101 Spanish Mexican Slang and Offensive Words and Phrases

July 15, 2016 | Author: Sky Sage | Category: Types, Brochures
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101 Spanish Mexican Slang and Offensive Words and Phrases...


Free 101 Spanish Mexican "slang" and offensive words and Prhases ® all rights reserved: Héctor M Maldonado Resending, copying, distributing this document is permited as long as it ist not modified in any way by any means.

!WARNING! This material contents offensive language, which is not representative of most Mexican culture. This material is intended for illustrative prposes only. The use of this kind of language is responsibility of the person who uses it. The autor of this material is not responsible for any consecuences or results of using this language. Beware that this material is for adults only, we sugest to keep it away from minors. Format: First column: term or phrase in Spanish Second column: figurative pronunciation (read it as if it was in English) Third column: meaning or translation 1 un chingo ......................uhn cheengoh................................a lot, too much. 2 arto....................................ahrrrtoh........................................a lot 3 que onda?.........................khe ohndah?..................................what´s up? 4 pa´que?..............................pah keh..........................................what for? 5 "nombre"..........................nombrreh.....................................do´nt confuse with "name!, it has no literal translation it means: no way 6 on´tas ? ............................ohn tahs.......................................where are you ? 7 no mames!.........................no mahmehs..............................do´nt bullshit me 8 que chingon !.....................keh cheen gohn......................... killer ! awesome ! 9 no friegues !......................no free eh guess..........................no fucking way ! 10 a la chingada !................ah lah cheen gah dah................to hell with !...........or fuck it ! 11 güey !...............................goo ey..........................................dude ! 12 "de pelos".......................the peh los..................................awesome 13 "que perro esta"............keh peh rrrro ehs tah !...............it´sso hard !.......or:.....it is so great !

Learning a new language opens a lot of doors It brings the world and people closer to you Lots of new information and knowledge available to you in other countries Click Here: http://24ec53q2udtosmmotknbyokn6n.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=PDFMXS LANG

Free 101 Spanish Mexican "slang" and offensive words and Prhases ® all rights reserved: Héctor M Maldonado Resending, copying, distributing this document is permited as long as it ist not modified in any way by any means.

!Imagine your self in your next vacation ordering your piña colada in spanish! Or booking your reservations in spanish Imagine youre self in Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta or Cozumel on the beach Tallking to every body in Spanish

Click Here: http://24ec53q2udtosmmotknbyokn6n.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=PDFMXS LANG 14 "que mamada"........keh mah mah dah !.....................tha´s bul´s shit 15 "no chingues"..........no cheen guess.............................do´nt fuck ! 16 "pistear" .................piss teh arrrr................................to drink (alcoholic veberages) 17 "a la verga"..............ah lah vehrrrrgah ........................very ofensive way of saying "to hell with it" use with caution ! 18 "que onda puto?......keh ondah poo toh......................used only with very close friends, otherwise sounds ofensive; means ¿What´s up, ass? 19 "chinga tu madre.....cheen gah too mahdrrreh.........!caution, this is not a friendly phrase, it´s very ofensive. it means fuck your mother ! 20 "partele su madre"...pahr teh leh sue mah dreh.......Means "kick he´s ass or ! beat his ass ! 21 "caile".........................cah y leh.....................................invitation to come over 22 "baro"........................bahro...........................................money 23 "feria".........................feh rria........................................money 24 "nave"..........................nah veh......................................car or automobile 25 "mi jefe"......................mee heh feh...............................my father 26 "mi carnala"...............mee car nah lah..........................my sister 27 "chamba"...................tcham bah..................................a job 28 "el jale".......................ehl ha leh....................................the job 29 "el pisto"....................ehl piss toh.................................the drinks ! 30 "la botana".................lah boh tah nah.........................the snacs 31 "que botana"..............keh boh tah nah.........................! so funny ! This free material allows you to understand when sombody uses it Trying to ofend you If you decide to use it be aware that cursing back to some one is a dangerous Endeavour If you prefer to use a more adecuate kind of language Click Here: http://24ec53q2udtosmmotknbyokn6n.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=PDFMXSLANG

Free 101 Spanish Mexican "slang" and offensive words and Prhases ® all rights reserved: Héctor M Maldonado Resending, copying, distributing this document is permited as long as it ist not modified in any way by any means.

32 "que pedo?.................keh peh doh................................what the fuck ! or what´s up !, depending on context 33 "pura chingada"........poo rah chin gah dah...............! nothing at all ! 34 "pura verga"................poo rah vehrrr gah....................! like when sayin i´ll (give you shit) 35 "me caga la madre"....meh kah gah lah mah drehh.... it pisses me off ! 36 "vete a la verga".........veh teh ah lah vehr gah..............go fuck your self ! 37 "un putero"................oon pooh teh roh.........................too fucking much ! 38 "hasta la chingada"...ass tah lah cheen gah dah.........."too far away" or "way over your head" depending on context 39 "hecho la verga".........eh choh lah vehr gah.................too fucking fast ! 40 "hecho la chingada"...ehchio lah cheengahdah............too fucking fast ! too. 41 "ni pedo"....................knee peh doh................................what the hek ! 42 "se puso pedo"...........seh poo so peh doh......................he got drunk ! 43 "bien pedo"................bee ehn peh doh...........................so drunk " 44 "chupar".....................chew pahr....................................to drink (alcohol) 45 "la morra"..................lah mohrrra..................................the girl or wooman 46 "el morrito"...............ehl mohrrrhe toh..........................the little boy 47 "el cuico"...................ehl quikcoh....................................the policeman 48 "el chota"..................ehl tshoh tah..................................the policeman 49 "la tira"........................lah teer ah..................................the police 50 "el canton".................ehl can tohn..................................la casa 51 "ella esta panzona".....hey-ah ehs-tah pan-zoh-nah........she´s pregnant 52 "el chivo".....................ehl tscee-voh................................the pay check 53 "que poca madre".......keh pohcah mahdreh..................what in hell ? 54 "hechar una miada.....ehtchahr uhnah meeah dah........take a piss ! 55 "se salio con la suya....seh salih oh con la sue yah...........he got his way ! 56 "le vale madre"............leh vah leh mahdreh....................he or she, does´nt care 57 "vale madre"...............vah leh mahdreh...........................useless or worthless, some times used like "this is fucked up" 58 "no tienes güevos"......noh tee ehnehs gooehvohs..........having no power or having lack of courage ! 59 "puta madre".............poohtah mahdreh........................! fuck ! or: !shit! This free material allows you to understand when sombody uses it Trying to ofend you If you decide to use it be aware that cursing back to some one is a dangerous Endeavour If you prefer to use a more adecuate kind of language

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Free 101 Spanish Mexican "slang" and offensive words and Prhases ® all rights reserved: Héctor M Maldonado Resending, copying, distributing this document is permited as long as it ist not modified in any way by any means.

60 "chingalo".................chin gahloh....................................fuck him or kick his ass ! 61 "se lo chingo".............sehloh chin goh............................he beat his ass (past tense) 62 "te cae"......................teh kah eh.....................................realy !? 63 "puñal".......................poo-n-yahl....................................despective way of calling a gay male 64 "me la pelas"..............meh lah pehlass...........................!I can beat your ass any time !, do´nt use unless you are god fighter ! 65 "maricon"..................mahr eekohn.................................another despective way of calling a gay male 66 "culo".........................cooloh............................................ass ! 67 "chiches".....................tchee-tchess.................................boobs 68 "nalga"......................nahlgah.........................................very vulgar word for calling a hot wooman or a lover or girlfriend 69 "vocho"......................vohtcho.........................................common way of calling a volkswagen beetle car 70 "putada"....................poot-ah-dah....................................vulgar adejective to devaluate something 71 "puterio".....................pooh-tehr-heoh..............................a total mess 72 "la neta".....................lah nehtah....................................the truth 73 "el fierro"...................ehl fee-ehrrrroh............................the gun or revolver, also the penis, depending on context 74 "cuerno de chivo".....cooher noh the tchee voh.............AK-47 machinegun 75 "filero".......................fee lehr oh.......................................a knife 76 "filerear"....................feel ehr eh-ahr................................to stab 78 "cojer"........................coh her...........................................to fuck or have sex 79 "bien culero".............bee ehn coolehr oh........................so badly screwed up or bad person, depending on context 80 "no esten chingando.....noh ehstehn tcheengahndoh...."stop fucking up"

This free material allows you to understand when sombody uses it Trying to ofend you If you decide to use it be aware that cursing back to some one is a dangerous Endeavour If you prefer to use a more adecuate kind of language Click Here: http://24ec53q2udtosmmotknbyokn6n.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=PDFMXSLANG

Free 101 Spanish Mexican "slang" and offensive words and Prhases ® all rights reserved: Héctor M Maldonado Resending, copying, distributing this document is permited as long as it ist not modified in any way by any means.

81 "no te hagas güey"....noh teh ahgas way.........................do not pretend or play naive 82 "chela".......................tcheh lah.........................................beer 83 "chesco"....................chess coh.........................................gasseous drink 84 "vici"........................vee-see.............................................bicicle 85 "baika".....................vai kah.............................................bicicle 86 "me caes bien"........meh kahes bee hen..........................i like you (not romanticaly) 87 "tirar la güeva"........teehr ahr lah gooeh vah.................to stay lazy or lay off 88 "tengo güeva"..........ten goh gooeh vah...........................i´m not in a mood for doing anything ! 89 "piruja"....................peer ooh ha.....................................despective way of calling a prostitute 90 "zorra"......................so rrrah...........................................vulgar word for promiscuous female 91 "pito".........................pee toh...........................................dick (penis) 92 "pucha".....................pootshah.......................................vulgar word for vagina 93 "bien culo"................bee ehn cool oh.............................so coward ! 94 "puñeta"...................poo hnyeh tah.................................to jerk off (sex) 95 "guacho"..................watch-oh...........................................a soldier 96 "pingas"..................pin gass............................................drug pills 97 "toncho"..................ton tshoh..........................................solvent used to self intoxicate by drug adicts 98 "rola"........................roll ah..............................................a song 99 "chido"......................tsheedoh........................................cool 100 "mal pedo".............mahl peh doh.................................bad situation 101 "nel"........................nehl.................................................no ! This free material allows you to understand when sombody uses it Trying to ofend you If you decide to use it be aware that cursing back to some one is a dangerous Endeavour If you prefer to use a more adecuate kind of language Click Here: http://24ec53q2udtosmmotknbyokn6n.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=PDFMXSLANG

Feel free to copy, resend, distribute or sale this document as long as you keep it as it is. ® All rights reserved: Héctor M Maldonado Resending, copying, distributing this document is permited as long as it ist not modified in any way by any means.

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