107. Bala v Martinez January 29 1990_Yeung

March 14, 2019 | Author: John Yeung | Category: Probation, Legal Procedure, Crime & Justice, Justice, Public Law
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107. Bala v Martinez January 29 1990 FACTS Manuel Bala was found uilty of t!e "ri#e of falsifi"ation of a $u%li" do"u#ent &'SA $ass$ort( %y )TC Manila. CA affir#ed t!e de"ision* re#anded it to t!e lower "ourt for e+e"ution. Bala a$$lied for and ranted $ro%ation. ,ro%ation ,ro%ation is for 1 year fro# Au 11* 19-2 to Au 10* 19-. Se$t 2* 19-2/ Bala ased !is su$ervisin $ro%ation offi"er for $er#ission $er #ission to transfer !is residen"e fro# BF o#es to ,!ilA# 3ife Su%division in 3as ,i4as s$e"ifi"ally. T!e $ro%ation offi"er ver%ally ranted t!e re5uest. Au 10* 19-/ t!e order of final dis"!are "ould not %e issued %e"ause %e"ause t!e $ro%ation offi"er !ad not yet su%#itted !is final re$ort on t!e "ondu"t of !is "!are. A$ril 0* 19-/ )TC Manila found Bala uilty aain aain for falsifi"ation of $u%li" and6or offi"ial do"u#ents do"u#ents &'.S. ,ass$orts(. T!is ud#ent !as %e"o#e final. 8e" -* 19-/ ,eo$le of t!e ,* t!rou! Asst. City Fis"al Jose 8. Cau"o# of Manila* filed a #otion to revoe t!e $ro%ation of Bala %efore )TC of Manila for violatin t!e ter#s and "onditions of !is $ro%ation. Basa filed a #otion to dis#iss. )TC Manila denied t!e re5uest* !en"e a $etition for "ertiorari and $ro!i%ition was filed %y Basa %efore t!e SC. •

,s Aru#ents/ )TC Manila !as no urisdi"tion as !is $ro%ation $eriod !ad already e+$ired. is "!ane of residen"e auto#ati"ally transferred t!e venue of t!e "ase fro# t!e )TC of Manila to t!e :+e"utive. Jude* of t!e )TC of Maati w!i"! latter "ourt in"lude under its urisdi"tion t!e Muni"i$ality of 3as ,i4as t!e $ro%ationers $la"e of residen"e. ;S
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