11 SPSS Procedure For Kruskal Wallis Test

July 16, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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SPSS procedure for Kruskal-Wallis test

To run run the Kruskal-Wallis test, first check that your data are laid out correctly, with a grouping variable and a score variable.

Score variable

Grouping variable with value labels (e.g. 1 = …, 2 = …)

There are two different ways of running the Kruskal-Wallis test in newer versions of SPSS (version ! and on"# (" using the auto$atic %&ndependent Sa$ples' procedure, or (" using the %)egacy *ialogs' procedure. The output produced by both $ethods is +uite different.  ote that if you are using an earlier version of SPSS, you you can only use the second option here. (1) Running the Kruskal-Wallis Kruskal-Wallis test using the automatic “I “Independent ndependent Samples” Samples” procedure

To run run the %auto$atic' Kruskal-Wallis Kruskal-Wallis test in newer versions of SPSS, go to Analyze to Analyze     Nonparametric Tests Tests   Independent  Independent Samples...


nder Objective Objective,, check that your obective is to auto$atically co$pare distributions across groups. otice that in Description in Description at  at the botto$ of the window SPSS tells you that KruskalWallis Wa llis has been selected.

Select the most appropriate objective

SPSS tells ou about the test here

/lick on the Fields the Fields tab,  tab, and transfer over the variables, with the dependent variable(s" going to the Test Fields bo0, Fields bo0, and the grouping (i.e. independent" variable going to the Groups Groups bo0  bo0 (SPSS will auto$atically choose Kruskal-Wallis if the grouping variable has three or $ore groups". When you are ready you can click on Run on Run to  to run the test.


!epen"ent variable(s) go here

Grouping (i.e. in"epen"ent) variable goes here

1lternatively, if you don2t like the idea of letting SPSS auto$atically decide the type of analysis for you, you can always click on the Settins Settins tab,  tab, click on !ustomize tests and tests and select  "rus#al$%allis  "rus#al$%a llis &$'ay ANO(A ANO(A )# samples* samples*.. &f you would like post hoc $ultiple co$parisons, you can select this fro$ the drop-down. *on2t forget to click on Run on Run..


Select pre#erre" post hoc multiple comparisons #rom "rop$"own menu

() Running the Kruskal-Wa Kruskal-Wallis llis test using the “!egac" “!egac" #ialogs” procedure procedure

&f you are using a version of SPSS earlier than version !, the %auto$atic' Kruskal-Wallis test will not be available3 you will have to use a different $ethod to run the test. 4ou 4ou $ay also want to use this alternative $ethod if you are using SPSS ! (or newer version" but have had e0perience with the earlier $ethod of running the test. To run run the Kruskal-Wallis test in SPSS ! (and newer", newer" , go to to Analyze  Analyze   Nonparametric  Nonparametric Tests   +eacy Tests  +eacy Dialos  Dialos  "  " Independent Samples5 Samples5 (&n earlier versions of SPSS, go to  Analyze   Nonparametric  Analyze  Nonparametric Tests Tests   "  " Independent Samples5" Samples5"

/heck that "rus#al$% that "rus#al$%allis allis  ,   ,  is  is selected under Test Type. Type. 4ou 4ou should transfer over your score variable to the Test (ariable +ist  bo0,  bo0, and the grouping variable to the Groupin (ariable bo-.. /lick on boon Deine  Deine Rane and Rane and enter the lowest and highest of the nu$bers in your (alue  +abels coding  +abels  coding sche$e, and then click !ontinue !ontinue..


!epen"ent variable(s) go here

Grouping (i.e. in"epen"ent) variable goes here

%nter the minimum an" ma&imum values use" in our value labels #or the grouping variable

4ou 4o u are also reco$$ended to click on /-act0 on  /-act0.. Select /-act  Select /-act  and  and click on !ontinue !ontinue..

When you are ready to run the analysis, click on O" .

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