101 Questions on How to Play Chess - Fred Wilson

December 21, 2017 | Author: Manijak999 | Category: N/A
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Fred Wilson

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library of Congress Cataloging-in-PMblication Dt11a Wilson, Fred. 101 questions on how to play chess I Fred Wilson. p. cm.-(Dover game and puzzle activity books) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-486-28273-2 1. Chess-Miscellanea. I. Title. ll. Title: One hundred one questions on how to play chess. Ill. Series. GV1446. W486 1994 94-34799 794.1-dc20 CIP Manufactured in the United Stales by Courier Corporation

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The Initial position for a game of chess. Diagram 1

1. What is the objed of the game of chessf


The object of the game of chess is to checkmate your opponent's King. Checkmate occurs when either player's King is attacked and cannot escape being captured on the very next move. (In practice, the game ends without the capture actually taking place. It is enough to see that the King cannot escape.)

2. How many players take part in a game of chessf Chess is played by two opponents. One has the White pieces, the other the Black pieces.

3. What kind of board is usecll The chessboard (which is basically the same as the one used for checkers) is made up of 64 squares, alternately colored light and dark. It contains eight vertical rows (files) of eight squares each, and eight 1

horizontal rows Cranks~ of eight squares each. The squares are also often referrecJ to as either Wnile or Black squares (but tliey don't actually have to be black and white-just dark and light). All the squares can be used in play.

4. Is there a special way the board should be placedl The players sit facing each other and the board must be placed so that a White square is in the lower right-hand corner. If this is done from the viewpoint of one player, the board as seen by the opposite player will automatically be correct as well. S. How do you tell which player should start the gamel White always makes the first move. The players then move alternately. A player is never allowed to make two moves in a row. (There is actually a case where a player may move two pieces in quick succession, but this is considered a single move; see Question 47, below, on "castling.")

6. How do you tell which player aets Whiter This is important because the player who moves first has a slight advantage. The most common method of choosing colors is for one player to conceal a White Pawn in one hand and a Black Pawn in the other hand. His opponent taps a fist and takes the color indicated by the Pawn in that hand. If more than one game is played, the players usually take turns using the White pieces.



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