1007 DISQ 0 J SS 33030 Control Valve Specification
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Disouq Field Development FEED
Control Valve Specification
Document number 1007-DISQ-0-J-SS-33030-Rev.1
20.11.11 Issued for Approval
A Saleh / A Khamisy
A Fawzi
A Hamdan
18.10.11 Issued for Client comment
A Saleh / A Khamisy
A Fawzi
A Hamdan
Issued By
Checked By
Approved By
Client Approval
Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification
Changes List Date Rev. 01
prepared (dd.MM.yyyy) 20.11.2011
Prepared by A Saleh / A Khamisy
Description Modified the document to comply with RWE comments.
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification
Table of Contents 1
INTRODUCTION ............... ................ ................. ................. ................. ................. ....... 5
Scope ............................... ................. ................. ................ .................. ................ ........ 5
Definitions ................ ................. ................. ................ ................. ................. ................ 5
1.3 1.4
Abberviations ............................................................................................................... 5 Units of Measurements ................................................................................................ 6
Climate Condition ......................................................................................................... 6
APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS .................................................................. 7
Control Valve.............................................................................................................. 10
Application ................................................................................................................. 10
Basis of selection ....................................................................................................... 10
Valve Rating and Valve Class .................................................................................... 10
Valve Sizing ............................................................................................................... 10
3.4.1 Pressure Drop Allocations .......................................................................................... 11 Pumped Circuits ......................................................................................................... 11 Compressor Discharge and Suction Lines.................................................................. 11 Pressure Motivated System ........................................................................................ 11 Flashing Mixtures ....................................................................................................... 11
3.4.2 Valve Travel ............................................................................................................... 12 3.4.3 Split Range Valves ..................................................................................................... 12 3.5
Body................ .................. ................ ................. ................ .................. ................ ...... 12
Face-to-face Dimensions ........................................................................................... 13
Trim............... ................ ................. ................. ................. ................. ................ ......... 13
Packing Glands .......................................................................................................... 13
3.9 4
Body Connections ...................................................................................................... 13 VALVE TYPES & ACCESSORIES ............................................................................. 13
Globe Valves.............................................................................................................. 13
Butterfly Valves .......................................................................................................... 14
Self Contained Regulators.......................................................................................... 14
Valve Actuators .......................................................................................................... 14
Valve Positioner and Booster Amplifiers..................................................................... 15
Solenoid Valves ......................................................................................................... 15
Lubricators ................................................................................................................. 16
Hand wheels .............................................................................................................. 16
4.9 5
Valve Noise ................................................................................................................ 16 TAGGING AND NAMEPLATES ................................................................................. 16
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification
DOCUMENTATION.................................................................................................... 16
REVIEW & APPROVAL ............................................................................................. 17
QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS...................................................................... 17
Body Test ............... ................ ................. ................ ................. ................. ................. 17
Operational Tests ....................................................................................................... 17
ATTACHMENTS: - TABLES - Control Valve Data Sheet - Pressure Control Valve (Pilots & Regulators) Data Sheet - Solenoid Valve Data Sheet
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification
1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope This specification covers the minimum technical requirements for the design, manufacture and testing of process control valves and accessories suitable for installation on RWE Disouq Field Development Project. This specification shall be read in conjunction with the following documentation Document Reference no. P&ID
1007-DISQ-0-P-DW-48031 to 480xx
Control Valve Data Sheets
Instrumentations General Specifications and Testing Requirements
Control valves shall include but not limited to, the control valve body, bonnet extension, actuator, and regulator, positioner, valve proximity switches, and hand-wheel. For a specific control valve, this specification shall be used in conjunction with the Technical Requirements. 1.2
Definition Company
Description RWE Dea Egypt, in a later project state a JV formed between the RWE Dea Egypt and EGAS
Supplier is the party, which manufactures or supplies equipment
Abbreviation Description
American National Standards Institute
American Petroleum Institute
American Society of Testing and Material
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Central Treatment Plant Highway addressable Remote Transducer
International Electro-technical Commission
Instrument Society of American
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry
Normen Ausschuss für Mess- und Regeltechnik
National Association of Corrosion Engineers
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
National Fire Protection Association
Piping and Instrument Diagram
Raised Face International System
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification
1.4 Units of Measurements Units of Measurements shall be in accordance to the International System of Units (SI System), the following units shall be used in all documents, including drawings, and for all purpose under the scope of work. Units of measurement to be applied: Temperature
Pressure (gauge)
Pressure (absolute)
% of range; or mm for tanks
Liquid absolute density
kg/m³ (@ 15 °C)
Vapour flowing density
Flow rate (gas)
Flow rate (liquid)
Electrical Power
kW, MW
V, mV
A, mA
Electric resistance
1.5 Climate Condition The Control valves shall be suitable to operate in the north delta climate conditions: Ambient Temperatures 0 ºC to 35 ºC normal, up to 50 ºC maximum Metal Surface °C
85 ºC
Humidity range (Min. & Max)
60 to 75% app. 200 mm/year with possible showers during Nov-
Average Rainfall
March Moderate risk, 10% probability to exceed 0.8 m/s² Ground
Seismic Zone Wind Speed & Direction
acceleration in 50 years Predominant NW direction, max. 39-44 m/s
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification
2 APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS The design, construction, testing and general requirements shall comply with the latest edition of applicable codes and standards. The Vendor shall consider the most recent codes and standards issued by the following associations and approved bodies as part of this specification. Reference
Title American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
B 1.20.1 B2.1
Standard for Pipe Threads, General Purpose Pipe Threads (Except Dryseal) Specifications, Dimensions, and Gauging for Taper and Straight Pipe Threads Including Certain Special Applications
Ring-Joint Gaskets and Grooves for Steel Pipe Flanges
B 16.47
Large Diameter Steel Flanges NPS 26 Thru NPS 60
Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
B 16.9
Factory Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings
B 16.11
Forged Steel Fittings, Socket Welding and Threaded
B 31.1
Power Piping Code
B 31.3
Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping
B 31.4
Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons, Liquid Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous Ammonia, and Alcohols
B 31.8
Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems
Valves Alloys - Flanged and Buttwelding End Steel, Nickel Alloy and Other Special
Valve Leakage Classifications
B 36.10M
Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe
C 37.96
IEEE Guide for AC Motor Protection American Petroleum Institute (API)
1104 2B
Standard for Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities Specification for Fabricated Structural Steel Pipes
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification
Recommended practice for classification of locations for electrical installations at petroleum facilities classified as Class 1, Division 1 and Division 2.
Specification for Line Pipe
RP 550 554 SPEC 6D
Manual on Installation of Refinery Instruments and Control Systems, Part 1 Process Instrumentation and Control, Section 6 - Control Valves and Accessories Process Control and Instrumentation Specifications for Pipeline Valves, End Closures, Connectors and Swivels American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
A193 / A193M A194
Specification for Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High Temperature Service Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for HighPressure / High-Temperature Service Standard Specification for Piping fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel
A234 A269
for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service
Specification for Seamless and Welded AusteniticStainless Steel Tubing for General Service
Specification for Alloy Steel Bolting Materials for Low Temperature Service
High Strength Bolts for Structural Joints, including Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardened Washers
Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products.
Standard Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings
Standard Specification for General Requirements for Carbon Steel, Ferritic Alloy, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Section II
Material Specifications
Section IX
Welding and Brazing Qualifications National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
Industrial Control Devices, Controllers and Assemblies
Motors and Generators
Enclosures for Electrical Equipment
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National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70
National Electrical Code
Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems
Intrinsically Safe Apparatus
Standard for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous (Classified) Locations International Electro-technical Commission (IEC)
Insulation co-ordination within low-voltage systems including clearances and creep age distances forequipment
IEC Standards Current Ratings
Thermal Evaluation and Classification of Electrical Insulation
Specification for conductors in insulated cables.
Test for electric cables under fire conditions – Circuit integrity
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
Industrial Process Control Valves Inspection & Routine Testing Instrument Society of America (ISA)
Control Valve Sizing Equations
Control Valve Capacity Test Procedures
Uniform Face-to-face Dimensions for Flanged Globe Style Control Valve Bodies
Face-to-face Dimensions of Flangeless Control Valves
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry (MSS) SP 61
Pressures Testing of Steel Valves National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Material for Oil Field Equipment
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification
3 Control Valve 3.1
Application Control valves shall be used to control the process variables such as flow, pressure, level, as per requirements within the process in central treatment plant (CTP). Units of measurement for specific control valve service applications shall be in accordance with the general specifications “Field Instrumentations General Specifications and Testing Requirements Reference No.1007-DISQ-0-J-SS-33010” Basis of selection The vendor shall be responsible for the selection of Control Valve suitable for its intended application. Valve selection shall be based on the following criteria: o Operating and Design Conditions o Operating Range o Fluid Handled o Leakage Class o Allowable Noise Level o Range-ability Required In general, globe type body shall be used in most control valve applications, except where otherwise specified. Special body types shall be considered for unusual applications, high erosive or viscous streams, or noise control. Control valves shall be furnished with stem travel indicators with scales. Bug screens shall be installed on the exhaust ports of all pneumatic instruments. Pneumatic instruments shall be supplied with filter-regulator assemblies. Accessories (positioner, solenoid valves and position transmitter etc.) shall be mounted on all valves in accordance to NAMUR recommendations and worksheets (NA 19, NE004 etc.) in order to minimize the amount ofpiping and interface between the all valves and the attached accessories. Tubing fittings shall be 316stainless steel. Valve Rating and Valve Class Valve rating shall be in accordance to the requirements of the pipe class as per Piping Material Specification “1007-DISQ-0-L-SS-39007” The minimum ANSI flange rating classes for valves shall be 300 PSI. In no case shall the valve body rating be less than that permitted by the applicable Technical Requirements. Valve Sizing Valves shall be sized in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. If the manufacturer has no specific sizing formulas, valve sizing shall be in accordance with ISA S75.01, Control Valve Sizing Equations or ISA S75.02, Control Valve Capacity Test Procedure. The Vendor shall calculate and record on the data sheet the minimum, normal, and maximum required valve Cv. The Cv's shall be calculatedto cover normal, upset (offset of
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification
process condition between set point and process variables) and start-up operating conditions. With the maximum possible flow through the control valve, the selected flow coefficient shall be calculated and noted on the data sheet. If the calculated control valve size is two or more sizes smaller than the line size, the valve
bodyCompany, shall be one size smaller thanmay line be sizeacceptable with reduced inner valve trim. approved byis the smaller body sizes if the availability of Ifreduced trim limited. Butterfly valves shall be sized for maximum angle opening of 60°.
Pressure Drop Allocations Pressure drop allocations and valve sizing calculations are in accordance to ISA S75.02 Pumped Circuits The pressure drop allocated to a control valve in the pumped circuits shall be either 15 PSIG or equal to 33% of the total friction loss in the system (including control valve friction loss) at the rated flow rate of the pump, whichever is greater. The allocated pressure drop for pumped circuits described above shall not include any pressure recovery of the control valve. In no case more than 90% of the control valve rated valve flow coefficient (Cv) be utilized. Compressor Discharge and Suction Lines The pressure drop allocated to a control valve in the suction or discharge line of a centrifugal compressor shall be either 5% of the suction absolute pressure or 33% of the system dynamic losses (including the control valve) at the compressor rated point, whichever is larger. The control valve rated Cv shall be limited to 90% at the operating point where the maximum continuous compressor speed curve crosses the approximate capacity limit curve. Pressure Motivated System In a system where tower or tank pressure moves a liquid from one pressure vessel to another, the control valve allocated pressure drop shall be 10% of the lower terminal vessel pressure, or 33% of the system dynamic losses (including the control valve), whichever is greater. The above criteria shall apply to pressure motivated vapour system, except that the control valve pressure drop allocation shall be limited to the pressure drop occurring at critical flow. Flashing Mixtures If the flowing temperature is lower than 5 °F (-15 °C) below the saturation temperature, the pressure drop shall be limited to 90% ofthe difference between the absolute inlet pressure and the absolute saturation pressure at the flowing temperature. If the flowing temperature is higher than 5 °F (-15 °C) below the saturation temperature, the pressure drop shall not exceed 6% of the absolute inlet pressure to the control valve.
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification
Valve Travel Control valves with equal percentage characteristics shall be sized to operate at approximately 75% travel under design flow conditions and less than 95% travel under maximum flow conditions. Control valves with linear valve characteristics shall be sized to operate at approximately 70% travel under design flow conditions and less than 90% travel under maximum flow conditions. Control valves shall pass the minimum design flow at no less than 20% of valve travel. stroking time shall be specified by control valve vendor Split Range Valves In cases where a control variable has wide range or high capacity, two control valves split ranged in parallel shall be used: o The first control valve shall be sized using the minimum process design flow as the normal flow rate of the valve and it shall work from 0– 50 % of the controller output. The second valve shall be sized in accordance to the other part of the flow it shall operate from 50– 100% of the controller output. o If the case of high capacity, the valves shall be sized to split the flow equally. In addition, two control valves shall be provided in parallel under the following conditions: o The normal flow rates through a valve vary by more than 8 to 1. o The associated process condition would use more than 90% or less than 10% of the rated Cv of the valve. o Where required by drawings for redundancy. For the sizing of two parallel control valves, the first shall be sized for the low flow rate and the second shall be sized so the two valve combination shall handle the high flow rate. Body Materials for valve bodies shall be in accordance to pipe class rating and technical requirements as per Piping Material Specification 1 “ 007-DISQ-0-L-SS-39007” Material specific service applications shall be in accordance with the following table:
Noncorrosive applications with Temperatures above -20°F (-30°C) and below 750°F (400°C) Corrosive service s or temperature above 750°F (400 °C) and below -20°F (-29°C) Water, air, low-pressure steam or Other nonhazardous fluids Water or air (only) Certain corrosive services if economic, temperature, and pressure permit
Cast or Forged Carbon Steel Alloy Cast Iron 316 Stainless Steel Plastic
The minimum valve body size for hydrocarbon and steam services shall be 1 inch. The minimum valve body size for air or water services shallbe 3/4 inch. Body size smaller than 3/4 inch may be used for pressure regulator service and for special applications that have a line size of 1/2 inch and smaller. Control valves shall be removable for maintenance and shall not be welded into the piping. Page: 12 of 18
Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification
In case of fire applications control valve body shall be lining and fire safe design. Face-to-face Dimensions The face-to-face dimensions of globe style flanged control valves with integral flanges shall be in accordance with ISA S75.03, Uniform Face-to-face Dimensions for Flanged Globe Style Control Valve Bodies. Face-to-face dimensions of screwed control valve bodies shall be in accordance with ISA S75.04, Face-to-face Dimensions for certain sizes of Flangeless control valves. Trim Standard trim (plugs, seat rings, and valve plug stems, stem lock pins, packing springs, spacers, and packing followers) shall be af bricated from 316stainless steel. Cages of cage guided valves shall be minimum of 17-4 PH (Precipitation-Hardening) stainless steel. Trim for the following services shall be 17-4 PH or Alloy 6: o Flashing Liquids o Fluids containing Solids o Pressure Drops above 300 PSI o Service above 600°F (316 °C) unless a higher grade material is required. Valve stems shall be finished to 4 micro inches, root mean square (RMS). If the valve packing is of the semi metallic type, the valve stem shall be hard chrome plated. Packing Glands Packing glands shall be equipped with flange style gland followers secured by two bolts. The bolts shall be at least equal to grade B7 of ASTM A193, Specification for Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High Temperature Service. Packing material shall be Teflon packing. Body Connections Flangeless valves (ball or butterfly valves which must be installed between process piping flanges with exposed bolts) are not acceptable, even when metal shielded are installed around the bolts. One inch valves and larger shall have flanged connections as required by the applicable piping specifications. The flanges shall conform to ANSI B16.5.
4 VALVE TYPES & ACCESSORIES Control valves and control valves accessories include he t following:
Control Valve Valve Actuator Air Filter Regulators Smart Valve Positioner Valve position transmitter. Globe Valves Cage guided globe valves shall have balanced or unbalanced trim.
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification
Globe valves shall be either single or double seated. High performance ball or butterfly valves shall be supplied (instead of double seated globe valves) if large pressure drops are not a factor. Double seated valves shall be top and bottom guided. Single seated valves may be either top and bottom or top guided.
Normally closed valves that control pressures and levels shall have single port trim for positive shutoff. 4.2
Butterfly Valves Butterfly valves shall have the same line size. Butterfly valves may be supplied if positive shutoff is not required and if the pressure drop is 5 PSI or less. Butterfly valves shall be of the heavy pattern wafer design. Butterfly valves shall have a minimum ANSI rating class of 150 in accordance with ANSI B16.5 The wafer of a butterfly valve shall be double pinned to a solid shaft. The shaft of a butterfly valve shall be sealed at both ends and supported with external bearings. If tight shutoff is necessary, the vane of a butterfly valve shall be eccentrically mounted. Butterfly valves that have been modified by having holes cut in the wafers or discs are not acceptable.
4.3 Self Contained Regulators Self-contained regulators shall be in accordance to P&ID'S and shall be considered for services such as starting air, individual engine fuel gas, and other applications with the following characteristics: The set point is changed infrequently. Proportional only control is not an impediment to effective process control. Remote control of the valve is not necessary. The application is at a remote location where air or gas is not available for control valve operation.
Valve Actuators Actuators shall be adequate to stroke the valve under the maximum process differential pressure to which the valve will be exposed. Valve actuators shall be air operated and spring and diaphragm type. The actuator shall be sized to provide, under minimum instrument air pressure conditions, sufficient torque or thrust to position and fully stroke the valve within the specified stroking time against the maximum differential pressures that may develop under the specified design conditions. The valve Manufacturer shall provide to the actuator Manufacturer the valve operating thrust and torque calculations, including the valve safety factors, the stroke, and the stroking time. Spring and diaphragm actuators shall be sized based on either a diaphragm pressure range of 3 to 15 PSIG or 6 to 30 PSIG based on actuator work bench and differential pressure across valve. Springs shall be fully enclosed in a metal housing.
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification
Block valves larger than 6-inch shall be gear operated. Valve Positioner and Booster Amplifiers A booster or a positioner shall be provided for the following conditions: o Valve body size of 2 inches and larger o Amplification of the controller output signal pressure is necessary to attain increased actuator thrust or stiffness. o Pressure drop exceeds 200 PSI. o Split ranging of the controller output to more than one valve. o Control with minimum over-shoot and fast recovery. A booster shall be provided if: o Tubing volume plus the valve actuator casing volume minus the clearance (zero travel) volume is greater than 100 cubic inches. Selection of auxiliary devices (positioner / booster) is dependent on the response speed of the process system. Slow response systems, such as temperature control services, require a positioner. Fast response systems, such as closed coupled flow o l ops, require a booster. All control valves to be equipped with I/P positioner and feedback position transmitter. A positioner shall always be provided on piston operated valves in throttling service regardless of the response speed of the process system. All control valves to be equipped with I/P positioner and feedback position transmitter, the positioner shall be of the smart type electro-pneumatic valve. (4 to 20 ma / HART Protocol) Valve positioners shall be mounted on the actuator in accordance to NAMUR recommendation 'NE 004'. and furnished with a gauge to indicate each of the following: o Supply Pressure o Controller Input Signal o Positioner Output Signal Valve positioners for all services shall be calibrated for an output of 3 to 15 PSI. Positioners shall be provided with a bypass except on split range, reverse acting positioners, or if the input and output signal ranges differ. Valve Positioners and booster cases shall be ingress protection IP65 suitable for the classified hazardous areas. Valve Positioners and booster cases enclosures shall be in accordance to requirements of the hazardous area as perdocument no. “1007-DISQ-0-GMA-30088, Electrical System Design Philosophy” Solenoid Valves If required, solenoid valves shall be furnished for mounting of solenoid valves in accordance to NAMUR worksheet NA19 tominimise piping and interfaces. The solenoid valves shall be suitable for the IEC 60079-10 classification of the area in which the valves are installed. Solenoid valves shall function as pilot devices only and shall not control process flow. Solenoid valves shall be intrinsically safe solenoid valve. Solenoid valve shall be Ex (e) and if possible it shall be Ex (i), coils shall be rated for continuous ANSI/NEMA duty MG-1with Classencapsulated H insulation. high temperature coils, 350 °F (180 °C), with Solenoid valves shall have 316 stainless steel bodies and trim.
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification
Solenoid valve diaphragm material shall be Buna-N or Viton. Lubricators All control valves with stem packing shall have lubricators and steel isolating valves. Lubricators shall be charged with suitable lubricant. A spare box of refills shall be provided for each valve. Hand wheels Hand-wheels shall be provided if manual operation of a valve is specified. Hand-wheels shall be side mounted, and shall be disengaged during normal operation of the valve. Hand-wheels shall be sized so that the rim pull does not exceed 60 pounds (force). Valve Noise The noise generated by a control valve installation in gas phase service shall not be greater than 75 dBA measured I meter from the valve assembly as per RWE requirement Upstream and downstream silencers and special noise control trim shall be considered for valves with a calculated noise level above 75 dBA. Exceptions to noise level requirements may be granted based in such factors as frequency of valve operation and worker proximity. Exceptions shall require the written approval of the Company. Only during shutdown conditions may noise levels exceed 75 dBA. Under no circumstances shall noise levels exceed 95 dBA. Hydrodynamic noise, caused by cavitations in control valves, shall be controlled by selecting valve type and trim to preclude cavitations within the control valve.
The control valve, and each accessory identified with a tag number on the data sheets, shall have nameplates manufactured of 316 stainless steel and permanently attached with stainless steel screws or rivets The nameplates shall include the following information: o Manufacturer o
Model Valve Type o Valve Tag Number o Equipment Identification Number o Valve Action o Valve Travel o Operating Range o Control Signal Pressure o Service Application (for Control Valve) o Materials of Parts Exposed to Process Fluid All valves shall have a flow direction arrow, either as a part of the body casting or indicated on permanent attached stainless steel plate. o
Documentation shall be provided in accordance with the Technical Requirements, with following additional requirements.
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Control valve data sheets shall be furnished and shall include the following information: o Valve tag number o Order, requisition, and order item number o Equipment identification number o Operating conditions specified by order o Range of flow o C.V calculated o C.V selected o Materials required o Specify actuator (direct/reverse-acting,diaphragm) o Specify positioner o Specify fail position o Specify air supply The Vendor shall furnish C.V calculation sheets for each valve. Calibration reports on each of the valves / actuators / positioners shall be furnished in triplicate by the manufacturer. FAT & SAT test procedures shall be provided by vendor Seat tightness leak test report shall be provided by vendor
7 REVIEW & APPROVAL Company will respond to vendor documentation approval requests within two weeks of receipt of information. Company approval in no way relieves the vendor of any responsibility for compliance with the Technical Requirements.
8 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS Quality assurance provisions shall be in accordance with the Technical Requirements, and as follows: 8.1
Body Test Test pressure for steel valve bodies shall be in accordance with the rating defined in ANSI B16.5. Test pressure for cast iron and bronze bodies shall be equal to two times the primary pressure rating. Operational Tests Operational test shall consist of measuring valve stem position for increasing and decreasing input signals. Performance shall meet the following requirements: o Stem position error shall not exceed plus or minus 1% of rated travel. o Hysteresis plus dead band shall not exceed 5% of rated travel. If valves with positioners do not have a bypass, only hysteresis plus dead band test is required. The positioning error shall not exceed 1% of rated travel. Seat leakage test, hydrotest in accordance with IEC 60534-4 shall be done at factory test.
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Onspec Engineering Solutions Disouq Field Development Project Control Valve Specification Table 1. Trim Characteristic Selection - LiquidLevel Control
With increase in load, pressure drop
Pressure drop ratio, full load/no load
Is constant Decreases Decreases Increases Increases
Over 0.2 Under 0.2 Under 2.0 Over 2.0
Trim characteristic Linear Linear Equal percentage Linear Quick opening
Table 2. Trim Characteristic Selection -Pressure Control
Downstream system
Pressure drop variance
Trim characteristic
Equal Percentage
Under 10 feet of piping
Equal Percentage
Under 4 to 1
Over 4 to 1
Equal Percentage
Over 100 feet of piping
Under 4 to 1
Over 100 feet of piping
Over 4 to 1
Equal Percentage
Table 3. Trim Characteristic Selection -Flow Control
Measuring element linear with:
Control valve location
Flow range
Trim characteristic
Differential pressure Differential pressure
In series In series
Wide Small
Linear Equal Percentage
Differential pressure Differential pressure
In bypass In bypass
Wide Small
Equal Percentage Equal Percentage
Flow Flow Flow
In series In series In bypass
Wide Small Wide
Linear Equal Percentage Linear
In bypass
Equal Percentage
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