In the cathodic protection anal'sis calc"lations are carried o"t to ens"re that the anodes provided are s"5cient to provide the total c"rrent needed to protect the pipeline d"ring its design li6e. The initial and 7nal c"rrent demands are to /e chec8ed to ens"re that the anodes can provide s"5cient c"rrent o"tp"t to polarise the pipeline thro"gho"t its entire li6e.
Cathodic Protection Design 9cont:d;
2? t
= =
Total nett anode mass re"ired (kg) $ean (maintenance) design c"rrent density (A6m 0) @o"rs per year (hr6year) Design li*e (years) Anode "tilisation *actor lectrochemical e**iciency (A.h6kg)
The total nett anode mass pro'ided, $ pro'ided , m"st be more than or e"al to that re"ired, $re"ired *or cathodic protection to be s"stained thro"gho"t the design li*e.
!node C"rrent +"tp"t
The anode c"rrent o"tp"t Ia is o/tained 6rom +hm:s Faw= a Where a
The 7nal anode resistance is determined 6rom the 7nal anode dimensions. The 7nal anode resistance is calc"lated /' ass"ming that the anode is cons"med to its "tilisation 6actor " which wo"ld give a 7nal eposed s"r6ace area and corresponding anode resistance. ?or cathodic protection to /e eHective thro"gho"t the design li6e the 7nal c"rrent o"tp"t Ia m"st e"al or eceed the 7nal c"rrent demand Ic. Ia 97nal; Ic 97nal;.
Eamples ?or Comparison +6 RP*03$1 and RP*?$1 P2PE,2:E A:D A:ODE DATA Parameters
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