10th Multinational Congress on Microscopy 2011

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September 4 - 9, 2011 Scientific Campus, Urbino University “Carlo Bo”, Italy

10th Multinational Congress on Microscopy 2011

Italian Society of Microscopical Sciences Austrian Society for Electron Microscopy Croatian Microscopy Society Czechoslovak Microscopy Society Hungarian Society of Microscopical Sciences Serbian Society for Microscopy Slovene Society for Microscopy



QUANTAX – Ultimate EDS for SEM and TEM

Conference Organizers


Welcome Notes


General Information


Social Activities


Information for Presenters


Meetings of Societies


Commercial Exhibition


Scientific Program


Day-by-Day Schedule (Oral Presentations)


Poster Presentations


Data collection at the highest speed and at the best resolution you can get – first class results no matter the circumstance Excellent light element performance with Mn KD ≤ 123 eV (F KD ≤ 54 eV, C KD ≤ 46 eV) even at 100,000 cps Best acquisition conditions for sensitive and rough samples through unique multi-detector systems and optimum geometry using VZ-Adapters Genuine standardless P/B-ZAF quantification for rough samples and VZ applications, Cliff-Lorimer quantification for TEM


Innovation with Integrity

EDS MCM 2011 3

Conference Organizers International Advisory Board

Scientific Programme Committee

Josè L. Carrascosa (Madrid)

Giuseppe Arancia (Roma)

Miran Ceh (Ljubljana)

Maria Balsamo (Urbino)

Christian Colliex (Paris)

Gianni Barucca (Ancona)

Fedor Ciampor (Bratislava)

Riccardo Cuppini (Urbino)

Elisabetta Falcieri (Urbino)

Elisabetta Falcieri (Urbino)

Srecko Gajovic (Zagreb)

Pietro Gobbi (Urbino)

Jasmina Grbovic´ Novakocic´ (Belgrade)

Paolo Mengucci (Ancona)

Ferdinand Hofer (Graz)

Amelia Montone (Roma)

Pavel Hozak (Praha)

Agnese Molinari (Roma)

Agnes Kittel (Budapest)

Andrea Minelli (Urbino)

Aleksandra Korac (Belgrade)

Stefano Papa (Urbino)

Joachim Mayer (Aachen) Amelia Montone (Rome) Antonio Nanci (Montreal) Margit Pavelka (Vienna) Béla Pécz (Budapest) Rok Romih (Ljubljana) Nenad Tomasic (Zagreb)

Local Secretariat

Gustaaf Van Tendeloo (Antwerpen) Marco Vittori Antisari (Roma)

Elisabetta Fucili

Local Organizing Commitee Federico Bastianelli Michela Battistelli Lorenzo Bedini Sabrina Burattini Adriana Di Cristoforo Paola Ferri Luigi Gobbi Loretta Guidi Oliviero Rusciadelli

Local registration phone:

Sara Salucci

0722 304298

Welcome Notes Dear Colleagues, It is with great pleasure that, together with the president of the Italian Society of Microscopical Sciences and with all the organizers, we welcome you at MCM2011, the Multinational Congress on Microscopy, that, in the occasion of its Xth anniversary, will be organized in Urbino. The Congress venue is the Scientific Campus of Urbino University “Carlo Bo”, a modern building surrounded by gardens and terraces, in which all congress activities take place, as well as Welcome Party, Lunches, Coffee Breaks, Farewell Party, Assemblies and Board Meetings. As in previous Multinational Congresses, Plenary Sessions, by outstanding scientists from Europe, USA and Canada, will be in the Campus Main Hall in the morning. Parallel sessions on Instrumentation and Methodology, Life Sciences and Materials Science are further scheduled in smaller rooms nearby. Well known scientists, suggested by Austrian, Croatian, Czechoslovak, Hungarian, Serbian, Slovene and Italian Societies of Microscopy, will chair the thematic sessions, where invited talks and oral presentations will cover important fields of the session contents. 5 poster prizes per topic will be available and winners will be awarded during the Gala Dinner, on September 8, at the Sala Raffaello, in Urbino historical centre. The scientific programme, resulting from your contributions and consisting of more than 320 abstracts, appears very stimulating. The presence of two relative new sessions , namely “Ultrastructural Pathology”, in Life Sciences, and “Microscopy in cultural heritage”, in Materials Science, raised particular interest, well reflecting a well known italian tradition and important Urbino peculiarities. The large participation of young scientists, possibly also due to low registration fees and to a number of scholarships from EMS and SISM, demonstrates the full achievement of congress goal and is a great pleasure for all of us. The Scientific Campus, almost entirely at MCM2011 disposal, has an articulated structure allowing the location of the trade exhibition at the ground floor, near the parking and not far from halls. We worked a lot to offer 26 equipped spaces, where the most known companies in the field of microscopy can display their recent instrumentations for all the congress time. To facilitate trade exhibition visits, poster session on Instrumentation and Methodology will be located close to the commercial exhibition area, and a coffee break point will be present from Monday to Friday in the adjacent garden. The visit of the magic city of Urbino, appearing, when observed from the Campus, as a middle age castle, is strongly recommended to delegates. A continuous bus service will be at disposal of participants and accompanying people, to allow to see the “Palazzo Ducale”, the “Oratori”, the “Casa di Raffaello” and our green sweet hills with their attractions. We should like to thank all persons who helped us in the organization of MCM2011, friends of the Italian Society of Microscopical Sciences, colleagues, young collaborators, PhD students and our skilfull and precious university technicians. We are also grateful to prof. P. Mengucci, who, with great dedication and tenacity, took care of the Proceeding book. Finally, I am indebted to the Rector, who gave us any type of practical support and its unlimited trust. And thank to all of you for being here and for making MCM2011, with your contributions, an outstanding event in all fields of microscopy. Sincerely Elisabetta Falcieri Urbino, September 4 - 2011

4 MCM 2011

MCM 2011 5

General Information Registration The registration desk, in the entrance hall of the congress, will be open during the following times: Sunday 14.00 - 19.00 Monday - Thursday 9.00 - 18.30 Friday 9.00 - 13.00 During these times, preregistered delegates can pick up their bags and conference materials. Please be prepared with a proof of your student status and a proof of your advanced payment.

Information Desk An information desk is available in the entrance hall next to the registration desk. Any questions regarding presentations, conference materials, special assistance or exhibition can be addressed to the conference staff, which will be present during the whole conference period. Maps, brochures and information regarding social activities are also available.

Slide Centre

The material for oral presentations must be given to the slide centre before initiating morning or afternoon sessions, for morning or afternoon presentations, respectively.


Participants, accompanying persons and exhibitors are kindly requested to wear their badges during conference events.

WLAN and Internet area

A wireless network will be available throughout the whole building and will be free of charge. An additional internet area with extra computers will be installed close to registration area.

Coffee Breaks

Tea, coffee and refreshments will be available in the morning (10.30 – 11.00) and in the afternoon (16.00 – 16.30) close to the main hall, to the registration desk and to the exhibition area.

Transport and Parking

A bus service has been planned to guarantee continuous transfers connecting congress venue, Hotels, University Residences and Urbino centre. At least 150 free parking places are available close to the congress area.

Exhibition Opening Times

MCM2011 will host a major trade exhibition, which will bring together manufacturers of all different kinds of microscopy techniques, as well as suppliers of accessories and consumables, preparation tools, and image analysis systems.

Exhibition opening times

Monday – Thursday 9.00 to 18.30

6 MCM 2011

Social Activities

Information for Presenters

Chairpersons Session chairpersons are asked to start and end sessions on time, as delegates should have the opportunity to schedule their individual daily program.

Oral Presenters Welcome Party The MCM2011 Welcome Party will take place on Sunday, September 4 2011 at 18.30 in the Campus Terrace. Welcome Party is kindly offered by FEI.

For oral presentations, the following times are allocated to the individual categories: Plenary Lectures Invited Talks Contributed Talks

45 min 30 min 15 min

Opening Ceremony The Multinational Congress on Microscopy 2011 will officially be opened on Monday, September 5 at 9.00 in the Main Hall of Scientific Campus.

Conference Dinner The Gala Dinner will take place on Thursday, September 8 at 20.15 in the Sala Raffaello of Urbino city. The Gala Dinner is not included in the registration fee, but has to be booked separately through the registration pages or at the Registration Desk of the Conference. Gala Dinner fee is 25 euro.

Poster prizes The winners, 5 per topic, will be awarded during Gala Dinner.

Closing Ceremony The Farewell Party will take place after the final sessions, Friday September 9 at 12, in the Campus Cafeteria. Drinks and light refreshments will be served.

Meetings of Societies Board meeting of the Italian Society of Microscopical Sciences (SISM) Monday, 5 September, lunchtime, Room N. Multinational Board meeting Tuesday, 6 September, lunchtime, Main Hall. EMS Executive Board Tuesday, 6 September, 18.15, Room N. General Assembly of the European Microscopy Society (EMS) Wednesday, 7 September, lunchtime, Main Hall. General Assembly of the Italian Society of Microscopical Sciences (SISM) Thursday, 8 September, 18.15, Main Hall.

Room N is available for other meetings at request.

8 MCM 2011

MCM 2011 9

COMMERCIAL EXHIBITION, campus ground floor

10 MCM 2011

Scientific Program Plenary Lectures PL. L1


Monday 5 September Protein structural rearrangements and the building of a viral particle

Monday 5 September PL. M1 Electron microscopy of transition-metal-doped semiconductors PL. I1

Tuesday 6 September A comprehensive multi-signal approach for the new generation of STEM microscopes

Tuesday 6 September PL. M2 The Microscopy of Art through the Art of Microscopy: Applications, Trends and Perspectives of Optical, Scanning Electron and Atomic Force Microscopy in Cultural Heritage

PL. I2 PL. L2

PL. L3

Wednesday 7 September Atomic Imaging in 2D … and in 3D !

9.45 - 10.30

11.00 - 11.45


begin time

and of time



Main Hall

Multidisciplinary approaches in biology and medicine

A. Korac, Belgrade, SRB; G. Arancia, Roma, I

Wednesday 7 september 11.00



C. Pellicciari, Pavia, I; A. Lametscwandter, Salzburg, A. Kittel, Budapest, H

Main Hall

Main Hall

High resolution microscopy in biological sciences

P. Hozac, Praha, CZ; A. Molinari, Roma, I

Tuesday 6 september 10.00



M. Malatesta, Verona, I; L. Dini, Lecce, I

Main Hall

I. Kubinova, Praha, CZ; M. Erdani Kreft; Ljubljana, SLO

Thursday 8 september 16.30


Live cell imaging

R. Polishchuck, Napoli, I; S. Guido, Napoli, I

Main Hall

C. Colliex

8.30 - 9.15

Main Hall


9.15 - 10.00

Main Hall


Ultrastructural pathology

G. Cenacchi, Bologna, I; D. Mitrecic, Zagreb, HR

Thursday 8 september 10.00


M. Schreiner

G. Macchiarelli, Aquila, I; R. Romih, Ljubljana; SLO

Main Hall

Main Hall

Microscopical applications in environmental sciences

G. Bavestrello, Ancona, I; M. Balsamo, Urbino, I

Friday 9 september 9.00



M. Ferraguti, Milano, I; K. Janssens, Antwerp, B

Main Hall

Main Hall

Extracellular matrix and calcified tissues

A. Nanci, Montreal, CDN; M. Raspanti; Varese, I

Tuesday 6 september 16.30



D. Quaglino, Modena, I; M. Blumer, Innsbruck, I

Main Hall

Structure and Imaging of Biomolecules

S. Gajovic, Zagreb, HR; F. Ciampor, Bratislava, SK

Monday 5 september 11.45



L. Bongini, Firenze, I; P. Lupetti, Siena, I

Main Hall

Monday 5 september 16.30

M. Pavelka, Wien, A

3D subcellular architecture by electron tomography

Z. Kristof, Budapest, H; D. Quaglino, Modena, I



Main Hall

S. Cinti

9.00 - 9.45

9.45 - 10.30

A. Nanci

8.30 - 9.15

Main Hall

V. Radmilovic´

9.15 - 10.30

Main Hall


begin time

and of time



Wednesday 7 september 11.00


P. A. Midgley, Cambridge, UK; P. Schattschneider, Wien, A


B. Schaffer, Warrington, UK; E. Carlino, Trieste, I; E. Snoeck, Toulouse Cedex, FR


D. Jacob, Lille, FR; G. Drazic, Ljubljana, SLO


C. Motz, Leoben, A; I. Mullerova, Brno, CZ


V. Palermo, Bologna, I; N. Thomson, Leeds, UK


N. B. Matsko, Graz, A; C. Hebert, Lausanne, CH


A. Tombesi, Modena, I; M. Cantoni, Lausanne, CH


D. Kiener, Leoben, A; H. Plank, Graz, A



Advanced techniques for atomic resolution

G. Pozzi, Bologna, I; E. Carlino, Trieste, I

High resolution TEM and STEM

Z. Zhang, Leoben, A; M. Catalano, Lecce, I

Tuesday 6 september 15.00



Electron diffraction techniques and analytical TEM

F. Hofer, Graz, A; M. Klementova, Praha, CZ

Tuesday 6 september 10.00



Advances in SEM and HR-SEM

L. Frank, Brno, CZ; M. Vittori Antisari, Roma, I

Monday 5 september 11.45



Advances in optical and scanning probe microscopy

F. Biscarini, Bologna, I; G. Dietler Lausanne, CH

Monday 5 september 16.30



3D-Imaging and nanotomography

P. Midgley, Cambridge, UK; F. Rustichelli, Ancona, I

Wednesday 7 september 16.30



Advances in sample preparation techniques

J. Mayer, Aachen, D; J. Nebesarova, Cske Budeyovice, CZ

Thursday 8 september 10.00



Environmental microscopy, X-ray and ion microscopy

N. Tomasic, Zagreb, HR; S. Frabboni, Modena, I

Thursday 8 september 15.00



12 MCM 2011

Life Sciences


Thursday 8 September The Biology of Implant Osseintegration

Thursday 8 September PL. M3 Imaging of Light Elements and Single-Atomic Column Compositional Analysis: Dream or Reality

A. Kovács

G. Van Tendeloo

Wednesday 7 September Plasticity of adipose organ and its implication for human disordes

Instrumentation and Methodology

J. L. Carrascosa


Materials Sciences



begin time

and of time



Wednesday 7 september 11.00


F. Hofer, Graz, A: D. Van Dyck, Antwerp, B



Materials for nanotechnology

Z. Vertesy, Budapest, H; M. Slouf, Praha, CZ

Monday 5 september 11.45

L. P. Birò, Budapest, H; G. Tobias, Barcelona, ES


Carbon based materials

Z. Czigani, Budapest, H, V. Morandi, Bologna, I



Tuesday 6 september 10.00

A. Parisini, Bologna, I


Semiconductors and magnetic materials

B. Pecz, Budapest, H; R. Balboni, Bologna, I



Thursday 8 september 10.00

N. Bibic, Belgrade, SRB; J. Piqueiras, Madrid, ES


Thin films,coatings, surfaces and interfaces

P. Mengucci, Ancona, I, G. Radnoczi, Budapest, H



Tuesday 6 september 12.00

C. Gammer, Vienna, A; G. Dehm, Leoben, A


Metal alloys and intermetallics

J. Labar, Budapest, H; A. Montone, Roma, I



Friday 9 september 9.00

O. I. Lebedev, Caen, FR, A. Gayovic, Bijenicka, HR


Ceramics, composites, minerals and self-assembled materials

M. Ceh, Ljubljana, SLO, O. Milat Zagreb, HR



Monday 5 september 16.45

F. Biscarini, Bologna, I; P. Poelt, Graz, A


Polymers and soft materials

C. Albonetti, Bologna, I; J. Grbovic Tomasic, Belgrade, SRB



Thursday 8 september 16.30

P. Colomban, Thiais, FR; M. Favaro, Padova, I


Microscopy in cultural heritage

P. Vigato, Padova, I; L. Baratin, Urbino, I



MCM 2011 13

Raffaello Sanzio Scuola di Atene

Day-by-Day Schedule (Oral Presentations) MCM 2011 Sunday, 4 September 2011



17.00 - 17.30

G. Arancia Short history of the multinational congress on microscopy Department of Technology and Health, Italian National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy Past President and Honorary Member of the Italian Society of Microscopical Sciences

17.30 - 18.00

L. Bedini Urbino: an ideal city University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”


Campus terrace Welcome party

MCM 2011 Monday, 5 September 2011 Morning Sessions MAIN HALL

9.00 - 9.45

Opening Ceremony

9.45 - 10.30

Plenary Lecture Protein structural rearrangements and the building of a viral particle J. L. Carrascosa (Madrid, ES)

10.30 - 11.00

Coffee break

11.00 - 11.45

Plenary Lecture Electron microscopy of transition-metal-doped semiconductors A. Kovács, T. Kasama, C. B. Boothroyd and R.E. Dunin-Borkowski (Kcongeens Lyngby, DK)

11.45 - 12.15




L7. Structure and Imaging of Biomolecules

I4. Advances in SEM and HR-SEM

M2. Carbon based materials

Force spectroscopy of individual molecules Advances in in-situ testing in scanning electron microscopes: probing mechanical properties at the nano/micro-scale

L. Bongini, F. Ritort, V. Lombardi (Firenze, I)

C. Motz, D. Kiener, C. Kirchlechner, W. Grosinger, R. Pippan and G. Dehm (Leoben, A)

12.15 - 12.30

12.30 - 12.45

Electron-tomographic Analysis of Intraflagellar Transport Complexes in Situ

Examination of ultrathin films with slow electrons

E. Vannuccini, F. Cantele, E. Paccagnini, G. Pigino, B. Rossi, Maryam Etebari, J. Rosenbaum, S. Lanzavecchia, and P. Lupetti (Siena, I)

I. Müllerová, M. Hovorka, I. Konvalina and L. Frank (Brno, CZ)

Graphene nanolithography L. P. Biró, P. Nemes-Incze, G. Dobrik, K. J. Yoo, Z. Vértesy, Z. E. Horváth, L. Tapasztó, C. Hwang (Budapest, H)

Oligothiophenes dynamical behavior inside the carbon nanotubes characterized by Aberration Corrected-HRTEM B. Bártová, J. Leschner, U. Kaiser, P. Salice, M. Milko, Jia Gao and C. Hébert (Lausanne, CH)

Applications on combined EDS Spectral Imaging and EBSD Mapping

12.45 - 13.00

H. Dijkstra (Breda, NL)

12.30 - 14.00

Campus cafeteria - lunch

SISM Board (Room N)

MCM 2011 15

MCM 2011 Monday, 5 September 2011 Afternoon Sessions 14.00 - 15.00

15.00 - 15.15







L7. Structure and Imaging of Biomolecules

I4. Advances in SEM and HR-SEM

M2. Carbon based materials

Display of FtsZ in Bacterial Cytoskeletal System by Immune Fluorescence Staining Method

Backscattered electrons in the SEM imaging

Y. Mater, F. Kaya Dagistanli, C. Buyukkayalar (Gebze Kocaeli, TR)

15.15 - 15.30

15.30 - 15.45

MCM 2011 Tuesday, 6 September 2011 Morning Sessions

L. Frank, Z. Pokorná, Š. Mikmeková, I. Müllerová (Brno, CZ)

Confinement affects amyloid peptide structure - Atomic Force Microscopy study

Microstructural and compositional characterization of electrodeposited Fe-Pd thin films

G. Foschi, E. Bystrenova, P. Greco, and F. Biscarini (Bologna, I)

Z. Samardžija, K. Žužek Rožman, D. PeĀko, S. Kobe (Ljubljana, SLO)

Expression analysis of Klf8 gene indicates that this transcription factor is present in the mouse brain only in the neurons

Implementation of tv-rate EBIC at a Dual Beam. S.Podda, M.Vanzi, F.Tatti

N. Habek, N. Pavlid-Dujmenovid, K. Kapuralin, M. Dobrivojevid, I. Bohacˇek, D. Gorup and S. Gajovic´ (Zagreb, HR)

Characterisation of functional carbon nanotubes by means of electron microscopy techniques

Electron microscopy investigations of helically coiled carbon nanotubes synthesized by CCVD

Electron holography investigation of graphene membranes

9.15 - 10.00

I5. Advances in optical and scanning probe microscopy

16.30 - 16.45

10.00 - 10.30

Dynamic architectures of the Golgi apparatus visualized three-dimensionally by electron tomography M. Pavelka, C. Ranftler, C. Meisslitzer-Ruppitsch, M. Vetterlein, A. Ellinger and J. Neumüller (Wien, A)

Measuring the electric potential at nanoscale by Scanning Probe Microscopy

M7. Polymers and soft materials

V. Palermo, Andrea Liscio, Paolo Samorì (Bologna, I)

In situ experiments with soft materials in the ESEM – Development of new test methods

Non-destructive visualization of sub-cellular structures: a correlative approach J. Evans, K. Czymmek, D. Carlson, J. Gelb, S. H. Lau, and W. Yun (Pleasanton, CA, USA)

17.15 - 17.30

Analyses of Golgi apparatus reorganizations in response to environmental changes caused by ATP-depletion

Advancing resolution and quantification of dynamic atomic force microscopy on heterogeneous samples in ambient environments. N.H. Thomson, S. Santos, D.J. Billingsley, W.A. Bonass,V. Barcons and J. Font (Leeds, UK)

Plenary Lecture The Microscopy of Art through the Art of Microscopy: Applications, Trends and Perspectives of Optical, Scanning Electron and Atomic Force Microscopy in Cultural Heritage

L2. High resolution microscopy in biological sciences

I3. Electron diffraction techniques and analytical TEM

Structure and function of human salivary glands as seen by TEM and HRSEM

Quantitative analysis of precession electron diffraction for microstructure characterization

A. Riva (Cagliari, I)

D. Jacob (Lille, FR)

10.30 - 11.00

Coffee break

11.00 - 11.15

3D visualization of collagen in artificial scaffolds using two-photon excitation and secondharmonic generation imaging M.Cˇapek, Z. Burdíková, E. Filová, E. Košt’áková, and J. Janácˇek (Kladno, CZ)

11.15 - 11.30

Ultrastructural histochemistry is a valuable tool for investigating cell nuclear alterations in skeletal muscle wasting

Nanoparticles synthesis through the eyes of an analytical electron microscopy G. Drazic (Ljubljana, SLO)

Calibrated Nanoscale Capacitance and Dopant Profile Measurements using a novel near field Scanning Microwave Microscope G. Kada, M. Fenner, H.-P. Huber, H. Tanbakuchi, M. Moertelmaier, P. Kabos, J. Smoliner, P. Hinterdorfer, F. Kienberger (Wien, A)

17.45 - 18.00

11.30 - 11.45

PIP2: A new key player in nucleolar structure and transcription of ribosomal genes ?

Grain orientations from CBED Kikuchi patterns J.L. Lábár (Budapest, HU)

11.45 - 12.00 Real-time in-situ SPM studies of organic semiconductor growth in ultra-high vacuum. F. Biscarini, A. Straub, F. Borgatti, M. Murgia, C. Albonetti (Bologna, I)

Ultrathin La0.7 Sr0.3MnO3 films studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

TEM studies of PbS quantum dots for high efficiency solar cells

The surface morphology of urothelium by FEG SEM and AFM

EELS and EFTEM analysis of large dataset for chemical analysis and quantification

Electron microscopy of diamond layers grown over InAlN/GaN HEMT structures

M.E. Kreft, K. Žužek Rožman, Z. Samardžija and R. Romih (Ljubljana, SLO)

C. Hébert, G. Lucas, R. Schäublin, P. Unifantowicz, and T. Płocioski (Lausanne, CH)

L. Tóth, Á. Barna, B. Pécz, M. Alomari, S. Rossi and E. Kohn (Budapest, H)

M5. Metal alloys and intermetallics Chemical nanoanalysis of organic semiconducting devices using EDXS and EELS S. Fladischer, E. Kraker, M. Sezen, T. Haber, and W. Grogger (Graz, A)

Wet-STEM microscopy of nanoparticles in solvated state

Contrasting Polymers used in Organic Electronic Device Fabrication by STEM EELS and EFTEM spectrum imaging

Influence of plural scattering on quantitative magnetic information measured by EMCD

12.00 - 12.15

12.15 - 12.30

Morphological and structural investigation of pH sensitive vesicles for cytoplasmatic drug delivery

J. Rusz, H. Lidbaum, S. Rubino, B. Hjörvarsson, K. Leifer, P. M. Oppeneer, O. Eriksson (Uppsala, S)

L. Dini, E. Panzarini, C. Marianecci, M. Carafa, A. Serra, A. Buccolieri, D. Manno and L. Di Marzio (Lecce, I)

Dynamic Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction

Non-destructive 3D measurements of desalination membranes using multi-length scale x-ray computed tomography

TEM investigations of bulk nanocrystalline intermetallics in 3D C. Gammer, D. Geist, C. Mangler, H.P. Karnthaler and C. Rentenberger (Wien, A)

M.K. Santala, B.W. Reed, T. LaGrange, G.H. Campbell, and N.D. Browning (Livermore, CA. USA)

12.30 - 12.45

Magnetic dichroism in the TEM: a tool for the investigation of magnetism on the nanoscale I. Ennen, S. Löffler, M. Stöger-Pollach, A. Hütten and P. Schattschneider (Wien, A)

T. Haber, C. Auner, T. Rothländer, U. Palfinger, and W. Grogger (Graz, A)

18.15 - 18.30

A. Meingast, A. Bonanni, R. Koch and G. Kothleitner (Graz, A)

P. Schindler, N. P. Dasgupta, O. Trejo, C. Rentenberger, T. Waitz, M. Stöger-Pollach, F. B. Prinz, and H. P. Karnthaler (Wien, A)

S. Yildirim, E. Castano, V.V. Philimonenko, A.A. Philimonenko, R. Dzijak, M. Sobol and P. Hozák (Praga, CZ)

M. Slouf and M. Stepanek (Prague, CZ)

18.00 - 18.15

Quantitative dopant depth profiling in ultra shallow junctions and implants in Si by TSADF-STEM.

A. Gambardella, I. Bergenti, P. Graziosi, M. Prezioso, F. Borgatti, F. Biscarini, and V. A. Dediu (Bologna, I)

C. Ranftler, C. Meisslitzer-Ruppitsch, M. Vetterlein, A. Ellinger and M. Pavelka (Wien, A)

17.30 - 17.45

M3. Semiconductors and magnetic materials

Analytical (S)TEM-Investigations of Magnetic Semiconductors and Heusler Alloys

M. Malatesta, C. Zancanaro, P. Fattoretti, G. Meola and C. Pellicciari (Verona, I)

P. Poelt, H. Reingruber, and A. Zankel (Graz, A)

17.00 - 17.15

Plenary Lecture A comprehensive multi-signal approach for the new generation of STEM microscopes

A. Parisini and V. Morandi (Bologna, I)

M2. Carbon based materials Atomic and Electronic Structure of Graphene-Oxide K.A. Mkhoyan, A. Mkhoyan (Minnesota, USA)


M. Schreiner (Wien, A)

Coffee break L8. 3D subcellular architecture by electron tomography


C. Colliex (Paris, FR)

G. Tobias (Barcelona, ES)

L. Ortolani, E. Snoeck, C. Gatel, M. Monthioux, G. Paolo Veronese and V. Morandi (Bologna, I)

16.45 - 17.00

8.30 - 9.15

D. Fejes, M. Raffai, Z. Balogh, R. Smajda, L. Forro and K. Hernadi (Szeged, HU)

15.45 - 16.00

16.00 - 16.30


12.30 - 14.00

Campus cafeteria - lunch

Multinational Board (Main Hall)

J. McCutcheon, S. H. Lau, J. Gelb, A. Gu, C. Bassell, J. Deverell, and W. Yun (Pleasanton, CA, USA)

16 MCM 2011

MCM 2011 17

MCM 2011 Tuesday, 6 September 2011 Afternoon Sessions

MCM 2011 Wednesday, 7 September 2011 Morning Sessions MAIN HALL

14.00 - 15.00







L2. High resolution microscopy in biological sciences

15.00 - 15.15

The possibility of multiple immunolabelling in high resolution scanning electron microscopy. J. Nebesarova, M. Slouf, P.Hozak, and M.Vancova (Ceske Budejovice, CV)

15.15 - 15.30

In vivo multi-photon molecular imaging reveals inflammatory parenchymal-stromal cell cross talks in adult common diseases

I2. High resolution TEM and STEM

M5. Semiconductors and magnetic materials

9.00 - 9.45

15.45 - 16.00

Applications of atomically resolved EELS mapping and HAADF imaging in aberration corrected STEM

Obtaining a quantitative micro- and nanomechanical understanding of metals using in situ electron microscopy

B. Schaffer, M. Schaffer, Q. Ramasse, F. Azough, D. Abou-Ras, I. MacLaren and A. Craven (Warrington, UK)

G. Dehm, and D. Kiener (Leoben, A)

10.30 - 11.00

11.00 - 11.30

Electron diffractive imaging at sub-ångström resolution E. Carlino, L. De Caro, D. Siliqi, C. Giannini (Trieste, I)

G. Barucca, A. Di Cristoforo, R. Ferragut, F. Fiori, D. Lussana, P. Mengucci, F. Moia, G. Riontino (Ancona, I)

11.30 - 12.00

TEM investigation of the formation of solid solution phases in Cu-Mn alloy thin films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering

Simultaneous mapping of strain and electric polarization across ferroelectric domain wall E. Snoeck, A. Lubk, C. Magen, M.D. Rossell, G. Catalan, B. Noheda and M. Hÿtch (Toulouse Cedex, FR)

TEM-studies of radiation-induced structural effects observing in pressure vessel steels of pressurized water reactors

12.15 - 12.30

Three-dimensional reconstruction of graphene membrane folded edges from strain mapping The role of the TRAP enzyme in epiphyseal bone development

17.15 - 17.30

D. Hoelbling-Patscheider, J. Stempel, M. Blumer (Innsbruck, A)

Scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts enables to study growth and regression of the blood vascular system

Towards 3D atomic resolution using electron tomography – an overview of progress

The future of electron microscopy in nanoscience

P. A. Midgley, R. Leary and Z. Saghi (Cambridge, UK)

D. Van Dyck (Antwerp, B)

Electrons with a twist: Chiral electronic transitions and vortex beams

Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanostructured Materials

P. Schattschneider, J. Verbeeck, S. Löffler, and M. Stöger-Pollach (Wien, A)

F. Hofer, M. Albu, W. Grogger, W. Haas, T. Haber, and G. Kothleitner (Graz, A)

Direct structure inversion from exit waves

Microscopy of Indium doped Gallium Oxide Micro- and nanostructures

Small vesicles with big hope. Advantage of TEM and AFM in the characterisation of microvesicles

L. Ortolani, C. Gatel, E. Snoeck, M. J. Hÿtch, M. Monthioux, G. P. Veronese, R. Rizzoli, and V. Morandi (Bologna, I)

C. Pellicciari, A.C. Croce, M.G. Bottone, M. Malatesta and G. Bottiroli (Pavia, I)

A. Wang, F.R. Chen, S. Van Aert, and D. Van Dyck (Antwerp, B)

TEM characterization of closed-cell structure of aluminium foam Growth kinetic of Al2Cu precipitates during in-situ TEM heating in severe plastically deformed Al-3wt%Cu alloy

M1. Materials for nanotecnology

12.30 - 12.45

I. López, E. Nogales, B. Méndez, J. Piqueras, A. Peche-Herrero, J. Ramírez-Castellanos and J. M. González-Calbet (Madrid, ES)

Phase shift effect in a Feynman which-way double-slit experiment with free electrons

Microstructural modification upon hydrogen cycling of MgH2 nanocomposites

S. Frabboni, G.C. Gazzadi, and G. Pozzi (Modena, I)

A. Montone, A. Aurora, D. Mirabile Gattia, and M. Vittori Antisari (Rome, I)

B. A. Gurovich, E. A. Kuleshova, K. E. Prikhodko, A. S. Frolov, and S. V. Fedotova (Moscow, RUS)

The surface modification influences the uptake and cytotoxicity of magnetite nanoparticles - ultrastructural and EELS study. F. Cˇiampor, M.Mesárošová, I.Vávra, A.Gábelová (Bratislava, SK)

D. Jenko, I. Paulin, and M. Jenko (Ljubljana, SLO)

17.00 - 17.15

I1. Advances techniques for atomic resolution

Enzyme-assisted cell photosensitization: subcellular damage as revealed by fluorescence and electron microscopy

16.30 - 16.45

D. Quaglino (Modena, I)

L1. Multidisciplinary approaches in biology and medicine

12.00 - 12.15

L6. Extracellular matrix and calcified tissues

16.45 - 17.00

Coffee break

Á. Kittel (Budapest, HU)

Coffee break

The extracellular matrix: where interactions made the difference

Plenary Lecture Plasticity of adipose organ and its implication for human disordes

A. Lametschwandtner, H. Bartel, W. Tangphokhanon, and B. Minnich (Salzburg, A)

Early stages of precipitation ofa WE43 magnesium alloy

Zs. Czigány, F. Misják, O. Geszti, G. Radnóczi (Budapest, HU)

16.00 - 16.30

Plenary Lecture Atomic Imaging in 2D … and in 3D !

S. Cinti (Ancona, I)

High resolution analysis of vesicles at identified synaptic sites in locust D. Kolb, J. Neumüller, M. Anna Pabst, M. Pavelka, F. C. Rind, O. Shupliakov, P. J. Simmons, and G. Leitinger, (Graz, A)


G. Van Tendeloo, S. Bals, S. Van Aert (Antwerp, B)

9.45 - 10.30

S. Nishimura, and Mika Nagasaki (Tokyo, J)

15.30 - 15.45


12.30 - 14.00

Campus cafeteria - lunch

EMS Generally Assembly (Main Hall)

B. Rashkova, M. Faller, R. Pippan, and G. Dehm, (Leoben, A)

Usual and Unusual Effects in ADF-STEM Imaging of Dopant Atom in Crystals K.A. Mkhoyan, A. Mittal, A.A. Gunawan (Minnesota, USA)

17.30 - 17.45

Matrix metalloproteinases of the human dentin. P. Gobbi, A. Mazzoni, F. Nato, A. Ruggeri jr., L. Breschi and G. Mazzotti (Urbino, I)

17.45 - 18.00

Micro- and nanostructure of scleractinian coral skeleton: A combined study by X-ray Computed Tomography and Scanning Electron Microscopy J. Stolarski, J. Gelb, A. Gu, S. H. Lau, and W. Yun (Pleasanton, CA, USA)

18.00 - 18.15

Mineralized extracellular matrices in isopod crustaceans: a microscopic approach to morphogenesis and function N. Žnidaršic, M. Vittori, M. Tušek Žnidaric, P. Mrak, R. Kostanjšek and J. Štrus (Ljubljana, SLO)

18.15 EMS Executive Board (Room N)

18 MCM 2011

MCM 2011 19

MCM 2011 Wednesday, 7 September 2011 Afternoon Sessions 14.00 - 15.00

15.00 - 15.15




L1. Multidisciplinary approaches in biology and medicine

I6. 3D Imaging and nanotomography

M1. Materials for nanotecnology

Mitochondrial Plasticity During Myoblasts Differentiation

Mitochondrial re-modelling in brown adipocytes A. Korac (Belgrade, SRB)

Integration of an ultramicrotome and specially designed AFM for cryo serial section tomography of soft materials A. E. Efimov, H. Gnaegi, I. Haynl, V. Sevastyanov, W. Grogger, F. Hofer and N. B. Matsko (Graz, A)




E. Barbieri, M. Battistelli, L. Casadei, L. Vallorani, G. Piccoli, M. Guescini, A.M. Gioacchini, E. Polidori, S. Zeppa, L. Stocchi, V. Stocchi and E. Falcieri (Urbino, I)

15.15 - 15.30


MCM 2011 Thursday, 8 September 2011 Morning Sessions

Characterization of one-dimensional ceriumphosphate nanostructures prepared by rapid hydrothermal and sonochemical method

8.30 - 9.15

9.15 - 10.00

Virtual microscopy: a review and update of the current equipment, methods and e-learning possibilities R. Coleman (Haifa, IL)

15.45 - 16.00

The pleiotropic nature of creatine P. Sestili, M. Battistelli, C.Martinelli, E. Barbieri, L. Potenza, S. Sartini, M. Guescini, C. Fimognari, L. Vallorani, G. Piccoli, V. Stocchi, E. Falcieri (Urbino, I)

3D imaging by Focused Ion Beam NanoTomography for life sciences and materials sciences. C. Hébert, M. Cantoni, P. Burdet, and G. Knott (Lausanne, CH)

Coffee break

16.30 - 16.45

Differantiation of Umbilical Cord Blood Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Different Cell Types

Mapping of geometrical characteristics and 3D visualization of blood capillary network from confocal microscopic images

S. B. Ozdas, T. F. Basar, A. Yurtsever (Istanbul, TR)

J. Janácˇek, P. Karen, O. Chernyavskiy, J. Michálek, X.W. Mao, M. Jirkovská, and L. Kubínová (Prague, CZ)

Migration and invasion behaviours of tumor cells

Micro and nano three-dimensional x-ray fluorescence, absorption, and phase contrast imaging of materials

G. Bozzuto, M. Colone, M. Condello, P. Ruggieri, L. Toccacieli, A. Molinari (Rome, I)

B. M. Patterson, G. J. Havrilla, L. Hunter, J. Kasahara, J. Gelb, S.H. Lau, and W. Yun (Pleasanton, CA, USA)

17.00 - 17.15

17.15 - 17.30

10.00 - 10.30

17.45 - 18.00

18.00 - 18.15

I7. Advances in sample preparation techniques

Ultrastructure and morphofunctional changes of cryopreserved human oocyte

From darkroom to computer

10.30 - 11.00

Coffee break

11.00 - 11.15

Autoschizis: a cell death found in tumour implants induced by an oxidative mechanism lead by ascorbate + menadione or Apatone ©. J. Gilloteaux, J.M. Jamison, D. Arnold, K. McGuire, and J.L. Summers (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)

A.Sápi, Á. Kukovecz, Z. Kónya (Szeged, HU)

Fundamental proximity effects for electron beam induced deposition processes R. Schmied, Christian Gspan, Martina Dienstleder, Stephan G. Michelitsch, Harald Plank (Graz, A)

A. Tombesi (Modena, I)

P. Brázda and M. Klementová (HusinecRˇezˇ, CZ)

Investigation of three-dimensional morphology of the P3HT/CdSe hybrid thin films by electron tomography

A. Molinari, M. Condello, G. Bozzuto, N. Viceconte, S. Saccoccio, G. Tempera, G. Arancia and E. Agostinelli (Rome, I)

G. Leitinger, P. Pölt, A. Zankel, A. Vorster, F. C. Rind (Graz, A)

L. Roiban, O. Ersen, L. Hartmann, M. Brinkmann, S. Uttiya, A. Fiore, P. Reiss, F. Chandezon (Strasbourg, FR)

Microscopic analysis of homing, differentiation and survival of stem cells transplanted into nervous tissue

Electron tomography in the scanning electron microscope M. Ferroni, A. Migliori, V. Morandi, L. Ortolani, G. Sberveglieri (Brescia, I)

Study of synthesis, uptake and biocompatibility of microcapsules and microbubbles in breast adenocarcinoma cells

Analytical electron tomography: a powerful tool for the 3D nanoscale determination of the chemical distribution of nanostructures

M. Colone, M. Tortora, M. Zhou, M. Ashokkumar, F. Cavalieri and A. Stringaro (Rome, I)

L. Roiban, L. Sorbier, P. Bayle-Guillemaud, J. Werckmann, M. Drillon, O. Ersen (Strasbourg, FR)

The Rhizobium-legume symbiosis: a complex process of root nodule organogenesis

Serial block face scanning electron microscopy for three dimensional structural and elemental analysis of materials A. Zankel, H. Reingruber, H. Schroettner, P. Poelt (Graz, A)

M4. Thin films, coatings, surfaces and interfaces Ion Beam Induced Modifications of Metal Thin Films/Si bilayers N. Bibic´ (Belgrade, SRB)

Sample Preparation Techniques for the latest Generation of Electron Microscopes

Electron microscopy study of doped microand nanostructures of semiconducting oxides

M. Cantoni, D.Laub, C. Hébert (Lausanne, CH)

J. Piqueiras, J. Bartolomé, A. Cremades, P. Fernández, D. Maestre, Y. Ortega and A. Urbieta (Madrid, ES)

Tips and Tricks to find Specific Cells in the large 3D Complex of Tissue for Electron Microscopic Analysis

Thickness-dependent Dielectric Constant of Organic Ultra-thin Films

Urothelial cell membranes in health and disease

11.30 - 11.45

R. Romih (Ljubljana, SLO)

C. Loussert and Bruno M. Humbel (Lausanne, CH)

C. Albonetti, J. de Silva, M. Sferrazza, and F. Biscarini (Bologna, I)

Development of laser microtomography for quantitation of single cell volume in early mouse embryo

Nanostructure of buried interface layers in TiO2 anatase thin films grown on LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 substrates

M.A. Pogorelova, E.V. Kornienko, A.I. Panait (Pushchino, RUS)

R. Ciancio and E. Carlino, C. Aruta, D. Maccariello, F. Miletto Granozio and U. Scotti di Uccio (Trieste, I)

Follicular ovarian atresia in the olm (Proteus anguinus anguinus)

FIB sample preparation for atomic resolution STEM at low kV

L. B. Mali and Boris Bulog (Ljubliana, SLO)

M. Schaffer, B. Schaffer, M. Falke, Q. Ramasse, I. Godfrey, and R. Caballero (Warrington, UK)

Microstructural evolution of Mg-Al-O, Mg-Cr-O and Y-Al-O thin films synthesized by reactive magnetron sputtering

TEM characterization of İ-Fe2O3 /SiO2 nanocomposites

Mapping a locust movement detecting neuron using serial block face scanning electron microscopy

R. Tatè, V. Pennone, S. Alfano, S. Arbucci, M. Cermola, and E.J. Patriarca (Naples, I)

L4. Ultrastructural pathology

G. Macchiarelli, G. Coticchio, A. Borini and S.A. Nottola (Aquila, I)

Mechanical resistance of titanate nanowires

Chloroquine enhances the cytotoxic effect of the enzymatic oxidation products of spermine on human melanoma cells (M14)

D. Mitrecˇic´, C. Nicaise, S. Gajovid, and R. Pochet (Zagreb, HR)

17.30 - 17.45

S. Šturm, K. Žužek Rožman, B. Markoli, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas, and S. Kobe (Ljubljana, SLO)

Plenary Lecture Imaging of Light Elements and Single-Atomic Column Compositional Analysis: Dream or Reality

11.15 - 11.30

16.00 - 16.30

16.45 - 17.00

AEM of complex nanospheres formed by pulsed-laser deposition from an Al target in a nitrogen atmosphere

Plenary Lecture The Biology of Implant Osseintegration

V. Radmilovic´ (Belgrade, SRB)

M.K. Santala, T. Topuria, B.W. Reed, T. LaGrange, G.H. Campbell, and N.D. Browning (Livermore, CA, USA)

15.30 - 15.45


A. Nanci (Montreal, CDN)

P. Pusztai, Á. Kukovecz, Z. Kónya (Szeged, HU)

In situ experiments on chalcogenide-based phase-change materials using dynamic transmission electron microscopy


11.45 - 12.00

Ultrastructural analysis of after-stress reparation on the model candida guilliermondii K.O.Hovnanyan, C.A.Sargsyan, A.L.Navasardyan, M.K.Hovnanyan (Yerevan, ARM)

12.00 - 12.15

12.15 - 12.30

Applications of Atomic Force Microscopy for Nanotoxicity, Ultrastructural Pathology and Medical Diagnostics G. Kada, C. Lamprecht, A. Ebner, H.-P. Huber, R. Silye, K. Schilcher, F. Kienberger, P. Hinterdorfer (Wien, A)

12.30 - 12.45

Improvement of targeted anticancer therapy by autophagy modulation M. Condello, P. Lista, G. Arancia and S. Meschini (Roma, I)

12.30 - 14.00

Critical evaluation of sample processing methods leading to improvement of immunogold labeling M.A. Sobol, V.V. Philimonenko, A.A. Philimonenko, and P. Hozák (Prague, CZ)

N. Jehanathan, M. Saraiva, D. Depla, and G. Van Tendeloo (Antwerp, B)

Aberration-corrected HRTEM imaging and density functional theory-based models of a Pt/ alumina interface M.K. Santala, C. Ophus, M. Asta, and V.R. Radmilovic (Livermore, CA, USA)

Nanotechnology and forensic sciences: a novel fabrication procedure for the detection ammunition features by microscopy F. Valle, M. Bianchi, S. Tortorella, G. Pierini, F. Biscarini and M. D’Elia (Bologna, I)

Campus cafeteria - lunch

Morphology, ultrastructure and extracellular proteome of sugarbeet tissue lines related to cell differentiation D. Poljuha, D. Pavokovid, A. Horvatid, N. Ljubešid, D. Hagège, M. Krsnik-Rasol (Pula, HR)

20 MCM 2011

MCM 2011 21

MCM 2011 Thursday, 8 September 2011 Afternoon Sessions 14.00 - 15.00

15.00 - 15.15

15.15 - 15.30



MCM 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011 Morning Sessions POSTER SESSION




L4. Ultrastructural pathology

I8. Environmental microscopy, X-ray and ion microscopy

M4. Thin films, coatings, surfaces and interfaces

Electron microscopic investigation of the African horse sickness virus life cycle in mammalian and insect cells E. Venter, C. F. van der Merwe, and V. van Staden (Pretoria, ZA)

Plasticity of FIB fabricated micro-samples investigated by in-situ micro-Laue diffraction and in-situ TEM

Electron microscopy in the Myofibrillar myopathy diagnosis

D. Kiener, C. Kirchlechner, Z. Zhang, O. Ulrich, J.S. Micha and G. Dehm (Leoben, A)

M. Ananth, B. De Benedetti, S. Grassini, C. Huynh, G. Lamedica, D. Mombello, L. Scipioni, S. Sijbrandij (Torino, I)

V. Papa, L. Tarantino, R. Salaroli, L. Badiali De Giorgi, E. Pegoraro, M. Fanin, C. Angelini, G. Cenacchi (Bologna, I)

16.00 - 16.30

9.30 - 10.00

10.00 - 10.15

Coffee break L3. Live cell imaging

I8. Environmental microscopy, X-ray and ion microscopy

M8. Microscopy in cultural heritage

10.15 - 10.30

Visualizing membrane traffic in vivo by correlative light-electron microscopy. R. S. Polishchuk (Napoli, I)

L. Khouchaf (Lille, FR)

High Resolution In-situ Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy by means of WetSTEM

Changes in chloroplast structure under (Mg2+) magnesium ion treatment. 3D imaging and statistical analysis of CLSM data R. Mazur, I. Rumak, K. Gieczewska, A. Mostowska, and M. Garstka (Warsaw, PL)

Multi-scale Raman microanalysis of pigments, glass, ceramic, paintings, … at the laboratory or with portable instruments P. Colomban (Thiais, FR)

17.15 - 17.30

Morphometric analysis of neuroblasts subjected to oxidative stress and creatine supplementation. F. Bartolini, S. Sartini, P. Sestili, E. Colombo, C. Martinelli, D. Lattanzi, S. Ciuffoli and R. Cuppini (Urbino, I)

17.30 - 17.45

Inside out - FIB/SEM analysis of historical metal threads Alternative Patterning Strategies for Reduced Thermal Stress during Focused Ion Beam Processing

L5. Microscopical applications in environmental sciences

M6. Ceramics, composites, minerals and self-assembled materials

Non-destructive Imaging and Spectroscopy of Environmentally relevant Materials and Processes

Transmission electron microscopy and inorganic chemistry needs

K. Janssens, W. De Nolf, G. Nuyts, F. Vanmeert, M. Radepont, He Tian J. Verbeeck and R. Terzano (Antwerp, B)

O.I. Lebedev, S. Turner, V. Pralong, B. Raveau and G. Van Tendeloo (Caen, FR)

The spermatozeugmata of Tubifex tubifex (Annelida, Clitellata, Tubificinae) studied by different technical approaches

Microscopy in analysis of functional ceramics and nanostructures

M. Ferraguti, R. Marotta, U. Fascio (Milano, I)

A. Gajovic´, A. Šantic´, R. Krsmanovic´, A. M. T. Silva, D. S. Su, and M. Cˇeh (Bijenicka, HR)

Preparation of nano-flat cellulose substrates for dynamic degradation experiments via AFM

EBSD and TEM analyses of the composition plane of Japanese twins in quartz

J. Dohr, P. Bubner, T. Ganner, C. Mayrhofer, M. Eibinger, B. Nidetzky, H. Plank (Graz, A)

A. Lenart, Z. Samardžija, B. Mirtic´, M. Godec and S. Šturm (Ljubljana, SLO)

Hydroid ultraecology

Local State Imaging by Spectrometric Full-Color Cathodolumi-nescence Microscopy, -Distribution of Bi2O3 in ZnO VaristorsH. Saijo, Y. Ohta, T. Matsumoto, A. Recnik and M. Shiojiri (Wakayama, J)

10.30 - 11.00

Coffee break

11.00 - 11.15

Zinc oxide nanoparticles disrupt intestinal barrier in developing Xenopus embryos: a multimicroscopical approach

Structural colors and nanostructures in lycaenid Blue butterfly species – how to recognize and to be recognized in the same habitat

N. Santo, U. Fascio, R. Bacchetta, P. Tremolada, E. Moschini, M. Camatini, P. Mantecca (Milano, I)

Z. Vértesy, G Piszter, K. Kertész, Z. Bálint, L.P. Biró (Budapest, HU)

Increased frond abscission in Lemna colonies may help in assessing water pollution

Mapping the bonding of light elements in a composite cutting tool material by DualEELSSpectrum Imaging

P. Wandrol, Filip Novotný, and Miroslav Šlouf (Brno, CZ)

17.00 - 17.15


G. Bavestrello, C. Cerrano, C. Di Camillo, S. Puce, T. Romagnoli, S. Tazioli, C. Totti (Ancona, I)

Electron behavior in Environmental-SEM : Application to monitoring the degradation of concrete

16.30 - 16.45

16.45 - 17.00

9.00 - 9.30

Corrosion mechanism assessment of metallic coatings thanks to the Helium ions microscopy


K. Gherdán, T.G. Weiszburg, M. Járó, A. Tóth, K. Ratter, N. Zajzon, Zs. Bendo˝, G. Varga and Gy. Szakmány (Budapest, HU)

H. Plank, R. Schmied, E. Fisslthaler, B. Chernev, C. Mayrhofer (Graz, A)

11.15 - 11.30

Keresztes Á, Fischer W, Topp C, Henke R, Eberius M, Appenroth K-J (Budapest, HU)

11.30 - 11.45

Using morphological endpoints for detection estrogen-like substances D. Zikic, G. Uscebrka, S. Stojanovic, Z Kanacki (Novi Sad, SRB)

Electron Backscatter Diffraction a powerful tool for the study of ancient materials M. Favaro, A. Gambirasi (Padova, I)

M. Albu, G. Kothleitner, J. Angseryd (Graz, A)


Campus cafeteria - Farewell Party

Cell migration in vitro by time-lapse microscopy

17.45 - 18.00

S. Caserta, V. Preziosi, F. Ascione, G. Tomaiuolo, and S. Guido (Napoli, I)

SEM-EDS and Raman investigation on ancient written fragments from the great mosque of Sana’a in Yemen F. Pinzari, M.Bicchieri and M.C.Misiti (Roma, I)

Characterization of painting materials in Lorenzo Lotto wood panels from Recanati

18.00 - 18.15

M. L. Amadori, S. Barcelli, E. Marconi, and L. Valentini (Urbino, I)


SISM General Assembly (Main Hall)


Gala Dinner, Sala Raffaello

22 MCM 2011

MCM 2011 23

Poster Presentations

INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY I1. Advanced techniques for atomic resolution I2. High resolution TEM and STEM I3. Electron diffraction techniques and analytical TEM I4. Advanced in SEM and HR-SEM I6. 3D-Imaging and nanotomography I7. Advanced in sample preparation techniques I8. Environmental microscopy, X-ray and ion microscopy LIFE SCIENCES L1. Multidisciplinary approaches in biology and medicine L2. High resolution microscopy in biological sciences L3. Live cell imaging L4. Ultrastructural pathology L5. Microscopical applications in environmental sciences L6. Extracellular matrix and calcified tissues L7. Structure and Imaging of Biomolecules L8. 3D subcellular architecture by electron tomography MATERIALS SCIENCES M1. Materials for nanotecnology M2. Carbon based materials M3. Semiconductors and magnetic materials M4. Thin films, coatings, surfaces and interfaces M5. Metal alloys and intermetallics M6. Ceramics, composites, minerals and self-assembled materials M7. Polymers and soft materials M8. Microscopy in cultural heritage

Remarks Poster numbering scheme: session - P - number (ex. IP1, IP2…) Each poster will be displayed during all congress time between 14.00 and 15.00.

INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY IP1. Performance enhancement of HR-S/TEMs by optimized active compensation of magnetic fields E. Fisslthaler (1), K. Friedl (2), E. Schmautzer (2), and W. Grogger (3) 1. Graz Centre for Electron Microscopy, Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz, Austria 2. Institute of Electrical Power Systems, Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 18/I, 8010 Graz, Austria 3. Institute for Electron Microscopy and Fine Structure Research, Graz University of Technology, Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz, Austria IP2. “HRTEM LaB6: Applications in Nanotechnology” J. Grinblat, I. Perelshtein Bar-Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials IP3. Comparative studies of the CrN/Cr/Si and CrN/Si interfaces by CS-corrected HRTEM and STEM-EELS Z. Zhang (1), R. Daniel (2), C. Mitterer (2) 1. Erich Schmid Institute of Materials Science, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Leoben, A8700, 2. Department of Physical Metallurgy and Materials Testing, Montanuniversität Leoben, A8700, Austria IP4. PASAD-tools, a software for quantitative analysis of SAD patterns C. Gammer (1), C. Mangler (1), H.P. Karnthaler (1) and C. Rentenberger (1) 1. Physics of Nanostructured Materials, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, 1090 Wien, Austria IP5. Advantages of the modified Becke-Johnson exchange potential for calculating EELS in WIEN2k W. Hetaba (1), M. Stöger-Pollach (2), S. Löffler (1), and P. Schattschneider (1,2) 1. Institute of Solid State Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8 10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria 2. University Service Centre for Transmission Electron Microscopy (USTEM), Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Vienna, Austria IP6. Non-Lorentzian scattering behavior in core losses S. Löffler (1), I. Ennen (1), M. Stöger-Pollach (2), and P. Schattschneider (1,2) 1. Institute of Solid State Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8 10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria 2. University Service Center for Transmission Electron Microscopy, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8 10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria IP7. Site specific elemental analysis using electron channelling W. Hetaba (1), S. Löffler (1), and P. Schattschneider (1,2) 1. Institute of Solid State Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8 10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria 2. University Service Centre for Transmission Electron Microscopy (USTEM), Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Vienna, Austria IP8. Investigating the optical properties of AlxGa1-xAs by low voltage VEELS M. Stöger-Pollach (1), S. Löffler (2), W. Hetaba (2) and P. Schattschneider (1,2) 1. University Service Center for Transmission Electron Microscopy, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8 10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria 2. Institute of Solid State Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8 10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria IP9. Commensurate superstructures in the [(Ca/Sr)2Cu2O3][CuO2]x532 composite crystal O. Milat, K. Salamon, S. Tomic´, T. Vuletic´, T. Ivek Ip10 Institute of Physics, Zagreb, Bijenicka 46, Croatia IP10. Afterglow of YAG:Ce single crystal scintillators for S(T)EM electron detectors J. Bok, P. Schauer Institute of Scientific Instruments of the ASCR, v.v.i., Department of Electron Optics, Královopolská 147, CZ-61264 Brno, Czech Republic IP11. Features of the triple detection system for the new SU8000 family and applications H. Sato (1), P. de Natale (2), R. Steffen (2), R. Schmidt (2) 1. Hitachi High-Technologies Corp., 882,Ichige, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki, 312-8504, Japan 2. Hitachi High-Technologies Europe GmbH, Europark Fichtenhain A 12, 47807 Krefeld, Germany IP12. 2H-BaMnO3 nanoparticles synthesized under hydrothermal conditions M. Parras, A. Varela, A. Querejeta, and J.M. González-Calbet

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1. Departamento Química Inorgánica, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Complutense, E28040-Madrid, Spain. IP13. Advances in instrumentation and applications for Atom Probe Tomography F. Horreard (1), D. J. Larson (2), P. H. Clifton (2), D. Lawrence (2), D. Olson (2), T. J. Prosa (2), R. M. Ulfig (2), J. H. Bunton (2), D. Lenz (2) and T. F. Kelly (2) 1. Cameca SAS, 29 Quai des Grésillons, Gennevilliers 92622 FRANCE 2. Cameca Instruments Inc., 5500 Nobel Drive, Madison, WI 53711 USA IP14. Investigation of nickel and Fe3O4 nanoparticles incorporated within mesoporous silicon by electron tomography T. Uusimäki (1,2), M. Albu (1,2), M. Sezen (1,2), P. Granitzer (3), P. Pölt (1,2), M.P Morales (4), K. Rumpf (3) and G. Kothleitner (1,2) 1. Institute for Electron Microscopy, Graz University of Technology, Steyrergasse 17, 8010, Graz, Austria 2. Center for Electron Microscopy, Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz, Austria 3. Institute of Physics, Karl Franzens University Graz, Universitaetsplatz 5, 8010, Graz, Austria 4. Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain IP15. A method to visualize glycoprotein matrices microstructure with high resolution scanning electron microscopy G. Familiari, R. Heyn, L. Petruzziello and M. Relucenti Laboratory of Electron Microscopy Pietro M. Motta, Dept. Anatomy, Medical-legal, Histology and Locomotive System Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, via Alfonso Borelli 50, 00161 Rome, Italy. IP16. Human embryonic stem cells preparation for scanning electron microscopy E. Flodrová (1,2), V. Nedeˇla (1), M. Sedlácˇková (3), and A. Hampl (3) 1. Institute of Scientific Instruments of ASCR, Královopolská 147, 61264 Brno, Czech Republic 2. Department of Electrotechnology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology, Technická 3058/10, 616 00 Brno, Czech Republic 3. Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Kamenice 3, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic IP17. Preparation of SigmaTM SiC fibers for TEM by tripod polishing and conventional ion milling M. Gec, T. Toplišek, G. Dražid Nanostructured Materials, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia IP18. Prolonged duration of aldehyde fixation is beneficial for bacterial SEM investigation M. Hocˇevar (1), M. Godec (1), M. Jenko (1), D. Drobne (2), N. Gunde Cimerman (2), S.a Novak (2) 1. Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2. Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Vecˇna pot 111, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. IP19. Pollen morphology of Fraxinus excelsior L. (Oleaceae) M. Macˇukanovid-Jocid, D. Rancˇic´ Department of Agrobotany, Faculty of Agriculture University of Belgrade, Nemanjina 6, Belgrade, Serbia IP20. A novel freeze-drying method using ice fixation H. Ohta (1), T. Suzuki (2), T. Toda (1) and M. Kuwata (1) 1. Department of Environmental Engineering for symbiosis, Faculty of Engineering, Soka University, 1-236, Tangi-machi, Hachioji, Tokyo, 192-8577, Japan 2. Sun Technologies IP21. EPMA in determing the cytoplasmic elemental (K, Na, Cl) concentration in cardiac myocell during acute ischemia V.N. Pogorelova (1), A.G. Pogorelov (1,2) 1. Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS, 142290, Pushchino, Moscow province, Russian Federation 2. Pushchino State University, Department of Biophysics and Biomedicine, 142290, Pushchino, Moscow province, Russian Federation IP22. Ultrastructure of beech (Fagus sylvatica) chloroplast as preserved by high-pressure freezing and chemical fixation B. Radochová (1), Z. Lhotáková (2), J. Nebesárˇová (3), M. Cˇapek (1), L. Kubínová (1) and J. Albrechtová (2) 1. Institute of Physiology AS CR, Vídenˇská 1083, 142 20 Prague, Czech Republic 2. Department of Experimental Plant Biology, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Vinicˇná 5, 128 44 Prague, Czech Republic 3. Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre AS CR, Branišovská 31, 370 05 Cˇeské Budeˇjovice, Czech Republic IP23. Native conifer embryogenic tissues studied using the environmental scanning electron microscope V. Nedeˇla (1), J. Hrˇib (2), J. Runštuk (1) 1. Institute of Scientific Instruments of ASCR, Královopolská 147, 61264 Brno, Czech Republic 2. Institute of Plant Genetics and Biotechnology, SAS, Akademická 2, P.O. Box 39A 950 07 Nitra, Slovak Republic

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IP24. The study of aqueous Li ion batteries using in-situ measurements by environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) Talyosef Yossi, Shelly Rap, Doron Aurbach BINA: Bar-Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900 Israel IP25. Governing the wettability properties of polyester fibers using grafted functional nanomaterials Talyosef Yossi, Boguslavsky Yonit, Fadida Tania and Lellouche Jean-Paul BINA: Bar-Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900 Israel

LIFE SCIENCES LP1. The neuroprotective and antiapoptotic effects of Huperzine A, on traumatic spinal cord injury in rats. Yücel.S¸ahin (1), Eser.Mediha. (2), Tanriverdi.Gamze (2), Karaogˇlan.Alper (3), Akdemir.Osman (4), Tunçdemir.Matem (5), Alkan.Faruk (2) 1. Department of Neurosurgery, Erzincan State Hospital. 2.. Department of Histology and Embryology,Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine,Istanbul University. 3. Department of Neurosurgery, Maltepe University, School of Medicine, istanbul. 4. Department of Neurosurgery, Taksim Education and Research Hospital, istanbul. 5. Department of Medical Biology,Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University,Turkey LP2. In vitro effect of chitosan on cell-cell junctions of fibroblast cells B. Uslu (1), S. Arbak (2), S Özbas¸ (4), B Biltekin (3), S Denir (3) J Tanbogˇa (4) , A Bilir (3) 1. Department of IVF Zeynep Kamil Woman &Children Health & Research Hospital, Istanbul Turkey 2. Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, Acıbadem University, Istanbul Turkey 3. Department of Histology and Embryology, istanbul Faculty of Medicine, istanbul University, Istanbul Turkey 4. Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy Marmara University, Istanbul Turkey LP3. Fabrication of a scaffold based on a standing fibrin film: Scanning Electron Microscopy characterization M. Barbalinardo (1,2), F. Valle (1), B. Chelli (1,3), M. Bianchi (1) , E. Bystrenova (1),P. Greco (4) and F. Biscarini (1) 1. CNR- Institute for Nanostructured Materials Studies, via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna 2. “Alma Mater Studiorum”- University of Bologna, via Zamboni 33, 40126 Bologna 3. Nano4bio S.R.L., viale G. Fanin 48, 40127, Bologna 4. Scriba Nanotechologies S.R.L., via Gobetti 52/A, 40129 Bologna LP4. Detection of p53 and BRCA protein in MCF-7 and HCT116 cell lines after treatment of 5-FU, doxorubicin and other cytostatics drug by confocal microscopy, western blot analysis and flow-cytometry B. E. Jagelska, J. Coufal, M. Fojta and V. Brazda Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Department of Biophysical Chemistry and Molecular Oncology, Brno, Czech Republic LP5. Hydroxytyrosol derivatives vs apoptosis: a protective action? S. Burattini (1), S. Salucci (1), V. Baldassarri (1), A. Accorsi (2), M. Candiracci (2), G. Piersanti (2), J.L. Espartero Sanchez (3), G. Zappia (2), and E. Falcieri (1,4) 1. Department of Earth, Life and Environmental Sciences, Urbino University “Carlo Bo”, 61029; 2. Departement of Biomolecular Sciences, Urbino University “Carlo Bo”, 61029; 3. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Seville, Spain, 41012; 4. IGM-CNR, Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli, 40100, Bologna, Italy LP6. Interpretation of dark neurons in experimental model of ischemia, neurointoxication and brain infection I. Cˇapo (1), D. Laloševic´ (1), S. Sekulic´ (2) , N. Hinic´ (3), N. Rokvic´ (3) 1. Department of Histology and embriology, Medical faculty, University of Novi Sad, Serbia 2. Department of Neurology, Clinical centre of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia 3. Medical faculty, University of Novi Sad, Serbia LP7. RNAse A-containing foci are found in nucleoli of HeLa cells aged in culture M. Costanzo (1), B. Cisterna (1), O. O. Zharskaya (2), O. V. Zatsepina (2), M. Biggiogera (1) 1. Laboratorio di Biologia Cellulare e Neurobiologia, Dipartimento di Biologia Animale, Università di Pavia, I-27100 Pavia, Italy. 2. Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia LP8. AFM investigation of scale-independent roughness of cell membrane P. D’Antonio(1), M. Lasalvia(2), G. Perna(1), G. Quartucci(1), V. Capozzi(1). (1) Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Università di Foggia, Viale Pinto, 1 – 71121 Foggia

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(2) Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e del Lavoro, Università di Foggia, Viale Pinto, 1 – 71121 Foggia

(1) Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Dept.of Biomathematics, Czech Republic

LP9. Immunolocalization and involvement of antimicrobial peptides in local inflammatory-like reactions in the tunic of Ciona intestinalis (Tunicata) M. A.Di Bella (1), H.Fedders (2), G.De Leo (1) and M. Leippe (2) 1. Department of Biopathology and medical and forensic Biotechnology, University of Palermo, Via Divisi 83, 90133 Palermo, Italy; 2 Department of Zoophysiology, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany.

LP21. Mechanism of internalization of cationic liposomes in human glioblastoma cells C. Bombelli (1), G. Bozzuto (2), B. Altieri (1), L. Giansanti (1), A. Stringaro (2), M. Colone (2), L. Toccacieli (2), G. Formisano (2), G. Mancini (1), A. Molinari (2) 1. Institute of Chemical Methodologies, CNR and Department of Chemistry University of Rome “Sapienza”, Piazzale A. Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy. 2. Department of Technology and Health, Italian National Institute of Health, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy.

LP10. Ultrastructural aspects of oocytes and vitellocytes in Syndesmis patagonica (Platyhelminthes, Rhabdocoela, Umagillidae) A. Falleni (1), P. Lucchesi (1), C. Ghezzani (1), and M.I. Brogger (2) 1. 1. Department of Human Morphology and Applied Biology, University of Pisa, Italy 2. Lab.Ecosist. Costeros, Museo Argentino Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina LP11. Ultrastructure of the female gonad of terrestrial planarians (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida) and phylogenetic implications A. Falleni, C. Ghezzani, and P. Lucchesi Department of Human Morphology and Applied Biology, University of Pisa, Italy LP12. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM): a new method for the assessment of the clinical outlines of the post-extraction sites. A. García-Herraiz (1), R. Leiva-García (2), F.J. Silvestre (1), C.M. Domenech-Santamaría (1), J. García-Antón (2). 1. Unidad de Pacientes Especiales. Departamento de Estomatología. Universidad de Valencia. Gascó Oliag 1. 46010 Valencia. Spain. 2. Ingeniería Electroquímica y Corrosión (IEC). Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Nuclear. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Camino de Vera s/n. 46022 Valencia. Spain. LP13. Microscopic evidence of transfusion transmitted Anaplasma phagocytophilum in a 36-years old pregnant women M. Kolenc (1), L. Fajs (1), U. Glinšek Biškup (1), M. Poljšak-Prijatelj (1), I. Šest (1), N. Žnidaršicˇ (2), and T. Avšicˇ-Županc (1) 1. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Zaloška 4, 1000 Ljubljana 2. University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Vecˇna pot 111, 1000 Ljubljana LP14. A one-step multiplex PCR without downstream amplicon analysis for screening Y-chromosomal microdeletions V. Kozina (1), H. Capallo-Obermann (2), J. Gromoll (3) and A. N. Spiess (2) 1. Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia 2. Department of Andrology, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany 3. Center for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology, University Hospital Münster, Germany LP15. Evidence for urothelial plaque formation in vitro M.E. Kreft (1), R.Romih (1), K. Jezernik (1), and H. Robenek (2) 1. Institute of Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Lipicˇeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2. Leibniz Institute for Arteriosclerosis Research, Domagkstr. 3, 48149 Münster, Germany LP16. Eggs ultrastructure of the basal tapeworm Gyrocotyle urna (Gyrocotylidea) using cryo-methods C. Levron (1), R. Kuchta (1), M. Vancová (1), J. Nebesarˇová (1), T. Scholz(1) (1) Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Branišovská 31, 370 05 Cˇeské Budeˇjovice, Czech Republic LP17. Light and electron microscopy in investigation of glandular trichomes of Satureja montana L. M. Marin (1), L. Ascensão (2), S. Duletid-Lauševid (1) and P. D. Marin (1) 1. Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden “Jevremovac”, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 2. Centro de Biotecnologia Vegetal, Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal LP18. Assessing estrogenic activity of daidzein using immature rat uterotrophic response I. Medigovid, M. Manojlovid-Stojanoski, N. Ristid, J. Pantelid, S. Trifunovid, V. Miloševid and N. Nestorovid Department of Citology, Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stankovid”, University of Belgrade, Serbia LP19. Effect of ß-carotene on H-ras transformed 5RP7 Cell Line C. D. Melis (1), K. Mehtap H (2), G. Gamze (3), i. Arzu (1) 1. Anadolu University, Institute of Science, Department of Biology, 26470, Eskis¸ehir, TURKEY 2.Anadolu University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 26470, Eskis¸ehir, TURKEY 3.Anadolu University, Institute of Science, Department of Biotechnology, 26470, Esks¸ehir, TURKEY 4.Anadolu University, Plant, Drug and Scientific Research Center 26470, Eskis¸ehir, TURKEY LP20. Non-rigid registration of CLSM images of physical sections with discontinuous deformations. J. Michálek(1), M. Cˇapek (1), and L. Kubínová (1)

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LP22. Investigation of the effects of Zn-treatment on the apoptotic proteins and MT expression in experimental diabetic nephropathy D. Özçelik (1), M. Tunçdemir (2), N. Pastaci (1), M. Öztürk (2) 1. Department of Biophysics, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University. 2. Department of Medical Biology, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University, Turkey LP23. Automated evaluation of a bladder cancer specific multiprobe-FISH assay applying a user-trainable workstation G. Pajor (1,2), D. Alpar(1), B. Kajtar(1), B. Melegh (2), L. Somogyi (3), M. Kneif (1), D. Bollmann (4), N. Sule (5), L. Pajor(1) (1) Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pécs, Hungary (2) Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pécs, Hungary (3) Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pécs, Hungary (4) Institute of Pathology, Bonn-Duisdorf, Bonn, Germany (5) Department of Pathology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA LP24. The Effect of Acute Heat Stress on Rat Adrenal Medulla-an Ultrastructural Study Dragana Petrovid-Kosanovid (1,2), Ksenija Velcˇkovic´ (1,2), Vesna Koko (1,2,4), Gordana Cvijid (3) , and Maja Cˇakic´ Miloševid (1,2) 1. Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 11000, Studentski trg 3, Serbia 2. Centre for Electron Microscopy, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 11000, Studentski trg 3, Serbia 3. Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 11000, Studentski trg 3, Serbia 4. Institute for Medical Research, Belgrade, 11000, Dr Subotica 4, Serbia [email protected] LP25. Microstructure of microbial biofilm adhered on port catheter: complementary imaging by HV-SEM, E-SEM and TPLSM F. Tessarolo (1,2), F. Piccoli (1,3), M. Lorenzato (1,3), I. Caola (1,3), G. Nollo (2), and P. Caciagli (1,3) 1. Section of Electron Microscopy, Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari 38122 Trento, Italy. 2. BIOtech, Interdepartmental Center on Biomedical Technologies, University of Trento, Matterello, 38122 Trento, Italy. 3. Department of Laboratory Medicine, Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari 38122 Trento, Italy. LP26. Propolis effect on morphology of human gingival fibroblasts in vitro J. Rajkovic´ (1), S. Stojanovic´ (2), S. Najman (2), M. Kostic´ (3), and V. Savic´ (4) 1. Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Niš, Serbia 2. Institute of Biology and Human genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš, Serbia 3. Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš, Serbia 4. Institute for Biomedical Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš, Serbia LP27. Use of a new automatic system for the evaluation of human stem cells functionality. MC Scerpa (1), N. Daniele (1-2), C. Rossi (2), C. Ciammetti (2), F. Locatelli (3), G. Isacchi (1-2) and F. Zinno (1-2) 1. Laboratory of Stem Cells Manipulation and Cryopreservation – Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital - IRCCS , Piazza S. Onofrio 4, Rome - Italy, 00165. 2. Immunohematology Section – Tor Vergata University c/o Piazza S. Onofrio 4, Rome - Italy, 00165 3. Oncohematology Pediatric Section - Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital - IRCCS , Piazza S. Onofrio 4, Rome - Italy, 00165 LP28. Interaction between lysozyme microspheres and innate immune system E. Schiavi (1), M. Colone (2), M. Tortora (3), B. Barletta (1), C. Butteroni (1), S. Corinti (1), G. Di Felice (1), F. Cavalieri (3), and A. Stringaro (2) 1. Department of Infectious, Parasitic and Immune-mediated Diseases, and 2. Department of Technology and Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 00161 Rome, Italy; 3. Department of Chemical Sciences and Technologies, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, 00173 Rome, Italy. LP29. Cisplatin-induced atrophy in C2C12 myotubes: a multidisciplinary microscopic study F. Rovetta (1), A. Stacchiotti (2), M. Ferroni (3), A. Lavazza (4), G. Sberveglieri (3), R. Rezzani (2), M. F. Aleo (1) 1. Biochemistry Unit, Dept. Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnologies, University of Brescia, V.le Europa 11, 25123 Brescia, Italy 2. Human Anatomy Unit, Dept. Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnologies, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy 3. Dept. Physics and Chemistry for Engineering and Materials, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy 4. Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale, Brescia, Italy

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LP30. Notch signaling pathway in cumulus cells can be novel marker for identify poor responders and normal responder patients Tanriverdi Gamze (1), Denir Seçnur (2), Bilir Ayhan (2), Oktar Hüseyin (1), Çepni ismail (3), irez Tülay (3) 1. Department of Histology and Embryology, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty of Istanbul University, Istanbul. 2. Department of Histology and Embryology, Istanbul Medical Faculty of Istanbul University, Istanbul. 3. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty of Istanbul University, Istanbul.

LP42. Migratory and invasive behaviour of cancer stem cells from glioblastoma patient. G.Bozzuto (1), L. Toccacieli (1), S. Mazzoleni (2), R. Galli, and A. Molinari (1) 1. Department of Technology and Health, Italian National Institute of Health, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy 2. Neural Stem Cell Biology Unit, Division of Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells and Gene Therapy, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Via Olgettina 58, 20132 Milan, Italy

LP31. The contribution of scanning electron microscopy in quality control of medical devices in hospital F. Tessarolo (1,2), I. Caola (1,3), F. Piccoli (1,3), M Fedel (2), G. Nollo (2), and P. Caciagli (1,3) 1. Section of Electron Microscopy, Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari 38122 Trento, Italy. 2. BIOtech, Interdepartmental Center on Biomedical Technologies, University of Trento, Mattarello, 38122 Trento, Italy. 3. Department of Laboratory Medicine, Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari 38122 Trento, Italy.

LP43. Characterztion of the neuromuscular junctions in a mouse model of ALS: effect of early administration of Nandrolone V. Cappello (1), E. Vezzoli (1), M. Righi (1), M. Bentivoglio (2), G. Pietrini (1), M. Francolini (1) 1. Dept. of Medical Pharmacology - University of Milan and CNR Neuroscience Institute, via Vanvitelli 32, 20129 Milan, Italy 2. Dept. of Morphological and Biochemical Sciences, University of Verona – Verona, Italy

LP32. Electron microscopy school auditorium M. Tosti Veterinary Med., Perugia, Italy LP33. Application of transmission electron microscopy in liposome characterization M. Tušek Žnidarcˇ (1), D. Gmajner (2), A. Mirticˇ (3), N. Žnidaršicˇ (4) and J. Štrus (4) 1. National Institute of Biology, Department of Biotechnology and Sistem Biology, Vecˇna pot 111, Ljubljana, SI-1000, Slovenia. 2. Department of Food Science and Technology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3. National Institute of Chemistry, Laboratory of Biomolecular Structure, Hajdrihova 19, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia 4. University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, Department of Biology, Vecˇna pot 111, Ljubljana, SI-1000, Slovenia LP34. The effect of methimazole-induced hypothyroidism on the rat pancreatic ß-cells M. Ukropina (1), V. Koko (1), R. Glišid (2), and M. Cˇakic-Miloševic (1) 1. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Zoology, Studentski trg 16, Belgrade 11000, Serbia 2. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science, Kragujevac 34000, Serbia LP35. Influence of thermal manipulations during embryonic development on skeletal muscle tissue of broiler chickens G. Uscebrka (1), S. Stojanovic (1), D. Zikic (1), Z. Kanacki (1) 1. Faculty of agriculture, University of Novi Sad, D. Obradovica 8, Novi Sad, 21000, Serbia LP36. The role of hyperplasia after urothelial injury T. Višnjar (1), M.E. Kreft (1) 1. Institute of Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Lipicˇeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia LP37. Comparison of Placental Morphology and Glycosylation Patterns of Proteins between Normal Pregnancy and IUGR – a pilot study A.Vukasovic (1), L. Serman (2), D. Grbesa (1), B. Miskovic (3) 1. Department of Histology and Embryology, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Croatia 2. Department of Biology, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Croatia 3. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Clinical Hospital Sveti Duh, Zagreb, Croatia. LP38. The effects of vitamin D receptor silencing on cabindin D28k expression in primary cortical neurons S. Yilmazer (1), D. Gezen-Ak (1), and E. Dursun (1) 1. Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biology, Istanbul, Turkey LP39. Solid Lipid Nanoparticles targeting atherosclerotic plaques in ApoE knock out mouse model. C. Brioschi, S. Salina, E. Reitano, L. Miragoli, S. Ghiani, F. Maisano, and A. Maiocchi. Bracco Imaging S.p.a., via Ribes, 5 - Colleretto Giacosa 10010 (TO), Italy LP40. Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy Characterization of Human Spermatozoa L. Andolfi, E. Trevisan, B. Troian, S. Prato, R. Boscolo, E. Giacomini, S. Luppi, M. Martinelli,G. Ricci, and M. Zweyer 1. Clinical Department of Medical, Chirurgical Science and Healthy, University of Trieste, 2. Assisted Reproduction Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste and University of Trieste 3. A.P.E. Research Srl, AREA Science Park, Basovizza, Trieste LP41. Study of quantitative efficiency of pollen tubes growth in plum (Prunus domestica L.) by fluorescence microscopy Milena Djordjevic (1), Radosav Cerovic (1), Dragan Nikolic (2), Sanja Radicevic (1), Nebojsa Milosevic (1) and Ivana Glisic (1) 1. Fruit Research Institute, Department of Pomology and Breeding, Kralja Petra I/9, Cacak, 32000, Serbia 2. Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Fruit Science & Viticulture, Belgrade, Serbia

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LP44. Effects of myo-inositol on sperm motility M. Colone (1), G. Marelli (2), V. Unfer (3), G. Bozzuto (1), A. Molinari (1) and A. Stringaro (1) 1. Department of Technology and Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 00161, Rome 2. Obstetric-Gynaecologic Clinic, Scientific Institute for Admission and Treatment, Saint Raphael Hospital, Milan 3. Obstetric-Gynaecologic Clinic, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy LP45. The autophagic process as revealed by microscopic techniques M. Condello, S. Meschini, G. Formisano and G. Arancia Department of Technology and Health, Italian National Institute of Health, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy LP46. Scanning electron microscopy for structural analysis of renal concrements L. Didenko (1), N. Shevlyagina (1), E. Tolordava (1), T. Perepanova (2), J. Romanova (1) (1) Gamaleaya Research Institute for epidemiology & microbiology Moscow, Russia (2) Institute for urology Moscow, Russia LP47. The Determination of Structural Changes H-ras Transformed 5RP7 Cell Line Exposed to Manganese Modified Chlorin A G. Gamze (1), K. Mehtap H. (2), i. Arzu (3), B. Hüseyin (4) 1. Anadolu University, Institute of Science, Department of Biotechnology, 26470, Eskis¸ehir,TURKEY 2. Anadolu University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 26470, Eskis¸ehir, TURKEY 3. Anadolu University, Plant, Drug and Scientific Research Center 26470, Eskis¸ehir, TURKEY 4. Anadolu University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, 26470, Eskis¸ehir, TURKEY LP48. Ultrastructural study of the ageing in vitro of myotubes derived from myoblasts of patients affected by myotonic dystrophy type 2 M. Giagnacovo (1), M. Costanzo (1), M. Malatesta (2), R. Cardani (3,4), G. Meola (5) and C. Pellicciari (1) 1. Dept. of Animal Biology, University of Pavia, Via A. Ferrata 9, 27100 Pavia, Italy 2. Dept. of Neurological, Neuropsychological, Morphological and Motor Sciences (Anatomy and Histology Section), University of Verona, Strada Le Grazie 8, 37134 Verona, Italy 3. Dept. of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, and 4. Centre for the Study of Neuromuscular Diseases – CMN, Via Celoria 26, 20133 Milano 5. Dept. of Neurology, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Via R. Morandi 30, 20097 San Donato Milanese, Italy. LP49. Mitochondriogenesis in heart of cold-acclimated rats: the role of nitric oxide A. Abdussalam Ali A. Hmaid (1), A. Stancic (2), M. Markelic (1), K. Velickovic (1), I. Golic (1), V. Otasevic (2), M. Vucetic (2), A. Jankovic (2), B. Buzadzic (2), B. Korac (2) and A. Korac (1) 1. Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia. 2. Institute for Biological Research “Sinisa Stankovic”, Bulevar despota Stefana 142, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia LP50. The specific features of submicroscopic organization of Chlamydia trachomatis infected McCoy cells. E.A. Kost (1), L.V. Didenko (1), N.A. Zigangirova (2) 1. Laboratory of anatomy of microorganisms, Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Gamaleya street 18, 123098 Moscow, Russian Federation. 2. Laboratory of chlamidiosis, Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Gamaleya street 18, 123098 Moscow, Russian Federation. LP51. Visualization of bacteriophages adsorbed to bacterial surfaces by scanning electron microscopy in table olive fermenting brines B. Lanza CRA-OLI, Centro di Ricerca per l’Olivicoltura e l’Industria Olearia, I-65013 Città Sant’Angelo (PE), Italy LP52. Basic ultrastructural studies of environmental adaptation of blood cells in high-altitude inhabitants Ch.A. Mambetova Scientific and Production Centre for Preventive Medicine, 34 Baitik Baatyr Str., Bishkek, 720005, Kyrgyz Republic (e-mail: [email protected])

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LP53. Red blood cell changes during aging under blood bank conditions: biochemical, rheological and ultrastructural studies A. Molinari (1) G. Formisano (1), L.Toccacieli (1), M.P. Caforio (2), L. Luchetti (2), D. Di Silvio (2), A. Tarzia (2) and P. Caprari (2) 1. Department of Technology and Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy 2. Department of Hematology, Oncology and Molecular Medicine, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy LP54. Effects of Urotensin II receptor on the migratory and invasive potential of human prostate adenocarcinoma LNCaP cells A. Molinari (1), G. Bozzuto (1), L. Toccacieli (1), G. Arancia (1), P. Grieco (2), M. Marra (3), S. Zappavigna (3), E. Novellino (2), A. Abbruzzese (3), and M. Caraglia (3) 1. Department of Technology and Health, Italian National Institute of Health, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy 2. Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, University of Naples Federico II, Via Montesano 49, 80131 Naples, Italy 3. Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Second University of Naples, Via Costantinopoli 16, 80138 Naples, Italy LP55. SEM investigation of surface characteristics of isopod digestive gland cells infected by intracellular bacteria D. Drobne (1), S. Novak (1), M. Hocevar (2), M. Godec (2), M. Jenko (2) 1. Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Vecˇna pot 111, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2. Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. LP56. Morphological analysis of EGF stimulated A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cell line M. Potic´-Floranovic´, I. Dimov, V. Savic´ Institute for biomedical research, Medical faculty University of Niš, Zoran Djindjic´ Boulevard 81, 18000 Niš, Serbia. LP57. Skeletal muscle apoptosis induced by chemical triggers: myotubes vs myoblasts S. Salucci (1), S. Burattini (1), M. Battistelli (1), B. Canonico (1), S. Papa (1) and E. Falcieri (1,2) 1. Department of Earth, Life and Environmental Sciences, Urbino University. “Carlo Bo”; 2. IGM-CNR, Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli, Bologna; Italy LP58. Evaluation of testosterone production in mice lacking inducible nitric oxide synthase after Sildenafil treatment K.L.A. Saraiva (1), M.I. Wanderley (2), F.O.S. Gomes (3), E.L. Ribeiro (3) and C.A. Peixoto (1,3) 1. Laboratory of Microscopy, Strategic Technologies Center of Northeast (CETENE), ZIP Code 50.740-540, Recife, Brazil; 2. Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil; 3. Laboratory of Ultrastructure, Aggeu Magalhães Institute (CPqAM/FIOCRUZ), Recife, Brazil. LP59. Morpho-functional disorders of ovary and adrenal glands in experimental hsv2 infection N.V. Shevlyagina, T.G. Borovaya, A.M. Ivanova, A.N. Narovlyansky, L.V. Didenko Gamaleya Research Institute for epidemiology and microbiology, Gamaleya str, 18, Moscow, Russia, 123098 LP60. Different electron microscopical approaches to study pilus-like structures in streptococci during infection A.R. Taddei (1), A. Pezzicoli (2), G. Gambellini (1), A. Di Giulio (3), R. Rappuoli (2) and M. Soriani (2) 1. Centro Interdipartimentale di Microscopia Elettronica (C.I.M.E.), Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Largo dell’Università snc, Blocco D, 01100 Viterbo, ITALY 2. Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Via Fiorentina 1, 53100, Siena, ITALY 3. Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale, Università degli Studi ‘Roma Tre’, Viale G. Marconi, 446, 00146 Roma, ITALY LP61. Down regulation of hccs in Medaka recapitulates the phenotype observed in Microphthalmia with linear skin lesions (MLS) syndrome A. Indrieri (1,2), I. Conte (1,3), R. Tatè (3), M. Cermola (3), P. Bovolenta (4), and B. Franco (1,5) 1. Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM), 80131 Naples, Italy. 2. European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM), 80131 Naples, Italy. 3. Institute of Genetics and Biophysics (IGB) Adriano Buzzati Traverso CNR, 80131 Naples, Italy. 4. Departamento de Neurobiología Molecular Celular y del Desarrollo, Instituto Cajal, CSIC, and CIBER de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER), 28002 Madrid, Spain. 5. Medical Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, Federico II University, 80131 Naples, Italy. LP62. Pathologic helminth ultrastructure - dirofilaria repens M. Tosti Veterinary Med. - Perugia - Italy LP63. Essential oil from Mentha suaveolens (EOMS) induces morphological alterations in C.albicans E. Vavala (1), M. Colone (2), R. Ragno (3), L. Paris (4), L. Angiolella (1) and A. Stringaro (2) 1. Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, “Sapienza” University, 00161, Rome 2. Department of Technology and Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 00161, Rome. 3. Department of Chemistry and Drug Technologies “Sapienza” University, 00161, Rome 4. Department of Cell Biology and Neurosciences, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 00161, Rome.

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LP64. Homing of transplanted bone marrow cells in livers of Schistosoma mansoni-infected mice N. ElKhafif (1), B. Voss (2), O. Hammam (3), H. Yehia (1), S. Mansy (1), M. Akl (3), S. Boehm (2), S. Mahmoud (4), O. ElBendary (5) and G. ElFandy (6) 1. Electron Microscopy Research Department, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, PO Box 30, Imbaba, 12411, Giza, Egypt 2. Professional Association’s Research Institute for Occupational Medicine BGFA, Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany 3. Department of Pathology, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Giza, Egypt 4. Department of Parasitology, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Giza, Egypt 5. Department of Clinical Chemistry, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Giza, Egypt 6. Department of Anaesthesia, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Giza, Egypt LP65. Hepatic stellate cells and fibrogenesis in hepatitis C virus infection: an ultrastructural insight S. S. Mansy (1), N. A. ElKhafif (2), A. S. AbelFatah (3), H. A. Yehia (1), and I. Mostafa (3) 1. Electron Microscopy Research Department (Pathology), Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, PO Box 30, Imbaba, 12411, Giza, Egypt 2. Electron Microscopy Research Department (Haematology), Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Imbaba, Giza, Egypt 3. Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Imbaba, Giza, Egypt LP66. In vivo anti-apoptotic effect of compound 4 in rats infused with Aß (1-40), as a model of Alzheimer’s disease. S. Zara (1), D. Bosco (2), I. Cacciatore (1), P. Sozio (1), S. Pacella (3), A. Cataldi (3) 1. Department of Drug Sciences, University “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara, via dei Vestini 31, Chieti, Italy 2. Institute of Molecular Genetics,CNR, Unit of Chieti, Italy 3. Department of Medicine and Ageing Sciences, University “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara, via dei Vestini 31, Chieti, Italy LP67. Detection of the Apoptotic Effects Escin on 5RP7 H-Ras Transformed Cell Line by Using Flow Cytometry K. Mehtap H., G. Gamze, i. Arzu 1. Anadolu University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 26470, Eskis¸ehir, TURKEY 2. Anadolu University, Institute of Science, Department of Biotechnology, 26470, Eskis¸ehir, TURKEY 3. Anadolu University, Plant, Drug and Scientific Research Center 26470, Eskis¸ehir, TURKEY LP68. Study by SEM on the effect of antimicrobials on biofilms developed with S. mutans and other colonizers of dental implants W. Baffone (1), R. Campana (1), E. Ciandrini (1), S. Federici (1), M. Battistelli (2), A. Manti (2) and E. Falcieri (2) 1. Department of Biomolecular Science, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Urbino, 61029, Italy. 2. Department of Earth, Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Urbino, 61029, Italy LP69. Physical agents induce C2C12 cell death: preliminary data. M. Battistelli (1)*, V. Baldassarri (1), S. Salucci (1), S. Burattini (1), B. Canonico (1), S. Papa (1), E. Falcieri (1,2). 1. Dep. of Earth, Life and Environmental Sciences, Urbino University “Carlo Bo”61029 Urbino (PU) 2. IGM, CNR, Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli, 40100 Bologna (Bo); Italy. LP70. Three-dimensional analysis of the canal network of Stylaster sp. (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) by means of X-ray computed microtomography S. Puce (1), D. Pica (1), L. Mancini (2), F. Brun (2,3) and G. Bavestrello (1) 1. DiSMar, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy 2. Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., S.S. 14 - km 163.5 in AREA Science Park, 34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy 3. Department of Industrial Engineering and Information Technology, University of Trieste, Via A. Valerio 10, 34127 Trieste, Italy LP71. Unusual sperm characteristics in a Mayfly (Ephemeroptera) P. Brito (1), F.F. Salles (2), H. Dolder (1) 1. Institute of Biology, Unicamp, Brazil, P.O. Box 9106, Zip Code 13.083-863 2. CEUNES, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil, Zip Code 29.933-415 LP72. Microscopical approaches in research on biodiversity and ecology: the case of meiofauna L. Guidi, F. Semprucci, M. Balsamo Department of Earth, Life and Environment Sciences, University of Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’, Scientific Campus, loc. Crocicchia, I-61029 Urbino (Italy) LP73. Coupling identity and metabolic function of single cells in environmental microbiology with NanoSIMS F. Horreard (1), F. Hillion (1) 1. Cameca SAS, 29 Quai des Grésillons, Gennevilliers 92622 FRANCE LP74. Chloroplast number estimation in mesophyll cells – comparison of disector and profile counting method Z. Kubínová (1), Z. Lhotáková (1), L. Kubínová (2) and J. Albrechtová (1) 1. Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Experimental Plant Biology, Vinicˇná 5, 128 44 Prague 2, Czech Republic 2. Institute of Physiology, AS CR, v.v.i., Vídenˇská 1083, 142 20 Prague 4, Czech Republic

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LP75. Table olive hardness: relationship between ultrastuctural and sensory analysis B. Lanza and M.G. Di Serio CRA-OLI, Centro di Ricerca per l’Olivicoltura e l’Industria Olearia, I-65013 Città Sant’Angelo (PE), Italy LP76. Digestive gland of terrestrial isopods: a morphology study and a model for assessment of contaminants A. Manti, L. Valentini, R. Mazzeo, E. Cesarini, M. Tsiola, R. Santolini and S. Papa Department of Earth, Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” Urbino (PU) 61029 Italy LP77. Influence of osmotic stress and temperature on viability, morphology and adhesive properties of an Aeromonas hydrophila strain A. Pianetti (1), B. Citterio (1), M. Battistelli (2), E. Falcieri (2), A. Manti (2), P. Boi (2), S. Papa (2), C. Parlani (2), L. Sabatini (1), F. Barbieri (1), F Bruscolini (1) 1. Department of Biomolecular Sciences - Section of Tossicological Hygienistic and Environmental Sciences, via S. Chiara, 27, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” 61029 Urbino (PU) Italy. 2. DiSTeVA via Cà le Suore, 2, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” 61029 Urbino (PU) Italy LP78. Identification of Eyjafjallajökull eruption’s plume in Rimini, Italy P. Rossini (1), E. Molinaroli (2), G.i De Falco (3), F. Fiesoletti (1), A. Manti (4), G. Matteucci (1,3), S. Papa (4), E. Pari (1), A. Renzulli (4), P. Tentoni (1), A. Testoni (1), L. Valentini (4) 1. Istituto di Ricerca Gruppo C.S.A., via Al Torrente 22, 47923 Rimini, Italy 2. Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Dorsoduro 2137, 30123 Venezia, Italy 3. IAMC-CNR, Località Sa’ Mardini, 09072 Torregrande - Oristano, Italy 4. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, della Vita e dell’Ambiente, Università di Urbino “Carlo Bo”, 61029 Urbino, Italy LP79. Gradual dissection of endosteal structures. A way to understand the osteoblast-osteocyte kinetics M. Amatruda (1), T. Congiu (1), M. Marchese (2), U.E. Pazzaglia (2) 1. Dipartimento di Morfologia Umana, Università dell’Insubria, 21100 Varese, Italy 2. Clinica Ortopedica, Università di Brescia, Spedali Civili di Brescia, 25123, Brescia, Italy LP80. Trefoil factor family protein 3 in cartilage undergoing endochondral ossification in the developing mouse fetus N. Bijelic´ (1), T. Belovari (1), M. Baus-Loncˇar (2,3) 1. Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, J.Huttlera 4, 31000 Osijek, Croatia 2. Department of Clinical Chemistry and Biochemistry, School of Medicine, J.Huttlera 4, 31000 Osijek, Croatia 3. Department of molecular medicine, Institute Rud-er Boškovic´, Bijenicˇka 54, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia LP81. Development and visualisation of bovine intervertebral disc by SHG imaging and dynamic nanoindentation Z. Burdíková (1), E. Filová (3), J. Šepitka (2), J. Lukeš (2), M. Cˇapek (1), J. Klepetárˇ (1), J. Janácˇek (1) 1. Department of Biomathematics, Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Vídenˇská 1083, 142 20 Prague, Czech Republic 2. Laboratory of Biomechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU in Prague, Technická 4, Prague 6, 166 07, Czech Republic 3. Department of Tissue Engineering, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Vídenˇská 1083, 142 20 Prague, Czech Republic LP82. Alterations of extracellular matrix of the partially transected Achilles tendon submitted to low level laser therapy F. D. Guerra (1), C. P. Vieira (1), A.A. Aro (1), E. R. Pimentel (1) 1. Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiology and Biophysics, Institute of Biology, University of Campinas – UNICAMP. CP 6109, zip code 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil LP83. Ultrastructural architecture of the protective matrices in embryos and marsupial mancas of the crustacean Porcellio scaber P. Mrak, N. Žnidaršicˇ, M. Tušek Žnidaricˇ and J. Štrus University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, Department of Biology, Vecˇna pot 111, Ljubljana, SI-1000, Slovenia LP84. Orchidectomy affects PTH secretion, trabecular bone structure and metabolism in middle-aged male rats J. Pantelic´, B. Filipovic´, B. Šošic´-Jurjevic´, V. Ajdžanovic´, I. Medigovic´, V. Milosevic´, M. Sekulic´ Department of Citology, University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stankovic´”, Belgrade, Serbia LP85. Elastic fiber abnormalities in a case of Beals syndrome D. Guerra, S. Costa and D. Quaglino Department of Biomedical Sciences, Via G. Campi 287, Modena, 41125, Italy LP86. Epitaxial structure of collagen fibrils: TEM & AFM observations. M. Raspanti (1), M. Reguzzoni (1), M. Protasoni (1) and D. Martini (2) 1. Department of Human Morphology, Insubria University, Varese

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2. Department of Human Morphological Sciences, Bologna University, Bologna LP87. Histochemical and immunohistochemical characterization of tail fin lepidotrichia regeneration in Corydoras aeneus S. Stavri, and O. Zarnescu Department of Animal Biology, University of Bucharest, 91-95 Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest, 050095, Romania. LP88. Extracellular matrix of the deep digital flexor tendon undergoes change with inflammation in surrounding tissue C.P. Vieira (1), F.D. Guerra (1), A.A. Aro (1), and E.R Pimentel (1) 1. Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology, Physiology and Biophysics, Institute of Biology - UNICAMP, CP 6109, ZIP code: 13083-863 Campinas, Brazil LP89. Fine structure of cuticular elaborations associated with male exocrine glands in the crustacean Titanethes albus M. Vittori, R. Kostanjšek, N. Žnidaršicˇ, and J. Štrus University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, Department of Biology, Vecˇna pot 111, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. LP90. Functional morphology, ultrastructure and composition of chelipeds in the cave shrimp Troglocaris anophthalmus N. Žnidaršicˇ (1), P. Mrak (1), J. Jugovic (1), A. Martincˇicˇ (2), J. Šcˇancˇar (2) and J. Štrus (1) 1. Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Vecˇna pot 111, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2. Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry in Environment, Department of Environmental Sciences, Institute ‘J. Stefan’, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia LP91. Oxytocin protects against ischemia/reperfusion injury in skeletal muscle. K. Erkanli (2) , A. Ünal (2), S. Arbak (1), G. Ekinciogˇlu (3), N. Isiksacan (4), G. Erkanli Senturk (1) 1. Acıbadem University, School of Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology, Maltepe, Istanbul, Turkey. 2. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Education and Research Hospital, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, istanbul, Turkey, 3. Acıbadem University, Vocational Schools, Department of Pathology Lab Technician, Maltepe, Istanbul, Turkey, 4. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Education and Research Hospital, Department of Biochemistry, istanbul, Turkey LP92. Confocal microscopy evaluation of the polarization induced by different NK activatory and co-activatory receptors F. Buccella (1), G. Del Zotto (2), A. Lucarini (1,2), B. Canonico (1), F. Luchetti (1), S. Papa (1), and L. Zamai (1) 1. Department of Earth, Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” Urbino (PU) 61029 Italy 2. INFN dei Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi, L’Aquila. LP93. Immunolocalization at electron microscopy of the senescence-related protein, terminin in human fibroblasts M. Giagnacovo (1), M. Malatesta (2), P. Veneroni (1) and C. Pellicciari (1) 1. Dept. of Animal Biology, University of Pavia, Via A. Ferrata 9, 27100 Pavia, Italy; 2. Dept. of Neurological, Neuropsychological, Morphological and Motor Sciences (Anatomy and Histology Section), University of Verona, Strada Le Grazie 8, 37134 Verona, Italy. LP94. The role of clusterin on beta cell regeneration after exendin-4 treatment in neonatal STZ administrated rat F. Kaya Dagistanli, M. Ozturk Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Cerrahpasa Medicine, Istanbul University 34098-Cerrahpasa, Istanbul, Turkey. LP95. Hsp70 and hsp90 immuno-expression in brown adipose tissue of hyperinsulinaemic rats S. Prekovic (1), K. Velickovic (1), I. Golic (1), A. Stancic (2), V. Otasevic (2), M. Vucetic (2), A. Jankovic (2), and M. Markelic (1) 1. Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia. 2. Institute for Biological Research “Sinisa Stankovic”, University of Belgrade, Serbia. LP96. AR-A014418 as a Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 inhibitor: Anti-apoptotic and therapeutic potential in experimental spinal cord injury M. Tunçdemir (1), A. Yildirim (2), A. Karaogˇlan (3), O. Akdemir (4), M. Öztürk (1) 1 Department of Medical Biology, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University. 2 Department of Neurosurgery, Bingöl State Hospital. 3 Department of Neurosurgery, Maltepe University, School of Medicine, istanbul. 4 Department of Neurosurgery, Taksim Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey LP97. 3D alignment and averaging of quasi equivalent volumes extracted from tomograms. F. Cantele (1), E. Paccagnini (2), P. Lupetti (2), and S. Lanzavecchia (1) 1. Dipartimento di Chimica Strutturale, Università degli Studi di Milano, Via G. Venezian 21, 20133, Milano, Italy 2. Dipartimento di Biologia Evolutiva, Università degli Studi di Siena, Italy LP98. Organization of fusiform vesicles in umbrella cells of urothelium S. Hudoklin (1), K. Jezernik (1), M. Pavelka (2), J. Neumüller (2), and R. Romih (1) 1.Institute of Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Lipiceva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2. Department of Cell Biology and Ultrastructure Research, Center for Anatomy and Cell Biology, Medical University of Vienna, Schwarzspanierstrasse 17, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

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LP99. Structural study of chloroplast biogenesis in bean – confocal and electron microscopy techniques Ł. Rudowska (1), R. Bartosiewicz (2), R. Mazur (3), R. Lorent (1), M. Garstka (3), and A. Mostowska (1) 1.Department of Plant Anatomy and Cytology, Faculty of Biology; University of Warsaw; Miecznikowa 1, 02-096 Warsaw, Poland 2. Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Pasteura 3, 02-093 Warszawa 3.Department of Metabolic Regulation, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw; Miecznikowa 1, 02-096 Warsaw, Poland LP100. 3D EM Study Reveals Dynamics of Chromatin and Nuclear Pores in the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium falciparum. A. Weiner (2) , V. Shinder (1) , N. Dahan-Pasternak (3) , E. Shimoni (1) , P. van Hugh (1), M. Elbaum (2) , R. Dzikowski (3) 1. Chemical Research Support Department, Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Rehovot, 76100. 2. Materials and Interfaces Department, Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Rehovot, 76100. 3. Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Department, Hebrew University- Hadassa Medical School, Jerusalem, 91120, Israel. LP101. Effects of nicotinamide on pancreatic islets neogenesis in STZ treated neonatal rats F. Kaya Dagˇistanli, M. Ozturk (Istanbul, TR) Departement of Medical Biology, facolty of cerrahposa medicine, Istambul

MATERIALS SCIENCES MP1. Single step plasma deposition of hydrocarbon thin films containing Pt nanoclusters for fuel cells applications G. Barucca (1),E. Santecchia (1), P. Mengucci (1), A. Milella (2), F. Palumbo (3) 1. Dipartimento FIMET, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, I-60131 Ancona, Italy. E-mail: [email protected] 2.Dipartimento di Chimica, Unversità degli Studi, Via E. Orabona 4, 70126 Bari, Italy 3. CNR-Istituto di Metodologie Inorganiche e dei Plasmi, Via E.Orabona 4, 70126 Bari, Italy MP2. Micro-and nanostructures of Sb2O3 grown by evaporation-deposition. Self assembly phenomena T. Cebriano, B. Méndez and J. Piqueras 1. Department of Materials Physics, Faculty of Physics, University Complutense of Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain MP3. Microstructure and hydrogen storage properties of MgH2-TiB2 composites S. Miloševic´ (1), Ž. Raškovic´ -Lovre (1), I. Milanovic´ (1), S. Kurko (1), R. Vujasin (1), Z. Bašcˇarevic´ (2), Lj. Matovic´ (1), J. Grbovic´ Novakovic´ (1) 1. Laboratory for Materials Science, Vincˇa Institute of Nuclear Sciences, PO Box 522, Belgrade, 11000, Serbia 2. Institute of Multidisciplinary Research, Kneza Višeslava 1, Belgrade, 11000, Serbia MP4. Role of Nb2O5 on destabilization reaction of MgH2 with Si A. Montone, A. Aurora, V. Contini, M. R. Mancini and J. Rimauro ENEA, Material Technology Unit, Research Center of Casaccia, Via Anguillarese, 301 - 00123 Rome, Italy MP5. Structures and compositions of maghemite nanoparticles I. Nyiro˝-Kósa (1), A. Recˇnik (2), I. Dódony (3), M. Pósfai (4) 1. Department of Material Engineering, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary 2. Department for Nanostructured Materials, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 3. Department of Mineralogy, Eötvös L. University, Budapest, Hungary 4. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary MP6. Metal nanostructures embedded in an oxide matrix by pulsed laser deposition: a TEM Investigation A. Castelo (1), C. N. Afonso (1), E. Piscopiello (2), E. Pesce (2) and M. Vittori Antisari (3) 1. Laser Processing Group, Instituto de Optica, CSIC, Serrano 121, 28006 Madrid, Spain, 2. ENEA UTTMATB-COMP, S.S. 7 “Appia” km 706, I-72100 Brindisi, Italy 3. ENEA UTTMAT, C.R. Casaccia C.P. 2400, 00123 Rome, Italy MP7. Microstructure and hydrogen storage properties of MgH2-TiB2-SiC composites Ž. Raškovid-Lovre (1), S.Miloševic´ (1), I. Milanovic´ (1), S. Kurko (1), R. Vujasin (1), Z. Bašcˇarevic´ (2), J. Grbovic´ Novakovic´ (1), Lj. Matovic´ (1) 1. Laboratory for Materials Science, Vincˇa Institute of Nuclear Sciences, PO Box 522, Belgrade, 11000, Serbia 2. Institute of Multidisciplinary Research, Kneza Višeslava 1, Belgrade, 11000, Serbia MP8. Effects of hydrogen sorption cycles on the microstructure of Mg-Nb films E. Santecchia (1), G.Barucca (1), L. Gobbi (1), P. Mengucci (1), R. Checchetto (2) 1. Dipartimento FIMET, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, I-60131 Ancona, Italy. E-mail: [email protected] 2.Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Trento, Via Sommarive, I-38123 Povo (TN), Italy.

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MP9. Electron Beam and Ion Beam Induced Depositions: morphology, composition, contaminations and applications to nanotechnology A. Taurino, M. Catalano Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems, IMM-CNR, Via Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, I MP10. Anatase TiO2 nanorods for gas sensor applications: high resolution transmission electron microscopy and strain analysis R. Zamani (1,2), M. Epifani (3), P. Siciliano (3), J. R. Morante (2,4), and J. Arbiol (1,5) 1. Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, ICMAB-CSIC, E-08193 Bellaterra, Spain 2. Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), E-08019 Barcelona, Spain. 3. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi (C.N.R.-I.M.M.), via Monteroni, I-73100 Lecce, Italy 4. Departament d’Electrònica, Universitat de Barcelona, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain 5. Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA) E-08010 Barcelona, Spain MP11. Electron microscopy investigations of helically coiled carbon nanotubes synthesized by CCVD D. Fejes (1), M. Raffai (1), Z. Balogh (2), R. Smajda (3), L. Forro (3) and K. Hernadi (1) 1. Department of Applied and Environmental Chemistry, University of Szeged, Rerrich tér 1. H-6720 2. Center for Electron Nanoscopy, Technical University of Denmark, Fysikvej 2800 Kgs Lyngby Denmark 3. Institute of Physics of Complex Matter (IPMC), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland MP12. TEM study of oxide precipitates and other microstructural defects in Czochralski-grown silicon after various heat treatments J. Buršík (1), M. Svoboda (1), M. Medunˇa (2), J. Ru˚žicˇka (2), and O. Caha (2) 1. Institute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Žižkova 22, CZ-61662 Brno, Czech Republic; e-mail: [email protected] 2. Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlárˇská 2, CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic MP13. XRD and TEM characterization of rutile nano-rods synthesized from a peroxotitanium complex precursor M. Krivec (1), G. Dražid (1) 1. Department of Nanostructured Materials, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia MP14. Investigation of TiO2 nanoparticles obtained from hydrated titania gels N. Murafa (1), J. Šubrt (1), J. Bohácˇek (1), P. Pulišová (1) 1. Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., 250 68 Husinec-Rez 1001 MP15. Chemically Etched Silicon Nanostructures for Solar Cell Applications G. Z. Radnóczi (1), V. Sivakov (2), M. Schreivogel (2), S. H. Christiansen (2, 3) and B. Pécz (1) 1. Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science, H-1525 Budapest, P.O. Box 49, Hungary, E-Mail: [email protected] 2. Institut für Photonische Technologien, Albert Einstein Str. 9, D-07745 Jena, Germany 3. Max Planck Institut für die Physik des Lichts, Günther Scharowsky Str. 1, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany MP16. Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 nanoparticles doped with transition metals C. Vásquez (1), M.A. Peche-Herrero (2), D. Maestre (1), A. Cremades (1), J. Ramírez-Castellanos (2), J. González-Calbet (2), and J. Piqueras (1) 1. Department of Materials Physics, Faculty of Physics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid (Spain) 2. Department of Inorganic Chemistry I, Faculty of Chemistry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid (Spain) MP17. Microstructure and luminescent properties of transition metal doped SnO2 nanoparticles M. A. Peche-Herrero (1), D. Maestre (2), J. Ramírez-Castellanos (1), A. Cremades (2), J. Piqueras (2) and J. M. González-Calbet (1) 1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry I, Facultad de Cc. Químicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid (Spain). 2. Department of Material Physics, Facultad de Cc. Físicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid (Spain) MP18. Development of Si nanocrystal layers embedded in Si3N4 L. Tóth (1), P. Basa (1,2), T. Jászi (1,2), L. Dobos (1), B. Pécz (1), and Zs. J. Horváth (1,3) 1. Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, P.O.Box 49, H-1525 Hungary 2. Semilab Semiconductor Physics Laboratory Co. Ltd., Budapest, Prielle Kornélia u. 2, H-1117 Hungary 3. Óbuda University, Kandó Kálmán Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Microelectronics and Technology, Budapest, Tavaszmezo˝ u. 15-17, H-1084 Hungary MP19. TEM study of nanocomposite TiC/a-C:H coating prepared by balanced magnetron sputtering V. Buršíková (1), J. Buršík (2), P.Vašina (1), P. Soucˇek (1), L. Zábranský (1), O. Caha (3) and M. Jílek (4) 1. Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlárˇská 2, CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic, vilmab@physics. muni.cz 2. Institute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Žižkova 22, CZ-61662 Brno, Czech Republic 3. Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlárˇská 2, CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic 4. SHM Šumperk, Pru˚myslová 3020/3, CZ-787 01, Šumperk, Czech Republic

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MP20. Atomic-resolution studies of La0.65Sr0.35MnO3 thin films grown on SrTiO3 substrates R. Ciancio (1), A. Yu. Petrov (1), B. A. Davidson (1), A. Taurino (2), M. Catalano (2), and E. Carlino (1) 1. CNR- IOM TASC, Area Science Park, Basovizza S.S. 14 km 163.5, 34149 Trieste Italy 2. CNR-IMM -Unit of Lecce, Via Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy MP21. Scanning probe microscopy investigation of thin films surfaces R. Kubínek(1), M. Vu˚jtek(1), K. Šafárˇová(2), J. Frydrych(2), and M. Miglierini(3) (1) Department of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Olomouc, 17. listopadu 12, 771 46, Czech Republic (2) Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Olomouc, 17. listopadu 12, 77146, Olomouc, Czech Republic (3) Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Ilkovicˇova 3, 812 19, Slovakia MP22. Microstructural characterization of low-friction carbon-based nanocomposite coatings T. Moskalewicz (1), B. Wendler (2), M. Makówka (2), A. Czyrska-Filemonowicz (1) 1. AGH University of Science and Technology, International Centre of Electron Microscopy for Materials Science, 30-059 Kraków, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, Poland 2. Technical University of Lodz, Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, 90-924 Łódz´, ul. Stefanowskiego 1, Poland MP23. Electron microscopy study of TiO2 covered MWNT films Z. Nemeth (1), E. Horvath (2), A.Magrez (2), L. Forro (2), and K. Hernadi (1) 1. Department of Applied and Environmental Chemistry, University of Szeged, Rerrich tér 1, Szeged, H-6720 Hungary, e-mail: [email protected] 2. Laboratory of Physics of Complex Matter, IPMC, EPFL, Ecublens, CH-1026 Switzerland MP24. Morphological analysis of copper deposits obtained by the regime of reversing current (RC) in the hydrogen co-deposition range D. Nebojša Nikolid (1) and G. Brankovid (2) 1. ICTM-Institute of Electrochemistry, University of Belgrade, Njegoševa 12, Belgrade, Serbia 2. Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia MP25. Structure of ZrN films deposited by ion assisted RF magnetron sputtering E. Piscopiello (1), M.A. Signore (1), A. Rizzo (1), L.Tapfer (1), E. Pesce (1), and M. Vittori Antisari (2) 1. ENEA UTTMATB, S.S. 7 “Appia” km 706, I-72100 Brindisi, Italy. 2. ENEA UTTMAT, C.R. Casaccia C.P. 2400, 00123 Rome, Italy. MP26. On TEM characterization of polymer nanocomposites used as protective coatings M. Re (1), E. Pesce (1), M.F. De Riccardis (1). V. Martina (1), D. Carbone (1) and M. Vittori Antisari (2) 1. ENEA C.R. Brindisi - UTTMATB, S.S. 7 Appia km 706 Brindisi, 72100 - Italy 2. ENEA C.R. Casaccia - UTTMAT, Via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Roma – Italy MP27. Imaging the surface of Rutile by STEM and its implication for organic molecule bonding B. Schaffer (1,2), K.J.T. Livi (3), D. Azzolini (4), C.R. Seabourne (5), K. Sader (1,5), M. Shannon (1,6), D. Sverjensky (4,7), R. Hazen (7) and R. Brydson (5) 1. SuperSTEM, STFC Daresbury Laboratories, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK 2. SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK 3. HRAEM/IIC Facility, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 USA 4. Dept. Earth & Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 USA 5. Inst. Materials Research, SPEME, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK 6. Department of Engineering, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK 7. Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Washington, DC 20015 USA MP28. Holographic methods for 3D imaging of phase microscopic objects D. N. Tishko, T. V. Tishko, and V. P. Titar Department of Radio-Physics, Holography Laboratory, Kharkov National University, 4 Svoboda sq., 61077, Kharkov, Ukraine, E-mail: Tishko@ univer.kharkov.ua MP29. Adhesive and cohesive failure mechanisms of plasma sprayed coatings M. Vilémová, J. Siegl, P. Haušild Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Department of Materials, Trojanova 13, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic. MP30. Structure of BFO(La) CSD thin films O.M. Zhigalina (1), D.N. Khmelenin (1), K.A. Vorotilov (2), N.M. Kotova (2), I.S. Seregin (2) and A.A. Mazitov (2) 1. A.V. Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii prospekt, 59, 119333 Moscow, Russia 2. Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation (Technical University), Vernadskii prospekt, 78, 119434 Moscow, Russia

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MP31. Structural analysis of severely deformed Ni3Ge by electron microscopy methods A. Grill, H. P. Karnthaler and C. Rentenberger Physics of Nanostructured Materials, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, 1090 Wien MP32. Use of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy in the in-situ study of different heat treatments of a duplex stainless steel R. Leiva-García (1), M.J. Muñoz Portero (1), J. García Antón (1) 1. Univ. Politécnica de Valencia, Ingeniería Electroquímica y Corrosión (IEC), Dep. Ingeniería Química y Nuclear, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain; tel. +34963877632; fax: +34963877639 MP33. The effect of recasting on structure and microhardness of high gold dental alloy V.M. Maksimovid (1), A.D. Cˇairovid (2) and I. Cvijovic´-Alagic´ (1) 1. Department of Materials Science, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vincˇa, University of Belgrade, PO Box 522, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia 2. Faculty of Stomatology, University of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia MP34. Evolution of AlCr5.5Fe2Ti1 Alloy Structure during its Compaction A. Michalcová (1), D. Vojteˇch (2), P. Novák (2) 1. Department of Chemical Technology of Monuments Conservation, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Technická 5, Praha 6, 166 28, Czech Republic 2. Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Technická 5, Praha 6, 166 28, Czech Republic MP35. The microstructure and fracture mode study of alloyed ADI materials at low temperature D. Rajnovic (1), O. Eric (2), S. Balos (1), M. Damjanovic (1) and L. Sidjanin (1) 1. Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Trg D. Obradovica 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 2. Institute “Kirilo Savic”, Vojvode Stepe 51, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia MP36. Study of Niobium-rich precipitates in (Ni-Ti) 8.4% Nb shape memory alloy H. Shi (1), J. Van Humbeeck (2) and D. Schryvers (1) 1. EMAT, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium 2. MTM, KULeuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 44, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium MP37. TEM study of the quasicrystalline phase transformation in Al-Mn-Fe melt-spun ribbon. K. Stan, L. Lityoska-Dobrzyoska, A. Wierzbicka-Miernik, and A. Góral Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science Polish Academy of Sciences, 30-059 Cracow, 25, Reymonta St., Poland MP38. Combination of nanoindentation with scanning electron microscopy for characterization of strain induced martensitic transformation in a metastable austenitic stainless steel P. Haušild, J. Nohava*, M. Vilémová Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Department of Materials, Trojanova 13, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic. * CSM Instruments, Rue de la Gare 4, CH-2034 Peseux, Switzerland MP39. Comparison by Electron Tomography of modified Y Zeolites Mesoporosity A.S Gay (1), L. Sorbier (1), V. Lefebvre (1), A.L. Taleb (1), C. Tracol (1), M. Moreaud (1), B. Celse (1), S. Lopes-Silva (1), L. Simon (1) 1. IFP Energies nouvelles, Rond-point de l’échangeur de Solaize, BP 3, 69360 Solaize, France MP40. Microstructure and morphology of natural clay minerals J. Grbovic´ Novakovic´ (1), A. Djukic´ (1), B. Paskaš Mamula (1), N. Novakovic´ (1), Lj. Matovic´ (1), Lj. Vulicˇevid (2), N. Ivanovic´ (1) 1. Vincˇa Institute of Nuclear Sciences, PO Box 522, Belgrade, 11000, Serbia 2. Technical Faculty Cˇacˇak, University of Kragujevac, Serbia MP41. Electron beam studies of deposition of inactive fission products on stainless steel holders A. Pintér Csordás, N. Vér, Lajos Matus, and Z. Hózer Hungarian Academy of Sciences KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute, PO Box 49, Budapest, 1525 MP42. Imaging of the microstructure of BaTiO3 and direct observation of ferroelectric domain switching during cooling A.Reichmann (1), H.Reingruber (1), K.Reichmann (2), and P.Poelt (1) 1. Institute for Electron Microscopy, Graz University of Technology, 8010 Graz, Austria 2. Christian Doppler Laboratory for Advanced Ferroic Oxides, Graz University of Technology, 8010 Graz, Austria MP43. Observation of ferroelastic domains in spinel type nickel-manganites K. Reichmann (1), A. Feteira (2), A. Reichmann (3) 1) Christian Doppler Laboratory for Advanced Ferroic Oxides, Graz University of Technology, 8010 Graz, Austria

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2) Christian Doppler Laboratory for Advanced Ferroic Oxides, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom 3) Institute for Electron Microscopy, Graz University of Technology, 8010 Graz, Austria MP44. Thermosensitive hydrogels as crystallization media M. Cespi (1), G. Bonacucina (1), L. Casettari (2), E. Castagnino (2) and G.F. Palmieri (1) (1) School of Pharmacy, University of Camerino, Via Sant’Agostino, 1, Camerino, 62032 (Italy) (2) Department of Biomolecular Sciences, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Piazza Rinascimento, 6, Urbino 61029 (Italy) MP45. Heco Nanocomposites: Different Approaches For Morphology Investigation M. Casinelli (1), G. Ferrara (1), R. Selleri (1) 1. Basell Polyolefine Italia SrL, a LyondellBasell Company G. Natta Research Centre, 44100 Ferrara MP46. Using the FRP fibers in improvement of the behavior the masonry structures under several conditions Naser Kabashi (1), Rozafa Basha (2), Cene Krasniqi (3) 1. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Prishtina, Kosova 2. Department of Architecture, University of Prishtina, Kosova 3. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Prishtina, Kosova

MP54. Microscopic Study of Paper Deacidification Process A. Michalcová (1), M. Dˇurovicˇ (1,2), E. Štemberová (1) 1. Department of Chemical Technology of Monuments Conservation, Institute of Chemical Technology, Technická 5, Praha 6, 166 28, Czech Republic 2. The National Archives, Archivní 4/2257, Praha 4 – Chodovec, 149 01, Czech Republic MP55. Restoration of lacunae on textile heritage: proposal of alternate materials V. Viti, L. Borgioli, D. De Luca, L. Sabatini 1. Restoration Laboratory, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, via San Girolamo 8, 61029 Urbino, Italy 2. Office of Scientific and Technical CTS srl, via Piave 20/22, 36077 Altavilla Vicentina (VI), Italy 3. Restoration Laboratory, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, via San Girolamo 8, 61029 Urbino, Italy 4. Department of Biomolecular Sciences, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, via S. Chiara 27, 61029 Urbino, Italy MP56. Analysis on pigments, frescoes and mortars by electron and light microscopy T. Zubin, V. Grozdanic´ Research Centre METRIS, Department of Istrian Development Agency Ltd., Zagrebac´ka 30, HR-52100 Pula, Croatia

MP47. Study and restoration of Roman commemorative stones belonging to Almerici collection in Pesaro archaeological museum M. L. Amadori (1), F. Bartolomeoli (2), F. Milazzo (3), P. Pallante (4), S. Paolini (2), E. Pieramici (2), V. Russo (2) 1. Department of Base Sciences and Fundamentals (DiSBeF), University of Urbino, p.za Rinascimento 6, Urbino, Italy 2. Conservation and Restoration of Historic and Artistic Heritage Course Degree, University of Urbino, Italy 3. Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici e Ambientali delle Marche, Via Birarelli, Ancona, Italy 4. Forgeo Associated Technical Studio, via Cardarelli 5, Modena, Italy MP48. Integrated techniques for the characterization of materials of the Montecassiano’s Mattia della Robbia altar-piece (XVth century) S. Barcaioni (1), M. L. Amadori (2), S. Barcelli (2) 1. Conservation and Restoration of Historic and Artistic Heritage Course Degree, University of Urbino, Italy 2. Department of Base Sciences and Fundamentals (DiSBeF), University of Urbino, p.za Rinascimento 6, Urbino, 61029, PU, Italy MP49. Scientific characterization of Francesco Laurana’s marble statues (between XVth and XVIth century) A. Caserta (1), M. L. Amadori (2), G. Raffaelli (3), P. Pallante (4), and M. Sebastianelli (5) 1. Conservation and Restoration of Historic and Artistic Heritage Course Degree, University of Urbino, Italy 2. Department DiSBeF, University of Urbino, p.za Rinascimento 6, Urbino, Italy 3. Department DiSTeVA, Sogesta Campus, University of Urbino, Urbino, Italy 4. For.geo Associated Technical Studio, via Cardarelli 5, Modena, Italy 5. Museo Diocesano of Palermo, Italy MP50. Microscopic characterization of polychrome wooden sculptures from Val Formazza (Piedmont, Italy) S. Della Ferrera (1), M. L. Amadori (2), S. Barcelli (2), M. Sebastianelli (3) 1. Conservation and Restoration of Historic and Artistic Heritage Course Degree, University of Urbino, Italy 2. Department of Base Sciences and Fundamentals (DiSBeF), University of Urbino, p.za Rinascimento 6, Urbino, 61029, PU, Italy 3. Museo Diocesano, Palermo, 90134, PA, Italy MP51. Archaeometric studies on cocciopesto (crushed pottery) mortars from the workshop area in Shawbak castle (Jordan) R. Franchi (1), L. Gobbi (2) , G. Raffaelli (1) 1. DiSTeVA, Università degli Studi di Urbino, Campus Scientifico, Localià Crocicchia, 61029 Urbino, Italy 2. FIMET, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche ,60131 Ancona, Italy MP52. Archaeometric studies on ceramics of Cyrene R. Franchi (1), L. Gobbi (2) , M. Luni (3), O. Mei (3) 1. DiSTeVA, Università degli Studi di Urbino, Campus Scientifico, Localià Crocicchia, 61029 Urbino, Italy 2. FIMET, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche ,60131 Ancona, Italy 3. Dip. di Scienze del Testo e del Patrimonio Culturale, Università degli Studi di Urbino, Via del Balestriere 2, 61029 Urbino, Italy MP53. Microscopic Documentation of Wood Damage Caused by Preservatives Based on Inorganic Compounds A. Michalcová, I. Kucˇerová 1. Department of Chemical Technology of Monuments Conservation, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Technická 5, Praha 6, 166 28, Czech Republic

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ChromaCL™: Quartz arenite polished section cathodoluminescence image prepared using the Gatan Ilion+™. Image courtesy of Dr. J. Schieber, Indiana University. XuM™: X-ray microtomographic reconstruction of carbon foam. Sample courtesy of Prof. P. Withers, University of Manchester. GMS 2.0®: Gatan Microscopy Suite® 2.0 supports Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit). Ilion+™: Active region of a commercial LED.

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JEM promotes research involving all microscopy techniques (not limited to electron microscopy). It publishes informative articles dealing with the theory, techniques, instrumentation, and applications of microscopy to life and material sciences. To celebrate its 60th anniversary, a special issue of JEM will be published in Fall 2011. This will include reviews of major achievements in the field of microscopy written by top scientists from around the world. It will also discuss the likely future developments in this important area.

• Publication in fall 2011 • Full text FREE online • Commissioned reviews from top international scientists • Full colour imagery Published on behalf of The Japanese Society of Microscopy

Contributors to the special 60th anniversary issue include: Preface by Nobutaka Hirokawa (President, Japanese Society of Microscopy) and Yoshio Bando (Editor-in-Chief, JEM)

Biological Microscopy Wolfgang Baumeister, Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry Toyoshi Fujimoto, Nagoya University Yoshinori Fujiyoshi, Kyoto University John Heuser, Washington University Nobutaka Hirokawa, The University of Tokyo Tsuneyoshi Kuroiwa, Rikkyo University Kuniaki Nagayama, Okazaki Institute for Integrative Bioscience Peter J. Peters, Netherlands Cancer Institute Kiyotaka Toshimori, Chiba University

46 MCM 2011

Physical Microscopy Chris Colliex, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides Yuichi Ikuhara, The University of Tokyo Hirotaro Mori, Osaka University Seizo Morita, Osaka University Stephen J. Pennycook, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Daisuke Shindo, Tohoku University Kunio Takayanagi, Tokyo Institute of Technology Michiyoshi Tanaka, Tohoku University Zhong L. Wang, School of Materials Science & Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

History of Instrumentation Hidehito Obayashi, Hitachi High-Technologies Corp. Yoshiyasu Harada, JEOL Ltd.


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