11 g.o,Code of Ethics,Conduct & Security Creed

May 5, 2018 | Author: Erwin Calicdan | Category: Security Guard, Common Law, Government, Politics
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11 GENERAL ORDERS 1. To take charge of the post and all company any prop proper erti ties es in view view,, and prot protec ectt the sam same with with utmost diligence; 2. To walk alk in an ale alert manner during my tour of  d u ty and observing ever verythi ythin ng that that take takes s place within sight or hearing; 3. To report all violations of regulations and orders I am instructed to enforce; 4. To relay all calls from posts posts more more dis distan tantt from from the guard house where I am stationed; 5. To quit my post only when properly relieved; 6. To recei receive ve,, obey obey and pass pass on to the the reli reliev evin ing g guard all orders from the company officers, supervisors, post incharge or shift leaders; 7. To talk to no one except in the line of duty; 8. To soun sound d or call call the the alar alarm m in case case of fire fire or disorder; 9. To call call the the su supe peri rior or offi office cerr in any any case ase not not covered by instructions; 10. To salute all company officials, superi superiors ors in the agency agency,, rank rankin ing g publ public ic offi offici cial als s and and offi office cers rs of the the PNP; PNP; and 11.  To be especially watc atchful at night and during the time for challenging; a nd to challe challenge nge all person persons s on or near my post and to

allow no one to pass without proper authority.



As a Security Guard, my fundam fundament ental al duty is to protect the lives an d properties a nd main mainta tain in orde orderr with within in my plac place e of duty duty;; prot protec ectt the the inte nterest est of my emplo ployer yer and/or clients and the security and stability of our gove govern rnme ment nt and and coun countr try y with withou outt comp compro romi mise se and and pre prejudi judice ce,, hone honest st in my actions, words and thought; and do my best to uphold the principle: MAKADIOS MAKABAYAN ,




CODE OF ETHICS 1. As a Secu Securi rity ty Ag Agen entt his his fundamental duty is to serve the interest or mission of his agen agency cy in comp compli lian ance ce with with the the cont contrract act ente enterred into nto with with the Client Client or Custom Customer er of the Agency he is supposed to serve; 2. He shall be honest in though thoughts ts and deeds deeds both both in his person sonal and official actuations, obeying the laws of the the land land the the regu regula lati tion ons s prescribed by his agency and those established by the comp company any he is su supp ppos osed ed to protect;

3. He sh shal alll not not reve reveal al any any confidenti confidential al matter matter confided confided to him as security guard and such such other other matte matterr impos imposed ed upon him by law; 4. He shall act at all times with with deco decoru rum m and and sh shal alll not not per permit per persona sonall feel feeliings, ngs, prejudices a nd undue frie friend ndsh ship ip to infl influe uenc nce e his his actuations in the perf perfor orma manc nce e of his his offi offici cial al functions; 5. He shall shall not compro compromi mise se with criminals and other lawless elements to the prejudice of the customer or client but to assist the governme government nt in its relentles relentless s drive against lawlessness and other forms of criminality; criminality; 6. He must carry out his assign assigned ed duty duty as a securi security ty guard as required by law to the best of his ability to safeguard life and property of  the establishment he is assigned; 7. He shall wear his uniform, badge, badge, patche patches s and insign insignia ia properly as a symbol of  publi public c trust trust and confid confidenc ence, e, as an honest and trustworthy secu securi rity ty guar guard, d, watc watchm hman an and private detective; 8. He must keep his allegiance first to the gove govern rnme ment nt,, to the the agen agency cy he is empl employ oyed ed and and to the the establishment he is assigned to ser serve with loyalty and dedicated service; 9. He sh shal alll dili dilige gent ntly ly and and progressiv progressively ely familiariz familiarize e him self with the rules and regulations laid down by his agency and that of the customers or client; 10. He shall at all times be courteous and respectful and salute salute his super superior ior office officers, rs,

Government Officials and officials of the establishment where he is assigned and the company he is supposed to serve; 11. He shall report to perform his duties always in proper uniform and neat in his appearance; 12. He shall learn at heart and memorize and strictly observe the laws and regulations governing the use of firearms.

CODE OF CONDUCT 1.  To carry with him at all times during his tour of duty his license and identification card and permit to carry firearms; 2. He shall not use his license and privileges to the prejudice of the public, the client or customer and his agency; 3. He shall not engage in any unnecessary conversation with anybody except in the discharge of  his duty or to sit down unless required by the nature of his work and shall at all times keep himself  alert during his tour of duty; 4. He shall not read newspapers, magazines, books, etc, while actually performing his duty; 5. He shall not drink any intoxicating liquor immediately before and during his tour of duty; 6. He shall know the location of the alarm box near his post and sound the

alarm incase of fire or disorder; 7. He shall know how to operate fire extinguisher at his post; 8. He shall know the location of the telephone and/or telephone number of  the police precincts as well as the telephone number of  the fire station in the locality; 9. He shall immediately notify the police in case of  any sign of disorder, strike, and riot or any serious violation of the law; 10. He shall assist the police in the preservation and maintenance of peace and order in the protection of life and property; 11. He shall familiarize himself with the private security agency law (Republic Act 5487 as amended) and its implementing rules and regulations.

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