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Vda. de Ouano vs. Republic G.R. NO. 168770, 9 FEBRUARY 2011 FACTS:
1. In 1949, the National National Airo Airort rt !ororatio !ororation n "NA!#, $!IAA% $!IAA%& re'e(e&&or re'e(e&&or a)en(* +r&+e' a ro)ra to e-an' the ah+) Airort in !e/+ !it*. 2. A& an a&&+ran a&&+ran(e (e ro the )oern )oerne ent, nt, there there i& a roi&e roi&e o re(one*an(e or re+r(ha&e o &ai' roert* &o lon) a& ah+) (ea&e& it& oeration or tran&er it& oeration to $a(tan !e/+ Airort. 3. oe oe o5ne o5ner& r& re+&e' re+&e' to &ell, &ell, an' that that the !iil !iil Aero Aerona+ na+ti( ti(&& A'ini&tration ile' a (olaint or the e-roriation o &ai' roertie& or or the e-an&ion e-an&ion o the ah+) ah+) Airort. Airort. 4. he trial (o+rt then then 'e(lare' 'e(lare' &ai' roertie& to /e +&e' +on +on the e-an&ion o &ai' roe(t& an' or'er or +&t (oen&ation to the lan' o5ner&, at the &ae tie 'ire(te' the latter to tran&er (ertii(ate or o5ner&hi or title in the nae o the lainti. . At the the en' en' o 1991 1991,, ah+ ah+) ) Air Airor ortt (o (ole lete tel* l* (ea& (ea&e' e' it& it& oer oerat atio ion n 5hil 5hilee the the $a(t $a(tan an! !e/ e/+ + air airor ortt oen oene' e' to a((oo'ate in(oin) an' o+t)oin) (oer(ial li)ht&. 6. hi& hi& then then ro rot te' e' the the lan' lan' o5ne o5ner& r& to 'e 'ean' an' or or the the re(one*na(e o &ai' roertie& /ein) e-roriate' /* the trial (o+rt +n'er the o5er o einent 'oain. :en(e the&e t5o (on&oli'ate' (a&e& ari&e. 7. In G.R. No. 168812 168812 $!IAA $!IAA i& i& here/* here/* or'ere or'ere' ' /* (o+rt (o+rt to re(one* &ai' roertie& to the lan' o5ner& l+& attorne*%& ee an' (o&t o &+it, 5hile in G.R. No. 168770, the R! r+le' in aor o the etitioner& Oa+no& an' a)ain&t the $!IAA or the re(one*na(e o their roertie& /+t 5a& aeale' /* the latter an' the earlier 'e(i&ion 5a& reer&e', the (a&e 5ent + to the !A /+t the !A aire' the reer&e' 'e(i&ion o the R!. ISSUE: • ho+l' $!IAA re(one* the lan'& to etitioner&; YE
he notion that the )oernent ia e-roriation ro(ee'in)& a(
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