10.3 Revision: Example: The Children Have Eaten All of The Biscuits. All of / All of The / All

April 1, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download 10.3 Revision: Example: The Children Have Eaten All of The Biscuits. All of / All of The / All...



Йьрц9 Mdgdrfb Йьрц9 Mdgdrfb Dgmbosh


Ьрзедкт9 Tppdr-Ogtdrjdcoftd Ьрзедкт9 Tppdr-Ogtdrjdcoftd  


60.< UD^O\OAG 6. MUFJJFU PUFLSOLD. Lajpbdtd PUFLSOLD. Lajpbdtd thd sdgtdglds woth thd larrdlt warc(s).   Dxfjpbd9  Shd lhobcrdg hfvd dftdg fbb an thd eosluots. thd eosluots. fbb an / fbb an thd / fbb  6 Gdothdr Soj QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQ Fbfstfor lfg lajd ag Nrocfy “ thdy‟rd taa eusy. ar / fgc / gar  5 Shd tfbk osg‟t iust nar ugovdrsoty stucdgts “ QQ QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQ lfg lajd.  Fbb / Fgyagd / Fbb an stucdgts

< QQQQQQQQ pdapbd pdapbd og thd lrawc hfc lajd ta sdd thd nordwarks.  J ast an thd / Jast thd / Shd jast  3 Ot‟s f shfjd thft thdrd frdg‟t QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQ pbflds bdnt ag thd lruosd. fgy / sajd / ga 4 ]d try ta ma nar f wfbk QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQ cfy, fgc sajdtojds ca f bag bagm m agd ag \ugcfys. fbb / dvdry / fbb thd > Kdvog‟s juj anndrdc us sajd sfgcwolhds, eut QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQ an us wdrd hugm hugmry. ry. ga / fgy / gagd = Hdbdg‟s f vdmdtfrofg. \hd cadsg‟t cadsg‟t dft QQQQQQQQ nosh ar jdft. dothdr / eath / gdothdr  8 QQQQQQ og thos raaj edbagms edbagms ta jd - ot wfs lajpbdtdby djpty whdg O taak ot. Jast ot. Jast an / Dvdrythogm / Fbb  ? Shdrd‟s QQQQQQQQ jobk. Ca yau yau bokd ebflk lanndd1 gagd / ga / fgy 60 _au lfg hfvd dothdr lrdfj QQQQQQQQ old-lrdfj woth yaur yaur nruot. gar / ar / fgc  Lajpbd pbdtd td thd thd sdgt sdgtdg dglds lds wot woth h f/fg, thd, ar “ (ga frtolbd). 5. Laj   Dxfjpbd9  Jy erathdr hfs iust eaumht f gdw lajputdr.

6 Bdt‟s ma ta thd lafst lafst tacfy. O nddb bokd O gddc ta sdd QQQthdQQQQQ QQQthdQQQQQ sdf. 5 Ot‟s ?. QQQ-QQQQQ Bfkd Bfkd ]ogcdrjdrd og thd Bfkd Costrolt os thd bfrmdst bfkd og Dg Dgmbfgc. mbfgc. = Ft gdfrby =,000 jdtrds, Flaglfmuf os thd homhdst homhdst jaugtfog og QQQthdQQQQQ F Fgcds. gcds. 8 \hfkdspdfrd just hfvd eddg QQQQQQfQQ mdgous mdgous ta wrotd fbb thasd pbfys. pbfys. ? O‟j maogm ta QQQ-QQQQQ QQQ-QQQQQ ugovdrsoty tajarraw ta hdfr f tfbk ag mdg mdgdtols. dtols. 60 Ot‟s 66.00 fgc yau‟vd eddg up sogld >.00. _au rdfbby shaubc ma ta QQQQ-QQQQ edc. PUFLSOLD. Lajpbdtd thd warcs og thd sdgtdglds. Pdapbd wha wark woth lholkdgs frd thd jast jast bokdby ta ed ogndltdc QQQQQQQQ ey thd vorus. = \ajdtojds agd slodgtost lajds up woth f thdary, fgc fgathdr agd pravd QQQQQQQQ ot bftdr. 8 \lodgtosts hfvd ta lfrry QQQQQQQQ aut rdpdftdc dxpdrojdgts dxpdrojdgts ta lhdlk thd rdsubts frd rdbofebd. ? Ag jy wfbk O lfjd flrass f mdabamost QQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQ wha wfs stucyogm thd ralks ag thd sauth lafst. 60 ‘Durdkf!‟ os f warc thft‟s stobb fssaloftdc woth jfiar slodgtonol coslavdrods QQQQQQQQ. 3. Lhaa Lhaasd sd twa warcs warcs fgc fgc put thdj thdj tamdthd tamdthdrr og thd larrd larrdlt lt arcdr arcdr woth fgc ar ar ta jfkd phrfsds.



Йьрц9 Mdgdrfb Йьрц9 Mdgdrfb Dgmbosh

  6 5 < 3 4


Ьрзедкт9 Tppdr-Ogtdrjdcoftd Ьрзедкт9 Tppdr-Ogtdrjdcoftd  


Dxfjpbd9  euttdr / kgond / erdfc erdfc fgc euttdr  podld pod ldss / thog thogms ms / eots eots QQQQ QQQQQQ QQQQ QQQQ QQQQ QQQQ QQQQ QQQQ QQQQ QQQ  Q  solk / dxhfus dxhfustdc tdc / tordc tordc QQ QQQQQ QQQQQQ QQQQQQ QQQQQ QQQQQ QQQQQQ QQQQQ  QQ  bomhtgogm / thugcdr / rfog QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  bfw / rubds / arcdr bf QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  fbb / bdss / gathogm fb QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 

Arcdr dr thd thd warcs warcs ta ta jfkd jfkd sdgtdg sdgtdglds lds.. 4. Arc   Dxfjpbd9 fgc / starj / curogm / fesabutdby / thd / bomhtgogm / thd / oglrdcoebd / thugcdr / wfs Shd thugcdr fgc bomhtgogm curogm thd starj wfs fesabutdby oglrdcoebd 6 fgswdrs / thdj / cocg‟t / ar / O / thd / O / mudssdc / sa / kgaw / bdss / jard   QQO cocg't kgaw thd fgswdr, sa O jard ar bdss mudssdc thdj. 5 bftdr / ta / yau‟rd / yau‟bb / saagdr / thft / ar / hfvd / fcjot / wrag wragm m   QQ_au wobb hfvd hfvd ta fcjot thft yau frd wragm saagdr ar bftdr. < sa / rdsubt / wfot / sdd / hfvd / ugldrtfog / thd / wd‟bb / os / fgc / ta  QQQQQShd rdsubt os ugldrtfog sa wd‟bb hfvd ta wfot fgc sddQQQQQQQQQQQQQ sddQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 3 an / wdrd / jossogm / sfnd / nartugftdby / thd / lhobcrdg / fgc / saugc / eath / coslavdrdc  QNartugftdby, eath an thd jossogm lhobcrdg lhobcrdg wdrd coslavdrdc sfnd fgc saugc 4 f / sulldssnub / tfkd / movd movd / frd / fbb / qudstoag qudstoag / rdbftoagshops / fgc / an    Q Fbb sulldssnub rdbftoagshops frd f qudstoag qudstoag an an movd movd fgc tfkdQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ tfkdQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ Q PUFLSOLD. Udfc thd frtolbd feaut f Erotosh dgmogddr. Novd sdgtdglds hfvd eddg >. UDFCOGM PUFLSOLD. Udfc rdjavdc. ]holh sdgtdgld ( F-N)  F-N) nots dflh mfp (6-4)1 Shdrd os agd dxtrf sdgtdgld yau ca gat gddc ta usd.




Og survdys ta nogc aut wha thd jast ojpartfgt Erotags an fbb tojd frd, Osfjefrc Kogmcaj Erugdb antdg lajds aut ag tap. Shos nfjaus dgmogddr wfs gatdc nar thd lrdftoag an thd Mrdft ]dstdrg Ufobwfy fgc f sdrods an nfjaus stdfjshops. Shd sag an gatdc dgmogddr \or Jfrl Osfjefrc Erugdb, Osfjefrc K. Erugdb wfs earg og Partsjauth, Dgmbfgc ag Fprob ?, 680>. Hos nfthdr wfs warkogm thdrd ag thd ebalk-jfkogm jflhogdry an thd Partsjauth Ebalk Jobbs. Shd yaugm Erugdb wfs sdgt ta Nrfgld ta ed dculftdc ft thd Labbdmd an Lfdg og Garjfgcy fgc thd Bylïd Hdgro-Vuftrd og Pfros. Hd rasd ta prajogdgld whdg, fmdc 50, hd wfs fppaogtdc fs thd rdsocdgt dgmogddr an thd Shfjds Suggdb, hos nfthdr‟s mrdftdst flhodvdjdgt. Shd norst an ots kogc dvdr euobt, Osfjefrc spdgt gdfrby twa ydfrs tryogm ta crovd thd harozagtfb shfnt nraj agd dgc an ot ta thd athdr. (““““C““““) Og thd jdfgtojd, Erugdb javdc ag. Og 68
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