100 Golden Rules of Sentence Correction
February 7, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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100 golden rules of Sentence Correction A. SUBJECT- VERB AGREEMENT
1. TwoormoreSingularSubjectsconnectedbyandusuallytakeaVerbin thePlural. For eam!le" #ncorrect$ %ari and &amis here. Correct$ %ari and&am arehere. '. #f twoSingular (ouns refer tothe same!ersono r thing" the Verbmust be Singular. #ncorrect$ TheSecretary andPrinci!al arecoming. Correct$ TheSecretary and Princi!alis coming. )%erethe same !ersonis .Secretary as well asPrinci!al* +. #f theSingular Subjects are!receded byeach or e,ery"the Verbis usually Singular. For eam!le" #ncorrect$ -,ery boy and girlwere ready. Correct$ -,ery boy and girl was ready. . Twoor moreSingular Subjects connectedbyor" nor"either ..... or"neither .... nor takeaVerb inthe Singular. For eam!le" #ncorrect$ (either henor # werethere. Correct$ (either he nor # was there. /. henthe Subjects joinedby or2nor areof different numbers" theVerb must bePlural" and thePlural Subject must be !lacednet tothe Verb. For eam!le" lncorrect$ (either the 3ssistant 4astersnor the %eadmaster was !resent. Correct$ (either the %eadmaster nor the 3ssistant 4asters were !resent. 5. henthe Subjects joinedby or"nor areof different !ersons" theVerb agreesin!erson withthe one nearest toit. For eam!le" #ncorrect$ -ither heor # is mistaken. Correct$ -ither he or #" ammistaken. 6. 3Collecti,e (ountakes aSingular Verb whenthe collection is thought of asawhole" a Plural Verb whentheindi,iduals of whichit is com!osed arethought of. For eam!le" Correct$ TheCouncil has chosenthe President. Correct$ Themilitary werecalled out. 7. Some(ouns whicharesingular inform but !lural inmeaning" takea PluralVerb. For eam!le" #ncorrect$ 4athematicsarea branchof study ine,ery school. Correct$ 4athematicsisa branchof study ine,ery school. 8. ords joined toa Singular Subject by with" together with" inaddition to" or"as well as" etc. are !arenthetical" and thereforedo not affect the number of the Verb. For eam!le" #ncorrect$ TheChief" withall his men"weremassacred .9Correct$The chief" withall his men" was massacred. 10. henthe Subject of the Verbis a&elati,e Pronouncare should betakent osee that theVerb agrees in(umber and Personwith the 3ntecedent of the relati,e. For eam!le" #ncorrect$ #"who is your friend".will guardyou"r interests. Correct$ #"who am your friend will guardyour interests.
B. USES OF PARTICIPLES AND INFINITIVES 11. 3sk" ad,ise" allow"command" force" forbid" in,ite" encourage" com!el" beg" order9" imagine" instruct" !ermit" !ersuade" tell" re:uire" remind" teach" etc. are followedby ;bject < To now is followedby how2 where2when2why and #nfi niti,e. For eam!le" #ncorrect$ #know towritea letter. Correct$ #know how towrite aletter. 1+. 3fter let" bid" behold" watch" see" feel" makeetc. we use =are$#nfiniti,e andnot To$infiniti,e. For eam!le" #ncorrect$ #heardhim to s!eak onse,eralsubjects. Correct$ # heardhim s!eak onse,eral subjects. 1. =are#nfiniti,e is used after 4odal3uiliaries )can" could" may" might" shall" should" will" would" must" darenot" need not*. For eam!le" #ncorrect$ ?ouneed not towork hard. Correct$ ?ouneednot work hard. 1/.%adbetter"hadrather"hadassoon... as..." hadsooneretc.arefol$lowedby=are#nfiniti,e. e. For eam!le" #ncorrect$ %e hadbetter togo now. Correct$ %e hadbetter gonow.15. Conjunctionthan is alsofol@lowedby =are#nfiniti,e. For eam!le" #ncorrect$ %ehad better readthanto write. Correct$ %e hadbetter read thanwrite. 16. henbut is used as aPre!ositionand!recededby anyformof the Verbdo" thenbut is followedwith=are#nfiniti,e. #ncorrect$ %e did nothing but towander. Correct$ %e did nothing but wander. 17. -,ery Partici!ile must ha,e aSubject of &eference. For eam!le" #ncorrect$ =einga rainy day Vijay decidedto stay at home. Correct$ #tbeing a rainy day Vijay decided tostay at home. 18. For com!letedaction %a,ing < Vais usedin 3cti,eVoice" whereas %a,ing
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