105744985 Nakshatras Detailed
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nakshatras detailed...
Ashwini – The Horse Head Ashwini Ashwini (00.00-13.2 (00.00-13.20 0 Aries) Aries) signifies signifies commencemen commencement, t, particularly particularly the energies energies of of Ketu. Ketu. It is mare! "y a pair pair of "right stars stars in the constellation of Aries. Ashwini is translate! into #$orn of a %emale &orse' or #&orse a!y'. As an alternatie, Ashwini is also nown as Asayu* or #she who yoes horses'. +he constellation is sym"olie! "y the hea! of a horse reflecting commencement (of a *ourney). hile the horse itself is a sym"ol of power, strength, courage an! itality, its hea! in!icates swift action. Behavioral Characteristics Ashwini Ashwini !enotes !enotes spontaneit spontaneity y an! hence hence this this nashatra nashatra is is mare! mare! "y itality itality as well well as initiati initiatie. e. In fact, Ashwin Ashwinii is !ifferent !ifferent from the other nashatras in its initiating aspect. A natie of this nashatra is fast an! agile. +he core principle of Ashwini is concerne! with rapi!ity an! pace, to achiee which one nee!s to "e concise an! !irect. eople "orn on this nashatra, !emonstrate a straightforwar! an! no nonsense approach in their transactions. If you are a person whose "irth chart shows a prominent Ashwini, you !on't waste time in translating your impulses into thought an! thought into !ee!, which is why your "ehaior may "e regar!e! as impulsie. +his is at times goo!, although in negatie manifestation, it may "e rash. &ence, in all their hurry, they may "e wasting their time. %ull of life, the naties of this nashatra are intelligent, happy go lucy creatures who are highly intelligent. +hey loo youthful an! enthusiastic, an! age scarcely shows in their appearance as it shows in those "orn un!er other nashatras. ith a rising Ashwini in your ascen!ant, you are liely to "e short, sportie, strong, appealing an! innocent. It is true that these naties can "e sorte! from the crow! "y their innocent appearance an! chil!lie !isposition. +he ruling !eities of this nashatra, the Ashwini Kumaras, are attri"ute! with charisma, style, sophistication an! laishness which are prominent in physical an! mental nature of the naties. +hey also hae a strong an! a!enturous spirit that is "lin!ly attracte! to the challenges pose! "y the unnown. An e/ploratory spirit is mare! with courage an! Ashwini has an a"un!ance of it. +his !aring nashatra has a chialric facet to it that !eries pleasure from pursuits of heroism. %or instance, a 0 year ol! roc clim"er coul! "e none other than an Ashwini natie. n the flip si!e, oer!one chialry is apparent in lac of pru!ence or eagerness to learn from past mistaes an! a"sence of contemplation. +hese naties are mare! with a !istinct sense of humor that is *oial an! innocent. Ashwini "orn persons hae this nee! for moement which maes them failures at actiities that reuire patience. +hey are helpful an! sensitie to the nee!s of others. +heir energetic !isposition maes them acuire short term, instea! of en!uring wis!om. enerally, these people loe to stay well !resse! an! hence splurge on clothes an! accessories. Ashwini Ashwini naties naties are straightforw straightforwar! ar! people people who who loe others with similar similar characteristic characteristics. s. 4niue 4niue in their pursuits pursuits,, these naties naties feel that they are !ifferent from others, which is translate! in their pioneering spirit. 5esourceful an! in!epen!ent, the naties of Ashwini Ashwini are competent competent an! en!uring. en!uring. Quarters or Padas
Aries Navamsa (00.00–3.20 Aries): This quarter is ruled by Mars. It is characterized by hysical activity! c"ura#e! imulse a$d i$itiative. Taurus Navamsa (3.20%&.'0 Aries): This quarter is ruled by e$us. It is characterized by rati"$ality! i$ve$tive$ess! #race " the Ash*i$i +umaras a$d materializati"$ " ima#i$ati"$.
,emi$i Navamsa (&.'0%-0.00 Aries): This quarter is ruled by Mercury. It is characterized by hum"r! c"mmu$icati"$! c"mrehe$sive ability a$d me$tal a#ility. a$cer Navamsa (-0.00%-3.20 Aries): This quarter is ruled by M""$. It is characterized by c"llective c"$sci"us$ess! em"ti"$ a$d emathy. Gana: Ash*i$i is a /deva1#"dly $ashatra! si$ce its residi$# deities have #"dlie dis"siti"$s. Favorable Activities
Auspicious Auspicious for for "eginnings "eginnings lie learning learning new things, things, laying foun!ation, foun!ation, taing taing me!icin me!icines, es, re*uenatio re*uenation n an! healing, healing, self6physical self6physical improements, "ris thought6action, euestrian actiities, "uying6selling, traeling, ehicle repair, wearing *ewelry6clothes, occultism, law, sacre! installations, renaming Unfavorable Activities
Marria#e! c"$clusi"$s! em"ti"$al a$d seual activity! acti"$s requiri$# atie$ce! i$t"icati"$ Measures for Remed Ashwini Ashwini naties naties shoul! worship or! anesha anesha an! chant the root mantra 7m Am8 an! 7m Im8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing "right colors is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies Ashwini pleasant appearance, manners an! intelligence. Ashwini loes accessoriing themseles an! e/cel in their fiel!. 5oc star :im ;orrison is a typical Ashwini natie, if his pu"lic out"ursts are ignore!.
Bharani – The !le"hant $harani (13.20-2ansrit root for the wor! #critical'. &ence, the "asic nature an! function of this constellation can "e easily surmise!. +he critical an! fault fin!ing aspect of Krittia can "e accounte! for as this nashatra aims to penetrate the un!erlying cause of all in!s of imperfections "etween appearance an! reality. Krittia cannot withstan! imperfections which impe!es achieement. If your planet is on Krittia, you hae a fiery energetic aspect that is also straightforwar!. our penetrating an! "lunt manners are intimi!ating, although this is not the case eery time. Krittia naties are socially graceful as well. +heir e/treme temper, although short-lie!, is !emonstrate! only when rouse!.
+he rage of Krittia is that of the >un, rather than that of ;ars, which is en!uring an! engeful. +he King6>un !oes not nee! to hae sustaining anger, while the >ol!iers6;ars nee! it to sustain them for fighting "attles. +he feminine, caring an! nurturing facet of Krittia is often conceale! "eneath their stern e/teriors. Bespite the !estructie element, we reuire fire for warmth an! cooing, which is essential for life. +his prospect maes Krittia sustain the social sphere. +hey channel their warmth, !etermination an! in!epen!ence to support others. Krittia can een eliminate others "y their sharp tongue uninten!e!. In its cosmic configuration, Krittia relates to #!ahana shati' which refers to its power to seer ties with the corporal. +he heat an! light sym"olism relates this nashatra to all functions relate! to fire lie cooing, purification, mol!ing an! melting. +he creatie urge of Krittia also relates to that of the ;oon, which unfol!s the presence of the sun. It acts when it has a !irection in min! an! hence those with a prominent Krittia in their charts hae a su!!en way of !emonstrating their energy. +he nashatra is spiritually aware which maes it un!ergo e/treme purification. Krittia is !etermine! to chart its way towar!s !eeloping its innate nature an! hence it will not hesitate it eliminating any impe!iment along the way. +here are su!!en ups an! !owns as well. Quarters or Padas
5a#ittarius Navamsa (2&.'0–30.00 Aries): This quarter is ruled by 7uiter. It is characterized by altruism! #e$er"sity! *ill"*er! stami$a! military ursuits aric"r$ Navamsa (00.00–3.20 Taurus): This quarter is ruled by 5atur$. It is characterized by m"rality! ethics! material visi"$! mater$al asect Aquarius Navamsa (3.20–&.'0 Taurus): This quarter is ruled by 5atur$. It is characterized by huma$itaria$ism! uturistic a$d a$cie$t *isd"m! duty! $"*led#e 8isces Navamsa (&.'0%-0.00 Taurus): This quarter is ruled by 7uiter. It is characterized by se$sitivity! be$ev"le$ce! creativity Gana: +rittia is a rashasa1dem"$ic $ashatra that is c"ld bl""ded a$d merciless! as *ell as u$"r#ivi$# Favorable Activities %ire worship6purification, lea!ers, e/ecuties, cooing, em"roi!ery, sewing, shaing, cutting, honesty, franness, !rumming, an! !e"ates, e/tracurricular actiities Unfavorable Activities >ocial interactions, !iplomacy, rela/ation, rest, actiities inoling water Measures for Remed +he naties of Krittia shoul! in!ulge in the worship of Kartieya, the >un an! must chant the ayatri mantra. +hey must also "e respectful towar!s the F wies of the leia!es. +he root mantra 7m Im8 an! 7m o8 shoul! "e chante! 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing "right colors is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the lunar course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies Krittia pleasant appearance, fon!ness for others' spouses, appetite an! fame.
Rohini – The Chariot 5ohini (10.00-23.20 +aurus) is a "right pale rose star G the Al!e"aran. 5ohini is rule! "y $rahma, ra*apati, or the Ereator. 5ohini is the wife of the ;oon. Al!e"aran happens to "e one of the "rightest stars in the celestial firmament, an! was thought of as the a"o!e of $rahma.
5ohini signifies a growing or re!!ish celestial woman an! the color re! eoes warmth, lieliness an! passion. +he sym"ol of 5ohini is a cart pulle! "y two o/en, which stan!s for fertility. Behavioral Characteristics 5ohini heral!s fertility, agriculture an! hence ciiliation. +his is a pro!uctie nashatra that lays the foun!ation stone for eery in! of growth lie the growth of a plant from a see!ling. 5ohini is responsi"le for all in!s of pro!uction, an! on a higher consciousness, it relates to pro!ucts that are solely !erie! from nature. +hese people are enironmentalists an! naturalists. n a lower plane, 5ohini inoles itself in synthetic an! man ma!e pro!ucts. +hey are more inole! with the cosmetic in!ustry. +he naties hae large e/pressie eyes with enhance! feminine features lie full lips an! a pleasant !isposition. +heir sta"ility gies them a patient e/terior, much lie the cow. 5ohini reeals itself only in perfectly intimate situations an! is thus at times stu""orn. In spite of their e/ternal serenity, 5ohini e/presses itself with its gestures an! tone. ith apparent gentleness, they can at times seem se!uctie as well. 5ohini sees attention, an! gets it. +hey use charm to manipulate situations, although this is often a !isa!antage since they are self-sering. Bespite their se/ual appeal, they are simple personalities whom naties of comple/ nashatras fin! !ull. In the Kali uga, they pursue sensual an! material goals. +hey concentrate on the community, home an! worl! an! are often successful. 5ohini assists in the realiation of thoughts an! i!eas an! hence it is a creatie nashatra. +hey are patrons of arts an! in the mo!ern !ay worl! they can "e seen as functioning through the "aser e/pressions for self-e/pression. +hese naties hae a fi/e! an! perseering nature with strong family ties. eople outsi!e the family circle cannot hol! their attention for long, unless they are wea towar!s them. +hey are usually socia"le, although "aser natures can mae them self-sering an! opportunistic. 5ohini may "e a conseratie nashatra, "ut they are open to new influences. +he conseratie aspect stems from the presence of the life fore within 5ohini. +hey are e/tremely cautious a"out their health an! lie long, as they hae an inherent fear of !eath. 5ohini loos for en*oying the pleasantries of life an! hence maes the most of eerything that life has to offer. +he #rohana shati' or capa"ility to mae things grow refers to the fertility aspect, engaging in the realiation of the astral impulses. Quarters or Padas
Aries Navamsa (-0.00–-3.20 Taurus): This quarter is ruled by Mars. It is characterized by car$ality! "veri$dul#e$ce! siritual i#hter Taurus Navamsa (-3.20%-&.'0 Taurus): This quarter is ruled by Mars. It is characterized by abu$da$ce i$ crisis! materialism! ulillme$t " desires ,emi$i Navamsa (-&.'0%20.00 Taurus): This quarter is ruled by Mercury. It is characterized by c"mmerce! creativity! scie$ce! leibility! shre*d$ess! ursuit " *ealth a$cer Navamsa (20.00%23.20 Taurus): This quarter is ruled by M""$. It is characterized by material security! mater$al asect! "ssessive$ess Gana: 9"hi$i is a ma$ushya1huma$ $ashatra! characterized by earthly qualities! civilizati"$ a$d a#riculture. Favorable Activities Initiation of actiities, agriculture, tra!e, finance, marriage, healing, self-improement, e/ploration an! trael, commencing construction, romance an! se/uality, purchasing *ewelry, ehicles, garments Unfavorable Activities +hose relating to !emolition, !estruction, !eath Measures for Remed 5ohini naties shoul! show respect towar!s cows an! the arie! manifestations of nature for positie energy. orship of or! $rahma is not recommen!e! "y ?e!ic te/ts, though since $rahma was the curse of >hia. Ehanting the root mantra 7m 5m8 an! 7m rm8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra helps alleiate afflictions. earing "right an! pastel sha!es is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results.
Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, 5ohini naties are pure, "eautiful, an! honest an! hae a constant min! an! power of speech. It is true for or! Krishna an! Hueen ?ictoria.
Mri&asira – The 'eer Head ;rigasira (23.20 +aurus-trong influences of this nashatra generate marital !isharmony which can "e cure! if the partners gie each other ample space. +he arrial of ;ercurial energy sows see!s of !iscrimination. Bespite its lightness, ;rigasira is fi/e! in terms of its attitu!es an! opinions. ;rigasira maes one conscious of their life path "y un!ergoing a ariety of e/periences in pursuit of a singular purpose. &oweer, for less !eelope! souls, ;rigasira goes through an en!less mae without a final !estination to arrie at. +his constellation refers to pirana #pirana shakti ' which refers to the power of fulfillment. +he sym"olism refers to weaing through the la"yrinth of life to consummate creatiity out of confusion. Quarters or Padas
4e" Navamsa (23.20%2&.'0 Taurus): This quarter is ruled by the 5u$. It is characterized by ied$ess a$d sel% eressi"$ thr"u#h creativity. ir#" Navamsa (2&.'0%30.00 Taurus): This quarter is ruled by Mercury. It is characterized by calculati"$! discrimi$ati"$! hum"r! satire 4ibra Navamsa (00.00%3.20 ,emi$i): This quarter is ruled by e$us. It is characterized by me$tal el"rati"$ i$ relati"$shis! s"ciability 5c"ri" Navamsa (3.20%&.'0 ,emi$i): This quarter is ruled by Mars. It is characterized by i$tellect! ar#ume$t! susici"$! siritual ev"luti"$ Gana: Mri#asira is a /deva1divi$e $ashatra that ide$tiies *ith the astral rather tha$ huma$ la$e! *hich maes Mri#asira a rei$ed c"$stellati"$. Favorable Activities
ighthearte! actions, trael, e/ploration, se/ual actiity, arts, healing an! re*uenation, e!ucation, socialiing, shifting home, communication, religion an! spirituality, sales an! a!ertisement, taing new name Unfavorable Activities ;arriage, harsh actiities, confrontations Measures for Remed ;rigasira naties shoul! worship arati an! the ;oon. +hey shoul! also chant the root mantra 7m Cm8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing "right colors is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies ;rigasira a ficle, shrew!, *oyful an! wealthy aspect. arati herself has her moon in +aurus ;rigasira, an! hence she can assume arious incarnations of entirely !iffering attri"utes.
Ardra – The Head Ar!ra (hia, who em"lematies em"lematies thun!er thun!er.. +his nashatra nashatra is translate! translate! as #green' #green',, #moist' or #fresh'. ;oisture is the aspect that en!ows the earth with life. Behavioral Characteristics Ar!ra is sai! to stan! stan! for the the "ehaior "ehaior of of a chil!, chil!, an! an! hence the Ar!ra Ar!ra naties naties e/perien e/perience ce e/tremes e/tremes of happiness happiness an! sorrow, sorrow, or the in "etween stage in a matter of minutes. +his nashatra maes the naties un!ergo transformation, pro!ucing nowle!ge or confusion in its wae. +hey try to relate to #maya’ # maya’ on an intellectual leel. It is characterie! "y the "irth of the intellect which harmonies the wan!erings of the preious nashatra, ;rigashira. Ar!ra rather lies to analye the cause "ehin! the function. Ar!ra naties hae a pro"ing pro"ing aspect to their personality personality which which is oice! uite prominently prominently een in i!s. In In the cosmic cosmic nature nature of of things, Ar!ra represents #yatna shati', the power to mae efforts "y seeing for the !esire! goal. +his energy is often answere! with accomplishment. In fact, Ar!ra is the root wor! for #ar!ent' an! #ar!uous'. It is the nashatra where impressions an! sensitiity fin! place to mae the min! actie as well as reactie. It is also something that maes these naties helpful an! empathetic. +his nashatra struggles to "alance the mental with the emotional. Ar!ra naties hae a large face, curly hair an! sullen e/pression. +heir instant memory allows them to respon! easily to facts an! figures. +heir lies are characterie! "y changes an! 4-turns. 4nrelenting o"seration maes Ar!ra naties impolite an! critical, which can mae them sarcastic as well. enerally, softer people are easily scare!. +he elusie facets of 5ahu mae Ar!ra a confusing nashatra which whiles away in fruitless pursuits. &oweer, these !on't eole their spirituality, which is reuire! for them. Ar!ra naties hae a chance to "etter their lies, although this is not easy to achiee in to!ay's worl!. Quarters or Padas
5a#ittarius Navamsa (&.'0–-0.00 ,emi$i): This quarter is ruled by 7uiter. It is characterized by el"rati"$! materialism! leasa$t$ess aric"r$ Navamsa (-0.00%-3.20 ,emi$i): This quarter is ruled by 5atur$. It is characterized by materialism! rustrati"$! tr"uble Aquarius Navamsa (-3.20%-&.'0 ,emi$i): This quarter is ruled by 5atur$. It is characterized by scie$ce! research! i$sirati"$! me$tal activity
8isces Navamsa (-&.'0%20.00 ,emi$i): This quarter is ruled by 7uiter. It is characterized by se$sitivity! c"massi"$! eaceul$ess eaceul$ess / manushya’ 1huma$ 1huma$ $ashatra *h"se relati"$ *ith mercury c"$$ects the hi#her a$d l"*er *"rlds! Gana: Ardra is a /manushya’ relati$# t" stru##le a$d illusi"$. Favorable Activities Bemolition, !estruction, !iscar!ing o"*ects an! ha"its, confrontations, research, creatiity, propitiating fierce !eities Unfavorable Activities $eginnings, trael, marriage, giing6receiing honors, religion Measures for Remed Ar!ra naties shoul! worship worship or! >hia in in his fierce form of 5u!ra 5u!ra an! chant the the root mantra mantra 7m Aeem8 109 times times !uring !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing re!, metallic, green, siler, "lac an! !ar grey colors is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies Ar!ra wice!ness, ingratitu!e, an! anity. :anis :oplin, the musician, represents the forces of Ar!ra in its creatie an! higher mental plane.
Punarvasu – The Bow unarasu (20.00 emini-3.20 Eancer) is rule! "y the ;other o!!ess, A!iti. +his nashatra constitutes the root of the energy of :upiter an! translates into the reappearance of goo!ness. unarasu is signifie! "y a"o!e, homecoming, resi!ence, recurrence etc. +he i!ea of isi"le infinity is also coneye! "y unarasu an! it has all the !esira"le ualities. It gies one an impression of a positie renoation from !arness to light. In fact, the interplay of opposites is the essence of this nashatra. Behavioral Characteristics unarasu relates to #astua prapana shati' which refers to the power of retrieing o"*ecties or o"*ects. +riumph, renewal an! return are in!icate! "y the reference to the regeneratie capacity of rain. unarasu loes to nurture an! harmonie when after a shower, the earth re*uenates. &ence, the naties of unarasu are satisfie! people who "eliee in getting ri! of negatie energies through har! wor. +hey "eliee in oercoming o"stacles through self-confi!ence. +he fascinating function of the emotional an! mental is something from which unarasu !eries its strength. +he naties are characterie! with reason an! it represents a state when a chil! grows out of its mischief to "ecome aware of others' nee!s. +hey are goo! nature! an! frien!ly an! the age -12 is also i!eal for all in!s of spiritual intro!uctions. In fact, unarasu relates to spirituality that engen!ers self-realiation. Daties with unarasu in the ascen!ant hae an aerage "uil! an! loo serene an! "eneolent. +hey are pleasant, amia"le, an! no"le. +he simplicity of their iews preents unarasu naties from un!erstan!ing complications, although they succee! in emerging unscathe! from acci!ents, !iseases an! physical malfunctions. +hey are homesic, "ut are willing to trael. n the flip si!e, naties of this nashatra ten! to stagnate. n the "righter si!e, unarasu loes challenges an! almost always succee!s. +he opposing nature of ollu/ an! Eastor gie them a !uality that gies them a contra!ictory character. hile Eastor results in losses, ollu/ is responsi"le for retrieing them an! thus the insinuation at recycling an! regeneration. unarasu is the root wor! for #pun', #puny', an! #punitie' an! #punctual', all of which signify the aspects of this nashatra. Quarters or Padas
Aries Navamsa (20.00–23.20 ,emi$i): This quarter is ruled by Mars. It is characterized by m"veme$t! adve$ture! i"$eeri$# i"$eeri$# sirit! sirit! a$d rie$dshi rie$dshi
Taurus Navamsa (23.20%2&.'0 ,emi$i): This quarter is ruled by e$us. It is characterized by materialism! ied$ess! travel ,emi$i Navamsa (2&.'0%30.00 ,emi$i): This quarter is ruled by Mercury. It is characterized by ima#i$ative$ess! me$tal "cus! a$d scie$ce a$cer Navamsa (00.00%3.20 a$cer): This quarter is ruled by e$us. It is characterized by mater$ity! ea$si"$! $urturi$# /deva’ 1#"dly 1#"dly $ashatra that is be$i#$ a$d c"massi"$ate. It is related t" the divi$e. Gana: 8u$arvasu is a /deva’ Favorable Activities +rael, e/ploration, pilgrimage, imagination, innoation, installation of altars, worshipping the ;other o!!ess, chil! care, "uying homes an! cars, agriculture, gar!ening, starting wor in a "uil!ing, marriage, e!ucation, me!itation Unfavorable Activities en!ing, "orrowing, law, conflict Measures for Remed unarasu naties shoul! worship any go!!ess figure lie ashmi, Burga or >araswati an! chant the root mantra 7m8 or 7Aum8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing colors lie green, white an! yellow is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies unarasu contentment, slow learners an! !ecent people. or! 5ama is a typical unarasu natie, with all the i!eal attri"utes.
Pusha – The Flower ushya (3.20 Eancer-1aturn G = G maes ushya a "alance! nashatra helping it to react sanely to situations an! assist others. +hese pro!uctie naties wor patiently towar!s their goals, which are mare! "y containment an! safety. +he = th influence maes ushya respect its roots an! hae a conseratie approach. +heir strong sense of ethics maes them !ecent, hospita"le an! courteous. +hey are neer ulgar. +heir features are fleshy, "ut ushya naties are prone to "ronchial !isor!ers an! prefer goo! foo! an! socia"ility.
enerally, as shining e/amples as mother figures, ushya i!entifies with #brahmavarchasa # brahmavarchasa shakti ' or priestly ualities that ena"le celestial "lessings. Quarters or Padas
4e" Navamsa (3.20%&.'0 a$cer): This quarter is ruled by the 5u$. It is characterized by ai$ity t" the limeli#ht! achieveme$t! *ealth! a$cestral ride! "sitivism ir#" Navamsa (&.'0%-0.00 a$cer): This quarter is ruled by Mercury. It is characterized by ersevera$ce! be$eits " all la$ets ecet e$us 4ibra Navamsa (3.20%&.'0 a$cer): This quarter is ruled by e$us. It is characterized by c"m"rt! s"ciability! c"$"rmity! suericiality 5c"ri" Navamsa (3.20%&.'0 a$cer): This quarter is ruled by Mars. It is characterized by celestial a*are$ess! dee$de$ce! a$d victimizati"$ (ana (ana ushya is a #!ea'6go!ly nashatra, comprising the "eneolent aspects of the presi!ing !eities. Favorable Activities arty, cele"ration, creatiity, trael, tacling enemies, legal ai!, fiscal processes, cooing, gar!ening, religion, pets, i!s, spen!ing time with their mothers, laying foun!ations, construction Unfavorable Activities ;arriage, actiities inoling cruelty an! harshness Measures for Remed ushya naties shoul! worship the ;other o!!ess an! chant the root mantra 7m Kam8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra !uring the month of ausha to alleiate afflictions. earing gol!en, yellow, white an! orange colors is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies ushya a peaceful, esoteric an! faora"le nature. :immy &en!ri/ is a typical ushya natie.
Aslesha – The )er"ent Aslesha Aslesha (1hia an! chant the root mantra 7m ham8 an! 7m Dgam8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing royal colors lie gol!, re! an! yellow is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies ;agha wealth an! lu/ury. +hey are also perseering an! spiritual.
Poorva"hal&uni – The Marria&e Bed
ooraphalguni (13.20 eo-2un an! ;ercury, an! hence the naties are en!owe! with !iscrimination an! *u!gmental faculties. 4nhesitating in its !ealings, 4ttharaphalguni assists the natie in self-e/pression an! creatie pursuits. ther solar traits tae in !ignity, no"ility an! een megalomania, in its negatie connotation. Eonsi!ering the !eious aspect of the solar energy, 4ttharaphalguni lie ;ercury is a tricster. In fact, when in the wrong, they may appear perfectly innocent of the error with a calm !isposition that often maes the conten!er thin twice. 4ttharaphalguni stan!s for in!ness towar!s frien!s an! represents #chayani #chayani shakti ' which refers to the power to accumulate an! prosper. +hey are fle/i"le an! nim"le in appearance. Quarters or Padas
5a#ittarius Navamsa (2&.'0–30.00 4e"): This quarter is ruled by 7uiter. It is characterized by ethics! advis"ry asect! "rtu$e! material ea$si"$ aric"r$ Navamsa (0.00 4e"%3.20 ir#"): This quarter is ruled by 5atur$. It is characterized by "r#a$izati"$! material success Aquarius Navamsa (3.20%&.'0 ir#"): This quarter is ruled by 5atur$. It is characterized by i$tellect! hila$thr"y! servitude! s"cial res"$sibility 8isces Navamsa (&.'0–-0.00 ir#"): This quarter is ruled by 7uiter. It is characterized by i$tellect! *ider h"riz"$! siritual a$d material success Gana: ttharahal#u$i is a /ma$ushya1huma$ $ashatra! i$v"lved i$ material aairs! the "cus bei$# "$ rie$dshi! amily! culture a$d s"ciety. Favorable Activities $eginnings, !ealing with people in power, property acuisition, marriage an! se/ual actiity, ple!ges, rituals, career, paternal actions, tact an! !iplomatic actiities Unfavorable Activities
Cn!ings, confrontations, retaliation, money len!ing Measures for Remed 4ttharaphalguni naties shoul! worship the >un an! chant the ayatri mantra. +hey may also peactice chanting the root mantra 7m Ehham8 an! 7m Im8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing re!, white an! gol!en colors is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies 4ttharaphalguni a nowle!ge seeing power, which en!ows them with a comforta"le liing. arren $eatty an! eorge ashington are typical 4ttharaphalguni naties.
Hastha – The Hand &astha (10.00-23.20 ?irgo) represents the creatiity of the >un. +he wor! &astha translates into the #han!' or it may "e alternatiely transcri"e! as #laughter'. +he significance of the latter is that &astha is often associate! with punning. +he sym"ol of the close! fist gies &astha the a"ility to achiee goals an! goo! manners. In fact, &astha is often associate! with the sun an! the solar principle, as it is relate! to the >un an! its rays. Behavioral Characteristics +he common Cnglish wor!s lie han!, han!y, hassle, haggle, haste, har!, harness etc are sai! to "e !erie! from &astha. +he relation to the well nown greeting Hastha !aniana sym"olies !aniana sym"olies the *oial aspect of the &astha personality an! its relation with en!ings of all types. nce the family in 4ttaraphalguni has "een esta"lishe!, &astha sees to get the househol! going. It maes a!ocacy of ciilie! liing, "y maing e/cellent househol!ers, with apparent seriousness an! *oiality "eneath. +he &astha nashatra may "etray a staright face! e/pression, an! their supple "uil! can han!le arious in!s of manual *o"s. +heir sharp min!s mae for instant solutions along lines of practicality, which maes them !isregar! e/treme romantic attitu!es. +heir mischieous smiles are complemente! "y the lac of a"ility to sit still an! hence the naties are somewhat fi!gety. ften o"sesse! with staying "usy, this asterism lies to complicate apparently simple tass, "ut with a ery high amount of attention to !etail. &astha "orn in!ii!uals e/pect others to "e as meticulous as they are an! are highly critical when their en!s are not met, or e/pectations not realie!. hen relate! with the progeny in the J th house, &astha "orn in!ii!uals are liely to !eelop tension with their chil!ren. In accor!ance with the uniersal scheme of things, &astha "orn persons are associate! with the >ansrit phrase #Hastha #Hastha sthapaniya agama shakti '. '. +his means, the nashatra has the power to put the o"*ect of their !esire within their han!s or power. +he sym"olism of &astha is a representation of attainment of the en! or material o"*ect oer the proce!ure of the attainment. In fact, the ery sym"ol refers to the fact that &astha hol!s the promise of imme!iate acuisition of the !esire! o"*ect "y !int of sheer sill. Quarters or Padas
Aries Navamsa (-0.00–-3.20 ir#"): This quarter is ruled by Mars. It is characterized by abu$da$ce " e$er#y! eert at u$derha$d deali$#s! sills lie math! sur#ery! military! *ith the "cus bei$# "$ a *ell%laced Mars Taurus Navamsa (-3.20%-&.'0 ir#"): This quarter is ruled by e$us. It is characterized by racticality! earthi$ess! erecti"$! erecti"$! material material *ealth! *ealth! h"$esty! h"$esty! art! art! m"rality m"rality ,emi$i Navamsa (-&.'0–20.00 ir#"): This quarter is ruled by Mercury. It is characterized by mercha$t! trade a$d busi$ess sills! sills! career! career! deterity! deterity! clever$ess! clever$ess! i$telli#e i$telli#e$ce! $ce! etra"rdi$ary etra"rdi$ary se$se se$se " erceti"$ erceti"$ a$cer Navamsa (20.00–23.20 ir#"): This quarter is ruled by the M""$. It is characterized by se$se " amily a$d c"mmu$ity! material security! e$"h"bia! ma$iestati"$ " the best a$d the *"rst! "ssibility " havi$# a #""d r"#e$y by by a *ell%laced *ell%laced 7uiter 7uiter ,a$a: ;astha is a /deva1#"dly $ashatra! ruled by 5avitar the be$ev"le$t deity that $ever "ssesses $e#ative acets.
Favorable Activities enerally goo! for all actiities, art an! craft, laughter-in!ucing actiities, pottery, *ewelry !esigning, linguistics, holistic healing proce!ures, magic, sills of han!s, !ealing with i!s, trael, changing homes Unfavorable Activities lanning long term o"*ecties an! aims, se/ual acts, inactiity, rela/ation, e/ecutie maturity, nighttime acts Measures for Remed &astha naties shoul! worship the >un go! an! chant the root mantra 7m :ham8 an! 7m Dyam8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing light colors lie green an! white is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies &astha energy, "ol!ness, an! mercilessness an! thieing ualities. >wami ?ieanan!a is a typical &astha natie, if some of the ualities are ignore!.
Chitra – The Pearl Ehitra (23.20 ?irgo-mith are typical Ehitra naties.
)wathi – The Corn )heaf >wathi (ym"olie! as a young shoot "lown "y the win!, >wathi suggests eery form of !elicacy. Behavioral Characteristics >wathi in!icates "alance an! harmony an! this itself may hae the !ual aspects lie a!herence to i!eals an! the lac of taing a stance. ften, the asterism !oes not hae a particular point of iew, an! !ecisie action can only "e manifeste! in eole! >wathi in!ii!uals. C/treme procrastination is one of the worst traits of >wathi whose openness to i!eas maes it i!eal for learning. &oweer, only a few receie accomplishment in their chosen fiel!. ower >wathi naties may signal lightness, always concerne! with the nee! of coming to a position of sta"ility without the nee! to hurry things up. +his is something that maes >aturn faora"le in this nashatra. +he core "asis of this asterism is futuristic planning an! often they ensure that their long term goals witness success. >wathi naties hae proportione! an! elegant looing "o!ies that is on the slen!er si!e. +hey can easily "e recognie! in a group haing a smiling countenance. +he con*oine! emphasis of 5ahu an! ?enus maes >wathi a "asis of !iplomacy. +hey loe socialiing an! can go to any lengths to achiee that. Eiilie! "ehaior appeals to them lie nothing else an! they often follow mass tren!s "lin!ly. In fact they often
as themseles the uestion, 7ho am I to "low against the win!M8 !espite a clear realiation of the fact that they cannot please eeryone at the same time. >wathi refers to the aspects of in!epen!ence or letting go of the self. It is a constellation that a!ocates in!ii!uality an! this is further realie! with the solar influence that has optimum !e"ilitation. +he spirit of in!ii!uality is not realie! here in its spiritual aspect, although the nature of the conscience is more towar!s the mental an! the material !epen!ing often on certain acuire! sill or talent on an earthly plane. A lot of rich an! wealthy wealthy men of the earth earth hae their nashatr nashatras as in >wathi. >wathi. +he asterism asterism while functioning functioning on its lower lower plane plane can lea! to oerin!ulgence an! a lac of morality. A ma*or part of this nashatra is !emarcate! "y law, fianc@ an! se/uality. Quarters or Padas
5a#ittarius Navamsa (&.'0–-0.00 4ibra): This quarter is ruled by 7uiter. It is characterized by c"mmu$icati"$! *riti$#! "e$ mi$ded$ess aric"r$ Navamsa (-0.00%-3.20 4ibra): This quarter is ruled by 5atur$. It is characterized by materialism! ra#ility! stability! #r"*th! selish$ess! c"mmerce Aquarius Navamsa (-3.20%-&.'0 4ibra): This quarter is ruled by 5atur$. It is characterized by i$tellect! creativity! c""erati"$! $"*led#e! #"al%"rie$ted 8isces Navamsa (-&.'0–20.00 4ibra): This quarter is ruled by 7uiter. It is characterized by leibility! adatability! i$#e$uity! ersevera$ce Gana: 5*athi is a /deva1#"dly $ashatra! c"$ducive t" all i$ds " lear$i$# due t" the rese$ce " 9ahu.
+isha$ha – The Trium"h Arch ?ishaha (20.00 i"ra-3.20 >corpio) is rule! "y Agni an! In!ra an! is a constellation of four stars forming the left half of the scales of i"ra. Agni an! In!ra stan! for heat, power an! authority. ?ishaha is a >tar of urpose an! eoes arious meanings such as !ou"le-"ranche!, fore!, or poison essel. It is also nown as "adha or "adha or #the !elightful'. "adha also "adha also happens to "e the name of or! Krishna's consort. Behavioral Characteristics +he Cnglish wor! #fi/ation' can "est !escri"e the essence of ?ishaha which is mare! "y concentration an! single min!e!ness, although it can "e affecte! "y the nature of the goal it pursues. ith the freuency of unwholesome goals, it is a concern to han!le this impulse within this asterism, as the naties are easy preys to alcohol, !rugs an! se/. ?ishaha naties hae an urge to throng the local "ar. ?ishaha naties hae a *u"ilant aspect to their personality, an! this maes them loe ceremony an! pomp. In case they opt for the pleasure of the senses, they often ten! to turn into party freas. After the triumph of >wati, ?ishaha follows the e/alte! state of cele"ration of this triumph. ith the feeling of emptiness succee!ing eery accomplishment, ?ishaha naties are affecte! "y it throughout their lies. ie fire, they are always concerne! a"out what they lac, instea! of using that they alrea!y hae. In higher ?ishaha naties, the presence of the oi! lea!s to a search for a profoun! truth. +he asterism of ?ishaha is characterie! "y a fierce appearance with slants on their facial features. +he sharp features an! een eyes are complemente! "y a "ehaior that can "e *olly an! courteous, or unpleasant an! !ownright nasty. +hey freuently assume appearances to achiee their en!s, "y hi!ing negatie feelings towar!s others. It is something that leaes them with no frien!s, as they are prie! upon "y eny, *ealousy, etc. In fact, ?ishaha "orn naties are o"sesse! with the negatie feelings an! thoughts an! cannot gie them up. +hus, the fire starts "urning in them, without any real purpose. It can "e sai! that in ?ishaha naties, the consumption can ary "etween the insignificant an! spiritually !estructie to aesthetically cultiating an! eoling. nce the naties hae !eci!e! upon something, they can go to any lengths to achiee their en!s. +his is something goo! as it maes them tae up all in!s of challenges. +hey are face! with twin changes of succum"ing to worseness or consciously follow the right path.
?ishaha maes simple matters comple/ an! ice ersa, "y achieing o"*ecties with resistance an! confrontation. >urmounting o"stacles "y their sense of purpose, ?ishaha asterism often complaining the en! as to whether it was something that they ha! aime! for. Quarters or Padas
Aries Navamsa (20.00–23.20 4ibra): This quarter is ruled by Mars. It is characterized by imulse! e$er#y! s"cial ambiti"$s! a$d c"mmitme$t Taurus Navamsa (23.20%2&.'0 4ibra): This quarter is ruled by e$us. It is characterized by durability! e$dura$ce! materialism ,emi$i Navamsa (2&.'0%30.00 4ibra): This quarter is ruled by Mercury. It is characterized by c"mmu$icati"$! reli#i"$! hil"s"hy! c"$lict! "e$ mi$ded$ess! selish$ess! a$i"us$ess! deceti"$ a$cer Navamsa (00.00%3.20 5c"ri"): This quarter is ruled by the M""$. It is characterized by em"ti"$! tra$s"rmati"$! v"latility! vi$dictive$ess! c"$victi"$ Gana: ishaha is a /rashasa1dem"$ic $ashatra! *hich is diicult t" c"mrehe$d. It c"mletely disre#ards "thers a$d is selish. Favorable Activities ar, e/ecutie a"ility, argument, harshness, mental focus, goal oriente! acts, ceremonies, parties, functions, awar!s, !ecoratie acts, romance, se/uality, penance, resoling Unfavorable Activities ;arriage, trael, "eginnings, tact Measures for Remed ?ishaha naties shoul! worship the 9 ?asus, an! &ari &ara (half >hia, half ?ishnu). +hey shoul! also practice the un!alini6ra*a yoga an! chant the root mantra 7m am8 an! 7m 5am8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing re!, "lue an! gol!en colors is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies ?ishaha *ealousy, gree!. Dicole Ki!man is a typical ?ishaha natie, with her secretie an! o"sessie personality
Anuradha – The ,otus Anura!ha Anura!ha (3.20-1corpio) is goerne! goerne! "y ;itra, ;itra, the the Biine Biine %rien!. %rien!. ItIt fosters fosters "alance "alance an! harmon harmony y in relations relationships, hips, honor honor an! achieement of fame. It is a !estroyer of enemies an! an e/pert in art an! creatiity. Anura!ha Anura!ha translates translates into After After 5a!ha 5a!ha or Another Another 5a!ha. 5a!ha. Alternati Alternatiely, ely, itit can in!icate in!icate #su"seuent #su"seuent successes successes.. Bespite Bespite the lac of of apparent similarity, it is seen that Anura!ha forms a pair with ?ishaha, lie uraphalguni an! 4ttaraphalguni. Behavioral Characteristics Anura!ha Anura!ha focuses focuses on #e/ploration', #e/ploration', which is a *oial *oial com"ina com"ination tion of community, community, people an! an! energy. energy. +hus, +hus, it can also also "e seen seen as a "ri!ge "etween un-agreea"le forces. Anura!ha engen!ers communication "etween e/tremes lie the youthful an! ol!, immature an! mature, highly eole! an! lesser eole!, an! also "etween races an! castes. It is a uniersal solent, the asterism of reolutionaries, an! is a"le to see through the faeness of society, politics an! the economy. +he ery aspect of openness of Anura!ha !oes not in!icate lac of !iscrimination, as they can "e e/tremely "iase! an! cautious of allowing people into their circle. ith the energies of all nashatras "eing utilie! to negatie en!s, Anura!ha is an easy prey
to friolousness. Anura!ha naties happen to "e !rien "y logic an! are attracte! to math, physics an! the material sciences. It is a constellation that can effortlessly seam through in!epen!ent thought, logic an! intuition. Anura!ha Anura!ha "orn persons persons are o"sesse! o"sesse! with num"er num"ers s an! this this is why they they are intereste! intereste! in numerology, numerology, statistic statistics s an! the the occult. occult. +he spiritual eolement of Anura!ha engen!ers an all-encompassing ista. +hey hae stout an! hairy "o!ies with a prominent chest an! protru!ing "elly as they mature in age. +heir countenance is frien!ly an! the eyes gie out a hint of secrecy at times. $ehaiorally, they may swing from the passie to the e/u"erant. $ri!ging people an! groups is !one effortlessly "y Anura!ha, who hae a sensitie interior !espite their tough faa!e. +he uncompromising e/terior maes them goo! lea!ers. +hey !irect their energy through some !eity, cause or cosmic energy. Bue to the element of curiosity, Anura!ha loes trael, especially to foreign lan!s, as they can easily a!apt to foreign surroun!ings. Anura!ha Anura!ha is associat associate! e! with with #ara!hana #ara!hana shati' shati' or or the power power of worship. worship. +he +he ascen!ing ascen!ing sym"olis sym"olism m oer the !escen!in !escen!ing g helps the asterism un!erstan! "oth higher an! lower planes. Quarters or Padas
4e" Navamsa (3.20%&.'0 5c"ri"): This quarter is ruled by the 5u$. It is characterized by i$$er realizati"$! ride! career "rie$ted ar"ach ir#" Navamsa (&.'0%-0.00 5c"ri"): This quarter is ruled by Mercury. It is characterized by i$tellect! discili$e! lear$i$#! discrimi$ati"$! "r#a$izati"$! ulillme$t! a$d cate#"rizati"$ 4ibra Navamsa (-0.00%-3.20 5c"ri"): This quarter is ruled by e$us. It is characterized by creativity! b"hemia! "ccultism! sel%u$d"i$#! a$d s"ciability 5c"ri" Navamsa (-3.20%-&.'0 5c"ri"): This quarter is ruled by Mars. It is characterized by stru##le! assi"$! a$d es"teric ar"ach Gana: A$uradha is a /deva1#"dly $ashatra! *ith te$der dis"siti"$ that sees harm"$y a$d u$dersta$di$# at all levels "r a c"mm"$ cause. Favorable Activities roups, research, me!itation, occult stu!y, foreign affairs, healing, frien!ship, accounts6finances, reflectie, secretieness Unfavorable Activities ;arriage, confrontation, mun!ane actions, inaugurations Measures for Remed Anura!ha Anura!ha naties naties shoul! shoul! worship worship the the 12 A!ityas, A!ityas, primarily primarily ;itra, ;itra, an! an! chant chant the root root mantra mantra 7m 7m Am8 Am8 an! 7m 7m Im8 Im8 109 times times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing mo!erate colors is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies Anura!ha a traeler, wealthy, an! focuse! on satisfying their hunger as they cannot go without foo! for long. %rie!rich Dietsche is a typical Anura!ha natie
-eshta – The Umbrella
:yeshta (1corpio) is rule! "y the 5uler of o!s, or! In!ra. +he name literally translates into the el!er one or the senior one an! it hol!s true for that which is characterie! "y supreme glory.
In!ra is the protector of heroes an! it is he who is the !iine slayer an! warrior. ?e!ic astrologers are of the opinion that at some point of time, there were 19 nashatras use! an! :yeshta happene! to "e the final constellation. Behavioral Characteristics :yeshta is goerne! "y a sense of "ecoming or arrial. In fact, it completes the secon! series of nine nashatras starting with ;agha. +he latter series of nashatras are more concerne! with actiities on an earthly plane. %or :yeshta, it is important to maintain an image. +he naties !o all they can to impress others an! maintain the respect of other people. In the !esire to a"i!e "y the esta"lishe! norms, :yeshta is a goo! performer where charity, philanthropy, respect an! in!ness are concerne!. +hus, it is sai! that :yeshta in ancient times comman!e! the respect of society. resently, when the worl! is characterie! with e/cesses of materialism, :yeshta at times !ries its energy towar!s useless materia materiall pursui pursuits ts that ten! towar!s towar!s self self !estruc !estruction tion.. &ence, &ence, the :yesht :yeshta a characte characters rs are manifes manifeste! te! as corrup corruptt politic politician ians, s, stereotype! mo" lea!ers, "ureaucratic managers an! the lie. ersons with the :yeshta asterism mature uicly "oth physically as well as mentally. +heir appearances are usually well proportione! in accor!ance with the nee! for harmony. &oweer, they cannot hol! on to their youth for a long time. +he "est feature of their physiue is their pro"ing an! penetrating eyes. Daties of :yeshta ten! to see their woes as larger than life. &ence, they are often foun! complaining, moaning an! groaning. A strong influence of the energy of :yeshta is the African continent, an! hence it is no won!er that the musical genre of +he $lues hae foun! their roots here. :yeshta naties are also in!ictie an! engeful. :yeshta is also protectie of the wea, an! can go to any lengths to protect the un!erpriilege!, an! are gui!e! "y the elite forces. Quarters or Padas >agittarius Daamsa (1corpio) +his uarter is rule! "y :upiter. It is characterie! "y finance, family, e/treme economic con!itions Eapricorn Eapricorn Daamsa (20.00-23.20 (20.00-23.20 >corpio) >corpio) +his uarter uarter is rule! "y >aturn. >aturn. It is characterie! characterie! "y responsi"ility responsi"ility,, protectieness protectieness,, challenge, selfishness, materialism Auarius Auarius Daamsa (23.20-2tar', >tar', ooras oorasha!a ha!a is relate! with !eclarat !eclarations ions of warfare, warfare, "eing "eing rule! rule! "y the the o! of is!om. oorasha!a is !enote! "y the han! fan, an! naties of this asterism are "oth confi!ent an! intelligent. Behavioral Characteristics oorasha!a has strong "elief in itself an! consi!ers itself as ininci"le. +hus, most of the ininci"le ualities of the o!iac >agittarius such as am"ition, a!enture, faith, e/u"erance an! philosophy fin! their roots to this nashatra. $eing an optimistic constellation, oorasha!a lacs the impatience as it is prepare! to follow the rules of time. Instea! of "eing intimi!ate! "y set"acs, oorasha!a rather appears to "e inspire! "y it, which may at times wor against its faor. >ometimes, oorasha!a naties are characterie! "y unrealistic hopes, which can "e taen care of "y "alancing nashatras in their horoscope. +he energy of oorasha!a in!icates performing the tas right away an! this is sometimes insensitie of them. It maes them more warring an! !estructie which "rings sorrow an! regret. +he cautious nature of the naties maes them slow in performing certain imme!iate tass an! this may aggraate the intensity of the situation at han!. +heir fresh looout contains the power to em"e! life in things that are not as fortunate as they are. +heir nonchalance contri"utes to the *oy of liing eery moment an! oercome a!ersities. &ence their aim is to always get a goo! life. Eertain in!s of the oorasha!a asterism ten! to get e/cite! once their goal is achiee! an! this is also a part of their inherent nature. oorasha!a is "orn to show them off, an! they simply loe it. +heir creatie perception is also worth mentioning as !espite their som"er e/pression, they can "rea into a smile any time. &onesty is a oorasha!a trait, "ut then they !elight in secrecy to a certain e/tent. oorasha!a i!entifies with 7 varchograhan shakti 8 which refers to the power to instill inigoration, with their strong "on!ing an! strength to eliminate confusion at a cosmic leel. Quarters or Padas
4e" Navamsa (-3.20%-&.'0 5a#ittarius): This quarter is ruled by the 5u$. It is characterized by ride! c"$ide$ce! a$d sirituality ir#" Navamsa (-&.'0%20.00 5a#ittarius): This quarter is ruled by Mercury. It is characterized by c"mmu$icati"$! i$tellect! ersevera$ce! materialism 4ibra Navamsa (20.00%23.20 5a#ittarius): This quarter is ruled by e$us. It is characterized by luury! l"ve! art$ershi! art$ershi! materiali materialism sm 5c"ri" Navamsa (23.20%2&.'0 5a#ittarius): This quarter is ruled by Mars. It is characterized by secrecy! mystery! arr"#a$ce! "ccultism! material erversity Gana: 8""rvashada is a /ma$usha1huma$ $ashatra! a$d dislays huma$ qualities i$ all its etremes. Favorable Activities Eourageous situations, settling !e"ts, maing a statement, inspiration, inciting, warring, confrontation, reitaliation, healing, isiting auatic places, a!enture, spirituality, euine actions, art, ancient sites, marriage, se/uality, confi!ence, water actiities, worshipping female !eities Unfavorable Activities +act, !iplomacy, reflection, promise, lan!-"ase! *ourney Measures for Remed oorasha!a naties shoul! worship o!!ess a/mi, alita an! +ripurasun!ari, an! chant the root mantra 7m $am8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing ornate an! arie! pastel colors lie white, light pin6"lue is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results.
Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies oorasha!a a prou! !isposition an! maes them suita"le for spousal relationships. A!olf &itler is a typical oorasha!a natie.
Uttharashada – The !le"hant Tus$ 4ttharasha!a (2agittarius-10.00 Eapricorn) stan!s for the ape/ of the cosmic energy. It is sym"olie! "y an elephant's tus, "eing goerne! "y ?ishwa Bea or 4niersal o!s, which maes it a permanent nashatra. 4ttharasha!a can "e translate! into seeral meanings such as the 7atter Ininci"le ne8 or the 7atter 4nconuere!8. It is ei!ent from the import of the meaning that 4ttharasha!a is more focuse! on the en! goal. Behavioral Characteristics +he asterism concentrates on tra!ition, elegance, courtesy an! authority although 4ttharasha!a is also feature! with introspection, positiism an! an en!uring aura. In fact, the ery essence of 4ttharasha!a in!icates someone whose opinions can "e relie! upon. +hey can "e counte! on to "egin new entures an! enterprises an! completing them as well. +he energy of 4ttharasha!a is pioneering an! in!ustrious an! most of its practicality an! goal oriente! attri"utes can "e foun! in the o!iac of Eapricorn. 4ttharasha!a as a nashatra is concerne! with or!er, symmetry an! structural facets an! this maes them a!here to the essences of respect an! conformity. +he association with ancestry maes them tra!itionalists so much so that they ingrain these alues in their personal life as well. &oweer, >aturn also preails in this asterism an! this is an influence that can mae the 4ttharasha!a naties rigi!, remote, an! harsh lie the elephant's tus. 4ttharasha!a is entirely intolerant of something that is not respecta"le. +he philosophical an! spiritual motiations of 4ttharasha!a are geare! towar!s !eriing practical solutions. +he se/ual energy of this nashatra is !enote! "y the mongoose, which happens to "e one of the few animals that can !efeat a snae, an! hence 4ttharasha!a is a sym"ol of eerything Ashlesha is not. +hey are also positione! opposite each other in the < th, Fth an! 9th houses. +hese 2 nashatras engage in fran !islie an! warfare. 4ttharasha!a har!ly tolerates !eception, *ust as the mongoose is cunning. +he mongoose fin!s cleer means to fin! its way ahea! of tense or !ifficult situations. In fact, the natural energy of 4ttharasha!a maes it tae up challenging tass that are easy for them. +he spiritual "asis of this constellation is that it uncoers the illusion of the soul. +he 4ttharasha!a energy is represente! "y 7apra!hrishya shati8 or the power to gie permanent ictory. +he alliances with higher forces of goo! are represente! "y the ictory of righteousness oer unrighteousness. Quarters or Padas
5a#ittarius Navamsa (2&.'0–30.00 5a#ittarius): This quarter is ruled by Mercury. It is characterized by c"mmu$icati"$! c"$ide$ce! a$d ea$sive$ess aric"r$ Navamsa (00.00–3.20 5a#ittarius): This quarter is ruled by 5atur$. It is characterized by materialism! determi$ati"$! ers"$ality! *"rldli$ess Aquarius Navamsa (3.20–&.'0 5a#ittarius): This quarter is ruled by 5atur$. It is characterized by amily! accumulati"$! c"llective$ess 8isces Navamsa (2&.'0–30.00 5a#ittarius): This quarter is ruled by 7uiter. It is characterized by hysical "*erul$ess! "*erul$ess! materi materialism! alism! siritua sirituality! lity! abu$da$t abu$da$t e$er#y e$er#y Gana: ttharashada is a /ma$usha1huma$ $ashatra! si$ce all the residi$# deities are characterized *ith terrestrial aairs. Favorable Activities $eginnings, foun!ations, spiritual, religion, or!er, !iscernment, promotions, contracts, art, politics, law, entering new home, *u!gment *u!gment
Unfavorable Activities +rael, conclusions or any in! of en!ings, illegal actiities, preents unethical an! ru!e "ehaior of any in! Measures for Remed 4ttharasha!a naties shoul! worship or! anesha an! chant the root mantra 7m $ha8 an! 7m $ham8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing colors lie orange, yellow an! sha!es such as light "lue is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies 4ttharasha!a pleasant, mo!est an! grateful appearance. >wami ?ieanan!a was "orn with 4ttharasha!a rising on his ascen!ant.
)hravana – The Arrow >hraana (10.00-23.20 Eapricorn) is goerne! "y the all-pera!ing energy of or! ?ishnu, the Ereator. It represents the clima/ of the lunar energy an! is shown in the celestial horion as the eagle. >hraana is rule! "y the ;oon, an! is sym"olie! "y triple footprints. In fact, the ery term #>hraana' can "e translate! into seeral meanings lie #hearing' an! #someone who wals "y limping'. +he latter meaning refers to the three footprints of ?ishnu. >hraana is also translates into #Asattha' or the sacre! pipal tree which has e/traor!inary ?e!ic significance. Behavioral Characteristics Amica"ility Amica"ility this is the wor! wor! that !efines >hraana >hraana that "eliees in maintaini maintaining ng peace peace with the surroun!in surroun!ings gs an! "e *ust in its approach. Ealculation, although when !eelope! in higher motiations, is totally unselfish. Bespite "eing unyiel!ing an! o"stinate, >hraana in!icates a positie nature as well. In all its perseerance, >hraana sel!om prefers leaing things mi!way. +hus, when any in! of actiity is initiate! in >hraana, it is certain that it will "e complete!. n the flip si!e, >hraana is characterie! with shrew!ness an! this along with har! wor an! nowle!ge, is use! for attaining selfish en!s. +he a"ility to listen, acuire an! impart meaning is usually lost in manipulation, gossip an! "a!-mouthing. As a nashatra that is oriente! towar!s achieing what it aims at, >hraana ten!s to "ecome harmful when the goals are unprinciple! an! not fully recognie!. ne commonly foun! !isa!antage is narrow-min!e!ness. &ere, the ego nee!s to "e tone! to a certain e/tent an! hence there is the ris that they may not always follow the right path. ration, organiational a"ilities an! material pursuits are a few of the aspects that characterie this asterism. In fact, the a"ility to organie things has incorporate! a negatie connotation in recent times. +he social inolement of >hraana maes it faora"le for pu"lic !ealings. +he "usiness-lie approach to things is howeer ery cor!ial. >hraana ascen!ing can mae the person crafty, alert an! receptie. &oweer, too much of generosity an! mo!esty can often lea! to their !oom. +he >hraana constellation is not faora"le for rearing chil!ren, from whom they !erie little happiness. +he power of the asterism relates to #apra!hrishya shati' or the power to attri"ute final ictory. Quarters or Padas
Aries Navamsa (-0.00–-3.20 aric"r$): This quarter is ruled by Mars. It is characterized by ambiti"$! career! l"#ic! i$itiative Taurus Navamsa (-3.20%-&.'0 aric"r$): This quarter is ruled by e$us. It is characterized by dil"macy! c"urtesy! tact! ersevera$ce ,emi$i Navamsa (-&.'0–20.00 aric"r$): This quarter is ruled by Mercury. It is characterized by leibility! cu$$i$#! lear$i$#! c"mmu$icati"$ a$cer Navamsa (20.00–23.20 aric"r$): This quarter is ruled by the M""$. It is characterized by recetivity! mass% "rie$ted ar"ach! a$d symathy
,a$a: 5hrava$a is a /deva1#"dly $ashatra! si$ce the residi$# deity! 4"rd ish$u! is a #"d *ith all the #e$tle qualities *ith"ut bei$# cruel. Favorable Activities 5ituals, performances, "eginnings, me!ical, preention, social interaction, rea!ing, writing, music, me!itation, philosophy, se/uality, peacefulness, organiation, her"s, me!icines, politics, clothes, items for home "usiness, trael, charity Unfavorable Activities Aggression, Aggression, riss, riss, lawsuits, lawsuits, len!ing, len!ing, war, war, manual manual la"or, la"or, promises promises,, oaths, !emolishing, !emolishing, en!ing ol! things, things, marriage marriage ceremony, ceremony, a!opting chil!ren Measures for Remed >hraana naties shoul! worship or! ?ishnu in all his incarnations an! chant the root mantra 7m ;am8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing white an! light "lue is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies >hraana a scholarly appearance an! a "roa!min!e! spouse. +he famous "o/er ;ohamme! Ali is a typical >hraana natie.
'hanishta – The Flute Bhanishta (23.20 Eapricorn-hia &ari &ara, an! chant the root mantra 7m am8 an! 7m 5am8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing re!, gol! an! "lue is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies Bhanishta a li"eral, wealthy an! rich appearance. A5 5ahman is a typical Bhanishta natie.
Sathabhisa – The Empty Circle >atha"hisa (atha"hisa forms the climactic state of 5ahu's functioning. +he spelling is also Sathabhisak , which implies #a hun!re! physicians' or #a hun!re! me!icines' or #ma!e of a hun!re! healers'. Alternatiely Alternatiely,, the other other term term for for >atha"hisa >atha"hisa is Shatataraka or Shatataraka or #a hun!re! stars', as the astrologers saw the constellation as comprise! of hun!re! stars. Behavioral Characteristics +he single an! most important aspect that separates >atha"hisa from other nashatras is secrecy, although there are other nashatras lie Anura!ha, urasha!ha an! :yestha can "e secretie too. In fact, >atha"hisa !eries its life force from the power of concealment. +his asterism sees that which is hi!!en an! gains power from it, *ust as there are lots of things hi!!en in the chest of the ocean. >atha"hisa is concerne! with the electronic me!ia which is "ase! on !eception an! secretieness. ith a suspicious perspectie, >atha"hisa taes time to acclimatie itself to situations, although this maes them stay on guar!, an! "eing highly secretie, others often fin! it !ifficult to approach them. +his maes >atha"hisa naties reclusie to a goo! e/tent. +hey are also introerts an! eccentric. >oling pules an! uncoering truths come easily to them. +o get to the heart of things, >atha"hisa taes on an unflinching an! silent stance. ften, they "lurt the unpleasant truth at inopportune moments. %ran speech may at times hin!er achieement for >atha"hisa. A strong influence of this constellation maes them lac e!ucation in their chil!hoo!. +hey hae their own set of rules to follow an! their col!ness entirely suppresses their emotions. >atha"hisa mars the culminating energy of the element of air which maes them core intellectuals an! philosophers.
ac of tra!itional charm an! "eauty howeer har!ly ro"s the appeal of >atha"hisa that has a shy !isposition with a ten!ency to e/plo!e freuently. +hey are ulnera"le, enterprising an! mo!erate. #$hesha*a shati' or #power to heal' em"o!ies the call of this nashatra. Quarters or Padas
5a#ittarius Navamsa (&.'0–-0.00 Aquarius): This quarter is ruled by 7uiter. It is characterized by luc! "timism! a$d hila$thr"y! hila$thr"y! cause%seci cause%seciic ic aric"r$ Navamsa (-0.00%-3.20 Aquarius): This quarter is ruled by 5atur$. It is characterized by "r#a$izati"$! racticality! racticality! ambiti"$ ambiti"$ Aquarius Navamsa (-3.20%-&.'0 Aquarius): This quarter is ruled by 5atur$. It is characterized by visi"$! hil"s"hy! rebelli"us$ess! ecce$tricity 8isces Navamsa (-&.'0–20.00 Aquarius): This quarter is ruled by 7uiter. It is characterized by illusi"$! ea$sive$ess! c"massi"$! h"listic heali$# Gana: 5athabhisa is a /rashasa1dem"$ic $ashatra! si$ce all its residi$# deity sees secrecy a$d may be $e#ative i$ their ar"ach i$ diselli$# atachme$ts. Favorable Activities $usiness !ealing, contracts, real estate, e!ucation, nowle!ge, recreation, ehicle, "iing, traeling, astronomy, astrology, me!icine, re*uenation therapy, marine, technology Unfavorable Activities $eginning, chil!"irth, marriage, fertility healing, lawsuit, arguments, socia"ility, finance, clothes an! accessories, househol! chores Measures for Remed >atha"hisa naties shoul! worship or! >hia an! chant the root mantra 7m am8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing electric colors an! neon "lue is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies >atha"hisa harsh an! cruel speech. In!epen!ence in thought often maes them act without regar!ing its conseuences. 5oc star Clis resley is a typical >atha"hisa natie.
Poorvabhadra"ada – The Front ,e&s of the 'eathbed oora"ha!rapa!a (20.00 Auarius-3.20 isces) is goerne! "y A*a Capa!, the one-legge! snae. >ym"olic of the two-face! man, the energies of oora"ha!rapa!a signify enhance! spiritual aspiration. Benote! "y a couple of stars, oora"ha!rapa!a maes an almost perpen!icular straight line to the "elt of ellipsis at the intersection of Auarius an! isces. oora"ha!rapa!a can "e translate! into #the preious with lucy feet' or #the former with feet of a stool' (Purvaprosthapada ( Purvaprosthapada). ). Behavioral Characteristics +he ery nature of oora"ha!rapa!a is concerne! with a sense of transformation an! transition. +he asterism is often !enote! "y the term #!ia"olical' as !e"auchery, iolence, maca"re pursuits, untruths, moroseness an! iolence is ascri"e! to it. An intense nashatra, oora"ha!rapa!a manifests its negatie energies through its egocentricity. oora"ha!rapa!a aims to tae in the un!erstan!ing of things that are negatie from an o"*ectie stan!point.
oora"ha!rapa!a naties are perseering an! sincere, !espite lacing in wholesome pursuits. ften, they are prepare! to scale any heights for realiing their goals. +his is not ery positie all the time since it in!ulges them in "a! arma. +he constellation i!entifies "oth with the persecutor an! the persecute!, an! hence most mur!erers an! practitioners of homici!es an! genoci!es "elong to this star. In a higher an! eole! form, oora"ha!rapa!a ten! to see self-mortification, an! not the in!ignity of others. +he famous sage ?ishwamitra of &in!u mythology is sai! to hae e/ploite! the energies of this nashatra. &ence, a lot of sages till this !ay are prepare! to un!ergo e/treme penance for realiing their o"*ecties. &oweer, the "asic nature of these naties is to eep their e/tremities an! pursuits to themseles. +heir oerly grae countenance is mare! "y seerity an! nerousness, confronting others at the slightest instant, an! "ehaing e/tremely cor!ially at gatherings. &eay metal roc concerts an! the maca"re attract oora"ha!rapa!a. +he eole! nature of this asterism teaches them to fight the "a! which is !emonstrate! in creatie artists an! performers channeling the negatie energies of their asterism through e/pression of their art. Daties of oora"ha!rapa!a are often miserly an! un!ergo pho"ia an! perersion. oora"ha!rapa!a fin!s e/pression through 7yajamana 7yajamana shakti 8 or the power to eleate the eolutionary platform. Quarters or Padas
Aries Navamsa (20.00–23.20 Aquarius): This quarter is ruled by Mars. It is characterized by a##ressi"$! me$tal e$er#y! vi"le$ce! ster$ determi$ati"$ Taurus Navamsa (23.20%2&.'0 Aquarius): This quarter is ruled by e$us. It is characterized by i$dul#e$ce! ma$iestati"$ " 8""rvabhadraada qualities ,emi$i Navamsa (2&.'0%30.00 Aquarius): This quarter is ruled by Mercury. It is characterized by c"mmu$icati"$! curi"sity a$cer Navamsa (00.00%3.20 8isces): This quarter is ruled by the M""$. It is characterized by diab"lism! etreme be$ev"le$ce be$ev"le$ce "r vi"le$ce! vi"le$ce! s"ciabilit s"ciability y Gana: 8""rvabhadraada is a /ma$usha1huma$ $ashatra! alth"u#h eectati"$ *"uld lie us t" have it as dem"$ic. ;"*ever! the edas say that huma$s are m"re caable " si$ tha$ dem"$s. Favorable Activities Bangerous, uncertainty, ris, mechanisms, technology, funerals, conclusions, !eath, agriculture, water Unfavorable Activities $eginnings, initiations, marriage, se/ual actiity, !ealing with higher authorities Measures for Remed oora"ha!rapa!a naties shoul! worship or! >hia, practice karma yoga an! yoga an! chant the root mantra 7m ?am8 an! 7m >ham8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing light colors is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies oora"ha!rapa!a a financially wealthy aspect, which may "e place! at the serice of their partners. 5oc star ;ichael :acson is a typical oora"ha!rapa!a natie.
Uttarabhadra"ada – The Bac$ ,e&s of the 'eathbed 4ttara"ha!rapa!a (3.20-1un. &oweer, the wrath of 4ttara"ha!rapa!a is controlle! an! su"lime an! therefore een when it is at its worst, it is less !epriing or cruel "y nature. Eharacterie! "y reason an! logic, 4ttara"ha!rapa!a ensures that the er!ict is "est for all the parties inole!. It might "e mentione! here that this nashatra refers to the vana prastha stage prastha stage of human life, which inoles seerance from all worl!ly an! material ties. +he aspects ruling this stage are secretieness, reclusion, an! respite from worl!ly !uties. 4ttara"ha!rapa!a is hence associate! with 7varshodyamana 7varshodyamana shakti 8 which in!icates the power to "ring rainfall. +his hence relates to the all-encompassing capacity of the asterism an! the cosmic sea of conscience an! consciousness. Quarters or Padas
4e" Navamsa (3.20%&.'0 8isces): This quarter is ruled by the 5u$. It is characterized by determi$ati"$! ambiti"$! a$d ride ir#" Navamsa (&.'0%-0.00 8isces): This quarter is ruled by Mercury. It is characterized by c"mmu$icati"$! calculati"$! la$$i$# 4ibra Navamsa (-0.00%-3.20 8isces): This quarter is ruled by e$us. It is characterized by bala$ce! "b=ectivity! assivity assivity 5c"ri" Navamsa (-3.20%-&.'0 8isces): This quarter is ruled by Mars. It is characterized by "ccultism! mystery! e$er#y Gana: ttarabhadraada is a /ma$usha1huma$ $ashatra! *ith active i$dul#e$ce i$ huma$ matters! desite its ai$ity t" hi#her eiste$ce. Favorable Activities >erenity, research, !iination, psychology, me!itation, promises, marriage, "eginnings an! initiations, finance, healing, se/uality, naming chil!ren an! firms, gar!ening Unfavorable Activities +rael, lawsuits, litigations, confrontation, speculation, swiftness, len!ing finances, moement, e/ertion Measures for Remed 4ttara"ha!rapa!a naties shoul! worship or! >hia, or! ?ishnu or the o!!ess Burga, an! chant the root mantra 7m >ham8 an! 7m >am8 109 times !uring the lunar transition of this nashatra to alleiate afflictions. earing psyche!elic colors is also recommen!e!. All important actions shoul! correspon! to the course of this constellation for "est results. Miscellaneous In the wor!s of Varahamihira, Varahamihira, the lunar influence gies Ashwini pleasant appearance, irtue an! goo! communication prowess. 5a"in!ranath +agore is a typical 4ttara"ha!rapa!a natie
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