1001 Notable Nativities-Alan Leo (1917)

February 18, 2017 | Author: kerberos516950 | Category: N/A
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"The Astrologer's Who's Who". Contains natal data for 1001 people, including many historical figures, ...


.***********************{ FIRST TEMPLE OF ASTROLOGY CLASSES EVERY TUESDAY 733 South Burlington Avenue P.O. Box 57282 lOS ANGELES 57, CALIFORNIA


Ztnith or SOUTH POUtr,

Alan Leo·. Astrelogical Manual., No. 1 I.

A Thousand and One Notable N ativi ties "THE As'rROLOGER's 'WHO'S WHO'"

l!'OUH.'l'H EDITION, WJ'l'H con.H.E(..rION~. ETC. Nadir or NORTH


'i'*9,*,J.Q2J,I.Itt.*1.V 9*4.1.0. l'D,

, * IV,



MfJP No.




00D.lt,fJ.'1 Dlt.aa,fJ.4' *~ 2


1iI1.'i',a2/. 4JfJ.D, *\1, *tl C2











INSTRUCTIONS. AGAINST each enlry will be found a NUMBER, and on turning up this number in the later portion of the book, the House· cusps and Planets' places of the horoscope will be found. Most of the horoscopes in this book are indexed under the native's surname, and only exceptionally under title or rank, but this rule bas Dot been followed universally. Therefore, il is advisable to look for Cardinals. Popes, Princes. etc.. under C, P, etc., as well as under christian or surname. Where tbe native is a Duke, or of Royal blood, look also under dukedom or country. Thus, Nicholas IL, Czar of Russia, is indexed under R, the Prince I rnperial under P, Rudolf of Austria under A, the Duke of Sforzia under S. Foreign and Indian names should be looked for uoderboth christian and surname. Possible variations of names should also be borne in mind. e.g., Giulio (or Julius, Hieronymus for Jerome, etc.• etc. Sometimes a map which cannot be found under one name or title may be indexed under another. For example. the Princess Stephanie of Belgium became the Crown Princess of Austria by marrying the Archduke Rudolf. For further particulars see some Explanatory Notes on p.lOO.

A list of Abbreviations is given overleaf.





K=The Key to you,.




=TheAstrolottr's Annual for 1906'7·8'9 respectively. AG=Almanach de Gotha. 1903. A I = A strology as it Is, Not ITS it has bUH Represented, by A Cavalry Officer, london, 1856. AM i '9=Th, Ilstrologer's Magazin" Vol. I. (Aug 1890·Ju1y 1891), p. 29. Similarly otber vols. b=born. ba;::: birthplace approximate, or where not explicitly stated assumed from context of information supplied. C= Cardao, Jerome (Hieronymus); Opera, Vol. V., Lugduoi, 166 3. CE=Comi"g EVM1s.-i Oct 1896·Sep 1897, ii 07'08, iii 08'09, iv 09'00, v oo·or. CG=CollectJo Gellitural'wm, by John Gadb.ury, London, 1662. d=died. F=The Future, ed. by Zadkiel. i;::: Feb·Dec, 18g2; ii Jan.Dec. 1893. /b=time as stated in tbe Family Bible. G=Gauricus. Lucas; 0txnml. Omlliu,", vol ii, Basilicce, IS75. The same maps ;{re given in his Tractatus Astrologicu8, Venetiis. 1542. Ha=The Horosrope, 1834, ed. by Zadkiel. Hb= II tI 1841, ., II =Tlte Horoscope, a quarterly ed. by Ro~10 Ireton, VoIs. i Hii and ii, Oct 1902·July 190", H]N i, ii= How to J-urlge a Nativity, Par' 1., Part 11. (FIRST



H]N I, II= .




J=junctinus (Giuntini), Sj>lc»J..-m A.stf'oIOli~, voL it Lugduoi, 1583.

Nativity, 1910. MA i 2g=Modm. Astrowgy, VoL J. (OLD SERIES) [Ang 18g5·July 18g6J, p. 2g. See MA 129 below. MA I 2g=Mod; (spu hOT hy" Sarastro.")-lIfA III 474. BELGIUM. SON 01' LEOPOLD L OF; b. 24.7.33. died 16·5·34·-Ha 45. LEOPOI~D II.: lale King of the Helgians.-F ii 83. BENNETT, HRIWERT JOliN: see" Yarmouth Beach Murder.' BERESFORD. LORD WILLIAM: d. 27.12.1900; sptchorby Evans Hugh.CE v 159. BERRY. DR. CnARLES A1.8RRT: well-known Congregationall\·1inister.MA vii 289. BI!SANT, MRS. Al'lNIE: President of the Theosophical Society.-MA IV 447: A.U iv (93, ([99). (28,1l; for lhe pre-natal epoch se~~JA 1:' 450. BllAGAVA:-I D"s; author of The Sriel/ce oj the Emotions, and 1 he Samet of Ptact.-M A VI I 396. BlDDER. GRORG!!: the famous" ligillning calculator." was also a practical engineer.--CE ii 84 ; M A vii 2GJ. BIRTII "NO DI!AT1J: female, Mrs. P. (a) birth. Time noted by nurse The death fi~ure is given in (b) No. 291. Time vouched for in both cases.-M A II 432 _ female, Mrs. P. (b) deatb. Dinh and dealh took place in ~.1me town, although 71 years aparl. Birth figure is 290 above.

629 962 828 827 815 615 037 "73 227


(i) Male; this is the map for moment of death of nal~'/C 01 lllap 348 (the proRressed planets being 0 :23, 1l 125, lJ)( 10, 9 = 23. t! D28, 1t H 18, ? t17, 1!111Jl17~,1.V If 14).-M"A IV 283. (ii) Male; native died from dot of blood on brain, 10 or J I a.m. 30.5.1906 London. (Planets p. places M.e. \:j: 25, Asc. "J/4; 0 Q1) 15. J)=:z8~, V1l4. 'lIlJlO, JTI9~.U*131~. ?'r15~,I!11lJ!l~,I.VHI2).­ MAIV283· BISMARCK, PIUNCB OTTO VON: the founder of Modern Germany.a I N ii 106; A Ad 19, also Star Lore. Feb. 98. BLACK PKINCI! : see Edward BLACKS~IITH·POET (Alfred Williams. author of Songs ill lViltshire).-(ps). BLACKWELL. JAMES: Astrologer; b. 19+1628.-CG 1S9. BLACKWOOD, ALGERNON: author of Joh,. SiJmce and other works 01 • occult fiction.'-(ps). BLAKE:, WILLIAM: b. 28.11.1757, artist and poet; taken from Arthur Symon's Life of Blake (originally from UraJ~ia No. I, 1825). BLAVATSKY, H.I!:LBNA PRTKOVNA: fnunder of LllClfer and author of the Secret Doctrine; corrected from AM it 343. the map there given being incorrect for the time stated: (but see also AM ii 477, 5°3, where M.C. is said to be )( Ii' and Asc. 'HI 1]°) : see CE iv 48,231,249.292: see also At A i 357, vii 59, 118; CE iv 117, 1(}8. where Sepharia says: U H.P.S. herself informed me that it ",a~ between midnight 0 the 31st [July OS] and sunrise of lhe next day." [[f this be correct f 12° shoula be added to D's place as here given. H. Whyte in H. p. Blavatsky says night of the 30th-31St.] BL1ND: male. lost right eye at 5 and left at 9 or 10; both ague and fever at 13, died at 22: b. 24·5.1618.-CG 170. BLOUNT, LADY, the Zetetist.-Fllture, July, 1894. BLUl'lDELL: Lieut. \¥. A. B. Hollingshead Blundell. wounded in bailie of Belmont, Natal, and died same night, 23.1I .99.-CE iv 224. BaRR W "I~: Firing of the first shot by the Boers, 5 p.m. 11.10.99 Natal Border.-CE iv 211. A very instructive figure. BONHEUR, ROSA: the great animal painter, spec 1Ior by Sepharial.CE iii 382. BOOKER, JOHN: Astrologer; b. 23.3.1601.-CG 181. BORRHAM, RonKRT: Astrologer.-A M iv 106. BORGHBsE: see Pope Paul iv. -

!O~G~~;E~~~~~~': Is~'t~6~~'Afexll~derVI.

BORN IN A FLOOD: female child; house surrounded by floods of the Meiktala lake at time of birth. and six inches more of water would have deluged the birthroom of the infant; died OtLt the age of two .onths.-(PJ).


6 BORN 666



MOU.NING COACH: mother returning with husband and

BUR 895

sons from funeral of daughter who died of consumption (ta}.-MA v 56. 360 BORN IN A PeNITENTIARY: male, mother in prison for grand larceny at SUl Quentin prison.-MA IV 453-

126 806



929 811 850

°32 49t

315 079 080 354 075


male. very large when born, no bands (the portion of limb from midway between elbow and wrist on each arm missing; on left foot two smaller toes absent; also longue-tied, and could not nurse, died in 5 days «(jJll~ lXICct).-Af A 198. BORN WlTn A CAUL: see" A Human Document."-MA VIn 228. DORROW. GEORGE HENRY: author of LtilItngro; sp~c hor-(eE iii 285). BoUCICAOLT, Dl0N: the dramatist (ta).-U 96 BOULANGRR, GENERAL: (French President).-F ii JI6, AM iii 281, ii 370, iii 10' BOURIION, DUKI! OF: Charles, Duke of Bourbonnai!l, known as the Constable de Bourbon; b. 16.2.1489 ; died at 39 by bursting of a shell at the siege of Rome.-J 464 Boy EXPLORKR: see Stanley Conder. Boy MUROY.RtRS: (Brothers" A. B." and" Y. Z."); (i) .. A. B."MA ii 516. brOlher~: (ii) .. Y. Z." See also 51,,1' Lore, No.8, p. u8. BRAITIIWAITE, LILIAN: the well-known actress (ta).-MA IV 304. BREECH PRF.SllNTATION: (still-born child).-MA ii 284. HRETT: see Dare. BRIAND. ARISTIOE: late French Premier .. -(ps). BORN INCOMPLETE:

;~~ :~:~~;~'1~:~::~:':(ij.~~~a~e~~,,~n(/ff).-F 1"1 1,,2 157

925 183 826 332 B2 'Xi3

107 136 356 185 752


ii 82: U 165; RPM 1880.

male (ii).-MA x I'll. male (iii).-MA I I'll. male, thrown off carriage and wheel went over left forearm and shin bone of left leg, resulting in simple fracture of small bone of arm and deep flesh wound in leg; this at the a~e of 52 ; three months later native's father died.-MA xii 20 BROOXS, F. T.: anthor of The Gospd of Lije.-MA VII[ 152. BROUGHAM, LORD, Lord Chancellor: invented the carriage which bear! his name; b. T9.9.1778.-H It 129 BROUGHTON, DR. LUKE D. : a well-known astrologer. Pres. of the Astr. Soc. of Americ.a.-CE iv 178 BUCKHAM, RICHARn. executed 4{.t2.o6 for murder of Mr. and Mrs. Watson, by shooting them.-M A [V 122. BUNGALOW MURDER: see Richard Buckham.·-MA IV 122. DOLVlrIGHTER, A: (Manuel Garcia. killed in the Plaza de Toros, Madrid 27.5.94).-MA i 288.



522 529 940 497 485 ;:s65 9O! 553

514 591

CAR BORAR, L. C. : a well·known musician of Calcutta; speciality. vocal music.-(ps). BORN AND. SIR FKANCIS C. : latc Editor of PI/I/cll, etc.-At A ix 133. BURNS, MR. JOHN, M.P.: Pres. Local Go\'1. Board.-CE iii 202; MA VIII 257. BURNT TO 1)f!ATH: female, a teacher, whilst standing with back to fire. dress caught. she was terribly burnt, and died from effects (ba).AlA 160. was cooking her food a.nd dress caught fire; died three days later. aged 19~.-(PS). BURROWS, HIHWKRT: the socialisl.-M A VB 23. BURTON, [SABEL LADY: wife of Sir R. Burton.-iIfA ix 216; F ii 162; MA III 318: CE iii 251. BORTON, SIR RICHARD: the explorer and translator of Arabia,~ Nights (tel, rectified).-MA IV 358, 359; F ii 146 (compare with Mr. Joseph Wallace). BYRON, ADA' daughter of the poet.-H b 24. also lJohn's Lilly 465. (i) BYRON, LoRD: the poet. This map was published by Pearce in TIll Fulure, ii 72, data taken from a letter preserved in the British Museum. A horoscope for 1.18 a.m. was published by the astrologer John Varley, but this is now considered incorrect.-See correspondence referr~d to below (ii) according to L. D. Broughton. who says it was 'obtained from an authentic source. '-Elements of Astrology. p. 324. But seecorrespondence. etc., in AM iii 119; MA iii 119. 1[475. 524, III 47. ,,8; AI 1'17: U 287. CALCULATING PRODIGY: see Bidder. CAMEO .\ND INTAGLIO, Artist in: Alexander Cesatus of Florence; b. 4-4-1506.-G 1652. - : Johannes Antonio de Rubeisof Milan; b. 6.3·1513.-G 1653. CAMPUELL·BANNKRMAN, SIR HENRY: the late Premier (spec ho,.).O!l1M i 55. CO\MPEGGIO, MARCO ANTONIO, Bishop: b. 6.4.1491.-G 1598. THOMASSO, Bishop: b. 29 4·1483·-G 1597 CAN'T EAT FRUIT: female, was simply unable toeat fruit or vegetables, smell of fruit made her feel sick.-MA V 93 CAPELLA, MADAM, also known as Madam Marchant: a psycbic.-(ps). CARDAN, BAPTIST.!!:. son of Jerome Cardan: was beheaded; b. 1".5.I,n4 -J 171· JEROME: mathematician and astrologer; b. 2-4.9.150I.-C ,,68; J 293· CARDINAL A~DRaw PERETTI: b.29.11.I5'72.-MS.


8 CARDINAL '96 556




521 601


FACHINIlTTI: b. IO.3.1575.-MS. MARIA DE SALVIATIS: b.21.1.1537.-MS. ALBSSANDRO CAMPEGGIO: b. :1.1 IS04.-G 1598. CUARLIlS PIUS: b.3.I.I583.-MS.






b. I9.7.1551.-111S. b.6.3.1572.-AlS. (.om an obscure priest to highesl nnk lu Catholic Church in America) {tll).-MA i 227. CIOVANNI DR POGGIO: b. 21.1.1493.-G 1607. HIPl>OLYTE O'ESTE; brother 01 Alfonso. Duke of Ferrara; h. I9·3· 1179·-G 1599; 1737· JACOPO SAOOLETO. Bishop of Carpentras: b. t6.3oI478.-G 1596



JEROMU ALBSSANUkO: b. I4.2.1480.-G 1597.


5~ - - FABRICIUS VRROSPIOS: 06:z~. GIBBONS: (rose rapidly 500




LRWIS ZACIIIA: b. 19.3.I557.-MS. LoRBNZO CANPEGG10: b. 7.II.I.J74.-G 1596. MAKGOTIUS LANFRANCIIl: b. I2.9.1559.-MS. MAZAKIN: b. 14.7.160z.-CG 87 NICCOLO DR GAOl! of Florence; b. 25.5.1490.-G 160z. OCTAVIUS DANDlNI: b.25.IO.I558.-MS. OOOAKOUS FARNRSE: b.6.I2.1573·-MS. PANRIROLl: b. I2.I.1587.-MS. SSS PRTER AOROBANDINK: b.30.3.1571.-MS. ,,66 - - PIETRO BIIM60: b. 20.5.1470·-C "95; CG 85. 602 RICIiELlRU: b. 8.g.IS85.-CG 86. 511 RUDOLFOPIO, 01 Carpi: b. 24.2,.1500 (compare Charles V. of Spain).-G 1603. 659 SPINELLI: b·4·I.1654·-AfS. 167 CARKIlEK, JOHN: the champion wrestler (compare with Ma.urice Hew· lett. autbor of Brazt/lhead in Milall).-MA xii 246 423 .. CARMRN SYLVA": Queen of Roumania.-M A VII 306. 857 CARNARVON, EARL of: autbor of The Moo, and DOlt Pedro: b. 8.6.1800.

578 171 SSo 618 493 579 593 603



French Pre3ident.-AM V 28; F ii 8. CARROLL, LEWIS: author of Aliu in Wonderland and The f1l.mting ofthl Snark. -M A ix 132. 107 CHAMIH!RLAIN, RT. HON. JOSEPH.-MA vii 212; HJN h 87,151. OIl ClUNKY. \V. H.: author of Chaney's Primer oj Astrology.-AM ii, 413; H i 139. 61.. CHAIlL.Il:·S L King of England: b. Ig.II.I60o.-CG IS. MA IV 232. 650 (i) CHIt,RLES U. King of England: b. 29.5.1630; a.ccording to Sibly -MA IV 232. 649 (ii) CUARLES II. King of Gt. Britain: Bonatti, Ant. Franc.-Nm.c. Astro. Nat. Dub. 1687 (p. 1I6).

0H 125



(iii) CHARLES II. King of England.-MA IV. 314,375. (rv) c. map in Bernard's MSS. shows 11Jl25 uc."-F ii 63· 510 CHARLES V.: Emperor of Germany and King of Spain; b. 23.2.1500; a.ccording to GlJllricu$ whose figure is here given; Carda,.'s figure i~ , for 24.3.ljOO.-G 1608; C 462; J 204. CHAKLES V .• daughter or.-see Margaret. 393 CHARLESWORTH. MISS VIOLET" GORDON," spec ',or.-1JfA VI. 320, 321. 105 CIlARUBliL (Mr. John Thomas): author of Degrees oj the Zodiac SYlllbolised.-AfA iii II9, vii 116 (I 58). VI. 144,180; H)N II 217, 247· (See Extraordinary Statement.) 027 CHATRB., PROPESSOR KERO LAXtJMA~.-AlIf iii I, 25. 49. 73. 97. where delineation and comments are given 221 CHATTERJEE, BUNKIM Ch.; "th. Walter Scott of Benga1."-(ps). 66., CHATTlIRTON, THOMAS: b. 20.11.1752.-MA IV 232. CUBIRO : see Palmist. 355 CHILD OF A LEPER. male; child's mother a leper. tubercular, epileptic. age 23, of German stock but California born; father & Swede about 45, of normal healtb, employed as steward in hospital of which moth or was inmate. Child at birth weighed. 9tbs., quite well as far as known, analysis of blood showed no trace of leprosy.-MA IV. 6-48

C;12~D STRANGLED AT TABLE: strangled by .tring of a. "soother" through fallin~ off cbair.-lIf A I 283 CHILD STRANGLED BY ITS MOTHER: (boy) mother strangled it. and threw it lOta mill-dam when 21 days old, (ta).-Hb 84 (compare with A. L. Morrison) 839 CHINA: the late Emperor of (Kouang Su); b. 2.8.72; spec hor by Kymry.-CE iv 416 CHITNIS, J. T.: ;I; b. 6."·1498.-G 1675; C 4.5°, 47 8 , 5 14. _ CIULlO: see Pope Clement VII.: see also Julian de Medici. !-!VI'POLYTIt, CAll1)tNAL: died by poison at 28: b. Ig.".15 I 1.-G _ 1605: ] 457· _ JULIAN. brother of Pope Leo X.: b. I'1.3.1479·-J J54; G 1621 (see Giulio). LoRENZO THE!. FIRST (the Ma~nificent): b. 6.8.144 8 -J 159· LORE.NZO, Duke of Urbino: h. 1.9·1492.-J 155·


~~~(~:~~~O~~d2~)i:~~4H-;;yl~;j ~/r.~~9~ce:


b. 26-4.1575. -CG 29. - - PIETRO: b. 15.2.1472; was drowned, 1503·-J 154· M~DIUM, A : fcmale.-CE tv 461. _ RKMAIIKAULR: concerning whom "Charubel". declares th.at.the medium's body accomp:mies her into the spaces, bewg dematenahsed in some way.-MA 1361. MitE. MR. ARTlIUR: alltlwr o( a handbook on Obslrvatioffal Astronomy (he is 1I0t the editor of the ClIildrrn'J E,uyclot~dia and other Harms....orth publications).-lIfA VI 58. MRLANCTHON, PllIUP: oralor and poet; b. 16.2.1497·- G 1644; J 55 1



..68 966 253 ~2

lad of 13, no moral sense. coupled with religious mania almost; always attempting: marvellous tricks \~hich nev~r succeeded, and then said: .. Well, I know how you do Il, but c~n t make it go right," (Qller)': was this an imperfect memory of magical performances in a Pd.st life ?).-MA Vll 67 (t/l).


MER 208

X/XUs Century; b. I9.3.I79S.-sce·' Raphael Lit MEXICO: Ex-EMl'RESS OF; Princess Charlotte, sister of Leopold II. of Belgium: married Ferdinand, who Became Emp. Maximilian of Ivlexico (qv) ; became mad.-CE iv 170. 758 --- MAX1J\llUAN, Emperor of: shot I9.7.67.-H i 40; 55 xix. 472 (i) MICHAEL ANCrELO: b. 3.3.1475.-G 1651. 470 (iii' b. 6.3·'474.-J 369. 086 M1ClWCEPI:IAL1C IDloT.-MA iii 26G, iv 85, 93. 150, (Yo 26). 153 MIKADO, Tnl':: (spec hoY by "Kymry ").-MA xi 213: see I uS. VII oI6


3 02 , 5 2 3.

884 132 462


865 034 880 881 590 956 705 816 886 151 .310 188

030 6]6


MUR OSKAR: the popular Finnish musician.--(f's, t~). .. MBRLINUS ANGLICOS, JUNIOR" : editor of the Astrologer of lIu


MILES, EUSTACI! r-I.: the Tennis Champion and food expert.-{sp" hor). MILTON, PKRCV: (Thomas Percival Piggott); comedian, of the celebrated ,. Milton Rays" combinatiOIl.-lIf A ix 176: CE iii 214. MIRANDULA, PICU!';: the poet and philosopher; b.24.2.q63.-G 1626: C 490: J 540: CG 50. MrrCHltLL. MR. J. MALCOLM: Hon. Sec. of the Men's Leagne for \Vomen's Suffrage.-(ps). MlTnll. Oil. RAjl!:NORA LAL: Indian antiquariaLl and rese,\rch scholar; his name was known even 1n Russia.-(ps). MIZA.ll, a brother of Mr. J. Krishnamurti.-{ps, ta}. Ref. Alcyonc, Onoll. "MODJ!RN ASTROLOGY": Editor (see Alan Leo}. - - Snb-Editor. French Representative of (Mons. Leopold Micville). MOLINUS, DOMINICK: Senator of Venice; b. 20.lJ.I572.-MS. MOLLOV, FITZGERALl): the historian.-Mystic, Ap 8,1908. MOORE. THOMAS: the poet (ta).-lt'PM 1879, p. 68. MOOllffS, MARK: see Phrenologist. MORGAN, J. PIURPONT: the Railway magnate.-spcc hoy. MOilINUS, JOHANNES RAPTISTUS: (Morin de Villefranche); b.23.2.1583 (N.S.).·~lIfAxi 154. xii 44, 6g. MORRlS, REVD. \V. MEREDlHJ: Curate in Charge of Garth Church: Maestaeg; is an authority on violins and has published a hook on the subjc:ct.-M A III 327. MORRISON, A. L.: Inf~nt child of Zadkiel 1.; lived only 42 weeks. Compare with" child strangled," who was born 4 hours later.-H b 85· MORR1S0N, RICHARD JAMES, R.N.: see Zadkiel 1. MOSES, STAINTON (,. M.A. Oxon."): editor of Light.-AM iii 1{6. MULLER. JOHN: (see Regiomontanus), MURDERER: a young groom, hanged at Taunton 10.4,1809, for deliber.

359 9f7 3 62

203 283 352

039 439 720 375 739

268 284 773 421 795 932 667 ~I3

IIlJN ately sbooting a. coachman with whom he had had a dispute over a game of cards.-AA d 38. MURRAY, DAVID CHRISTIE: "Merlin" of the Referee, author of DesjtJir's Lasljollrllty.-{spec hor). DE MUSSET, ALFRED: the poet.-MA III 166. MVSTElliOUS DEATH: male; well-ta-do, handsome; was conducting. daily English paper, canse of death unknown, body found on railway near PLlri, India.-M A V 39, 335.

NAPOLEON: see under France. NAVARRE, HENRV Oil ;-see Henry IV. of France. NELL GWYN: actress; favourite of Charles II.; b. 2.2.165o.-Elias Aslll1wle's MSS. Vol. 423 : Fo1103. NEPTUNE'S INFLUENCE: Horoscope illustrating: female, (taken to church and baptised 12 hours after birth).-MA 1173. male; intellectual, clever. well known as occult stLldent, intuitional, can do two things at once, write aleUer and solve a problem at same time, saye he never found himself occupied with one thing at onetime. Very fond of music, thongh does not perform (ta).-ltfA IV 285. 10 NEPTUNE" : (Mr. R. H. Penny), well-known Astrolog-er.-AM iv 145. NERO: b. [4.6.37 A.D. IC): '5.12.37 (IV).-C 480: J 435· ,. NEVKR GREW Up": Mildred Hart, who at 25 years of age still shows the mind and tastes of a child of five.-(ps); [time given as .. about one or two midnight " ; map is calculated for 0.2+ a.m. G.M.T.] Ntw Word, The, AUTHOR OF.-MA V 458. NEWTON, SIR ISAAC: the philosopher, discoverer of gravitation: b. 4.1.1643 N.S.-U 99· NOINl:- IV.: b. 8+ I60S.-CG 33. VICTORIA ENA, QUf!J!N CONSORT OF ALFONSO XIII.-MA III 263 VII 297. SPARE, AUSTIN 0.: the artist, exhibited in R.A. in 1904 at age of 17; (tillletXllrt).-MA 1247. SPENCER, HERBER.T: the philosopher; (sptthar).-MA 126]. (V1Il84·) SPENDTHRIFT. A.: began tife as clerk in insurance office. inherited fortune 3.nd squandered it; he..'\vy drinker; died of consumption at 42.IIJN ii 19]: At A HI 208. A YOUNG: prodig:al, careless life. fleeced by money lenders: a believer iu astrology and the occult life. regarded himselfas fated to extravagance. by previolls lives of selfishness.-HJ N ii 192. SPINAL CURVhTURE: male, had a slight spinal curvature from birth; has a scar rm forehead; has been stabbed and is shortsighted.-CEiv 415. (i) STANLEY, H M., the Explorer.-AM i I]: (but see also lIfA 1255. where the possibility of another date is suggested). (ii) Alternative horoscope based on lo.6·40date.-lI1A 1255. (i) STEAD, WILLIAM T.: Editor of Tile Review oJ Reviews; (" rectified "). -AM i 12]; see map No. Ig8: (CE ii 149). (ii) (ps, ta). [Time being stated by Mr. Stead as" before breakfast," map has been calculated for 7 a.m.; the map in Aft! i 12], calc. for8 5]a.m. may be presumed incorrecL] STEINER, DR. RUDOLF: the great German Theosophist.-HJN II 'la', 247. Ref. von Sivers. STHINUEIL, MADAME: the central fignre in the famous Steinheil murder myslery.-HIN II 238, 247. (See FAURE.) STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS: author of Tl'Iasure IslrUld.-MA ix 174; HJN ii 92. STEWART, CHARLOTTE: (" Allan MCAulay") author o{ Blad. Mar" TI"

Eagles' Nest, etc.-(ps). '075 STILL-BORN CHILD: (breech presentation).-MA ii 284, .po (male): probably died t ..... o days before birth.-MA VII 87. VIII 88.

43 ST u8 157 26g

984 608 8I4



379 922 923 887 526 7g6

STU ST. NEOTS MURDER AN"D BIGAM\' CASK: (~ee Horsford).-MA xi Sg. STOCKTON, FRANK R.: author of " The Lady and the Tiger:' etc.-MA ix 1]5. STODDART, J. 1-1.: see nrolcen Arm. uSTOOI) IN 1I1!1~ OWN LI?-IIT'·: sing-ularly unlucky, mistrustfUl, discontented and apprehenslVe; very honest however. -JIf A II 1]6 (203). STOltEY, JOliN' well-known practical astroloRer and dealer in aSlrological books, etc., n~vised and reprimcd Simmonite's Amma, etc.; died ]0.3.o7.-1I1A IV 288 STRAFFORD, THOMAS WENTWORTH, Earl of; b. 13+1593,-CG 43. EARL OF: (desc. from Sir Thomas Wentworth); b. 2l.8.[83I; spec !lor by Sepharial.-CE iii 3,SI. Fell under a tmin at tbe age o{ 68 and was mutilatt:d beyond recognition . STRANGE ACCIDENT: male, was silting reading under a thick glass skylight at t [.20 a.m .• I ] 2,1900. Bradford, when a mass of sno"'; fell (rom a higher building on to the sk}lig-hl and broke it, and native's forehead was .. split open and had to be stitched by a doctor.·'-CE iv 272, 273 (conectrd). STRA.NGE CASE: (i) female, sent out to relatives in Australia at 14, arrived sa(ely, journeyed bAck to EnRland at 23 and a year later disa,ppra"ed, being- last heard of in Paris. Six years later she suddenly turned up at her mother's, deathly white and with grey bair. She hari been married three years and had one child but it is dead: husband is F'renchm3.n, and they seem devoted to one another. She was in a dreadful railway accident and her hair turned white in one night.-lIf A Vl 555. (ii) female, about 16 began to be afflicted by dreali of solitude, would not be leh alone for an instant, this peculiarity still remains: for further particulars see MA V 517. STRANGLED AT BIRTH: (i) sex not stated, strangled by its unhappy mother (a girl of 23) presumably immediately after delivery (ta).MA VIII 88. (VII 87). - - (ii) similar to foregoing; mal~, said by doctor to have had a separate existence and to have died (rom suffocation (ta).-MA VIII 88. (Vll 87). See also under Child. STRAUSS, RICHARD: the composer.-(ps, tal. STROZZI. PIETRO, of Florence: b. I.3.I512.-G 1625, STRUCK BY LIGHTNING: male, when a child was struck by lightning on his way home from school; {eIt no ill effects at time, subsequently delirious for days, then comatose without breathing {or weeks, improved f~;;x)vered and was living in '98 none the worse except {oc a owing to thigh b:::ing injured.--Cr: ii 224, STUART: see James 1., II.; PretenJer.



STU 93° 27° '37 J7 J


366 1001

6., 660



9 18 9 12 02 3

9 68 810


STU .... RT. MR. 5.: well-known New Zealand Theosophist. and author 01 several important scientific pamphlels.-JlfA VIII 351. SUFFOC ....TED BY G .... s: See M r. Mark Knights; also Zob (fumes). SUICIDE: (i) nalive. a man. committed suicide at age of 40 having been insane for a mOllth previously.-MA ix 241, xi 306. . . . (ii) "John Yeadon," g'cneral dl'aper, spe.cul~te? unwisely 11l ~\lSI' ness, dabbled in Spiriwalism. became mediUmistic and committed suicide at 42y. 7m.-M A xiv 50.


SUl.IMAN: see Solyman. . .. SOMANGALA, SRI: Hi,:;h Priest of Ceylon; (see Theosoplmt XXXII 3 2 4 563).-MA vi 19. (VII 263).

SOTCLII't'E. MR. G. E.: author of" The Foundations of Physical Astra-

log-y."-AlA V JSG. SVI!N HE;DIN : the great explorer.-(ps). See Frontispiece SWEDEN: CHARLES X. (Gustavus); b. 7·II.1622.-CG 35· _ CHARLHS Xl. (Gustavus): b. 2'1.1I.1655.-CG '12. _ GUSTAVUS II. (Adolphus); b. 18. 12. 159'1.-CG 31; (9.12.1594. W). _ GUSTAVUS V. ; b. 16.6.58.-lIfA VIl 305. . _ GUSTAVUS ADOLI'HUS: Crown Prince; b. 1I.1I.82.-0MM IV 3· _ _ AND NORWAY: KING OSCAR II. of.-OMM i 147· SWEDEN BORG, EMANUEL: b. 29.1.1688.-A M ii 484 ; refer also A M V 16, and M A i 227: Sibly gives Asc. '1116, M.e. t'l25· Rd. F ii 140, 156.

973 223 176 430 108

Sr;I~~BI::~E. ALGERNON: the poet; (spe& "or by "Kymry ").-Orpheus S~~~:i~~~13c2tACTATION: strange case; this boy was suckled by a woman a widow who had had no child for three years; she had lJ. in \128: being bo'rn 22.3.66 near Quimper in Brittany, time unknown. -CE iii 253, 255. Note 0 d lV.

TECK DAUGHTER OF DUCHESS of.-MA HI 156. TENN'YSON, ALFRED LORD.-M A ix 1°3; F i 55 ; Hi 202. _ HALLAM: eldest son of the poet.-M A ix 105. LIONEL: second son of the poet.-MA i.x 108 12 4 _ 78: see Phillips, David. WING, VINCENT: Astrologer; b. 9..... 16Ig.-CG 182. WOLSELEY. VISCOUNT: b. 4.6.33.-F 68. WOOD, SIR HaNRY J., the famous conductor: (spec ho,.). WRiST DISLOCATED: while playing football.-MA xi 147. YEATS, W. n.: the poet.--(ps). YOUNG, BRIGHAM; Mormon President: (spec no,.). founded on the ~~~~~rint" metbod. checked by the pre-natal epoch; see MA

272 YOUNGER, DAVID: a notable magnetic healer.- M A ii 228, II 198. 353 YOUTHFUL PHILOSOPHER: see Norbert Wiener. 094 YOM-YOM: (tbe well·known Theosophical dog).-MA V 183, xiii 175· 017 Z .... DKIEL 1. (R. J. Morrison).-H II 57; AM ii 3[5; F ii 179· ZADKIEL II.: 5ee A. J. Pearce. 432 Z .... MRNHOF, DR.: inventor of Esperanto; {spec 1.01' by Sarastro).-MA VII 397. 398. ZOLA, EMILB.-MA. ii 481; CE ii 2~j




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