107073949 NET313 Floorplan Manager for Web Dynpro
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NET313 Floorplan Manager for Web Dynpro ABAP SAP NetWeaver Application Server - ABAP
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Participant Handbook Course Version: 91 Course Duration: 3 Day(s) Material Number: 50094991
An SAP course - use it to learn, reference it for work
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Contents Course Overview ......................................................... vii Course Goals ...........................................................vii Course Objectives .....................................................vii
Unit 1: Introduction........................................................ 1 Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals ...................................2 Floorplan Manager - Overview ...................................... 36
Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications ............................... 55 Configuring FPM Components ...................................... 56 FPM Programming - Basics ........................................100
Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs) .................... 159 Generic UI Building Blocks - general Aspects ...................160 The FORM GUIBB ...................................................167 The LIST GUIBB .....................................................201
Index ....................................................................... 233
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Course Overview This course deals with the creation and configuration of Web Dynpro for ABAP applications that are based on the Floorplan Manager (FPM) framework.
Target Audience This course is intended for the following audiences: •
Developers of Web Dynpro ABAP applications based on the FPM framework.
Course Prerequisites Required Knowledge •
NET310 - Fundamentals of Web Dynpro for ABAP
Course Goals This course will prepare you to: • •
Understand the architecture of Web Dynpro applications based on the FPM framework Create Web Dynpro applications based on the Object Instance Floorplan (OIF) and the Guided Activity Floorplan (GAF)
Course Objectives After completing this course, you will be able to: • • • • • • •
Configure FPM components statically Define toolbar buttons and handle toolbar events Add initial screens and confirmation dialogs to the floorplans Understand the FPM phase model basically Define messages making use of the FPM message manager Define forms and lists by means of generic UI building blocks (GUIBBs) Provide data to be displayed by GUIBBs by means of feeder classes
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Course Overview
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Unit 1 Introduction Unit Overview In the first lesson of this unit, Web Dynpro fundamentals are repeated. Especially the topics “Component Reuse” and “Personalization” are discussed since the FPM framework is based on these techniques. The second lesson provides a brief introduction into the FPM topic. The architecture of FPM based Web Dynpro applications is compared to the architecture of Web Dynpro applications not making use of the FPM framework. The two important floorplans Guided Activity Floorplan (GAF) and Object Instance Floorplan (OIF) are introduced. This includes a discussion of the mandatory and optional functionality.
Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • •
Describe, how Web Dynpro components can be reused Describe the adaptation of Web Dynpro components via implicit and explicit configuration. Describe what floorplans are List the advantages of developing Web Dynpro ABAP applications using the FPM framework
Unit Contents Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals ....................................2 Lesson: Floorplan Manager - Overview....................................... 36 Exercise 1: Create Package and copy template Components ........ 47
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Unit 1: Introduction
Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals Lesson Overview The Floorplan Manager for Web Dynpro ABAP is a framework that allows to embed multiple Web Dynpro components by a common highly configurable component (floorplan component). The prerequisite to understand the functionality of the Floorplan Manager (FPM) framework is a deep comprehension of the Web Dynpro features component reuse and adaptation via configuration. These features - already explained in class NET310 - will be summarized in this lesson.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • •
Describe, how Web Dynpro components can be reused Describe the adaptation of Web Dynpro components via implicit and explicit configuration.
Business Example The prerequisite to understand the functionality of the Floorplan Manager (FPM) framework is a deep comprehension of the Web Dynpro features component reuse and adaptation via configuration. Thus you have to recapitulate what you have learned in class NET310 you have (hopefully) attended before.
Web Dynpro Architecture A Web Dynpro application refers to a Web Dynpro component, which serves as a container for entities which are related to the user interface or which are related to the control flow. The component entities and their dependencies are summed up in the following section.
Internally visible Component Entities Views are the basic entities from which the user interface (UI) is derived. Views allow to define a rectangular part of the UI (Layout tab) by means of predefined UI elements. UI element properties can be defined statically or they can be bound to the view's context. This allows to influence the element properties from the source code of the view's controller (data binding). In addition, the view controller methods encapsulate the code for checking the user input, to trigger the navigation via firing outbound plugs and to handle a navigation request via inbound plugs.
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Views are embedded in windows. Windows allow to define which views may be visible for a certain application connected to this window. If combinations of multiple views are to be displayed, these views are combined in the window (view assembly). Windows are used to define the visual flow by creating navigation links between the outbound plugs and the inbound plugs of embedded views. The control flow of a Web Dynpro component is defined in the component controller. From the component controller methods, the database of the local system or the functionality of a back-end system is accessed. This is mainly done by calling methods of a globally defined class (“model”) encapsulating the related source code. These methods preferably encapsulate ABAP Open-SQL statements (local DB access), the call of a Web service or the call of a function module in a back-end system. The data interchanged between the controller and the “model” can be stored in the “model” (if this global class is instantiated), in the component controller's attributes, or in the component controller's context. For modularization reasons, custom controllers may be created. These serve as sub controllers of the component controller. Certain parts of a controller's functionality are potentially visible to other controllers. This is true for all controllers besides the view controller (MVC principle). The controller that needs to access to functionality has to declare the usage of the controller providing the functionality. Then, the complete context, all ordinary methods, and all events are visible to the consumer controller. Context mapping simplifies accessing the context of a used controller by the consumer controller.
Figure 1: Component entities
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Unit 1: Introduction
Externally visible Component Entities From each window a so called interface view is derived. The interface view of a given window may be embedded in a window of a consumer component as if it was just a simple view of the consumer component itself. To allow the navigation between a view and an embedded interface view, the related window needs to have Inbound plugs and outbound plugs exposed to the interface. Externally visible inbound plugs may also be of type startup. In this case, the inbound plugs may be used to enter the Web Dynpro component by sending a HTTP request having the correct URL. The URL is assigned to a startup plug of an interface view via a Web Dynpro application. The related service to call the WD application is defined automatically. This service can be edited and viewed using the transaction SICF. Functionality of a Web Dynpro component may be offered to other Web Dynpro components by means of the component's interface controller. This controller is an interface of the component controller. Methods, events, and context nodes of the component controller may be declared in a way (flag interface) that they are visible in the components interface controller.
Navigation Navigation from one view (assembly) to another view (assembly) is typically triggered by a client side user action (e.g. clicking a button, selecting a table line). This client side event can be related to the processing of a special method in the related view controller by means of an action. To define which views will make up the next view assembly, one or more outbound plugs can be fired. A view's outbound plug can only be fired from a method of the corresponding view controller. Plugs allow to pass data via export parameters.
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Figure 2: Navigation: Principle
Outbound plugs and inbound plugs of different views are connected in the window via navigation links. One outbound plug can be connected to multiple inbound plugs. This is meaningful if each inbound plug belongs to a different view and all views together belong to the next view assembly. On the other side, multiple outbound plugs may be connected to the same inbound plug.
Controller Methods Each of the Web Dynpro controller types contains a set of predefined methods which are called by the Web Dynpro runtime. In addition to these so called hook methods, additional methods can be defined by the developer. These may be ordinary methods, event handler methods, or supply functions. Ordinary methods are the only methods that can be called from other methods of the same controller or even from other controllers (not valid for view controllers). Supply functions are connected to a context node. They are used to fill the context. Supply functions are called by the Web Dynpro framework is the data is needed (data display or functional access) and this data is not available in the context.
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Unit 1: Introduction
Figure 3: Controller methods
All controllers contain the hook methods WDDOINIT() and WDDOEXIT(). These are the first and the last method processed in a controllers lifetime, respectively. Window controllers contain in addition the two methods WDDOONOPEN() and WDDOONCLOSE(), which are called when opening or closing the window as a dialog box, respectively. View controllers contain in addition the methods WDDOBEFOREACTION(), WDDOAFTERACTION(), WDDOONCONTEXTMENU(), and WDDOMODIFYVIEW(). WDDOBEFOREACTION() is called before any action handler method (as a result of a client side event) is processed. This method is typically used to check the user input. WDDOAFTERACTION() is called after any action handler method (as a result of a client side event) is processed. This method can be used for modularization reasons. WDDOMODIFYVIEW() is used for dynamic changes of the UI element hierarchy while WDDOONCONTEXTMENU() allows to assign and change context menus dynamically. Custom controllers do not contain additional hook methods. The component controller contains the additional hook methods WDDOBEFORENAVIGATION() and WDDOPOSTPROCESSING(). WDDOBEFORENAVIGATION() is called after the action handling is finished and just before the Web Dynpro framework processes the methods of all views belonging to the next view assembly. WDDOPOSTPROCESSING() is the last hook method processed before the response is send back to the client.
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Figure 4: Standard hook methods: Order of processing
Controller Attributes Each controller contains the predefined attributes WD_THIS and WD_CONTEXT which are used to access the controller's functionality and its context information, respectively. If the component controller is defined as a used controller for another controller, the attribute WD_COMP_CONTROLLER will be added to the attribute list of the controller declaring the usage. This attribute is used to access the functionality of the component controller object at runtime. If an assistance class is related to a Web Dynpro component, each controller of this component will contain an additional attribute WD_ASSIST. This allows to access the functionality of the assistance class instance at runtime. In addition to these standard attributes, the developer may define an arbitrary number of additional attributes. These serve as the controller's globally visible variables. In contrast to the information kept in the controller context, attributes can not be bound to UI element properties, nor they can be mapped between controllers. In addition, there is lot of meta information related to context nodes and context attributes (cardinality, selection cardinality, singleton property, related supply function ...) not available for controller attributes.
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Unit 1: Introduction
Figure 5: Controller attributes
Controller Events Component controller and custom controllers can raise events which may be handled by event handler methods defined in other controllers. Subscribing an event handler method to an event can be performed statically at design time or dynamically at runtime. An event handler method can belong to any controller located in the same component or even in another component. Exporting parameters related to the controller events allow to pass data to the handler method.
Figure 6: Controller events
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Component Reuse Web Dynpro components are reusable modules. This allows to build Web Dynpro applications that consist of different components. From within a component, an interface enables you to use the data and functions of another component. Creating generic components is meaningful since they may be used by different developers in different contexts.
Figure 7: Component interface
Preparing Component Reuse To be able to use any component from another (consumer) component, the consumer component has to declare a usage of this component.
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Unit 1: Introduction
Figure 8: Declaring the usage of a component
Next, the component usage has to be instantiated. Technically, this can be done from any method of any controller belonging to the consumer component. As a prerequisite, the name of the component usage has to be entered in the list of used components/controllers that can be found on the Properties tab of the controller.
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Figure 9: Instantiating a component usage
Embedding Interface Views Having instantiated the component usage, any interface view of the component usage may be embedded in a window of the consumer component. Navigation links between inbound and outbound plugs that belong to embedded views or embedded interface views can be created.
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Unit 1: Introduction
Figure 10: Embedding interface views
Accessing the Interface Controller of a Component Usage To be able to access the functionality of a component usage from a controller of the consumer component, this controller has to declare the usage of the component usage's interface controller. Then, methods, events and context nodes visible in the interface controller of the component usage can be accessed by the controller in the consumer component.
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Figure 11: Calling methods defined in the interface controller
Figure 12: Accessing the interface controller of a component usage
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Unit 1: Introduction
Figure 13: Handling events fired in the interface controller
Figure 14: Handling event fired in component usage
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Cross Component Context Mapping There are two possibilities to define the mapping between the context node in the interface controller and an appropriate context node in a controller of the consumer component: Normal context mapping: If the used component has its data stored in a context node defined in the interface controller, each controller of the consumer component may map this context node. To do so, the controller of the consumer component has to declare the interface controller of the component usage as a used controller. The context structure can be copied and the context node can be mapped as if the interface controller was a controller of the same component (drag & drop).
Figure 15: Normal context mapping: Principle
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Unit 1: Introduction
Figure 16: Normal context mapping: Realization
External context mapping: More often, data stored in the component controller or a custom controller of the consumer component has to be accessed by the component usage (e.g. usage of SAP List Viewer component). In this case, the interface controller of the component usage has to map a context node located in a controller of the consumer component. However, it is not possible to change the functionality of the interface controller of a component usage. Thus, the context nodes of the used component have to be defined in a very generic manner to allow reusing the component in different contexts (e.g. display arbitrary tables by the SAP List Viewer component). To define the context mapping between the interface controller of a certain component usage and the controller of the consumer component keeping the data, the interface controller of the component usage has to be edited (see drawing below). Next the controller containing the context node to be mapped has to be declared as a used controller for the interface controller usage. Finally the context mapping between the controllers can be established.
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Figure 17: External context mapping: Principle
Figure 18: External context mapping: Realization (1)
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Unit 1: Introduction
Figure 19: External context mapping: Realization (2)
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Phase Model Component reuse has a significant impact on the phase model. The hook methods of the main component controllers and the hook methods of the direct sub component controllers are processed in a sequence that can be described as follows: •
First, the action handling is conducted: The WDDOBEFOREACTION( ) method is processed for all views being part of the last view assembly. – The action handler ONACTION( ) is processed. – The WDDOAFTERACTION( ) method is processed for all views being part of the last view assembly. Next, the component controller method WDDOBEFORENAVIGATION( ) is processed for all components instantiated so far. Now the rendering of the next view assembly takes place.
• •
For all controllers not instantiated so far, controller objects will be created (method WDDOINIT( ) ). – The inbound plug handler methods (method HANDLE( ) ) will be processed according to the outbound plugs that have been fired and the navigation links related to these plugs. – The WDDOMODIFYVIEW( ) method is processed for all views being part of the next view assembly. Finally, the component controller method WDDOPOSTPROCESSING( ) is processed for all components instantiated so far.
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Unit 1: Introduction
Figure 20: Component reuse - phase model
Adaptation There are three techniques available to adapt Web Dynpro applications: Configuration, customizing, and personalization. Intrinsically, all concepts allow to change predefined property values of UI elements used in any of the views of this component. However, these concepts can be extended to allow all changes that are guided by changing the values of context attributes. Configuration is performed by a developer. First, at least one component configuration has to be created for every Web Dynpro component that has to be adapted. At runtime, one component configuration can be loaded for each component in order to adapt this component. It is possible to load the component configuration data programmatically. However, it is also possible to define statically which component configuration is used for which component. This assignment is defined by an application configuration. Application configurations have to be created by a developer. Configuration takes place at design time. This kind of application adjustment is visible for everybody in the system. In contrast to configuration, personalization is a function that is available to the user of an application and provides him or her with the option of adjusting the application to suit his or her own personal requirements or preferences. The framework for variation options within personalization is less far-reaching than
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
that in configuration; personal settings in the UI must never limit the running ability of an application. Personalization of an application is performed directly by a user from within the current application. It is possible to maintain application settings in a uniform manner for all users working in the same client (customizing or user-independent personalization). A system administrator can process personalization settings on the basis of his or her extended authorization, provided the respective application runs in so-called configuration mode. Customizing allows to change a lot more settings then personalization does. Personalization and customizing are always executed at runtime of an application.
Adaptation Hierarchy The concepts of configuration, customizing, and personalization can be combined to define the final adaptation. Here, the changes defined by personalization overwrite the changes defined by customizing, and customizing overwrites the configuration adaptation. On the other side, the parameters available for configuration can be set final so they cannot be changed using customizing or personalization. Parameters available for customizing can be set final so they cannot be changed using personalization.
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Unit 1: Introduction
Figure 21: Adaptation possibilities: Configuration, customizing, and personalization
Hint: Customizing and personalizing is always related to the used component configuration. That means, that for each component configuration a separate customizing data set per client and a separate personalization data set for every user may exist. For this technical reason a default configuration data set exists for every component. If customizing or personalization is applied to a component that has not been configured yet, then the personalization / customizing data sets are related to this default component configuration.
Implicit / Explicit Adaptation Web Dynpro ABAP offers configuration, customizing, and personalization out of the box. This means that adapting a Web Dynpro application is possible without any programming effort. This kind of adaptation is called implicit adaptation. If the possibility provided by the implicit adaptation techniques are not sufficient, these concepts can be extended. This means, that additional adaptation possibilities can be planned by the developer of the component.
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Figure 22: Implicit / explicit adaptation of Web Dynpro components
Technically, the developer has to define a data interface that can be used to pass adaptable data values to the component when instantiating it. This concept is called explicit adaptation and can be implemented by configuration, customizing and personalization. The data interface is the context of a special custom controller (configuration controller) that is instantiated even before the component controller of the related Web Dynpro component is instantiated. The Web Dynpro framework reads the adapted data values and fills the context of the configuration controller automatically when instantiating the related component. Thus, the adapted data values are loaded before the first hook method of any other controller defined in this component is processed. All other controllers can access the adaptation data by mapping the corresponding nodes of the configuration controller. The developer has to decide which attributes should be defined in the configuration controller and how changing these attributes will influence the functionality and the UI of this component.
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Unit 1: Introduction
The single steps of creating a configuration controller are as follows: •
First a new custom controller has to be created. The context of the custom controller has to contain all attributes that should be adaptable by explicit adaptation. The related context nodes of the custom controller have to be mapped to all controllers that need to access the attribute values at runtime. The source code acting on the attribute values has to be defined or the attributes can be bound directly to properties of UI elements. In order to make the custom controller attributes accessible by configuration, customizing, or personalization, the custom controller has to be declared as the component's configuration controller. This is done from the context menu of the custom controller ((Re)Set as Config. Controller). Hint: Only one configuration controller may exist for each Web Dynpro component.
Configuration Configuration is a concept that lets the developer create configuration data sets containing values for UI element properties or context attributes (typically bound to UI element properties). This allows to overwrite many of the statically defined UI element properties, resulting in a different look and feel of the application (UI elements may be set to invisible, tables may have an alternating row color, and so on). Configuration data sets are related to components or they are related to applications. Component configurations allow you to change properties of UI elements defined in any view of a single component. For each component, an arbitrary number of component configurations can be defined. Application configurations are bound to Web Dynpro applications. They define which component configuration is used for which component in this application. For each application, an arbitrary number of application configurations can be created. Application changes related to configuration affect every user of this application in every client.
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Figure 23: Configuration: Concept
Defining a Component Configuration Defining a component configuration is started from the context menu of the related Web Dynpro component (Create/Change Configuration). The configuration tool is implemented by the Web Dynpro application CONFIGURE_COMPONENT.
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Unit 1: Introduction
Figure 24: Creating / changing a component configuration (1)
Figure 25: Creating / changing a component configuration (2)
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Figure 26: Explicit component configuration
Hint: Properties that are configured may be overwritten by customizing / personalization (if they are not set final).
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Unit 1: Introduction
The single steps of creating a new component configuration are as follows: 1.
On the first screen, enter the id of the component configuration to be created. This id has to be unique (not only in respect to the component it is created for but in respect to all Web Dynpro components). Caution: In a customer system, you may only choose names in the customer name space (beginning with Z or Y).
2. 3.
7. 8.
Click on the button having the text Create. This will open a dialog box. Enter a description and a package name and click on the OK button. A new dialog box appears. Enter the transport task the component configuration is to be assigned to and click on the OK button. If the component configuration is defined as a local object, this dialog box will not appear. Now a new screen is displayed. A tab strip allows to display the administrative information related to the component configuration on the first tab. The second tab labeled Component-Defined can only be selected if a configuration controller exists for this component. In this case, the values of all attributes defined in the context of the configuration controller can be changed on this tab (explicit configuration). On the tab labeled Web Dynpro Built-In, all views are displayed by a table. If a view is marked, the UI element hierarchy of this view will be displayed. Choose any UI element you want to manipulate (implicit configuration). Change the property values and set the Final flag if you do not want this property to be changed by customizing or by personalization. Click on the button with the text Save. This will store the configuration data set on the data base. Close the browser. In the ABAP Workbench, refresh the object list. The component configuration can be found as a sub-element of the Web Dynpro component.
Using the same configuration tool, existing component configurations can be displayed, changed, deleted, copied, renamed or they may be assigned to another Web Dynpro component. Hint: Existing component configuration data sets for any component can be displayed or deleted using the Web Dynpro application WD_ANALYZE_CONFIG_COMP. In addition, this application displays the explicit and implicit configuration data.
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Defining an application configuration is started from the context menu of an existing Web Dynpro application (Create/Change Configuration). The configuration tool is also implemented by a Web Dynpro application (CONFIGURE_APPLICATION). The single steps of creating an application configuration are as follows:
Figure 27: Creating / changing an application configuration (1)
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Unit 1: Introduction
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Figure 28: Creating / changing an application configuration (2)
On the first screen, enter the id of the application configuration to be created. This id has to be unique (not only in respect to the application it is created for but in respect to all Web Dynpro applications). Caution: In a customer system, you may only choose names in the customer name space (beginning with Z or Y).
2. 3.
4. 5.
7. 8.
Click on the button having the text Create. This will open a dialog box. Enter a description and a package name and click on the OK button. A new dialog box appears. Enter the transport task the application configuration is to be assigned to and click on the OK button. If the application configuration is defined as a local object, this dialog box will not appear. On the next screen, a tab strip allows to display the administrative information related to the application configuration (first tab). In the second tab labeled Structure the main component and all statically defined component usages are displayed by a table. Use the value help related to the column Configuration to define which component configuration is to be loaded for which component (usage). Application parameters can also be adapted by an application configuration. On the third tab labeled Application Parameters all application parameters are listed and their values can be modified. Finally, click the Save button. This will save the application configuration on the data base. Close the browser. In the ABAP Workbench, refresh the object list. The application configuration can be found as a sub-element of the Web Dynpro application.
Using the same configuration tool, existing application configurations can be displayed, changed, deleted, copied, renamed, or they may be assigned to another Web Dynpro application. Hint: Existing application configuration data sets can be displayed, changed, or deleted using the Web Dynpro application WD_ANALYZE_CONFIG_APPL. In addition, this application displays the application configuration data.
Implicit Customizing / Personalization To start customizing, the Web Dynpro application has to be started having added the query string sap-config-mode=X to the URL. If the right mouse button is clicked anywhere in on the browser page and the authorization of the actual user is sufficient (authorization for object S_DEVELOP or at least authorization for
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Unit 1: Introduction
object S_WDR_P13N is assigned to user), then a context menu pops up having the entry Settings for Current Configuration. If this menu item is selected, the dialog for customizing the actual view is started (implicit options only). All UI element that are defined in this view can be selected in a tree that reflects the UI element hierarchy of this view. For each UI element the values of a predefined set of properties can be altered and saved. Elements (or element properties) that are excluded from customizing by the underlying configuration are not available. Selecting the Final check box for any property excludes this property from personalization. Every user starting the application in the same client and with the same underlying configuration will now see the customized version. Hint: If a user has changed a customized UI element property via personalization and this property is not excluded from personalization via customizing (flag final), then the personalized version of this property is used at runtime.
Figure 29: Implicit customizing: Dialog
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Personalization of a Web Dynpro application (started without the query string sap-config-mode=X) is performed by positioning the mouse cursor on any UI element followed by clicking the right mouse button. The context menu that pops up has an entry User Settings. Clicking this entry will bring up a submenu. The following functionality is offered: • •
The UI element the user has clicked on can be hidden. Editable form fields: The access key can be activated / deactivated. If the access key is activated, the first character (FC) of the label related to this form field will be underlined. If the user presses the key combination ALT + FC on the keyboard, the cursor will be positioned in the form field and the form field will get the focus. Editable input fields: The actual value can be saved as the new default value. Default values defined this way can be deleted again by selecting the corresponding entry in the submenu. The entry More... displays all personalization options for this UI element (for tables, there are more options). In addition, all personalization settings for the entire application can be discarded.
In general, personalization settings are saved automatically (hiding columns of a table from the More... dialog requires that the user clicks a Save button). Elements (or element properties) that are excluded from personalization by customizing or configuration are not available. The personalization data sets are user dependent. Hint: The visibility of UI elements that have been hidden by personalization can be restored by clicking the right mouse button anywhere on the browser display. Choosing the menu entries User Settings → Invisible Elements in the context menu will open a submenu with an entry for all invisible elements, respectively. Clicking on an entry will restore the related UI element. Hint: Customizing and personalization data sets can be displayed, deleted, and transported using the Web Dynpro application WD_ANALYZE_CONFIG_USER. Hint: The possibility to start the personalization dialog from the context menu displayed when the user right mouse clicks on a UI element can be omitted by setting the application parameter WDDISABLEUSERPERSONALIZATION to X.
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Unit 1: Introduction
Figure 30: Implicit Personalization: Dialog
Explicit Customizing / Personalization Attributes defined in the configuration controller of a component are not available automatically for customizing and personalization. The developer has to create the dialog that will be used at runtime to access these attributes. This dialog can be used for customizing and for personalization. If the application is started in customizing mode (adding query string sap-config-mode=X to URL) the data entered by the user will be saved as customizing data. If the application is started in normal mode, the adaptation data will be saved user dependent (personalization). Typically, the customizing / personalization dialog is implemented as a modal dialog box that is send when the user of the application clicks on a certain UI element (button, link).
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Lesson: Web Dynpro ABAP Fundamentals
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe, how Web Dynpro components can be reused • Describe the adaptation of Web Dynpro components via implicit and explicit configuration.
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Unit 1: Introduction
Lesson: Floorplan Manager - Overview Lesson Overview This lesson gives an overview over the Floorplan Manager (FPM) for Web Dynpro ABAP. First, the advantages of using this framework is sketched. Next, the different floorplans available in Web Dynpro ABAP are introduced. Finally, the basic features of the floorplans Guided Activity Floorplan (GAF) and Object Instance Floorplan (OIF) are summarized.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • •
Describe what floorplans are List the advantages of developing Web Dynpro ABAP applications using the FPM framework
Business Example You would like to know what floorplans are and how floorplans can be put into practice when developing Web Dynpro ABAP applications.
Floorplans and Floorplan Manager (FPM) for Web Dynpro ABAP Floorplans are design templates for applications. Thus, using floorplans improves the uniformity and the usability of applications. In the Web Dynpro ABAP context, floorplans follow the SAP user interface design standards. They are implemented as separate, highly configurable Web Dynpro components that serve as main components in the WD application. The Floorplan Manager (FPM) for Web Dynpro ABAP is a framework consisting of these highly configurable Web Dynpro components and an editor (Configuration Editor) that is used to configure these components. This allows to combine multiple interface views of one or more Web Dynpro components to a new Floorplan Manager application. In this context, an interface view of a Web Dynpro component is referred to as a UI Building Block (UIBB).
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Lesson: Floorplan Manager - Overview
Advantages of creating Web Dynpro Application based on the FPM Creating a Web Dynpro application based on the FPM has the following advantages: • •
• •
• • •
Using the FPM ensures that user interfaces behave the same way in all applications. The design of all cross-application entities of a user interface (e.g. toolbar with toolbar buttons, page header, roadmap steps, or horizontal contextual panel) is defined by the FPM. The design follows the SAP user interface design guidelines. Thus, users of such applications benefit from a high level of recognition, which enables them to quickly and easily familiarize themselves with new applications. Time-consuming user interface programming is greatly reduced. Simple applications are adjusted by configuring the underlying Web Dynpro components and not by additional programming. Adjustments that you make to the user interfaces of applications using the FPM configuration editor are modification-free changes (FPM uses the Web Dynpro adjustment concept).
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Unit 1: Introduction
Floorplans in Web Dynpro ABAP The FPM allows to implement Web Dynpro ABAP applications which are based on the following floorplans: •
Object Instance Floorplan (OIF): The OIF allows users to create, delete, view, and edit attributes and associations of a business object (e.g. a purchase order). The OIF typically shows multiple view tabs, whose content is determined by a defined business object type and the distinctive tasks a user has to perform with those.
Quick Activity Floorplan (QAF): The QAF allows the user to quickly perform a specific task. This can be self-contained or a short sub-task within the context of a larger task (e.g. a quick create). To implement a QAF in the FPM, use an OIF with only one view tab and one sub view.
Guided Activity Floorplan (GAF): The GAF is a floorplan for an activity that can be divided in a logical sequence of steps. It consists of a series of screens that guide the user through an activity to achieve a specific goal. A roadmap provides a visual representation of the whole activity to the user. The GAF can be used to create a business object regardless which floorplan is used to review and edit this business object later.
Figure 31: Example: Object Instance Floorplan (OIF)
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Lesson: Floorplan Manager - Overview
In the examples above, upper case letters mark different parts of the floorplan. These are as follows: •
A - Application title and window title: The application title is configured as part of the identification region (IDR). The window title is defined by the description of the WD application. Application title and window title should contain the name of the business object and the unique id of the business object. The order of these two parts is switched between application and window title.
B - Extended identification Region (optional): The extended identification region is part of the IDR. It displays relevant information to identify the business object instance. It may contain the ticket area (left of a separator line) and the items area (right of a separator line). The ticket area can be configured, while the items area can only be accessed programmatically.
C - Message Region: In this region, messages are displayed.
D - Toolbar: This mandatory part of the contextual navigation region (CNR) contains action and navigation buttons. The order of the buttons (if used) is predefined.
E - View and Sub View: Tabs and links related to each tab are used to switch between different screens displayed by the OIF. The screen related to a link is called a sub view. UIBBs are always related to sub views. The active sub view can be set when the OIF is opened. The links and thus the related sub views can also be hidden by default. Technically, an HorizontalContextualPanel UI element is used to implement this navigation element.
F - Content Area: This mandatory part consists of one or multiple UIBBs per sub view.
G - Bottom Toolbar (optional): If vertical scrolling is necessary to reach all parts of the content area, a bottom toolbar should be displayed.
In addition, the OIF may have an initial screen (used to collect missing parameters when starting the application) and a confirmation screen.
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Unit 1: Introduction
Figure 32: Example: Quick Activity Floorplan (QAF)
The QAF is a specialization of the OIF. Thus this floorplan consists of the same constituents as the OIF. However, the QAF does not display the horizontal contextual panel, because only one sub view is defined. In the drawing above, the content area is labeled with the letter E, while the optional bottom toolbar is labeled with the letter F.
Figure 33: Example: Guided Activity Floorplan (GAF)
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Lesson: Floorplan Manager - Overview
The GAF contains the following constituents: •
A - Application title and window title: The application title is configured as part of the identification region (IDR). The window title is defined by the description of the WD application. Both titles should clearly name the activity related to the process step.
B - Extended identification Region (optional): The extended identification region is part of the IDR. It displays relevant information to identify the actual step. It may contain the items area but no ticket area. The content displayed by the items element may change from one step to another. The items area need to be accessed programmatically.
C - Message Region: In this region, messages are displayed.
D - Roadmap: The roadmap element visualized the single steps involved in the activity. The roadmap element may also contain sub-steps.
E - Toolbar: This part of the contextual navigation region (CNR) contains action and navigation buttons. The order of the buttons (if used) is predefined. Each roadmap step may be assigned a different toolbar.
F - Content Area: This mandatory part consists of one or multiple UIBBs per roadmap step.
G - Bottom Toolbar (optional): If vertical scrolling is necessary to reach all parts of the content area, a bottom toolbar should be displayed.
In addition, the GAF may have an initial screen (used to collect missing parameters when starting the application) and a confirmation screen.
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Unit 1: Introduction
Architecture of Web Dynpro Applications based on the FPM Framework Web Dynpro application making use of the FPM framework are structured as follows: •
• •
A Web Dynpro application allows to start the business application. This application points on the FPM component being part of the FPM framework delivered by SAP. Depending on the floorplan to be implemented, the component FPM_OIF_COMPONENT (OIF and QAF), or the component FPM_GAF_COMPONENT (GAF) is used. Both of these FPM components reuse the IDR component FPM_IDR_COMPONENT statically. This component is used to define the application title and the ticket area. Each FPM component and the IDR component have a configuration controller, containing numerousness context nodes and context attributes to configure all variable parts of the applications. In particular, these explicit configuration options allow to define which other components (and which interface views of these sub components = UIBBs) are to be reused by the FPM component. Thus, a component configuration has to be created for the FPM component in order to define the single roadmap steps (GAF) or the single tabs and sub views (OIF) and the related UIBBs. In addition, the toolbar buttons, the initial screen, and the confirmation screen are configured this way. To create forms and lists, special highly configurable WD components exist. These WD components are part of the FPM framework. They are called Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs). These UIBBs need to be configured before they can be reused. A component configuration is also used to configure the IDR component. This allows to define the application title and the ticket area. Finally, an application configuration defines which component configuration is used for the FPM component and which component configuration is used for the IDR component, respectively.
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Lesson: Floorplan Manager - Overview
Figure 34: FPM based Web Dynpro ABAP applications: Architecture (1)
Figure 35: FPM based Web Dynpro ABAP applications: Architecture (2)
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Unit 1: Introduction
As described above, the FPM component serves as the main component in FPM based WD applications. However, this component is part of the FPM framework and can not be edited by the application developer. On the other side, it is necessary for the FPM component to interact with its sub components. This drawback can be overcome as follows: All sub components related to the embedded UIBBs can implement the Web Dynpro component interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK. At runtime, the methods defined in the component interface are triggered by the FPM component at predefined points of the phase model. Thus, the phase model of each sub component is extended by the methods defined in the implemented component interface.
Figure 36: Methods of the component interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK
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Lesson: Floorplan Manager - Overview
Figure 37: Phase model - UIBBs belong to same component
Figure 38: Phase model - UIBBs belong to different components
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Unit 1: Introduction
Figure 39: Phase model - differences between classical component reuse and component reuse in FPM context
If classical component reuse and component reuse in the FPM context are compared, the changes in respect to the phase model can be summarized as follows: •
The action handling is modified significantly since the corresponding methods of the FPM component may not be edited. –
– –
For the components related to the last visible UIBBs, the methods FLUSH( ), NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ), and PROCESS_EVENT( ) are processed. Then, the components related to the next visible UIBBs are instantiated. This will also instantiate the corresponding component controllers. Finally the method PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT( ) is processed for all UIBBs related to the next screen.
For details about the phase model modifications related to GUIBBs please refer to the corresponding lesson in this handbook. To share date and functionality between UIBBs that do not belong to the same component, a simple global class can be used (Central Data Model). This class has to be instantiated as a singleton by one of the sub components.
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Lesson: Floorplan Manager - Overview
Exercise 1: Create Package and copy template Components Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Create components containing the UI Building Blocks (UIBBs) to be embedded in your floorplans. • Implement the interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK by components providing the UIBBs.
Business Example You would like to create two WD components. These components will supply the UIBBs that are embedded by the Floorplan Manager (FPM) component later on. Template Components: NET313_BOOKING_T NET313_CUSTOMER_T Solution Components: NET313_BOOKING_S1 NET313_CUSTOMER_S1
Task 1: Create a package that will contain all the Repository objects you are going to develop. 1.
Create the package ZNET313_## (replace ## by your group number). Assign the application component BC-WD, the software component HOME, and a short description. A transport request has been created by your trainer.
Task 2: Copy the template components. Store the copies in your package. 1.
Copy the template component NET313_BOOKING_T. Name the copy ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. Assign the package ZNET313_## and a description (e.g. Cancel bookings) to your component. Activate your component.
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Introduction
Copy the template component NET313_CUSTOMER_T. Name the copy ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. Assign the package ZNET313_## and a description (e.g. Display / change customer) to your component.
Task 3: Implement the interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK by both components you have created in the last task. 1.
Implement the interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK by your component ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1.
Implement the interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK by your component ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1.
Task 4: Activate your components. 1.
Activate the components ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1 and ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1.
Task 5: Start the template solutions to find out what you should develop in this class. Check out the architecture of your components to identify the coding sections needed to implement this solution.
Start the template solution for the booking scenario. Start the application NET313_BOOKING_S5 using the application configuration NET313_BOOKING_S5_AC1.
Take a look at the component controller methods of your component ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. In addition check out the method ONACTIONGET_CUSTOMER( ) of view CUSTOMER_VIEW.
Start the template solution for the booking scenario. Start the application NET313_CUSTOMER_S6 using the application configuration NET313_CUSTOMER_S6_AC1.
Take a look at the component controller methods of component ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1.
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Lesson: Floorplan Manager - Overview
Solution 1: Create Package and copy template Components Task 1: Create a package that will contain all the Repository objects you are going to develop. 1.
Create the package ZNET313_## (replace ## by your group number). Assign the application component BC-WD, the software component HOME, and a short description. A transport request has been created by your trainer. a)
Perform this step like you (hopefully) have done often before.
Task 2: Copy the template components. Store the copies in your package. 1.
Copy the template component NET313_BOOKING_T. Name the copy ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. Assign the package ZNET313_## and a description (e.g. Cancel bookings) to your component. Activate your component. a)
Perform this step like you (hopefully) have done often before. Hint: The template component is stored in package NET313. Copying a WD component is conducted by selecting the item Copy... from the component's context menu.
Copy the template component NET313_CUSTOMER_T. Name the copy ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. Assign the package ZNET313_## and a description (e.g. Display / change customer) to your component. a)
Perform this step like you (hopefully) have done often before. Hint: The template component is stored in package NET313. Copying a WD component is conducted by selecting the item Copy... from the component's context menu.
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Introduction
Task 3: Implement the interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK by both components you have created in the last task. 1.
Implement the interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK by your component ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. a)
Display your component ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1 by double clicking on the component's name in the object tree. Switch to the edit mode.
Click on the tab labeled Implemented Interfaces.
Enter the interface name in the column labeled Name and confirm your input.
Click the button labeled Reimplement which is displayed right of the interface name. This will implement the interface methods.
Implement the interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK by your component ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. a)
Repeat the last step for component ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1.
Task 4: Activate your components. 1.
Activate the components ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1 and ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. a)
Perform this step like you (hopefully) have done often before.
Task 5: Start the template solutions to find out what you should develop in this class. Check out the architecture of your components to identify the coding sections needed to implement this solution. 1.
Start the template solution for the booking scenario. Start the application NET313_BOOKING_S5 using the application configuration NET313_BOOKING_S5_AC1. a)
In the object tree of the Object Navigator, display the package NET313.
Open the branch Web Dynpro –> Web Dynpro Applicat..
Open the branch related to the application NET313_BOOKING_S5 until the application configuration is displayed.
From the context menu of the application configuration choose Test. Continued on next page
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Lesson: Floorplan Manager - Overview
Take a look at the component controller methods of your component ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. In addition check out the method ONACTIONGET_CUSTOMER( ) of view CUSTOMER_VIEW. a)
CANCEL_BOOKINGS( ) will be used to cancel selected bookings on the data base table SBOOK. CHECK_BOOKINGS_SELECTED( ) will be used to find out how many bookings are selected by the user. DEFINE_CUSTOMER_VS( ) is called from the method WDDOINIT( ). It is used to define a fixed value list related to customers. GET_BOOKINGS( ) will be used to read all bookings for selected flights and a given customer. GET_CUSTOMER( ) is called from the method WDDOINIT( ). It is used to read customer details for a given customer number. At startup the customer number equals '1' since the default value of the context attribute CUSTOMER.ID is set accordingly. GET_FLIGHTS( ) will be used to read all flights a given customer has booked on. GET_SELECTED_BOOKINGS( ) will be used to read all bookings selected by the user from one context node and store these bookings in another node. SET_INTRO_TEXT( ) is called from the method WDDOINIT( ). It is used to get a SAP Script text from the data base and display it on the view INTRO_VIEW. WDDOINIT( ) encapsulates to calls of the methods DEFINE_CUSTOMER_VS( ), SET_INTRO_TEXT( ), and GET_CUSTOMER( ). ONACTIONGET_CUSTOMER( ). This view controller method is processed if a new customer is selected via the drop down box defined in the layout of this view. As a result, the component controller method GET_CUSTOMER( ) is called to actualize the customer data. Hint: All other methods of all other controllers do not contain any code.
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Introduction
Start the template solution for the booking scenario. Start the application NET313_CUSTOMER_S6 using the application configuration NET313_CUSTOMER_S6_AC1. a)
In the object tree of the Object Navigator, display the package NET313.
Open the branch Web Dynpro –> Web Dynpro Applicat..
Open the branch related to the application NET313_CUSTOMER_S6 until the application configuration is displayed.
From the context menu of the application configuration choose Test.
Take a look at the component controller methods of component ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. a)
GET_BOOKINGS( ) will be used to read all bookings for a given customer. Two internal tables containing cancelled bookings and non-cancelled bookings are defined and bound to the context nodes BOOKINGS_C and BOOKINGS_N, respectively. GET_CUSTOMER( ) will be used to read customer details for a given customer number. The default value of the context attribute CUSTOMER_ID.ID is set to '1'. SET_INTRO_TEXT( ) is called from the method WDDOINIT( ). It is used to get a SAP Script text from the data base and display it on the view INTRO_VIEW. TOGGLE_EDIT_MODE( ) will be used to toggle the editability of form fields for the form displaying customer details. UPDATE_CUSTOMER( ) will be used to store the changes of customer details on the data base. WDDOINIT( ) encapsulated to call of the method SET_INTRO_TEXT( ). In addition, the controller attribute GO_CONTEXT is set. This reference to the context object is used to access the context change log. This log file contains all changes of context attribute values resulting from a user input. This will be used to find out, if data needs to be updated on the data base. Hint: All other methods of all other controllers do not contain any code.
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Lesson: Floorplan Manager - Overview
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe what floorplans are • List the advantages of developing Web Dynpro ABAP applications using the FPM framework
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Describe, how Web Dynpro components can be reused • Describe the adaptation of Web Dynpro components via implicit and explicit configuration. • Describe what floorplans are • List the advantages of developing Web Dynpro ABAP applications using the FPM framework
Related Information • •
Additional information about FPM ABAP can be found in the SDN discussion forum at https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/forum?forumID=296 Online help for the FPM ABAP can be found at http://help.sap.com. Open the SAP NetWeaver 7.0 EhP1 documentation and enter the search term “Floorplan Manager for Web Dynpro ABAP”.
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Unit 2 Developing FPM Applications Unit Overview Developing FPM applications consists of the configuration of the underlaying FPM components and of the development of source code sections to interact with the FPM framework at runtime. This unit explains the configuration of the OIF, the GAF, and the IDR component. In addition, basic programming techniques that are needed to implement an FPM application are discussed.
Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • • • •
Display UIBBs in floorplans of type OIF, QAF and GAF Configure the IDR Configure the toolbar Configure the primary help Configure initial screen and confirmation screen Handle FPM-Events Fire FPM-Events from the application source code Access the FPM toolbar and the IDR at runtime Use the FPM message manager
Unit Contents Lesson: Configuring FPM Components....................................... 56 Exercise 2: Create FPM Applications..................................... 81 Exercise 3: Define Initial Screen and Confirmation Screen............ 91 Exercise 4: Configure Toolbar and Explanation Texts .................. 95 Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics .........................................100 Exercise 5: Implement Methods of FPM-Interface .....................123 Exercise 6: Access the Toolbar at Runtime .............................131 Exercise 7: Access the IDR at Runtime .................................135 Exercise 8: Use the FPM Message manager...........................147
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Lesson: Configuring FPM Components Lesson Overview This lesson deals with the configuration of FPM components. This includes a discussion of the configuration editor for FPM components. The section about configuring the IDR component includes the definition of application title an ticket area. The section about configuring the OIF component and of the GAF component includes the definition of the floorplans (embedding UIBBs), the configuration of the toolbar, the configuration of explanation texts, and the definition of initial and confirmation screen.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • • •
Display UIBBs in floorplans of type OIF, QAF and GAF Configure the IDR Configure the toolbar Configure the primary help Configure initial screen and confirmation screen
Business Example You know the architecture of Web Dynpro applications based on the FPM framework. Now you would like to create your first applications. One application should allow to display and edit details related to a flight customer. The second application should permit the cancellation of bookings for a certain flight customer.
Definition of UI Building Blocks (UIBBs) Before the configuration process of the FPM component can start, the UIBBs have to be defined. Technically, each UIBB is the interface view of a component which will be reused by the FPM component dynamically. An interface view is the external view on the corresponding window of the component. Interface views being used in the FPM context should only contain one view (or multiple views making up one view assembly). Multiple UIBBs embedded by the FPM component may origin from different windows of the same component or from windows belonging to different components. UIBBs originating from different windows of the same component can share their data via the common component controller using standard context mapping. UIBBs originating from windows of different components may share their data via a singleton instance of a global class (central data model). This class may also encapsulate functionality used in multiple components.
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Figure 40: Defining UIBBs
Creating simple FPM applications The development process of an FPM application starts with the creation of a new Web Dynpro application. This can be done in the Object Navigator by choosing Create → Web Dynpro → Web Dynpro Application from the context menu of a package. On the Properties screen of the application, set the parameters as follows: Component = FPM_OIF_COMPONENT (for OIF or QAF) Component = FPM_GAF_COMPONENT (for GAF) Interface View = FPM_WINDOW Plug Name = DEFAULT
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Figure 41: Create FPM application
Next, an application configuration has to be created for the FPM application. The creation process is started by choosing Create/Change Configuration from the context menu of the FPM application. A browser window opens and the application configuration editor is displayed. On the first screen, you have to enter the name of the application configuration in the field labeled Configuration ID. To create this application configuration press the button labeled Create. On the following popups, enter a description, the name of the package the application configuration should be assigned to, and the key of the transport request.
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Figure 42: Create application configuration for FPM application (1)
Hint: The name of an application configuration is unique across all Web Dynpro applications. Thus, you may construct the name of the application configuration from the name of the FPM application (e.g. by adding a suffix). This allows to find out easily which application configurations belong to which WD application. On the next screen, the main component (FPM_OIF_COMPONENT or FPM_GAF_COMPONENT) and the statically assigned sub component FPM_IDR_COMPONENT are displayed in a table. The last column allows to assign a component configuration to each of these components. These component configurations have not been created yet. However, enter the name of the component configuration you would like to create later on in the corresponding field. Hint: The name of a component configuration is unique across all Web Dynpro components. Thus, you may construct the name of the component configuration from the name of the FPM application (e.g. by adding a suffix). This allows to find out easily which component configurations belong to which WD component.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
In order to start the creation process of the component configurations for the FPM component and for the IDR component, mark the corresponding table line and click the button labeled Go to Component Configuration. This will open a new browser window and the component configuration editor will be displayed.
Figure 43: Create application configuration for FPM application (2)
On the first screen, you have to enter the name of the component configuration in the field labeled Configuration ID. To create this component configuration press the button labeled Create. On the following popups, enter a description, the name of the package the component configuration should be assigned to, and the key of the transport request.
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Figure 44: Create component configuration for FPM or IDR component
The Configuration Editor for FPM components After having finished the creation process of a component configuration, the configuration editor is displayed. Via a drop down box (located on top of the page and labeled with View) you can choose what part of the configuration data you would like to display or edit. If you select Attributes, meta data of the component configuration are displayed. If you select Web Dynpro Built In, then the implicit configuration options can be edited. However, if you select Component Defined, then the explicit configuration options are displayed. For non FPM components, the context tree of the configuration controller is displayed on the left side. If a context node is selected, a form is generated on the right side of the view containing an editable field for each context attribute belonging to the selected node. This way, the actual configuration data can be displayed, edited, and saved again. For the FPM components, the IDR component and the components related to GUIBBs, the explicit configuration options are formatted differently. An improved display allows to identify easily, which context attributes are related to which UI elements. The result of adding context elements to context nodes or changing attribute values is visualized in a WYSIWYG mode. In the following sections the utilization of the configuration editor is described for FPM components and for the IDR component.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Configuration editor for the OIF component The screenshot below displays the UI of the configuration editor for the OIF component FPM_OIF_COMPONENT. After having created a new component configuration, only the main screen containing the horizontal contextual panel with one tab and one link exists.
Figure 45: Configuration editor for the OIF component
Screen area 1: An initial screen and a confirmation screen can be added (button Add) and deleted again (button Delete). Multiple variants may be created. Each variant defines a separate version of the main screen and of the confirmation screen. The concept of configuration variants is well known from the SAP List Viewer for Web Dynpro ABAP. Each configuration variant represents a complete set of configuration data. At runtime, the application can decide which of the configuration variants is to be used. The screen to configure is defined by selecting the corresponding radio button and choosing the variant. Screen area 2: In the left lower corner, the single parts of the layout are represented by list entries. On the first hierarchy level, an entry is displayed for each tab of the horizontal contextual panel (main view). An additional entry represents the toolbar. If a main view node is expanded, the dependent sub views related to the links are displayed on the second hierarchy level. If a sub view node is expanded, the UIBBs embedded by this sub view are displayed on the third hierarchy level. UIBBs are always related to sub views. If only one sub view is defined, the related link below the tab is not displayed at runtime. If only one main view and one sub view is defined, the complete horizontal contextual panel is suppressed.
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
If the toolbar node is expanded, the toolbar elements are displayed on the second hierarchy level. Screen area 3: To change the properties of any element displayed in the hierarchy, the corresponding element has to be selected. This will also mark the table line. The related attributes will be displayed below the preview in screen area 3 using appropriate UI elements (e.g. check boxes, input fields, drop down boxes, tables). Screen area 4: This is the preview area. Toolbar and horizontal contextual panel are displayed as they will appear at runtime. For the UIBBs, placeholders are displayed below the horizontal contextual panel. The IDR is only displayed with a dummy title. Screen area 5: This area contains buttons which can be used to create new main views, new sub views, new toolbar elements, or an explanation text. Moreover, additional UIBBs can be embedded on a sub view.
Configuration editor for the GAF component The screenshot below displays the UI of the configuration editor for the GAF component FPM_GAF_COMPONENT. After having created a new component configuration, only the main screen containing the roadmap element with one main step exists.
Figure 46: Configuration editor for the GAF component
Screen area 1:
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
No changes in respect to the configuration editor for the OIF component. Screen area 2: On the first hierarchy level, an entry is displayed for each step of the roadmap element. An additional entry represents the toolbar. If a roadmap step node is expanded, the related UIBBs are displayed on the second hierarchy level. Sub steps for a roadmap step are displayed as children of the main step. The related UIBBs are displayed as children of the sub step. If the toolbar is opened, the toolbar elements are displayed on the second hierarchy level. Screen area 3: No changes in respect to the configuration editor for the OIF component. Screen area 4: In the preview area, the toolbar and the roadmap element are displayed as they will appear at runtime. For the UIBBs, placeholders are displayed below the roadmap element. The IDR is only displayed with a dummy title. Screen area 5: This area contains buttons which can be used to create new radmap steps, new sub steps, new toolbar elements, or an explanation text. Moreover, additional UIBBs can be embedded assigned to a main step or to a sub step of the roadmap element.
Configuration editor for the IDR component The screenshot below displays the UI of the configuration editor for the IDR component FPM_IDR_COMPONENT. After having created a new component configuration, only the basic IDR exists, allowing to set the application title and the title's tooltip.
Figure 47: Configuration editor for the IDR component
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Screen area 1: In the hierarchical view two elements may be displayed: An entry for the basic IDR and an entry for the extended IDR. Screen area 2: To change the properties of the basic IDR or the extended IDR, the corresponding element in the hierarchy has to be selected. This will also mark the table line. The related attributes will be displayed below the preview in screen area 2 using appropriate UI elements (e.g. check boxes, input fields). Hint: The items area can only be accessed from the application's source code. Screen area 3: In the preview area, the application title and the ticket element are displayed as they will appear at runtime. Screen area 4: A button allows to add the extended IDR.
Embedding UI Building Blocks In the following section, the basic configuration of the OIF and of the GAF component is described in detail. This includes the definition of main views and sub views (OIF), the definition of roadmap steps and sub steps (GAF), and the assignment of UIBBs to the single sub views or roadmap elements, respectively.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Basic Configuration of the OIF Component •
• •
After having finished the creation process, a component configuration for the OIF component contains only one main view and one sub view. As long as no additional views are defined, the complete horizontal contextual panel will be suppressed at runtime. This is the case if you would like to implement a QAF. Use the buttons labeled Add Main View and Add Subview to add tabs and links to the horizontal contextual panel, respectively. Edit the attributes of the main views and the sub views: Assign a different ID to each of the views and define the name to be displayed on the tabs and links, respectively. To assign a UIBB to a sub view, expand the corresponding node in the hierarchy view and click on the dependent sub element labeled with UIBB: .... This will display the explicit configuration options for the UIBB below the preview area. Enter the name of the component and the name of the interface view (serving as the UIBB) in the fields Component and View, respectively. If this component has been configured, you can also select the component configuration to be used. To assign additional UIBBs to a sub view, mark the sub view and click on the button Add UIBB located on the right side of the screen. Edit the attributes as described above. Save your settings.
Figure 48: Basic configuration of the OIF component
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Basic Configuration of the GAF Component • • •
After having finished the creation process, a component configuration for the GAF component contains only one main step. Use the buttons labeled Add Mainstep and Add Substep to add the corresponding roadmap elements. Edit the attributes of the main steps and the sub steps: Assign a different ID to each of the steps and define the name to be displayed below the steps, respectively. You can also deactivate single steps by marking the corresponding check box. To assign a UIBB to a roadmap step, expand the corresponding node in the hierarchy view and click on the dependent sub element labeled with UIBB: .... This will display the explicit configuration options for the UIBB below the preview area. Enter the name of the component and the name of the interface view (serving as the UIBB) in the fields Component and View, respectively. If this component has been configured, you can also select the component configuration to be used. To assign additional UIBBs to a roadmap step, mark the step and click on the button Add UIBB located on the right side of the screen. Edit the attributes as described above. Save your settings.
Figure 49: Basic configuration of the GAF component
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Basic Configuration of the IDR Component • •
Click on the entry IDR Baisc in the hierarchy view to edit the application title and the title's tooltip. Use the button labeled Add IDR Extended to add the ticket area to the IDR. This allows to add two lines (Ticket top / Ticket bottom) below the application title. Hint: The ticket area is not displayed if used with the GAF component. Hint: The ticket area can be accessed from the application's source code. It is not necessary to configure the extended IDR statically to be able to access this area at runtime. Hint: The items area can only be accessed from the application's source code.
Save your settings.
Figure 50: Basic configuration of the IDR component
Initial Screen and Confirmation Screen Optionally, an initial screen and a confirmation screen can be added to the OIF and to the GAF. Initial screens are typically used to collect missing parameters to start an application. In well-designed scenarios, those parameters are exposed to the user as work lists in work centers, or as contextual navigation links in You Can Also menus or What Do You Want To Do Next link lists. However, there are use cases that do lead to the need for an initial screen.
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
An initial screen is added to a floorplan by clicking the button-choice Add and selecting the Initial Screen menu item. The initial screen for the OIF already embeds a UIBB, while the initial screen for the GAF is created without an embedded UIBB. In both cases, UIBBs and toolbar elements can be added to the initial screen by clicking on the corresponding button located on the right side of the configuration editor screen. Hint: Leaving the initial screen can also be triggered from the application. Details can be found in the section “Toolbar and FPM-Events”
Figure 51: Initial screen
It is recommended that a GAF has a confirmation screen displayed as the last step. The purpose of this confirmation step is threefold: • • •
Provide a non-editable confirmation of the activity accomplished in the GAF Provide success or other processing messages Display a link list of typical follow-up applications
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
For the OIF, a confirmation screen should only be displayed if the object currently processed by the application has been deleted. This can be triggered by clicking the standard button Delete Object. As a result, the confirmation screen will be displayed in place of the main screen. Hint: Deleting the current object and thus navigating to the confirmation screen can also be triggered from the application. Details can be found in the section “Toolbar and FPM-Events” A confirmation screen is added to a floorplan by clicking the button-choice Add and selecting the Confirmation Screen menu item. The confirmation screen already embeds a UIBB. Supplementary UIBBs can be added to the screen by clicking on the corresponding button located on the right side of the configuration editor screen. Toolbar buttons cannot be added.
Figure 52: Confirmation screen
Configure the Toolbar The FPM toolbar contains a configurable set of standard and application specific toolbar elements. These may be buttons, button-choices, or links. The sequence of the standard toolbar elements and the location of the application defined toolbar elements in respect to the standard elements is predefined. Only the sequence of the application specific toolbar elements can chosen arbitrarily.
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Depending on the floorplan and the screen (initial screen, main screen, confirmation screen), different sets of standard toolbar elements are offered. The confirmation screen toolbar only contains the Close button (and for the GAF the navigation buttons). Additional toolbar elements cannot be defined on this screen. The Close button can not be deleted for any of the screens. However, this button can be hidden dynamically. Hint: Some of the toolbar functions are offered as standard buttons and as button-choices. If both toolbar elements are added to the toolbar, the button-choice will be suppressed. Hint: Application specific toolbar elements (Activation Function, Alternate Function, Other Function) may be added to the toolbar multiple times while standard toolbar elements may be added only once. Hint: Toolbar elements of type Activation Function are displayed right of the initial toolbar elements. They should be used to trigger the most important application specific functions. Toolbar elements of type Alternate Function are displayed right of the elements of type Activation Function. Toolbar elements of type Other Function are displayed right of all standard toolbar elements (only the button Delete Object in the OIF toolbar is displayed right of this button).
The Initial Screen Toolbar The initial screen toolbars for the OIF and for the GAF are identical. By default, these toolbars contains the Start and the Close button. None of these buttons can be deleted. However, the Start button can be declared as the default button for the initial screen of the OIF.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Figure 53: Initial screen toolbar
For all toolbar elements, the property Visibility can be set. In the following, the element-specific attributes are listed for all toolbar elements: Toolbar Elements Element
Load Draft
Save Draft
Other Function
Other Function (Choice)
Tooltip Label
Sequence FPM Index EventID
X and per item
per item
X and X per item
The sequence index is used to define the sequence of the application defined toolbar elements. Elements with a lower index are positioned left of elements with a higher index. The FPM-Event ID attribute allows to define the value (ID) of the FPM-Event for application defined toolbar elements. For further details about handling FPM-Events, please refer to the next lesson.
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
The OIF Toolbar By default, the OIF toolbar contains the Save and the Close button. The Close button can not be configured. However, the Save button can be deleted or the button's attributes (including the FPM-Event ID) can be altered.
Figure 54: Toolbar for OIF component
For all toolbar elements, the properties Visibility and Enabled can be set. In the following, the element-specific attributes are listed for all toolbar elements: Toolbar Buttons
Tooltip Label
Previous Object
Next Object
ActivaX tion Function
Element ID
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Sequence Index
Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Alternate Function
Read Only
Save As
Save Draft
Load Draft
Print Preview
Start Over X Refresh
Other Function Delete Object
Element ID
Sequence Index
Toolbar Button-Choices Element
Tooltip Label
Print Preview
per item
X and per item
per item
per item
X and per item
per item
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
per item
X and per item
pre item
per item
X and per item
per item
X and per item
X and X per item
Other Function
per item
Sequence index and FPM-Event ID are explained in the section about the initial screen toolbar. The element ID can be used to access the application defined toolbar elements from the application's source code.
The GAF Toolbar For each roadmap step, the toolbar may be configured differently. By default, the GAF toolbar contains the Previous button, the Next button, and the Close button. The Close button can not be configured. However, the Next button may be deleted and it may be declared as the default button (property Default). •
Final action: If a confirmation screen is configured, a special FPM-Event ID and a special label can be assigned to the Next button of the last main step. If this button is clicked at runtime, the methods related to the interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK are triggered twice. In the first cycle, the FPM-Event ID related to the final action is fired. In the second cycle, the standard event related to the Next button is fired.
Finish button: This button can only be configured for a main step toolbar. If this button is pressed, the roadmap is processed sequentially. This means navigation to the next step is performed automatically as often as possible. This processing will stop when the last main step is reached or when an error occurs.
Exit to Main Step button: This button can only be configured for a sub step toolbar. If this button is clicked, the navigation to the actual main step (which is related to this sub step) will be performed.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Figure 55: Toolbar for GAF component
For all toolbar elements, the property Visibility can be set. In the following, the element-specific attributes are listed for all toolbar elements: Toolbar Elements Element ID
Sequence Index
X and per item
X and per item
per item
Save Draft
Other X Function Other Function (Choice) Exit to Main Step
Tooltip Label
Element Explanation
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Sequence index, element ID, and FPM-Event ID are explained in the section about the OIF toolbar.
Configure Explanation Texts The FPM framework allows to assign explanation texts to the screens displayed to the user (initial screen and main screen). The visibility of these texts can be toggled from the context menu which is displayed, if the user right mouse clicks anywhere on the screen (menu item Display Quick Help or Hide Quick Help, respectively). For the OIF, explanation texts are related to the main views, for the GAF, explanation texts are related to the single steps (main step or sub step). Each explanation text may be a simple text or a SAP Script document defined by transaction SE61 and being of document class General Text. In order to assign explanation texts to a screen, edit the corresponding component configuration. Select the main view (OIF) or step (GAF) in the hierarchy. Now click on the button labeled Add Explanation. The explanation will then be displayed in the hierarchy as a sub element of the main view (OIF) or step (GAF). Now you can assign a simple text (field labeled Text) or a SAP Script document (field labeled Docu. Object).
Figure 56: Defining explanations (1)
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Figure 57: Defining explanations (2)
Figure 58: Using SAPScript texts as explanations
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Figure 59: Display / hide explanations at runtime
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Exercise 2: Create FPM Applications Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Create a WD application pointing on the FPM component FPM_OIF_COMPONENT or on the FPM component FPM_GAF_COMPONENT. • Define an Object Instance Floorplan (OIF) by assigning UIBBs to the sub view via configuration. • Define a Guided Activity Floorplan (GAF) by assigning UIBBs to the roadmap steps via configuration.
Business Example You would like to create FPM applications embedding the interface views of your components ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1 and ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1, respectively. The UIBBs of your first component should define the screens of a GAF, while the UIBBs related to your second component should define the screens of an OIF. Solution Applications: NET313_BOOKING_S1 NET313_CUSTOMER_S1 Solution Application Configurations: NET313_BOOKING_S1_AC1 NET313_CUSTOMER_S1_AC1 Solution Component Configurations: NET313_BOOKING_S1_CC1 NET313_BOOKING_S1_IDR NET313_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1 NET313_CUSTOMER_S1_IDR
Task 1: Create an application pointing on the FPM component FPM_OIF_COMPONENT. Name this application ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. Create a second application pointing on the FPM component FPM_GAF_COMPONENT. Name this application ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1 1.
Create an application pointing on the FPM component FPM_OIF_COMPONENT. Name this application ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Create an application pointing on the FPM component FPM_GAF_COMPONENT. Name this application ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1.
Task 2: For each of the applications, create an application configuration having the name of the component plus a suffix _AC1. 1.
For the application ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1, create the application configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_AC1.
For the application ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1, create the application configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_AC1.
Task 3: For each of the application configurations define, which component configuration is used to configure the FPM component and the IDR component, respectively. The name of the FPM component configuration should equal the application name plus the suffix _CC1. The name of the IDR component configuration should equal the application name plus the suffix _IDR. Create the component configurations. 1.
For the application configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_AC1, assign a component configuration to each of the components. Name the component configurations ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1 and ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_IDR, respectively.
Create the component configurations.
For the application configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_AC1, assign a component configuration to each of the components. Name the component configurations ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_CC1 and ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_IDR, respectively.
Create the component configurations.
Task 4: The OIF should display UIBBs related to component ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. On the first tab, the interface view CUSTOMER_WINDOW (customer details) should be displayed. The second tab should display two sub views. On the first sub view, the interface view BOOKINGS_N_WINDOW (non-cancelled bookings) should be embedded, while on the second sub view the interface view BOOKINGS_C_WINDOW (cancelled bookings) is to be displayed. 1.
Edit the component configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Define an OIF consisting of two tabs and (on the second tab) two sub views. Display the texts Customer (first tab), Bookings (second tab), not cancelled (first link related to second tab), and cancelled (second link related to second tab).
Assign the UIBBs to the sub views.
Task 5: The GAF should display UIBBs of component ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. The first roadmap step should be related to the interface view CUSTOMER_WINDOW (customer details). The next main steps should display related flights (IF FLIGHTS_WINDOW), bookings (IF BOOKINGS_WINDOW), and again the bookings selected by the user (IF CHECK_WINDOW). 1.
Edit the component configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_CC1.
Define a roadmap consisting of four roadmap steps. Display the texts Select customer (first step), Select flights (second step), Select bookings (third step), and Check data (last step).
Assign the UIBBs to the roadmap steps.
Task 6: The IDR of the OIF application should display the application title NET313: Customer details, while the IDR of the GAF application should display the text NET313: Cancel bookings. 1.
Define the IDR of the OIF application.
Define the IDR of the GAF application.
Task 7: Test your FPM applications.
Start the FPM application displaying the OIF.
Start the FPM application displaying the GAF.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Solution 2: Create FPM Applications Task 1: Create an application pointing on the FPM component FPM_OIF_COMPONENT. Name this application ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. Create a second application pointing on the FPM component FPM_GAF_COMPONENT. Name this application ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1 1.
Create an application pointing on the FPM component FPM_OIF_COMPONENT. Name this application ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. a)
From the context menu of the branch ZNET313_## –> Web Dynpro select the menu item Create –> Web Dynpro Application.
Enter the name of the application (ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1) and a description (e.g. Display / change customer). Click Enter.
Enter FPM_OIF_COMPONENT in the field labeled Component. Enter FPM_WINDOW in the field labeled Interface View. Enter DEFAULT in the field labeled Plug Name. Save.
Create an application pointing on the FPM component FPM_GAF_COMPONENT. Name this application ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. a)
Proceed as described in the last step. However, enter FPM_GAF_COMPONENT in the field labeled Component.
Task 2: For each of the applications, create an application configuration having the name of the component plus a suffix _AC1. 1.
For the application ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1, create the application configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_AC1. a)
From the context menu of the application, choose Create / Change Configuration.
In the browser application, enter ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_AC1 in the field labeled Configuration ID. Click the button labeled Create.
In the following popup, enter a description (e.g. Display / change customer) and the package name ZNET313_##. Click OK.
On the next popup confirm the transport request number and click OK.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
For the application ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1, create the application configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_AC1. a)
Proceed as described in the previous step.
Task 3: For each of the application configurations define, which component configuration is used to configure the FPM component and the IDR component, respectively. The name of the FPM component configuration should equal the application name plus the suffix _CC1. The name of the IDR component configuration should equal the application name plus the suffix _IDR. Create the component configurations. 1.
For the application configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_AC1, assign a component configuration to each of the components. Name the component configurations ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1 and ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_IDR, respectively. a)
Edit your application configuration. Double clicking the application configuration in the object tree of transaction SE80 will display the item in the object area. Clicking the button Start Configurator will open the browser based application configuration editor.
In the browser application click the button labeled Change.
Enter ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1 in the column labeled Configuration for the component FPM_OIF_COMPONENT.
Enter ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_IDR in the column labeled Configuration for the component FPM_IDR_COMPONENT.
Save (ignore the warnings).
Create the component configurations. a)
Mark the first line of the table and click on the button labeled Go to Component Configuration. This will open the component configuration editor.
Click on the button labeled Create. On the following popups enter a description and the package ZNET313_## and confirm the transport request number.
Go back to your application configuration. Mark the second line of the table and click on the button labeled Go to Component Configuration.
Click on the button labeled Create. On the following popups enter a description and the package ZNET313_## and confirm the transport request number.
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
For the application configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_AC1, assign a component configuration to each of the components. Name the component configurations ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_CC1 and ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_IDR, respectively. a)
Proceed as described in the first step of this task.
Create the component configurations. a)
Proceed as described in the second step of this task.
Task 4: The OIF should display UIBBs related to component ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. On the first tab, the interface view CUSTOMER_WINDOW (customer details) should be displayed. The second tab should display two sub views. On the first sub view, the interface view BOOKINGS_N_WINDOW (non-cancelled bookings) should be embedded, while on the second sub view the interface view BOOKINGS_C_WINDOW (cancelled bookings) is to be displayed. 1.
Edit the component configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1. a)
Double click the corresponding item in the object tree of the Object Navigator. This will display the configuration's meta data in the object area.
Click on the button labeled Start Configurator. This will open the component configuration editor.
Click the button Change in the component configuration editor.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Define an OIF consisting of two tabs and (on the second tab) two sub views. Display the texts Customer (first tab), Bookings (second tab), not cancelled (first link related to second tab), and cancelled (second link related to second tab). a)
Click on the button labeled Add Main View in order to define a second tab.
Mark the second tab in the hierarchy.
Click the button labeled Add Subview. This will add a second sub view to the second tab.
Mark the first tab. The attributes related to this tab will be displayed below the preview area.
Enter the text Customer in the field labeled Mainview name.
Mark the second tab.
Enter the text Bookings in the field labeled Mainview name.
Mark the first sub view related to the Bookings tab.
Enter the text not cancelled in the field labeled Subview name.
Mark the second sub view related to the Bookings tab.
Enter the text cancelled in the field labeled Subview name.
Assign the UIBBs to the sub views. a)
Mark the first tab.
Click the button Attributes displayed in the preview area.
Enter ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1 in the field labeled Component and CUSTOMER_WINDOW in the field labeled View.
Mark the sub view related to non-cancelled bookings.
Click the button Attributes displayed in the preview area.
Enter ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1 in the field labeled Component and BOOKINGS_N_WINDOW in the field labeled View.
Mark the sub view related to cancelled bookings.
Click the button Attributes displayed in the preview area.
Enter ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1 in the field labeled Component and BOOKINGS_C_WINDOW in the field labeled View.
Save your changes.
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Task 5: The GAF should display UIBBs of component ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. The first roadmap step should be related to the interface view CUSTOMER_WINDOW (customer details). The next main steps should display related flights (IF FLIGHTS_WINDOW), bookings (IF BOOKINGS_WINDOW), and again the bookings selected by the user (IF CHECK_WINDOW). 1.
Edit the component configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_CC1. a)
Proceed as described in the last task.
Define a roadmap consisting of four roadmap steps. Display the texts Select customer (first step), Select flights (second step), Select bookings (third step), and Check data (last step). a)
Click three times on the button labeled Add Main Step in order to define three additional roadmap steps.
Mark each roadmap step in the hierarchy in order to edit its attributes.
For each roadmap step, enter the name to be displayed in the field labeled Mainstep name.
Assign the UIBBs to the roadmap steps. a)
Mark the first roadmap step.
Click the button Attributes displayed in the preview area.
Enter ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1 in the field labeled Component and CUSTOMER_WINDOW in the field labeled View.
Repeat this procedure for the second roadmap step (FLIGHTS_WINDOW), the third roadmap step (BOOKINGS_WINDOW), and the last roadmap step (CHECK_WINDOW).
Save your changes.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Task 6: The IDR of the OIF application should display the application title NET313: Customer details, while the IDR of the GAF application should display the text NET313: Cancel bookings. 1.
Define the IDR of the OIF application. a)
Edit the IDR component configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_IDR used in the application configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_AC1.
Select the item IDR Basic in the hierarchy.
Enter the application title in the field labeled Application title.
Define the IDR of the GAF application. a)
Edit the IDR component configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_IDR used in the application configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_AC1.
Select the item IDR Basic in the hierarchy.
Enter the application title in the field labeled Application title.
Task 7: Test your FPM applications. 1.
Start the FPM application displaying the OIF. a)
Start the FPM application displaying the GAF. a)
From the context menu of your application configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_AC1, select Test to start the related FPM application.
From the context menu of your application configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_AC1, select Test to start the related FPM application.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Exercise 3: Define Initial Screen and Confirmation Screen Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Add an initial screen to the OIF and to the GAF. • Add a confirmation screen to the GAF.
Business Example You would like to add initial screens to both of your FPM applications and a confirmation screen to your FPM application implementing a GAF. Solution Component Configurations: NET313_BOOKING_S2_CC1 NET313_CUSTOMER_S2_CC1
Task 1: For both FPM applications add an initial screen to the floorplan. Embed the UIBB INTRO_WINDOW available in both of your WD components. 1.
Add an initial screen to your FPM application ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1.
Add an initial screen to your FPM application ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1.
Task 2: For the GAF application, add a confirmation screen to the floorplan. This confirmation screen should display the interface view CONFIRMATION_WINDOW of the component ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. 1.
Add the confirmation screen to your GAF application.
Task 3: Test your FPM applications.
Start the FPM application displaying the OIF.
Start the FPM application displaying the GAF.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Solution 3: Define Initial Screen and Confirmation Screen Task 1: For both FPM applications add an initial screen to the floorplan. Embed the UIBB INTRO_WINDOW available in both of your WD components. 1.
Add an initial screen to your FPM application ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. a)
Display your component configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_CC1 by the component configuration editor.
Click the button Change.
On the next screen, click the button choice Add located above the hierarchy. Select the item Initial Screen. This will mark the radio button labeled Initial Screen in the radio button group above the button choice.
Click the button labeled Add UIBB to add a UIBB to the initial screen.
Edit the attributes of the UIBB. Set Component = ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1 and View = INTRO_WINDOW
Add an initial screen to your FPM application ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. a)
Proceed as described in the last step of this task.
The component configuration to edit has the name ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1.
You do not need to assign an extra UIBB to the initial screen.
The interface view INTRO_WINDOW you have to embed is related to the component ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Task 2: For the GAF application, add a confirmation screen to the floorplan. This confirmation screen should display the interface view CONFIRMATION_WINDOW of the component ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. 1.
Add the confirmation screen to your GAF application. a)
Display your component configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_CC1 by the configuration configuration editor.
Click the button Change.
On the next screen, click the button choice Add located above the hierarchy. Select the item Confirmation Screen. This will mark the radio button labeled Confirmation Screen in the radio button group above the button choice.
Edit the attributes of the UIBB. Set Component = ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1 and Window = CONFIRMATION_WINDOW.
Task 3: Test your FPM applications. 1.
Start the FPM application displaying the OIF. a)
From the context menu of your application configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_AC1, select Test to start the related FPM application.
This application should display an initial screen but no confirmation screen.
Start the FPM application displaying the GAF. a)
From the context menu of your application configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_AC1, select Test to start the related FPM application.
This application should display an initial screen and (related to the last roadmap step) the confirmation screen.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Exercise 4: Configure Toolbar and Explanation Texts Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Configure the toolbar of FPM applications. • Configure explanation texts displayed with the UIBBs.
Business Example You would like to adapt the toolbar of your FPM application via configuration. In addition, you would like to display explanation texts on each screen displayed to the user. Solution Component Configurations:: NET313_BOOKING_S3_CC1 NET313_CUSTOMER_S3_CC1
Task 1: Add a button to the toobar of the OIF application. This button will be used to toggle the edit mode of the form fields displayed on the first tab (customer details). Make sure that the toolbar is displayed above and below the tabs. 1.
Add a button to the toolbar of the FPM application ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. This button should display the text Display/Change Customer. In addition, choose FPM-Event ID = EDIT_TOGGLE and Element ID = CUSTOMER_TOGGLE.
Make sure, that the toolbar is displayed above and below the tabs.
Task 2: Add explanation texts to each roadmap step of your GAF application. The explanation texts should describe what the user has to do on the related screen. 1.
Add explanation texts to each roadmap step of the GAF application. Assign texts to the attribute Text of each explanation element.
Task 3: Test your FPM applications. 1.
Start the FPM application displaying the OIF.
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Start the FPM application displaying the GAF. Hint: Explanation texts can be displayed or hidden from the context menu (item Display Quick Help / Hide Quick Help, respectively).
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Solution 4: Configure Toolbar and Explanation Texts Task 1: Add a button to the toobar of the OIF application. This button will be used to toggle the edit mode of the form fields displayed on the first tab (customer details). Make sure that the toolbar is displayed above and below the tabs. 1.
Add a button to the toolbar of the FPM application ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. This button should display the text Display/Change Customer. In addition, choose FPM-Event ID = EDIT_TOGGLE and Element ID = CUSTOMER_TOGGLE. a)
Display your component configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1 by the component configuration editor.
Click the button Change. This will start the component configuration editor.
Click the button Add Toolbar Element. A dialog box will pop up.
Select a button of type Other Function.
Set Label = Display/Change customer, Button Design = emphasized, FPMEventId = EDIT_TOGGLE, and Element ID = CUSTOMER_TOGGLE.
Make sure, that the toolbar is displayed above and below the tabs. a)
Go on changing your component configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1.
Mark the toolbar element in the hierarchy.
Mark the check box labeled Duplicate toolbar.
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Task 2: Add explanation texts to each roadmap step of your GAF application. The explanation texts should describe what the user has to do on the related screen. 1.
Add explanation texts to each roadmap step of the GAF application. Assign texts to the attribute Text of each explanation element. a)
Display your component configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_CC1 by the component configuration editor.
Click the button Change.
On the next screen, mark the first roadmap step in the hierarchy. Click the button Add Explanation to assign an explanation step to the first roadmap step. Assign a meaningful text to the attribute Text of the explanation element.
Repeat this procedure for all roadmap steps.
Task 3: Test your FPM applications. 1.
Start the FPM application displaying the OIF. a)
From the context menu of your application configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_AC1, select Test to start the related FPM application.
This application should now display an additional button in the toolbar.
Start the FPM application displaying the GAF. Hint: Explanation texts can be displayed or hidden from the context menu (item Display Quick Help / Hide Quick Help, respectively).
From the context menu of your application configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_AC1, select Test to start the related FPM application.
Navigate to the screen displaying the customer form.
Display the explanation text by selecting Display Quick Help from the right mouse menu.
Check the texts on the following screens.
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Lesson: Configuring FPM Components
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Display UIBBs in floorplans of type OIF, QAF and GAF • Configure the IDR • Configure the toolbar • Configure the primary help • Configure initial screen and confirmation screen
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics Lesson Overview This lesson discusses the basic FPM programming techniques. This includes the handling of FPM-Events (triggered by clicking toolbar elements), the firing of FPM-Events from the application source code, the manipulation of the FPM toolbar at runtime, the activation of roadmap sub steps for the GAF, the manipulation of the IDR, and the usage of the FPM message manager to send messages.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • •
Handle FPM-Events Fire FPM-Events from the application source code Access the FPM toolbar and the IDR at runtime Use the FPM message manager
Business Example You need to learn more about the FPM framework since you would like to react on toolbar elements clicked by the user, and you would like to manipulate the FPM toolbar and the page header at runtime. In addition you would like to send messages using the FPM message manager.
Toolbar and FPM-Events At runtime, clicking on a toolbar element will lead to a roundtrip. The FPM component informs the UIBBs about the user action as follows: All UIBBs have to implement the component interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK. The methods contained by this interface and the signature of theses methods are summarized in the following table. Methods defined in the Interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK Method
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additional Parameter X
Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
The signature of all methods contains the importing parameter IT_INTERFACE_VIEWS. This parameter is an internal table having the line type STRING. Each line contains the name of one interface view (UIBB). For the first three methods listed above, the resulting list contains the names of all UIBBs of the previous screen. For the method PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT( ), this list contains the names of the UIBBs embedded by the next screen to be displayed to the user. All methods but the method FLUSH( ) contain the importing parameter IO_EVENT being the reference to on object of class CL_FPM_EVENT. The FPM component sets this importing parameter according to the toolbar element selected by the user (FPM-Event). The public attribute IO_EVENT->MV_EVENT_ID will then contain a text literal (FPM-Event) which can be used to identify the toolbar element. For application defined toolbar elements and for the menu button items, the value of the FPM-Event has to be defined by the application. For the standard toolbar elements of type button, the value of the FPM-Event is hard coded. Corresponding constants can be found in the class CL_FPM_EVENT or in the interface IF_FPM_CONSTANTS: •
Toolbar element: (e.g. SEND)
Value of IO_EVENT->MV_EVENT_ID (FPM-Event ID): 'FPM_' (e.g. 'FPM_SEND')
Constant containing this value: CL_FPM_EVENT=>GC_EVENT_ (e.g. CL_FPM_EVENT=>GC_EVENT_SEND)
Exceptions from this Rule – –
START on the initial screen. Here the FPM-Event ID is set to FPM_LEAVE_INITIAL_SCREEN. DELETE OBJECT may be displayed in the OIF toolbar. Here the FPM-Event ID is set to FPM_DELETE_CURRENT_OBJECT.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Most of the FPM-Events have to be handled by the application. Only the Start button on the initial screen, the navigation buttons for the GAF component and the Close button are handled by the FPM component. Hint: The signature of some of the methods may contain an additional parameter (see next section).
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Reacting on FPM-Events The methods provided by the interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK are used in the following context: •
FLUSH( ): This method is triggered for all UIBBs that have been displayed on the previous screen. In this method, data of different UIBBs may be transported to a central data model. For UIBBs belonging to the same component, context mapping is used to store the data in the common component controller. In this case, this method is not used.
NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ): This method is processed directly after the method FLUSH( ) for all UIBBs displayed on the previous screen . Each UIBB can request a data-loss popup to be displayed. This can be triggered from the source code of this method by evaluating the exporting parameter EO_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST with the constant CL_FPM_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST=>GO_DATA_LOSS.
PROCESS_EVENT( ): In this method which is processed for all UIBBs displayed on the previous screen, actions specific to the FPM-Event are performed (e.g. printing, checking, saving). Depending on the result, the exporting parameter EV_RESULT should be set as follows: – – –
IF_FPM_CONSTANTS=>GC_EVENT_RESULT-OK (successful - this is the default, thus setting this value is optional) IF_FPM_CONSTANTS=>GC_EVENT_RESULT-FAILED (not successful) IF_FPM_CONSTANTS=>GC_EVENT_RESULT-DEFER (not successful - further user input required)
In the later two cases, the method AFTER_FAILED_EVENT( ) is triggered afterwards. •
AFTER_FAILED_EVENT( ): This method should contain the code to rollback the actual UIBB to the last consistent state if event processing was not successful. This method may also be triggered if the actual UIBB was processed successfully, but processing of another UIBB was not successful. This is indicated by the importing parameter IV_REVERT.
PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT( ): This method is processed for the UIBBs embedded on the next screen displayed to the user. Here, corresponding data should be read.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Figure 60: Source code pattern for method NEEDS_CONFIRMATION
Figure 61: Source code pattern for method PROCESS_EVENT
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Figure 62: Source code pattern for method PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT
Triggering FPM-Events from the Application There might be scenarios where a standard event needs to be triggered from within an application specific UI building block as well. Example: The initial screen of a floorplan should be skipped since all startup parameters have already been provided as URL parameters.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Triggering an FPM-Event consist of three steps: •
Get a reference to a singleton FPM service object, which allows to access the functionality of the FPM component. The interface of this service object is described by the interface IF_FPM. Event parameters are not used: Call method RAISE_EVENT_BY_ID( ) for the FPM service object. Here, the FPM-Event is defined by the interface parameter IV_EVENT_ID.
Event parameters are used: –
– –
Create action object, by calling the static method CL_FPM_EVENT=>CREATE_BY_ID( ). This will return an instance of the class CL_FPM_EVENT. An arbitrary event ID has to be passed to the method using the parameter IV_EVENT_ID. Add event parameters by calling the method MO_EVENT_DATA>SET_DATA( ) for the event object. Finally, call the method RAISE_EVENT( ) for the FPM service object. Pass the event object to this method via the interface parameter IO_EVENT.
Figure 63: Trigger FPM-Event from application source code
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Accessing the FPM Toolbar at Runtime It is also possible to add elements to the toolbar, to change the properties of existing toolbar elements, or to get a list of all toolbar buttons and button choices at runtime. The toolbar can be accessed by methods that are defined in a floorplan specific toolbar service object. The reference to this toolbar service object can be obtained by calling the method GET_SERVICE( ) of the FPM service object. Depending on the floorplan, the importing parameter IV_SERVICE_KEY has to be evaluated as follows: • •
The returned service objects are described by the interfaces IF_FPM_CNR_OIF (OIF) and IF_FPM_CNR_GAF (GAF), respectively.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
The methods of the toolbar service object can be classified as follows: •
Methods acting on toolbar buttons:
– DEFINE_BUTTON( ) - creates or changes a toolbar button. – GET_BUTTONS( ) - returns a list of all toolbar buttons. Methods acting on toolbar button choices: –
DEFINE_BUTTON_CHOICE( ) - creates or changes a toolbar button choice. – GET_BUTTON_CHOICES( ) - returns a list of all toolbar button choices. Methods acting on separators: –
CREATE_SEPARATOR( ) - creates a separator between application specific toolbar buttons and button choices. – GET_SEPARATORS( ) - returns the positions (sequence IDs) of application specific separators. – REMOVE_SEPARATOR( ) - deletes an application specific separator Methods acting on “You can also” menu bar: –
DEFINE_YOU_CAN_ALSO( ) - defines the content of the “You can also” menu bar. – GET_YOU_CAN_ALSO( ) - returns the content of the “You can also” menu bar. Methods acting on “Related Links” menu bar: –
DEFINE_RELATED_LINKS( ) - defines the content of the “Related Links” menu bar. – GET_RELATED_LINKS( ) - returns the content of the “Related Links” menu bar. Other methods: – –
SET_DUPLICATE_TOOLBAR( ) - allows to toggle the visibility of the toolbar duplicate. SET_VIEW_SWITCH_ENABLED( ) - allows to toggle the enabled property of sub views in the OIF Hint: This method is only available in toolbar service object for the OIF.
In the following, defining new buttons and button choices for the OIF is displayed exemplarily:
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Figure 64: OIF toolbar: Create button dynamically
Figure 65: OIF toolbar: Create button choice dynamically (1)
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Figure 66: OIF toolbar: Create button choice dynamically (2)
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
In order to identify a standard button, constants defined in the interface IF_FPM_CONSTANTS can be used: •
Toolbar element: (e.g. SEND)
Constant to identify the toolbar element: IF_FPM_CONSTANT=>GC_BUTTON-, if is a button. IF_FPM_CONSTANT=>GC_BUTTON_CHOICE-, if is a button choice. – (e.g. IF_FPM_CONSTANT=>GC_BUTTON-SEND) Exceptions from this Rule
– –
SAVE in the OIF toolbar. This is a predefined button of type Activation Function. Thus the constant IF_FPM_CONSTANT=>GC_BUTTONACTIVATION_FUNCTION has to be used to access this button. In addition, the element ID has to be provided since multiple activation functions may exist. DELETE OBJECT in the OIF toolbar. Here the constant IF_FPM_CONSTANT=>GC_BUTTON-DELETE has to be used to access the button. Hint: The methods DEFINE_BUTTON( ) and DEFINE_BUTTON_CHOICE( ) can also be used to change the properties of existing toolbar buttons and toolbar button choices. In this case only the properties that should be changed have to be exported to the method. In order to identify application specific toolbar buttons, the property Element ID has to be supplied using the exporting parameter IV_ELEMENT_ID. Hint: The parameter IV_FUNCTION is obligatory. Hint: The parameter IV_VARIANT_ID is optional (as of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 EhP1 SAP_ABA SPS 2). If this parameter is not supplied, the toolbar of the current variant is accessed. Hint: The ID of each variant can be defined in the Configuration Editor as follows: First, the variant has to be selected from the drop down box located above the hierarchy. Next, the menu item Variant Parameters has to be selected from the button choice Change. A popup will open. The ID of the variant can then be entered in the field labeled Variant ID.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
For the GAF, each main step and each sub step has its own toolbar. In addition, for each main step multiple sub step variants may be defined. Thus, the methods to create new buttons and new button choices in the toolbar of the GAF contain three additional importing parameters: •
IV_MAINSTEP_ID: ID of the main step, the toolbar is related to. This parameter is optional (as of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 EhP1 SAP_ABA SPS 2). If this optional parameter is not supplied, the toolbar of the current main step will be accessed.
IV_SUBTEP_ID: ID of the sub step, the toolbar is related to. If this optional parameter is not supplied, the toolbar of the current main step will be accessed.
IV_SUBVARIANT_ID: ID of the substep variant, the toolbar is related to. If this optional parameter is not supplied, but the parameter IV_SUBTEP_ID is supplied, all changes will be conducted for the current substep variant. Hint: The ID of each sub step variant can be defined in the Configuration Editor as follows: First, the sub step variant has to be marked in the hierarchy displayed on the left side. Next, the menu item Substep Variant Parameters has to be selected from the button choice Change. A popup will open. The ID of the sub step variant can then be entered in the field labeled Substep Variant ID.
In the following, defining new buttons for the GAF is described exemplarily. Creating button choices for the GAF is not displayed.
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Figure 67: GAF main step toolbar: Create button dynamically
Figure 68: GAF sub step toolbar: Create button dynamically
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Activation of Roadmap Sub Steps Sub steps belong to a certain sub step variant. Sub steps are not displayed automatically by the FPM application. This is because it may depend on programmatic boundary conditions which sub step variant is to be displayed or if sub steps are to be displayed at all. The source code necessary to display a sub step variant consists of the following parts: •
First, an event object being an instance of class CL_FPM_EVENT has to be created by calling the static method CL_FPM_EVENT=>CREATE_BY_ID( ). The importing parameter IV_EVENT_ID has to be evaluated with the constant CL_FPM_EVENT=>GC_EVENT_CHANGE_STEP. Next, event parameters have to be defined by calling the event object's method MO_EVENT_DATA->SET_VALUE( ). The following parameters need to be supplied: CL_FPM_EVENT=>GC_EVENT_PARAM_MAINSTEP_ID = ID of main step, the sub steps to be displayed are related to – CL_FPM_EVENT=>GC_EVENT_PARAM_SUBSTEP_ID = ID of sub step, to be displayed as next active step – CL_FPM_EVENT=>GC_EVENT_PARAM_SUBVARIANT_ID = ID of sub step variant , to be displayed next Finally, the event created in the last two steps has to be fired. This is done by calling the method RAISE_EVENT( ) related to the FPM service object. The event object is exported via the parameter IO_EVENT.
Hint: Displaying sub steps is typically initiated by the user who clicks an appropriate toolbar button. However, it is also possible that the application initiates this change by triggering the FPM-Event related to this toolbar button.
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Figure 69: GAF: Activation of roadmap sub steps
Accessing the IDR at Runtime The IDR may consist of the header area (text displayed by PageHeader UI element on top), the ticket area (displaying a maximum of two texts in two lines below the header area on the left side), and an item area (displaying an arbitrary number of items below the header area on the right side). Hint: GAF applications can not display the ticket area.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Figure 70: IDR constituents
The header area and the ticket area can be configured statically. However, the item area can not be defined statically. In order to define the content of the item area and to change the content of the header area and the ticket area at runtime, methods of the IDR service object have to be used. A reference to this object can be obtained by calling the method GET_SERVICE( ) for the FPM service object. This method is also used to access the toolbar service objects for the OIF and for the GAF. However, in order to access the IDR, the importing parameter IV_SERVICE_KEY has to be evaluated with the constant CL_FPM_SERVICE_MANAGER=>GC_KEY_IDR. The returned object is described by the interface IF_FPM_IDR. The methods of the IDR service object can be classified as follows: •
Methods acting on the header area: –
GET_APPLICATION_TITLE( ) - get text and tooltip of application title. – SET_APPLICATION_TITLE( ) - change text and tooltip of application title. – SET_HEADER_VISIBILITY( ) - change visibility of application title. Methods acting on the ticket area: – –
GET_TICKET( ) - get texts and tooltips displayed in ticket area (top and bottom). SET_TICKET( ) - change texts and tooltips displayed in ticket area (top and bottom).
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
– SET_TICKET_VISIBILITY( ) - change visibility of ticket area. Methods acting on images displayed in item area: – –
ADD_IMAGE_ITEM( ) - add new label / image pair to item area. Each label / image pair occupies an own item group. CHANGE_IMAGE_ITEM( ) - change label / image pair in item area. Hint: An image should always display a related explanation text.
Methods acting on label / text pairs displayed in item area: – –
ADD_ITEM_GROUP_BY_VAL( ) - add multiple label / text pairs to item area. These label / text pair occupy one item group. ADD_ITEM_GROUP_BY_REF( ) - identical to previous method. However, the texts are related to context attributes. Note: Using this method instead of ADD_ITEM_GROUP_BY_VAL( ) has the following advantages: Changing the values of the context attributes will automatically change the item values in the extended IDR. The values displayed in the extended IDR are automatically formatted according to the context attribute type.
CHANGE_ITEM_GROUP_BY_VAL( ) - change texts of items related to item group defined by the method ADD_ITEM_GROUP_BY_VAL( ). Hint: In order to store item group information in the context, a two level context hierarchy should be defined. At runtime, the non-singleton node on the first hierarchy level () contains as many elements as item groups are to be displayed. Then, for each item group, a separate instance of the second level node () may be created. Each of these second level hierarchy node objects will contains as many elements as items are to be displayed for the related items group. For each item, the path information to the attribute containing the item value has to be passed to the method ADD_ITEM_GROUP_BY_VAL( ). This path is constructed as follows:.....
Methods acting on navigation items displayed in item area:
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
ADD_NAVIGATION_ITEM( ) - adds a navigation item displaying one or multiple navigation links to item area. Each navigation item occupies an own item group. CHANGE_NAVIGATION_ITEM( ) - change label and text of navigation item in item area.
– Navigation links are not discussed here. Methods acting on any kind of item displayed in item area: – – –
CONTAINS_ITEM_GROUP( ) - checks, whether given item group exists. Item groups are identified by a numerical key. REMOVE_ITEM_GROUP( ) - delete an image, text items, or navigation links from the IDR by removing related item group. INITIALIZE_ITEMS( ) - clear all items in all item groups.
In the following, changing the application title, changing the ticket area, adding images to the items, adding texts to the items area, and removing items from the item area is displayed exemplarily.
Figure 71: IDR - changing the application title
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Figure 72: IDR - changing texts displayed in the ticket area
Figure 73: IDR - adding images to the items area / delete item groups
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Figure 74: IDR - adding label/text pairs to the items area
Using the FPM Message Manager In order to guarantee a consistent and guidelines complient message handling in FPM applications, the FPM frameworks provides an own message manager. This should be used instead of the generic Web Dynpro message manager. The reference to the FPM message manager object is stored in the public attribute MO_MESSAGE_MANAGER of the FPM service object. Optionally, this reference can be copied to a public component controller attribute. Alike the generic Web Dynpro message manager, the FPM message manager is capable of sending messages that are based on simple text literals, on texts stored in the database table T100, and on texts contained in exception objects. In addition, data structures of type BAPIRET2 can utilized by the FPM message manager to generate a corresponding message.
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
The methods of the FPM message manager object can be classified as follows: •
Methods used to report messages: –
REPORT_MESSAGE( ) - report message based on simple text literal. Message text is mandatory. – REPORT_T100_MESSAGE( ) - report message based on T100 database content. Message class and number are mandatory. – REPORT_BAPIRET2_MESSAGE( ) - report message based on return structure of BAPI call. This structure is mandatory. – REPORT_OBJECT_MESSAGE( ) - report message based on an exception object. Exception object is mandatory. Methods used to raise the exception CX_FPM_EXCEPTION. This will create a dump: –
RAISE_EXCEPTION( ) - exception text is based on an arbitrary text literal (if supplied). – RAISE_T100_EXCEPTION( ) - exception text is based on T100 database content. Message class and number are mandatory. – RAISE_BAPIRET2_EXCEPTION( ) - exception text is based on return structure of BAPI call. This structure is mandatory. – RAISE_CX_ROOT_EXCEPTION( ) - exception text is based on exception object inheriting from CX_ROOT or subclass. Exception object is mandatory. Other methods: –
CLEAR_MESSAGES( ) - remove messages from message stack. Interface parameters allow to exclude messages according to their type and component relation.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
In the following, the main differences between the standard WD message manager and the FPM message manager are summarized: •
• • •
For each text category (simple text, T100 text, text from exception objects), only one method exists to send this text as a message of type error, warning, or success. The message type (SUC, WRN, ERR) and an optional binding to a single attribute or to multiple attributes of the same context element is defined via parameters of this method. For error messages, the navigation is cancelled automatically (if send in the hook method WDDOBEFORENAVIGATION( ) or in a method processed before). There is no differentiation between fatal errors, errors, and errors related to context attributes. The BAPI returning structure (type BAPIRET2) can be passed directly to a corresponding method of the FPM message manager. Clearing the messages stored in the message manager can be restricted to certain message types. The lifetime and visibility of messages is handled according to the UI guidelines. Instead of the parameters CONTROLLER_PERMANENT_MSG, IS_PERMANENT and SCOPE_PERMANENT_MSG (generic WD message manager), the parameters IO_COMPONENT, IO_CONTROLLER, and IV_LIFETIME are used.
Figure 75: FPM message manager - reporting text messages
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Exercise 5: Implement Methods of FPM-Interface Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Implement the source code of the methods originating from the interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK.
Business Example You would like to implement the application logic. This includes the handling of FPM-Events, the identification of UIBBs displayed to the user on the previous and on the next screen, cancelling the navigation to the next UIBB if necessary, or sending data loss popups if needed. Thus you need to put your code in the methods related to the interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK Solution Components: NET313_BOOKING_S4 NET313_CUSTOMER_S3
Task 1: Implement the source code of your GAF application. 1.
Go on edit the component ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. Implement the source code of the component controller method PROCESS_EVENT( ). Process the source code of this method only, if the user clicked the button labeled Next Step. Check the name of the last UIBB displayed to the user. If this name equals CUSTOMER_WINDOW, get the flights the customer booked. If this name equals FLIGHTS_WINDOW, get the booking information for the flights the customer booked. If this name equals BOOKINGS_WINDOW, get the bookings selected by the user. If this name equals CHECK_WINDOW, cancel the selected bookings. For all four steps, a corresponding controller method has to be called. All methods return the information if proceeding the method was successful via the returning parameter RV_RESULT. If proceeding the method was not successful, cancel the navigation. Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Task 2: Implement the source code of the OIF application. 1.
Implement the source code of the component controller method PROCESS_EVENT( ). Process the source code of this method only, if the user clicked the button labeled Save or the button labeled Display/Change Customer. If the user clicked the button labeled Display/Change Customer, toggle the editability of the customer form fields. If the user clicked the Save button, update the customer data. If updating the customer data was successful, reset the context change log. Hint: The reference to the context service object is stored in the component controller attribute GO_CONTEXT.
Implement the source code of component controller method NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ). Check if the user clicked the button labeled Close. In this case, check if the context change log is empty. If the log is not empty (which means that data have been changed by the user, but these changes have not been written to the data base yet), display a data loss popup. Hint: The reference to the context service object is stored in the component controller attribute GO_CONTEXT.
Implement the source code of method WDDOINIT( ) of the view CUSTOMER_VIEW. Read the complete customer data set.
Implement the source code of method WDDOINIT( ) of the views BOOKINGS_N_VIEW and BOOKINGS_C_VIEW. Read the bookings.
Task 3: Test your FPM applications.
Start the FPM application displaying the OIF.
Start the FPM application displaying the GAF.
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Solution 5: Implement Methods of FPM-Interface Task 1: Implement the source code of your GAF application. 1.
Go on edit the component ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. Implement the source code of the component controller method PROCESS_EVENT( ). Process the source code of this method only, if the user clicked the button labeled Next Step. Check the name of the last UIBB displayed to the user. If this name equals CUSTOMER_WINDOW, get the flights the customer booked. If this name equals FLIGHTS_WINDOW, get the booking information for the flights the customer booked. If this name equals BOOKINGS_WINDOW, get the bookings selected by the user. If this name equals CHECK_WINDOW, cancel the selected bookings. For all four steps, a corresponding controller method has to be called. All methods return the information if proceeding the method was successful via the returning parameter RV_RESULT. If proceeding the method was not successful, cancel the navigation. a)
The name of the FPM-Event related to the client side event is available from the interface parameter IO_EVENT
The name of the last UIBB displayed to the user can be read from the interface parameter IT_INTERFACE_VIEWS. Because only one UIBB is displayed at the same time, the first line of this internal table will contain the interface view's name.
Use the component controller methods GET_FLIGHTS( ), GET_BOOKINGS( ), GET_SELECTED_BOOKINGS( ), and CANCEL_BOOKINGS( ), respectively.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Task 2: Implement the source code of the OIF application. 1.
Implement the source code of the component controller method PROCESS_EVENT( ). Process the source code of this method only, if the user clicked the button labeled Save or the button labeled Display/Change Customer. Continued on next page
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
If the user clicked the button labeled Display/Change Customer, toggle the editability of the customer form fields. If the user clicked the Save button, update the customer data. If updating the customer data was successful, reset the context change log. Hint: The reference to the context service object is stored in the component controller attribute GO_CONTEXT.
The name of the FPM-Event related to the client side event is available the interface parameter IO_EVENT
Use the component controller methods TOGGLE_EDIT_MODE( ), and UPDATE_CUSTOMER( ), respectively.
The context change log is cleared if the method RESET_CONTEXT_CHANGE_LOG( ) of the component controller attribute GO_CONTEXT is called.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Implement the source code of component controller method NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ). Check if the user clicked the button labeled Close. In this case, check if the context change log is empty. If the log is not empty (which means that data have been changed by the user, but these changes have not been written to the data base yet), display a data loss popup. Hint: The reference to the context service object is stored in the component controller attribute GO_CONTEXT. a)
The name of the FPM-Event related to the client side event is available the interface parameter IO_EVENT
The content of the context change log is accessible via the method GET_CONTEXT_CHANGE_LOG( ) related to the component controller attribute GO_CONTEXT. Hint: Set the importing parameter AND_RESET = ABAP_FALSE, otherwise the change log is automatically cleared!
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Implement the source code of method WDDOINIT( ) of the view CUSTOMER_VIEW. Read the complete customer data set.
Use the component controller methods GET_CUSTOMER( ) to read all customer details.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Implement the source code of method WDDOINIT( ) of the views BOOKINGS_N_VIEW and BOOKINGS_C_VIEW. Read the bookings. a)
Use the component controller methods GET_BOOKINGS( ) to read all bookings.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Task 3: Test your FPM applications. 1.
Start the FPM application displaying the OIF. a)
From the context menu of your application configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_AC1, select Test to start the related FPM application.
Try to close your application after having changed customer data. A data loss popup should appear.
Try to close your application not having changed customer data. No data loss popup should appear.
Try to close your application after having changed customer data and saved the data. No data loss popup should appear.
The cancelled and the non-cancelled bookings should be displayed on the second tab.
Start the FPM application displaying the GAF. a)
From the context menu of your application configuration ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1_AC1, select Test to start the related FPM application.
If no flights are selected, the navigation should be cancelled. If flights are selected, the corresponding bookings should be displayed on the next page.
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
If no bookings are selected, the navigation should be cancelled. If bookings are selected, the selected bookings should be displayed again on the next page.
Check, whether the selected bookings are really cancelled by restarting your application.
Result GAF: Component Controller - PROCESS_EVENT( ) METHOD process_event. DATA lv_interface_view TYPE string. DATA lv_result
TYPE wdy_boolean.
* event processing only if user selected NEXT STEP IF NOT io_event->mv_event_id = cl_fpm_event=>gc_event_next_step. RETURN. ENDIF. * check which interface view has been displayed on last view READ TABLE it_interface_views INTO lv_interface_view INDEX 1. CASE lv_interface_view. *
if interface view was CUSTOMER_WINDOW, read flights for customer
stay on page if no flights could be read WHEN 'CUSTOMER_WINDOW'. lv_result = wd_this->get_flights( ). IF lv_result = abap_false. ev_result = if_fpm_constants=>gc_event_result-failed. ENDIF.
if interface view was FLIGHTS_WINDOW, read bookings for on flights
stay on page if no bookings could be read WHEN 'FLIGHTS_WINDOW'. lv_result = wd_this->get_bookings( ). IF lv_result = abap_false. ev_result = if_fpm_constants=>gc_event_result-failed. ENDIF.
if interface view was BOOKINGS_WINDOW, check for selected bookings
stay on page if no bookings were selected WHEN 'BOOKINGS_WINDOW'. lv_result = wd_this->get_selected_bookings( ). IF lv_result = abap_false. ev_result = if_fpm_constants=>gc_event_result-failed. ENDIF.
if interface view was CHECK_WINDOW, try to cancel bookings on DB
Continued on next page
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
stay on page if cancelling bookings was not successful WHEN 'CHECK_WINDOW'. lv_result = wd_this->cancel_bookings( ). IF lv_result = abap_false. ev_result = if_fpm_constants=>gc_event_result-failed. ENDIF. ENDCASE.
OIF: Component Controller - PROCESS_EVENT( ) METHOD process_event . DATA lv_result TYPE wdy_boolean. CASE io_event->mv_event_id. *
if EDIT_TOGGLE was selected, toggle edit mode WHEN 'EDIT_TOGGLE'. wd_this->toggle_edit_mode( ).
if SAVE was selected, update customer data WHEN cl_fpm_event=>gc_event_save. lv_result = wd_this->update_customer( ). IF lv_result = abap_false. ELSE.
if update was successful, clear context change log wd_this->go_context->reset_context_change_log( ). ENDIF. ENDCASE.
OIF: Component Controller - NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ) METHOD needs_confirmation . DATA lt_change_log TYPE wdr_context_change_list. CASE io_event->mv_event_id. *
if CLOSE was selected WHEN cl_fpm_event=>gc_event_close.
get context change log (internal table) lt_change_log = wd_this->go_context->get_context_change_log( and_reset = abap_false ). IF lt_change_log IS NOT INITIAL.
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
if context change log contains any data, send data loss popup eo_confirmation_request = cl_fpm_confirmation_request=>go_data_loss. ENDIF. ENDCASE.
OIF: View Controller CUSTOMER_VIEW - WDDOINIT( ) METHOD wddoinit . DATA lo_componentcontroller TYPE REF TO ig_componentcontroller . lo_componentcontroller = wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ). lo_componentcontroller->get_customer( ). ENDMETHOD.
OIF: View Controllers BOOKINGS_N_VIEW / BOOKINGS_C_VIEW - WDDOINIT( ) METHOD wddoinit . DATA lo_componentcontroller TYPE REF TO ig_componentcontroller . lo_componentcontroller = wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ). lo_componentcontroller->get_bookings( ). ENDMETHOD.
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Exercise 6: Access the Toolbar at Runtime Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Add new toolbar elements or change the properties of existing toolbar elements
Business Example Depending on the screen displayed to the user, you would like to adapt the properties of a toolbar button displayed by your OIF component. Solution Component: NET313_CUSTOMER_S4
Task: Check, which information will be displayed to the user on the next screen. If the customer form will be displayed, enable the button labeled Display/Change Customer. If bookings will be displayed to the user, disable this button.
Get the reference to the FPM service object and to the OIF service object and store these reference in attributes of the component controller. Encapsulate the code in the hook method WDDOINIT( ).
Implement the source code of the component controller method PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT( ). Check the name of the next UIBB displayed to the user. If this name equals CUSTOMER_WINDOW, enable the toolbar button labeled Display/Change Customer. For all other cases, disable the toolbar button.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Solution 6: Access the Toolbar at Runtime Task: Check, which information will be displayed to the user on the next screen. If the customer form will be displayed, enable the button labeled Display/Change Customer. If bookings will be displayed to the user, disable this button. 1.
Get the reference to the FPM service object and to the OIF service object and store these reference in attributes of the component controller. Encapsulate the code in the hook method WDDOINIT( ). a)
Edit the component controller of your component ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1.
Define a new attribute of reference type IF_FPM. Name this attribute GO_FPM.
Define a new attribute of reference type IF_FPM_CNR_OIF. Name this attribute GO_FPM_OIF.
Now edit the component controller method WDDOINIT( ).
Call the method CL_FPM_FACTORY=>GET_INSTANCE( ) to get the reference to the FPM service object. Store this reference in the controller attribute GO_FPM.
Next, call the method GET_SERVICE( ) for the FPM service object. Evaluate the importing parameter IV_SERVICE_KEY with the constant CL_FPM_SERVICE_MANAGER=>GC_KEY_CNR_OIF. This will return the reference to the OIF service object. Store this reference in the controller attribute GO_FPM_OIF.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Implement the source code of the component controller method PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT( ). Check the name of the next UIBB displayed to the user. If this name equals CUSTOMER_WINDOW, enable the toolbar button labeled Display/Change Customer. For all other cases, disable the toolbar button. a)
Read the first line of the interface parameter IT_INTERFACE_VIEWS to find out the name of the next UIBB displayed to the user.
Call the method DEFINE_BUTTON( ) for the OIF service object (GO_FPM_OIF) to access a button. Evaluate the interface parameters as follows: IV_FUNCTION = IF_FPM_CONSTANTS=>GC_BUTTONOTHER_FUNCTION IV_ELEMENT_ID = 'CUSTOMER_TOGGLE' Continued on next page
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Result OIF: Component Controller - WDDOINIT( ) METHOD wddoinit . * get text displayed on introduction screen wd_this->set_intro_text( ). * get reference to context object. * The context change log related to this object is used to find * out any changes of the customer data wd_this->go_context = wd_context->get_context( ). * get reference to FPM service object wd_this->go_fpm = cl_fpm_factory=>get_instance( ). * get reference to OIF service object wd_this->go_fpm_oif ?= wd_this->go_fpm->get_service( iv_service_key = cl_fpm_service_manager=>gc_key_cnr_oif ). ENDMETHOD.
OIF: Component Controller - PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT( ) METHOD process_before_output . DATA lv_interface_view TYPE string. DATA lt_buttons
TYPE if_fpm_cnr_oif=>t_button.
* check for interface views displayed on next screen READ TABLE it_interface_views INTO lv_interface_view INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc 0. RETURN. ENDIF. * if IF view is CUSTOMER_WINDOW, enable button with ID CUSTOMER_TOGGLE IF lv_interface_view = 'CUSTOMER_WINDOW'. wd_this->go_fpm_oif->define_button( iv_function
= if_fpm_constants=>gc_button-other_function
= abap_true ).
* for any other IF view, disable button with ID CUSTOMER_TOGGLE ELSE. wd_this->go_fpm_oif->define_button(
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
= if_fpm_constants=>gc_button-other_function
= abap_false ).
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Exercise 7: Access the IDR at Runtime Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Change the application title at runtime • Change the IDR ticket area at runtime • Change the IDR items area at runtime
Business Example You would like to adapt the application title, the ticket area, and the items area displayed by your OIF application at runtime. Solution Component: NET313_CUSTOMER_S5
Task 1: When navigating from the initial screen to the customer form, the customer data is read from the data base using the component controller method GET_CUSTOMER( ). This method is called from the hook method WDDOINIT( ) of the view CUSTOMER_VIEW. Create a new component controller method (name: INIT_IDR( )) encapsulating the code to adapt the application title. Call this new method from the hook method WDDOINIT( ) of the view CUSTOMER_VIEW. Position the call directly behind the call of method GET_CUSTOMER( ). Hint: The application title should read 'Customer ', where is the ID of the customer selected on the initial screen. 1.
Get the reference to the IDR service object and store this reference in a component controller attribute. Define the related source code in the hook method WDDOINIT( ).
Create a new component controller method having the name INIT_IDR( ). Call this method from the source code of the method WDDOINIT( ) related to the view CUSTOMER_VIEW.
Implement the source code of method INIT_IDR( ): Get the current customer data from the component controller context.
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Then get the text with the symbol '006' from the assistance class. Concatenate this text and the customer ID. This will define the application's title. Get the text with the symbol '007' from the assistance class. This will define the tooltip of the application title. Now you can set the new application title by calling the method SET_APPLICATION_TITLE( ) of the IDR service object.
Task 2: Optional part 1 Adapt the ticket area. Display the current customer name in line one and the city in line two. If the customer data is changed by the user, these two lines need to be synchronized with the current form field values. 1.
Create a new component controller method having the name SET_IDR_TICKET( ). This method should have an importing parameter (name: IS_CUSTOMER, type: SCUSTOM). Call this method from the source code of the component controller method INIT_IDR( ).
Edit the component controller method FLUSH( ). Check, if the context change log contains any entries. If this is the case, read the current customer data from the context. Then call the method SET_IDR_TICKET( ) and pass the current customer data to this method.
Implement the source code of method SET_IDR_TICKET( ): Get the text with the symbol '008' from the assistance class. This will define the tooltip of line one (ticket top). Get the text with the symbol '009' from the assistance class. This will define the tooltip of line two (ticket bottom). Call the method SET_TICKET( ) of the IDR service object to actualize the ticket area. Display the customer name on the first line (ticket top) and the city in the second line (ticket bottom).
Continued on next page
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Task 3: Optional part 2 Adapt the items area. Display the current status of the customer data (unchanged / changed but not saved / changed and saved). 1.
Create a new component controller method having the name SET_IDR_ITEMS( ). This method should have an importing parameter (name: IV_STATE, type: C). Call this method from the source code of the component controller method INIT_IDR( ). Pass the value 'I' (initial) to the method.
Edit the component controller method FLUSH( ). In case that the user changed any customer data, do not only call the method SET_IDR_TICKET( ) but also the method SET_IDR_ITEMS( ). Pass the value 'M' (modified) to the method.
Edit the component controller method PROCESS_EVENT( ). If saving the customer data was successful and the context log file was cleared, call the method SET_IDR_ITEMS( ). Pass the value 'S' (saved) to the method.
Implement the source code of method SET_IDR_ITEMS( ): Define an internal table of type IF_FPM_IDR=>T_ITEMS_VAL and a corresponding work area. Define one item to be displayed in the item area by adding one line to the internal table. Set the fields of the work area as follows: VALUE: Depending on the status (importing parameter IV_STATE) of the customer data, get a text to be displayed as the item's value from the assistance class. Appropriate text symbols are '011' (initial), '012' (modified), and '013' (saved). VALUE_TOOLTIP: Get the text with the symbol '014' from the assistance class. LABEL_NAME and LABEL_TOOLTIP: Get the text with the symbol '010' from the assistance class. Call the method INITIALIZE_ITEMS( ) to delete all existing item groups. Then call the method ADD_ITEM_GROUP_BY_VAL( ) to define a new item group. Pass the internal table to this method.
Task 4: Test your OIF application. 1.
Start the FPM application displaying the OIF.
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Solution 7: Access the IDR at Runtime Task 1: When navigating from the initial screen to the customer form, the customer data is read from the data base using the component controller method GET_CUSTOMER( ). This method is called from the hook method WDDOINIT( ) of the view CUSTOMER_VIEW. Create a new component controller method (name: INIT_IDR( )) encapsulating the code to adapt the application title. Call this new method from the hook method WDDOINIT( ) of the view CUSTOMER_VIEW. Position the call directly behind the call of method GET_CUSTOMER( ). Hint: The application title should read 'Customer ', where is the ID of the customer selected on the initial screen. 1.
Get the reference to the IDR service object and store this reference in a component controller attribute. Define the related source code in the hook method WDDOINIT( ). a)
Edit the component controller of your component ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1.
Define a new attribute of reference type IF_FPM_IDR. Name this attribute GO_FPM_IDR.
Now edit the component controller method WDDOINIT( ).
Call the method GET_SERVICE( ) for the FPM service object. Evaluate the importing parameter IV_SERVICE_KEY with the constant CL_FPM_SERVICE_MANAGER=>GC_KEY_IDR. This will return the reference to the IDR service object. Store this reference in the controller attribute GO_FPM_IDR.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Create a new component controller method having the name INIT_IDR( ). Call this method from the source code of the method WDDOINIT( ) related to the view CUSTOMER_VIEW. a)
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Implement the source code of method INIT_IDR( ): Get the current customer data from the component controller context. Then get the text with the symbol '006' from the assistance class. Concatenate this text and the customer ID. This will define the application's title. Continued on next page
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Get the text with the symbol '007' from the assistance class. This will define the tooltip of the application title. Now you can set the new application title by calling the method SET_APPLICATION_TITLE( ) of the IDR service object. a)
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Task 2: Optional part 1 Adapt the ticket area. Display the current customer name in line one and the city in line two. If the customer data is changed by the user, these two lines need to be synchronized with the current form field values. 1.
Create a new component controller method having the name SET_IDR_TICKET( ). This method should have an importing parameter (name: IS_CUSTOMER, type: SCUSTOM). Call this method from the source code of the component controller method INIT_IDR( ). a)
Edit the component controller method FLUSH( ). Check, if the context change log contains any entries. If this is the case, read the current customer data from the context. Then call the method SET_IDR_TICKET( ) and pass the current customer data to this method. a)
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Implement the source code of method SET_IDR_TICKET( ): Get the text with the symbol '008' from the assistance class. This will define the tooltip of line one (ticket top). Get the text with the symbol '009' from the assistance class. This will define the tooltip of line two (ticket bottom). Call the method SET_TICKET( ) of the IDR service object to actualize the ticket area. Display the customer name on the first line (ticket top) and the city in the second line (ticket bottom). a)
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Task 3: Optional part 2 Adapt the items area. Display the current status of the customer data (unchanged / changed but not saved / changed and saved). 1.
Create a new component controller method having the name SET_IDR_ITEMS( ). This method should have an importing parameter (name: IV_STATE, type: C). Call this method from the source code of the component controller method INIT_IDR( ). Pass the value 'I' (initial) to the method. a)
Edit the component controller method FLUSH( ). In case that the user changed any customer data, do not only call the method SET_IDR_TICKET( ) but also the method SET_IDR_ITEMS( ). Pass the value 'M' (modified) to the method. a)
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Edit the component controller method PROCESS_EVENT( ). If saving the customer data was successful and the context log file was cleared, call the method SET_IDR_ITEMS( ). Pass the value 'S' (saved) to the method. a)
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Implement the source code of method SET_IDR_ITEMS( ): Define an internal table of type IF_FPM_IDR=>T_ITEMS_VAL and a corresponding work area. Define one item to be displayed in the item area by adding one line to the internal table. Set the fields of the work area as follows: VALUE: Depending on the status (importing parameter IV_STATE) of the customer data, get a text to be displayed as the item's value from the assistance class. Appropriate text symbols are '011' (initial), '012' (modified), and '013' (saved). VALUE_TOOLTIP: Get the text with the symbol '014' from the assistance class. LABEL_NAME and LABEL_TOOLTIP: Get the text with the symbol '010' from the assistance class. Call the method INITIALIZE_ITEMS( ) to delete all existing item groups. Then call the method ADD_ITEM_GROUP_BY_VAL( ) to define a new item group. Pass the internal table to this method. a)
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Task 4: Test your OIF application. 1.
Start the FPM application displaying the OIF. a)
From the context menu of your application configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_AC1, select Test to start the related FPM application.
Check application title, ticket area and items area before you change the customer data.
If you have finished the optional tasks, change the customer name and the city and click on the Bookings tab to trigger a roundtrip. The ticket area should be updated and the items area should indicate that data has been changed.
Save the customer data. The items area should display the new status.
Result OIF: View CUSTOMER_VIEW- WDDOINIT( ) METHOD wddoinit . DATA lo_componentcontroller TYPE REF TO ig_componentcontroller . lo_componentcontroller = wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ). lo_componentcontroller->get_customer( ). * set application title, * ticket area (optional), and item area (optional) according to customer lo_componentcontroller->init_idr( ). ENDMETHOD.
OIF: Component Controller - INIT_IDR( ) METHOD init_idr . DATA lo_nd_customer TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node. DATA lo_el_customer TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element. DATA ls_customer
DATA lv_app_title
TYPE string.
DATA lv_app_title_tooltip
TYPE string.
* get customer data lo_nd_customer = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_customer ).
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
lo_el_customer = lo_nd_customer->get_element( ). lo_el_customer->get_static_attributes( IMPORTING static_attributes = ls_customer ). * set application title and its tooltip lv_app_title = wd_assist->get_text( '006' ). CONCATENATE lv_app_title ls_customer-id INTO lv_app_title SEPARATED BY space. lv_app_title_tooltip = wd_assist->get_text( '007' ). wd_this->go_fpm_idr->set_application_title( iv_title
= lv_app_title
iv_title_tooltip = lv_app_title_tooltip ). ENDMETHOD.
OPTIONAL PART 1: Component Controller - INIT_IDR( ) METHOD init_idr . ... wd_this->go_fpm_idr->set_application_title( iv_title
= lv_app_title
iv_title_tooltip = lv_app_title_tooltip ). * optional part: initialize ticket area wd_this->set_idr_ticket( is_customer = ls_customer ). ENDMETHOD.
OPTIONAL PART 1: Component Controller - FLUSH( ) METHOD flush . DATA lt_change_log
DATA lo_nd_customer TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node. DATA lo_el_customer TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element. DATA ls_customer
* Optional parts ************************************************************** * Check if user has changed customer details lt_change_log = wd_this->go_context->get_context_change_log( and_reset = abap_false ).
Continued on next page
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
* If user has changed any data... IF lt_change_log IS NOT INITIAL. lo_nd_customer = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_customer ). lo_el_customer = lo_nd_customer->get_element( ). lo_el_customer->get_static_attributes( IMPORTING static_attributes = ls_customer ). *
refresh ticket area (display updated customer data) wd_this->set_idr_ticket( is_customer = ls_customer ). ENDIF.
OPTIONAL PART 1: Component Controller - SET_IDR_TICKET( ) METHOD set_idr_ticket . DATA lv_ticket_top
TYPE string.
DATA lv_ticket_bot
TYPE string.
DATA lv_ticket_top_tooltip TYPE string. DATA lv_ticket_bot_tooltip TYPE string. * set ticket area lv_ticket_top_tooltip = wd_assist->get_text( '008' ). lv_ticket_bot_tooltip = wd_assist->get_text( '009' ). lv_ticket_top = is_customer-name. lv_ticket_bot = is_customer-city. TRY. wd_this->go_fpm_idr->set_ticket( iv_top
= lv_ticket_top
= lv_ticket_bot
= lv_ticket_top_tooltip
iv_bottom_tooltip = lv_ticket_bot_tooltip ). CATCH cx_fpm_idr. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD.
OPTIONAL PART 2: Component Controller - INIT_IDR( ) METHOD init_idr . ...
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
* optional part: initialize ticket area wd_this->set_idr_ticket( is_customer = ls_customer ). * optional part: initialize items area wd_this->set_idr_items( iv_state = 'I' ). ENDMETHOD.
OPTIONAL PART 2: Component Controller - FLUSH( ) METHOD flush . ... * Optional parts ************************************************************** ... *
refresh ticket area (display updated customer data) wd_this->set_idr_ticket( is_customer = ls_customer ).
refresh items area (display that customer data has been changed) wd_this->set_idr_items( iv_state = 'M' ). ...
OPTIONAL PART 2: Component Controller - PROCESS_EVENT( ) METHOD process_event . ... *
if update was successful, clear context change log wd_this->go_context->reset_context_change_log( ).
Optional part: refresh items area (display, that changed data is saved) wd_this->set_idr_items( iv_state = 'S' ). ...
OPTIONAL PART 2: Component Controller - SET_IDR_ITEMS( ) METHOD set_idr_items . DATA lt_items TYPE if_fpm_idr=>t_items_val. DATA ls_items TYPE if_fpm_idr=>s_items_val. CASE iv_state. WHEN 'I'.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
ls_items-value = wd_assist->get_text( '011' ). WHEN 'M'.
ls_items-value = wd_assist->get_text( '012' ). WHEN 'S'.
ls_items-value = wd_assist->get_text( '013' ). ENDCASE. ls_items-label_name
= wd_assist->get_text( '010' ).
ls_items-label_tooltip = wd_assist->get_text( '010' ). ls_items-value_tooltip = wd_assist->get_text( '014' ). APPEND ls_items TO lt_items. wd_this->go_fpm_idr->initialize_items( ). wd_this->go_fpm_idr->add_item_group_by_val( EXPORTING it_items = lt_items ). ENDMETHOD.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Exercise 8: Use the FPM Message manager Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Display messages by means of the FPM message manager
Business Example You would like to display messages in your application to indicate if handling FPM-Events was successful or not. Solution Components: NET313_BOOKING_S5 NET313_CUSTOMER_S6
Task 1: Adapt your GAF application ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. Display an error message if any of the following situations occur: No flights are found for the selected customer. No bookings are found for the selected flights (also because no flights have been selected). No bookings have been selected by the user. The cancellation of the selected bookings was not successful. 1.
Get the reference to the FPM message manager and store this reference in a new attribute (name: GO_MES_MAN) in the component controller of your GAF component. Hint: Storing the reference to the FPM message manager in an extra controller attribute is optional, since this reference is available as a public attribute of the FPM service object.
Edit the component controller method PROCESS_EVENT( ). Get appropriate texts from the assistance class (text symbols '001', '002', and '003'). Replace parameters contained in the message text if necessary. Report the error messages.
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
An FPM error message defined in the method PROCESS_EVENT( ) will automatically cancel the navigation in the GAF application. Thus you can delete the coding lines that are related to setting the exporting parameter EV_RESULT to ABAP_FALSE.
Task 2: Adapt your OIF application ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. Display an error message if the customer data could not be saved to the data base. Display a success message, if storing the data was successful. 1.
Get the reference to the FPM message manager and store this reference in a new attribute (name: GO_MES_MAN) in the component controller of your OIF component. Hint: Storing the reference to the FPM message manager in an extra controller attribute is optional, since this reference is available as a public attribute of the FPM service object.
Edit the component controller method PROCESS_EVENT( ). Get appropriate texts from the assistance class (text symbols '004' for the error message and '005' for the success message). Report the messages.
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Solution 8: Use the FPM Message manager Task 1: Adapt your GAF application ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1. Display an error message if any of the following situations occur: No flights are found for the selected customer. No bookings are found for the selected flights (also because no flights have been selected). No bookings have been selected by the user. The cancellation of the selected bookings was not successful. 1.
Get the reference to the FPM message manager and store this reference in a new attribute (name: GO_MES_MAN) in the component controller of your GAF component. Hint: Storing the reference to the FPM message manager in an extra controller attribute is optional, since this reference is available as a public attribute of the FPM service object. a)
Edit the component controller of your GAF component ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1.
Define a new controller attribute (name: GO_FPM, reference type: IF_FPM).
Define a new controller attribute (name: GO_MES_MAN, reference type: IF_FPM_MESSAGE_MANAGER).
Now edit the hook method WDDOINIT( ). Get the reference to the FPM service object. Store this reference in the controller attribute GO_FPM. The reference to the FPM message manager is stored in the public attribute MO_MESSAGE_MANAGER of the FPM service object. Copy this reference to the controller attribute GO_MES_MAN.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Edit the component controller method PROCESS_EVENT( ). Get appropriate texts from the assistance class (text symbols '001', '002', and '003'). Replace parameters contained in the message text if necessary. Report the error messages. a)
Edit the component controller method PROCESS_EVENT( ) of your GAF component ZNET313_##_BOOKING_S1.
If an error situation occurs, get the appropriate text from the assistance class and store it in a variable of type STRING.
Call the FPM message manager method REPORT_MESSAGE( ) to define the error message. Pass the error text and the reference to the current FPM service object (GO_FPM) to the method.
The text with the text symbol '001' contains a parameter to display the customer number with the message. To replace this placeholder, get the customer ID from the context. Define a parameter table of type WDR_NAME_VALUE_LIST and a related work area for this internal table. Add one line to the internal table containing the name of the placeholder (field NAME) and the value displayed instead of the placeholder (field VALUE). Pass this replacement information via the parameter IV_PARAMETERS to the method REPORT_MESSAGE( ).
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
An FPM error message defined in the method PROCESS_EVENT( ) will automatically cancel the navigation in the GAF application. Thus you can delete the coding lines that are related to setting the exporting parameter EV_RESULT to ABAP_FALSE. a)
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
Task 2: Adapt your OIF application ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1. Display an error message if the customer data could not be saved to the data base. Display a success message, if storing the data was successful. 1.
Get the reference to the FPM message manager and store this reference in a new attribute (name: GO_MES_MAN) in the component controller of your OIF component. Hint: Storing the reference to the FPM message manager in an extra controller attribute is optional, since this reference is available as a public attribute of the FPM service object.
Edit the component controller of your OIF component ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1.
Define a new controller attribute (name: GO_MES_MAN, reference type: IF_FPM_MESSAGE_MANAGER).
Now edit the hook method WDDOINIT( ). The reference to the FPM message manager is stored in the public attribute MO_MESSAGE_MANAGER of the FPM service object. Copy this reference to the controller attribute GO_MES_MAN.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Edit the component controller method PROCESS_EVENT( ). Get appropriate texts from the assistance class (text symbols '004' for the error message and '005' for the success message). Report the messages. a)
Edit the component controller method PROCESS_EVENT( ) of your OIF component ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1.
Depending on the result of calling the method UPDATE_CUSTOMER( ), get the appropriate text from the assistance class and store it in a variable of type STRING.
Call the FPM message manager method REPORT_MESSAGE( ) to define the message. Pass the error text and the reference to the current FPM service object (GO_FPM) to the method. Hint: To set the message type success, set the interface parameter V_SEVERITY to IF_FPM_MESSAGE_MANAGER=>GC_SEVERITY_SUCCESS.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise. Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Result GAF: Component Controller - WDDOINIT( ) METHOD wddoinit . * get reference to FPM service object wd_this->go_fpm
= cl_fpm_factory=>get_instance( ).
* get reference to FPM message manager object wd_this->go_mes_man = wd_this->go_fpm->mo_message_manager. * define values to be displayed by drop down box for selecting customer ID wd_this->define_customer_vs( ). * get the text to be displayed on the initial screen wd_this->set_intro_text( ). * get the complete customer data set for the initial customer ID wd_this->get_customer(
GAF: Component Controller - PROCESS_EVENT( ) METHOD process_event. DATA lv_interface_view TYPE
DATA lv_result
DATA lv_text
DATA lt_parameters
wdr_name_value_list. wdr_name_value.
DATA ls_parameters
DATA lo_nd_customer
TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
DATA lo_el_customer
TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
DATA ls_customer
DATA lv_id
... CASE lv_interface_view. * *
if interface view was CUSTOMER_WINDOW, read flights for customer report message with parameter if no flights could be read WHEN 'CUSTOMER_WINDOW'. lv_result = wd_this->get_flights( ). IF lv_result = abap_false.
ev_result = if_fpm_constants=>gc_event_result-failed. lv_text = wd_assist->get_text( '001' ). lo_nd_customer = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_customer ). lo_el_customer = lo_nd_customer->get_element( ).
Continued on next page
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
lo_el_customer->get_attribute( EXPORTING name =
IMPORTING value = lv_id ). ls_parameters-name
= '1'.
ls_parameters-value = lv_id. APPEND ls_parameters TO lt_parameters. wd_this->go_mes_man->report_message( iv_message_text
= lv_text
= wd_this->go_fpm
= lt_parameters ).
if interface view was FLIGHTS_WINDOW, read bookings for on flights
report message if no bookings could be read WHEN 'FLIGHTS_WINDOW'. lv_result = wd_this->get_bookings( ). IF lv_result = abap_false.
ev_result = if_fpm_constants=>gc_event_result-failed. lv_text = wd_assist->get_text( '002' ). wd_this->go_mes_man->report_message( iv_message_text
= lv_text
= wd_this->go_fpm ).
if interface view was BOOKINGS_WINDOW, check for selected bookings
report message if no bookings were selected WHEN 'BOOKINGS_WINDOW'. lv_result = wd_this->get_selected_bookings( ). IF lv_result = abap_false.
ev_result = if_fpm_constants=>gc_event_result-failed. lv_text = wd_assist->get_text( '002' ). wd_this->go_mes_man->report_message( iv_message_text
= lv_text
= wd_this->go_fpm ).
if interface view was CHECK_WINDOW, try to cancel bookings on DB
report message if cancelling bookings was not successful WHEN 'CHECK_WINDOW'. lv_result = wd_this->cancel_bookings( ). IF lv_result = abap_false.
ev_result = if_fpm_constants=>gc_event_result-failed. lv_text = wd_assist->get_text( '003' ). wd_this->go_mes_man->report_message( iv_message_text
= lv_text
= wd_this->go_fpm ).
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
OIF: Component Controller - WDDOINIT( ) METHOD wddoinit . * get text displayed on introduction screen wd_this->set_intro_text( ). * get reference to context object. * The context change log related to this object is used to find * out any changes of the customer data wd_this->go_context = wd_context->get_context( ). * get reference to FPM service object wd_this->go_fpm = cl_fpm_factory=>get_instance( ). * get reference to OIF service object wd_this->go_fpm_oif ?= wd_this->go_fpm->get_service( iv_service_key = cl_fpm_service_manager=>gc_key_cnr_oif ). * get reference to IDR service object wd_this->go_fpm_idr ?= wd_this->go_fpm->get_service( iv_service_key = cl_fpm_service_manager=>gc_key_idr ). * get reference to FPM message manager object wd_this->go_mes_man = wd_this->go_fpm->mo_message_manager. ENDMETHOD.
OIF: Component Controller - PROCESS_EVENT( ) METHOD process_event . DATA lv_result TYPE wdy_boolean. DATA lv_text
TYPE string.
CASE io_event->mv_event_id. *
if EDIT_TOGGLE was selected, toggle edit mode WHEN 'EDIT_TOGGLE'. wd_this->toggle_edit_mode( ).
if SAVE was selected, update customer data WHEN cl_fpm_event=>gc_event_save. lv_result = wd_this->update_customer( ). IF lv_result = abap_false.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: FPM Programming - Basics
if update was not successful, send message lv_text = wd_assist->get_text( '004' ). wd_this->go_mes_man->report_message( iv_message_text = lv_text io_component
= wd_this->go_fpm ).
if update was successful, clear context change log...
... and send success message
wd_this->go_context->reset_context_change_log( ). lv_text = wd_assist->get_text( '005' ). wd_this->go_mes_man->report_message( iv_message_text = lv_text
= wd_this->go_fpm
= if_fpm_message_manager=>gc_severity_success ).
Optional part: refresh items area (display, that changed data is saved) wd_this->set_idr_items( iv_state = 'S' ). ENDIF. ENDCASE.
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Unit 2: Developing FPM Applications
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Handle FPM-Events • Fire FPM-Events from the application source code • Access the FPM toolbar and the IDR at runtime • Use the FPM message manager
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Display UIBBs in floorplans of type OIF, QAF and GAF • Configure the IDR • Configure the toolbar • Configure the primary help • Configure initial screen and confirmation screen • Handle FPM-Events • Fire FPM-Events from the application source code • Access the FPM toolbar and the IDR at runtime • Use the FPM message manager
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Unit Summary
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Unit 3 Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs) Unit Overview Forms and lists are used frequently on the UI of Web Dynpro applications. In the FPM context, generic WD components exist to display a single data set by a form (FORM GUIBB) or multiple data sets by a table (LIST GUIBBs). In the first lesson of this unit, the general architecture of a WD application which is based on the FPM framework and which is reusing generic UI building blocks is discussed. In addition, the general aspects of special global classed (feeder classes) that are used to provide the data displayed by the GUIBBs are covered. The configuration of the FORM GUIBB and of the LIST GUIBB and the specific aspects of the related feeder classes are explained in the two consecutive lessons.
Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • • • •
Describe the architecture of FPM applications which are based on GUIBBs. Describe the interaction between GUIBBs and feeder classes. Create feeder classes. Define a feeder class related to the FORM GUIBB. Implement the most important methods of this feeder class Configure the FORM GUIBB. Define a feeder class related to the LIST GUIBB. Implement the most important methods of this feeder class Configure the LIST GUIBB.
Unit Contents Lesson: Generic UI Building Blocks - general Aspects ....................160 Lesson: The FORM GUIBB ...................................................167 Exercise 9: FORM GUIBB - Define Feeder Class, use Central Data Model and configure the GUIBB ..........................................185 Lesson: The LIST GUIBB......................................................201 Exercise 10: LIST GUIBB - Define Feeder Class and configure Component ..................................................................213
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Lesson: Generic UI Building Blocks - general Aspects Lesson Overview This lesson summarizes the architecture of FPM applications making use of generic UI building blocks (GUIBBs). In addition, feeder classes are discussed. Feeder classes are used to retrieve the data displayed by the GUIBB. In addition, they control all variable aspects in respect to the configuration process and the runtime behavior of GUIBBs.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •
Describe the architecture of FPM applications which are based on GUIBBs. Describe the interaction between GUIBBs and feeder classes. Create feeder classes.
Business Example You would like to assure, that all forms and lists displayed by your FPM applications have a consistent look and feel.
Architecture Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs) allow to display data provided by special classes (feeder classes) based on a predefined UI pattern. The layout of GUIBBs is not designed freely by the application developer, but configured using the Web Dynpro configuration editor. This reduces the degree of freedom in respect to: • • •
the type of UI elements which can be used to define the layout the positioning of the UI elements in the layout the UI element properties that may be adjusted by the developer
Thus, using GUIBBs guarantees a consistent look and feel of floorplan applications. In addition, the UI provided by GUIBBs can be adjusted via component configuration and thus without any modification. The following drawing summarizes the basic architecture of FPM applications. The Web Dynpro application points on an FPM component which embeds the IDR component (to display the page header) and one or multiple sub components. The interface views of the embedded sub components (UIBBs) are embedded in the window of the FPM component to implement the desired floorplan.
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Lesson: Generic UI Building Blocks - general Aspects
To define which interface view of which sub component is related to which floorplan element, standard Web Dynpro configuration is used. Thus, the FPM component needs to be configured. An application configuration needs to be created to define which component configuration is used for the FPM component at runtime. In general, UIBBs defined by the application developer (freestyle UIBBs) do not need to be configured. However, it is possible to adapt UI element properties via configuration, customizing, or personalization to change the layout of the UIBBs without modifications.
Figure 76: FPM based Web Dynpro ABAP applications - architecture
GUIBBs are highly flexible UIBBs, that allow to define a pattern-based layout (form, list, tab strip). The exact layout has to be configured. The information pool available for the configuration process (design time) is controlled by a so called feeder class. At runtime, this class will also supply the corresponding data and care for events triggered by the user. Thus, multiple forms (or lists or tabs) can be defined by assigning different feeder classes to the corresponding GUIBB component via configuration. If an FPM application is based entirely on GUIBBs, all coding related to the application is contained by the feeder classes or in other global classes referenced by the feeder classes.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Feeder Classes
Figure 77: Feeder classes
Feeder classes are used to provide the application specific information necessary to configure a GUIBB at design time and to display the application data and handle the events triggered by the user at runtime. These classes need to implement a predefined interface which depends on the type of the related GUIBB: •
– Component: FPM_FORM_UIBB – Feeder class needs to implement interface IF_FPM_GUIBB_FORM. LIST GUIBB:
– Component: FPM_LIST_UIBB – Feeder class needs to implement interface IF_FPM_GUIBB_LIST. TABBED GUIBB: – –
Component: FPM_TABBED_UIBB No feeder class necessary (statical assignment of UIBBs to tabs defined by GUIBB).
The interfaces IF_FPM_GUIBB_FORM and IF_FPM_GUIBB_LIST embed the interface IF_FPM_GUIBB.
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Lesson: Generic UI Building Blocks - general Aspects
Additional interfaces (IF_FPM_GUIBB_FORM_EXT and IF_FPM_GUIBB_LIST_EXT) exist for the FORM GUIBB and the LIST GUIBB, respectively. These interfaces encapsulate methods that are not used as frequently as the methods of the main interfaces. The following methods are of special interest: •
Methods processed during initialization of the feeder class: –
GET_PARAMETER_LIST( ): Defines a list of parameters supported by the feeder class. These parameters can be evaluated during the configuration process of the GUIBB.
INITIALIZE( ): Initializes attributes used in feeder: In addition, the current values of the parameters as defined by configuration are supplied to this method by the WD runtime.
GET_DEFINITION( ): Provides the field catalog (list of fields that may be displayed together with their properties) and the list of actions to be assigned to the UI elements displayed by the GUIBB.
Methods processed each time a GUIBB is processed: –
FLUSH( ): Receives data changed by the user. If multiple UIBBs are used, the current field values can be passed to a central data object at this point of time.
PROCESS_EVENT( ): Handles events triggered by the user.
GET_DATA( ): Provides data to be displayed by the next GUIBB.
NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ): Sends data loss popup if needed.
Only the methods GET_DEFINITION( ) and GET_DATA( ) are mandatory. However, all methods defined in the feeder class need at least empty implementations. All methods listed above but the method NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ) are contained in the interfaces IF_FPM_GUIBB_LIST and IF_FPM_GUIBB_FORM. NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ) is defined in the extended interface (suffix _EXT).
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
The signature of all methods but GET_PARAMETER_LIST( ), INITIALIZE( ) and NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ) depend on the interface they belong to.
Impact on the Phase Model In general, an FPM application will be made up of freestyle UIBBs and GUIBBs. The following screenshots illustrate how the phase model is influenced by the type of UIBB. Only the editable methods of the freestyle UIBBs and of the feeder classes are displayed. Note: The method NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ) is not included in the screenshots. If a GUIBB is the target of a navigation, then only the method GET_DATA( ) of the related feeder class will be triggered. Here, the data to be displayed by the next GUIBB has to be passed to this GUIBB. In addition, the GUIBB has to be informed about all changes in respect to the UI element properties and in respect to the usage of actions. If the GUIBB has not been displayed before, the methods GET_PARAMETER_LIST( ), INITIALIZE( ), and GET_DEFINITION( ) of the related feeder class are processed just before GET_DATA( ) is triggered. If a GUIBB is the starting point of a navigation, then the methods FLUSH( ) and PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT( ) of the related feeder class are triggered at the beginning of the phase model. Afterwards, the methods related to the target UIBB are triggered.
Figure 78: Phase model when navigating - replacing target UIBB by GUIBB
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Lesson: Generic UI Building Blocks - general Aspects
Figure 79: Phase model when navigating - replacing initial UIBB by GUIBB
Figure 80: Phase model - navigation between GUIBBs
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the architecture of FPM applications which are based on GUIBBs. • Describe the interaction between GUIBBs and feeder classes. • Create feeder classes.
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
Lesson: The FORM GUIBB Lesson Overview This lesson explains how to configure the FORM GUIBB and how to implement the methods in the related feeder class.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •
Define a feeder class related to the FORM GUIBB. Implement the most important methods of this feeder class Configure the FORM GUIBB.
Business Example You would like to define UIBBs containing forms by using the corresponding GUIBB provided by the Web Dynpro framework.
Component Configuration and GUIBB Method Implementation Typically, defining a component configuration for a GUIBB is conducted as follows: • •
First, the component configuration of the FPM component (OIF or GAF) is edited in the configuration editor for FPM components. The UIBB component FPM_FORM_UIBB is assigned to a sub view (OIF) or to a roadmap step (GAF) by entering the component's name in the field with the label Component. Choose FORM_WINDOW as the name of the interface view to embed (field with label View). The GUIBB component needs to be configured. Thus enter the name of the component configuration for the GUIBB component in the field with label Configuration Name. Start the configuration process of the GUIBB component by clicking the button labeled Configure UIBB located in the preview region of the configuration editor.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Figure 81: Start configuring the FORM GUIBB
The configuration editor for Web Dynpro will be opened in a new browser window. Click Create to create the component configuration for the FORM GUIBB. Complete the popups asking for description, package assignment, and transport request. Now, a dialog box pops up asking for the feeder class. Enter the name of the corresponding feeder class. This class has to implement the interface IF_FPM_GUIBB_FORM and optionally the interface IF_FPM_GUIBB_FORM_EXT. Click Edit Parameters.
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
Figure 82: Create component configuration and assign feeder class
• •
If parameters have not been defined in the feeder class, a popup displaying a success message will be displayed. In this case, finish the dialog. If parameters have been defined in the feeder class, the value of each parameter can be adjusted on the next popup. For each parameter, a label / input field pair will be displayed. The type of each parameter will typically be defined by a data element which is based on a domain having fixed values. In this case, the label will originate from the long text of the data element, while the allowed values will equal the domain fixed values.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Figure 83: Set parameter values
In order to define the parameter list, the feeder class method GET_PARAMETER_LIST( ) needs to be edited. For each parameter, a line has to be appended to the returning parameter RT_PARAMETER_DESCR . Each line contains the parameter's name (field NAME) and the parameter's type (field TYPE).
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
Figure 84: Define parameters - feeder class method GET_PARAMETER_LIST( )
Next, the view's layout needs to be structured. Here, one or multiple groups may be used as container elements. All groups will be defined on the same hierarchy level (groups may not be defined as children of existing groups). For each group, the group's caption can be set. In addition, each group can occupy the complete page width or only half of the page with. A group occupying the complete page with can display its form fields in one column or in two columns. Melting groups (not discussed here) can be defined as sub elements of a group. A melting group occupies the space of one form field. However, multiple form fields can be contained by a melting group.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Figure 85: Defining groups and group properties
• • •
Form fields may be assigned to any group (or melting group). This group has to be marked in the hierarchy view. Then the button Configure Group (Configure Melting Group) has to be clicked. A dialog box pops up displaying a number of fields. An arbitrary number of fields can be marked. Clicking the button Add Fields will add them to the group. Optionally, each field of the field selection may be assigned to a field group. This is meaningful is the field selection contains a large number of field. In this case a drop down box in the upper left corner of the popup allows to select the field group. Then, only fields assigned to this field group will be displayed by the left table.
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
Figure 86: Defining form fields
The field selection, the properties of each field, the field groups and the assignment of each field to a field group has to be defined by the content of method GET_DEFINITION( ): The field selection has to be defined by a RTTI description of type CL_ABAP_STRUCTDESCR which is returned to the framework via the exporting parameter EO_FIELD_CATALOG.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Figure 87: Defining field catalog
For each of the fields contained in the field catalog, properties have to be set and returned via the exporting parameter ET_FIELD_DESCRIPTION. If a field should be available during the configuration process, its visibility has to be set to CL_WD_UIELEMENT=>E_VISIBLE-VISIBLE. Other properties are defined in the ABAP Dictionary structure FPMGB_S_FORMFIELD_DESCR. Hint: Some of the properties set in the method GET_DEFINITION( ) may be adjusted at runtime from the method GET_DATA( ) via the exporting parameter CT_FIELD_USAGE. These properties - described by the ABAP DDIC structure FPMGB_S_FIELDUSAGE - are: READ_ONLY, MANDATORY, ENABLED, LABEL_TEXT, HELP_TEXT, LINK, VISIBILITY, and FIXED_VALUES.
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
Figure 88: Setting form field properties (1)
Figure 89: Setting form field properties (2)
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
In order to assign the form fields to field groups, these field groups need to be defined first. This is also done in method GET_DEFINITION( ). Here, the exporting parameter ET_SPECIAL_GROUPS is used to inform the framework about the internal group names and the names displayed in the configuration editor.
Figure 90: Defining field groups
After having defined which form fields are to be displayed in which group, the form field properties can be configured: • •
• •
The form field has to be marked in the hierarchy view. The following properties can then be configured: The type of UI element (Display Type), the visibility of the label (Label Visibility), and the label text (Text - this will overwrite the text obtained from the ABAP DDIC). Additional properties do depend on the type of UI element used to display the form field. If the client side event related to the form field should related to an action, the button Assign Action has to be clicked. All bindable actions are displayed by a dialog box popping up.
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
Figure 91: Configure form field properties
The actions displayed by the dialog box need to be defined in the method GET_DEFINITION( ). Here, the exporting parameter ET_ACTION_DEFINITION is used to inform the WD runtime.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Figure 92: Define list of actions that may be assigned to form fields
After having configured all form field properties, this component configuration can be saved and the configuration process is finished.
Runtime Aspects: INITIALIZE( ) At runtime, the methods GET_PARAMETER_LIST( ), INITIALIZE( ), and GET_DEFINITION( ) are processed once for each feeder class instance. Typically, the method INITIALIZE( ) encapsulates the code to: • • • • • •
get the references to the FPM service object get additional references to the IDR service object and the floorplan specific service object instantiate the central data object (or get the reference to the object if it has been initialized before) create an instantiate of the assistance class initialize global attributes of the feeder class instance store parameter values provided by the interface parameter IT_PARAMETER as values of global attributes of the feeder class instance Caution: The methods GET_PARAMETER_LIST( ), INITIALIZE( ), and GET_DEFINITION( ) are also processed when configuring the FORM GUIBB. However, during configuration, the FPM component is not
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
available and the references to the corresponding service objects can not be determined. Thus, the related source code sections may only be processed if the FPM service object can be determined. Hint: Parameter values set via configuration can only be accessed in the method INITIALIZE( ).
Figure 93: Method INITIALIZE( )
Runtime Aspects: FLUSH( ) The method FLUSH( ) is the first method processed for the GUIBB displayed before navigation. The following aspects should be handled by this method: • •
check for changes of the form field values actualize global data of feeder class instance and central data object.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Figure 94: Method FLUSH( )
Runtime Aspects: PROCESS_EVENT( ) The method PROCESS_EVENT( ) is the second method processed for the GUIBB displayed before navigation. The following aspects should be handled by this method: • • • •
identify the FPM-Event triggered by the user or by the application programmatically handle FPM-Event inform WD runtime if event handling failed send messages to inform user about success of event handling
If the event handling was not successful, the WD runtime can be informed by setting the exporting parameter EV_RESULT accordingly. In this case, the method AFTER_FAILED_EVENT( ) will be processed before navigation takes place. Messages can be defined by calling the appropriate methods of the FPM message manager. However, each message can also be defined by appending a structure containing the message details to the exporting parameter ET_MESSAGES.
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
Figure 95: Method PROCESS_EVENT( )
Runtime Aspects: GET_DATA( ) The method GET_DATA( ) is the first method processed for the GUIBB displayed after navigation. The following aspects should be handled by this method: • • • •
check if the data to be displayed by the form has been changed programmatically check if the properties of the form fields have to be modified check if the action usage has to be adapted in each of the cases inform the WD runtime about the changes
If the data to be displayed has been changed programmatically, the current data has to be exported to the GUIBB via the changing parameter CS_DATA. In addition the exporting parameter EV_DATA_CHANGED has to be set to ABAP_TRUE.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Figure 96: Method GET_DATA( ) - change form data
If the properties of the form fields have to be modified, the new form field properties have to be exported to the GUIBB via the changing parameter CT_FIELD_USAGE. In addition the exporting parameter EV_FIELD_USAGE_CHANGED has to be set to ABAP_TRUE.
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
Figure 97: Method GET_DATA( ) - change form field properties
If the action usage has to be modified, the actualized action usage has to be exported to the GUIBB via the changing parameter CT_ACTION_USAGE. In addition the exporting parameter EV_ACTION_USAGE_CHANGED has to be set to ABAP_TRUE.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Figure 98: Method GET_DATA( ) - change action usage
Messages can be defined by calling the appropriate methods of the FPM message manager. However, each message can also be defined by appending a structure containing the message details to the exporting parameter ET_MESSAGES.
Runtime Aspects: NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ) The method NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ) is defined in the extension interface IF_FPM_GUIBB_FORM_EXT. This method is processed if the user clicks the CLOSE button. In this case, a data loss popup can be send to indicate that data has not been saved yet. For details, please refer to the corresponding method defined in the interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK. This is described in the previous unit.
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
Exercise 9: FORM GUIBB - Define Feeder Class, use Central Data Model and configure the GUIBB Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Define the feeder class for the FORM GUIBB. • Implement the source code of the feeder class methods. • Use a central data model. • Configure the FORM GUIBB.
Business Example You would like to define the customer form of your OIF application via configuration of the corresponding generic UIBB. However, this also means that you have to create the feeder class and you have to implement the methods of this class. In addition, you need to exchange data between this feeder class and the OIF component. Thus, you need to use a simple central data model. Template Feeder Class: CL_NET313_FORM_GUIBB_T Solution Component: NET313_CUSTOMER_S7 Solution Feeder Class: CL_NET313_FORM_GUIBB Central Data Model Class: CL_NET313_CENTRAL_DATA Solution Component Configuration: NET313_CUSTOMER_S7_CC1 (FPM component) NET313_CUSTOMER_S7_CC_FORM (FORM GUIBB)
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Task 1: OPTIONAL TASK: Complete the feeder class to be used by the FORM GUIBB. Copy the template CL_NET313_FORM_GUIBB_T. Name your copy ZCL_##_NET313_FORM. The template contains the all methods and attributes needed to implement the feeder class. You only need to complete the methods FLUSH( ), GET_DATA( ), and GET_DEFINITION( ). Implement the source code: The feeder class should not support parameters. All fields of the DDIC structure SCUSTOM but the field MANDT should be available for the configuration process. All fields should not be editable. The labels of the fields and the lengths of the fields should be obtained from the DDIC description. The feeder class should allow to replace the customer form of your application by the FORM GUIBB. 1.
Create the feeder class to be used by the FORM GUIBB by copying the template CL_NET313_FORM_GUIBB_T. Name your class ZCL_##_NET313_FORM.
Implement the source code of feeder class method GET_DEFINITION( ). The source code consists of the following steps: Get the RTTI description of the DDIC structure SCUSTOM (use method CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR=>DESCRIBE_BY_NAME( ) ). Pass this description to the exporting parameter EO_FIELD_CATALOG. Get the components from the RTTI description of the DDIC structure SCUSTOM (use method GET_COMPONENTS( ) for RTTI structure description). Loop over the component list. For each component, define a new line of the exporting parameter ET_FIELD_DESCRIPTION. Set NAME = name of structure component. Set VISIBILITY = CL_WD_UIELEMENT=>E_VISIBLE-VISIBLE for all structure components but the component MANDT. Set VISIBILITY = CL_WD_UIELEMENT=>E_VISIBLE-NONE for the component MANDT. Set READ_ONLY = ABAP_TRUE, LABEL_BY_DDIC = ABAP_TRUE, and LENGTH_BY_DDIC = ABAP_TRUE for all structure components.
Complete the source code of feeder class method FLUSH( ). This consists of the following steps: Check if the user changed any form data during the last application step. This is done by analyzing the content of the importing parameter IT_CHANGE_LOG. Continued on next page
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
If this internal table is not empty, proceed processing the method. Get the current form data from the reference variable IS_DATA. De-reference this data reference into a field symbol of type SCUSTOM. Store the customer data in the feeder class attribute GS_CUSTOMER. Store the information, that the customer data has been changed by the user: Set the central data model attribute GO_CENTRAL_DATA->GV_SAVE_DATA to ABAP_TRUE. Call the methods SET_IDR_TICKET( ) and SET_IDR_ITEMS( ). Pass the customer data set to the first method and the literal 'M' (modified) to the second method. 4.
Complete the source code of feeder class method GET_DATA( ). This consists of the following steps: Check, whether the value of the feeder class attribute GS_CUSTOMER has been changed during the current dialog step (GV_DATA_CHANGED = ABAP_TRUE). In this case, set CS_DATA = GS_CUSTOMER and EV_DATA_CHANGED = ABAP_TRUE. This will force the WD runtime to actualize the form data displayed to the user. In addition set GV_DATA_CHANGED = ABAP_FALSE. Set the readOnly property of the form fields according to the current value of the feeder class attribute GV_READ_ONLY: Loop over the changing parameter CT_FIELD_USAGE. Modify the value of the field READ_ONLY for each data set. In addition set EV_FIELD_USAGE_CHANGED = ABAP_TRUE. This will force the WD runtime to update the form field properties. Enable the button labeled Display/Change Customer.
Save and activate your feeder class.
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Task 2: Adapt your OIF component assuming that the customer form is defined by the FORM GUIBB: Delete all WD entities which are not needed any more. Delete all component controller methods, attributes, and context nodes that are not needed any more. Adapt the remaining component controller methods of your OIF component. Work on attributes of the central data model (GO_CENTRAL_DATA>GV_SAVE_DATA, GO_CENTRAL_DATA->GV_CUSTOM_ID) instead of component controller attributes. Add a component controller attribute to store the reference to the central data model. Set the value of this attribute in the controller method WDDOINIT( ). Implement the component controller method FLUSH( ). If the last interface view displayed to user was INTRO_WINDOW, pass the customer ID selected by the user to the central data model attribute GO_CENTRAL_DATA->GV_CUSTOM_ID. 1.
Delete the view CUSTOMER_VIEW and the window CUSTOMER_WINDOW.
In the component controller context, delete the context node UI_ELEM_PROPERTIES.
Delete the component controller attribute GO_CONTEXT. Delete all coding sections referring to this attribute.
Delete the component controller methods INIT_IDR( ), TOGGLE_EDIT_MODE( ), UPDATE_CUSTOMER( ), GET_CUSTOMER( ) and - if you have created them in the related optional exercise - SET_IDR_ITEMS( ) and SET_IDR_TICKET( ).
Create the controller attribute GO_CENTRAL_DATA of reference type CL_NET313_CENTRAL_DATA. Get the reference to the central data model in method WDDOINIT( ).
Implement the source code of the component controller method FLUSH( ). Replace the existing source code as follows: If the last interface view displayed to user was INTRO_WINDOW, read the customer ID from the context (node CUSTOMER_ID). Copy the customer ID to the central data model attribute GO_CENTRAL_DATA->GV_CUSTOM_ID.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
Adapt the source code of the component controller method NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ). Instead of checking the context change log, check the central data model attribute GO_CENTRAL_DATA->GV_SAVE_DATA in order to decide, if a data loss popup is to be displayed.
Adapt the source code of the component controller method PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT( ). Disable the button labeled Display/Change Customer (this method is not processed for the FORM GUIBB). Delete all other code.
Adapt the source code of the component controller method PROCESS_EVENT( ). Delete the complete source code.
10. Save and activate your OIF component.
Task 3: Edit the component configuration of your OIF component. On the tab displaying the customer form, replace the UIBB of your OIF component by the FORM GUIBB. Use the feeder class defined in the last task or the template feeder class. Copy the layout of the freestyle UIBB by configuring the FORM GUIBB. 1.
Edit your component configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1.
On the first tab (Customer) replace the interface view CUSTOMER_WINDOW of your OIF component by the interface view FORM_WINDOW of the GUIBB component FPM_FORM_UIBB. Assign a component configuration to the FORM GUIBB (name: ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC_FORM).
Create the component configuration for the FORM GUIBB. Use your feeder class ZCL_##_NET313_FORM. If you have not created your own feeder class, use feeder class CL_NET313_FORM_GUIBB.
Copy the layout of the freestyle UIBB by configuring the FORM GUIBB. Output the form fields as input fields in a two column layout. Assign a header text to the surrounding group.
Task 4: Test your FPM application. 1.
Start the FPM application displaying the OIF. Check the functionality of your application (change customer data, save data, check if toolbar button labeled Display/Change Customer is disabled if bookings are displayed ...).
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Solution 9: FORM GUIBB - Define Feeder Class, use Central Data Model and configure the GUIBB Task 1: OPTIONAL TASK: Complete the feeder class to be used by the FORM GUIBB. Copy the template CL_NET313_FORM_GUIBB_T. Name your copy ZCL_##_NET313_FORM. The template contains the all methods and attributes needed to implement the feeder class. You only need to complete the methods FLUSH( ), GET_DATA( ), and GET_DEFINITION( ). Implement the source code: The feeder class should not support parameters. All fields of the DDIC structure SCUSTOM but the field MANDT should be available for the configuration process. All fields should not be editable. The labels of the fields and the lengths of the fields should be obtained from the DDIC description. The feeder class should allow to replace the customer form of your application by the FORM GUIBB. 1.
Create the feeder class to be used by the FORM GUIBB by copying the template CL_NET313_FORM_GUIBB_T. Name your class ZCL_##_NET313_FORM. a)
Copying a class should be known to you.
The following instance attributes are already defined in the class: GO_FPM: Reference to FPM service object. GO_FPM_IDR: Reference to IDR service object. GO_FPM_OIF: Reference to OIF service object. GO_MES_MAN. Reference to FPM message manager object. GO_ASSIST: Reference to assistance object. GO_CENTRAL_DATA of reference type CL_NET313_CENTRAL_DATA: Reference to singleton instance of central data model. GS_CUSTOMER: Complete customer data set. GV_READ_ONLY: Information if form fields are to be displayed read-only. GV_DATA_CHANGED: Information if customer data have been changed by the application.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
Implement the source code of feeder class method GET_DEFINITION( ). The source code consists of the following steps: Get the RTTI description of the DDIC structure SCUSTOM (use method CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR=>DESCRIBE_BY_NAME( ) ). Pass this description to the exporting parameter EO_FIELD_CATALOG. Get the components from the RTTI description of the DDIC structure SCUSTOM (use method GET_COMPONENTS( ) for RTTI structure description). Loop over the component list. For each component, define a new line of the exporting parameter ET_FIELD_DESCRIPTION. Set NAME = name of structure component. Set VISIBILITY = CL_WD_UIELEMENT=>E_VISIBLE-VISIBLE for all structure components but the component MANDT. Set VISIBILITY = CL_WD_UIELEMENT=>E_VISIBLE-NONE for the component MANDT. Set READ_ONLY = ABAP_TRUE, LABEL_BY_DDIC = ABAP_TRUE, and LENGTH_BY_DDIC = ABAP_TRUE for all structure components. a)
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Complete the source code of feeder class method FLUSH( ). This consists of the following steps: Check if the user changed any form data during the last application step. This is done by analyzing the content of the importing parameter IT_CHANGE_LOG. If this internal table is not empty, proceed processing the method. Get the current form data from the reference variable IS_DATA. De-reference this data reference into a field symbol of type SCUSTOM. Store the customer data in the feeder class attribute GS_CUSTOMER. Store the information, that the customer data has been changed by the user: Set the central data model attribute GO_CENTRAL_DATA->GV_SAVE_DATA to ABAP_TRUE. Call the methods SET_IDR_TICKET( ) and SET_IDR_ITEMS( ). Pass the customer data set to the first method and the literal 'M' (modified) to the second method. a)
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Complete the source code of feeder class method GET_DATA( ). This consists of the following steps: Continued on next page
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Check, whether the value of the feeder class attribute GS_CUSTOMER has been changed during the current dialog step (GV_DATA_CHANGED = ABAP_TRUE). In this case, set CS_DATA = GS_CUSTOMER and EV_DATA_CHANGED = ABAP_TRUE. This will force the WD runtime to actualize the form data displayed to the user. In addition set GV_DATA_CHANGED = ABAP_FALSE. Set the readOnly property of the form fields according to the current value of the feeder class attribute GV_READ_ONLY: Loop over the changing parameter CT_FIELD_USAGE. Modify the value of the field READ_ONLY for each data set. In addition set EV_FIELD_USAGE_CHANGED = ABAP_TRUE. This will force the WD runtime to update the form field properties. Enable the button labeled Display/Change Customer. a) 5.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Save and activate your feeder class. a)
You know how to do this ...
Task 2: Adapt your OIF component assuming that the customer form is defined by the FORM GUIBB: Delete all WD entities which are not needed any more. Delete all component controller methods, attributes, and context nodes that are not needed any more. Adapt the remaining component controller methods of your OIF component. Work on attributes of the central data model (GO_CENTRAL_DATA>GV_SAVE_DATA, GO_CENTRAL_DATA->GV_CUSTOM_ID) instead of component controller attributes. Add a component controller attribute to store the reference to the central data model. Set the value of this attribute in the controller method WDDOINIT( ). Implement the component controller method FLUSH( ). If the last interface view displayed to user was INTRO_WINDOW, pass the customer ID selected by the user to the central data model attribute GO_CENTRAL_DATA->GV_CUSTOM_ID. 1.
Delete the view CUSTOMER_VIEW and the window CUSTOMER_WINDOW. a)
Deleting should not be a problem ...
Continued on next page
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
In the component controller context, delete the context node UI_ELEM_PROPERTIES. a)
Delete the component controller attribute GO_CONTEXT. Delete all coding sections referring to this attribute. a)
Deleting should not be a problem ...
Create the controller attribute GO_CENTRAL_DATA of reference type CL_NET313_CENTRAL_DATA. Get the reference to the central data model in method WDDOINIT( ). a)
Deleting should not be a problem ...
Delete the component controller methods INIT_IDR( ), TOGGLE_EDIT_MODE( ), UPDATE_CUSTOMER( ), GET_CUSTOMER( ) and - if you have created them in the related optional exercise - SET_IDR_ITEMS( ) and SET_IDR_TICKET( ). a)
Deleting should not be a problem ...
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Implement the source code of the component controller method FLUSH( ). Replace the existing source code as follows: If the last interface view displayed to user was INTRO_WINDOW, read the customer ID from the context (node CUSTOMER_ID). Copy the customer ID to the central data model attribute GO_CENTRAL_DATA->GV_CUSTOM_ID. a)
Adapt the source code of the component controller method NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ). Instead of checking the context change log, check the central data model attribute GO_CENTRAL_DATA->GV_SAVE_DATA in order to decide, if a data loss popup is to be displayed. a)
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Adapt the source code of the component controller method PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT( ). Disable the button labeled Display/Change Customer (this method is not processed for the FORM GUIBB). Delete all other code. a)
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Adapt the source code of the component controller method PROCESS_EVENT( ). Delete the complete source code. a)
Deleting is easy ... Continued on next page
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
10. Save and activate your OIF component. a)
You know how to do this ...
Task 3: Edit the component configuration of your OIF component. On the tab displaying the customer form, replace the UIBB of your OIF component by the FORM GUIBB. Use the feeder class defined in the last task or the template feeder class. Copy the layout of the freestyle UIBB by configuring the FORM GUIBB. 1.
Edit your component configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1. a)
Edit the component configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1.
Double click the corresponding item in the object tree of the Object Navigator. This will display the configuration's meta data in the object area.
Click on the button labeled Start Configurator. This will open the component configuration editor.
Click the button Change in the component configuration editor.
On the first tab (Customer) replace the interface view CUSTOMER_WINDOW of your OIF component by the interface view FORM_WINDOW of the GUIBB component FPM_FORM_UIBB. Assign a component configuration to the FORM GUIBB (name: ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC_FORM). a)
Mark the UIBB related to the first tab in the hierarchy. The attributes related to this UIBB will be displayed below the preview area.
Enter FPM_FORM_UIBB in the field labeled Component.
Enter FORM_WINDOW in the field labeled View.
Enter ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC_FORM in the field labeled Configuration Name.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
Create the component configuration for the FORM GUIBB. Use your feeder class ZCL_##_NET313_FORM. If you have not created your own feeder class, use feeder class CL_NET313_FORM_GUIBB. a)
Click the button Configure UIBB which is displayed in the preview area for the FORM GUIBB.
On the next screen, click the button Create.
Enter a description, your package name and the key of your transport request in the related fields of next two popups.
When being asked for the feeder class, enter the name of your feeder class (ZCL_##_NET313_FORM) in the form field. If you have not created your own feeder class, enter the name of the template solution (CL_NET313_FORM_GUIBB). Click the button Edit Parameters. On the next dialog, click OK.
Copy the layout of the freestyle UIBB by configuring the FORM GUIBB. Output the form fields as input fields in a two column layout. Assign a header text to the surrounding group. a)
Click the button labeled Add Group in order to create a new group.
Set the group's attributes as follows: Text = Details for Customer, Group Type = F2 (full with, two columns).
Click the button Configure Group.
Mark the fields you would like to display in the table on the left side (CTRL + left mouse click). Then click the button Add Fields. Note: The fields having an odd index will be displayed in the left column of the form, the fields having an even index will be displayed on the right side. Click OK to finish the dialog.
Task 4: Test your FPM application. 1.
Start the FPM application displaying the OIF. Check the functionality of your application (change customer data, save data, check if toolbar button labeled Display/Change Customer is disabled if bookings are displayed ...). a)
From the context menu of your application configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_AC1, select Test to start the related FPM application.
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
The customer form displayed on the first tab is now provided by the FORM GUIBB.
Result OPTIONAL TASK: CL_NET313_FORM_GUIBB IF_FPM_GUIBB~GET_DEFINITION( ) METHOD if_fpm_guibb_form~get_definition. DATA lt_component_tab
DATA ls_component_tab
DATA ls_action
DATA ls_field_description TYPE
* Get RTTI description of DDIC structure SCUSTOM eo_field_catalog
?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( 'SCUSTOM' ).
* Get single components of structure lt_component_tab = eo_field_catalog->get_components( ). * Define component's properties LOOP AT lt_component_tab INTO ls_component_tab. *
ls_field_description-name = ls_component_tab-name. IF ls_field_description-name = 'MANDT' . ls_field_description-visibility = cl_wd_uielement=>e_visible-none. ELSE. ls_field_description-visibility = cl_wd_uielement=>e_visible-visible. ENDIF. *
Read only mode
Label and length
ls_field_description-read_only = abap_true. ls_field_description-label_by_ddic
= abap_true.
ls_field_description-length_by_ddic = abap_true. APPEND ls_field_description TO et_field_description. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD.
OPTIONAL TASK: CL_NET313_FORM_GUIBB IF_FPM_GUIBB_FORM~FLUSH( ) METHOD if_fpm_guibb_form~flush. DATA ls_change_log TYPE fpmgb_s_changelog.
Continued on next page
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
DATA lv_lines
FIELD-SYMBOLS TYPE scustom. * Any changes? lv_lines = LINES( it_change_log ). IF lv_lines = 0. RETURN. ENDIF. * Overwrite old values with new values ASSIGN is_data->* TO CASTING. gs_customer = . * Data have been changed by the user, but have not been written to database yet go_central_data->gv_save_data = abap_true. * Optional part: Actualize IDR set_idr_items( iv_state = 'M' ). set_idr_ticket( is_customer = gs_customer ). ENDMETHOD.
OPTIONAL TASK: CL_NET313_FORM_GUIBB IF_FPM_GUIBB_FORM~GET_DATA( ) METHOD if_fpm_guibb_form~get_data. DATA ls_field_usage
LIKE LINE OF ct_field_usage.
DATA ls_action_usage LIKE LINE OF ct_action_usage. * Actualize data IF gv_data_changed = abap_true. cs_data
= gs_customer.
ev_data_changed = gv_data_changed. gv_data_changed = abap_false. ENDIF. * Actualize field properties LOOP AT ct_field_usage INTO ls_field_usage. CHECK NOT ls_field_usage-name = 'ID'. ls_field_usage-read_only = gv_read_only. MODIFY ct_field_usage FROM ls_field_usage. ENDLOOP. ev_field_usage_changed = abap_true.
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
* Actualize FPM button go_fpm_oif->define_button( iv_function
= if_fpm_constants=>gc_button-other_function
= abap_true ).
OIF: Component Controller - WDDOINIT( ) METHOD wddoinit . wd_this->set_intro_text( ). * wd_this->go_context = wd_context->get_context( ). * get reference to central data object. wd_this->go_central_data = cl_net313_central_data=>get_instance( ). wd_this->go_fpm
= cl_fpm_factory=>get_instance( ).
wd_this->go_fpm_oif ?= wd_this->go_fpm->get_service( iv_service_key = cl_fpm_service_manager=>gc_key_cnr_oif ). wd_this->go_fpm_idr ?= wd_this->go_fpm->get_service( iv_service_key = cl_fpm_service_manager=>gc_key_idr ). wd_this->go_mes_man
= wd_this->go_fpm->mo_message_manager.
OIF: Component Controller - FLUSH( ) METHOD flush. DATA lv_interface_view TYPE
DATA lo_nd_customer_id TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node. DATA lo_el_customer_id TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element. DATA lv_id
* check for name of IF view displayed on previous screen READ TABLE it_interface_views INTO lv_interface_view INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc 0. RETURN. ENDIF. * if last IF was INTRO_WINDOW, pass customer-id to central data object
Continued on next page
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Lesson: The FORM GUIBB
IF lv_interface_view = 'INTRO_WINDOW'. lo_nd_customer_id = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_customer_id ). lo_el_customer_id = lo_nd_customer_id->get_element( ). lo_el_customer_id->get_attribute( EXPORTING name =
IMPORTING value = lv_id ). wd_this->go_central_data->gv_custom_id = lv_id. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD.
OIF: Component Controller - NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ) METHOD needs_confirmation . CASE io_event->mv_event_id. WHEN cl_fpm_event=>gc_event_close. IF wd_this->go_central_data->gv_save_data = abap_true. eo_confirmation_request = cl_fpm_confirmation_request=>go_data_loss. ENDIF. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD.
OIF: Component Controller - PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT( ) METHOD process_before_output . wd_this->go_fpm_oif->define_button( iv_function
= if_fpm_constants=>gc_button-other_function
= abap_false ).
OIF: Component Controller - PROCESS_EVENT( ) METHOD process_event . ENDMETHOD.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Define a feeder class related to the FORM GUIBB. • Implement the most important methods of this feeder class • Configure the FORM GUIBB.
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Lesson: The LIST GUIBB
Lesson: The LIST GUIBB Lesson Overview This lesson explains how to configure the LIST GUIBB and how to implement the methods in the related feeder class.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •
Define a feeder class related to the LIST GUIBB. Implement the most important methods of this feeder class Configure the LIST GUIBB.
Business Example You would like to define UIBBs containing lists by using the corresponding GUIBB provided by the Web Dynpro framework.
Configuration of the GUIBB and Implementation of the Feeder Class Typically, defining a component configuration for the LIST GUIBB is conducted as follows: • •
First, the component configuration of the FPM component (OIF or GAF) is edited in the configuration editor for FPM components. The UIBB component FPM_LIST_UIBB is assigned to a sub view (OIF) or to a roadmap step (GAF) by entering the component's name in the field with the label Component. Choose LIST_WINDOW as the name of the interface view to embed (field with label View). The GUIBB component needs to be configured. Thus enter the name of the component configuration for the GUIBB component in the field with label Configuration Name. Start the configuration process of the GUIBB component by clicking the button labeled Configure UIBB located in the preview region of the configuration editor.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Figure 99: Start configuring the LIST GUIBB
• • •
The configuration editor for Web Dynpro will be opened in a new browser window. Click Create to create the component configuration for the LIST GUIBB. Complete the popups asking for description, package assignment, and transport request. Now, a dialog box pops up asking for the feeder class. Enter the name of the corresponding feeder class. This class has to implement the interface IF_FPM_GUIBB_LIST and optionally the interface IF_FPM_GUIBB_LIST_EXT. Click Edit Parameters. If parameters have not been defined in the feeder class, a popup displaying a success message will be displayed. In this case, finish the dialog. If parameters have been defined in the feeder class, the value of each parameter can be adjusted on the next popup. For each parameter, a label / input field pair will be displayed. The type of each parameter will typically be defined by a data element which is based on a domain having fixed values. In this case, the label will originate from the long text of the data element, while the allowed values will equal the domain fixed values.
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Lesson: The LIST GUIBB
Figure 100: Create component configuration, assign feeder class, and define parameter values
For details about defining parameters please refer to the corresponding section in the lesson about the FORM GUIBB. •
Next, the list's properties needs to be configured. After having selected the List element in the hierarchy, the list header can be defined (attribute Text). In addition, a special action can be assigned to the client side event OnLeadSelect of the related Table UI element. All bindable actions are displayed by a dialog box popping up. Additional table settings can be adjusted if the Settings element in the hierarchy is selected. The number of columns (Col count) and the number of rows (Row count) can be fixed by assigning a positive integer value. The attribute labeled Selection Mode corresponds to the Table property selectionMode. The field labeled Selection Event allows to define which clicks on the mark column will trigger the FPM-Event with the ID FPM_GUIBB_LIST_ON_LEAD_SELECTI. Finally, the property labeled Selection behavior allows to define, if clicking a the mark column will automatically change the lead selection index accordingly.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Figure 101: Configuration of list settings
Actions that may be assigned to the client side event OnLeadSelect need to be defined in the method GET_DEFINITION( ). For details please refer to the corresponding section in the lesson about the FORM GUIBB. Next, the columns displayed in the list need to be defined • •
Click the button Configure Columns. A dialog box pops up displaying available columns. An arbitrary number of columns can be marked. Clicking the button Add Columns will add them to the list. Optionally, each available column may be assigned to a field group. This is meaningful is the number of available columns is large. In this case a drop down box in the upper left corner of the popup allows to select the field group. Then, only columns assigned to this field group will be displayed in the left table.
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Lesson: The LIST GUIBB
Figure 102: Configure columns
The available columns, the properties of each column, the field groups and the assignment of each available column to a field group has to be defined by the content of method GET_DEFINITION( ): The column selection has to be defined by a RTTI description of type CL_ABAP_TABLEDESCR which is returned to the framework via the exporting parameter EO_FIELD_CATALOG.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Figure 103: Defining field catalog
For each of the columns contained in the field catalog, properties have to be set and returned via the exporting parameter ET_FIELD_DESCRIPTION. If a column should be available during the configuration process, its visibility has to be set to CL_WD_UIELEMENT=>E_VISIBLE-VISIBLE. Other properties are defined in the ABAP Dictionary structure FPMGB_S_LISTFIELD_DESCR. Hint: Some of the properties set in the method GET_DEFINITION( ) may be adjusted at runtime from the method GET_DATA( ) via the exporting parameter CT_FIELD_USAGE. These properties - described by the ABAP DDIC structure FPMGB_S_FIELDUSAGE - are: READ_ONLY, MANDATORY, ENABLED, LABEL_TEXT, HELP_TEXT, LINK, VISIBILITY, and FIXED_VALUES.
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Lesson: The LIST GUIBB
Figure 104: Setting column properties (1)
Figure 105: Setting column properties (2)
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
In order to assign the form fields to field groups, these field groups need to be defined first. For details please refer to the corresponding section in the lesson about the FORM GUIBB. After having defined which columns are to be displayed in which group, the column properties can be configured: • •
The column has to be marked in the hierarchy view. The following properties can then be configured: The type of UI element used to display the column content (Display Type), the position of the column (Index), and the header text (Column header - this will overwrite the text obtained from the ABAP DDIC). Additional properties do depend on the UI element used to display the column content.
Figure 106: Configure column properties
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Lesson: The LIST GUIBB
In addition to the table columns, a toolbar can be defined. This toolbar will be located on top of the list. For each action defined in the method GET_DEFINITION( ) a toolbar button can be configured. For details how to define actions please refer to the corresponding section in the lesson about the FORM GUIBB. Note: Actions can not be assigned to a column explicitly. However, if the UI element used to display the column content (cell editor) is able to fire a client side event (e.g. a drop down box, button) and the cell editor is not disabled, then an action (FPM-Event FPM_GUIBB_LIST_CELL_ACTION) is implicitly bound to the cell editor of this column. After having configured all list and column properties, this component configuration can be saved and the configuration process is finished.
Runtime Aspects: INITIALIZE( ) At runtime, the methods GET_PARAMETER_LIST( ), INITIALIZE( ), and GET_DEFINITION( ) are processed once for each feeder class instance. For details about the typical coding encapsulated in the method INITIALIZE( ) please refer to the corresponding section in the lesson about the FORM GUIBB.
Runtime Aspects: FLUSH( ) The method FLUSH( ) is the first method processed for the GUIBB displayed before navigation. For details about the typical coding encapsulated in the method FLUSH( ) please refer to the corresponding section in the lesson about the FORM GUIBB. Note: The current data displayed to the user is available from the importing parameter IT_DATA. At runtime, this parameter will contain the complete list.
Runtime Aspects: PROCESS_EVENT( ) The method PROCESS_EVENT( ) is the second method processed for the GUIBB displayed before navigation. For details about the typical coding encapsulated in the method FLUSH( ) please refer to the corresponding section in the lesson about the FORM GUIBB. If a button related to the toolbar of the list was clicked by the user, the ID of related FPM-Event can be extracted from the interface parameter IO_EVENT. In addition, the current lead selection index is provided by the importing parameter IV_LEAD_INDEX and the indices of the selected list lines are provided by the importing parameter IT_SELECTED_LINES.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
If a clickable cell element was clicked by the user, additional information can be extracted from the interface parameter IO_EVENT. This parameter contains the public attribute MO_EVENT_DATA being an object described by the interface IF_FPM_PARAMETER. Calling the getter method GET_VALUE( ), the following information can be extracted: • • • •
The line index (parameter key FPM_GUIBB_LIST_INDEX). The column name (parameter key FPM_GUIBB_LIST_COL_NAME). The name of the feeder class (parameter key FPM_GUIBB_LIST_FEEDER_NAME). For each parameter of the feeder class the parameter value (parameter key as defined in method GET_PARAMETER_LIST( ) ).
If the event handling was not successful, the WD runtime can be informed by setting the exporting parameter EV_RESULT accordingly. In this case, the method AFTER_FAILED_EVENT( ) will be processed before navigation takes place. Messages can be defined by calling the appropriate methods of the FPM message manager. However, each message can also be defined by appending a structure containing the message details to the exporting parameter ET_MESSAGES.
Figure 107: Interface parameters of method PROCESS_EVENT( )
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Lesson: The LIST GUIBB
Runtime Aspects: GET_DATA( ) The method GET_DATA( ) is the first method processed for the GUIBB displayed after navigation. For details about the typical coding encapsulated in the method GET_DATA( ) please refer to the corresponding section in the lesson about the FORM GUIBB. If the data to be displayed has been changed programmatically, the current data has to be exported to the GUIBB via the changing parameter CT_DATA. In addition the exporting parameter EV_DATA_CHANGED has to be set to ABAP_TRUE. If the properties of the columns have to be modified, the actualized column properties have to be exported to the GUIBB via the changing parameter CT_FIELD_USAGE. In addition the exporting parameter EV_FIELD_USAGE_CHANGED has to be set to ABAP_TRUE. If the action usage has to be modified, the actualized action usage has to be exported to the GUIBB via the changing parameter CT_ACTION_USAGE. In addition the exporting parameter EV_ACTION_USAGE_CHANGED has to be set to ABAP_TRUE. To modify the lines that are selected and the line related to the lead selection index, the values of the changing parameters CT_SELECTED_LINES and CV_LEAD_INDEX have to be adapted. In addition the exporting parameter EV_SELECTED_LINES_CHANGED has to be set to ABAP_TRUE. Messages can be defined by calling the appropriate methods of the FPM message manager. However, each message can also be defined by appending a structure containing the message details to the exporting parameter ET_MESSAGES.
Runtime Aspects: NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ) The method NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ) is defined in the extension interface IF_FPM_GUIBB_LIST_EXT. For details, please refer to the corresponding method defined in the interface IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK. This is described in the previous unit.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
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Lesson: The LIST GUIBB
Exercise 10: LIST GUIBB - Define Feeder Class and configure Component Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Define the feeder class for the LIST GUIBB. • Implement the source code of the feeder class methods. • Use a central data model. • Configure the LIST GUIBB.
Business Example You would like to define the booking lists of your OIF application via configuration of the corresponding generic UIBB. However, this also means that you have to create the feeder class and you have to implement the methods of this class. In addition, you need to exchange data between this feeder class, the feeder class for the FORM GUIBB, and the OIF component. Thus, you need to use a central data model. Template Feeder Class: CL_NET313_LIST_GUIBB_T Solution Component: NET313_CUSTOMER_S8 Solution Feeder Class: CL_NET313_LIST_GUIBB Solution Component Configuration: NET313_CUSTOMER_S8_CC1 (FPM component) NET313_CUSTOMER_S8_CC_LIST1 (LIST GUIBB displaying non-cancelled bookings) NET313_CUSTOMER_S8_CC_LIST2 (LIST GUIBB displaying cancelled bookings)
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Task 1: OPTIONAL TASK: Complete the feeder class to be used by the LIST GUIBB. Copy the template CL_NET313_LIST_GUIBB_T. Name your class ZCL_##_NET313_LIST. The template contains the all methods and attributes needed to implement the feeder class. You only need to complete the methods GET_DATA( ), GET_DEFINITION( ), INITIALIZE( ), and GET_PARAMETER_LIST( ). Implement the source code. The feeder class should support one parameter defining if non-cancelled bookings or if cancelled bookings are to be displayed. All fields of the DDIC structure SBOOK but the field MANDT should be available for the configuration process. All fields should not be editable. The column headers should be obtained from the DDIC description. 1.
Create the feeder class to be used by the LIST GUIBB by copying the template CL_NET313_LIST_GUIBB_T. Name your class ZCL_##_NET313_LIST.
Implement the source code of feeder class method GET_PARAMETER_LIST( ). The source code consists of the following steps: Define a work area for the returning parameter of this method. Set the components of this structure as follows: NAME = 'DATA_KIND' and TYPE = 'NET313_LIST_BOOKING_KIND'. Append the work area to the returning parameter of the method Note: 'NET313_LIST_BOOKING_KIND' is the name of a data element providing the fixed values C (cancelled bookings) and N ( non-cancelled bookings).
Complete the source code of feeder class method INITIALIZE( ). This consists of the following steps: At the end of the method, read the first line of the importing parameter IT_PARAMETER. This will return a structure containing the value of the parameter DATA_KIND as a data reference in the field VALUE. De-reference the field VALUE into a field symbol of type NET313_LIST_BOOKING_KIND. Then store this value in the feeder class attribute GV_DATA_KIND. If the internal table is empty, set GV_DATA_KIND = 'N'.
Implement the source code of feeder class method GET_DEFINITION( ). The source code consists of the following steps:
Continued on next page
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Lesson: The LIST GUIBB
Get the RTTI description of the DDIC structure SBOOK (use method CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR=>DESCRIBE_BY_NAME( ) ). Then call the method CL_ABAP_TABLEDESCR=>CREATE( ) to define an RTTI description of an internal table which is based on the RTTI description of the structure. Pass this table description to the exporting parameter EO_FIELD_CATALOG. Get the components from the RTTI description of the DDIC structure SBOOK (use method GET_COMPONENTS( ) for RTTI structure description). Loop over the component list. For each component, append a new line to the exporting parameter ET_FIELD_DESCRIPTION containing the following information: NAME = name of structure component. Set VISIBILITY = CL_WD_UIELEMENT=>E_VISIBLE-VISIBLE for all structure components but the component MANDT. Set VISIBILITY = CL_WD_UIELEMENT=>E_VISIBLE-NONE for the component MANDT. READ_ONLY = ABAP_TRUE and HEADER_LABEL_BY_DDIC = ABAP_TRUE for all structure components. Note: Most of the coding can be copied from the corresponding method of the feeder class related to the FORM GUIBB. 5.
Complete the source code of feeder class method GET_DATA( ). This consists of the following steps: Check, whether the booking information stored by the feeder class been changed during the current dialog step (GV_DATA_CHANGED = ABAP_TRUE). In this case check, whether cancelled bookings (GV_DATA_KIND = 'C') or non-cancelled bookings (GV_DATA_KIND = 'N') are to be displayed. Set the exporting parameter CT_DATA accordingly (export GT_BOOKINGS_C or GT_BOOKINGS_N). In addition, set EV_DATA_CHANGED = ABAP_TRUE. The will force the WD runtime to actualize the form data displayed to the user. Set GV_DATA_CHANGED = ABAP_FALSE to indicate, that the data stored by the feeder class and the data displayed to the user are now synchronized. Disable the button labeled Display/Change Customer.
Save and activate your feeder class.
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Task 2: Adapt your OIF component assuming that the booking lists are defined by the LIST GUIBB: Delete all WD entities which are not needed any more. Delete all component controller methods, attributes, and context nodes that are not needed any more. Adapt the remaining component controller methods of your OIF component. Work on attributes of the central data model (GO_CENTRAL_DATA->GV_SAVE_DATA, GO_CENTRAL_DATA->GV_CUSTOM_ID) instead on component controller attributes. 1.
In the component controller context, delete the context nodes BOOKINGS_C, BOOKINGS_N, and CUSTOMER.
Delete all component controller attributes but the ones beginning with WD_ and the attribute GO_CENTRAL_DATA.
Delete the component controller method GET_BOOKINGS( ).
Delete the complete source code of the methods NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ) and PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT( ).
Adapt the component controller method WDDOINIT( ). Delete the coding used to determine the reference to the FMP service object, to the IDR service object, to the OIF service object, and to the FPM message manager object.
Save and activate your OIF component.
Task 3: Edit the component configuration of your OIF component. On the tab displaying bookings, replace the UIBBs of your OIF component by the LIST GUIBB. Use the feeder class created during the last task or the template feeder class. Display an arbitrary number of columns by the list. Display the cells of the columns CANCELLED, INVOICE, RESERVED, or SMOKER as checkboxes. Each list should display 10 data rows. A marking column should not be displayed. 1.
Edit your component configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: The LIST GUIBB
On the sub view displaying the non-cancelled bookings, replace the interface view BOOKINGS_N_WINDOW of your OIF component by the interface view LIST_WINDOW of the GUIBB component FPM_LIST_UIBB. Assign a component configuration to the LIST GUIBB (name: ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC_LIST1).
Create the component configuration for the LIST GUIBB. Use your feeder class ZCL_##_NET313_LIST or the template solution CL_NET313_LIST_GUIBB. Select the correct parameter value to display non-cancelled bookings.
Display an arbitrary number of columns by the list. Display the cells of the columns CANCELLED, INVOICE, RESERVED, or SMOKER as checkboxes. The list should display 10 data rows. A marking column should not be displayed.
Repeat step 2, 3, and 4 of this task to replace the list displaying the cancelled bookings by the LIST GUIBB. Name the component configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC_LIST2 and choose the feeder class parameter value 'N' instead of 'C'.
Task 4: Test your FPM application. 1.
Start the FPM application displaying the OIF.
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Solution 10: LIST GUIBB - Define Feeder Class and configure Component Task 1: OPTIONAL TASK: Complete the feeder class to be used by the LIST GUIBB. Copy the template CL_NET313_LIST_GUIBB_T. Name your class ZCL_##_NET313_LIST. The template contains the all methods and attributes needed to implement the feeder class. You only need to complete the methods GET_DATA( ), GET_DEFINITION( ), INITIALIZE( ), and GET_PARAMETER_LIST( ). Implement the source code. The feeder class should support one parameter defining if non-cancelled bookings or if cancelled bookings are to be displayed. All fields of the DDIC structure SBOOK but the field MANDT should be available for the configuration process. All fields should not be editable. The column headers should be obtained from the DDIC description. 1.
Create the feeder class to be used by the LIST GUIBB by copying the template CL_NET313_LIST_GUIBB_T. Name your class ZCL_##_NET313_LIST. a)
Copying a class should be known to you.
The following instance attributes are already defined in the class: GO_FPM: Reference to FPM service object. GO_FPM_IDR: Reference to IDR service object. GO_FPM_OIF: Reference to OIF service object. GO_MES_MAN. Reference to FPM message manager object. GO_ASSIST: Reference to assistance object. GO_CENTRAL_DATA of reference type CL_NET313_CENTRAL_DATA: Reference to singleton instance of central data model. GT_BOOKINGS_A: All bookings for customer. GT_BOOKINGS_N: Non-cancelled bookings for customer. GT_BOOKINGS_C: Cancelled bookings for customer. GV_DATA_KIND: Information which bookings are to be displayed. GV_DATA_CHANGED. Information if customer data have been changed by the application.
Implement the source code of feeder class method GET_PARAMETER_LIST( ). The source code consists of the following steps: Continued on next page
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Lesson: The LIST GUIBB
Define a work area for the returning parameter of this method. Set the components of this structure as follows: NAME = 'DATA_KIND' and TYPE = 'NET313_LIST_BOOKING_KIND'. Append the work area to the returning parameter of the method Note: 'NET313_LIST_BOOKING_KIND' is the name of a data element providing the fixed values C (cancelled bookings) and N ( non-cancelled bookings). a) 3.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Complete the source code of feeder class method INITIALIZE( ). This consists of the following steps: At the end of the method, read the first line of the importing parameter IT_PARAMETER. This will return a structure containing the value of the parameter DATA_KIND as a data reference in the field VALUE. De-reference the field VALUE into a field symbol of type NET313_LIST_BOOKING_KIND. Then store this value in the feeder class attribute GV_DATA_KIND. If the internal table is empty, set GV_DATA_KIND = 'N'. a)
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Implement the source code of feeder class method GET_DEFINITION( ). The source code consists of the following steps: Get the RTTI description of the DDIC structure SBOOK (use method CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR=>DESCRIBE_BY_NAME( ) ). Then call the method CL_ABAP_TABLEDESCR=>CREATE( ) to define an RTTI description of an internal table which is based on the RTTI description of the structure. Pass this table description to the exporting parameter EO_FIELD_CATALOG. Get the components from the RTTI description of the DDIC structure SBOOK (use method GET_COMPONENTS( ) for RTTI structure description). Loop over the component list. For each component, append a new line to the exporting parameter ET_FIELD_DESCRIPTION containing the following information: NAME = name of structure component. Set VISIBILITY = CL_WD_UIELEMENT=>E_VISIBLE-VISIBLE for all structure components but the component MANDT. Set VISIBILITY = CL_WD_UIELEMENT=>E_VISIBLE-NONE for the component MANDT. Continued on next page
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
READ_ONLY = ABAP_TRUE and HEADER_LABEL_BY_DDIC = ABAP_TRUE for all structure components. Note: Most of the coding can be copied from the corresponding method of the feeder class related to the FORM GUIBB. a) 5.
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Complete the source code of feeder class method GET_DATA( ). This consists of the following steps: Check, whether the booking information stored by the feeder class been changed during the current dialog step (GV_DATA_CHANGED = ABAP_TRUE). In this case check, whether cancelled bookings (GV_DATA_KIND = 'C') or non-cancelled bookings (GV_DATA_KIND = 'N') are to be displayed. Set the exporting parameter CT_DATA accordingly (export GT_BOOKINGS_C or GT_BOOKINGS_N). In addition, set EV_DATA_CHANGED = ABAP_TRUE. The will force the WD runtime to actualize the form data displayed to the user. Set GV_DATA_CHANGED = ABAP_FALSE to indicate, that the data stored by the feeder class and the data displayed to the user are now synchronized. Disable the button labeled Display/Change Customer. a)
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Save and activate your feeder class. a)
You know how to do this ...
Task 2: Adapt your OIF component assuming that the booking lists are defined by the LIST GUIBB: Delete all WD entities which are not needed any more. Delete all component controller methods, attributes, and context nodes that are not needed any more. Adapt the remaining component controller methods of your OIF component. Work on attributes of the central data model (GO_CENTRAL_DATA->GV_SAVE_DATA, GO_CENTRAL_DATA->GV_CUSTOM_ID) instead on component controller attributes. 1.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: The LIST GUIBB
Delete the windows BOOKINGS_C_WINDOW and BOOKINGS_N_WINDOW. a) 2.
In the component controller context, delete the context nodes BOOKINGS_C, BOOKINGS_N, and CUSTOMER. a)
Deleting should not be a problem ...
Adapt the component controller method WDDOINIT( ). Delete the coding used to determine the reference to the FMP service object, to the IDR service object, to the OIF service object, and to the FPM message manager object. a)
Deleting should not be a problem ...
Delete the complete source code of the methods NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ) and PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT( ). a)
Deleting should not be a problem ...
Delete the component controller method GET_BOOKINGS( ). a)
Deleting should not be a problem ...
Delete all component controller attributes but the ones beginning with WD_ and the attribute GO_CENTRAL_DATA. a)
Deleting should not be a problem ...
Please find the source code at the end of this exercise.
Save and activate your OIF component. a)
You know how to do this ...
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Task 3: Edit the component configuration of your OIF component. On the tab displaying bookings, replace the UIBBs of your OIF component by the LIST GUIBB. Use the feeder class created during the last task or the template feeder class. Display an arbitrary number of columns by the list. Display the cells of the columns CANCELLED, INVOICE, RESERVED, or SMOKER as checkboxes. Each list should display 10 data rows. A marking column should not be displayed. 1.
Edit your component configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1. a)
Edit the component configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC1.
Double click the corresponding item in the object tree of the Object Navigator. This will display the configuration's meta data in the object area.
Click on the button labeled Start Configurator. This will open the component configuration editor.
Click the button Change in the component configuration editor.
On the sub view displaying the non-cancelled bookings, replace the interface view BOOKINGS_N_WINDOW of your OIF component by the interface view LIST_WINDOW of the GUIBB component FPM_LIST_UIBB. Assign a component configuration to the LIST GUIBB (name: ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC_LIST1). a)
Mark the UIBB related to the sub view displaying the non-cancelled bookings in the hierarchy. The attributes related to this UIBB will be displayed below the preview area.
Enter FPM_LIST_UIBB in the field labeled Component.
Enter LIST_WINDOW in the field labeled View.
Enter ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC_LIST1 in the field labeled Configuration Name.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: The LIST GUIBB
Create the component configuration for the LIST GUIBB. Use your feeder class ZCL_##_NET313_LIST or the template solution CL_NET313_LIST_GUIBB. Select the correct parameter value to display non-cancelled bookings. a)
Click the button Configure UIBB which is displayed in the preview area for the LIST GUIBB.
On the next screen, click the button Create.
Enter a description, your package name and the key of your transport request in the related fields of next two popups.
When being asked for the feeder class, enter the name of your feeder class (ZCL_##_NET313_LIST) in the form field. If you have not created your own feeder class, enter the name of the template solution (CL_NET313_LIST_GUIBB). Click the button Edit Parameters.
On the next screen you have to define which kind of bookings are to be displayed. Enter 'N' or use the value help to select the value. Click OK.
Display an arbitrary number of columns by the list. Display the cells of the columns CANCELLED, INVOICE, RESERVED, or SMOKER as checkboxes. The list should display 10 data rows. A marking column should not be displayed. a)
Mark the item Settings in the hierarchy. This will display the list attributes below the preview area.
Set Row Count = 10 and Selection Mode = none.
Click the button Configure Columns.
Mark the columns you would like to display in the table on the left side (CTRL + left mouse click). Then click the button Add Columns. Click OK.
To adjust the properties of a column, mark the column in the hierarchy. This will display the column properties below the preview area. Adjust the field type (Display Type).
Repeat step 2, 3, and 4 of this task to replace the list displaying the cancelled bookings by the LIST GUIBB. Name the component configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_CC_LIST2 and choose the feeder class parameter value 'N' instead of 'C'. a)
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Task 4: Test your FPM application. 1.
Start the FPM application displaying the OIF. a)
From the context menu of your application configuration ZNET313_##_CUSTOMER_S1_AC1, select Test to start the related FPM application.
The booking lists displayed on the second tab are now provided by the LIST GUIBB.
Result OPTIONAL TASK: CL_NET313_LIST_GUIBB IF_FPM_GUIBB~GET_PARAMETER_LIST( ) METHOD if_fpm_guibb~get_parameter_list. DATA ls_parameter_descr TYPE fpmgb_s_param_descr. ls_parameter_descr-name = 'DATA_KIND'. ls_parameter_descr-type = 'NET313_LIST_BOOKINGS_KIND'. APPEND ls_parameter_descr TO rt_parameter_descr. ENDMETHOD.
OPTIONAL TASK: CL_NET313_LIST_GUIBB - IF_FPM_GUIBB~INITIALIZE( ) METHOD if_fpm_guibb~initialize. DATA ls_parameter LIKE LINE OF it_parameter. FIELD-SYMBOLS TYPE net313_list_bookings_kind. * get reference to central data object go_central_data = cl_net313_central_data=>get_instance( ). * get reference to FPM service object go_fpm = cl_fpm_factory=>get_instance( ). * create assistence object CREATE OBJECT go_assist. * read bookings get_bookings( ).
Continued on next page
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Lesson: The LIST GUIBB
gv_data_changed = abap_true. * get references to additional service objects (only at runtime) IF go_fpm IS BOUND. go_fpm_oif ?= go_fpm->get_service( iv_service_key = cl_fpm_service_manager=>gc_key_cnr_oif ). go_fpm_idr ?= go_fpm->get_service( iv_service_key = cl_fpm_service_manager=>gc_key_idr ). go_mes_man = go_fpm->mo_message_manager. ENDIF. * get parameter READ TABLE it_parameter INTO ls_parameter WITH KEY name = 'DATA_KIND'. IF sy-subrc 0. gv_data_kind = 'N'. ELSE. ASSIGN ls_parameter-value->* TO CASTING. gv_data_kind = . ENDIF. ENDMETHOD.
OPTIONAL TASK: CL_NET313_LIST_GUIBB IF_FPM_GUIBB_LIST~GET_DEFINITION( ) METHOD if_fpm_guibb_list~get_definition. DATA lo_structdescr
DATA lt_component_tab
DATA ls_component_tab
DATA ls_action
DATA ls_field_description TYPE
fpmgb_s_actiondef. fpmgb_s_listfield_descr.
* Get RTTI description of table type based on DDIC structure SBOOK lo_structdescr
?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( 'SBOOK' ).
eo_field_catalog = cl_abap_tabledescr=>create( lo_structdescr ). * Get single components of structure lt_component_tab = lo_structdescr->get_components( ). * Define component's properties LOOP AT lt_component_tab INTO ls_component_tab. *
ls_field_description-name = ls_component_tab-name.
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
IF ls_field_description-name = 'MANDT' . ls_field_description-visibility = cl_wd_uielement=>e_visible-none. ELSE. ls_field_description-visibility = cl_wd_uielement=>e_visible-visible. ENDIF. *
Read only mode
ls_field_description-read_only = abap_true. ls_field_description-header_label_by_ddic = abap_true. APPEND ls_field_description TO et_field_description. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD.
OPTIONAL TASK: CL_NET313_LIST_GUIBB IF_FPM_GUIBB_LIST~GET_DATA( ) METHOD if_fpm_guibb_list~get_data. * Actualize data IF gv_data_changed = abap_true. CASE gv_data_kind. WHEN 'C'. ct_data = gt_bookings_c. WHEN 'N'. ct_data = gt_bookings_n. ENDCASE. ev_data_changed = gv_data_changed. gv_data_changed = abap_false. ENDIF. * Actualize FPM button go_fpm_oif->define_button( iv_function
= if_fpm_constants=>gc_button-other_function
= abap_false ).
OIF: Component Controller - NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ) METHOD needs_confirmation . ENDMETHOD.
Continued on next page
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Lesson: The LIST GUIBB
OIF: Component Controller - PROCESS_BEFORE_OUTPUT( ) METHOD process_before_output . ENDMETHOD.
OIF: Component Controller - WDDOINIT( ) METHOD wddoinit . wd_this->set_intro_text( ). * wd_this->go_context = wd_context->get_context( ). * get reference to central data object wd_this->go_central_data = cl_net313_central_data=>get_instance( ). ENDMETHOD.
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Unit 3: Generic UI Building Blocks (GUIBBs)
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Define a feeder class related to the LIST GUIBB. • Implement the most important methods of this feeder class • Configure the LIST GUIBB.
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit Summary
Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the architecture of FPM applications which are based on GUIBBs. • Describe the interaction between GUIBBs and feeder classes. • Create feeder classes. • Define a feeder class related to the FORM GUIBB. • Implement the most important methods of this feeder class • Configure the FORM GUIBB. • Define a feeder class related to the LIST GUIBB. • Implement the most important methods of this feeder class • Configure the LIST GUIBB.
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit Summary
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Course Summary
Course Summary You should now be able to: • • • • • • •
Configure FPM components statically Define toolbar buttons and handle toolbar events Add initial screens and confirmation dialogs to the floorplans Understand the FPM phase model basically Define messages making use of the FPM message manager Define forms and lists by means of generic UI building blocks (GUIBBs) Provide data to be displayed by GUIBBs by means of feeder classes
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Course Summary
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Index A adaptation, 20 configuration, 24 configuration controller, 24 customizing, 31 explicit customizing /personalization, 34 hierarchy, 21 implicit / explicit, 22 personalization, 31 application configuration, 58
C central data model, 46 component configuration, 59 configuration, 24 configuration controller, 24 configuration editor, 61 confirmation screen, 69 customizing, 31 explicit, 34
D data loss popup, 103 define floorplan (GAF), 67 define floorplan (OIF), 65
E explanation texts, 77
F floorplan manager (see FPM), 36 floorplans, 36 guided activity floorplan (GAF), 41 object instance floorplan (OIF), 39 quick activity floorplan (QAF), 40
FPM, 36 application, 57 application architecture, 42 application configuration, 58 central data model, 46 component configuration, 59 components, 42 configuration editor, 61 GAF service object, 107 IDR service object, 116 message manager, 120 OIF service object, 107 phase model, 46 service object, 106 UIBB definition, 56 FPM configuration confirmation screen, 69 define floorplan (GAF), 67 define floorplan (OIF), 65 explanation texts, 77 IDR, 68 initial screen, 68 toolbar, 70 toolbar (GAF), 75 toolbar (initial screen), 71 toolbar (OIF), 73 FPM message manager, 120 FPM-Events, 100 triggered by application, 105
G GAF, 41 roadmap sub steps, 114 service object, 107 toolbar, 75
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
toolbar access at runtime, 112 generic user interface building block (see GUIBB), 42 GUIBB, 42 architecture, 160 feeder class, 161 FORM, 162 LIST, 162 phase model, 164 TABBED, 162 GUIBB FORM configuration, 167 define action usage, 177 define field catalog, 173 define field groups, 176 define field properties, 174 define parameter list, 170 FLUSH( ), 179 GET_DATA( ), 181 INITIALIZE( ), 178 NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ), 184 PROCESS_EVENT( ), 180 GUIBB LIST configuration, 201 define available columns, 205 define column properties, 206 define field groups, 208 define parameter list, 203 FLUSH( ), 209 GET_DATA( ), 211 INITIALIZE( ), 209 NEEDS_CONFIRMATION( ), 211 PROCESS_EVENT( ), 209
I IDR access at runtime, 115 component, 42 configuration, 68 service object, 116
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
PROCESS_EVENT( ), 103 initial screen, 68 toolbar, 71
O OIF, 39 service object, 107 toolbar, 73 toolbar access at runtime, 108
P personalization, 31 explicit, 34
Q QAF, 40
T toolbar, 70 access at runtime (GAF), 112 access at runtime (OIF), 108
U UIBB, 36 definition, 56 user interface building block (see UIBB), 36
W Web Dynpro basics, 2 action, 4 adaptation, 20 adaptation - configuration, 24 adaptation - configuration controller, 24 adaptation - customizing / personalization, 31 adaptation - hierarchy, 21 adaptation - implicit / explicit, 22
application, 4 component, 2 component controller, 3 component interface, 9 component reuse, 9 component reuse - call methods, 12 component reuse - context mapping, 15 component reuse declaration, 9 component reuse - embed interface view, 11 component reuse - handle events, 13 component reuse instantiation, 10 component reuse - phase model, 19 context mapping, 3 controller attributes, 7 controller events, 8 controller methods, 5 controller methods - order of processing, 6 controller usage, 3 custom controller, 3 data binding, 2 interface controller, 4 interface view, 4 navigation, 4 navigation link, 5 phase model, 6 plugs, 4 startup plug, 4 used controller, 3 user interface (UI), 2 view, 2 window, 3
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
© 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Feedback SAP AG has made every effort in the preparation of this course to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the materials. If you have any corrections or suggestions for improvement, please record them in the appropriate place in the course evaluation.
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