1033173 Plant QRQC Form

April 2, 2017 | Author: kobra287 | Category: N/A
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Short Description

1033173 Plant QRQC Form...


QRQC - 8D (Quick Response Quality Control)


Date Opened:

Meeting Dates:

5W / 2H´s 1st Problem Definition

Milestone Review D3: Quality Manager / Owner / Production Mgr. Definition of incident is clear ?


D1 to D3 1-24 hours

D6: QRQC Owner: Production Mgr. / Logistic Mgr. / Quality Mgr. etc. Name/ Signature:


D8: Responsible Mgr: Plant / Quality Mgr. / Production Mgr etc. Name/ Signature:

D2- Problem Description

Team: (D1)



Tracking Data

What is the problem?

Part Number, Revision, & Part Name:

Why is it a ptoblem?

Affected Customer:

When the problem happened? When was the problem created?

Risks on similar processes, machines, plants?

Who found the problem? Who created the problem?

Is there a safety risk? If yes, explain.

Where was the problem found? Where was the problem created?

Problem Statement: (Used for initiating the root cause analysis. Shall define the following: Object (what is having the problem) & Defect (what is wrong or abnormal / undesirable)

How the problem was found ?

D5 to D8

How many? How Big?


Provide OK and NOK parts at the beginning of the analysis.



Need to warn other plants/R&D?

D3 – Temporary Countermeasures

Containment Actions




Lot no.

Effective (Y/N)

New Risk Detected (Y/N)

Comments/ Conclusions

D4 – Possible Cause & Root Cause D4.1 Why did it escape?

D4.2 Why was it made?

D4.3 Why wasn't it prevented

Why 1:

Why 1:

Why 1:

Why 2:

Why 2:

Why 2:

Why 3:

Why 3:

Why 3:

Why 4:

Root Cause 1:

Why 4:

Root Cause 2:

Root Cause 3:

Root Cause 1:

Why 4:

Root Cause 2:

Root Cause 3:

Root Cause 1:

Root Cause 2:

Root Cause 3:

How were these root causes verified / validated? If you reject any of these root causes, why? How were these root causes verified / validated? If you reject any of these root causes, why?

How were these root causes verified / validated? If you reject any of these root causes, why?

What data / evidence supports this event as the root cause? (Attach it) Example : Measurement, Sorting, Testing, etc.

What data / evidence supports this event as the root cause? (Attach it) Example : Measurement, Sorting, Testing, etc.

What data / evidence supports this event as the root cause? (Attach it) Example : Measurement, Sorting, Testing, etc.

D5 - Corrective Actions & D6 - Verify Results (Process, Machines, Standards, Hazard identification, risk assessment and determining controls) Permanent Corrective Actions




Lot no.

Effective (Y/N)

New Risk Detected (Y/N)

Verification Method

Verified by: & Date

D3 & D5. Indicators follow-up by date of Manufacture/ Occurrence / Action Implemented

D7 – Prevent Recurrence Who needs to be informed of the solution?

How did you verify this will prevent recurrence?

What did you change that will prevent recurrence of the root cause?

Was the Master FMEA (DFMEA/PFMEA) updated? If yes, list document number, if Was the Master Control Plan, First piece inspection, operator instruction, no explain why not? maintenance plan, etc., updated? If yes, list document number, if no explain why not?

Was Lesson Learned Created? If yes list format of lesson & location, if no explain why not?

Explain how the lesson learned was shared with other facilities.

Was the corrective actions implemented on the similar products?

What went well in this investigation? / What did not go well?

D8 - Congratulate the team

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