
November 1, 2018 | Author: Christian Florendo | Category: Law Of Obligations, Comparative Law, Government Information, Government, Politics
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OBLIGATIONS 1. Which Which of the the followi following ng is a civil civil obliga obligatio tion? n? a) A obliges obliges himself himself to a! B "1#$### "1#$### on Octobe% Octobe% &#$ '#11 '#11  b) ( is a ebto% of * fo% '#$### +e on Setembe% &#$ 1,,c) The obligati obligation on of a h+sban h+sban an wife wife to obse%ve obse%ve fielit! fielit! ) The obligati obligation on of a catholic catholic to hea% mass mass eve%! eve%! S+na! S+na!.. '. Secific Secific e%fo%manc e%fo%mances es ma! not not be ossibl ossiblee in this this civil civil obligation obligation a) A$ a ainte%$ ainte%$ oblige obligess himself himself to aint aint the o%t%ait o%t%ait of B on on an+a%! /$ '#11  b) ($ a fa%me%$ obliges himself himself to give his onl! cow to * on 0eb%+a%! 1$ '#11 c) 2$ a vete%ina%i vete%ina%ian$ an$ obliges obliges himself himself to give give one of his ogs ogs to 0 on 3a! 1$ '#11 ) G$ a %egist%a% %egist%a% of ees$ obliges himself to effect %egist%ation of 45s a%cel of lan on +ne '#$ '#11 '#11 &. The followi following ng a%e a%e the elements elements of of an obligation obligation e6cet a) Active an assive s+b7ects b) efficient ca+se c) %esc%ition

) 8inc+l+m

. A lawf+l lawf+l an vol+nta vol+nta%! %! act %es+lting %es+lting to to a benefit$ benefit$ e6cet a) Negotio%+m gestio b) Sol+tio inebiti c) 9+asi:cont ont%act

) 9+asi:eli elict

-. The %ight %ight of the c%eito% c%eito% that that is enfo%ceabl enfo%ceablee against against an!bo! is is what ;in ;in of %ight? %ight? a) "e%sonal b) 3o%al c) Nat+%al ) +isit %e>+isites es of an obligation obligation$$ e6cet a) "assive an active s+b7ects b) "%estation c) efficient ca+se

) *eman

. The %ight %ight of the the c%eito% c%eito% that that is enfo%ce enfo%ceable able against against a efini efinite te ebto%  ebto%  a) +it! an 7+stice@the ob7ect o% s+b7ect matte% of obligation a) (ivil obligation b) 3o%al obligation c) Nat+%al obligation ) Social obligation 1. The ob7ect o% s+b7ect s+b7ect matte% matte% of obligation obligation a) "%estation b) 8inc+l+m

c) active s+b7ect

) "assive s+b7ect

1/. The efficient ca+se o% 7+icial tie wh! the obligation e6ists a) active s+b7ect b) "assive s+b7ect c) "%estation

) 8inc+l+m

1,. The +t! not to %ecove% what has vol+nta%il! been ai altho+gh a!ment was no longe% %e>+i%e. a) (ivil obligation b) Nat+%al obligation c) 3o%al obligation ) +%iical obligation '#. The following a%e so+%ces of obligations e%ive f%om law e6cet a) (ont%acts b) 9+asi cont%acts c) *elict

) >+asi:elict

'1. The +t! to a! ta6es an to s+o%t one5s famil! a%e obligations a%ising f%om a) Law b) (ont%acts c) 9+asi cont%acts ) *elict ''. The obligation of h+sban an wife to %ene% m+t+al hel an s+o%t a%ises f%om a) (ont%acts b) Law c) 9+asi cont%acts ) >+asi:elict '&. A s+o%ts B$ a mino% beca+se B5s fathe% %ef+ses to s+o%t B. the fathe% is oblige to %eimb+%se A. the so+%ce of obligation is a) (ont%acts b) 9+asi cont%acts c) *elict ) >+asi:elict '. A 7+%iical %elation %es+lting f%om a lawf+l$ vol+nta%!$ an +nilate%al act an which has fo% its +%ose the  a!ment of inemnit! to the en that that no one shall be +n7+stl! en%iche o% benefite at the e6ense of anothe%  a) (ont%acts b) 9+asi cont%acts c) *elicts ) >+asi:elict '-. When a e%son vol+nta%! ta;es cha%ge of anothe%5s abanone b+siness of %oe%t! witho+t the owne%5s a+tho%it! whe%e %eimb+%sement m+st mae fo% necessa%! an +sef+l e6en ses. a) 9+asi (ont%acts b) >+asi:elict c) Negotio%+m gestio ) Sol+tio inebiti '=. When is something is %eceive when the%e is no %ight to eman it$ an it was +n+l! elive%e th%+ mista;e$ the %eciient has a +t! to %et+%n it a) 9+asi (ont%acts b) >+asi:elict c) Negotio%+m gestio ) Sol+tio inebiti '. : A >+asi:cont%act is an imlie cont%act : A efenant who is ac>+itte in a c%iminal case is no longe% liable civill! a) T%+e t%+e b) t%+e false c) false t%+e ) false false '/. To%t o% c+la a>+iliana is a) 9+asi (ont%acts

b) >+asi:elict

c) Negotio%+m gestio ) Sol+tio inebiti

',. A fa+lt o% act o% omission of ca%e which ca+ses amage to anothe%$ the%e being no %e:e6isting cont%act+al %elations between the a%ties a) 9+asi (ont%acts b) >+asi:elict c) Negotio%+m gestio ) Sol+tio inebiti &#. Omission of the iligence which is %e>+i%e b! the ci%c+mstances of e%son$ lace an time a) Igno%ance b) negligence c) imotence ) Insanit! &1. nless the law o% the sti+lation of the a%ties %e>+i%e anothe% stana% of ca%e$ eve%! e%son oblige to give anothe% something is also oblige to ta;e ca%e of it with the %oe% iligence a) Obse%ving +tmost ca%e c) of a fathe% of a goo famil!  b) Obse%ving e6t%a o%ina%! ca%e ) obse%ving o%ina%! iligence &'. O%ina%! iligence is a) *iligence of a goo fathe% of a famil!  b) e6t%a iligence

c) iligence %e>+i%e b! law ) iligence of a fathe% of a goo famil!

&&. The c%eito% has a %ight to the f%+its of the thing a) 0%om the time the obligation to elive% it a%ises  b) 0%om the time the f%+its have been elive%e

c) f%om the time the%e is meeting of the mins ) f%om the e%fection of the cont%act

&. 0%om the time the f%+its ha been elive%e$ the c%eito% shall ac>+i%e a)
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