The Subject and Object Pronoun Exercise at Auto-English Replace all the nouns nouns with with pronouns pronouns.. 1 Tony saw tthat hat gir girll yeste yesterday rday..
_________________________________________________ . 2 Sarah and and I had lun lunch ch wit with h Nicol Nicola a and Michael. Michael. _________________________________________________ . 3 Can you you len lend d Bil Billy ly and e the the car!
_________________________________________________ . " I saw you you and and #ndy #ndy at at the d disc isco. o.
_________________________________________________ . $ #li #lison son %i %isse ssed d Billy Billy..
_________________________________________________ . & Susana Susana ga'e tthe he let letter ter to her other other..
_________________________________________________ . ( Bil Billy ly ph phone oned d# #lis lison. on.
_________________________________________________ . ) The dog cha chased sed the cat cat..
_________________________________________________ . * #lison #lison and I lo'e Bi Billy lly and T Toy oy..
_________________________________________________ . 1+ Sally Sally and S Susana usana don,t li%e cheese cheese..
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