1007 DISQ 0 P SS 48080 Sales Gas Metering Package Specification
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Download 1007 DISQ 0 P SS 48080 Sales Gas Metering Package Specification...
Contract Number: 1007
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Disouq Field Development Development FEED
Specification Sales Gas Metering Package A-5401
Document number 1007-DISQ-0-P-SS-48080
10.05.12 Issued for Design
A Saleh
A Fawzi
A Hamdan
08.02.12 Re-Issued for Approval
A Saleh
A Fawzi
A Hamdan
26.01.12 Issued for Approval
A Saleh / A Khamisy
A Fawzi
A Hamdan
11.12.11 Issued for Client comment
A Saleh / A Khamisy
A Fawzi
A Hamdan
Approved By
Client Approval
Issued By Checked By
Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Developme Development nt Project Specification Sales Gas Metering Package
Changes List Rev.
Date prepared
Prepared by
A Saleh / A Khamisy
Client Comments incorporated
A Saleh
Client Comments incorporated
A Saleh
GASCO requirements’ and client comments incorporated
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Specification
Sales Gas Metering Package
Table of Contents
Introductio Introd uction n ............... .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ........................6 ........6
Backgrou Back ground nd ................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ...................6 ...6
Project Documentation ...............................................................................................7
International Codes and Standards ............................................................................9
Order of Precedence ................................................................................................ 13
1.2 Purpose of Document .................................................................................................7 2 Referenced Documents .................................................................................................7
Package Componen Components ts .......... ................... ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ................... ................... .................... .......... 14
Inlet / Outlet Pipe Spools and Interconnecting Piping Piping ..................... ........... .................... ................... ................ ....... 15
Sales Gas Filter ........................................................................................................ 15
Metering Module.......... ................... ................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ................... ................... .................... ............... ..... 16
Ultrasonic Meter .......... .................... .................... .................... ................... ................... .................... .................... .................... ................... ........... ..16
3.4 Metering System ...................................................................................................... 18 3.4.1 Multi-stream Flow Computer ................................................................................. 19 3.4.2
Supervisory Computer .......................................................................................... 19
Operator Work Station .......................................................................................... 19
Instrumentation Panel ........................................................................................... 20
Secondary Devices ............................................................................................... 20
Extent of Supply ........................................................................................................... 21
Inclusion Inclu sionss .............. ............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ...................... ......21
Exclusio Excl usions ns ............... .............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ................... ...22
Battery Limits.......... .................... .................... ................... ................... .................... .................... .................... ................... ................... .................... .......... 22
5 Design Requirements Requirements......... ................... .................... .................... ................... ................... .................... .................... .................... ................... ........... ..24 5.1 Basic Design Data .................................................................................................... 24 5.2
Piping, Flanges, Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts .......... .................... .................... .................... ................... ................... .................... ............... ..... 26
Painting Pain ting .............. ............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ........................ .........26
Skid Assembly.......... .................... ................... ................... .................... .................... ................... ................... .................... .................... .................. ........ 27
Metering System Design Requirements......... ................... .................... .................... ................... ................... .................... .......... 27
Transient, Static and RFI Protection.......... ................... ................... .................... .................... .................... ................... ........... ..27
Cabinet Design ..................................................................................................... 28
System Software Design Design Requireme Requirement nt .......... .................... .................... .................... ................... ................... .................... .......... 28
Noise Limitations ...................................................................................................... 29
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Specification
Sales Gas Metering Package
Utilitie Util itiess.............. ............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ........................... ...........29
Material Certificate to Conformance (C&C)& Traceability ....................... ............. .................... .................. ........ 29
5.10 Name plat plates es ............... .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ..................29
5.11 Climate Condition ..................................................................................................... 30 6 Electrical Requirements ............................................................................................... 30 6.1
General Gene ral .............. ............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ........................ .........30
Power Supply Voltages ............................................................................................ 30
Hazardous Area Requirements................................................................................. 30
Certifying Authorities ................................................................................................ 30
Ingress Protection for Electrical Equip Equipment ment ................ .......................... .................... .................... .................... ................ ...... 30
Cabling Cab ling ............... .............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ........................ .........31
Equipment Earthing Earthing & Bonding......... ................... .................... ................... ................... .................... .................... ................... ............. ....31
Installation, Operation Operation and Main Maintenance tenance .......... ................... ................... .................... .................... .................... ................... ........... ..32
7.1 Installation, Pre-commissioning Pre-commissioning and Commissioning ........................... ................. ................... ................... ............ ..32 7.1.1 Start-Up, Pre-commissionin Pre-commissioning g and Commissioning Services ......... ................... .................... ............... ..... 32 7.2
Maintainability ........................................................................................................... 32
Calibra Cal ibration tion ............... .............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ................... ...33
Ultrasonic Meters Calibration ................................................................................ 33
Secondary Devices ............................................................................................... 33
Special Tools .......... .................... .................... ................... ................... .................... .................... .................... ................... ................... .................... .......... 33
Spare Spar e Part Partss ................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ..................33
Training Train ing .............. ............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ........................ .........34
Training Philosophy .............................................................................................. 34
7.6.2 7.6.3
Training Course Documentation Documentation......... ................... .................... ................... ................... .................... .................... .................. ........ 34 Operator Training Course ..................................................................................... 34
Maintenance Training Course ............................................................................... 34
System Configuration Course ............................................................................... 34
Training Aids ......................................................................................................... 34
Preparation for Shipment ............................................................................................. 35
Quality Assurance & Health, Safety and Environment ......... ................... .................... ................... ................... ............ ..35
QC Factory Acceptance Test (FAT).......... .................... .................... .................... ................... ................... .................... ............... ..... 35
QC System Integration Test Test (SIT) .......... .................... .................... ................... ................... .................... .................... .................. ........ 37
QC Site Acceptance Test (SAT) ............................................................................... 37
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Specification
Sales Gas Metering Package
Ultrasonic Meter Inspection ...................................................................................... 38
Vendor Data Requirements ...................................................................................... 39
10.1 Functional and Detail Design Specification (FDS and DDS) ................... ......... .................... .................. ........ 39 List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................................ 41
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Specification
Sales Gas Metering Package
RWE Dea Egypt has discovered seven natural gas reserves in the Disouq Concession within the onshoreinNile starting in 2008, as shown theisconcession map below. Further exploration the Delta, concession is on-going. RWE Dea on Egypt the operator of the Concession with EGAS as a partner.
The selected development comprises a central gas treatment plant near NSG-1x, where the gas is collected, treated by means of Low Temperature Separation utilizing utilizing the Joule Thomson effect to achieve sales gas quality, and compressed for export. Sales gas is transferred via a 16” pipeline directly into the GASCO NTS pipeline. The well fluids are gathered and fed to a common inlet separator at the central plant. All gases and liquids will be separated and processed on the central treatment plant into sales gas, stabilized stabilize d condensate, and ffree ree production water. Treatment of gas is carried out in two trains, while treatment of condensate is in a single train. Three trains of gas compression and three metering streams shall be installed. Fuel gas for the gas engine driven main power generators will be taken from the suction of the gas compressors upstream of the sales gas metering m etering package.
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Specification
Sales Gas Metering Package
Purpose of Document
This Specification defines the minimum technical requirements for the design, material specification, fabrication, assembly, QC inspection, QC testing and preparation for shipment of a fiscal / custody transfer Sales Gas Metering Package to be installed on the Central Treatment Plant as part of the Disouq Field Develop Development ment Project. The Sales Gas Metering Package shall be designed and supplied as a single skid mounted package if technically feasible with three Ultrasonic Meter Streams and metering room equipment to be located in the Equipment room of the central room building. The arrangement of the package and skids to be determined by Vendor. The package shall comprise all necessary equipment including a minimum of 2 Multi-stream flow computers (with nonresettable flow totalizers), one supervisory computer, one online gas chromatograph to be located on the skid, sales gas filters, shutdown valve, blow down valve, pressure control valves, manual valves, field instrumentation and pipe work and fittings as per P&ID ‘Metering Skid’ no “1007-DISQ-O-P-DW- 48059” and ‘Sales Gas Metering Package Process Data Sheet’ document number “1007-DISQ-0-P-DP-48131”. Compliance with this specification shall not relieve the Vendor of his responsibility to provide a fully completed and safe equipment design including all auxiliary elements necessary to ensure reliable and efficient operation under the specified operating conditions.
Referenced Documents
The design, construction, fabrication, QC inspection, QC testing, calibration and supply of the Sales Gas Metering Package shall be in accordance with the latest revisions of the following specifications, specification s, data sheets, codes and standards. 2.1
Project Documentation Documentation
1007-DISQ- 0-M-RT-42015 1007-DISQ-0-M-RT-42015 1007-DISQ-0-P-DW-48059 1007-DISQ-0-L-DW-39000 1007-DISQ0-L-DW-39000 1007-DISQ-0-P-SS-48079 1007-DISQ0-P-SS-48079
Environmenta Environmentall Data and Units of Measurement P&ID – Metering Skid Plot Plan - CTP Specificat Specification ion for Integrate Integrated d Control and Safety System (ICSS) Sales Gas Metering Package Process Data Sheet
1007-DISQ-0-P-DP-48131 1007-DISQ0-P-DP-48131 1007-DISQ-0-G-MA-30092 1007-DISQ0-G-MA-30092 1007-DISQ-01007-DISQ-0-G-DW-30036 G-DW-30036 1007-DISQ-0-J-SS-33010 1007-DISQ-0J-SS-33010 1007-DISQ- 0-J-SS-33030 1007-DISQ-0-J-SS-33030 1007-DISQ-0-J-SS-33033 1007-DISQ0-J-SS-33033 1007-DISQ-0-J-SS-33055 1007-DISQ-0J-SS-33055 1007-DISQ-0-L-SS-39010 1007-DISQ-0-L -SS-39010 1007-DISQ-0-F-DW-10012 1007-DISQ0-F-DW-10012 1007-DISQ-0-O-CF-48065 1007-DISQ0-O-CF-48065 1007-DISQ-0-E-SS-27023 1007-DISQ-0-E -SS-27023 1007-DISQ-0-G-MA-30088 1007-DISQ0-G-MA-30088 1007-DISQ-0-L-SS-39004 1007-DISQ0-L-SS-39004 1007-DISQ-0-F-G-SP-10014 1007-DISQ-0-F -G-SP-10014 1007-DISQ-0-F-SS-10018 1007-DISQ0-F-SS-10018
Control System Philosophy Architecture Central Treatment Plant Field Instrumentation General Specification Specificationss and Testing Requirements Control Valve Specifica Specification tion Shutdown Valve Specifica Specification tion Safety Relief Valves Specification Specification for Piping Material Hazardous Area Classificat Classification ion Layout Cause & Effect Diagram Electrical Specification Specificationss for Packaged Equipmen Equipmentt Electrical System Design Philosophy Specificat Specification ion for Painting and Protecti Protective ve Coatings F&G Require Requirement ment Specificatio Specification n Specificat Specification ion for Equipment Noise Control
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Specification
1007-DISQ- 0-M-SS-42003 1007-DISQ-0-M-SS-42003 1007-DISQ-00-QP-1008 1007-DISQ00-QP-1008 1007-DISQ-00-F-QA-1007 1007-DISQ00-F-QA-1007 Article 5 (2 pages pages of GSA) GASCO Vendor list
Sales Gas Metering Package
Package Equipment Specificat Specification ion Project Quality Plan QA Plan Measurements Measurements and Tests, Para 5 5.1 .1 to 5.6 PNM /2011 Reducing and Metering Gas Stations
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Specification
Sales Gas Metering Package
2.2 International Codes and Standards NUMBER
AGA Eng. Tech.
Ultrasonic Flow Measurement for Natural Gas Applicati Applications ons
Note M-96-2-3 AGA Rep. No.3
Orifice Meteri Metering ng of Natural Gas and Other relate related d Hydrocarb Hydrocarbons ons Fluids
AGA Rep. No.7
Measuremen Measurementt of Gas by Turbine M Meters eters
AGA Rep. No.8
Compressibi Compressibility lity Factors of Natu Natural ral Gas and Other Rel Related ated Hydrocarbon Gases
AGA Rep. No.9
Measuremen Measurementt of Gas by Multi Multipath path Ultrasonic Meters, second edition 2007
AGA Rep. No. 10
Speed of Soun Sound d in Natural Ga Gass and Other Rela Related ted Hydroca Hydrocarbons rbons
Pipe Threads (Except Dry sea seal) l) Specification Specifications, s, Dimension Dimensions, s, and Gauging for Taper and Straight Pipe Threads Including Certain Special Applicationss Application
ANSI B16.20
Ring-Joint Gas Gaskets kets and Groove Groovess for Steel Pipe Flanges Flanges
ANSI B 16.47
Large Diame Diameter ter Steel Flan Flanges ges NPS 26 Thru N NPS PS 60
ANSI B16.5
Pipe Flanges a and nd Flange Flanged d Fittings
ANSI B 16.9
Factory Made Wrought Steel Butt w welding elding Fittings
ANSI B 16.11
Forged Steel Fi Fittings, ttings, Socket Welding and Th Threaded readed
ANSI B 31.1
Power Pipi Piping ng Code
ANSI B 31.3
Chemical Pl Plant ant and Petrol Petroleum eum Refinery Pi Piping ping
ANSI B 31.4
Liquid Trans Transportation portation System Systemss for Hydrocarb Hydrocarbons, ons, Liquid Pe Petroleum troleum Gas, Anhydrous Ammonia, and Alcohols
ANSI B 31.8
Gas Transmissi Transmission on and Distrib Distribution ution Piping Systems
ANSI B16.34 ANSI B16.104
Valves - Flanged and Butt wel welding ding End Steel, N Nickel ickel Alloy an and d Other Special Alloys Valve Leakage Classific Classifications ations
ANSI B 36.10M
Welded and Se Seamless amless Wrou Wrought ght Steel Pipe
ANSI C 37.96
IEEE Guide for AC M Motor otor Protection
API 1104
Standard for Weld Welding ing of Pipe Pipelines lines and Re Related lated Facili Facilities ties
Specification for Fabricated S Structural tructural Steel Pi Pipes pes
API 500
Recommende Recommended d practice fo forr classification o off locations for el electrical ectrical installationss at petroleum facilitie installation facilitiess classified as Class 1, Division 1 and Division 2
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Specification
Sales Gas Metering Package
API RP 520
Sizing, Selec Selection tion and Instal Installation lation Of Pressure-R Pressure-Relievin elieving g Devices in Refineries
API RP 550
Manual on Ins Installation tallation of R Refinery efinery Instrume Instruments nts and Control Systems, Part 1 - Process Instrumentati Instrumentation on and Control, Section 6 - Control
API 551
Valves and Accessories Process Meas Measurement urement Instrume Instrumentation ntation
API 552
Transmission Systems
API RP 553
Refinery Con Control trol Valves
Specification for fire test for val valves ves
Recommende Recommended d Practice for A Analysis, nalysis, Desi Design, gn, Installation a and nd Testing of Basic Surface Safety Systems for f or Offshore Production Platforms
API 554
Process Control and Instrumen Instrumentation tation
Specification Specificationss for Pipeline Valves, End Cl Closures, osures, Con Connectors nectors and Swivels
ASME B31.3 ASME B16.5
Chemical Pl Plant ant & Petroleum R Refinery efinery Pip Piping ing Pipe Flanges a and nd Flange Flanged d Fittings
Temperature M Measurement easurement
ASME Section II
Material Sp Specifications ecifications
ASME Section IX
Welding and Brazing Qua Qualifications lifications
ASTM A193/A193M A193/A193M
Standard Spec Specification ification for Al Alloy loy Steel and Stai Stainless nless Steel Bo Bolting lting Materials for High Temperature Service
Standard Spe Specification cification for Ca Carbon rbon and Allo Alloyy Steel Nuts for B Bolts olts for High pressure / High-Temperature Service
Specification for Piping fittin fittings gs of Wrought C Carbon arbon Steel and A Alloy lloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures
Standard Spe Specification cification for Se Seamless amless and Welded Austeniti Austeniticc Stainless Steel Tubing for General G eneral Service
Specification for Seamless an and d Welded Austen Austenitic itic Stainles Stainlesss Steel Tubing for General Service
Specification for Alloy Stee Steell Bolting Materi Materials als for Low Temperature Service
High Strength B Bolts olts for Structura Structurall Joints, including including Suitabl Suitable e Nuts and Plain Hardened Washers
Methods and D Definitions efinitions for M Mechanical echanical Testin Testing g of Steel Produc Products. ts.
Standard Spe Specification cification for Wrought Austeni Austenitic tic Stainless Stee Steell Piping Fittings
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Specification
Sales Gas Metering Package
ASTM A450/450M A450/450M
Specification for General Re Requiremen quirements ts for Carbon Steel Steel,, Ferritic Alloy, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes
ATEX 95 (Directive (Directive 94/9/EC)
Directive on Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres
BS EN ISO 10204 – Metallic Products - Types of Inspection Documents 2004 DIN EN 10204
Metallic Products - Types of Inspection Documents
DIN 50049
Metallic Products - Types of Inspection Documents
Energy Institute Model Code of Safe Practice Part 15 ‘Area
Classification Code for Installatio I nstallation n Handling Flammable Fluids (3rd Edition). IEC 664
Insulatio Insulation n co-ordinat co-ordination ion within low-voltage systems including clearances and creep age distances for equipment
IEC 60059
IEC Standards Current Ratings
IEC 60079
Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmosphere Atmospheress Part 0: General requireme requirements nts
Part 1: Flameproof enclosures enclosures “d”
Part 2: Pressurized enclosures “p" Part 4: 4: Method of test for iignition gnition temperature Part 7: Increased safety "e" Part 10: Classification of hazardous areas Part 11: Intrinsic safety “I”
Part 12: Classification of mixtures of gases or vapours with air Part 13: Construction and use of rooms or buildings protected by pressurization Part 14: Electrical installations in hazardous areas (other than mines) Part 16: Artificial ventilation for the protection of analyser house Part 18: Encapsulation “m”( why this gap here?)acco here?)according rding to their
maximum experimental safe gaps and minimum igniting currents IEC 60085
Thermal Evaluation and Classification of Electrical Insulation
IEC 60228
Test for electric cables under fire conditions – Circuit integrity
IEC 60331
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
IEC 60529
Industrial Process Control Valves Inspection & Routine Testing
IEC 60751
Industria Industriall Platinum Resistance Thermometer Sensors
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Specification
Sales Gas Metering Package
IEC 61000
Electro-magnetic Electro-magne tic compatibi compatibility lity – Generic emissions standard
ISA 5.1
Instrument Symbols and Identification
ISA 5.4
Instrument loop diagrams
ISA 18.1
Annunciator Sequences and Specificat Specifications ions
ISA 20
Specificat Specifications ions forms for process measurement and control instrument instrumentss primary elements and control valves
ISA 50.1
Compatibilit Compatibilityy of analogue signals for electronic industrial process Instruments
ISA 51.1
Process Instrumentatio Instrumentation n Terminology
ISA S75.01
Control Valve Sizing Equations
ISA S75.02
Control Valve Capacity Test Procedures
ISA S75.03
Uniform Face-to-f Face-to-face ace Dimensions for Flanged Globe Style Control Valve Bodies
ISA S75.04
Face-to-f Face-to-face ace Dimensions of Flangeless Control Valves
ISO 1000
SI units and recommend recommendations ations for use of their multiples multiples and of certain other units
ISO 4406
Hydraulic fluid power – Fluids – Method for coding the level of contamination by solid particles
ISO 6551
Petroleum Liquids and Gases – Fidelity and Security of Dynamic Measurement – Cabled Transmission of Electric and/or Electric Pulsed Data
ISO 14617-1:2005
Graphical symbols for diagrams
ISO 9001:2008
Quality Management System – Requirements
ISO 15408
Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation
ISO14001:2 004/2009 Environment Management System- requirements ISO14001:2004/2009 OHSAS18001:2007 OHSAS18001:2 007 Occupationa Occupationall health and safety system- requirements ISO 17089
Measurement of Gas by Ultrasonic Meters
ISO 5167-1.
Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure different differential ial devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running running full -- Part 1: General principles and requirements
ISO 6976
Calculatio Calculation n of calorific value, density and relative density
ISO 5167
Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure different differential ial devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full.
ISO 5168
Methods of measuremen measurementt of fluid flow, estimation of Uncertainty of a flow rate measuremen measurement. t.
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Specification
Sales Gas Metering Package
Pressures Testing of Steel Valves
NFPA 72E-4
National Fire Alarm and Signalling Code - Automatic Fire Detectors
NFPA 90A SI 1994 3260
Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning Conditioning and Ventilation Systems The Electrica Electricall Equipment (Safety) Regulations
SI 1992 2372
The Electromagne Electromagnetic tic Compatibility Regulations
2.3 Order of Precedence
In case of discrepancies among the various documents, the following order of precedence shall be applied: 1. Purchase Order and amendments thereto 2. Data Sheets 3. This Package Specificat Specification ion 4. Other Referenced Project Specifications 5. Egyptian National/Local Codes and Standards 6. International Codes and Standards 7. Egyptian environment law 4 /2011
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Specification
Sales Gas Metering Package
Package Components
The Sales Gas Metering Package shall be used as a fiscal sales gas metering system for the sales gas of the Disouq Field Development Project to be transferred from the Central Treatment Plant into the sales gas pipeline. The Sales Gas Metering Package shall compensate flow readings for gas the online pressure and readings as well as rate gas composition the through one online chromatograph andtemperature calculate instantaneous flow based on the sales gas composition. The system shall use an ultrasonic meter as the primary method of flow metering method. Other flow terms such as volumetric or energy flow rate and flow tantalization shall be calculated in multi stream flow computers. Non resettable flow totalization shall be recorded in the flow computer, supervisory computer and the ICSS. The sales gas metering package shall consist of all mechanical mechanical,, electrical and instrumentation equipment such as rigid base frame, piping, gas filters, three ultrasonic flow meters, instrumentation, one online gas chromatograph, cabling and the metering system. The metering system shall be located in the equipment room of the t he control room building and shall include the metering cabinet with marshalling cabinet ex interfaces/barriers, 2 multi stream flow computer for handling of four ultrasonic meter streams in minimum, supervisory compu computer, ter, printer and operator workstation c/w keyboard, mouse and LCD display or touch screen, two communication communicatio n interfaces with the ICSS, two communication interfaces for the communication with theterminal SCADAstrip system the hardwired Gas Grid Operations shallhardwired be provided and aofjunction box or withoffour signals (ISCompany type) for the transfer these signals to the Gas Grid G rid Operation Company. The Gas Grid Operations Company will be responsible for the pick-up and transfer of all signals and communications from the metering cabinet inside the equipment room of the control room building on the CTP to the location of the SCADA system of the Gas Grid Operations Company. Each multi-stream flow computer function shall calculate, record, report the corrected sales gas volumetric flow rate (in MMSCF/d and in MMSCM/d), energy flow rates (in BTU and kWh/MWh) and associated total quantities of ultrasonic flow meters as required. The Supervisory computer shall manage, compare and report the flow computer results and validity of measurements where the operator workstation shall provide the GUI for f or the operator to interface with the system and provide access for printing and reporting. The Package inlet gas composition, temperature, rate and salesSales gas Gas outletMetering pressure is detailed within the Sales pressure, Gas Metering Processflow Data Sheet number “1007-DISQ-0-P-DP-48131”. The Vendor is required to confirm the necessary technology and equipment required to meet the specification. As a minimum, the package will consist of inlet/outlet headers, interconnecting piping, gas filters, ultrasonic meter runs (US Meter Streams), pressure control valves, shutdown valve, blow down valve, relief valves, ultrasonic flow meter, field instrumentation, two multi stream Flow Computer in minimum, supervisory computer, instrumentation panels and metering cabinets, skids and supports, electrical and instrument wiring and junction boxes as shown in figure 1 below.
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Specification
Sales Gas Metering Package
Figure 1 The following is a description of the minimum Sales Gas Package Process Components as per P&ID No: 3.1
P&ID Metering Skid
Inlet / Outlet Pipe Spools and Interconnecting Piping
The main inlet / outlet piping, metering runs and header shall be designed for 100% of the maximum flow rate and shall be equipped with the required instrumentation as shown in the P&ID- Metering Skid “1007-DISQ-0-P-DW-48059”. The complete pipe inl inlet et and ou outlet tlet spools layout, arrange arrangement ment of thermow thermowell ell tap and dimensionss shall follow the recommended default installation requirements of AGA Report No. dimension 9, Edition 2007, Section 7, for unidirectional design in minimum unless otherwise recommended or required by the Ultrasonic meter manufacturer. The requirements and dimensions of the piping shall be according to the Specification for Piping Material document number “1007-DISQ-0-L-SS-39010”. The inside surface finish of the piping used with Ultrasonic meters shall be 250µinch Ra or better and machined honed. The welds shall be 100% radiographic tested. The inlet pipe spool shall be equipped with a threadolet for bypass connection of inlet ball valve. The outlet pipe shall be equipped with threadolets for connections of instruments and other required equipment as specified by the relevant code. 3.2
Sales Gas Filter
Dependent on the gas analysis and quality, the gas metering skid shall be equipped with gas filters. Gas filters shall have 100% standby capacity. The gas filter shall be able to separate liquids from natural gas. Each gas filter shall consist of one/multi cycle separation stage, cartridge filters and shall have required valves and instrumentation including a vent and depressurizing depressuriz ing connections. For a quick and easy replacement of the filter cartridges the filter shall be equipped with full size opening with a quick closing door. The filter shall be equipped with:
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Specification
o o o
Sales Gas Metering Package
Inlet and outlet plug valves Pressure Differential transmitter Pressure Differential and Pressure Indicator Level Indicator
Drain and vent valves Safety relief valve o Maintenance manhole (if applicable) o
The pressure drop across the clean filter shall not exceed 0.5 barg at the maximum flow. 3.3
Metering Module
The metering module shall consist of three metering runs (metering streams), and the associated instrumentation instrumentation necessary to calculate, correct, record flow rate and gas quantities at standard conditions in MMSCF/d and MMSCM/d. The number of metering streams in operation shall be decided based on plant production and consumer requirement although there shall be at least one stream as a hot stand-by meter. The change-over of the metering streams from operating stream to stand-by and vice-versa, shall be achieved by manually operated valves. Each Metering stream (Metering Run) shall be supplied with calibration certificate. Metering runs or metering streams ’ sizing shall take in consideration the maximum and minimum flow rate as specified in the process data sheet to insure maximum accuracy within the full flow operation range. The minimum equipment of each metering run shall comprise: o o o o
Inlet and Outlet ball valves. Ultrasonic flow meter. Pressure transmitter. Temperature transmitter. The meter module instrumentations shall be designed and connected to the flow computer for totalizing, correction and recording. Each meter shall have a maximum permissible error of ±0.5% over the flow range. o
Repeatabil Repeatability ity of the meters must be within +/- 0.2% for the highe higherr velo velocity city range The total uncertainty of the meterin metering g package shall no nott exceed 1% inde independent pendent of the number of streams in operation and shall be tested and verified during flow calibrations in accordance with AGA Report No.9, Edition 2007, section 6 and the recommended flow rates. Flow Calibrations are mandatory for fiscal metering applications.
o o
Pressure, Temperature transmitters and instrumentation shall be supplied with high accuracy and valid calibration test certificates. 3.3.1
Ultrasonic Meter
An ultrasonic meter shall be installed as the primary measuring device in the metering system in compliance with AGA Report NO. 9. The ultrasonic meter shall be based on the latest technology and shall be multi-path type (4-path in minimum) with the chords arranged such that the flow profile can be analysed analysed.. Failure of a path shall not result in a measurement failure
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but shall trigger an alarm that accuracy or measurement is affected. The meter reading shall be corrected or compensated for the temperature and pressure effect on the measuring path. Accuracy of Ultrasonic Meter shall shall be equal to or more than 99.5%. The ultrasonic meter shall be installed in a way to t o minimize the accumulation of contaminants. The ultrasonicmust meters shall have a large dynamic range and within this range, the following requirements be fulfilled: Negligibl Negligible e offset error. High repeatabili repeatability. ty. High absolute accuracy.
Moreover, Moreove r, the ultrasonic meters shall be unaff unaffected ected by installation effects such as: Swirl. Asymmetry. Pulsations
The signal transmission of the Ultrasonic Meter shall use digital signals to avoid fluctuations in sound velocity and to be able to check signal quality in addition to having built in diagnostics. The Ultrasonic Meter shall have dedicated software to examine the performance of the metering system. The performance of the metering system shall examine but not limited to the following: Swirl and asymmetry. Ultrasonic meter footprin footprintt and ratio (ve (verify rify the meter by checking the me measured asured Velocity of Sound versus the Calculated Velocity of Sound). Performance monitoring of the meter.
The measuring device and associated transducers shall be capable of operating without detriment of performance throughout the expected pressure and temperature range and should not be affected by changes in ambient condition conditions. s. The Vendor shall provide a study on how to minimize the effect of unsteady flow conditions due to the presence of compressors upstream the Metering Package on the Ultrasonic meter performance. The Ultrasonic meter shall provide two types of signals: Frequency/Puls Frequency/Pulse e signal. Serial port for a min minimum imum distan distance ce of 300m b between etween each meter and the flow computer.
The body of the ultrasonic meter shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the relevant sections of API 6 D and ASTM A-216 GR WCB or other material standards equivalent equivale nt to these. The pipe material for the ultrasonic meter, bolts, nuts and flanges shall designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the Specification for Piping Material, document number “1007-DISQ-0-L-SS-39010” and the inside surface finish shall be designed as
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250µinch Ra or better and machined honed. The hydrostatic test pressure of the meter body shall be 1.5 times the design pressure. The inside diameter of the ultrasonic meter shall have the same inside diameter as the upstream tube’s diameter and must be within 1% or better in accordance with AGA Report No.9. All material exposed exposed to the gas shall be gas-resistant. The surface of the transducers shall not be degraded in performance due to contact with natural gas. The transducers shall be removable under pressure. Removal and reinstallation of transducers shall not affect the calibration of the meter nor the accuracy. The vendor shall supply the retraction equipment to remove the transducers under pressure. Each ultrasonic meter shall be sandblast and shall be painted in accordance with the Specification for Painting and Protective Coatings, document number “1007-DISQ-0-L-SS39004”. 3.4
Metering System
The metering system shall comprise of two multi stream flow computer in minimum, Instrumentation Panel, supervisory computer, operator work station and secondary devices. The metering system cabinets shall be located in the equipment room of the control room building. The Metering System shall interface with the plant DCS System via redundant single mode fibre links or redundant copper cable serial links (Ethernet TCP/IP) which will be confirmed during detail design and shall be monitored from the plant HMI (OWS) that will be located in the Central Control Room (CCR) of the control room building on the Central Treatment Plant. Vendor to provide intrinsically intrinsically safe junction box wi with th 12 terminals (3 terminals each signal) for 3 analogue intrinsically safe signals and one digital intrinsically safe impulse signal (max. 50 Hz) as interface point for the Gas Grid Operator GASCO located outside the metering cabinet in a junction box or inside the meteri metering ng cabinet on a termina terminall strip as follows: Flow rate; 4-20mA, 0-165 MMSCF/d. Pressure; 4-20mA, 0-100 barg. Temperature; 4-20mA, 0-80 degree Celsius. Impulse signal (max. 50 Hz, dry contact) for totalizer inside GASCO. Above mentioned mentioned hardwi hardwired red signals shal shalll be in paralle parallell also transferred via R RS S 232 interface.
Vendor shall provide active standard Serial link RS 232 port (physical DB 9 socket) in slave mode and standard Modbus RTU. Vendor shall provide also Ethernet connection (physical RJ45 socket), standard Modbus (for future connection). Gas analysis data C1 to C9 shall be transferred via serial link RS 232 and Ethernet connection. The Gas Grid operator GASCO shall be responsible to pick up the signals from above mentioned interface points and transfer the signals to his premises.
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Multi-stream Flow Computer
Multi stream flow computer shall be fully wired, furnished and configured to serve 4 streams in minimum. The Multi-stream flow computer convert uncorrected flow figures into corrected flow following, the equations detailed in AGA 7 and shall compensate if required the flow readings for the online pressure and temperature readings as well as gas composition through the online gas chromatograph, and calculate flow rates (in MMSCF/d and in MMSCM/d) and shall be capable to summarize at least 4 working metering streams. One multi-stream flow computer shall be in operation and the other shall be a hot standby. The operating flow computer shall receive the reading from the Ultrasonic Meters. As only ttwo wo out of the three meter streams are operating and the third is on standby, the flow computer shall sum up the flow from the two meters and send the results to the supervisory computer. 3.4.2
Supervisory Computer
The Supervisory computer shall be equipped with necessary check and validation software to confirm reading accuracy, reliability and validity. The supervisory computer shall supervise, manage the flow computers and check fflow low calculation accuracy and validity. The Supervisory Computer shallsupervisory be able to computer change between main the andplant standby and when required. The shall report flowflow ratecomputers and sold as quantities for energy in BTU and kWh and volume in SCF and SCM (per shift, day, week, month, year and total). The Supervisory Computer software shall have the capability to check the validity, reliability, performance and accuracy of the Ultrasonic Meters. The purpose of these checks is to guarantee that the ultrasonic meters are performing satisfactorily within the specifications and the initial meter calibration is still valid. 3.4.3
Operator Work Station
The Operator Work Station (OWS) shall be PC-based industrial computer type and shall be provided with a dedicated keyboard, screen, mouse and printer. The Operator Work Station OWS shall be provided with a proprietary software package designed for easy, ergonomic operator interface with the Metering Package facilities. The software package shall include a suite of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). The GUIs shall be based on the Metering Skid P&ID to provide an accurate and familiar representation of the process Arrangement. The Operator Work Station (OWS) display pages shall giv give e the operator an overview of all the connected metering streams. For each of the t he meter streams, the following data shall be displayed displayed:: The volume flow rates at line conditions and at standard conditions in MMSCF/d and MMSCM/d. The energy flow rate in BTU and kWh/ MWh. The mass flow rate in kg/h and metric tons/h
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Volume-, E Energynergy- and Mass Fl Flowow- total per shift, da day, y, wee week, k, month, yyear ear and o overall verall totalizer The pressure and temperature in barg and degree Celsius. Detailed Information abou aboutt the Ultrasoni Ultrasonicc Meter inc includes ludes flow direction and data
validity. Ultrasonic meter performance monitoring. Signal to Noise Ratio. Speed of Soun Sound d (S (SOS) OS) Co Comparison mparison as de described scribed in the AGA10 standard. Swirl Angle Monitor. Asymmetry Monitor. Instrumentation Panel
Instrumentation Signals of the three metering runs shall be terminated at skid edge intri intrinsic nsically ally safe junction box. The layout, design of the junction box shall follow the 1007-DISQ-0-J-SS33010 ‘Field Instrumentation General Specification and Testing Requirements’ and 1007DISQ-0-E-SS-27023 ‘Electrical Specification for packaged Equipment’ and shall be subject to company approval. 3.4.5
Secondary Devices
The Instrumentation for each metering run classified as "secondary devices" includes, but not be limited, to the followi f ollowing: ng: One Electronic static pre pressure ssure tran transmitter, smitter, 4-20mA 4-20mA,, 2 wire, HART protocol compatible, intrinsicallyy safe transmitter. intrinsicall One Electronic Temperature transmitter, 4-20mA, 2-wire, HART protocol compatible, 4-wire PT 100 from thermowel t hermowelll to head ttransmitter, ransmitter, intrinsically safe transmitter
Instrument vendors for all instruments shall be in accordance with attached vendors list. They shall have required linearity and repeatability with negligible mounting position. It is required that these transmitters are are selected to ha have ve an accuracy of ± 0.1% of calibrated span and a stability of ± 0.1% of URL per 60 months in minimum.
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Extent of Supply
The scope of supply shall include, but not be limited to the following: Package Process Components: Inlet / Outlet Pipe Spools and Interconnecting Piping. Piping. Sales Gas Filters Filters.. Metering Module including three Ultrasonic Meters. Metering System Multi-stream Flow Computer. Instrumentation P Panel. anel. Supervisory Computer including Software and Hardware Operator Work Station c/w screen, keyboard, mouse and printer including Software and Hardware Secondary Devices as per section 3.4.5 All flow flow,, pressure and tempera temperature ture instrum instrumentation, entation, together w with ith manifol manifold d valves and enclosures. Gas chromato chromatograph graph C1 up to C C9 9 in o online nline op operation eration instal installed led on the skid w with ith all accessories required such as test gas and data link to the metering cabinet for monitoring purposes and link into the flow computers etc. System /marshall /marshalling/terminatio ing/termination n cabinet. Cable trays / supports JB’s and for Company’s power and Instrument cabling. Special system cabl cables, es, incl including uding d data ata comm communication unication connections to ICSS and Gas Grid Operations Company interface inside or outside the metering cabinet, any special cables and connectors required for system operation and gas chromatog chromatograph raph online operation and monitoring. Intrinsic Intrinsically ally safe and other Junction boxes as required. Terminations and isolation facilities for maintenanc maintenance. e. Redundant Power supply modules. System Input/ Output interface equipmen equipment. t. System computers and processors with battery backup. System network Interface units. Redundant network communication system. All operational software (including all licensed operating software and required protocols for system interfaces), configured configured to meet the applicatio application n requirements. Supervisory Computer management and validation software. System en engineering gineering and design including system architect architecture ure and all cabinet design. Implementatio Implementation n of functions. Computationa Computationall algorithms, logic and sequence design. System pow power er supply design, internal power distribut distribution ion boards and earthing design. All necessary equipment and communication cables fully configured for plug and play to interface with other systems. Structural Stee Steell Skid Base pl plate(s) ate(s) c/w drip pan, d diagonally iagonally arranged two earthi earthing ng points per skid in minimum and flanged drain connection.
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On skid iinterconnectin nterconnecting g piping, pipe supp supports, orts, valv valves es and fittin fittings gs for proce process, ss, utilities, vents, shutdown and relief systems terminating at skid edge with flanged connections. Instrumentation Instrumentation,, valves, fittings and tubing. Skid Earthing and Bonding. Safety de devices vices (including alarms, shutdow shutdowns, ns, interlo interlocks, cks, si signs, gns, access restrictions restrictions,, personnel protection, lightning protection, etc.). Skid lighting if required. Special Tools. Fabricat Fabrication ion and Assembly. QC Inspecti Inspection on & QC Testing (in (including cluding ccalibration alibration of each meter ru run n and the who whole le metering package, factory, system integration and site acceptance tests including test procedures and report). Painting and Protective Coating. 3rd Party Certification. Supervisio Supervision n of Installation. Commissioning and start-up spare parts. List of Two Years operation operational al spare parts. List of Capital Spares. Packing, Marking and Preservation Preservation.. QC Tes Testt Equi Equipment pment required for Cali Calibration bration runs, FAT, SIT, and SAT. Documentati Documentation on as detailed within VDRF and Minimum Quality Surveillance (including installation, operation and metering maintenance manuals, validation, factory acceptance-, system integration-, site acceptance test and calibration procedures). Performan Performance ce and Mechanical Guarantees Guarantees.. QC Cali Calibration bration certificates as requ required ired for fiscal sales gas mete metering ring ap application. plication.
The following Items are excluded excluded:: Civil Works including foundations E+I cablin cabling g work from Meterin Metering g Skid to Meteri Metering ng Cabi Cabinet net and ICSS insi inside de equipm equipment ent
of Centralconnection Control Room building.skid to plant earthing system Earthing of metering
Battery Limits
The battery limits shall be as indicated on the relevant P&IDs (1007-DISQ-0-P-DW-48059) For skid mounted packaged equipment the battery limits (i.e. pipe work flanges and instrument junction boxes) boxes) shall be loca located ted at the skid base plate edge, skid b base ase frame supports or iin n the metering room as applicable. This is as further f urther defined below:
Gas Inlet (R1). Gas Outlet (R2). Flare (PSV Outlet) (N-5401 A) (R3). Flare (PSV Outlet) (N-5401 B) (R4). Flare (BDV Outlet) (R5).
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Flare (PCV Outlet) (R6). Manual Vent; Metering Run A (R7). Manual Vent; Metering Run B (R8). Manual Vent; Metering Run C (R9). Instrum Instrument entsupply Air Supply connection connection. Electrical connection connections. s. . Earthing connections. Hardwired instrume instrumentation ntation interface interfacess (Junction Boxes on skid edge). Interface connection connectionss for Gas Grid Operator Company.
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Design Requirements
Basic Design Data
The Gas Metering package shall be designed for continuous operation operation outdoors on the Central Treatment Plant (CTP)and of the Disouq Fieldwith Devel Development opment Project the North Nilecodes Delta of Egypt environment in accordance the relevant data located sheets,inspecifications, and standards and other applicable documents listed in section 2. All supplied equipment and components thereof shall be designed for a minimum design life of twenty five (25) years. In addition, the equipment shall be designed, engineered and constructed to ensure safety, environmental compliance, reliability, quality, efficient operation and ease of maintenance. An overall package availability of 99.8% is required. Measuring Measurin g equipment shall be designed and operated to ensure to meet also the t he requirements of Article 5 ‘Measurements and Tests’ Para 5.1 till 5.6 and an overall uncertainty of the measurements not exceeding one percent (1%) as stated explicitly in Para 5.5 ( see attached two pages of Article 5 ). The total uncertainty of the each stream and the different combinations of stream and the whole metering package shall be verified with individual meter and metering package testing and calibration in accordance accordance with AGA Report 9, Edition 2007, Section 6. IEC 60079 or equal International standards shall be used to classify hazardous areas. FEED Hazardouss Area Classification Layout; see document number “1007-DISQ-0-F-DW-10012”. Hazardou All electrical and and instrumentation equi equipment pment on the skid shall be designed, designed, mounted, classified and certified for zone 1 in accordance with EN 60079-10 or 2G in accordance with ATEX 95 and Gas Group II CT4 or equal. Associated ex interfaces/barriers in the metering cabinet shall be suitable classified and certified to match the requirements of the electrical and instrumentation equipment installed in zone 1 in accordance with EN 60079-10 or 2G in accordance with ATEX 95 and Gas Group II CT4. The Vendor shall confirm quantity of hydrocarbon relea releases ses and durations for all and any flaring cases including start up, process shut down and ESD of the package. The Vendor shall pay particular attention in the design to minimise emissions, air pollutants or releases of toxic waste products emissions or any other contaminants into(See the environment. Details of all hazardous and non-hazardous shall be identified emissions limits in appendix -6, Egyptian environment environme nt law 4 /2011). The Gas Metering Package shall be designed to avoid any hydrocarbon emissions. Continuouss flaring during normal operation is not allowe Continuou allowed. d. Particular attention shall be paid to prevent vibration of skid mounted pipe work. Adequate pipe supports shall be provided at suitable intervals to prevent excessive vibration during operation. The Vendor shall supply and install insulation and/or protective equipment where required on all pipe work supplied as part of the package. The Metering Runs/Streams shall be installed between inlet and outlet headers. Each metering run shall collectively cover the 50% of the maximum plant flow rate with 10% oversize. Each metering run/stream shall be designed to give a turndown ratio in accordance with
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document number number 1007-DISQ-0-P-DP-48 1007-DISQ-0-P-DP-48131, 131, Sales Gas Meteri Metering ng Process Data Sheet. Each metering run/stream shall comprise of one Ultrasonic flow meter (USM), static pressure transmitter upstream the USM and temperature transmitter with 4-wire PT 100 and head transmitter downstream the USM, all field instrumentation shall meet the Field Instrumentations General Specifications and Testing Requirements “1007-DISQ-0-J-SS33010”. The Gas Grid Operations Company requested 73 Diameter straight lengths upstream and downstream pipe diameter of the USM. Vendor to submit a comprehensive study on the advantages/disadvantages of installing flow conditioner/ straightening vanes upstream the ultrasonic meter stating his recommendations on whether such flow conditioner/vanes should or should not be installed for this application. Company has the full right in view of this study or based on other technical opinions to decide whether or not these t hese flow conditioner/straightenin conditioner/straightening g vanes shall be installed. The measuring process should take place in a pipeline of circular cross-section. The duct cross section uncertainty is a factor in the total uncertainty calculation of the system. Vendor shall submit detailed data regarding the ultrasonic meters. This data must cover in detail the following items: Theory of operation Calculation of speed o off sound, noise level and flow speed covering the flow range Determinatio Determination n of upstream and d downstream ownstream straight lengths of flow meter b based ased o on n process connections upstream and downstream of metering package, USM manufacturer recommendation, process connection with other equipment, piping arrangement and uncertainty requirements Flow simulation for the package covering the max. flow range Uncertainty calculation per strea stream, m, for different ccombinations ombinations of strea streams ms and with al alll streams in operation Detailed procedure of flo flow w calculation for the different operation scenarios. Data shee sheett to clari clarify fy the material of construc construction tion and important d data ata for each p part art of the Ultrasonic meter Detailed study showing the increase of accuracy and advantages gained w when hen increasing the number of USM transducers and vendor recommendation for the number of USM transducers (minimum 4-path ) All QC Tests and QC calibratio calibration n procedures for which the USM will be subject
The Ultrasonic meters shall be approved for use in hazardous area ‘Zone 1’ independent of the Hazardous Area Classification Layout document no. “1007-DISQ-0-F-DW-10012”, and shall have the certification for operation in Sales Gas Metering Stations (SGMSs) for gas flow measurement equipment as per custody transfer measurement requirements in accordance with AGA Report 9, Edition 2007. The centre line of the ultrasonic flow meter shall be within ±1% of the pipe centre. The upstream pipe section adjacent to the ultrasonic meter shall be in accordance with AGA Report 9, Edition 2007, section 7and the requirements of the USM manufacturer. The inside surface finish of piping upstream and downstream of the USM shall be 250µinch Ra or better and machined honed.
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Scope of ultrasonic Vendor shall include supply of upstream calibrated meter tubes and downstream calibrated meter tubes, as required to guarantee fiscal metering system uncertainty and requirements of ultrasonic vendor. It shall be expected for the t he system to receive entrained liquids deposits. The ultrasonic flow meters shall operate within the specified operating conditions to meet the sales gas metering package uncertainty of less than 1% under all operating conditions and over the whole flow range as permitted under the Gas Sales Agreement between the Seller and Buyer of the Gas. Swirl and non-uniform velocity profile effects shall be reduced to an insignificant level level by proper installation of the meter. Calculations necessary to calcul Calculations calculate ate corrected volume, mass flow and energy energy flow rates shall be performed by the flow computers and shall be in compliance with the flow equations of AGA-7. AGA-8 for the comparison of the meters reported SOS and AGA-10 for speed of sound computing. Field devices for flow metering service shall be 4-20mA, HART compatible type transmitters, intrinsically safe. Field devices shall be wired to the flow computations via dedicated twisted paired and individually screened and shielded cables. The gas composition shall be determined by manual sampling and laboratory analysis at regular intervals. The data will be manually input into the flow computer calculations and additional online online monitored with gas chromatograph from C1 up to t o C9. 5.2
Piping, Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts
All piping shall be contained within skid edge and shall be fabricated, f abricated, assembled and secured in position onto the skid prior to shipment. Process piping systems forming interconnections between skid mounted equipment shall be designed in accordance with ASME B31.3. External pipe work connections and pipe connections to all skid mounted equipment such as gas filter, control valve and shutdown valve shall be flanged in accordance with ASME B16.5 and sized as appropriate to the service design conditions. All Piping, Piping, Flanges, Gaske Gaskets ts and Bolts shall b be e designed iin n accordan accordance ce to documen documentt number “1007-DISQ-0-L-SS-39010” Specifications for Piping Material”. The pipe work arrangement and connections to all equipment shall follow recommendations stated in AGA Report 9, Edition 2007, Section 7 and the manufacturer’s requirements of the USM. Isolation and drain valves shall be provided in piping systems and around equipment in accordance with the requirements of the applicable design code(s) where required to ensure safe operation and/or adequate protection of equipment. 5.3
All equipment shall be painted and coated in accordance with Specification ffor or Painting and Protective Coatings “1007-DISQ-0-L-SS-39004”. A sufficient quantity of touch-up paint (10%) shall be supplied with the equipment to repair minor damage to the paint finish f inish after site installation.
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Skid Assembly
As far as practical within the limits of manufacture, transportation and installatio installation, n, all equipment supplied as part of the Sales Gas Metering package shall be supplied fully assembled and mounted on a common rigid welded steel skid base-frame calibrated and fully pre-commissioned ex works in order to minimise site installation and hook-up. pre-commissioned The skid shall be completed with all equipment, interconnecting piping, pipe supports, fittings, wiring, cabling, junction boxes, panels, metering cabinets as separated items but fully pretested, instrumentation, control valves, blow down valves and shutdown valves as shown on the P&ID- Metering Skid “1007-DISQ-0-P-DW-48059”. All skid wiring and terminals shall be labelled and wiring wiring for connections shall terminate in appropriate junction boxes at the edge of the skid. In determining the equipment/package skid sizing, the Vendor shall take into account the maximum permitted limits for road and rail transportation as defined within the material requisition. The skid shall be suitable for mounting directly onto concrete foundations and the metering cabinets on cabinet foundations in the equipment room of the control room building (foundation details layout and dimensions and weight of metering cabinets to be handed over to civil engineering of building designer). Provision shall be made for venting of equipment where necessary. The skid design and layout shall comply with project document n umber ”1007-DISQ-0-M-SS42003”, Package Equipment Specification. 5.5
Metering System Design Requirements Requiremen ts
The Metering system shall be designed for continuous operation. Central Treatment Plant (CTP) production will be continuous, continuous, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. The system shall be designed upon the philosophy of long term, trouble free operation with minimum downtimes for maintenance only. Functionality for performance monitoring and validation comparison of all instrumentation including flow meters, temperature and pressure transmitters shall be included in the Metering system. The Metering system shall contain diagnostic routines to alert the operator of component failure, over range operation, invalid metering data and shall raise an individual alarms on the DCS System. 5.5.1
Transient, Static and RFI Protection
Each element of the metering system shall operate normally and within the same specifications, when subjected to an RFI test according to IEC 61000-4-3 test level/test field strength (10 V/m) with a frequency range 26 MHz to 2000 MHz The total effects of the radio frequency interference shall be equal or less than 0.1% of the output spans, with the transmitter enclosure cover in place. The vendor shall describe in his proposal the system transient immunity testing and certifications that have been obtained.
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Cabinet Design
The cabinet shall be Rittal type or similar. The cabinet shall include any cable marshalling and shall be free standing, designed and constructed with sufficient strength and ruggedness to support the equipment without flexing. Cable entry to the cabinet shall be from the bottom, with a suitable cable clamping arrangement and certified method for sealing the cabinet against dust and dirt entry. The cabinet shall have front lockable doors and a suitable plinth. The cabinet shall be identified with a nameplate on the front door. The cabinet shall be supplied with cooling fans if necessary to maintain the cabinet interior temperature a maximum of 10°C above the maximum building environment temperature with all internal internal equipment an and d external lo loads ads energised energised.. Fan failures in the cabinets shall be alarmed. The cabinet shall be equipped with an internal light and continental 230 Volt, 50Hz, 1Ph, N, PE outlet socket derived internally inside inside the metering cabinet from the main power supply input. For the cabinet Earthing & Bonding Refer to Doc. No. 1007-DISQ-0-E-SS-27023 Electrical specifications for packaged equipment. The cabinet wiringcable shall ducts be sized suit the individual load requirements requirements. shall spare run in cable trays and andtotransmission cables sized to provide. All at wiring least 20% capacity. Adequate segregation shall be provided between the instrument analogue signals, the instrument digital signals, NON-IS- and IS-Signals and the AC power wiring. All terminating wiring shall be fitted with crimp tags. Terminals shall be W Weidmueller eidmueller SAKR or similar knife-edge isolating terminals for incoming/outgoing low voltage/low current signals. SAK type or similar sh shall all be used for other signals. Fused indica indicating ting type terminal terminalss (e.g. Weidmueller AFT or similar) shall be used for f or power. The layout and identification of terminals for the field cable terminations shall be on a multicore cable basis, with all spare cores terminated. 5.6
System Software Design Requirement
The Gas Metering system software shall monitor the flow, pressuree.g. and all temperature s of each Metering Run/Stream. The software shall be able to calculate other parameters, convert uncorrected into corrected gas figures and shall be able to monitor and diagnose the each meter stream and the whole system in accordance with AGA Report 9, Edition 2007 relevant sections. The software shall be able to carry out the Performance QC test, Verification and Validation process on a routine basis and if and when required by metering focal point of operations company. Any changes in composition data shall be manually input into the system when identified. All measured, calculated and diagnostic data for each Metering Run shall be monitored by DCS System via redundant Fibre optic cores links (FOC). The interface shall be redundant and fully compatible with the selected DCS System.
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Noise Limitations
The overall Sound Pressure Level from the package shall not exceed 80 dBA at 1 metre distance from the skid edge. If necessary noise control measures shall be applied to the equipment by the Vendor to ensure that these limits are adhered to. Where noise control measures acoustic insulation or acoustic are required, these provided bysuch the as Vendor. These enclosures shall beenclosures easily removable without the shall need be to dismantle any part of the equipment or otherwise shall not obstruct operational or routine maintenance activities. The VDRF will require the vendor to confirm the predicted sound power level and maximum overall sound pressure level in accordance with Noise Control Specification document number “1007-DISQ-0-F-SS-10018” and Egyptian environment law 04/2011, appendix 7. 5.8
The design shall conform to the available site utilities and respective “Utility Conditions”
detailed in the process data sheets 1007-DISQ-0-P-DP-4813 1007-DISQ-0-P-DP-48131. 1. 5.9
Material Certificate to Conformance (C&C)& Traceability
All field instrumentation shall be supplied with valid calibration certificates. The Vendor shall provide (C&C) to ensure appropriate systems procedures to ensure full traceability of materials (seemanufacturing Quality Assurance Plan,and requirement No.are 22).used During manufacture each assembled component shall be clearly and permanently marked in order that it can be traced back to the originally supplied material certificate and its origin determined. 5.10 Name plates
The Ultrasonic meter and all field instruments shall be equipped with a manufacturer’s nameplate of 316 stainless steel permanently attached with stainless steel screws or rivets indicating the specified data. In addition to specified data the following data shall be provided which is a minimum:
Tag number Serial number Model number Direction of flow Flow Range Number of Paths Purchase Order Number Manufacturer’s Name Year of Manufacture Other impo important rtant de design sign parameters ( e.g. medium and ambient operating temperatures ) Ingress Protection Hazardous Area classification and certificate number
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5.11 Climate Condition
The Sales Gas Metering Package shall be suitable to operate in the north delta climate conditions as per Environmental Data and Units of Measurement, document number “1007DISQ-0-M-RT-42015”. The metering system shall be installed in the equipment room of the control room building with the followi f ollowing ng conditions: Normal HVAC conditions: Temperature 22 C +/- 2 C. Relative Humidity 40% to 60%
Design conditions: Temperature 45 C. Relative Humidity 80%
Electrical Requirements Requirements
Electrical equipment shall be provided in compliance with the codes & standards and in accordance with Doc. No. 1007-DISQ-0-E-SS-27023 ‘Electrical Specifications for Packaged Equipment’. The insulating and dielectric materials used in all electrical equipment shall be non-toxic and shall not contain components that are persistent and/or hazardous environmental contaminants. The design of the electrical installation and equipment shall ensure that easy and adequate access is provided for all operational and maintenance purposes. 6.2
Power Supply Voltages
Refer to Doc. No. 1007-DIS 1007-DISQ-0-E-SS-27023 Q-0-E-SS-27023 ‘Electrical Specifications for Packaged Equipment’. 6.3
Hazardous Area Requirements Requiremen ts
Refer to Doc No. Document No. 1007-DISQ-0-F-DW-10012 ‘Hazardous Area Classification Layout’. 6.4
Certifying Authorities
Refer to Doc. No. 1007-DISQ-0-E-SS-27023 ‘Electrical Specifications for Packaged Equipment’. 6.5
Ingress Protection for Electrical Equipment
Refer to Doc. No. 1007-DISQ-0-E-SS-27023 ‘Electrical Specifications for Packaged Equipmen t’.
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Refer to Doc. No. 1007-DISQ-0-E-SS-27023 Electrical Specifications for Packaged Equipment’. 6.7
Equipment Earthing & Bonding
Refer to Doc. No. 1007-DISQ-0-E-SS-27023 ‘Electrical Specifications for Packaged Equipment’.
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Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Installation, Pre-commissioning Pre-commissioning and Commissioning Commissioning
All installation installation,, Pre-commission Pre-commissioning, ing, commissioni commissioning ng and operating instructions for electrical, instrument and mechanical equipment shall be included and indexed in the Installation, Precommissioning, Commissioning and Operating Manuals for the sales gas package in accordance with Contract requirements as described in the Requisition Requisition.. The Vendor shall ensure that sufficient qualified personnel are at all times allocated to the project. The Installation of the sales gas package shall be carried out with the assistance and under supervision supervision of the Vendor representative, any special tools required for installation, start up, Pre-commissioning and commissioning and acceptance QC tests shall be provided by Vendor. 7.1.1
Start-Up, Pre-commissioning Pre-commissioning and Commissioning Services
The Vendor shall provide services related to the Pre-commissioning, Commissioning and Start-up of the Package equipment which shall incl include, ude, but not be limited to, the following: Verify proper package system components and installation
System power up Perform diagnostics on all package components Verify metering and control system Verify ov overall erall iintegrity ntegrity of the p package ackage sy system stem and the in integrity tegrity with the ICSS as w well ell Verify proper package system operation Submit detailed installation, start-up, Pre-commissioning, commissioning and acceptance QC test reports for the sales gas pac package kage system and in individual dividual items as required
All QC test and QC verification verification equi equipment pment shall be provided b byy Vendor. 7.2
The package shall be arranged to allow sufficient access for maintenance and operation. The layout of the package shall reflect a compact ergonomic design with adequate spacing between adjacent equipment and pipe work. The assembled skid shall be supplied with all required access platforms, valves and instruments for safe operation and routine maintenan maintenance. ce. Adequate withdrawal withdrawal spa space ce and/or removab removable le pipe spool spoolss shall be pr provided, ovided, w where here necessary necessary,, to permit removal and replacement of major components of the package. Piping shall be arranged and supported so that the identified equipment maintenance items can be removed without dismantling surrounding equipment other than removing spool pieces adjacent to equipment connections. All valves shall be located and arranged for operation from suitable access platforms or from ground level. The Vendor shall supply necessary special tools (i.e. withdrawal tools and associated cradles as required) to enable periodic maintenance.
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Instrumentation supplied with the equipment shall be located to permit easy access for operation and maintenance. 7.3
Ultrasonic Meters and Secondary Devices shall be QC calibrated as follows: 7.3.1
Ultrasonic Meters Calibration
Calibration of Ultrasonic Meter shall be calibrated at a certified High Pressure Calibration Facility against a certified master meter with certified calibration and accuracy. The calibration rig shall be approved by a recognized "Office for Weights and Measurements". The Range ability of the Ultrasonic meter shall be > 100: 1. QC Calibration shall be done in accordance with AGA Report 9, Edition 2007 and section 6 in minimum. The Vendor shall provide Ultrasonic meter calibration procedures and package calibration procedures for company review and approval. The individual meter and metering package performance and calibration curves, accuracy and uncertainty shall be recorded. These records are an integral part of the documentation. 7.3.2
Secondary Devices
All secondary devices shall be delivere delivered d with valid calibration certificates. Adjustments to the Pressure transmitter can be made on site but these should be limited to the zero and span adjustments. Temperature shall be measured by means of 4-wire PT100 which shall be connected to the flow computer by temperature transmitter with head transmitter and two wire 4-20mA IS signal which shall be HART compatible. The output current of all instruments operating on a 4-20mA loop shall be checked by measuring the output voltage across a precision resistor (+0.01%). Analogue to digital converters are tested either by internal circuitry in the flow computer or by measuring the voltage across a precision resistor with an applied current. The calculation software of each flow computer must be checked and validated periodically. The validation test software has to be supplied by the vendor. 7.4
Special Tools
All special tools, software and hardware required for the installation, adjustment, Precommissioning, commissioning, operation, validation, calibration and maintenance shall be included in the Vendor’s scope of supply. This shall also include any special lifting devices devices required for site installation of the equipment. 7.5
Spare Parts
All spare parts parts necessary for the cconstruction, onstruction, Pre-commi Pre-commissioning, ssioning, commis commissioning sioning and start up on site shall be provided by the Vendor with the package, unless otherwise specified in the purchase order. The spare parts for two years operation may be purchased separately from the main equipment supplier unless otherwise specified in the purchase order. They shall be
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Sales Gas Metering Package
listed (as per Vendor recommendatio recommendation n with tthe he turn over methodology) and quoted separately from the main equipment as optional item. 7.6 7.6.1
Training Training Philosophy
Vendor shall provide formal training both on site and at the Vendor facility for Company personnel. 7.6.2
Training Course Documentation
For each trainee who will attend a training course, a copy of the complete training course, material, notes, and drawings shall be provided to Company one week prior to the commencement of the training course. The copies shall be retained by the trainees on completion of the training course and an original copy shall be the property of Company. 7.6.3
Operator Training Course
Operator manuals shall be made available to Company prior to this course. 7.6.4
Maintenance Training Course
System Configuration Course
The course purpose is to train technicians, operators and engineers for first line fault diagnosis and repair.
The purpose of this training course is to enable Company personnel to be able to understand and modify system configuration control and sequencing. The Vendor shall recommend the location for this training in coordination with the company. 7.6.6
Training Aids
The Vendor shall list training aids required for above courses.
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Preparation for Shipment
All equipment shall be supplied fully assembled wherever and whenev whenever er possible. In order to minimise the installation and pre-commissioning time at site, the equipment shall be suitably packed ready for shipment. The Vendor shall also include adequate protection and preservation for a minimum of six months outdoor storage from delivery to site. All necessary temporary supports and other facilities shall also be provided to enable the equipment to be securely anchored during transport. Each equipment item shall be clearly identified on the outside of the packing with a description and tag number so that any packaging doesn’t need to be removed until such time as the equipment will be required to be installed. Spare parts shall be individually packed for long term storage. All exposed or loose parts shall be completely boxed with identification tag. Gaskets supplied by the fabricator shall be new; gaskets used for shop hydrostatic test are not acceptable.
Quality Assurance & Health, Safety and Environment
The Vendor and his Sub-Suppliers shall maintain be certified and maintain active BS EN ISO 9001:2008 certificate “Quality Management Management Systems – Requirements” and in accordance with Disouq Project Quality Plandocument. and its Quality Assurance Plan and the Minimum Quality Audit Surveillance Surveill ance Requirements Also, the Vendor and his Sub-Suppli Sub-Suppliers ers shall be certified and maintain active ISO14001:2004 and OHSAS18001:2007 certificates These integrated management Systems shall be adopted by the Vendor throughout the various phases of the project (Engineering, fabrication, assembly, QC testing and Inspection). I nspection). The Vendor shall manage and implement the work in accordance with good management practice, covering engineering, purchasing, expediting, expediting, fabrication and QC testing t esting in respect of the applicable regulations, Codes and Standards. St andards. 9.1
QC Factory QC Acceptance Test (FAT)
The Vendor shall perform inspection and testing at his shop in the presence of Company and/or its representative prior to shipment. Vendor shall be fully responsible for the complete design, fabrication, integration, QC inspection and testing all the Gas Metering system components in accordance with AGA Report 9, Edition 2007 inofminimum. The Vendor shall perform a complete functional QC test of all the Gas Metering system components before making the equipment available for the witnessed Factory QC Q C Acceptance Test (FAT). The FAT shall comprise testing of the performance of the Gas Metering system, with simulated instrument inputs. All QC testing will be conducted in accordance with test procedures. The vendor shall furnish the QC test procedures to the Purchaser for review at least 2 months prior to the FAT. The vendor shall supply, at his cost, all necessary test equipment, tools, cables c ables and personnel for the duration of the QC tests. The system workstation, communication links and all other accessories shall be thoroughly QC tested to verify complete conformance with the scope of work and the project requirements.
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The vendor shall supply all QC test equipment conforming to the relevant standards and traceable. Prior to testing t esting the vendor shall provide valid certificates to confirm calibration of QC test equipment. The FAT shall be performed at the Vendor’s facilities with with a comforta ble work environment and
easy access to all equipment. A QC test log shall be maintained by the vendor to keep record of all tests carried out, any fault, rectification work done, etc.. As minimum the FAT shall include the follo following: wing: Verification that the system is physically complete, in accordance w with ith the pro project ject material requisition Verification that the system h has as be been en asse assembled mbled in acc accordance ordance w with ith the requirements o off this specification and the approved Vendor drawings Functionality QC testing to verify that the hardware and software configuration can perform all functions required by this project. All system inpu inputs ts and outputs shal shalll be simulated to determi determine ne the correct functio functionality nality of the system. This includes all FOC links, links to gas grid operator and hardwired signals from/to ICSS and to gas grid operator. Complete hardware QC testing (flow computers, su supervisory pervisory computer, iinstruments, nstruments, power supplies, I/O signals, all communication modules to/from ICSS, ESD signals to/from ICSS, all interfaces to the Gas Grid Operator Company etc.), observation of fault reporting via hardware indicators and data transfers, and online component replaceme replacement. nt. Verification of diagnostic software. Verification that all system interfaces function correctly an and d reliably inclu including ding FOC interfaces with the control and monitoring system. Verification of the serial numbers of all major components. Verification o off total un uncertainty certainty of sales gas metering pa package ckage in different ope operating rating modes
The vendor shall at an agreed stage of the project prior to FAT, demonstrate the ability of the Metering System to communicate with other systems such as ICSS and SCADA of Gas grid operator via the dedicated interfaces. The Vendor shall include in the quotation, a detailed proposal of how this will be achieved. The stage and integration requirements shall be indicated on the fabrication, QC inspection and test plan to be submitted by the vendor for review.. It shall be the Vendor’s responsibility that all interfaces function correctly. review Any system components that fail during any phase of the QC testing shall be replaced not repaired, without cost compensation compensation.. Radio Frequency Interference QC Test shall be carried out with the cabinet doors open using an RFI source and covering frequency levels to be specified during design. This shall not interfere with the normal operation of the system and should not trigger any alarm when the receiver is activated. Deficiencies noted during QC FAT shall be corrected during the test and fully retested to company satisfaction. Any outstanding items that can’t be rectified and retested in the agreed
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FAT time scale shall be rectified at site and retested during SAT at the Vendor’s cost.
Certification of completion of QC FAT including a list of outstanding deficiencies shall require signature by the Company. QC Non Destructive Examination (NDE) shall be carried out in accordance with applicable referenced codes and standards. The vendor is to propose arrangements for QC testing, checking repeatability/accuracy and for providing information detailing calibration and traceability to a recognised and agreed Authority. Company reserves the right to inspect all stages of manufacturing/assembling/ QC testing of the equipment package at Vendor/Sub-Ve Vendor/Sub-Vendor ndor shop. Company shall have the right to reject any equipment non-conforming to the purchase order and referenced specifications. The Vendor shall carry out all specified QC testing and inspection required by contractual documentation, specifications, applicable codes & standards and the manufacturer’s quality
management system. The Vendor shall retain all required records and documentation pertinent to these activities. Acceptance criteria of QC tests, when not defined by tthe he applicable codes, shall be specified by the Vendor in the Vendor Quality Control/Assurance Plans and/or QC test procedures and shall be sent to Company for review review.. 9.2
QC System Integration Test (SIT)
The purpose of the QC System Integration Test (SIT) is to check for the correct operation and function of FOC communication communicationss links and all hardwired signals between the Metering System and the ICSS System. The SIT shall also include the test of the all signals transfer and communications communicatio ns lilinks nks with the Gas Grid Operato Operator. r. SIT to be performed as part of the QC FAT. The SIT shall be carried out at the Metering System Vendor’s premises. The system shall be
connected in a manner identical to that which will exist on site and shall use the same system configuration and software that will be used on site. A detailed QC system integration est procedure for the SIT shall be The provided as part of the detailed design documentation of ttest the sales gas metering package. QC SIT procedure shall be agreed between Metering Vendor and Control System Vendor to ensure all interfaces will be QC tested and fully operational when the SIT has been completed and QC test reports signed off by the metering vendor, the ICSS vendor and the company or its representative. 9.3
QC Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
As minimum the QC SAT shall shall include the foll following: owing: A comple complete te audit of all equipment to verify that it has been received an and d does not have any mechanical damage, loose parts, etc. Verify that agreed minor ou outstanding tstanding items noted d during uring QC FAT and QC SIT h have ave be been en corrected and tested. Verification that the installation meets the Company specifications. Verification that all equipment is fully functional tested.
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Verification that all communication links an and d interfaces operate ccorrectly orrectly and have successfully passed the QC SAT and the QC SIT on site. Complete system pow power-up er-up and testing of all network e equipment, quipment, in including cluding the test o off all interfaces with SCADA system of Gas Grid Operation Company.
Finally Metering Run test w with ith produc productt as part of the final SAT. The SAT shal shalll be co completed mpleted only with full operational test when gas plant brought into production with all relevant parties and authorities present to sign off the final QC Site Acceptance Test Procedure after completion of the final performance test. 9.4
Ultrasonic Meter Inspection
As a minimum all ultrasonic ultrasonic shall shall be inspec inspected ted by a 3rd party during FAT to en ensure sure complian compliance ce with all approved calculations, documentation and material certifications. The Meter Tubes shall be subject to a full hydrostatic pressure test in accordance with ASME B31.3.
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10 Vendor Data Requirements The Vendor data requirements shall be as specified on the Vendor Data Requirements Form (VDRF) attached to the t he Material Requisition. The required number of reproducibl reproducible e and copies shall be as specified. An installation, installation, operating a and nd maintenan maintenance ce manual (IOM) and manu manufacturers facturers record b book ook (MRB) shall be provided as detailed in the material requisition.. 10.1 Functional and Detail Detail Design Specification Specification (FDS and DDS)
Vendor shall provide FDS and DDS for the Metering System. The FDS shall precisely define the hardware and the software proposed and shall be in sufficient depth. The Detail Design specification shall shall be fully detailed detailed.. The FDS and DDS shall in include, clude, but not be limited to the following:
Component selection. System details. Proposed hardware and software configuration details. Communication and hardwired interface details. System capacity, constraints and options. System diagnostics details. Bill of Materials. Sizing Calculations. Uncertainty Calculations. Ultrasonic Meter Data Sheets System power consumption and heat load calculations. Power distribution within the system with electrical single line diagrams. Documentation schedule. Production schedule. Drawings (e.g. wiring drawings, etc.). Technical Description with principle of op operation eration and installation instructions. Operating and Maintenance Manuals for each Equipment Outline Dimensions Assembly Drawing - U Ultrasonic ltrasonic Meter Run with all installed Equipment. Explosions Drawings with mechanical details and part numbers. Total spare part list. Maintenance Procedures. Calibration and Settings Procedures. Calibration and Material Certificates. QC FAT proposals and test plans. QC SIT proposal and test plans. QC SAT proposals and test plans. QC Test Reports.
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All above mentioned docu documents ments shall be iin n English La Language nguage as spe specified. cified. Before starting any of the proceeding activities, the vendor shall acquire the approval of the submitted documents.
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List of Abbreviations Abbreviations Abbreviation Description
Alternating Cu Current rrent American Gas A Association ssociation Automatic Gain Control Analogue Inp Input ut American Iron a and nd Steel Institu Institute te Analogue Outp Output ut American Na National tional Stand Standards ards Institute American Petrol Petroleum eum Institute American Soci Society ety of Mechan Mechanical ical Enginee Engineers rs American Soci Society ety of Testing and Material Atmospheres Ex Explosibles plosibles British Standard Central Control Room Cause and Effect Choke Valve Central Treatment Plant Decibels (A weighted average value) Direct Current Distribut Distributed ed Control System Detail Design Specification Deutsches Institut für Normung Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company Energy Institute Electronic Industries Association European Norm Emergency Shut Down Factory Acceptance Test Functional Design Specificati Specification on Front End Engineering Design Fire and Gas Fibre Optic Cable Egyptian Natural Gas Company Graphical User Interface Highway Addressable Remote Transmitt Transmitter er Hazard and Operability Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning High High
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High Pressure Hydraulic Power Unit Internat International ional Electro-t Electro-technical echnical Commission Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Integrated Control and Safety System Input/Output Ingress Protection Intrinsic Safety International Society of Automation International Organisation for Standardiz Standardization ation Local Equipment Room Low Low Low Pressure Lower Master Valve Manufacturers Standardiz Standardization ation Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry Mean Time Between Failures Mean Time To Failure Mean Time To Repair Master Valve Maximum Working Pressure National Association of Corrosion Engineers National Aeronautica Aeronauticall Society Non Destructi Destructive ve Examination Nominal Pipe Size National Electrical Manufacturer Manufacturerss Association National Fire Protecti Protection on Associati Association on National Pipe Threads Operator Work Station Process Control Network Process Flow Diagram Piping and Instrument Diagram Process Shut Down Pressure Transmitter PolyTetraFluoroEthylene Polyvinyl Chloride Radius Absolut Raised Face Radio Frequency Interference Remote Terminatio Termination n Unit Site Acceptance Test
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Sales Gas Metering Package
Submerged Arc Welded pipe Stainless Steel Sub-Surface Safety Valve Surface Controlled Sub-Surfac Sub-Surface e Safety Valve Shutdown Valve Sales Gas Metering Stations international System of Units Safety Integrity Level System Integration Test Speed Of Sound Telecommuni Telecommunications cations Industry Association Temperature Transmitter Technisch Technischer er Überwachungs-Ve Überwachungs-Verein rein Unit Control Panel Uninterrupt Uninterruptible ible Power Supply Ultrasonic meter Upper Master Valve Vendor Data Requirements Form Velocity of Sound Well Head Pneumatic Hydraulic Unit Well Head Control Panel Well Head Operators Panel Wing Valve Quality Assurance Quality Control Material Safety Data Sheet
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