: A Detailed Analysis of 8 Classic Jazz Ensemble Charts. Delevan, New York: Kendor Music, 1982. 1983


Braslavskii, Daniil. Aranzhirovka soprovozhdeniia vokala dlia instrumental'nykhansamblei. Moscow: "Sov. Rossiia," 1983.


Ehrle, Thomas. Die Instrumentation in den Symphonien und Ouverturen von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf& Hartel, 1983.


Erickson, Frank. Arranging for the Concert Band. Melville, New York: Belwin-Mills, 1983.

T249. Runyan, William Edward. Orchestration in Five French Grand Operas. Dissertation: University of Rochester, Eastman School of Music, 1983. 1984


Bailey, Jim. The Development of the Violoncello Section as a Lyric Melodic Color in the Symphonies of Beethoven and Schubert. Dissertation. University of Kansas, 1984.


Fox, Ronald Steven. A Critical Comparison of Orchestration Texts Concerning Brass. Dissertation: Indiana University, 1984.

Tl 17. Hamilton, Amy Sue. The Relationship of Flute Construction to the Symphonic Role of the Flute and Orchestral Performance Practice in the Nineteenth Century. Dissertation: Northwestern University, 1984. T124. Hills, Ernie Marvin, III. The Use of Trombone in the Florentine Intermedii, 1518-1589. Dissertation: The University of Oklahoma, 1984.

Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises 147 1985


Flum, Robert A., Jr. The Use of the Alto, Bass, and Contrabass Clarinets in Selected Wind Band Compositions Written between 1951 and 1972. Dissertation: University of Northern Colorado, 1985.

T104. Gieseler, Walter. Instrumentation in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Celle: Moeck, 1985. T241. Riddle, Nelson. Arranged by Nelson Riddle: The Definitive Study of Arranging by America 's#l Composer, Arranger and Conductor. Secaucus, New Jersey: Warner Brothers Publications, 1985. T280. Stiller, Andrew. Handbook of Instrumentation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985. 1986


Dackow, Sandra Katherine. Arranging for the School Orchestra: An Analysis of Selected Works with Recommended Guidelines for Teachers and Arrangers. Dissertation. The University of Rochester, 1986.


Dobbins, Bill. Jazz Arranging and Composing, A LinearApproach. Rottenburg: V. Gruber, 1986?

T221. Plate, Stephen W. A Study and Comparison of Arnold Schoenberg's "Theme and Variations, " Opus 43A and B with Particular Attention to Instrumentation, Orchestration, and Variation Technique. Dissertation: University of Cincinnati, 1986. T223. Polansky, Larry. New Instrumentation and Orchestration: An Outline for Study. Oakland, California: Frog Peak Music, 1986. T325. Zich, Jarosiav. Orchestrace a sborova sazba; kapitoly a studie. Prague: Panton, 1986. 1987


Barley, Raymond B , Jr. An Investigation of the Value of Set Complex Theory as a Teaching Aid to Teachers of Orchestration. Thesis: Duquesne University, 1987.


Chow, Wayne Yunwei. Twenty Chinese Instruments and "Concerto East and West. " Dissertation: The Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1987.


Dombourian-Eby, Zartouhi. The Piccolo in the Nineteenth Century. Dissertation: Northwestern University, 1987.

T253. Rybnicki, Mateusz. Vademecum instrumentacji. Warsaw Centralny Osrodek Metodyki Upowszechniania Kultury, 1987. T297. Vetlitsyna, Irina. Nekotorye cherty russkoi orkestrovoi kul 'tury X\rlll veka: ob istokakh orkestra v Rossii do Glinki. Moscow: Muzyka, 1987. T324. Zajaczkowski, Henry. Tchaikovsky's Musical Style. Ann Arbor, Michigan: UMI Research Press, 1987.

148 Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises 1988


Bratt, Renata Louise. A Study of String Practice in Selected Large Orchestra Works of Igor Stravinsky. Dissertation: University of California at San Diego, 1988.


Bruner, Tom. Mel Bay's Basic Concepts of Arranging and Orchestrating Music. Pacific, Missouri: Bayside Press, 1988.


Chenoweth, Richard K. The Horn in Opera: A Study in Orchestration with a Focus on Selected Operas by Britten and Strauss. Dissertation: University of Cincinnati, 1988.

T109. Gruhn, Wilfried. Die Instrumentation in den Orchesterwerken von Richard Strauss. Dissertation: Mainz, 1988. T250. Russavage, Kathy Ann. Instrumentation in the Works of Witold Lutoslawski. Dissertation: University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1988. T284. Taylor, Virginia Sue. The Harp in Mahler's "Klangfarbengruppe. " Dissertation: Washington University, 1988. 1989

T201. Moller, Dirk. Besetzung und Instrumentation in den Opern Georg Friedrich Handels. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1989. T291. Turkel, Eric. Arranging Techniques for Synthesists. New York: Amsco, 1989?



Aber, Thomas Carr. A History of the Bass Clarinet as an Orchestral and Solo Instrument in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries and an Annotated, Chronological List of Solo Repertoire for the Bass Clarinet from before 1945.


Carney, Thomas Kent. Rearranging Music to Solve Performance Problems in Very Easy to Medium Concert Band Music. Dissertation: University of Colorado at Boulder, 1990.


Davis, Joyce Francine. The Cornet A Pistons in French and French-Influenced Orchestrationfrom1830 to 1936. Dissertation: The Ohio State University, 1990.

T105. Gilinsky, Joshua Earl. Unity and Opposition in the Orchestration of Tchaikovsky's "Romeo and Juliet Overture." Thesis: Manhattan School of Music, 1990. T114. Habia, Bernhard. Besetzung und Instrumentation des Blasorchesters seit der Erfindung der Vertilefitr Blechblasinstrumente bis zum zweiten Weltkrieg in Osterreich und Deutschland. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1990. T149. Karlin, Fred and Wright, Rayburn. On the Track: A Guide to Contemporary Film Scoring. New York: Schirmer Books, 1990 1991


Alexander, Peter L. Electronic Arranging & Orchestration (2nd edition). Newbury Park, California: Peter L. Alexander Publications, 1991.

Tl 19. Hansen, Brad. The Essentials of Instrumentation. Mountain View, California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1991.

Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises 149 T130. Hornbacher, Mark Jay. "Petrushka": A Comparison of the Original and Re vised Trumpet and Comet Parts. Dissertation : Arizona State University, 1991. T132. Hoy, Patricia Jean. A Comparison of Selected Performing Editions of the Robert Schumann Symphonies. Dissertation: The University of Arizona, 1991. T137. Ingelf, Sten. Jazz & Rockarranging. Lund: Sting Music, 1991. T202. Moore, Hilarie Clark. The Structural Role of Orchestration in Brahms's Music: A Study of the "Third Symphony." Dissertation: Yale University, 1991. T255. Sandell, Gregory John Concurrent Timbres in Orchestration: A Perceptual Study of Factors Determining "Blend. " Dissertation: Northwestern University, 1991. T264. Shen Sin-Yan. Chinese Music and Orchestration: A Primer on Principles and Practice. Chicago: Chinese Music Society of North America, 1991. 1992


Brunelli, Stephanie. The Use of the Piano in the Twentieth Century Orchestra: A Study of Pulitzer Prize Compositions by Copland, Bassett, and Druckman. Dissertation: University of Northern Colorado, 1992.


Cordell, Albert Oram. Ihe Orchestration of Verdi: A Study of the Growth of Verdi's Orchestral Technique as Reflected in the Two Versions of "Simon Boccanegra." Dissertation: The Catholic University of America, 1992.

Tl 34. Hudson, Roger West. The Orchestration of the Guitar Concerto: A Comparison of the "Concerto in A Major, Op. 30" by Mauro Guiliani and the "Concerto del sol" by Manuel Ponce. Thesis. Georgia State University, 1992. T180. Lochrie, Daniel W. A Critical Evaluation of the Current Performance Versions ofMusorgsky 's "Night on Bald Mountain, " Based on the History and Content ofMusorgsky's Original Ex/ant Versions, and, a New Orchestration of "Night on Bald Mountain, " Respectfully Based Upon Musorgsky \s Original Extant Versions. Dissertation. The Ohio State University, 1992 T195. Merck, Alex. Arrangieren mit dem Computer: Der musikalische Einsatz elektronischer Instrumente. Munich. G Carstensen, 1992. T248. Runswick, D. Rock, Jazz and Pop Arranging: All the Facts and Know-How. Faber [n.d] (1992?) T278 Stahura, Mark W. Hidden Scoring in Handel's Theater Works. Dissertation. University of Chicago, 1992. T308. White, Gary Instrumental Arranging. Dubuque, Iowa. Brown & Benchmark, 1992.

150 Chronological List of Orchestration Treatises T314. Wilson, Brian Scott. Orchestrational Archetypes in Percy Grainger's Wind Band Music. Dissertation: The University of Arizona, 1992. 1993


Boresch, Hans-Werner. Besetzung und Instrumentation: Studien zur kompositorischen Praxis Johann Sebastian Bachs. Kassel: Barenreiter, 1993.


Burwasser, Daniel A. A Study of Lou Harrison's "Concerto for Violin and Percussion Orchestra" and "Concerto for Organ and Percussion Orchestra." Dissertation: City University of New York, 1993.


Devuyst, Kelly K. Orchestral Piano: Its Origins, Styles and Repertoire with a Stylistic Comparison and Texiural Analysis of Rakhmaninov 's "Symphonic Dances " and Stravinsky's "Petrushka." Dissertation: Memphis State University, 1993.

T188. Manfredo, Joseph. Influences on ihe Development of the Instrumentation of the American Collegiate Wind-Band and Attempts for Standardization of the Instrumentation from 19051941. Dissertation: University of Illinois, 1993. T207. Nestico, Sammy. The Complete Arranger. Fenwood Music Company, 1993. T212. Page, Janet Kathleen. Wind Instruments in the Music of Joseph Haydn, 1785-1798: Studies in Orchestration, Compositional Process, and Musical Structure. Dissertation: Duke University, 1993. T233. Read, Gardner. Compendium of Modern Instrumental Techniques. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1993. T263. Shatzkin, Merton. Writing for the Orchestra: An Introduction to Orchestration. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1993. 1994

Tl 18. Hamlin, Peter Scott. "Pierrot Lunaire" and the New Sound World of Twentieth-Century Chamber Music and "Skydancesfor Orchestra." Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1994. T175. Lee, Namjai. Orchestral Accompaniment in the Vocal Works of Hector Berlioz. Dissertation: University of North Texas, 1994. T192. Mason, Gordon Edmund. The Development of Orchestration in the Austro-German Symphony of the Classical Period. Dissertation: University of South Carolina, 1994. T244. Robles, Peter Trevor. The Power of Orchestration: A Study of Painterly and Dramatic Dimensions in the Music of Jacob Druckman and William Bolcom and "L 'Auberge du Midi, Symphony No. 1." Dissertation. Princeton University, 1994.

List of Jazz Arranging/Orchestration Treatises T2.

Adam, William. Styles in Jazz Orchestration Thesis: University of Rochester, 1947.


Alexander, Van. First Arrangement. New York: Criterion Music Corporation, 1947.


Baker, David. Arranging & Composing for the Small Ensemble: Jazz/R&B/Jazz-Rock. Chicago: Maher Publications, 1970. Revised edition, Bloomington, Indiana: Frangipani Press, 1985.


Baker, Mickey. Complete Handbook for the Music Arranger. New York: Amsco Music Publishing Company, 1972.


Barzizza, Pippo. L 'orchestrazione moderna nella music leggera (I 'ABC delVarrangiatore). Milano. Curci, 1952.


Bruner, Tom. Mel Bay's Basic Concepts of Arranging and Orchestrating Music. Pacific, Missouri: Bayside Press, 1988.


Buffington, James L. Orchestration Technique in Modern Arranging for the Radio Orchestra. Thesis. University of Rochester, 1950.


Cesana, Otto. Voicing the Modern Dance Orchestra. New York: Modern Dance Publications, 1946.


Delamont, Gordon. Modern Arranging Technique; A Comprehensive Approach to Arranging and Orchestration for the Contemporary Stage Band, Dance Band, and Studio Orchestra. Delevan, New York: Kendor Music, 1965.


Dempsey, Harry J. A Study in Composition for Large Jazz Ensemble. Thesis: Kent State University, 1977.


Deutsch, Maury. Dr. Deutsch Encyclopedia of Arranging: Nine Books in One. New York: Charles Colin, 1977.


Diamond, Charles Herbert. Arranging Latin-American Music Authentically, a Reference and Guide to Typical Latin-American Dance Forms with Examples of the Forms Scoredfor Orchestra. New York: King Brand Publications, 1948.

152 List of Jazz Arranging/Orchestration Treatises T70.

Dobbins, Bill. Jazz Arranging and Composing, A Linear Approach. Rottenburg: V. Gruber, 1986?


Dodson, Leon. Adapting Selected Compositions and Arrangements of Duke Ellington for High School Jazz Orchestra. Dissertation: New York University, 1979.


Ellis, Norman. Instrumentation and Arranging for the Radio and Dance Orchestra. New York: Roell Publications, 1936.


Garcia, Russell. The Professional Arranger Composer. New York: Criterion Music Corporation, 1954. Book II published in 1979.


Gardens, Helmut. Arrangier-Methode fiir modernes Tanzorchester: SpezialArrangements, Druck-Arrangements, Combo-Arrangements. Frankfurt am Main: Tenuto-Musik-Edition, 1959.

T108. Grove, A.T. (Dick). Arranging Concepts; A Guide to Writing Arrangements for Stage Band Ensembles. Studio City, California: First Place Music Publications, 1972. Tl 15. Hala, Vlastimil. Zaklady aranzovnai moderni popularni hudby. Prague: Panton, 1980. T137. Ingelf, Sten. Jazz & Rockarranging. Lund: Sting Music, 1991. T153. Kawakami, Genichi. Arranging Popular Music: A Practical Guide. Tokyo: Yamaha Music Foundation, 1975. T156. Kers, Robert de. Harmonic et orchestration pour orchestre de danse. Buxelles: Editions musicales C. Bens, 1945. T169. Lange, Arthur. Arrangingfor ihe Modern Dance Orchestra. New York: A. Lange, Inc., 1926. T186. Mancini, Henry. Sounds and Scores: A Practical Guide to Professional Orchestration. Northridge, California: Northridge Music, 1962. T199. Miller, Glenn. Glenn Miller's Methodfor Orchestral Arranging. New York: Mutual Music Society, 1943. T207. Nestico, Sammy. The Complete Arranger. Fenwood Music Company, 1993. T241. Riddle, Nelson. Arranged by Nelson Riddle: The Definitive Study of Arranging by America 'sUI Composer, Arranger and Conductor. Secaucus, New Jersy: Warner Brothers Publications, 1985. T248. Runswick, D. Rock, Jazz and Pop Arranging: All the Facts and Know-How. Faber [n.d] (1992?). T251. Russo, William. Composingfor the Jazz Orchestra. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961. T252. Russo, William. Jazz Composition and Orchestration. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968. T256. Sandole, Adolph. Arranging & Harmony for Stage Band. New York: A Sandole, 1982 (distributed by Theodore Presser). T260. Sebesky, Don. The Contemporary Arranger. New York: Alfred Publishing Company, 1975. Third edition, 1984.

List of Jazz Arranging/Orchestration Treatises 153 T261. Sebesky, Donald. Ihe Contemporary Arranger's Workshop. Sherman Oaks, California. Alfred, 1981. T269 Skinner, Frank. Frank Skinner's New Methodfor Orchestra Scoring New York: Robbins Music Corporation, 1935. T272. Smalley, Jack. A Simplified Guide to Writing & Arranging Songs for Swing & Show Choirs & Small Instrumental Groups. Studio City, California: First Place Music Publications, 1972. T298. Viera, Joe. Reihe Jazz, Band 3: Arrangement und Improvisation Vienna: Universal, 1971. T320. Wright, Rayburn Inside the Score: A Detailed Analysis of 8 Classic Jazz Ensemble Charts. Delevan, New York: Kendor Music, 1982.

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List of Band-Related Treatises T4.

Adkins, Hector Ernest. Adkins' Treatise on the Military Band, by Capt. H.E. Adkins. London and New York: Boosey & Co., 1931.


Carney, Thomas Kent. Rearranging Music to Solve Performance Problems in Very Easy to Medium Concert Band Music. Dissertation: University of Colorado at Boulder, 1990.


Chidester, Lawrence William. International Wind-Band Instrumentation San Antonio, Texas: Southern Music, 1946.


Chidester, Lawrence W. Wind-Band Orchestration: International Theories and Practices with Deductions for the United States. Dissertation: The University of Iowa, 1943.


Clappe, Arthur A. The Principles of Wind-Band Transcription. New York: Carl Fischer, 1921.


Coon, Oscar. Harmony and Instrumentation. The Principles of Harmony, with Practical Instruction in Arranging Music for Orchestras and Military Bands. Cincinnati, Ohio: A. Squire, 1883 (also published Cincinnati, Ohio: Fillmore Music House, 1883).


Dondeyne, Desire and Robert, Frederic. Nouveau traite d'orchestration, a Pusage des harmonies, fanfares et musiques militaires pour faire suite au traite d'instrumentation et d 'orchestration de G. Pares. Paris: Lemoine, 1969.


Ehrich, Wilbur Henry. A Study of Orchestration for Band with Chorus. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1946.


Erickson, Frank. Arrangingfor the Concert Band. Melville, New York: BelwinMills, 1983.


Evans, Edwin. Method of Instrumentation; How to Write for the Orchestra and Arrange an Orchestral or Band Score London: W. Reeves, 1926.


Flum, Robert A., Jr The Use of the Alto, Bass, and Contrabass Clarinets in Selected Wind Band Compositions Written between 1951 and 1972. Dissertation: University of Northern Colorado, 1985.

156 List of Band-Related Treatises T90.

Francour, Louis-Joseph. Diapson general de tous les instruments a vent. Paris, 1772.


Galli, Amintore. Manuale del capo-musica. Trattato di strumentazione per banda... Milano: Ricordi, 1889.


Gallo, Stanislao. The Modern Band; A Treatise on Wind Instruments, Symphony Band and Military Band. Boston C.C. Birchard, 1935.

T100. Gauldin, Robert. The Historical Development of Scoring for the Wind Ensemble. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1958. T112. Gunderson, Hugh. Instrumentation and Orchestration for the Modern Concert Band. Dissertation: The University of Iowa, 1947. T114. Habia, Bernhard. Besetzung und Instrumentation des Blasorchesters seit der Erftndung der Vertilefitr Blechblasinstrumente bis zum zweiten Weltkrieg in Osterreich undDeutschland. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1990. T125. Hind, Harold Charles. The Brass Band. London: Hawkes & Son, 1934. T126. Hoby, Charles. Military Band Instrumentation; A Course for Composers and Students. London: Oxford University Press, 1936. T131. Home, Ivan Francis. A Study of Organ Transcription for Band. Thesis: University of Texas at Austin, 1953. T144. Johnson, Charles E. Common Musical Idioms in Selected Contemporary WindBand Music. Dissertation: Florida State University, 1969. T145. Johnson, Clair W. Practical Scoring for the Concert Band. Dubuque, Iowa: W.C. Brown, 1961. T148. Kaiser, H. and Francois, L. Traite d 'Orchestration pour Musique Militaire. Paris: Evette et SchaerTer, 1896. T167. Lake, Mayhew. The American Band Arranger. New York: Carl Fischer, 1920. T168. Lang, Philip J. Scoring for Band. New York: Mills, 1950. T171. Lape, Alonzo Frank. Band Scoring: A Guide for Incomplete or Unbalanced Instrumentation. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1940. T172. Laurendeau, Louis Philippe. The Practical Band Arranger. New York: Carl Fischer, 1911. T174. Leckrone, Mike. Quicksteps to Arranging for Marching Band. Lebanon, Indiana: Studio P/R, 1975. T177. Leidzen, Erik W. G. An Invitation to Band Arranging. Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania: Presser, 1950. T183. Lyon, Ernest Elwyn. Instrumentation of the Symphony Band. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1938. T187. Mandel, Charles. A Treatise on the Instrumentation of Military Bands. London: Boosey and Company, 186. T188. Manfredo, Joseph. Influences on the Development of the Instrumentation of the American Collegiate Wind-Band and Attempts for Standardization of the Instrumentation from 1905-1941. Dissertation: University of Illinois, 1993.

List of Band-Related Treatises 157 T189. Marshall, Bob Lory. A Suggested Procedure for Arranging and Scoring for Bands. Thesis: Ohio University, 1952. Tl 93. Mayer, Francis Norbert. A History of Scoring for Band: The Evolution of Band Scoring in the United States. Thesis: University of Minnesota, 1957 T200. Miller, Roy M. Practical Instrumentation for the Wind Band. St. Louis: J.S. Swift, 1948. 3rd edition, Detroit: Wayne Satate University Press, 1957. T205. Mutchler, Ralph D. A Guide to Arranging and Scoring for the Marching or Pep Band. Seattle, Washington: R. Mutchler Publications, 1967. T214. Pares, Gabriel. Traite d 'instrumentation et d 'orchestration a I 'usage des musiques militaries d'harmonie et de fanfare. Paris: H. Lemonie, 1898. T221. Plate, Stephen W. A Study and Comparison of Arnold Schoenberg 's "Theme and Variations, " Opus 43A andB with Particular Attention to Instrumentation, Orchestration, and Variation Technique. Dissertation. University of Cincinnati, 1986. T222. Ployhar, James D. So You 're Stuck for an Arrangement. Phoenix: ByronDouglas, 1960. T225 Pottenger, Harold. Instrumental Handbook; A Guide to the Intelligent Use of Band and Orchestral Instruments. Kansas City, Missouri: Beacon Hill Music, 1971. T226. Pravecek, Jindrich. Instrumentationslehre fiir Blasorchester. Leipzig. VEB Deutscher Verlag fiir Musik, 1981. T247. Rollinson, T.H., compiler and editor. Treatise on Harmony, Counterpoint, Instrumentation and Orchestration: With an Appendix Treating upon the Instrumentation of Military Bands. Philadelphia. J W. Pepper, 1886. T265. Siebert, Edrich. A Practical Guide to Instrumentation for the Brass Band. London. Studio Music Company, 1976. T267. Skeat, William James and Clarke, Harry F. The Fundamentals of Band Arranging: A Text-book for Students. Cleveland and New York: Sam Fox, 1938. T273. Smith, Jerry Neil Arranging for the Modern Marching Band. Dissertation. University of Rochester, 1963. T276. Sochinski, James Richard. Instrumental Doubling and Usage in Wind-band Literature, 1908-1966. Dissertation: University of Miami, 1980. T277. Spohn, Charles L. and Heine, Richard W. The Marching Band; Comparative Techniques in Movement and Music. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1969. T296. Vessella, Alessandro. Studi d'Instrumentazione per Banda. Milan: G. Ricordi & Co., 1932. T299. Vilkovir, E and Ivanov-Radkevich, Nikolai. Obshchie osnovy instrumentovki dlia dukhovogo orkestra. Moscow: Gos. muzykalnoe izd-vo, 1937. T302 Wagner, Joseph Frederick Band Scoring. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. T309. White, William Carter. Military Band Arranging: A Practical Modern Course for Schools and Private Study. New York: Carl Fischer, 1924

158 List of Band-Related Treatises T314. Wilson, Brian Scott. Orchestrational Archetypes in Percy Grainger's Wind Band Music. Dissertation: The University of Arizona, 1992. T318. Workinger, William C. Some Aspects of Scoring in the Band Works of Vincent Persichetti. Dissertation: New York University, 1970. T319. Wright, Denis. Scoring for Brass Band. Colne, Lancashire: J. Duckworth, 1935. 3rd edition: London: Baker, 1967.

List of Treatises Dealing with Specific Instruments See Clarinet.

Bass clarinet Brass family


Fox, Ronald Steven A Critical Comparison of Orchestration Texts Concerning Brass. Dissertation: Indiana University, 1984.

T120. Hanson, Wesley Luther. The Treatment of Brass Instruments in the Symphonies of GustavMahler. Dissertation. University of Rochester, 1976. T164. Krueger, Theodore Howard. The Employment of Orchestral Brass by Richard Strauss. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1948. T311. Whybrew, William Ernest. Ravel's Use of the Orchestral Brass. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1947. See Violoncello

Cello Clarinet


Aber, Thomas Carr. A History of the Bass Clarinet as an Orchestral and Solo Instrument in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries and an Annotated, Chronological List of Solo Repertoire for the Bass Clarinet from before 1945. Dissertation: University of Missouri, 1990.


Flum, Robert A., Jr. The Use of the Alto, Bass, and Contrabass Clarinets in Selected Wind Band Compositions Written between 195J and 1972. Dissertation: University of Northern Colorado, 1985. See Trumpet.

Cornet Cornet a pistons

See Trumpet.


See Trumpet.



Dombourian-Eby, Zartouhi. The Piccolo in the Nineteenth Century. Dissertation. Northwestern University, 1987.

160 List of Treatises Dealing With Specific Instruments Tl 17. Hamilton, Amy Sue. The Relationship of Flute Construction to the Symphonic Role of the Flute and Orchestral Performance Practice in the Nineteenth Century. Dissertation: Northwestern University, 1984. Guitar

T134. Hudson, Roger West. The Orchestration of the Guitar Concerto: A Comparison of the "Concerto in A Major, Op. 30 " by Mauro Guiliani and the "Concerto del sol" by Manuel Ponce. Thesis: Georgia State University, 1992.


T284. Taylor, Virginia Sue. The Harp in Mahler's "Klangfatbengruppe. " Dissertation: Washington University, 1988. T323. Zabel, Albert. Ein Wort an die Herren Komponisten iiber die praktische Verwendung der Harfe im Orchester. Leipzig: Zimmermann, 1894. Second edition: 1899.



Chenoweth, Richard K. The Horn in Opera: A Study in Orchestration with a Focus on Selected Operas by Britten and Strauss. Dissertation: University of Cincinnati, 1988.



Frazeur, Ted C. Ihe Successful Use of Percussion in the Modern Orchestra as Exemplified by Three Works of Rogers, Stravinsky, andBartok. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1956.


Gangware, Edgar Brand. The History and Use of Percussion Instruments in Orchestration. Dissertation: Northwestern University, 1962.

T181. Lorince, Frank E. The Use of Percussion in Orchestral Works ofMaurice Ravel. Thesis. University of Rochester, 1950. T238. Reed, H. Owen and Leach, Joel T. Scoring for Percussion and the Instruments of the Percussion Section. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1969. Revised edition: 1978. T275. Smith Brindle, Reginald. Contemporary Percussion. London: Oxford University Press, 1970. T283. Tanner, Peter H. Timpani and Percussion Writing in the Works of Hector Berlioz. Dissertation: Catholic University of America, 1967. Piano


Brunelli, Stephanie. The Use of the Piano in the Twentieth Century Orchestra: A Study of Pulitzer Prize Compositions by Copland, Bassett, and Druckman. Dissertation: University of Northern Colorado, 1992.


Devuyst, Kelly K. Orchestral Piano: Its Origins, Styles and Repertoire with a Stylistic Comparison and Textural Analysis of Rakhmaninov 's "Symphonic Dances " and Stravinsky's "Petrushka." Dissertation. Memphis State University, 1993.

T191. Marvel, Robert. The Use of the Piano as an Orchestral Instrument Thesis: University of Rochester, 1940.

List of Treatises Dealing With Specific Instruments 161 T237. Redcay, Irvin Thomas. The Piano as an Orchestral Instrument: Techniques of Performance. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 1962. See Flute.

Piccolo String family

T107. Greenberg, Stanley Samuel. A Comparison of the Uses of the String Section of the Orchestra as Evidenced in Selected Works of Brahms and Wagner. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1958.



Alexander, Peter L. Electronic Arranging & Orchestration (2nd edition). Newbury Park, California: Peter L. Alexander Publications, 1991.

T195. Merck, Alex. Arrangieren mit dem Computer: Der musikalische Einsatz elektronischer Instrumente. Munich: G. Carstensen, 1992. T291. Turkel, Eric. Arranging Techniques for Synthesists. New York: Amsco, 1989? Trombone

T124. Hills, Ernie Marvin, III. The Use of Trombone in the Florentine Intermedia 1518-1589. Dissertation: The University of Oklahoma, 1984. T285. Taylor, William Aaron. The Orchestral Treatment of the Trombone in the 18th and 19th Centuries. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1951.



Davis, Joyce Francine. The Cornet A Pistons in French and French-Influenced Orchestration from 1830 to 1936. Dissertation: The Ohio State University, 1990.

T130. Hornbacher, Mark Jay. "Petrushka": A Comparison of ihe Original and Revised Trumpet and Cornet Parts. Dissertation: Arizona State University, 1991 T286. Terse, Paul. Studien zur Verendung des Konzertflugels im Opernorchester in der Zeit von etwa 1930 bis etwa 1970. Regensburg: G. Bosse, 1982 (c 1981). Tuba

T154. Keathley, Gilbert Harrell The Tuba Ensemble. Dissertation: The University of Rochester, 1982.



Bailey, Jim. The Development of the Violoncello Section as a Lyric Melodic Color in the Symphonies of Beethoven and Schubert. Dissertation: University of Kansas, 1984.

T262. Sellers, Owen Frink. Scoring for the Violoncello in the Period 1750 to 1830. Thesis: University of Rochester, 1940. Woodwinds

T312. Widdowson, Kenneth West. Wood-wind Tone Color. Thesis Indiana University, 1955.

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Index Aber, Thomas Carr, A History of the Bass Clarinet as an Orchestral and Solo Instrument in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuris and an Annotated, Chronological List of Solo Repertoire for the Bass Clarinet from before 1945, Tl. Adam, William, Styles in Jazz Orchestration, T2. Ades, Hawley, Choral Arranging, T3, TB1-TB5. Adkins, Hector Ernest, Adkins' Treatise on the Military Band, by Capt. HE. Adkins, T4. Adler, Samuel, The Study of Orchestration, T5, TB6-TB13; The Study of Orchestration (sound recording), TB6-TB7; The Study of Orchestration: Enlarged Musical Examples, TB8; Workbook for The Study of Orchestration, TB9-TB10. Adorian, Andrew, GB I. Agafonnikov, Nikolai Nikolaevich, Simfonicheskaya partitura — vosprosy prakticheskoy orkestrovki, T6, TB14. Agate, Edward, TB279-TB285. Aho, Kalevi, GB2. Aikin, Jim, GB3-GB5. Aksenov, E., GB6. Aldrich, Putnam Calder, GB7. Alexander, Peter L , TB339, TB345; Electronic Arranging &

Orchestration, 11. Alexander, Van, First Arrangement, T8, TB 15-TB16; First Chart: A New Method to Teach Arranging to Today's Contemporary Musician, TB15-TB16. Allen, Corey L., GB8. Allen, Sir Hugh Percy, GB9. Allured, Donald E , GBl 0. Amstell, B , GBl 1-GBl 2. Andersen, Arthur Olaf, GBl3; Practical Orchestration, T9. Anderson, Craig, MIDI for Musicians, GB14. Anderson, John D., Brass Scoring Techniques in the Symphonies of Mozart, Beethoven, and Brahms, T10. Anderson, Leroy, GBl5. Arnold, Denis, GBl6. Auber, Daniel-Francois-Esprit, La Muette de Portici, T249. Ayres, Thomas A., GB20. Babic, K., Orkestracija, I deo, Til, TB17. Bach, Johann Sebastian, T210, GB37, GB88, GB202, GB310, GB318, Bouree in E minor, GB74; Brandenburg Concerto No. 6, GB305; The Musical Offering, GB396; Saint Matthew Passion, GB222. Bachman, Alberto, An Encyclopedia of the Violin, GB21.

164 Index Bailey, Jim, The Development of the Violoncello Section as a Lyric Melody Color in the Symphonies of Beethoven and Schubert, T12. Baines, Anthony, Musical Instruments Tlirough the Ages, GB22. Baker, David, GB23; Arranging & Composing for the Small Ensemble: Jazz/R&B/Jazz-Rock, T13. Baker, Mickey, Complete Handbook for the Music Arranger, T14. Barker, Norman, GB24-GB25. Barley, Raymond B., Jr., An Investigation of the Value of Set Complex Theory as a Teaching Aid to Teachers of Orchestration, T15. Barnicle, Stephan P., GB26. Barr, Walter Laning, GB27. Barry, Barbara R..GB28. Bartenstein, Hans, GB29; Hector Berlioz' Instrumentationskunst und ihre geschichtliche Grundlagen, TB22, TB24, and TB25. Barthelemy, Maurice, GB30. Bartok, Bela, T91. Bartolozzi, Bruno, New Sounds for Woodwind, GB31 Barzizza, Pippo, L 'orchestrazione moderna nella music leggera (PABCdell'arrangiatore), T16. Basie, William ("Count"), T320, GB97. Baskerville, David, GB32-GB36. Bassett, Leslie, Variations for Orchestra, T33. Bauer, Anton, Der Instrumentator; Einfuhrung in die Instrumentation, mit einem Anhang: Die Grundlagen von Hindemiths Theorie, T17. Bauer, Hans Joachim, GB37 Bauernschmidt, Robert, GB38. Bazala, Branko., Die Grundlagen der Orchestrierung von Berlioz bis zuR. Strauss, T18. Beachy, B , GB39. Becerra, Gustavo, GB40, GB41. Becker, Heinz, Geschichte der

Instrumentation, T19. Becker, John Joseph, GB42. Bedbrook, Gerald Stares, GB43. Beeler, Walter, GB44. Beethoven, Ludwig van, T163, T178, GB413, GB450. Beiswanger, George W., GB45. Bekker, Paul, The Story of the Orchestra, GB46. Belkin, Alan, GB47, GB48. Benda, Richard, GB49-GB52. Bennett, Robert Russell, GB53, GB54, GB55, GB56, GB57, GB538; Instrumentally Speaking, T20, TB19-TB21. Bennett, William, GB58. Berg, Alban, T198, T284; Lulu, GBl54.. Berlioz, Hector, T15, T175, T198, T283,T305,T315,GB29, GB68, GB291; Grande traite' d'instrumentation et d'orchestration modernes, T21, T313,T315,TB22, TB23, TB24, TB25, TB26, TB27, TB28, GB29; Instrumentationslehre, egdnzt und revidiert von Richard Strauss, T22, TB29-TB32. Bernard, Edward, Principles of Music Composition and Orchestration, GB59. Bernardi, Noni, GB240. Bernstein, Leonard, What Does Orchestration Mean?', GB60. Berry, Lemuel, GB61. BessarabofT, Nicholas, Ancient European Musical Instruments, GB62. Besseler, Heinrich, GB63, GB64. Biales, Albert, Ihe Orchestrational Technique of Bela Bartok, T23. Biggers, Cornelia Anderson, The Contrabassoon: A Guide to Performance, GB65. Blades, James, Orchestral Percussion Technique, GB66. Blandford, Walter Fielding Halloway, GB67. Blattner, Alfred, InstrumentationOrchestration, T24, TB33.

Index 165 Bockholdt, Rudolf, GB68. Bogel, Hart wig, Studien zur Instrumentation in dem Opern Giacomo Puccinis, T25. Bolcom, William, Violin Concerto, T244. Borch, Gaston, Practical Manual of Instrumentation by Gaston Borch: With Numerous Musical Illustrations, and Particular Reference to the Reduction of Large Scores for Smaller Orchestra, T26. Boresch, Hans-Werner, Besetzung und Instrumentation: Studien zur kompositorischen Praxis Johann Sebastian Bachs, T27. Borrel, Eugene, GB69, GB70 Bostley, Edward John, The Horn in the Music of Gu.stav Mahler, T28. Bowles, Edmund A., GB72. Bowles, Richard W., GB73. Brahms, Johannes, T107; Symphony No. 3, T202; Variations on a Theme by Haydn, T217. Braslavskii, Daniil, Aranzhirovka soprovozhdeniia vokala dlia instrumental 'nykh ansamblei, T29. Bratt, Renata Louise, A Study of String Practice in Selected Large Orchestra Works of Igor Stravinsky, T30. Breau, Lenny, GB74. Brewer, Roy, GB75. Bristow, A., GB76, GB77. Britten, Benjamin, T44. Broder, Nathan, GB78. Brohn, William D., GB79. Brookmeyer, Bob, T320. Brotbeck, Roman, GB80. Brown, Howard Mayer, GB81-GB84, Sixteenth-Century Instrumentation: The Music for the Florentine Intermedii, T31. Bruckner, Anton, GB287. Brundrett, Grant Allan, Rameau's Orchestration, 13 2. Brunelli, Stephanie, The Use of the Piano in the Twentieth Century

Orchestra: A Study of Pulitzer Prize Compositions by Copland, Basset I\ and Druckman, T33. Bruner, Tom, Mel Bay \s Basic Concepts of Arranging and Orchestrating Music, T34. Brunet, Alan, GB85. Brzozowski, John J., GB86. ButTmgton, James L., Orchestration Technique in Modern Arranging for the Radio Orchestra, T35. Burbat, Wolfgang, GB87. Burghauser, Jarmil, Akustische Grundlagen des Orchestrierens, T36. Burk, James Mack, GB88. Burnette, Sonny, GB89. Burton, Stephen Douglas, Orchestration, 131. Burwasser, Daniel A., A Study of Lou Harrison's "Concertofor Violin and Percussion Orchestra " and "Concerto for Organ and Percussion Orchestra," T38. Busoni, Ferruccio, GB90. Busser, Henri, T i l l . Butterworth, Arthur, GB91-GB95. Butts, Carrol M, GB96. Byers, Billy, GB97 Cacavas, John, Music Arranging and Orchestration, T39, TB36TB38. Cage, R, GB98. Cahn, P., GB99. Cailliet, Lucien, T158, GB100-GB102. Camarata, Toots, GB240. Campra, Andre, GB30, GB274. Carman, Faith, Master Glossary of Symbols and Special Effects for Harp, GBl03. Carney, Thomas Kent, Rearranging Music to Solve Performance Problems in Very Easy to Medium Concert Band Music, T40. Carriere, Claude, GBl04. Carse, Adam, GBl05; TheHistory>of Orchestration, T41, TB39TB47.

166 Index Carterette, Edward C, TB220. Casella, Alfredo, La tenica dell 'orchestra contemporanea, T42, TB48-TB53. Cawkwell, Roger, GBl06. Cesana, Otto, GBl07; Voicing the Modern Dance Orchestra, T43. Chaloupka, Stan, Harp Scoring, GBl08. Charlton, David, GBl 10. Chenoweth, Richard K., The Horn in Opera: A Study in Orchestration with a Focus on Selected Operas by Britten and Strauss, T44. Chidester, Lawrence William, GBl 11, GB 112, GB 113; International Wind-Band Instrumentation, T45; Wind-Band Orchestration: International Theories and Practices with Deductions for the United States, T46. Chopin, Frederic, GB333. Chow, Wayne Yunwei, Twenty Chinese Instrumentents and "Concerto East and West, " T47. Clappe, Arthur A., Ihe Principles of Wind-Band Transcription, T48. Clark, Mary Cowden, T21, TB23. Clarke, Harry F., The Fundamentals of Band Arranging: A Text-book for Students, 1261. Clemencic, R, GBl 14. Coerne, Louis Adolphe, The Evolution of Modern Orchestration, T49, TB54. Cohn, Arthur, GBl 15. Collinson, Francis M., Orchestration for the Theatre, T50, TB55. Colnot, Cliff, GBl 16. Comfort, Annabel, GBl55. Cook, Nicholas, GBl 17. Coon, Oscar, Harmony and Instrumentation. The Principles of Harmony, with Practical Instruction in Arranging Music for Orchestras and Military Bands, 151. Cooper, Lewis Hugh, Essentials of Bassoon Technique, GBl 18. Copland, Aaron, Appalachian Spring,

133 Cordell, Albert Oram, The Orchestration of Verdi: A Study of the Growth of Verdi's Orchestral Technique as Reflected in the Two Versions of "Simon Boccanegra, " T52. Cordell, Frank, GBl 19. Corder, Frederick, The Orchestra and How to Write for It: A Practical Guide, 153. Costello, T.,GB 120, GB 121. Cowherd, Ron, GBl22. Cross, Charlotte M., GB472. Crowder, Laurin Peyton, The Development of a Self-Tutoring Program in the Fundamentals of Orchestration, T54. Cuceul, George, Etudes sur un orchestre au XVIIIme siecle: L 'instrumentation chez les symphonies de La Poupliniere, 155. Curth, Oliver, GBl23. Czerny, Carl, GB479; Schule der praktischen Tonsetzkunst, Op. 600,156. Dackow, Sandra Katherine, Arranging for the School Orchestra: An Analysis of Selected Works with Recommended Guidelines for Teachers and Arrangers, 151. Dahl, Ingolf, Sinfonietta, T86. Dahlhaus, Carl, GB124. Dahlqvist, Reine, GB125. Dalby, J.Philip, GBl 26. Dankworth, John, GBl27, GBl28, GBl 29. Darvas, Gabor, Pravile orkestrovki, 15%. Davis, Joyce Francine, The Cornet A Pistons in French and FrenchInfluenced Orchestration from 1930 to 1936, T59. Davis, Roger E., The Organists' Manual, GBl30. Dawson,Jay, GB131. Debussy, Claude, T198; Preludes pour Piano, GB348. DeCola, Felix, GBl32.

Index 167 Del Mar, Norman, Anatomy of the Orchestra, 160, TB56-TB63. Delacroix, Eugene, TB27. Delamont, Gordon, GBl33;Modern Arranging Technique: A Comprehensive Approach to Arranging and Orchestration for the Contemporary Stage Band, Dance Band, and Studio Orchestra, T61, TB64 and TB65. Delius, Frederick, T228. Delp, Ron, GB134. Dempsey, Harry J.,A Study in Composition for Large Jazz Ensemble, T62. Denisov, Edison Vasilievich, Udarnye instrumenty v sovremennom orkestre, T63, TB66. Dersnah, Susan Jane, Orchestration in the Orchestral Works of Bernard Rogers, T64. Deutsch, Maury, GBl35, GBl36; Dr. Deutsch Encyclodepia of Arranging: Nine Books in One, T65, TB67. Devuyst, Kelly K., Orchestral Piano: Its Origins, Styles and Repertoire with a Stylistic Comparison and Textural Analysis of Rakhmaninov 's "Symphonic Dances " and Stravinsky's "Petrushka, " 166. Diamond, Charles Herbert, Arranging Latin-American Music Authentically, a Reference and Guide to Typical Latin-American Dance Forms with Examples of the Forms Scoredfor Orchestra, 161. Dick, Robert, Ihe Other Flute, GBl37. Dittrich, Paul-Heinz, Das Arrangierbuch, 16%. Dmitriev, Georgii Petrovich, O dramturgicheskoi vyrazitel 'nosti orkestrovogo pis'ma, 169. Dobbins, Bill, Jazz Arranging and Composing, A Linear Approach, T70, TB69. Dodge, Charles, Computer Music:

Synthesis, Composition and Performance, GBl38. Dodson, Leon, Adapting Selected Compositions and Arrangements of Duke Ellington for High School Jazz Orchestra, 111. Doerschuk, Robert L. (Bob), GBl39, GBl 40. Dombourian-Eby, Zartouhi, The Piccolo in the Nineteenth Century, 112. Dondeyne, Desire, Nouveau traite d'orchestration, a I'usage des harmonies, fanfares et musiques militaires pour faire suite au traite d'instrumentation et d'orchestration de G. Pares, T73, TB70-TB71. Dorn, Ken, Saxophone Techniques (Multiphonics), Vol. /, GB141. Douglas, C.W.,GB142. Downey, Lyle W., Basic Orchestration Manual and Workbook, T74, TB72-TB76. Druckman, Jacob, Aureole, T244; Windows, 133. Dudley Jr., Walter Sherwood, Orchestration in the Musique d'harmonic " of the French Revolution, 115. Dunn, John Petrie, A Student's Guide to Orchestration, 116. Dunner, Leslie Byron, A Study in the Reorchestration of Stravinsky's "Concertino, " GB 143. Duron, Jean, GB144. Dvorak, Antonin, Cello Concerto No. 1 inAMajor,GB351. Dziebowska, Elzbieta, GB145. Eastwood, Rodney, GB146. Ehrich, Wilbur Henry, A Study of Orchestration for Band with Chorus, 111. Ehrle, Thomas, Die Instrumentation in den Symphonien und Ouverturen von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, T78, TB77. Eiger, Walter, GBl47, GBl48. Ellington, Edward Kennedy (Duke), T7LGB156.

168 Index Ellis, Norman, Instrumentation and Arranging for the Radio and Dance Orchestra, 119. Englemann, Marcus William, Compositional Techniques Found in Three Orchestral Works ofGyorgy Ligeti, GB 149. Erickson, Frank, Arrangingfor the Concert Band, T80. Erpf, Hermann, GB 150; GB 151; Lehrbuch der Instrumentation und Instrumentenkunde, T81, TB78-TB86. Evans, Edwin, Method of Instrumentation; How to Write for the Orchestra and Arrange an Orchestral or Band Score, T82. Evans, Gil, GB407. Evans, L , GBl53. Eversole, James Atlee, A Study of Orchestrational Style through the Analysis of Representative Works of Mozart and Beethoven, T83. Fahrenbruck, Mary Jane, The Piano in Alban Berg's Opera, "Lulu," GBl 54. Faith, Percy, GBl55. Falcon, Marvin, GBl56. Farkas, Philip, Ihe Art of French Horn Playing, GBl51. Feriez, Roger, GBl58. Fetis, Francois-Joseph, Manuel des compositeurs, directeurs de musique, chef d 'orchestre & de musique militaire, ou, Traite methodique de I 'harmonie, des instrumens, des voix, et de tout ce qui est relatig a la composition, a la direction et a la execution de la musique, T84. Fidler, Florence G., A Handbook of Orchestration, T85. Fink, Bernhard M., Die Geshichte der KorUrabasses und seine Trermung vom Violoncello in der orchestralen Instrumentation, GBl59, GBl60.

Finson, Jon William, Robert Schumann and the Study of Orchestral Composition: The Genesis of the "First Symphony, Op. 38, " GB161, GB431, GB432, GB433, GB434, GB435, GB436. Fisher, Larry Franklin, GBl62. Fiske, Roger, Score Reading, GBl63. Flor, Gloria J., GBl64. Flum, Robert A., Jr., The Use of the Alto, Bass, and Contrabass Clarinets in Selected Wind Band Compositions Written between 1951 and 1972,1%6. Forsyth, Cecil, Choral Orchestration, T87; Orchestration, T88. Forte, Allen, T15. Fortin, Richard, GBl65. Fox, Ronald Steven, A Critical Comparison of Orchestration Texts Concerning Brass, T89. Fowler, William L., GB97. Francaix, Jean, GB333 Francois, L., Traite d 'Orchestration pour Musique Militaire, T148. Francour, Louis-Joseph, Diapson general de tous les instruments a vent, 190. Frank, David, GBl39. Franz, Oscar, Complete Methodfor the French Horn, GBl66. Frazeur, Ted C, The Successful Use of Percussion in the Modern Orchestra as Exemplified by Three Works of Rogers, Stravinsky, andBartok, T91. Frederickson, Lawrence Thomas, Stravinsky's Instrumentation: A Study of His Orchestral Techniques, 192. Freitag, Siegfried, GBl67. Fricker, Peter Racine, GBl68. Friedman, Stanley Arnold, GBl69. Front, Theodore, T22. Fuhrmann, Peter, Untersuchungen zur Klangdifferenzierung im modernen Orchester, T93. Fulkerson, James, GB 170. Funtek, Leo, T158.

Index 169 Gagnier, J.J., GB171. Galamian, Ivan, Principles of Violin Playing and Teaching, GBl72. Galli, Amintore, Manuale del capomusica. Trattato di strumentazione per banda, T94. Gallo, Stanislao, The Modern Band: A Treatise on Wind Instruments, Symphony Band and Military Band, T95. Gangware, Edgar Brand, The History and Use of Percussion Instruments in Orchestration, T96. Garcia, Russell, The Professional Arranger Composer, 191, TB87. Gardens, Helmut, Arrangier-Methode fiir modernes Tanzorchester: Spezial-A rrangemerits, DruckArrangements, ComboArrangements, T98. Gardner, Maurice, Ihe Orchestrator's Handbook: A Complete, Concise and Informative Reference Manual, T99, TB88-TB89. Garolfalo, Robert Joseph, GBl73. Gates, Willis C, GBl74. Gauldin, Robert, Ihe Historical Development of Scoring for the Wind Ensemble, 1100. Gazzaniga, Arrigo, TB195 Geerdes, Harold P., GBl76. Gelb, William, GB336. Gershwin, George, Concerto in F, GB487. Gevaert, Francois-Auguste, Cours methodique d 'orchestration, T101; Nouveau traite d 'instrumentation, T102, Traite general d 'instrumentation, T103. Gieseler, Walter, Instrumentation in der Musik der 20. Jahrhunderts, T104, TB90-TB99. Gilinsky, Joshua Earl, Unity and Opposition in the Orchestration of Tchaikovsky's "Romeo and Juliet Overture," T105. Gillespie, George Dobson, Orchestration Techniques in Certain Contemporary Brass-

Choir Music,!} 06. Gillett, Eric, GB177. Gillette, JamesR, GBl78. Gleason, Ralph J, GBl 79. Gleeson, Patrick, GBl80. Glinka, Mikhail, T297 Goehr, Walter, T158. Goertzen, Christopher Jack, GB 181. Goodwin, Noel, GBl82. Gorchakov, S.P..TB29. Gordon, Philip, GBl83. Gossec, Francois-Joseph, T55. Gould, C. Wallace, GBl84. Grabel, Victor J., GBl85, GBl86. Grainger, Percy Aldridge, T313, GBl06, GB187,GB188,GB227. Grantham, Donald, T155, TB139. Green, Elizabeth A H , GBl90; Orchestral Bowings and Routines, GBl89. Greenberg, Stanley Samuel, A Comparison of the Uses of the String Section of the Orchestra as Evidenced in Selected Works of Brahms and Wagner, T107. Gregory, R, GB191. Grofe, Ferde, GB192. Grosbayne, Benjamin, A Bibliography of Works and Articles on Conductors, Conducting and Related Fields, in Various languages, from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Time, GBl 93. Grove, A T. (Dick), GBl94, GBl95, GB530; Arranging Concepts: A Guide to Writing Arrangements for Stage Band Ensembles, T108,TB100,TB101. Gruhn, Wilfried, Die Instrumentation in den Orchesterwerken von Richard Strauss, T109. Guiliani, Mauro, Concerto in A Major, Op. 30,1134 Guiraud, Ernest, Traite practique d'instrumentation, Tl 10-T111. Gunderson, Hugh, Instrumentation and Orchestration for the Modern Concert Band, Tl 12. Gut, Serge, Les Partitions d'orchestre

170 Index de Haydn d Stravinsky: Histoire, lecture, reduction, commentaire, Tl 13. Habia, Bernhard, Besetzung und Instrumentation des Blasorchesters siet der Erfindung der Vertilefur Blechblasinstrumente bis zum zweiten Welkrieg in Osterreich undDeutschland, Tl 14. Hala, Vlastimil, Zaklady aranzovnai moderni popularni hudby, Tl 15. Halevy, Jacques-Francois-FromentalElie, LaJuivre,1249. Hallberg, Gene von, GBl20. Haller, Klaus, Partiuranordnung und musikalischer Satz, Tl 16, TB102. Haller, William, GBl97. Hamilton, Amy Sue, The Relationship of Flute Construction to the Symphonic Role of the Flute and Orchestral Performance Practice in the Nineteenth Century, Til7'. Hamlin, Peter Scott, "Pierrot Lunaire " and the New Sound World of Twentieth-Century Chamber Music and "Skydancesfor Orchestra,"Tl 18. Handel, George Friedrich, T201, T278, GB67, GB309;Messiah, GBl76. Hansen, Brad, The Essentials of Instrumentation, T119. Hanson, Howard, The Composer and His Orchestra, GB 198; Merry Mount Suite, GBl98. Hanson, Mark, GBl99, GB200. Hanson, Wesley Luther, The Treatment of Brass Instruments in the Symphonies ofGustav Mahler, T120. Harnoncourt, Nikolaus, Baroque Music Today: Music as Speech; Ways to a New Understanding of Music, GB201, GB414, GB415, GB416; The Musical Dialogue: Thoughts on Monteverdi, Bach, and Mozart, GB202, GB423,

GB424, GB425, GB426, GB427. Harrison, A P, GB203. Harrison, F LI, GB204. Harrison, Lou, Concerto for Organ and Percussion Orchestra, T38; Concerto for Violin and Percussion Orchestra, 13%. Hartman, James Barclay, GB205. Haskell, Jimmy, TB 15. Hathaway, Charles, 99 Modulations in all Practical Keys, Scoredfor 6 Brass, 5 Saxs [sic], 4 Rhythm; No Transposing Required, GB206. Haupt, E.R., See Haupt, Erhard Walter. Haupt, Erhard Walter, MusikInstrumetenkunde in Wort und Bild, T287. Haydn, Joseph, Tl 13, T163, T217, GB413. Hayward, R B , GB207, GB208. Heacox, Arthur Edward, Music Supplement to Project Lessons in Orchestration, TB 113; Project Lessons in Orchestration, T121 T122, TB113. Heine, Richard W, Ihe Marching Band; Comparative Techniques in Movement and Music, 1211. Heller, Andrew K, GB209. Helman, H, GB210. Hempel, Christoph, GB211. Herbert, Victor, GB45. Heussenstamm, George, The Norton Manual ofMusic Notation, GB212,GB428. Heyder, Bernd, GB213. Hickman, Ed, GB214. Higgins, Thomas, GB215. Hilf, Robert, GB217. Hill, Frank W, Orchestral Tone-Color in Russian Music, T123. Hills, Ernie Marvin III, The Use of Trombone in the Florentine Intermedii, 1518-/589,1124. Hind, Harold Charles, The Brass Band, T125. Hindemith, Paul, Mathis der Maler, GB220; Symphony in B-flatfor Band, T86.

Index 171 Hirsbrunner, Theo, GB218, GB219, GB220. Hoby, Charles, Military Band Instrumentation; A Course for Composers and Students, 1126. Hofer, Achim, GB221. Hofer, Franz, Instrumentationslehre mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Kirchenmusik,l\21. Hofmann, Klaus, GB222. Hofmann, Richard, Praktische instrumentationslehre, T128. Holen, Jacques van, GB223. Holman, Peter, GB224. Holmes, Guy E, GB225. Hong, Sherman, GB226. Honneger, Arthur, King David, 1266, TB301. Hopkins, Anthony, Sounds of Music: A Study of Orchestral Texture, T129, TB104-TB107. Hopkins, John, GB227. Hornbacher, Mark Jay, "Petrushka ": A Comparison of the Original and Revised Trumpet and Cornet Parts, T130. Home, Ivan Francis, A Study of Organ Transcription for Band, T131. Howard, Doug, GB228. Howard, John, GB229. Howarth, Elgar (Gary), GB230. Howell, Thomas S , The Avant-Garde Flute, GB231. Hoy, Patricia Jean, A Comparison of Selected Performing Editions of the Robert Schumann Symphonies, T132. Hoyt, Gordon Everett, Arranging Orchestra Music for the Small, Incomplete School Orchestra, T133. Hudson, Roger West, The Orchestration of the Guitar Concerto: A Comparison of the "Concerto in A Major, Op. 30 " by Mauro Guiliani and the "Concerto del sol" by Manuel Ponce, T134. Hull, Robert Leslie, Twentieth Century String Orchestra Music: A Study of the Modern Technique

of Scoring for Strings, T13 5. Humperdinck, Englebert, Instrumentationslehre, T136. Hunter, Jo, GB232. Husak, Thomas J, GB233. Ingelf, Sten, Jazz & Rockarranging, T137,TB108. Inglis, Franklin Parker, An Analytical Critique of Rimsky-Korsakoff's Contributions to the Art of Orchestration, TB277. Intravaia, Lawrence J, GB234. Intravaia, Thomas J , GB235, GB236. loakimidis, Demetre, GB237. Isaac, Merle J, GB238, GB554; Practical Orchestration; A Method of Arranging for School Orchestras, T138. Israel, Daniel Raphael, GB239. Ivanov-Radkevich, Nikolai, Obshchie osnovy instrumentovki dlia dukhovogo orkestra, T299. Jachino, Carlo, Gli strumenti d'orchestra, T139, TB109. Jackson, Isaiah Allen, Changes: A Study of Stravinsky's Successive ReOrchestrations of "Firebird" and "LesNoces," T140. Jacob, Gordon, The Elements of Orchestration, T141, TB 110TB120; Orchestral Technique, A Manual for Students, T142. Jacobi, Wolfgang, TB49. Jacobs, Dick, GB343; 50 Introductions, Modulations, Endings; Practical Examples of Modern Arranging Styles as Used by Noni Bernardi, Toots Camarata and Others, GB240. Jadassohn, Salomon, Lehrbuch der Instrumentation, T143. Janacek, Leos, GB378. Jastrow, William T, GB241. Jeckovich, Jeffrey, GB242. Jensen, Dan, GB243. Jennings, Lucile H, Writing for the Modern Harp, GB244. Jerse, Thomas A, Computer Music:

172 Index Synthesis, Composition and Performance, GB 13 8. Jodal, Gabriel, GB245. Johnson, Art, GB388, GB389. Johnson, Charles E, Common Musical Idioms in Selected Contemporary Wind-Band Music, T144. Johnson, Clair W, Practical Scoring for the Concert Band, T145. Johnson, Edward, GB246. Johnson, Harold McKinley, Basic Orchestration Manual and Workbook, 114, TB72-TB76. Johnson, Tom, GB247. Jones, John Paul, Modern Instrumentation for Modern Arranging, T146. Jones, Quincy, GB98. Jones, Robert Carroll, GB248. Jones, Thad, T320, GB 123. Joseph, Don Verne, GB249. Joyce, Jimmy, A Guide to Writing Vocal Arrangements, T147, TB 121. Kaiser, H, Traite" d'Orchestrationpour Musique Militaire, T148. Kandinsky, A, TB278. Karlin, Fred, GB250; On the Track: A Guide to Contemporary Film Scoring, T149, TB122-TB123. Karrick, Cecil, GB251 Karsten, Otto, Die Instrumentation R. Schumanns, T150. Kastner, Jean-Georges, Cours d 'instrumentation considere sous les rapports poetiques et philosophiques de I 'art, T151; Traite general d 'instrumentation, T152. Kawakami, Genichi, Arranging Popular Music: A Practical Guide, T153. Keathley, Gilbert Harrell, The Tuba Ensemble, T154. Keating, J, GB252. Kelch, Carleton, GB253. Keller, Hans, GB254. Kendall, Roger Allen, TB220, GB255, GB256.

Kennan, Kent Wheeler, Orchestration Workbook, TB124; The Technique of Orchestration, T155, TB124-TB139. Kers, Robert de, Harmonie et orchestration pour orchestre de danse, T156. Kinyon, John, GB257. Kirk, Edgar Lee, A Study of the Orchestration Technic of Sibelius, Tl57. Klein, Jason, Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition ": A Comparative Analysis of Several Orchestrations, T158, TB140. Kleinhammer, Edward, The Art of Trombone Playing, GB258. Kling, Henri. Populare instrumentationslehre, oder die kunst des instrumentierens mit genauer beschreibung der eigentumlichkeiten aller instrumente, nebst einer anleitung zum dirigieren, bearb. unddurch zahlreiche partitur und notenbeispiele aus den werken der berumtesten tonkunstler erlautert von professor H. Kling, T159. Koch, Lawrence O, GB259. Koechlin, Charles, Traite de Porchestration, T160, TB141TB142. Kdhler, Siegfried, GB260; Die Instrumetation als Mittel musicalischer A usdrucksgestaltung, T161. Konig, Heinz, GB261. Kohut, Daniel L, Techniques of Transcription for Elementary Orchestra, 1162. Koller, Walter, Aus der Werkstatt der Wiener Klassiker: Bearbeitungen Haydns, Mozarts und Beethovens, T163. Kostelanetz, Andre, GB262. Kozma, Tibor, GB263. Krauss, Hans, GB264. Krueger, Theodore Howard, The Employment of Orchestral Brass

Index 173 by Richard Strauss, T164. Kruse Pujol, Kelly, GB265. Kunitz, Hans, Die Instrumentation: Ein Hand- und Lehrbuch, T165, TB 143-TB147; InstrumentenBrevier, 1166, TB 148-TB151. Kurtzman, Jeffrey G , GB266. Kuzmich, John Anthony, GB267, GB268 Laaser, C.A, Praktische lnstrumentationstabelle fur Militar-lnfanterie-Musik, GB269. La Barbera, John, GB270, GB271. Labunski, Wiktor, GB272. Lacy, Gene M, GB273. La Gorce, Jerome de., GB274. Lake, May hew, The American Band Arranger, T167. Lang, Philip J, Scoring for Band, T168, TB152-TB154, TB338. Lange, Arthur, Arranging for the Modern Dance Orchestra, T169, TB 155; Arthur Lang's Spectrotone System of Orchestration, TI70, TB156. Lape, Alonzo Frank, Band Scoring: A Guide for Incomplete or Unbalanced Instrumentation, T171. Lasko, Richard, GB275. Laurendeau, Louis Philippe, The Practical Band A rranger, T172. Lavoix, Henri-Marie-Francois, Histoire de I 'instrumentation depuis ie seizieme siecle jusqu 'a nos jours, 1113. Law, Alex, Contemporary Pedal Diagrams for ihe Harp; for Harpists, Composers, Arrangers, Students of Orchestration, GB276. Leach, Joel T, Scoringfor Percussion and the Instruments of the Percussion Section, T238, TB269-TB275. Leckrone, Mike, Quicksteps to Arrangingfor Marching Band, 1114.

LeCroy, Hoyt F, GB277. Ledet, David, The Art of Oboe Playing, GB500. Lee, Namjai, Orchestral Accompaniment in the Vocal Works of Hector Berlioz,l\15. Legge, Robin H , T 128. Leibowitz, Rene, GB278; Thinking for Orchestra: Practical Exercises in Orchestration, 1X16, TB157TB169. Leidig, Vernon Francis, GB86. Leidzen, Erik W.G, An Invitation to Band Arranging, 1111, TB170TB180. Leonardi, Leonidas, T158. Levis, William Henry, A Comparison of the Orchestration of the Subordinate Themes in the First Movements of the Symphonies of Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, and Schumann, T178. Lewinski, Wolf Eberhard von, GB279. Lewis, Mel, GBl23. Lewy, Rudolf, GB280. Ligeti, Gyorgy, GBl49. Lindeman, Trygve Henrik, Orkesterinstrumenter og partitur, T179. Lisse, Hans Guenther, GB281, GB282, GB283, GB284, GB285 Liszt, Franz, Faust Symphony, GB347. Locatelli, Pietro, GB174. Lochrie, Daniel W, A Critical Evaluation of the Current Performance Versions of Musorgsky \s "Night on Bald Mountain, " Based on the History and Content of Musorgsky's Original Extant Versions, and, a New Orchestration of "Night on Bald Mountain," Respectfully Based upon Musorgsky's Original Extant Versions, T180. Lockspeiser, Edward, TB30. Logier, Johann Bernhard, Logier fs Comprhensive Course in Music, Harmony, and Practical

174 Index Composition, TB23, TB26. Long, Newell Hillis, TB307. Lorber, Jeff, GB286. Lorenz, Alfred, GB287. Lorince, Frank E , The Use of Percussion in the Orchestral Works ofMaurice Ravel, T181. Lovelock, William, The Elements of Orchestral Arrangement, 1182, TB181-TB187. Lucraft, Howard, GB359. Luden-Weldon, G, GB525. Lui, Lin, GB288, GB289. Lutoslawski, Witold, T250. Lyon, Ernest Elwyn, Instrumentation of the Symphony Band, T183. McChesney, Richard, GB290. Macdonald, Hugh J, GB291. Machaut, Guillaume de, GB404. Machlin, Paul Stuart, GB292. Mclntosh, Ladd, GB293, GB294; Munich, September 5, 1972: Pain, Death and Sadness, GB294. McKay, George Frederick, Creative Orchestration, T184, TB188TB190. Mackensen, Johannes, GB295. Mackillop Jr., K, GB296. Maclean, Charles Donald, GB297. McPartland, Marian, GB298. Maekelae, Tomi, GB299. Maguire, Jan, Thinking for Orchestra: Practical Exercises in Orchestration, 1X16, TB157TB169. Mahler, Gustav, T120, T132, T198, GB223; Klangfarbengruppe, T284. Malinowski, Wladyslaw, GB300. Malipiero, Gian Francesco, L 'orchestra, T185. Mallen, James K, GB301. Malson, Lucien, GB302. Mancini, Henry, Sounds and Scores: A Practical Guide to Professional Orchestration, T186, TB191TB195. Mandel, Charles, A Treatise on the

Instrumentation of Military Bands,!'187. Manfredo, Joseph, Influences on the Development of the Instrumentation of the American Collegiate Wind-Band and Attempts for Standardization of the Instrumentation from 19051941,1\%%. Mansfield, Keith, GB303. Marescotti, A.F, GB304. Marissen, Michael Anthony, GB305. Mariuzzi, Gino, GB70. Markow, Robert, GB306, GB307. Marsh, John, GB308. Marshall, Bob Lory, A Suggested Procedure for Arranging and Scoring for Bands, 1189, TB196. Martin, Joerg Christian, Die Instrumentation von Maurice Ravel, 1190, TB197. Marvel, Robert, The Use of the Piano as an Orchestral Instrument, T191. Marx, Hans Joachim, GB309, GB310. Mason, Daniel Gregory, The Orchestral Instruments and What They Do; A Primer for Concert-Goers, GB311. Mason, Gordon Edmund, The Development of Orchestration in the Austro-German Symphony of the Classical Period, T192. Massey, H , The Complete DX7II, GB312. Matalaev, L, GB313. Mayer, Francis Norbert, GB314; A History of Scoring for Band: The Evolution of Band Scoring in the United States, T193. Mayr, Giovanni Simone, TB 199; Trattatello sopra agli stromenti ed istromentazione, 1194, TB198-TB199. Meierott, Lenz, Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der kleinen Flotentypen und ihre Verwendung in der Musik des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts, GB315.

Index 175 Meinl, Gerhard A, GB316. Melyan, Theodore, GB317. Mendel, Arthur, GB318. Mendelssohn, Felix, T78, T178. Mendl, Robert William, GB319. Merck, Alex, Arrangieren mit dem Computer: Der musikalische Einsatz elektronischer Instrumente, T195, TB200. Merrill, Barzille Winfred. Practical Introduction to Orchestration and Instrumentation, T196. Messmer, Franzpeter, GB320. Mever, Piet van, Leerboek, der instrumentatie voor harmonie, T197. Meyerbeer, Giacomo, Les Huguenots, T249; Robert le Diable, T249. Meylan, Raymond, GB321. Mikorey, Stefan, Klangfarbe und Komposition: Besetzung und musikalische Faktur in Werken fiir grosses Orchester und Kammerorchester von Berlioz, Strauss, Mahler, Debussy, Schdnberg und Berg, T198, TB20I. Miller, Glenn, Glenn Miller's Methodfor Orchestral Arranging, T199. Miller, Roy M, Practical Instrumentation for the Wind Band, 1200. Mills, Donn Laurence, GB322, GB323, GB324. Misch, Ludwig, GB325. Moller, Dirk, Besetzung und Instrumentation in den Opern Georg Friedrich Handels, T201. Monk, William Henry, GB326. Monteverdi, Claudio, GB202, GB224, GB551; Mass of Thanksgiving, GB266, Orfeo, GB516. Moore, Hilarie Clark, The Structural Role of Orchestration in Brahms's Music: A Study of the "ThirdSymphony," T202. Mortari, Virgilio, La tenica dell 'orchestra contemporanea, 142, TB48-TB53. Morton, "Jelly Roll," GB242.

Moser, Hans Joachim, GB328, GB329. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, T163, T288, T290, GB202, GB339, GB413; Coronation Concerto, GB181. Muehe, Hansgeorg, GB330. Mukha, Anton Ivanovich, Protsess kompozitorskogo tvorchestva, 1203. Mulvaney, Elisa Welch, GB331. Murdick, Kent, GB332. Murphy, Arthur Loring, The Bicinia variorum instrumetorum of Johann Christoph Pezel, 1204. Mussorsky, Modest, GB2; Night on Bald Mountain, T180; Pictures at an Exhibition, T158, TB140, GB246, GB288, GB289, GB463. Mutchler, Ralph D , A Guide to Arranging and Scoring for the Marching or Pep Band, T205, TB202. Mycielski, Zygmunt, GB333. Natale,M. de,TB157. Nedwed, W, Die Entwicklung der Instrumentation von der Wiener Klassik bis zu den Anfdngen R. Wagners, 1206. Nef, Karl, GB334. Neff, Severine, GB472. Neinman, Marcus L, GB335. Nelhybel, Vaclav, Music Arrangement, GB336. Nestico, Sammy, T320; The Complete Arranger, 1201. Newcomb, Bill, GB337. Nordgren, Quentin Richards, GB338; Texture: A Consideration of Spacing, Doubling, Range, and Instrumentation, Based upon Selected Works of Certain Nineteenth Century Composers, T208. Noske, Frits, The Signifier and the Signified: Studies in the Operas ofMozart and Verdi, GB339, GB437, GB438, GB439. Nyffeler, Maz, GB340.

176 Index Oboussier, Philippe, Arranging Music for Young Players: A Handbook on Basic Orchestration, 1209, TB203-TB205. Ochoa, Rene Carlos, Stravinsky's "Symphonies of Wind Instruments ": A Comparison of the 1920 and 1947 Versions, GB341. O'Connell, Thomas S, GB342. Ohl, John Franklin, The Orchestration of Bach *s Vocal Works, 1210. Oliver, Sy,GB343. Orr, N. Less, GB344. Ott, Joseph, GB346. Ott, Leonard William, GB347. Owen, Allan, Ihe Evolution of Instrumentation and Orchestration since 1600, T211. Paap, Wouter, GB348. Page, Janet Kathleen, Wind Instruments in the Music of Joseph Haydn, 1785-1798: Studies in Orchestration, Compositional Process, and Musical Structure, T212. Palmer, King, Teach Yourself Orchestration, T213, TB206, TB207, TB208, TB209, TB210, TB211. Pares, Gabriel, T73, TB70, TB71; Traite d'instrumentation et d'orchestration a Pusage des musiques militaires d'harmonie etde fanfare, T214, TB212. Parkinson, Andrew, GBl46. Parrent, Amy, GB349. Parrott, Ian, GB350; Method in Orchestration, T215, TB213, TB214,.TB215, TB216, TB217, TB218, TB219. Patterson, Frank, Practical Instrumentation: For School, Popular, and Symphony Orchestras; A Treatise, 1216. Pavey, Sidney, GB351, GB352, GB353. Peacock, David, GB354, GB355. Peinkofer, Karl, Handbook of Percussion Instruments, GB356.

Pelkey, Stephen Richard, Antonin Dvorak *s "First Cello Concerto in A Major": A Comparison of the Original, Raphael and Sadlo/Burhauser Editions and Piotr Ilych Tchaikovsky's "Rococo Variations": A Comparison of the Original and Fitzenhagen Editions, GB357. Pellerite, James A, A Modern Guide to Fingerings for the Flute, GB358. Pelteson, Edith Emily, A Study of Brahms * Orchestration of the "Haydn Variations," T217. Persichetti, Vincent, T318, Masquerade, T86; Parable for Band, T86; Symphony for Band, T86, GB412. Peters, Gordon, GB360. Petersen, Jon E, GB361, GB362. Petty, Mark, GB363. Pezel, Johann Christoph, T204. Phelps, Catherine, The Orchestration of the Sibelius "Violin Concerto, " T218. Pierce, Edwin Hall, GB364, GB365, GB366. Pierne\ Gabriel, GB367. Pilkova, Zdenko, GB368. Pilotti, G, Breve insegnamento teoric.di scrivere per tutti gli stumenti d'orchestre, 1219. Pirie, Jim, GB369, GB370, GB371, GB372, GB373, GB374, GB375. Piston, Walter, Orchestration, 1220, TB220-TB232. Pistone, Daniele, Les Partitions d*orchestre de Haydn a Stravinsky: Histoire, lecture, reduction, commentaire, Tl 13. Plante, Gilles, GB376. Planyavsky, Alfred, GB377. Plate, Stephen W, A Study and Comparison of Arnold Schoenberg *s "Theme and Variations, " Opus 43A and B with Particular Attention to Instrumentation, Orchestration, and Variation Technique, T221. Plavsa, Dusan, GB378.

Index 177 Ployhar, James D , So You 're Stuck for and Arrangement, 1222, TB233. Polansky, Larry, New Instrumentation and Orchestration; An Outline for Study, 1223. Polk, Keith, GB379, GB380. Pollart, GeneJ, GB381. Ponce, Manuel, Concerto del sol, T134. Popa, Aurel, Contributii la instrumentatia contemporana, T224. Pottenger, Harold, Instrumental Handbook; A Guide to the Intelligent Use of Band and Orchestral Instruments, 1225. Potter, Louis, The Art of Cello Playing, GB383. Pravecek, Jindrich, Instrumentationslehre fur Blasorchester, T226, TB234TB236. Praxcia, V.K, GB384. Pressing, Jeff, Synthesizer Performance and Real-Time Techniques, GB385, GB440. Priestly, Brian, GB386. Prinz, Ulrich, Studien zum Instrumentarium Johann Sebastian Bachs mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Kantaten, 1221, TB237. Procksch, Gaspard, T55. Proctor, Francis Wilcox, The Harmonic Technique ofDelius and its Relation to His Orchestration, T228. Prout, Ebenezer, GB387; Instrumentation, 1229, The Orchestra, T230. Puccini, Giacomo, GB542. Pupping, Peter, GB388, GB389. Putnik, Edwin, The Art of Flute Playing, GB390. Putt, Harry A, The Evolution of Orchestration from the Classic School through Berlioz, T231. Quantz, Johann Joachim, GB396. Race, Steve, GB391, GB392, GB393,

GB394 Rachmaninoff, Sergei, Symphonic Dances, 166. Raidt, Jurgen, GB395. Rameau, Jean-Philippe, GB274. Rampe, Siegbert, GB396. Rascher, Sigurd, lop-Tones for the Saxophone, GB398. Rastall, Richard, GB399. Rauschenberg, Dale, GB400. Rauscher, Donald J, Orchestration, Scores, and Scoring, 1232, TB238. Ravel, Maurice, T158, T18I, T190, T311, TB 197, GB569; Pictures at an Exhibition (orchestration), GB288, GB289, GB463; Trois poetries de Siephane Mallarme, Tl 18. Rayson, Cyril, GB401, GB402. Read, Gardner, Compendium of Modern Instrumental Techniques, T233; Contemporary Instrumental Techniques, T234, TB239, TB240, TB241, TB242, TB243, TB244, TB245, TB246, TB247, TB248, TB249, TB250; Music Notation: A Manual of Modern Practice, GB403, GB422, Style and Orchestration, T235, TB251, TB252, TB253, TB254; Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices, T236, TB255, TB256, TB257, TB258, TB259, TB260, TB261, TB262, TB263, TB264, TB264, TB265, TB266, TB267, TB268. Reaney, Gilbert, GB404. Rebel, Jean-Fery, Jepthe de Mounteclair, GB69; Symphonie des elemens, GB69. Redcay, Irvin Thomas, The Piano as an Orchestral Instrument: Techniques of Performance, 1231. Reed, Alfred, GB405. Reed, H Owen, Scoring for Percussion and the Instruments of the Percussion Section, T238, TB269-TB275.

178 Index Reese, William Heartt, GrundzUge und Entwicklung der Instrumentation in der vorklassische und klassische Sinfonie, T239. Rees-Rohrbacher, Darhon, The Pocket Guide to Harp Composing, GB406. Reeves, Scott D , GB407. Rehfeld, Philip, New Directions for ihe Clarinet, GB408. Reinbothe, Helmut, GB409, GB410, GB411; Wir arrangieren; Hinweise zur Instrumentation in gemischten Besetzungen, 1240, TB276. Renshaw, Jeffrey, GB412. Revelli, William D , GB413. Rhoads, William E,GB441. Ricci, B , GB442. Richards, Edwin Michael, The Clarinet of the Twenty-First Century, GB443. Riddle, Nelson, Arranged by Nelson Riddle: The Definitive Study of Arranging by America 'sUl Composer, Arranger and Conductor, 1241. Riddle, Peter, H, GB444, GB445. Riemann, Hugo, Katechismus der Orchestrierung, 1242. Riley, Laurie, GB446. Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai, GB442; Osnovt orkestrovki, T243, TB277, TB278, TB279, TB280, TB281, TB283, TB284, TB285. Ringler, Alexander Lothar, GB447. Rinzler, Paul E , Jazz Arranging and Performance Practice: A Guide for Small Ensembles, GB418, GB419,GB448. Roads, Curtis, Foundations of Computer Music, GB449. Robert, Frederic, Nouveau traite' d'orchestration,d Pusage des harmonies, fanfares et musiques militaires pour faire suite au traitt d 'instrumentation et d'orchestration de G. Pares, T73,TB70-TB71. Robles, Peter Trevor, L 'Auberge du

Midi, Symphony No. 1,1244; The Power of Orchestration: A Study of Painterly and Dramatic Dimensions in the Music of Jacob Druckman and William Bolcom and "L 'Auberge du Midi, Symphony No. 1, " 1244. Rodgers, Richard, GBl79. Rosing, Helmut, GB450; Probleme und neue Wege der Analyse von Instrumenten- und Orchesterkldngen, 1245, TB286. Rogers, Bernard, T64, T91; The Art of Orchestration: Principles of Tone Color in Modern Scoring, 1246, TB287-TB292. Rogers, George L, GB451. Rollinson, T.H, Treatise on Harmony, Counterpoint, Instrumentation and Orchestration: With an Appendix Treating upon the Instrumentation of Military Bands, 1241. Rona, Jeff, GB453. Rosell, Karen Joan, Color: A Credible Link Between the Paintings of Eugene Delacroix and the Music of Hector Berlioz, TB27. Rosenthal, Carl A, Practical Guide to Music Notation for Composers, Arrangers and Editors, GB429, GB430, GB454. Rossini, Giacomo, T297, GB473; Guillaume Tell, 1249. Roth, Henry, GB455. Rothrock, Carson, GB496. Rudolph, Thomas E , GB456. Rugolo, Pete, GB359. Runswick, D , Rock, Jazz and Pop Arranging: All the Facts and Know-How, T248, TB293. Runyan, William Edward, GB457; Orchestration in Five French Grand Operas, 1249. Ruskin, Rick, GB458. Russavage, Kathy Ann, Instrumentation in the Works of Witold Lutoslawski, 1250. Russo, William, Composing for the Jazz Orchestra, T251, lh294,Jazz

Index 179 Composition and Orchestration, T252. Rybnicki, Mateusz, Vademecum instrumentacji, 1253, TB295. Sabin, Robert, GB459. Sachs, Curt, GB460. Saenger, Gustav, T159. Sagaev, Dimitur, Prakticheski kurspo simfonichna orkestratsiya, 1254, TB296. Salaman, William, GB461, GB462. Salas, Randy A, GB463. Salm, Rene, GB464. Sal'nikov, Georgy Ivanovich, GB465. Salvetti, Guido, GB466. Salzedo, Carlos, Modern Study for the Harp, GB467. Sandell, Gregory John, Concurrent Timbres in Orchestration: A Perceptual Study of Factors Determining "Blend," 1255. Sandole, Adolph, Arranging & Harmony for Stage Band, 1256. Sandow, Gregory, GB468. Schatzle, M , TB49. Schafer, Wolf Dieter, Entwurfeiner quantitativen Instrumentationsanalyse: ein Beitrag zur Methodik von Instrumentationsuntersuchungen dargestellt an Beispielen aus der Wiener Klassik und der Spatromantik, 1251. Schainman, Irwin, GB469. Schiff, Charles, GB455. Schilling, Ed, GB470. Schilling, Hans Ludwig, GB471. Schillinger, Joseph, GB49, GB50, GB51,GB52,GB296, GB391, GB392. Schliep, William, A Study of the Orchestral Technique of Carl Maria con Weber, T258. Schonberg, Arnold, T198, T284, T293, GB310, Chamber Symphony, Op. 9, GB511; Coherence, Counterpoint, Instrumentation, Instruction in Form, GB472; Gurreliedem, 1259, TB297;

Pierrot Lunaire, Tl 18. Schubert, Franz, T178. Schubert, Giselher, Schdnbergs fruehe Instrumentation: Untersuchungen zu den "Gurreliedem, " zu Op. 5 und Op. 8,1259, TB297. Schuhmacher, Gerhard, GB473. Schuller, Gunther, Horn Technique, GB474. Schumann, Robert, T132, T178, T327, GB320, GB475, GB476, GB545; Symphony No. 1, Op. 38, GB161. Sebesky, Don, The Contemporary Arranger, 1260, TB298; The Contemporary Arranger's Workshop,126\,im99. Seibold, Wolfgang, GB475, GB476. Seifers, Heinrich, Systematik der Blasinstrumente. Eine Instrumentenlehre in Tabellenform, GB477. Selfridge-Field, Eleanor, GB478. Sellers, Owen Frink, Scoringfor the Violoncello in the Period 1750 to 1830,1262. Semenov, Yu, GB479. Severac, Deodat de, GB515. Sevitzky, Fabien, T158. Shatzkin, Merton, Writingfor the Orchestra: An Introduction to Orchestration, 1263. Shen Sin-Yan, GB480, GB481, GB482; Chinese Music and Orchestration: A Primer on Principles and Practice, T264, TB300. Shirley, Charlie, GB483, GB484, GB485, GB486. Shirley, Wayne D , GB487. Shoop, Steve, GB488. Shostakovich, Dmitri, T321. Sibelius, Jean, T157, Violin Concerto, T218. Siebert, Edrich, A Practical Guide to Instrumentation for the Brass Band, 1265. Simmonds, Ron, GB489, GB490, GB491,GB492.

180 Index Simons, Richard A, GB493. Simpson, Palgrave, GB494. Singleton, Esther, The Orchestra and Its Instruments, GB495. Sisk, Lawrence Theodore, TB196. Sistrunk, George Willis, A Comparison of the Two Orchestrations of "King David" by Arthur Honegger, 1266,1B30\. Skeat, William James, The Fundamentals of Band Arranging: A Text-book for Students, 1261. Skiles, Marlin, Music Scoring for TV & Motion Pictures, T268. Skinner, Frank, Frank Skinner's New Methodfor Orchestra Scoring, T269; Underscore, 1210, TB302-TB304. Slatkin, Leonard, GB463. Sledzinski, Stefan, Orkiestra deta, T271. Smalley, Jack, A Simplified Guide to Writing & Arranging Songs for Swing & Show Choirs & Small Instrumental Groups, 1212, TB305-TB306. Smith, Denver, GB453. Smith, Gertrude Jean Shaw, GB496. Smith, Jerry Neil, Arranging for the Modern Marching Band, 1213, TB307. Smith, John C, GB497. Smith, John Robert, Changes in the Musical Treatment of the Brass in Nineteenth-Century Symphonic and Operatic Composition, 1214. Smith Brindle, Reginald, GB31; Contemporary Percussion, 1215, TB308-TB311. Sochinski, James Richard, Instrumental Doubling and Usage in Windband Literature, 1908-1966, 1216. Sousa, John Philip, GBl22. Spelda, Antonin, Akustische Grundlagen des Orchestrierens, T36. Spencer, William G, The Art of Bassoon Playing, GB498. Spies, Claudio, GB499.

Spohn, Charles L, The Marching Band; Comparative Techniques in Movement and Music, 1211. Sprenkle, Robert, The Art of Oboe Playing, GB500. Stahl, William C, Stahl's New Mandolin Method, GB501. Stahura, Mark W, Hidden Scoring in Handel's Theater Works, 121%. Staples, Jimmy, GB502, GB503, GB504. Stedman, Preston, Form and Orchestration in the Preclassical Symphony, 1219. Stein, Alexander, GB505. Stein, Carl, TB23. Stein, Gladys M, GB509. Stein, Keith, The Art of Clarinet Playing, GB510. Steinberg, Maximilian, T243, TB279. Stevensson, Kjell Inge, GB511. Stewart, Jimmy, GB509 GB510. Stewart, John D , GB511. Still, William Grant, GB512, GB513. Stiller, Andrew, Handbook of Instrumentation, T280, TB312TB313. Stokowski, Leopold, T158. Stone, Bob, GB560. Stone, E , GB356. Stone, K, GB356. Strauss, Richard, T44, T109, T164, T198; Die Frau ohne Schatten, GB307; Instrumentationslehre, egdnzt und revidiert von Richard Strauss, 122, T281,TB29TB32. Stravinsky, Igor, T30, T91, T92, Tl 13, GB273, GB471; Concertino, GB143, Firebird, 1140, Les Noces, T140, GB28; Petroushka, 166,1130, Scptett 1953, GB471; Symphonies of Wind Instruments, GB341; Three Japanese Lyrics, Tl 18. Strawn, John, Foundations of Computer Music, GB449. Streeter, Harold, GB514. Strietman, Willem F, GB515. Stubbs, Stephen, GB516.

Index 181 Stull, Jane A, Vertical Instrumental Sonorities, T282. Stycos, Roland, GB517. Suddard, Edward, T102. Suber, Charles, GB518. Suckling, Norman, GB519. Szell, George, T132. Taber, Norma, GB520. Tanner, Peter H, Timpani and Percussion Writing in the Works of Hector Berlioz, T283. Tannigel, Fritz, Handbook of Percussion Instruments, GB356. Taylor, H.W, GB521. Taylor, John, GB522. Taylor, Virginia Sue, The Harp in Mahler's "Klangfarbengruppe," T284. Taylor, William Aaron, The Orchestral Treatment of the Trombone in the 18th and 19th Centuries, T285. Tchaikovsky, Piotr Ilyich, T324, GB245; Rococo Variations, GB357; Romeo and Juliet Overture, T105. Teal, Larry, The Art of Saxophone Playing, GB523. Terse, Paul, Studien zur Verendung ders Konzertflugels im Opernorchester in der Zeit von etwa 1930 bis etwa 1970, T286. Teuchert, Emil, Musik-Instrumetenkunde inWortundBild,12%l. Teuchert, H, See Teuchert, Emil. Thatcher, Howard Rutledge, Foundation Studies in Orchestration: Based on Examples from Robert Schumann's "Album fiir die Jugend, Op 68, " GB524 Theselius, G, GB525. Thevet, Lucien, La transposition a vue: methode a I 'usage de tous les instrumentistes, chefs d 'orchestre et orchestrateurs, GB526. Thibault, Genevieve, GB527, GB528. Thieme, Carl August, Der Khmgstil des Mozartorchcsters. Ein Beitrag

zur Instrumentations-Geschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts, T288. Thomas, Eugen, Die Instrumentation der "Meistersinger von Nurnberg" von Richard Wagner, T289. Tilford, William Roberts, GBl92. Todorov, Khristo, GB529. Toeplitz, Uri, Die Holzblaser in der Music Mozarts und ihr Verhaltnis zur Tonartwahl, 1290. Tomkins, Les, GB530. Toplansky, Howard, Essentials of Bassoon Technique, GB 118. Toscanini, Arturo, T132. Tose, Gabriel, Artistic Clarinet Technique and Study, GB531. Trotter, Louise, GB533; The Creative Folk Harpist: Arranging and Performing, GB532. Turetzky, Bertrand, The Contemporary Contrabass, GB534. Turkel, Eric, GB535, GB536; Arranging Techniques for S\ nthesists, T291,TB314, TB315. Tushmalov, Mikhail, Tl58. Tuthill, Burnet C, Practical Orchestration: A Text for College Students and Listeners, 1292. Udell, Budd A, GB537. Vacha, John E, GB 538. Valek, Jiri, GB539. Valentin, Erich, Handbuch der Instrumentenkunde, GB417, GB540. Vaughn, Denis, GB542. Velten, Klaus, Schdnbergs Instrumentationen Bachscher und Brahmsscher Werke als Dokumente seines Traditionsverstandnisses, T293. Veprik, Aleksandr Moiseevich, GB543; Ocherki po voprosam orkestrovykh stiley, T294, TB316; Spetsifika Tembra, GB 543; 7 Yaktovka instrumentov

182 Index orkestra, 1295, TB317. Verdi, Giuseppi, GB339; Simon Boccanegra, T52. Vessella, Alessandro, Studi d'Instrumentazione per Banda, 1296. Vetlitsyna, Irina, Nekotorye cherty russkoi orkestrovoi kul 'tury XVHIveka: ob istrokakh orkestra v Rossii do Glinka, 1291. Viera, Joe, Arrangement und Improvisation, TB324; Reihe Hazz, Band 3: Arrangement und Improvisation, T298, TB318TB324. Vilkovir, E , Obshchie osnovy instrumentovki dlia dukhovogo orkestra, 1299. Vitachek, Evgeni Fratsevich, Orcherki po iskusst\m orkestrovki XIX veka, 1300, TB325. Voss, Egon, Studien zur Instrumentation Richard Wagners, T301, TB326TB331. Wagner, Joseph Frederick, Band Scoring, 1302, TB332-TB339, Orchestration: A Practical Handbook, 1303, TB340TB345; Sequencing and Arranging, TB339, TB345. Wagner, Richard, T107, T206, T301, GB306, GB413; Der Meistersinger von Nurnberg, T289; Parsifal, GB263. Walldoff, Sven Olof, GB544. Walsh, Stephen, GB545. Walter, Samuel, Music Composition and Arranging, GB420, GB421, GB546. Warner, Robert Austin, Proving Principles of Orchestration, 1304. Warrack, Guy, TB28. Weaver, Robert Lamar, GB547. Weber, Carl Maria von, T258, GB260. Webern, Anton, T284, GB37. Weingartner, Felix, T132. Weirauch, Robert F, The

Orchestrational Style of Hector Berlioz, T305. Weirick, Paul, Dance Arranging: A Guide to Scoring Music for the American Dance Orchestra, 1306. Weisberg, Arthur, The Art of Woodwind Playing, GB548. Wellesz, Egon, Die neue Instrumentation, 1301. Welsted, Jon, GB549. Werden, David R, GB550. Westrup,J.A,GB551. Whaley, George Boyd, GBl73. Wheaton, Jack William, GB552, GB553. White, Gary, Instrumental Arranging, T308, TB346-TB347. White, William Carter, Military Band Arranging: A Practical Modern Course for Schools and Private Study, 1309. Whiteman, Paul, GB469. Whitener, Agnes, GB554. Whybrew, William Ernest, A Basic Course in Arranging for School Orchestra,13\0,lK34%, Ravel's Use of the Orchestral Brass, T311. Widdowson, Kenneth West, Wood-wind Tone Color, 1312. Widor, Charles-Marie, Technique de I 'orchestre moderne faisant suite ar Traite d'instrumentation et d'orchestration de H. Berlioz, T313. Wienandt, Elwyn A, GB555. Wilkins, Ernie, GBl04. Wilson, Brian Scott, Orchestrational Archetypes in Percy Grainger's Wind Band Music, T314. Wilson, C.B, Berlioz' Use of Brass Instruments, T315. Wilson, Harry Robert, GB556; Choral Arranging for Schools, Glee Clubs and Publication, 1316, TB349. Winkler, M, GB557. Wiskirchen, George C, GB558. Wolf, Karel de, GB559. Wolf, R, GB560.

Index 183 Wolff, H.C, GB561 Wolpert, Rita S, GB562. Wood, Sir Henry, T158. Woodbury, Isaac Baker, The Elements of Musical Composition and Thorough-Base: Together with Rules for Arranging Music for the Full Orchestra, 1317. Woollett, Henri Edouard, GB367. Workinger, William C, Some Aspects of Scoring in the Band Works of Vincent Persichetti, 1318 Wright, Denis, Scoring for Brass Band, T319. Wright, Rayburn,GB250, GB563; Inside the Score: A Detailed Analysis of 8 Classic Jazz Ensemble Charts, 1320,1B350, TB351, TB352; On the Track: A Guide to Contemporary Film Scoring, T149, TB122, TB123. Wyatt, Theo, GB564. Yarborough, William C, Dynamics and Orchestration in Symphonies of Dmitri Shostakovich, 1321. Yoder, Paul, Arranging Methodfor

School Bands, 1322. Young, Jerry, GB565. Zabel, Albert, Ein Wort an die Herren Komponisten iiber die praktische Verwendung der Harfe im Orchester, 1323. Zajaczkowki, Henry, Tchaikovsky's Musical Style, T324, TB353TB354. Zakrzhevskaia, Sabina Arturovna, Garmoniia v tvorchestrve kompozitorov Uzbekistatna, Tadzikistana I Turmenii, GB566. Zhao Yong-shan, GB567; Memories of Yunnan, GB567 Zich, Jarosiav, Orchestrace a sborova sazba; kapitoly a studie, 1325, TB355. Ziegenruecker, Wieland, GB568. Zimmermann, Heinz Werner, GB569. Zingel, Hans J, GB570 Zlatanova, R, Razvitie na orkestrura I orkestratsiyata, 1326, TB356. ZIotnik, Asher George, Orchestration Revisions in the Symphonies of Robert Schumann, 1321, TB357.

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About the Compiler JAMES E. PERONE is Assistant Professor of Music at Mount Union College. His specialties are music theory and clarinet performance. Dr. Perone has contributed to several music journals, and his previous books, Howard Hanson: A Bio-Bibliography, and Musical Anthologies for Analytical Study: A Bibliography, were published by Greenwood Press in 1993 and 1995, respectively.

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