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AS 101 1012.1— 2.1— 19 1993 93


Australian Standard

Methods of testing concrete Metho Me thod d 1: Sa Sampl mplin ing g of fresh concret concrete e

PREFACE This This editi edition on of this this Stand Standar ard d was prepa prepared red by the Stand Standard ardss Austral Australia ia Commit Committee tee on Methods of Testing Concrete as part of its ongoing program to revise the AS 1012 series of Standards on the testing of concrete. It supersedes AS 1012.1—1981.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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SCOPE COPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REFE EFEREN RENCED CED DOCUM DOCUMENT ENTS S . . DEFINIT EFINITIO IONS NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPARAT PPARATUS US . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TEST SAMP SAMPLES LES . . . . . . . . . . . . SAMPLIN AMPLING G LO LOCATION CATIONS S . .. .. SAMPLIN AMPLING G PR PROCE OCEDURE DURE . . . . . MIXING IXING THE TEST TEST SAMPL SAMPLE E . . RECO ECORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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APPENDIX A VOLUMES OF OF CONCRETE REQUI REQUI RED FOR FOR TESTS COVERED BY AS 1012 1012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


METHOD 1 SC OP O PE concrete—

This Standard Standard sets out the method method f or obtainin obtaining g samples samples of freshly-mix freshly-mixed ed


direct directly ly from mixers mixers;;


from agitat agitator or or non-agi non-agitato tatorr units; units;


from concret concretee deposite deposited d in readin readiness ess for casting; casting; and

(d) (d)

from conc concret retee depos deposite ited d in the the forms. forms.


AS 1012.1—1993



AS 1012 1012 1012.3 .3 1012. 012.4 4 1012 1012.5 .5 1012 1012.6 .6 1012 012.8 1012 1012.13 .13 1012 1012.16 .16 1012 1012.17 .17 1012 1012.18 .18 1379 1379 3

The follow following ing docum document entss are referred referred to in this this

Meth ethods of test esting ing con concret cretee Metho Method d 3: 3: Meth Method odss for for the the deter determina minati tion on of of prope properti rties es related related to cons consist isten ence ce of concrete Meth Metho od 4: Meth Method odss for the the dete determi rmina nati tion on of air air cont conten entt of freshl freshly y mixe mixed d concrete Meth Method od 5: Meth Method od for the the deter determin minati ation on of of mass mass per per unit unit volu volume me of of freshly freshly mixed concrete Meth Method od 6: Meth Method odss for the the deter determin minati ation on of bleed bleedin ing g of of concret concretee Meth Metho od 8: Meth Metho od for for makin making g and curin curing g con concrete crete compr compress essio ion, n, indir indirect ect tensile and flexure test specimens, in the laboratory or in the field Meth Method od 13: 13: Determin Determinat atio ion n of the dryin drying g shrin shrinkag kagee of concret concretee for sample sampless prepared in the field or in the laboratory Meth Method od 16: 16: Metho Methods ds for the dete determin rminat atio ion n of creep creep of conc concrete rete cylin cylinde ders rs in compression (metric units) Meth Method od 17: 17: Metho Methods ds f or the determi determina natio tion n of the static static chord chord modulu moduluss of  elasticity and Poisson’s ratio of concrete specimens Meth Method od 18: 18: Meth Method od for the determ determina inatio tion n of setti setting ng time of fresh con concre crete, te, mortar and grout by penetration resistance (metric units) The The specif specifica icatio tion n and manuf manufactu acture re of conc concrete rete


For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions below apply.

—three ee or more more sample sample increme increment ntss mixed mixed in accor accorda danc ncee with with 3.1 Compo Composit sitee sample sample—thr Clause 8. 3.2 3.2

Individu Individual al sample sample—a single sample increment of the concrete.

3.3 Sample Sample incre increme ment nt —the —the basic basic unit unit of samplin sampling. g. Sample Sample increme increments nts are take taken n in appr approxi oximat mately ely equa equall volu volumes mes so that that three three or more more sample sample incremen increments ts cons constit titut utee a comp compo osite site samp sample le (see Claus lauses es 4, 6 and and 7). 7). Each Each samp sample le incr increme ement nt is not not less less than than 3 0.005 m (5 L) of concrete. 4


4.1 4.1

Sample Sample contai container ner


A container of sufficient size to hold a sample increment.

A 9 L bucket bucket is comm commonly only used. used.

4.2 Scoo Scoop p A scoop, shovel or other receptacle used for sampling concrete, which shall have have a capacity of not less than than 1 L.

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A thermometer which measures with an accuracy of 1 °C.

4.3 4.3

Thermo Thermomete meterr


Mixin Mixing g surfac surfacee


cont contain ain the the samp sample; le; and and


be smooth, smooth, clean clean and non-abso non-absorben rbent. t.

A mixing surface which shall—

Mixing surfaces shall be horizontal with a minimum surface area of 0.5 m 2 . NOTE:

A square square surface surface measuring measuring 0.75 0.75 m


0.75 m with raised edges would be suitable.

Where wheelbarrows are used, they shall have a minimum capacity of 170 L (6 cu. ft.). test sampl ample shal shalll be a comp omposite site samp sample le,, exce xcept that that 5 TEST SAMPL SAMPLES ES The test individu individual al samples may be taken taken when— (a)

the the batch volum volumee being being sampled sampled is less less than than 1 m 3; or


AS 1012.1—1993


(b) unless unless otherwise otherwise specified specified in Clauses 7.3 and and 7.4, the test is for consi consisten stence ce only. only. The volume of the composite sample shall be sufficient to carry out all the tests required, but but in any case shall be not less than than 0.015 0.015 m 3 (15 L) of concrete. NOTE: Where the range range of tests tests being conduc conducted ted on the compos composite ite sample sample requires requires a volume volume of concre concrete te greate greaterr than than 0.01 0.015 5 m3 (15 (15 L), refere referenc nces es may be made made to Appen Appendix dix A which which tabulates minimum working volumes for each of the tests covered by this series of Standards.



Representat Representative ive samples samples of concrete concrete shall shall be obtaine obtained d as

Central Central or work-site work-site mixer mixers: s: from the discha discharge. rge.

(b) Truck Truck mixers and and agitato agitators: rs: f rom the the discharg discharge. e. (c)

Non-agita Non-agitator tor units: units: prior to discha discharge. rge.

(d) Wher Wheree sampl samplin ing g in acco accord rdan ance ce with with Items Items (a), (b) or (c) (c) is imprac impracti tica cabl blee (e.g (e.g.. concrete concrete deposited deposited in readines readinesss for casting casting), ), samplin sampling g shall shall be carried out in such such a manner manner as to obtain obtain a representat representative ive sample sample from location locationss which which have have been agreed agreed by all interested parties. The locations from which the samples were obtained shall be reported. 7


7.1 Ge Gener neral al Where sample increments are to be obtained using a scoop, no more than five scoops of concrete shall be used.

The operation of taking the sample increments and mixing the composite sample shall be comp comple lete ted d as quic quickl kly y as poss possibl ible. e. In no case case shal shalll the the elap elapsed sed time time betw between een the the comm commenc encem ement ent of taki taking ng the sample ample incr increme ement ntss and the the comp comple leti tion on of mixin mixing g the the composite sample exceed 20 min. 7.2 Sampli Sampling ng from from centr central al and w ork-si ork-sitte mixe mixers, rs, truck truck mixers mixers and and agit agitato ators rs by gradual discharge (e.g. chute)

The proce procedu dure re for for taki taking ng sample ampless of concre concrete te from from 7.2.1 Uninterrupted Uninterrupted discharge discharge The cent central ral and w ork-si ork-site te mixer mixers, s, truck truck mixers mixers and agita agitato tors rs by gradua graduall disch discharg argee is as follows: (a)

Do not not take take sample sample increm increment entss durin during g the the discha discharge rge of the first 0.2 m 3 or from the last 0.2 m 3 of the batch.

(b) Take each sample sample increment increment by divertin diverting g the entir entiree stream so that that it discharges discharges into a sample container or by using a scoop to otherwise obtain a representative sample of  the concrete being discharged. NOTE: NOTE: The rate of dischar discharge ge may be slowed slowed in order to enable enable sampl sampling ing of the entire entire discharge stream.    6    0    0    2   n   u    J    8    0   n   o    Y    R    A    R    B    I    L      W    S    N    U   y    b    d   e   s   s   e   c   c    A


Do not regulate regulate the rate of discharge discharge to permit samplin sampling g by suppre suppressing ssing or divertin diverting g a part of the discharge stream.

(d) Take three or more sample sample increments increments at regular regular intervals intervals througho throughout ut the discharge discharge period except that, from batches of 1 m 3 or less, less, take an indiv individu idual al sample sample at about about the the halfway halfway point point of discharg discharge. e. Alternativ Alternatively, ely, where where it can be shown that that the mixer uniformity complies with AS 1379, three or more separate sample increments may be taken at any time during the discharge, provided Item (a) is complied with. 7.2.2 Sampli ampling ng for for cons consist isten ence ce test test only only Whe Where a bat batch is to be sampl ampleed for for acceptance on a consistence-control basis, unless otherwise specified in Clause 7.3 or 7.4, an indiv individu idual al sample sample shall shall be obtaine obtained d from the batch immediately immediately after after the the discha discharge rge of  3 the first 0.2 m of concrete.


AS 1012.1—1993


7.2.3 Slow discharge discharge If it is expected that the time of discharge will exceed 30 min, the procedure is as follows:


Sample Sample the disch discharg argee durin during g the first 30 m in in accordan accordance ce with Claus Clausee 7.2.1 7.2.1 (see also the requirements in Clause 7.1).

(b) If tests tests are requ requir ired ed on the the rema remain ind der of the the dis discharg charge, e, separ separate ately ly sample ample the the discha scharrge for for each ach subs ubsequ equent ent 30 min, min, or part art the thereof, reof, in acco accorrdanc dancee with with Clause 7.2.1. Where the the disc disch harge arge of concre ncrete te from from a mix mixer is 7.2.4 Termina Terminated ted discharg dischargee Whe termin terminat ated ed at a stage stage when insuffic insufficien ientt sample sample incr incremen ements ts are availa availabl blee to form form the composite sample, take the required additional sample increments from the concrete at or adja adjacen centt to the the plac placin ing g point oint,, in accor accordan dance ce with with Clau Clause se 7.4 (see (see also also the the Note Note to Clause 7.2.5). 7.2.5). 7.2.5 Interrup Interrupted ted dischar discharge ge Where here the disch scharge arge of concrete rete from from a mix mixer is interru interrupt pted ed at a stage stage when when insuf insuffici ficient ent sample sample incre incremen ments ts are avail availabl ablee to form form the composite sample, take the required additional sample increments either from the concrete at or adjacent to the placing point in accordance with Clause 7.4, or discard any original sample sample increments increments and sample the subsequ subsequent ent discha discharge rge of the mixer mixer in accordan accordance ce with Clause 7.2.1. NOTE: NOTE: Situation Situationss which are not not cove covered red by Claus Clauses es 7.2. 7.2.4 4 and and 7.2.5 7.2.5 may may occur occur on site. site. In these these instances instances a sampling sampling proced procedure ure should should be used used which will provide provide,, within a reasona reasonable ble period of time, a representative sample of the concrete concerned.

7.3 7.3 Sampling Sampling from from non-agi non-agitato tatorr units Irrespective of the size of the batch, samples obtai obtaine ned d from conc concret retee trans transpo ported rted in a nonnon-agi agita tator tor unit, unit, inclu includi ding ng those those sample sampless required for consistence shall be—


compo composit sitee sample samples; s; and and


obtain obtained ed from three three or more equally equally spaced point pointss along along the centre-line centre-line of the the unit.

The top 100 mm of concrete in the unit shall not be incorporated into the sample. 7.4 Sampli Sampling ng from from speci speciffied loca locati tion onss Irres Irrespec pectiv tivee of the the size size of the the batc batch, h, all all samples samples obtained obtained from locatio locations ns specified specified in Clause Clause 6(d), includin including g those those required required for consistence, shall be composite samples.

Sample Sample incre incremen ments ts shall shall be taken taken from the conc concrete rete prior prior to any further further handl handlin ing g or comp compac acti tion on.. Car Care shal shalll be take taken n to ensur ensuree that that the the con concrete crete to be sampl sampled ed remai remains ns completely completely representative, representative, notwithstandin notwithstanding g the effects of handling. handling. NOTES: 1 Conc Concret retee depo deposit sited ed in readin readines esss for casting casting may may not not neces necessar sarily ily be repres represent entative ative of the concrete supplied.

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2 If it is considered that handling, placing or compaction techniques are affecting the concrete to be samp sampled led,, the sample sample shoul should d be obtai obtaine ned d from quantiti quantities es of conc concret retee depos deposited ited on a smooth, clean waterproof horizontal surface immediately adjacent to the forms.

form each each comp compos osit itee sampl sample, e, the the sampl samplee 8 MI X IN IN G TH E TES T SA MP MP LE LE To form increments, obtained as set out in Clause 7, shall be mixed as follows: (a)

Mois Moisten ten the the mix mixing ing surfa surface ce with with a damp damp clo cloth prior prior to depo deposi siti tin ng the the sampl samplee increments.

(b) (b)

Protect Protect the mixin mixing g surface surface and the sample sample incre incremen ments ts of concrete concrete from advers adversee weather conditions such as hot sunshine, drying wind and rain.


Mix the sample sample to ensure ensure uniformit uniformity. y.

(d) (d)

Meas Measure ure the temper temperatur aturee of the concret concretee sample sample to the nearest nearest 1°C by insert insertin ing g a thermometer into a mix sample of approximately the volume of the slump cone (i.e. 6 L). COPYRIGHT

AS 1012.1—1993


Where Where indivi individu dual al sampl samples es are used they they shall shall be remixed remixed as set out out abov abovee to obvi obviat atee segregation prior to testing. 9


The following information concerning samples shall be recorded:


Job site. ite.


Name of concrete concrete suppli supplier. er.


Delivery Delivery docket docket or or batch batch number. number.

(d) (d)

Date and time time of sampli sampling ng..


Sampling Sampling poin pointt and location location (see Clau Clause se 6). 6).


Sampling Sampling procedure, procedure, by reference reference to the the appropria appropriate te subclaus subclausee of Claus Clausee 7, includin including g a s tatement tatement of the number of sample sample increments increments constit constituti uting ng the composite composite sample sample and any procedure adopted under the provisions of Clauses 7.2.4 and 7.2.5.


Sample Sample identi identifica fication tion number, if applicab applicable. le.


Location Location of concrete concrete batch batch after placement placement (if this this information information is availabl available). e).

(i) (i)

Weathe Weat herr cond condit itio ions ns at time time of sampli sampling ng,, incl includ udin ing g ambie ambient nt air air temper temperat ature ure,, if  available.


Tempera Temperatu ture re of of concre concrete te sampl sample. e.


Where Where availabl available, e, the followin following g additio additiona nall information information::



Clas Classs of conc concrete rete (i.e normal normal or speci special). al).


Specified Specified compressiv compressivee strength. strength.

(iii (iii))

Slump. lump.

(iv) (iv)

Maxi Maximum mum aggreg aggregate ate size. size.


Special Special requirement requirementss (cement (cement cont content ent,, water/cemen water/cementt ratio) ratio)..

(vi) (vi)

Name of sample sampler. r.

Reference Reference to this this Australia Australian n Standard, Standard, i.e. i.e. AS 1012.1. 1012.1.

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AS 1012.1—1993



VOLUMES OF CONCRETE REQUIRED FOR TESTS COVERED BY AS 1012 (Informative) The volumes of concrete given in Column 2 of Table A1 are working volumes required to moul mould d speci specimen menss used used to carry carry out the appli applica cable ble test test method method give given n in Colu Column mn 1. The The quanti quantitie tiess have have been determine determined d to ensure ensure that there there will be a surplus surplus after the specimens specimens have been prepared. TABLE A1 MINIMUM WORKING VOLUMES

1012.3: 1012.3:

1012.4: 1012.4:



Te st m et hod o f AS 1 012

Vo lume , m3 (L)

Methods Methods for the the determinat determination ion of proper properties ties related related to to the consistence consistence of concrete: Me th od 1:

Sl um p te st

0. 0 0 6 ( 6 )

Me th od 2:

Co mp acti ng fa ct or t est

0. 01 0 (1 0)

Me th od 3:

VE BE t est

0. 006 (6 )

Me th od 4:

Co mp acti bi li ty i ndex

0. 006 (6 )

Methods Methods for the determinat determination ion of air air conte content nt of freshly freshly mixed concrete: concrete: Method Method 1: 1:

Pressu Pressure re method— method—


≤4 0


0. 006 (6 )

ag gr egat e > 40 mm Method Method 2: 2:

0. 01 0 (1 0)

Pressu Pressure re method— method—


≤4 0


0. 006 (6 )

ag gr egat e > 40 mm Me th od 3:

0. 01 0 (1 0)

Vo lu me tr ic me th od

0. 003 (3 )

1012.5: 1012.5:

Method Method for the deter determinati mination on of mass mass per unit volume of  freshly mixed concrete concrete

0.015 (15)

10 12 .6 :

Me th od od fo r t he he dete rm in in at at io n o f bl ee eedi ng o f c oncr et et e

0. 01 6 (1 6) 6)

1012.8: 1012.8:

Method Method for making making and curing curing concret concretee compress compression, ion, indirect tensile and flexure test specimens, in the laboratory or in the field: Compres Compressi sion on test: test:

100 mm


200 mm

0. 00 2 (2 ) × number number of specimens

150 mm


300 mm

0. 00 6 (6 ) × number number of specimens

In di re ct te nsil e t est Flexu Flexure re test: test: 1012.13 1012.13::

   6    0    0    2   n   u    J    8    0   n   o    Y    R    A    R    B    I    L      W    S    N    U   y    b    d   e   s   s   e   c   c    A


number number of specimens

150 150 mm


150 mm


50 0 m m

0. 01 5 (1 5)

100 mm


100 mm


35 0 m m

0. 00 5 (5 ) × number specimens


number of specimens specimens

Determinati Determination on of the drying drying shrinka shrinkage ge of concr concrete ete for samples prepared in the field or in the laboratory 75 mm

1012.16: 1012.16:

0. 00 6 (6 )


75 mm


280 mm

0. 00 6 (6 ) ( fo r 3 specim ens)

Method for the determination determination of creep of concrete concrete cylinders in compression (metric units): Du pl ic at e te st in g

0. 03 6 (3 6)


number of test conditions

Tr ip li cate te st in g

0. 05 4 (5 4)


number of test conditions

1012.17: 1012.17:

Methods for the determination of the static static chord modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio of concrete specimens

0.018 (18) (in addition to the specimen required by AS 1012.8)

1012.18 1012.18::

Method Method for the determinati determination on of setting setting time of fresh fresh concrete, mortar and grout by penetration resistance (metric units)

0.012 (12) (for 2 specimens)


AS 1012.1—1993


This Australian Standard w as prepared by Committee BD/42, Methods of Testing Concrete. It was approved on behalf of  the Council of Standards Australia on 19 April 1993 and published on 12 July 1 993.

 Review of Austra li an Stand ards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australian Standards are subject to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new editions as necessary. It is i mportant therefore that  Standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest edition, a nd any amendments thereto. Full details of all Australian Standards and related publications will be found in the Standards Australia Catalogue of  Publications; this i nformation is supplemented each month by the magazine ‘The Australian Standard’, which subscribing members receive, and which gives details of new publications, new editions and amendments, and of withdrawn Standards. Suggestions for improvements to Australian Standards, addressed to the head office of Standards Australia, are welcomed.  Noti fi cati on of any inaccu racy or amb igui ty foun d in an Austr alia n Stand ard should be made wit hout del ay in order tha t  the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken.

First published as AS A100 — 1957. Second edition 1967. Revised and redesignated AS 1012.1—1971. Second edition 1981. Third edition 1993.

This Standard was issued i n draft form for comment as DR 92071.

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ISBN 0 7262 8250 2

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